11/8/2010 8:54:20 AM
i need to know if you can texture a mesh in gmax 1.2. i've attached a maxscript and a texture (that won't really fit it, but it'd be a good starter)
The maxscript defined the mesh XYZ, UVW for texture mapping, and the normals for lighting.
11/8/2010 8:54:34 AM
once you accept me...i'll attach the files
11/8/2010 9:07:15 AM
Brian P. Heick
11/8/2010 12:15:00 PM
What do you want help with?
11/8/2010 12:17:29 PM
nothing now
11/8/2010 12:17:39 PM
i figured it out aleady, and it's cool as h ell
Brian P. Heick
11/8/2010 12:18:08 PM
That's fine. Been doing deployment all weekend for enahced quoting. Still doing it today
Brian P. Heick
11/14/2010 11:57:08 AM
Brian P. Heick
11/14/2010 11:59:23 AM
Yer a stooge
Brian P. Heick
11/14/2010 11:59:32 AM
Brian P. Heick
11/14/2010 6:51:21 PM
So, should I make it a habit to call ya a stooge once a day?
Brian P. Heick
11/19/2010 8:02:09 PM
Brian P. Heick
11/19/2010 8:02:19 PM
Brian P. Heick
11/19/2010 8:15:23 PM
Ya know, your a really quiet person
Brian P. Heick
11/19/2010 8:15:35 PM
Whenever I type to you I feel like I'm typing to myself
Brian P. Heick
12/3/2010 9:41:06 PM
ma asked if you could give her a call sometime tonight
12/3/2010 9:55:29 PM
no, i can't
Brian P. Heick
12/4/2010 5:26:44 PM
meh, that's fine. Not my problem
Brian P. Heick
12/4/2010 5:34:32 PM
btw, if you had the choice between using disk or database to store images, which would you go for?
Brian P. Heick
12/4/2010 9:49:35 PM
meh, ya there by chance?
Brian P. Heick
12/5/2010 11:36:56 AM
hey, with php, can you push an array on an array? just wondering because I need to do somthing similar to that
i = array;
for(somethin) {
z = array(i);
Brian P. Heick
12/5/2010 1:23:44 PM
cat got yer tounge there?
Brian P. Heick
12/5/2010 1:23:55 PM
your usually talkative
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2010 10:11:34 AM
hey stinky, got a better way to sniff out the mime type of a file without having to stack on adiitional crap to a php install using pecl or old functions that arent there anymore like mime_content_trype(). Updating my old shit and my db uploader uses derolden crap. Really don't like storing files on disk.
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2010 4:59:40 PM
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2010 4:59:50 PM
you certainly are talkative
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2010 5:00:36 PM
oh well, guess I'll delete ya off my contacts list then. No point in poking at ya anymore since you never seem to talk back
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2010 5:00:41 PM
1/1/2011 11:17:06 AM
1/2/2011 4:55:29 AM
i am king of the sea!
Brian P. Heick
1/6/2011 1:17:42 PM
Hi firekraqur! I’d like to add you on Skype. M
M1/6/2011 11:51:07 AM
wierd ass messages, ya think they would change them
1/6/2011 1:21:03 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/6/2011 5:37:06 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/6/2011 6:09:15 PM
Question for ya since your better with php than I am Is there a way to cache the output before script processing ends before sending data lke with asp.I found some settings to tinker with, but my desired results are sucking.
Brian P. Heick
1/6/2011 6:09:47 PM
Running php5 with some pear plugins on an iis6 server
1/7/2011 3:31:27 AM

wtf is gmt+4 for?
1/7/2011 3:32:59 AM
Php naturally caches output unless you throw a flush(). otherwise, the best way to cache output is to store it in a variable and shoot it out when necessary. Best way to cache information in a variable is to use heredoc syntax:
1/7/2011 3:33:30 AM
so, the following would be a php line in heredoc syntax
$define = <<<DOUCHE
<title> something </title>
echo "this is above what is above";
echo $define;
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 6:47:24 AM
didn't catch that in the docs about it naturally caching. I keep getting this little bastard on one of my scripts
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\Inetpub\TestScripts\templates\layout\v3\template.php:85) in C:\Inetpub\TestScripts\modules\news\module.php on line 32 Notice: Undefined index: sub in C:\Inetpub\TestScripts\modules\news\module.php on line 34
figured it had something do do along the lines of that since I'm pushing a lot of data out before getting to the point of running that script. Tosses between about 10 scripts getting data from an mssql databse. But Turns out that I was sending additional headers after the fact.
1/7/2011 7:00:52 AM
yah, headers later on will do that
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 7:08:47 AM
Along with printing dynamicly and ajax running in the backround and a few mor this and thats to create a small rats ned that still had yet to be completed
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 8:48:33 AM
btw, i need help that only you can provide. If you want to talk about it, has to do with IC shit. Ma is swimming over her head and can't manag herself properly and I'm getting hit in the pocet because I'm not getting any help and really need it right now.
1/7/2011 9:04:20 AM
1/7/2011 9:04:27 AM
anything specific aside from "shit"?
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 9:06:19 AM
asp/java coding, dynamic forms, enhanced quoting custom coding development and deployment, stockpile of loose work and rats nest of coding done by many programmers all jumpled into a massive tangle of confusion, disorder, and chaos. The ususal, ya know
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 9:06:50 AM
In other works, no time mixed with absolute chaos
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 9:07:17 AM
Oh, and server maintenece on the side
1/7/2011 9:07:42 AM
so, i'm not following
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 9:09:34 AM
K, I somply have 10 projects going, 2 of which you are a former member of that I need to hand off to someone dependable that can keep them going. In other works, can you please come back to do some work for IC?
1/7/2011 9:10:21 AM
i'm in the middle of two projects now that are pulling good weight. right now i don't have the time
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 9:10:50 AM
though right now 'm in a jumple trying to autologin to insro with the application to use inspros frunction to enter infor into the database and the goddamn style in the ifram is pissing me off
1/7/2011 9:11:20 AM
1/7/2011 9:11:25 AM
did you see what i did there?
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 9:11:31 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 9:11:37 AM
what and where?
1/7/2011 9:11:42 AM
i told you i had stuff i'm doing, and i didn't take any more work
1/7/2011 9:11:45 AM
you can do the same thing, really
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 9:12:24 AM
I've got bills to pay, have to keep it going no matter what.
1/7/2011 9:12:40 AM
so do i, i just take whatever is paying the most
1/7/2011 9:12:53 AM
then i pay my bills, work, and just chill the rest of the time
1/7/2011 9:13:52 AM
sorry, there's no such thing as full-time anymore when it comes to work. it's basically all or nothing
1/7/2011 9:14:00 AM
but i can do little things if you need 'em
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 9:15:08 AM
There no little things. Long term for the majority.
1/7/2011 9:16:17 AM
you just asked me about php caching, and i got you the heredoc
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 9:17:20 AM
that's a whole different thng from what I'm working on right now. the php think is a new web portal software that I'm building.
1/7/2011 9:18:17 AM
mmk, have fun
1/7/2011 9:18:25 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 9:18:43 AM
that's on portal.firekraqur.net, ugly little bastard right now
1/7/2011 9:19:10 AM
yah, i know, i saw
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 9:20:50 AM
ugly, aint it
1/7/2011 9:21:27 AM
don't have much time to look through it
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 3:49:39 PM
do you feel like doing a side project with me in a few weeks on moving enhanced quoting back over to a php base ad integrating it with a portal framework?
1/7/2011 3:51:49 PM
your kidding...
1/7/2011 3:52:01 PM
that's a HUGE project
1/7/2011 3:52:13 PM
and HUGE projects require HUGE sums of moolah to finance
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 4:03:31 PM
I did a whole re-write in vbscript wih just $1000 and had it up and running in less than a week.
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 4:04:29 PM
Those tccs guys like to fuck with it to much, and molah finace is something that I dont feel like paying out since there stingy. I stand to make more off of re-writing a whole core to do it without inspro running behind it.
1/7/2011 4:04:59 PM
1/7/2011 4:05:11 PM
when you got a timetable, a plan, and an amount i'll look 'em over
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 4:09:08 PM
Been delving into the world of insurance and already found out how to do base quoting, which is what enhanced quoting does.
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 4:09:32 PM
It's all comparison and mathmatics in steps, very simple when the right data is around.
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 4:10:36 PM
Get a basic premium from a chart, run the deductibles and the rates for the endorsements, sum it up, take a way from the credits, taly the rest and blam, a premum.
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 4:11:19 PM
THe old do quote with some revamping could do it in a few humdred lines hardcoded for just one line.
1/7/2011 7:34:45 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/7/2011 7:49:36 PM
mmmmk, that was like 4 hours ago
1/7/2011 7:50:09 PM
3 hours, 23 mins ago
Brian P. Heick
1/8/2011 12:33:34 PM
hey, got a quetion for ya
Brian P. Heick
1/8/2011 12:34:53 PM
what would you thjink is the best methood to hide elements in an iframe. I have a set of tables, no id's that I want to make go bye bye in a frame.
I've been thinking about couning them up and excluding specific ones, bnut I just wanted someone eleses opinion.
1/8/2011 12:36:00 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/8/2011 12:36:45 PM
have page with tables loaded into iframe, want to exclude some tables in that loaded page... looking for a best methood.
Brian P. Heick
1/8/2011 12:37:30 PM
script no in page with iframe though, working from the parent
Brian P. Heick
1/8/2011 12:40:22 PM
thinking about pushin all of the tables in the iframe into an array and jst selcting them out and modifying them
1/8/2011 12:45:59 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/8/2011 12:46:20 PM
1/9/2011 1:16:44 PM
howcome mom doesn't use skype anymore?
1/9/2011 1:16:56 PM
y o u r a d o u c h e
1/9/2011 1:17:08 PM
e a t m e h p o o p i e s
1/9/2011 1:17:13 PM
l o l z
1/9/2011 1:17:43 PM
u r o n a c o m p u t e r
1/9/2011 1:18:08 PM
1/9/2011 1:19:11 PM
1/9/2011 1:39:20 PM
where is you!
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:34:18 PM
Been working all day long
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:34:29 PM
ma gets on skype like once a month
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:34:38 PM
You are a douce with a bag attached
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:34:41 PM
my location is home for the rest of the night
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:35:46 PM
So where are you?
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:36:44 PM
1/9/2011 8:43:32 PM
1/9/2011 8:43:52 PM
sorry, was teachin' sql
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:44:00 PM
sql fun fun
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:44:06 PM
love it, so simple and so powerful
1/9/2011 8:44:12 PM
pfft it's cakewalk
1/9/2011 8:44:28 PM
and it's "douche"
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:44:29 PM
select my ass from your face order by plantits
1/9/2011 8:44:30 PM
not "douce", like #2
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:44:49 PM
kebard isn't hitting the keys down all the way, have to type slow
1/9/2011 8:45:07 PM
buy a new keyboard
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:45:25 PM
Just did, been going though one a month
1/9/2011 8:45:31 PM
howcome mom doesn't use skype anymore?
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:45:41 PM
either the keys wear out, or they break from the amount of typing I do
1/9/2011 8:45:48 PM
pfft i type a MILLION a day
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:45:56 PM
She stays off becuase noone talks to her as much as they use to
1/9/2011 8:46:07 PM
o she needs to get on
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:46:13 PM
lemme call her
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:46:31 PM
hold on
1/9/2011 8:47:08 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:47:14 PM
she said she'll be on in 15 minutes, less her thermally challanged computer blows up
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:47:23 PM
that'll be funny
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:47:40 PM
just froze the fan to get it working and told her to order a new one, froze already 3 days later
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:48:03 PM
propane works wonders on shot laptop fans
1/9/2011 8:48:12 PM
mmk w/e
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:48:39 PM
did ya know that a partially shot fan can be swung bak into action by freezing sometimes?
1/9/2011 8:49:43 PM
1/9/2011 8:49:56 PM

Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:50:06 PM
1/9/2011 8:50:10 PM

Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:50:16 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:50:24 PM
that's a pizza
1/9/2011 8:50:30 PM

Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:50:40 PM
1/9/2011 8:50:41 PM

1/9/2011 8:50:46 PM

1/9/2011 8:51:04 PM
1/9/2011 8:51:11 PM
i win in skype emote war
1/9/2011 8:51:14 PM
1/9/2011 8:51:22 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:51:24 PM
nah, ya don't
1/9/2011 8:51:25 PM
1/9/2011 8:51:31 PM
yah, i do
1/9/2011 8:51:49 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:51:53 PM
didn't know those were there
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:51:58 PM
1/9/2011 8:51:59 PM
yah, there's lot
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:52:09 PM
going to put that one to use quite a bit
1/9/2011 8:52:49 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:53:15 PM
umm, wtf is the rodent doing?
1/9/2011 8:53:22 PM
eatin' green stuff
1/9/2011 8:53:34 PM
1/9/2011 8:53:38 PM
1/9/2011 8:53:48 PM
1/9/2011 8:53:53 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:53:57 PM
ok ok
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:54:05 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:54:12 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:54:15 PM
didn't werk
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 8:54:43 PM
I need a new phone, my blackberry is gettin old
1/9/2011 8:54:45 PM
don't you need

1/9/2011 9:11:25 PM
wtf you go away?
1/9/2011 9:11:30 PM

Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:14:33 PM
nah, working
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:14:50 PM
makin pretty admin panel
1/9/2011 9:15:21 PM
how much you make for "pretty admin panel"?
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:15:41 PM
0, personal side project
1/9/2011 9:15:52 PM
pffft go flick AJ's big toe
1/9/2011 9:16:00 PM
or stick his entire foot in your mouth
1/9/2011 9:16:06 PM
i bet it'll fit, too
1/9/2011 9:16:34 PM
better change your pic on skype, too, cause everytime i look at it i think BOTH feel'll fit
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:20:02 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:20:15 PM
sent file "IMG_09012011_212015.png"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:20:19 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:20:21 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:20:22 PM
1/9/2011 9:21:07 PM
1/9/2011 9:21:55 PM
i like the arrows...how you do that?
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:22:17 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:22:21 PM
with [ ]
1/9/2011 9:22:23 PM
no shit
1/9/2011 9:22:28 PM
and ↓ ?
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:22:28 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:22:33 PM
1/9/2011 9:22:38 PM
that's fuckin' some einstein shit there
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:22:43 PM
got sic of makin images for stuff like that
1/9/2011 9:22:47 PM
is that all browser compat?
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:22:51 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:22:54 PM
std html
1/9/2011 9:22:55 PM
gimmie a link to that page
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:23:07 PM
<a href="<?php echo($slink."moveD&id=".odbc_result($rs,"ID"));?>" style="text-decoration:none;">[↓]</a>
1/9/2011 9:23:14 PM
that's not a link to that page
1/9/2011 9:23:20 PM
that's the actual douchebag code
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:23:30 PM
1/9/2011 9:23:37 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:23:38 PM
inernal to me
1/9/2011 9:23:43 PM
yah, lemme see it
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:24:28 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:24:37 PM
you'll have to make an account so I can assign a group to you
1/9/2011 9:25:06 PM
1/9/2011 9:25:09 PM
just want to see the arrows
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:25:20 PM
whacha want then, the html reference to it?
1/9/2011 9:25:27 PM
just put it on a page
1/9/2011 9:25:29 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:26:51 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:27:01 PM
like that?
1/9/2011 9:27:05 PM
1 min
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:27:37 PM
made a styled like on it
1/9/2011 9:28:09 PM
that is fuckin' balls
1/9/2011 9:28:10 PM
works across ALL!
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:28:17 PM
I know
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:28:41 PM
I've been laying into cross browser for a while, though I have issues with compat in opera which I could fucking care less for
1/9/2011 9:29:26 PM
whatever works both in FF and IE works in the rest
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:29:27 PM
<a href="#" style="text-decoration:none">[↑]</a>
<a href="#" style="text-decoration:none">[↓]</a>
<a href="#" style="text-decoration:none">[←]</a>
<a href="#" style="text-decoration:none">[→]</a>
1/9/2011 9:29:29 PM
that i've learned
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:29:29 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:29:29 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:29:30 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:29:31 PM
1/9/2011 9:30:06 PM
cool...i'm gonna be using that now

Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:30:14 PM
Jee, don't I get props?
1/9/2011 9:30:35 PM
that's fuckin' some einstein shit there
M1/9/2011 9:22:38 PM
1/9/2011 9:30:42 PM
that's props
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:30:48 PM
Seems the html character codes can cover just about anything if yer creative enough to find a use for them, all of them that is. quote a lot there
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:31:34 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:35:13 PM
there could be a problem with character encoding though. so always specify it
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:35:17 PM
something like a meta tag
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:35:18 PM
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
1/9/2011 9:35:47 PM
1/9/2011 9:35:55 PM
and nobody reads meta tags anymore =/
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:36:14 PM
IE reads it big time still
1/9/2011 9:36:42 PM
out of 5 browsers, 1 reads it big time...yay
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:41:51 PM
you still utc +8 there?
1/9/2011 9:42:31 PM
no, i'm GMT-8 now
1/9/2011 9:42:43 PM
i'm just VPN'd
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:46:32 PM
Did you know that every request that you made to my server was floowed by another ip address?
Brian P. Heick
1/9/2011 9:46:43 PM
that's f'n funny
1/9/2011 9:47:26 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/10/2011 7:19:44 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/10/2011 7:19:49 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/10/2011 7:20:02 AM
I want one to give to ma
Brian P. Heick
1/10/2011 8:57:18 AM
you must be sleepin
1/10/2011 5:23:38 PM
it's cute, reallly
1/10/2011 5:23:49 PM
and i was out
Brian P. Heick
1/10/2011 7:31:14 PM
I'm in and out.Takin ma over to the hospital right now.Be on later
Brian P. Heick
1/10/2011 9:37:42 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/10/2011 9:39:08 PM
1/10/2011 9:43:04 PM
1/10/2011 9:43:05 PM
1/10/2011 9:43:08 PM
1/10/2011 9:43:16 PM
1/11/2011 10:19:27 AM
hey, when your around, you still got a vmware box?
1/11/2011 10:20:42 AM
if you do, can you set me up an xp pro workstation with remote desktop enabled, and forward the firewall external port 18110 to that machine's RDP port 3306?
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 10:55:04 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 10:55:08 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 10:59:08 AM
I took mine offline for a bit, but I can get it backonline sometime tonight.
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 12:13:14 PM
Do you have an OS key for an installation?
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 12:43:53 PM
was that port tcp or udp or both?
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 12:54:15 PM
k, well, orking on it, guess yer alseep
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 12:54:28 PM
your tem service port is going to be 33880
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 12:55:27 PM
and 18110 nats to 3309 on whatever, no os yet
1/11/2011 5:45:26 PM
hey, i'm back
1/11/2011 6:31:13 PM
and yes, i have an ISO and an OS key
1/11/2011 6:33:26 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 8:25:55 PM
it's not up yet. Had to go return some merchandise.
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 8:26:14 PM
Do you want a vmware port open to it, you can install it and cusomise it them. I can load a OS cd for ya
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 8:26:50 PM
Had to run out then back in after setting it up the vm and allocating it. Didn't install the os yet
1/11/2011 8:27:32 PM
just install xp pro, setup rdp on it with a local user and a password, and forward an outside high port on your firewall to the internal IP of the box
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 8:27:43 PM
oem or retail?
1/11/2011 8:27:53 PM
of ....
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 8:27:58 PM
the version
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 8:28:23 PM
oh, yer connection will be portal.firekraqur.net:18110
1/11/2011 8:28:57 PM
to rdp?
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 8:29:21 PM
anything comming off this server is portal.firekraqur.net and not firekraqur.net. 2 different servers
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 8:29:27 PM
2 different ips
1/11/2011 8:40:16 PM
no connecto yeto
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 8:42:11 PM
I'll get back to ya in a sec, have a hangup in a spot where I don't want it. Be about 5 minutes, restarting my main router and web server
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 8:50:28 PM
meh, fuck sep, pos
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 8:50:43 PM
gimme a bit, have some coffee
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 9:31:35 PM
little petard dev server couldn't handle anymore, so the big vmware box is comming up right now, eta about 45 minutes, mave to reconfig some devices on the network
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 9:32:37 PM
dev sever folded in half ROFL
1/11/2011 9:32:40 PM
mmk thx
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 11:17:42 PM
meh, driving me nuts, server isn't showing vmware console, trown just about everyhting at it, stoopid ssl
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 11:18:03 PM
<<web ui, not console
1/11/2011 11:18:15 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 11:18:20 PM
smack balls bitch server
1/11/2011 11:18:21 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 11:19:23 PM
it's been sitting around for ages, powered up, updated network settings, enabled vmware service and ran some wquick updates onmitting glibc, being a bitch, not showing bits and pieces
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 11:27:29 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 11:27:55 PM
get a login or a blank screen?
1/11/2011 11:28:18 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 11:34:24 PM
fucker working now?
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 11:34:32 PM
can't see shit on my end
1/11/2011 11:34:37 PM
yah working now
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 11:34:44 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/11/2011 11:58:31 PM
ok, worked around the fucker, installing the os now
1/12/2011 12:00:01 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 12:17:33 AM
1/12/2011 12:26:09 AM
1/12/2011 12:26:12 AM
i have key for my iso
1/12/2011 12:26:16 AM
i thought you had key
1/12/2011 12:26:22 AM
wtf is the point of having an OS w/o a key?
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 12:26:56 AM
reinstall/repair, never keep any keys around less i buy them
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 12:27:08 AM
that's why i asked if you had one
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 12:27:25 AM
figured you would get that
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 12:28:44 AM
anyway, need to install, used an ioem iso since i figured you would most likley have that since 80% of any keys for xp pro were oem
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 12:29:07 AM
or corp/vl, dunno what nut would get it reatil
1/12/2011 12:29:22 AM
xp pro...doesn't matter revision?...
1/12/2011 12:29:44 AM
or xp home w/ vnc?
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 12:30:13 AM
retail will not work with oem/corp, vlk will not work with anything but corp.
1/12/2011 12:30:31 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 12:31:20 AM
umm, been that way
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 12:31:46 AM
ever wonder about the iso label
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 12:32:00 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 12:33:29 AM
something like this
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 12:33:30 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 12:34:20 AM
brb, smoking
1/12/2011 12:36:00 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 12:37:41 AM
whacha wanna do?
1/12/2011 12:38:29 AM
nothing now, sorry
1/12/2011 12:38:39 AM
you fail at xp install lol
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 12:39:46 AM
nah, I just like to do it a certain way. I can drop a key on it and you can worry about he rest if you want. Getting late here though and I have a bed to get to. Long day tomorrow since mikey is having client issues and I have to provide a miricle fix for them again
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 12:40:22 AM
got yer mind made up?

Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 12:42:25 AM
k, well bud, I'm going to head off to bed. Be up in about 6 hours so leave me a message if you want to do something.
1/12/2011 12:47:39 AM
1/12/2011 12:47:42 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 1:41:07 PM
I was thinking, I have a vista business vm that isn't in use that you might be able to use, it's an activated version to
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 1:41:42 PM
*legal as well
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 3:10:21 PM
well, anyway, if ya want to login to it, it's setup as matt/password. portal.firekraqur.net:33880
Brian P. Heick
1/12/2011 6:36:57 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/13/2011 7:22:20 PM
hey stinky, did ya want to use that vm?
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 12:49:05 PM
yo buddy
1/16/2011 1:03:41 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 1:10:24 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 1:10:29 PM
whaca up to?
1/16/2011 1:49:46 PM
1/16/2011 1:49:48 PM
1/16/2011 1:55:00 PM
sup w/. you?
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 1:56:03 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 1:56:08 PM
same here
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:01:10 PM
werkin on blowing away my iis server, installing subunter server 10.10 on it and sampling kvm on it to see it's performance vs vmware and xen
1/16/2011 2:01:36 PM
cool, i guess
1/16/2011 2:01:38 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:01:54 PM
prety sure that kvm sucks anyway, just thought I'd give it a try on a 32bit pos
1/16/2011 2:02:02 PM
why don't you go buy skittles and M&M's, and mix them together in a bowl and serve them at a party
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:02:54 PM
did that alredy, not quite as interesting as mixing vodka and water, dinking it myself in a drinking contest, and watching everone else drink straight and getting piss faced
1/16/2011 2:03:14 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:04:12 PM
you still want an xp vm btw? I found a vista business vm on the big server that was built a while back and ws activated, not xp, but still an os
1/16/2011 2:06:18 PM
something to get into, yah
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:08:39 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:08:55 PM
I'll bring that server online later, have it cracked open right now.
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:09:28 PM
How long do you thing an 8gm CF card will last in a server running as the sys drive btw?
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:09:43 PM
1/16/2011 2:09:51 PM
1/16/2011 2:10:34 PM
1/16/2011 2:13:16 PM
1/16/2011 2:15:36 PM
1/16/2011 2:17:49 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:40:03 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:40:09 PM
whats all that stuff for?
1/16/2011 2:40:34 PM
bernadette is the cool one of all that

Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:40:44 PM
sent file "IMG_16012011_144046.png"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:40:51 PM
cute lil thing aintit
1/16/2011 2:41:13 PM
1/16/2011 2:42:20 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:42:36 PM
couln't help but to shoy my stupidity in wanting to max my usable space
1/16/2011 2:42:37 PM
that's the actual person

Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:42:48 PM
1/16/2011 2:44:29 PM
just internestin, yah
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:44:33 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:55:50 PM
heh, barley left a footprint on that flash card
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:56:06 PM
it's gonna so blow up
1/16/2011 2:56:16 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:57:26 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:57:27 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 2:58:24 PM
that thing took like 1 second to boot up
1/16/2011 2:59:14 PM
1/16/2011 2:59:16 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 3:01:05 PM
I'm not kidin, after post... login
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 3:01:22 PM
never seen somthing boot like that, I was like fuck!
1/16/2011 3:01:36 PM
yah, it's an amazing concept, really
1/16/2011 3:01:43 PM
load and run only what you need
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 3:02:16 PM
did the same concept on what I ust did, though not 'embedded'. Think I'll keep it as long as it don't nuke
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 3:03:18 PM
still, that video, fuck that's fast
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 3:03:26 PM
1/16/2011 3:04:00 PM
1/16/2011 3:25:56 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 3:31:02 PM
my god, my damn office door keeps opening up today. Very distracting
1/16/2011 3:31:36 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 3:32:12 PM
1/16/2011 3:32:37 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 8:17:28 PM
and I'm back
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 8:17:47 PM
I'll be bringing that VM online sometime later on, have to move it onto the server
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 8:48:23 PM
hmm... buggers still copying away
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 9:10:19 PM
yas on?
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 9:10:34 PM
got that vm up and running on
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 9:11:41 PM
should be able to connect via portal.firekraqur.net:33880 username is matt, password... password
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 9:12:47 PM
gonna run slow at times, it's on non-critical storage, but the raid volums are resyncing and probably going to be at it all nught, that server has some 500+ gig of storage on 2 raids and a few non-redundant drives
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2011 9:51:34 PM
1/16/2011 11:45:10 PM
portal.firekraqur.net:33880 no connecto vis RDP
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2011 12:38:29 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2011 12:39:36 AM
ya, ok, firewall didn't catch the mac on the vm, so it went dhcp instead of issueing it's ip
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2011 12:42:54 AM
hmm, I managed to connect from a remote machine now
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2011 12:44:44 AM
meh, i hare remote to remote, so slow
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2011 12:44:53 AM
but it's working now
1/17/2011 1:12:34 AM
nope, not yet
1/17/2011 1:12:40 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2011 1:26:34 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2011 1:27:16 AM
11 Uplink ANY TCP&UDP/33880 : 3389 VISTA-MSTSC-TRANS
Access from: Uplink ANY
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2011 1:37:29 AM
I'm off to bed, tested the port an it's wking on locally and remote from ma's server. So if you can't connect again lemme know and I'll change the port. Maybe ISP related
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2011 5:48:51 PM
did ya ever manage to make a connection?
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 8:10:18 AM
k, my brain melted, and so did the raid on me server
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 8:11:19 AM
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.701893] sd 4:0:2:0: [sde] 143374744 512-byte logical blocks: (73.4 GB/68.3 GiB)
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.701952] sd 4:0:1:0: [sdd] 143374744 512-byte logical blocks: (73.4 GB/68.3 GiB)
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.702014] sd 4:0:3:0: [sdf] 585937500 512-byte logical blocks: (300 GB/279 GiB)
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.702086] sd 4:0:4:0: [sdg] 585937500 512-byte logical blocks: (300 GB/279 GiB)
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.703364] sd 4:0:2:0: [sde] Write Protect is off
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.703368] sd 4:0:2:0: [sde] Mode Sense: ab 00 10 08
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.703432] sd 4:0:1:0: [sdd] Write Protect is off
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.703436] sd 4:0:1:0: [sdd] Mode Sense: ab 00 10 08
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.703498] sd 4:0:3:0: [sdf] Write Protect is off
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.703501] sd 4:0:3:0: [sdf] Mode Sense: ab 00 10 08
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.703573] sd 4:0:4:0: [sdg] Write Protect is off
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.703576] sd 4:0:4:0: [sdg] Mode Sense: ab 00 10 08
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.705338] sd 4:0:2:0: [sde] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.705438] sd 4:0:1:0: [sdd] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.705484] sd 4:0:3:0: [sdf] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.705531] sd 4:0:4:0: [sdg] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.709386] sde:
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.709614] sdf:
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.709693] sdd:
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.709740] sdg: unknown partition table
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.719747] unknown partition table
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.721183] sd 4:0:3:0: [sdf] Attached SCSI disk
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.725919] sd 4:0:4:0: [sdg] Attached SCSI disk
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.789535] md: bind<sdf>
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.859627] ldm_parse_vblk(): Failed to parse VBLK 0xf7b (type: 0x44).
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.859652] ldm_partition(): Failed to read the VBLKs from the database.
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.859671] sdd1
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.866477] ldm_parse_vblk(): Failed to parse VBLK 0xf7b (type: 0x44).
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.866504] ldm_partition(): Failed to read the VBLKs from the database.
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.866529] sde1
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.866876] sd 4:0:1:0: [sdd] Attached SCSI disk
Jan 18 07:57:01 U-VSVR kernel: [ 9.871849] sd 4:0:2:0: [sde] Attached SCSI disk
---very funky way to die
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 8:25:23 AM
Model: SEAGATE ST3300007LW (scsi)
Disk /dev/sdf: 300GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: loop
Number Start End Size File system Flags
1 0.00B 300GB 300GB ext2
friggin cool, it lives
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 11:03:07 AM
otay, i'm havin fun fun
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 11:03:25 AM
so, lesson learned. write the conf files properly
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 11:04:58 AM
ard reboot on poweroff blew aeay the md superblock and nuked the superblocks on both the raid drives, where were uber easy to restore, but also fubared the filesystems on all drives but the system drive which is emedded and 'properly' formatted and not done in a hurry... bargh. SO how's your day/night/wahtever going?
1/18/2011 11:07:15 AM
it's going great! all my linux platforms are operating very well, and i've even got a ventrilio server i'm setting up now
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 11:08:30 AM
sounds cool. Never going to do anything in a hurry ever again. First ustable platform in a long time. Though been doing rhel instead of deb for a while, so the swich back might be the stupidity.
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 11:09:04 AM
still fast as all hell though.
1/18/2011 11:09:05 AM
i do fine on redhat, centos, and mandrake
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 11:09:37 AM
think I like centos better out of all those flavors there
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 11:10:06 AM
5.1 is nice, speedy, loads a little slow, but formidable in all attempts to fuck it up
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 11:17:36 AM
so, the estemated failure rate for the type of CF card that I'm using is about 1mil writes per location . Wondering how long that'll last before it self-nukes on it's self
1/18/2011 11:19:12 AM
it's best to raid-5 CF cards
1/18/2011 11:19:17 AM
best access and rebuild times
1/18/2011 11:19:25 AM
and they are hot-swappable, too
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 11:22:42 AM
i was thinking about that, however raid 5, no, certain systems would have to be raid 1 only like the boot partition, last I new you could raid it, but nothing more fancy than a mirror
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 11:24:24 AM
though, that's using something like mdadm, a built in controller tied into a cf reader will go that way. Like usung an IDE/SATA > CF reader on a IDE/SATA RAID controller
1/18/2011 11:26:30 AM
okay okay
1/18/2011 11:26:32 AM
how's AJ?
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 11:26:48 AM
Wonderful, thriving, bit me in my legg yesterday
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 11:27:00 AM
Has some nasty sharp choppers
1/18/2011 11:27:48 AM
1/18/2011 11:27:52 AM
hows mah little girlie?
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 11:28:08 AM
My daughter is a bitch like her mother
1/18/2011 11:28:24 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 11:28:42 AM
Indeed, it's cute. They both have PMS at exactly the same time every day
1/18/2011 11:29:18 AM
that's SO GREAT! lol
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 11:30:23 AM
anyway, work to do, have to take off for a bit. Have to go do some work and go out to a clients tomorrow in orchard park to look at thier infrastructure. I'll be busy busy
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 11:30:28 AM
later dude
1/18/2011 11:31:00 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 2:08:13 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 2:08:34 PM
btw, any idea how to refresh the uuid for disks in debian?
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2011 2:10:21 PM
nvm, simple as restart the service
Brian P. Heick
1/22/2011 8:29:01 AM
Hey, funky question for ya if you have the time. Been doing resaerch and can't find a good answer.
Brian P. Heick
1/22/2011 8:30:47 AM
I removed the drives from my main server and repaced them with 2 73gb scis and 2 300gb scis on an adaptec 29320A-R Controller w/o the host raid enabled. Ran a centos install and only got 1 drive back in disk druid, and the other came back as unreadable. I know the drive are good, but I have no idea on wy there comming up that way. There all showing up, sut that 3 of the for report 1037mb instead of there respective sizes
Brian P. Heick
1/22/2011 9:25:32 AM
mmk, and also doesnt look like corrupt hournals either, not so at a loss yet.
Brian P. Heick
1/22/2011 9:26:29 AM
nvm, found the issue, bad cable
1/22/2011 12:58:20 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/22/2011 6:36:21 PM
little f'n knick in a scsi cable not more than the size of a nmeedle end cause me an entire day od frustration
Brian P. Heick
1/22/2011 6:37:43 PM
Though learned another lesson today, both ubuntu, and centos, and fedora hate the hostraid on the Adaptec 29320A-R. WHich appears to be a fake raid anyway.
Brian P. Heick
1/23/2011 9:20:41 AM
The vms are restarted, so ya wanna try to connect to it again?
1/23/2011 8:58:30 PM
mom has to get on skype, and no, not yet
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 12:51:47 PM
yo stinky
1/25/2011 12:53:00 PM
whaddya want?
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 12:53:13 PM
bug yas
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 12:53:16 PM

Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 12:53:48 PM
Saying Hi
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 12:53:53 PM
1/25/2011 12:54:06 PM
mmk, i'm sorta workin
1/25/2011 12:54:09 PM
n stuff
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 12:54:31 PM
same here
1/25/2011 12:54:36 PM
if you want, you can call mom and tell her that matt would love it if she could make time this week to schedule the kids to see their mom
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 12:55:12 PM
why call her, she about 3' away fromme on the other side of the table
1/25/2011 12:55:26 PM
good, lean over and whisper it into her ear
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 12:56:09 PM
think she's already talkin to someone
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 12:56:15 PM
whassup? you never ask that stuff
1/25/2011 12:56:41 PM
what stuff?
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 12:57:02 PM
if you want, you can call mom and tell her that matt would love it if she could make time this week to schedule the kids to see their mom
M1/25/2011 12:54:05 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 12:57:11 PM
that'sthe first time you ever asked me to do something like that
1/25/2011 12:57:21 PM
mmk no need to do it, nvm
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 12:58:35 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:00:25 PM
meh, got my network back up, but need finacing to keep it all up. Running low on money, car to lend some out by chance?
1/25/2011 1:01:28 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:02:08 PM
ya know you still owe me money on that electric bill from swan street that you said you were going to pay something on, right?
1/25/2011 1:06:09 PM
that was, years ago, and you never gave me an amount, an account number, or anything to do with it
1/25/2011 1:06:26 PM
and you make more money than me, so what are you complaining of? you have no electric now?
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:10:24 PM
Nah, I just don't like somethig sitting on my credit for a utility that we both used back then and I paid on and you were supposed to help me pay on. About the same as the cable there. It's tiny since I paid the most of it off already, just felt like asking if you wanted to cover what I though you would pay on it back then wich is just under $300. To me, the length of time isn't going to make it go away.
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:10:38 PM
ya know
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:14:10 PM
btw, whaddya mean I make more than you do. I though business was booming for ya. Something flop on ya?
1/25/2011 1:14:13 PM
so, you have no electric?
1/25/2011 1:14:24 PM
oh yah, just did the numbers for end of month

1/25/2011 1:14:41 PM
4th consecutive month where there was a >10% increase in sales from last month

