american ace
2/25/2013 12:04:18 AM
2/25/2013 12:05:12 AM
hello there!
2/25/2013 12:05:16 AM
i sent a message back in UV
american ace
2/25/2013 12:07:10 AM
hi seen that i just got in
2/25/2013 12:07:46 AM
Must be early as hell over there
2/25/2013 12:08:06 AM
or, wait...late at night, yeah...
american ace
2/25/2013 12:08:50 AM
11:10 pm
american ace
2/25/2013 12:09:11 AM
im a night owl
2/25/2013 12:09:18 AM
Typical that's myself as well
2/25/2013 12:09:47 AM
Just bouncing right now between things.
american ace
2/25/2013 12:10:09 AM
i should be here most the night
american ace
2/25/2013 12:11:15 AM
i own shockwaves i might have to dj tho
american ace
2/25/2013 12:11:39 AM
my first dj didnt show up
2/25/2013 12:11:45 AM
eh, business. lol
2/25/2013 12:11:57 AM
no suprise. Just wanted to touch base as much as possible
2/25/2013 12:12:15 AM
I myself am doing data entry, somewhat boring yet necessary work
american ace
2/25/2013 12:12:15 AM
and my second shift dj went on first so i may need to do the 2nd show stating in about a hour
2/25/2013 12:12:51 AM
I'll be quick to start then

2/25/2013 12:13:00 AM
we can elaborate further once we both have some free time
american ace
2/25/2013 12:13:20 AM
2/25/2013 12:13:45 AM
I came to ya because of DJ_Capper, he didn't say "goto Ace and be like sup". It was more like he asked me a question concerning integrating signup information.
2/25/2013 12:14:05 AM
This was November, and due to the new Property Catalogue and our new Event, it's basically be nuts to the wall with work
2/25/2013 12:14:32 AM
I actually came across you from his profile, and decided to go directly to the source for anything of this venture, etc etc
2/25/2013 12:14:47 AM
ok, so your site I looked at and I was like "this doesn't look right"
2/25/2013 12:15:14 AM
it's just a minor thing, code here and there. Also, there's alot of things that can happen to help /streamline/ your customers to signing up and paying you
2/25/2013 12:15:43 AM
well, not alot. As I mentioned, automated signup (instead of a file to download, etc), Paypal buttons that would be 1-click to paying the bill, etc
2/25/2013 12:16:23 AM
I notied you do SL stuff as well, but none of the contact have a SL handle available (caught me as odd, of course)
american ace
2/25/2013 12:16:47 AM
yes second life we are still trying to get a foot in the door there
2/25/2013 12:16:52 AM
I know the feeling.
2/25/2013 12:17:03 AM
Off question, how many DJ's do you have, as well as sold streams?
american ace
2/25/2013 12:17:12 AM
my general manager and asst general manger are over there
2/25/2013 12:17:17 AM
nothing accurate, a range is nice if you don't mind.
american ace
2/25/2013 12:17:31 AM
close to 300
2/25/2013 12:17:38 AM
ok, the reason I ask is two-fold
2/25/2013 12:17:47 AM
we've been trying to branch out our services to our customer base
2/25/2013 12:18:05 AM
I can't brag that we have a reach of users, but we do have more than the usual
2/25/2013 12:18:26 AM
long story short, we've been looking for other services, and your DJ'in service caught both Saki's and My eye
2/25/2013 12:18:45 AM
It wouldn't obsolete your site in any way, no
2/25/2013 12:18:59 AM
that's not the intention, nor is it to steal your business.
2/25/2013 12:19:36 AM
My data entry that i'm doing now is for a third project, and squeezing in a fourth is pretty nice as well.
2/25/2013 12:20:10 AM
This is only an option, not mandatory for what we spoke about
2/25/2013 12:20:18 AM
It's simply an idea
2/25/2013 12:20:45 AM
I still would like to work with you on exchanging my skill for your site with ad space if we can mutually agree on conditions
2/25/2013 12:20:50 AM
Yeah, I type alot....programmer thing
american ace
2/25/2013 12:26:13 AM
ok something i will touch upon you mentioned is some the automation in the works with the WHMCS software intagrates with the dj software setups , via shopping cart and stream will be made automaticly , also software will send out billing reminders , and will work via pay pal, i started this project in nov reseached every thing to find what would work with my djing software , this is what i have came up with will work for us, but this will not work with rays very well by the looks of this things would have to be enterd manualy , so i guess thats the area where id be looking for the most help in automation
2/25/2013 12:27:15 AM
american ace
2/25/2013 12:27:57 AM
as far are stream app auto mation i have this set up but opted for a more personal approch of contacting us on skype or rlc
2/25/2013 12:29:20 AM
As far as what I have for UVD, alot of the code is portable to other servers. This includes synching your RLC transaction history with a website database, sending out profile message mails, and bulletins.
2/25/2013 12:29:47 AM
It basically requires a centralized profile to do that, much like we have the UVDeviant profile
american ace
2/25/2013 12:30:49 AM
yes ive always said to the techs we need to figure out how to hook up like uvd
2/25/2013 12:31:10 AM
Better that UVD comes to your doorstop....
2/25/2013 12:31:12 AM
american ace
2/25/2013 12:31:23 AM

american ace
2/25/2013 12:31:34 AM
in some way you heard me
2/25/2013 12:31:49 AM
well, we'll just call it a "shout down the wire"
2/25/2013 12:32:20 AM
Ok, so I'm interested in the Marquee that scrolls with your player, maybe site advertisements.
2/25/2013 12:32:53 AM
The future plan of basically putting your services on UVDeviant would be the exchange of that as well. We could even go as far as people paying using their UVDeviant accounts and the rays being deposited in your profile from that.
american ace
2/25/2013 12:32:55 AM
yes that was built in from the start just for that purpose
2/25/2013 12:33:01 AM
american ace
2/25/2013 12:33:19 AM
its on all the players
2/25/2013 12:33:31 AM
I saw. I did my research.
american ace
2/25/2013 12:33:58 AM
and works off a single page , so is easly editable
2/25/2013 12:34:42 AM
very nice.
2/25/2013 12:35:27 AM
I'm glad we touched base. If you could, can you provide me some sort of checklist of things that I could do for you, and I can inform you of what I can and cannot do for you, as well as what I would need from you to do such items?
american ace
2/25/2013 12:36:23 AM
begining of jan i also added the ads bar which is on all pps pages
2/25/2013 12:36:36 AM
I saw that from the menu's with the pricing.
american ace
2/25/2013 12:37:54 AM
i put together a small team to start to try to sell ad space but we havent , really stepped it up yet
american ace
2/25/2013 12:39:04 AM
as far as a central user on rlc yes we have a rlc profile made for billing purposes
2/25/2013 12:39:23 AM
Cool. that's good to hear
american ace
2/25/2013 12:40:01 AM
also dec we also have moved into 3d sex , runing there 3dsex radio and we also except clams
american ace
2/25/2013 12:40:31 AM
and there is vip profile there also
2/25/2013 12:41:16 AM
Mmk, we're familiar with some of their Techs from talks about 8 months ago.
2/25/2013 12:41:39 AM
So, what I said earlier. Can you shoot me a list at your leisure?
american ace
2/25/2013 12:43:24 AM
well i think the first step is the ray intagration, 90% of our biz is done in rays
2/25/2013 12:44:46 AM
Is that all to the business UV profile?
2/25/2013 12:44:53 AM
Incoming and Outgoing?
american ace
2/25/2013 12:45:33 AM
the pps profile is a rlc lic buissness
american ace
2/25/2013 12:45:48 AM
2/25/2013 12:46:47 AM
k, got it written down
american ace
2/25/2013 12:48:22 AM
CENTOS 5.9 x86_64 standard
WHM 11.34.1 (build 7) is the pps server software
2/25/2013 12:48:37 AM
I just sent PPS a friend request from the UVD profile
american ace
2/25/2013 12:49:37 AM
ok ive excepted
2/25/2013 12:50:19 AM
After ray integration, was there a second step?
american ace
2/25/2013 12:54:52 AM
well i guess thats some thing id have to look at after checking out the billing software i have, it has just been me doing the web pages, im very busy teching and building streams, and personal players, but my general manager angeleyesamy does do player building from the template i designed
2/25/2013 12:55:46 AM
Ok, sounds good. Couple techy questions: Do you know if the server has MySQL, cURL, and the ability to use fopen with a URL wrapper?
2/25/2013 12:56:08 AM
other than that, the integration should be simple with no rewrite.
2/25/2013 12:56:16 AM
well, little rewrite
american ace
2/25/2013 12:56:25 AM
i know it has mysql
american ace
2/25/2013 12:57:40 AM
Curl i would have to check the techs at the data center, i have full support with them, if i get in over my head they do the config stuff
american ace
2/25/2013 12:58:13 AM
they have 24-7 phone support
2/25/2013 12:58:36 AM
Do you have root access to the server? Is it a shared host, or a Virtual Server, or a dedicated server?
2/25/2013 12:58:49 AM
maybe a simpler question, do you have cron access?
american ace
2/25/2013 12:59:12 AM
yes i have root access and it dedicated server
2/25/2013 12:59:45 AM
ok, cool
2/25/2013 1:00:42 AM
Give me about 24-48 hours to pull code, convert it over, and write up a quick how-to on it for you to install it.
2/25/2013 1:01:04 AM
For your billing software, does that need some form of report format that the rays data need to be in for it to be imported?
american ace
2/25/2013 1:03:39 AM
haha that i do not know this software is all new altho ive had it since nov i've opened 2 times after the server techs got it installed , and i pay for this on monthy fee too so ya i need to getthis configured soon to put it in use
american ace
2/25/2013 1:06:00 AM
i also have the softacus scrip installer on the server too ive installed a survey system and an job site software also which i was playing around with for djs or clubs to post gigs thats about done also and ready to got into use
2/25/2013 1:06:27 AM
never heard of it to be honest lol
american ace
2/25/2013 1:07:10 AM
2/25/2013 1:07:40 AM
k, i've read about it
2/25/2013 1:08:14 AM
probably not gonna be familiar with it, but the website looks pretty
american ace
2/25/2013 1:08:54 AM
it installs scripts for differnt web site functions
2/25/2013 1:09:06 AM
i got the jist from the site lol
american ace
2/25/2013 1:10:52 AM
this is the job site im making i havent showed this off yet , but this should incress traffic some
american ace
2/25/2013 1:10:54 AM
2/25/2013 1:11:36 AM
it's, very colorful
american ace
2/25/2013 1:12:37 AM
ya it wasnt easy to integrate
2/25/2013 1:13:00 AM
The menu is a bit bothersome, with the "Future Use" and "Null" things....but otherwise I hope it does ya well

