3/16/2015 9:10:26 AM
3/16/2015 9:11:07 AM
Ya, that's what the bosslady wanted
THE Nikol
3/16/2015 9:11:15 AM

THE Nikol
3/16/2015 9:11:46 AM
it's better...like at first ppl are going to be mad lol but it's more cost effective for serious users and it keeps UVDs money a bit more residual

3/16/2015 9:12:26 AM
Hopefully. I do know forums showed ppl a bit pissed, but it's better than forking out money every month for servers and stuff
THE Nikol
3/16/2015 9:13:50 AM
yes ppl in Utherverse don't like the idea of "paying up front" LOL but paying on the back end is even more costly...I'm glad you guys made this happen....and as a designer....I can upload far more material now because I don't have to worry about if I'm losing money
THE Nikol
3/16/2015 9:14:04 AM
hopefully this will get ppl back into UVDs loving arms

3/16/2015 9:14:21 AM

3/16/2015 9:15:07 AM
I usually ping in and out. I do other things as well, but I will consider your communications as top priority

THE Nikol
3/16/2015 9:15:18 AM
Well this is most certainly going in this months' issue of my magazine...gotta get the word out!
3/16/2015 9:15:20 AM
Bosslady sorta told it like that >. <
3/16/2015 9:15:29 AM
Mmk, coolies
THE Nikol
3/16/2015 9:16:39 AM

THE Nikol
3/18/2015 3:09:26 PM
THE Nikol
3/18/2015 3:09:55 PM
can you remove the Billing Items & Options from the drop down list of the properties catalog
THE Nikol
3/18/2015 3:10:10 PM
that is obsolete right? no more 150 rays for subscription?
THE Nikol
3/18/2015 3:39:09 PM
Hugs oh and is there the "Yacht" foundation in the property listings?
3/18/2015 4:08:39 PM
I'll give it a look at tonight

THE Nikol
3/18/2015 4:30:08 PM

3/18/2015 11:33:58 PM
http://www.uvdeviant.com/?page=71&tab=Billing is just a disabled page. Does it link in from anywhere?
3/18/2015 11:34:15 PM
o, the Welcome page...right, duh
3/18/2015 11:39:49 PM
ok, that was easy, but I couldn't locate this "Yacht" foundation thingy
THE Nikol
3/19/2015 2:32:00 AM
oh tankies

THE Nikol
3/19/2015 3:55:30 AM
Possibly Template: 1343
THE Nikol
3/19/2015 3:55:47 AM
a friend wants to begin using uvd layout property catalog..and she does yachts

THE Nikol
3/19/2015 3:55:53 AM
so hopefully that is it
3/19/2015 7:35:07 AM
ah ok
THE Nikol
3/21/2015 11:59:28 PM
THE Nikol
3/21/2015 11:59:39 PM
I've noticed this for a long time..but never said anything

THE Nikol
3/22/2015 12:00:00 AM
anytime you attach something to eyebrow (that isn't really supposed to be there hehe) the mesh does not attach
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 12:00:08 AM
this doesn't happen on any other attachment slot
3/22/2015 12:35:27 AM
Oh man, the wardrobe code is HUGE.. >.<
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 12:40:24 AM
yeahhhh lol aww
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 12:40:39 AM
gotta love coding!
3/22/2015 12:41:03 AM
Finding things in that is like the needle in a haystack
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 12:41:51 AM
I don't envy you..i took a computer programming class in college...professor said I was a genius but I remember coding..it's a passion and a pain in one's side all at once

3/22/2015 12:46:26 AM
There is an actual layer called "eyebrow"
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 12:46:58 AM
is that a question? if so the answer is yes

3/22/2015 12:47:12 AM
it was a question... ....
3/22/2015 12:47:13 AM
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 12:47:15 AM
it's located in the attachments section
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 12:47:18 AM
oh good lol
3/22/2015 12:47:20 AM
for some reason my pinky doesn't work sometimes
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 12:47:49 AM
maybe you need this (d)eheh
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 12:47:54 AM
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 12:48:40 AM
that's what I'm having atm..I'll share eheh

3/22/2015 12:49:15 AM
3/22/2015 12:49:24 AM
A cold beer usually suits me
3/22/2015 12:49:32 AM
When I have the time to get to the store
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 12:49:57 AM
see im already closing in on 30 and a beer....is not going to look good on me eheh
3/22/2015 12:50:11 AM
3/22/2015 12:50:27 AM
okay, this eyebrow thing....
3/22/2015 12:50:54 AM
Sometimes the texture doesn't attach?
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 12:51:48 AM
the texture attaches fine, the actual mesh never attaches...even though a particular mesh was chosen upon creating/editing the entry
3/22/2015 12:52:33 AM
Mmk, so this reminds of what's going on, and we never could really solve it....
3/22/2015 12:53:23 AM
It's not really a problem, I guess, it's more of "how to translate this to people", but really any mesh could be fitted in the "Eyebrow" slot (even a hat, or shoes), but for organizatonal sake (and for the old mesh -> new mesh conversion) I think we decided to keep it somewhat a 1:1 thing...
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 12:54:39 AM
yeah I've been teaching ppl how to swap out..really..anything they want..as that is the most lucrative and most notable utility of UVD

so I guess I'll just keep reminding people to make sure the mesh attaches or not use eyebrow slot for manipulation of textures to save me the trouble

3/22/2015 12:55:04 AM
I've always wanted to redo the wardrobe....in some more advanced but still easy way
3/22/2015 12:56:46 AM
But my knowledge back then, and N's knowlege too, wasn't that strong, and our "advisors" up and left before we could get to that spot.
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 12:57:19 AM
aww that sucks man..sorry to hear that!
3/22/2015 12:57:29 AM
3/22/2015 12:57:35 AM
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 12:57:42 AM
it's still a gem..the whole program!
3/22/2015 12:57:58 AM
I do have time in April I can probably dedicate to making it faster, cooler, better
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 12:58:20 AM
oh cool!!!
3/22/2015 12:58:23 AM
It would take me so much time to do the research in the forums and find out what the method/processes are to get in the familiar
3/22/2015 12:58:32 AM
and all that takes time...
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 1:00:18 AM
yeah it does

and that's understandable

Gosh I know about time..with the wedding planning business on RLC...club ownership on Eros...designing...decorating. The magazine...and now Curio...I really don't have many fresh brain cells left lol
3/22/2015 1:00:47 AM
I hopped into curio, and I just sat there.... all empty... in the theatre...
3/22/2015 1:01:07 AM
I think that's a good market to continue in, but I dunno how they plan on using it.
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 1:02:04 AM
right yeah..it's all in shambles right now over yonder
3/22/2015 1:02:15 AM
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 1:02:17 AM
the designing/uploading/etc is really different
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 1:02:31 AM
and then the added pressure to do 3d mapping/meshing/rendering
THE Nikol
3/22/2015 1:02:39 AM
ahhhhh sighhh oh well I learn each day

3/22/2015 1:03:07 AM
me too, me too
THE Nikol
10/14/2015 9:41:10 AM
Hugs good morning!
THE Nikol
10/14/2015 9:41:17 AM
Question...are your support tickets working?
THE Nikol
10/14/2015 9:41:45 AM
IF not you may want to direct questions to UVD profile..reason being...a friend of mine is of course paying her subscription, here name is Chic_Chaos
THE Nikol
10/14/2015 9:41:54 AM
and she tried to send a support but did not work
THE Nikol
10/14/2015 9:42:22 AM
she is logging in to her wardrobe and it keeps change one of her sub accounts not her main one
THE Nikol
10/14/2015 9:42:26 AM
she'll need help with this
THE Nikol
10/14/2015 9:43:34 AM
oh and thanks in advance!
THE Nikol
10/14/2015 9:52:18 AM
Well I troubleshooted it with her so she is fixed

THE Nikol
10/14/2015 9:53:01 AM
but she does have 2 UVD accounts...the other is "_Giggle_" may want to check into that see if it is at all possible for that to happen
M Heick
10/14/2015 9:58:14 AM
I can look at that later tonight, ya

THE Nikol
10/14/2015 10:08:00 AM
np dollface and ty!
M Heick
11/30/2015 11:19:15 PM
Gotta unlose your mojo
THE Nikol
12/1/2015 12:15:19 AM
lol i know! haha I'm trying
THE Nikol
12/1/2015 12:16:05 AM
got this new game that i'm doing in rlc that will allow users to mix n match designer clothings to compete..this will of course bring people back to UVD

M Heick
12/1/2015 6:14:10 AM
D'aww. I like games

I also like suprises

M Heick
12/1/2015 7:08:23 AM
...and I still like working on UVD, but the creative side of it abandoned it years ago so it's not fun no mores :/
M Heick
12/1/2015 7:17:22 AM
But i'm still here

THE Nikol
12/1/2015 12:08:46 PM
yep I'm glad you are still here

i totally understand about the creative need...tis why I run rampant trying to make my virtual life better lol oh here's the website for the game
M Heick
12/1/2015 12:16:51 PM
I'll look at it when I get home tonight. I'd love to offer my assistance if possible. I do have a personal 1 Jan deadline on launching UVD5yr, so I might be a bit busy

THE Nikol
12/1/2015 12:17:20 PM
oooo wow 5 years...such a feat!
M Heick
12/1/2015 12:22:47 PM
M Heick
12/1/2015 10:25:19 PM
Site looks interesting. Don't see much on the game, but i'm sure that's why things are in development.
M Heick
12/1/2015 10:25:46 PM
http://www.uvdeviant.com/?page=47 seems to be somewhat still dedicated to you. Found it while converting these pages to single-sign-on
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 10:34:31 AM
awwwwwwwww memories
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 10:34:34 AM
that's lovely
M Heick
12/2/2015 10:34:51 AM
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 10:36:09 AM
but yep the designer and fashionista pages aren't listed but on the homepage if you click "Are you a designer? START HERE!" or "Are you a fashionista? START HERE!" All the instructions are therein...until we make some headway I don't want opportunists to see my process lol
M Heick
12/2/2015 10:37:04 AM
You have my promise that I will not attempt to duplicate or hijack your shiznit. It's just not my style.
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 10:37:21 AM
well i'm not worried about you lol besides you could do it better! lol
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 10:37:27 AM
I'm not developer haha
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 10:37:52 AM
I am having Viegoth develop a voting app tho as I NEED that
M Heick
12/2/2015 10:37:53 AM
pfft, i'm nothing without someone to make pretty pictures and plan layouts. I just make the magic happen. I still need someone who can make the smoke show.
M Heick
12/2/2015 10:38:03 AM
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 10:38:28 AM
yeah that's my strong suit "make things look pretty" lol
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 10:38:47 AM
I just started content writing too for companies..excited about that!
M Heick
12/2/2015 10:39:18 AM
Excitement is excitable

M Heick
12/2/2015 10:39:25 AM
Could be contaigous lol
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 10:42:30 AM
M Heick
12/2/2015 10:57:04 AM
So, you work from home? Completely an independant(sp?) contractor? Total 1099?
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 10:57:43 AM
yeppers I file a 1099 every year..but that's the way it's been for years doing design for RLC
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 10:58:14 AM
but now with RLC dying (I make 5x less than a few years ago)...I just started my own graphic design company lol
M Heick
12/2/2015 10:58:49 AM
Very true. and I already know about nd-artistry.com cause of dsirefashion.com
M Heick
12/2/2015 10:59:24 AM
Link is at the bottom...
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 10:59:50 AM
yes indeedy hehe love when backlining does it's magic ahah
M Heick
12/2/2015 11:00:46 AM
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 11:05:34 AM
well if'n desire becomes really huge..you know we're going to have to partner up right?! hehe The potential to earn is REALLY HUGE and if I can just get designers to be able to sign up and upload their garments to our site...then we can draft a percentage from each sale with the competition. Right now...I'm charging designers to have their designs included...with a guarantee that they will make 10x more in sales...which is on the low end and very plausible with the outline of the game....but much is lost when you have to ask people for money up front

THE Nikol
12/2/2015 11:06:23 AM
and I'm sure I can allot more money in prizes if I can secure a portion of the HUGE boost in sales this game will purport..and more money in prizes means more players and it just goes round and round lol
M Heick
12/2/2015 11:08:02 AM
That idea sounds both creative and profitable.
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 11:10:32 AM
Yes it is very exciting

It came to my brain..and I've been mulling over it for years actually...like a "mix n match" game because everyone knows how much we love our UVD allowing us some creative freedoms...and just recently I couldn't sleep because this game kept forcing me to actually DO IT lol...but the idea that tons of contestants MUST purchase certain items from certain designers to compile a look that beats out others is really something special for both contestant and designer! We're getting really good feedback so far and with a soft launch this weekend..we'll see how it goes

M Heick
12/2/2015 11:11:01 AM
I'm game
M Heick
12/2/2015 11:11:11 AM
If you need anything from me, just ask. I'll do what I can.
M Heick
12/2/2015 11:11:59 AM
Even to the point of loggin in as the UVD avatar
M Heick
12/2/2015 11:12:14 AM
I bet that blew your mind a bit...
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 11:12:23 AM
Well thank you so much! That means the world to me

I'll get some stats going..some feedback from designers and players in our first week so that I can bring you something concrete...you're a pro so I must come correct hehe
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 11:12:33 AM
well yes...the UVD structure has always blown my mind!!!
M Heick
12/2/2015 11:12:55 AM
meh, "pro" is overstating. I just do my job, but the comlimentis appreciated

THE Nikol
12/2/2015 11:13:16 AM
can you imagine how much funds can be generated using your skills of the integrating b/w sites?? I mean we might just literally bring RLC back to life! lol
M Heick
12/2/2015 11:14:28 AM
I'm super curious on what you've got in your head.
M Heick
12/2/2015 11:14:44 AM
I don't want to interrupt ya much in your musings, tho

THE Nikol
12/2/2015 11:16:35 AM
Well I am definitely in it to win it! Tis my personality...OMG I'm so excited you'll be able to help and express yourself creatively and be reinvigorated with funding for all of your hard work! This could be BIG...I won't press you with anything yet until I get the first run out of the way but this is going to be SUPER you just gave me a Christmas Gift!!!!! ehehehe
M Heick
12/2/2015 11:17:20 AM
God, your energy is definitely seen through words lol
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 11:18:37 AM
Oh yes! Words and I have a fairly good relationship ahahah
M Heick
12/2/2015 11:31:45 AM
Do you happen to have a 728x90 Horizontal Banner for nd-artistry.com?
M Heick
12/2/2015 11:33:21 AM
I'd just as well put it into the uvdeviant non-existant "rotation" for the top banner. No rush, and it should take me minutes to code it in.
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 11:42:47 AM
oh nice! tysm yep I'll get that too you in a jiffy!
M Heick
12/2/2015 11:45:23 AM
we got lots of time

M Heick
12/2/2015 11:47:36 AM
Just host it somewhere and throw me the URl, i'll get the rest taken care of
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 11:50:39 AM
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 1:09:15 PM
M Heick
12/2/2015 1:28:17 PM
M Heick
12/2/2015 1:28:18 PM
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 1:37:38 PM
well ur totes awesome! eheh
M Heick
12/2/2015 1:46:19 PM
whoah... i got a totes...
THE Nikol
12/2/2015 1:46:36 PM
M Heick
12/4/2015 6:46:42 AM
Were you still doing some "event" this weekend?
THE Nikol
12/4/2015 9:16:38 AM
For D'sire, we'll be starting the competition, opening the doors to the fashionistas to start compiling their outfits. The big event, whereas people will be able to come and live out at the venue, won't open until next Friday and I'll have the calendar up as well as bulletins going out etc.
THE Nikol
12/4/2015 9:17:01 AM
*live vote
THE Nikol
12/4/2015 9:17:28 AM
Blast Google voice lop
M Heick
12/4/2015 9:20:55 AM
Ah, nice.
THE Nikol
12/4/2015 9:23:24 AM
Yeah I think after that we should discuss/brainstorm on a fully functioning site. December is a busy month for me, I have two weddings to orchestrate this month and one Christmas party for my clients but I think by January we should be able to come up with something depending on your schedule ☺
M Heick
12/4/2015 9:47:58 AM
I'm booked all the time. However, I give priority to importance, so my keyboard is yours in January.
THE Nikol
12/4/2015 9:50:14 AM
You're a lovely man! Wow...well I can't wait ☺ to be able to express and do what I love now that's the ultimate release!
M Heick
12/4/2015 9:51:42 AM
I've been told lol...

THE Nikol
12/4/2015 9:52:00 AM
THE Nikol
12/9/2015 9:15:30 PM
woots updates! eheh yay!
M Heick
12/9/2015 9:15:57 PM
o.O Where?
THE Nikol
12/9/2015 9:17:48 PM
THE Nikol
12/9/2015 9:18:23 PM
very cool you fixed one of the bigger issues...never was my issue but I see how it become one for peeps with login issues
M Heick
12/9/2015 9:18:40 PM
Yeah, that took about 20 days, 6 hours/day
THE Nikol
12/9/2015 9:18:52 PM
wow...gruesome no?
M Heick
12/9/2015 9:19:11 PM
M Heick
12/9/2015 9:19:13 PM
M Heick
12/9/2015 9:19:14 PM
M Heick
12/9/2015 9:19:32 PM
I'm trying to finish up with Syn Renoir, then I was gonna come bother ya
THE Nikol
12/9/2015 9:22:05 PM
omg I love work too...booo lol I really do it's a problem...needs more of me!
THE Nikol
12/9/2015 9:22:29 PM
and nothing is going on here lol..just helping a gal finish up as submissions close tomorrow
M Heick
12/9/2015 9:23:08 PM
M Heick
12/11/2015 8:16:26 PM
Event tonight, yes?
THE Nikol
12/11/2015 8:18:01 PM
yeah but we won't be having a fashion show...3 ppl had to drop out till next week
THE Nikol
12/11/2015 8:18:18 PM
but i'll be there answering questions and taking live votes
M Heick
12/11/2015 8:18:53 PM
I was gonna attend but I wasn't sure if you needed me

THE Nikol
12/11/2015 8:18:56 PM
our online voting is closed and we got some good hits

so prizes will be had woots
M Heick
12/11/2015 8:19:19 PM
Was still busy with UVD work, bug fixing
THE Nikol
12/11/2015 8:19:51 PM
I've got do more recruiting for competitors now that I have a good amount of designers..blah recruiting sucks lol
M Heick
12/11/2015 8:20:20 PM
Ya, you are right.
THE Nikol
12/11/2015 8:20:55 PM
I think once these ladies get their prizes tonight they will see that it aint all that bad and it's actually easy and fun..then word well spread that way as well
THE Nikol
12/11/2015 8:21:02 PM
i have my ways tho..of stalking ppl ahahahahah
M Heick
12/11/2015 8:21:09 PM
THE Nikol
12/12/2015 3:00:56 AM
wipes brow
THE Nikol
12/12/2015 3:02:57 AM
not bad...about 500 rays were accumulated in sales this week for D'sire + 200 rays in designer buy-ins...minus 385 in prizes so 315 in takeway....avg buyer spend rate is at 105 rays per/week
THE Nikol
12/12/2015 3:03:05 AM
now to get more fashionistas!
THE Nikol
12/12/2015 3:03:12 AM
I did have 2 signup tonight
THE Nikol
12/12/2015 3:03:31 AM
one lady asked me 1000 questions in one breath...she couldn't sit still she can't wait to play lol
M Heick
12/12/2015 9:29:43 AM
THE Nikol
12/17/2015 11:17:21 PM
M Heick
12/18/2015 4:50:26 AM
M Heick
12/18/2015 4:50:36 AM
Thats freally awesome
THE Nikol
12/18/2015 11:00:24 AM

