Stavros Nicolaou
5/24/2011 7:47:35 PM
Good news, i got the job

I start tomorrow, crazy huh. This of course does not mean i wont be busting your chops any less. Infact probably more from my Mot Xoom. So, make sure those emails are completed if you want Sargent Stavros off your back. Peace out

5/25/2011 1:02:20 PM

Stavros Nicolaou
5/26/2011 3:31:00 AM

Stavros Nicolaou
5/26/2011 3:31:10 AM
now emails, chop chop. too many building up again.
Stavros Nicolaou
5/27/2011 8:55:59 AM
yes, you thought I would be working today. alas i was just on training. so not only do I have the email whip on me today, I also have it tomorrow. So there will be emails read today or thre will be two very red arses by the end of he day. watoooooooooooosh.
5/27/2011 6:46:11 PM
5/27/2011 9:55:39 PM
grats you garfield!!!
Stavros Nicolaou
5/28/2011 2:10:24 AM
5/28/2011 2:10:41 AM

Stavros Nicolaou
5/28/2011 2:10:41 AM
chop-sticks chop-sticks
5/28/2011 2:10:48 AM
i'm taking down the site in about an hour
Stavros Nicolaou
5/28/2011 2:11:00 AM
plenty of time then.
Stavros Nicolaou
5/28/2011 2:11:33 AM
and what new toys we getting when the site comes back up?
5/28/2011 2:12:22 AM
just a new database
Stavros Nicolaou
5/28/2011 2:13:11 AM
okerly dokerly. does this new database eat fucking cookies but like 10 at a time?
5/28/2011 2:15:54 AM
no...not really
5/28/2011 2:15:59 AM
just separating web and database finally
Stavros Nicolaou
5/28/2011 2:17:01 AM
like appartied? *coughs* racist
5/28/2011 2:21:47 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
5/28/2011 2:23:54 AM
sounds good to me. tbh, seperation would bring about world peace i think. leave ppl with their own kind and no outside interferences.
5/28/2011 2:50:29 AM
its just for performance gain...
Stavros Nicolaou
6/1/2011 4:51:34 AM
thanking you for this months pay

i'm off out to treat chloe at the cinema. Catch ya laters peeps.
6/1/2011 4:51:57 AM
no prob man

Stavros Nicolaou
6/1/2011 4:52:08 AM
I love you x
6/1/2011 4:52:19 AM
you betcha sorry ass you do lol
6/1/2011 5:29:32 AM
awwww CHLOE

Stavros Nicolaou
6/1/2011 10:58:57 AM
man that girl can eat. just like uncle stav
Stavros Nicolaou
6/1/2011 11:12:40 AM
oh crap, need to voice call about the recent money u paid moi. anyone available?
Stavros Nicolaou
6/1/2011 11:23:30 AM
ok you called my bluff, there is no problem. Just wanted to berrate you about EMAILS. chop chop. Dont make me drive over there in my suit during work. Coz I will do it.
6/1/2011 11:31:22 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
6/1/2011 11:32:01 AM
and u can tell the little asian one with the new hair and teeth to get onto her emails too. chop chop.
Stavros Nicolaou
6/4/2011 7:37:30 AM
great work on the emails peeps. *pats you both on head* If you were siamese twins with only one head, then the simultaneous patting would be easier for me. (Dont worry Saki, M will explain the joke to you)
6/4/2011 10:54:29 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
6/4/2011 10:58:24 AM
pats your head*

Stavros Nicolaou
6/10/2011 7:51:23 PM
Stavros Nicolaou
6/10/2011 7:51:27 PM
Saki cleared her emails
Stavros Nicolaou
6/10/2011 7:51:32 PM
Stavros Nicolaou
6/10/2011 7:51:36 PM
Stavros Nicolaou
6/10/2011 7:51:38 PM
6/10/2011 9:47:46 PM
6/11/2011 2:19:57 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
6/20/2011 3:15:27 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
6/20/2011 3:16:11 AM
I'm sure you already know, but uvd seems to be down. see ya's after breakfast. me is hungryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy,
6/20/2011 3:27:29 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
6/20/2011 3:40:45 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
6/20/2011 3:42:35 AM
so wassup in the land of uvd