american ace
2/25/2013 1:13:23 AM
ya i thats botherd me
2/25/2013 1:13:31 AM
Ok, i'm gonna roll back to my focus here, i'll be back in contact with ya hopefully in the next 24-48.

2/25/2013 1:13:36 AM
Maybe with a resolution for your menu as well
american ace
2/25/2013 1:13:54 AM
i had al these ideas ect where it was going to be in use
american ace
2/25/2013 1:14:14 AM
but as time gos on things i didnt get done
2/25/2013 1:14:17 AM
Yeah, Ideas are typically more than resources
american ace
2/25/2013 1:14:50 AM
ya taking them out is a quick fix
american ace
2/25/2013 1:15:33 AM
i have been thinking about doing a differnt menu
2/25/2013 1:15:54 AM
Theres honestly many options out there
american ace
2/25/2013 1:17:40 AM
for me there isnt enough time in the day my rlc club is open 7 days a aweek 8-10 hours aday, i have lil time in the morning to get most my stream work done
2/25/2013 1:17:59 AM
Well, hope I can help ya as much as I can
american ace
2/25/2013 1:18:03 AM
i dj
american ace
2/25/2013 1:18:41 AM
alot of the time im at my club im help or settting up new djs
american ace
2/25/2013 1:18:48 AM
i have stream techs
american ace
2/25/2013 1:19:27 AM
that help with installs ,
american ace
2/25/2013 1:19:41 AM
just amy and i ddo streams and players
american ace
2/25/2013 1:20:11 AM
that requires server access
american ace
2/25/2013 1:22:05 AM
i learned a lesson with a couple techs i had and server access, i had a stream server helper gave pw to a tech he went in deleted the site and 1/3 of the streams ,
2/25/2013 1:22:45 AM
Well, server access is up to you. I write for you to install.
american ace
2/25/2013 1:22:52 AM
of couse i had the site backed up
american ace
2/25/2013 1:23:34 AM
that was no issue it was just reloading every and remaking the deleted streams
american ace
2/25/2013 1:24:02 AM
and some down time for some djs
2/25/2013 1:24:25 AM
american ace
2/25/2013 1:26:14 AM
well thank you, looking forward to getting this going with uvd and getting ads up and going for you
2/25/2013 1:26:27 AM
Appreciate it

