2/6/2011 12:40:22 AM
2/6/2011 12:40:30 AM
2/6/2011 12:40:47 AM
sent files "frontal.png", "prettyface.png", "prettyface2.png", "sideveiw.png", "toosh.png"
File transfer:
2/6/2011 12:42:25 AM
I can suck it in now and see what I used to look like with no bra on lol
2/6/2011 12:42:38 AM
2/6/2011 12:43:37 AM
my leg is looking pretty good. Not as flabby on the bottom and on the thighs and under arms I can see where the strech marks are getting so as you can tell i"m loosing weight. Be interesting to see where I"m at on the 22nd when I see dr Morse again
2/6/2011 12:43:59 AM
Got special k cereal, fruits, veggies, and slim fast shakes, and chuck. Chuck is awesome.
2/6/2011 12:44:08 AM
mmk, rawk on
2/6/2011 12:44:21 AM
looks like good progress
2/6/2011 12:44:24 AM
even my face is looking slimmer
2/6/2011 12:45:33 AM
backs not as strong as I'd like it to be, hoping the disc isn't out more or something cause if I over do it my legs shake and then I'm in trouble. Hoping to get the van in the next week or two.
2/6/2011 12:45:51 AM
2/6/2011 12:47:57 AM
I was just gonna say I'm proud of my bruises lol means I put in for a good fight. If Chelle is telling any truth in her vm to me I beat her ass good and hard for fucking with me. Not desireable behavior but no skanky ass drunk cunt is gonna come in my house and get in my face and throw fists at me and get away with it.
2/6/2011 12:48:23 AM
2/6/2011 12:51:08 AM
awww come on aren't you a little proud I defended myself appropriately and kicked ass, other than yours?
2/6/2011 12:51:26 AM
2/6/2011 12:51:30 AM
i'm in a heroic now...prolly be 40m
2/6/2011 12:54:41 AM
its ok, i'm fixing to go to bed soon anyways hon
2/6/2011 12:55:22 AM
just keep me posted on what you're doing. Tomorrow I'll probably start painting the bathroom normal colors after my work out.
2/6/2011 12:55:23 AM
2/6/2011 10:42:57 AM
Your mom gave the letters I wrote to them this morning and Jamie ripped mine up lol
2/6/2011 10:51:55 AM
2/6/2011 10:51:59 AM
2/6/2011 10:56:58 AM
2/6/2011 10:57:51 AM
2/6/2011 10:58:30 AM
sorry on the phone, lemme close the blinds so I can put the cam on

2/6/2011 11:03:19 AM
2/6/2011 11:03:21 AM
2/6/2011 11:03:22 AM
2/6/2011 11:03:29 AM
2/6/2011 11:04:05 AM
2/6/2011 11:04:10 AM
2/6/2011 11:04:13 AM
nom nom
2/6/2011 11:04:17 AM
oh mmmm
2/6/2011 11:04:26 AM
2/6/2011 11:04:43 AM
50% min nekked is mandatory

2/6/2011 11:04:58 AM
gimme a sec almost done on the phone
2/6/2011 11:05:19 AM
pfft face too

2/6/2011 11:05:22 AM
i like your face
2/6/2011 11:06:29 AM
2/6/2011 11:06:32 AM
about time!
2/6/2011 11:06:47 AM
2/6/2011 11:06:53 AM
make me wanna have a

2/6/2011 1:32:30 PM
you're brother is an ID10T. He fixed my moms computer one time and told her the oem disc was trashed. She told me why it wouldn't work, the sleeve it came in, stuck to the disc. All it needed was cleaning. My stupid ass never checked the disc when it kept telling me files were missing or damaged.
2/6/2011 1:32:39 PM
epic fail.
2/6/2011 1:33:48 PM
The disc was 't
2/6/2011 1:34:08 PM
the disc was 'trashed' with sticky glue. Came off and now the disc is in near perfect condition.
2/6/2011 1:34:16 PM
2/6/2011 3:07:17 PM
and for the record, the reason I can afford the phone is because I paid my share of the rent/mortgage, the rest is up to you and lisa, and none of the other bills i"m responsible for are due until NEXT month

and if you aren't paying the mortgage and lot rent this month, then I'll just have more money next month to find us another place to live next month

2/6/2011 5:29:11 PM
In the mean time i'm making it look nice for when you get here

2/6/2011 5:29:33 PM
my mom painted the bathroom seven different colors and they think I have a personality disorder?
2/6/2011 6:37:46 PM
Gonna find food, and then see ya in wow

2/6/2011 6:37:51 PM
2/6/2011 8:37:27 PM
so much for food n wow. Lisa came to get shit.
2/6/2011 11:02:04 PM
Says she's only going 'till michelle leaves' but is paying 175 a week to stay there, her 700 dollar check isn't going to stay very long at that rate, and she took so much stuff it looked like she wasn't coming back for much any time soon.
2/6/2011 11:33:01 PM
2/6/2011 11:33:10 PM
remember my rabbit dildo?
2/6/2011 11:34:50 PM
2/6/2011 11:38:00 PM
yeah, its been missing a year, I just found it packing your aunts stuff. I'm so going to puke some more now.
2/6/2011 11:39:01 PM
2/6/2011 11:41:21 PM
yeah that's fucking nasty. Who the hell steals used sex toys. There's no way in hell I would have given her a 100 dollar fucking toy. some of the cheap ones I had, that I never used, sure, but not one that expensive.
2/6/2011 11:56:15 PM
so all her shits going in the blue room, we can be opposite ends of the house

2/6/2011 11:56:28 PM
2/7/2011 12:14:50 AM
otherwise you can help me move her crap to the curb at the end of the month and take the smallest room if you prefer being closer

2/7/2011 12:16:34 AM
2/7/2011 12:27:43 AM
or whatever I guess lol
2/7/2011 1:18:45 AM
staying up much longer to play wow? I'm still working on sanitizing the bed and sheets
2/7/2011 1:19:22 AM
yup, lookin' for a Gnome
2/7/2011 1:20:04 AM
2/7/2011 1:23:58 AM
drugs n then getting on
2/7/2011 1:24:41 AM
found all the blankets my mom had, on lisas bed. thats what I'm washing
2/7/2011 1:26:58 AM
2/7/2011 1:27:01 AM
wanna do me a favor?
2/7/2011 1:27:32 AM
2/7/2011 1:27:41 AM
make a gnome warlock, and let me throw rose petals on ya
2/7/2011 1:27:47 AM
2/7/2011 1:29:25 AM
Heater won't stay on so i'm freezing, either its that damned cold out or I gotta change the battery in the thermostat. Getting on Wow now
2/7/2011 1:31:25 AM
SavvyLee is the Gnome locks name

2/7/2011 1:31:53 AM
where you at?
2/7/2011 1:32:22 AM
Gnomeran, its an ally

2/7/2011 1:32:44 AM
2/7/2011 1:32:49 AM
been waitin' for 2 hours
2/7/2011 1:33:09 AM
Trying to figure out how to get out of the train deepot lmao
2/7/2011 1:33:50 AM
you down in gnom?
2/7/2011 1:34:04 AM
crap, i died
2/7/2011 1:34:20 AM
i am reaaaaaaaaaaallly far away now
2/7/2011 1:34:32 AM
are you IN gnomerrang?
2/7/2011 1:34:56 AM
in the train depot, its a new starting spot

2/7/2011 1:35:10 AM
your map says your in Dun Morogh?
2/7/2011 1:35:24 AM
in Gnomeregan
2/7/2011 1:36:26 AM
Dun Morogh, but minimap says train depot trying to get outside somewhere
2/7/2011 1:36:43 AM
2/7/2011 1:36:43 AM
2/7/2011 1:37:11 AM
does your map put you in Gnomeregan?
2/7/2011 1:37:52 AM
can't find the way out. No, i looked at it actually says Dun Morogh, but the rest is blank since i'm a level one lock minimap just says train depot
2/7/2011 1:38:03 AM
top left
2/7/2011 1:38:05 AM
top right
2/7/2011 1:38:05 AM
can't find a way out, which I'm sure there is one, just gotta find it
2/7/2011 1:38:06 AM
bottom left
2/7/2011 1:38:10 AM
bottom right?
2/7/2011 1:38:19 AM
minimap is top right
2/7/2011 1:38:25 AM
or big map:
2/7/2011 1:38:32 AM
big map puts me upper left
2/7/2011 1:38:38 AM
mmk, lemme see where
2/7/2011 1:43:31 AM
2/7/2011 1:43:33 AM
just stay there
2/7/2011 1:44:53 AM
it's all in orcish
2/7/2011 1:44:59 AM
and you speak in common
2/7/2011 1:44:59 AM
yeah lol
2/7/2011 1:45:15 AM
can I delette savvylee now?
2/7/2011 1:45:16 AM
2/7/2011 1:45:18 AM
2/7/2011 1:45:18 AM
2/7/2011 1:45:20 AM
2/7/2011 1:45:35 AM
I'd much rahter make a new toon on horde and name her savvy lee

2/7/2011 1:45:51 AM
speaking of the little one she is a bigger bitch than her momma XD
2/7/2011 1:46:40 AM
then do it
2/7/2011 1:47:06 AM
kill me first

2/7/2011 1:47:08 AM
with one hit
2/7/2011 1:47:09 AM
2/7/2011 1:47:11 AM
i can't
2/7/2011 1:47:16 AM
2/7/2011 1:47:17 AM
can't kill lvl's 1-20
2/7/2011 1:47:29 AM
or anyone in home territory
2/7/2011 1:47:31 AM
unfair advantage. I still have my DK to work on too ya know
2/7/2011 1:47:38 AM
She's in the guild

2/7/2011 1:47:50 AM
yup, i know
2/7/2011 1:48:11 AM
did i tell you about the letters I sent the kids and what jamie did with his?
2/7/2011 1:48:21 AM
2/7/2011 1:48:25 AM
been so busy today i forgot lol
2/7/2011 1:49:47 AM
Nannah is crazy jealous of AJ and her grampy. At christmas when they came over, aj fell asleep on waynes shoulder and she walked over to nessa and goes "Aunt nessa! My grampy! all frowny. She gave brian and wayne hell the other night cause she told bri aj was at home in bed so she could snuggle with her grampy,and they teased her adn said they were gonna go get aj so grampa could rock him to sleep lmao
2/7/2011 1:49:58 AM
you told me this already
2/7/2011 1:50:38 AM
oh...damn, I"m sorry, I've done so much today I really totally forgot telling you. Like usually you tell me I've told you and I remember and this time I completely don't.
2/7/2011 1:50:49 AM
wanna know what I HAVE done today?
2/7/2011 1:50:57 AM
you worked with chuck and cleaned
2/7/2011 1:55:33 AM
I worked with chuck, and notice improvement, which is good. I"m getting strength, need to work on upper body more, but my thighs are getting stronger again, and my back too. But I started painting in the bathroom, cause my mom had seven or eight colors in there. Stabbed my finger opening caulk cause i can't afford joint compound this month and needed to fill a crack, gonna see how it works, if not scrape it off and just leave it un painted there for now. But the one wall, I painted a deep cherry red, painting the rest of them white, with an off white tone for the trim, Just doing the one wall says "bam' color, but doing all of them would make a smal bathroom smaller. Fixing all my moms weird accent painting too while i"m at it. Then I moved ALLL ove lisa's stuff (which wasn't much she took most of her clothes for a "few days stay till michelle leaves' and her important papers, and then cleaned her room, doing sheets and blankest now. Learned she's been treated for scitzo tendancies too. , plus I gave food away to people who needed it, found out eddy has bladder cancer (and lisa and chelle are sucking up all his time

) and! Fixed moms computer. Your brother is fired.
2/7/2011 1:55:45 AM
He told mom the oem disc was bad when it just needed cleaned
2/7/2011 1:57:15 AM
Since I've been alone and not had people dragging me down, I'm back to betty crocker mode. Tomorrow I find out about volunteering for the headstart/community action place. Give back to those who've given to me, and get me out of the house till dad gives the van or I can afford a car and can go back to work. If you want me to...
2/7/2011 1:58:43 AM
and before I continue to drive you crazy I just had one question. What's your need for my bowing down and submitting. You shooting for the life style, or just need to prove dominance over me for a period of time while I warm my way back into your heart being...acceptable as a sig. other? (cause normal doesn't fit here)
2/7/2011 1:58:57 AM
your answer isn't going to change my mind to bow and submit, just curious.
2/7/2011 1:59:17 AM
2/7/2011 2:00:02 AM
sorry....I didn't get my meds till late and i"ve had no one to talk to all day so it kinda came out all at once. I feel like i've had twenty cups of coffee or something.
2/7/2011 2:02:43 AM
I just have lots of time to think, and I got curious lol
2/7/2011 2:04:23 AM
2/7/2011 2:20:02 AM
just not going to answer my question then? I mean if you don't want to you can say so...
2/7/2011 2:21:45 AM
what question?
2/7/2011 2:44:01 AM
What's your need for my bowing down and submitting?
2/7/2011 2:44:39 AM
Is it because you want the lifestyle, or do you need to prove dominance over me for a perido fo time while I warm my way back into your heart, being an acceptable signifigant other?
2/7/2011 2:45:02 AM
2/7/2011 2:48:22 AM
so is it both?
2/7/2011 2:48:54 AM
2/7/2011 2:48:58 AM
2/7/2011 2:50:05 AM
did you skip the half rent cause of the questionability of your coming?
2/7/2011 2:50:15 AM
2/7/2011 2:50:21 AM
well, your questionability
2/7/2011 2:50:27 AM
2/7/2011 2:51:25 AM
I"m ready to bow down and submit, I just don't know if I can make up the loss of rent without a vehicle and job, so that's why I was asking.
2/7/2011 2:56:27 AM
yeah, after my share of the rent is deducted (mind you this was on the basis lisa was staying, and now I know if she thinks she's staying she'll come back broke having supported chelle, still don't think she is tho ugh) I"ll have 85 bucks, barely enough to get me around if I can't get ahold of eddy.
2/7/2011 2:56:43 AM
But at least I won't be over drawn