1/25/2011 1:14:56 PM
december was 14%, this month was 12.5%

1/25/2011 1:15:08 PM
hired 3 more employees too

Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:15:23 PM
interesting.Hpoe your paying uncle sam for you benefits, cause uncle sam axed my ass lat year and this year is going to be even worse.
1/25/2011 1:15:33 PM
don't have to
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:15:48 PM
ANd electric, yes fro now, gas is no. Vanessa has a habit of spending mroe than we make
1/25/2011 1:15:49 PM
cause the money is all a part of a country that uncle sam can't touch

1/25/2011 1:16:01 PM
amazing when your an internation namesake

Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:16:54 PM
hahahaha, that's so funny. International namesake. You get paid, your a US citizen. You have to pay taxes no matter what. ess you like IRS letters.
1/25/2011 1:17:04 PM
the money is "gifted" to me
1/25/2011 1:17:18 PM
it's not "paid" to me...big difference in how income is claimed
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:17:30 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:17:33 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:17:41 PM
even gifts can get taxed
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:17:54 PM
you dont get out of income tax just cause you think your an npo
1/25/2011 1:17:56 PM
not if they were already taxed before..uncle sam can't double-dip
1/25/2011 1:18:07 PM
and i'm a workin ex-pat
1/25/2011 1:18:16 PM
the magic of international finance

1/25/2011 1:19:10 PM
it's not my rules, btw, i'm not the CFO

i'm the CTO

1/25/2011 1:19:45 PM
it's amazing what you learn from other pplz smartz
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:19:55 PM
So have you lived outside of the states for over a year assmuch?
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:20:15 PM
Or did you suddenly denouce your citizenship and become statless?
1/25/2011 1:20:19 PM
actually, yes
1/25/2011 1:20:23 PM
>6 months
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:20:51 PM
330 days is the limit, talk to your person about it.
1/25/2011 1:20:59 PM
is the limit for what?
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:23:15 PM
Dunno, look it up. THere was a time where I considered moving to canada, so I had to look that shit up and talk to some people. You not void of your tax responsibilities just because you hop out of the country unless you meet the guidelines on it. your state, residence, and affiliations have no bounds on anything when it comes down to oweing or paying taxes.
1/25/2011 1:23:24 PM
there's a 330 day time limit for....dunno?
1/25/2011 1:23:33 PM
talk to my person about ... dunno?
1/25/2011 1:24:01 PM
and you can't tax $0 income, nor income < whatever the tax level for the year is
1/25/2011 1:24:21 PM
your really battin 1.000 hitter...keep swingin!
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:24:38 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:24:39 PM
Because the US taxes its citizens on the basis of their nationality and not on the basis of their residence, the concept of 'offshore' is not very useful to a US national from a residence point of view. There is an income tax concession available during non-residence, but beyond that the only real option for a US citizen is to change nationality. In all other respects the international tax situation of an individual citizen is about the same whether they are in or out of the US.
1/25/2011 1:25:00 PM
so, once again, can't tax $0 income
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:26:32 PM
So you live off the system then? or on vacation for kicks?
1/25/2011 1:26:47 PM
does it matter? i'm doing well, and so are you
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:26:53 PM
I take it you have someone sending you money then.
1/25/2011 1:27:44 PM
so, where's my pictures of ivy?
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:28:03 PM
Dunno, I'd like to hand them to ya if possible.
1/25/2011 1:28:09 PM
just send 'em now
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2011 1:28:13 PM
1/25/2011 1:28:39 PM
1/31/2011 2:38:25 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/2/2011 2:01:33 PM
Brian P. Heick
2/2/2011 5:10:52 PM
meh, life sucks. Can I borrow some cash and pay ya back later? I'm in serious need right now.
Brian P. Heick
2/5/2011 9:28:11 AM
hey stinky, ya there?
Brian P. Heick
2/5/2011 10:54:45 PM
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 7:47:24 AM
Today is dad's birthday ya know
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 8:37:56 AM
Anywat, can I get ya to audit a javacscript snippet and see if you can forsee any issues. I've tested it a few times on a few computer and gootn nice results back, but some people are reporting issies. The script makes an ajax call to a page that recalls db information and automaticly fills in a form based on the information results that are returned.
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 8:38:14 AM
Took me about an hour to make.
2/6/2011 10:14:26 AM
yah, what's up
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:14:41 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:15:01 AM
seems that my script appears to be calling into fields where values shouldnt go
2/6/2011 10:15:13 AM
2/6/2011 10:15:33 AM
you can tell Dad that I said that Ron Reagan would be 100 today
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:15:53 AM
already called him
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:17:32 AM
sent file "fc_recalldata_snippet.txt"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:17:42 AM
Tell me if ya see a problem with that
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:19:26 AM
Typing session this and session that makes me sick, so I made that up, seems to work fine except for a few computers here and there
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:20:32 AM
Created a little validation script based on something similar to that that sucks in an array and checks the page over on all fields from text to radio gorups that works prefectly fine. so I'm a little boggled on where an issue could occur
2/6/2011 10:20:39 AM
so, what am i looking at
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:21:08 AM
A script that sends an ajax request to a server to get field names and values, then sets the elements on a page to the values that are returned
2/6/2011 10:22:04 AM
this looks like it's assuming the HTML field ID's are identical to the database fields?
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:22:27 AM
it isn't assumed, they are
2/6/2011 10:22:42 AM
mmk, it's not the ID's, it's the actual names
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:22:45 AM
2/6/2011 10:23:11 AM
you have the ajaxGET() function?
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:23:18 AM
yep, i wrote it all
2/6/2011 10:23:25 AM
i don't have it
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:23:29 AM
function ajaxGET(sURL) {
sURL = sURL + '&bcvar=' + (new Date).valueOf();
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
xmlhttp.open('GET', sURL, false);
if (xmlhttp) {
return xmlhttp.responseText;
} else {
return false;
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:24:19 AM
little flawed in assuming that the server is going to return data, but if everything is typed in fine and tested it works like a charm with a hair of latency
2/6/2011 10:25:34 AM
i see that. assuming there are 40 page elements to fill, and server response time is ~50ms, it would take 2s to fill all entries
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:26:31 AM
had up to about 5 seconds on larger pages, ~100 or so elements on the page. BUt in my tests theres no issues where as others testing get field values in the wrong positions.
2/6/2011 10:26:38 AM
you know what i would do?
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:26:45 AM
sort of
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:27:44 AM
run it async and call back the data as the user uses the page instead of in sync with the page as it loads?
2/6/2011 10:28:20 AM
- well, in your loop, instead of making every single element a separate web call, i would add them sequentially to a comma-separated list, and make 1 ajax call.
- the server would split all the fields and iterate through them all, returning the values as some kind of list.
- on return, i would split the chunk of data and fill in the fields from the created comma separated list
2/6/2011 10:28:59 AM
one call, server gets all information needed, one return, browser handles all gathering of field information, and placing of field informationr returned from 1 GET call
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:29:05 AM
did that already
2/6/2011 10:29:12 AM
not in what i'm seeing here
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:29:14 AM
look at the line where the split is at
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:29:24 AM
var sData = rData.split("///");
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:29:36 AM
return a chunk from the server and split it
2/6/2011 10:29:48 AM
mmk, is there a gathering routine?
2/6/2011 10:29:56 AM
you send me 1 function, and there's really...3?
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:30:20 AM
ajaxGET() makes the call and returns the data from the server as rData in the function
2/6/2011 10:30:22 AM
if that's what you do, then it's perfect
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:30:57 AM
then the data is split and the function iterates though the fields by name and sets the values by testing the type of field and processes then accordingly
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:31:42 AM
I can't figure out why some test are bringing back values in fields where the name didn't match the name in the data returned from the server
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:32:11 AM
What you spelled out abouve though it what I did to the fine letter
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:35:26 AM
And like I said before, I've got a validation script that processes almost exactly the same way that hasn't faltered on me yet or with testing anywhere else.
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:36:37 AM
Feed it an array and it fires through the page and checks eveything and highlights invalid fields including radio and checkbox groups
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:37:37 AM
Which are a total bitch to do regular validation checking on with just typing a simple script
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:39:53 AM
So with you eyes I take it you are seeing no issues whatsoever with those snippets, am I right?
2/6/2011 10:41:17 AM
yup, all good
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:41:29 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:41:39 AM
I'll asume it's the client browser then
2/6/2011 10:42:30 AM
mmk ttyl
Brian P. Heick
2/6/2011 10:42:35 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/10/2011 7:38:08 AM
Duke, well, thata how my brain feels
Brian P. Heick
2/10/2011 8:15:26 AM
pdfs are so fun to work with
Brian P. Heick
2/11/2011 7:57:46 PM
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 7:24:46 AM
hey matt, ya there? got a quirky question for ya. Know of any way to get a pile of elements for a large batch of heml files? was thinking of writing out a php script to do it for me, but was looking for a short cut to do it.
2/12/2011 7:25:12 AM
need more info than your providing to give you a "short cut"
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 7:31:46 AM
just looking to parse out html files and grab the input tags. Actually looking to make a few preformatted strings for some arrays that I have to validate files for my form control script validator. Just needs the named element in the array to test it for validation.
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 7:31:59 AM
It's another sexy scripting invension of mine
2/12/2011 7:33:37 AM
if you can give me the result of
SELECT MD5(CONCAT('derp','salt'))
and the same SQL statement that would work in MSSql, i'll help you
2/12/2011 7:34:05 AM
on voice, even
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 7:34:42 AM
2/12/2011 7:34:55 AM
....that's not the result
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 7:35:42 AM
that'll werk fin in mysql and oricle i belive, but mssql dont werk that way
2/12/2011 7:36:03 AM
2/12/2011 7:36:29 AM
yes, it does, now give me both answers i'm looking for instead of explanation
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 7:36:59 AM
How does that work in mssql?
2/12/2011 7:37:46 AM
your supposed to provide me the answer, using MSSQL 2005 or better
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 7:38:00 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 7:38:17 AM
as a ssql statement?
2/12/2011 7:38:30 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 7:38:34 AM
like select hashbytes(md5, INPUTVARIABLE)
2/12/2011 7:38:42 AM
and the same SQL statement that would work in MSSql,
M2/12/2011 7:33:37 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 7:39:23 AM
Thats the mssql version for ya right there, inputvariable could be a string or a subquery
2/12/2011 7:39:35 AM
it doesn't work, tells me there is an error
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 7:39:44 AM
msdn it
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 7:39:51 AM
hashbytes is 2005+
2/12/2011 7:39:54 AM
lets try this again
2/12/2011 7:39:55 AM
if you can give me the result of
SELECT MD5(CONCAT('derp','salt'))
and the same SQL statement that would work in MSSql,
M2/12/2011 7:33:37 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 7:43:53 AM
dunno how hard it is
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 7:44:12 AM
select hashbytes('MD5', 'derp'+'salt');
2/12/2011 7:44:54 AM
very good
2/12/2011 7:44:56 AM
now the result is
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 7:45:19 AM
what, you want the result?
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 7:45:25 AM
comparing figures there?
2/12/2011 7:45:28 AM
4 times i've asked
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 7:45:45 AM
lemme remote into an sql server and get ya one then. gimme a sec
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 7:46:21 AM
2/12/2011 7:54:12 AM
function GetBetween($haystack, $strt_needle, $end_needle, $inc_needles=false) {
if (strpos($haystack, $strt_needle)===false) { return ""; }
$newstr=substr($haystack, strpos($haystack, $strt_needle));
if (strpos($newstr, $end_needle)===false) { return ""; }
$secstr=substr($newstr, 0, strpos($newstr, $end_needle)+strlen($end_needle));
if (!$inc_needles) {
$newstr=substr($secstr, strlen($strt_needle));
$secstr=substr($newstr, 0, strlen($newstr)-strlen($end_needle));
return $secstr;
2/12/2011 7:55:40 AM
function GetBetween($haystack, $strt_needle, $end_needle, $inc_needles=false) {
if (stripos($haystack, $strt_needle)===false) { return ""; }
$newstr=substr($haystack, stripos($haystack, $strt_needle));
if (stripos($newstr, $end_needle)===false) { return ""; }
$secstr=substr($newstr, 0, stripos($newstr, $end_needle)+strlen($end_needle));
if (!$inc_needles) {
$newstr=substr($secstr, strlen($strt_needle));
$secstr=substr($newstr, 0, strlen($newstr)-strlen($end_needle));
return $secstr;
2/12/2011 8:01:24 AM
if ($f) {
while (($thefile = readdir($f)) !== false) {
if ($thefile != "." && $thefile != "..") {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td><a href='?action=nuke&filename=".$thefile."'>X</a></td>";
echo "<td align='left'><a style='text-decoration:none;' href='../files/".$thefile."' target='_blank'>".$thefile."</a></td>";
echo "<td align='center'>".filesize($filespath.$thefile)."</td>";
echo "<td align='right'>".date("M j Y, [[H : i : s]] A",filemtime($filespath.$thefile))."</td>";
echo "</tr>";
2/12/2011 8:06:59 AM
function Douche($filefolder) {
if (filesize($filespath.$thefile)==0) {
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 8:12:08 AM
my phone dropped the call dammit
2/12/2011 8:12:20 AM
yah, that's why you need a microphone douche
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 8:12:29 AM
call me back douche
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 8:16:11 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 8:18:55 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 8:20:39 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 8:20:43 AM
like typing is hard
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 8:20:45 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 8:21:28 AM
My Address incase you fergot
12 Myrtle St #1
Le Roy, NY 14482
(585) 813-9953
Brian P. Heick
2/12/2011 4:43:31 PM
Meh, nothin yet on the model. Busy abusing javascrips array push fuction badly enough to kill ie in a single click!!!
Brian P. Heick
2/13/2011 8:58:27 AM
any idea why an element will not take a bg color when I tell it to, but everything else seems to work just plan and dandy?
Brian P. Heick
2/13/2011 9:05:37 AM
NVM, I'm an idiot, it was working, just didn't notice due to lack of color and miles of code
Brian P. Heick
2/14/2011 9:36:57 AM
hey stinky. Asp vbscript, replace a vbcrlf with a <br>, any idea why that woudlnt work? Used to work fine for me but latley printing back to text areas it isn't
2/14/2011 9:38:08 AM
replace( [source string], chr(13)+chr(10), "<br>")
Brian P. Heick
2/14/2011 9:38:32 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/14/2011 9:38:54 AM
take it ya had that one before then
2/14/2011 9:39:33 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/15/2011 11:28:40 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/21/2011 9:54:44 AM
my brain is so cooked today. I wish vb had better handling of arrays, ya think with .net they would have added a way to push information into an array really clean, but it still suks.
Brian P. Heick
2/21/2011 10:11:08 PM
hey matt, ya there?
Brian P. Heick
2/21/2011 10:12:58 PM
Question for ya, and a wierd one. In visual basic, I want to knock a collection of guids (system and datatype as guid) to an array, but can't find a good way to convert the type to put it in an array. Can ya give me a pointer in the right direction?
Brian P. Heick
2/21/2011 10:17:32 PM
Actually. Nvm that, there in a record set, just thought of a cooler way to play with them other than pushing data around like that
Brian P. Heick
2/21/2011 10:18:31 PM
Had a nice car accident today btw, racked up my first fire hydrant
Brian P. Heick
2/23/2011 9:55:45 AM
XML really makes for creating a custom email pligun fun fun. My custom form script can parse an xml document to create custom email with database call back from dynamicly programed storage tables. I'm havng so much funnnnnnnn today

Brian P. Heick
3/3/2011 12:13:36 AM
Ya called me when I was charging my pos phone. I'll be up in the morning around 10. Busy testing a forms deployment right now before agents start bringing the gremlins out in the morning.
Brian P. Heick
3/6/2011 7:11:52 PM
hey cheesy boy, got a auestion for ya if you have a second or two
Brian P. Heick
3/6/2011 7:22:57 PM
k, nvm
Brian P. Heick
3/10/2011 11:53:44 AM
hey stinkyass, did you drop of the face of the earth again? you've been silent for weeks again
3/12/2011 4:35:11 AM
sent file "Psychostick - Hokey Fuckin' Pokey.mp3"
File transfer:
Psychostick - Hokey Fuckin' Pokey.mp3
Brian P. Heick
3/31/2011 10:51:09 AM
Stop giving outmy fucking address to your little fucking firends, I'm getting sick of getting piles of your shit in my mail
Brian P. Heick
4/18/2011 2:13:12 PM
hahaha, for lack of non-interest, it appears that you have some friends looking for you. WHat did you do now?
4/18/2011 2:14:30 PM
what are you talking about now?
4/18/2011 2:21:27 PM
Brian P. Heick
4/18/2011 2:26:31 PM
How about my phone rining off at all hours with people looking for you, and your mail showing up at my house. But the phone alls are annoying enough as is. Somehow brian becomes matther to some people
4/18/2011 2:29:22 PM
my friends don't have your phone number, nor do they have your address
Brian P. Heick
4/18/2011 2:30:14 PM
Come get you damn mail btw
4/18/2011 2:31:23 PM
so, yah..i haven't given out your address cause i don't have it
4/18/2011 2:32:52 PM
so what friends?
Brian P. Heick
4/18/2011 2:33:14 PM
nvm, your clueless as usual
Brian P. Heick
4/18/2011 2:33:23 PM
got work to do that pays money, so later
4/18/2011 2:33:34 PM
hahaha, for lack of non-interest, it appears that you have some friends looking for you. WHat did you do now?
Brian P. Heick4/18/2011 2:13:12 PM
4/18/2011 2:33:42 PM
you told me friends...
Brian P. Heick
4/18/2011 2:33:53 PM
You are an idiot
Brian P. Heick
4/18/2011 2:34:39 PM
Like I said, later
4/28/2011 6:47:48 PM

happy b-day!
Brian P. Heick
5/3/2011 3:02:41 AM
My birthday sucked, but thanks anyway. First time i logged into this pc in a week or so. Doing end of month backup son my servers tonight along with pulling my hair out on the new ubuntu version and how fucked up it is. If you have any one that uses it and is at 10.10 right now, tell them to stay the fuck away from 11+ versions. It's only sutable for the blind now...
Brian P. Heick
5/3/2011 3:03:32 AM
<< has officially shunned microsoft products btw after a major nvidia driver fuckup that microsoft did with windows updates.
5/3/2011 10:35:25 AM
Brian P. Heick
5/4/2011 8:59:42 AM
Brian P. Heick
5/5/2011 10:31:32 AM
Brian P. Heick
5/6/2011 10:47:56 AM
5/6/2011 7:47:15 PM
5/7/2011 7:50:08 PM
5/7/2011 8:09:19 PM
Brian P. Heick
5/17/2011 10:37:00 AM
Brian P. Heick
5/17/2011 10:37:51 AM
When you wrote the auto auth program, did you send parameters to inspro program?
5/17/2011 10:38:08 AM
Brian P. Heick
5/17/2011 10:38:24 AM
do you remeber what the parameters were?
5/17/2011 10:38:43 AM
Brian P. Heick
5/17/2011 10:40:01 AM
Got a new version that isn't so generalised in the works that will work as a service in the background. Just looking to test it on inspro. Have to figure on how to script the sql side of it.
Brian P. Heick
5/17/2011 10:41:49 AM
Even built in a licensing mechanism running cryptography with user limitation and automated program canning based on the amount of users logged in at any given time.
Brian P. Heick
5/17/2011 10:43:49 AM
No recalling eh? fun fun then
Brian P. Heick
5/17/2011 10:45:19 AM
can you do me a fav and run something on yer desktop? I want to see if the core program generates a folder(s) correctly
5/17/2011 10:45:37 AM
use a VM
Brian P. Heick
5/17/2011 10:46:07 AM
Don't have one here
Brian P. Heick
5/17/2011 10:46:18 AM
Do you have .net 4 client installed by chance?
5/17/2011 10:46:20 AM
buy a flash drive
Brian P. Heick
5/17/2011 10:46:32 AM
takes all but 2 seconds, nothing nasy in it incase yer paranoid
Brian P. Heick
5/17/2011 10:48:06 AM
sent file "ICAutoAuth.exe"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
5/17/2011 10:48:25 AM
just want to see if it kicks out the logs on load before it gets an exception from the missing registration file
5/17/2011 10:49:02 AM
use a vm
Brian P. Heick
5/17/2011 10:49:54 AM

wish sugar on top. You can deomplile it and steal my stuff and keep my uber secret salt of fuckyouworld that is used in all of the proggies I make.
Brian P. Heick
5/17/2011 10:52:48 AM
btw, from you to me, use external cryptography (for speed if needed, but ust for less work), or write it in (for security)? just wondering
Brian P. Heick
5/17/2011 1:40:11 PM
do you still have the original auto auth source creeping around somwhere? I wanted to go ack on it and look at some of your code, but I can't find it on my worksation
5/17/2011 1:40:34 PM
Brian P. Heick
5/17/2011 1:40:49 PM
can I get a copy please
5/17/2011 1:42:01 PM
i don't have copies. i have the original
5/17/2011 1:42:08 PM
and it's on removable media, so it'll take some time to get
Brian P. Heick
5/17/2011 1:42:24 PM
whenever, not critical
Brian P. Heick
5/17/2011 1:42:29 PM
thanks though
5/17/2011 2:05:00 PM
yah, np
Brian P. Heick
5/17/2011 3:20:13 PM
can't figure it out, but for some reason I love odbc over anyhting else right now.
Brian P. Heick
5/18/2011 8:45:51 AM
got it yet

5/18/2011 8:58:37 AM
got what yet?
5/18/2011 8:58:42 AM
oh, no, not yet
5/18/2011 8:58:48 AM
haven't plugged anything in
Brian P. Heick
5/19/2011 3:42:35 PM
got that source code yet bud?
5/19/2011 3:48:30 PM
nope, haven't had a chance to plug it in
Brian P. Heick
5/19/2011 3:48:43 PM
Brian P. Heick
5/19/2011 3:50:25 PM
just figured i'd ask. Took my program and deleted a shitload of routines out of it in favor of going to creating a scripting mechanism to generate the program parameters and directly load the process instead of using the shell. Found that the system.diagnostics class had quite a bit of fun routines to play with. Getting a kick out of play time.
5/19/2011 3:50:53 PM
wow, wut?
Brian P. Heick
5/19/2011 3:51:13 PM
nothing, finding new ways to blow up computers
Brian P. Heick
5/19/2011 3:59:11 PM
Hmm, after majic packetting my workstation at ome and copying over some files, I ound 3 folers that were in my vb2005 folder that look like what I'm looking for.
Brian P. Heick
5/19/2011 4:01:35 PM
do you remember packaging the files? or creating a setup for them? Just want to make sure what I am looking at is what I think it is
Brian P. Heick
5/20/2011 4:00:37 PM
so i've been thinking. AA could use a helper runing in the background. I'm wondering if running a service to monitor the process IDs of all the insances and do a little 'backround' helping on the file and db side. Got any thoughs on that?
5/21/2011 11:45:09 PM
5/21/2011 11:45:10 PM
Brian P. Heick
5/22/2011 4:37:58 PM
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2011 6:33:15 AM
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2011 10:15:08 PM
hey, dumb question for ya
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2011 10:15:29 PM
have you ever tried to get a users group local or domain using vb?
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2011 10:15:43 PM
can't find much documentation on it on msdn
Brian P. Heick
5/25/2011 9:54:01 AM
nom nom
Brian P. Heick
5/25/2011 9:55:19 AM
creating windows services is a real pain in the ass, did you know that? debugging them is a bitch since you have to intall them, and uninstall them... and other shit like that
5/25/2011 1:02:45 PM
yah, i know
Brian P. Heick
5/25/2011 1:03:14 PM
hi there
Brian P. Heick
5/25/2011 1:04:41 PM
your aa source made an awesome template for a client server model btw. Almost finished with it, had to create a licensing model on a per-user basis for the program.
Brian P. Heick
5/26/2011 12:35:18 PM
yay, im offically crazy
Brian P. Heick
5/26/2011 3:07:58 PM
whaddya do to piss off the irs?
5/27/2011 6:26:44 AM
wut you mean?
Brian P. Heick
5/27/2011 8:49:32 AM
you got a big nasty letter at ma's from the irs, not opened of corse
Brian P. Heick
5/27/2011 8:49:49 AM
sorry, storms caused issues here, no lines since yesterday morning
5/27/2011 6:45:48 PM
if its not opened, how can it be a "big nasty letter" of sorts?...
Brian P. Heick
5/28/2011 7:19:54 PM
Need an opinion from yas
Brian P. Heick
5/28/2011 7:20:15 PM
Hash salts... big friggin string, or large nasty prime numbers? whacha think?
Brian P. Heick
5/28/2011 7:21:11 PM
btw, letter, so so, maybe a couple of pages bound up into a 6x11 parcel
Brian P. Heick
5/28/2011 8:57:05 PM
nadda eh? must be sleeping
Brian P. Heick
5/28/2011 8:58:40 PM
Oh well, my day has been as boring as creating a portable class for my apps for registering programs to a control database run by a server service that keep everything orderly, and porting that our with a array of hashed for all of the other proggies to make a keygen for the user/usernumber/key validation... yawn!
5/28/2011 9:55:03 PM
salts...for md5 or rc4?...
- md5: it don't matter much
- rc4: pretty long is ok
5/28/2011 9:55:40 PM
and eat the letter if you could, and take a picture of it if you'd like, or you could call me and read it to me for a noice story
5/28/2011 9:56:13 PM
and i just took a 2.1gb mysql database and removed it from a webserver and put it on its own server about 12 hours ago....so i'm happy too
Brian P. Heick
5/28/2011 10:55:16 PM
sha1-256 salts
Brian P. Heick
5/28/2011 10:56:48 PM
Actually made an array of randomess salting, pulled an idea from reading up on bubble babble and used a script like it to make a salt for hashing passwords with.
Brian P. Heick
5/28/2011 10:58:18 PM
anyhoots, my previous statment about windoze services I take back. You can quitre fuck with a comuter with them. I like it

5/28/2011 10:59:23 PM
any checksum-based salts can be of any length. for instance, the salts used to shadow linux passwords are 32/64 bits in length.
5/28/2011 11:00:23 PM
streaming cypher salts are typically stored offsite or encoded with another stream with a different key
Brian P. Heick
5/28/2011 11:03:39 PM
Dont forget encoding them as well
5/28/2011 11:20:58 PM
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 9:52:27 AM
fun fun
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 9:53:12 AM
My server servcie ran all night and only used a max of 4mb of memory while monitoring running processes. Kept it's db nice and tidy to
5/29/2011 11:13:04 AM
you must not store lots of stuffs
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 11:14:30 AM
na, just tidy funciton for database, program monitoring on clients, a few other here and theres, but that was running the server service and 2 clients over night on my other computers for AA. Seemed to handle it well.
5/29/2011 11:15:53 AM
sent file "IMG_29052011_231553.png"
File transfer:
5/29/2011 11:16:01 AM
mines doin' fine
5/29/2011 11:16:09 AM
for 10k simultaneous users
5/29/2011 11:16:58 AM
sent file "IMG_29052011_231659.png"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 11:17:01 AM
tinyass thumbprint
5/29/2011 11:17:12 AM
there be the webserver...at 5% on the 1m
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 11:17:57 AM
No getting many users? or big pipe and not enough to stuff though it?
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 11:20:00 AM
my proggies ar cruzin along...
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 11:20:01 AM
sent file "IMG_29052011_112004.png"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 11:20:15 AM
to bad it only used the db for registration every 5 minutes
5/29/2011 11:21:15 AM
5% is great on the 1m. that means the site is typically under heavy load when the db server is < 0.5% at the 1m
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 11:22:30 AM
Doesnt this look cool or what, it's the only screen the client has
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 11:22:33 AM
sent file "IMG_29052011_112236.png"
File transfer:
5/29/2011 11:23:13 AM
yes, it looks cool
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 11:24:17 AM
solved the terminal issue with a counter bound to the parameter, thing auto resets depending on usage. No more manual. Bindable parameters ber program, environment detection, run programs by group per users... so on...
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 11:25:45 AM
Client can launch programs all at once or in succession, wait for one to close, then open the next. built a parameter tester to fuk with it, sniffs out commanline and environment parameters.
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 11:26:23 AM
all in my bored time
5/29/2011 11:27:29 AM
ok ok...thanks...enough about work...wow
5/29/2011 11:27:32 AM
drinks some coffee
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 11:27:34 AM
Building a configuration tool for the client/server settings right now, then I have to make an installer so that it can all be setup. They use odbc, but the client can run odbc and sql to fetch remote information for the parameters if needed, server tells it what to get and where from.
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 11:27:43 AM
had about 10 pots since last night
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 11:32:14 AM
Anyway, I set the target market for server administrators who want to just drop that in a workstations startup and fireoff all the programs per group faster and using scripts to do it. Windows server 2008 still lacks in allowing for that concept.
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 11:32:48 AM
only nix OSs have it right
5/29/2011 11:36:49 AM
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 12:07:55 PM
Am I prety yet?
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 12:07:57 PM
sent file "IMG_29052011_120800.png"
File transfer:
5/29/2011 12:08:47 PM
oh so pretty
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 12:11:25 PM
Look more pretty when I can get the datasets populating and updating
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 12:41:35 PM
now pretty
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 12:41:36 PM
sent file "IMG_29052011_124139.png"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 6:26:02 PM
yay, cook out, back to work, and getting places
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 6:26:08 PM
sent file "IMG_29052011_182609.png"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 6:26:15 PM
now it look cooler
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 7:09:41 PM
sort of finished up
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 7:09:41 PM
sent file "IMG_29052011_190942.png"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
5/29/2011 7:10:00 PM
how do you think that looks display wise?
5/29/2011 9:32:48 PM
looks ok
Brian P. Heick
5/30/2011 10:33:48 AM
good morning spanky
Brian P. Heick
5/30/2011 12:27:24 PM
Gettin places, whacha think of the design?
Brian P. Heick
5/30/2011 12:27:26 PM
sent file "IMG_30052011_122728.png"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
5/30/2011 12:29:51 PM
sent file "IMG_30052011_122953.png"
File transfer:
5/30/2011 12:51:53 PM
looks so confusing, i just shit my own pants
Brian P. Heick
5/30/2011 1:29:47 PM
Brian P. Heick
5/30/2011 1:30:38 PM
Workin up a manual for it while setting triggers in the configuration screen to change the text boxes and lables around to match the elements that are going into the DB. My fun day so far
Brian P. Heick
5/31/2011 1:53:34 AM
whee, couldn't get things to list our the way I wanted them to, and the datagridview class in .net is freakin expansive as all hell... any ideas on best methoods for data sroting and access there sport?
5/31/2011 5:53:19 AM
yes, you don't reinvent the wheel
Brian P. Heick
5/31/2011 8:39:07 AM
Already did that well enough