6/20/2011 3:43:12 AM
have to wait M to see whats going on
6/20/2011 3:43:42 AM
ok he is looking now
Stavros Nicolaou
6/20/2011 3:44:11 AM
cool coffee beans
6/20/2011 3:54:55 AM
wierd as hell
Stavros Nicolaou
6/20/2011 3:55:13 AM
looking good now tho
Stavros Nicolaou
6/20/2011 3:55:14 AM
6/20/2011 4:00:15 AM
we'll find out
Stavros Nicolaou
6/20/2011 4:00:56 AM
uvc hacker i bet
6/20/2011 4:10:37 AM
6/20/2011 4:10:39 AM
it's possible
Stavros Nicolaou
6/20/2011 4:17:59 AM
points at N* it was her
6/20/2011 4:18:10 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
6/20/2011 4:18:27 AM
sabotaging uvd so she dont have to do emails anymore
6/20/2011 4:27:22 AM
ok, everything should be back to normal now
6/20/2011 4:27:28 AM
i just triple checked everything
Stavros Nicolaou
6/20/2011 4:28:36 AM
i am taking advantage of fast load times whilst noone else realises its back up. wooot. back to publishing.
6/20/2011 4:34:11 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
6/20/2011 5:03:02 AM
emails are bulding up, both of ya, toilet pics on standby
6/20/2011 5:17:56 AM
mmk, coolness
Stavros Nicolaou
6/20/2011 5:28:15 AM
Btw, next august. me thinks i want a holiday in HK. I'm not gonan hang around in england for the olympics, whilst prices soar and the traffic is crazy. And well Cyprus i do every year. So who's gonna put me up in their cardboard box flat? My first choice is M of course so i can watch him drink larger and type coding all day long.
6/20/2011 5:30:04 AM
a holiday in HK?
Stavros Nicolaou
6/20/2011 5:30:35 AM
hell yeah, its full of asian ladies
6/20/2011 5:30:36 AM
next year or this year?
Stavros Nicolaou
6/20/2011 5:30:44 AM
next, this year is cyprus.
6/20/2011 5:31:00 AM
I need to mark the calender to lock the toilet from you

Stavros Nicolaou
6/20/2011 5:31:21 AM
build me my own one
Stavros Nicolaou
6/25/2011 4:02:50 AM
ola, delboy reporting for duty *salute*
6/25/2011 5:25:43 AM
oh crap, it's saturday!
6/25/2011 5:25:45 AM
isn't it?
Stavros Nicolaou
6/25/2011 10:57:10 AM
yep lol sorry had to go out.
6/25/2011 5:05:30 PM
6/25/2011 8:29:18 PM
Stavros Nicolaou
6/25/2011 8:30:02 PM
6/25/2011 8:40:20 PM
6/25/2011 8:40:24 PM
any news on beta wardrobe?
6/25/2011 8:40:34 PM
from what i see in the background, there are some slight errors, but otherwise pretty stable
6/25/2011 8:41:01 PM
and if you want to go voice, i've just expelled all my gas and have laughed through the responses, so it'll be pretty quiet here
Stavros Nicolaou
6/25/2011 8:41:51 PM
i will admit i was out all day and night, soz. and now its late so gonna go bed soon. and i am working tomoz. but, as from monday i'll put in a couple of hours beta testing a day as i dont start work will 2pm.
6/25/2011 8:42:07 PM
awwww freakin' A man
6/25/2011 8:42:17 PM
it's ok..i'm glad the job has been workin' well for ya

6/25/2011 8:42:22 PM
any taxicab confessions?
6/25/2011 8:42:25 PM
Stavros Nicolaou
6/25/2011 8:42:56 PM
i had some 55 year old woman invite me up for coffee. thats my mothers age so i politely declined. oh and glee is in london tonight. was so busy at the o2 arena.
6/25/2011 8:43:17 PM
6/25/2011 8:43:18 PM
6/25/2011 8:43:28 PM
my life depends on it

6/25/2011 8:43:32 PM
hahaha called it
6/25/2011 8:43:37 PM
shup M
6/25/2011 8:43:39 PM
shup N
6/25/2011 8:43:43 PM
go make me sammich
6/25/2011 8:43:45 PM
you shup first!
Stavros Nicolaou
6/25/2011 8:43:47 PM
shup the both of ya
6/25/2011 8:43:50 PM
6/25/2011 8:43:58 PM
stop farting!
6/25/2011 8:44:01 PM
6/25/2011 8:44:10 PM
you disgusting man

6/25/2011 8:44:12 PM

ing it over
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 5:51:48 AM
7/3/2011 7:14:02 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:14:39 AM
sent ya some ray issues dude. thought you might wanna do em quickly so there's one less thing for ppl to moan about. yadda yadda.
7/3/2011 7:14:59 AM
mmk, you take a gander at 52?
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:15:14 AM
u lost me at mmk
7/3/2011 7:15:22 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:15:33 AM
oh claim page. i did but dont know what code to put in lol
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:15:36 AM
anyone got any mastercodes
7/3/2011 7:15:57 AM
girls still sleepin', i don't..

Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:16:30 AM
will it work if i use my own?
7/3/2011 7:19:20 AM
will it?
7/3/2011 7:19:25 AM
and will it blend?
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:19:58 AM
i tried the free uvd tee
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:21:16 AM
HAHAHA just seen the "seriously, this is your texture" message
7/3/2011 7:22:01 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:23:37 AM
delboy claimed for file of stavnico and sent the message hello (cool chat feature btw) stavnico has recieved the claim request, with no hello message btw, and clicked on "no" but nothigns happening
7/3/2011 7:24:44 AM
you using 2 different browsers, or logging-in/logging-out?
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:24:59 AM
stav = firefox, del = chrome
7/3/2011 7:25:05 AM
7/3/2011 7:25:06 AM
7/3/2011 7:25:12 AM
never tested on chrome
7/3/2011 7:25:29 AM
can you do one firefox, and a second on "in-private" firefox?
7/3/2011 7:25:34 AM
and side-by-side them?
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:25:39 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:26:50 AM
hmmm that just closed down my original firefox window
Stavros Nicolaou7/3/2011 7:26:41 AM
7/3/2011 7:27:27 AM
mmk, i thought that was gonna work
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:27:42 AM
ill try IE as second browser
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:29:52 AM
tbh, its stav on firefox thats having the issue. when i click on !no!, nothing happens.
7/3/2011 7:31:16 AM
lemme check the code
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:32:55 AM
just to confirm, the messaging between profiles is working.
7/3/2011 7:33:04 AM
yah, that was wierd ,too
7/3/2011 7:33:15 AM
we tested that LOTS, and then you say "no go"...was like ... wierd
7/3/2011 7:33:24 AM
i see nothing wrong w/ the code...maybe something i'm missing
7/3/2011 7:33:35 AM
if you refresh the page, what happens?
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:33:43 AM
i got this "javascript:void(0)
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:34:17 AM
refresh doesnt work. could be my laptop in all honesty. gonna log into chrome using lappy.
7/3/2011 7:34:49 AM
ok ok...so when you click the "no", it goes to javascript:void(0)?
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:35:15 AM
that pops up at bottom left of screen when i hover mouse over no
7/3/2011 7:35:27 AM
7/3/2011 7:35:33 AM
and when you click it, nothing happens
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:35:59 AM
yup, same with chrome under stavnico account
7/3/2011 7:44:25 AM
ok, found it
7/3/2011 7:44:27 AM
should work now
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:45:22 AM
woot it worked and yay me for finding a bug
7/3/2011 7:45:34 AM
yes, very yay!
7/3/2011 7:45:48 AM
interesting nobody found such an important thing
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:46:20 AM
now what shall i do guvnor
7/3/2011 7:46:41 AM
keep rocking it on
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:47:53 AM
question, this testing feature for claiming. is it programmed that all designers have opted in?
7/3/2011 7:48:10 AM
there is no opt out
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:48:30 AM
ok so the official stance is "all are opted in"?
7/3/2011 7:49:02 AM
if a designer did not give away any filenames and relied entirely on the Catalogue to provide filenames, then they don't have to pay attention to this page
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:49:48 AM
okerly dokerly. i just thought uvd had changed it so the designer had a choice incase of users guessing filenames etc etc
7/3/2011 7:50:18 AM
i thought it was outlined by N last tuesday, but i don't quite remember now
7/3/2011 7:50:33 AM
in the forums...
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:51:30 AM
probably in there somewhere and re twisted amillion times. so ima just see how it all pans out and work from there. seem slike a good system so far. whats the download link for? is that the generated codes sync system?
7/3/2011 7:51:44 AM
yah, still being worked on
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 7:52:05 AM
ok cool so its all on one page.
7/3/2011 7:52:25 AM
yah, should be
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 8:02:58 AM
looking good dude. love the chat feature on there.
7/3/2011 8:03:15 AM
as long as it all works
7/3/2011 8:03:19 AM
and all makes sense
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 8:03:32 AM
the both are now
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 8:04:07 AM
altho i couldnt relcaim a code after it was denied. i thought users were allowed multiple claims as long as it wasnt costant. like a 2nd cliam chance.
7/3/2011 8:04:27 AM
yah, that changed too
7/3/2011 8:04:28 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 8:04:54 AM
okies, as long as its on forums then fair enough.
7/3/2011 8:04:55 AM
no harassment of a designer!
7/3/2011 8:05:10 AM
i'm not sure if its on the forums
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 8:05:10 AM
good, multiple claims coulda gotten silly
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 8:05:31 AM
poke the asian one when she awakens from her glee dream to double check
7/3/2011 8:06:36 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 8:07:55 AM
any issues with beta closet so far. i been testing it and its been fine so far. we gotten quite a few emails about not being able to reload avatar. i told peeps to choose legacy avatar in rlc first, then save rlc closet, the log out, then relog into uvd and retryl. no comebacks so far so i assume its working.
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 8:08:25 AM
with new users, they will get that error message coz when they first load up rlc, its always new avatar thats selected.
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 8:28:17 AM
question on testing. testing will be available, but instead of typing codes into edit avatar slot, the textures will be available in the my beta wardrobe untill the hour expires? right?
7/3/2011 8:29:35 AM
beta wardrobe connector thingy hasn't been built yet
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 8:29:52 AM
whadayya mean
7/3/2011 8:30:19 AM
i mean that ... i'm confused
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 8:30:49 AM

