4/21/2013 11:55:15 AM
Hey Nikol, just a quick question. What else do you think that other people would need to know aside from scale to properly install a prop without the original decorators help?
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 5:45:40 PM
rotation might be effective...less important than scale but still effective
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 5:45:58 PM
double sided...texture transluscent...
4/21/2013 5:48:24 PM
Like, starting or recommended xyz for rotation?
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 5:54:25 PM
1 sec lemme check
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 5:56:37 PM
a recommended x y z in tab scale
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 5:56:41 PM
is THE most important
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 5:57:55 PM
less important in the state tab is texturure translucent, texture double sided, no z buffer, and fade
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 5:58:11 PM
least important is rotation but still usefuel nonetheless
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 5:58:37 PM
so like from the instructions pop up that you guys already have, this is where these tutorial would take place
4/21/2013 5:58:39 PM
mmk cool
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 5:59:14 PM
idk how..technically...you would allow the designer to input what they recommend but im sure you got the skills for working that out hehe
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 5:59:47 PM
these are really important for things like alpha pine tree and generic box..primitive props...etc
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 5:59:59 PM
thanks for all your hardwork btw, M

4/21/2013 6:00:21 PM

4/21/2013 6:00:23 PM
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 6:00:37 PM
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 6:59:52 PM
ooo i just saw that banner...wowsers that's hawwwttt
4/21/2013 7:00:23 PM
4/21/2013 7:00:32 PM
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 7:01:00 PM
4/21/2013 7:01:32 PM
o lol
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 7:01:54 PM
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 10:57:43 PM
would it be too nitpicky to have a zoom feature in 3d viewer?
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 10:57:57 PM
oh nvm
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 10:57:58 PM
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 10:58:01 PM
there it is haha
THE Nikol
4/21/2013 10:58:34 PM

my mousewheel doesn't zoom am I doing something wrong?
THE Nikol
4/22/2013 12:54:40 AM
ship interior chest 03 is a prop I use
THE Nikol
4/22/2013 1:01:28 AM
floor vase 02 does not render on 3d properly

4/22/2013 4:14:56 AM

just woke up here

4/22/2013 4:15:02 AM
are you using chrome?
THE Nikol
4/22/2013 4:15:19 AM
4/22/2013 4:16:03 AM
yeah I have the same issue too. Its a browser issue with chrome that Atari still looking into. But if you make it full view, you can zoom
4/22/2013 4:16:13 AM
the zoom works fine in firebox tho
THE Nikol
4/22/2013 4:16:17 AM
4/22/2013 4:16:49 AM
so is only floor vase 02 not render correctly, or for ship interior chest as well?
THE Nikol
4/22/2013 4:17:09 AM
ship interior needs to be added and floor vase isn't rendering correctly
4/22/2013 4:17:20 AM
THE Nikol
4/22/2013 4:17:57 AM
and happy waking

4/22/2013 4:19:03 AM
4/22/2013 4:19:13 AM
having cookies now

4/22/2013 4:19:24 AM
and ship interior is added

THE Nikol
4/22/2013 4:21:05 AM
ooo yummy
THE Nikol
4/22/2013 4:21:07 AM
and ty ty
4/22/2013 11:38:32 AM
Nikol, have you been uploading display image in 256x256? It is suppose to be 512x512, my mistake in putting the wrong dimension suggestion in the edit entry page
4/22/2013 11:44:35 AM
and omg those drinks you put on looks so yummy!
THE Nikol
4/22/2013 2:34:00 PM
Yeah last night I started changing everything to 512 by 512....and woots drink up hehe
4/22/2013 2:34:19 PM
4/22/2013 2:34:23 PM
so cute!
THE Nikol
4/22/2013 2:34:40 PM
hehe ty ty
THE Nikol
4/22/2013 7:15:41 PM
i have a question..does the home page look like this
THE Nikol
4/22/2013 7:15:43 PM
THE Nikol
4/22/2013 7:16:08 PM
because the sign in is hidden under the panel and when i press it..it flanks to the top left corner of the screen
4/22/2013 7:29:07 PM
that screen shot has a very pretty border

4/22/2013 7:29:49 PM
press CTRL+F5 to refresh the page. Yesterday we did modification on the login button to prepare the menu area for UVprop
THE Nikol
4/22/2013 7:32:53 PM
woots ty

it's back
THE Nikol
4/22/2013 7:33:13 PM
and I was toying with stuff as I am preparing for the schematics for the workshop

4/22/2013 7:37:55 PM
ahhh it looks nice

4/22/2013 7:38:08 PM
work shop for props?
THE Nikol
4/22/2013 7:39:52 PM
cool ty

the uvd workshop i'll be hosting..and now with the induction of uvprop furniture..it should be a very good opportunity to teach ppl how to use UVD