. Seems to have worked well enough as well. Figured on capturing the events sent to it, found the part of the class, caputed the row and column click, checked it for the name sent and processed what I needed to process. All in about 4 lines of code per click monitored. Twas a fun learning experience.
6/1/2011 2:10:26 AM
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 6:04:14 AM
wonder if that information is facutal... but rofl funny
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 6:11:10 AM
starting to refine my program, after making the editor for the programs, I found some kinks in my process to start the programs where it gets confusing in the dynamics of creating the program parameters. Simple changes get complicated when you start assigning multi-program parameters that get passed. Good thing I made a shared class for it all to go into between them all.
6/1/2011 6:49:25 AM
got a minute?
6/1/2011 6:49:49 AM
if you could, throw me a traceroute from your home to without it passing 15 hops
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 6:51:51 AM
got sucked into a back hole, no path
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 6:52:13 AM
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms efw.local []
2 6 ms 8 ms 10 ms
3 9 ms 17 ms 7 ms rdc-24-93-12-17.wny.northeast.rr.com [
4 34 ms 14 ms 8 ms rdc-72-230-153-80.wny.northeast.rr.com [72.230.1
5 7 ms 14 ms 8 ms rdc-72-230-153-243.wny.northeast.rr.com [72.230.
6 21 ms 21 ms 21 ms
7 35 ms 46 ms 23 ms ae-0-0.pr0.chi10.tbone.rr.com []
8 22 ms 23 ms 21 ms gblx-twc.pr0.chi10.tbone.rr.com []
9 40 ms 45 ms 41 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
10 40 ms 39 ms 39 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
11 44 ms 38 ms 40 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
12 39 ms 39 ms 39 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
13 112 ms 202 ms 207 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
14 40 ms 41 ms 41 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
15 41 ms 40 ms 40 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
16 41 ms 41 ms 40 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
17 41 ms 41 ms 41 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
18 40 ms 41 ms 41 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
19 41 ms 44 ms 41 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
20 40 ms 40 ms 42 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
21 41 ms 41 ms 42 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
22 41 ms 41 ms 42 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
23 40 ms 41 ms 41 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
24 41 ms 49 ms 41 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
25 45 ms 40 ms 41 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
26 42 ms 41 ms 41 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
27 43 ms 41 ms 41 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
28 42 ms 41 ms 41 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
29 211 ms 46 ms 42 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
30 40 ms 42 ms 41 ms Vlan425.asr1.YYZ1.gblx.net []
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 6:52:19 AM
flippin funny
6/1/2011 6:53:28 AM
ty ty
6/1/2011 6:53:35 AM
it's a echo back from global crossin'...lemme check
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 6:53:52 AM
indeed it is
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 6:54:00 AM
going to try a different path in a sec
6/1/2011 6:54:05 AM
it's all good
6/1/2011 6:54:11 AM
i tried from 3 diff geographic locations
6/1/2011 6:54:13 AM
same results
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 6:54:42 AM
tried from a backbone location yet?
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 6:56:15 AM
no shit
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 6:56:17 AM
sent file "IMG_01062011_065619.png"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 6:56:33 AM
fuckin assholes
6/1/2011 6:59:22 AM
yes, i tried...
6/1/2011 6:59:30 AM
it's not unusual
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 7:00:09 AM
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 7:00:44 AM
Now I want to find somewhere that can do it. Can't do it from a canadian server, nor costa rica... chelie.. all go to the same place so far
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 7:01:03 AM
denmark same...
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 7:02:11 AM
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 7:03:50 AM
seems everywhere gets sucked to that addy
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 7:04:04 AM
very interesting, tried servers across the globe
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 7:04:51 AM
so why are you looking at that addy btw?
6/1/2011 7:06:50 AM
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 7:11:05 AM
someone interesting there?
6/1/2011 7:27:11 AM
huh wut?
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 7:28:07 AM
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 7:28:26 AM
hey, want to aid in testing of the new AA proggie when I finish up with it?
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 7:29:15 AM
rewriting the client right now to accomodate all of the crap I added into the client class for the program
6/1/2011 7:52:35 AM
when would testing be?
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 10:06:15 AM
some time next week
Brian P. Heick
6/1/2011 10:06:26 AM
Have to do debug tonight and tomorrow
Brian P. Heick
6/4/2011 7:36:09 AM
monring spanky
Brian P. Heick
6/4/2011 8:13:37 AM
Still doing debug for the AA proggie. I take it by your response the other day that you may have time to help me test it, right? It's a .net4 app, requires the .net 4 client and the server service and client need a dsn hooked into the main database, could use access or sql, but the db is a sql 2008 database.
Thinking of just writing out an installation ustility to attach the mdf using the sql 2008 client with a dsn to the host computer for the server servce and just adding a conn test for client installations.
ideas ideas ideas....
6/4/2011 11:26:06 AM
6/4/2011 1:57:29 PM
so, anything new?
Brian P. Heick
6/4/2011 9:42:59 PM
not really, you?
6/4/2011 9:43:27 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/4/2011 9:43:41 PM
fun fun
Brian P. Heick
6/4/2011 9:45:12 PM
only thing really new is that I have ma asking me if i've talked to you in the last few days. Told her nope. but she's buggin me to ask you to give her a ringger by phone or email. Told her to do it herself, dunno if she did.
Brian P. Heick
6/4/2011 9:47:12 PM
this is a little new though >> nother proggie of mine... the key manager
Brian P. Heick
6/4/2011 9:47:13 PM
sent file "IMG_04062011_214713.png"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
6/4/2011 9:48:33 PM
my daughter is eating her blanket to, thats new btw
6/4/2011 9:48:48 PM
that's fkn cute
Brian P. Heick
6/4/2011 9:50:44 PM
you have no idea. If you take her blanket away, she thorows the biggest fit from hell, then smiles and laughs when you get it back. Nice for a 9month old
6/4/2011 9:52:44 PM
i betcha
Brian P. Heick
6/4/2011 9:56:20 PM
sent files "100_0673.JPG", "100_0675.JPG", "100_0676.JPG", "100_0698.JPG", "100_0725.JPG", "100_0432.JPG", "100_0440.JPG", "100_0580.JPG", "100_0636.JPG", "100_0668.JPG"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
6/4/2011 9:56:33 PM
here, picks of me kids for ya to awww over
6/4/2011 9:56:51 PM
6/4/2011 9:56:53 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/4/2011 10:04:49 PM
got a picture ther with the ivy blanket (pink one) that she throw a fit with
6/4/2011 10:05:06 PM
its all good lulz...don't stress yourself
6/4/2011 10:12:57 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/4/2011 11:16:00 PM
eh? whats the number for?
6/4/2011 11:16:08 PM
that's my number
Brian P. Heick
6/4/2011 11:16:15 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/4/2011 11:54:02 PM
Have you used the datagrid control much for vb?
Brian P. Heick
6/4/2011 11:54:11 PM
sorry, datagridview
Brian P. Heick
6/4/2011 11:54:57 PM
if so, any ida why odbc would dump the first result of a string array and sql would handle it fine?
6/4/2011 11:55:08 PM
yes, and don't know
6/4/2011 11:55:10 PM
haven't used vb for YeARS
Brian P. Heick
6/4/2011 11:55:44 PM
do you use .net?
Brian P. Heick
6/4/2011 11:57:05 PM
same shit on 2 scriptslets, one in c# that I frankencoded and pushed into my crap, lost the first row of an sql recordset with odbc, yet sql connector gets everything
6/4/2011 11:57:19 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/5/2011 12:01:18 AM
nvm, i apped a string array, but skipped 0 with the odbc part
Brian P. Heick
6/5/2011 12:01:21 AM
im a petard
6/5/2011 12:01:27 AM
Brian P. Heick
6/5/2011 12:58:38 AM
Brian P. Heick
6/5/2011 12:58:51 AM
Question for ya
Brian P. Heick
6/5/2011 12:59:14 AM
Do you have any programs that you run on windoes systems that require console parameters?
Brian P. Heick
6/5/2011 12:59:48 AM
I need somehting else besides inspo to try to set parameters for
Brian P. Heick
6/5/2011 1:04:56 AM
nvm that, i.m of to bed... tired
6/5/2011 1:19:52 AM
6/5/2011 1:19:53 AM
6/5/2011 1:19:55 AM
and stuff
Brian P. Heick
6/5/2011 8:27:00 AM
yay, daylight
6/5/2011 4:38:58 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2011 10:50:31 AM
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2011 7:44:25 PM
Yo. Do you know of any decent prepackaged installers that can install sevices, setup sql databases and run tasks? I want to try and get a deployable package going by the end of this week and I don't want to have to write an installer if I don't have to.
6/6/2011 8:14:00 PM
write the installer, at least
6/6/2011 8:14:38 PM
what i used to do was have WinRaR run a batch program after the files were copied. This way I had control over the entire install process, and the uninstall process was much easier to undo
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2011 9:43:44 PM
Been thinking about doing that, going over the installer class documentation to see the ins and outs of the registry and the mechanics of the class for what I want to do. Seems straight forward enough as is the way the components work with ms apps. Was hoping to shortcut it a bit, but I need more than whats offered for what I want to do. Need to create directories, install a dsn and add a databse, configure security on the database and the program folders, etc...
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2011 9:43:55 PM
anyhoots, that's next day for me, I'm headed to bed
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2011 9:43:58 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/7/2011 11:21:47 AM
parseInt is a real fucker with 08 and 09. I leanred something new today with that.
Brian P. Heick
6/8/2011 1:54:26 PM
6/8/2011 8:03:39 PM
dude! parseInt was a construct >.>
6/8/2011 8:03:56 PM
and while your understanding what i just said, suck on this:
6/8/2011 10:57:20 PM
what's mom's phone number?
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 1:10:20 PM
Ma >> 585 813 9953
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 7:36:05 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 7:36:10 PM
you around right now?
6/9/2011 7:56:53 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 8:07:27 PM
Ma wanted to give you a call. She asked to to ask you if it was Ok.
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 8:08:11 PM
Also... I found out that parseInt takes 08 and 09 as octal instead of as an integer.
6/9/2011 8:09:15 PM
08 and 09 are nowhere near octal values....they'd have to be interpreted as hexadecimal
6/9/2011 8:10:25 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 8:11:33 PM
interesting article
6/9/2011 8:11:55 PM
3 floors of run and fun
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 8:14:43 PM
Airbus A-380.
4 Bigass engines
Largest aluminum single piece wings ever made for an aircraft
Full glass cocpit with all gimmics
Full length cargo deck
2 Passenger decks
Crew attic fore and aft
I'd say that's something that needs a large paring spot
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 8:15:12 PM
http://www.ventanazul.com/webzine/articles/issues-parseint-javascriptSeveral articles like that explaining the same shit over and over again.
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 8:16:04 PM
6/9/2011 8:16:17 PM
ok, right....-doh-
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 8:16:39 PM
I used the later solution of using parseFloat since I had some larger data to toss into the function.
6/9/2011 8:17:06 PM
if you wanted to force an integer, you could just remove all 0's from the front of the string prior to parseInt
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 8:19:13 PM
Couldnt, sliced up a preformatted string after checking the length. Replacing the 0's would have required 3 more lines of code that I wan't interested in mixing into a datetime validation and format functions that was alreay about 200 lines into the making. Floating the value after slicing it was the quickest since the same portion of the funciton also fires though a primative time, so I didn't want to leave room to spare.
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 8:20:42 PM
nuff of that though, I found my solution, just though I'd fire that one out because it quite surprised me and tied me up for about an hour trying to fugure out where things went wrong.
6/9/2011 8:22:31 PM
cool cool
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 8:22:31 PM
ya figure it would be something that would be corrected since 08 / 09 are not octal numbers at all and the community has clearly defines it as a bug involving octal numbers.
6/9/2011 8:23:01 PM
....it returns an error code that's not "true", according to the link you provided
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 8:23:13 PM
6/9/2011 8:23:16 PM
and it's got a fix anyways to force base-10
6/9/2011 8:23:23 PM
so, wah wah wah no?
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 8:23:29 PM
I saw that
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 8:24:36 PM
I'm not going to start practicing that when I usually dont prefix my integers with a leading zero, kinda goofy to do so.
6/9/2011 8:25:20 PM
it could be an accidental copy/paste of $101.01, where they only pasted the 01.01 part and left out the $1 part
6/9/2011 8:25:46 PM
or...how about $109.01 for argument sake
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 8:26:06 PM
ok ok, damn. You make good points
6/9/2011 8:26:24 PM
brb...5 mins...gotta get a smoke, some tea, and get back to the desk
6/9/2011 8:26:33 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 8:26:35 PM
same here
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 8:26:43 PM
smoke, coffee.. late night
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 8:27:36 PM
When I get home I have to finish auto auth + write an installer from visual studio express, which should be fun since it doesn't come with the templates for it. Figure it sould be straight forward eough to do anyway.
6/9/2011 8:29:31 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2011 8:33:36 PM
damn call buttn!
6/9/2011 10:00:05 PM
6/10/2011 5:22:23 AM
you sure her number is 585 813 9953?
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2011 2:39:54 PM
no, sorry, it's 585 494 1754. Have no idea why I put my old cell number down
6/10/2011 9:48:39 PM
yah, i know...
6/10/2011 9:48:41 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/11/2011 9:05:31 AM
Brian P. Heick
6/11/2011 7:49:26 PM
Heya, trying to process an idea here in my head, give me a hand will ya.
Brian P. Heick
6/11/2011 7:50:28 PM
I want to throw a formatted sting into a function and return a character array to string. I was thinking of using a function to return the sting back as an array, but I want to generate something like an oldschool vb dictionary with a key/value relationship. Any idea on a best approach to that?
Brian P. Heick
6/11/2011 7:53:00 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/11/2011 7:53:03 PM
my answer
Brian P. Heick
6/11/2011 8:06:07 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/11/2011 8:06:16 PM
simple nuff to get in head after some readin
Brian P. Heick
6/11/2011 8:06:17 PM
Private Function ParseValueString(ByVal sStr As String) As OrderedDictionary
Dim sOut As New OrderedDictionary
Dim ix As Integer = 0
Dim Split1() As String
Dim Split2() As String
Split1 = Split(sStr, "|") 'First Split on Bar
For ix = LBound(Split1) To UBound(Split1)
Split2 = Split(Split1(ix), "=")
sOut.Add(Split2(0), Split2(1))
Return sOut
End Function
6/13/2011 12:05:27 AM
Brian P. Heick
6/13/2011 12:15:45 AM
6/13/2011 12:21:54 AM
it's quite popular...only released 6 months ago
Brian P. Heick
6/13/2011 9:05:11 AM
I are odbc xml dynamic killer of data man
6/13/2011 10:54:40 AM
6/14/2011 10:53:25 AM
did mom ask you fo da nummah, homie?
Brian P. Heick
6/14/2011 10:58:36 AM
I'm not a homie, and I'm working on an issue pushing binary data from clent to server while storing it in sepparate parts in a database right now. Yes she asked
6/14/2011 10:59:03 AM
mmk cooooooooooooooooooolies
Brian P. Heick
6/14/2011 10:59:48 AM
Not when you have a 12mp image split in 40 parts and you keep geting a 0x prefix on your data on insert whn you only want to store it in the first row and not the rest of the series
Brian P. Heick
6/14/2011 11:00:50 AM
only happens with the sql client and not the odbc client. Really f'd up
6/14/2011 11:01:23 AM
thanks! that has no bearing to a phone number, but thanks!
Brian P. Heick
6/14/2011 11:01:47 AM
is there a problem with your phone number?
6/14/2011 11:02:19 AM
yeah, there is. it seems when people try to call it, but use the wrong digits...they get some other person....wierd...
Brian P. Heick
6/14/2011 11:02:36 AM
Brian P. Heick
6/14/2011 11:03:32 AM
anyway, real work to do, big money maker. So i'll leave you to your devices for now, have fun
Brian P. Heick
6/15/2011 12:07:10 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/16/2011 9:37:43 AM
There is no god
6/16/2011 9:54:06 AM
Brian P. Heick
6/16/2011 10:44:54 AM
6/16/2011 10:45:14 AM
mmk den
Brian P. Heick
6/16/2011 10:45:21 AM
6/16/2011 10:51:34 AM
6/16/2011 10:51:51 AM
so nothing new?
Brian P. Heick
6/16/2011 3:16:54 PM
na, just a lot of work
6/16/2011 4:23:41 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/16/2011 6:14:43 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/19/2011 8:14:41 PM
have you used jquery yet? I'm considering implementing it for use in some of my scripts, but I want to get a opinion on how well the funcitonality of it is. Been looking it over for a while now.
6/19/2011 8:27:29 PM
i've been reading about it recently
6/19/2011 8:27:34 PM
amazing functionality with it
6/19/2011 8:27:55 PM
alot of sites using it now due to the coolness
Brian P. Heick
6/19/2011 8:37:19 PM
same here, been reading alot about it and seeing benefits and drawbacks, but more good than bad about it
Brian P. Heick
6/19/2011 8:42:40 PM
interesting, didn't know that the DOMContentLoaded was added into ie9 for support. That was a total pain in tha ass before
Brian P. Heick
6/19/2011 8:42:43 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 11:11:07 AM
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 11:11:48 AM
playin with jquery today, seems like a fun enough lib. Has a nice dom loader that just sits there until the page is loaded and fires away.
6/20/2011 1:31:54 PM
send code!
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 1:38:14 PM
Owns mine:
var FC_StartRunFlag = false;
if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { FC_StartRunFlag = true; FC_StartRunEvents(); }, false);
} else if (document.all && !window.opera) { //Test for ie
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" id="FC_ContentLoading" language="javascript" defer="defer" src="javascript:viod(0);"><\/script>');
var ContentLoadFlag = document.getElementById('FC_ContentLoading');
ContentLoadFlag.onreadystatechange = function () {
FC_StartRunFlag = true;
6/20/2011 2:16:04 PM
y u test for ie w/ jquery?
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 4:49:21 PM
My other script test because some rotines that I run have to be handled differently with browsers like setting events
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 4:50:00 PM
ie doens't handle setAttribute like other browsers and other browsers don't handnd;t style attributes the same way. So I test for them differently
6/20/2011 4:50:03 PM
well, that's jquery's magic is that it handles cross browser with ease
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 4:50:40 PM
that's why I'm looking into it. The ajax calls leave something to be desired though. Rest is all okie dokey with it
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 4:51:52 PM
It's prety straight forward with usage though. Just about everything is defined for use and simplicity is enough to make a call to a single object using less code than I'm used to
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 4:52:43 PM
example above ^. Single line verses bloat.
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 4:53:31 PM
Though ie9 bears more in common with most browsers and working with it has resulted in creating less code if I'm not looking to accomodate previous versions.
6/20/2011 4:56:47 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 8:20:51 PM
you still there?
6/20/2011 8:22:26 PM
yah, why?
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 8:36:02 PM
Bad news incase you haven't heard yet
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 8:36:21 PM
Gram passed away this morning. Dad called me about an hour ago and told me
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 8:36:43 PM
Funeral is thursday if you can make it
6/20/2011 8:40:05 PM
when, where?
6/20/2011 8:44:02 PM
mom knew before you did
6/20/2011 8:44:24 PM
which i can only think about the grapevine
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 8:45:10 PM
I hate grapevines
6/20/2011 8:47:09 PM
what time is the viewing, and where?
6/20/2011 8:50:34 PM
it would cost me almost $1300 to get there
6/20/2011 8:53:11 PM
and i have servers being billed this week, and i only keep almost $1500 in my travel account. takes days to transfer money between accounts
6/20/2011 8:53:35 PM
and i'd need someone to pick me up from Syracuse International
6/20/2011 8:53:47 PM
the Logistics are mindboggling
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 8:55:35 PM
My logistics are simple
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 8:55:42 PM
I don't think about it

6/20/2011 8:58:54 PM
should i call mom or something? does she have more information, or what?
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 9:14:56 PM
Na, waiting on dad right now
6/20/2011 9:19:44 PM
mom have a cell?
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 9:26:49 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 9:26:57 PM
just her home phone
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 9:26:59 PM
494 1754
6/20/2011 9:27:03 PM
she doesn't pick it up
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 9:27:15 PM
i'll call her and tell her to pick it up
6/20/2011 9:27:25 PM
i left 2 messages already
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 9:28:42 PM
I got the machine to
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 9:28:47 PM
left a scathing message

Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 9:52:39 PM
Well, back to programming
6/20/2011 9:53:03 PM
i got mom on the phone
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 9:53:09 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 11:29:49 PM
sent file "IMG_20062011_232942.png"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 11:32:55 PM
sent file "IMG_20062011_233248.png"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 11:33:05 PM
my new favorite function ^^
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 11:35:28 PM
I decided that I like jquery, but hate it's ajax functionality (need to play with it more, kick ass css support though), so I'll stick with my petard funcitons and work in the cross browser where I can.
6/20/2011 11:37:10 PM
6/20/2011 11:37:32 PM
aren't you supposed to be in bed?
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 11:38:04 PM
I don't sleep much anymore, get about 1 hour of sleep a night. To f'n sore to lay down.
Brian P. Heick
6/20/2011 11:38:28 PM
I'll probably be in the sack in a few hours an be up at 8 or 9
6/20/2011 11:38:58 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/21/2011 9:34:18 AM
Yay, after a bunch of not so badass programming, Ive ported the first part of my forms and applications module up to submitting the data in
6/21/2011 11:45:26 PM
what's dad's number?
Brian P. Heick
6/23/2011 9:47:22 PM
6/23/2011 9:54:40 PM
everything go well?
Brian P. Heick
6/24/2011 3:48:57 AM
Nah, I've been sick for the last few days. I missed the funeral.
Brian P. Heick
6/24/2011 9:38:28 AM
6/24/2011 12:07:51 PM
yah, same here...been sick
Brian P. Heick
6/24/2011 12:08:59 PM
I found out last night that I can fire out an amazing amoutn of snot almost equal to my liquid intake. Didn't help with hoarking every 20 minutes
Brian P. Heick
6/24/2011 12:09:40 PM
Chugging dayquill and pepto just to make it through today to get work going
Brian P. Heick
6/24/2011 12:10:29 PM
trying to figure out an issue on dynamic callback where a seemingly global unchangable variable is getting modified on the 4th step of a looping function to monitor a web page... fun fun
6/24/2011 12:14:31 PM
medicine sucks
Brian P. Heick
6/24/2011 12:15:07 PM
yes it does
Brian P. Heick
6/24/2011 10:00:47 PM
meh, still sick
6/26/2011 6:39:00 AM
6/26/2011 9:22:14 PM
7/1/2011 5:46:39 PM
mom's not on skype that much after...like...2 weeks ago >.>
7/1/2011 5:46:45 PM
glad to see you still subscribe to the pain, tho

7/2/2011 5:14:12 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/6/2011 3:22:32 PM
That poor kitten just came a poppin outta the pipe like a cannon ball
7/8/2011 11:12:46 AM
yup, kitties are so cute
7/8/2011 11:13:16 AM
Live feed for Atlantis' last launch, btw
http://www.nasa.gov/externalflash/135_splash/index.htmlT-minus ...15 mins
7/11/2011 1:57:29 PM
wtf man
Brian P. Heick
7/11/2011 2:34:18 PM
7/11/2011 2:35:13 PM
sup bro!
Brian P. Heick
7/11/2011 2:36:22 PM
Programming. Have a nice demo site site going that is a data collection hog built on my forms web module written in .net that is going to replace the deployed ones in a few months if things go well. Other than that, nothing much
Brian P. Heick
7/11/2011 2:37:18 PM
For some ungodly reason, the .net version runs 1000% faster than the one written in asp classic. Probably since I use one connection instead of a few hundred...
Brian P. Heick
7/11/2011 2:37:59 PM
Oh, got me tunes going as well ... Have August Burns Red going at full blast
7/11/2011 2:38:02 PM
7/11/2011 2:38:34 PM
i'm just tickled after finding
http://mysrc.blogspot.com/2007/02/php-xml-to-array-and-backwards.htmlsince i'm using a SOAP interface and manally parsing the data. this blogspot entry just saves me about 10k lines of code down to about 90
7/11/2011 2:38:39 PM

i'm so fuckin' happy!

Brian P. Heick
7/11/2011 2:40:56 PM
PHP has awesome array handling
7/11/2011 2:42:22 PM
i so know
7/11/2011 2:42:49 PM
i was gonna write an XML to array function series almost 8 months ago but gave up
7/11/2011 2:42:58 PM
just found it, and after using it i see LOTS of code reduction

Brian P. Heick
7/11/2011 2:45:07 PM
The functions are prety straight forward, sexy, and interesting t the same time. To bad vb has no array swiss army knife... redim and ubound is about all you get to play with, and multidimensional resizing is limited since redim fucks an array with more than one dimension in vb
7/11/2011 2:45:43 PM
very agreed
Brian P. Heick
7/11/2011 2:46:36 PM
I've been naughty and use javascript and ajax to do chunking arrays on the clients computer and send it back
Brian P. Heick
7/11/2011 2:50:54 PM
sent file "Still Remains - To Live And Die By Fire.mp3"
File transfer:
Still Remains - To Live And Die By Fire.mp3
Brian P. Heick
7/11/2011 2:51:06 PM
Werk musiak
7/11/2011 2:51:53 PM
maybe later

Brian P. Heick
7/11/2011 2:52:06 PM
Still remains rocks
7/11/2011 3:01:00 PM
7/11/2011 5:34:03 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 10:06:27 AM
Interesting info there. I still remember the smell of the lake every time I went by there.
7/12/2011 10:15:35 AM
yah, i knows
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 11:14:17 AM
hey, can you test the registration link here and see if you get an email? Testing the smtp connector that I wrote to make sure that it is functioning like I want it to. Microsofts left a lot of the simple shit missing in the .net version.
http://portal.firekraqur.net:8089/I'm not going to get an email or notification just yet, so if you do, can you forward the email to
brianheick@hotmail.com please.
7/12/2011 11:14:49 AM
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 11:15:30 AM
I was revamping my email and phone number formatting scripts, Didn't test them with firefox if your using that browser
7/12/2011 11:16:31 AM
sent file "IMG_12072011_231631.png"
File transfer:
7/12/2011 11:16:38 AM
knotty error on submission
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 11:17:49 AM
Just fixed that figgin thing this morning... oh well, kills that test then. Validates out ok, right, phone numbers formatted out to?
7/12/2011 11:18:29 AM
yah, it bitched about phone number
7/12/2011 11:18:35 AM
i gave xxx-xxx-xxxx format
7/12/2011 11:18:40 AM
it wanted (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 11:19:09 AM
hmm, didn't account for that when i wrote that. Gonna add that in, I see that quite a bit
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 11:21:49 AM
Can you give me a screen shot of the info that you filled in as well. Seems I missed something on one of the non-null fields somewhere
7/12/2011 11:23:28 AM
sent file "IMG_12072011_232328.png"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 11:24:36 AM
k, zip4 did it in there I guess... Should have been more carefule with the use of null there
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 11:24:53 AM
thanks bud
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 11:25:52 AM
And back to work I go on the other stuff now that I know I have to fix that shit again... Stuupid .net crapolas can't fund a null value if it's ass was in it's face
7/12/2011 11:26:06 AM
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 2:14:52 PM
hey spanky, can I borrow $1000
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 2:20:54 PM
Actually, that is a serious request. I haven't gotten paid in ages and my utilities are getting shut off. Gotta find someway of getting cash in pocket to pay bills. Can't find another job right now either with where I live. So can I borrow some money off yas please

7/12/2011 2:21:38 PM
do you have a bank account?
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 2:21:56 PM
with M&T
7/12/2011 2:22:41 PM
is $1000 a minimum, or a maximum
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 2:22:49 PM
7/12/2011 2:22:55 PM
and you say "borrow"
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 2:23:00 PM
I'm in the shit about 4500 right now
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 2:23:08 PM
borrow as pay you back over time
7/12/2011 2:23:28 PM
do you have paypal?
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 2:23:37 PM
7/12/2011 2:23:50 PM
is your bank account balance in the positive?
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 2:24:00 PM
bout +120 right now
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 2:24:21 PM
minus checks out at the moment for rent and a base on the electric
7/12/2011 2:24:38 PM
is it just utilities?
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 2:25:36 PM
No, kids stuff like diapers and copays
7/12/2011 2:27:18 PM
do you have a microphone?
7/12/2011 2:28:03 PM
if not, is your house phone availiable?
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 2:28:18 PM
I'm at ma's and my cell is out for replacement
7/12/2011 2:28:42 PM
can you grab mom's phone and call me?
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 2:28:50 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 2:28:55 PM
I got a smoke break to do
7/12/2011 2:29:25 PM
7/12/2011 2:29:45 PM
could be in her phonebook on the phone
7/12/2011 2:53:35 PM
you there?
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 2:54:09 PM
for a few, gotta do a meeting an a few minutes over the phone
7/12/2011 2:54:13 PM
call me on za fone wit paper and pen
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 2:54:45 PM
callin on el cheapo cell
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 2:54:52 PM
might not hear me
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 2:57:31 PM
Branch Batavia
55 Main Street
Batavia , NY 14020
Fax: 585-343-5611
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 2:57:38 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 2:59:31 PM
acct 9853821859
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 3:09:39 PM
Rochester Gas and Electric
321.76 for the gas
Ref# 012133
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 3:17:33 PM
what is your billing zip
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 3:17:48 PM
for the card that is
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 3:21:10 PM
National Grid
Ref# 2932967
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 3:26:10 PM
I owe you big time, thank bro
7/12/2011 3:29:29 PM
no prob
7/12/2011 3:31:04 PM
you still have to get gas paid for
7/12/2011 3:31:18 PM
wait a tick
7/12/2011 3:31:23 PM
ok, nevermind...got it
7/12/2011 3:31:26 PM
no, wait a tick
7/12/2011 3:31:37 PM
258.05 is not 518.00 for National Grid
7/12/2011 3:31:44 PM
wut up with dat?
7/12/2011 3:35:33 PM
by the way, not a word of this generosity of mine to anyone that you consult with
7/12/2011 3:35:41 PM
just call it an act of god, or a big-ass billing error
Brian P. Heick
7/12/2011 3:43:05 PM
National Grid only wanted a partial payment to get it restored. I put it on a payment play, so I'll only have to pay then 86 to catch up, which makes it more manageable and Makes me feel better on not tearing your wallet a titanic sized hole. I can manage the rest of that bill since the payment plan takes effect in september
7/12/2011 3:58:42 PM
okay, makes sense
7/12/2011 3:59:11 PM
i would rather the payment be paid in full so you didn't have to have them take advantage of you being tied into their monthly obligation, but it's your loan
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 12:24:19 AM
Blah, my brian is melted. All my computers have my office at 96*+
7/13/2011 4:32:45 AM
huh wut?
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 6:24:20 AM
Nothing much, was trying to get some side work done last night and ended up quitting and shutting down most of my equiptment because of the heat. Theres no AC in my office.
7/13/2011 7:30:58 AM
you have a window
7/13/2011 7:31:10 AM
you can run the command "open" on your window
7/13/2011 7:31:20 AM
and it should provide the output "cool breeze"
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 7:31:38 AM
tried that, but I have to run gksudo to do that
7/13/2011 7:31:41 AM
and if there is an error during the "open" command
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 7:31:53 AM
and I don't have root

7/13/2011 7:31:57 AM
just use the /debug command to get it unlocked
7/13/2011 7:32:00 AM
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 7:32:04 AM
7/13/2011 7:32:12 AM
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 7:33:58 AM
trying to wipe up an old nag on an auto hide/question validation script. One that takes answers, shows the next question, then allows a next clcik. Writing some scrap code right now, but stuck trying to figure out radio groups/checkbox groups/selects and validating the different types per row with the least amount of scripting. Though that's be a good wakeup thing to do
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 7:35:03 AM
<< base of it so far >>
for (var ix = 0; ix < iMinElmLen; ix++) {
if (document.getElementById(qPfx + ix) !== null) {
if (document.getElementById(qPfx + ix + 'R') !== null) {
if (!testElement(qPfx + (ix - 1))) { //Test previous element to show
document.getElementById(qPfx + ix + 'R').style.display = 'none';
} else {
document.getElementById(qPfx + ix + 'R').style.display = '';
if (!testElement(qPfx + ix)) { //test current element to validate value
c = false;
7/13/2011 7:37:23 AM
what if the element doesn't exist?
7/13/2011 7:37:45 AM
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 7:41:56 AM
if (document.getElementById('ElementName') !== null) {do this;}
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 7:42:54 AM
that's prety universal in most browsers
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 7:44:07 AM
well, that's usually how I handle it anyway...
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 7:45:07 AM
I'll have to read that post, it seems interesting. Might have to change my habbits
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 7:51:49 AM
bbl, headed out to ma's
7/13/2011 8:07:38 AM
7/13/2011 9:00:10 AM
validate your ABA as 022000046, and not 02200046 as you had provided me
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 10:13:13 AM
022000046 New York State
7/13/2011 10:27:35 AM
ok, cool
7/13/2011 10:36:33 AM
ok, i've got $550.00 enroute (minus any transfer fees) to your account
7/13/2011 10:36:38 AM
may take 2-3 days
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 10:36:58 AM
kk, thanks a bunch there, your still saving my ass
7/13/2011 10:37:04 AM
that'll be for rent, diapers, and copays for the kids
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 4:41:45 PM
javascript function areguments theroreticly have no limit, right?
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 4:43:48 PM
function() {
some script referencing arguments[from 0 to wherever]
7/13/2011 5:03:13 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 5:04:26 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 5:05:27 PM
I've been rtfm on that and there seemed to be no limit to what you can fire into is with the exception of the browser
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 5:06:36 PM
couarse, the arguments is a type of array, which is my friend
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 5:32:46 PM
If your going to troubleshoot a coding issue, are you going to start at the beginnig, or the end? I'd start at the beginning and work my way down towards the end, but others think differently. Just though I'd grab your opinion because it's causing me hrrible delays in terms of days
7/13/2011 5:34:31 PM
you write the code?
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 5:36:05 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 5:36:58 PM
all 16,000 + lines of code per a forms module + the 5000 for the control script and the countless lines of html and java all by hand without an editor
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 5:40:13 PM
Ma was trying to tell me where to look for an issue on panel queuing (the process where scripts build the order of the pages to load like a web forum pages trough articles). I told her not to worry about the back end and that if she leaned to read stupid vbscript that she would see the issue which was a missing comma in a string that gets split into an array for use with the page mechanism. Unfortunaly I got sick of her shit and did my own thing today, and an issue that had been going on for weeks took less than 2 minutes to find and fix. When I told her that I deliberatly ignored her, she called me a disrespecful little shit. So I'm wondering if I should buy her some basic programming books for her birthday this year.
7/13/2011 5:43:24 PM
i picked up two things: unique everything (variables, functions, database columns) and COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT
7/13/2011 5:43:26 PM
so, that's what i do
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 5:43:52 PM
Same here
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 5:44:03 PM
religeous about the comments since I have so much to get lost in
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 5:45:59 PM
db columns I don't do unique since I use the ordinals all the time unless I have to and don't know where my data is, or it's not my database, functions are named for what they do or support with me, and my variables I follow convension on. My shit's prety easy to read unless your looking at something that's using a database, I kinda go overboard.
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 5:48:21 PM
although, when I'm workin gin visual basic, I use the ordinals and call them by the column name to fetch the values like:
Dim ox as string = oReader.GetString(oReader.GetOrdinal("ColName"))
Dim ox as string = oReader.GetValue(oReader.GetOrdinal("ColName")) <<same as above, but gets db type
7/13/2011 5:49:46 PM
database specific
7/13/2011 5:50:03 PM
i've renamed all my tables with prefixes, i.e. 001_tablename, 002_tablename
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 5:50:04 PM
odbc isn't if it's sql it is
7/13/2011 5:50:25 PM
and the columns are the same, as for 001_tablename i have 00101_colum, 00102_column, etc
7/13/2011 5:50:31 PM
that way, searching through code is easy
7/13/2011 5:50:51 PM
there is the C notation for variables
7/13/2011 5:51:16 PM
7/13/2011 5:51:27 PM
functions, the same: [returnvalue][name]
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 5:51:29 PM
the i t s v b crap
7/13/2011 5:51:38 PM
7/13/2011 5:51:46 PM
and starting the second letter w/ a capital
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 5:52:05 PM
I just started doing that like a year ago when you ripped me a new one
7/13/2011 5:52:10 PM
7/13/2011 5:52:12 PM
i gotta jet
7/13/2011 5:52:15 PM
i'll catch ya later bro
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 5:52:16 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 5:52:26 PM
later, I'm programming, so not going anywhere for a while
Brian P. Heick
7/13/2011 9:18:22 PM
meh, home and coding again...
7/14/2011 5:04:29 AM
Brian P. Heick
7/14/2011 7:57:06 AM
Hmm... dude almost hit mach 1 on the way down
7/14/2011 7:59:54 AM
dude did hit mach 1
Brian P. Heick
7/14/2011 8:01:47 AM
if he was at 65000 @ 632mph TAS he's be going about mach .95 and just barley pushing the evelope. Now if he farted in the position he fell, the fart wouyld probably break the sound barrier.
Brian P. Heick
7/14/2011 8:03:06 AM
Still something else, never new a dude fell from that altitude before
7/14/2011 8:34:41 AM
wait a sec...
7/14/2011 8:34:59 AM
Brian P. Heick
7/14/2011 10:51:40 AM
any idea of how to test for a child elements visibility if higher up in the dom the parent element has the visibility set to hidden but the cild element is visible? Been looking for a way to do it, considering a try/catch with element.focus() to test, but don't know if it's sensible
7/14/2011 11:23:30 AM
huh wut?
7/14/2011 11:23:32 AM
you loco
Brian P. Heick
7/14/2011 11:24:58 AM
not really, I want to look to see if I can see so that I don't validate soething that cannot be seen.
Brian P. Heick
7/14/2011 11:26:16 AM
Just trying to figure out the best way to climb up from the child to the parent while testing visibility and display at the same time
7/14/2011 11:38:08 AM
Brian P. Heick
7/14/2011 11:40:08 AM
there is always a way
Brian P. Heick
7/14/2011 11:49:42 AM
was thinking somethinglike this actually
Brian P. Heick
7/14/2011 11:49:43 AM
while (Elm.nodeName !== 'body' && Elm.style.display !== 'none' && Elm.style.visibility !== 'hidden') {
Elm = Elm.parentNode;
Brian P. Heick
7/14/2011 11:55:55 AM
Brian P. Heick
7/14/2011 11:56:29 AM
This werks ok in IE8 +9
function IsVisibleByTagName(sElm) {
var tElm = document.getElementsByName(sElm).item(0).getAttribute('id').toString();
if (document.getElementById) { var Elm = document.getElementById(tElm); } else if (document.all) { var Elm = document.all[tElm]; }
while (Elm.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'form' && Elm.style.display !== 'none' && Elm.style.visibility !== 'hidden') { Elm = Elm.parentNode; }
if (Elm.nodeName.toString() == 'form') { return true; } else { return false; }
Brian P. Heick
7/14/2011 11:56:43 AM
gonna test it later, gott go service some servers right now
Brian P. Heick
7/14/2011 9:40:14 PM
what a long freakin day. That script didn't work where I wanted it to. I'm still playing with the idea on and off of traversing upwards on the dom tree for validations
Brian P. Heick
7/15/2011 7:25:06 AM
heh, that last one had a bug

Brian P. Heick
7/15/2011 7:25:59 AM
This moves up the DOM tree towards the form tag testing the display and visibility. Works perrfectt...
function IsVisibleByTagName(Elm) { //Give the tage 'name' to validate if the element is hidden on a form
var Elm = document.getElementsByName(Elm).item(0).getAttribute('id').toString();
if (document.getElementById) { var Elm = document.getElementById(Elm); } else if (document.all) { var Elm = document.all[Elm]; }
while (Elm.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'form' && Elm.style.display.toLowerCase() != 'none' && Elm.style.visibility.toLowerCase() != 'hidden') { Elm = Elm.parentNode; } //Move up the DOM if the condition is not met
if (Elm.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'form') { return true; } else { return false; } //did we reach the form tag? if so then we can see the element, else it's not visible
7/15/2011 8:14:08 AM
when we lived on campbell blvd in east amherst, this debuted on the television
7/15/2011 8:18:32 AM
7/15/2011 8:24:10 AM
in fact, you can remind mom that i had recorded this very song over her Phil Collins tape
7/15/2011 8:24:20 AM
and she was pissed at me for it

Brian P. Heick
7/15/2011 8:40:58 AM
firemarshal bill better
Brian P. Heick
7/15/2011 8:40:58 AM
Brian P. Heick
7/16/2011 7:44:56 AM
any idea why ie9 shits this out with a majority of ajax request?
Could not complete the operation due to error c00c023f
Brian P. Heick
7/16/2011 7:45:34 AM
been looking it up, but there isn't much on it and it's causing a lot of my ajax funcitons to go bonkers
Brian P. Heick
7/16/2011 7:45:59 AM
I just noticed it today to, but seems to have been there for a while
7/16/2011 8:19:52 AM
no, haven't at all
7/16/2011 8:19:58 AM
what's your ajax routine?
Brian P. Heick
7/16/2011 8:23:33 AM
prety standard one, nothing much. Found that the server was sending back a 500 for one, that was a simple fix since I miscoded a segment of the server side script, but the other one is a beast to look at. Want to see it?
Brian P. Heick
7/16/2011 8:24:21 AM
well, nvm, here it is. no 500's from the server or 404's just that error number
Brian P. Heick
7/16/2011 8:24:27 AM
function __FC_RECALLDATA() { //Recall Information, uses an external file called form_control_Recall.asp to get the session information
if (g_UseFC_Recall) {
var i, iv, ivx, ivx_v, ix, aFld, fName, fValue;
//rData = ajaxGET('form_control.asp?o=RecallSession&dt=' + g_T_D + '&k=' + g_C_K + '&n=' + g_C_N + '&v=' + g_C_V + '&data_id=' + g_data_id);
//if (arguments.length !== 0) { rData = arguments[0]; } //Allow data to be sent in with valid format
var xmlHttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest() } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { try { xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch

{ try { xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch

{ } } } else { return false }
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function () { //do this on readystate changes
var rData = xmlHttp.responseText; //returned data
if (rData !== null && rData.length > 1) { //bringing back data
var sData = rData.split("///");
for (i = 0; i < sData.length; i++) {
aFld = sData[i].split("=");
if (document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).item(0) !== null && aFld[0].indexOf('FC_', 0) == -1) { //test for name and typeto handle,omit FC_Vars
if (document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).item(0).type == 'text') {
if (document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).length == 1) {
document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).item(0).value = aFld[1];
} else {
//to be added, not needed yet
if (document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).item(0).type == 'select-one') {
if (document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).length == 1) {
document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).item(0).value = aFld[1];
} else {
//to be added, not needed yet
if (document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).item(0).type == 'textarea') {
if (document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).length == 1) {
document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).item(0).value = aFld[1];
} else {
//to be added, not needed yet
if (document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).item(0).type == 'hidden') {
if (document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).length == 1) {
document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).item(0).value = aFld[1];
} else {
//to be added, not needed yet
if (document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).item(0).type == 'radio') {
ivx = aFld[1].split(',');
for (iv = 0; iv < document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).length; iv++) {
for (ivx_v = 0; ivx_v < ivx.length; ivx_v++) {
if (document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).item(iv).value == trim(ivx[ivx_v])) {
document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).item(iv).checked = true;
if (document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).item(0).type == 'checkbox') {
ivx = aFld[1].split(',');
for (iv = 0; iv < document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).length; iv++) {
for (ivx_v = 0; ivx_v < ivx.length; ivx_v++) {
if (document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).item(iv).value == trim(ivx[ivx_v])) {
document.getElementsByName(aFld[0]).item(iv).checked = true;
} else if (document.getElementById(aFld[0]) !== null && aFld[0].indexOf('FC_', 0) == -1) { //didn't find the tag name, lets try an ID for span or divs for static information
if (document.getElementById(aFld[0]).tagName.toLowerCase() == 'span') {
document.getElementById(aFld[0]).innerHTML = aFld[1];
else if (document.getElementById(aFld[0]).tagName.toLowerCase() == 'div') {
document.getElementById(aFld[0]).innerHTML = aFld[1];
try {
if (arguments.length !== 0) {
xmlHttp.open('GET', 'form_control.asp?o=RecallSession&dt=' + g_T_D + '&k=' + g_C_K + '&n=' + g_C_N + '&v=' + g_C_V + '&item=' + arguments[0] + '&data_id=' + g_data_id + '&bcvar=' + (new Date).valueOf(), true);
} else {
xmlHttp.open('GET', 'form_control.asp?o=RecallSession&dt=' + g_T_D + '&k=' + g_C_K + '&n=' + g_C_N + '&v=' + g_C_V + '&data_id=' + g_data_id + '&bcvar=' + (new Date).valueOf(), true);
} catch

alert('Unable to recall');
Brian P. Heick
7/16/2011 8:26:23 AM
Dont mind the __FC_ in from of the funciton, this thing is run through an eval, so I keep them sepparate like that so I can find them.
Brian P. Heick
7/16/2011 8:28:32 AM
no matter what though, the error occurs on the responseText on every occurence, but the function eventually runs though
Brian P. Heick
7/16/2011 8:29:11 AM
I added in that try/catch to see if that would bonk it out, but it' ran though it and did the try while returning the error
Brian P. Heick
7/16/2011 8:30:41 AM
The purpose of theis funciton is db callback btw, it's job is to fetch and item(s) from the storage table and setup a form from the data returned over the response object using the values. Theres a group of subfunctions that are run after this to set visibility and validation, there not tripped up by that error though.
Brian P. Heick
7/16/2011 8:35:23 AM
And again, this is the error from IE's debugger.
SCRIPT575: Could not complete the operation due to error c00c023f.
form_control_J_1.js, line 189 character 13
I think I am going to ignore it since it's not really causing any major issues other than filling my screen with red error messages unless it's becomes a ctiritcal error
Brian P. Heick
7/16/2011 8:36:39 AM
or nvm, found the issue, dumbfuck me
Brian P. Heick
7/16/2011 8:37:20 AM
Missing the readyState and status checks there.... genius me
7/16/2011 8:47:28 AM
that's too confusing
7/16/2011 8:47:41 AM
instead, listen to this and all the answers to life will come to you
Brian P. Heick
7/16/2011 8:52:18 AM
it's not cofusing

it's just a cluster fuck of code in the js file. Some 1755 and growing every time I make an addition or improvement to the main file, the other ones are bigger.
7/16/2011 10:46:57 AM
mom doesn't get on skype anymore
7/16/2011 10:47:12 AM
it's wierd, was lookin' to talk to the kids, she organized a time, i was late by 30 minutes, never happenned

7/16/2011 10:47:31 AM
did you check your bank, by any chance?
7/16/2011 4:30:22 PM
7/17/2011 9:15:12 AM
Brian P. Heick
7/17/2011 9:26:22 AM
Brian P. Heick
7/17/2011 9:26:36 AM
I just got up, was out all day yesterday, sorry I didn't get back to ya
Brian P. Heick
7/17/2011 9:26:49 AM
Your transaction cleared yesterday at 11am
7/17/2011 9:28:07 AM
7/17/2011 9:31:54 AM
and the time doesn't really matter
Brian P. Heick
7/19/2011 8:00:15 AM
I'm in derp mode today, ya know how many places I forgot to check the status of the ajax response... bah!.
Also derped my validation visibility tester, walk all the way up the dom now tsting for 5 attibutes. Werks sweet.
Good morning btw
7/19/2011 3:54:04 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/19/2011 6:13:04 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/20/2011 11:59:33 AM
derp derp
7/20/2011 6:47:24 PM
derpy derp
Brian P. Heick
7/20/2011 7:30:23 PM
I am the derp
7/20/2011 7:48:10 PM
mmk derp
Brian P. Heick
7/21/2011 11:58:55 AM
I finally have that little scriptlet to check the dom tree from the element up to the root working like a charm. So nice when you can just go up looking for something that is either ther or not
7/21/2011 8:14:57 PM
cool to hear. when will you have some availiable time for me?