when someone submits a texture for testing, how do they test it if they cant enter codes anymore?
7/3/2011 8:31:32 AM
when was the last time you could test?
7/3/2011 8:31:38 AM
but that's a good idea to check on
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 8:32:20 AM
uve always been able to text textures when u submit for testing. man im confused now.
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 9:30:26 AM
filenamer question. i put the code in and if i delete entry does it deleted the generated code or the actualy file its associated with?
7/3/2011 9:31:43 AM
delete entry where?
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 9:32:08 AM
when i do filenamer seach. it comes up with who bought it and who from. then it says delete this entry?
7/3/2011 9:32:27 AM
where is that at? admin area?
7/3/2011 9:32:32 AM
cause that's goin' away
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 9:32:35 AM
yup, to search generated codes
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 9:33:13 AM
ok but a designer as reported codesharing. so i did a search for the genarated code and want to delete it. but does it delete the generated code or the actualy file from the system?
7/3/2011 9:33:26 AM
yah, anything with generated codes is gettin' obsoleted
7/3/2011 9:33:54 AM
and designers won't be given the ability to "delete", but they will...in essence, it'll be "hidden" permanantly
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 9:34:07 AM
and if i click on delete this entry, what happens?
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 9:34:24 AM
is it only the generated code that is pinked?
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 9:34:41 AM
Filename: UFCL_94292066_93748745_646762.jpg
Collection: Outfit
Customer: _Mishka_ | Designer: F0rbiddenX_FbX[warned]
Status: [uploaded]
Source Filename: UFCL_FbX_lighttanlegsbigboobs.jpg
[delete this entry]
7/3/2011 9:36:17 AM
deletes the generated code
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 9:36:22 AM
coolies, thx
Stavros Nicolaou
7/3/2011 9:37:35 AM
enroute to pinkoland lol who thinks these sayings up
Stavros Nicolaou
7/4/2011 4:07:52 AM
7/4/2011 8:08:18 AM

Stavros Nicolaou
7/4/2011 8:37:03 PM
too late
7/4/2011 10:16:54 PM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/7/2011 6:09:15 AM
howdy, team skype call meeting saturday? up for it??
7/7/2011 7:22:02 AM
to tell your bathroom story? no....

7/7/2011 7:26:58 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/8/2011 8:12:03 AM
but i like my bathroom story. i got a funny one regarding a client i had to pick up. poor 80 year old woman had to let me in so i could use her toilet.
Stavros Nicolaou
7/8/2011 8:27:25 AM
oh, and emails, chop chop. this is the time for us to be on the ball 150%. so saki, you will have to do yours and M's emails.

7/8/2011 9:11:44 AM
that will have to wait until tomorrow, having fever now and need to rest

Stavros Nicolaou
7/8/2011 9:14:07 AM
awww, poor fever stopping you from typing? i bet ur not too ill to watch glee tho. pfffffft.
7/8/2011 9:14:34 AM
its becoz there is no new epi of glee

7/8/2011 9:14:59 AM
I'm on computer now looking up the meds before mix with the other one
Stavros Nicolaou
7/8/2011 9:15:01 AM
glee just finished up in england. they played live in london right near my house in the O2 arena.
7/8/2011 9:15:14 AM
my throat, nose is just killing me
Stavros Nicolaou
7/8/2011 9:16:00 AM
you catch HK fever. stop eating insects.
7/8/2011 9:16:23 AM
yeah I figured it must be the roach...
Stavros Nicolaou
7/8/2011 9:16:35 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/8/2011 9:16:36 AM
7/8/2011 9:16:43 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/8/2011 9:17:14 AM
oh i had an idea. a simple one so dont worry...
Stavros Nicolaou
7/8/2011 9:17:24 AM
u know the profile goodies....
Stavros Nicolaou
7/8/2011 9:18:24 AM
is it possible to code them so that when a user posts it on their UVD profile, it also has the coding to link to their uvd catalogue page (i know its easy for them to code themselves, but ppl can be stoopid) that way you can make a new banner saying "uvd deviant, click me to purchase my goods" etc etc
7/8/2011 9:18:52 AM
I'm pretty sure that M can code it
Stavros Nicolaou
7/8/2011 9:19:35 AM
good stuff. it should increase sales and make users happier. that way we can dominate the UV social centre pages and take the focus away from that lame "clothing" tab.
7/8/2011 9:20:56 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/8/2011 10:19:32 PM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/9/2011 4:26:52 AM
one tiny request today. when u get an hour ( i know an hour is hard to come by lately), polish of those emails pls. esp M with ray transfer issues etc etc. cheers ears.
7/9/2011 4:27:46 AM
it's on the list, trust me
7/9/2011 4:28:14 AM
i've been on an emergency 3-day project that's wrapping up, which i was hopin' the testing on the masterclaim page would finish that up
7/9/2011 4:28:34 AM
and i've got another developer to work with on this master claim program
7/9/2011 4:28:36 AM
so yah, it's real hard
7/9/2011 4:28:59 AM
plus, i've not had a

