M Heick
4/2/2016 1:08:02 AM
Heyas! Just finishin' up stuffs.
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:08:22 AM
Didn't even realize it was 1am, too
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:08:46 AM
yah i just got home from watering the drunks
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:08:54 AM
what a long fucking day
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:09:16 AM
Sounds excitingly...exciting.
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:09:42 AM
not so much after back to back doubleshifts
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:10:12 AM
and when the chick says ok u can leave, and i say COOL! and make ready my escape >> in walks a group of 20
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:10:48 AM
I feel you should be, like, crashing in bed right meow.
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:10:57 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:11:21 AM
but i can never go straight to bed i hafta like.. wind down i guess
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:11:37 AM
even tho i gotta open the bar in the mornin
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:11:55 AM
I feel ya. I have enough difficulty winding down with all the recent funsies.
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:12:15 AM
so idk why but i always thought u was some foreigner bbarely speaky englis
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:12:19 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:12:22 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:12:31 AM
it's a long, long, long story
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:12:36 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:12:40 AM
ok then
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:12:54 AM
Suffice it to say US born and bred.
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:13:19 AM
so yeah i did message saki on skype and talk with her
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:13:29 AM
o.O She responded?
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:13:37 AM
and by talk with her i mean i messaged, she responded, and then i replied...
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:13:40 AM
and then nada
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:14:07 AM
i was justgiving her time for a few days but i been workin so havent really stalked her properly
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:14:17 AM
I don't think it's worth it, tbh
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:14:30 AM
most likely not
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:15:04 AM
i mean i am willing to pick it up and keep it running, and elena feels like it would be a simpler solution for them
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:15:26 AM
but i dont see it being profitable so it was more of a community thing
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:15:40 AM
like i asked her if it would generate enough to maintain server costs
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:15:45 AM
It hasn't been profitable to anyone except Saki the last 6 years
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:16:05 AM
UV at least was nice enough for me to move the server "inhouse"
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:16:19 AM
it died the moment rlc created their own clothing system
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:16:25 AM
Yeah, i know
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:16:31 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:16:56 AM