I wish I had my own internal app...viegoth is still working on it..cuz now I spend all day logging everything lol but its a functional process for now eheh
THE Nikol
12/28/2015 4:21:34 PM
btw "Most recently aquired items:" is a lovely touch to UVD! Just put a c in there

"acquired" I actually didn't notice that until I copy/pasted here LOL
M Heick
12/28/2015 4:21:55 PM
M Heick
12/28/2015 4:22:05 PM
I suck as self-QA
M Heick
12/28/2015 4:23:03 PM
THE Nikol
12/28/2015 4:23:08 PM
yes I think the point of QA is to get someone else to do it lol I have to come back to my work 3 or 5 times because I read over things from memory of course...not actually from what is written down smh lol
THE Nikol
12/28/2015 4:23:14 PM
oh neat...speedy!
M Heick
12/28/2015 4:23:31 PM
Well, i'm workin on UVD, so it's pretty much easy-breezy.
THE Nikol
12/28/2015 4:23:42 PM
oh nice

THE Nikol
12/28/2015 4:23:55 PM
I like this here Banner 00 critter!
M Heick
12/28/2015 4:24:38 PM
THE Nikol
1/3/2016 10:29:38 PM
Huggiws! So as soon as I get some downtime by the end of this week I want to have something in writing for the new project. I'll be doing some teeny research so that we can have a productive meeting... let me know what all you need for me so that I can prepare... because I know there will be plenty that we need to see happen for D'sire to be successful ☺
M Heick
1/3/2016 10:30:34 PM
All I can say is: The more details, the better
M Heick
1/3/2016 10:30:36 PM
M Heick
1/3/2016 11:28:18 PM
Also, I'm pretty comfortable with using Google Doc's and the like. Any mass-collaborative stuff is a bonus

THE Nikol
1/3/2016 11:39:07 PM
OH nice! I'm a google doc's whore so that'll be perfect

M Heick
1/3/2016 11:39:22 PM
I'm...the same...?....ya.... haha
THE Nikol
1/3/2016 11:39:28 PM
M Heick
1/6/2016 8:29:41 PM
And as an aside, I've seem to have lost my second UX Designer for UVD and the next 2 projects. Before I start my headhunting I figured I'd ask if you might be /somewhat/ interested. I can do a negotiable retainer if you require as well.
THE Nikol
1/6/2016 9:06:54 PM
Oh shucks hun sorry to hear that! I am totally interested! I'm predominantly a graphic designer but I do have some coding experience to be able to keep up lol And I ALWAYS love expanding my knowledgebase..it's why I end up doing so much lol
THE Nikol
1/6/2016 9:07:03 PM
wow exciting..feed me more info!!! eheh
M Heick
1/6/2016 10:09:30 PM
So, UX is simply User Experience. The task is pretty much what you do already without the coding. You'd take concepts that would be scratched out on paper and style it up with borders, color matching, fonts, etc. I've got most of the new concept scratched down, and i'd just as well scan them out and send them to you to make into somewhat of a full page, then extract out the individual images. We'd mix my code with your style/flare/vision and make a product.
M Heick
1/6/2016 10:10:45 PM
It can be ponderous on the UX side of things, moderately time consuming, and require some "back to drawing board" times when issues present themselves with the User Interface flow, or things could work out well on the first shot.
M Heick
1/6/2016 10:11:22 PM
I've pretty much got most of the backend stuff and maybe 40% of the "scratched down in my square and box method" visuals. I just need someone to do the graphics

M Heick
1/6/2016 10:11:29 PM
Pretty simple, i'd think.
THE Nikol
1/6/2016 10:15:28 PM
Yes indeed...I'm up for the task! I just spent the last hour researching UX (and will be spending many more)...read blogs, bookmarked books and software! I'm one of those "conquer everything" types! lol
THE Nikol
1/6/2016 10:30:36 PM
I freaking love design you have no idea lol so let me know what you were thinking as fair as needed hours a month so that I can fairly map out retainer fees and such and then we can hop on it! This is exciting. I just lost a client today because she refused to see the bigger picture, even though I laid it how to her simply and in a way that was most advantageous to her but she just couldn't rationalize investing into her business. Bummer yes! But, now I have information from that experience that will allow me to overcome some pitfalls in that particular demographic...so this is good...I get to visually simplify things while aesthetically engaging onlookers to increase conversions...that's the holy grail of satisfaction! eheh
M Heick
1/7/2016 7:43:07 AM
I looked at your sheet and couldn't find anything equivalent to what the work would be in estimating what you would need or hours involved. My goal for this project is to launch End of Jan.
M Heick
1/7/2016 7:44:47 AM
So, what i'll do is finish my scratchings during work today, scan them in, attach them up and put 'em up on a google doc, write some things in there, and pass it along to you. Maybe you could peruse it and give me an estimate?
M Heick
1/7/2016 7:45:20 AM
Ever used gofundme?... This is technically the concept, moved to UVDeviant, super simplified.
THE Nikol
1/7/2016 8:37:45 AM
Yes indeed I have used gofundme... but for sure send me the concept from your sketches
THE Nikol
1/7/2016 3:28:39 PM
When I get settled back at home, I'm picking up my son now from school, I'm going to send you some figures and then see if I can grab what you've got and start working...end of January is coming soon lol and I know we still have the fashion competition to tackle too... big things are happening for us! I'm so glad we linked up!!!
M Heick
1/7/2016 6:30:24 PM
M Heick
1/7/2016 6:30:37 PM
It's pretty general. I haven't had much time to finish some administration flows, but it gives you the jist of things.
M Heick
1/7/2016 6:31:25 PM
I'd ask that until we determine a retainer and acceptable reimbursement that working on that specific project would be somewhat frowned upon. I like to make sure terms are settled prior to anythign started.
M Heick
1/7/2016 6:31:35 PM
My work with you, however, with D'Sire, is still Pro-Bono

THE Nikol
1/7/2016 8:04:39 PM
Oh for sure I'm not going to start working on anything until we are happy with what we agree upon moving forward

M Heick
1/7/2016 8:17:17 PM
Cool beaners
THE Nikol
1/7/2016 8:20:42 PM
and noooo I totally am planning on having proceeds from the competition being split between us!
M Heick
1/7/2016 8:22:05 PM
That's amicable, but not necessary for me

THE Nikol
1/8/2016 7:50:19 PM
Hugs darling

THE Nikol
1/8/2016 7:50:40 PM
Have a look at this drafted agreement and let me know your thoughts!
THE Nikol
1/8/2016 7:50:43 PM
THE Nikol
1/8/2016 7:52:19 PM
Since I am kind of carrying over my 7 year existing experience knowledgebase into the new world of UX/UI where my experience is effective yet a work in progress...I'd be glad to negotiate pricing to accommodate your needs

M Heick
1/8/2016 8:34:03 PM
Once I get outta work I'll give it a lookie-over.
M Heick
1/8/2016 8:34:10 PM
Been a long friday >.<
THE Nikol
1/8/2016 8:35:36 PM
Oh np!!! I hear ya there..my yesterday was long...worked till 5am and totally missed the alarm to take the kiddo to school

Today I have a wedding rehearsal in RLC and then I have to finish this 2,000 word content from one of my client's website....ahhhhhh this doesn't feel like Friday lol
THE Nikol
1/8/2016 8:35:45 PM
anywho take ya time and we'll chit chat soon!
M Heick
1/8/2016 8:37:00 PM
Meh, sleep is for the weak

THE Nikol
1/8/2016 8:37:26 PM
lol as soon as I figure out how to operate off of 2 hours of sleep I'm game!
M Heick
1/8/2016 8:38:01 PM
Yeah, that's a complicated one. I think the solution is not to sleep
THE Nikol
1/8/2016 8:38:18 PM
lol! I'm going to try a nootropic instead...see how that goes!
M Heick
1/9/2016 3:35:24 PM
The only thing I can comment on is the Paypal-only payments. The fundage between UVD and me on projects is still separated, so I have to personally finance with Cash/Check.
M Heick
1/9/2016 3:36:20 PM
It'll also take me a bit to get the entire monthly cost set aside. I didn't really budget a couple grand for this project in Design charges >.<
THE Nikol
1/9/2016 4:45:35 PM
Okey dokey...well that's based on a 40 hour work week

so it'll be marginally smaller if we rewrite it for much less hours depending on your needs. And assumedly, in your case, we can do bill pay via your bank and that should suffice

Let me know and I'll make those necessary changes to reflect!
THE Nikol
1/12/2016 1:02:29 PM
Hay hugs! How's work life? Hope all is well! Anywho... just wanted to touch base with you when the UX design opportunity...did you want to negotiate or pay in rays or both...would like some feedback ☺ that way I know how much time to dedicate to you and how much time to dedicate to d'sire
M Heick
1/12/2016 4:13:59 PM
Heys! Work like is PONDEROUS, and we just got nailed with Snow. It's been a pain to even transport now.
M Heick
1/12/2016 4:15:23 PM
I've pended the project until I can get the capital set aside. With the current rate of things it might be close to 4-6 weeks at this time, so D'Sire can take a front row seat in the fast lane :0
THE Nikol
1/12/2016 5:18:14 PM
oh nooo yeah it's been hectic here with constant snow...and temperatures dropping below zero with the windchill

THE Nikol
1/12/2016 5:18:52 PM
and no prob hun I'll go where you go and wait for you when ur ready

I've always been right beside UVD..I'm not going anywhere lol
THE Nikol
1/22/2016 4:33:05 PM
Hay you!
THE Nikol
1/22/2016 4:34:31 PM
Just wanted to let you know that I'm still working on d'sire for your eyes to see

been so busy with working on my clients' websites but I think what i'll doo is postpone the current dsire platform so that we can dedicate ourselves to it

Let me know if you are still up for the task!
M Heick
1/22/2016 10:36:34 PM
Yes, I'm still up to the task. Last I recall you were assembling items to present somehow, but that was almost 3-ish weeks ago.

THE Nikol
1/23/2016 6:09:34 PM
Yay! And omigosh has it been that long? LOL I have halted the game so that'll give me more time. And yep just putting things together in containers so you can visually see my logic (which I hope isn't too off lol) as well as an explanation to get things going

THE Nikol
1/27/2016 11:49:14 PM
THE Nikol
1/27/2016 11:49:29 PM
I wanted to show you what I'm doing so far before I get completely ahead of myself lol
THE Nikol
1/27/2016 11:49:59 PM
front end is easssyyy for me but my brain gets blurry when I try and think how YOU are going to make this functional lol
THE Nikol
1/27/2016 11:50:10 PM
File transfer:
D'sire_Fashion_Competition Web Wire.pdf
THE Nikol
1/27/2016 11:50:16 PM
but anyhow there it is

THE Nikol
1/27/2016 11:50:20 PM
feedback is necessary! eheh
M Heick
1/28/2016 6:23:39 AM
I'll definitely do that. I didn't have Skype setup to autodownload attachments, so once it's here i'll review and provide the feedback.
THE Nikol
1/28/2016 10:41:57 AM
ah yes skype can be a bit of a pain! Here is the google doc link to view it:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3HQE9zkj-UAVW8yY3lTNFFsREU/view?usp=sharingAlso the software I am using for wireframes (mockflow) will allow you to collaborate..I'll get you that info laters so we go in and see what I'm working on when it's convenient for you

M Heick
1/28/2016 6:29:25 PM
Had a chance to review the doc while waiting for my food at Applebees. I like this challenge, and the proxy authentication is actually a marketable flow that I never thought of until now.
M Heick
1/28/2016 6:29:46 PM
I should be home in 90ish minutes.
M Heick
1/29/2016 7:11:39 AM
I'll be home after 5pm est (hopefully, if work doesn't get too bad). The Menus and such don't provide much insight into their function or display, so I can't coordinate resources. Also, how well do you know your web host, the server software, the storage resources, etc? Some of these things require long-term storage that would be hosted locally so that programs can pull that info and use it.
M Heick
1/29/2016 7:13:50 AM
The login process I can "proxy" through UVD. The login button would basically redirect to UVD, and then redirect to UV (without stopping anywhere, appearing completely transparent to the user). After it was done w/ UV I'd know to return information to you, and I could write that entire process both on UVD and on D'Sire. I'd have to do it this way because my contacts w/ UV as far as their oAuth 2-legged flow are all gone, and the CTO is too busy for random chitchat.
M Heick
1/29/2016 7:17:16 AM
Many of the menus and animations we can either use jQuery as the framework or some Vanilla Javascript to make the page load up faster. Animated Gifs > Flash is cool.
M Heick
1/29/2016 7:17:28 AM
This also appears to be graphics intensive, and I'd hope you'd be on top of that

M Heick
1/29/2016 7:18:44 AM
aaaaaaand finally this comes down to what Wix can provide us as far as how we can upload and run things on the server. From my initial research, though, it might not be possible:
M Heick
1/29/2016 7:20:46 AM
BUT....this doesn't mean you cannot use a different webhost and subdomain where people come into in order to view this. Instead of hitting
http://www.nd-artistry.com/d-sire, people could go to
http://d-sire.nd-artistry.com instead and that could run off an entirely different webserver with the resources that we need
M Heick
1/29/2016 7:22:08 AM
but even the subdomain feature is based on if Wix can provide that. Internic's whois states your domain is managed by Wix, so if they allow any DNS-advanced features this concept could actually come to fruition.
M Heick
1/29/2016 7:23:38 AM
so, again, i should be out of work to focus more on this tonight. I use skype on my mobile, so if you shoot me a response I can respond to your response.
THE Nikol
1/29/2016 10:37:18 AM
Sweet, I'll be home around 4PM EST if I don't have any errands to run

As far as functionality goes, I stopped at the homepage so that I wasn't getting ahead of myself lol I'm thinking that once I do the other pages you'll be able to see what you would need to code.
My brain, for now, is strictly front end lol so I know we'll have to work closely so that what I'm thinking is conveyed properly in code etiquette. But so far what you see is the LANDING PAGE that will be where the page loads. I decided on a video instead...just less work for me LOL Also the fashion music intro should be on this page as well with the ability to play and pause only. Once the page finishes loading, the LOGIN button will appear (which is what is represented by the LANDING PAGE (LOGIN) screen). From there you can do your handy-dandy footwork of proxying. And I of course trust you with this...I just hope it's not something that will vanish down the line since those connections to UV techs have been lost.
In any case, for the HOMEPAGE, I wanted the MENU button to be visible, and then the submenu buttons (denoted by the HOMEPAGE (expanded menu) screen) be visible/clickable only after you hover over the MENU button or alternatively click the MENU button {much like your search button in the my styles wardrobe page of UVD}. Other animated items on that page would be the "Worn Designer" Buttons. This is just going to be the designer's logo (typeface version only). These will need to "appear" at the same time (and concurrent) with picture of the model, as to describe what designers she/he is wearing. The models should appear at random and based off of the transparent photos they upload of their LOOK...again this homepage is sooooo extremely surface...there is SOOOOOOOOO much I have to get done in terms of pages and functionality so that you can see what I see

And yep I'll be in control of the graphics for sure..I'm all aesthetics really that's how my brain works lol! I just get confused on your next point: the web host/server and where the files will be stored. To date, I've only used plug and go sites like Wix and weebly. I do have dreamweaver though I just haven't gotten over the hump of hosting sites myself. That's where you come in to help me bridge the gap

I would NEVER use Wix for any project such as this. dsirefashion.com is actually hosted on weebly (which I would also NEVER use for a project like this) and the domain is through 1and1.com so the servers are therein I'm assuming from this info
http://whois.domaintools.com/dsirefashion.com So I'm unaware of the next steps to take of how to get that domain to an entirely different webserver if 1and1 doesn't have the functionality that we need but I'm thinking it does because it gives me all sorts of techie options that is beyond my source of comprehension lol
I can buy storage it looks like...and something about MySQL Database Set Up and Configuration oh and my Webhosting info:
Webspace : Unlimited
Unlimited traffic : Yes
PHP : Yes
Python : Yes
Perl : Yes
MySQL databases : 20
FTP accounts : 20
SSL : No
SSH accounts : 1
Anywho once you can help me clear my head of what kind of host we will need, on what servers with what storage and where local files will be kept and if we will be using dreamweaver and blah blah then I think I'll be better equipped to move forward with the design of it

Thanks so much! This is exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
M Heick
1/29/2016 8:31:00 PM
So, forgive my Wix. I, for some reason, thought I remembered looking it up and being like "yeah, its a wix site", but I get requests and look at things, so it's confusion, really.
M Heick
1/29/2016 8:36:39 PM
From the looks at the server, SSH, FTP, MySQL, and PHP are 100% bonuses that you already seem to have. I can work with them fairly easy from setting them up to getting them to work for you. You also don't need the subdomain, as I forgot you bought the actual domain dsirefashion.com.
M Heick
1/29/2016 8:37:39 PM
I got outta work late tonight, and i'm beat. I'll be inworld and working on the proxy authentication tomorrow (also some UVD issues that people want me to look into).
M Heick
1/29/2016 8:38:09 PM
Just ping me, i'll be here.
THE Nikol
1/29/2016 9:09:41 PM
oh np hun...don't overdo it! I've got some requests to finish tonight (clothing) and then I need to start some content for one of my client's websites so i'm going to be out of it soon lol
THE Nikol
1/29/2016 9:09:49 PM
I'll harass you soon! lol
M Heick
1/30/2016 4:38:12 PM
Ok, so without the "purchasing" option of what you got with your host, i'm assuming that the Options you listed above you have?
M Heick
1/30/2016 4:38:20 PM
Webspace : Unlimited
Unlimited traffic : Yes
PHP : Yes
Python : Yes
Perl : Yes
MySQL databases : 20
FTP accounts : 20
SSL : No
SSH accounts : 1
THE Nikol1/29/2016 10:37:18 AM
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 4:57:25 PM
I'll show you the package details

M Heick
1/30/2016 4:57:46 PM
cool. i'm workin on the login atm
M Heick
1/30/2016 4:57:56 PM
randomly taking down UVD here and there >.>
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:00:32 PM
I just sent out subscription refunds to my designers that signed up before I postponed for development. I figured it'd be best to put all of my energies into this new site...I don't want to drag ppl along in the process until I know we can get a stable thing going. They seemed very receptive and fully support the process so I've gotta keep stabbing away at it

M Heick
1/30/2016 5:01:10 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:04:51 PM
To me in this development, the login process that I'm gonna have be "shared" through UVD is the hardest part. Otherwise, everything else seems fairly straightfoward.

THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:05:54 PM
ahhh..well I guess that's to be expected..it's probably the most important part..the make a break part
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:06:16 PM
there's no break. it's being made

M Heick
1/30/2016 5:06:20 PM
and make it'll be
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:06:28 PM
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:06:41 PM
you're so cute when your ambitious eheheh
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:06:47 PM
ty ty

THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:06:55 PM
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:14:00 PM
so you know this I'm sure but for my reference I just called 1and1 and they told me the developer will be able to use the SFTP Account to configure the developed website and that I have all the tools necessary to build a site ground up
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:14:08 PM
so thank goodiness I went with 1and1 lol
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:14:18 PM
yeah, that makes sense with a sftp account
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:14:25 PM
it's basically direct server access
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:14:59 PM
cool..as long as you have what you need

don't want you to struggle any more than you need to on this

THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:15:12 PM
let's make it a smooth ride with cocktails even! eheh
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:15:18 PM
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:15:24 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:25:13 PM
So, what you will need to assemble is the following (incoming list)...
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:25:54 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:26:13 PM
initial question: Is the domain dsirefashion.com on the same server as ndartistry.com?
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:27:16 PM
and second question: Do you have the sftp credentials ready to provide so I can hop on the server, check it out, and see what I might need to configure up?
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:27:30 PM
Gonna get some quick noms, brb
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:29:07 PM
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:30:29 PM
ndartistry is on wix
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:30:36 PM
so it uses their servers I'm assuming
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:49:18 PM
oh, right, and dsirefashion.com is on weebl or something
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:50:05 PM
yep on weebly
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:50:15 PM
and let me pull up the sftp shizz
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:50:30 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:51:02 PM
i'll probably need the port, too. I tried a basic connection and it says "no bueno senior"
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:51:06 PM
well, it doesn't really /say/ it
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:51:36 PM
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:53:27 PM
User name u83008297 PW: D^sire2016
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:53:31 PM
I hadn't applied a pw

THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:53:37 PM
changes will take place in 30 min they say
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:53:47 PM
makes sense for managed hosts

M Heick
1/30/2016 5:53:54 PM
fairly quick,too
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:54:39 PM
sweet! I'm slowly being forced into the realm of knowledge lol I actually might get another bachelor's degree in this shizz
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:55:03 PM
Edumacation is noice
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 5:57:47 PM
gosh it's annoying but possibly I will go back I just don't want to do another 3-4 years ughhh I may cut some corners doing something like
https://teamtreehouse.com/ so that I can have a working knowledge but I need to have the accreditation under my fabulous diamond encrusted belt!
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:58:15 PM
Coding has such a broad base, tho
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:58:43 PM
Like, the basics for LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) for a complete base for many free-cost web projects is a huge foundation in itself.
M Heick
1/30/2016 5:59:15 PM
Takes quite a period of time to grasp, then more to link together, then more to comprehend the link, then more to just get used to it...

THE Nikol
1/30/2016 6:02:47 PM
yeahhhhh lol I need a mentor and hands-on action...my college coding professor (cuz I have always had an interest) said I was a "genius" and I said..no way no how lol I just think realllllly backwards so I come to the same apparatus just from the end to the beginning...so I would really need someone to monitor my brain during the entire learning process...i'm awkward like that lol I should have switched my major like he told me...I didn't know I was going to have such a profound interest in this
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 6:04:45 PM
that's probably why I did what I did with the wireframe loll it makes sense to me to start from the end of what it will look like when its a whole something...and THEN break it down into individual pieces... my coding would lool like an encyclopedia when I was done with it cuz it'd be that long and that tedious smh If someone could teach me "simple" that would be a class worth taking! haah
M Heick
1/30/2016 6:18:58 PM
Ok, so your login flow looks like what i've got for UVD, but making much of this transition might just make it so that you have to be "taken" from the page and then returned back after Authentication. TL;DR, it wouldn't have the popout window
M Heick
1/30/2016 6:19:12 PM
Is that ok?
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 6:19:51 PM
totally fine

M Heick
1/30/2016 6:20:04 PM
cool, just wanna make sure

THE Nikol
1/30/2016 6:20:13 PM
ty for checking

M Heick
1/30/2016 6:20:42 PM
I've been in this type of "relationship" for years with some other individuals. Communication is not alien to me when it comes to these things.
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 6:21:00 PM
great cuz as you probably noticed I love to talk! ha
M Heick
1/30/2016 6:21:26 PM
When it comes to fine-tuning things, it'll be more talking
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 6:23:12 PM

M Heick
1/30/2016 6:50:27 PM
Does that ssh/sftp thing have a port? The defaults don't seem to be working.
M Heick
1/30/2016 8:09:11 PM
Mk, done w/ the proof-of-concept login.
M Heick
1/30/2016 8:09:49 PM
Process is "simple", just need to put it on dsire and get started w/ creating session data and stores of information
M Heick
1/30/2016 8:13:09 PM
but i'm gonna need access from ya
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:00:07 PM
Also, do you happen to have the graphics anywhere or the audio that I could use to standup a page with?
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:06:49 PM
Sorry twas figuring out din din
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:07:13 PM
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:07:30 PM
Yep I'll send you a zip file with all the graphics and then check on that port for ya

M Heick
1/30/2016 9:07:38 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:07:51 PM
I'm ready to pull an all-nighter on this
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:08:03 PM
I know you didn't sign up for it, but it's my thing

THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:08:55 PM
lol woots! I did just down a b12 shot!
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:09:06 PM
like, the vitamin?
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:09:15 PM
yeppers in fluid form

M Heick
1/30/2016 9:09:16 PM
Or, the airplane?
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:09:17 PM
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:09:20 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:09:33 PM
All that riboflavin or...yeah..
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:09:33 PM
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:13:58 PM
File transfer:
Status: ${status}Website Graphics.zip
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:14:19 PM
oooo an avi
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:14:21 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:14:23 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:14:28 PM
can work with
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:14:40 PM
lemme know if you need another format

M Heick
1/30/2016 9:14:51 PM
I will
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:15:08 PM
I got Super if I need a diff version
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:16:32 PM
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:18:30 PM
gonna try and share this wireframe with you...what's your email?
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:18:40 PM
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:18:48 PM
well ur awesome eheh
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:18:57 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:19:10 PM
You could send it via skype, too
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:20:14 PM
gota it
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:20:16 PM
okay so an email has been sent via mockflow to your email
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:20:16 PM
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:20:29 PM
this way you can dl stuff and see stuff for what it is comment blah blah

may help us
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:20:47 PM
This'll be new
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:21:14 PM
new for me too! I like it though so far

THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:21:56 PM
cuz I'm a visual gal!
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:22:30 PM
people who are quite artistic happen to be
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:22:37 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:34:36 PM
No rush on access to the site. I'm building this on uvdeviant atm. It's in a "secret" area that nobody should have a clue on how to access
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:34:49 PM
port 21
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:34:56 PM
how many times have you tried to connect?
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:35:01 PM
is what the lady is asking
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:35:01 PM
o, ftp
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:35:11 PM
not sftp
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:35:12 PM
or ssh
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:35:14 PM
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:36:21 PM
well I think that cleared it up there

hope so!
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:36:39 PM
Right, but you did mention ssh access, which is somewhat better than ftp
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:37:36 PM
and even w/ ftp i can't connect to either
www.dsirefashion.com, ftp.dsirefashion.com, or dsirefashion.com
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:37:37 PM
so, meh
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:38:05 PM

THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:40:53 PM
okay in a few minutes
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:40:57 PM
try ssh again
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:41:01 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:41:20 PM
WIll do, i'm just reencoding the walk
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:41:37 PM
Host name : s601212477.onlinehome.us
User name : u83008297
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:41:39 PM
same pw also
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:42:14 PM
ok, ftp works for that host
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:43:05 PM

M Heick
1/30/2016 9:43:28 PM
God, I hate internet explorer
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 9:43:35 PM
you and me both!
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:44:18 PM
I gave it a mp4 instead of a webm for the walk video, and it's being a ditz...
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:44:22 PM
maybe i encoded it wrong >.<
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:44:43 PM
brb, gonna get a drink, then gonna setup for ftp/ssh and hopefully get things rockign
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:44:46 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:44:49 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:44:53 PM
but i wanna get it off there
M Heick
1/30/2016 9:44:57 PM
still got more work to do
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:00:04 PM
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:01:05 PM
hmmm i'll try and recode it..i'v got the orig file save
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:02:11 PM
Are we building everything on /this/ host you provided me the information to?
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:02:31 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:02:36 PM
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:03:08 PM
I'm sure i'll have to add more storage soon
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:03:21 PM
well, it's a shared host
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:03:35 PM
and from what I see, it's got...maybe....589gb from a 1.5tb drive
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:03:40 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:04:04 PM
so, i'm not sure what you'd need to "add" on a shared host
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:04:26 PM
oh wow
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:04:43 PM
was this the host w/ mysql too?
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:05:15 PM
cause I can't look at all processes that host that, so i dunno if a database has been established, what the credentials are to access ,etc.
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:05:21 PM
Also, what domain are you going to park here?

THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:05:40 PM
the option is there but I haven't open a database for mysql
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:05:51 PM
mk, will need in time. not atm
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:06:04 PM
lemme see if i can get things moved up here
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:06:08 PM
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:06:52 PM
and how does that work..with the dsirefashion.com domain already in use...would I have to disconnect from weebly first?
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:07:25 PM
depends on where the DNS actually exists....
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:07:30 PM
aaaaaaaand this is where it gets complicated
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:07:31 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:08:02 PM
sec, just validating this upload
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:08:07 PM
i purchase the domain from 1and1 so weebly is just the host
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:08:16 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:08:26 PM
i'm not sure if 1and1 is the registrar that is also offering DNS?
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:08:40 PM
oh, duh
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:08:42 PM
i can check the SOA
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:12:46 PM
k, looks like 1and1 is your host
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:12:58 PM
which is pretty nice, actually
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:13:43 PM
If you could find their DNS section and create a CNAME entry for testing.dsirefashion.com to go to s601212477.onlinehome.us that'd be nice
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:14:07 PM
Ok...potty 1st lol
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:14:17 PM
aight, coolz
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:23:05 PM
meh, no login button
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:32:03 PM
this is aking longer than expected...my fault..i haven't shut my comp off in over a week
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:32:11 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:32:23 PM
The potty is taking longer than expected?
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:32:33 PM
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:32:38 PM
my computer is going haywire
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:32:43 PM
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:32:47 PM
i'm trying to shut down all these apps i have open
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:32:50 PM
maybe it needs to hit up a potty break, too
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:32:53 PM
so i can go in and set this up
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:32:58 PM
it def does!
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:35:23 PM
alright i have the instructions to add the CNAME to the subdomain
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:35:28 PM
does that sound about right?
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:35:36 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:35:49 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:36:54 PM
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:37:01 PM
the instructions read a bit wierd
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:37:20 PM
yeah? hmmm i would have to add a subdomain of testing.dsirefashion.com first? or edit the dns settings directly?
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:38:17 PM
in DNS-land, you technically add them both, but from what I read ot
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:38:21 PM
lol this is going to be weird...I've got to run out of the house for an hour...i can give you the pw to the actual account
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:38:26 PM
..it's happening at the same
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:38:27 PM
so you can do it..ur the genius
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:38:45 PM
nono, you need the practice

M Heick
1/30/2016 10:38:47 PM
I'll be here
M Heick
1/30/2016 10:38:53 PM
go do your runnin' womanz
THE Nikol
1/30/2016 10:39:13 PM
ur right

ok when i get back I shall figure it out with your help

M Heick
1/31/2016 12:34:54 AM
aight, crashin' for the night. login/logout is functional, missing some buttons for P1 stuff but it's how it is

THE Nikol
1/31/2016 12:54:49 AM
Omg so sorry my bro is driving and he's all..I'm hungry .we need to stop ugh I'll look as soon as I settle!
M Heick
1/31/2016 1:03:20 AM
It's all good. I should be up tomorrow morning, and have most of the graphics and "display" up by noon-ish.
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 1:13:10 AM
Sweet I'll check in...I've got content in the morn as well..and more pages once I see what ya got! Omg I'm so excited!
M Heick
1/31/2016 10:38:05 AM
Login / Logout somewhat functional, a bit confused with how the content/menus/baselinks will interact with everything (since that's all up to the designer
hint poke hint)

M Heick
1/31/2016 10:38:05 AM
M Heick
1/31/2016 10:38:14 AM
Otherwise, it's coming together quite well with what I have
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 2:43:16 PM
oh my that's cooooolllll
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:45:55 PM
yup, so far
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 2:46:17 PM
but yeah i'll be working on it via mockflow that way you can pull the images from there. I've gotta finish up content too so tonight and the rest of this week will be my all nighters lol
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:46:40 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:46:46 PM
ok, i'll look at mockflow
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 2:46:59 PM
should i revisit this CNAME setup now?
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:47:28 PM
Its easier to remember "testing.dsirefashion.com" instead of "s601212477.onlinehome.us"
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:47:37 PM
So, it's up to you. It's active on
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:47:42 PM
Wasn't sure if you wanted to see it or not...
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 2:48:13 PM
oh for sure I'd love to keep an eye on it
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 2:48:27 PM
and yes I agree about the naming
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:48:45 PM
hm, if you just hit it you're seeing a white page
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:48:56 PM
looks like your browser is cached
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:49:04 PM
err, your browser has the original funsies cached
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 2:49:33 PM
grrr clear cache time i always get annoyed when I clear cache lol i feel like I'm losing something
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:49:34 PM
Which is super interesting cause i'm seeing you hit it on an IPv6 address, which is mucho coolio
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 2:50:22 PM
oh nice! i was going to say...wow he can see that lol
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:50:32 PM
Yeah, I have ssh access to the server
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:50:40 PM
I can see a couple things
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 2:50:48 PM
now i feel like ur watching me...should I comb my hair? lol jk
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:50:55 PM
nono, not /that/ much watchin'
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:50:59 PM
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 2:51:01 PM

M Heick
1/31/2016 2:51:22 PM
I've set an "expire" so it shouldn't cache anymore
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:51:37 PM
meh, it's still showing whatev
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:51:40 PM
lemme give you this link
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:51:51 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:51:56 PM
That'll override a browser cache
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:52:10 PM
And once you do the cname it'll be like a "new page"
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 2:53:01 PM
woots I see it!
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:53:16 PM
So, I don't have a "login link", but I made the link on the right side
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:53:22 PM
it's a non-existant image
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:53:27 PM
it should take you throug the login flow
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:54:25 PM
i should be able to get the lnik through mockflow,...
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:54:31 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:54:32 PM
link image
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 2:54:33 PM
so can we scale that smaller just enough to see her feet walking and then a black background is fine..so it'll look like a border around the vid I guess is the visual I'm getting
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 2:55:16 PM
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 2:55:17 PM
and which one am i editing for CNAME desirefashion.com or s...online
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:56:19 PM
This is the confusing thing. You're not ordering a domain....
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:56:27 PM
And you're editing the dsirefashion.com one
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:56:33 PM
Most likely you'll "add" a subdomain
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:56:42 PM
like "www" is a subdomain, so that
www.dsirefashion.com works
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:56:49 PM
but it's implicit since the world uses it anyways
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:57:18 PM
I think you might be setup for what's called "wildcard" dns, which means derpy.dsirefashion.com goes to
www.dsirefashion.com, and blork.dsirefashionc.om goes to
M Heick
1/31/2016 2:57:39 PM
It's what these places already setup for convenience. Personally, to me, it's more of an annoyance...
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 2:59:52 PM
so not like a redirect?
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:01:05 PM
I just thought of something. The CName won't work as intended until s601212477.onlinehome.us knows it's "hosting" testing.dsirefashion.com
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:01:24 PM
so, abort
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:01:26 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:01:28 PM
now, the video
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:01:36 PM
it's part of the HTML document. Scaling is "per browser"
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:01:43 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:01:50 PM
On my screen, it shows pretty well
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:02:11 PM
Gotta remember that the video itself's native resolution is 1024x768
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:02:31 PM
So it'll work with a 4

display, not a 16:9 display
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:02:33 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:02:34 PM
4 : 3
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:02:40 PM
not 4:meow
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:04:32 PM
well then my chrome sucks!
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:05:59 PM
I use chrome too
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:06:08 PM
Well, I use all 3, 'cept opera
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:08:21 PM
hmmm no fair mines doesn't look like that! neither on IE either
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:08:40 PM
Can you show me what you're seeing?
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:10:10 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:10:25 PM
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:10:27 PM
what you see is actually perfect

M Heick
1/31/2016 3:10:29 PM
You have a REALLY wide screen
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:10:32 PM
what i see is noope lol
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:10:40 PM
easily explainable
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:10:41 PM
yeahh it may be big ol lenovo
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:10:45 PM
Video is 4

M Heick
1/31/2016 3:10:47 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:10:51 PM
4 : 3
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:10:56 PM
your screen is 16:9
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:11:17 PM
It means you have more horizontal stretch than vertical
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:11:33 PM
My "monitor" screen matches that aspect, which is why it looks great on mine
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:11:46 PM
So, you might want to redo the video for widesceen
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:12:00 PM
okay cool yeah
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:12:15 PM
so it'll still look fine on a smaller screen if I do widescreen?
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:12:55 PM
Think of it being letterbox on my screen
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:13:00 PM
we'd just Black-background it then
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:14:55 PM
Mockflow doesn't give me the Font Face that the text is using... :/
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:15:44 PM
omg ur right it does not...we'll that's where we come in eheh let me check to see what I like..really probably basic like arial or Tahoma
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:15:49 PM
oh i'm updating the icons you are missing now as well
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:16:01 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:17:07 PM
oh, snap, i didn't know you were using the mockflow chat, too
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:19:37 PM
hah yahh
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:20:57 PM
but i may not use that as I don't think they save the chats..i'd have to look into that
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:21:03 PM
I know they save annotations/comments
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:21:23 PM
I prefer skype. It's got pretty rounded boxes that hug the chats
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:21:41 PM
yeahh skype it is!
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:21:54 PM
so I'm thinking Georgia as the font throughout
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:22:19 PM
i want calibra but i don't know if that's compatible across all versions
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:22:31 PM
Lemme see if I can find it
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:23:20 PM
and yes let's go with the black background it method for the backdrop of the landing page
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:23:41 PM
that way we aren't worrying about what peeps are seeing
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:23:50 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:23:52 PM
The "regular" ?
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:25:44 PM
oo that is sexy the regular
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:27:28 PM
Well, it's not free
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:27:40 PM
So, that makes it a bit difficult, and expensive

THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:28:01 PM
that it is not lol it's not actually the one i was thinking of...shame I like this one you pulled up better
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:28:15 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:28:17 PM
I see
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:28:18 PM
A vs E
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:28:33 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:28:40 PM
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:28:42 PM
yep that's the free windows default font
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:28:42 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:28:46 PM
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:28:53 PM
used to be times new roman now it's Calibri

THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:29:39 PM
but i'm going to bookmark this calibre for when I can purchase it

M Heick
1/31/2016 3:31:05 PM
k, font set. plugging more things in
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:35:13 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:41:23 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:41:39 PM
Wanna go with that?
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:42:39 PM
that'll work!
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:42:50 PM
okay so your social media icons are there to download
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:42:59 PM
if you click on the picture of each you'll see the size and the opacity
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:43:08 PM
you now have a message icon to DL as well
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:43:18 PM
ok, I can build the bottom, methinks
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 3:44:27 PM
that login excites me lol
M Heick
1/31/2016 3:45:10 PM
yeah, it's pretty cool
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:03:07 PM
<eating a sandwich while doing the account page
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:04:32 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:04:35 PM
noms noms
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:16:40 PM
File transfer:
Status: ${status}favicon.ico
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:18:18 PM
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:18:33 PM