Brian P. Heick
7/21/2011 8:59:16 PM
near the end of this week I should have time
Brian P. Heick
7/21/2011 8:59:43 PM
Finally got ma to sort of listen to me about butting out of the programing bit, so things are going faster for me right now in development
7/21/2011 9:03:46 PM
has she been able to pay you?
Brian P. Heick
7/21/2011 9:06:42 PM
she was supposed to give me 750 on monday, but I got screwed like ususal. Fairly certain this is going to be my last week doing anything for her ever again
Brian P. Heick
7/21/2011 9:07:30 PM
Employers should pay their employees/consultants less thery end up doing things on their own.
7/22/2011 3:57:25 AM
Internationalization, and Database/Code cleanup will be your two tasks. Internationalization will be a breeze, the other will be a bit of a challenge
Brian P. Heick
7/22/2011 9:25:11 AM
Sounds like fun, whats the language of choice?
7/22/2011 1:16:14 PM
for what?
Brian P. Heick
7/22/2011 1:17:19 PM
you said database and code cleanup
7/22/2011 1:47:13 PM
right, it's pretty easy to do
7/22/2011 1:47:21 PM
just, like, organize and stuff
Brian P. Heick
7/22/2011 2:26:58 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/23/2011 8:44:28 PM
Meh, thinking about taking my experince with .net and sql and composing an image hosting service on one of my subdomains for firekraqur.net to see where I can go from here on. Ma still hasn't paid me even though she promised.
Brian P. Heick
7/23/2011 8:45:06 PM
Think I'll do it just to get into some money for adverts run adverts on my domains as well
7/24/2011 8:27:58 AM
you want to make some guaranteed on a monthly basis?
Brian P. Heick
7/24/2011 10:14:33 AM
7/24/2011 10:18:21 AM
cool. i think your the prime person to trust with certain things
Brian P. Heick
7/24/2011 10:21:18 AM
like what?
7/24/2011 10:21:51 AM
well, there are things that i do on the daily such as financial checks, audits, site health, etc that i'm sure you could do
7/24/2011 10:22:01 AM
also, much of the programming that i do could be shared as well
7/24/2011 10:22:19 AM
i have no problem having you paid, and i'm sure you know i have no issues with ... paying you
7/24/2011 10:22:25 AM
heck, i even have experience in doing that
Brian P. Heick
7/24/2011 10:22:30 AM

Brian P. Heick
7/24/2011 10:23:34 AM
I've never had any problem paying anyone I hire to do anything either. Fo rsome reason, certain people get in over thier heads and behind on payments and belive it's ok to tell them that the chefck that they use to pay the bills and care for thier kids isn't comming when they were told it would be.
Brian P. Heick
7/24/2011 10:23:41 AM
nuff bitching about that though
7/24/2011 10:24:53 AM
so, i want to do it as a monthly stipend
7/24/2011 10:25:00 AM
not a weekly bill, or a biweekly paycheck
Brian P. Heick
7/24/2011 10:25:33 AM
As a consult or employ? I'd need to know where to stick it in my books then
7/24/2011 10:25:48 AM
up to you...as far as i care, it's a family to family gift..
Brian P. Heick
7/24/2011 10:26:00 AM
under works for me
7/24/2011 10:26:21 AM
i could care less
7/24/2011 10:26:31 AM
really...so, give me about 5 mins here, and we can go voice
Brian P. Heick
7/24/2011 10:26:55 AM
I have to worry about it. Got auditied cause someone didn't do thier business taxes nor send in the 1099's

7/24/2011 10:27:02 AM
not my worry
7/24/2011 10:27:10 AM
gimmie some time here
7/24/2011 10:27:34 AM
i need to know what your monthly price would be for programming at home
7/24/2011 10:27:43 AM
modus operandi: at home
Brian P. Heick
7/24/2011 10:28:51 AM
Give me an offer that makes sense.
7/24/2011 10:28:59 AM
we'll talk
Brian P. Heick
7/24/2011 10:29:52 AM
kk, I'm going to get a smoke first then I'll be back in about 5 min
7/24/2011 10:33:10 AM
where you at now?
Brian P. Heick
7/24/2011 10:35:04 AM
in front of my computer now
7/24/2011 10:35:31 AM
at home?
Brian P. Heick
7/24/2011 10:35:37 AM
7/24/2011 10:35:48 AM
can you do voice?
Brian P. Heick
7/24/2011 10:35:52 AM
7/24/2011 10:35:57 AM
Brian P. Heick
7/24/2011 11:19:21 AM
M - 9PM - 3 AM
T - 9PM - 12AM
W - 9PM - 12 AM
7/24/2011 4:47:30 PM
ok, i might not be able to do the $1k/month thing
Brian P. Heick
7/24/2011 9:03:58 PM
jsut do whatever, remember that I still owe you time, so we'll work on that first then worry about the other shit later
Brian P. Heick
7/24/2011 9:17:38 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/25/2011 8:39:01 AM
meh, frekkin timewarner shut my shit off this morning
Brian P. Heick
7/25/2011 8:45:38 PM
ye haw
Brian P. Heick
7/25/2011 9:48:03 PM
Well, I was waiting for ya, dunno if yer connection is down. I'm going to head off to bed for now. Might be up later on
7/26/2011 2:40:21 PM
sorry, it's been a real bad couple of days
Brian P. Heick
7/26/2011 2:41:24 PM
sounds interesting
7/26/2011 2:41:35 PM
it quite is
7/26/2011 2:41:53 PM
do you know if you have to present your ID to close a bank account?
Brian P. Heick
7/26/2011 2:42:56 PM
Most of them, yes. The credit unions around here, no. A majority just take a phone request with the right verification. Why?
7/26/2011 2:43:21 PM
I have to get an account closed but maybe I can have you do it for me

7/26/2011 2:43:26 PM
i'm thinkin' it's a lost cause, tho
Brian P. Heick
7/26/2011 2:45:15 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/26/2011 2:45:17 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/26/2011 2:46:06 PM
whats the best way to check if there is an identy on an sql table?
7/26/2011 2:46:45 PM
ad Identity?
Brian P. Heick
7/26/2011 2:46:46 PM
I use the objectproperty, but it seems to go slower that I expect. Runnig an export script to create a preset array, with the tablename/cols/values
7/26/2011 2:46:54 PM
7/26/2011 2:47:00 PM
like, a duplicate entry somewhere?
Brian P. Heick
7/26/2011 2:47:19 PM
no, like if the column is an identity
7/26/2011 2:47:34 PM
i'm lost
Brian P. Heick
7/26/2011 2:47:37 PM
7/26/2011 2:47:43 PM
define this "identity"
7/26/2011 2:47:49 PM
a primary key?
Brian P. Heick
7/26/2011 2:47:54 PM
auto incrementing number
7/26/2011 2:47:55 PM
or foreign key?
Brian P. Heick
7/26/2011 2:47:57 PM
not a primary key
7/26/2011 2:48:00 PM
oh, and autoincrement!
7/26/2011 2:48:07 PM
so, how do you tell that?
Brian P. Heick
7/26/2011 2:49:04 PM
I use this
SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_name = 'narf' AND OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(TABLE_NAME), 'TableHasIdentity') = 0
Brian P. Heick
7/26/2011 2:49:15 PM
but its sloooooo
7/26/2011 2:49:28 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/26/2011 2:49:39 PM
coarse, 12 tables with about 100000+ records and outputing each row to file
7/26/2011 2:49:41 PM
i really don't see the purpose
Brian P. Heick
7/26/2011 2:50:03 PM
You can insert a non-null identiity with mssql without a shit load of work
7/26/2011 2:50:51 PM
i'm completely lost at what you are attempting to get
7/26/2011 2:50:53 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/26/2011 2:50:59 PM
I.e., you cant insert over the seed when the numbering is a fixed increment. I'm omitting them with the scripting to export
7/26/2011 2:51:10 PM
i suppose if you /knew/ what the tables structure was, you'd know the autoincrement
7/26/2011 2:51:22 PM
and "select *" will do that
Brian P. Heick
7/26/2011 2:51:23 PM
Just wondering if you knew a bet way to test the column for an identity
7/26/2011 2:51:27 PM
will return all results
7/26/2011 2:51:35 PM
the only way you can limit results is with...and ironic..
7/26/2011 2:51:44 PM
select * from .... where .... LIMIT 1
7/26/2011 2:51:56 PM
or, return the first entry => LIMIT 0,1
Brian P. Heick
7/26/2011 2:53:09 PM
Select * not good with what I'm working with. Converting from old tables to new ones where data has either been moved, removed, replaced, etc...
7/26/2011 2:53:31 PM
right, ok
Brian P. Heick
7/26/2011 2:54:57 PM
If you had yer head wrapped around it like I did right now, you'd see what I am doing. Kinda hard to explain off.
More like the different version deployed to different site scenario with a new production script + libs being deployed to make everything talk
Brian P. Heick
7/26/2011 3:00:32 PM
meh, nvm that, found a better way that sucked up less memory
7/26/2011 3:46:47 PM
o ok
Brian P. Heick
7/30/2011 9:12:24 AM
nom nom
Brian P. Heick
7/30/2011 9:13:19 AM
can you test something for me with IE that is related to IC but no one elese seems to test it since everyone is a bunch of fukcing assholes. I have to deploy a web application this weekend and I have no idea if it's really ready to go yet.
7/30/2011 12:15:00 PM
not quite yet, no
Brian P. Heick
7/31/2011 9:30:08 AM
Meh, dunno why pepole waste time 'trying' to fix something where some one more familiar will take about 2 seconds to fix f'd up code that is getting deployed half assed.
Brian P. Heick
7/31/2011 9:30:42 AM
Can you be my ear today to hear my bitching whilst I deploy code and try to get it running at the last minute
7/31/2011 10:07:00 AM
you were supposed to have quit
Brian P. Heick
7/31/2011 10:37:05 AM
I am, this is the last time I ever do anything for her ever agian. She paid me 500 and stiffed me 150 from what she owed me, and she still owes me more. Problem is that when I bill her, she never pays for it and uses excuses. That and she uses her business account like a personal checking account, so theres never anything to pay me with anyway. So I'm going to do this one last deployment, which is already fucked up enough as is and let her swim in it.
Brian P. Heick
7/31/2011 10:39:04 AM
She's got this major problem where she does not realise that the amount of scripting and changes require more than one person to do where as she only has me and her half assed, know it all, I think I can program because I took one class and have no practical application attitude which goes nowhere every day. She consumes mre time bitching than fixing or learning anything.
Brian P. Heick
7/31/2011 10:43:42 AM
If she really knew how to run a business intead of forcing her ideas down on every one, keeping her books correclty and responsibly, allowing the experienced to do thier jobs, and actually learned how to listen instead of talk over people, this project and many otheres would have been done months ago, I'd have a house with a car and be able to pay my bills, the program would be marketable, Jim wouldn't have gotten stiffed and quit on us, and there would be no issues.
7/31/2011 10:55:13 AM
Brian P. Heick
7/31/2011 10:29:46 PM
hey stinky, I need some ideas
Brian P. Heick
7/31/2011 10:30:14 PM
I need to search through a few 100000 database records and I'm trying to figure out the best wat to take aa 10 second search and knock it down to nill.
7/31/2011 10:30:36 PM
add an index
Brian P. Heick
7/31/2011 10:31:22 PM
was thinking that, but indexing would require additional processing and record keeping which the language that I'm using leaves little room for doing that wich ia asp vbscript
7/31/2011 10:31:36 PM
7/31/2011 10:31:43 PM
add a index in the database
Brian P. Heick
7/31/2011 10:32:20 PM
You are thinking of an index table with seachable data, right? same as I am talking about there...
7/31/2011 10:33:09 PM
7/31/2011 10:33:15 PM
like, the table that you are searching....
7/31/2011 10:33:29 PM
create an index on the column you are searching through to provide your results
Brian P. Heick
7/31/2011 10:33:57 PM
oh, column index

7/31/2011 10:34:22 PM
7/31/2011 10:34:25 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/31/2011 10:34:35 PM
went through that, but there are multiple storage tables allowed via the configuraiton
7/31/2011 10:34:43 PM
7/31/2011 10:34:47 PM
that doesn't matter
7/31/2011 10:34:51 PM
add a "column index"
Brian P. Heick
7/31/2011 10:34:57 PM
not just one table to search and the storage is dynamic as all hell
7/31/2011 10:35:01 PM
7/31/2011 10:35:05 PM
add a "column index"
Brian P. Heick
7/31/2011 10:35:07 PM
I see your point though
7/31/2011 10:37:51 PM
i'm scanning car ads now
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 10:53:40 PM
I'm fairly certain that when it comes to dynamic and pages that I've offically created javascript into my bitch when it comes down to fetching code later on when it's needed.
8/16/2011 10:54:25 PM
omfg you is dere!
8/16/2011 10:54:30 PM
i needs mechanicalz!
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 10:54:38 PM
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 10:54:45 PM
you sound like a rab!
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 10:55:31 PM
turn html page into bitch >> document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0) << ne fav
8/16/2011 10:55:44 PM
right, yah
8/16/2011 10:55:53 PM
i need to get 2 Oxygen Sensors replaced
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 10:55:58 PM
in what
8/16/2011 10:56:06 PM
wtf you think?
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 10:56:11 PM
no idea
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 10:56:13 PM
year make/model
8/16/2011 10:56:43 PM
97 Jeep Cherokee
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 10:57:28 PM
did you have it coded?
8/16/2011 10:57:55 PM
8/16/2011 10:58:26 PM
i'll brb
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 10:58:42 PM
Did you have someone put it on the computer to make sure that the ecm said it was the upstream and downstream o2 sensors?
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 10:58:57 PM
there on the exhaust
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 11:00:03 PM
there a real bitch to get off sometimes as well, cheap as al lhell though
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 11:00:27 PM
where are you at right now? fetch ya some proces for someting that will last. Not going to mud bog with it, right?
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 11:01:51 PM
and is it a grand, or just a cherokee w/ 2 or 4 wheel drive
8/16/2011 11:03:16 PM
it's the O2's
8/16/2011 11:03:17 PM
so, yes
8/16/2011 11:03:24 PM
and it's a grand, with 4-wekk
8/16/2011 11:03:26 PM
8/16/2011 11:03:29 PM
8/16/2011 11:03:48 PM
so, you wanna come down and help me do it?
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 11:05:36 PM
whats the engine?
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 11:05:57 PM
4 or the 5.2
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 11:06:10 PM
you need to o2 sensors working on those, else yer gonna chew on gas
8/16/2011 11:06:30 PM
yah, i know i'm chewing on gas
8/16/2011 11:06:36 PM
....your tellin' me stuff i knows
8/16/2011 11:06:47 PM
'cept for wut i axed
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 11:07:33 PM
it's not much to get them off though, a 3/4 wrench is all you usually need. + a jack to get to the rear one less you feel like getting in akwrd positions. I'll help yu do it though.
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 11:08:44 PM
problem with 2 sensors though is that they have a bad habbit of ceasing up, so a tube socket and a good breker bar is a +, less you snap the sensor, then ya have to cut off the pipe and replace the nipple where it goes in which is a real pain in the ass.
8/16/2011 11:10:41 PM
right, umm
8/16/2011 11:26:45 PM
ok, so it's a no, then?
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 11:29:37 PM
I said yes. Just busy doing a lot of scripting right now
Brian P. Heick
8/16/2011 11:30:42 PM
re-wrote the endorsements, scheduled properties, and optional coverages coding to be a little more soft wan tolerant of erros and to use outside of enhanced quoting over the weekind and I'm filling in the coverage types for the ml326 options
8/17/2011 6:26:32 AM
8/17/2011 6:50:22 AM
you didn't say yes
Brian P. Heick
8/17/2011 8:16:51 AM
I said yes. Just busy doing a lot of scripting right now
Brian P. Heick8/16/2011 11:29:05 PM
Brian P. Heick
8/17/2011 6:34:12 PM
you know of any good way to run large queries on ssql server 2005+ without usung a cursor. I need to run a massive set to return data and I don't want to chew on more than I need.
8/17/2011 11:39:30 PM
create an index, and query based on it
Brian P. Heick
8/18/2011 12:28:32 AM
i ended up making a massive view to to the work for me and created a stored procedure to gather my info out of th table and run down the data set and fix the information that I needed fixed. Worked well nuff for me to go to bed. Nit nite
8/18/2011 12:29:11 AM
8/18/2011 2:58:35 PM
are you availiable anytime during the weekend to come down and help with the vehicle?
Brian P. Heick
8/20/2011 7:09:52 AM
Brian P. Heick
8/20/2011 8:52:47 AM
I called an left a voice mail for ya. Ma's sending me down in her car, but she said you pay gas an tolls. I'd say don't worry about it, but I'm outta cash myself, so I'm goin got be asking for tolls from ma.
Brian P. Heick
8/20/2011 8:53:01 AM
Gotta change the oil in her car first though, then I'll be on my way.
Brian P. Heick
8/20/2011 8:53:30 AM
my cell is 585 297-0267 btw
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:06:19 PM
witin on ya, call my cell
8/21/2011 6:09:08 PM
8/21/2011 6:09:14 PM
i forgot about 6:00 already
8/21/2011 6:09:56 PM
File transfer:
8/21/2011 6:10:05 PM
can you put this on an IIS server, and host it?
8/21/2011 6:10:17 PM
and give me an external name to access it?
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:16:41 PM
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:16:48 PM
configuring it right now, be a min
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:18:22 PM
basic .net 4 site writtem off the .net 4 starter page from vb web developer express
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:18:36 PM
very basic...
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:18:47 PM
using windows forms authentication
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:19:00 PM
it's running right now
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:19:28 PM
cool bans crap though
8/21/2011 6:19:48 PM
cool, thx
8/21/2011 6:22:30 PM
ok, there's a database in the IIS folder
8/21/2011 6:22:33 PM
can you shoot that to me?
8/21/2011 6:24:08 PM
access... mdb, i think
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:24:32 PM
its an mdf, aspnet mdf, your boy put an additional table intop it called OAuthTokens
8/21/2011 6:24:50 PM
yah, i know
8/21/2011 6:25:03 PM
i just need the database, it contains my current entries into it
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:25:32 PM
I have to shut down iis to get it to ya, it's auto attached to my local sql sever
8/21/2011 6:25:44 PM
that's cool
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:26:50 PM
sent files "aspnetdb_log.ldf", "ASPNETDB.MDF"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:26:56 PM
sent files "ASPNETDB.MDF", "aspnetdb_log.ldf"
File transfer:
8/21/2011 6:27:23 PM
wiat wut?
8/21/2011 6:27:26 PM
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:27:26 PM
sent file "ASPNETDB.MDF"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:27:36 PM
try again
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:27:59 PM
sent file "App_Data.zip"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:28:03 PM
na, do that, smaller
8/21/2011 6:28:21 PM
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:29:01 PM
k, everythings started back up
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:29:41 PM
I have no remote or ftp for this server. It's IIS7 with sql server 2008 R2 / Express R2
8/21/2011 6:29:48 PM
its ok
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:29:52 PM
Just to let you know
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:30:05 PM
THis app is .Net 4 runtime btw
8/21/2011 6:33:07 PM
that's fine, its an example app
8/21/2011 6:33:29 PM
not worried much about it, just need to see what they were intended to show me prior to implementing it into code
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:35:28 PM
So thats for open auth eh?
8/21/2011 6:35:38 PM
that's one side, yah
8/21/2011 6:35:41 PM
i suppose it's a complete .net example
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:37:58 PM
not much for the commentary there eh?
8/21/2011 6:44:16 PM
it's perfect how it is
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 6:51:37 PM
I'll be back, I'm getting nagged to get milk, so I have to walk in the rain
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 7:37:57 PM
8/21/2011 7:42:13 PM
8/21/2011 7:44:24 PM
i'm getting an error on the .net app, is the database not connected?
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 7:50:33 PM
didn't you log into it before?
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 7:50:58 PM
ahh, nvm, shared resource was in use
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 7:51:35 PM
I have an sql reotung that is cheiwing on my connections right now as well. Writing a dynamic update rotine for the forms app
8/21/2011 7:53:02 PM
umm ok
8/21/2011 7:53:03 PM
works now
Brian P. Heick
8/21/2011 9:25:16 PM
I'm restarting my server, sunday evening -- updates abd backups. So if yer still using it, it'll be down for till about 10
8/22/2011 11:02:32 PM
you awake?
8/23/2011 12:47:29 AM
Brian P. Heick
8/23/2011 5:00:35 AM
Yo, sorry, couldnt keep my eyeballs peeled open last night, hit the sack early
8/23/2011 5:00:57 AM
it's ok
8/23/2011 5:01:08 AM
i've been working on this all night, and it seems i have another problem
8/23/2011 5:01:22 AM
apparently the master authentication routine (oAuth) is Soap-wrapped
Brian P. Heick
8/23/2011 5:01:30 AM
8/23/2011 5:01:35 AM
so, i'm in shits creek now trying to make a paddle from my leg
Brian P. Heick
8/23/2011 5:01:51 AM
theres gotta be another way to do it
8/23/2011 5:02:39 AM
i'm trying to make magic
Brian P. Heick
8/23/2011 5:05:43 AM
oauth isn't exactly a standard yet, right? so theres always a way to re-write the book there
Brian P. Heick
8/23/2011 5:06:31 AM
Brian P. Heick
8/23/2011 5:08:44 AM
are you just working on a client there?
8/23/2011 5:09:48 AM
Brian P. Heick
8/23/2011 5:10:48 AM
so all you need to do is work out a way to generate the proper request based on the specification, correct?
8/23/2011 5:11:15 AM
yup, but i have to do some invention
8/23/2011 5:11:23 AM
and prior to that, discovery
Brian P. Heick
8/23/2011 5:11:35 AM
Making authenticated requests requires prior knowledge of the
server's configuration. OAuth includes multiple methods for
transmitting protocol parameters with requests (Section 3.5), as well
as multiple methods for the client to prove its rightful ownership of
the credentials used (Section 3.4). The way in which clients
discover the required configuration is outside the scope of this
That's a little wild
Brian P. Heick
8/23/2011 5:13:18 AM
so you request from the server and it give you the crap you need to make the request... so client >> server >> cleint >> server incommunicado there
8/23/2011 5:13:29 AM
just read it, dude.
8/23/2011 5:13:34 AM
i'm very preoccupied at the moment
Brian P. Heick
8/23/2011 5:14:05 AM
I'm readin and startin work on other stuff this morning as well. Gotta get a smoke though, so brb
8/23/2011 7:18:38 AM
omfg i got the envelope
Brian P. Heick
8/23/2011 7:18:56 AM
cool beans
8/23/2011 7:19:43 AM
i had to create an IIS cert authority, and an IIS SSL server, and reroute it. then, with the private key, i was able to sniff with wireshark, decode the ssl stream, and grab the first part of the conversation! omfg i roolz
Brian P. Heick
8/23/2011 8:57:13 AM
traversing the DOM in documents is so fun
8/23/2011 8:57:32 AM
Brian P. Heick
8/23/2011 8:57:52 AM
been walking backwards through it for a while, have to go frowards today, quite different... and with tables as well
Brian P. Heick
8/23/2011 8:58:31 AM
on nulls does typeof always return an undefined with IE and mozilla as far as you know?
8/23/2011 8:59:04 AM
yah, but i think the FF/Chrome undefined test is easier than IE
Brian P. Heick
8/23/2011 10:12:50 AM
I've been using !== null with that to check
8/23/2011 10:15:41 AM
i think that's right?
Brian P. Heick
8/23/2011 10:41:32 AM
works from ie6 up to 9
Brian P. Heick
8/23/2011 10:42:14 AM
if(var !== null || typeof (var) !== 'undefined') {
Brian P. Heick
8/25/2011 5:44:57 PM
I'm going to end up moving your web app over to my virtual iis server, it's iis6 with sql 2008R2 installed. This one I can give you ftp and remote access to if you need it.
8/26/2011 2:23:02 AM
it's ok, got it done
8/26/2011 2:23:09 AM
you can nukify the web app
Brian P. Heick
8/26/2011 7:02:54 AM
Brian P. Heick
8/30/2011 12:34:47 PM
Brian P. Heick
8/30/2011 5:06:48 PM
no dude around???
Brian P. Heick
8/31/2011 8:49:15 PM
8/31/2011 8:50:33 PM
Brian P. Heick
8/31/2011 8:58:39 PM
Brian P. Heick
8/31/2011 8:58:43 PM
on yer trek yet?
8/31/2011 11:36:00 PM
on what?
Brian P. Heick
9/1/2011 8:12:28 AM
meh, ma's starting to pull her no pay shit again
9/1/2011 8:29:40 AM
figured as much
9/1/2011 8:29:45 AM
told ya to stop doing work for her
9/1/2011 8:29:51 AM
and find something that will pay
Brian P. Heick
9/1/2011 8:34:04 AM
Theres nothing withing drving distance that will pay nuff. I was hoping that she would stick to her guns, but last week she was supposed to pay $1000, and this week she is supposed to pay $750. Apparently the check that the $1000 was supposed to come out of I was told that she had confirmation that it was comming, then day after the next she changed her tune and said that the company was holding it. And the $750 check she said that the company was refusing to pay an invoice that that was supposed to come out of. What a crock eh?
Brian P. Heick
9/4/2011 10:30:10 PM
Hey, do you know a way to get sql dates sent to a vb program to easily convert to a decimal date?
9/4/2011 10:31:14 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/4/2011 10:31:43 PM
Trying to get some hours for a proggie of mine, and datediff is a ass case it give back a long type
Brian P. Heick
9/4/2011 10:31:58 PM
though I just had a though of moving back on my calcs to do the minutes instead of the hours
9/4/2011 10:32:25 PM
datediff returns the amount of seconds elapsed since 1/1/1970
Brian P. Heick
9/4/2011 10:33:00 PM
vb datediff??
datediff('formatwhatever', date1, date2) = difference specified as a long
9/4/2011 10:33:28 PM
what does it give back, then?
Brian P. Heick
9/4/2011 10:33:36 PM
a long whole number
Brian P. Heick
9/4/2011 10:34:04 PM
I was using hours before on the calc like an ass, should be using the minutes in the diff is what I just realised
Brian P. Heick
9/4/2011 10:34:11 PM
simple math to get the decimal hour after that
Brian P. Heick
9/4/2011 10:35:25 PM

dr("TimeTotal") = DateDiff("n", "1/1/1900 " & d1, "1/1/1900 " & d2)
Brian P. Heick
9/4/2011 10:35:32 PM
Duh... I'm an idiot
Brian P. Heick
9/4/2011 10:36:22 PM
my little proggie... crm software
Brian P. Heick
9/4/2011 10:36:31 PM
sent file "IMG_04092011_223619.png"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
9/4/2011 10:41:15 PM
.net is fairly intelligent in converting and calculating a lot of shit behind the scenes
Brian P. Heick
9/4/2011 10:41:26 PM
that crap divy by 60 gets a perfect decimal hour
Brian P. Heick
9/5/2011 8:59:48 PM
Have you ever run into an instance wher eyou wanted to convert milliseconds to actual time?
Brian P. Heick
9/5/2011 9:00:16 PM
I actually just had my first occurence of that today
Brian P. Heick
9/6/2011 9:48:42 PM
sql 2008 r2 is such a fun server flavor. I love how you can just blop a long and bind it to anything as long as your proggie is running under a system accoutn or your logged in user had the perms to do the deed
Brian P. Heick
9/7/2011 7:51:24 PM
tell me if this looks cute
Brian P. Heick
9/7/2011 7:51:26 PM
sent file "IMG_07092011_195104.png"
File transfer:
9/7/2011 8:45:12 PM
umm ok
Brian P. Heick
9/7/2011 9:12:04 PM
A product I'm working on for a few prospects
9/7/2011 9:12:24 PM
o ok
Brian P. Heick
9/7/2011 9:12:39 PM
Concept is CRM for sales/inventory/purchasing/ all around general software
Brian P. Heick
9/7/2011 9:12:49 PM
About 1/4 the waty though it on 10 hours of work so far
9/7/2011 9:13:01 PM
yup, idea has been done, cool tho that you are doing it
Brian P. Heick
9/7/2011 9:13:05 PM
It's gotta cool clent/server model for 'anywhere' access
9/7/2011 9:13:40 PM
it's based on windows, tho
Brian P. Heick
9/7/2011 9:13:40 PM
I know, therea about 500 different flavors of crm software out there, though it's not a cornered market, and local works best
9/7/2011 9:14:01 PM
maybe make the backend able to run on php/mysql, and have the communications like ajax
Brian P. Heick
9/7/2011 9:14:03 PM
ses who? it's written in .net and is totally reusable objects
Brian P. Heick
9/7/2011 9:14:27 PM
I can port it to web, and the server model is sql/odbc so the database can go just abvout anywhere
Brian P. Heick
9/7/2011 9:15:16 PM
Though my target is windoex vista/7 w/ .net 4 client and server 2008 w/ sql server 2008 R2 since the managment object provided take less sql coding than with 2005
9/7/2011 9:22:36 PM
9/9/2011 11:47:51 AM
hey, you there?
9/9/2011 11:55:33 AM
ok, nevermind

i got wut i needed
Brian P. Heick
9/9/2011 1:27:27 PM
meh, I'mz here now
9/9/2011 1:27:49 PM
it's all good...