i aided in that destruction
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:16:58 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:17:09 AM
Many people did, but it's old hat now
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:17:39 AM
so they moved the server inhouse? the hell does that even mean?
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:17:50 AM
just transferring textures?
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:18:10 AM
I spent the last week moving UVDeviant from where it's been hosted the last 5 years to Utherverse.
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:18:17 AM
So, like...a server transfer.
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:18:21 AM
All textures, everything
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:18:24 AM
even the website
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:18:28 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:18:28 AM
so like, is it all transferred over?
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:18:37 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:19:24 AM
ya so like... everything is hosted on UVs servers now?
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:19:41 AM
yeah, which takes me away from my $150/month obligation
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:19:52 AM
well thats quite fucking fantastic
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:19:54 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:20:17 AM
elena was saying it was not going well last week or some such
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:20:25 AM
which is true
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:20:48 AM
She contacted Saki, Saki tried to sell for a ton of cash, then she went silent.
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:20:56 AM
Saki, not Elena
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:21:06 AM
Elena and I have been in contact all week
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:21:07 AM
ya 10k
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:21:11 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:21:30 AM
i was offering her 2k max for it
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:21:49 AM
The problem is...she would be selling the "brand"
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:21:54 AM
but i didnt even get to a money discussion cuz she never responded to my questions about hosting and such
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:21:56 AM
Server/software is all me.
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:22:03 AM
Hence why UV wanted me and not her
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:22:05 AM
right thats what i gathered
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:22:33 AM
the brand does me fuck all good without the site infrastructure
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:22:33 AM
but meh, i don't like seeing this child die out.
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:22:38 AM
i look like a programmer?
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:22:39 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:22:58 AM
so what u gonna do with it now?
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:23:08 AM
Well, now i'm just waiting
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:23:16 AM
Not sure what UV wants to do
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:23:25 AM
but there is nobody else to help develop
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:23:50 AM
All the logos for the 5-year graphics I hired and payed $500 for...
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:23:58 AM
The only minor issue is an account to "restart" commerce
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:24:17 AM
Since Saki owned the UVD account, once the bug was exploited she had that changed and never provided me the credentials
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:24:56 AM
That technically locked things out, so (unless Jalyn has an issue) i've gotta figure a new account for people to deposit and to send messages from, send rays from etc, etc
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:25:00 AM
like, a UVD 2.0
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:25:42 AM
so whats saki gonna do? because this was a joint effort
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:26:09 AM
She's in love, she got her entry to the US, she's been gone in more than one way...
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:26:23 AM
She blocked me from everything, so I can't communicate with her.
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:26:50 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:27:12 AM
well that sounds a bit complicated and messy
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:27:20 AM
aaaaaaaaaand then there is the issue of my World Justice petition...
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:27:32 AM
which is????
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:27:41 AM
Pending decision of my unbanning
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:27:57 AM
I've got a temporary reprieve to move data and test in UV's datacenter.
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:28:19 AM
lol funny how that works hey
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:28:30 AM
yeah, never change someones password... really bad move.
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:28:30 AM
so its under review?
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:28:38 AM
Yeah. It is.
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:29:04 AM
uvdeviant was not a joint business account?
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:29:10 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:29:19 AM
UVDeviant was owned by Saki
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:29:29 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:29:35 AM
When the rays where ganked, I changed the password and synced the site to keep things going
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:29:50 AM
Then Saki contacted WO to "get the account password changed", and they banned me for it
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:29:56 AM
which is a bannable offense.
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:30:00 AM
Changing someone elses password.
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:30:19 AM
At least that's the only reason I have so far from peoples' speculation
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:30:26 AM
They didn't really provide the reasoning
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:30:30 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:30:36 AM
but still, I like keeping UVD going
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:30:59 AM
StyleCentral is a 'shared business account', with Todd as my secondary
He could change the password and not get banned, but i could also change it back and lock him out of everything at anytime
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:31:03 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:31:14 AM
This was all 5+ years ago
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:31:17 AM
ofc that would never happen

M Heick
4/2/2016 1:31:20 AM
all the agreements and such
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:31:27 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:31:54 AM
but havent u been getting paid for anything the past few yrs?
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:32:14 AM
No. Saki owns the account.
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:32:30 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:32:31 AM
She's also from a country that isn't really that....hmm...rich?
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:32:37 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:33:06 AM
so how do u keep uvd going, is it even possible without her consent?
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:33:43 AM
Interesting Fact. It is possible.

M Heick
4/2/2016 1:33:53 AM
I own all the computery stuff
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:34:03 AM
computery stuff lol
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:34:10 AM
All she did was the art, graphics, concept, design, promo.... She was the face.
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:34:24 AM
I was the guy that figured out everything else. The man that did the magic.
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:34:53 AM
All the transactions, displays, storage, demand, configuration, coding, etc.
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:35:25 AM
So, when it came to her "deciding" to close UVD, that's all fair and good cause she own the account, which is the main transactional piece
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:35:39 AM
but I can just as well take any VIP account and tie it into UVD and make things work again.
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:35:50 AM
And i've already done 80% of it...
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:36:03 AM
just need the damn account, and the investment (or the decision to zero out everyones account)
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:36:25 AM
zero out?
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:36:35 AM
Think of UVD as a bank
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:36:42 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:36:45 AM
Everyone deposits, so all those deposits I have to keep track of
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:36:50 AM
In the UVD Utherverse account there is 1 sum
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:36:51 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:37:23 AM
Right now, with a new VIP account the balance is 0, but according to UVD's "books" there needs to be 127k-ish rays accounted for
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:37:38 AM
ahh and you dont have access to the peoples funds
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:37:39 AM
or, at least enough for the "current" users to withdraw from
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:37:48 AM
I don't have access to the UVD Utherverse account
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:37:55 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:37:57 AM
Saki took that away the day the decision was made, almost 40 days ago
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:38:52 AM
idk but in my opinion, a decision to close uvd should have included auto deposits of funds back into the users accounts
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:39:10 AM
but ofc if she wasnt speaking to you then you couldnt set that up
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:39:12 AM
Couldn't do that
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:39:27 AM
Saki took over the credentials
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:39:34 AM
So I couldn't automatically "do anything"
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:39:40 AM
She had to manually perform all the withdraws
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:39:52 AM
so wwhat does UV say about that?
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:40:11 AM
It's her account. She can do as she pleases.
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:40:25 AM
And they don't dispute ray transactions.
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:40:33 AM
unless they exceed 82,999 rays
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:40:37 AM
ooo bold
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:40:42 AM
i didn't know that in skype

Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:40:50 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:40:52 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:41:15 AM
well that makes it extremely difficult to move forward under the UVD name with the uvd website and not the users' uvd funds
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:41:45 AM
I c*o*u*l*d g*e*t p*r*e*t*t*y w*i*t*h *t*h*i*s
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:41:54 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:41:58 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:42:05 AM
oh ur retarded too
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:42:08 AM
thats awesome
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:42:14 AM
Well, semi-retarded.
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:42:21 AM
close enough
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:42:40 AM
all my friends are tarded, thats cool
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:43:01 AM
I do have preliminary investment numbers on the amount of rays that would be needed, and i would need a months salary to put that much in (assuming not paying bills)
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:43:17 AM
I've already informed Utherverse that I'm not even prepared for that right now...
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:43:34 AM
but the total exceeds 82,999 rays O.O
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:43:49 AM
just need it to be /operational/
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:43:55 AM
There are 47k accounts, all with rays
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:44:01 AM
Many people have abandoned UV altogether
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:44:08 AM
so their record of rays just sits there
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:44:16 AM
except my account, which had 0000000000
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:44:18 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:44:21 AM
The estimation is based on the last 6-ish months of active users
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:46:02 AM
so any time estimate on the world ops review of the banning shit?
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:46:32 AM
World ops already made the judgement
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:46:38 AM
I'm appealin' to World Justice
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:46:45 AM
Unsure of their timeframe
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:47:06 AM
But regardless of if I have an account or not, that doesn't stop me from doing shit with UVD still
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:47:17 AM
It's more or less a formality
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:47:41 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:47:50 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:48:01 AM
I never really needed an account
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:48:11 AM
It was all handled by someone else, all this time.
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:48:30 AM
well you were never in a position to need it before, but now
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:48:35 AM
now ya sorta are
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:48:51 AM
It's not like I'd go to the forums and be like "Hey y'all! Great news!"
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:49:18 AM
but if u planning on keeping the commerce side of it running...
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:49:37 AM
then yeah i would assume you would need to not be banned
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:49:48 AM
Or someone else would .... do the commerce part.
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:50:02 AM
thats a possibility
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:50:13 AM
That's how it's been for years
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:50:58 AM
rue, except now you have an incommunicado saki
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:51:59 AM
Well, I don't blame her. She's gotta keep a low profile.
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:52:00 AM
so how much 'active funds' does it need?
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:52:43 AM
about 20k to cover withdraws from all users that have logged in the last 6 months
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:53:19 AM
but right now deposits are through an approval process, so I could probably buy in 5k buckets per paycheck
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:53:25 AM
errr, not deposits
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:53:26 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:54:46 AM
withdraws yeah
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:55:06 AM
gimme a sec to formulate my mush brain
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:55:28 AM
so basically i was attempting to take over uvd from sake, keep it going for the community
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:56:09 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:56:10 AM
i didnt really see any profit coming off it, i dont know how many users even buy and sell on uvd anymore but my guess is a very low number atthis point
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:56:12 AM
That's what I read
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:56:43 AM
The only profit that was being derived was through subscriptions, which was ~$300/month
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:56:58 AM
When I started the November advertisement campaign subscriptions increased
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:57:12 AM
When I coded in the Utherverse login and profile swapping, subscriptions increased again
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:57:23 AM
When I spent cash to update the sites visuals, things got better
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:57:31 AM
The more love I gave it, the more people responded
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:57:43 AM
Saki just wanted to let it DIAF
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:57:50 AM
...that's my opinion
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:58:04 AM
sometimes it be like that
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:58:06 AM
I just think she couldn't think of anything else /to do/ after 3 years
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:58:08 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:58:34 AM
I dunno. I'm cool w/ working on UVD still. I'm just more focused on my Crowdfunding Venture atm
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:58:56 AM
right well she had a purpose for uvd and when that purpose became uneccessary, i think she lost motivation
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:59:04 AM
whats your crowdfunding venture?
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:59:28 AM
Still being built

Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 1:59:40 AM
but waaaaaaat issssss ittttt?
M Heick
4/2/2016 1:59:59 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:00:05 AM
dont make me curious and then go all silent
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:00:06 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:00:19 AM
It's exactly what it is
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:00:24 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:00:40 AM
Basically, Crowdfunding for RLC and RLC2.0
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:01:07 AM
People list projects, Ask for whatev in rays, I scrape from the donations, sit and make profit.
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:01:18 AM
autotransfer peoples stuff every night, donations are a breeze
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:01:20 AM
piece of cake
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:01:42 AM
Again, still being built.
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:01:46 AM
what sort of projects?
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:01:54 AM
You ever do crowdfunding?
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:01:56 AM
or seen it?
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:02:02 AM
not really
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:02:03 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:02:12 AM
so, people ask for money to do things...
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:02:18 AM
typical human thing
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:02:26 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:02:33 AM
So, like "Help pay rent on my club to keep it alive another month"
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:02:46 AM
or "Benefit for BYOOG_BONER's avatar sex change"
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:02:58 AM
or "Donate so we can expand our population"
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:03:02 AM
Or something for Real Life
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:03:15 AM
like "Rays for Rollerblades for legless dogs"
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:03:18 AM
...i dunno
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:03:27 AM
ya thats necessary
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:03:28 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:03:32 AM
That's a crowdfunding site
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:03:43 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:03:44 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:03:44 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:03:46 AM
that's another
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:03:48 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:03:51 AM
a third

Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:04:00 AM
so what youre saying is not that you have a crowdfunding campaign for something
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:04:01 AM
All cash based, none UV based
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:04:06 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:04:14 AM
no, mister programmer wants to built his OWN crowdfunding site
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:04:18 AM
that i'm building a site strictly for Utherverse to help people crowdfund
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:04:25 AM
all in rays virtual currency
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:04:33 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:04:39 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:04:49 AM
interesting idea
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:04:53 AM
We're in that age where we just gotta have something to do
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:05:00 AM
a very good idea IMO
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:05:05 AM
Yeah, i know
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:05:09 AM
people dont view rays as real money
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:05:16 AM
Too bad all my artists charge thousands for logos and shit
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:05:20 AM
which makes it easier to get em to part with em
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:05:29 AM
^ exactly
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:05:42 AM
the profit comes from the %, which I'm thinking 7.5-10%
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:05:59 AM
so, a 750 ray crowdfund nets me 60-75 rays
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:06:01 AM
why u dont get someone on fiver to make u logos
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:06:02 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:06:03 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:06:04 AM
all for overhead
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:06:18 AM
go big and go to tenerr
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:06:20 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:06:26 AM
omg hahaha
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:06:27 AM
It's keeping the same person
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:06:35 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:06:35 AM
Cause one person has the /style/
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:06:49 AM
If you end up mixing two people together, all you get is drama and color mismatch

M Heick
4/2/2016 2:06:51 AM
been there, done it
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:07:16 AM
More than logos. Page colors, themes, overall feel and functionality
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:07:32 AM
I've got most of the back-end programming done
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:07:40 AM
Just need someone with an eyeball while I use my fingers
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:07:49 AM
.....that's sorta creepy to read that at 2am
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:08:04 AM
i was just thinking the same thing