M Heick
1/31/2016 4:18:42 PM
easy peasy
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:21:22 PM
Minor step in the login process. The information I get back from Utherverse on a successful login is /all/ the profiles the user currently has access to. Maybe 60% have only 1, but the remaining 40% will have multiple. There might need to be a picker/swapper made.
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:24:37 PM
Glad you mentioned that because.....is there a way to allow the users to swap profiles but the statistics they incur and their clothing catalogs be disparate? So they CAN compete with their different profiles to gain more chances to win BUT their rays, tickets, prizes, clothing is not transferable. If not then we can't have a swap profile apparatus.
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:25:14 PM
How do you want to design it?
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:25:28 PM
Right now there is no technical profile storage
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:25:39 PM
The login comes back, and all that is "loaded" is all the profiles the user has
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:25:50 PM
Nothing is technically stored atm
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:25:55 PM
Until that fun has been made
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:27:17 PM
it'll stem from the account page which is what I'm doing now...account page will link to user profiles..user profiles will link to their stored data for both designer and fashionista...in mere moments you'll see that

THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:32:57 PM
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:33:03 PM
you can update the vote icon in your inventory
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:33:14 PM
Skype sends images as jpegs
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:33:18 PM
does it?
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:33:21 PM
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:33:26 PM
that's so annoying
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:33:28 PM
Yeah, it stupidly convers them
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:33:34 PM
ok i'll upload it mockflow
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:33:39 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:33:44 PM
do you has ftp program?
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:33:51 PM
You could just actually upload it to the server
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:33:57 PM
oh that sounds cool
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:34:04 PM
i can't say that I do have an ftp program tho
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:34:12 PM
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:34:33 PM
but i need to get one as..knowing me..I will be one of those....we need to update this and this and this lol
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:34:33 PM
I'm gonna have to figure out how to download via mockflow
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:34:48 PM
oh when you log into mockflow...double click on an image
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:34:54 PM
well, as long as you send a zip of everything and what to update, it's cool
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:35:04 PM
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:35:13 PM
then there's an arrow at the bottom of the pop out that says download image
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:35:21 PM
you can download anyone you want there
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:35:25 PM
how much is an ftp program?
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:35:26 PM
ya, got that far
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:35:32 PM
They are free. Just gotta know how to use 'em
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:35:48 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:35:51 PM
That's the one I use
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:35:53 PM
the /client/
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:35:59 PM
nobody ever needs the server
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:36:20 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:38:04 PM
The background might need to be vertically tiled. The top and the bottom don't mesh quite well.
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:38:12 PM
the ... background w/ the circular lights
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:38:21 PM
Can't really "stretch" it. it'll look real wierd
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:38:31 PM
okey dokey tile it is

THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:39:49 PM
oh question
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:40:07 PM
I expect there to be many
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:40:12 PM
like, uncountable
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:40:13 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:40:20 PM
billions of questions
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:40:23 PM
the rectangular boxes we have there..you can code that right with opacity and drop shadow? we don't need to have in image for that?
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:40:26 PM
lol yes billions!
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:40:51 PM
which rectangular ones, and yes...drop shadows are synthetic.
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:40:59 PM
i'd have to know how /far/, and what color to emulate
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:43:47 PM
So on the homepage, behind the "worn designer" buttons there's this grey opaque "box" if you will
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:43:58 PM
this particular one doesn't have a shadow
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:44:01 PM
but if you click it
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:44:14 PM
it'll show you the opacity, size and color
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:44:29 PM
oh, yeah, I see that
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:44:35 PM
i was just wondering if that'd be easier to code or to just have a graphic for
M Heick
1/31/2016 4:44:44 PM
Easier to code
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:44:55 PM
okerly dokerly

M Heick
1/31/2016 4:44:59 PM
I haven't done it yet cause I just don't know how that is going to be filled in later on
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:45:50 PM
yeah just that section alone is cumbersome
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:46:03 PM
the worn designer buttons will need to link to designer stores
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 4:46:22 PM
like button on the model's image..and rotating model images
M Heick
1/31/2016 5:11:20 PM
ah, the pains of layer alignment
M Heick
1/31/2016 5:11:32 PM
Got a clue on how you want this menu to animate before I go deeeeeeeeeep into it?
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 5:13:34 PM
so basically just like ur menu buttons, hoverable...when I hover over uvtexture i get a list...so just like that except..placed on the side like your search button is in my styles wardrobe
M Heick
1/31/2016 5:13:58 PM
so, hover to activate,or click to activate?
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 5:14:09 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 5:14:17 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 5:14:48 PM
No special effects? Just "mouse over Menu, menu goes away, things pop out, mouse goes away from menu, things pop back and menu shows up?"
M Heick
1/31/2016 5:16:05 PM
just makin' sure. It's easy to make, hard to change.
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 5:17:25 PM
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 5:17:27 PM
options eheh
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 5:19:00 PM
no but um we don't have to have it super complicated..if it could have like a slide/glide transition that should be sufficient

THE Nikol
1/31/2016 5:24:30 PM
so layering..that's accomplished using what..CSS? just wondering
M Heick
1/31/2016 5:29:10 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 5:29:21 PM
and yea, through CSS and DOM element positioning
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 5:34:35 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 5:34:40 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 5:49:56 PM
goin' out for a quick bite. I'll ping ya when i'm back in front of the boob tube w/ a keyboard
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 5:51:11 PM
Ah np sir!
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 5:51:17 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 6:42:17 PM
aight, pinged
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 6:54:29 PM
Ohh hay lol
M Heick
1/31/2016 6:54:35 PM
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 6:55:06 PM
so I've added several pages to the account>fashionista page
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 6:55:22 PM
this is going to be another techie part for you

M Heick
1/31/2016 6:55:44 PM
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 6:55:59 PM
so after you have a look at it..then we can kind of discuss the backend
M Heick
1/31/2016 6:56:27 PM
Yup...cause lookin' at that, misoconfused
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 6:56:45 PM
yeahhhhh lol
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 6:57:31 PM
So with Persona, it'll just need to be the user's profile image with their name underneath
M Heick
1/31/2016 6:57:42 PM
Yeah, I got those
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 6:57:47 PM
and then the default profile will be highlighted
M Heick
1/31/2016 6:57:48 PM
It's the copypasta that i'm a bit wierd with already

THE Nikol
1/31/2016 6:58:55 PM
wait which part? lol
M Heick
1/31/2016 7:00:14 PM
Rank (text underneath), Likes, (text underneath copypasta), Liked LOOKS (copypasta), etc
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:01:45 PM
ohh otay lol
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:02:02 PM
but you got the persona figured out mentally?
M Heick
1/31/2016 7:03:03 PM
Personas I don't think I comprehend just quite yet...
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:03:33 PM
ok so is there a way to show the current image of the user's profile image
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:03:41 PM
and then of course their name underneath it
M Heick
1/31/2016 7:03:44 PM
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:04:00 PM
if not we can totally simplify it and do an "upload pic" kind of deal
M Heick
1/31/2016 7:04:11 PM
meh, we can use their Utherverse pic, right?
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:04:19 PM
yes that's the goal

M Heick
1/31/2016 7:04:20 PM
That would be simpler
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:09:22 PM
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:09:41 PM
ok and then Closet Value
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:09:56 PM
it should show what they spent on the bottom left
M Heick
1/31/2016 7:10:09 PM
What they spent on...
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:10:11 PM
so the sum total of all the rays they have spent on anything in the catalog
M Heick
1/31/2016 7:10:20 PM
How do we get that info?
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:10:29 PM
we'll have to keep a log
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:10:34 PM
of what they have spent
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:10:47 PM
that will be in purchase history
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:10:49 PM
down the ways there
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:12:08 PM
so purchase history will be like a "transaction history" like you have in UVD there
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:12:22 PM
but we should spit the sum total back out here in the SPENT area
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:13:45 PM
Now with the rewards, each time a person submits in a theme to compete, they receive rays back instantly (it'll be a percentage of the total win in rays--we'll cross that bridge when we get there)
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:13:59 PM
so the rewards should be logged in the detailed statistics down the ways there
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:14:12 PM
and the sum total will be spit back out under REWARDS
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:14:19 PM
add those together and that's their CLOSET VALUE
M Heick
1/31/2016 7:15:09 PM
mk. i think i'm getting what to store
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:25:19 PM
yay sorry i wish i could like have the full code brain cuz I know ur trying to navigate through the labyrinth that is my brain lol
M Heick
1/31/2016 7:25:38 PM
Everything is a discovery
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:25:44 PM
that it is!
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:28:53 PM
Ok so Star Score will be the accumulation of all the star scores of all the looks of that persona. Those will need to be logged somewhere but maybe moreso on the backend. The only place people will see their star scores is under My LOOKS. Total star score is just the average of all star scores. How we get the star scores? Well that's a conundrum because we first need to figure out the vote page.
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:32:06 PM
Voting is going to be a set of 5 paired pictures per theme. Each picture being the submitted photo by the user. voters will need to pick one as the best look and then proceed to the next pair until all 5 pairs are voted on. Soooooooo that's going to be a chunk of technical work. Being able to draw out 2 pictures at random and set them side by side and then log which one is chosen. An algorithm will have to be created and performed to denote what percentage of stars is allotted based on how many votes they got.
M Heick
1/31/2016 7:32:30 PM
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:32:31 PM
that's down the line of things to think up but it's the most important thing next to the log in

M Heick
1/31/2016 7:32:32 PM
math and stuff
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:32:42 PM
yahhhh math lol
M Heick
1/31/2016 7:33:15 PM
I'm still a bit confused about the "Homepage" contents...
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:33:25 PM
i'm not like the greatest at math but i took up to calculus and i can kind of figure things out here and there lol
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:33:35 PM
np let's get back to the homepage

M Heick
1/31/2016 7:34:04 PM
holysheet i just got a huge update
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:34:57 PM
on mockflow?
M Heick
1/31/2016 7:35:00 PM
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:35:06 PM
ahhh yes hehe
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:35:19 PM
i said i was adding to the account page lol
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:35:30 PM
now that you mention it..i should change the header a bit 1 sec
M Heick
1/31/2016 7:36:24 PM
Well, I do have a "template" of sorts that seems to be shared amongst pages. I have to still section off where all the fun is going to happen across the pages so I can separate things out accordingly
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:40:10 PM
yeppers header, footer of course...bg...i need to ad a back button from the account page!
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 7:49:01 PM
gonna break to cook din din
M Heick
1/31/2016 7:49:05 PM
M Heick
1/31/2016 10:35:56 PM
mk, i'm gonna do my night stuff and pass out.
M Heick
1/31/2016 10:36:11 PM
I'll be bugging you about the mysql database stuff tomorrow so I can get things started up for that. that's gonna be the main storage thingy and it's also gonna make most of this easy to handle
M Heick
1/31/2016 10:37:08 PM
I'll be working from home tomorrow, so I should be immediately available around 5me/4you
M Heick
1/31/2016 10:37:16 PM
err, 17me/16you
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 11:44:09 PM
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 11:44:20 PM
ok that's what our sitemap is looking like presently
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 11:44:46 PM
all of the ACCOUNT setup is there for the FASHIONISTA..tomorrow I'll map out for the DESIGNER
THE Nikol
1/31/2016 11:44:53 PM
now I must take a break to go write content

THE Nikol
1/31/2016 11:45:07 PM
I'll be here though, ask any questions you may have
M Heick
2/2/2016 1:07:23 PM
Sorry for the delay. It's been a hella couple days for me at my regular job
THE Nikol
2/2/2016 3:15:19 PM
Ah np! I figured as much. My five year plan for ND Artistry is to be able to supply enough clients and income so you can come work with me lol but then again you probably make a lot of money there...well at least I have goals lol
M Heick
2/2/2016 5:06:18 PM
I got goals, too

I just do too much work in what I do in the place I work for.
M Heick
2/2/2016 5:07:05 PM
Once the "code" of how to build what you are dreaming is cracked, the coding will flow easier.
THE Nikol
2/2/2016 5:08:30 PM
I hear ya there...before I was fired as an Administrative Assistant for a telecommunications company, I did EVERYTHING and got paid less than a babysitter! And then they fired me as I asked for a raise

so that led me to just doing things myself
M Heick
2/2/2016 5:21:09 PM
M Heick
2/2/2016 5:21:37 PM
So, i'm just getting back into the swing of things. The place I work for scored two huge deals, i'm part of the "making of them happen", so my fingers get a bit tired towards the end fo the day.
THE Nikol
2/2/2016 5:31:42 PM
omg that's exciting!!!!! I love being able to be "a part" of something!!!!
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:00:24 PM
so you wouldn't be opposed to me trying to find clients to pay you for back-end development then? I know you work a lot...just thought I'd ask

M Heick
2/3/2016 6:08:10 PM
Depends on the size of the job. Usually people have big ambitions. If you are offering to project manage, we might have something....
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:10:04 PM
Oh definitely

That's what I was hoping for...to be able to contract you out work under the ND Artistry scope...so I'd most certainly have to project manage eheh I just got in a broad query in a marketing group I'm in, "I am looking for a VERY experienced builder who would be interested in quoting me a rebuild on a very expansive global website. Heads up: This is not for newbies or a Weebly drag and drop..." - Greg Bukovatz
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:10:16 PM
so I thought..hay now...we can pitch our talents to him! hehe
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:10:41 PM
me front you back we tag team lol
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:11:36 PM
I'll pitch it see what he says

I'm going to tell him it's a 6-8 week project..no quickies! and investment-wise...ground up sites will run 3-5k with monthly support anywhere from 100-500 USD
M Heick
2/3/2016 6:12:46 PM
It could work out.... Not all internet tech is the same, though. Would need more info for me to give a more confident answer.
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:13:25 PM
Yeah for sure...I'll gather as much as I can

I just didn't want to say lay anything on you lol
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:13:50 PM
but he'll go through the entire proposal process that outlines all of his needs and we'll have a look at it before we even get into any wireframing/development, etc.
M Heick
2/3/2016 6:14:33 PM
Like, the place I work for charges between $400-$750 for minor changes. It's crazy cause it goes through so many hands to get to the person that does the change...
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:14:56 PM
oh wow
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:15:02 PM
yeah big time corps'll do that
M Heick
2/3/2016 6:15:12 PM
Minor change like "add a period to the end of this word..."
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:15:13 PM
cuz there's a bunch of ppl to pay lol
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:15:50 PM
that's not cheap I'll say that lol
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:16:13 PM
but I'm looking for residual income with this guy...so cross the fingers!
M Heick
2/3/2016 6:18:29 PM
Residual income is so nice...
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:19:03 PM
I knooooooooo ommmmggg I haven't not had residual income in so long that I can't see myself living without it lol
M Heick
2/3/2016 6:23:06 PM
It was my vacation money for 3 years, my second marriage, and my second divorce....
M Heick
2/3/2016 6:23:18 PM
Can't wait for that again lol.
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:23:25 PM
oh gaawwwddddd
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:23:29 PM
I am NOT getting married again!
M Heick
2/3/2016 6:23:51 PM
M Heick
2/3/2016 6:25:01 PM
Can't wait for residual income.... Not marriage and divorce oy
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:25:43 PM
totally!!!! that is my daily goal..get residuals get residuals get residuals lol
M Heick
2/3/2016 6:28:19 PM
I'm getting a nom right now. Can you check your hosting plan for MySQL database? Hostname, database name, credentials are basics.
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:29:12 PM
kk will do!
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:41:43 PM
ooo looks like I don't have one..well time to create one

THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:43:52 PM
Database name : db612296689
Host name : db612296689.db.1and1.com
Port : 3306
User name : dbo612296689
Description : D'sire Website
Version : MySQL5.5
Status : setup started
The database setup takes about 5 minutes. You can see the current setup status in the database overview.
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:44:04 PM
pw is the same: D^sire2016
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:44:43 PM
Total Storage Space: 1,024.00MB
THE Nikol
2/3/2016 6:44:58 PM
ok I gotta get dressed and go to sis's house for din din

M Heick
2/3/2016 6:46:09 PM
Cool. Eat well!
THE Nikol
2/4/2016 7:36:18 AM
omg I have a job eww lol
THE Nikol
2/4/2016 7:36:24 AM
but I need the money to fuel my business

THE Nikol
2/4/2016 7:36:43 AM
call me your new newspaper delivery girl from 2am -6am every morn!
M Heick
2/4/2016 9:30:52 AM
M Heick
2/4/2016 9:30:53 AM
M Heick
2/4/2016 9:31:01 AM
THE Nikol
2/4/2016 9:31:44 AM
Lol yeah glad it's easy fast money and no one is standing over my shoulder
M Heick
2/5/2016 8:20:30 PM
THE Nikol
2/5/2016 8:36:34 PM
Vic G??????????????????????????????????
M Heick
2/5/2016 8:38:39 PM
M Heick
2/5/2016 8:38:42 PM
just read it in the forums
THE Nikol
2/5/2016 8:38:50 PM
oh my darn

M Heick
2/5/2016 8:39:06 PM
Circle of life
THE Nikol
2/5/2016 8:40:51 PM
oh my yes that is how it goes

M Heick
2/5/2016 9:08:36 PM
So, it's a "fun" thing, but there is such a thing as a "Custom 404" for webpages that do not exit...you can control that page.
M Heick
2/5/2016 9:09:01 PM
It's not a page that redirects or any fun, to be honest. It's one of those "Hey, you screwed up." things
M Heick
2/5/2016 9:24:11 PM
Are you pretty available this weekend?
M Heick
2/5/2016 9:24:46 PM
Like, as far as down and dirty work? I might need to ask you for how you access this server to do configurations, but I'll need to gain your vote of confidence so you know i'm not screwing shit up.
M Heick
2/5/2016 9:24:59 PM
I do know that Stav knows where I live, and with his huge mass he could crush me in a second.
THE Nikol
2/5/2016 9:25:02 PM
I believe so

THE Nikol
2/5/2016 9:25:13 PM
other than 1am-6am CST
M Heick
2/5/2016 9:25:22 PM
Right, sleep is quite importants
M Heick
2/5/2016 9:25:30 PM
God, I miss that bloke.... :/
THE Nikol
2/5/2016 9:25:34 PM
lololol I miss Stav!
THE Nikol
2/5/2016 9:25:43 PM
well I work from 1am to 6am

M Heick
2/5/2016 9:25:45 PM
He tell you I stayed with him in the UK for 6 months?
THE Nikol
2/5/2016 9:25:47 PM
so won't be asleep then lol
M Heick
2/5/2016 9:25:48 PM
M Heick
2/5/2016 9:25:51 PM
I didn't knows that
THE Nikol
2/5/2016 9:25:58 PM
i'll sleep after that then up again in the afternoon
THE Nikol
2/5/2016 9:26:03 PM
I told you yeah?
THE Nikol
2/5/2016 9:26:08 PM
newspaper girl