american ace
2/25/2013 1:28:07 AM
american ace
2/25/2013 1:28:31 AM
this will tell you ad sizes so we get the right size
american ace
2/25/2013 1:28:51 AM
and we can get something on the ticker too
2/25/2013 1:29:14 AM
american ace
2/25/2013 1:30:15 AM
i will be here if you got any more questions
2/25/2013 1:30:31 AM
will do ace
american ace
2/25/2013 1:31:00 AM
2/25/2013 11:31:16 PM
2/25/2013 11:31:21 PM
File transfer:
2/25/2013 11:31:31 PM
I think this contains everything. Instructions included
2/25/2013 11:32:09 PM
If this works as intended, we can proceed to getting your transaction history downloaded from your server in some format needed by your program
american ace
2/25/2013 11:33:50 PM
ok i will try it
2/25/2013 11:34:09 PM
Do you know PHP/MySQL? I wrote the instructions assuming this case.
american ace
2/25/2013 11:36:41 PM
i think i can install scripts , im not the best at data base stuff though , i can read most html / php scrips in txt pretty good with coding
2/25/2013 11:37:16 PM
Then I believe the instructions are well suited for you
2/25/2013 11:38:29 PM
Just to be clear, all this does so far is basically keep your Utherverse Transaction History on your server.
american ace
2/25/2013 11:44:03 PM
ya thats a step to have the info, i guess i need to do something with it when i get it
american ace
2/25/2013 11:44:35 PM
as on uvd , you log in and have a account
american ace
2/25/2013 11:44:56 PM
that rays are in
american ace
2/25/2013 11:47:15 PM
djs would have to pay for there streams out of the rays in there account
american ace
2/25/2013 11:47:45 PM
if there was some sort of logical chain of events
american ace
2/25/2013 11:48:49 PM
and ultimatly at the end i guess there would have to be some sort of manual intervention, of what was paid
2/25/2013 11:49:37 PM
Do all DJ's pay the same amount?
2/25/2013 11:49:54 PM
ok, bad question. it's based on subscription term
american ace
2/25/2013 11:50:07 PM
well atthis point its all manual
american ace
2/25/2013 11:50:46 PM
i go get transaction from history and mark it down on spred sheet
american ace
2/25/2013 11:51:16 PM
i use a online spred sheet
american ace
2/25/2013 11:51:33 PM
to track billing keep info
2/25/2013 11:52:23 PM
So, you just need to know if a DJ has paid anytime in the last XX days.
2/25/2013 11:52:36 PM
I'm just trying to break this down into some simple steps
american ace
2/25/2013 11:54:58 PM
ya its no small task to design a billing system in rays to do what it needs to do ,
american ace
2/25/2013 11:55:16 PM
plus if the dj pays in paypal
american ace
2/25/2013 11:55:22 PM
or now in clams
american ace
2/25/2013 11:56:00 PM
this info i would say would all have to goto some sort of master tracking list
2/25/2013 11:56:26 PM
More needs to be centralized somewhere.
american ace
2/25/2013 11:56:31 PM
and be put in the proper place
american ace
2/25/2013 11:59:30 PM
the djs i would say also, would need a account on the pps web site to do there transactions
2/26/2013 12:00:07 AM
If all they are doing is paying their "DJ Bills" in rays, then sending the rays to the PPS UV profile is all that's needed
2/26/2013 12:00:28 AM
Downloading the data from UV to your server gives a bigger advantage for another script to "process" that payment
american ace
2/26/2013 12:00:49 AM
2/26/2013 12:01:17 AM
All you need is a way to identify:
- Which DJ's have paid their bills in Rays
- Which DJ's are due to pay
- Which DJ's haven't paid
2/26/2013 12:01:36 AM
from what you've told me, this is how "simple" i think i've broken it down to. I might be wrong.
american ace
2/26/2013 12:01:36 AM
as i said i master tracking spred sheet and do all this manual
american ace
2/26/2013 12:01:59 AM
this is what i need to stream lines
american ace
2/26/2013 12:02:41 AM
- Which DJ's have paid their bills in Rays
- Which DJ's are due to pay
- Which DJ's haven't paid
M2/26/2013 12:01:15 AM
american ace
2/26/2013 12:02:53 AM
that sums it up well
2/26/2013 12:03:32 AM
Ok, I assume you have a "list" somewhat of all DJ's in Utherverse that you've sold to, how much they owe, and when their next due dates are?
2/26/2013 12:03:42 AM
....this is the spreadsheet, i think
american ace
2/26/2013 12:03:50 AM
2/26/2013 12:04:13 AM
american ace
2/26/2013 12:04:31 AM
its got active dj and disocnected djs
american ace
2/26/2013 12:05:35 AM
1 more varable there whichs djs are disconected
american ace
2/26/2013 12:06:08 AM
and or which djs should be shut off
american ace
2/26/2013 12:06:20 AM
for non payment
2/26/2013 12:06:44 AM
american ace
2/26/2013 12:07:16 AM
the disconects will have to be done manually
american ace
2/26/2013 12:07:34 AM
i have to go in a supend the streams
2/26/2013 12:07:44 AM
Does the spreadsheet contain any other types of payments, or is it specificially for rays payment?
american ace
2/26/2013 12:09:03 AM
it contains the stream info , user info , emails ect, broken down by month , and all transactions are manually added
american ace
2/26/2013 12:09:18 AM
so yes paypal
american ace
2/26/2013 12:09:21 AM
and clams
american ace
2/26/2013 12:09:29 AM
are loged
american ace
2/26/2013 12:09:49 AM
as to what type of payment is made for that month
2/26/2013 12:10:51 AM
Ok, the ray script can be modified to pull in Clams too, but it'd have to be in a different database table
2/26/2013 12:11:14 AM
I'm not sure how much mod, 3dsex = utherverse, but the script would have to be customed to it
american ace
2/26/2013 12:13:36 AM
ok what if did this i create a user / subdomain , say
www.billing.purepowerstreams.com , and give you access to this that way you can do the testing
american ace
2/26/2013 12:14:40 AM
you can make the data bases , and have all the tools on that you need
american ace
2/26/2013 12:15:20 AM
it can have its own ftp
2/26/2013 12:16:27 AM
That might help, i'd have to do the work in my off time.
american ace
2/26/2013 12:17:55 AM
ok let me see if i can get that set up
american ace
2/26/2013 12:18:09 AM
give me a few mins to look it over
2/26/2013 12:18:20 AM
take your time, i'm 50/50 deviant/you right now

american ace
2/26/2013 12:18:38 AM

american ace
2/26/2013 12:20:12 AM
hey if you want i can get signs up in my club for uvd, i own shockwaves, we have alot of clothing sponsors
2/26/2013 12:20:37 AM
yeah, but all those clothing sponsors are UVC. I'll have to talk to Saki on that
american ace
2/26/2013 12:22:56 AM
a nice kiosk for your site couldnt hurt that take you to your site, up to you
2/26/2013 12:23:42 AM
I understand, still up to the bosslady

2/26/2013 12:24:01 AM
Shes already busy with our show in a month
american ace
2/26/2013 12:27:49 AM
american ace
2/26/2013 3:01:43 AM
well i got the account made
american ace
2/26/2013 3:02:00 AM
i got in the ftp
american ace
2/26/2013 3:02:54 AM
i can get into cpanel via root , but i cant figure out what addres to access cpanel with out going through root
american ace
2/26/2013 3:03:18 AM
so you can get in cpanel
2/26/2013 3:03:27 AM
i...don't really use cpanel
2/26/2013 3:04:00 AM
FTP is good, some way to connect to the database would be better
american ace
2/26/2013 3:04:02 AM
well thats where you config the mysql
2/26/2013 3:04:16 AM
yeah, but cpanel is sort of the site administration thing
american ace
2/26/2013 3:06:12 AM
ok well here is the ftp stuff
american ace
2/26/2013 3:06:16 AM
american ace
2/26/2013 3:06:46 AM
2/26/2013 3:08:11 AM
aight, i'll ping it later to see what's in and not
american ace
2/26/2013 3:08:58 AM
thx ok
american ace
2/26/2013 3:09:08 AM
ill be around more tonight
american ace
2/27/2013 1:43:57 AM
hows it going tonight
2/27/2013 3:18:19 AM
Just finishing up a 2 hour movie break

american ace
2/27/2013 3:18:34 AM
2/27/2013 3:18:51 AM
Haven't had a chance yet to get as far as the FTP. the current workload is both HUGE and COOL AS HELL
2/27/2013 3:19:18 AM
But I do have you squeezed in at about 8-9p my time
american ace
2/27/2013 3:19:49 AM
np when ya got time

2/27/2013 4:01:47 AM
Did you happen to get that script running? Also, do you have any way for me to access the database?
american ace
2/27/2013 4:17:46 AM
no i didnt try since i thought you was going to try , but i will take a look now see what i can figure out
american ace
2/27/2013 4:21:21 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 4:21:38 AM
that address to get into cpanel
american ace
2/27/2013 4:21:48 AM
user bill
american ace
2/27/2013 4:22:02 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 4:22:07 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 4:27:36 AM
that work to get ya in cpanel
2/27/2013 4:27:49 AM
mmk, peek at it in a couple
american ace
2/27/2013 4:27:58 AM
2/27/2013 8:00:57 AM
k, I configured up a database, put the table into it, tested the connection via PHP, Curl, and fsockopen, all is good.
american ace
2/27/2013 8:01:36 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 8:01:43 AM
lol now what
2/27/2013 8:02:13 AM
the getUtherverseTransactionLog.php is the script that connects to Utherverse to grab your Transaction History.
2/27/2013 8:02:28 AM
That will need your login credentials for Utherverse, as well as a page you need to get to place into that code for it to work
2/27/2013 8:03:12 AM
For security purposes, I'd recommend you move the files outside of the "bill" folder and place them somewhere else prior to configuration. You'll also need to setup a cron job to run that script to bring the Utherverse Transaction History into the database
2/27/2013 8:03:26 AM
After this is done, I can do the same w/ the Clams to bring that in as well.
2/27/2013 8:03:40 AM
After that, I can work with the Paypal UI to hopefully pull in that information as well.
2/27/2013 8:03:52 AM
Goal, of course, is to have all data from every place available in one location
2/27/2013 8:04:05 AM
I mean, why access 3 sites when you have it all at one location
american ace
2/27/2013 8:04:18 AM
i agree
2/27/2013 8:04:36 AM
I suppose my goal would be to eliminate your cool and lifelong spreadsheet
2/27/2013 8:05:01 AM
and to help you manage your DJ's payments and what streams they use better, possibly giving you administrative capability from the billing area as well
2/27/2013 8:05:18 AM
It could go to the point of automatically shutting down their stream for non-payment, but that's up to you
american ace
2/27/2013 8:06:28 AM
well thats possible later but id rater keep a hands on the shut offs
2/27/2013 8:06:38 AM
once again, that's up to you
american ace
2/27/2013 8:09:03 AM
For security purposes, I'd recommend you move the files outside of the "bill" folder and place them somewhere else prior to configuration.
M2/27/2013 8:03:03 AM
2/27/2013 8:09:31 AM
Right, so that I don't have access to your Username and Password for Utherverse
american ace
2/27/2013 8:12:02 AM
dont all the files need to be in the folders you put them in
2/27/2013 8:12:28 AM
2/27/2013 8:13:16 AM
It's not a website that runs that file. It's a cron job, which is called by the OS. It could be anywhere at that point, as long as you and the OS know where the file resides
american ace
2/27/2013 8:14:22 AM
and we just talking this perticular file right
american ace
2/27/2013 8:14:24 AM
M2/27/2013 8:01:58 AM
2/27/2013 8:15:33 AM
yes, the instructions I initially sent you detailed what to do in there. If you download and open the file, the information at the top under "// Variables" is commented so that you know what goes where
american ace
2/27/2013 8:15:53 AM
i did look at it
2/27/2013 8:16:19 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 8:32:08 AM
ok i guess i read this a couple times so i dled the get transactionslog.php
american ace
2/27/2013 8:32:13 AM
email@address.com"; // Utherverse profile Login (email address)
$uv_password="password"; // Utherverse profile Password
american ace
2/27/2013 8:32:18 AM
fill that in
american ace
2/27/2013 8:32:24 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 8:32:34 AM
then put it where?
american ace
2/27/2013 8:32:46 AM
back where it was
american ace
2/27/2013 8:34:13 AM
i gues id say
www.billing.purepowerstreams.com would need a index so the contents wont be displayed
american ace
2/27/2013 8:34:41 AM
in the ftp
american ace
2/27/2013 8:36:41 AM
as a web page
american ace
2/27/2013 8:43:09 AM
2/27/2013 8:50:07 AM
sorry, was putting the wife to bed
2/27/2013 8:50:57 AM
email@address.com"; // Utherverse profile Login (email address)
$uv_password="password"; // Utherverse profile Password
american ace2/27/2013 8:32:13 AM
if my email address to log into utherverse was
alpha@beta.com, the line would look like
2/27/2013 8:51:01 AM
same deal with the password
2/27/2013 8:51:10 AM
and yes, once you edit the script just replace it.
2/27/2013 8:51:22 AM
and yeah, the index file was a good idea