M Heick
4/2/2016 2:09:10 AM
So, UVD...I think my next /waiting/ step is both World Justice and whatever Elena/Aaron/Jalyn says
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:09:40 AM
and if they end up charging to /use/ their servers, then it's pretty much....hmm....making things complicated
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:09:56 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:10:21 AM
was there no definitive plan in place when u moved it all over?
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:10:26 AM
from their perspective?
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:10:47 AM
They wanted to preserve things. I was prepared for the server to be reclaimed.
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:10:51 AM
It was the middle ground.
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:11:04 AM
Copy everything over so users didn't get pissed their shit was gone
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:11:08 AM
...and UV didn't do anything about it
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:11:11 AM
so...it was a ...
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:11:14 AM
the hell
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:11:15 AM
PR move
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:11:23 AM
man, gettin' late
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:12:04 AM
yah but from their standpoint, what are they doing? just hosting the textures so users dont lose shit, or are they prepared to let u carry on?
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:12:22 AM
well, the site is up
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:12:27 AM
and i turned off subscriptions
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:12:41 AM
so, unless they have someone pretty damn smart to undo that, it's pretty much carrying on
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:13:17 AM
So, the next move is on them.
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:13:33 AM
With the proper resources I can move the server /back out/ again
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:13:39 AM
I'm sure it'd get 'em a bit upset and all
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:14:07 AM
It's just software. Took me all of 17 hours to move everything from San Francisco to Vancouver
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:14:41 AM
How far did you get with Elena on "taking UVD over"?
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:14:46 AM
Did she offer you any terms?
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:31:56 AM
sorry, give me a minute, my neighbor knocked on my door asking about this homeless dog howling on my porch cuz i wont let it in my house
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 2:31:59 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:34:12 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 2:34:22 AM
damn homeless dogs
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:11:28 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:12:10 AM
elena gave me no terms, my plan was pretty much to leave everything where it was and transfer ownership of the servers and take over the costs
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:12:45 AM
makes sense
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:12:47 AM
which would have meant utherverse really didnt have to do anything except make sure the API functioned as normal
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:13:08 AM
which API access was just restored 2 days ago
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:13:20 AM
i assume the terms would have stayed the same as for saki, as transferring the uvdeviant utherverse account would have been part of the deal
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:13:56 AM
I've been informed the account can'e be transferred.
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:14:19 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:14:20 AM
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:14:25 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:14:40 AM
that doesnt even make sense in logical perspective
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:14:44 AM
of course it CAN be
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:14:56 AM
justthat they dont allow it
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:14:59 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:15:14 AM
but as its not like a basic user sexfun wtf ever acccount
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:15:21 AM
you would think it would be different
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:15:53 AM
the account could be closed and the username could be recycled
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:16:16 AM
thats a possibility
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:16:25 AM
I don't think they would close and recycle it
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:16:25 AM
but doesnt fix the financial issue
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:16:38 AM
they wouldnt unless saki allowed them to close it
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:16:42 AM
they couldnt legally
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:17:00 AM
they couldnt transfer it either without her permission even if they would
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:17:24 AM
...the only problem is, what really is "legal"
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:17:50 AM
tbh its quite a messy situation from where im standing
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:17:56 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:18:04 AM
lol yeah
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:18:27 AM
youre sorta in limbo at the moment tho
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:18:38 AM
Only for UVD
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:18:48 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:19:06 AM
so in ur email u said you could use a bit of help?
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:19:19 AM
what with specifically?
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:20:23 AM
Well, your initial message stated that you'd be interested in taking things over and that you had a core team.
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:20:55 AM
Back in the 'ol days it was somewhat like that, with the Squtters helping out with support and everyone pitching in ideas on how to take care of things.
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:21:04 AM
Over the course of the years things just.....died out.
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:21:17 AM
Recently, I started putting love back into things and things responded.
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:21:34 AM
Saki did the last thing I'd expect to kill things off, and I just couldn't stand for it.
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:21:56 AM
I've been trying to plan for Curio
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:22:02 AM
while still keeping RLC1 in mind
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:22:19 AM
and migrate the site towards that... i.e. props and properties (which so far aren't resold in curio right now)
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:22:41 AM
The problem is I have nothing to offer when asking for help.
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:26:08 AM
do you see uvd making the transition to curio?
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:26:45 AM
like not in its current mode for sure, it wont survive as a 3rd party clothing texture thingy
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:26:47 AM
I haven't been in curio, have no clue.
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:27:06 AM
I do know that UV doesn't have a way to buy/sell props
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:27:12 AM
but props and properties, possibly
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:27:13 AM
err..prop textures
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:27:25 AM
Just needs to be marketed correctly
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:27:34 AM
i think they have that sorted in curio with the prop marketplace and stuff
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:27:51 AM
but i havent really seen anything in depth
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:27:56 AM
yeah, neither I
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:27:59 AM
i been working too much in rl
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:28:19 AM
Same. I've wanted to relese the crowdfunding thing 1 April but ... you know... UVD
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:28:28 AM
well my core team is myself, todd, and melissa
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:28:50 AM
and i also have the mall staff who are good minions when i need em to be
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:29:04 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:29:16 AM
minions are awesome
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:29:43 AM
my brain is mush right now but let me get with todd this weekend and see what direction he is wanting to go in
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:29:55 AM
and maybe chat a little with elena
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:29:55 AM
ya, same mush here
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:29:58 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:30:29 AM
ok so im gone all day tomorrow but ill be home sunday so ill prolly hit you up then
M Heick
4/2/2016 3:30:45 AM
that's cool, i'm avail almost 24/7
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:30:54 AM
Samantha / Ari
4/2/2016 3:31:02 AM
talk to u later