Mo is so fucking sexy
4/22/2013 7:42:17 PM
omgosh thats awesome! its so difficult to teach ppl but with more instructional help it will be a lot easier, a lot of ppl need help but dont have the time or patience to do it
THE Nikol
4/22/2013 7:44:15 PM
that's what i thought when i came up with the idear

i'll need lots of help and sponsorship and such but it'll be fun

4/22/2013 7:48:33 PM
4/23/2013 6:30:22 PM
Nikol, since we have a couple prop designers testing the catalogue, it will make it easier to update everyone on the progress or if there is anything change if we put the information at one spot. So I have made a post in UVD forum for that. Below is the link:
http://www.uvdeviant.com/?page=50&thread=774If you want me to add more props in the list, or anything. Please post in there is everyone can see what are the recent props being added and such

THE Nikol
4/23/2013 11:13:37 PM
ohhhh snaps and we have scale woots
4/23/2013 11:14:17 PM
it's not.....100% complete yet
THE Nikol
4/23/2013 11:15:26 PM
looking good though

I'll post in thread the props I come across that I'm using

THE Nikol
4/25/2013 4:28:16 AM

i went back to my old entries, unpublished, then input the scaling...it saved but then I went back to the page and it was back at default

4/25/2013 4:31:45 AM
What browser do you use?
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 4:32:13 AM
im addicted to chrome despite it's issues lol
4/25/2013 4:32:31 AM
I'm addicted to testing with chrome.
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 4:32:49 AM
oh goodie hehe
4/25/2013 4:32:51 AM
If you have any other pages that are open that use the same "page"....or code....it might not reload the new stuff on the server
4/25/2013 4:33:10 AM
What that means is to close all UVD tabs you got on the edit page, then go back to it. it might decide to recheck and get new stuff
4/25/2013 4:33:49 AM
Cause earlier I did have it "in work" where the saving was disabled, but that was changed. it's just got to decide to get the new stuff from the website.
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 4:35:17 AM
yeah it said in work in yellow
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 4:35:26 AM
lemme close down the browser
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 4:39:35 AM
hmmm that didn't do it..i will try an f5..i only had that page open by the way...i did have the prop editor open in world..if that makes a difference
4/25/2013 4:39:48 AM
No, it doesn't lol
4/25/2013 4:39:53 AM
"make a difference"
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 4:40:10 AM
darn was hoping so would love a fix lol
4/25/2013 4:40:27 AM
We tell testers to do a "CTRL-F5"....better results
4/25/2013 4:40:50 AM
bascially hold control, press F5 like you would any key, then let it go of control
4/25/2013 4:40:59 AM
then whistle or hum a tune
4/25/2013 4:41:07 AM
and then ...
4/25/2013 4:41:15 AM
ok, i'm waaaaaaay off topic

THE Nikol
4/25/2013 4:41:31 AM
lol might work that last part hehe
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 4:43:45 AM
ok so i just went back in and changed the settings now..and lo and behold..the "in work" was gone..so YAY it worked
4/25/2013 4:43:58 AM
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 4:44:00 AM
sad news is...i didn't check if it worked before i did about 20 entries....
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 4:44:05 AM
so i'll need coffee
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 4:44:09 AM
to do it allll over again lol
4/25/2013 4:44:20 AM

you rock
4/25/2013 4:44:35 AM
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 4:44:37 AM
aww ty and you boulder

4/25/2013 4:44:37 AM
4/25/2013 4:44:40 AM
bad girl

THE Nikol
4/25/2013 4:44:55 AM
ikr i get excited and don't like stop..hehe
4/25/2013 5:20:11 AM
k, you might need to do another "refresh" since I added the ability to change the background of the 3D preview. Seems some people have "dark" textures, and a black background doesn't suit that
4/25/2013 5:20:35 AM
I don't know who'd make such dark amazements, but i'm just a keyboard jockey....
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 5:21:14 AM
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 5:21:33 AM
woots colors yay this'll be fun
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 5:22:11 AM
OMG i just thought of cool things...like red tag sales or half off yellow backgrounds...
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 5:22:17 AM
omg excited!!!!!!!!
4/25/2013 5:22:27 AM
4/25/2013 5:22:42 AM
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 5:26:34 AM
Candle3 is messy in 3d headsup
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 5:37:55 AM
question...is there a filter under "my prop entries" tab that will allow you to see unpublished entries..i know there is this kind of filter in "create new prop entry" tab?
4/25/2013 5:38:15 AM
Nope, no reason it can't be there, tho
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 5:38:34 AM
oh cool

if it isn't too much to ask

THE Nikol
4/25/2013 6:30:09 AM
victorian couch is not showing in 3d properly

4/25/2013 6:31:54 AM
How? Looks fine over here?
4/25/2013 6:32:00 AM
screen shot
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 6:32:59 AM
okies one sec
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 6:39:38 AM
File transfer:
4/25/2013 6:44:26 AM
what's the filename of that texture?
4/25/2013 6:45:25 AM
ohwait, nevermind

4/25/2013 6:47:35 AM
is tuscan couch a special prop for UVIP, licensed decorator or something like that?
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 6:49:22 AM
that is a good question...i searched tuscan couch and it did not come up in prop editor...I'm not UVIP btw
4/25/2013 6:49:55 AM
yeah I was just confirming what I said I have added, and then I cannot find that prop anywhere