american ace
2/27/2013 8:55:50 AM
ok thats done
2/27/2013 8:57:54 AM
lemme check someone on cpanel
2/27/2013 8:58:29 AM
you said you have shell access to the system? or was it root access
american ace
2/27/2013 8:59:48 AM
i can get in the the main cpanel , and root ftp
2/27/2013 9:00:06 AM
but you don't have console access like through SSH/putty or anything?
american ace
2/27/2013 9:01:18 AM
i can get in to manage server
2/27/2013 9:01:55 AM
ok, why i ask is so I could help ya to get the cron job setup
american ace
2/27/2013 9:02:34 AM
that has to be done on the main server you cant do it in the user cron in that cpanel
2/27/2013 9:02:57 AM
which, you can do, right?
american ace
2/27/2013 9:03:32 AM
i as i said i can get in the main server and the user bill
2/27/2013 9:03:50 AM
aight, so, yeah. you'll have to move the 2 files out and setup the cron job on that

american ace
2/27/2013 9:05:42 AM
would it be easier to call?
2/27/2013 9:06:18 AM
I don't understand the connection
american ace
2/27/2013 9:06:33 AM
call me on skype?
american ace
2/27/2013 9:06:40 AM
to talk rather than type
2/27/2013 9:07:15 AM
Unfortunately I can't take a call right now whilst i'm already in one

american ace
2/27/2013 9:07:22 AM
2/27/2013 9:08:09 AM
Ok, so do you know how to setup a cron job?
american ace
2/27/2013 9:08:47 AM
sort of i just read about it , lil , ive never done 1
american ace
2/27/2013 9:09:20 AM
i read its a scheduling thing to get something
2/27/2013 9:09:51 AM
yes, it is.
2/27/2013 9:10:34 AM
Do you have remote shell access?
american ace
2/27/2013 9:13:15 AM
well not sure on that
2/27/2013 9:13:24 AM

now we're getting somewhere
2/27/2013 9:14:02 AM
lemme try something here...
2/27/2013 9:15:24 AM
ok, so you should have remote access to your server
2/27/2013 9:15:37 AM
using the username "bill" with the account and password you setup for me, I can access the servers console.
american ace
2/27/2013 9:15:58 AM
Setup Remote MySQL server
2/27/2013 9:15:59 AM
I don't have root access, so I can't do much aside from view and modify the files that were created in the /home/bill folder
2/27/2013 9:16:02 AM
2/27/2013 9:16:43 AM
not Remote MySQL server
american ace
2/27/2013 9:17:18 AM
Setup Remote Access Key
2/27/2013 9:17:21 AM
Did you tell me you had techs that could possibly set this up?
american ace
2/27/2013 9:17:37 AM
yes there are techs
american ace
2/27/2013 9:18:10 AM
i can put in a ticket they get on it pretty fast
2/27/2013 9:18:35 AM
ok, let me show you something
2/27/2013 9:18:37 AM
File transfer:
2/27/2013 9:18:56 AM
PuTTY is a terminal program that allows system administrators to access Linux Server Consoles
2/27/2013 9:19:20 AM
I use it for most of my administrative tasks with all the servers I work with
2/27/2013 9:19:32 AM
what you see in the screenshot is me logging into your server and viewing /etc/crontab
2/27/2013 9:19:50 AM
this file (/etc/crontab) is where you would place the commands to run the file that I sent you
2/27/2013 9:20:03 AM
since you have root access, you could modify this file. I cannot modify this file
2/27/2013 9:21:09 AM
now, with all that said I could walk you through the steps you need to do this, or you could put in a ticket to ask to get the php file running in cron

american ace
2/27/2013 9:23:49 AM
let me look more here see if i can find what you mean
2/27/2013 9:23:53 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 9:24:50 AM
so you want me to go in the root ftp?
2/27/2013 9:25:16 AM
might want to put in that ticket lol
american ace
2/27/2013 9:27:46 AM
i found these folders
american ace
2/27/2013 9:27:49 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 9:28:04 AM
2/27/2013 9:28:05 AM
yes, those folders are used to run a series of programs on an hourly timer
2/27/2013 9:28:09 AM
or monthly
2/27/2013 9:28:12 AM
or weekly, etc
2/27/2013 9:28:16 AM
there's 4 of them
2/27/2013 9:28:32 AM
and then there is the master file in /etc called crontab
american ace
2/27/2013 9:30:01 AM
found it
2/27/2013 9:30:34 AM
ok, cool
2/27/2013 9:31:08 AM
that's the file that schedules jobs

2/27/2013 9:31:12 AM
lemme find my text document
american ace
2/27/2013 9:31:47 AM
2/27/2013 9:32:28 AM
I know what it looks like

2/27/2013 9:32:32 AM
it was in the screenshot I sent you
american ace
2/27/2013 9:32:59 AM
oh i thought you had to edit it
2/27/2013 9:33:18 AM
...we still need to relocate the files I mentioned before
american ace
2/27/2013 9:33:38 AM
2/27/2013 9:34:20 AM
to be safe, you can put them both in a folder in the purepowerstreams website
2/27/2013 9:34:27 AM
that way they are outside my touch and within yours
2/27/2013 9:34:39 AM
after that, I can give you the command to put in crontab to run that
american ace
2/27/2013 9:39:21 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 9:39:26 AM
like that
2/27/2013 9:39:52 AM
File transfer:
Setup Instructions.txt
2/27/2013 9:40:00 AM
in the crontab file
2/27/2013 9:40:13 AM
make a line underneath everything (you want to keep it)
2/27/2013 9:40:16 AM
and put that line in there
2/27/2013 9:40:28 AM
oops lol
2/27/2013 9:40:33 AM
change the */1 part to */5
2/27/2013 9:40:39 AM
it's in the beginning of the command
american ace
2/27/2013 9:42:25 AM
2/27/2013 9:42:35 AM
that a signature line?