M Heick
4/2/2016 3:31:09 AM
M Heick
4/4/2016 6:11:43 PM
M Heick
4/4/2016 6:11:52 PM
That's what I'm hearing from Utherverse
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 9:05:45 PM
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 9:05:54 PM
sorry ive been dead ass tired
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 9:06:05 PM
but i heard u talked with todd

M Heick
4/4/2016 9:06:22 PM
Yup, now with handfuls of chicken wings

Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 9:52:44 PM
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 9:52:52 PM
u like Uther3D.com?
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 9:53:00 PM
hope so cuz im about to register it
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 9:53:04 PM
elena loves it
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 9:53:05 PM
M Heick
4/4/2016 10:03:23 PM
Methinks its....hmm..interesting
M Heick
4/4/2016 10:03:40 PM
The 3D aspect is bothersome
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 10:03:42 PM
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 10:03:47 PM
its is 3d tho
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 10:03:54 PM
M Heick
4/4/2016 10:04:17 PM
Unsure how, but I'll need end pointed accordingly if it's registered.
M Heick
4/4/2016 10:04:27 PM
Ugh... DNS
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 10:04:30 PM
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 10:04:38 PM
im pretty nifty with dns no worries
M Heick
4/4/2016 10:04:39 PM
Beer and sticky fingers...
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 10:04:50 PM
we will get it all pointed correctly when its time
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 10:05:27 PM
todd is all excited about having a new 'project'
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 10:05:43 PM
i wasnt really sure i wanted to get involved since it seemed so messy
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 10:06:06 PM
but since utherverse is on board with it, i guess it will work out okay
M Heick
4/4/2016 10:06:51 PM
We will see.
M Heick
4/4/2016 10:07:52 PM
I got a couple subdomains that you'll need to cname accordingly, I'll find the list when I get home.
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 10:08:19 PM
no problem
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:11:12 PM
Now that I think about it, with the rebranding and such the subdomains mean shit. I'll just redirect *.uvdeviant.com to whatevs. just uther3d.com and
www.uther3d.com to
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:11:58 PM
Around 6:30am i'll setup the server to those addresses and get it turned on. Then we can begin rebranding. I still have to keep prop.uvdeviant.com alive, tho, so with that said, prop.uther3d.com will need to be stuck as well, too
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:12:22 PM
Also, Todd was like "btw, she needs to has group chat so we all talk across each other and be cool n shit"
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:12:26 PM
so, ya, whenevs
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:12:27 PM
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:16:03 PM
ya i hadnt even told him i had a longass conversation with you
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:16:16 PM
until after he said he talked to u on the phone
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:16:22 PM
i was like oh btw....
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:16:23 PM
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:16:28 PM
phone/skype same diff
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:16:36 PM
ya that
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:16:36 PM
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:17:56 PM
But I do have to crash. I'll do what I can to prep the site to accept uther3d in a couple hours after DNS has propogated
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:18:13 PM
just need www. and prop. atm
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:18:15 PM
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:18:21 PM
skype and fk'n bold...
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:18:33 PM
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:19:07 PM
oh, and if you can TTLs @ 30 mins
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:22:21 PM
cause now it's at 1hr
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:22:58 PM
ya hmm im not that dns smarty i guess
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:23:02 PM
what am i doing?
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:23:06 PM
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:23:12 PM
i got lost on facebook
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:24:36 PM
hope u know what youre gettin yourself into workin with me