9/9/2011 1:27:57 PM
i had a server with that .net application loaded
Brian P. Heick
9/9/2011 1:28:11 PM
hey, regulat web post data, do you knopw if same-name form elelemnts like chackboxes are all the same field?
9/9/2011 1:28:13 PM
i had to check to see if it still worked, and the answer is a NO FUCKING WAY KILL IT WITH FIRE
9/9/2011 1:28:22 PM
9/9/2011 1:28:23 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/9/2011 1:28:40 PM
sorry, tired, lots of work
9/9/2011 1:28:44 PM
my ass
Brian P. Heick
9/9/2011 1:28:45 PM
same-name elements
Brian P. Heick
9/9/2011 1:29:51 PM
where in get strings it's name=1,2,3,4
Dunno about post data though, tried looking it up, trying to write a java scriptlet to nab all teh fields in a dynamic table and post them via ajax to a server script for processing
9/9/2011 1:30:23 PM
wiat what?
9/9/2011 1:30:25 PM
i'm so confused
Brian P. Heick
9/9/2011 1:30:30 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/9/2011 1:30:35 PM
web -- form elements
Brian P. Heick
9/9/2011 1:30:44 PM
post vs get
Brian P. Heick
9/9/2011 1:30:56 PM
I need to post, but am trying to make the correct post data format
9/9/2011 1:31:21 PM
9/9/2011 1:31:23 PM
9/9/2011 1:31:24 PM
9/9/2011 1:31:31 PM
use enctype='multipart/form-data'
9/9/2011 1:31:58 PM
in your <form method='post' action='gay' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
9/9/2011 1:32:02 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/9/2011 1:32:04 PM
need to know if post data field names are sepparate per element, or are like get where the name value pair is a string with all the values on the name for something like a groiup of checkboxes
9/9/2011 1:32:16 PM
9/9/2011 1:32:17 PM
9/9/2011 1:32:19 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/9/2011 1:32:19 PM
and I have no problem with encryption types there, just formatting the data
9/9/2011 1:32:28 PM
it's not an encryption type
9/9/2011 1:32:31 PM
it's an encoding type
9/9/2011 1:32:43 PM
if you use an encoding type
9/9/2011 1:32:46 PM
9/9/2011 1:32:56 PM
it's not like get
9/9/2011 1:32:57 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/9/2011 1:33:00 PM
9/9/2011 1:33:02 PM
if you don't use an encoding type
9/9/2011 1:33:03 PM
9/9/2011 1:33:05 PM
9/9/2011 1:33:07 PM
9/9/2011 1:33:10 PM
your sending a file as well
9/9/2011 1:33:12 PM
9/9/2011 1:33:14 PM
you use an encoding type
Brian P. Heick
9/9/2011 1:33:15 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/9/2011 1:33:16 PM
var o = document.DFItemList; // ('ItemTR').getElementsByTagName('table'); //Fetch items as child nodex from this table.
var PostText = "";
var amp = "";
for (i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
if (o[i].type == "text" || o[i].type == "textarea" || o[i].type == "hidden") {
PostText += amp + o[i].name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(o[i].value);
} else if (o[i].type == "checkbox" || o[i].type == "radio") {
PostText += amp + o[i].name + "=" + o[i].checked;
} else if (o[i].type == "select-one") {
PostText += amp + o[i].name + "=" + o[i].options[o[i].selectedIndex].text;
amp = "&";
9/9/2011 1:33:18 PM
9/9/2011 1:33:19 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/9/2011 1:33:22 PM
thats what I'm doing!!!
9/9/2011 1:33:23 PM
i have too much already
9/9/2011 1:33:25 PM
no code!
9/9/2011 1:33:34 PM
normalize a vectors magnitude!
Brian P. Heick
9/9/2011 1:34:24 PM
sounds like fun
Brian P. Heick
9/9/2011 1:35:13 PM
better than my other project I have going, got people lined up to do trials with it when I get it sort-o-done
9/9/2011 1:36:08 PM
9/10/2011 6:25:45 PM
http://vimeo.com/28817900Full screen, speakers up, you know the drill
Brian P. Heick
9/10/2011 9:11:49 PM
cool beaners
Brian P. Heick
9/13/2011 9:17:10 PM
I just rediscovered the system.drawing object tonight in making stoopidly simple thumbnails
Brian P. Heick
9/25/2011 12:56:25 PM
Heh, I finally manages to accomplish a milestone in server automation configuration. A point and click auto setup web and ftp server using server 2003 web edition with automation using .net 4 creating binaries to allow for use with a billing systems, user authentication systems and other fun crap.
Brian P. Heick
9/25/2011 12:57:12 PM
Basicly I made me an automatic hosting provider and just need to slap and ip or two to it with some domain names and have fun from there

. Got plans for it starting after cot 1rst
9/25/2011 12:57:21 PM
sounds great
Brian P. Heick
9/25/2011 12:57:54 PM
2003 WE is volume lic. so I can buy more and clone and cluster the hell out of it
Brian P. Heick
9/25/2011 1:00:18 PM
Going to put it into service october 1rst though the 5th and load it up with sites and services. Got quotas for user space. Was tricky getting the user to create withoug having membership in windows
Brian P. Heick
9/25/2011 1:00:39 PM
How are you doing btw?
Brian P. Heick
9/25/2011 1:00:52 PM
plans in action or still sittin at home there?
9/25/2011 1:01:10 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/25/2011 1:02:10 PM
Same here in different aspect. Tryin to find things to do since tiger moved on to the big litterbox in the sky
Brian P. Heick
9/25/2011 1:02:52 PM
Gave him about an hour of time every day with the kids, and my alarm clock ain't workin since it was the cat
Brian P. Heick
9/25/2011 10:03:58 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/25/2011 10:04:00 PM
sent file "IMG_25092011_220401.png"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
9/25/2011 10:04:05 PM
Gettin loaded up
9/30/2011 12:39:21 PM
9/30/2011 12:39:22 PM
9/30/2011 12:39:24 PM
9/30/2011 12:39:25 PM
9/30/2011 12:41:31 PM
ok, nevermind
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2011 8:58:14 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2011 8:58:16 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2011 8:58:16 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2011 8:58:18 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2011 8:58:41 PM
I'm working late at the office tonight, bored....
9/30/2011 9:02:06 PM
just finished portal 2
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2011 9:31:34 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2011 9:31:40 PM
heard it was a quite fun game
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2011 9:32:10 PM
can you acess
www.icofwny.com without any issues there?
9/30/2011 10:06:20 PM
yes, yes i can, i think
9/30/2011 10:07:04 PM
9/30/2011 10:07:06 PM
not "mm"
9/30/2011 10:08:00 PM
trouble tickets don't work as well /sadface
9/30/2011 10:08:35 PM
and you stink like poopoo
9/30/2011 10:08:38 PM
bad poopoo
9/30/2011 10:08:50 PM
like, you put your fist in your poopoo
9/30/2011 10:09:17 PM
Brian P. Heick
10/1/2011 5:52:24 AM
kk I get it, Ma made it, it's not of my creation
Brian P. Heick
10/7/2011 6:44:52 AM
10/7/2011 1:18:49 PM
( I )
Brian P. Heick
10/7/2011 7:22:35 PM
frek, what a day/week
10/7/2011 7:24:31 PM
Brian P. Heick
10/25/2011 6:22:04 PM
Brian P. Heick
10/25/2011 6:23:24 PM
Hey, do me a fav. If you know anyone that is looking for web hosting or site development, send 'em my way, I have hosting specials going up this month from $5 to $40 a package excluding domain registrations. Trying to establish a client base sicne ma is being lazy about it.
10/27/2011 11:15:20 AM
11/8/2011 2:07:15 PM
11/12/2011 7:41:56 PM
i hate JFK airport
11/12/2011 7:42:08 PM
which is where i'm at now, but in about 8 hours i should be at the destination
11/12/2011 7:42:15 PM
if you could happily pass it to mom or something
Brian P. Heick
11/13/2011 9:29:47 AM
Well, I would have, but I fell asleep. Sorry
Brian P. Heick
11/14/2011 12:11:43 PM
yo buddy
11/14/2011 12:14:49 PM
11/14/2011 12:14:55 PM
can't be on long, running on battery
11/14/2011 12:15:08 PM
just waitin' to have someone find me a plug to charge dis 'bitch up
11/14/2011 12:15:20 PM
i've gotta go on hibernate now, so i'll hopefully have the charger later
Brian P. Heick
11/14/2011 12:42:13 PM
kk have fun
Brian P. Heick
11/14/2011 12:42:21 PM
I've been busy
Brian P. Heick
11/14/2011 8:09:32 PM
11/15/2011 12:01:55 AM
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 7:36:25 AM
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 7:36:45 AM
gimme an idea involving hostin, subdomain hosting, payment processing, and automation
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 7:37:22 AM
casue I have servers, domains and subdomains, and a payment processor, a few wanting clients...
11/15/2011 7:38:23 AM
that...umm...is an idea?
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 8:08:22 AM
nah, need an implementaiton idea for automation
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 8:39:20 AM
Just because I need to drag in more money since it seems after talking with ma this morning she's getting ready to fold in for obvious reasons.
11/15/2011 8:39:40 AM
11/15/2011 8:39:43 AM
well, use a server
11/15/2011 8:39:46 AM
and setup a website
11/15/2011 8:39:49 AM
and make it work
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 8:45:17 AM
I do that

Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 8:45:34 AM
want web hosting? I got a shitload of dynamic domains
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 8:45:49 AM
my-web-hosting.us and lots more
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 8:46:19 AM
still have to get the pages up
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 8:47:08 AM
thinking of doing linux servers with a quick and easy paypal signup and registration. Got the name servers all setup, just have to add them into the doimains and go from there
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 8:47:53 AM
might do a cluster over a few vs's and just have the same services running off the same bunch of servers
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 8:48:11 AM
not a new idea, but seems to work fine for everyone else
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 8:49:25 AM
BTW. I re-wrote your inspro auto auth program into a .net 4 app. Works 32/64 bit and is strictly sql. No more market for it though since IWS is murdering tccs's market.
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 9:23:05 AM
hey, can you run dig on icofwny.com on ns1.my-web-host.us and send me the output?
11/15/2011 9:28:44 AM
ya sure
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 9:28:56 AM
k, thanks
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 9:29:15 AM
trying to get my cluster setup, getting ns2 online right now
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 9:29:30 AM
3 later on when I have the time, and 4 as a backup
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 9:29:41 AM
they all should answer back from ns1.icofwny.com
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 9:29:48 AM
for the moment
11/15/2011 9:29:56 AM
hold on, don't got dig on command path
11/15/2011 9:30:32 AM
yah, don't got dig
11/15/2011 9:30:43 AM
lemme see if i can apt-get it
11/15/2011 9:30:50 AM
o right, don't got that
11/15/2011 9:30:54 AM
lemme yum it
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 9:31:11 AM
it's in with bind
11/15/2011 9:31:31 AM
right, i don't think i got bind installed anywhere
11/15/2011 9:31:42 AM
yah, don't got it
11/15/2011 9:32:06 AM
well, i got bind 9.3.6, but no dig
11/15/2011 9:32:08 AM
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 9:32:23 AM
no dig?
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 9:32:35 AM
didn't put the tool in with it eh?
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 9:33:39 AM
how bour just plain nslookup
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 9:33:59 AM
with the name set to ns1.my-web-host.us and query icofwny.com
Brian P. Heick
11/15/2011 9:36:22 AM
meh, runna a we bit slow right now for me from my house. Wondering how long it be from there
Brian P. Heick
11/17/2011 5:06:36 PM
Brian P. Heick
11/17/2011 5:06:55 PM
Brian P. Heick
11/17/2011 5:07:28 PM
probaly one of the more handy tools around
Brian P. Heick
11/17/2011 5:07:40 PM
in case you don't have it installed
Brian P. Heick
11/17/2011 10:41:03 PM
Brian P. Heick
11/18/2011 2:41:22 PM
well, got the automated host online
Brian P. Heick
11/18/2011 2:41:48 PM
gonna be fully online later on though, but it should be capable of contacting directi and recistering tlds
11/19/2011 2:27:54 AM
kitties get so much hang time....it's why i love 'em
Brian P. Heick
11/19/2011 5:52:40 AM
Brian P. Heick
11/19/2011 5:52:56 AM
got my mini dns servers pumping away
Brian P. Heick
11/19/2011 5:54:12 AM
ns1.my-web-host.us, ns2.my-web-host.us, internal zone transfer and forwarding server
Little 2x bind 2x ms dns setup with the md dns automaticly hooked into the webhosting suite and the bind servers on the outside serving the world for god knows what reloving external to internal and back
Brian P. Heick
11/19/2011 5:54:32 AM
Now I just need $90 to start the automated tld registrar and it's all done
Brian P. Heick
11/19/2011 5:55:02 AM
http://my-web-host.us <<
Hosting control panel with some customisation
Brian P. Heick
11/19/2011 5:56:32 AM
U: test
P: test1234
That software is fucking cool
Brian P. Heick
11/19/2011 5:58:18 AM
The one perk I really like about it is that the SSL shit is really fucking automated. Nice when I have to barley lift a finger
Brian P. Heick
11/19/2011 6:01:18 AM
nother nufty thing about all that shit there is that I can add resellers under my accounts
Brian P. Heick
11/20/2011 9:12:32 AM
Brian P. Heick
11/20/2011 9:14:33 AM
so are you hiding latley or just still getting over jet lag there?
11/20/2011 9:26:58 AM
still getting over jet lag here
Brian P. Heick
11/20/2011 8:14:53 PM
11/23/2011 6:31:32 PM
Brian P. Heick
11/27/2011 11:35:16 AM
Brian P. Heick
11/28/2011 12:40:17 PM
Brian P. Heick
11/28/2011 12:40:25 PM
got me an online hosting servcie and my first customer
Brian P. Heick
11/28/2011 12:40:31 PM
Brian P. Heick
11/28/2011 12:42:11 PM
11/28/2011 12:43:09 PM
11/28/2011 12:44:28 PM
their site navigation at the bottom doesn't work. you could make an extra $40 to fix it
Brian P. Heick
11/28/2011 1:04:38 PM
I'll think about it... I decided that with automation that my hands would stay free of it for a while. It can take care of it's self. Besides, I know eric since his office is right next to mine and he has a web developer working up a better site for him.
Brian P. Heick
12/9/2011 12:15:08 PM
Brian P. Heick
12/9/2011 12:15:19 PM
Hey, want to resell webhosting?
Brian P. Heick
12/9/2011 12:15:31 PM
Got reseller packages in the making for my-web-hot.us
Brian P. Heick
12/9/2011 12:15:40 PM
Even advertising now

12/10/2011 5:52:01 AM
Good job! Do you have a link so that I can see what your up to?
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 8:22:14 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 8:22:42 AM
aint the best, but working up from there
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 8:23:45 AM
got sub domain hosting tied in as well with it
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 8:26:33 AM
If you want to play, login to the web host admin panel @
http://panel.my-web-host.ususer: test1
password: test1234
It's a subdomain account w/ email included
12/10/2011 9:29:15 AM
I get -1 when accepting the T&C
12/10/2011 9:29:18 AM
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 9:57:09 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 9:58:25 AM
that's an interesting error
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 9:59:03 AM
did you run it with paypal?
12/10/2011 9:59:31 AM
i think i checked paypal, and selected that i have an account
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 10:00:17 AM
ordering from the main site?
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 10:00:45 AM
on level 3 hosting
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 10:02:02 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 10:03:23 AM
payment processor done broke... fucker
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 10:07:31 AM
hmm... broken on new service signups with existing accounts
12/10/2011 10:08:37 AM
mmk, sounds like you have work just like I
12/10/2011 10:08:41 AM
yw, and ttyl
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 10:08:44 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 10:09:00 AM
least I don't have to worry about new signups
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 10:12:55 AM
heh, test4's account can't access the main store items because it's done on a sepparate reseller ID. Glad I got the source for that shit beforehand
12/10/2011 10:13:24 AM
ok, thanks dude
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 10:13:46 AM
Thanks for pointing that one out there
12/10/2011 10:13:55 AM
no prob
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 10:17:45 AM
12/10/2011 10:18:22 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 10:19:55 AM
all the services to mess with...
Web Sites
Hosted Exchange
Hosted Organizations
Exchange Hosting Mode
SQL Server 2000
SQL Server 2005
SQL Server 2008
Hosted SharePoint
Hosted CRM
Virtual Private Servers
Virtual Private Servers for Private Cloud
Office Communications Server
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 10:20:31 AM
Got just about all of them installed cept fro sql 2000 and exchange is under the knife right now cause it's 2007 and I don't feel like setting up AD for accounts
12/10/2011 10:20:33 AM
ok, cool...have fun
Brian P. Heick
12/10/2011 10:20:57 AM
So glad this doesn't cost me anything to do

12/12/2011 5:53:56 AM
File transfer:
Skillet - Awake and Alive.mp3
Skillet - Monster.mp3
12/12/2011 5:54:16 AM
If you got 6 minutes and 35 seconds of "Listen" time, can you tell me which one you think is better and by "how many times"?
Brian P. Heick
12/12/2011 8:40:04 PM
no can do, my machine is a remote dummy and I have no sound over the network and skype isn't on my laptop
Brian P. Heick
12/12/2011 8:40:45 PM
BTW: fade-ins are a btich on memory with sites... but jquery make short werk of it. >> my-web-host-us >> just overhauled the code already
Brian P. Heick
12/12/2011 8:41:04 PM
working on the news page right now which is prety much all jquery with ajax and so-on
12/13/2011 4:21:31 AM
o ok
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:13:34 AM
12/13/2011 7:13:57 AM
12/13/2011 7:14:04 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:14:31 AM
whacha think would be the best formula to use two whole numbers to calculate a percentage out of 100 with one being a positive number and the other being a negative number?
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:14:58 AM
been playing with it for a while trying to figure on a rating system for one of my sites
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:15:09 AM
brain just isn't working yet
12/13/2011 7:15:31 AM
rating for what?
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:15:46 AM
pictures/articles, and crap like that
12/13/2011 7:16:09 AM
rating is bad for that
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:16:16 AM
12/13/2011 7:16:35 AM
for Deviant, we did some market research for rating of items on the catalogue
12/13/2011 7:16:49 AM
it shows that rating is actually bad, albeit it talks out like it's got alot of good points
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:17:03 AM
I'm not dealing in psedo smut, so I don't have to worry about what people think most of the time

Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:17:18 AM
blah, can't shpell today
12/13/2011 7:17:20 AM
....it's not pseudo...
12/13/2011 7:17:21 AM
12/13/2011 7:17:26 AM
it's not pornographic material
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:17:29 AM
I know
12/13/2011 7:17:37 AM
it's textures that go on 3D models
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:18:25 AM
Anyway, I like rating systems. I'm a fan of getting my ass chewed out by pople I don't know. But I want to make some sort of system that wieghs in on the numbers
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:18:50 AM
where the pls be 100 and the minus be 100 and the rate be 50
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:19:12 AM
erm... think I just gave myself the answer there
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:19:26 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:19:29 AM
just did that
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:19:38 AM
thanks matt! you're a life saver!
12/13/2011 7:21:37 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:22:29 AM
so the two numbers equal a total... and each number is erm...ummm. a unit where as I want the total of plus rates... go back to the olde abc calc there... so the minus + plus, and then the plus / total of ples and minus * 100 should be the correct number of plus percentage out of the minus eh?
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:23:18 AM
though, never was good at mathmatics
12/13/2011 7:24:11 AM
12/13/2011 7:24:19 AM
just make a +1/-1
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:24:50 AM
So.... ((P + M) / M * 100) * 100 = Percentage.
How does that look?
12/13/2011 7:25:28 AM
you need to store total votes, and total + votes
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:25:36 AM
got that
12/13/2011 7:25:37 AM
that's all, basically
12/13/2011 7:25:54 AM
then (positive / total) * 100 should give you your percentage
12/13/2011 7:26:06 AM
but i wouldn't display any percentage until you've reached a voting threshold, like 20 votes
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:26:08 AM
thats where I was going I think
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:26:14 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 7:27:35 AM
all fun fun in a mornings pre-dawn work
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 8:04:29 AM
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 8:04:31 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 8:05:47 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 8:05:51 AM
reasin data cool beans
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 8:05:54 AM
File transfer:
12/13/2011 8:06:11 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 8:07:00 AM
I'm starting to become very fond of the jQuery libs
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 8:08:23 AM
like my page design?
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 8:08:24 AM
File transfer:
12/13/2011 8:09:03 AM
it's cool, man
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 8:29:25 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/13/2011 8:41:19 AM
later dude, off to catch the bus to work
Brian P. Heick
12/16/2011 9:05:31 AM
tis a good day for weeeerk
12/16/2011 9:05:50 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/16/2011 9:05:56 AM
12/16/2011 9:06:15 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/16/2011 9:06:20 AM
12/16/2011 9:06:38 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/16/2011 7:58:58 PM
Heya... whacha think is the best way to post auth info for logins on an ajax run site (one page only to the site and everyhting run by script)?
12/16/2011 8:01:00 PM
Brian P. Heick
12/16/2011 8:01:18 PM
Brian P. Heick
12/16/2011 8:01:32 PM
never thouggt about hashing the data
Brian P. Heick
12/16/2011 8:02:28 PM
you're talking about pre-hashing data, right?
12/16/2011 8:05:12 PM
Brian P. Heick
12/16/2011 8:06:11 PM
Brian P. Heick
12/16/2011 8:06:24 PM
got a sample of usage?
12/16/2011 8:08:05 PM
....username plaintext, password md5 calculated in javascript
12/16/2011 8:08:13 PM
submit both, compare against DB
12/16/2011 8:08:14 PM
Brian P. Heick
12/16/2011 8:30:53 PM
meh, hashing client side would be problematic in the sense that it would give a hash of the password and leave it open to mim attack. also leaves the methood of encryption open to public making less secure since even adding a salt would be usless less it be server side, but pointless since I'd have to store 2 hashes, one password then one + salt and include the salt into the source to make something like that work...
12/16/2011 8:32:26 PM
12/16/2011 8:32:27 PM
you add a salt
12/16/2011 8:33:11 PM
like, server makes up a salt, send to client, client hashes with salt, sends back salt and hash to server, bingo
12/16/2011 8:33:13 PM
security ftw
12/19/2011 3:07:18 PM
I would like to know if you could make a drive down to falconer to pay my rent since i'm out of the country?
12/20/2011 12:38:41 PM
you dere?
12/20/2011 7:56:56 PM
M&T Bank
Branch Address: 55 Main Street, Batavia, 14020
Checking/Account: 9853821859
Swift: MANTUS33
Routing: 022000046
12/20/2011 8:14:09 PM
Check to: David Whitehill
2160 Lafayette Street, Falconer, New York 14733
12/20/2011 8:20:01 PM
Put it in a note or the memo that it's in regards to 70 West Mosher street, Falconer, NY, 14733
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 1:47:56 PM
Your transfer hasn't cleared yet
12/21/2011 1:48:12 PM
it hasn't been done yet

Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 1:48:17 PM
I see that
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 1:48:46 PM
I should charge ya a processing fee on top of what your going to get charged

Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 1:49:44 PM
Why do you need a recpit btw? If I use a check I get copies back on deposit.
12/21/2011 3:10:31 PM
ok, transfer of $900.00 USD has occurred, which should cover all transfer fees/deposit fees/such, etc
12/21/2011 3:10:43 PM
rent is $850, remainder is yours (i suppose)
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 4:18:42 PM
okie. Well, have to wait till 2 next day to see if it hits the bank else it might hit midnight processing. Either way I'll let you know
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 4:21:22 PM
readin up on sql server 2005/2008 xml support. thinking aobut using it for storage of form data...
12/21/2011 4:38:11 PM
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 4:40:09 PM
Indeedy. Remember that old beastly enhanced quoting storage where everything was stored in the single table?
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 4:41:00 PM
I'm workking on a way to compress the data down into a single xml file or similar. FIgured why the hell not
12/21/2011 4:41:26 PM
12/21/2011 4:41:31 PM
and base64 encoding
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 4:46:46 PM
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 4:46:52 PM
something stupid and simple like that
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 4:47:11 PM
right from the db
12/21/2011 4:47:52 PM
orlY? it doesn't work
12/21/2011 4:47:55 PM
12/21/2011 4:47:57 PM
12/21/2011 4:48:07 PM
this is taking a wavefront .OBJ 3d file and converting it to an image
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 4:48:10 PM
view the source, it's xml without sending the header
12/21/2011 4:48:13 PM
12/21/2011 4:48:16 PM
and this is me doing FLASH!
12/21/2011 4:48:18 PM
12/21/2011 4:48:35 PM
so, beat that
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 4:49:34 PM
it's really slow
12/21/2011 4:50:11 PM
it's full screen, and it's not in the container that it's meant to be in
12/21/2011 4:50:16 PM
but it works, and that's all that is important
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 4:50:25 PM
I guess
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 4:50:37 PM
are you compressing the images?
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 4:51:16 PM
there choppy and grainy and load slow,l but that could be my remote though I'm gb to my computer and 90 ds here
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 4:51:37 PM
brb, gotta beat my son
12/21/2011 4:53:15 PM
the flash application determines the compression, really
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 4:53:53 PM
it's just really choppy
12/21/2011 4:56:03 PM
...it works
12/21/2011 4:56:07 PM
and it works better in the 3d world
12/21/2011 11:25:53 PM
ok, got confirmation that the withdraw went through ok
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 11:27:00 PM
gee, and just as I conqured my xml hurddle and was about ready to go to bed.
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 11:27:13 PM
Did you know that msxml in asp classic has 2 calls to load
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 11:27:37 PM
oxml.Load >> load from file or serverhttprequest
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 11:27:49 PM
oxml.LoadXML >> load from string
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 11:28:02 PM
and it f'd me up for a little while because I didn't rtfm
12/21/2011 11:30:32 PM
12/21/2011 11:30:36 PM
can you validate the transfer tomorrow?
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 11:31:05 PM
mybe, remind me in the morning at the office after 10 or 11. I'm going to be busy until about then
Brian P. Heick
12/21/2011 11:31:14 PM
going to bed right now so good night
Brian P. Heick
12/22/2011 7:50:25 AM
Not there yet
12/22/2011 1:00:59 PM
mmk ty
12/22/2011 1:06:40 PM
http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=5be_1324499268@ 40 seconds, remember the speed of sound and light are not the same speed
12/24/2011 9:06:51 AM
Hey, I was curious if the transfer showed up okay?
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 2:33:42 PM
Soory, busy day
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 2:34:11 PM
Showed up last night and cleared. Check will be in the mail on monday if theres mail, if not then tuesday
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 2:35:06 PM
>> tis is the addy, right?
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 2:35:07 PM
Check to: David Whitehill
2160 Lafayette Street, Falconer, New York 1473
M12/20/2011 8:14:12 PM
12/24/2011 2:36:36 PM
yup, w/ memo being "Jan Rent for 70 W Mosher Street, 14733"
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 4:22:58 PM
12/24/2011 5:00:00 PM
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 5:01:22 PM
hey, does it sound sane to compress table information down into an xml based format and store it back to a database to speed up our applicaiton/enhanced quoting for loading and saving?
12/24/2011 5:01:56 PM
yes, it does sound insanne
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 5:02:54 PM
just trying to figure out an alternative sotrage medium for getting all of the data out of webworking data and into a more compressed format.
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 5:03:06 PM
was thinking about storing to file, but that methood sucks
12/24/2011 5:20:45 PM
what are you talking about?
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 5:35:56 PM
big pile of data to sort out and make go faster!
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 5:36:12 PM
due to the disign of the table and data sotrage methood there it's running brutally slow
12/24/2011 5:47:56 PM
it's called a "database"
12/24/2011 5:48:03 PM
learn to use one, either MSSql or MySQL
12/24/2011 5:48:05 PM
and they roolz
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 6:26:23 PM
It's not about the database thing. It's about the usage.
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 6:26:57 PM
One table with some 1000000 records constantly in use, re-indexing the table on every transaction.
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 6:27:48 PM
I'ts all down to server grunt and working around the limitations that are there while making operation more efficent
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 6:27:57 PM
ya know
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 6:28:15 PM
mysql would be impacted just as bas as mssql with the issue that is present
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 6:29:04 PM
5 rows in use for one form with 100's of stored records constantly getting updated with multiple users on at the same time makes for a little issue when the db is really filled up.
12/24/2011 6:30:35 PM
12/24/2011 6:30:41 PM
you dont' have to reindex anything, really\
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 6:31:19 PM
Not really, it was supposed to be a temp storage table after all and is getting far more usage than that
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 6:31:27 PM
with more than one program as well
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 6:31:46 PM
anyway I have a new flow established for it
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 6:32:48 PM
Quote >> stored to temp table >> brought to app >> work with data >>> commit data >>stored as xml in database and removed from temp table >> loaded to forms.
house keep\ing once a month to remove old quotes via a service on the server.
Pending approval
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 6:33:33 PM
that way, only data needed for work is ready for use and commited data is stored for loading or reading off to the side.
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 6:34:45 PM
My xml format stores the table layout in case it needs to be loaded elsewhere and the routines can create/store to a temp table or sql variable table if needed, and can save just about any table data on any database needed.
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 7:36:35 PM
yay, i rulz
12/24/2011 7:36:50 PM
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 9:46:30 PM
my xml table with the info in it is 1/4 the size of all the data tables combined
Brian P. Heick
12/24/2011 9:46:32 PM
12/26/2011 1:51:50 PM
any luck in shippin' off that check?
Brian P. Heick
12/26/2011 5:17:14 PM
Brian P. Heick
12/26/2011 5:17:26 PM
national holiday
Brian P. Heick
12/26/2011 5:17:29 PM
ya know
Brian P. Heick
12/26/2011 5:31:04 PM
it'll be on it's way next day
12/26/2011 7:28:50 PM
Boxing Day is a National Holiday? I honestly was not aware of that
Brian P. Heick
12/27/2011 7:41:15 AM
Day after christmas if christmas was on the weekend
12/27/2011 7:47:31 AM
mmk, cool
Brian P. Heick
12/27/2011 1:07:45 PM
What was the addy for your landlord again?
Brian P. Heick
12/27/2011 1:07:55 PM
for some reason it's not on my work computer
12/27/2011 1:58:56 PM
[Wednesday, December 21, 2011 1:14 AM] M:
<<< Check to: David Whitehill
2160 Lafayette Street, Falconer, New York 1473
Brian P. Heick12/24/2011 2:35:07 PM
12/27/2011 1:59:05 PM
you have the house address in the memo field?
12/27/2011 1:59:22 PM
and a self-addressed-stamped envelope in their as well for the rent reciept?
12/27/2011 1:59:36 PM
with the reciept to be sent to mosher street?
12/27/2011 3:01:19 PM
were you able to do it ok? i'm off to bed (8pm here, was long day)
Brian P. Heick
12/27/2011 5:36:40 PM
It's in the mail
12/27/2011 10:32:06 PM
thank you!
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 2:33:36 AM
yer welcome. I wish I had that kind of money right now, gettin shut off notices and can't do anything about it until next month
12/28/2011 3:15:03 AM
well, i'm just entirely frugal, and i'm sorry your getting those notices
12/28/2011 3:15:14 AM
i seriously wish i had the surplus to help, but i'm very tight now
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 3:42:29 AM
Tight is understandable. Same here, trying to get more business sooner than later, but the only crap thats going to be going is next year
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 3:42:42 AM
And pay is looking thin to.
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 3:43:16 AM
hence why I'm awake right now working my ass off on streamlining my programs so people can't bitch after deployments from now on
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 3:43:50 AM
Getting prety damn good with .net in web and application programming latley as well
12/28/2011 4:04:33 AM
well, if you'd like, i can do some pro-bono flash development for you if if might help
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:09:16 AM
less flash can talk async to an sql database from a client machine while compiling form data on the fly with the minimun use of valid inserts/updates and generate a printable form output. All from a dynamicly generated set of forms that can have up to 1000 questions and allow for upload of photos and documents (stored as binary data) then I think it wouldn't apply to this case. But I'll have uses down the road for it. January is always a good month for crap like that.
12/28/2011 4:09:37 AM
actually, it can
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:09:44 AM
I belive it
12/28/2011 4:09:55 AM
12/28/2011 4:10:06 AM
the word "LIE" is in "believe", since that's what conspriators believe
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:10:25 AM
I don't think it's practical for what I'm woring on right now since it would require more man hours to read down the code and convert it for use.
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:10:41 AM
would be cook though
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:11:14 AM
just pop an applet in a site instead of having to write code over and over again to provide the base variables needed to start the damn thing up
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:11:45 AM
would be cook though
Brian P. Heick12/28/2011 4:08:31 AM
12/28/2011 4:12:26 AM
....k, w/e
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:13:43 AM
12/28/2011 4:14:08 AM
"...Okay, whatever"
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:14:16 AM
12/28/2011 4:38:41 AM
is there a link to access the webmail for icofwny.com? i think it's still hosted at godaddy
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:41:50 AM
email.icofwny.com / webmail.my-web-host.us . depends on where you want to go
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:42:33 AM
my-web-host hadnles all the major emailing while icofwny.com handles our personal and business accounts
12/28/2011 4:42:41 AM
mmk, just checkin' if the
mheick@icofwny.com address still exists
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:42:48 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:43:08 AM
if not then I can get ya one or create you something if you need email
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:43:46 AM
got a few domains you can pick from if you need something
12/28/2011 4:43:54 AM
nonono it's ok
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:43:58 AM
12/28/2011 4:44:04 AM
just cancelling old server accounts, cleaning up finances for the new year
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:44:18 AM
i hear ya
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:44:30 AM
i did that crap back in november
12/28/2011 4:45:06 AM
well, i'm hoping to save about $60/month lol
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:45:19 AM
heh, thats not much

Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:45:53 AM
I canceled a lot of my godaddy shit that was swallowing up a bunch of money in the name of playing around. Thier server service suked balls
12/28/2011 4:46:05 AM
speaking of Godaddy...you hear about the news recently w/ them?
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:46:15 AM
everyones jumpin ship
12/28/2011 4:46:31 AM
12/28/2011 4:46:33 AM
Yup, even me
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:46:59 AM
oooo torrent freak article, cant resist
12/28/2011 4:47:15 AM
moving from a Godaddy VPS to a Dreamhost.com Dedicated /flex
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:48:03 AM
I think I'll be moving home and transfering to directi
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:48:24 AM
I heard about that sopa shit, disgusting fuckers
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:48:48 AM
actually, most of my shit it home base...
Brian P. Heick
12/28/2011 4:49:33 AM
yay! finally got everything hammered down off of paper an into programming. time for coffee and a smoke. BRB
Brian P. Heick
12/29/2011 8:24:32 AM
heh, finally installed the skype static version to my laptop. Figures there wouldn't be a rpm for centos out there
12/30/2011 3:57:56 AM
12/30/2011 3:59:25 AM
btw, did you know Chuck Norris threw a grenade and killed 50 people, and then the grenade exploded?
12/31/2011 8:03:23 AM
12/31/2011 8:03:26 AM
did i send ya that?
12/31/2011 8:04:00 AM
12/31/2011 8:04:22 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 10:02:36 AM
12/31/2011 10:05:16 AM
umm wut?
12/31/2011 10:05:18 AM
it's funneh
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 10:06:39 AM
its flumlinfunneh
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 10:07:21 AM
like rofliron funny
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 10:20:47 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 10:20:48 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 10:24:12 AM
I always though the layout of those opertons was wierd bing a rectangle lga slot
12/31/2011 10:24:30 AM
right, yeah
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 10:39:21 AM
I like lga packages better than the pga ones though. Less chance of f'n up with them
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 10:48:56 AM
got the recipt back from your land lord
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 10:55:05 AM
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 10:55:39 AM
forgot my wep key at home, manages to use kismet and grab it in less than 10 minutes. Seems the technology is really getting quite faliable latley
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 10:56:08 AM
and that was a 128 bit key as well
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 10:56:22 AM
now I just need to learn how to spell
12/31/2011 11:01:25 AM
oh, you did?
12/31/2011 11:01:41 AM
does your account transaction history show the check deposted?
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 11:01:47 AM
not yet
12/31/2011 11:01:53 AM
mmk, that's what i'm interested in

Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 11:02:10 AM
he put it in the mail on the 29th
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 11:02:24 AM
expect tuesday
12/31/2011 11:02:51 AM
mmk, cool. i gotta get back to work
12/31/2011 11:02:53 AM
ttyl bro....lub ya
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 11:03:01 AM
hold on
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 11:03:06 AM
I just figure I'd check again
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 11:03:12 AM
since the bank is open now
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 11:03:46 AM
12/30/2011 CHECK NUMBER 0137 -$850.00
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 11:03:49 AM
morning processing
12/31/2011 11:04:03 AM
you have a printable of the check?
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 11:04:28 AM
12/31/2011 11:04:48 AM
like, can you view the actual check, download it, and save it to be digitally transferred?
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 11:04:56 AM
12/31/2011 11:05:40 AM
ok, cool
12/31/2011 11:05:56 AM
good to see you can't right in a straight line still...means your not quite a doctor yet
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 11:06:48 AM
never could and getting worse thanks to occupational hazzards and so on
12/31/2011 11:06:57 AM
yup, thanks bro
Brian P. Heick
12/31/2011 11:07:01 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:11:16 AM
I'm having an f'n heart attack today
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:12:14 AM
Ma's solution for removing exchange in a forrest where exchenge exists on more than one servers...
4. Connect to “Default Naming Context”
5. Navigate to the following objects and Delete them.
DC=Domain,DC=Com -> OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups
DC=Domain,DC=Com -> CN=Microsoft Exchange System Objects
6. Right Click on ADSIEdit and Click Connect to
7. Connect to “Configuration”
8. Navigate to the following objects and Delete them.
CN=Configuration,DC=Domain,DC=Com -> CN=Services -> CN=Microsoft Exchange
CN=Configuration,DC=Domain,DC=Com -> CN=Services -> CN=Microsoft Exchange Autodiscover
9. Force the Active directory Replication.
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:13:57 AM
I can't face palm, or corner head smack, or grit my teeth enough for that one cause she did it without thinking about line 5 or 8 and how that would affect the other server in the same domain on the same store with the same secuirty principals using the same groups
1/2/2012 9:14:48 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:14:58 AM
I need to vent man
1/2/2012 9:15:07 AM
then start off with "Good Morning"
1/2/2012 9:15:11 AM
or, in my current case
1/2/2012 9:15:13 AM
"Good Afternoon"
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:15:15 AM
Good morning

1/2/2012 9:15:16 AM
and spice it up a bit
1/2/2012 9:15:22 AM
like, use french or german
1/2/2012 9:15:23 AM
or latin
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:15:24 AM
Come over for some coffee
1/2/2012 9:15:30 AM
Dude, i'm in LONDON
1/2/2012 9:15:33 AM
i can't come over for coffee
1/2/2012 9:15:38 AM
1/2/2012 9:15:47 AM
and i know i said
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:15:47 AM
So, hop a plane and come get some coffee and be back by morning
1/2/2012 9:15:49 AM
1/2/2012 9:15:51 AM
1/2/2012 9:15:54 AM
so, listen closely
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:15:54 AM
1/2/2012 9:16:09 AM
and i'm not being brash or anything
1/2/2012 9:16:12 AM
i'm just being forward
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:16:13 AM
I know
1/2/2012 9:16:23 AM
you might have doubts on things when it comes to following directions
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:16:33 AM
1/2/2012 9:16:37 AM
but, unfortunately
1/2/2012 9:16:41 AM
you have instructions
1/2/2012 9:16:49 AM
so, follow them, and whatever the result is
1/2/2012 9:16:56 AM
you will report it to mom
1/2/2012 9:17:00 AM
and she will work out the next step
1/2/2012 9:17:04 AM
whatever labor you put in
1/2/2012 9:17:07 AM
you bill on it
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:17:08 AM
THere is no next step
1/2/2012 9:17:10 AM
and you make money
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:17:13 AM
the DC is borked
1/2/2012 9:17:18 AM
then screenshot where you stop
1/2/2012 9:17:22 AM
send her a communication
1/2/2012 9:17:31 AM
and wait for further instructions
1/2/2012 9:17:39 AM
there is an order to things, my padowan
1/2/2012 9:17:54 AM
if she's running the show by providing instructions, do her justice and follow them
1/2/2012 9:18:07 AM
and when they screw up, make sure you document what happenned and make her informed
1/2/2012 9:18:24 AM
regardless of if the DC is borked or not, if she's aware of it then it's her decision
1/2/2012 9:18:49 AM
i love you, but if you feel it's a bad decision and you've informed her and she still says "go with it", you go with it
1/2/2012 9:19:24 AM
in the meantime, i'm always looking for a skilled PHP/MySQL/Flash developer [like me