2/7/2011 2:58:38 AM
2/7/2011 3:09:24 AM
You fixing to go to bed?
2/7/2011 3:09:44 AM
2/7/2011 3:09:50 AM
might jump into wow for another hour
2/7/2011 3:10:14 AM
cool, I"m gonna play for a while before crashing. Gotta be up semi early though, meet comm. action, at noon.
2/7/2011 3:23:46 AM
am I bothering you?
2/7/2011 3:25:25 AM
2/7/2011 3:25:29 AM
it's ok, i solved it
2/7/2011 3:25:36 AM
2/7/2011 3:26:01 AM
I just thought we were on talking terms. I"m sorry for talking too much
2/7/2011 3:26:18 AM
said i solved it =/
2/7/2011 3:27:00 AM
I'm getting paranoid I guess. you're so quiet. If you didn't wanna talk I wish you'd have said so.
2/7/2011 3:27:22 AM
goin to sleep
2/7/2011 3:27:22 AM
2/7/2011 3:27:34 AM
Good night.
2/7/2011 3:27:38 AM
I'm sorry.
2/7/2011 3:27:50 AM
for what?
2/7/2011 3:27:58 AM
now i'm staying awake to find out why you apologized
2/7/2011 3:28:08 AM
for making you upset for talking too much
2/7/2011 3:28:24 AM
ok, lemme look back in the convo to find out where i was upset
2/7/2011 3:28:57 AM
dont' see it.
2/7/2011 3:28:59 AM
where is it at?
2/7/2011 3:29:00 AM
Its not always in what you say love, sometimes its in the one liners and 'I solved it" that makes me feel as though I've upset you.
2/7/2011 3:29:11 AM
Sometimes its just a feeling I get
2/7/2011 3:29:14 AM
but you said you made me upset
2/7/2011 3:29:38 AM
I feel like because I talk too mucch I did and that's why you're getting off line and going to bed.
2/7/2011 3:29:46 AM
for making you upset for talking too much
J2/7/2011 3:28:08 AM
False ... for ... true...
2/7/2011 3:29:49 AM
doesn't make it true
2/7/2011 3:30:04 AM
doesn't make it false either
2/7/2011 3:30:55 AM
going to sleep now
2/7/2011 3:30:56 AM
2/7/2011 3:31:00 AM
2/7/2011 9:34:46 AM
wanted to sleep one more hour to call it an even five hours but of course the alcoholic doc finally called me back. pffft.
2/7/2011 11:31:54 AM
sent file "hairdown.png"
File transfer:
2/7/2011 11:31:59 AM
There's me with my hair down