M Heick
4/4/2016 11:27:01 PM
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:27:02 PM
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:27:17 PM
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:27:27 PM
I dunno what namesilo or dnsowl uses for their GUI
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:27:28 PM
i will need your help with some lotsa shit
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:27:42 PM
I do know that they have 3 A records
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:27:51 PM
and all 3 need to go and be pointed to 1
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:27:58 PM
ya i can change the ttls and set up the records
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:28:04 PM
lemme log in and eyeballie it
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:28:05 PM
and then 2 additional CNAMEs need to be setup
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:28:06 PM
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:28:07 PM
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:28:09 PM
cool beaners
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:28:16 PM
once those records are pointed correctly it's all on me
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:28:20 PM
at least, for interwebs
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:28:23 PM
i guess we will add todd to this chat
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:28:31 PM
meh, create a separate one
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:28:34 PM
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:28:35 PM
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:28:36 PM
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:28:41 PM
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:28:42 PM
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:28:48 PM
ur so decisive
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:28:51 PM
I had 7 beer with my 25 wings
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:28:53 PM
way to go mister man
M Heick
4/4/2016 11:28:55 PM
so i'm REAL decisive
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:29:00 PM
Samantha / Ari
4/4/2016 11:30:53 PM
where u go?
M Heick
5/6/2016 10:33:37 AM
So it doesn't get lost in the chat backlog, I need a DNS entry for new.uther3d.com so we can have development show up somewhere.

M Heick
5/6/2016 10:33:47 AM
It's going to point to the same IP that
www.uther3d.com is
Samantha / Ari
5/8/2016 5:47:07 PM
k it should be set now
M Heick
5/8/2016 5:47:23 PM
M Heick
5/8/2016 5:47:25 PM
M Heick
5/8/2016 5:47:28 PM
Samantha / Ari
5/8/2016 5:47:32 PM