american ace
2/27/2013 9:42:55 AM
[8:40:04 AM] M: make a line underneath everything (you want to keep it)
american ace
2/27/2013 9:43:06 AM
make a line
2/27/2013 9:43:16 AM
no lol
2/27/2013 9:43:23 AM
like, a blank line
american ace
2/27/2013 9:43:32 AM
line break ok
2/27/2013 9:43:44 AM
i'm still lol'in
american ace
2/27/2013 9:47:52 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 9:47:59 AM
i think i got it
2/27/2013 9:48:19 AM
2/27/2013 9:48:45 AM
2/27/2013 9:48:46 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 9:51:20 AM
i think i know whats wrong
2/27/2013 9:51:22 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 9:51:36 AM
its the ownership
2/27/2013 9:53:28 AM
if you uploaded them via FTP like you do with all your other files then it should be fine
american ace
2/27/2013 9:55:43 AM
it there now i uploaded through the pps ftp user
american ace
2/27/2013 9:55:58 AM
look now
2/27/2013 9:56:01 AM
mmk, lemme test
american ace
2/27/2013 9:56:05 AM
its there but blank
american ace
2/27/2013 9:57:13 AM
i had that problem before the owner ship messed up the files from displaying on the web
2/27/2013 9:57:58 AM
2/27/2013 9:58:51 AM
it's not updating the database
american ace
2/27/2013 9:58:51 AM
now what is doing what it spose to do
2/27/2013 9:59:21 AM
and it doesn't provide output cause, well, that'd be a security issue

american ace
2/27/2013 9:59:31 AM
2/27/2013 9:59:34 AM
oh, duh
2/27/2013 9:59:42 AM
you have to provide a number as well
2/27/2013 10:00:14 AM
when you get to the UV page you need that number to access your transaction history
2/27/2013 10:00:36 AM
it's in the script as well. if it's logging in, it might not be getting to that page, and i might've forgot to mention it lol
american ace
2/27/2013 10:01:55 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 10:02:09 AM
whats the number
2/27/2013 10:02:22 AM
you'll need to log into your redlightcenter profile
2/27/2013 10:02:27 AM
go to your transaction history
2/27/2013 10:02:33 AM
and look at your Address Bar
2/27/2013 10:02:37 AM
the number is at the end, past the =
american ace
2/27/2013 10:03:13 AM
ok got it
2/27/2013 10:03:22 AM
ok, that goes into the script as well, 3rd line
american ace
2/27/2013 10:03:29 AM
2/27/2013 10:03:36 AM
right, it's replaces that
2/27/2013 10:04:31 AM
and to recap, your email address and utherverse password are in there so the script can login as you, right?
american ace
2/27/2013 10:05:40 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 10:05:46 AM
all up dated
2/27/2013 10:06:06 AM
ok, things are working
american ace
2/27/2013 10:06:24 AM
lol how can you tell
2/27/2013 10:06:32 AM
cause i'm logged into the database
american ace
2/27/2013 10:06:41 AM
2/27/2013 10:06:45 AM
it's synchronizing your recent 50 entries of your UV transaction log to it
2/27/2013 10:06:50 AM
and the cron job will keep it updated
2/27/2013 10:06:59 AM
first step in many for this real-time billing and management system
american ace
2/27/2013 10:07:39 AM
2/27/2013 10:07:51 AM
ok, now the hard part is done, and you've also got some learning for ya
2/27/2013 10:08:00 AM
i'll work on clams next, shouldn't be hard to convert over
american ace
2/27/2013 10:08:45 AM
all righty then, should go alot faster
2/27/2013 10:09:07 AM
we'll see. is there anyways in your admin control panel to reload the cron configuration?
2/27/2013 10:09:11 AM
or to send a shell command?
american ace
2/27/2013 10:09:57 AM
maybe a server restart
2/27/2013 10:10:27 AM
that would definitely do that, but wouldn't that also stop most of your streams?
american ace
2/27/2013 10:11:33 AM
oh ya
american ace
2/27/2013 10:11:48 AM
it would stop all the streams
2/27/2013 10:11:54 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 10:11:59 AM
not a good thing
american ace
2/27/2013 10:12:32 AM
what would the topic be under in cpanel
american ace
2/27/2013 10:12:47 AM
in whm
american ace
2/27/2013 10:13:02 AM
restart sevices
2/27/2013 10:13:13 AM
2/27/2013 10:13:18 AM
if Cron is in there, do that
american ace
2/27/2013 10:13:59 AM
nothing about cron
2/27/2013 10:14:04 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 10:15:32 AM
no i dont see any topic for scheduling
american ace
2/27/2013 10:16:00 AM
what kind of function
2/27/2013 10:16:10 AM
i'm googling it now for cpanel
american ace
2/27/2013 10:16:18 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 10:17:21 AM
2/27/2013 10:18:07 AM
if you only had root shell access
2/27/2013 10:18:52 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 10:19:00 AM
i have the whm panel
2/27/2013 10:19:48 AM
2/27/2013 10:19:57 AM
/etc/init.d/crond restart
2/27/2013 10:19:59 AM
try that in there
american ace
2/27/2013 10:25:28 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 10:25:39 AM
this is my whm panel
2/27/2013 10:26:15 AM
o wow, that's admin BOSS
2/27/2013 10:27:18 AM
Aside from Service Configuration, i don't see much to work with unless there's more on the left menu scrolling down
american ace
2/27/2013 10:27:29 AM
ya i should be ablr to do somethign in there if i know where to go
american ace
2/27/2013 10:28:37 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 10:28:45 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 10:28:48 AM
2/27/2013 10:29:17 AM
Maybe under "restart services"?
american ace
2/27/2013 10:30:21 AM
2/27/2013 10:30:53 AM
nope, not there
2/27/2013 10:31:17 AM
ok, we'll wait for the auto reload..unsure when that is
american ace
2/27/2013 10:31:36 AM
ya there is search top that nothing ops in for cron
american ace
2/27/2013 10:36:40 AM
not that i have over a amount of people sending rays there might be hours before another transaction occurs
american ace
2/27/2013 10:37:33 AM
let me ask you this
american ace
2/27/2013 10:38:06 AM
will i need to start getting memebrs id?
2/27/2013 10:38:51 AM
2/27/2013 10:38:57 AM
not yet, at least
american ace
2/27/2013 10:39:56 AM
ever dealt with lindens from secon life
2/27/2013 10:40:30 AM
no, i haven't
2/27/2013 10:40:37 AM
i've got a SL account form 6 years ago
american ace
2/27/2013 10:41:30 AM
amy is over in sl thinking on taking lindens lol shes over there alot
2/27/2013 10:42:56 AM
that might be a challenging market
2/27/2013 10:43:00 AM
SL's been popular and around
american ace
2/27/2013 10:43:45 AM
we got djs over there , but we dont take lindens
american ace
2/27/2013 11:04:20 AM
ok i guess were done for now huh
2/27/2013 11:05:08 AM
for now yeah
american ace
2/27/2013 11:05:22 AM
big step we rock

2/27/2013 11:06:25 AM
american ace
2/27/2013 11:07:29 AM
have a good day , im going to catch some zzzzzzzzz