2/7/2011 11:32:11 AM
now off I go to give back to Batavia

2/7/2011 3:39:13 PM
you no wanna see me with my hairs down?
2/7/2011 4:59:23 PM
here i thought it was my phone blurbing and it was skype lol
2/7/2011 10:19:08 PM
stupid number porting. should have been done by now and it's taken all day and now I can't use either of my phones.
2/8/2011 1:00:08 AM
If I seem un sure about things, its not that I want to back out. Its more that I don't know what to expect. I know the basic requirements of bowing down and submitting, that's not my issue, its more, you've been gone for a year, you're a different person now, as am I, and its almost like dating all over again without the typical first date and getting to know eachother. One one had, its exciting, on the other, I'm a bit nervous. That and I never know what to talk to you about anymore, which we talked about before so I won't go on about it.
2/8/2011 1:04:29 AM
I also need you to understand me going to therepy isn't about playing by the courts rules anymore. I've learned how to deal with current crisies and pull through them without panicking, But there's a lot of bad from when i was kid that was never dealt with that I'm starting to find impacts my responses to normal every day things, and I need to deal with that. And whether I like the lable or not, I'm an alcoholic. I can't drink, it causes too much trouble, and I have to learn how to stay away from that too. That being said, its not just for me, its for our kids too. THey deserve better than what my parents gave me.
2/8/2011 1:05:27 AM
And if it's causing problems I'm sorry, its not coming by my request, but I think your aunt Lisa may be contacting freedom through facebook and I don't know what she's saying, but I just hope its not giving you problems there. Its just something she said last night while she was here that gave me that feeling.
2/8/2011 10:43:45 AM
89 bucks has been aplied to the lot rent.
2/9/2011 3:33:18 AM
I've done everything you asked for. Bowed down and submitted, why not come now?
2/9/2011 3:34:05 AM
I know you're up, you just sent me the text. What did I do wrong this time?
2/9/2011 3:35:51 AM
i heard from the grapevine that people here know my plans, so it makes my escape harder to do
2/9/2011 3:36:28 AM
where are you going to speak to me through?
2/9/2011 3:36:34 AM
if it's wow, your gonna help me get achieves
2/9/2011 3:39:59 AM
2/9/2011 3:40:06 AM
fine what?
2/9/2011 3:42:02 AM
the hell?
2/9/2011 3:43:04 AM
We'll talk in WoW and I'll help you get acheives
2/9/2011 3:43:14 AM
i'm not in wow now
2/9/2011 3:43:23 AM
watching colbert report
2/9/2011 3:44:32 AM
I didn't tell anyone you were coming
2/9/2011 3:44:48 AM
yes, i was told all the plans, basically
2/9/2011 3:44:54 AM
Everyone thought you weren't because I was forced.
2/9/2011 3:44:56 AM
they know i was leaving to go to rochester
2/9/2011 3:45:06 AM
and that i was looking for a place
2/9/2011 3:45:14 AM
and today, it's like "oh, your going to live with jen!"
2/9/2011 3:45:49 AM
I didn't tell anyone. I told everyone you weren't allowed to come because you refused to change the order of protection.
2/9/2011 3:46:03 AM
Your aunt told me the other day she's been talking to freedom
2/9/2011 3:46:18 AM
this is how she's going to get back at me for the thing with michelle and 'kicking' her out.
2/9/2011 3:47:19 AM
So why do I have to be punished because your psycho aunt is lying to freedom to get back at me?
2/9/2011 3:47:27 AM
wtf are you talking about
2/9/2011 3:47:32 AM
i said i was delayed
2/9/2011 3:47:51 AM
No you said you had to think more, and that usually means you're changing your mind.
2/9/2011 3:48:21 AM
So why am I being punished now? I didn't tell anyone, your aunt is spreading lies to make me pay for her bad choices.
2/9/2011 3:48:46 AM
and it's not like they couldnt' have figured it out anyways matthew, rochester is not that far from here, and your kids.
2/9/2011 3:49:20 AM
You could have point blank said no I can't go live with jen, there's an order of protection, I'm going to rochester to look for work so I can be near my kids"
2/9/2011 3:49:27 AM
so why do you have to think more?
2/9/2011 3:50:11 AM
yes, i told people the reason was my kids
2/9/2011 3:50:56 AM
so then where did it come out that you were coming to live with me?
2/9/2011 3:51:01 AM
Because I didn't tell anyone.
2/9/2011 3:51:41 AM
it's quite curious when one can "hypothetically" explain the scenario we've been speaking of
2/9/2011 3:51:47 AM
in one fell swoop
2/9/2011 3:53:47 AM
It had to have been lisa. She was the only who knew anything, and when she was here last she told me she'd been talking to freedom, so it's quite curious that she'd know that isn't it, especially after I had a fight with lisa's 'daughter' and lisa has chosen to move out and not pay rent, and knows she's going to be evicted here.
2/9/2011 3:54:21 AM
So I didn't tell anyone other than lisa, which you KNEW anyways because we'd been talking about it and her moving out.
2/9/2011 3:55:21 AM
She's the only one who wouldn't have known that I'd been telling everyone else that since you won't change the order of protection you won't come, because that happened after she left the house, and she made a point to tell me the other day when she cam to get her things, that freedom was in the hospital and definitely not fucking you.
2/9/2011 3:55:24 AM
hmm, yah, and i didn't want lisa to know from the start of it all
2/9/2011 3:56:07 AM
YOU knew that lisa had to know because she lived here. YOU've known that all along, because she was living here, and would have had to know eventually. You never once told me not to tell her anything because of the fact that she was living here and would have known anywyas.
2/9/2011 3:56:21 AM
so why am I being punished now because lisa is being a vindictive bitch.
2/9/2011 3:56:42 AM
and for your failure to at any time until now say you didn't want lisa to know.
2/9/2011 3:56:58 AM
pfft, your not a vindictive bitch as well?
2/9/2011 3:58:05 AM
sure I am, but I haven't told anyone that you were coming or what our plans were other than lisa, lisa made a POINT to tell me she's talking to freedom, and she was the ONLY one who knew. I haven't bothered freedom since the night I told her to stop sending me text messages and Wendy stuck her fat assed nose into it.
2/9/2011 3:58:10 AM
and WHY do you type me BOOKS!
2/9/2011 3:58:19 AM
and michelle knows too
2/9/2011 3:58:33 AM
and mom knows too, but she's thrown off course, but she knew from the start when i didn't want her to know
2/9/2011 3:59:19 AM
If Michelle knows it was because of lisa, and your mom yes I told her because she is not the enemy you keep making her out to be.
2/9/2011 3:59:34 AM
You didn't want her to know and now i"m lying to her for your benefit which I HATE>
2/9/2011 4:00:14 AM
2/9/2011 4:01:01 AM
I can't relax now, you go back and fourth so much I feel like it's a set up to bail on me. I"m already going to loose the house because you haven't made the payments. And neither has lisa. What more do you want from me?
2/9/2011 4:02:21 AM
what can i do?
2/9/2011 4:02:26 AM
what can i do jennifer?
2/9/2011 4:02:34 AM
i'm backed up against the wall
2/9/2011 4:02:38 AM
i don't want you to go to jail
2/9/2011 4:02:39 AM
what can i do?
2/9/2011 4:02:49 AM
i ask you to keep things quiet to prevent things in the future from happening
2/9/2011 4:02:51 AM
what can i do?
2/9/2011 4:02:56 AM
what can i do jennifer?
2/9/2011 4:03:09 AM
i keep my secrets secret cause it's none of the worlds business
2/9/2011 4:03:15 AM
its not their business
2/9/2011 4:03:17 AM
what can i do jennifer?
2/9/2011 4:03:19 AM
what can i do?
2/9/2011 4:03:52 AM
you could have had the order changed so I wouldn't go to jail, but you didn't want that, you wanted to keep me in that position, and for what?
2/9/2011 4:04:07 AM
i don't like court jennifer, you know that
2/9/2011 4:04:09 AM
Further more, why do you care so fucking much what the world thinks of your choices?
2/9/2011 4:04:20 AM
and explaining all that stuff to a judge after the record shows the opposite is just downright crazy
2/9/2011 4:04:22 AM
what can i do jennifer?
2/9/2011 4:04:24 AM
what can i do?
2/9/2011 4:04:39 AM
jennifer, allow me to allow you to understand
2/9/2011 4:04:43 AM
right now, i don't care about the world
2/9/2011 4:04:47 AM
jennifer, what should i do?
2/9/2011 4:04:53 AM
if i'm going to get back "into the world"
2/9/2011 4:04:54 AM
2/9/2011 4:04:54 AM
what do you care about then matthew?
2/9/2011 4:04:58 AM
then i need to care
2/9/2011 4:05:22 AM
but i can't not care about caring when its obvious people want me not to care about caring
2/9/2011 4:05:26 AM
jennifer, what do i do?
2/9/2011 4:05:57 AM
get your ass on a bus tomorrow and throw everyone off by just dissapearing. Tell em you're going back to Hong Kong cause you can't do anything here without people talking.
2/9/2011 4:06:43 AM
i can't go back to hong kong jennifer
2/9/2011 4:06:49 AM
i didn't come from hong kong
2/9/2011 4:07:01 AM
do you realize your mother reads your mail?
2/9/2011 4:07:02 AM
see jennifer
2/9/2011 4:07:13 AM
this is just crazy, because everything is terribly complicated
2/9/2011 4:07:17 AM
and at the same time, it's not
2/9/2011 4:07:17 AM
do you realize that what you tell people and what you do are two different things
2/9/2011 4:07:27 AM
actually, jennifer, it's more than 2 different things
2/9/2011 4:07:31 AM
it's almost 10 different things
2/9/2011 4:07:35 AM
jennifer, what do i do?
2/9/2011 4:07:47 AM
so if you tell them you're going back to hong kong how are they going to know its not true?
2/9/2011 4:08:02 AM
because only 2 people will know that is true now jennifer
2/9/2011 4:08:13 AM
and everyone knows i'm back in the states, i made that abundantly clear
2/9/2011 4:08:19 AM
what do i do?
2/9/2011 4:08:24 AM
jennifer, tell me, what do i do?
2/9/2011 4:08:50 AM
you get on the six am bus, and if you're asked where you're going you say to buffalo to get on an airplane and going back to hong kong because everyone here runs their mouths and you can't stand it.
2/9/2011 4:08:55 AM
i can't do that jennifer
2/9/2011 4:08:58 AM
2/9/2011 4:09:11 AM
i don't have the cash for the bus ticket, and all my stuff is waiting in a storage area
2/9/2011 4:09:28 AM
i'm not allowed to get it until next sunday
2/9/2011 4:09:32 AM
why don't you have cash for a bus ticket?
2/9/2011 4:09:33 AM
jennifer, what do i do?
2/9/2011 4:09:37 AM
jennifer, i have no cash
2/9/2011 4:09:48 AM
what happened to it all?
2/9/2011 4:10:02 AM
it all?
2/9/2011 4:10:28 AM
you had cash last month, you paid several bills to help out, you said you had more coming, you said you can't get your money till next sunday what's that all about?
2/9/2011 4:10:44 AM
yes, then i bought a 10-yr COD with my remaining balance
2/9/2011 4:10:53 AM
and i was hoping to get my next deposit until someone went rogue
2/9/2011 4:11:01 AM
and they'll be rogue for upwards to 4 weeks
2/9/2011 4:11:14 AM
jennifer, what do i do?
2/9/2011 4:11:17 AM
what do i do, jennifer?
2/9/2011 4:11:20 AM
2/9/2011 4:11:25 AM
borrow twenty bucks from the leeches you live off from?
2/9/2011 4:11:50 AM
i cannot borrow money from people when i already owe them money
2/9/2011 4:11:58 AM
what do i do jennifer?
2/9/2011 4:12:02 AM
jennifer, what do i do?
2/9/2011 4:12:09 AM
do you see jennifer?
2/9/2011 4:12:23 AM
that i am going to need time to sort my details since you've helped open this bag of worms?
2/9/2011 4:12:37 AM
no I don't, because I didn't open a bag of worms, your aunt did.
2/9/2011 4:12:41 AM
you yourself requested that I share more information w/ you
2/9/2011 4:12:57 AM
and that information that i firstly did not want to share has once again bit me in the ass
2/9/2011 4:13:00 AM
so jennifer, what do i do?
2/9/2011 4:13:12 AM
you know all you need to know cause you wanted to know it, so what do i do?
2/9/2011 4:13:27 AM
jennifer, i need an answer, cause your freaking out over me needing more time beyond the 14th
2/9/2011 4:13:31 AM
call your mom and tell her the're going to kick you out down there, and you need her to deposit money into your account.
2/9/2011 4:13:32 AM
jennifer, i need an answer
2/9/2011 4:13:33 AM
what do i do
2/9/2011 4:13:39 AM
2/9/2011 4:13:45 AM
she doesnt' pick up her phone when i call her
2/9/2011 4:13:46 AM
i've tried 3 times
2/9/2011 4:13:53 AM
how do you think you have my cell number
2/9/2011 4:13:56 AM
jennifer, what do i do?
2/9/2011 4:14:03 AM
She's mad at you because she thinks you've given up on the kids.
2/9/2011 4:14:10 AM
jennifer, that doesn't help me
2/9/2011 4:14:11 AM
She's mad at you because you haven't supported them or seen them.
2/9/2011 4:14:20 AM
i can't talk to her when she's not on skype and doesnt pick up her phone
2/9/2011 4:14:22 AM
jennifer, what do i do?
2/9/2011 4:14:27 AM
what do i do jennifer?
2/9/2011 4:14:41 AM
send her a text saying you fucked up and you need to talk to her
2/9/2011 4:14:51 AM
she hardly runs skype anymore her laptop is shit.
2/9/2011 4:15:05 AM
jennifer, it's been 12 minutes, and you haven't been able to provide me a solid gameplan after helping me fuck this up
2/9/2011 4:15:15 AM
can you stop freaking out, now?
2/9/2011 4:15:20 AM
I have, its you who has fucked up.
2/9/2011 4:15:22 AM
and let ME think?
2/9/2011 4:15:30 AM
I can deposit the bus money into the bank tomorrow.
2/9/2011 4:15:47 AM
that doesn't help my situation
2/9/2011 4:15:50 AM
but I need to know which freaking bank your using now.
2/9/2011 4:16:01 AM
yes it does. You use the money to buy a ticket and just leave
2/9/2011 4:16:08 AM
if i were to take a bus tomorrow, then it would be only me
2/9/2011 4:16:11 AM
no laptops, no clothes
2/9/2011 4:16:11 AM
you dont' owe anyone any explination
2/9/2011 4:16:14 AM
2/9/2011 4:16:22 AM
why can't you take your laptop and clothes?
2/9/2011 4:16:39 AM
i don't have the cash for the bus ticket, and all my stuff is waiting in a storage area
i'm not allowed to get it until next sunday
M2/9/2011 4:09:11 AM
2/9/2011 4:16:48 AM
jennifer, i thought you were paying attention
2/9/2011 4:16:49 AM
what are you on right now?
2/9/2011 4:17:00 AM
what have you been wearing the last month or two?
2/9/2011 4:17:08 AM
really jennifer, how am i supposed to carry 2 laptops without carrying cases?
2/9/2011 4:17:21 AM
and i've been wearing the same clothes the last 2 weeks
2/9/2011 4:17:23 AM
how did you get it there in the first place?
2/9/2011 4:18:08 AM
i had it placed there when i got here because you said there isn't any room for me here anyways
2/9/2011 4:18:17 AM
i elected to have all my extra stuff that i brought stored to make room
2/9/2011 4:18:30 AM
how do you think jennifer?
2/9/2011 4:18:55 AM
what kind of question is that when the answer was provided prior to the initial question, and any followups are just plain common sense?
2/9/2011 4:19:00 AM
what should i do jennifer?
2/9/2011 4:19:05 AM
it's going on almost 20 minutes jennifer
2/9/2011 4:19:10 AM
jennifer, what should i do?
2/9/2011 4:19:22 AM
do you see why your lies are getting you into trouble, when if you were just honest with your mom she'd be down there tomorrow to pick you up if you were goign to be co operative?
2/9/2011 4:19:36 AM
jennifer, my lies were my lies until you chose to be a part of them
2/9/2011 4:19:36 AM
She'd pay to get everything out of storage
2/9/2011 4:19:45 AM
you chose to make me a part of them
2/9/2011 4:19:50 AM
jennifer, you asked
2/9/2011 4:19:50 AM
you asked me to carry them on for you
2/9/2011 4:19:54 AM
after i strongly was against it
2/9/2011 4:20:01 AM
jennifer, you threatened me to share my lies with you
2/9/2011 4:20:08 AM
I did no such thing.
2/9/2011 4:20:15 AM
jennifer, you threatened to not provide me a place to stay unless i started telling you stuff
2/9/2011 4:20:20 AM
that is a threat, jennifer
2/9/2011 4:20:23 AM
a threat to my survival
2/9/2011 4:20:45 AM
in fact, jennifer, i have 3 ultimatiums from you in the last 7 days about that
2/9/2011 4:20:49 AM
that's not a threat matthew, that's a fact of life.
2/9/2011 4:21:21 AM
not to mention the fact if you were not so insistent on going against the rules and the courts and what's in the best interests of our kids you'd have two other places to stay up here.
2/9/2011 4:21:27 AM
YOU choose not to follow those paths.
2/9/2011 4:21:38 AM
jennifer, i took your fact of life as a threat
2/9/2011 4:21:45 AM
that threat is what keeps me warm and safe
2/9/2011 4:21:54 AM
jennifer ,what should i do?
2/9/2011 4:21:59 AM
you need to answer this question
2/9/2011 4:22:03 AM
cause you want to think for me
2/9/2011 4:22:09 AM
cause if you don't you'll freak out
2/9/2011 4:22:15 AM
and i don't want you to freak out
2/9/2011 4:22:19 AM
jennifer, what should i do?
2/9/2011 4:22:48 AM
Stop trying to buck the system you hate so much.
2/9/2011 4:22:56 AM
wtf is bucking the system
2/9/2011 4:23:35 AM
If I have learned anything in the last week, I have learned that although I may hate the rules and laws and what goes on with law enforcement and courts, I have learned that when you do what is asked or ordered of you, you get what you want.
2/9/2011 4:23:55 AM
You have gotten yourself in this position by trying to buck the system, go around it, avoid having to deal with it.
2/9/2011 4:23:59 AM
And I dont' just mean the court
2/9/2011 4:24:02 AM
I mean your mother too.
2/9/2011 4:24:18 AM
Your mother flat out told me that if you were to come it wouldn't be her that would call the cops, she was more afraid it would be lisa.
2/9/2011 4:24:56 AM
Your mother wants you to come here, and work things out for the kids and gave a solution to our problem, but you refuse to have anything to do with her because you're angry at her for whatever reason, and because you hate the courts.
2/9/2011 4:26:15 AM
I know for a fact your mother can be a lying bitch when she needs to be. But I also know that all she wants is to give us back our kids, and is so desperate to do that she'll do anything to help us get them back, including going to Jamestown to bail you out and get you up here, and TESTIFY on my behalf to a judge in jamestown that i've changed and that WE need the order changed because our kids need us to be able ot operate together.
2/9/2011 4:26:38 AM
And she offered to do that under the understanding that YOU weren't coming here now because I refused to let you because of you not wanting to change the order.
2/9/2011 4:30:47 AM
So if you want me to tell you what to do, stop lying to yourself. The only way we're ever going to get the kids back, is to do what you loathe, follow court orders. If you want out, Call your mom and tell her you really need to talk to her because you're ready to work WITH her to get the kids back, and not be so secrative. If she doesn't answer, do what vanessa does, keep calling until she picks up.
2/9/2011 4:32:50 AM
Stop trying to avoid what is eventually going to have to come in order for us to get the kids back, you're going to have to give up a little bit of control whether you like it or not. After everything my mom has done to yours, yours is still willing to put my moms stuff in storage until she gets out of rehab and pay for it so my mom doesn't loose all her stuff. Not something someone who is against the world typically does. If I called her tomorrow and said you needed bailed out, she'd come down and pick you up.
2/9/2011 4:32:57 AM
She'd put money in the bank.
2/9/2011 4:33:11 AM
have you got it yet?
2/9/2011 4:33:38 AM
your avoidance of the system you hate, and games with your mother and with me has fucked you over royally.
2/9/2011 4:34:05 AM
So when you're ready to put the big boy pants on, let me know. If I have to I'll call your mother and tell her to come get you.
2/9/2011 4:34:50 AM
2/9/2011 4:34:52 AM
And don't tell me you haven't been in Hong Kong for awhile, Your mother reads every single one of your bank statements and knows exactly where you are.
2/9/2011 4:34:53 AM
no solution, sorry
2/9/2011 4:35:07 AM
its no soution you want to hear that's the problem.
2/9/2011 4:35:14 AM
It's not that there is NO solution
2/9/2011 4:37:25 AM
Tell me which bank to make a deposit to, and as soon as I have the van we can get your shit out of storage, and I can get you clothes in the mean time.
2/9/2011 4:37:42 AM
there's your solution.
2/9/2011 4:38:25 AM
i do not have access to storage
2/9/2011 4:38:29 AM
i have no local bank
2/9/2011 4:38:32 AM
your drawing at straws
2/9/2011 4:38:45 AM
you have several local banks, your mail goes to your mothers house remember?
2/9/2011 4:39:05 AM
otherwise you wouldn't have been able to pay the bills over the phone with a credit card.
2/9/2011 4:39:48 AM
as for the storage, you wait till whomever went rouge comes un rogue. I'll help you replace stuff in the mean time.
2/9/2011 4:40:46 AM
you can carry the laptops in plastic bags on the bus. It'll suck but it would work.
2/9/2011 4:40:56 AM
no i cannot
2/9/2011 4:41:00 AM
why not?
2/9/2011 4:43:50 AM
and if you truly have no bank I can western union it.
2/9/2011 4:46:07 AM
I think you're running out of excuses other than to say you just plain don't want to do anything because it's not being done your way.
2/9/2011 4:48:06 AM
who's way is it supposed to be done by?
2/9/2011 4:48:19 AM
your way?
2/9/2011 4:49:01 AM
if we were going to be in it together, it could be our way. I understand you want it your way, but life doesn't always allow for that. Maybe that's why all this is happening, life is trying to smack you up side the head and say this isn't mcdonalds you can't have it your way all the time.
2/9/2011 4:49:30 AM
so, it's your way?
2/9/2011 4:51:04 AM
why can't it be my way for a change?
2/9/2011 4:52:17 AM
why can't you trust me when i say your mother is not the enemy, that she wants to see us get our kids back, and if I called her tomorrow and said you were ready to play by the rules, but needed help getting out of Jamestown, she'd be there and talk to you? And that she's willing to help us make it so I don't go to jail if you come here.
2/9/2011 4:52:37 AM
All she wants is for us to get our kids back by june or july.
2/9/2011 4:52:41 AM
so she can be gramma
2/9/2011 4:52:59 AM
even if you don't stay here long and we go our seperate ways we have to learn how to co parent.
2/9/2011 4:53:20 AM
So really, why can't we try my way for change since your way keeps getting screwed up or hasn't worked in the past?
2/9/2011 4:54:00 AM
wow, things changed alot in 48 hours
2/9/2011 4:54:15 AM
from "i'll do whatever you want" to "it's my way"
2/9/2011 4:54:32 AM
I"m not demanding anything, I'll do whatever you want, but you asked for my help....
2/9/2011 4:54:34 AM
i didn't have that in my thought process for the week
2/9/2011 4:54:37 AM
now i do, thanks
2/9/2011 4:54:57 AM
actually, i didn't
2/9/2011 4:55:01 AM
i told you i would neeed time
2/9/2011 4:55:03 AM
you asked for a solution I gave you one.
2/9/2011 4:55:06 AM
and you freaked out and started your shit again
2/9/2011 4:55:09 AM
You could be here tomorrow.
2/9/2011 4:55:20 AM
I didn't start anything, you didn't ask for more time, you said you had to re think it.
2/9/2011 4:55:27 AM
Like you weren't coming.
2/9/2011 4:55:47 AM
yes, i had to rethink things
2/9/2011 4:55:55 AM
Either you are or you aren't, but you need to make up your mind, because our kids aren't waiting forever you know, and in the end they're what matters most.
2/9/2011 4:57:03 AM
what makes me most frustrated about all of this is they're the last thing you seem to be thinking of. Every opportunity to make this easy has been laid out in front of you, and you throw it down as a viable solution because its not the way you want it, when the way you want it shouldn't be what matters. What should matter is the way that benefits our kids most.
2/9/2011 4:57:39 AM
You living in Jamestown, wearing the same clothes for weeks on end, unable to survive or have what you need, much less be able to see them, or provide for them most certantly isnt' benefiting them.
2/9/2011 4:57:49 AM
Where are they in all this?
2/9/2011 4:57:58 AM
how many movies have you watched
2/9/2011 4:58:02 AM
or books that you've read
2/9/2011 4:58:02 AM
You're making choices off of assumptions?
2/9/2011 4:58:13 AM
where the wife is the #1 communication to the husbands personal business
2/9/2011 4:58:45 AM
dunno too many to count.
2/9/2011 4:58:54 AM
really..that just sucks
2/9/2011 4:59:10 AM
ends with all happy bliss, too?
2/9/2011 4:59:14 AM
why do you need to hide everything you do? Why are you so distrustful of the world?
2/9/2011 4:59:27 AM
because i know my world
2/9/2011 4:59:33 AM
don't you know your world?
2/9/2011 4:59:37 AM
most movies and books do, they're not there to piss you off or upset you.
2/9/2011 4:59:39 AM
would you let anybody just come into your house?
2/9/2011 4:59:47 AM
2/9/2011 4:59:47 AM
yes I do. And no I wouldn't.
2/9/2011 4:59:53 AM
just anybody walk in, treat it like their own
2/9/2011 5:00:07 AM
You mis understood
2/9/2011 5:00:17 AM
cause that's what i'm getting at
2/9/2011 5:00:22 AM
my "world", my "house"
2/9/2011 5:00:25 AM
the only thing i have to my name
2/9/2011 5:00:25 AM
I said "Yes I know my own world" and "no I wouldn't let anyone walk in and treat it like their own"
2/9/2011 5:00:35 AM
You created that world.
2/9/2011 5:00:41 AM
You chose that path.
2/9/2011 5:00:42 AM
and i'm comfortable in it, thanks
2/9/2011 5:00:46 AM
and every time
2/9/2011 5:00:49 AM
2/9/2011 5:00:55 AM
i choose to let you in
2/9/2011 5:00:57 AM
2/9/2011 5:01:11 AM
that's the sound the door makes on my ass kicking me out of it again
2/9/2011 5:01:20 AM
I'm not kicking you out.
2/9/2011 5:01:43 AM
I'm trying to let you in, but you're so afraid to let it happen, so afraid to feel anything, you're standing in the doorway refusing to come in.
2/9/2011 5:01:56 AM
right, you do kick me out
2/9/2011 5:02:07 AM
when mom knew, that was your pinky toe
2/9/2011 5:02:14 AM
then when lisa knew, that was the big toe
2/9/2011 5:02:21 AM
and it's become the whole sole of the foot
2/9/2011 5:02:26 AM
it happens every time
2/9/2011 5:02:30 AM
2/9/2011 5:02:30 AM
I told you lisa had to know, and you okay'd that.
2/9/2011 5:02:36 AM
Its a pattern you've created.
2/9/2011 5:02:39 AM
yes, i had really no choice
2/9/2011 5:02:40 AM
not I.
2/9/2011 5:02:46 AM
No you have plenty of choices
2/9/2011 5:03:15 AM
you choose not to take any of them because for some reason in the last three years you have decided the world is your enemy, and only you can be in your club house.
2/9/2011 5:03:33 AM
YOU have created that. No one else but YOU.
2/9/2011 5:03:38 AM
lol sorry
2/9/2011 5:03:41 AM
No one else but yOU.
2/9/2011 5:04:35 AM
I have not kicked you out.
2/9/2011 5:05:04 AM
You just can't stand to look in the mirror and see the truth in who's behind the face of Matthew James Heick. And that denial keeps everyone out, including me.
2/9/2011 5:05:20 AM
But worst of all, your children, who have nothing to do with hurting you.
2/9/2011 5:06:03 AM
my children are in my world
2/9/2011 5:06:07 AM
2/9/2011 5:06:14 AM
stop bringing them into it
2/9/2011 5:06:37 AM
You have become so distrustful of the real world that you won't even let your kids into your world because you refuse to do what's asked of you and co operate with the system that saved them from a life of being bounced from foster home to fosther home, never knowing who they're living with, and being another set of statistics, and beign split up.
2/9/2011 5:06:47 AM
They're a part of this matthew, they're a part of us.
2/9/2011 5:07:00 AM
They're the reason you wanted to be here are they not?
2/9/2011 5:08:09 AM
in this conversation, children stay out
2/9/2011 5:08:12 AM
always stay out
2/9/2011 5:09:33 AM
The problem then as I percieve it is that you are completely unwilling to live your life in any manner in which it cannot be your way all the time. Which is never going to happen, because even without me in it, there are always going to be outside forces that change things as you want it. You can complain I told Lisa all you want, but you knew all along she knew, you okay'd that she knew because I told you when this whole topic started she HAD to know because at the time SHE LIVED here.
2/9/2011 5:10:28 AM
This is one of those times where outside forces has changed things and taken the control over your world out of your hands. So you have to change it, change it. But don't punish me, or our kids because your poor choices are kicking you in the ass.
2/9/2011 5:11:07 AM
Because I don't punish them because my poor choices are kicking me in mine. You can be angry all you want at your mother for having them, but she's not to blame.
2/9/2011 5:12:39 AM
The courst arent' to blame either, they've been blessed with a hard ass judge who truly and genuinely cares about what's best for them, not what's going to make us happy, your mother included. And so far everything he's done has been good for the kids. And so far everything your mother and her husband has done, has been great for our kids. Our kids are brilliant, individual, fun to be around popular kids, and have everything in the world they could ever want. And they have never been told we don't love them.
2/9/2011 5:14:05 AM
Take all the time you want, you'll always have a place to stay with me, but at this point, I can't say it's going to be in this trailer because I can't afford to keep it. You were the deal sealer on that, and you pulled out so now in order to keep my ass warm and safe, I'm going to have to move. If you don't want to take my money and come here this week, then that's your choice. But I refuse to let your choices put me out in the street.
2/9/2011 5:14:19 AM
i'm not going to talk to you about the kids
2/9/2011 5:14:31 AM
anything else, sure, kids no
2/9/2011 5:14:58 AM
what do you have against them?
2/9/2011 5:15:05 AM
against talking about them?
2/9/2011 5:15:23 AM
thats talking about them
2/9/2011 5:15:37 AM
well I"m sorry you feel that way.
2/9/2011 5:15:48 AM
Did you expect to move here and not talk about them?
2/9/2011 5:16:20 AM
2/9/2011 5:16:24 AM
for awhile
2/9/2011 5:16:30 AM
cause i would've had YOU to get used to first
2/9/2011 5:18:12 AM
did you expect me to take down all their photos too?
2/9/2011 5:18:22 AM
no, that's not talking about them
2/9/2011 5:18:24 AM
2/9/2011 5:20:10 AM
Just asking. Cause they're everything to me. There isn't many places in this trailer you can go without seeing their faces or their letters to me.
2/9/2011 5:20:32 AM
that's fine, don't wanna talk about it
2/9/2011 5:20:33 AM
So I guess my final word on all this is good night cause if you refuse to help yourself, then there is nothing mroe I can do for you.
2/9/2011 5:20:42 AM
2/9/2011 5:20:57 AM
If you don't want anyone in your world, then there is nothing more I can do for you.
2/9/2011 5:21:52 AM
I don't have time to wait for you to get here, I don't have time to wait for you to pay the bills, I don't have time for you to get over whatever it is you have against the world, and neither do our kids. You want time, take all the time you want, but i'm moving forward with the kids. I'm going to have to find another place to live because I have no money to pay the rent and i'm going to get kicked out in the cold
2/9/2011 5:22:13 AM
so the ONE thing you didn't want to have happen, is going to happen, because you can't live in a world where you can't have your way 100% of the time.
2/9/2011 5:22:33 AM
And don't you dare tell me this is a threat because it's not, its cold hard fact.
2/9/2011 5:23:23 AM
Your children's mother is going to be homeless because your psychotic aunt opened her big fat mouth to get back at me for defending myself against her psychotic step daughter who tried to walk into MY home MY safe place and do whatever they felt like.
2/9/2011 5:24:20 AM
Take all the god damned time you want, because I could have been sleeping for the last two and a half hours, instead of sitting here trying to help someone who wants no help because he's a stubborn, angry man who needs someone to blame for his fuck ups and no one else will take the blame anymore.
2/9/2011 5:27:25 AM
um, hello, they are my fuckups
2/9/2011 5:27:27 AM
go to sleep
2/9/2011 5:27:28 AM
2/9/2011 5:27:30 AM
do something
2/9/2011 5:32:00 AM
Like what? I have nothing else to do now but sit here and think aobut how i was willing to give you my last thirty bucks to get here and you won't even take that because you can't have life on your terms all the time, and its not going to get me a place to live in a month when I get evicted for not paying the rent and my house is foreclosed on, and I have no place to go.
2/9/2011 5:32:13 AM
Literally no place to go. I needed you as much as you needed me
2/9/2011 5:32:29 AM
so you're not the only one who feels like their warmth and wellbeing is being threatened.
2/9/2011 5:32:49 AM
In fact you point blank put it in a threat, don't bow down and submit, or don't have me.
2/9/2011 5:33:25 AM
you're the only thing I have left to hang on to for housing for help paying the bills till I can get a car and do it on my own and you're pulling it out from underneath me because your family is psycho.
2/9/2011 5:34:07 AM
fine, just go to sleep
2/9/2011 5:34:12 AM
and wake up
2/9/2011 5:35:09 AM
and then what? sit here and figure out how to find boxes because I have to put everything into storage now?
2/9/2011 5:35:15 AM
Think they'll let me live there?
2/9/2011 5:38:44 AM
so now its yoru turn, you tell me what I'm supposed to do?
2/9/2011 5:39:11 AM
How can I guarantee you have a place to stay when I can't even keep a roof over my own head because your psycho aunt opened her psycho mouth and leaked your plans.
2/9/2011 5:39:16 AM
What do I do matthew?
2/9/2011 5:39:21 AM
Where do I go Matthew?
2/9/2011 5:40:50 AM
Well what do I do?
2/9/2011 5:44:01 AM
2/9/2011 5:47:06 AM
well its your turn to answer my questions now, what do I do since i'm going to be homeless now since you can't pay your half the rent, and I'm going to be evicted. And if you have no cash, how are you affording breakfast?
2/9/2011 5:48:28 AM
So what do I do matthew? Where do I go? Who do I live with? How do I do this? What do I do Matthew?
2/9/2011 5:48:28 AM
What do I do?
2/9/2011 5:48:34 AM
do you see yet matthew?
2/9/2011 5:49:11 AM
this is a real problem for me too and obviously i wouldn't have frivioulsly opened my mouth to anyone obecause without you here, I have nothing, no home, no place to put my things, and no place to put the cats.
2/9/2011 5:49:21 AM
I'll end up in a shelter like the cats in either rochester or buffalo, which do you reccomend you ever lived in either?
2/9/2011 5:51:10 AM
so what do I do? tell me please you have all the answers, what am I supposed to do now?
2/9/2011 10:28:24 AM
Well? WHat should I do now that i"ve slept and still have no place to live or go?
2/9/2011 1:34:13 PM
whew. Just walked two miles home. These are the times that I appreciate not being able to feel things from the waist down
2/9/2011 5:17:15 PM
Done being moody?
2/9/2011 5:18:00 PM
2/9/2011 6:47:50 PM
no? That's too bad
2/9/2011 9:22:26 PM
sour puss
2/9/2011 9:33:26 PM
2/9/2011 10:51:09 PM
2/9/2011 10:51:24 PM
I can't tell you you're moody and a sour puss and get over the panic you set me in this morning?
2/9/2011 10:51:40 PM
2/9/2011 10:51:46 PM
it wasn't panic, it was fact
2/9/2011 10:51:57 PM
2/9/2011 10:52:52 PM
2/9/2011 11:04:05 PM
when you make up your mind, let me know. If I still have the trailer I'll let you know. If not I am allowed to shoot for a two bedroom and take in a roommate with depaul if I so choose, by myself, rent max is 662 of which I'd pay 177. Dunno what it'd be for two people.
2/10/2011 12:48:23 AM
who knows i may have a car by the time you make up your mind
2/10/2011 1:33:56 AM
I keep dozing off at the lappy. Gonna try to sleep. feel free to wake me up at three am again with your insecure nonesense