M Heick
2/5/2016 9:26:08 PM
No, I no know
M Heick
2/5/2016 9:26:22 PM
I'm super impressed
M Heick
2/5/2016 9:26:34 PM
You are a piece of the literal talk-of-the-town
THE Nikol
2/5/2016 9:26:48 PM
oh he didn't tell me that! i'm gonna purnch him! lol I want to go to the UK so bad he said I can come any time..one day eheh
THE Nikol
2/5/2016 9:27:07 PM
oh me??? omg no I just need to hustle...to be where I want to be
THE Nikol
2/5/2016 9:27:53 PM
this year is my bitch!!! lol I've been waiting too long to be successful so...by any means necessary!
M Heick
2/5/2016 9:28:27 PM
Well, he still stays with his mate. I'm making a serious holiday plan to bug his ass again within the next 12 months.
M Heick
2/5/2016 9:28:41 PM
I'm hopin' D'sire has what it needs
M Heick
2/5/2016 9:29:00 PM
I committed to seeing this through. I still have my things to program out as well for UVDeviant so it survives Curio.
M Heick
2/5/2016 9:29:09 PM
Pluz, my 9-5, too
M Heick
2/5/2016 9:29:12 PM
So, busy busy us
THE Nikol
2/5/2016 9:29:32 PM
I hear ya! I'm on a busy bee streak too..but I'm in this as far as Dsire and anything else I touch lol
THE Nikol
2/5/2016 9:30:04 PM
got a couple more pages done but yep we can totally skype talk if it's easier too..that way we can screenshare and get things done faster to free up more time
THE Nikol
2/5/2016 9:30:07 PM
and we should totally bumrush Stav!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
M Heick
2/5/2016 9:30:27 PM
M Heick
2/5/2016 9:31:19 PM
I just gotta get through alot of these pages. I'm not used to workin' with the mock. Usually it's a huge PNG with all the images separated out, text here and there, arrows everywhere, and a brief explanation of things to come. You are definitely different to work with, but i'm gettin' used to it.
M Heick
2/5/2016 9:31:48 PM
I'm gonna crash the night with a movie and a beer to relax my brain. I'll be up tomorrow keyboard clickin' away
THE Nikol
2/5/2016 9:32:54 PM
okey dokey darling! and no worries...if you nudge me in the direction of comfortability on your end I can easily adapt..or we meet in the middle hehe enjoy the beer..i'll finish my vodka!
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:23:16 PM
Just FYI, getting alot of the backend up-to-speed. Not much UI stuff at the moment. I've got confusing sounding things like a database UI setup, some session management done, and some server reconfiguration done as well. I'm just working on making it so that we should be able to plug in pages pretty quickly.
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:24:05 PM
I don't remember if we touched on this before, but for people who login we know all of their Utherverse accounts. We get them in no specific order, so there really is no "primary" account
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:24:17 PM
...dunno if we touched on this or not
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 3:24:58 PM
ohhh I think we kind of did in UVD
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 3:25:18 PM
so whichever profile they are currently using is the one that logs in or is it totally at random?
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 3:25:24 PM
and morn btw
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:25:30 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 3:25:30 PM
holy hell is at 4am where you are?
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 3:25:33 PM
where are you??????????????
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:26:03 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:26:09 PM
i haven't updated that since I was in Hong KOng
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:26:13 PM
loooooooooooooooooooong story
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:26:18 PM
so, profile...
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 3:26:34 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:26:40 PM
Utherverse gives a list of the Profile IDs (the numbered one), and the Profile Names. There is no order.
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 3:27:45 PM
ohhhh otay well that's fine I mean... on the account page of D'sire it will ask to "choose a persona" should I word that differently? What's the best way to have them swap between profiles?
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:28:51 PM
When I rewrote UVD based on the Many Profiles, I think by default I went with the "Lower Numbered" one and had them swap if they wanted. I don't have a "default" one that is setup, but you could.
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:29:06 PM
Technically they are seen as different people
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:29:32 PM
I think it's best to treat it as a "registration" if they have multiple profiles
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:29:37 PM
If they have one, it's cool, we know who they are.
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:29:46 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:29:50 PM
I dunno
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:29:52 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 3:32:47 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 3:33:05 PM
when I log in
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 3:33:11 PM
it's always THE_Nikol_VNM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 3:33:26 PM
so that's why I said "default" I've never logged in as my others
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:33:30 PM
to UVD?
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 3:33:33 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 3:33:46 PM
then it always gives me the option to switch to the others
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:33:47 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:33:55 PM
lemme see what DB says
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:34:59 PM
ya, makes sense
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:35:12 PM
It's your "Lowest" uvid
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:35:17 PM
your first Utherverse account
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 3:35:21 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 3:35:25 PM
that's good then

M Heick
2/6/2016 3:35:51 PM
But I see your other 3
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 3:36:29 PM
then essentially...I really don't care which order the other one's appear...so as long as they can switch through them and the other persona's information comes up..so there'd have to be a page for each persona then...have to be logging for each persona..that make sense?
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:36:43 PM
somewhat, yeah
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 3:38:46 PM
because of the stats being logged for each persona..we'd have to almost treat it like a different person
M Heick
2/6/2016 3:39:38 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 4:27:16 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 4:27:22 PM
Login please, I need some datas in the database
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 4:28:00 PM
okerly dokerly
M Heick
2/6/2016 4:28:02 PM
Also, do you have Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube links that I can plug into the page?
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 4:28:36 PM
not yet but I can create them really quickly

M Heick
2/6/2016 4:28:54 PM
mk. I did all the links to /fake/ pages now so I can work on them
M Heick
2/6/2016 4:29:00 PM
Development should be a bit quicker
M Heick
2/6/2016 4:29:05 PM
k, got datas
M Heick
2/6/2016 4:29:06 PM

THE Nikol
2/6/2016 4:29:16 PM
np and ty!
M Heick
2/6/2016 4:29:31 PM
...why thank me already?
M Heick
2/6/2016 4:29:36 PM
It's real early to be doin' that

THE Nikol
2/6/2016 4:29:49 PM
because you are being diligent and I am grateful for that

M Heick
2/6/2016 4:30:06 PM
meh, thank me when this entire thing is done
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 4:30:20 PM
well i'll thank you like 1000x then! lol
M Heick
2/6/2016 4:30:21 PM
it's an honest-to-god good distraction from my last 3 months on this earth
M Heick
2/6/2016 4:30:26 PM
So, I should be thanking you
M Heick
2/6/2016 4:31:08 PM
brb, gonna get noms. might be an hour, but i'm firing through this as fast as possible
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 4:31:25 PM
oh np tyt!
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 4:47:16 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 4:48:28 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 4:48:52 PM
Just got to noms place. Gonna be while.
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 4:49:12 PM
oh ur fine..this is just for our reference or i'll forget lol
M Heick
2/6/2016 4:50:34 PM
Also, one question was forums... How did you want to do that?
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 4:59:25 PM
I'll have to show you the current one that I was using on nabble..but super simple forum..I don't want to be heavy with the forums lol
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 4:59:34 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 5:01:28 PM
Mmk. I need to know so I can link it into the login. Earlier the better

M Heick
2/6/2016 5:02:37 PM
Oh, babble.com
M Heick
2/6/2016 5:04:43 PM
Err, nabble.com, damn autocorrect
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 5:06:39 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 5:07:04 PM
that one was soooooo simple..doesn't need to be that simple lol
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 5:07:20 PM
but I do want to draft over topics already discussed
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 5:09:33 PM
a poll is important, manage members, change user permissions as some of the fashion house heads will need to be moderators for their particular thread, full text editor in replies, able to follow posts, be able to pin posts...the usual

THE Nikol
2/6/2016 5:15:10 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:10:03 PM
mmk, so nabble I can't "streamline" users into it, but I think I can embed it in
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:10:13 PM
People will have to register w/ nabble if they want to use the forums
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:11:14 PM
can we do a all new forum? I know it's embedded already on the old site...
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:11:26 PM
if it's too cumbersome..then yeah lets go with embedding
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:11:40 PM
cuz I really don't want the forum to be a super focus
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:11:59 PM
Already on the old site?
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:12:14 PM
yeppers I have it embed on the current weebly site
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:12:19 PM
I can pull the codes for you
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:13:21 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:18:35 PM
That's better, actually
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:18:48 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:19:01 PM
I needed the embed to make sure the master template worked with it
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:19:27 PM
cool I can't figure out how to change the backdrop of the forum but maybe those options aren't available to me
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:19:50 PM
bright white throws me off sometimes
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:19:52 PM
oooooo crap
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:19:57 PM
it's blocking off the bottom links
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:20:18 PM
ah yes it does
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:20:38 PM
aaaaaand that's a nabble embed thing...shit
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:24:53 PM
fixed, easy peasy
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:29:27 PM

M Heick
2/6/2016 6:29:37 PM
k, so Account Page...
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:30:13 PM
yes dunh dunh dunh
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:30:22 PM
Like, there is a couple things that I don't know how will work, tbh
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:30:28 PM
This is one of 'em

THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:30:44 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:30:51 PM
Just cause there is 2 separate pages for this, but there is no page to select who is what, when they are, or how they are that
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:33:18 PM
ok yeah so on the account page, you can choose either your fashionista page or your designer page
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:33:38 PM
nearly a mute page but I didn't want a bunch of menu buttons
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:33:45 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:33:46 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:33:48 PM
i see it
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:33:49 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:33:54 PM
ok cool lol
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:33:54 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:34:27 PM
hehe all clear now

M Heick
2/6/2016 6:34:30 PM
shit, advertising is supposed to be on all pages, too, huh
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:34:36 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:34:38 PM
not all
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:34:46 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:34:50 PM
"not all" huh
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:35:33 PM
so far, homepage, account page
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:35:56 PM
anywhere where's it's not totally intrusive but a great place to advertise nonetheless
M Heick
2/6/2016 6:36:22 PM
well, bottom of pages are pretty much noninstrusive
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:37:05 PM

if we have the room we can spread em across all pages, at the bottom
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 6:37:29 PM
but some pages will have different ads and such or if you do them all at totally random then I think that'll work too
M Heick
2/6/2016 7:03:08 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 7:03:30 PM
mockflow honestly is something to get used to...
M Heick
2/6/2016 7:08:42 PM
Also, for the adverts, what image sizes you having uploaded?
M Heick
2/6/2016 7:08:48 PM
All 3 plaques are of different sizes
M Heick
2/6/2016 7:08:58 PM
So, it's hard to gauge things out
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 7:22:13 PM
are they? lol darn
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 7:22:17 PM
hold on lemme check
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 7:23:01 PM
220x 160 is good

M Heick
2/6/2016 7:23:16 PM
hmm..not really square
M Heick
2/6/2016 7:23:46 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 7:23:51 PM
Might give a hand there
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 7:24:08 PM
omg I love google..HATE their sizing
M Heick
2/6/2016 7:24:16 PM
just a guide
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 7:27:07 PM
pondering lol
M Heick
2/6/2016 7:27:43 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 7:31:42 PM
Ok let's do 220x180 final answer..those other sizes aren't really going to work..they are either too big, too small, or too square
M Heick
2/6/2016 7:32:00 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 7:32:04 PM
I actually want to go with something more rectangular..because then both rectangular and square ads won't look funny
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 7:32:10 PM
but you can't do much with a square ad space
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 7:32:16 PM
if you are anything but a squar
M Heick
2/6/2016 8:10:42 PM
I did the FAQ real quick
M Heick
2/6/2016 8:10:45 PM
Server is acting slow
M Heick
2/6/2016 8:10:45 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 8:10:47 PM
Dunno why
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 8:11:00 PM
ut oh
M Heick
2/6/2016 8:11:01 PM
Gonna get a quick shower to relax, then I'll do adverts for positioning, and then the rest of the stuff
M Heick
2/6/2016 8:11:08 PM
Well, it's a shared server, so this is expected.
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 8:13:24 PM
okey dokey
M Heick
2/6/2016 8:39:50 PM
ooook, so no more youtube video?
M Heick
2/6/2016 8:40:10 PM
Typical Artistic Person.....always happy with one way until the better way comes along 5 minutes later...
M Heick
2/6/2016 8:40:17 PM

THE Nikol
2/6/2016 8:47:08 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 8:47:22 PM
not for now because I realized that it was based on the old system
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 8:47:30 PM
which is vastly different from this one sooooo
M Heick
2/6/2016 8:47:34 PM
All good

M Heick
2/6/2016 8:47:40 PM
I didn't think it was gonna be this simple
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 8:48:04 PM
lots of that will be done all over..and probably not at all cuz this system is going to be so easy to catch on they won't need to really read through the rules
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 8:48:13 PM
I gotta change the rules a bit then i'll put that in there
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 8:48:32 PM
i'm glad this is simple..i mean you have all the tools and brainpower!
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 8:48:36 PM
the worst is yet to come
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 8:48:44 PM
i'm freaking out about the actual like voting part
M Heick
2/6/2016 8:49:07 PM
just one step at a time
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 8:49:11 PM

M Heick
2/6/2016 9:12:54 PM
mmmmk when you got a free min can you login again
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:12:56 PM
need moar data
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:13:02 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:16:52 PM
k, cool
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:17:11 PM
I want to get unconfused
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:17:30 PM
I just don't know the questions to ask
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:17:54 PM

THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:18:12 PM
hmmm which section
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:18:26 PM
Like, the purchase history
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:18:44 PM
To me, this implies tracking transactions within D'Sire
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:19:02 PM
And if transactions are to be tracked, then is this something that people are entering in manually?
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:19:18 PM
or is there some automated thing that needs invention that people will use?
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:19:40 PM
And it would be completely opposite than the "Sales History" yeah
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:19:46 PM
I see this
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:19:56 PM
But again, confused.
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:20:20 PM
Purchase history is for the fashionistas yep. So when we have the store up..it'll be kinda like the UVD store
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:20:22 PM
And are Designers also Fashionistas?
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:20:31 PM
where designers are uploading clothing
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:20:35 PM
fashionistas are purchasing clothing
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:20:48 PM
so however the techie world makes note of those things purchased
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:21:04 PM
that way it can spit it out in "purchased history" for fashionistas and "sales history" for designers
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:21:11 PM
Okay, so there is the first hump...How to upload through D'sire for people to wear?
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:21:16 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:21:28 PM
sorry I think from end to beginning..it's why I'm weird lol
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:21:44 PM
you have to unravel me..forgive me
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:21:52 PM
That can be seen a couple ways....
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:22:13 PM
The way UVD allows uploading is from a 2009 design that links UVD's server w/ Utherverses uploading server
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:22:29 PM
and designers CAN be fashionistas and vice versa with a stipulation we'll get into that
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:22:52 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:23:08 PM
I'm intrigued
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:23:14 PM
As am I
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:23:29 PM
I knew there was some sort of way that you accomplished that
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:23:44 PM
Yeah, it's through a server to server link.
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:23:57 PM
The problem is the people in Utherverse aren't there anymore, and I can't just "get a new server"
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:23:59 PM
wow sounds like magic
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:24:10 PM
If i get a new server, the link goes away
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:24:14 PM
ahh I see
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:24:24 PM
well we have our first big problem lol
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:24:40 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:24:43 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:24:45 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:24:48 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:25:17 PM
It my biggest pain in the ass, cause tech from 2009 i'm stil paying that big price, and i can get the same nowadays for 80% cheaper
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:25:24 PM
Instead of $500/month it'd be $50
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:25:45 PM
It's one of the small bad thing /she/ left me with...
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:25:58 PM
i digress...
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:26:03 PM
Ok, so solution figuring out time
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:27:00 PM
I assume "uploading" is required for this in some way?
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:29:09 PM
ok sorry my skype just crashed
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:29:18 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:30:04 PM
but so yep uploading is the easiest way for this to happen..well I mean..at the core of this game yep that would need to happen..a fully functional clothing system...now without out..we'd have to figure out a way to deduct rays from designer UV accounts
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:30:12 PM
and just run of UVC
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:30:43 PM
Deduct rays from their accounts?
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:30:49 PM
otherwise..we'd have to charge designers and be back at square one...we'd just have a pretty website
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:31:08 PM
yeah I'm thinking that's not even possible or in line with tos rules lol but that'd be the only other way
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:31:20 PM
Right, we can't just pull rays from 'em
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:31:24 PM
They would have to manually deduct that themselves
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:31:28 PM
It's Pin protected
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:31:50 PM
part 1 of Dsire is profit..that's part 1 of anything lol and part 2 is free designer use
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:32:16 PM
I need to have it open to designers and be able to track their profits and bill them
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:32:25 PM
that might be annoying..i don't want to have to police these people lol
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:33:05 PM
I'm just trying to think of a way to making billing easy
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:33:15 PM
if we solve billing..then we can use UVC and not have a store
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:33:15 PM
That's easy
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:33:23 PM
Have them prepay
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:33:26 PM
to participate
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:33:34 PM
yeah that's what I'm doing now
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:33:49 PM
and I have a handful of designers
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:33:59 PM
but most ppl won't pay upfront
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:34:01 PM
I mean, I can build the whole "check some transaction thing and credit people"
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:34:12 PM
especially for something starting out
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:34:16 PM
I did that with American Ace and his PurePowerStreams to automate billing back in the day
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:34:29 PM
even tho I have the stats to prove ppl make more than what they put in...ppl are hard to pull
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:34:47 PM
Sounds like gambling...
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:34:55 PM
"Put in money, hope to get it out"
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:35:00 PM
i like gambling
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:35:03 PM
well it's guaranteed lol
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:35:08 PM
or your money back
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:35:20 PM
and it's a proven system
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:35:28 PM
because we make the themes up..and we say what goes in the themes
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:35:34 PM
so in order for ppl to compete they have to buy it
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:35:41 PM
so sales are guaranteed
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:35:46 PM
it's what makes this game lucrative
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:35:51 PM
So, still got to get over the developmental hump
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:35:58 PM
BUT...for profit for the system
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:36:01 PM
we're losing
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:36:04 PM
if we charge up front
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:36:09 PM
because we don't know the future
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:36:13 PM
Then go 50/50
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:36:15 PM
that 1 thing can sell 100x lol
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:36:23 PM
Let them trust you, and you trust them
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:36:32 PM
oooo trust
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:36:36 PM
that's a bigger word than love
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:36:40 PM
It is
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:36:42 PM
I know
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:36:46 PM
It's a hard word to lose, too
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:36:55 PM
very true
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:36:55 PM
or, easy
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:36:57 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:36:57 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:37:08 PM
so, still gotta work out what can be done with what can be done
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:37:28 PM
I hated to put the wrench in
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:37:33 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:37:36 PM
well I knew a wrench was coming lol
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:37:45 PM
But I got a couple 2-liters, so i'm solid to figuring this out
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:38:38 PM
sooo you can't like integrate UVD's catalog...into D'sire...some kind of way?
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:38:56 PM
and then like pull data and such?
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:39:00 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:39:14 PM
oh idk I just think of magical things lol
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:39:16 PM
Cause anything UVD I can do within the realm of limits
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:39:24 PM
i wish i knew how ur lil server to server thing worked
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:39:37 PM
It's how I can make the sign-on thing work
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:39:47 PM
Uploading, however, I just can't proxy that
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:45:21 PM
ok so if we say...just use UVD...as is..is there a way to just transfer data over into D'sire? Like if we redirect to UVD in the store page...is there anyway you can extract data for the purposes of D'sire (like sales history, purchase history, etc.)?
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:45:47 PM
It would only be data that exists in UVD, then
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:46:47 PM
mmh hmm yeah the data would be pooled in UVD then extracted to dsire
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:47:08 PM
ppl would upload to uvd...sales would be tracked there..oh no we can't do that
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:47:10 PM
But that data is dependant on what data is actually necessary
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:47:13 PM
you're on subscription now
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:47:16 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:47:18 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:47:40 PM
well I'm all out of magical ideas for now lol
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:47:46 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:50:01 PM
uploading itself is fine right? like the props...they don't connect to a server cuz it's just the actual texture?
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:50:12 PM
the only server issues is the linking to the avatar and closet and such?
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:50:21 PM
Props are different cause UVD delivers the prop, not UV
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:50:29 PM
yep cool
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:51:00 PM
well here's a very far out idea
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:52:01 PM
that will need the assistance of a 3d animator...but if we let the designers upload the textures like normal...catalog it like normal...but it worked more like a Daz or GrannyViewer..or my favorite...UvMapper Pro..where the texture is applied to a stand-alone 3d model
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:52:16 PM
if we can accomplish that..then the LOOKS will be theoretical
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:52:36 PM
and the designer will need to gift manually
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:52:59 PM
They are complete outfits?
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:53:12 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:53:14 PM
not all the time
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:53:19 PM
mix n match
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:53:57 PM
with this method..we would still need the functionality of transferring rays from UV to D'sire
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:54:18 PM
is there any particular hold on that utility?
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:55:29 PM
Transferring rays from UV to D'Sire...
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:55:46 PM
yeah the way you do with transactions
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:55:50 PM
like it goes to UVD profile
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:55:55 PM
idk how that works
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:55:57 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:55:58 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:55:59 PM
Lemme explain
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:56:02 PM
or can't remember i think i knew at one point lol
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:56:08 PM
1) People deposit rays @ the UVDeviant account
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:56:25 PM
2) UVDeviant server grabs the transaction history and matches it with a UVD Account
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:56:41 PM
3) I keep an internal transaction register of all transactions, deposits, withdraws
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:56:45 PM
UVD is techincally a Bank
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:57:08 PM
oh so kinda theoretical money
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:57:10 PM
According to Utherverse, UVD has 1 balance, and According to UVD, the balance is the sum of all UVD accounts
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:57:29 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:57:40 PM
The profit is pulled from Monthly UV interest along with all sales and such
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:57:45 PM
wowzers UVD is def a closed system...not able to be replicated that's for sure!
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:57:52 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:58:13 PM
Completely closed. It's pretty impressive
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:58:18 PM
that it is!
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:58:29 PM
Once I get these 2 new projects done i'll be able to almost survive Curio
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:59:18 PM
yeah Curio...instant headache when i think of it
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:59:33 PM
meh, not for me