in the last 5 days due to "nicotine gum", so i've been on a cough spree
7/9/2011 4:29:09 AM
how's everythin' holdin' up for ya?
Stavros Nicolaou
7/9/2011 4:30:37 AM
not bad, just sitting here in my underpants talking to you. they are not yellow like kates before you ask.
7/9/2011 4:31:27 AM
7/9/2011 4:31:38 AM
your up early, too, if i might add
7/9/2011 4:31:45 AM
almost like you've pulled an all nighter?
Stavros Nicolaou
7/9/2011 4:32:18 AM
i've only had 5 hours sleep, but am going out soon. i got 2 days off work and dont intent to waste them. gonna watch transformers and maybe green lantern today.
7/9/2011 4:33:22 AM
rock on
7/9/2011 4:41:43 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/9/2011 4:42:19 AM
he is hilarious
Stavros Nicolaou
7/10/2011 2:44:37 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/10/2011 3:31:29 AM
This will happen to bot of your flats if those emails are unanswered by today....
Stavros Nicolaou
7/10/2011 3:31:31 AM
7/10/2011 12:40:46 PM
o.O cool!
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 5:26:02 AM
got a rays missing email from a user. checked the admin and it does seem like they got nearly 300 missing without ever having withdrawn them. the email is top of your inbox list dood.
7/11/2011 5:27:09 AM
thanks stav, will poke M to see this
7/11/2011 5:27:41 AM
is it Daisy Powers?
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 5:28:23 AM
7/11/2011 5:28:31 AM
7/11/2011 5:29:02 AM
yah, we know about this already

7/11/2011 5:29:12 AM
what ever happenned to the weekend voice meetin'?

Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 5:29:34 AM
i thought ya said u were busy wusy
7/11/2011 5:30:41 AM
nah, what do you want to talk about?
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 5:33:21 AM
was just a round up really. with me working during the day, i'm not as caught up with latest events, where we are regarding the new phase system etc etc
7/11/2011 5:34:18 AM
we are still waiting on M finish up writing the autoclaim program with one of programmer we hire outside before we go on with the lockdown
7/11/2011 5:34:28 AM
so, we're on pre-phase
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 5:36:39 AM
cool, sounds good.
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 5:43:25 AM
right, day off today and i bought a new camera, so gonna be taking artistic shots of nature.
7/11/2011 5:43:35 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 5:43:48 AM
i'll be around later afternoon for work if u need help testing more
7/11/2011 5:44:07 AM
ok, I will be here all day as well
7/11/2011 6:54:16 AM
ok, and my skype is now working
7/11/2011 6:54:21 AM
and that chick is now straightened out
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 6:55:01 AM
7/11/2011 6:55:41 AM
7/11/2011 6:55:50 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 6:57:11 AM
speaking of puppys, i took a video of one that catches balls really well. i need to upload that bad boy.
7/11/2011 6:57:33 AM
nobody wants to see dogs and your balls, my friend
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 6:57:45 AM
its art
7/11/2011 6:58:17 AM
one style of scurvy-lookin' hair should be good enough per film...i've seen plenty of 70's british prono... i can go on forever w/ this

Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 6:59:36 AM
70's porno rocks. all except for the bushy minges. grossss.
7/11/2011 6:59:44 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 7:00:48 AM
now i got a camera, maybe i can bring back 70's porn. after all they bought the a team and transformers back.
7/11/2011 7:10:57 AM
I knew it! you are dating that auntie you drove with your limo from the other day!
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 7:11:20 AM
7/11/2011 7:11:47 AM
you were the one saying something about 70s prons

Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 7:11:51 AM
sent file "P1010007.JPG"
File transfer:
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 7:11:54 AM
who wants grapes?
7/11/2011 7:12:51 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 7:13:00 AM
not bad for a first pic
7/11/2011 7:13:14 AM
i'll risk it...
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 8:29:45 AM
sent file "P1010022.JPG"
File transfer:
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 8:29:50 AM
My new friend. Mr Fly
7/11/2011 8:31:02 AM
beautifully taken with the olympus E-450
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 8:31:41 AM
he wants to join the uvd team. he can be the "fly on the wall" when uvc have their meetings.
7/11/2011 8:31:51 AM
mmmk, deal
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 8:32:40 AM
he wants a supply of dog poo for his troubles.
7/11/2011 8:33:56 AM
done...i got plenty of shit for 'em
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 8:36:51 AM
fresh from the rlc forums
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 10:21:28 AM
empty email inboxes makes stav happy and stops him sending toilet pics with nis new super camera.