1/2/2012 9:19:32 AM
cause flash is EASY
1/2/2012 9:19:35 AM
and the BOMB
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:23:23 AM
I informed her of her bad idea and she gave me the "I'm certified" speach
1/2/2012 9:23:48 AM
good, then...with guns ablazing...get on it!
1/2/2012 9:23:50 AM
1/2/2012 9:25:00 AM
do you want me to call mom?
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:25:36 AM
nah, I'm on the phone with her now
1/2/2012 9:25:49 AM
she's not at the office?
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:25:56 AM
1/2/2012 9:26:15 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:34:40 AM
i luv powershell
1/2/2012 9:35:24 AM
marry it
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:35:29 AM
I want to
1/2/2012 9:35:40 AM
good, now can I...do work now?
1/2/2012 9:35:41 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:35:43 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:35:46 AM
work bad
1/2/2012 9:35:48 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:35:49 AM
it's a holiday here
1/2/2012 9:35:54 AM
it's not holiday here
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:36:01 AM
Funny thing
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:36:22 AM
I was remoted into gp and on her desktop, then she nuked a cup of coffee there and I lost my connection
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:36:41 AM
her damn microwave sure is good at wireless jamming
1/2/2012 9:36:58 AM
yes, yes they are
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:55:22 AM
SO, any ideas on how to even try to restore an old copy of a forest when the level might be 2008 and the forest tryinh to be restored might be r2? Or any ideas on how to get a server runnig that just does not want to run short of re-installing it?
1/2/2012 9:56:10 AM
what are you talking about?
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:56:26 AM
nothing, my brain is going about 1000000mph right now
1/2/2012 9:57:01 AM
...if you don't know how to do something it needs to go to someone who can do it
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:58:13 AM
nah, I know how to do all of the above, just thinking of a way to do it quickly and clean with the least amount of hassle. Problem being that the main DC needs a reinstall anyway because it's just being grumbly like you on a bad day.
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:58:36 AM
at least I just got it to finally come up in a nice mood
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 9:59:22 AM
This isn't a lab, so a lot of though needs to go in to processing tasks since a lot of mission critical data is involced ya know
1/2/2012 9:59:55 AM
my point is that you shouldn't have to guess /much/ on the task at hand
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 10:00:15 AM
Not guessing, processing scenarios and outcomes
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 10:00:50 AM
I know what will happen with a majority of the crap that I do and what will happen in 'most' cases with the tasks that I have to do as well
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 10:01:06 AM
Problem is that thinking is not allowed in this matter
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 10:01:53 AM
And in order to complete what needs to be done I have to get there, so I'll be parting in a bit
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 10:03:36 AM
And first scenario -- boot server and murder every exchange service worked out nice! Nice and fast now...
1/2/2012 10:04:03 AM
you have time to talk to me
1/2/2012 10:04:10 AM
but "thinking is not allowed in this matter"?
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 10:04:17 AM
yep, batch file I wrote is still running
1/2/2012 10:04:21 AM
pot => kettle = black?
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 10:22:19 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 10:34:28 AM
So far all scenarios have gone just as planned...
Off to make striken server run. Se ya laters
1/2/2012 11:04:04 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 7:11:26 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 7:11:31 PM
exchange re-installed and up
Brian P. Heick
1/2/2012 7:12:03 PM
active directory werkin nice and replicating like a pair of french whores on crack in an orgy
Brian P. Heick
1/6/2012 5:52:17 PM
there is a god

Brian P. Heick
1/6/2012 5:52:38 PM
I've never gotten so much work and prograqmming done in a day of my pathetic life like I dis today
Brian P. Heick
1/10/2012 6:41:45 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/10/2012 6:42:35 PM
thinkin about putting linux on a tables i just got. trying to pick the best flavor outa all that will go with it.
1/10/2012 6:43:06 PM
1/11/2012 1:34:39 PM
wonderin' if you'd be willing to do the rent thing again?
1/13/2012 11:31:31 PM
hey, you there?
Brian P. Heick
1/14/2012 10:18:45 AM
I'm here now
Brian P. Heick
1/14/2012 10:19:29 AM
Actually. I was wondering if you wanted to help me develop a light weight vb sourced vns server/client program
1/14/2012 1:59:41 PM
so, no response to /my/ question yet?
Brian P. Heick
1/14/2012 2:03:18 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/14/2012 2:03:21 PM
must have missed it
Brian P. Heick
1/14/2012 2:04:38 PM
I've had my head wrapped around putting work into my billing software this morning
1/14/2012 7:01:57 PM
wonderin' if you'd be willing to do the rent thing again?
M1/11/2012 1:34:39 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/14/2012 7:18:40 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/14/2012 7:18:45 PM
didn't catch that
Brian P. Heick
1/14/2012 7:18:50 PM
sure, I can do it for you again
1/14/2012 7:20:04 PM
1/14/2012 7:20:06 PM
ok, cool
1/14/2012 7:20:19 PM
Actually. I was wondering if you wanted to help me develop a light weight vb sourced vns server/client program
Brian P. Heick1/14/2012 10:19:29 AM
1/14/2012 7:40:55 PM
where'd you go?
Brian P. Heick
1/15/2012 6:27:03 AM
here now, sorry, like I said, I've had my head wrapped up catching up on old projects. Got my client/server crm software to finish and I got a unlucky tester to test it when I get the servece parts done and some basic billing in it.
Brian P. Heick
1/15/2012 7:54:39 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/15/2012 7:54:41 PM
1/15/2012 8:00:28 PM
1/16/2012 11:51:01 AM
so, you still have the info from last time you shot the check?
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2012 11:54:18 AM
I should
1/16/2012 12:22:35 PM
can ya verify?
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2012 12:31:44 PM
I don't have the chat on ly laptop. Probably on my home PC
Brian P. Heick
1/16/2012 12:32:09 PM
can't remote though since my IP changed when they changed the modem out and I havn't bothered updating my dns records to point back to it
1/16/2012 12:46:11 PM
right, right....so
1/17/2012 1:14:26 AM
mmk, you have an incoming transfer
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2012 8:11:00 AM
I'd have said hold on for a bit, my accounts in the red until the end of the week. I'll cut and send the check off when it get there though.
1/17/2012 8:11:22 AM
....i didn't get that information
1/17/2012 8:11:25 AM
it was dispatched yesterday, tho
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2012 8:11:33 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2012 8:11:46 AM
Didn't know you were fixing to send it off right away
1/17/2012 8:11:58 AM
1/17/2012 8:12:05 AM
i love to be 2 months, maybe 3 months ahead on rent
1/17/2012 8:12:16 AM
in fact, i love to be 2-3 months ahead on bills
1/17/2012 8:12:24 AM
less to worry about, more to be prepared to save on
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2012 8:12:24 AM
wish I could be instead of 2 months behind

1/17/2012 8:12:34 AM
you have to start 3 months ahead to be that way
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2012 8:12:51 AM
I'm 2 months behind on everything right now
1/17/2012 8:13:46 AM
well, thanks for helping me out
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2012 8:14:01 AM
No guessing the reason... business pulled in some 10g+ (est.) since dec. and I've only collected maybe 1200 wich does diddly squat. Your welcome btw
1/17/2012 8:14:29 AM
i told ya many times
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2012 8:15:01 AM
I've got shit in the mixer. When you get time give me a call., I might have some remote networking work for ya that'll pay decent for the hassle.
1/17/2012 8:15:25 AM
i've got tons of work myself, and your help would benefit you both in money and time
1/17/2012 8:15:32 AM
but you have to learn things first
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2012 8:15:41 AM
Doing a site tranition from a 10/100 to a gig network removing a openvpn server and replacing it with a couple of sonic walls and 4 new smcgs24c smarts
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2012 8:16:32 AM
site has a kick ass cisco pbx there as well that is getting it's own network, 2 T1's and a little TLC on the wiring behind the rack
1/17/2012 8:16:39 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2012 8:17:35 AM
Gonna bind 4 networks into a single network along with it to remove and it pricipal of overcomplication in favor of the 'kiss' touch
1/17/2012 8:17:45 AM
o cool
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2012 8:17:51 AM
it is.
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2012 8:18:37 AM
THese guys got wrenched, screwed and then got left out dry without any network documentation and they want it done this weekend after asking last wed.
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2012 8:19:43 AM
Whacha think... IKE w/ cert, or IKE passphrase for a sonic wall vpn? got both flavors, but want to keep it simple and secure and I've never done it with the passphrase but heard it's just as good.
Brian P. Heick
1/17/2012 8:20:22 AM
brb, smoke
1/17/2012 8:21:17 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2012 11:13:58 AM
I saw the dposit this morning, funds havn't cleared yet
1/18/2012 11:14:14 AM
mmk, cool
1/18/2012 11:37:53 AM
thank you so much in advance
Brian P. Heick
1/18/2012 11:42:00 AM
jeeze, now they want network services over the vpn line dhcp and tftp and sip
1/19/2012 9:32:12 PM
herro, you there?
Brian P. Heick
1/20/2012 11:16:41 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/20/2012 11:16:51 AM
sorry, i've had a long week
Brian P. Heick
1/20/2012 11:17:15 AM
Doing my time sheets right now along with preping for a network switchiver this weekend
1/20/2012 4:22:26 PM
any luck with the check?
Brian P. Heick
1/20/2012 7:43:55 PM
sorry, money is there, haven't had th time to cut it and send it off. I'll try to have it in the mail tomorrow if I have the time. Leaving for gates at 9am. I'll try to hit the post office some time before noon. If not i'll drop it in the box in the evening
1/21/2012 12:33:53 PM
any luck?
Brian P. Heick
1/22/2012 8:50:40 AM
Nah, got stuck onsite all day till about 11pm
Brian P. Heick
1/22/2012 8:51:08 AM
Other side of the vpn turned out to be an unknown bonded modem answering on 2 ips instead of one. turned out to be quite the cluster fuck.
Brian P. Heick
1/22/2012 8:52:31 AM
trying to find a work around, already have on in place on the main site by adding both of the answering addresses to the vpn tunnet, so have one way communication, but the sonic wall on the other end is incapable of routing back over the vpn cause it's being blocked by the main office sonic wall due to the addressing the request are coming from.
Brian P. Heick
1/22/2012 8:53:42 AM
Can't seem to figure out why fronier would put a bonded line in a facility and not tell anyone.
1/23/2012 6:20:33 PM
and luck today on getting it shipped out?
1/24/2012 8:09:07 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/24/2012 10:20:22 AM
Gimme your LL's addy again, I have the check written out so I can send it off
1/24/2012 10:25:53 AM
[Saturday, December 24, 2011 7:35 PM] Brian P. Heick:
<<< [Wednesday, December 21, 2011 1:14 AM] M:
<<< Check to: David Whitehill
2160 Lafayette Street, Falconer, New York 1473
M12/27/2011 1:58:56 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/24/2012 10:28:01 AM
nvm, found it. It's in the mail today
1/24/2012 10:37:26 AM
sweet thanks
1/24/2012 10:37:33 AM
saved me from getting a plane ticket for a bit

Brian P. Heick
1/24/2012 10:39:47 AM
1/24/2012 10:40:03 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/26/2012 10:29:40 PM
heh, I finally wrote a stupidly usefule program
Brian P. Heick
1/26/2012 10:31:40 PM
Sonic wall global vpn client drops without notice and sometimes reconect... best way to tackle issue... batch file that pings and looks for the reply, if none, then send an enable command over the global vpn client. My way, write a program that runs in the background, catches when gvc gets stupid, terminates the task if it needs to or sends the enable command in a nice way with a small memory footprint.
Brian P. Heick
1/26/2012 10:32:07 PM
that sometimes reconnect is a far cry in hell to over a frontier bonded adsl line
1/26/2012 11:55:47 PM
good job
1/26/2012 11:56:00 PM
i just released my first flash program after 3 weeks of hard work
Brian P. Heick
1/27/2012 12:03:11 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/27/2012 12:03:55 AM
I wrote that program in like 10 minutes minus revisions and added in a few windows hacks to pop it over onto the console for remote machines.
Brian P. Heick
1/27/2012 12:08:45 AM
do you have visual studio 2008 or 2010 on hand?
Brian P. Heick
1/27/2012 12:08:51 AM
and not express
1/27/2012 12:11:28 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/27/2012 12:47:49 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/27/2012 1:14:01 AM
wish i could get my hands on it at a good cost though
1/27/2012 1:11:33 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/27/2012 1:20:14 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/27/2012 1:20:43 PM
Had to look that over a few times. To bad I can't use it. Don't have windowz machines in my house
1/27/2012 1:30:53 PM
i guess it's time to get one
Brian P. Heick
1/27/2012 2:36:29 PM
Nah, I do better with linux then windows. I prety much only use windows machines when I work now.
1/27/2012 2:37:01 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/30/2012 7:49:43 AM
recipt came back. I'm poor now
Brian P. Heick
1/30/2012 8:29:39 AM
fun sun... wrote a quick async ip scanner. Turns out that when you run it with through it swallows a gb or memory, heats the computer up like mad crazy and almost kills a network with traffic. So cool!
1/30/2012 10:39:33 AM
oh shit!
1/30/2012 10:39:44 AM
did i not have enough money sent to you?
Brian P. Heick
1/30/2012 10:40:36 AM
Your check clered. I'm just in the red on my books. Working my ass off to pay my bills off again. I have a negative balance.
1/30/2012 10:41:55 AM
did you know mom sent me one of her "I love you, but" ultimatiums
1/30/2012 10:43:32 AM
and that i caught hell for sending you money for my rent, which is not what happens...
1/30/2012 10:44:25 AM
did you tell mom I send you money to pay my rent?
Brian P. Heick
1/30/2012 10:48:28 AM
Didn't know that she messaged you. She saw my account balance over my shoulder when I was cheking it. If you think you caught hell, you got the light end of it. Just do what I do and tell her to mind her own fucking business.
1/30/2012 10:49:10 AM
Well, mom just cost me my marriage really. Nancy flipped cause she sends you the money, not I.
1/30/2012 10:49:41 AM
I've gotta get a ticket financed in the next 2 weeks now
Brian P. Heick
1/30/2012 10:51:31 AM
Dunno what to do about that shit man. That is some serious bullshit there. If you need help I might be able to pull something outta my ass. I have payments due from clients that I'm using to buy a car, might have something left over, I'll know in a week or so.
1/30/2012 10:52:56 AM
I know what to do, i was just curious as to what you told mom that you really shouldn't have... but it sounds quite innocent enough
Brian P. Heick
1/30/2012 10:35:24 PM
Hey, can you give this nifty little basic ip scanner a try and tell my if it eats your memory up?
Brian P. Heick
1/30/2012 10:36:18 PM
sent file "FirekraqursIPScanner.exe"
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
1/30/2012 10:37:03 PM
Trying to get the ping process locked down veofre I add in some tests. Gettin sick of cirus scanners stealin my ip scanners away from me
1/30/2012 11:57:52 PM
sorry, was out for a walk
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 12:41:54 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 12:42:19 AM
I'm having a hard enough time getting to sleep myself right now
1/31/2012 12:47:17 AM
well, it's almost 6am here and i'm gonna give sleep a try
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 9:55:53 AM
did you sleep well?
1/31/2012 9:56:15 AM
why yes, i did
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 9:56:31 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 9:56:36 AM
I slept prety good to
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 11:08:55 AM
Had rich test my IP scanner, it burped out the ips on the network in less than a second here... so cool
1/31/2012 11:09:23 AM
nice...how much you selling that for?
1/31/2012 11:09:44 AM
and how is it different from all the rest of the network tools out there?
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 11:09:44 AM
Dunno if it's worth selling more or less than contributing to the community
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 11:11:11 AM
It isn't on the flag list for virus and alware scanners... runs async where as almost all the others run sync on the computer so the program doesn't sit and look stupid at it's self... and it's not done yet, so the syk is the limit on what I'll do with it.
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 11:11:49 AM
and it's fast as hell, though gulps a ton of memory when it scans so I limited to single subnets
1/31/2012 11:12:22 AM
mmk, thanks for the rundown
1/31/2012 11:12:32 AM
you should do some coding for me...i have some internationalization that needs to be done
1/31/2012 11:12:45 AM
or more-or-less database cleanup, code sanitation, etc
1/31/2012 11:12:48 AM
you do owe me, remembah!
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 11:13:00 AM
yes, I know
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 11:14:24 AM
I still think it's funny that a 32kb program can swallow almost a gig of memory and release it just as fast when scanning a whole network subnet in less than a second.
1/31/2012 11:17:20 AM
you should, uh, scan blocks at a time, say....32 ip's until you get a response
1/31/2012 11:17:46 AM
especially for Wifi blocking, since that could ban a scanner
1/31/2012 11:17:59 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 11:21:49 AM
Nah, just have to trim down on the processing on the ping process. When I originally worte it out the other day I made it scan the whole block @ 10 x 32 byte pings per address. Cut that down to 3 with it doing a little clear to send/recive on the event handler for the reply. It has to cache all of the request and reply handlers before beginning and execute them in order. When it's all ready it slams it out in one shot and waits for the traffic to come back async. SO the speed of the network and devices on the network is all it waits for.
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 11:23:17 AM
Figured why do a block when I can wait for it to reply back on the icmp echo...
1/31/2012 11:24:24 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 11:25:31 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 11:25:36 AM

1/31/2012 11:25:54 AM
yup, same
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 11:26:16 AM
It's beating on old vbscript code today
1/31/2012 11:26:34 AM
Brian, brian, brian
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 11:26:39 AM
then onto .net code tomorrow with some tasty acive directory work on GPs site
1/31/2012 11:26:40 AM
i appreciate your insight and innovations
1/31/2012 11:26:46 AM
but I have to keep focus with my work too
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 11:26:46 AM
no ya dont
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 11:27:14 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/31/2012 11:27:15 AM
later bud
Brian P. Heick
2/1/2012 12:34:10 PM
such a nice day out today here
2/1/2012 12:35:06 PM
oh really?
Brian P. Heick
2/1/2012 12:35:23 PM
Brian P. Heick
2/1/2012 12:35:25 PM
Brian P. Heick
2/1/2012 12:35:44 PM
The lack of snow is driving me up the fucking wall
Brian P. Heick
2/1/2012 1:44:55 PM
Brian P. Heick
2/2/2012 8:50:35 PM
Evening bud
2/2/2012 8:52:32 PM
2/2/2012 8:52:38 PM
i'm having BALLS of fun now

2/2/2012 8:52:44 PM
with flash, that is
Brian P. Heick
2/3/2012 9:29:11 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/3/2012 9:30:40 AM
I was having fun thinking about how the hell I am going to file my texes this year when I have noo tax documents from ma again and she just dosent get the point that I don['t want to wait until july again just to get audited an loose my returns because she never files her taxes.
2/3/2012 9:43:36 AM
in order for you to file the money she has given you under a business, she has to file those monies in her taxes as expenditures
2/3/2012 9:44:00 AM
if she doesn't do that, you can't claim that income. if she doesn't do that and you DO claim that income, you will be audited
Brian P. Heick
2/3/2012 7:35:34 PM
I have to claim it since I report my earning quarterly to the state
Brian P. Heick
2/3/2012 7:36:06 PM
It's required because of vanessa and I have to report them bi-anually since the lives with me and collects a huge ssi check
Brian P. Heick
2/3/2012 7:36:50 PM
I got audited last year because she didn't file and lost over $1000 in returns
Brian P. Heick
2/3/2012 7:37:12 PM
This year she still hasn't filed as of yet where as last year I had to file in july
Brian P. Heick
2/3/2012 7:38:49 PM
I've been poking at her for 4 weeks on the importance of her filing and asked her for a w2 with no exemptions on it insdtead of a 1099 so I can get ahead this year and she's ust flat blown me off on it thus far. So I know I'm already in the audit bucket again, it's just a matter of time.
2/4/2012 1:23:40 PM
Take 35 minutes out of your day and watch
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzilaRwoMusIt gets pretty epic around the 31'st minute
2/4/2012 1:35:59 PM
Brian P. Heick
2/5/2012 8:36:39 AM
Prety wicked there
Brian P. Heick
2/5/2012 8:38:42 AM
I'm still whackin away with my little network sniffer. Got it so its not eating a gig of memory when it slams a whole subnet for live hosts, instead it uses a cool 32kb of memory per host, so I can do a - with the same result as when I started
2/6/2012 7:08:33 PM
Can you pass along to Dad that I wish him a happy birthday? It's difficult to find the time to give him a ring today
Brian P. Heick
2/7/2012 10:02:32 AM
sorry, same here
2/10/2012 10:14:35 PM
2/10/2012 10:51:02 PM
2/10/2012 10:52:08 PM
with this above link, if you've seen the Eggnogg vomit videos, the above link might not be well handled, but i lulz the entire time
Brian P. Heick
2/11/2012 9:42:46 AM
hmm... crunchy
Brian P. Heick
2/11/2012 9:44:34 AM
The amount of self torture one is wiling to go through for a laugh is just plain amazing
Brian P. Heick
2/11/2012 10:20:36 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/11/2012 10:20:37 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/13/2012 5:19:11 PM
meh... so much to do, so little time
Brian P. Heick
2/13/2012 5:19:40 PM
Wanna make 10 p/h doing some code cleanup? I'm thinking of hiring out on my limited budget
2/13/2012 5:59:05 PM
i've got tons on my place with this week. looking to release the 3d full-body modeler
2/13/2012 5:59:14 PM
and we're integrating more social networking as well
2/13/2012 5:59:22 PM
and i've got maintenance this week too
2/13/2012 5:59:35 PM
what kind of code cleanup? i'm going to bed since it's almost 11p here
2/13/2012 6:00:35 PM
and i'd be thankful if you can pass to mom to login to skype. she hasn't done that anytime this month, and it's already been 13 days of messages pending for her
Brian P. Heick
2/14/2012 8:34:30 AM
Basic code cleanup, make forms xhtml trasitional compatable. Some asp classic cleanup, that sort of stuff, I'm sick of asking ma to hire a part timer and since I am a contractor I do maintian a small IT budget to hire/rent coders when I need them. Also it's IC related, so you know how that goes and I wouldn't be surprised if you said no.
I also passed along your message to her, but don't be surprised if she just ignores it. I've been asking for a 1099 from her becuase she got me into another state audit by not filing her taxes again and constantly blows me off when I ask her for a list from her books on what she paid me last year. She said 19000+ and I can only account for 12000 of it.
2/14/2012 8:37:54 AM
cool, thanks for passing the message along
Brian P. Heick
2/14/2012 9:58:52 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/15/2012 7:45:24 AM
heh, ma fired away with the how dare you talk about my business with others routine like she think that I'm her employee.
2/15/2012 7:45:57 AM
yeah, i called her last night and mentioned that you asked me for extra work
Brian P. Heick
2/15/2012 7:47:04 AM
She acted like she actually had something to say to me about it so I told her "if she wanted to make a big deal about it, then give me a w2 form instead of a 1099 which I still havent gotten."
Brian P. Heick
2/15/2012 7:47:15 AM
She has yet to call me back and that was at 4pm yesterday
Brian P. Heick
2/15/2012 7:51:36 AM
Funny thing is that I really don't need a 1099 from her, but I'm insisting because I'm getting audited by the stae for a second year in a row. From what the auditor told me yesterday it's because she didn't file her taxes on her business for the last 3 years.
Brian P. Heick
2/15/2012 7:51:40 AM
Go figure
2/15/2012 7:52:15 AM
yeah, go figure
Brian P. Heick
2/15/2012 7:53:23 AM
For once I just wish that lady would run the busness so I can make money and not run it into the ground and expect me to do the work of a development group in a week. She does not understand the "I'm only one person" statement
2/15/2012 7:56:23 AM
what do you think of my flash 3d window
http://www.uvdeviant.com/fRender36/?mt=251282self-coded, everything
2/15/2012 7:56:35 AM
texture mapping, display mechanism, OBJ file parser, etc
2/15/2012 7:56:37 AM
2/15/2012 7:56:52 AM
the graphics are done by nancy, and it's actually 1 of over 3000 client's skins
Brian P. Heick
2/15/2012 7:57:14 AM
runs kinda freaky, looks good though
Brian P. Heick
2/15/2012 7:57:22 AM
no mouse panning?
2/15/2012 7:57:29 AM
not with that, no
2/15/2012 7:57:36 AM
only cause there is HUGE browser lag in tests
2/15/2012 7:57:45 AM
running it in an independant flash window, sure
2/15/2012 7:57:57 AM
the individual model viewer is what's going to have mouse panning
Brian P. Heick
2/15/2012 7:58:03 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/15/2012 7:58:04 AM
2/15/2012 7:58:19 AM
did i show you the individual model viewer?
Brian P. Heick
2/15/2012 7:58:49 AM
2/15/2012 7:59:20 AM
mmk, gimmie a sec to set permissions on the one i want to show ya
Brian P. Heick
2/15/2012 8:00:07 AM
kk, doing the books right now, I have a minute
2/15/2012 8:00:12 AM
2/15/2012 8:00:17 AM
there ya go, some shoes
2/15/2012 8:00:42 AM
hi-speed mouse panning ftw
2/15/2012 8:01:04 AM
once again, all routines written by meh

2/15/2012 8:01:07 AM
flash ftw
Brian P. Heick
2/15/2012 8:12:15 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/15/2012 8:12:17 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/15/2012 8:12:25 AM
love to see that on one of the more complex models
Brian P. Heick
2/15/2012 8:12:32 AM
reading that granny file, right?
2/15/2012 8:14:30 AM
2/15/2012 8:14:38 AM
actually, the granny files are converted to Wavefront OBJ files
2/15/2012 8:14:51 AM
then i have a program I wrote that takes out the additional information in them to make them smaller
2/15/2012 8:15:18 AM
2/15/2012 8:15:28 AM
my program is called OBJCleanup
2/15/2012 8:15:45 AM
and the texture is included in the XML, and secured with a RC1 hash
Brian P. Heick
2/17/2012 6:54:49 AM
That is prety cool there
2/17/2012 6:55:10 AM
what is pretty cool there?
Brian P. Heick
2/17/2012 6:56:24 AM
converting the granny files to the .obj file. Theres a lot of shit you can do with those. You can edit them win Anim8or and 3dsmax, and write custon uv to them and so on.
Brian P. Heick
2/17/2012 6:57:01 AM
Id's think that the granny devs would have a little shit fit over that though
Brian P. Heick
2/17/2012 6:57:34 AM
Your rent is comming up, right? going to do the usual wire transfer by chance?
2/17/2012 6:59:50 AM
unsure yet. trying to stomach the possibility of a plane trip
Brian P. Heick
2/17/2012 7:02:55 AM
2/22/2012 1:49:30 PM
Hey budday! You around for a couple mins?
Brian P. Heick
2/22/2012 1:50:06 PM
2/22/2012 1:50:33 PM
how much did i deposit into your account so that i can have you shoot a check to my landlordy lord rent payment person extreme?
Brian P. Heick
2/22/2012 1:50:51 PM
Brian P. Heick
2/22/2012 1:51:41 PM
don't have my check book on me, I think it was your rent + fees + a thankyou tip

2/22/2012 1:52:09 PM
so, you don't know how much?
2/22/2012 1:59:34 PM
[Saturday, December 24, 2011 7:35 PM] Brian P. Heick:
<<< [Wednesday, December 21, 2011 1:14 AM] M:
<<< Check to: David Whitehill
2160 Lafayette Street, Falconer, New York 1473
M1/24/2012 10:25:53 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/22/2012 1:59:58 PM
No idea at the moment. I'll look at my bank in a minut, going out on a smoke break
Brian P. Heick
2/22/2012 2:14:49 PM
Brian P. Heick
2/22/2012 2:14:52 PM
there it is
Brian P. Heick
2/22/2012 2:14:56 PM
took a while to find it
2/22/2012 2:14:59 PM
cool, and the check was cut for 850
2/22/2012 2:15:11 PM
ok, i'll have 900 sent to you, and apparently your bank yanks $17.00 for it
2/22/2012 2:15:12 PM
Brian P. Heick
2/22/2012 2:15:39 PM
01/17/2012 WIRE TRANSFER FEE -$15.00 $881.37
Brian P. Heick
2/22/2012 2:15:42 PM
more than that
Brian P. Heick
2/22/2012 2:15:54 PM
gets whacked twice
2/22/2012 2:16:18 PM
that doesn't make sense
2/22/2012 2:16:22 PM
the amount of 900 was sent twice
2/22/2012 2:16:45 PM
oh, $27
2/22/2012 2:16:50 PM
so, $15 + $13
2/22/2012 2:16:54 PM
Brian P. Heick
2/22/2012 2:17:14 PM
all those hidden fees that they didn't mind not saying anything about
Brian P. Heick
2/26/2012 8:18:08 AM
2/26/2012 8:18:29 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/26/2012 9:27:54 AM
Your transfer just arrived, check should be in the mail monday
Brian P. Heick
2/26/2012 9:28:41 AM
trying to find the spot in AD where the user attributes say a user account is disabled. Know that off the top of your head cause google isn't helping to much right now?
2/26/2012 9:29:25 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/26/2012 9:31:21 AM
heh, ya figured that would have been a little less obvious... ms-DS-User-Account-Disabled been looking for like a half hour now
Brian P. Heick
2/26/2012 9:34:43 AM
working on updating GP's site, their portal is AD integrated, but disabled accounts can login, got everything else up and working OK, but that's been logging a fix. Working with ad, adsiedit, and sql to play with AD, so fun...
2/26/2012 9:41:42 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/26/2012 5:43:08 PM
Hey, ma wanted me to pass along for you to call her btw. She's worried about you.
2/26/2012 5:44:45 PM
she spoke to me 2 days ago.....wtf
Brian P. Heick
2/26/2012 5:45:33 PM
dunno. She made it out to be a little longer than that
3/1/2012 8:30:17 AM
Hey buddy! Did you get any confirmation on the rent?
Brian P. Heick
3/1/2012 9:42:10 AM
Not yet, it went out yesterday
Brian P. Heick
3/1/2012 9:42:27 AM
had a late f'd up week in paying like 2300 in bills off
3/1/2012 9:43:17 AM
mmk, cool
3/1/2012 9:43:19 AM

Brian P. Heick
3/4/2012 5:55:00 AM
You land lord hasn't deposited the check yet, it should have gotten there by now at least
3/4/2012 8:45:55 AM
3/6/2012 8:06:50 AM
any news on the deposit of the check?
Brian P. Heick
3/6/2012 8:08:13 AM
none yet, you LL still hasn't cashed it
3/10/2012 3:57:06 PM
any luck on the check?
Brian P. Heick
3/12/2012 9:52:27 AM
Oh, yer land lord did cash it
Brian P. Heick
3/12/2012 9:53:06 AM
sorry, had a very busy weekend restoring a server after a tech did a cold call at patrons and wiped out the bcd store while installing monitoring software to both of their domain controllers
Brian P. Heick
3/17/2012 9:29:38 AM
meh, I need a really good html validator for people who like ot point and click thier way into making a mess. Know of one?
3/17/2012 2:50:16 PM
nope, sorry
3/17/2012 2:50:23 PM
'cept w3 validator
Brian P. Heick
3/17/2012 4:00:24 PM
that's what I was thinking, but no one wants to take the extra step when good html output is needed
Brian P. Heick
3/17/2012 4:00:27 PM
3/17/2012 4:37:42 PM
what do you mean?>
Brian P. Heick
3/19/2012 8:35:57 AM
Ma's point an click adobe cs3 validates html based on xml, but it can't seem to validate bad tables and unclosed tags. to I end up having to fix <table></table> then <tr><td> somewhere wlse down the page. Then I'll get <div><tr> in palces...
Brian P. Heick
3/19/2012 8:36:48 AM
If I had hair on my head I pull it out because it works like crap with the pdf generator with uses an html template to make the PDFs, runs it's validator on them and freaks out 90% of the time
3/19/2012 9:19:04 AM
xml requires tags properly closed
3/19/2012 9:19:17 AM
so the statement that it properly validates html based on xml is false
Brian P. Heick
3/19/2012 9:30:11 AM
thats basicaly what I said there. The xhtml syntax taht comes from the proggie that she uses is almost never valid and required time wastin fixin and I was wondering if there were any tidy programs out there for such an event that are idiot proof or can work with someone whit a small learning curve.
Brian P. Heick
3/19/2012 9:31:05 AM
The program that I wrote to make the pdfs requries valid markup else it gets pissed, so I need something for her to use to correct bad markup.
3/19/2012 10:26:14 AM
you could just...umm...hmm....
3/19/2012 10:26:28 AM
run it through htmlTidy and parse the output
Brian P. Heick
3/21/2012 11:49:01 AM
can you do me a favor and explain to ma the importance of proper xhtml markup. She seems to think that it's not important to be proper.
3/21/2012 11:49:41 AM
i don't understand...why are you not writing in proper html?
3/22/2012 5:38:02 AM
I was wondering if you'd be able to acquire and deliver my rent check (again)

Brian P. Heick
3/22/2012 10:02:44 AM
Brian P. Heick
3/22/2012 10:02:46 AM
just send it
Brian P. Heick
3/22/2012 10:03:58 AM
i don't understand...why are you not writing in proper html?
M3/21/2012 11:46:43 AM
no me, her and she does not want to hear that it's incorrect. Every time I fix it, she overwrites it with her 'corrected' version that has garbblygook all over the place
3/22/2012 10:42:08 AM
then boy her a book, or an e-book
3/22/2012 10:42:18 AM
and write on the inside cover "From matt, with love"
Brian P. Heick
3/22/2012 11:42:54 AM
Brian P. Heick
3/22/2012 11:42:57 AM
I like that
Brian P. Heick
3/22/2012 11:43:00 AM
I'll have to do it
Brian P. Heick
3/22/2012 12:12:58 PM
Hey, what is your phone number?
3/22/2012 12:14:53 PM
ummm....i dunno lol
3/22/2012 12:14:56 PM
gimmie 5, i'll check
3/22/2012 12:18:37 PM
1 716 708 1678
3/27/2012 3:44:55 PM
any clue on the deposit to your account sir?
Brian P. Heick
3/29/2012 10:13:27 AM
Brian P. Heick
3/29/2012 10:13:38 AM
Check will be going out later on today
3/29/2012 10:13:46 AM
ok, thank you...just booking tickets now
Brian P. Heick
3/29/2012 10:13:55 AM
Been really fn busy as all hell
Brian P. Heick
3/29/2012 10:14:10 AM
Make sure you come vist us and see Adam and Ivy
Brian P. Heick
3/29/2012 10:37:27 AM
so yo were working with ma on that form there?
3/29/2012 10:38:25 AM
i think, i was trying to axe her qvestinz
Brian P. Heick
3/29/2012 10:39:20 AM
Tell her to give it to me next time before she 'plays around'. Things like this she like to blame on me:
<%If RD("Extendliability") = "No" Then
Response.Write("<img src='/box_X.jpg' width='19' height='19' >")
4/3/2012 2:50:13 PM
you present?
Brian P. Heick
4/4/2012 11:14:40 AM
I'm here now
4/4/2012 11:15:21 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/4/2012 11:15:28 AM
4/4/2012 11:16:28 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/4/2012 11:16:35 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/4/2012 11:16:38 AM
where at?
4/4/2012 11:17:00 AM
at a desk
Brian P. Heick
4/4/2012 11:17:14 AM
home yet or still out of the country?
4/4/2012 11:18:16 AM
still out until the 27th
Brian P. Heick
4/4/2012 1:08:31 PM
Brian P. Heick
4/4/2012 1:08:34 PM
gimme money

4/4/2012 1:11:32 PM
4/4/2012 1:11:44 PM
i has no extra money, i'm running on red this month after 2 plane tickets
Brian P. Heick
4/4/2012 1:20:56 PM
I'm runnin in the black right now
4/4/2012 1:27:23 PM
that's good!
4/5/2012 12:54:39 AM
4/5/2012 12:54:44 AM
i forgot to ask if the rent check cleared
Brian P. Heick
4/5/2012 9:22:02 AM
not yet
Brian P. Heick
4/5/2012 9:22:22 AM
yor money cleared and the check went out
4/5/2012 9:22:28 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/5/2012 9:22:57 AM
4/2 actually. lost my check book and found it at the office
4/5/2012 9:23:03 AM
4/5/2012 9:23:12 AM
so, you got an extra room that i can stay in, right?
4/5/2012 9:23:50 AM
4/5/2012 9:23:59 AM
thanks, anyways brother

Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 9:12:07 AM
yay, monday... blah
4/9/2012 9:12:15 AM
yay, tuesday!
4/9/2012 9:12:18 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 9:12:25 AM
not quite friday
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 9:12:59 AM
setting up my tablet again... got me a bigger hard drive, but no tpm support

4/9/2012 9:13:32 AM
4/9/2012 9:13:39 AM
i've, got a hairbrush
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 9:14:13 AM
my tc4400 as old as it is seems so much better than my aspire with it's nifty spin screen, pen, ambient ligth sendor, and fingerprint reader.
4/9/2012 9:15:26 AM
i've got a phone that i can use my finger on too
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 9:16:36 AM
I have a flip phone!
4/9/2012 9:16:48 AM
i has a HTC Touch2
4/9/2012 9:17:06 AM
i just "jailbroke" it last night so I could use non-UK sim's in it
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 9:17:09 AM
HTC's are such a pain in the as to fix when they break
4/9/2012 9:17:23 AM
i guess mine won't break, then
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 9:18:19 AM
I fixed one of those with a busted digitizer and a bad lcd Had to rebuild the whole connector on it cause someone tried it 'fix' it and they ended up smoking the buttons on the bottom, broke the lcd, and put a crack in the digitizer.
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 9:19:37 AM
Good thing you didn't get a casio commando. You should ask rich what it's like to fix them.
4/9/2012 9:20:29 AM
i, uh, didn't have a choice on what to be "given"
4/9/2012 9:20:40 AM
i was like, "you gonna use that?", and the answer was "no"
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 9:20:46 AM
4/9/2012 9:20:54 AM
and then i said, "i'll take it for free", and the answer was "here's the charger"
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 9:21:13 AM
usually the way it works around here. Theres a recycling bin up front that people chuck all kinds of usless to them and useful to be shit into
4/9/2012 9:21:34 AM
oh, speaking of useless shit that's chucked around...
4/9/2012 9:21:40 AM
do you know if my rent check has cleared yet?
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 9:22:03 AM
had to have by now
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 9:22:07 AM
gime a sec
4/9/2012 9:22:12 AM
cool, i'll go out for a smoke
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 9:23:06 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 10:53:04 AM
So your check did make it in, and was deposited on 4/5
4/9/2012 11:01:18 AM
cool, thanks

Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 1:55:03 PM
Hey, do you have some time that you can put in with ma on soe of her projects any time soon?
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 1:55:37 PM
I keep having to pick and repick at documents that get messed with trying to find where server side code keeps getting screwed with and it's starting to really drive me insane.
4/9/2012 2:04:58 PM
dunno if I have the time in the next 4 weeks
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 2:39:39 PM
she's gonna drive me nutz man
4/9/2012 2:40:33 PM
she did with me. I know your pain.
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 2:41:28 PM
like, really nutz and get let on her own. I wish she would run the business like a damn owner and not RUN everything and do everything and leave the tasks to people that can do it. She causes more work for everyone every day and refuses to back down. It causes delays and runs costs up and pisses people off.
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 2:41:54 PM
I've tried to tell her it but she's moreinto treating me like a damn kid.
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 2:42:02 PM
blah blah blah... vent vent vent
4/9/2012 2:44:28 PM
she's micro-managing. too much work for her to do. someone needs to step up and manage
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 2:46:15 PM
It's not much of a problem for me to do, already been there and done that. Tried to get her to see the one-job-to-many concept which we've all done and learned from already. Problem is that I dont seem to get paid for the work that I do, only what she bills, which is flat out wrong. And I just popped that question to her in skype as well.
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 2:48:45 PM
And you are right about the micro-managing. She's also meddleing in her own busienss where experience works better than thinking and playing. Half the crap I'm working on right now I had finished in feb and march and I'm woring on it again because she uses an editor that can't distinguish the programming language from html whic constantly screws things up. And when she does that she points fingers and argues for hous about who did what wrong.
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 2:50:56 PM
heh, she just went offline, go figure
4/9/2012 2:52:30 PM
maybe she needs to hire someone to manage.
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 2:53:54 PM
I would be tickled and happy if that were to happen. THey would probably run out the door the next week after hire by being trompled, overspoken, underpaid, and overstepped all the time.
4/9/2012 2:54:43 PM
thats not your worry.
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 2:54:58 PM
I finally got her to establish some form of workflow (last month) and in-house book keeping which lightened up work loads and made things a little less confusing, but she has a hard time with putting in checks and payments and keeping her books straight.
4/9/2012 2:55:05 PM
your the unbilling lackey

Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 2:55:29 PM
I bill all the time. Relentlessly
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 2:55:38 PM
want a screenshot of my times?
4/9/2012 2:55:56 PM
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 2:56:19 PM
So I make her 16000 in a month and I don't bill, right?
4/9/2012 2:56:35 PM
better than "uncle ball-fetch"
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 2:56:41 PM
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 2:56:48 PM
but still
4/9/2012 2:56:57 PM
but still
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 2:57:09 PM
I'm getting sick of telling her I told you so every time the shit hits the fan
4/9/2012 2:57:37 PM
you don't have to prove anything with anyone but yourself
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 2:57:38 PM
She lost a $1400 p/m service contract becuase she thinks she can tell the ceo of a company what to do
4/9/2012 2:58:16 PM
I have to eat
4/9/2012 2:58:44 PM
I support you 50% of the time
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 2:58:52 PM
Im waiting for the bus home, had to come back cause the power went out and noone wants to get some UPS's here
4/9/2012 2:58:54 PM
the other half......
4/9/2012 2:59:03 PM
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 2:59:08 PM
4/9/2012 2:59:22 PM
lub ya f'kr
Brian P. Heick
4/9/2012 2:59:29 PM
if I'm a lackey then that makes you a bitch, right?
4/9/2012 3:01:06 PM
makes me eating dinner in london
4/9/2012 3:01:11 PM
Brian P. Heick
4/10/2012 6:41:33 AM
hey, can I borrow your eyes
Brian P. Heick
4/10/2012 6:41:48 AM
I have a file that has a broken conditional in that I just can't find
Brian P. Heick
4/10/2012 6:41:56 AM
it's driving me nutz
Brian P. Heick
4/10/2012 6:43:05 AM
someone went delete crazy and removed something somewhere where I can't find it in the 3200 some lines of mixed html and asp classic script
Brian P. Heick
4/10/2012 6:59:43 AM
Actually, I could use a bigger hand
Brian P. Heick
4/10/2012 6:59:46 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/10/2012 7:01:01 AM
keep looking at this scripting and seeing all the malformed documents and all these loose end if's in the scripting. After all this stuff was done the week before last and it's right bak to time delaying fix-it work.
4/10/2012 9:33:53 AM
i'm here
4/10/2012 9:33:56 AM
sorry, was out
Brian P. Heick
4/10/2012 12:40:43 PM
I've been busy hassling around and trying to voice some common sense
Brian P. Heick
4/10/2012 12:40:57 PM
She decided to stay home today and do nothing again
4/10/2012 12:44:23 PM
cool cool
4/10/2012 12:44:34 PM
i'm decided to get a smoke and some coffee

4/10/2012 12:44:36 PM
so i'll brb
Brian P. Heick
4/10/2012 12:44:42 PM
same here
Brian P. Heick
4/11/2012 7:53:31 AM
morning spanky
4/11/2012 7:55:58 AM
evening here, until your birthday
4/11/2012 7:56:07 AM
then timezones should be identical
Brian P. Heick
4/11/2012 7:56:16 AM
4/11/2012 7:56:30 AM
or, not evening
4/11/2012 7:56:30 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/11/2012 7:56:48 AM
doing mornig server crapola on my smtp server. Seems webmail bonked out, might just be browser support though.
4/11/2012 7:57:02 AM
i'm building a secure photobucket-type thing
Brian P. Heick
4/11/2012 7:57:03 AM
can you get this page there?
Brian P. Heick
4/11/2012 7:57:04 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/11/2012 7:57:44 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/11/2012 7:57:50 AM
just wondering
4/11/2012 7:58:29 AM
gimmie 10 minutes
4/11/2012 7:58:35 AM
i gotta get a hard drive outta my laptop
4/11/2012 7:58:38 AM
it's hanging baaaaaaaaaaaaaad
Brian P. Heick
4/11/2012 7:59:45 AM
want one to play with? THere kinka cools
4/11/2012 8:10:06 AM
ok, i can see the webmail thing
4/11/2012 8:10:28 AM
The SMART status on my HDD was failing, so i replaced it, duped it, and put it in my Lap as a spare
Brian P. Heick
4/11/2012 8:10:28 AM
loads fast or sloooow?
4/11/2012 8:10:39 AM
loads pretty good
Brian P. Heick
4/11/2012 8:10:41 AM
4/11/2012 8:10:54 AM
it's just the old drive started crashing today, so i just *yoinked* it
4/11/2012 8:11:09 AM
excellent lappy, room for 2 drives

4/11/2012 8:11:20 AM
even build in Raid0/1

Brian P. Heick
4/11/2012 8:11:27 AM
Mine had room for 1
4/11/2012 8:12:11 AM
would you like me to find a datasheet for this one?
Brian P. Heick
4/11/2012 8:12:32 AM
I don't woory about it bonkin out since i have 2 of these tablets and some 20 replacement drives + I image it a lot and my crap is saved on sd cards
Brian P. Heick
4/11/2012 8:12:34 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/11/2012 8:12:38 AM
whaca got?
4/11/2012 8:13:49 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/11/2012 8:14:19 AM
which proc ya got?
4/11/2012 8:14:22 AM
The only thing diff about the datasheet and this Lap is i've got 4gb, not the 8gb max
4/11/2012 8:14:45 AM
P7350 Core Duo @ 2GHz
4/11/2012 8:15:54 AM
You know,
4/11/2012 8:15:54 AM
4/11/2012 8:15:57 AM
with the language change
4/11/2012 8:16:06 AM
if you enter a bad user/password, it reverts back to english
4/11/2012 8:16:25 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/11/2012 8:17:59 AM
can't do much about that with mailenable, it didn't give much room to customise it's modules
Brian P. Heick
4/11/2012 8:18:11 AM
didn't know that though
4/11/2012 8:18:36 AM
just came across it, #justsayin'
4/11/2012 8:18:45 AM
not critiquing it to the point where you NEED ABSOLUTE CHANGE for it
Brian P. Heick
4/11/2012 8:19:44 AM
not going to bother with it actually, only 7 accounts on the serverice anyway, dunno how many inboxes are used, but the server processes some 100-200 emails a day for them and more for me
4/11/2012 8:20:50 AM
bbl, food shoppinz
4/13/2012 9:30:57 PM
Brian P. Heick
4/14/2012 6:56:18 PM
Ya know, I just watched that video, that sounded kinda painful there
Brian P. Heick
4/15/2012 9:01:20 PM
ma wanted me to tell you to call devon
4/16/2012 6:37:21 AM
wish i could, but i couldn't
Brian P. Heick
4/17/2012 10:44:20 AM
np, was just passing a message
Brian P. Heick
4/17/2012 10:44:35 AM
http://www.bataviatalks.com -- slowly getting out there
4/17/2012 10:46:06 AM
nice, nice
Brian P. Heick
4/17/2012 10:46:23 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/17/2012 10:47:57 AM
Rich is givingme a hand with it, plannig on doing adverts when users reach 100+
4/20/2012 2:50:33 PM
Shit, i thought it was you for a bit
4/22/2012 1:36:08 AM
Hey, when you get the time can you get me the sizes for my tires?
4/22/2012 1:36:53 AM
and maybe visually confirm that one of them is low/gone. i thought i had a spare. also, you think you could help me with the tire change, as i don't have a kit?
Brian P. Heick
4/22/2012 7:58:50 AM
Need a tire station to get those on less you want to hop on the riman hillbilly pop them on witha can og either. ther proplelbe 205/15 and you do need 4 tires. Your rear drivers side is screwed
Brian P. Heick
4/22/2012 7:59:36 AM
I'd just mount a spare if you have one and take it to a tire shop
4/22/2012 11:12:14 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/26/2012 8:24:32 AM
Can you tell me what steps you took to resolve the gpins issue an what the symtoms of the issue were. I see that the newtowrk service permissions were all screwed to hell in the applications directory which would make things run really funky on a .net 4 site.
Brian P. Heick
4/26/2012 8:35:02 AM
yas there?
Brian P. Heick
4/26/2012 8:35:12 AM
oh, nvm yer offline
Brian P. Heick
4/26/2012 11:42:04 AM
k, gott it fixed, go figure. Always permissions and they were really fuggled up
4/27/2012 7:27:00 AM
yeah, at airport now. be there tonight
4/30/2012 5:06:47 AM
if a vehicle is having difficulty shifting from 1st to second, or from a stop to 1st, should i check the transmission fluid?
Brian P. Heick
4/30/2012 8:01:39 PM
Brian P. Heick
5/1/2012 8:04:14 AM
mornin spanky
5/1/2012 11:03:35 AM
5/1/2012 6:58:39 PM
5/2/2012 3:51:06 PM
5/2/2012 4:07:19 PM
you in front?
5/2/2012 4:19:47 PM
Making a note to call the Cell on 3 May at 7:00am
5/2/2012 4:25:55 PM
5/3/2012 2:40:09 AM
Brian P. Heick
5/3/2012 7:48:36 AM
rich's idea
5/3/2012 4:31:35 PM
you present?
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 11:21:17 AM
parts did't arrive early, did they?
5/15/2012 11:34:48 AM
nope, not yet
5/15/2012 11:34:50 AM
no call yet
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 2:54:08 PM
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 2:54:20 PM
THe csco thing is a maybe with an automotive repair shop
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 2:54:39 PM
They have a sonicwall tz170 running os 3.1 (old...)
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 2:54:48 PM
behind that there is a cisco switch
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 2:55:12 PM
rich and I were hunting down where there may be qus or bwm setup on the devices, and got nowhere
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 2:55:41 PM
I went up and down the sonicwall and didn't find anything and I don't do cisco, so I figured you may be able to give it a shot the next time someone is there
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 2:55:47 PM
sound like fun?
5/15/2012 2:55:48 PM
what kind of cisco?
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 2:56:30 PM
unknown, it's up on a shelf in a wiring closet rats nest, rich only saw a 2 on it, and it's a 24 port switch
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 2:56:52 PM
He couldn't get a picture of it, to obscured by the wires
5/15/2012 2:56:56 PM
it's a cisco managed switch?
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 2:57:17 PM
dunno, well hidden by wires
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 2:57:27 PM
needs a cleanup really bad
5/15/2012 2:58:02 PM
look at the back or bottom, i need more info than "i dunno"
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 2:58:13 PM
Ino there, on-site ended a while ago
5/15/2012 2:58:15 PM
need to know if it's a cisco router, an ASA, or a managed switch
5/15/2012 2:58:41 PM
wait, 24-port and a 2
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 2:58:57 PM
yep, 2 module bays on the front
5/15/2012 2:59:00 PM
a 2940/2950/2960?
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 2:59:10 PM
grey front panel
5/15/2012 2:59:11 PM
is it a Catalyst?
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 2:59:22 PM
that's about all I have for a description
5/15/2012 2:59:55 PM
need exacts, and i can give you exactly what you need
5/15/2012 3:00:10 PM
catalysts could be pumping out packets for CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocl)
5/15/2012 3:00:20 PM
if that's the case, wireshark will tell you the switches IP
5/15/2012 3:00:37 PM
if it's a managed switch, you could telnet into it
5/15/2012 3:00:53 PM
If you have console access, you can own the switch
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 3:00:56 PM
I know, it'll have to wait till next time then. They have a 5x30 connection and every machine gets 3x3 on it
5/15/2012 3:01:06 PM
5x30 what?
5/15/2012 3:01:07 PM
3x3 what?
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 3:01:07 PM
I can ownthe sonicwall first

Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 3:01:24 PM
up stream / down stream
5/15/2012 3:01:50 PM
right, ok, so it's probably a 2940-24/2960-24 with QoS enabled
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 3:02:15 PM
that's about what I was figuring, though no one tested the lan side of the sonicwall yet.
5/15/2012 3:02:37 PM
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 3:02:45 PM
cisco is behind the sonic wall
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 3:02:50 PM
dunno why, go figure
5/15/2012 3:02:52 PM
2 modules, you mean 2 of the plug in modules?
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 3:03:34 PM
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 3:03:37 PM
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 3:03:49 PM
just got the model right now
5/15/2012 3:04:10 PM
ok, so it's 2 sfps then
5/15/2012 3:04:32 PM
or gbics
5/15/2012 3:04:37 PM
they fiber or ethernet?
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 3:05:00 PM
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 3:05:03 PM
time warner
5/15/2012 3:05:17 PM
5/15/2012 3:05:42 PM
does the internet plug into the switch?
5/15/2012 3:07:45 PM
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 6:05:32 PM
Sorry, had major business, infact headed out for onsite right now. Internet goes like this DSL Modem >> SonicWALL >> (Cisco + dell on cisco) >> Devices
Brian P. Heick
5/15/2012 6:05:40 PM
later bud
5/30/2012 3:47:51 AM
Ok, so i've been researching what I could do with the low RPM. The two things i've located is to clean the throttle body, and to take the negative lead off the battery for about 30 minutes to reset the computers....
5/30/2012 3:48:13 AM
otherwise, i've ready stuff about the sensors and if they are malfunctioning in some way. any thoughts?
5/30/2012 3:48:46 AM
oh, and something about a Vaccum thing....that was a third thing
5/30/2012 3:49:28 AM
and the 4th was the Idle air control valve, but i haven't looked much into this
5/30/2012 3:50:34 AM
Brian P. Heick
6/9/2012 8:08:58 PM
you beaner
6/9/2012 8:26:44 PM
wtf u mean
Brian P. Heick
6/13/2012 2:15:38 PM
can you call me on my cell when you get a chance please?
Brian P. Heick
6/13/2012 2:16:17 PM
or skype call, doesnt matter
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2012 2:44:58 PM
wen you get a chance, give me a buzz over skype. I have an independant job fo you that should pay out about 1200 - 2000 in your pocket if it goes well enough.
7/1/2012 3:03:13 PM
how long
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2012 3:06:23 PM
dunno, planning 2 months on and off in stages. Gonna require .net 4 framework with active directory and sql. bbl thogh, working on puters right now
7/9/2012 3:56:59 PM
Hey, what's this thing Mom's trying to communicate to me?
Brian P. Heick
7/10/2012 9:02:41 AM
I haven't any clue. She's probably trying to get you to do some work for her possibly. I know I talked with her last night about driving her forms and applications into .net and out of vb script. Probably about that and maybe more.
7/10/2012 4:10:09 PM
mmk, thanks
7/12/2012 3:53:58 PM
Hey, do you has debit w/ Visa or Mastercard Logo that can be used for online purchases?
7/15/2012 7:52:14 PM
Did you get my last question?
Brian P. Heick
7/16/2012 8:19:27 AM
sorry didn't get your question until just now
Brian P. Heick
7/16/2012 8:19:47 AM
in what aspect do you mean debit online?
7/29/2012 1:07:34 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/31/2012 10:45:22 AM
7/31/2012 11:55:25 AM
8/7/2012 9:10:25 AM
Brian P. Heick
8/7/2012 10:23:49 AM
8/13/2012 3:18:27 PM
8/25/2012 6:25:28 PM
you don't have to write me on facebook
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 9:11:53 AM
omg... i actually found my computer with skype on it... it was my dell
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 9:12:19 AM
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 9:12:21 AM
Whats going on?
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 9:12:27 AM
Long time no talk...
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 9:12:35 AM
when are yas going to be back?
9/30/2012 1:38:43 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 1:56:52 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 1:57:19 PM
playin with my D430, tring to get the wwlan woorking again... bunkered out
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 1:57:41 PM
looks like my sim took a schite
9/30/2012 1:57:49 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 1:58:01 PM
d430... cell card
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 1:58:21 PM
dell, ya know
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 1:59:09 PM
got quite a few of them laying around the shop... want some used optiplex 745's? or lattitude d430? or a lenovo r51, or even a couple of poweredge servers?
9/30/2012 1:59:51 PM
no, thanks. they're not portable
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 2:00:12 PM
Lattitude D430 is ultra portable and wireless/cellular
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 2:00:19 PM
got quite a few of them
9/30/2012 2:00:35 PM
no, thanks. you can sell 'em
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 2:00:35 PM
fast little fuckers to
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 2:00:43 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 2:00:47 PM
yer loss
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 2:01:09 PM
only sell ya one for $100 and some change where as they usually go for 250+
9/30/2012 2:01:21 PM
no, thanks.
9/30/2012 2:01:32 PM
i have a computer. this is what i type to you on.
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 2:02:29 PM
I have a computer to... well, lots of them. Worksations, servers, notebooks, netbooks, and smart phones. Inventory is at about 10 personally for me and about some 100+ in stock to sell.
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 2:02:43 PM
finally found something that pays really good...
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 2:02:52 PM
really, really, really good

Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 2:03:46 PM
event got a cool little pxe server that helps preload and get things rollin in a hurry that we setup here. Gots all the images on it, can to ris and wds with the windows and net install linux and macs.
9/30/2012 2:04:11 PM
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 2:05:12 PM
i should send ya a image of my office, deked outman. If my incredible wasing possesed and shaking like a meth addict over it's busted digitizer I would snap one.
Brian P. Heick
9/30/2012 2:05:45 PM
ok, outta here, gotta go shoppin for home.. then home
Brian P. Heick
10/16/2012 7:22:15 AM
10/16/2012 7:22:27 AM
Brian P. Heick
10/16/2012 7:22:50 AM
Happy late birthday
10/16/2012 7:23:26 AM
10/16/2012 7:23:32 AM
i'll be sure to be on time for yours

Brian P. Heick
10/16/2012 7:24:02 AM
Would have said it the other day, been having a stressful week already
10/16/2012 7:24:28 AM
ditto here
Brian P. Heick
10/16/2012 7:24:33 AM
Adam is at childrens in buffalo getting detoxed for lead poisoning
10/16/2012 7:24:56 AM
10/16/2012 7:25:00 AM
like father, like son...
Brian P. Heick
10/16/2012 7:25:31 AM
I guess, but his were high enough to be dangerous and we don't know where it came from
10/16/2012 7:26:26 AM
Paint Chips, Water, Toys, "Things that look like chrome that isn't", fluids absorbed into the ground outside, ...
10/16/2012 7:26:31 AM
don't have much to offer
Brian P. Heick
10/16/2012 7:27:10 AM
Dunno, going to have the health department come on and test everything
10/16/2012 7:28:13 AM
Don't they charge for that?
Brian P. Heick
10/16/2012 7:28:26 AM
10/16/2012 7:28:40 AM
Brian P. Heick
10/16/2012 7:28:55 AM
10/16/2012 7:34:48 AM
So, how you holding up?
Brian P. Heick
10/16/2012 7:42:20 AM
Like shit
10/16/2012 7:43:36 AM
sounds....interesingly interesting
Brian P. Heick
10/16/2012 7:43:46 AM
Brian P. Heick
10/16/2012 7:44:03 AM
A new life experience
10/16/2012 7:45:56 AM
i bet
10/16/2012 7:47:10 AM
how's Ness? Any plans for marriage or anything?
Brian P. Heick
10/16/2012 7:53:55 AM
Working on it
10/16/2012 7:54:24 AM
Brian P. Heick
10/16/2012 8:06:43 AM
10/16/2012 8:07:04 AM
you should play minecraft
10/16/2012 8:07:09 AM
get your head out of this world
Brian P. Heick
10/16/2012 8:08:20 AM
I have coffee and nicotine for that. Brb, hitting the road for a bit
Brian P. Heick
10/16/2012 8:42:34 AM
I could never get my head wrapped around mine craft. Stop playing games a while back to, just havent had the time or energy to do it with work and kids
10/16/2012 8:43:06 AM
ok, just sayin'
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 5:46:30 PM
Ducking god damn cocksucking insurance company
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 5:46:51 PM
Fuckers will not pay for my kids medication
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 5:47:21 PM
Going outta my god damn mind here bro
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 5:47:48 PM
300 a pop for a week worth of meds
10/18/2012 5:48:18 PM
What about the inspectors?
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 5:48:49 PM
And to top that off, he can't even come home because there's more lead in my home than they have ever seen.
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 5:49:26 PM
Every room has lead paint
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 5:49:50 PM
Never disclosed and not even a word from the landlord about it
10/18/2012 5:49:53 PM
Thought it was on the outside?
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 5:50:05 PM
Inside and outside
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 5:50:16 PM
They tested it all today
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 5:50:29 PM
Fucking sucks
10/18/2012 5:51:10 PM
you renting or purchased?
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 5:51:30 PM
I was told flat our when I asked the maintenance man last week that there was no lead paint in the house
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 5:51:47 PM
Rent, not rich ya know
10/18/2012 5:52:18 PM
well, i didn't know if you took out loan or agreed to rent-to-own
10/18/2012 5:52:43 PM
well, there are lead paint laws that date back to 1970ish, you can file a civil action against your landlord
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 5:52:56 PM
No. Its an apartment building
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 5:53:12 PM
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 5:53:17 PM
My ko
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 5:53:34 PM
Adam is pretty messed up from it apparently
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 5:53:50 PM
Lead level golf 60+
10/18/2012 5:54:08 PM
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 5:54:21 PM
Sorry for the spelling errors btw. My DROID isn't to finger friendly yet
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 5:55:52 PM
Defiantly going to go off the depend here. If I had the money I would take out out of my landlords hide with interest.
10/18/2012 6:01:00 PM
i think things will be fine
10/18/2012 6:01:04 PM
you were a lead child
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 6:11:24 PM
My level was never that high
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 6:12:06 PM
His was so high that he was admited to childrens the day the lab results came back. When he was tested at the hospital his levels were higher than what was on the lab results
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 6:12:23 PM
I was in the 30's
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 6:12:32 PM
his was more than double that
Brian P. Heick
10/18/2012 6:13:12 PM
Whole shit stinker about this is that the landlord was cited for the same thing 6 years ago and never disclosed to us that there was lead paint in the house
10/18/2012 6:15:55 PM
well, at least he's still alive, and you probably can hang his drawings on him from school w/ magnets now
Brian P. Heick
10/19/2012 11:07:51 PM
Well, over the last couple of days I've talked with the four lawyers that I work with and there all telling me that I should seek damages on the whole thing. Trying to weigh out if I want to listen to the blood suckers...
Brian P. Heick
10/19/2012 11:08:50 PM
That and the landlord told me that I have to move today because he doesn't want to fix the issue now...
Brian P. Heick
10/19/2012 11:09:54 PM
What is you impression thus far?
10/20/2012 3:24:03 AM
If a doctor tell you the child that Ness gave birth to is a "girl", you'd check to make sure his eyes weren't wrong.
10/20/2012 3:24:41 AM
So, yeah, go for damages.
Brian P. Heick
10/20/2012 3:33:04 PM
I talked with one of my bloodsucking manhattan lawyers today. There all like "sick me on him"
10/20/2012 3:33:21 PM
go for it
Brian P. Heick
10/20/2012 3:33:32 PM
Guess I don't need a retainer either, they sound mroe than happy to take it out of his ass
10/20/2012 3:34:03 PM
it just means they take a larger percentage of the settlement
Brian P. Heick
10/20/2012 3:44:54 PM
I guess
10/20/2012 3:45:42 PM
well, good luck bro
Brian P. Heick
10/20/2012 4:09:34 PM
Dunno yet, it's still a waitin ggame
Brian P. Heick
10/20/2012 4:09:58 PM
I supposedly have a very strong case accordning to them, but I still ahve to sit it out and wait for a bit
10/20/2012 4:10:23 PM
wiating is not a good thing. it's an issue that needed quick attention.
Brian P. Heick
10/20/2012 4:10:39 PM
I know, but money is still a facotr for me right now
10/20/2012 4:10:51 PM
look for a pro bono lawyer
Brian P. Heick
10/22/2012 10:22:16 PM
10/23/2012 11:33:15 AM
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:33:35 AM
10/23/2012 11:34:37 AM
your voicemail from...12 hours ago
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:34:57 AM
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:35:02 AM
was it clear enough?
10/23/2012 11:35:13 AM
a bit "digitally", but i knew it was you
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:35:20 AM
was going over the vpn from my phone to work and out
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:35:45 AM
One of my non-serivce plan google voice phones.
10/23/2012 11:36:34 AM
10/23/2012 11:36:48 AM
no suprise
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:37:26 AM
No surprise?
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:37:49 AM
Free cell phone... well, minus the cost of the phone.
10/23/2012 11:38:24 AM
yeah, ppl been using voip and a data plan to skirt phone charges for years
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:43:50 AM
Data plan?
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:43:58 AM
Never heard of that

Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:44:12 AM
My phone isn't provisioned on the network
10/23/2012 11:44:30 AM
Right, just sayin', it's how old the concept is.
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:44:43 AM
I know
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:44:46 AM
I do it a lot
10/23/2012 11:44:48 AM
"unlimited data" for, like, $40/month, and be able to call anywhere w/o going over minutes, etc
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:45:31 AM
It actually work sout better to tell someone to get a verizon dataplan on thier android phones, get grove ip and google voice and go from there
10/23/2012 11:46:08 AM
wow, that sounds complicated. how about I pay you to just set it up and show me how to do it, eh?
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:46:56 AM
takes two seconds
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:48:02 AM
Ya know anyone that wants online cloud backup for a decent price? Trying to turn over more customers on our service
10/23/2012 11:48:36 AM
I could use about 10 TB myself, but everyone has EXPENSIVE for that
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:49:41 AM
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:49:47 AM
for your reference
10/23/2012 11:49:59 AM
why stored as a Jpeg?
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:50:45 AM
casue i don't have printkey or another clipboard manager on my workstation
10/23/2012 11:50:57 AM
just hit "printscreen"
10/23/2012 11:50:59 AM
and paste into skype
10/23/2012 11:51:01 AM
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:51:28 AM
like this?
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:51:30 AM
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:51:33 AM
10/23/2012 11:51:52 AM
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:52:37 AM
or like this
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:52:40 AM
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:52:41 AM
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:52:46 AM
now i'm havin fun
10/23/2012 11:52:50 AM
10/23/2012 11:52:51 AM
10/23/2012 11:52:52 AM
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:53:10 AM
those are the hosting prices though
10/23/2012 11:53:26 AM
but you can give me 10tb straight
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:53:33 AM
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:53:37 AM
it'll cose though
Brian P. Heick
10/23/2012 11:53:54 AM
lemme get a quck quote, gimme about 5 minutes
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 6:09:21 PM
meh.. gonna have a merry fucking christmas
11/30/2012 6:09:53 PM
Really? I thought you weren't religious
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 6:10:38 PM
I am when I cant see my kids because someone is being a bitch
11/30/2012 6:11:06 PM
wait, what's going on now?
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 6:11:23 PM
Just finally got around to buying a house to and the one person whom I'm staying with while we have no home decided to throw me out becuase I don't work for free
11/30/2012 6:11:44 PM
Ok, speaking in third persons doesn't help with the stories mitigation
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 6:11:49 PM
11/30/2012 6:15:04 PM
So, you bought a house, i'm assuming for you and V, and V threw you out so your somewhere
11/30/2012 6:17:32 PM
And to top it off, you randomly come on to talk, then for a period of time go away only to be seen again after 2-3 weeks
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 6:21:12 PM
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 6:21:23 PM
Sorry, network issues here
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 6:21:38 PM
I was staying with ma with Vanessa and the kids
11/30/2012 6:21:40 PM
well, i'm still here
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 6:21:52 PM
Ma decided that she wanted me to do work
11/30/2012 6:21:53 PM
so, mom was living with you, or V's mom?
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 6:22:13 PM
I said where's the money?
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 6:22:27 PM
And she told me to get out
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 6:22:36 PM
... that's the basic story
11/30/2012 6:22:46 PM
i'm sure it didn't escalate like that, but it definitely opens up the gates
11/30/2012 6:22:49 PM
so your staying where now?
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 6:23:08 PM
Slept in the van. Have work ya know
11/30/2012 6:24:28 PM
Right, in the van
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 6:25:38 PM
Got a ford freestar
11/30/2012 6:28:57 PM
what is that?
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 6:57:24 PM
Its a mid size van that's really good on gas
11/30/2012 6:57:48 PM
good to hear
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 6:58:16 PM
The house is rent to own btw.
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 6:58:53 PM
5 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage. 100k with a private mortgage
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 6:59:15 PM
Vote a fireplace an d an acre an a half of land
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 6:59:35 PM
Sorry, phone doesn't spell to good for me
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 7:00:27 PM
Only problem with the house right now is that ma is putting the pressure down on me while I'm trying to make money for my family.
11/30/2012 7:16:09 PM
11/30/2012 7:16:19 PM
sorry, seems like i get your phone messages later
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 7:36:31 PM
ya, just switched over to a computer now. Building is all brich with 3 floors above me, so wireless dosent seem to go far
11/30/2012 7:38:37 PM
11/30/2012 7:39:40 PM
so, your going to .... live in a van?
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 7:39:48 PM
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 7:40:20 PM
When I have everything all set with getting the new place tested I'll be living in Albion. Maybe about two weeks or so from now
11/30/2012 7:41:13 PM
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 7:42:31 PM
Confusing eh?
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 7:42:37 PM
want the long story?
11/30/2012 7:45:35 PM
no, it's ok
11/30/2012 7:45:40 PM
i believe you see things through ok
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 7:50:04 PM
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:05:20 PM
Just not liking the face that ma won't let me go see my kids
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:05:33 PM
so fucking done with her
11/30/2012 8:18:23 PM
i've been done...
11/30/2012 8:18:29 PM
Drew taught me that
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:18:52 PM
11/30/2012 8:19:12 PM
yah, talk to him about it
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:19:17 PM
Hey, care to make an investment?
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:19:36 PM
$1000 >> $3000 or $5000?
11/30/2012 8:22:21 PM
11/30/2012 8:22:25 PM
i'm not loaded w/ cash
11/30/2012 8:22:48 PM
and...last i knew, you owed me money
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:23:06 PM
Send me a bill? How much BTW?
11/30/2012 8:23:19 PM
i don't remember....
11/30/2012 8:23:34 PM
and you started off the last time w/ that line, and I invested and got shanked
11/30/2012 8:23:44 PM
so, further investments are just not in my portfolio at the moment
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:24:18 PM
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:24:30 PM
gonna have to dig back a bit and find the amount, arent I?
11/30/2012 8:25:05 PM
i'll give it a shot
11/30/2012 8:25:55 PM
ok, transfer of $900.00 USD has occurred, which should cover all transfer fees/deposit fees/such, etc
M12/21/2011 3:10:31 PM
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:26:34 PM
M, Wednesday, December 21, 2011 3:10 PM
M11/30/2012 8:25:42 PM
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:26:36 PM
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:26:39 PM
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:26:45 PM
Wasn't that your rent?
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:26:50 PM
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:26:53 PM
electric and gas!
11/30/2012 8:26:57 PM
wait...i found the convo
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:26:57 PM
that's it
11/30/2012 8:27:02 PM
that amount wasn't it
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:27:11 PM
it was like feb
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:27:20 PM
somewhere around there
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:27:24 PM
like 400 or so
11/30/2012 8:27:37 PM
[7/13/2011 8:07:38 PM] M: mmk
[7/13/2011 9:00:10 PM] M: validate your ABA as 022000046, and not 02200046 as you had provided me
[7/13/2011 10:13:13 PM] Brian P. Heick: 022000046 New York State
[7/13/2011 10:27:35 PM] M: ok, cool
[7/13/2011 10:36:33 PM] M: ok, i've got $550.00 enroute (minus any transfer fees) to your account
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:27:38 PM
you gave me your card number
11/30/2012 8:27:56 PM
Did I?
11/30/2012 8:28:08 PM
I had $550 transferred to you
11/30/2012 8:28:47 PM
that'll be for rent, diapers, and copays for the kids
M7/13/2011 10:37:04 AM
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:29:42 PM
That was a long time ago, less your computers date is off
11/30/2012 8:30:39 PM
No, it's pretty near to it...i think
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:32:01 PM
550 is a lot of money.
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:32:18 PM
I remember you did that for me because someone forgot to pay me for like two months
11/30/2012 8:33:27 PM
Yeah, I gotta stop giving away things
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:33:35 PM
Same here
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:33:39 PM
'cept what I owe ya.
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:33:45 PM
Gimme a few months?
11/30/2012 8:34:07 PM
Its lost already. It's been 14 months
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:34:15 PM
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:34:31 PM
shoulda caught me about 2 months ago before the shit hit the fan
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:34:46 PM
I blew through like 2g in 3 weeks after Adam got sick
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:35:03 PM
was saving to move
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:35:21 PM
now,. have nothing but hopes and bills
Brian P. Heick
11/30/2012 8:52:57 PM
okie, laters, headed to pick a fight
12/29/2012 8:20:56 AM
1/22/2013 9:43:17 AM
1/22/2013 9:43:18 AM
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
1/22/2013 11:12:13 AM
what is that?
Brian P. Heick
1/22/2013 11:12:34 AM
are you sending me a virus or something?
Brian P. Heick
1/22/2013 11:12:59 AM
or just some apparently addicting game?
1/22/2013 11:13:23 AM
it's just a "new concept" in gaming
1/22/2013 11:13:29 AM
and no, it's not a virus, it's the actual game
1/22/2013 11:14:01 AM
every 3D game uses the camera as the player. this game uses the camera, or player viewpoint, as the "creator of the world"
Brian P. Heick
1/22/2013 11:14:22 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/22/2013 11:15:49 AM
Brian P. Heick
1/22/2013 11:15:53 AM
1/22/2013 11:16:17 AM
no, not minecraft
Brian P. Heick
1/22/2013 12:16:42 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/24/2013 6:02:43 PM
Brian P. Heick
1/24/2013 6:02:58 PM
know anyone that wants some cheap online cloud backup service?
1/24/2013 8:01:11 PM
no, i don't. you asked me this almost 6 months ago as well
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2013 8:08:45 AM
I don't think I did
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2013 8:08:58 AM
But anyway, got some more relaiable cloud hosting provider
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2013 8:09:08 AM
CPR will be going live with it soon for the consumer market
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2013 8:09:24 AM
figured I'd see if you have anyone that wants to give it a try beforehand
1/25/2013 8:10:17 AM
nobody i know
Brian P. Heick
1/25/2013 8:10:24 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/7/2013 9:11:39 AM
sup ugly
2/7/2013 9:12:00 AM
you tell me pretty
Brian P. Heick
2/7/2013 9:12:35 AM
dunno, just got into the office and already working remotly on clients computers... mwhahahah, $70 per hour, so nice and like 10 computers at the same time
2/7/2013 9:12:53 AM
cool, i just build a laptop cooler for under $1000
2/7/2013 9:13:20 AM
4x120mm fans raised 10cm off the ground, powered by a 350w microatx supply hotwired for the ON
2/7/2013 9:13:27 AM
and i'm lovin' the wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind
Brian P. Heick
2/7/2013 9:13:32 AM
I build a computer called fluffy for $3000 two months ago. It jacks electric bills up by $180 from what I heard the other day.
2/7/2013 9:13:36 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/7/2013 9:14:09 AM
Feel like doing remote support for a comission?
Brian P. Heick
2/7/2013 9:14:28 AM
or are you still out of the us there?
2/7/2013 9:14:57 AM
would my location matter as far as remote support goes?
2/7/2013 9:16:07 AM
File transfer:
2/7/2013 9:16:13 AM
that's what happens when I turn on my UBERFANS
2/7/2013 9:16:25 AM
Video card temp = cpu temp
Brian P. Heick
2/7/2013 9:17:03 AM
Brian P. Heick
2/7/2013 9:17:13 AM
interesting drop there
Brian P. Heick
2/7/2013 9:17:22 AM
Yes, location matters
2/7/2013 9:17:42 AM
i don't see why, but if thats the case i cannot do any support for ya
Brian P. Heick
2/7/2013 9:19:56 AM
Hey, when are you going to be back btw? You need to stop up and visit some time.
2/7/2013 9:24:12 AM
dunno yet, got lots to work out
Brian P. Heick
2/7/2013 9:24:22 AM
I see
2/7/2013 12:31:37 PM
File transfer:
2/7/2013 12:31:45 PM
2/7/2013 12:31:59 PM
61*C to 35*C.....still Idle...