M Heick
2/6/2016 9:59:40 PM
So, 3D Displaying of textures in a website
M Heick
2/6/2016 9:59:42 PM
That could be nice
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 9:59:46 PM
I'm glad ur thinking about it tho...the future
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:00:26 PM
yeah that would be nice! i'm no animator tho at least not on UV...i mean we could use the obj files...match them up nicely i guess
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:00:29 PM
pose them
M Heick
2/6/2016 10:01:10 PM
Well, I can find the extracted GR2 files that I did for the old stuff
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:01:44 PM
i actually prefer the displayed 3d look
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:02:04 PM
so if we can tinker with that then it'll save a lot of trouble down the line
M Heick
2/6/2016 10:02:07 PM
Well, the display stuff that UVD uses for Clothing is archaic 3D stuff
M Heick
2/6/2016 10:02:14 PM
the Display stuff that the prop uses is much more recent
M Heick
2/6/2016 10:02:18 PM
but they both use Flash
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:02:18 PM
BUT profitability is the roadblock at that point
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:03:01 PM
i love flash but it's going out of style

M Heick
2/6/2016 10:03:59 PM
Well, I was working with some WebGL
M Heick
2/6/2016 10:04:10 PM
the issue comes w/ protecting the textures
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:04:52 PM
yeah and that's a major league issue
M Heick
2/6/2016 10:05:33 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 10:05:33 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:05:41 PM
haha that too!
M Heick
2/6/2016 10:05:49 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 10:05:55 PM
like, thats an example of WebGL
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:06:49 PM
but I'm not even worried about the display..we can always revert to what I've been doing..having the models upload a picture of the final look which is soooo annoying because it's not streamlined and it'd be easier to automate and see what they are wearing....
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:07:22 PM
but my biggest issue is keeping track of designers
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:07:56 PM
i get an "Aw, Snap!" on that web page
M Heick
2/6/2016 10:08:11 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 10:08:16 PM
Aw, Snap!
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:08:16 PM
oohh but it's a car game i love racing!
M Heick
2/6/2016 10:08:24 PM
well, it's not really a game
M Heick
2/6/2016 10:09:22 PM
ok, so sounds like Designers uploading their textures onto a Fancy Looking web Model is a start
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:10:02 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 10:10:12 PM
Then they would need to provide links to where people can get them at
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:10:31 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 10:10:39 PM
So...then...where's the game?
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:10:48 PM
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:11:04 PM
the models would then have to choose outfits..mix and match
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:11:13 PM
according to the requirements of the theme they want to compete in
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:11:28 PM
so if they chose a top from designer A and a bottom from designer B
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:11:31 PM
then that should display on the 3d model
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:11:41 PM
then a picture would need to be taken
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:12:01 PM
and submitted to that particular theme
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:12:10 PM
compared to other looks in that same theme
M Heick
2/6/2016 10:12:24 PM
mk, sounds like I need to do some R&D
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:14:34 PM
yeah i mean i really wanted it to have that connection to UV...but it'd almost be easier..in my brain at least...to forego rays as a form of payment...i mean that's it..that's really what's stopping the process..is the severed hand there
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:14:49 PM
i need to be able to have an upperhand..designers should not have that upperhand quite honestly lol
M Heick
2/6/2016 10:15:28 PM
Still need Rays
M Heick
2/6/2016 10:15:36 PM
M Heick
2/6/2016 10:15:54 PM
Lemme see about getting this new tech for Displaying a Store Avatar
THE Nikol
2/6/2016 10:16:07 PM
okey dokey

M Heick
2/7/2016 5:32:53 PM
So, fyi, R&D is going well for this "getting things into this new technology"
M Heick
2/7/2016 5:32:55 PM
M Heick
2/7/2016 5:32:58 PM
Just a brief preview
M Heick
2/7/2016 5:33:47 PM
just gotta figure out how to get things to animate. That's a new learning curve for me.
M Heick
2/7/2016 5:37:36 PM
Most of it renders on mobile, too

THE Nikol
2/7/2016 6:09:34 PM
THE Nikol
2/7/2016 6:09:38 PM
getting excited again

THE Nikol
2/7/2016 6:10:40 PM
what browser do you use to view webgl stuff...I may need to install an add-on on chrome..chrome no likey it
THE Nikol
2/7/2016 6:11:03 PM
very cool tho..I can see it on Microsoft edge
M Heick
2/7/2016 6:11:03 PM
It works on all my browsers...
THE Nikol
2/7/2016 6:11:17 PM
well my chrome no likey lol
M Heick
2/7/2016 6:12:19 PM
Might be CORS. Dunno if I gave you unliterate.net or
M Heick
2/7/2016 6:12:40 PM
Oh well. I'm gonna work on the gr2 import next.
THE Nikol
2/7/2016 6:12:53 PM
cool I'm gonna go food shopping

THE Nikol
2/7/2016 6:12:53 PM
THE Nikol
2/7/2016 6:13:40 PM
omg geeks are so hawt!!!!!!! lol
THE Nikol
2/7/2016 6:14:07 PM
sorry perving the Mario vid
THE Nikol
2/7/2016 6:14:17 PM
I go now lol
M Heick
2/7/2016 8:02:31 PM
M Heick
2/9/2016 6:58:51 AM
Mmk, so i'm running into issues with getting this correctly imported with bones (they help a 3d model walk). just trying to convert a GR2 into a Blender/maya/max/revit model first, which is honestly posing a challenge >.<
M Heick
2/9/2016 6:58:59 AM
But i'm still workin' on it.

THE Nikol
2/9/2016 9:59:49 AM
Woots awesome! I have also developed the perfect plan/logic behind the ray issue which was affecting D'sires profitability and control in the market... which was freaking me out lol but now my brain is happy and alls we need is a poseable head to toe model ☺ we'll talk about that plan later as I must ask you some questions before it is fully logical and implementable.... but now I must go to sleep as I just got home from my graveyard shift and dropping the kiddo off at school...ttys
M Heick
2/9/2016 10:35:12 AM
M Heick
2/10/2016 8:40:21 AM
When you want, just pop the questions in here and i'll get to 'em.
M Heick
2/10/2016 8:40:58 AM
In the meantime, i'm quite successful with the textureable model. I'm /not/ successful in the poseable aspect of it yet
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 6:27:59 PM
oooo yeah textured model is going to be a big score for you

THE Nikol
2/10/2016 6:28:20 PM
are we able to have all the pieces attached (or seemingly attached), head, torso, legs, shoes, hair, etc?
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 6:28:27 PM
and then my question to you is...
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 6:28:42 PM
I can't remember if we discussed in depth
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 6:29:18 PM
but if I make an account for Dsire...can we funnel rays via the account? so like when you have rays being sent and received via transaction number?
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 6:29:38 PM
if we can set that up..then we're victorious with this site and I don't think we'll have any more wrenches lol
M Heick
2/10/2016 9:30:03 PM
M Heick
2/10/2016 9:30:33 PM
And so far, with textured model it might be just what I have for UVD just with 3D spinning and shit
M Heick
2/10/2016 9:30:58 PM
It won't be all walky and stuff. The pieces I need to do that aren't free, and the free stuff isn't that well evolved to make it possible.
M Heick
2/10/2016 9:31:10 PM
"Yes" to the "get transaction history from a profile"
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 9:54:32 PM
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 9:55:46 PM
can we poste the model? I don't need it really moving..i mean would be cool but for purposes of this game...it'll just need to pose

I know you can pose the mannequin props in world
M Heick
2/10/2016 9:56:26 PM
I'd have to see it inworld
M Heick
2/10/2016 9:57:10 PM
Do they all have the same pose?
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 9:57:21 PM
no let me pull up the poses
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 9:58:45 PM
Model poses with mannequin
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 9:58:51 PM
that goes in state tab
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 9:59:04 PM
soooooo those are scripts then?
M Heick
2/10/2016 9:59:17 PM
I'd have to see it inworld...
M Heick
2/10/2016 9:59:34 PM
Cause that tells me it's the same "standard" model, just with ways to set them in a state, and I can't extract that state
M Heick
2/10/2016 9:59:50 PM
But they could be 6 separate 3d models
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 9:59:52 PM
ahh ok
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 10:00:01 PM
oh yeah they could b indeed huh
M Heick
2/10/2016 10:00:03 PM
I dunnos. I'd have to see 'em inworld
M Heick
2/10/2016 10:01:19 PM
That would be the make/break right there

THE Nikol
2/10/2016 10:01:33 PM
the posing?
M Heick
2/10/2016 10:01:35 PM
But i'm thinking that it would be the standard one
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 10:01:49 PM
i'd have to research some more on it
M Heick
2/10/2016 10:01:55 PM
Cause the rest of the meshs' (skirt, shirts, etc) fit perfectly
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 10:02:22 PM
but the mannequins from this gif
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 10:02:23 PM
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 10:02:33 PM
somebody figured it out lol
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 10:02:54 PM
I've never used the mannequins but I believe some have
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 10:03:00 PM
i'll have to hunt around for more info
M Heick
2/10/2016 10:03:06 PM
Yeah, we did a LONG while back
M Heick
2/10/2016 10:03:14 PM
I dunno what she did to get them to pose like that
M Heick
2/10/2016 10:03:19 PM
Probably had people do it
M Heick
2/10/2016 10:03:23 PM
She was quite skilled in shit like that
M Heick
2/10/2016 10:03:36 PM
"Hey, wear an all-grey skin except for this and this, and type X 300 times"
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 10:03:51 PM
lol yeah
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 10:05:20 PM
I can pose em in world...how to make that crosss over into web..wellll Idk lol
M Heick
2/10/2016 10:05:42 PM
I'll have to borrow ya this weekend inworld, then
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 10:05:56 PM
okerly dokerly
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 10:07:22 PM
you basically just take the torso, the legs and head and put the same pose in state tab, same coordinates then there it is...I imagine, the picture, we saw it textured using cached web image
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 10:07:43 PM
but yeah we can take a look at it

M Heick
2/10/2016 10:10:01 PM
But yeah, I can pull in transaction records too
M Heick
2/10/2016 10:11:20 PM
Its just a program that runs every X minutes, logs into the profile, grabs transaction history, repeats
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 10:11:59 PM
oh nice

cuz I was thinking the way we can handle the commission is we only release the funds to the designers once they have gifted the items to the fashionistas. So run a double verify. Designer can input the trans id to the gifted item and then we verify that and release funds on that outfit
M Heick
2/10/2016 10:13:35 PM
So, designers gift items to people...
M Heick
2/10/2016 10:13:47 PM
and...they...enter a transaction id of the gifting?
M Heick
2/10/2016 10:14:56 PM
...mk, maybe...explained...differently
M Heick
2/10/2016 10:15:02 PM
I do have to hit the hay, tho
M Heick
2/10/2016 10:15:08 PM
been super bizzy
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 10:23:53 PM
ok darling
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 10:23:56 PM
will talk soon
THE Nikol
2/10/2016 10:24:06 PM
but yes yes that's how that would work

THE Nikol
2/10/2016 10:24:22 PM
otherwise the textures would only exist in the dsire system but the fashionistas should have it also in UVC
M Heick
3/1/2016 1:01:52 PM
I might need to take UVD down.
THE Nikol
3/1/2016 3:02:33 PM
Oh noooooo
THE Nikol
3/1/2016 3:02:44 PM
What happened
M Heick
3/1/2016 3:03:48 PM
Completely defrauded. I'm doing damage control tonight.
THE Nikol
3/1/2016 3:09:26 PM
Whattttt? How???
M Heick
3/1/2016 3:12:54 PM
Unsure yet. I'm at work, so I can't look too deep at the moment.
M Heick
3/1/2016 3:13:36 PM
I just know I've had to stop withdraws until I can get rays back to level again.
THE Nikol
3/1/2016 3:29:24 PM
Okay keep me posted
THE Nikol
3/2/2016 4:45:17 PM
Did you find anything out?
M Heick
3/2/2016 6:34:18 PM
Working with UV at the moment to get things back. They will end up having the final decision.
THE Nikol
3/2/2016 7:14:44 PM
oh ok...that's so crazy I've never heard anything like this..I hope they can fix it and that this is an isolated case
M Heick
3/2/2016 7:19:50 PM
M Heick
3/4/2016 6:59:31 AM
Fo sho? Happy birthday!
THE Nikol
3/4/2016 7:22:32 AM
Tysm!!!! Yay me I've reached 30!
M Heick
3/4/2016 7:23:13 AM
Yays! More uphill to go!
THE Nikol
3/4/2016 8:30:42 AM
Ikr lol
M Heick
3/4/2016 12:26:51 PM
ok, so "she" has decided to close down UVD
THE Nikol
3/4/2016 2:38:01 PM
M Heick
3/5/2016 3:08:51 PM
Is there anything from UVD that you need me to pull from ya? She's setting the date at around the 20th.
M Heick
3/5/2016 3:09:02 PM
Like, do I need to grab all textures and send 'em over, or something?
THE Nikol
3/5/2016 3:49:30 PM
Yes please that would be extremely wonderful if i could retrieve my files ☺
THE Nikol
3/5/2016 3:53:57 PM
I still haven't processed UVD going down....all those outfits that can't be worn in UVC...the props.... is anything being done to salvage that means? Like I know I'm going to get a shit ton of customers in an uproar... what will we be able to tell them or will it be just deal with it lol
And what does this mean for dsire are we going to be able to move forward with that?
M Heick
3/5/2016 4:06:16 PM
Well, I can retrieve your files

M Heick
3/5/2016 4:06:18 PM
I own the server
M Heick
3/5/2016 4:06:56 PM
As far as things go, the billing will stop on the 20th, and the server and all hardware will be reclaimed. It will basically be as if UVD never existed, nor anything on it.
M Heick
3/5/2016 4:07:11 PM
As far as D'Sire, we still can go on, but I lose the authentication that I've already built in.
M Heick
3/5/2016 4:07:18 PM
Something else would have to be theorized.
M Heick
3/5/2016 4:08:54 PM
I don't think I have the time to discover what happenned and patch up the issue in time to change her mind. She's dead-set on taking it down. It's alot of rays...and WorldOps only gave her back 50% of it, then transferred 60% of that to some other profile.
M Heick
3/5/2016 4:09:21 PM
So, it's .... real real bad, financially. No income, and it would take 5-6 years of "subscriptions" to pay that all back to the users.
M Heick
3/5/2016 4:10:17 PM
I've been paying for the server out of my pocket for a long time, and the only thing that links the server and UVD is the UVD account which she has changed and has gottem pretty protective over it.
THE Nikol
3/5/2016 4:17:41 PM
I really can't believe that happened it's such a tragedy 😢
THE Nikol
3/5/2016 4:17:58 PM
I understand her position
THE Nikol
3/5/2016 4:18:07 PM
It's a hard one to have...
THE Nikol
3/5/2016 4:18:21 PM
And you guys have put so much into it
M Heick
3/5/2016 4:18:23 PM
Its like killing a 5 year 3 month, and 6 day old child
M Heick
3/5/2016 4:18:36 PM
just as they are almost turning 5 years and 4 months
THE Nikol
3/5/2016 4:18:40 PM
No I totally know it's such a tragedy
THE Nikol
3/5/2016 4:19:24 PM
I wish there was some other course of action it just seems so drastic but alas please please please put out mass communication to everyone
M Heick
3/5/2016 4:20:00 PM
We're writing the obit
THE Nikol
3/5/2016 4:20:23 PM
There are still UVD supporters out there so we will all be in mourning
THE Nikol
3/5/2016 4:22:58 PM
And I can pretty much tell you this will single handedly make me stop designing for one

I guess if we figure out dsire it'll give people something to transition to because the entire premise behind that was the ability to mix and match
Anywho... all good things come to an end at some point😭😝😿💔
M Heick
3/5/2016 4:24:12 PM
I'm still trying to find out how it was done. I feel thats on me
THE Nikol
3/5/2016 4:24:58 PM
Did they at least catch the person?
THE Nikol
3/5/2016 4:25:40 PM
And yep it would bother me not to have the ability to solve that one!
M Heick
3/5/2016 4:25:42 PM
Dunno. Like I said, we got back the last set of rays, but this has been happening for almost 4.5 months
THE Nikol
3/5/2016 4:29:48 PM
Ohhh my...no bueno!
THE Nikol
3/5/2016 4:31:54 PM
Well I know it's selfish of me to want to maintain UVDs excellence but I mean it's pretty logical to take it off the market considering what happened and considering the financial straits UVD has been in for so long... going to take me awhile to get over it is all I'm saying 😭
M Heick
3/5/2016 4:32:17 PM
M Heick
3/5/2016 4:32:19 PM
Same here
THE Nikol
3/16/2016 4:42:51 PM
Hugs...hope all is well!
THE Nikol
3/16/2016 4:43:15 PM
Did you make the zip file yet? ur prolly at work tho lol sooo ttys
M Heick
3/16/2016 7:13:40 PM
Sorry, I've been actually out of the state on a mediacal for my youngest. I am planning on getting a hard backup before the hardware is recalled.
THE Nikol
3/16/2016 7:21:03 PM
Oh well you take of RL first! Hope all is well
M Heick
3/19/2016 10:13:35 AM
THE Nikol
3/19/2016 10:15:06 AM
Yes the nikol vnm that's me ☺
M Heick
3/19/2016 10:15:29 AM
mk, they haven't downloaded just yet....
M Heick
3/19/2016 10:15:48 AM
Hopefully sometime today. I bought an external 250g to get a sitewide backup for "incaseshit"
M Heick
3/19/2016 10:16:02 AM
it's about 1.7 million files...so it's taking its time
THE Nikol
3/19/2016 4:22:31 PM
Oh myyyyy
THE Nikol
3/19/2016 4:23:04 PM
Something so great is dying slowly is what it feels like 😢
THE Nikol
3/19/2016 7:20:55 PM
LOL someone thought I owned UVD ahah asked me if I was okay and why I was taking it down
THE Nikol
3/19/2016 7:21:34 PM
lol that's how much I supported UVD..I knew damn near everything about it and told as many people as I could about it and taught ppl about it...they think I owned it haha I wish I did..it would NOT be coming down!
THE Nikol
3/19/2016 7:21:41 PM
can you tell i'm still mourning