7/11/2011 10:22:04 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 10:27:34 AM
and yes, i have taken one with my new camera, because, well, it had to be done.
7/11/2011 11:44:58 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 11:45:51 AM
its possible
7/11/2011 11:46:58 AM
ok, just checkin' the possibility
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 11:47:18 AM
maybe replace nutella with bacon?
7/11/2011 11:49:00 AM
or marmite?
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 11:49:32 AM
you either love or hate marmite
7/11/2011 11:51:48 AM
same with durian
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 11:52:21 AM
how about boobies? that probably fits more with that pic.
7/11/2011 11:52:51 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 11:53:17 AM
feeling down, motorboat some breasts. feeling good, celebrate by motorboating some breasts.
7/11/2011 11:54:18 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 12:06:51 PM
motorboating makes you dizzy so you can then turn to nutella for some energy to motor boat again.
7/11/2011 12:07:06 PM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 12:15:36 PM
looks like the storm has clamed now since releasing the news about texture lock down.
Stavros Nicolaou
7/11/2011 12:15:47 PM
even with this sily security issue
7/11/2011 12:35:01 PM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/14/2011 4:31:00 AM
Oi, saki, emails, pls

Stavros Nicolaou
7/14/2011 4:33:41 AM
and Mr super-M. got some ray transfer issues for you.
Stavros Nicolaou
7/14/2011 4:33:45 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
7/14/2011 4:34:06 AM
Btw, dont you think "Arigato" is a cool word
Stavros Nicolaou
7/14/2011 4:34:10 AM
7/14/2011 4:43:52 AM
anything asian is cool

Stavros Nicolaou
7/14/2011 4:44:39 AM
especially asians responding to support mails

Stavros Nicolaou
7/14/2011 4:44:43 AM
7/14/2011 4:45:04 AM
yeah,will on it after dinner

Stavros Nicolaou
7/14/2011 4:45:37 AM
okies, small asian girl like you cant eat much, so should be finished soon

Stavros Nicolaou
7/14/2011 4:45:45 AM
bowl of noodles

Stavros Nicolaou
7/14/2011 4:45:59 AM
i love the bowing man, he *rawks*
7/14/2011 4:46:07 AM
you will be surprised on how much I can eat

7/14/2011 4:46:25 AM
btw U read about the guy who sell your skin
7/14/2011 4:46:33 AM
you have report him to UV?
Stavros Nicolaou
7/14/2011 4:46:56 AM
of course, and warning other skin designers on uv forums about him. and warning ppl on utheracadamy threads about him.
7/14/2011 4:47:42 AM
what a mess up

Stavros Nicolaou
7/14/2011 4:48:19 AM
this is what happens when u have no dat system in place

7/14/2011 4:51:05 AM
I've been thinking about it...about how to ward the designer in UVD when we have ban someone who has same entries in UVC. Since UVC protection system is passive, the designer themselves must report to them for investigation. thinking about an efficient way for designers to check cases like that without seems like bashing users/UVC
7/14/2011 4:51:35 AM
we were talking about walk of shame before but then it is scratched off because it just seems bad
Stavros Nicolaou
7/14/2011 4:53:21 AM
yeah its not good to do that. as long as uvd does their part by banning the user asap, we done out job. its upto the designer to warn off everyone else i think.
Stavros Nicolaou
7/14/2011 4:53:25 AM
7/14/2011 4:57:02 AM
its just feels like we can do something more about it

7/14/2011 4:57:14 AM
I'm gonna put it on brainstorming still
Stavros Nicolaou
7/15/2011 5:01:19 AM
Ray transfer issues, can we sort these asap pls.

Stavros Nicolaou
7/15/2011 5:01:36 AM
i think they are the most important user issues coz it involves rays and we dont want someone saying we are stealing them bla bla
Stavros Nicolaou
7/15/2011 5:01:47 AM
7/15/2011 5:50:48 AM
anything specific?
7/15/2011 5:50:53 AM
all systems functional
Stavros Nicolaou
7/15/2011 5:51:01 AM
i sent ya some emails
7/15/2011 5:52:25 AM
right, yes...that email thing
Stavros Nicolaou
7/15/2011 5:55:00 AM
its handy is that ol email thingy
Stavros Nicolaou
7/20/2011 7:30:24 AM
oi, employ me full time so i dont have to drive around london 12-15 hours a day