2/27/2013 11:08:34 AM
sleep well
2/27/2013 12:06:09 PM
just a note, you might want to put in a ticket to restart your cron daemon
american ace
2/28/2013 12:08:41 AM
american ace
2/28/2013 12:09:12 AM
the base isnt updating?
2/28/2013 12:09:39 AM
no, not suprising. the new cron configuration has to be reloaded by telling cron to do that.
american ace
2/28/2013 12:10:27 AM
ok and we never did figure out how to do that
2/28/2013 12:10:41 AM
on your system, yeah.
2/28/2013 12:10:53 AM
all the utilities you have don't give you shell access, or at least we can't find it.
american ace
2/28/2013 12:11:17 AM
ok i will put in a quick ticket to do that
american ace
2/28/2013 12:11:39 AM
so tell them to do a restart of cron daemon
2/28/2013 12:12:07 AM
or reload the new cron configuration
2/28/2013 12:12:11 AM
either way, same result
american ace
2/28/2013 12:15:44 AM
ok sent the ticket
2/28/2013 12:16:25 AM
cool cool
american ace
2/28/2013 12:22:19 AM
i do have a question regarding the getUtherverseTransactionLog.php i know that has the pps log in info , but what are the risks of somebody getting ahold of that , is there a permission setting, and maybe there on the pps site wouldnt be the best place for that, concidering ther are programs that download whole website files
2/28/2013 12:23:16 AM
you have programs that download entire websites going on?
american ace
2/28/2013 12:23:45 AM
i know there are programs that can do that
2/28/2013 12:23:50 AM
american ace
2/28/2013 12:23:54 AM
ive seen them
2/28/2013 12:23:58 AM
well, if anybody has FTP access, yes, they can do that
2/28/2013 12:24:11 AM
but anybody even accessing any of the files via browser would only see blank
2/28/2013 12:24:20 AM
it's just a script that does work, and places no output to the user
2/28/2013 12:24:43 AM
the security risk comes into who has FTP access to PPS, basically
2/28/2013 12:24:46 AM
if it's just you, cool...
american ace
2/28/2013 12:25:22 AM
wells its just me and amy , but amy knows the log in stuff
2/28/2013 12:25:35 AM
then your pretty secure
american ace
2/28/2013 12:26:57 AM
you can get any file from a web site tho
american ace
2/28/2013 12:27:25 AM
make a html page with a link to the file , rt click and save as
2/28/2013 12:27:37 AM
give it a shot. all your gonna get is no content.
american ace
2/28/2013 12:27:50 AM
2/28/2013 12:27:53 AM
the script itself doesn't deliver content to the user. it just does server work
american ace
2/28/2013 1:02:52 AM
well they said they restarted the cron but looking at the data base it doesnt look like the transactions updated
2/28/2013 1:12:51 AM
mmk, lemme check here
2/28/2013 1:14:29 AM
The job is meant to run every 5 minutes
2/28/2013 1:14:37 AM
I'll check again in a bit

2/28/2013 1:33:10 AM
Do you have any new transaction after 2013-02-27 13:11:00, or transaction 884797570?
american ace
2/28/2013 1:57:18 AM
2013-02-27 22:14
Your Profile Viewed
2013-02-27 22:05
View a Profile
2013-02-27 22:04
View a Profile
american ace
2/28/2013 1:58:13 AM
3 of them
2/28/2013 2:01:30 AM
it pulled them in yesterday, unsure why it's not doing it now
2/28/2013 2:02:20 AM
simply cause the script is programmed not to give me information from the website >.<
2/28/2013 2:03:02 AM
nothing has changed, right?
american ace
2/28/2013 2:03:25 AM
looks like there is other in the data base from the system
2/28/2013 2:03:49 AM
2/28/2013 2:03:52 AM
duh, i didn't sort it
2/28/2013 2:03:59 AM
yeah, there is
2/28/2013 2:04:37 AM
ok, give it more time, i'll see if the job runs in the next 5 or so
american ace
2/28/2013 2:04:56 AM
i will send a ray from ace
2/28/2013 2:05:23 AM
that'll work too
2/28/2013 2:05:28 AM
i just viewed the profile
american ace
2/28/2013 2:06:39 AM
2013-02-27 23:05
Member Transfer - Other
2/28/2013 2:07:16 AM
mmk, i'm assuming the job will run in the next 3-4 mins
2/28/2013 2:07:20 AM
it should automatically pull it down
american ace
2/28/2013 2:07:48 AM
lol are we takin bets?
2/28/2013 2:08:17 AM
if so, i'd hope i win...
2/28/2013 2:08:24 AM
but for now, lets not and say we did

american ace
2/28/2013 2:08:31 AM
american ace
2/28/2013 2:09:17 AM
were betting it updates woot roll the ray transaction
2/28/2013 2:12:36 AM
...ok, i'm giving it 3 more minutes here
2/28/2013 2:17:06 AM
ok, i'm gonna initiate it from the server to see if all is good......if i can
2/28/2013 2:17:32 AM
mmk, cron is not reloaded....
2/28/2013 2:17:36 AM
or, restarted
2/28/2013 2:17:48 AM
script works like a charm, just no automation and such
2/28/2013 2:18:03 AM
i actually ran the command from the console that's in Cron, all was fine
american ace
2/28/2013 2:19:49 AM
they said they restarted
2/28/2013 2:21:00 AM
looks like they did
2/28/2013 2:21:33 AM
i'm gonna monitor it the next 4 mins
american ace
2/28/2013 2:23:01 AM
he said this to me
american ace
2/28/2013 2:23:03 AM
Also, you can restart cron by typing (as root)
/etc/init.d/crond restart
Thank you.
2/28/2013 2:23:12 AM
yeah, that's what i sent ya yesterday
american ace
2/28/2013 2:23:14 AM
where do i do this
2/28/2013 2:23:24 AM
you have to do it from the shell/console
2/28/2013 2:23:27 AM
as root
2/28/2013 2:23:52 AM
did you update the /etc/crontab file 7 minutes ago?
american ace
2/28/2013 2:24:36 AM
i looked at that file
2/28/2013 2:24:49 AM
aight, it lost an ending carriage return
2/28/2013 2:25:26 AM
blasted, gotta wait another 5
american ace
2/28/2013 2:26:07 AM
american ace
2/28/2013 2:26:19 AM
this is how the file should look right
2/28/2013 2:26:39 AM
2/28/2013 2:26:47 AM
exactly as i see it on the server
american ace
2/28/2013 2:27:31 AM
ok good
2/28/2013 2:30:33 AM
don't see it executing it
american ace
2/28/2013 2:31:45 AM
2/28/2013 2:34:42 AM
ok, quick question. how come we cannot use cpanel's cron control?
american ace
2/28/2013 2:36:26 AM
i was going to ask you that , i mean there is a place to add new cron job in there
2/28/2013 2:37:51 AM
[2/27/2013 10:01:55 PM] M: ok, why i ask is so I could help ya to get the cron job setup
[2/27/2013 10:02:34 PM] american ace: that has to be done on the main server you cant do it in the user cron in that cpanel
2/28/2013 2:38:03 AM
you told me so
2/28/2013 2:39:26 AM
for the sake of it, i added it under bill's user in cpanel
2/28/2013 2:39:33 AM
just testing if it works or not
american ace
2/28/2013 2:39:36 AM
hmm maybe i missunderstood you
2/28/2013 2:40:09 AM
yeah, that worked
american ace
2/28/2013 2:40:12 AM
or was replying to something else
2/28/2013 2:40:19 AM
k, just remove the line from crontab
2/28/2013 2:40:24 AM
it's working like a charm now
american ace
2/28/2013 2:40:53 AM
so make the old crontab file what it was before
2/28/2013 2:40:58 AM
american ace
2/28/2013 2:42:16 AM
ok done
2/28/2013 2:42:31 AM
cool, automation engaged
american ace
2/28/2013 2:44:29 AM
i didnt see the data base updated with the new transactions
american ace
2/28/2013 2:45:34 AM
past frickey
2/28/2013 2:45:52 AM
they are there
2/28/2013 2:46:05 AM
you have to sort the table by transaction ID descending
2/28/2013 2:46:27 AM
or...primary key, Descending
american ace
2/28/2013 2:47:08 AM
well i did it by date
american ace
2/28/2013 2:47:14 AM
i see them
american ace
2/28/2013 2:47:49 AM
i will send another ray see if it updates in 5 mins then
american ace
2/28/2013 2:49:22 AM
ok i sent 2 rays
american ace
2/28/2013 2:51:00 AM
there it is