2/10/2011 10:38:05 AM
Text your mom your number again she lost it and she'll call you. She doesn't answer calls that come up private or restricted that's why she hasn't been answering. I ONLY told her that lisa has been talking to freedom and started problems on that end for you and that you got mad at me for blabbing my mouth and had been trying to call her, but she wasn't taking your calls.
2/10/2011 10:38:15 AM
Here's your rescue line, take it.
2/10/2011 10:39:01 AM
and just so YOU know, your mom knows us well enough that we can lie to her face and say we're not going to live together, she knows we will anyways, so don't get mad at me if it comes up, because even when I lie to her she knows that I can't say no to you forever.
2/10/2011 10:39:21 AM
She just wants to help us get the kids back, so please, don't hate her for our choices too.
2/10/2011 12:15:53 PM
God I loose more weight I'm going to have to buy new clothes. My boobs are starting to hang out of my shirts now that I don't have all that fat to hold it up
2/10/2011 3:16:54 PM
are you awake?
2/10/2011 3:21:21 PM
whats up
2/10/2011 3:24:14 PM
text your mom
2/10/2011 3:24:42 PM
she's buggin me about needing to talk to you
2/10/2011 3:24:58 PM
she won't answer your calls if your number doesn't show when you call

2/10/2011 3:25:28 PM
sent you a msg earlier, didn't know if you were blowing me off cause we're trying to help you, or if you were sleeping/busy/ whatevering.
2/10/2011 3:26:40 PM
very busy ty
2/10/2011 3:26:43 PM
But yeah, she called me like five minutes ago saying you haven't gotten ahold of her so like...you should. Either that she'll probabbly find wherever it was she saved your number when you sent her a text before and call you
2/10/2011 3:26:54 PM
why are you fighting us so hard?
2/10/2011 3:27:00 PM
what do you mean?
2/10/2011 3:28:17 PM
you say you want to 'give chances" and be with the kids and whatever but whenever your mom and I offer to help you do that, you get pissy and push us away or fight us. I mean I get that your world was shattered or whatever in the last ten years and you trust no one but sooner or later you gotta let someone in if you're going to be the daddy we know you are who loves the hell outta his kids.
2/10/2011 3:28:33 PM
i'm not talking about the kids with you
2/10/2011 3:29:01 PM
I don't care, I just don't understand why you won't accept help from anyone to attain your goals
2/10/2011 3:29:36 PM
don't need help, thx
2/10/2011 3:29:37 PM
why are you fighting it so hard?
2/10/2011 3:30:05 PM
two days ago you did. Couldn't leave because lisa snitched to freedom our plans, couldn't leave cause you had no money, can't get to your stuff, ccan't get here.
2/10/2011 3:31:04 PM
Your mom will come get you, and if you blow her off and she thinks you're having trouble you know she'll drive her ass down there and find you if she wants to. All she wants to do is whatever it takes to put you back in the kids' lives, and I don't understand why you're fighting it so hard, and insist on carrying out this vendetta or vengance that she has them.
2/10/2011 3:31:56 PM
You're a human being, we all make mistakes, so is she. Is your ego really so swollen you can't accept that and let it go? It was six years ago.
2/10/2011 3:33:44 PM
nope, no swollen ego
2/10/2011 3:33:48 PM
nothing swollen at all
2/10/2011 3:35:08 PM
then what's you're issue with your mom?
2/10/2011 3:35:21 PM
why do you refuse to work with her to get the kids back?
2/10/2011 3:36:15 PM
i'm not talking about the kids with you
M2/10/2011 3:28:33 PM
2/10/2011 3:36:36 PM
Why do you hold a grudge against your mom?
2/10/2011 3:36:45 PM
i don't
2/10/2011 3:37:21 PM
then what the hell is your problem with coming out here?
2/10/2011 3:37:45 PM
what do you mean?
2/10/2011 3:39:33 PM
you don't want to come stay with me because I talk too much, you're delayed because of money, and your things. Your mom wants to help you and you refuse to take any help when you know she would do whatever you need to get you up here. For any reason. Even if it was just to come fuck me and leave she would still do it. You're her son, she's your mom, that's the natural way of that relationship. So what is your problem taking a call from your mom and having her come get you, bring you up here, and staying here, with her or with brian till you could either settle here, or in your own place?
2/10/2011 3:40:01 PM
Or having her help you get your things from storage when you can get them, or help you get clothes until you can get them
2/10/2011 3:40:07 PM
why are you so unflexable?
2/10/2011 3:40:10 PM
2/10/2011 3:40:11 PM
so stubborn.
2/10/2011 3:41:47 PM
That's why I say your ego is swollen, it has to be your way or no way and the world just doesn't work that way. It does not revolve around you. And if you keep that attitude you're going to be away from our kids for a very long time. And I don't feel sorry for you for that, I feel sorry for them for that because they're the ones loosing out on their daddy. Someone who loves them very much but is too stubborn for his own damned good, and is throwing his life with them away because he wants it his way or no way. Even they know better than to place those expectations on the world.
2/10/2011 3:42:09 PM
nope, no swollen ego
2/10/2011 3:42:25 PM
then what do you want to call it?
2/10/2011 3:45:58 PM
Six months ago you were preaching to me the value of compassion and generousity. You got frustrated because of my negative attitude on everything. And I did have a negative attitude on everything. Seems now the roles have switched. You've forgotten abotu compassion and generousity. About giving before recieving, and having compassion to forgive others for the things they've done wrong, to you or to others. And here I am, willing to let go of ten years of negativity, not place fault or blame, and accept fault and blame, and showing compassion for those in need by giving and giving and giving. I've given so much in the last three months I got a thank you card and couldnt' even remember who it was or what it was I did. I had to really think to remember. I've started volunteering at the community action center, to give back to the agency that did so much for our son when he was going through a lot of emotional turmoil because we kept walking in and out of their lives like it was an open door.
2/10/2011 3:46:22 PM
and what do you have? Opportunities galore in front of you to fix things and move forward, and you're turning your back on all of it with your negative attitude.
2/10/2011 3:46:38 PM
Compassion, Kindness, and generosity.
2/10/2011 3:46:47 PM
and humility
2/10/2011 3:46:50 PM
where'd your humility go?
2/10/2011 3:46:58 PM
hahahha humility roolz
2/10/2011 3:47:07 PM
you have none
2/10/2011 3:47:49 PM
not one ounce, because if you did, you could humble yourself enough to take the help being offered to you, eat crow, and suck it up and do what ever anyone with any authority to decide where our kids go asks you to.
2/10/2011 3:48:02 PM
and don't tell me you won't talk about the kids with me,i'm not asking you to.
2/10/2011 3:49:01 PM
I'm telling you the way it is. In the last six months being open, honest, and doing what I was ordered to by a court has turned everything around. I have grown to a place where I can have my mini crises, but take a step forward afterwards and doing something better, rather than lie around on the c ouch all day in self pity.
2/10/2011 3:49:26 PM
I honestly can't see where in the last year while you were on sabbatical to find yourself, you've found a single thing, much less changed any for the better.
2/10/2011 3:49:28 PM
and that's sad.
2/10/2011 3:49:52 PM
Because you're missing out on one hell of a group of kids we created together, and their lives, but worst of all they're missing out on you.
2/10/2011 3:50:23 PM
so when you're done being a stubborn prick, let me know. Let your mom know, we'll be here. We'll still help you. we'll still care.
2/10/2011 3:50:49 PM
In the mean time, learn how to get over yourself. Your oldest son needs his father to teach him that stealing is unacceptable.
2/10/2011 3:51:11 PM
stealing is fine as long as you don't get caught
2/10/2011 3:51:14 PM
and leave no evidence
2/10/2011 3:51:16 PM
pfft wtf
2/10/2011 3:51:19 PM
well he got caught plent of times.
2/10/2011 3:51:29 PM
and he's in trouble at school for stealing.
2/10/2011 3:53:42 PM
fine ty
2/10/2011 3:53:43 PM
angelique is so smart, her teacher is holding her to higher standards than the rest of the class tokeep her from getting bored and not doing anything at all, and Jamie is jamie, a monster at home, but near perfect in school, and savannah is the princess of everything. And if you don't know what princess she is on a particular day she wont' talk to you. She's always a different princess. She'll even put you in time out if you don't follow the house rules she's so smart. Put her grampy in time out for letting her get out of bed when he came home late one day the little shit. Gave him a black eye when she wanted to go to chuck e cheese too. I can't wait till she's 15 lol
2/10/2011 3:53:50 PM
ok, no more thanks
2/10/2011 3:54:06 PM
what's the matter? Hurt to much hearing about what wonderful kids you have that you're missing?
2/10/2011 4:44:39 PM
huh? no
2/10/2011 4:57:30 PM
2/10/2011 5:04:57 PM
do you even remember what the 13th of Febrary is?
2/10/2011 5:25:17 PM
or do you not want to because you blame yourself?
2/10/2011 6:19:01 PM
2/10/2011 6:19:18 PM
I"m evicting Lisa now. Expect a whole ass load of lies to start coming from her to Freedom now