Stavros Nicolaou
7/25/2011 5:14:33 PM
Hi there
Stavros Nicolaou
7/25/2011 5:18:23 PM
i am gonna be away this week. found out earlier today my friend commited suicide. so just wanna take a break this week. speak to you both at the end of the week.
7/25/2011 7:08:30 PM
wow, that is one horrible news
7/25/2011 7:08:48 PM
ok Stavvy, I hope you are ok. Sorry to hear the terrible news
Stavros Nicolaou
7/27/2011 6:04:26 AM
thx, was a major shock to the system. holiday cant come soon enough now.
Stavros Nicolaou
8/9/2011 4:17:58 AM
8/9/2011 4:18:45 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
8/9/2011 4:18:49 AM
know ur busy M, but got some ray issue emails for ya to sort out pls
8/9/2011 4:19:19 AM
mmk, will be on the ray issues
8/9/2011 4:19:23 AM
mails, can't say much for

Stavros Nicolaou
8/9/2011 4:20:11 AM
as long as u sort the ray ones then ima happy man. ill even cook u a bacon butty.
8/9/2011 4:22:21 AM
if there are any from:
Cassie_Cox => 298.03
_SHE_DEVIL_ => 22.00
FeelFree77 => 230.35
Susanaaaa => 12.75
I'm taking care of 'em
Stavros Nicolaou
8/9/2011 4:23:25 AM
cassie is one of them. the other query is a guys rays going missing from his uvd account and he hasnt got a transaction history.
Stavros Nicolaou
8/9/2011 4:23:48 AM
8/9/2011 4:27:06 AM
Boned_Toddy, 225 Rays @ 7 Aug, they are ...umm...
8/9/2011 4:27:13 AM
i see 220 used, 5 availiable
8/9/2011 4:27:15 AM
but no purchases
Stavros Nicolaou
8/9/2011 4:27:58 AM
yup, weird huh.
Stavros Nicolaou
8/9/2011 4:28:08 AM
he said he bought a jarvis skin and some free stuff
8/9/2011 4:29:24 AM
waaaaaaaaait a sec
8/9/2011 4:29:27 AM
did he change his ID?
8/9/2011 4:30:02 AM
Registered: 2010-08-13 23:55:57
8/9/2011 4:30:15 AM
his acct is over a year old...i can think he changed his ID#
Stavros Nicolaou
8/9/2011 4:30:49 AM
changed his ID? not sure what u mean.
Stavros Nicolaou
8/9/2011 4:31:48 AM
anyways i gotta shoot, will be back in an hour or so, laters
8/9/2011 4:36:51 AM
what i mean is that if there is no transaction incoming to UVDeviant, a user has the ability to change their UVID that exists in UVDeviant. After they make a transaction, i lock that since that's the only way to verify that the user, is in fact, that user.
8/9/2011 4:38:10 AM
So, in a sample scenario, if a user signs up, grabs a ton of stuff, decided to buy a couple stuff, sends in rays, changes their ID so that they can claim them, they effectively lose their grabs since they are now a new ID (the whole tie-to-UVID-thing-for-generated-code).
Stavros Nicolaou
8/9/2011 4:38:34 AM
i'll just nod along. the email is yours to deal with now lol
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 6:17:20 AM
holy fuck, 36 emails
8/10/2011 6:17:37 AM
yes, welcome to wednesday
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 6:18:22 AM
weds is busy then?
8/10/2011 6:18:36 AM
it's been busy....
8/10/2011 6:18:56 AM
masterclaim, forums, jarbis windows, new catalogue development
8/10/2011 6:19:08 AM
and i'm still trying to find personal time to buy crap for the new place and move in
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 6:20:43 AM
just get a rug dude. it serves as a chair, bed, towel and even a robe. its very multitasking.
8/10/2011 6:20:57 AM
listen to da man
8/10/2011 6:21:07 AM
but i can't connect to the internet through the rug
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 6:23:27 AM
there could be a market for rug internet then. we could be rich.
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 6:24:52 AM
btw, emails saki. u said u'd do them yesterday.
8/10/2011 6:25:07 AM
I didnt say nothing!
8/10/2011 6:25:11 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 6:25:18 AM
u just admitted that you did
8/10/2011 6:25:23 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 6:25:31 AM
chop chopstick

8/10/2011 6:25:33 AM
...he's right
8/10/2011 6:25:37 AM
double negative
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 6:25:44 AM
8/10/2011 6:25:45 AM
did[n't] say [nothing]
8/10/2011 6:25:46 AM
shup you brit and american!
8/10/2011 6:25:49 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 6:25:53 AM
8/10/2011 6:25:57 AM
bullying me with english huh
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 6:26:06 AM
its for your own good