2/28/2013 3:04:31 AM
american ace
2/28/2013 3:12:10 AM
its working good
american ace
2/28/2013 3:12:38 AM
i viewed a profile and it loged it in
2/28/2013 3:14:19 AM
i know it's workin good

american ace
2/28/2013 3:14:55 AM
so now whats next
american ace
2/28/2013 3:14:59 AM
2/28/2013 3:16:07 AM
we went over this yesterday: Clams Sync to database, Paypal Sync to database, Loading up all DJ's that currently use streams along with their dates of payment, plans, strems, etc, for central management, making job to automatically track who's due for billing, who's paid, and who's past due.
2/28/2013 3:16:25 AM
Goal is basically one page where you can go and see who's good and not good
american ace
2/28/2013 3:16:35 AM
american ace
2/28/2013 3:18:20 AM
ok when ever your ready to do clams let me know,
2/28/2013 3:18:30 AM
i will
2/28/2013 3:18:35 AM
like i said, my off time
american ace
2/28/2013 3:19:39 AM
ok ty ^5 ill be around
2/28/2013 4:09:05 AM
Saki mentioned back about the space you offerred in your club, how do you arrange that?
american ace
2/28/2013 4:17:50 AM
got a sign you want to use? and a link where?
2/28/2013 4:20:39 AM
Have you ever been to Central Mall?
american ace
2/28/2013 4:20:54 AM
ive heard of it
american ace
2/28/2013 4:21:04 AM
no i havent been there
american ace
2/28/2013 4:21:39 AM
i have them on fl also i believe
2/28/2013 4:22:34 AM
Sakis' got UVD Ad stuff there. I think that's what she was thinking of.
american ace
2/28/2013 4:23:41 AM
ok ill see if i can get there check out the display
american ace
2/28/2013 4:36:22 AM
im at central mall now
american ace
2/28/2013 4:55:26 AM
well i looked seen some signs for a the uvd fair we can get some thing up nice for that
american ace
2/28/2013 4:56:14 AM
still have to send me the signs url and links tho to what you would like up
2/28/2013 5:54:02 AM
sorry, was out with wife.
2/28/2013 5:56:40 AM
I'm unsure how to approach your club advertising, to be honest. I'm sure Saki and You could speak about it, albeit her "visions" of advertising are amazingly epic.
american ace
2/28/2013 9:17:28 AM
ok well you can drop her my skype if ya want
american ace
2/28/2013 9:18:13 AM
or drop me hers contact details either way
american ace
3/5/2013 2:45:27 AM
american ace
3/5/2013 2:45:39 AM
hows it going
3/5/2013 6:00:11 AM
Hey, been sick and taking sleepin' hours recently. Getting better, tho
3/5/2013 6:00:28 AM
Took about 60 hours off, no nothing accomplished for anything
american ace
3/5/2013 6:01:11 AM
bad your sick good your getting better, some time you got to take some time for your self too
3/5/2013 6:02:34 AM
usually happens quarterly
american ace
3/5/2013 6:03:21 AM
i was just wondering , thought a shoot you a message earlier, i djed all weekend
3/5/2013 6:04:07 AM
ah, cool. business is a' poppin!
american ace
3/5/2013 6:04:45 AM
ya 1st of the month -5th stream fees are due
3/5/2013 6:06:22 AM
ok, sounds like april is a good benchmark
3/19/2013 7:07:15 AM

There is a file in the billing called "get3DSexTransactionLog.php". This has the same configuration as the Utherverse one. Just get it set up, same routine as before (login, password, "ray page"), and once your done and have the file moved into the same folder as the Utheverse one I can get the Cron job working on that as well.
3/19/2013 7:08:09 AM
And my apologies on the lateness of this and the lack of communication. Just got one wisdom tooth pulled and i've been experiencing "Lord of the Rings" under pain killers.....It's quite a different movie...
3/19/2013 7:11:55 AM
I'm having Saki send you a skype request so you should be able to contact her shortly