2/10/2011 7:40:19 PM
Expect a whole lot of lies from Lisa to be passed on to Freedom now lmao. She's fucking pissed. But in thirty days she's gone

2/10/2011 8:30:03 PM
you there?
2/10/2011 8:30:11 PM
wtf now?
2/10/2011 8:30:36 PM
is it possible to do a who is if you know who runs the site?
2/10/2011 8:30:57 PM
what you trying to do?
2/10/2011 8:31:53 PM
Find out where your aunt is writing crazy stories about us all so I can laugh

2/10/2011 8:32:06 PM
you can't
2/10/2011 8:32:15 PM
2/10/2011 8:33:41 PM
she gave out your moms cell phone number to someone from florida
2/10/2011 8:33:58 PM
and I have a morbid curiosity to know what shit people are talking about me lmao
2/10/2011 8:59:26 PM
why are you so pissy for?
2/10/2011 9:08:46 PM
no, boobs will not fix it
2/10/2011 9:09:15 PM
I didn't ask if they would, but if you want boobs I can give ya boobies, I'm alone

2/10/2011 9:09:30 PM
does my hunny need a boobie fix?
2/10/2011 9:09:40 PM
2/10/2011 9:09:51 PM
2/10/2011 9:10:01 PM
it won't fix it
2/10/2011 9:10:10 PM
want em anyways?
2/10/2011 9:10:24 PM
....won't hurt, i guess
2/10/2011 9:10:32 PM
lol you're so predictable

2/10/2011 9:10:37 PM
no i'm not
2/10/2011 9:10:43 PM
and no talkin' much

2/10/2011 9:11:01 PM
why freedom gonna get mad?
2/10/2011 9:11:07 PM
pick it up without voice
2/10/2011 9:11:11 PM
no, i just wanna savor a visual moment
2/10/2011 9:11:13 PM
mute me goof
2/10/2011 9:11:14 PM
not an audible one
2/10/2011 9:11:24 PM
can you see me now?
2/10/2011 9:23:35 PM
2/10/2011 9:24:03 PM
dark-colored beers, like lager
2/10/2011 9:26:11 PM
2/10/2011 9:26:37 PM
2/10/2011 9:27:30 PM
did it at least make it better?
2/10/2011 9:28:54 PM
I"m still gonna have to turn the electric on in your name and at least cable.
2/10/2011 9:29:26 PM
The heating system runs off electric or i wouldn't bother and just go to wellfare and whine but I already got heap they won't help me anymore this year.
2/10/2011 9:30:04 PM
2/10/2011 9:34:48 PM
Hoping depaul comes through soon enough
2/10/2011 9:35:47 PM
2/10/2011 9:36:09 PM
I'm afraid this time I might really end up homeless cause its not just dad being an asshole
2/10/2011 11:59:11 PM
hahahahahahahahahahahah. Remember when the cops hated us because we called all the fucking time?
2/10/2011 11:59:16 PM
Now they hate lisa
2/11/2011 12:01:01 AM
they just had to send an officer here because I sent her a picture of a stupid sim card she accused me of stealing, and told her it was here where she left it, and needed to call ahead next time and have an officer meet her here to get her things, and she called and told them I was harassing her. The cop goes "I'm not even really sure why she called us, it's not harassing but she doesn't want any pictures sent to her phone. I dont' even know why she was bothered it's not like it was vulgar or anything. I said "well she's mad she's being evicted" he said "oh ok, well if you find more of her stuff, just set it aside and leave it...this was a waste of time"
2/11/2011 12:01:12 AM
and I know you hate the drama and the cops but this is hilarious
2/11/2011 12:01:17 AM
your aunt is a tool
2/11/2011 12:08:31 AM
and as soon as I get done moving this stupid bed I'll be in wow and you'll probably have gone to bed knowing you
2/11/2011 12:08:35 AM
moody butt
2/11/2011 12:11:51 AM
2/11/2011 12:48:22 AM
I have no clue how gramma moved that bed into her house
2/11/2011 12:48:33 AM
it's heavier than my old bed! The box spring alone was heavy
2/11/2011 3:28:39 AM
why are you giving me the cold shoulder now?
2/11/2011 3:28:48 AM
I didn't do anything wrong
2/11/2011 3:29:25 AM
I've done everything right in the last two weeks and your treating me like I've been on some vindictive quest to destroy your life again when I haven't.
2/11/2011 2:06:08 PM
did you get a message 'from me' at six this morning?
2/11/2011 2:09:59 PM
like on face book or email or anything?
2/11/2011 5:23:10 PM
spill it, what's your beef?
2/11/2011 5:23:43 PM
wtf now?
2/11/2011 5:30:51 PM
you're giving me the could shoulder. why?
2/11/2011 5:31:02 PM
i'm working
2/11/2011 5:32:50 PM
i'll agree to disagree because you don't (computer got funky that's why it took so long) work 24/7
2/11/2011 11:54:40 PM
2/11/2011 11:57:25 PM
So how long are you going to act like nothing happened?
2/12/2011 12:00:08 AM
2/12/2011 12:06:02 AM
Please don't do this again Matt. You're blowing me off for things I didn't even do, which is worse than being mad at me for things I really did do a year ago that I shouldn't have. It hurts more because I'm not guilty of anything. I'm sick of hearing you're working and have no time, because it's not true, and i'm sick of the false faccade you put on in wow like nothing's wrong when that's not ture, and I'm tired of being fed your lies, and putting my heart into them to be let down. And I hate seeing you throw away a great relationship with our kids just because you're mad at your mom for having realistic expecations. And having you take it out on me because you can't get along with her for whatever reasons you have. This is our last six months matthew before we loose them forever. Our last six months before she says enough is enough and petitions to have our rights terminated. I'll be damned if I"m going to let your idiotic stuboorness get in the way of bringing them home. Play all the games you want, but in the end you never had control of this situation. You never will have any controll over it all if you can't give up this fantasy that it's all going to go your way.
2/12/2011 12:07:15 AM
I love you. I always have and I always will, but I can never be with a man that can't be responsible enough to support his kids, or make any effort to be in their lives because he's angry at the person they live with. They didn't choose to live there, we choose to put them there because we couldn't take care of them, they shouldn't be punished for that.
2/12/2011 12:08:15 AM
All you've ever had to do was go to mental health and pass their exam, and you would be able to do it now, you've been off meds long enough functioning and you know what answers to say yes and no to, but you refuse to because the court said so, and had you just done it, they'd have been back with you years ago.
2/12/2011 12:08:58 AM
Now you can't even come close because you're so angry at your mom for taking them when we couldn't take care of them, you won't even go see them. You won't write them letters, you won't call them on the phone, and you won't support them.
2/12/2011 12:09:19 AM
You don't have a clue how much it costs to raise those kids, because if you did you would be proud to say you were supporting them.
2/12/2011 12:10:28 AM
I feel sorry for you. You're walking away from everything for nothing at all. You have three places to go up here, you have rides waiting, clothes waiting, and because you can't have it your way you're going to throw away the best thing ever, being a daddy.
2/12/2011 12:10:40 AM
A daddy to four of the most brilliant, beautiful kids out there.
2/12/2011 12:11:23 AM
And someday when they grow up and they hate you, as much as you hate your mother I want you to think of what you're doing right now and remember that you have had so many chances and you let your stubborness get in the way of a beautiful thing.
2/12/2011 12:13:02 AM
Your mother may not have been the best when you were growing up, she may not be everything you want her to be right now, but that's only your perception. If you had actually taken the time to get to know the situation you would see what an amzing person she is for doing what she's doing for us, and what an amazing job she's doing of raising our kids. They're well behaved, smart, and funny, and naughty, but they always make you laugh, and smile and even when they're not behaving its normal kid stuff, not hating where they are.
2/12/2011 12:13:42 AM
All you have to do is open up and stop being so angry and bitter. You've had your chances to go get them back, and any time you haven't it's been your direct choice and refuse to comply with the judge.
2/12/2011 12:14:34 AM
I just hope you grow up and get over it in time so that you don't miss our kids' entire childhood, and don't have to be hated when they're older by them because you were never there for something as stupid as not liking where they lived or having to pay support.
2/12/2011 12:24:56 AM
Its petty, childish and low.
2/12/2011 12:26:41 AM
I would love nothing more than to have you here, and have the kinkiest nastiest hottest sex ever and bow down and submit, but I just can't be with a man who won't be responsible for his kids, and can't be flexible enough to do whatever it takes to be a part of their lives no matter how much it sucked. At least they know where I'm at. At least i"m not the reason Angelique goes to the window and stares out waiting for her daddy to show up and come see her cause she misses him.
2/12/2011 12:31:38 AM
And honestly unless you got that dumb cunt Freedom pregnant, I don't see what business it is of hers, her aunts, or Vern's where you're living or who you're going to live with, or when you're leaving, so that's the most pathetic excuse I've ever heard not to just up and leave and come be a dad.
2/12/2011 11:28:43 AM
All I want is a man who puts his family first, respects his mother and woman, will take me out every now and then (even if its as stupid as mcdonalds), and is honest and true. You used to be those things. Not anymore.
2/12/2011 11:40:36 AM
yah, still not
2/12/2011 11:42:14 AM
I'm willing to give it a shot you're not. You're so stubborn and you just can't accept a world in which you don't have total control. Me is one thing. I have no problem giving you control within our four walls called home, but because of your choice, you're loosing out on our kids, and worse yet, they're loosing out on an amazing daddy.
2/12/2011 11:42:47 AM
I'm frustrated because I can't figure out your angle. What is it you're after? Beating the system? winnning?
2/12/2011 11:43:01 AM
having someone to mainipulate for fun?
2/12/2011 11:44:07 AM
Some weird thing to get back at your mom for something she did six years ago? Twenty years ago? Ten?
2/12/2011 11:44:23 AM
What is your problem really?
2/12/2011 11:44:56 AM
no, i've taken a big breath of things after all that has happenned
2/12/2011 11:45:37 AM
2/12/2011 11:46:51 AM
then what is it?
2/12/2011 11:47:14 AM
you hate me still?
2/12/2011 11:47:27 AM
I've lost my chance because your aunt is psycho trying to cause me problems
2/12/2011 11:47:33 AM
and I have to be punished for it?
2/12/2011 11:49:14 AM
what makes you think my sole intention is to punish you?
2/12/2011 11:49:18 AM
it's not
2/12/2011 11:50:12 AM
because it always has been. You get mad at me for something I have or haven't done and you take away all you're promises of help and coming and working things together to be parents to our kids. You do things to hurt me on purpose.
2/12/2011 11:52:26 AM
besides you wanted someone to bow down and submit and when they don't the get punished
2/12/2011 11:52:38 AM
so because i didn't do it right you're gonna punish me by taking everything away from me. Its the way it's been for ten years.
2/12/2011 11:53:29 AM
2/12/2011 11:54:35 AM
all I wanna know is what you're doing. Are you coming, or are you fucking me over again because things didn't go your way?
2/12/2011 11:54:56 AM
i would think that the proper question would be "are you coming or not". not a question that imples utter guilt and ego in one sentence
2/12/2011 11:55:07 AM
and i don't know the answer
2/12/2011 11:58:11 AM
you don't understand, the ego and guilt are true. You always pull out on me at the last minute and fuck me over when I've made plans to accomodate you. Your mom would come get you today if you wanted to come, but because it's not what you want, you give a lot of shit to a lot of people and we're all getting worn down and frustrated by it. I'm sorry if I offended you for implying guilt and ego, but it's my perception on the situation based on ten years of repeated actions by you. If you want to change my perception then show me that you've changed. If you don't, then say so. Either way at this point because you haven't paid the lot rent and mortgage I'm fucked, and i'll have to find another place to live. I can find a two bedroom no problem, could probably find bigger if I could put down on the application that you were moving in with me, but that would cause problems because you won't have the order of protection changed. They check into that kind of stuff.
2/12/2011 11:59:21 AM
you know, none of this would've happenned if one person just listened and respected what i said. you were the one that questioned everything, and it ended up shits creek. now you come to me like you didn't expect the siht outta this
2/12/2011 11:59:40 AM
The person who didn't listen matthew was you.
2/12/2011 12:00:30 PM
In the beginning when all this came up I told you that lisa had to know you were coming. She was living here, and that to respect her as a living tennant here, she should be asked if she mindied you coming here, you gave no objections at that time.
2/12/2011 12:01:12 PM
ok, no more, i'm doing work and your distracting me
2/12/2011 12:01:17 PM
And I have every right to question a situation you were putting me in that could have landed me in jail. Because as much as you don't want me to go to jail, I don't want to go to jail worse.
2/12/2011 12:01:24 PM
work is a cover.
2/12/2011 12:01:35 PM
then i'll have to use the ignore button
2/12/2011 12:01:47 PM
It ended up shits creek because you expected to have control over everything and you never had it.
2/21/2011 10:25:59 PM
2/21/2011 10:29:27 PM
On borrowed bandwith until time warner gets here on the second. They would deal with me for you over the phone but national grid wouldn't. Lisa had everything out of her name on the tenth. They finally came and disconnected her cable line today which is dumb considering they'll be here on the 2nd to connect for me.
2/21/2011 10:29:41 PM
Sometimes it gets spotty so i quit anything i"m not using