M Heick
3/19/2016 7:46:42 PM
Me too
M Heick
3/19/2016 7:46:43 PM
M Heick
3/19/2016 7:46:50 PM
I'm still trying to get my account unbanned, too
M Heick
3/19/2016 7:47:35 PM
...which, until recently, I didn't know was banned.
THE Nikol
3/19/2016 9:44:22 PM
Oh wow that's craziness
THE Nikol
3/19/2016 9:46:48 PM
Sounds like something rlc would do...
M Heick
3/21/2016 6:53:52 AM
It's about 4 hours to zip up all the images. 7430 in total.
M Heick
3/21/2016 12:48:47 PM
File transfer:
M Heick
3/21/2016 12:48:55 PM
Bazaam. 1GB
THE Nikol
3/21/2016 4:49:28 PM
woots! now lets see how long it downloads for me eheh
THE Nikol
3/21/2016 4:49:34 PM
tysm though I really appreciate that!
M Heick
3/21/2016 4:49:57 PM
M Heick
3/21/2016 6:18:59 PM
M Heick
3/21/2016 6:22:03 PM
Man, I could really use a telephone...
THE Nikol
3/21/2016 6:33:20 PM
Woots! A telephone? Where are you where you don't have a telephone... in jail? LOL JK
M Heick
3/21/2016 6:33:39 PM
M Heick
3/21/2016 6:33:53 PM
More like still banned, and last I knew there were no negotiations...
THE Nikol
3/21/2016 6:36:02 PM
Oh wowwwww
THE Nikol
3/21/2016 6:36:50 PM
Honestly when you told me about this whole thing I felt like it was RLC trying to bring you down... I'm surprised they haven't had it out for you to begin with
THE Nikol
3/21/2016 6:37:00 PM
It just makes very little sense the way this thing played out
M Heick
3/21/2016 6:37:16 PM
I agree.
M Heick
3/21/2016 6:38:11 PM
I've got a copy of the entire server with me now, and the hardware hasn't been reclaimed. I'm thinking of just turning the shit on and binding it with a "UVD" account...
M Heick
3/21/2016 6:38:16 PM
since utherverse.com/uvd doesn't exist..
THE Nikol
3/21/2016 7:00:26 PM
Yea something has to be done at least to the effect of an explanation... the way they're playing it off is just vile... like they are the saviors.. they are pulling all the power to themselves is what they're doing...it's what created the fall of UVD to begin with with the inception of UVC
THE Nikol
3/21/2016 7:00:49 PM
Just another bullshitty RLC move sigh
M Heick
3/21/2016 7:01:12 PM
M Heick
3/21/2016 7:01:21 PM
I don't like calling out conspiracy...
THE Nikol
3/21/2016 7:01:59 PM
Oh it totally is! When I read the welcome message when you login I was like this is tomfoolery orchestrated conniving tomfoolery
M Heick
3/21/2016 7:02:16 PM
whoah...haven't seen that word in awhile
THE Nikol
3/21/2016 7:03:30 PM
Lol as opposed to the slang tomfuckery i oftentimes use bwahaha
M Heick
3/21/2016 7:03:41 PM
THE Nikol
3/21/2016 10:33:57 PM
so this is the question they are asking on one's profile home
THE Nikol
3/21/2016 10:34:01 PM
What functionality of now closed UVDeviant would you like to see added to the Utherverse Clothing System?
M Heick
3/22/2016 6:20:16 AM
M Heick
3/22/2016 6:20:24 AM
THE Nikol
3/22/2016 6:41:45 AM
Yeah my response was you can just bring uvd back because they had everything I needed lol
THE Nikol
4/1/2016 3:04:19 PM
For purposes of my finances (hosting) are we ever going to tinker with D'sire or no?
M Heick
4/1/2016 3:36:09 PM
I'd still love it...
M Heick
4/1/2016 3:36:41 PM
Been a bit bus...like, UVD busy.
M Heick
4/1/2016 3:36:51 PM
*bit busy
THE Nikol
4/1/2016 3:37:14 PM
totally understand what I did was keep the domain packing and took off the hosting...saves me 25 bucks a months..I could use that

THE Nikol
4/1/2016 3:37:29 PM
so whenever in the whenever future

M Heick
4/1/2016 3:37:51 PM
Well, owning the domain is cool. You can point it anywhere to any webserver.
THE Nikol
4/1/2016 3:38:00 PM

M Heick
4/1/2016 3:38:09 PM
Interestingly enough, I've just acquired a webserver in Utherverse...
THE Nikol
4/1/2016 3:38:17 PM
say what now? lol
THE Nikol
4/1/2016 3:38:22 PM
ur a magician!
M Heick
4/1/2016 3:39:12 PM
Not really. They want to keep customers happy, so they just eliminated my hosting cost. I'll never see the ~$7000 i've been paying the last 6 years on UVDeviant ever, but i won't go into further debt.
M Heick
4/1/2016 3:39:35 PM
Couple more days...
M Heick
4/1/2016 3:40:11 PM
Do you still have Saki/Nancy on your skype?
THE Nikol
4/1/2016 3:42:45 PM
I do

twas her bday not long ago
THE Nikol
4/1/2016 3:43:01 PM
and that's really a fucking kick to the balls man what they did
M Heick
4/1/2016 3:45:52 PM
ok, makes sense...
M Heick
4/1/2016 3:45:59 PM
She blocked me
THE Nikol
4/1/2016 3:46:10 PM
ohhh myyyyyy???????
M Heick
4/1/2016 3:46:37 PM
oy, what a week.
M Heick
4/1/2016 3:47:01 PM
But yeah, hopefully I can rewrite UVD to use a new account (since she owns the UVDeviant account), and get authentication back up for D'Sire
M Heick
4/1/2016 7:05:43 PM
If you can change DNS for D'Sire, I can just host it on one of my servers until you are ready for production
M Heick
4/1/2016 7:38:27 PM
Also, in about an hour UVDeviant should be back up and running
THE Nikol
4/2/2016 11:23:24 AM
Ohhhh myyyyy this is good news... sorry been struggling for the last day trying to convince someone to let me rent... it's hard being a single mom who does freelance work I literally may have nowhere to live because I'm not a "couple" people are so annoying
M Heick
4/2/2016 11:23:59 AM
Yeah, people want the stability, and they misread strength as weakness. Been there

THE Nikol
4/2/2016 11:25:50 AM
Yep even though I have 2 whole jobs...3 if I wanted to start up UBER again.. not good enough this is so annoying
M Heick
4/4/2016 7:55:49 PM
Utherverse is OK with UVD coming back, but rebranded.
M Heick
4/4/2016 7:55:57 PM
just FYI. It's there, but its not.
THE Nikol
4/4/2016 7:57:34 PM
oh my 'rebranded' meaning belonging to UV? smh beggars can't be choosers but yay!
M Heick
4/4/2016 8:05:14 PM
M Heick
4/4/2016 8:05:46 PM
I mean, I can continue to have it be run, and they would like me to partner up again, and rebrand it as something else since they're associating "UVDeviant" w/ Saki
M Heick
4/4/2016 8:05:48 PM
and not with me
M Heick
4/4/2016 8:06:23 PM
And I still gotta wait for World Justice, but that's what UV is recommending I do.
THE Nikol
4/4/2016 8:12:37 PM
THE Nikol
4/4/2016 8:12:43 PM
phewwww lol
THE Nikol
4/12/2016 5:53:31 AM
Omg TODD acquired UVD?
THE Nikol
4/12/2016 5:53:55 AM
That's the worst news I could ever hear worse than UVD going poof
THE Nikol
4/12/2016 5:54:36 AM
I hate that animal.... he's a conniving piece of shit and he probably orchestrated UVDs entire demise to begin with smh
THE Nikol
4/12/2016 5:55:02 AM
Well I guess that just confirms my Exodus from RLC LOL
M Heick
4/12/2016 6:47:52 AM
Not sure about the acquiring.
M Heick
4/12/2016 7:02:19 AM
To acquire something you have to pay some cash, right?
M Heick
4/12/2016 7:03:06 AM
cause if he did acquire it, I certainly haven't been paid

THE Nikol
4/12/2016 9:19:05 AM
Lol yes well you know how pompous he is...you still locked out of RLC cuz the Forum post said something about him acquiring UVD software so I must have pist myself when I read it LOL
M Heick
4/12/2016 9:58:24 AM
Oh, i'm permabanned now
M Heick
4/12/2016 9:59:00 AM
But this is the only option RLC gave me was to "work with others"
THE Nikol
4/12/2016 10:23:13 AM
Oh well they sure know how to pick them
M Heick
4/12/2016 10:23:49 AM
Yes ma'am
M Heick
4/12/2016 10:23:57 AM
they sure do
THE Nikol
4/12/2016 10:26:54 AM
THE Nikol
4/12/2016 10:26:56 AM
THE Nikol
4/12/2016 10:27:23 AM
That's why I said acquire...ugh I absolutely can't stand Todd...
M Heick
4/12/2016 10:27:38 AM
I know that. They can't "mention" me in anything
M Heick
4/12/2016 10:28:00 AM
Since I'm the guy that's banned now, so it would be bad on business.
M Heick
4/12/2016 10:28:17 AM
I'm the one developing their new stuff on UVD/Uther3D
THE Nikol
4/12/2016 10:30:30 AM
Well... this was a huge sign for me to move forward doing what I'm doing in real life and not take the necessary steps to advance my business in RLC and curio... I'll never touch anything Todd does so it's unfortunate.
M Heick
4/12/2016 10:32:00 AM
It is. I feel wierd renaming things and such, but it's still my baby. I feel this fatherly neeed to keep it alive somehow.
THE Nikol
4/12/2016 10:32:46 AM
I understand that completely... as a mother, however, this feels more like giving my baby over to a rapist I'd rather kill it!
M Heick
4/12/2016 10:32:54 AM
M Heick
4/12/2016 10:33:06 AM
well, a real baby not funny, but still...
M Heick
4/12/2016 10:33:10 AM
it got my giggles
THE Nikol
4/12/2016 10:34:10 AM
Anyone but todd... even the comments started blowing up because everyone knows he's an asshat and does really dicey stuff... but oh well out of anyone's control at this point oh my God uvd has been sent off to die I'm so depressed LOL
THE Nikol
4/12/2016 10:35:07 AM
Revived resuscitated and kill it again the only way I will ever be able to get over this is if I never think of it as UVD but this new weird Frankenstein baby that just happened lol
M Heick
4/12/2016 10:35:31 AM
I like that
THE Nikol
4/13/2016 12:01:04 PM
so i'm banned
THE Nikol
4/13/2016 12:01:06 PM
for no reason
M Heick
4/13/2016 12:11:01 PM
The fuck?
M Heick
4/13/2016 12:11:35 PM
The hell is going on there...
THE Nikol
4/13/2016 1:33:09 PM
I really have no clue I just sent them an email
THE Nikol
4/13/2016 1:34:49 PM
My friend says my profile is all messed up that it routes to and online adult chat site... I don't understand why it's doing that... maybe that's why? I have no clue and I probably don't care because I really hope UVgoes two shits...
THE Nikol
4/13/2016 1:35:04 PM
It's really messed up how they can ban someone without due process or even the slightest of explanation
THE Nikol
4/13/2016 1:35:44 PM
Like I have a whole business on there that they made money off of for years... good riddance I'm so tired of people treating me like I'm less than human
M Heick
4/13/2016 1:39:36 PM
I feel the same. You give so much and get back so little from the people you'd expect to get back an ass ton
THE Nikol
4/13/2016 1:51:52 PM
Yeppers...truly tragic... I will no longer sit in the backseat of My Success however this was the straw!
THE Nikol
4/13/2016 2:04:56 PM
woots unbanned
THE Nikol
4/13/2016 2:05:07 PM
time to take my money and skedaddle
M Heick
4/13/2016 2:13:56 PM
M Heick
4/13/2016 2:14:09 PM
1hr ban...
THE Nikol
4/13/2016 2:14:17 PM
yeah I don't understand lol
M Heick
4/13/2016 2:14:21 PM
You bad, bad girl...
THE Nikol
4/13/2016 2:14:24 PM
they have some 'xplaning to do
THE Nikol
4/13/2016 2:14:29 PM
i'm a bad girl indeed! haha
M Heick
4/13/2016 2:14:31 PM
Ya lol
M Heick
4/29/2016 5:22:50 PM
File transfer:
M Heick
4/29/2016 5:23:13 PM
M Heick
4/29/2016 6:25:40 PM
Ugh, fatfingered.... Sowwies!
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 6:26:26 PM
doubt you have fat fingers lol
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 6:26:40 PM
btw I love glasses on a man!
M Heick
4/29/2016 6:27:59 PM
Ty ty, and your very welcome. I twiddle my phone in my pocket and it does random shit. At least I didn't call 911. >.<
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 6:29:36 PM
hahaha to surgically fix your fat fingers ay? eheh
M Heick
4/29/2016 6:33:57 PM
It's a common thing for me to call 911 and get a voicemail from a cop. I just checked, and from home screen, to Skype, to select, to send attachment, to album, to image is a lot of random...
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 6:59:58 PM
oh it's dreadful don't know why they changed it
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:07:18 PM
I'm just sayin', for my phone to accidentally send you an image it went through an amazing series of steps.
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:08:04 PM
But meh. You holding up ok with your ventures? Letting nothing hold ya down or keep ya back?
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:08:04 PM
lol well maybe your phone is trying to tell me something tehehe
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:08:16 PM
and yep it's looking up
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:08:26 PM
Good direction to look.
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:08:36 PM
pretty soon I will need to add you as a subcontractor if you so desire

THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:08:42 PM
as well as my brother...who is an artist
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:09:17 PM
Sounds innnnnteresting.
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:09:32 PM
my partner..who goes and gets clients..easier for him..he's a white male...so demographically he excels...he has a doctor that wants a website with some support/maintenance with social media/blogging (retainer)
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:09:51 PM
so we'll continue to push...I'm thinking the sky is the limit for me...I'll keep looking up

THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:10:45 PM
ppl look at me and don't take me seriously...I'm a young black sexy female...I barely belong in business lol but that won't stop this girl!
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:10:54 PM
Template or custom, either way works.
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:11:22 PM
As long as you get out there, you'll do fine.
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:11:56 PM
I have a 3 tier package system...the 1st two tiers being drag/drop/template types the last, more expensive tier being the dev type which would require some coding here and there..and that's where you come in

THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:12:03 PM
idk yet though what the doctor wants done
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:12:16 PM
we shall see next week

THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:12:36 PM
I have been trying to find a platform that will allow membership log ins and/or member subscriptions
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:13:04 PM
is that like a code only type deal...I've been hearing words tossed around like database and security and I just want to look into a robust strategy to be able to offer these services
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:13:23 PM
namely for me lol i'd like to have a website with member login and certain access to certain stuff on the site
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:13:45 PM
That might be custom work. I know of offices that allow patients to have access to records while still abiding by HIPPA.
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:14:24 PM
I've done Insurance Agent-login type work. It's easy. it is also pricey, but easy.
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:15:12 PM
yeah I want to be able to keep client info on my website and allow them to view/manage the services they buy from ND Artistry as well as request work within the site...so all that goes right over my head LOL and I haven't found an online platform that suits this need that also allows me to design from the ground up without the coding
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:15:48 PM
I might just need to make a trip out to IL and chill with some Starbucks.
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:16:30 PM
it's either a bit techy sites like Webflow or really dumbed down sites like weebly
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:16:45 PM
both of which I use...problem being the dumb site allows for member log in
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:16:56 PM
the techie site does not...which is so annoying
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:17:00 PM
but yeah don't come to IL
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:17:03 PM
I'm moving next month
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:17:06 PM
to ATL
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:17:14 PM
so you can come there eheh
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:18:11 PM
Wow Atl, that's 3x the trip. I'd have to book a week instead of a weekend. >.<
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:18:25 PM
I do have 3 months vacation time, tho. Hmm...
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:18:28 PM
teheh yeah I have to get out of the north
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:18:47 PM
hate the cold and the ppl
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:18:57 PM
I can't wait for ATL!!!!
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:19:29 PM
i still don't know what a vacation is lol this year tho..i'm on it
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:19:40 PM
I was asked to come down to ATL by this company
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:19:46 PM
My sister moved from Macon, GA to Houston. she couldn't stand the ppl in GA.
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:19:58 PM
to make a shitton of money to do what most women wouldn't..which is escort
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:20:16 PM
but since they asked nicely and are booking me on 8k - 20k clients...I'll oblige
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:20:29 PM
we'll see how that goes!
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:20:33 PM
Wining and Dining.
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:20:47 PM
All I can say is: Be safe.
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:20:51 PM
I think it's my calling lol
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:20:59 PM
yeah i def will

THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:21:26 PM
it's kind of the story of my life..so that's why I'm so eager to do it
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:21:32 PM
I assume there is competition.
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:21:54 PM
I'm a really good woman...and everyone man I have ever known has taken all they could from me then abandoned me...
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:22:03 PM
so being an escort will ensure that this will never happen!
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:22:20 PM
and there are certain 'types'
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:22:46 PM
Man, same with women in NY. Maybe I could get out of tech and enjoy the free path.
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:22:57 PM
I would be considered exotic in the region...because it's mostly Puerto rican girls, white girls...and then the black girls don't look like me soooooooo I am going to gather a following

THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:23:23 PM
much like I did when I cammed for a few months...
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:23:25 PM
Man, you've done your research. That's impressive
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:23:34 PM
I ended up NOT making much money in the end cuz all guys wanted to do was talk to me lol
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:23:42 PM
so this escort thing is right up my alley
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:23:46 PM
men ADORE ME lol
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:24:40 PM
Well, you adore yourself. The rest is done form of Osmosis, where it rub off you and onto others.
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:24:41 PM
but 'black' is always exotic or taboo
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:24:58 PM
oh i love myself so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:25:04 PM
*some form
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:25:12 PM
Damn phone
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:25:29 PM
I just can't find it in my heart to receive it
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:25:38 PM
and I understood lol
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:26:02 PM
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:26:23 PM
well it's shower time for this girl!
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:27:05 PM
Git awn eet!
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:27:08 PM
THE Nikol
4/29/2016 7:27:20 PM
M Heick
5/3/2016 10:43:01 PM
You still doing work from
http://www.nd-artistry.com/ ?
THE Nikol
5/3/2016 11:18:09 PM
M Heick
5/3/2016 11:19:04 PM
Mk. I'm keeping it on the rotation of uther3d.com as long as possible for ya.
THE Nikol
5/3/2016 11:24:04 PM
oh ur awesome!
M Heick
5/3/2016 11:24:42 PM
Just convenient.