4/25/2013 6:50:10 AM
going inworld again to check now
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 6:50:28 AM
i wonder if it's "turkish" couch
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 6:51:16 AM
odd....I made that prop last year...named it tuscan..still sitting there..now the prop says turkish
4/25/2013 6:52:22 AM
we have 4 types of tuscan couch in the list, any of those match what you need?
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 6:54:04 AM
are you asking me? lol cuz I see no tuscan couch on RLC or UVD
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 6:55:13 AM
but i need a victorian couch

4/25/2013 6:55:26 AM

did you mean the prop with name tuscan couch is renamed to be turkish couch now?
4/25/2013 6:55:33 AM
and victorian couch is added
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 6:55:42 AM
yes and yes
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 6:55:51 AM
we're all up to speed then

4/25/2013 6:57:36 AM
cool cool

4/25/2013 7:03:57 AM
da fuc is Wavy Chandelier

it looks like that head massage tool I saw in japan home centre
4/25/2013 7:04:14 AM
do people use that?
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 7:05:14 AM
lololol i've seen it used with the water scripts to make a cool waterfall...not really in line with uvprop cause it supports cache web image....but i imagine ppl use it
4/25/2013 7:06:10 AM
hmmmm I will add it then. weird shaped stuff always has the potensial for design tools
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 7:06:21 AM
that is very true
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 7:06:41 AM
maybe someone will reconstruct medusa and then add that in a cool scary looking haunted house or something hehehehe
4/25/2013 7:06:52 AM
4/25/2013 7:08:03 AM
Nikol, can you check that Victorian Couch again? I think I got it this time, but I need your eyes to just validate it for me.
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 7:08:48 AM
sure thing checking now
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 7:11:19 AM
that mostly rocks excepts this one lil crazy piece
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 7:11:26 AM
4/25/2013 7:12:13 AM
LOL vampire scratched on it
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 7:12:35 AM
sounds bout right lol
4/25/2013 7:13:16 AM
edward got too excited
4/25/2013 7:13:20 AM
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 7:14:52 AM
yes indeed..that sexy couch made him do it hehe
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 7:38:31 AM
alright it's far past my bedtime
THE Nikol
4/25/2013 7:38:34 AM
ni ni guys
4/25/2013 7:39:15 AM
Night Nikol~!
THE Nikol
4/26/2013 3:16:52 AM
so all my buttons in chrome are gone...what do you suggest?
4/26/2013 4:19:00 AM
4/26/2013 4:19:05 AM
what buttons?
THE Nikol
4/26/2013 4:26:39 AM
edit buttons
THE Nikol
4/26/2013 4:26:42 AM
all of them
THE Nikol
4/26/2013 4:26:45 AM
THE Nikol
4/26/2013 4:27:06 AM
in uvprop
4/26/2013 4:27:25 AM
have you tried CTRL+F5 two times?
THE Nikol
4/26/2013 4:27:46 AM
not two time in succession no..i'll try tat
THE Nikol
4/26/2013 4:28:36 AM
and they're back YAY
4/26/2013 4:28:41 AM
THE Nikol
4/26/2013 4:29:01 AM
ty muchly
4/26/2013 4:29:26 AM
we added new stuff and code very often, so if you see any weird looking thing try to do that first, usually it will fix the problem
THE Nikol
4/26/2013 4:30:40 AM
awesome will do

4/26/2013 4:31:14 AM
no problem!

THE Nikol
4/27/2013 5:21:49 PM
woots have we gone live...awesomeness!
4/27/2013 5:24:09 PM

THE Nikol
4/27/2013 5:24:16 PM
4/27/2013 5:24:20 PM
hopefully it goes well. Now we wait
THE Nikol
4/27/2013 5:25:11 PM
ohhh yes

and yay a button

i'll put that in the blueprint for the workshop

4/27/2013 5:26:04 PM
4/27/2013 5:26:34 PM
oh and just fyi, I might have a plan to move the information center to a different venue. When that happen we will design it new

THE Nikol
4/27/2013 5:28:12 PM
ohhh otay np

just keep me in the know

Mo is so fucking sexy
4/29/2013 11:22:52 AM
knock knock anyone awake?

Mo is so fucking sexy
4/29/2013 11:24:15 AM
I have an entry question...its telling me I need a catagory listing and I choosed kitchen appliances
Mo is so fucking sexy
4/29/2013 11:24:28 AM
and its telling me the same thing over and over
Mo is so fucking sexy
4/29/2013 11:27:31 AM
ok i had to click the lil floppydisk looking icon

4/29/2013 11:28:10 AM
yup, that makes sense

Mo is so fucking sexy
4/29/2013 11:28:39 AM
is it a charge for uploading/publishing
Mo is so fucking sexy
4/29/2013 11:28:54 AM
i havent seen a floppydisk since highschool lol