2/21/2011 10:29:47 PM
2/21/2011 10:30:27 PM
National grid wanted you to call them, since you refused to communicate I placed an online order with dad. so I think I have electric service.
2/21/2011 10:30:41 PM
2/21/2011 10:31:16 PM
good to hear you got some good booty for ya
2/21/2011 10:31:18 PM
2/21/2011 10:31:20 PM
2/21/2011 10:31:34 PM
its been four months since I got fucked I had to do something.
2/21/2011 10:31:50 PM
....who was 4 months ago?
2/21/2011 10:32:09 PM
same guy?
2/21/2011 10:32:12 PM
same guy, bent over the golf cart
2/21/2011 10:32:19 PM
right ok gotcha
2/21/2011 10:32:27 PM
before that it was whenever the last time I had you
2/21/2011 10:32:38 PM
you were at your dads, behind the house
2/21/2011 10:32:47 PM
spit bj
2/21/2011 10:32:48 PM
that was me giving you a blow job though not me getting fucked
2/21/2011 10:32:58 PM
last time we fucked was like july
2/21/2011 10:33:08 PM
was it there? in the back room with heaters?
2/21/2011 10:34:09 PM
no you're right, it wasn't in bergen the last time, it was in the blue room at dads with Mary when you came back and I picked you up from the blue bird motel. That's how I knew your mom was reading your bank statements
2/21/2011 10:34:40 PM
2/21/2011 10:34:43 PM
oh yah
2/21/2011 10:34:44 PM
cause we were talking one day and I mentioned I picked you up from the airport and she goes, at soem motel right and I just said yeah and she goes "I know exactly where, the blue bird motel"
2/21/2011 10:34:50 PM
hmmm lemme get that date
2/21/2011 10:35:10 PM
she knew the name of it without me volunteering it. She reads em every month, that's how she knows generally where you're at.
2/21/2011 10:35:24 PM
august or septemberish
2/21/2011 10:36:54 PM
2/21/2011 10:37:15 PM
over 5 months since you've had me...wow...
2/21/2011 10:37:45 PM
i don't seem that interesting anymore, huh lol
2/21/2011 10:37:45 PM
2/21/2011 10:38:00 PM
you do, its you who seems to have a problem with me

2/21/2011 10:38:19 PM
your doing great for being away from me for over 5 months
2/21/2011 10:38:27 PM
you've only heard my voice...twice?
2/21/2011 10:38:31 PM
haven't seen how fat i got
2/21/2011 10:38:35 PM
2/21/2011 10:38:38 PM
2/21/2011 10:38:42 PM
and I don't care
2/21/2011 10:38:45 PM
or all the hair on my head
2/21/2011 10:38:53 PM
or how bad my farts are
2/21/2011 10:39:04 PM
yah, i'm a good 270 now
2/21/2011 10:39:04 PM
seen the hair in the picture, which I've always liked, and your farts can't be any worse than your aunts
2/21/2011 10:39:14 PM
fat face and all
2/21/2011 10:39:24 PM
its called unconditional love for a reason matt.
2/21/2011 10:39:40 PM
...it's called just not letting go, really
2/21/2011 10:39:49 PM
that's my definition, tho
2/21/2011 10:39:55 PM
differs from the norm
2/21/2011 10:40:30 PM
if you want to put it that way. can you call it the same for the kids though? If I tell you about valentines day because it is rather pertinent to the discussion of unconditional love.
2/21/2011 10:41:02 PM
right now, no
2/21/2011 10:41:11 PM
ok, but I think you need to hear it at some point.
2/21/2011 10:41:17 PM
i've told ya before, and i stopped communicating with you because i asked you not to inform me and you continued to
2/21/2011 10:41:28 PM
yah, at some point, but not now really
2/21/2011 10:41:46 PM
i respect you for the fight that you've been through and the successes you've had, respect me for my decisions now please
2/21/2011 10:41:55 PM
2/21/2011 10:42:17 PM
just answer one thing, are you giving up all together on that fight? Or are you just not ready for it now?
2/21/2011 10:42:32 PM
i've been on the mindset to give up on it all together
2/21/2011 10:42:59 PM
I have at times too to be honest so I can understand where you're coming from.
2/21/2011 10:43:14 PM
and it's taken me a long time to get to being honest
2/21/2011 10:43:18 PM
and i can be honest with ya
2/21/2011 10:43:33 PM
i still have to lie to the world and hold things back from you cause i can't stop your mouth
2/21/2011 10:43:34 PM
but i try
2/21/2011 10:44:32 PM
Thats why I left in August after you left that last time. Your mom came and acted like you didn't know if you were staying or not,a nd when I could come back to see the kids again, and I found out later you were already on a plane to Hong Kong when she told me that, and later her excuse was that she said she was coming to get me the next day but I didn't hear it. I wanted to give up then. My heart couldn't do it in the end though no matter how hard I tried my heart couldn't just cut them out completely.
2/21/2011 10:45:04 PM
so what's your week like?
2/21/2011 10:45:34 PM
one day per line
2/21/2011 10:46:30 PM
I really don't have a set schedule.
2/21/2011 10:47:08 PM
Monday's I make effort to workout with chuck, not typically a day for appointments so I clean house, and put out the trash, shovel if needs be and play wow or whatever.
2/21/2011 10:47:43 PM
Tuesdays are currently slated for two pm appointments to make me a not alcoholic anymore until the first, and then Mondays will change and I'll have pm appointments for some class for eight weeks.
2/21/2011 10:48:01 PM
Wednesdays i make effort to work out with chuck, otherwise i'm free.
2/21/2011 10:48:05 PM
classes to, what...dance a pole?
2/21/2011 10:48:16 PM
to make me not an alcoholic.
2/21/2011 10:48:21 PM
o ok
2/21/2011 10:48:37 PM
you said "some class"
2/21/2011 10:48:39 PM
This is my punishment for trashing your house last year, I am now labled an alcoholic and have to take classes.
2/21/2011 10:48:49 PM
its called "womens educational class"
2/21/2011 10:48:51 PM
hahahaha sorry
2/21/2011 10:49:12 PM
its not even cause they think I have a problem, its because I was drunk when i got arrested lmao
2/21/2011 10:49:19 PM
right, i remember...the whole tazing
2/21/2011 10:49:19 PM
but i do it to make the stupid court people happy
2/21/2011 10:49:43 PM
so thursdays I volunteer across the street at community action, shoot for one pm to five pm but typically less.
2/21/2011 10:50:09 PM
Friday's are free. Sat sunday i fit in chuck, and the rest of my time is free unless I have scheduled dr's appointments.
2/21/2011 10:50:13 PM
my shrink is a dick.
2/21/2011 10:50:18 PM
has an ego problem
2/21/2011 10:50:39 PM
threatened to take away my housing help if i get drunk again like it was my fault michelle attacked me and I beat her little ass up for it.
2/21/2011 10:50:46 PM
I obviously didn't go to jail.
2/21/2011 10:52:01 PM
true true
2/21/2011 10:52:09 PM
well, holding cell with heels for the night
2/21/2011 10:52:48 PM
you going to sleep anytime soon?
2/21/2011 10:52:54 PM
2/21/2011 10:53:27 PM
no I'll be up till prolly four am like normal
2/21/2011 10:53:33 PM
cell with heels for the night?
2/21/2011 10:54:45 PM
I think I'm still cleaning jizz out of my eyes. I know he got it up my damned nose, but he's so respectful, I think that's why I like him. You have gotten cold and distant and disrespectful so I started feeling like a whore. With randy I can be a slut, but he doesn't make me feel like one when it's over.
2/21/2011 10:54:46 PM
2/21/2011 10:55:10 PM
wow..that ...sorta hurts i guess
2/21/2011 10:56:08 PM
just don't push the envelope that much yet lol
2/21/2011 10:56:16 PM
still hurtin' a bit
2/21/2011 10:56:31 PM
I didn't mean it to, but I guess since we're being honest, you've done a lot of damage to my self image. In the end we were both so hurt and out to hurt eachother, that it just was what it was.
2/21/2011 10:56:47 PM
and i'm happy to hear

2/21/2011 10:57:14 PM
and that's what I miss. I miss when we could be what we wanted to be together in bed, but the love was still there. The tender touches, and tender looks, and tender kisses.
2/21/2011 10:57:39 PM
And part of me knows that's still in you, but you've been so hurt you've blocked it out, and that's why I haven't 'gotten over it'
2/21/2011 10:59:34 PM
I know this thing with randy is never going to be more than just sex. But when i am with him, for that little bit of time, I feel appreciated, and wanted, and I feel like i'm more than just a peice of meat spreading my legs open so he can get off. And that's how things got toward the end of things for us matt, and if that hurts I'm sorry but it's the truth. I think we both wanted it on the physical level, but at the same time there was that small part of us that wanted to leave the other of us hurting.
2/21/2011 11:01:30 PM
well, depending on how events traverse from me will determine the future
2/21/2011 11:04:17 PM
I guess I had to finally let you go to be able to deal with the honesty. And be able to dish it out. And I know you worry about the big mouth thing, but I really felt at the time telling your mom you were coming was for the best. She was honestly ready to go to jamestown and testify on my behalf that things were going better and having the order of protection reduced to a refrain from was okay so that we could begin co parenting the kids. I didn't realize at the time it wasn't entirely what you wanted. She was all set to do that and go to court and appoint you supervisor to my visits so the kids could come here and visit us both. I'm sorry for jumping the gun on that. Had I known you're in the position I was in months ago I probably would have chosen differently.
2/21/2011 11:04:58 PM
and the thing with lisa, you knew I had to tell her up front, and I'm sorry that things went south with her and I and she blew it for you there. she's doing her best to bring me down but that's where the honesty thing has been a plus for me and kicking her in the ass.
2/21/2011 11:06:08 PM
mmk, makes sense
2/21/2011 11:07:44 PM
She's literally trying to have the da press charges against me for putting michelle's pictures up on her facebook wall saying "hey baby we had a great time tonight". Obviously its going nowhere, it was done on the first, she didn't complain until AFTER I formally evicted her, and no one has been here to question me and/or arrest me. I think she'll just come back around the ninth of march since that's the thirty day mark and get her stuff and leave, if not it all goes in the trash, I change the locks and pay out the ass for new keys and locks to the mail box.
2/21/2011 11:09:19 PM
2/21/2011 11:12:00 PM
yeah she hasn't slept here once since the first when I kicked michelles ass and then had her kicked out and lisa decided she was going to stay with michelle until she leaves town. On the 9th I had mom sign and notarize a thirty day notice explaining why lisa wasn't on the lease here, just a month to month basis and why the eviction was legal. Had to have a peace officer, she bitched about everything, accused me of stealing her sim card, and when I found it and sent it to her in a picutre message, she called the cops and tried to have me arrested for that. It didn't work, so the thing about michelle's pictures came out. She's been totally pscyho and I can't wait till I can throw her stuff out and be done with it.
2/21/2011 11:12:21 PM
mmk, no more books
2/21/2011 11:12:47 PM
i'm sorry there's just so much to say and I have a hard tiem condensing.
2/21/2011 11:13:30 PM
just masturbate, it'll clear your mind
2/21/2011 11:13:48 PM
hehehehehe if you only knew...
2/21/2011 11:13:57 PM
let me know
2/21/2011 11:14:38 PM
Mastrubation is much better when someone else does it for you again and again and again and again

I've had my fill of cumming for the day to make up for the last four months of abstinence

2/21/2011 11:14:56 PM
wow, now i know
2/21/2011 11:15:18 PM
you asked.
2/21/2011 11:15:25 PM
yes i did
2/21/2011 11:16:39 PM
So here's my point of view. I think if you came, and you could open up just a little and not let the little things end up being big things, you could see where I have changed, and eventually maybe realize that while I have done a lot of damage to our family, with or without you, I'm doing what I can to fix it no matter what the cost.
2/21/2011 11:17:59 PM
i know your fixing it
2/21/2011 11:18:02 PM
that's why i'm proud
2/21/2011 11:18:26 PM
And that through honesty with your mom, and not being so defensive at what she says to me, we've reached a point where we've decided no matter what the outcome of all this therapy and the courts, if the decision is they don't come home and they live with her, so long as I am stable (and you if you so choose to be involved), there is absolutely no reason I can't be fully involved in their lives, because in the end, they aren't gonna give a rats ass where they lived, they're gonna care who was there and how much. And that's all I'm gonna say on that matter k?
2/21/2011 11:18:40 PM
2/21/2011 11:19:54 PM
I"m not just trying to fix the custody stuff, I'm trying to fix me. I've come to the point where the problem started long before you came into my life, and I have to deal with it, fix it in me and move on. And I'm making progress. They were thinking i had ptsd from my relationship with you, and the rapes and stuff, i'm finding it was from being a kid
2/21/2011 11:20:11 PM
yah, i know all this
2/21/2011 11:20:49 PM
your mom and i were arguing this summer and i was shaking so bad she reached out to hold my hands and steady me, and I pulled back and freaked so bad it scared her. But she finally understood why you and I had so many issues. The times you tried to do what I needed you to do, grab me and hold me, I was so panicked I fought.
2/21/2011 11:21:19 PM
And I'm sorry for that. You really tried to be a good husband, but I was so messed up I couldn't see it.
2/21/2011 11:21:44 PM
i know this too
2/21/2011 11:23:03 PM
And whether you want to hear it or not right now you're the best daddy our kids could have, and I hope that things go well in the future so you can get back to that. You have one amazingly strong little girl ready to forgive you as soon as you explain why you went away. Its scary, it hurts, but she can handle it, and when and if you choose to do it, its not so bad once you're through it. Now that i've got all that out, I'm done. You coming back to wow? Marty's waiting for ya ya know