8/10/2011 6:26:23 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 6:27:17 AM
tbh saki, most of ur emails are just replies saying thankyou or confirming wardrobe transfer. they wont take long.
8/10/2011 6:28:05 AM
I will take care of them after I go out in abit, it wont take long either
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 6:28:26 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 6:39:36 AM
google chrome is great, when i move an email it higlights the folders i move them to most. So far M and Saki is highligted lol
8/10/2011 6:40:11 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 6:40:34 AM
well give me complete contorl and i'll be able to answer them all

8/10/2011 6:41:39 AM
okie I'll be back later for the mails, later guys

8/10/2011 6:41:58 AM
bwah ha ha
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 6:42:39 AM
blanked lol
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 6:44:02 AM
coupla more ray transfer issues btw M-Meister.
8/10/2011 6:44:28 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 6:59:33 AM
seems to be quite oa few of them today, hence the many emails
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 7:01:01 AM
and i'm not seeing images on the dat dispute page. used chrome and IE and same result.
8/10/2011 7:23:26 AM
how's the riots going?
8/10/2011 7:23:35 AM
i mean, is it really what the media has drawn it out to be?
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 7:24:37 AM
its very bad. police are pussys. vigilantes are now protecting the streets coz the police are fucking a holes. bring the american polive over. these riots will be over in minutes then.
8/10/2011 7:25:12 AM
so, it's a yes?
8/10/2011 7:25:18 AM
it's really bad? like outside your house?
8/10/2011 7:25:22 AM
are you the leader?
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 7:26:17 AM
they wouldnt touch my house, i am king of these parts. they are generally sticking to high streets. so luckily we shouldnt be affected. but neighbouring towns, woolwich, lewisham have been hit. and i took my holiday early coz i refuse to work at nights during these riots as i cover most of london.
8/10/2011 7:26:34 AM
good man
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 7:27:15 AM
and i still need a laptop. i want hi spec at cheap prices
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 7:27:20 AM
maybe i should loot one
8/10/2011 7:27:24 AM
8/10/2011 7:27:26 AM
good man!
8/10/2011 8:07:41 AM
any withdraws by the following should be taken care of:
OryZa_OnE1 1334.00
Mrs_ShizukaAntho 141.90
Princess_Missy 244.53
DJ_PureLove_BmgC 165.00
DJ_NoName_BmgC 504.00
Ana_Lua 25.45
PennyVash_ACI 68.86
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 8:08:34 AM
good man
8/10/2011 8:08:48 AM
nonono, you good man
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 8:09:28 AM
oh nonononononon, youuuuuu good man
8/10/2011 8:09:53 AM
8/10/2011 8:09:56 AM
you gud mahn
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 8:11:38 AM
this could go n all day and i gotta go buy a laptop. thats if argos hasnt been looted. wish me luck, laters
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 9:51:23 AM
sorry, IE
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 9:51:59 AM
tested it on chrome and its working fine, just having issue on IE
8/10/2011 9:54:20 AM
8 or 9
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 9:54:41 AM
8/10/2011 9:54:50 AM
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 10:55:00 AM
its no biggy, just werid how it happens.
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 10:55:24 AM
i only started using IE 8 coz i use chrome as my main uvd account and IE as my delboy one since FF started playing up on me.
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 12:59:06 PM
check this email out
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 12:59:09 PM
sorry to pester noticed sifupeter claimed original master codes of my male skin i know for a fact ive never giving them out soo pleasee say i must of cos i did not so i email him this
hi noticed you have master codes to me skin

i dont think ive ever gave master codes out except when UVD was UVT have you got the email i seny you them in? as noone should have them? thanks forb
i asked for a email showing that i did actually give codes to him knowing i never done this so his reply was
8/10/2011 09:30
VIP Member
* nods * yes dear... do please note my name... i am the programmer that wrote the tool... now... * coughs while looking slightly reddish in the cheeks * ehmm.. .one fine morning we tested the next version... as in the part where generated codes are to be converted .... and... the test was succesful...obvious we all danced and jubelated. However noticed too late that this was not the intention yet and would end up confusing you...
For this my apology
I DO have the unique codes... so feel free to disapprove the mastercodes =)
whats up with this...to me it looks like hes made this claim master code program and taking advantage of it

Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 12:59:28 PM
i think it loks like peter was jsut tsting pre release of tool etc etc
8/10/2011 2:02:59 PM
just got back, lemme chekc on this
Stavros Nicolaou
8/10/2011 2:04:05 PM
8/10/2011 2:06:47 PM
well, it's entirely possible that he could've had saved outfits from "testing" still in his wardrobe
8/10/2011 2:07:02 PM
and he did test previous programs with other users
8/10/2011 2:07:15 PM
so, it's still up to the designer. that's the best part about masterclaim
Stavros Nicolaou
8/12/2011 4:05:52 AM
If possible I would like it changed to
tjnoell0528@yahoo.comThank You
Stavros Nicolaou
8/12/2011 4:05:59 AM
couldnt find the original email so pasting here for your ref