THE Nikol
5/3/2016 11:25:09 PM
for all

M Heick
9/24/2016 9:01:20 AM
Heya girl! It just hit me in the back of the head that you moved. Did you keep the same 630-315-xxxx number that's on the banner for uther3d, or did it change, and if it changed did you want me to keep it in rotation or...yeah...

THE Nikol
9/24/2016 9:59:01 AM
It's the same ☺
THE Nikol
9/24/2016 10:00:38 AM
I haven't moved the business quite yet but ty for asking! Hope all is well with you!
M Heick
9/24/2016 11:13:36 PM
All is well, yes! Business as usual. I was just adding in more banner rotations. I'm still itching for any work you might need assistance on, so keep in touch.

THE Nikol
9/24/2016 11:29:49 PM
Definitely! I haven't (and won't) forget about you 😉 I'm actually gonna put you on the website as the coder once I get the new one up and running ☺
THE Nikol
10/26/2016 5:10:37 AM
Hay Mr. 🤗
THE Nikol
10/26/2016 5:10:47 AM
Question...all those props
THE Nikol
10/26/2016 5:10:54 AM
In uther3d
THE Nikol
10/26/2016 5:10:59 AM
They are grayed out
THE Nikol
10/26/2016 5:11:14 AM
What if I want to use them 😢
M Heick
10/26/2016 8:28:52 AM
All them are grayed out?... Like, unusable?
M Heick
10/26/2016 8:29:19 AM
Do you have 1 URL so I can see what's up with it, and probs re-enable it?
M Heick
10/26/2016 8:29:22 AM
Nothings deleted
M Heick
10/26/2016 8:29:28 AM
THE Nikol
10/26/2016 8:29:55 AM
Yes unusabe
THE Nikol
10/26/2016 8:30:15 AM
I put on some antlers in the main game and then reloaded it in 3D and everything was out except the antlers
M Heick
10/26/2016 8:31:59 AM
Can I get a screenie to see what you're seein?
THE Nikol
10/26/2016 8:32:58 AM
sure I'm out and about now but I will send it over later when I get home
M Heick
10/26/2016 8:33:32 AM
mmk. I've gotta get to work myself, and I've got a dinner with my dad tonight, so I might not be in front of a computer until after 8pm >.>
THE Nikol
10/26/2016 8:34:40 AM
Enjoy your day
THE Nikol
10/26/2016 8:34:41 AM
No problemo
M Heick
10/26/2016 8:36:00 AM
nonononono you enjoy your day

THE Nikol
10/26/2016 7:43:30 PM
THE Nikol
10/26/2016 7:43:31 PM
THE Nikol
3/26/2017 12:18:37 PM
hay you

THE Nikol
3/26/2017 12:18:53 PM
forgot to ask if you could update that banner
THE Nikol
3/26/2017 12:19:05 PM
THE Nikol
3/26/2017 12:19:38 PM
this year we hope to take off...I've got a partner/investor now
THE Nikol
3/26/2017 12:20:14 PM
so we should be ready by the end of this year to start taking on bigger clients and I know I'll need your expertise then

M Heick
3/26/2017 12:39:59 PM
Heya! I'd love to update the banner, yes. Skype sends it as a jpeg, and that's how I received it. Did you want it as that format, or did you have a preferred non-compressed format you'd like the banner in (like PNG).
M Heick
3/26/2017 12:40:26 PM
Also, yeah, i'm always here for whatever ya need.
M Heick
3/26/2017 12:41:58 PM
So, in updating the banner I see it's sourced from Photobucket (URL:
http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee99/UBUIBME86/CSS%20Related/728x90%20NDartistry%20LOGO%20banner_zps5zrskjlo.png). Did you wanna give me an updated URL instead

THE Nikol
3/26/2017 4:15:40 PM
Oh duh lol
THE Nikol
3/26/2017 4:15:43 PM
1 Sec
THE Nikol
3/26/2017 4:29:08 PM
M Heick
3/26/2017 4:56:53 PM
logo updated
THE Nikol
3/26/2017 5:00:04 PM
Thanks so much hun 🤗
M Heick
3/26/2017 5:00:17 PM
yup, no prob
THE Nikol
5/3/2017 11:52:02 AM
Hay you ☺
Would you happen to know why my catalog no longer exists in U3D... it seems that all of my items were unlisted.. and I know for a fact that I did not do this manually... is there something I'm missing?
THE Nikol
5/3/2017 12:01:53 PM
I'm manually publishing as much as I can right now because a client just asked me about purchasing and that's how I found out my catalog was gone 😔 this has to be the new owners doing...
THE Nikol
5/3/2017 1:23:35 PM
And I haven't received the funds I sent over from U3D...ut oh...trouble in paradise?
M Heick
5/4/2017 4:52:19 PM
Mmk, looks like the profile un-VIP'd itself again. Yays. I'll have to ping the "powers" to see what they'll do of it.
THE Nikol
5/4/2017 4:53:16 PM
THE Nikol
5/4/2017 4:53:47 PM
Also my client says they have transferred rays to use U3D and it won't showin their account
THE Nikol
5/4/2017 4:54:00 PM
Which is concurrent with my earnings missing
THE Nikol
5/4/2017 4:54:07 PM
Thanks for looking into it!
M Heick
5/4/2017 4:54:10 PM
Yeah, I see some mails about that, too
THE Nikol
5/4/2017 4:56:21 PM
Well at least now it'll be resolved 😀 I honestly haven't even looked at U3D in a while but that's nice ppl are using it ☺
I did notice that we can't really move UVTtextures to different slots anymore...was that on purpose?
M Heick
5/4/2017 4:57:48 PM
Unsure, to be honest.
M Heick
5/4/2017 4:58:02 PM
The uther3d profile does have rays in it, so it's not like someone ganked 'em all.
THE Nikol
5/4/2017 5:02:26 PM
They got up and ran away I guess lol
M Heick
5/4/2017 5:14:11 PM
well, things are recently broke as of the 2nd, so i'll need to "fix" as much as possible :/
M Heick
5/4/2017 5:14:17 PM
So, wait patiently
THE Nikol
5/4/2017 5:26:05 PM
Okey dokey ☺ tankies
M Heick
5/4/2017 10:46:49 PM
So, you might get mail from the Uther3D profile. Just me fixin' shit. They still haven't VIP'd the profile, so....ugh....
THE Nikol
5/4/2017 11:23:11 PM
np and thats so weird...maybe they should vip themselves in bulk
M Heick
5/4/2017 11:23:41 PM
I agree. I can't do it due to my lack of an actual account, so meh
THE Nikol
5/5/2017 6:19:34 AM
They need be slapped lol if this goes on too long or happens again ..the ppl will lose faith in this system as they have in times past 😢 when you screw with ppls assets...feathers are ruffled
THE Nikol
5/5/2017 6:19:53 AM
Any news on why my entire catalog went missing?
THE Nikol
5/5/2017 7:10:58 AM
Oh nvm I see why
THE Nikol
5/5/2017 7:11:17 AM
I am just now reading the 30 messages lol
THE Nikol
5/5/2017 7:12:51 AM
That feature sucks...unpublish someone's catalog???...And then make them republish everything individually??? I have tons of entries...there is no mechanism to select all or multiple items is there?
M Heick
5/5/2017 10:04:49 AM
No mechanism.
THE Nikol
5/5/2017 10:05:45 AM
Well that's a major buzzkill lol
M Heick
5/5/2017 10:06:05 AM
yeah, it is.
M Heick
5/5/2017 10:06:17 AM
it really sucks that the mail was a couple thousand messages backed up, too
THE Nikol
5/5/2017 10:07:03 AM
I also missed a layout sell 😢 I gotta start paying attention to U3D and Todds idiot self... I can't stand that self-righteous bastard...needs to do better 🙄
M Heick
5/5/2017 10:07:23 AM
Did you get your rays that would've been transferred out?
THE Nikol
5/5/2017 10:07:40 AM
Sure have not
M Heick
5/5/2017 10:08:19 AM
mmk, sec
THE Nikol
5/5/2017 10:12:00 AM
I have them now ty ☺
M Heick
5/5/2017 10:12:15 AM
yup yup
M Heick
5/5/2017 10:12:52 AM
Also, peeking around to do that and I saw the registration date of "2010-05-30 22:38:45"
M Heick
5/5/2017 10:12:55 AM
so, almost 7 years
THE Nikol
5/5/2017 10:13:13 AM
Wow...we old Lol
M Heick
5/5/2017 10:13:22 AM
ya, real real old >.>
THE Nikol
5/5/2017 10:13:42 AM
THE Nikol
8/9/2017 3:38:37 PM
Hay sexy smart man!
THE Nikol
8/9/2017 3:40:29 PM
I have 5 transactions on hold in uther3d some from a couple of months ago...some from November 16 🤔🤔 could you look into them and if it's real or not and if so if you can realease them...or confirm the items were sent? No rush ☺
Tysm! 😘
M Heick
8/13/2017 1:13:34 PM
I can check, yeah
M Heick
8/13/2017 1:14:00 PM
and wow, I wasn't aware that was sent Wednesday. I just got the messages today
M Heick
8/13/2017 1:21:29 PM
Also, your nd-artistry logo that we source from photobucket seems to be saying "Please update your account to enable 3rd party hosting", so it's all grey and wordy on the top of the site when it hits it up on rotation.
M Heick
8/13/2017 1:56:10 PM
Aight, I took care of it. The way I see it, woman wants her money, woman gets her money. I don't know, tho, how things got into an "on hold". I thought that process was removed a long time ago in uther3d, but whatev. We all win in the end

THE Nikol
8/13/2017 4:36:20 PM
Lol thanks for taking care of it...and Yep let me get you another link...Photobucket is still raping ppl for their money so I have to rehost all my files 😢
M Heick
8/13/2017 4:36:43 PM
ah, gotcha
M Heick
8/17/2017 3:25:33 AM
When you got, say, 10-15 mins, I was wondering if you could give me a hand in withdrawing rays from Utherverse. I'm sure my reputation inworld is still tarnished and under high alert, and you're one of the few that I know still traverses the 3D world with ease and all.
THE Nikol
8/17/2017 5:21:44 AM
Screw them lol
THE Nikol
8/17/2017 5:22:31 AM
I actually use Pig_UB to cash out via PayPal at 0.06...using him for years.
THE Nikol
8/17/2017 5:22:48 AM
He answers his Skype fairly quickly
THE Nikol
8/17/2017 5:23:19 AM
I haven't used the UV market and Lord knows how long lol
THE Nikol
8/22/2017 3:44:38 PM
THE Nikol
8/22/2017 3:46:55 PM
Sorry that took to so long...but that's for the banner
M Heick
8/24/2017 5:36:03 PM
All good. I updated it without issue.
THE Nikol
8/25/2017 1:13:31 AM
Thank you!
THE Nikol
9/21/2017 4:42:02 AM
Hugs! I think I have another one of those issues where payment won't come down for an item purchased in Uther3d..no rush just a headsup ☺
M Heick
9/21/2017 6:52:33 AM
mmmk, i'll give it a peek this afternoon

THE Nikol
9/21/2017 9:49:26 AM
M Heick
9/25/2017 9:29:03 PM
I'll need more info to search through it. I gave it a peek and nothing looks out of the obvious.
THE Nikol
12/18/2017 4:13:26 PM
Hey I'm putting together a huge project for a client and I believe there should be some starting capital..not much but it's worth getting paid lol... how much should I pay you a month to work with me on a website and maintain it?
M Heick
12/18/2017 4:25:47 PM
What kind of work from me do you need, and how much availability of mine do you need?

THE Nikol
12/18/2017 5:52:08 PM
Welp I was thinking put you on a 3 tier retainer...based on how many hours a week I need you for. I don't know how much work would be involved just yet but I do know that my main goal for you is developing and coding the part of the website that will handle member profiles and member activity, login etc...That's lost on me lol... I would handle the design... I use webflow so we would be working together on that platform
The main goal of the website is to connect homeowners to contractors in their area all over the US... so the contractors that we hire should have a profile as well as the homeowners who sign up... I would like there to be a payment portal that kept transaction history not only for employees (we would pay contractors once an invoice has been paid) but also a member profile for homeowners who use the site to connect with contractors check availability and schedule appointments as well as see their transaction history
I know that's cumbersome lol
M Heick
12/18/2017 7:14:55 PM
I've always worked well with someone who can design, that's for sure.
M Heick
12/18/2017 7:15:27 PM
And it does sound cumbersome, but the overall picture is awesome to have.

M Heick
12/18/2017 7:15:46 PM
So, a couple more questions: When did you plan on starting, and when did you plan on launching?
THE Nikol
12/18/2017 10:58:12 PM
I've got to write up his business plan still but my client says he has some capital so I just have to get the figures in order. I'll need to know ballpark what I'm paying you, add that to my design and business consulting fees, so that I can draw up the proposal.
I've got to launch another client's website by January 1st so I'm booked till then but after that I'm ready to take this new one on.
I imagine production will take around 2 to 3 months so I was hoping to pay you either weekly or monthly.
I'll have all this written up and fancy in a contract lol But think on it so that I can include startup business costs 😊
If I can propose it to him right and we've got a good price then I think it's definitely bank for us 💪 he's ready to get this going so the sooner the better!
M Heick
12/19/2017 12:38:13 AM
Just gonna spitball a couple things here based on general assumptions:
- There are some general costs with a website setup such as domain name and the web server where the domain is going to be parked. General administrative duties here are typically the recurring cost of the client, but usually you'd keep these and mark them up as maintenance tasks. Those would be separate from my costs.. Connecting those two pieces together, however, would fit under the engineering aspect, and those would be 'tiny' billable costs from me that would be covered under the overall time.
- There are separate engineering-specific costs associated with the webserver software setup such as storage backends [MySQL, pgsql, NoSQL, etc], specific languages to install [php, perl, python, nodejs, etc], other goodies), administrative software to manage all the webserver software, etc. These would all be part of the initial setup, and would happen as the development was commencing. Typically a separate person would be handling this at a different rate, but it's bundled into the overall estimation as a factor of time and something I can readily do during the length of the project as needs arise.
- There is the big, big task of development. If the core aspect of the site were simply as a desktop deployment where a mobile template was not required, then the design and implementation is fairly straightforward and the price vs time is very manageable. Going with a joint desktop/mobile website approaches a cost double the original design due to the definition and layout of all elements on both display types, coupled with different navigational systems and elements that could be available on one platform vs unavailable on another.
- There comes actual working hour that can be allocated. I'm usually available after my typical working hours and some weekends, pending kid activities, family outings, holidays, etc. 60-90 days is a good heavy estimate for both development and quality testing, and we most likely will need to bring in additional people to give the user experience a good run through.
M Heick
12/19/2017 12:38:21 AM
holy wall of text, batman...
M Heick
12/19/2017 12:43:42 AM
As far as my rates go, they are variable per the project. When it came to UVD I had the general site up in 1 week since the Designer and I were on for 16 hour days cross-collaborating, designing pages, and testing all simultaneously, and the payoff was awesome. This isn't UVD, tho.
M Heick
12/19/2017 12:44:36 AM
I'm going to also assume the project's length of time is for a majority of my previous assumptions as well (branding, tech setup, user interface (ux) design, actual development, testing).
M Heick
12/19/2017 12:46:33 AM
With all that assumed, and with a general concept of the website of what I'm needed for (either for consultation or actual development of profiles/activity/login/point of sale stuff), the costs from me most likely will be grossly overestimated.
M Heick
12/19/2017 12:47:34 AM
...i'm getting to the money lol
M Heick
12/19/2017 12:52:11 AM
It's sounding like it'd be $20/hr, rounded up on partial time. Weekends would be the same rate as well, since they also contain "hours". If all goes well I could dedicate a minimal 3 hours a day, upwards to 6 before I'm sleeping on the floor. Weekends could have more time dedicated as well. Without knowing more of what's required of me I can't give a more specific estimation of time, which is why in software circles we bid out projects on the whole instead of on the part

M Heick
12/19/2017 12:52:39 AM
THE Nikol
1/4/2018 1:20:51 AM
All very good information! Thank you! Sorry I've been crazy busy with one of my client's websites.
20/hr works for me.
I do use Webflow as my design platform as I don't have the database expertise.
I'm thinking this is something you can still work on with me but it cuts out a lot of the server maintenance I believe.
I have to talk to my contractor end of the month to get this thing going...money-wise.
In the meantime...take a look at that platform and let me know what limitations it might cause you.
M Heick
1/4/2018 9:38:41 PM
Will do.
THE Nikol
2/12/2018 7:14:30 PM
So for all intents and purposes the only real way to implement any PHP programming or anything like that is to create an HTML or JavaScript widget code to implement on the site however we can export the design elements of a site onto a separate server... do you think that would be the best way to go is to work with you on a server where we can control the database?
THE Nikol
2/12/2018 7:15:05 PM
Reason why I ask is because I have another client who wants a lacrosse website built and needs a map... an interactive map like hotels.com or zillow.com
THE Nikol
2/12/2018 7:15:21 PM
Are you familiar with map creation?
M Heick
2/12/2018 7:49:46 PM
Websites that load widgets and "addons" are all cool to do. It makes it's easy for clients to implement them if they want to, but leaves us with the responsibility of having a higher uptime percentage than they do (the 5 9's).
If you have an example of "map creation" (i'm assuming verbatim, and thinking not the same >.>), throw me what you see and I can look at it. Best "map" thing I've done was putting pins on a google map for the location of a towns sex offenders. I'm not sure if it's the same approach.
THE Nikol
2/13/2018 2:27:32 AM
I was looking at mapme.com and I'd be the one implementing on the site...however if leaving the implementation for you to do on the server side is best then I can just export the design to you.
In any case mapme.com/classic is right around what the client wants... I would just need to make some tweaks and be able to manipulate the map a bit more than what is offered on that site
THE Nikol
2/13/2018 2:28:19 AM
They said it is beyond their expertise to get the map to function like Zillow.com or hotels.com so that's what I'm trying to do
M Heick
2/13/2018 7:26:10 AM
I'll check it out tonight when I get home from work.
THE Nikol
2/13/2018 10:40:05 AM
Np and thanks!
M Heick
2/13/2018 11:10:17 PM
Ok, so, I know that Google Maps allows certain points and highlights and special items to be placed on their maps. Even their "pins" can be imported/custom graphics. The programming for that might fall in line with the project that you're looking at, but I'd have to know a bit more, like a picture of what they're looking at. the mapme.com site reads nice, and interactivity like "clicking an item on the map does something", and “clicking an item off the map does something to the map”, etc etc.
M Heick
2/13/2018 11:10:25 PM
So, it’s just....map map map is all I hear >.>
M Heick
2/13/2018 11:10:26 PM
THE Nikol
2/15/2018 7:35:26 AM
Yea I think they want it more like hotels.com
There in goal is really to sell tournament slots and Visually they want a map but maybe I can push them further to an e-commerce platform instead of a map... or do a simple map with a listview I think is more advantageous
THE Nikol
3/27/2018 3:43:31 PM
Next question lol
THE Nikol
3/27/2018 3:44:15 PM
Do you know how to do android/ios apps? If so how much would you charge?
M Heick
3/27/2018 5:46:38 PM
Nope. Always wanted to learn, don't have enough time to.