2/21/2011 11:23:18 PM
i talk to him on skype
2/21/2011 11:24:56 PM
well that's good. That is all he asked me to relay to you so I'm glad. did you run out of money for game time? Or just needed a break?
2/21/2011 11:25:24 PM
cause as soon as twc hooks us up you can bill it to the home phone

2/21/2011 11:25:32 PM
yah i knows
2/21/2011 11:26:18 PM
thats a busy week for me. The first I gotta go save dads bacon in support court so he doesn't chew out the magistrate, the second they're hooking up the cable, and the third I gotta deal with the shirnk from hell.
2/21/2011 11:26:36 PM
He's a prick. Keeps telling me I"m abusing the system and manipulated them into a diagnosis I wanted.
2/21/2011 11:26:41 PM
where's support court at?
2/21/2011 11:27:06 PM
same place family court is, you know the door next to the clerks desk no one hardly goes in and out of?
2/21/2011 11:27:16 PM
2/21/2011 11:27:35 PM
you know where WE go for family court in batavia?
2/21/2011 11:27:40 PM
2/21/2011 11:27:53 PM
so, in batavia
2/21/2011 11:27:57 PM
2/21/2011 11:28:02 PM
ok, that was the correct answer
2/21/2011 11:28:13 PM
I thought you knew it was in batavia and didn't knwo where in the court house it was lmao
2/21/2011 11:28:28 PM
didn't know your dad had to go there
2/21/2011 11:29:40 PM
mom went back to rehab, so she had to get cash money from welfare so they made her file for spousal support, but he's so hot under the collar about it, he's afraid he'll m outh off to the judge and call her a cunt so he's sending me his bills and his paperwork so I can go lol
2/21/2011 11:29:49 PM
technically i could appear for both of them lmao
2/21/2011 11:29:56 PM
i have poa for both of them
2/21/2011 11:30:13 PM
o ok
2/21/2011 11:30:17 PM
which means if you were still interested and the cash wasn't the issue I could sign the trailer over to both of us

2/21/2011 11:30:30 PM
2/21/2011 11:32:32 PM
just an option. The problem there is, you'd have to be able to help me keep from getting forclosed on, or squat with me somewhere else if not until you decide what you're doing.
2/21/2011 11:32:44 PM
right, i know
2/21/2011 11:34:36 PM
I could still get a two bedroom, and depaul if approved would allow me a roommate which ups the amount of rent they'd pay but that'd mean you going on the books. so there's options, don't freak about that, its just stuff you'll have to be willing to discuss with me at some point.
2/21/2011 11:34:53 PM
i knows
2/21/2011 11:36:37 PM
made it to 64 last night. as soon as I'm done chatting to clint I'll push for 65
2/21/2011 11:37:04 PM
you still gotta make 85
2/21/2011 11:37:40 PM
lol I know but i'm pushing for it, I just get bored after lying here for so long playing, and if I've had a stressfull day I get easily distracted and un focused
2/21/2011 11:39:44 PM
I find it interesting that on the emotional levels going through all this court stuff and whatever you're about three months behind me in some areas and others, way ahead lol
2/21/2011 11:39:58 PM
mmk cool
2/21/2011 11:40:56 PM
so what else is new, cause I have oodles to say but none of it is okay to talk about right now, its your turn to generate some conversation.
2/21/2011 11:41:11 PM
eatin' now

2/21/2011 11:42:05 PM
i've had no appitite for days. Between the constant fever and the lack of quick to make foods, I've just been ignoring my tummy. Anything good?
2/21/2011 11:42:17 PM
2/21/2011 11:42:39 PM
cool. Have freedom make her chicken cordon bleu for you if she hasn't yet. Fantastic cook at that she is.
2/21/2011 11:43:16 PM
not my choice unless asked
2/21/2011 11:44:12 PM
ahhhh well if she makes it you'll love it. she's really good at it.
2/21/2011 11:44:48 PM
yah, i knows
2/21/2011 11:45:27 PM
so, even though you realize that your life needs changing in some way, your sexual direction hasn't in any way?
2/21/2011 11:48:26 PM
no, you've opened me up sexually. Which is kinda why I was glad when you previously spoke of coming here and staying and though not focusing on repairing the relationship, still sleeping together even if we maintained seperate rooms. I don't like the chase any more than you do, dating is akward, and all I really want is to not have ot be alone all the time, but have someone around that does their own thing when i want to be left alone, and to kinda help with the bills along the way. You would have been ideal because you're the father of our kids, and if your mom and wayne can carry on a plutonic relationship for the betterment of our kids I figured why could we, at least we'd have eachother around for a good tumble when we wanted it without having to go looking. Kinda a thing where everyone benefits.
2/21/2011 11:48:53 PM
especially after the workout I got today, i want more more more
2/21/2011 11:49:35 PM
hahaha use your phone, call the stud up
2/21/2011 11:50:20 PM
i can't just do that, he's got a life
2/21/2011 11:50:49 PM
and you got a snatch needing his attention, and he's got a groin that's dripping for your mouth

2/21/2011 11:51:10 PM
and he's got work in the morning so he's already in bed
2/21/2011 11:51:19 PM
2/21/2011 11:51:22 PM
2/21/2011 11:51:35 PM
you intentionally ignored my above statements so I'm taking it as a no fly zone.
2/21/2011 11:51:52 PM
it was a book, i skimmed
2/21/2011 11:52:02 PM
yah, it still a good deal
2/21/2011 11:52:36 PM
i'm sorry i could put each thought into an individual line but you'd interrupt me each time. Its easier to write the book for you to READ and respond to
2/21/2011 11:53:12 PM
pfft, it overwhelms me with all the responses i have that i just give up
2/21/2011 11:53:29 PM
ok i can get that
2/21/2011 11:54:14 PM
my mom and dad did it for eighteen years. If we can see our kids through to college, it's better than them living with your mom till then.
2/21/2011 11:54:42 PM
just stop the train of thought real quick
2/21/2011 11:54:52 PM
i said it's possible i could squat with you for a couple day
2/21/2011 11:55:07 PM
relax a bit, i think we've taken this conversation way outta the safe zone lol
2/21/2011 11:55:42 PM
If you're only squatting for a couple of days what are you really going to do if you're not going to canada for medical things?
2/21/2011 11:56:12 PM
unsure yet, i haven't planned that far
2/21/2011 11:56:18 PM
that's in .. 5 weeks?
2/21/2011 11:56:45 PM
2/21/2011 11:57:11 PM
i know you have an obvious issue with telling me what your plans are. For good reason.
2/21/2011 11:57:43 PM
I guess I'm lost as to why you're squatting for a few days if you have no real plans. And literally in five weeks I could not be in the trailer.
2/21/2011 11:57:56 PM
thats a huge up in the air thingg though
2/21/2011 11:58:36 PM
i'll know more in the next couple days
2/21/2011 11:58:40 PM
i'm in preplanning
2/21/2011 11:59:01 PM
i'm not really last minute much anymore....
2/21/2011 11:59:03 PM
don't think i have been
2/21/2011 11:59:07 PM
is it like a test or is it like you have to go and don't know where you're going yet?
2/21/2011 11:59:26 PM
a treatment
2/21/2011 11:59:38 PM
I'm still not buying this whole medical thing.
2/21/2011 11:59:43 PM
that's fine
2/21/2011 11:59:47 PM
i don't believe you to
2/22/2011 12:00:14 AM
in what?
2/22/2011 12:00:32 AM
to buy into my stuff
2/22/2011 12:00:39 AM
sorry, really incomplete sentence
2/22/2011 12:02:08 AM
i'm not entirely comfortable with the lack of truth. I know why it exists, and don't blame you for that, I have fucked up so many times its obvious why you don't trust me with the truth, but my gut tells me there's more to this than you're just squatting a couple of days to go get medical treatment in canada when you could get it here for free anyways.
2/22/2011 12:02:45 AM
and if it is the truth, i'm wondering what you're sick with that you have to go across teh border to get it.
2/22/2011 12:04:08 AM
just remember, the less clothes, the better
2/22/2011 12:06:17 AM
I guess it puts me in an akward position. If you're just testing me out id' rather you say so. If there's truth involved you know i'm gonna get pissed and spew, I'd rather you at least tell me that than something phoney I know is phoney. I'm just really uncomfortable hearing you're coming to squat for a few days before leaving the country again, and you're just going to use me. Cause thats what it sounds like.
2/22/2011 12:06:34 AM
i could deal with mutual use
2/22/2011 12:06:53 AM
its just you coming to fuck me for a few days and leaving is part of what makes me feel like a slut.
2/22/2011 12:07:21 AM
or rather your approach to it anyways
2/22/2011 12:07:27 AM
i'm not testing you out
2/22/2011 12:07:32 AM
man, stop looking deep into this please
2/22/2011 12:07:44 AM
i'm just really confused.
2/22/2011 12:08:51 AM
2/22/2011 12:10:44 AM
I don't like the hump and dump from you because there's been so much more. I can deal with randy because i know walking into it that's all it is, and he's sensitive enough and respectful enough to women that i'm not left feeling like a whore. You have me lost on squatting for a few days, not knowing what you're really gonna do in regards to the kids, and saying that the mutual use long term relationship thing is a possibility.
2/22/2011 12:11:20 AM
i'm trying to respect your wishes as much as possible, and its leaving me uneasy about the whole thing
2/22/2011 12:11:35 AM
then fill in the blanks, but keep it to yourself until the true answers happen
2/22/2011 12:12:10 AM
if I do that and the true answers are the let down, then I go freaking out like I did earlier and that may not be good with a three month supply of drugs coming.
2/22/2011 12:12:55 AM
i figured out why od'ing isnt working, i'm missing the magic ingredient, alcohol lol
2/22/2011 12:14:21 AM
2/22/2011 12:15:20 AM
not that building up a tolerance is helping any cause i can't sleep at night
2/22/2011 12:15:34 AM
2/22/2011 12:16:01 AM
2/22/2011 12:16:27 AM
fine, masturbate me
2/22/2011 12:16:34 AM
with your ear
2/22/2011 12:17:31 AM
that's another reason sex with you becomes un satisfying. you mastrubate too much, it becomes too much work to make you cum so i get bored.
2/22/2011 12:17:57 AM
i stopped doing it often, it's just better to pop quick
2/22/2011 12:18:13 AM
2/22/2011 12:18:32 AM
even better if you can do it two or three times in a few hours
2/22/2011 12:19:03 AM
2/22/2011 12:19:44 AM
i miss that too from you sex marathons
2/22/2011 12:19:59 AM
three hours used to be a minium
2/22/2011 12:20:16 AM
2/22/2011 12:20:33 AM
you need to write erotic books
2/22/2011 12:20:43 AM
that'll give you something to do

2/22/2011 12:20:46 AM
google doc ftw
2/22/2011 12:21:02 AM
2/22/2011 12:21:42 AM
look alls i'm saying is my offer is open, you know what I want, and you don't know what you want. When you figure it out let me know. I don't have time for guessing games.
2/22/2011 12:21:56 AM
write books! yes!
2/22/2011 12:21:58 AM
dew eet!!!!!
2/22/2011 12:22:08 AM
they can be short stories
2/22/2011 12:23:21 AM
I've gotta move forward in my life, i'd prefer to share it with you, but if you aren't willing to fight for our kids, and you can't tolerate some un pleasantry along the way then just say so and let me go. So when you know, let me know. When you're coming to squat let me know. I have other stuff to do than sit here and get all upset wondering what is you're hiding from me this time.
2/22/2011 12:24:10 AM
well, being the second best in size is just a bit weird lol
2/22/2011 12:30:36 AM
i don't even care about the size matt I just want to know that we have an arrangement, and you aren't ready to enter one yet so rather than waste our time bantering about it I'm going to drop it.
2/22/2011 12:30:45 AM
right ok
2/22/2011 12:30:48 AM
sorry, ego thing
2/22/2011 12:31:37 AM
I would rather have you all the time than randy some of the time.
2/22/2011 12:31:47 AM
I just don't want to feel like i mean nothing to you at all
2/22/2011 12:31:51 AM
..that sentence works well the other way, too
2/22/2011 12:32:10 AM
2/22/2011 12:32:16 AM
as i get more info, you'll get more solid plans
2/22/2011 12:32:17 AM
do you at least get what I'm trying to say here?
2/22/2011 12:33:19 AM
I can accept that. I just can't accept you leaving again. Its destroyed me every time you've done it, so if there is someone else, and you're abandoning our kids I wish you'd just say it and be done with it rather than come squat for a few days, and leave me hanging on to hopes and reams like you always do.
2/22/2011 12:34:36 AM
with that being said I'm going to bed or something. I'm uneasy about this whole thing. When you have your answers let me know, and please let me know honestly.
2/22/2011 12:34:39 AM
I'll ttyl
2/22/2011 12:34:45 AM
2/22/2011 1:01:49 PM
sent file "07 - Get Ya Head Right.mp3"
File transfer:
07 - Get Ya Head Right.mp3
2/22/2011 5:50:00 PM
2/22/2011 6:02:06 PM
jamma time
2/22/2011 6:06:07 PM
2/22/2011 6:06:09 PM
2/22/2011 6:13:51 PM
2/22/2011 6:13:56 PM
2/22/2011 6:15:13 PM
2/22/2011 6:15:16 PM
in my jammies
2/22/2011 6:15:47 PM
about to take my pills. Lisa tried to tell the dr's I take too many of my pills so they piss tested me and did a pill count. Lisa looks like a fucking idiot now