Samantha / Ari
5/24/2016 10:51:50 PM
File transfer:
Status: ${status}MLUSC.xml
M Heick
1/13/2017 8:42:44 PM
Quick question. Who got the uther3d.com domain?
M Heick
1/13/2017 8:46:28 PM
as in, who purchased it and put the privacy protection on it?
Samantha / Ari
1/14/2017 3:40:53 AM
Samantha / Ari
1/14/2017 3:41:21 AM
i think i did but maybe todd did
Samantha / Ari
1/14/2017 3:41:30 AM
but everything is in my name
M Heick
3/7/2017 10:47:58 AM
Happy Belated B-Day!
M Heick
3/7/2017 10:48:18 AM
I have a favor to ask of you when you have...say...20-30 minutes of "alive" time
Samantha / Ari
3/9/2017 1:54:31 AM
Samantha / Ari
3/9/2017 1:54:51 AM
im home all day sun and mon
M Heick
3/21/2017 8:50:35 PM
Sorry! I've been busy (along the lines of getting married and having a honeymoon)....
M Heick
4/15/2018 7:51:28 PM
Samantha / Ari
4/15/2018 7:56:31 PM
woot woot!
Samantha / Ari
4/15/2018 8:16:45 PM
kk my cashout rate after fees is .0672
Samantha / Ari
4/15/2018 8:17:06 PM
not the rate i cashout users, thats 0.05
M Heick
4/15/2018 8:17:29 PM
I'm not countin' pennies
Samantha / Ari
4/15/2018 8:17:33 PM
but .07 after the trader fees comes out to .0672 so thats the baseline
Samantha / Ari
4/15/2018 8:17:43 PM
just wanted to let u know lol
M Heick
4/15/2018 8:17:47 PM
M Heick
4/15/2018 8:17:48 PM
Samantha / Ari
4/15/2018 8:18:28 PM
its $940 but i think todd wants me to send you $1000 so ill doublecheck
Samantha / Ari
4/15/2018 8:18:37 PM
Samantha / Ari
4/15/2018 8:18:58 PM
wednesday and friday are deposit days for uv so the next one is wed
M Heick
4/15/2018 8:19:13 PM
M Heick
4/15/2018 8:19:14 PM
M Heick
4/15/2018 8:19:20 PM
I'll not hold my breath
Samantha / Ari
4/15/2018 8:19:22 PM
u need it sooner?
Samantha / Ari
4/15/2018 8:19:37 PM
i can send sooner if u need, lemme check the paypal balance
M Heick
4/15/2018 8:20:12 PM
nono, just send when you can
M Heick
4/15/2018 8:20:15 PM
i'm not dying for money
Samantha / Ari
4/15/2018 8:21:04 PM
ok good
Samantha / Ari
4/15/2018 8:21:21 PM
dont hold ur breath u will die in a few mins and i sure cant operate that fast

M Heick
4/15/2018 8:21:25 PM
Samantha / Ari
4/15/2018 8:21:33 PM
but if u die can i have all your toys?
Samantha / Ari
4/15/2018 8:21:34 PM
M Heick
4/15/2018 8:21:38 PM
Half of 'em
M Heick
4/15/2018 8:21:42 PM
the rest i'll have buried with me
Samantha / Ari
4/15/2018 8:21:44 PM
awwww ok fine
Samantha / Ari
4/21/2018 12:02:39 PM
hey matt
Samantha / Ari
4/21/2018 12:02:46 PM
i still want half your toys
Samantha / Ari
4/21/2018 12:02:49 PM
Samantha / Ari
4/21/2018 12:03:12 PM
check your paypal i did a $1 transfer just to verify before i send a buncha money
Samantha / Ari
4/21/2018 12:04:04 PM
my wednesday payout became friday payout
Samantha / Ari
4/21/2018 12:04:11 PM
gotta love the uv gods
M Heick
4/21/2018 6:44:54 PM
I did get it
M Heick
4/21/2018 6:44:57 PM
$1 solid
M Heick
4/21/2018 6:45:13 PM
At least, I've confirmed reception of the email that I got $1
Samantha / Ari
4/21/2018 6:45:27 PM
Samantha / Ari
4/21/2018 6:47:24 PM
i rounded up to 950

Samantha / Ari
4/21/2018 6:47:28 PM
Samantha / Ari
4/21/2018 6:47:53 PM
there ya go pay a bill lol
M Heick
4/21/2018 6:47:57 PM
M Heick
4/21/2018 6:48:03 PM
I'll pay a bill or two
Samantha / Ari
4/21/2018 6:48:08 PM
me too hehe
M Heick
4/24/2018 11:05:31 PM
Do you do a legit rays->paypal service inworld, btw?
Samantha / Ari
4/25/2018 12:45:53 AM
Yea but our rate for cashouts is .05
M Heick
4/25/2018 7:11:53 AM
Do you advert it in any way? I did a quick search and all and I don't see much info on /anyone else/ that does it. Maybe my searching is dumb or words not working when doing search...