2/7/2013 12:32:28 PM
when you get that, can you send it back to me?
Brian P. Heick
2/7/2013 12:40:27 PM
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
2/7/2013 12:40:40 PM
meh... back
Brian P. Heick
2/10/2013 7:21:20 PM
Brian P. Heick
2/10/2013 7:21:37 PM
Can you do me a favor?
Brian P. Heick
2/10/2013 7:22:36 PM
One of my vendors over there that has fantastic prices for apple device parts is no longer in business.... any chance you might know someone who can get genuine and aftermarket ipod and ipad parts at low costs like lcds digitizers mainboards, etc...
2/10/2013 10:16:31 PM
vendors over where?
2/18/2013 12:43:59 PM
2/18/2013 12:44:05 PM
What's mom's email address?
Brian P. Heick
2/18/2013 9:18:57 PM
don't remember
Brian P. Heick
2/18/2013 9:19:03 PM
Brian P. Heick
3/8/2013 1:01:48 PM
ding dong
3/8/2013 3:18:59 PM
Whats up?
Brian P. Heick
3/8/2013 5:43:51 PM
nothing much
Brian P. Heick
3/8/2013 5:44:05 PM
busy day workin as an accountant/sales/tech
Brian P. Heick
3/8/2013 5:44:29 PM
building a transparent proxy server for a business to log employee web browsing history
Brian P. Heick
3/8/2013 5:45:06 PM
Got these cool little 1U Xeon servers in bulk that make cool little on the fly routers
3/8/2013 7:22:25 PM
Brian P. Heick
4/7/2013 10:26:40 AM
He stinky
4/7/2013 10:26:50 AM
4/7/2013 10:26:51 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/7/2013 10:26:53 AM
4/7/2013 10:27:15 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/7/2013 10:27:15 AM
Counting inventory today cause the tech can't keep it on paper
4/7/2013 10:27:16 AM
4/7/2013 10:27:23 AM
paper schmaper
Brian P. Heick
4/7/2013 10:27:34 AM
Grab an go...
Brian P. Heick
4/7/2013 10:27:59 AM
some 400 pieces of memory laying on a bin unsorted
Brian P. Heick
4/7/2013 10:28:39 AM
What are you up to? Still roaming the world?
4/7/2013 10:29:49 AM
no, stopped roaming about 6 months ago
Brian P. Heick
4/7/2013 10:29:58 AM
In one place now?
4/7/2013 10:31:05 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/7/2013 10:31:23 AM
where be you at now?
4/7/2013 10:31:34 AM
Hong Kong, I have residency here now
Brian P. Heick
4/7/2013 10:32:31 AM
Not going to be back in the US anytime soon, right?
4/7/2013 10:33:40 AM
Why, what's going on?
Brian P. Heick
4/7/2013 10:39:16 AM
Oh nothing. Just figured I'd ask
4/7/2013 10:39:48 AM
4/25/2013 7:43:34 AM
Heya, you 'round? I got a 3D-type question that you might be able to help with
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:20:19 AM
I'm around now
4/25/2013 10:20:37 AM
I completely forgot the question, i think
4/25/2013 10:20:46 AM
or it might have been related to texture mapping.
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:20:51 AM
4/25/2013 10:21:01 AM
Have you ever texture-mapped a mesh where the texture was outside the UV bounds?
4/25/2013 10:21:59 AM
Long story short, I've got Wavefront OBJ's that have their texture coordinates outside the 0 and 1, and some are just not looking right when mapped
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:22:38 AM
what are you editing it with?
4/25/2013 10:22:46 AM
Not editing it
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:22:53 AM
just viewing it?
4/25/2013 10:23:00 AM
I can send you the obj if you got something to view it with
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:23:06 AM
4/25/2013 10:23:44 AM
File transfer:
victorian couch.obj
4/25/2013 10:23:52 AM
it's the OBJ and the texture that's associated with it
4/25/2013 10:24:30 AM
If i unwrap the UV's, they are outside the texture map area
4/25/2013 10:24:34 AM
it just confuses me a bit
4/25/2013 10:24:40 AM
at least, on what to do with it
4/25/2013 10:25:28 AM
And don't get me wrong, it maps out OK cept for a visual sliver on the front
4/25/2013 10:29:29 AM
sort of get what i'm getting at? or no....
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:29:45 AM
sort of, model looks fine though
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:30:14 AM
you can view it by importing it into a program like anim8or (free)
4/25/2013 10:30:35 AM
I use GMax
4/25/2013 10:30:41 AM
and it looks fine there, too
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:30:46 AM
Though the mesh verticies aren't joined, so the object has some open faces
4/25/2013 10:31:12 AM
can you send me a screenshot of what you see?
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:31:28 AM
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:32:05 AM
File transfer:
4/25/2013 10:32:21 AM
where are they not joined?
4/25/2013 10:32:42 AM
cause if you can see that, then you might be able to see what i'm seeing as the problem
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:32:45 AM
front and back edges where it's green
4/25/2013 10:33:21 AM
it's just a big green circle
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:35:04 AM
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:35:15 AM
looks fin rendering though
4/25/2013 10:35:31 AM
you didn't pop the texture on it, tho
4/25/2013 10:38:34 AM
ok, regardless of the texture
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:38:46 AM
File transfer:
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:38:49 AM
wuth a texture
4/25/2013 10:38:52 AM
Any clue what i'm talking about with the UV coordinates outsdie of 0 and 1?
4/25/2013 10:39:16 AM
HA, i sent you a texture lol
4/25/2013 10:39:20 AM
but yeah, looks.....sorta ok
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:40:49 AM
your uv looks fine
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:41:00 AM
program probably had a hiccup
4/25/2013 10:41:06 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:41:10 AM
look at it in the coords list on the model
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:41:14 AM
File transfer:
4/25/2013 10:41:48 AM
Oh, there it is
4/25/2013 10:41:57 AM
on the right side, the ....split
4/25/2013 10:42:09 AM
You see that? Where your green meets red on the back of the couch
4/25/2013 10:42:13 AM
wtf is that?
4/25/2013 10:42:24 AM
that's what i'm irkin' for
4/25/2013 10:43:26 AM
I have a render issue there, and i see it's with the UV, and it's right there at that split, and i don't know wtf it is
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:43:27 AM
Did you design that?
4/25/2013 10:46:58 AM
4/25/2013 10:47:05 AM
it's extracted from a Granny File...
4/25/2013 10:47:23 AM
4/25/2013 10:47:35 AM
It's almost released, but it's basically publicly viewable
4/25/2013 10:47:48 AM
just click on a picture, there's a 3D flash load thingy (that i DID make) to view the item
4/25/2013 10:48:01 AM
the problem is this one prop, and there are over 1200 props that i've extracted
4/25/2013 10:48:06 AM
some of them have this wierd anomaly
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:48:16 AM
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 10:48:19 AM
ll bet
4/25/2013 10:50:21 AM
So, yeah...I was hoping you might have some insight as to what i'm .... experiencing
4/25/2013 10:56:19 AM
Hey, do you have that texture, btw?
4/25/2013 10:56:28 AM
the one of the checkerboard one that you rendered up?
4/25/2013 10:56:35 AM
or is it a feature of Anim8
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 11:11:53 AM
it's built in to anim8or
Brian P. Heick
4/25/2013 11:11:57 AM
bbiab, going onsite
4/25/2013 11:12:06 AM
crap, ok
5/22/2013 12:08:35 AM
Hey! When you wake up have Mom get in tough with me, please.
5/22/2013 12:08:54 AM
She does not leave me her number, or any way to directly communicate with her. She just hops on skype whenever she needs something.
5/22/2013 12:09:00 AM
So, I need something from her.
5/22/2013 12:09:07 AM
Thank you, my youthful telephone

Brian P. Heick
5/22/2013 9:26:59 AM
Brian P. Heick
5/22/2013 9:27:02 AM
Brian P. Heick
5/22/2013 9:27:04 AM
just got this
Brian P. Heick
5/22/2013 9:27:11 AM
(585) 494-1754
5/22/2013 9:27:14 AM
5/22/2013 9:27:15 AM
Brian P. Heick
5/22/2013 9:27:15 AM
thats her home phone
5/22/2013 9:27:18 AM
i got a better idea
Brian P. Heick
5/22/2013 9:27:19 AM
5/22/2013 9:27:35 AM
How long you lived at your address?
Brian P. Heick
5/22/2013 9:28:19 AM
6 months, probably not much longer. Don't have any money again, in the middle of a massive law suit, kids cost a lot of money, and going fucking insane
5/22/2013 9:28:41 AM
Ah, shit
5/22/2013 9:28:41 AM
5/22/2013 9:29:02 AM
I needed to borrow an address so I can enter the US
Brian P. Heick
5/22/2013 9:29:11 AM
5/22/2013 9:29:27 AM
well yeah, i resident here
Brian P. Heick
5/22/2013 9:29:40 AM
4197 Pinehill Rd, Albion, NY 14411 -- 5 bedroom house, you can say you have a room.
Brian P. Heick
5/22/2013 9:30:11 AM
Want to rent/sublet a room
5/22/2013 9:30:14 AM
not that easy, i need address for paperwork to go to
Brian P. Heick
5/22/2013 9:31:30 AM
It's pretty easy, You rent from me, I give you a sublet lease and a recipt, then you have a residence

Brian P. Heick
5/22/2013 9:32:43 AM
Corse, that would be the easy way if it wasn't going to be scrutinized by big brother, which it is.
5/22/2013 9:33:39 AM
No, I just need an address there to recieve my mail until I can get there, then I need to be able to change address to the new one
5/22/2013 9:33:50 AM
I did consider mom's address, but she'd read my shit
Brian P. Heick
5/22/2013 9:35:45 AM
go figure
5/22/2013 9:35:56 AM
So i'm asking you, but you need to be there for 8-12 months
Brian P. Heick
5/22/2013 9:37:30 AM
I can be there for that long, it's just going to cost me 10g
5/22/2013 9:38:16 AM
what are g?
Brian P. Heick
5/22/2013 9:39:12 AM
Brian P. Heick
5/22/2013 9:39:15 AM
5/22/2013 9:40:22 AM
ah, wow
5/22/2013 9:40:25 AM
that's alot of g
Brian P. Heick
5/22/2013 9:42:38 AM
Cost a lot to live in a house that is safe for your kids. Thanks to the state of NY and the county health department, I have to be really picky about where I live.
5/22/2013 9:43:03 AM
Which is why I'm planning on Illinois
Brian P. Heick
5/22/2013 9:43:21 AM
I already lookded all over the place, it's the same fo rme anywhere I go
5/22/2013 10:19:54 AM
ok ok
5/22/2013 10:19:57 AM
just was wonderin'
5/22/2013 10:20:05 AM
what's your mailing address, and do you has PO box?
5/22/2013 10:21:23 AM
is it:
4197 Pinehill Rd, Albion, NY 14411
Brian P. Heick5/22/2013 9:29:40 AM
5/22/2013 10:24:49 AM
If no PO box, that's fine. As long as you can get mail to your door.
Brian P. Heick
5/22/2013 11:09:40 AM
I have no PO box, the door is fine
5/23/2013 3:12:15 AM
You awake at 3am?
5/23/2013 11:40:45 PM
you awake at 11pm?
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:04:25 AM
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:04:36 AM
I go to bed at 8-9 and get up at around 5-7
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:04:56 AM
Just logged into my work machine where skype runs and I sit almost all day long
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:05:00 AM
except for today
5/24/2013 7:05:06 AM
5/24/2013 7:05:14 AM
you used to have skype on your phone
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:05:46 AM
Gotta go fishin in a little bit, then I have to go to the hosiptal at 1pm in warsaw for a enhanced floroscopy on my shoulder. Getting preped for another surgery
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:05:57 AM
Skype dosent run on my zte so well
5/24/2013 7:06:08 AM
Christ, shoudler shmoulder
5/24/2013 7:06:13 AM
Hope it all works out for ya
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:06:20 AM
I won't
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:06:23 AM
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:06:24 AM
5/24/2013 7:06:26 AM
Was wondering if you or Rich knew anyone in Illinois
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:07:00 AM
Dunno, you'd have to ask rich about that one. We have business contacts out there, but I have no personal ones
5/24/2013 7:07:28 AM
It'd be the personal ones i'd be interested in, of course
5/24/2013 7:07:36 AM
Unless the business ones could offer a job, really
5/24/2013 7:07:43 AM
'tis okay, just wanted to ask
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:07:44 AM
synnex's call center and some of the reps I speak with are in chicago
5/24/2013 7:07:52 AM
oh yeah!
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:09:47 AM
You should move to backwoods PA, no taxes on clothing and common sense items and good scenery there. Illonois is plagues with governmet administrative issues and bad school systems. On top of that, the cost of living is piss poor. You'd either need to be a laywer or a farm worker, or an established business owner to uproot and live there.
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:10:22 AM
PA and CO are the two best spots to live in the US where jobs, taxes, and cost of living are all decent
5/24/2013 7:10:34 AM
Well, it's been decided, and unless you want to convince your Sister-in-law it's where it's gonna be
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:10:36 AM
done lots or research on that in the past
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:11:04 AM
I manage money for a living on top of fixing computers, I know where it gets spent less of and makes more
5/24/2013 7:11:30 AM
You should use skype more often
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:15:19 AM
I do
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:15:31 AM
Just on my work computer since its always on
5/24/2013 7:16:03 AM
well, you can add her, djie.nancy
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:16:40 AM
Out of respect for people, I don't blindly add them. Not a fan of the wtf
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:17:11 AM
later bro, goin fhishin
Brian P. Heick
5/24/2013 7:17:16 AM
5/24/2013 7:17:29 AM
k, fine
Brian P. Heick
5/27/2013 8:23:26 PM
5/28/2013 12:57:02 AM
6/6/2013 8:55:08 AM
6/6/2013 8:55:10 AM
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:12:05 AM
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:12:09 AM
Looks like Bob
6/6/2013 9:12:16 AM
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:14:19 AM
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:14:33 AM
You should joud the bssn on face book
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:14:44 AM
whats yer email latley?
6/6/2013 9:24:02 AM
i am joined, i get updates on BSNN
6/6/2013 9:24:15 AM
and it's [insert something here] @unliterate.net
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:24:46 AM
catchall addy?
6/6/2013 9:24:59 AM
6/6/2013 9:25:25 AM
Means I can register anywhere and have emails filtered to folders. I also have a good idea of who sells email addresses and shit
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:25:58 AM
same here, but a lot more domains
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:26:14 AM
and google apps rocks
6/6/2013 9:29:45 AM
6/6/2013 9:29:47 AM
6/6/2013 9:30:04 AM
You don't, by any chance, watch Game of Thrones, do you?
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:30:19 AM
6/6/2013 9:30:29 AM
Ok, cool.
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:30:45 AM
I watch basically nothing. Work to much
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:30:53 AM
ya know, gotta buy a house soon
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:31:05 AM
wasnt to rent a studio apt from me?
6/6/2013 9:31:11 AM
yeah, yeah, it's like an hour a week-kind-of-thing
6/6/2013 9:31:28 AM
wasnt to rent a studio apt from me?
Brian P. Heick6/6/2013 9:31:05 AM
You informing or asking or...
6/6/2013 9:32:08 AM
got your email
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:32:10 AM
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:32:34 AM
I have a studio for rent, $400 per month on a 6 month commitment. Has a common bathroom and kitchen
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:32:52 AM
Garage, plowed driveway, 30 minutes from rochester and buffalo.
6/6/2013 9:33:06 AM
Do you know where I am at?
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:33:08 AM
Airport access across the street
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:33:20 AM
You said you needed a place, right?
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:33:25 AM
a 'place'
6/6/2013 9:33:36 AM
I need a job first before I can settle on a place
6/6/2013 9:33:45 AM
makes no sense paying for a place that I won't be able to pay for later on
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:34:18 AM
I have a job for you that can pay $300 - $500 per week on comission based on the work
6/6/2013 9:34:36 AM
Really now...
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:34:49 AM
Not kiddin
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:35:01 AM
I'd give you a place to live and pay you at the same time
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:35:14 AM
imagin makin up to $2000 per month based on your work
6/6/2013 9:35:34 AM
Imagine learning to read what you type before you send it
6/6/2013 9:36:37 AM
So, you have a job for me. Care to explain?
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:37:09 AM
Lab monkey / Onsite Tech / Programmer (as needed).
6/6/2013 9:37:31 AM
You are talking about working with you and Rich.
6/6/2013 9:37:44 AM
Or, working under you and Rich.
Brian P. Heick
6/6/2013 9:38:05 AM
Hold that thought, have to do an onsite.
6/6/2013 9:38:22 AM
I'll be here "all day"
6/6/2013 2:05:23 PM
Just depends on when you will get back
6/7/2013 6:25:36 AM
and, you can continue on with what you were saying...
Brian P. Heick
6/8/2013 6:25:57 AM
sorry crazy day yesterday and today
Brian P. Heick
6/8/2013 6:25:57 AM
Had to replace routers at my house to and redo the routing tables for my routers that jump from point to point
Brian P. Heick
6/8/2013 6:25:57 AM
fun fun ya know
6/8/2013 6:45:16 AM
ya, fun fun
6/8/2013 6:45:26 AM
so, about this, job thing you were talking about?
Brian P. Heick
6/8/2013 7:58:21 AM
Job thing is just that, a job. And like I said, it would be 300 base. Starting out as a consultant on comission which would be part of the pay.
Brian P. Heick
6/8/2013 7:58:48 AM
Sorry about the delay there, seems buffalo routers don't like it to well when you don't put reverse routes in.
6/8/2013 8:00:08 AM
converation is a two way street
Brian P. Heick
6/8/2013 8:00:33 AM
I forget that sometimes. Especialy when I'm out of coffee and have been awake for over 24 hours.
6/8/2013 8:52:51 PM
How is it 300 w/ commish? Whats the sales aspect of it?
6/9/2013 2:28:57 PM
Where do you live? What is your address?
6/9/2013 6:34:29 PM
6/10/2013 12:27:32 PM
Please, please be there
6/10/2013 12:53:54 PM
At least give me a time when you can be available to talk
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:20:54 PM
Just actually sat down at my worksation, whats up?
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:21:03 PM
and my addy is...
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:21:12 PM
4917 Pine Hill Rd
Albion, NY 14411
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:21:38 PM
I'll be here for about 30 more minutes
6/10/2013 5:23:28 PM
6/10/2013 5:23:31 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:23:32 PM
6/10/2013 5:23:40 PM
I thought you were in Leroy?
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:24:20 PM
No, I moved out of there last year
6/10/2013 5:24:30 PM
your across from an airport?
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:24:34 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:24:46 PM
cant miss it on google maps
6/10/2013 5:24:52 PM
in the middle of nowhere?
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:24:56 PM
6/10/2013 5:26:40 PM
i'm zooming out to see if i can recognize anything around there
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:26:49 PM
you probably will not
6/10/2013 5:28:04 PM
Between medina and albion
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:28:18 PM
more albion than medina
6/10/2013 5:29:30 PM
do you has time?
6/10/2013 5:29:38 PM
like, 5-10 mins?
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:30:05 PM
I do right now
6/10/2013 5:30:33 PM
I'm trying to plan to get some "place" back in the US
6/10/2013 5:30:54 PM
I'm just pre-budgeting and getting ideas of what people would charge if they had the space
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:31:12 PM
for what?
6/10/2013 5:31:52 PM
do you have extra space?
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:32:30 PM
I do right now
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:32:37 PM
A whole back room
6/10/2013 5:32:54 PM
ok, what would you charge me to use it?
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:32:55 PM
it's about the 1/2 the size of the old apartment on swant st
6/10/2013 5:33:18 PM
WOW, that took me a bit to remember
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:33:31 PM
about 400 per month which would include utilites, internet, and so on. Since there is no kitchen we would share a common kitchen and bathroom on the first floor.
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:33:54 PM
Bastically renting a big ass room
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:34:02 PM
garage access and so on
6/10/2013 5:34:20 PM
wow, ouch ok
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:35:33 PM
I know, but thats what it is.
6/10/2013 5:35:41 PM
i know, i know
6/10/2013 5:35:52 PM
problem is that your a 5 mile walk from albion
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:36:45 PM
Yep, about a 2 1/2 hour walk. Done it before.
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:37:04 PM
Havent' gone by bike yet, but I would imageine it would be a task still.
6/10/2013 5:39:51 PM
6/10/2013 5:39:55 PM
so that about $100/week
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:40:47 PM
which is far less than anywhere else comparable. However, if your looking for size then a full size place would be what your looking for.
6/10/2013 5:40:59 PM
no, i'm just looking for a roof while I find a roof
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:41:29 PM
I thought you were looking into other states other than NY
6/10/2013 5:42:22 PM
I was, just we don't have the funds
6/10/2013 5:42:31 PM
nor available connecitons
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 5:43:40 PM
fun fun
6/10/2013 5:50:05 PM
ok, cool....$100 for the floor, is there any restaurants or stuff nearby?
6/10/2013 5:51:13 PM
and do taxis' go out there?
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 6:00:24 PM
Taxi's go out there. Plenty of resturaunts in the area
6/10/2013 6:00:50 PM
ok, cool...do you know the average fare?
6/10/2013 6:00:55 PM
cause I have to budget that
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 6:01:05 PM
Depends on how much I tell 'em to charge ya
6/10/2013 6:01:23 PM
that's funny...
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 6:01:41 PM
not really, use b-town yellow taxi. You'll get a good rate
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 6:02:07 PM
most of them will nix ya 30 for one way. I can probably get better around 10-15 if I nag hard enough
6/10/2013 6:02:33 PM
what the hell?
6/10/2013 6:02:38 PM
$30? for a one-way?
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 6:02:57 PM
Unless you know the owner of the cab company personally
6/10/2013 6:03:07 PM
answer is a "yes", gotcha
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 6:03:16 PM
it's common
6/10/2013 6:04:44 PM
ok, so when can you discuss with me this "job" I can do for you?
Brian P. Heick
6/10/2013 6:07:52 PM
Depends, redoing budgets next week. Will probably have openings later on this months into next month as things pick up. Kinda dies the last two weeks more than I expected.
6/10/2013 6:08:58 PM
6/28/2013 2:41:42 AM
I know it's 2amish there, was wondering if you could help me setup a bank account over there
6/28/2013 9:35:05 AM
Now it's 9:30ish, just get back to meh please
Brian P. Heick
6/29/2013 1:37:38 PM
I might be able to
6/29/2013 1:37:50 PM
holy shit dude
6/29/2013 1:37:55 PM
scared the crap out of me
Brian P. Heick
6/29/2013 1:37:56 PM
Soory for bein late, long day yesterday and today
6/29/2013 4:33:00 PM
6/29/2013 4:33:19 PM
i assume another long day?
Brian P. Heick
6/30/2013 7:32:50 PM
Brian P. Heick
6/30/2013 7:32:59 PM
You have no idea man
Brian P. Heick
6/30/2013 7:33:03 PM
Long ass days
Brian P. Heick
6/30/2013 7:33:13 PM
getting ready to migrate web servers from one to the other
Brian P. Heick
6/30/2013 7:33:21 PM
and have on-sites up the ass starting tomorrow
Brian P. Heick
6/30/2013 7:33:34 PM
Going outta my fucking mind
Brian P. Heick
6/30/2013 7:33:35 PM
my the way
Brian P. Heick
6/30/2013 7:33:41 PM
I have your face on my ass
Brian P. Heick
6/30/2013 7:56:35 PM
Ma keeps naggin me about you btw. She's all up my ass about where you are.
Brian P. Heick
6/30/2013 7:57:12 PM
Haven't told her anything, but it would be nice if she'd jump off my ass for a little while if ya know what I mean.
6/30/2013 10:05:35 PM
Mom knows where I am, she knows how to contact me, and I continuously wait for her contact. I need a place to put money, I need to know if you can help me out.
6/30/2013 10:44:37 PM
I basically need a destination to store money so that when I get over there I can withdraw it and use it to start a new account.
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 4:56:20 AM
I can't exactly open up any more personal accounts. If you want to make a 'loan' to cpr, I can make sure you get paid back ontime with maybe some interest.
7/1/2013 4:57:08 AM
Ok, how to do that?
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 4:57:13 AM
I can give you a routing number and an account number, my personal one. Then I can wire it to the CPR tax account where it wil not get touched ever
7/1/2013 4:58:10 AM
I just need a place in the US to put money so when I arrive on 1 August that I can retrieve it instead of carry it across borders
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 4:58:31 AM
You going to stop in batavia by chance?
7/1/2013 4:58:51 AM
I don't exactly have a vehicle
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 4:59:07 AM
Same here, my van has been in the shop since last week friday
7/1/2013 4:59:11 AM
Maybe, if you have the time, you could pick me up to take me to the bus station, and we can stop by a bank in the meantime?
7/1/2013 4:59:13 AM
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 4:59:44 AM
If I did it that way, I'd have to be daytime at a bank to get money out of the tax account
7/1/2013 4:59:51 AM
Will you be here in 20-30?
7/1/2013 4:59:54 AM
i have to run to store
7/1/2013 4:59:58 AM
and there is cyclone outside
7/1/2013 5:00:00 AM
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 5:00:12 AM
I'm up for good, arm was killin me and had to lube the new ink
7/1/2013 5:00:17 AM
mk bbl
7/1/2013 5:33:44 AM
ok i'm back
7/1/2013 5:33:48 AM
just, sit tight
7/1/2013 5:33:54 AM
i have to eat dinner w/ father-in-law
7/1/2013 5:33:58 AM
it's tradition
7/1/2013 6:08:15 AM
and....are you present?
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 7:47:31 AM
I am now, at the office. Got paperwork and sit to do
7/1/2013 7:55:35 AM
7/1/2013 7:55:39 AM
I am present!
7/1/2013 7:55:52 AM
So, you can assist me in this feat?
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:53:13 AM
Maybe later bud, getting really frekin busy. Phones been ringgin off the hook al morning long.
7/1/2013 9:53:55 AM
Christ, i need, like, 30 minutes of your time
7/1/2013 9:54:24 AM
If your going to avoid, just tell me.
7/1/2013 9:54:35 AM
I have 30 days to figure this, man
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:55:06 AM
Not avoiding, it's 10AM, monday, in the office, computer repair chot. Answering phone calls dealing with customers and what not
7/1/2013 9:56:02 AM
Oh, i thought you were taking the day off
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 11:10:51 AM
No, regular work day. wish I had the day off, but one day off this week already ya know
7/1/2013 11:11:25 AM
7/1/2013 11:11:30 AM
like i said, when you got time
7/1/2013 2:11:22 PM
Well, i'm going to sleep. I need to know if i can borrow a Visa/MC to pay an internet bill if possible, and the account info to transfer money into. I'll also need to know if I can borrow the same card to reserve my plane ticket, as i'll need to place money into said account prior to purchasing
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:02:32 PM
bah, fuckin vpn took forever to get back up
7/1/2013 9:03:06 PM
it's ok, computer restarted while I was sleeping
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:03:06 PM
Do ehy fdo you need a card? to pay bills I take it?
7/1/2013 9:03:15 PM
Yes yes, to pay bills
7/1/2013 9:03:20 PM
to pay one bill
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:03:24 PM
I'm at home on my office computer in batavia
7/1/2013 9:03:37 PM
and to purchase plane ticket
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:03:43 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:04:02 PM
sounds like fun
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:04:14 PM
what bill do you need to pay?
7/1/2013 9:05:01 PM
I have to pay a web server bill for 3 months, and plane ticket
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:05:34 PM
k, and cost?
7/1/2013 9:06:52 PM
i dunno
7/1/2013 9:07:14 PM
I mean, i'd love to talk, but you don't do this skype thing at home
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:07:30 PM
I am at home
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:07:34 PM
just vpn'd to work
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:07:44 PM
where sykpe is installed on my workstation
7/1/2013 9:08:26 PM
I know
7/1/2013 9:08:28 PM
i think
7/1/2013 9:09:10 PM
So, can I get a bank account and a card?
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:09:40 PM
I can do it one of two ways. Use my account and card, or open a new account and get another card.
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:09:55 PM
instant gratification vs wait and see
7/1/2013 9:10:13 PM
instant, need card for websites to make ppl happy >.<
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:11:33 PM
Instant requires money as well. I can give you the routing number and account number, but you'll have to wait until the money clears before using it. And to ensure that I'd wait until it clears before I give you my card info. I'm a stingy bastard ya know, but I'm also careful with that sort of stuff.
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:13:09 PM
Wire Transfer & ACH Routing: 021300077
Account Number: 327152006513
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:13:22 PM
The rest is up to you there.
7/1/2013 9:15:17 PM
7/1/2013 9:16:50 PM
Can you pass a note to mom to speak to me on skype?
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:17:11 PM
I'll try
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:17:14 PM
gimme a sec
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:18:49 PM
Heh, figures, got the machine
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:19:50 PM
She's been bugging me to work for her again and I'm not going to to it less money in hand first and under a solid paying contract. So she's not exactly on good speaking terms with me right now because she cant split family from business.
7/1/2013 9:21:36 PM
what's her number?
7/1/2013 9:21:41 PM
i'll need to call her
Brian P. Heick
7/1/2013 9:22:34 PM
(585) 494-1754
7/1/2013 9:24:54 PM
7/2/2013 12:13:27 PM
Mom just told me that you told her that I called her?
Brian P. Heick
7/2/2013 8:06:53 PM
Nah, I told her you sere trying to get in contact with her and to message you on skype.
Brian P. Heick
7/3/2013 9:08:08 PM
Brian P. Heick
7/3/2013 9:08:10 PM
yer ugly
7/4/2013 1:55:30 AM
7/4/2013 1:55:33 AM
what do you mean?
Brian P. Heick
7/4/2013 10:15:36 AM
Just sootin out that yer ugly

7/15/2013 6:40:42 AM
When you got the chance, can you send mom a message to hop on skype for me? Thanks!
Brian P. Heick
7/15/2013 9:43:59 AM
7/15/2013 9:44:26 AM
thank you!

Brian P. Heick
7/15/2013 9:44:45 AM
I called her
7/15/2013 9:45:11 AM
I fuckin' love you
7/15/2013 9:45:34 AM
Do you have any plans for the 30th of July to the 2nd of August?
Brian P. Heick
7/15/2013 9:45:57 AM
Not really, and it's over 2 weeks away so I have nothing on my calendar
7/15/2013 9:46:09 AM
I'd need a cash Liason as well as a ride to Jamestown
7/15/2013 9:46:32 AM
I honestly don't want to involve Mom in that, nor hop on a Bus for 3-4 hours after a 2-day plane ride w/ layovers
Brian P. Heick
7/15/2013 9:47:55 AM
ok, where are you landing at or will be at
Brian P. Heick
7/15/2013 9:47:56 AM
7/15/2013 9:48:28 AM
It'll be at Buffalo, but like I said the ticket isn't booked yet
Brian P. Heick
7/15/2013 9:48:35 AM
7/15/2013 9:52:12 AM
It'll be up to you. Are you game? Can I reserve you once I know the flight information?
Brian P. Heick
7/15/2013 10:14:18 AM
Sure, I just need a date and time so I can put it on my calendar
7/15/2013 10:16:29 AM
Okay, cool
7/18/2013 5:44:35 PM
If possible, can you pass the note to mom to check her skype? She is, again, not on

7/25/2013 11:00:39 AM
Brian P. Heick
7/25/2013 11:01:13 AM
7/25/2013 11:01:20 AM
Hi! You are there
7/25/2013 11:01:35 AM
Remember I asked if you could pick me up on arrival from the airport after I knew when I would arrive?
7/25/2013 11:18:29 AM
...are you
7/25/2013 11:18:34 AM
remembering, or something?
7/25/2013 11:32:25 AM
Well, if you do Remember i'll need to know if you are available on 2nd August at 10:14am to pick me up from Buffalo Airport?
Brian P. Heick
7/25/2013 12:35:47 PM
Thats on a friday, I can't do that one. No to be a stinker, but fridays suck here. Is that the only arrival date ya got?
7/25/2013 1:37:20 PM
Yeah, ticket is booked and such
7/25/2013 1:41:31 PM
It's just my options are limited at this juncture. It's why I had attempted to pre-arrange this with you prior. If you can't do it, I'll try to find someone else that might be able to but I won't have access to the money I've sent to mom.
7/25/2013 2:35:23 PM
Actually, scratch that. I've worked out the fare schedules for the buses and I'll be bringing some extra cash instead of worrying about what I sent mom at the moment. Your off the hook!
Brian P. Heick
7/25/2013 3:36:00 PM
Ok, good luck to ya
7/25/2013 3:36:54 PM
Well, it's been a year. I figured you'd want to see me and such
Brian P. Heick
7/25/2013 5:49:08 PM
I do, it's just insane. You should stop by if you get the chance
Brian P. Heick
7/25/2013 5:50:04 PM
It's in the middle of a work day and I have corp client scheduled for that day. remeber that I said atleast 2 weeks? Or atleast I think I put that in somewhere...
7/25/2013 5:51:22 PM
I told you the day, though
Brian P. Heick
11/1/2016 4:10:53 AM
M Heick
11/1/2016 6:00:42 AM
M Heick
11/1/2016 6:01:56 AM
You don't change passwords every couple months.....