Cool! We've been working on redoing the catalogue for more features, and with your magical windows we think to split the development into 2 phases. First phase will be to display the designers work into the window and allow people to be directed to the catalogue for that item. That way we can get the windows out there in the world and have people make purchases. Second phase would be for people to purchase through the windows. That will integrate the security that we've been working on, and get the final product out there for all to use.
taliesin6/20/2011 5:41:18 PM
can you send all to me to email, i use so few skype lately, or can use msn, good night for now. my baby was born, and i am a little busy lately.
M6/23/2011 2:05:00 PM
Congratulations! I've also sent you an email pending a response to start communications there. it should be from