american ace
3/19/2013 1:54:12 PM
ok great ty
3/19/2013 2:25:34 PM
no problem
american ace
3/19/2013 2:57:42 PM
so did you set up another data base
3/19/2013 2:58:02 PM
nope, just a different table within the same database
american ace
3/19/2013 2:58:49 PM
is that info on the sheet so that all i have to do is put user name and pw and transaction #
american ace
3/19/2013 2:59:00 PM
in the log file
3/19/2013 2:59:43 PM
....yes, i think
american ace
3/19/2013 2:59:44 PM
then upload it
american ace
3/19/2013 2:59:49 PM
3/19/2013 2:59:55 PM
Just like before, if that helps....
american ace
3/19/2013 3:03:43 PM
american ace
3/19/2013 3:03:50 PM
do i replace this
3/19/2013 3:04:00 PM
american ace
3/19/2013 3:04:05 PM
withthe 1 thats in there all ready
3/19/2013 3:04:10 PM
just the one file, that's it
3/19/2013 3:04:30 PM
download it, fill out the top, send it up to where i can't get a hold of it
3/19/2013 3:04:42 PM
once that's done, i'll try to run it to see if it sends data down
american ace
3/19/2013 3:05:46 PM
they are in
3/19/2013 3:08:03 PM
mmk, seems to be working ok
american ace
3/19/2013 3:08:09 PM
american ace
3/19/2013 3:12:59 PM
another step completed
american ace
3/19/2013 3:13:08 PM
3/19/2013 3:13:09 PM
american ace
3/19/2013 3:13:55 PM
what will be next
3/19/2013 3:14:10 PM
UI and stuff
american ace
3/19/2013 3:15:35 PM
whats the plan for that
3/19/2013 3:15:45 PM
dunno yet lol
american ace
3/19/2013 3:16:30 PM
american ace
3/19/2013 3:18:05 PM
well im have the billing software whms , there any way to intagrate with that
3/19/2013 3:18:06 PM
i've got the info in the skype convo, i'll just work from that
3/19/2013 3:18:15 PM
unsure, i dunno much about the billing software yet
3/19/2013 3:18:31 PM
maybe some screenshots of what you do, how you use it might help
american ace
3/19/2013 3:19:10 PM
let me take a look at that ill see if i can set up a access name for you , i havent done nothing with this
american ace
3/19/2013 3:20:02 PM
this software is spose to integrate with sonic to build stream automatic through shopping carts ect
3/19/2013 3:20:14 PM
american ace
3/25/2013 1:31:09 PM
american ace
3/25/2013 1:31:21 PM
just curious if you was in
american ace
3/25/2013 1:32:37 PM
just wanted to let you know i set up a support opperator account in this billing software
american ace
3/25/2013 1:33:14 PM
i havent really had a chance to do a whole lot withit
american ace
3/25/2013 1:33:47 PM
but see if you can get in there to take a look and see if we can make the ray stuff intagrate with it
american ace
3/25/2013 1:34:19 PM
thx m
3/26/2013 4:31:59 AM
Well, to start off with, I was able to log in ok. Seems like the "support operator account" does not provide access to customer/billing/orders, etc. I can't for certain determine what can be done or start up some tests to see what fields there is to work with or if there can be a separate currency placed in.
I did, however, peek into their Knowledge Base and I do see that they have many 3rd party payment gateways of which we could use as an custom interim solution. My thinking is that I would have to write a Payment Gateway and integrate that within the CMS system, but without access to the files I can't emulate this action.
So, I can't provide here nor there at this time. Just that I've peeked at it and I might have a solution, but i'm not 100% sure yet.
american ace
3/26/2013 10:28:25 AM
american ace
3/26/2013 10:28:32 AM
are you still around
3/26/2013 10:28:37 AM
3/26/2013 10:28:47 AM
just workin' down my checklist as usual. what's up?
american ace
3/26/2013 10:29:18 AM
just wanted to touch bases with you on what you wrote
3/26/2013 10:29:31 AM
american ace
3/26/2013 10:30:03 AM
i hvaent added any customers to that program its just pretty much unconfigured
american ace
3/26/2013 10:31:31 AM
not sure what kind of gateway info for payments would work , but yes there are differnt modules for payments ect
american ace
3/26/2013 10:32:01 AM
and as it would probally have to be custom made
3/26/2013 10:32:37 AM
3/26/2013 10:32:46 AM
you got me correctly on that
american ace
3/26/2013 10:33:18 AM
i can give you admin privlages there to see the over all info
3/26/2013 10:33:45 AM
I think that would help alot.
american ace
3/26/2013 10:40:40 AM
couple things i also want to talk about , after talking to saki , seems like my compitition djextreme did some sponsering for the uvd fair , i concerns me that this is my compition and you are working with us both , to run ads and such setting them up with the same thimgs you are setting me up with , now i just need to know we have a exclusive agreement that this info isnt being shared with them, because i just cant have that, i detest mr navi , he has used me in the past to gain knowledge to start his company , used me to show him to be a dj tech , only to stab me in the back and start his own company
3/26/2013 10:44:11 AM
From what I understand, you didn't hear anything about DJ Extreme, and he didn't hear anything about you. That's pretty much how it works.
3/26/2013 10:45:11 AM
Exclusive agreements when it comes to advertising and such from now is between you and Saki now. You and I deal with your solutions exclusively.
3/26/2013 10:47:18 AM
Besides, Asians are pretty extreme about their reputation. I've learned over the years of dealing with the bosslady not to mess with her.
american ace
3/26/2013 10:49:38 AM
well i just cant have the billing system we create for pps fall inthe hands of dj extreme that would severly damage things on a buisness lvl
3/26/2013 10:50:06 AM
I don't see how that could even be possible.
american ace
3/26/2013 10:55:41 AM
if he got the same thing we are doing, and your helping him too then not not going to be exclusive system to pps to help make us better company , and thats leveling out the playing field so to speak, i want to do things better than any other stream provider out there thats what has made pps the best , and continue to be best into the future
3/26/2013 10:58:55 AM
american ace
3/26/2013 12:29:30 PM
i have switch the user , privlages to full admin
american ace
3/27/2013 5:27:08 PM
good after noon
3/27/2013 5:28:36 PM
Good mornin'
3/27/2013 5:28:44 PM
3/27/2013 5:28:46 PM
and Afternoon
american ace
3/27/2013 5:29:00 PM
almost evening for me
american ace
4/3/2013 1:40:46 AM
american ace
4/3/2013 1:40:56 AM
how are things
4/3/2013 9:56:07 AM
Hey, things are just real busy.
4/7/2013 1:41:35 AM
Ok, so I just farked a bit with the WHMCS software. I did add your packages as you've listed on your website, I did create a "customer" and assign a package as well. From the administrative point of view, and with the integration i've provided, I think there is a way that we can get all your clients in here (which is priority#1), get their plans/packages tied to them, get their dates set up, and work on managing them internally
4/7/2013 1:42:12 AM
I still have yet to look at the client gateway to see if random customers can just stop by and buy things. That, i'm assuming, is the ULTIMATE CHALLENGEZ with this WHMCS stuff.
american ace
4/7/2013 1:42:58 AM
oh cool , thats good to know
4/7/2013 1:43:31 AM
Yeah, It took me about 2 hours of viewing it all and seeing how it flows
american ace
4/7/2013 1:43:46 AM
i can start adding them after this billing period
4/7/2013 1:43:50 AM
There is a client "Credit Balance" which would be used to tie my automation with the internal area.
4/7/2013 1:44:18 AM
Why not add them now? At least we could work with what they have inside the system.
4/7/2013 1:44:28 AM
And worse comes to worse, we can wipe it clean and start fresh
american ace
4/7/2013 1:45:05 AM
i can start with the people who have auto dj systems
4/7/2013 1:45:19 AM
I've placed in both product lines
4/7/2013 1:45:27 AM
Personal and Auto
american ace
4/7/2013 1:45:53 AM
thats a smaller group there is over 200 djs to add that info will be the big challege
4/7/2013 1:46:08 AM
I'm sure I could do it fairly quickly
4/7/2013 1:46:42 AM
Eventually I will need some files from this WHMCS software to see how to make some modules, and database access to this so I can synchronize payments (rays/clams)
american ace
4/7/2013 1:46:55 AM
wonder if can take info from the spred sheet
4/7/2013 1:46:57 AM
In the meantime, I think it's pretty much set up for getting your customers in
4/7/2013 1:47:08 AM
I'm sure you could copy/paste
american ace
4/7/2013 1:47:08 AM
and import it
4/7/2013 1:47:17 AM
I don't recall an Import Option
4/7/2013 1:47:50 AM
If you have those extra fields in the spreadsheet, you might want to add those as "custom fields" much like you did with the "utherverse name"
4/7/2013 1:48:17 AM
Afterwards, we can adjust as necessary
4/7/2013 1:49:34 AM
4/7/2013 1:49:36 AM
big thing
4/7/2013 1:49:45 AM
Something about Payment Gateways are not active
4/7/2013 1:49:55 AM
I'm still looking into it, maybe just a /facepalm when I find it
4/7/2013 1:50:01 AM
but that'll complete the billing "circle"
american ace
4/7/2013 1:50:27 AM
i think they have to be approved by them
american ace
4/7/2013 1:50:36 AM
not sure on that
4/7/2013 1:50:50 AM
I'd hope not
american ace
4/7/2013 1:50:55 AM
have to purchase the billing gateway
4/7/2013 1:51:24 AM
Hold on that for now
american ace
4/7/2013 1:52:38 AM
im paying a mothly fee for WHMCS as it is
4/7/2013 1:54:03 AM
for what?...support?
american ace
4/7/2013 1:56:44 AM
no the lic
american ace
4/7/2013 1:56:49 AM
to use it
4/7/2013 1:57:08 AM
american ace
4/7/2013 1:58:28 AM
ya so the goal is to make this work , im sure we can get more tech help from them
4/7/2013 2:00:42 AM
Did you pay for them to Install it?
american ace
4/7/2013 2:01:07 AM
no the server techs did it
4/7/2013 2:01:47 AM
and you have all the information that they provided to you, like the install path and database username/password?
american ace
4/7/2013 2:02:05 AM
i will have to look for that
american ace
4/7/2013 2:04:29 AM
im djing for about another hour at shockwaves , so im multi tasking here
4/7/2013 2:06:26 AM
that's cool, i'm seeing what you actually pay for
4/7/2013 2:07:09 AM
The only think I can think of is support and upgrades, and honestly this is easy software to use. Upgrades might be the plus of it, tho, but i'm just speakin from the mind

american ace
4/7/2013 2:13:55 AM
there is a away to hook the stream software up with the billing software and it makes the streams
4/7/2013 2:14:17 AM
unsure yet
4/7/2013 2:14:33 AM
I'm sure it's possible
american ace
4/7/2013 2:14:49 AM
i watched the vid how to do it
4/7/2013 2:15:16 AM
Throw me the link sometime when you got it
american ace
4/7/2013 2:16:55 AM
american ace
4/8/2013 1:55:57 AM
american ace
4/8/2013 1:56:21 AM
how did that look
4/8/2013 1:57:20 AM
I didn't have a chance to look at it yet. Figuring out pages atm
4/8/2013 1:57:40 AM
lol, simple things for using are sometimes difficult in programming
american ace
4/8/2013 1:58:39 AM
5/9/2013 2:45:38 AM
Hey Ace, just reconnecting here. Hope things are going well. Have you been able to use the WHCM stuff yet? Learn anything new about it?
5/9/2013 6:37:54 AM
hi m been busy djing all night , i just havent had the free time to look at it all , i will soon tho thx m , i will pm you later tonight
5/11/2013 12:41:00 AM
hi m just getting back with here i will try to look things over on that sunday see what i can figure out , i dont dj sun mon tues
5/11/2013 12:42:01 AM
sweet doggies!
5/11/2013 12:43:08 AM
did you figure anything more out on that
5/11/2013 12:45:24 AM
No, last I remember it was the billing that wasn't working. something about a subscription or techs working on it.
5/11/2013 12:45:48 AM
And I also asked if you had access credentials to get into the WHCM files to install created modules.
5/11/2013 12:46:07 AM
i will look into that 1
5/11/2013 12:47:18 AM
It was under Payments -> Payment Gateways
5/11/2013 12:47:33 AM
This was where things like Paypal and such were to be configured, if i remember right.
5/11/2013 1:27:35 AM
But yeah, anything you can find out would help get this project back on track
5/15/2013 11:40:34 AM
5/15/2013 11:40:57 AM
was looking some of this stuf over today
2/16/2017 5:19:37 PM