2/22/2011 6:16:03 PM
2/22/2011 6:16:07 PM
2/22/2011 6:16:54 PM
2/22/2011 6:17:00 PM
you want itty's?
2/22/2011 6:17:08 PM
2/22/2011 6:17:13 PM
whatcha upto now?
2/22/2011 6:17:37 PM
nothing just got home for the day, so I could give you itties
2/22/2011 6:18:15 PM
wtf are itties?
2/22/2011 6:18:51 PM
2/22/2011 6:19:04 PM
yay, you game more more ittys!
2/22/2011 6:19:16 PM
wanna see my itty's?
2/22/2011 6:19:29 PM
u got ittys?
2/22/2011 6:19:41 PM
I got titty's
2/22/2011 6:19:58 PM
2/22/2011 6:21:01 PM
you wanna see em?
2/22/2011 6:21:46 PM
i no wanna do skype call and talk
2/22/2011 6:22:06 PM
you want pictures?
2/22/2011 6:22:22 PM
i seriously have to find the software for my camera
2/22/2011 6:22:29 PM
its a pain in the ass to do it with skype lol
2/22/2011 6:22:35 PM
but I suppose I could

2/22/2011 6:23:32 PM
2/22/2011 6:23:43 PM
i don't mind skype, i just don't wanna do talkin' or listening or stuff
2/22/2011 6:24:35 PM
sent file "boobies1.png"
File transfer:
2/22/2011 6:24:47 PM
thats fine but you still have to do the video call
2/22/2011 6:25:13 PM
then i'll have to mute and turn volume down
2/22/2011 6:25:16 PM
I have my stuff muted
2/22/2011 6:25:17 PM
and you'll have to do the same
2/22/2011 6:25:21 PM
mine is done

2/22/2011 6:25:37 PM
what's the matter afraid freedom will find out you're talking to me and call the cops or kick you out ?
2/22/2011 6:25:46 PM
nom nom nom
2/22/2011 6:25:49 PM
and no no no
2/22/2011 6:25:56 PM
now i like that
2/22/2011 6:25:59 PM
that's pretty good
2/22/2011 6:26:01 PM
for using a shirt
2/22/2011 6:26:46 PM
better belly!
2/22/2011 6:26:53 PM
why you doin strip?
2/22/2011 6:26:54 PM
2/22/2011 6:26:58 PM
smexy smexy
2/22/2011 6:27:24 PM
cause i can and I wanna show off my progress at 156 lbs

2/22/2011 6:27:32 PM
2/22/2011 6:27:52 PM
now, just keep shirt on

2/22/2011 6:27:58 PM
and yous a sexypot
2/22/2011 6:28:09 PM
shirt fits your curvies good
2/22/2011 6:28:19 PM
you want the shirt on

2/22/2011 6:28:23 PM
no nakedness

2/22/2011 6:28:31 PM
boobs over top was just epic
2/22/2011 6:29:02 PM
oh super cleavage!
2/22/2011 6:29:05 PM
i saws that
2/22/2011 6:29:11 PM
or THO behind shirt
2/22/2011 6:29:27 PM
you can see they're not as saggy as I'm working out

2/22/2011 6:29:32 PM
2/22/2011 6:29:35 PM
that's right
2/22/2011 6:29:40 PM
om nom nom
2/22/2011 6:29:43 PM
2/22/2011 6:29:53 PM
that a t-shirt?
2/22/2011 6:30:06 PM
2/22/2011 6:30:12 PM
yeah its a tshirt

2/22/2011 6:30:20 PM
mmk, that's required wear around me forever!
2/22/2011 6:30:23 PM
its an expensive one that's why it's so strechy
2/22/2011 6:30:29 PM
just tshirt, and all shaved
2/22/2011 6:30:32 PM
it's fucking perfect
2/22/2011 6:30:33 PM
called a 'baby doll' tshirt
2/22/2011 6:30:38 PM
mmk, need to get more
2/22/2011 6:30:51 PM
mmk mmk
2/22/2011 6:30:57 PM
stop showing off, you showoff

2/22/2011 6:31:15 PM
2/22/2011 6:31:17 PM
2/22/2011 6:31:27 PM
I am a show off
2/22/2011 6:31:37 PM
its supposed to remind you of what you've been missing

2/22/2011 6:31:44 PM
2/22/2011 6:31:53 PM
maybe some handlebars, and you'd be a sweet ride
2/22/2011 6:31:53 PM
so what do you think of my progress now?
2/22/2011 6:31:54 PM
2/22/2011 6:31:57 PM
i think it's great
2/22/2011 6:32:16 PM
handlebars = pigtails
2/22/2011 6:34:18 PM
a bit lopsided
2/22/2011 6:34:18 PM
not quite even, need more practice but yeah

2/22/2011 6:34:31 PM
2/22/2011 6:34:33 PM
2/22/2011 6:34:44 PM
oh not out
2/22/2011 6:34:46 PM
2/22/2011 6:34:47 PM
2/22/2011 6:34:50 PM
do that again
2/22/2011 6:35:09 PM
got it
2/22/2011 6:35:13 PM
sent file "Video call snapshot 30.png"
File transfer:
Video call snapshot 30.png
2/22/2011 6:35:30 PM
need a brush for better tails
2/22/2011 6:35:42 PM
I used to wear em to school and got teased lol
2/22/2011 6:35:50 PM
that, right there..
2/22/2011 6:35:53 PM
those tails are..just..
2/22/2011 6:35:54 PM
2/22/2011 6:35:54 PM
2/22/2011 6:35:57 PM
2/22/2011 6:36:06 PM
too bad you don't want me

2/22/2011 6:36:12 PM
2/22/2011 6:36:27 PM
but you fuck with my head so much with your body
2/22/2011 6:36:29 PM
and how you look
2/22/2011 6:36:30 PM
you could be having this every night
2/22/2011 6:37:02 PM
you could be having this every night but you don't beleive me. Even after I tolld you that I got fucked in the face so hard yesterday my doctor thought I had strept throat today because it was so raw from being pounded?
2/22/2011 6:37:16 PM
yah, you mentioned that
2/22/2011 6:37:27 PM
lemme see your body profile again
2/22/2011 6:37:28 PM
w/ shirt on
2/22/2011 6:37:33 PM
hell I"m wet just showing off for you
2/22/2011 6:37:34 PM
2/22/2011 6:37:49 PM
k, suck it in
2/22/2011 6:38:09 PM
sent file "Video call snapshot 31.png"
File transfer:
Video call snapshot 31.png
2/22/2011 6:38:17 PM
see, not bad
2/22/2011 6:38:24 PM
2/22/2011 6:38:39 PM
you wanted progress i gave it to you
2/22/2011 6:38:59 PM
....after all you've put me through, and i've put you through, why?
2/22/2011 6:39:36 PM
no books!
2/22/2011 6:39:41 PM
cause I believe that people can change, and I still love you as much as I did the day I first said it. You built a brick wall around your heart.
2/22/2011 6:39:48 PM
or i'll make you fuck that doorknob!
2/22/2011 6:39:53 PM
o ok
2/22/2011 6:39:57 PM
makes sense
2/22/2011 6:40:14 PM
you think it's not getting over you, in a sense that's true, but in another it's called having faith.
2/22/2011 6:40:41 PM
so being a sexy bangable object in my eyes is you having faith?
2/22/2011 6:41:03 PM
having faith that if you quit running away everytime things got hard we could make it work.
2/22/2011 6:41:19 PM
so what's the sexpot act for, then?
2/22/2011 6:41:24 PM
being a sexy bangable object, is a added bonus for both of us

2/22/2011 6:41:34 PM
2/22/2011 6:41:56 PM
You don't want to chase tail, I don't want to chase tail, neither one of us wants drama, why can't we be adults for a change and work it out?
2/22/2011 6:42:18 PM
be adults and you seduce me on camera everytime you go video, huh? lol
2/22/2011 6:42:34 PM
lol you wanted tittys so I gave you what you wanted correct?
2/22/2011 6:42:45 PM
I think you're scared.
2/22/2011 6:42:46 PM
you went above and beyond the call of anything
2/22/2011 6:42:51 PM
and you have a right to be scared
2/22/2011 6:43:05 PM
so, its not like you aren't attracted
2/22/2011 6:43:17 PM
if you weren't attracted you'd have shut off the camera and told me to fuck off.
2/22/2011 6:43:32 PM
2/22/2011 6:43:34 PM
fuck off
2/22/2011 6:43:37 PM
the doorknob!
2/22/2011 6:43:38 PM
2/22/2011 6:43:40 PM
2/22/2011 6:43:42 PM
2/22/2011 6:43:43 PM
lol I wish I could lol
2/22/2011 6:43:57 PM
looks bigger than me and your enjoyable deepthroat
2/22/2011 6:44:16 PM
I'd have to take it off the door and have no way to keep the crazies out

2/22/2011 6:44:33 PM
good point
2/22/2011 6:45:02 PM
you gave up on love. That's what's wrong with this whole thing. Its easier to have meaningless sex than it is to have meangful sex and get hurt again. Been there, done that, should have gotten a tshirt.
2/22/2011 6:45:22 PM
you did get a tshirt
2/22/2011 6:45:28 PM
it fits you excellently
2/22/2011 6:45:55 PM

I"m being serious and your joking, its a sign this conversation is too deep for you. I get it.
2/22/2011 6:46:00 PM
and it does fit me excellently
2/22/2011 6:46:06 PM
that's why I put it on for you
2/22/2011 6:46:32 PM
heard something. Hope its not the doorknob

2/22/2011 6:46:37 PM
2/22/2011 6:46:44 PM
maybe some dick for you...hmmm
2/22/2011 6:46:53 PM
god, those pigtails make you look great
2/22/2011 6:46:56 PM
not likely unless its you
2/22/2011 6:47:02 PM
2/22/2011 6:47:12 PM
check this out, tho in its most natural form
2/22/2011 6:47:19 PM
2/22/2011 6:47:24 PM
amazing research specimens
2/22/2011 6:47:26 PM
its chilly enough in here
2/22/2011 6:47:30 PM
2/22/2011 6:47:35 PM
heat it up then
2/22/2011 6:47:37 PM
they are quite handleable now lol
2/22/2011 6:47:44 PM
can't afford to till I check the propane tanks
2/22/2011 6:47:47 PM
handleable? ...
2/22/2011 6:48:01 PM
you know massageable, touch able....
2/22/2011 6:48:04 PM
o ok
2/22/2011 6:48:15 PM
i'm more focuses on the pigtails
2/22/2011 6:48:22 PM
years i've asked, never seen em until now
2/22/2011 6:48:33 PM
hair wasn't usually long enough to produce
2/22/2011 6:48:54 PM
my hair is quite long. If I could afford to trim half an inch of it off every six months it'd get longer faster
2/22/2011 6:49:05 PM
and stronger for you to pull on without loosing a bunch
2/22/2011 6:49:18 PM
well, anyone to pull
2/22/2011 6:49:24 PM
just need to braid 'em, and they'll be strong
2/22/2011 6:49:53 PM
i really don't want anyone. I really want you, why else go through such efforts to seduce you into coming back here? if i wanted just anyone with a dick I'd go to the bar
2/22/2011 6:50:15 PM
2/22/2011 6:50:28 PM
i don't see me squatting there as "squatting" in your eyes
2/22/2011 6:52:06 PM
so let me get this right, you really mean to squat for a few days and leave for Canada to stay there for an undetermined period of time while I"m trying to encourage you to come back here, do the adult thing and work it out right?
2/22/2011 6:52:21 PM
yes and no
2/22/2011 6:52:38 PM
i'm not sure yet. your just the preferrable and closest person to squat with
2/22/2011 6:52:51 PM
i mean, what if i'm there for 3, 5, 7 days and don't touch you?
2/22/2011 6:53:04 PM
and stop picking!
2/22/2011 6:53:06 PM
2/22/2011 6:54:06 PM
I'd feel like shit, because I really would like to work things out. And I'm really struggling with the fact that your'e going to walk away again and our kids really need you and want you. And selfishly because i"m looking at a diagnosis that would prevent me from ever getting custody and you're the only other person that hasn't been barred from getting them. You just haven't proven you can handle them.
2/22/2011 6:54:34 PM
you wouldn't make efforts to get me to touch you..
2/22/2011 6:54:42 PM
for 7 straight days you'd feel like shit
2/22/2011 6:54:42 PM
of course I would
2/22/2011 6:55:11 PM
but if you kept pushing me away I'd feel like shit because then I'd know for certain you don't want me at all and its over over and you're leaving and never looking back and I can't handle that
2/22/2011 6:55:31 PM
mmk, just checking
2/22/2011 6:55:40 PM
you is very sexy
2/22/2011 6:55:47 PM
and i am very ashamed that i'm just fat as hell
2/22/2011 6:56:01 PM
and i know you don't care
2/22/2011 6:56:01 PM
thank you

And if you came here you could get back in shape!
2/22/2011 6:56:06 PM
and I don't care
2/22/2011 6:56:10 PM
yah, chuck would do that for me i know
2/22/2011 6:56:17 PM
but you could get back in shape.
2/22/2011 6:56:41 PM
if your mom and wayne can make a 'marraige' work for our kids, why can't we? They don't even sleep in the same room.
2/22/2011 6:56:51 PM
at least we're attracted to eachother
2/22/2011 6:56:55 PM
i know, you've said that before
2/22/2011 6:57:04 PM
and you might not be attracted to me after seeing me lol
2/22/2011 6:57:10 PM
fat, bald, wow...
2/22/2011 6:57:20 PM
hey now I stayed with jake how long? and you've been bald before

2/22/2011 6:57:35 PM
i mean, dome'd, and you just called me jake
2/22/2011 6:57:42 PM
no i did not
2/22/2011 6:57:43 PM
2/22/2011 6:57:45 PM
you compared me
2/22/2011 6:57:50 PM
and comparing is calling
2/22/2011 6:57:57 PM
should i compare you to ex girlfriends?
2/22/2011 6:57:57 PM
2/22/2011 6:58:10 PM
I said that I stayed with jake and he's fat. So if I can stay with jake who is far fatter than anyone I know, then i would not have a problem with you.
2/22/2011 6:58:12 PM
2/22/2011 6:58:30 PM
and I dont' care if you're going bald its called getting older. I'm loosing my hair and getting greys.
2/22/2011 6:58:45 PM
remember when i asked you what your fav pet name was?
2/22/2011 6:58:49 PM
2/22/2011 6:58:55 PM
you knows what mine is?
2/22/2011 6:58:59 PM
2/22/2011 6:59:11 PM
.....thats your name for me

2/22/2011 6:59:37 PM
no that's what I last knew you liked to be called, hubby, you were for a time upset aht I didn't call you my hubby.
2/22/2011 6:59:47 PM
if it's changed, then no I don't know what your fave pet name is
2/22/2011 7:00:09 PM
awwww....it's easy!
2/22/2011 7:00:21 PM
cause you got one already

2/22/2011 7:00:26 PM
2/22/2011 7:00:30 PM
2/22/2011 7:00:33 PM
2/22/2011 7:00:35 PM
2/22/2011 7:00:42 PM
I'm clueless I have what?
2/22/2011 7:00:49 PM
a hottie?
2/22/2011 7:00:53 PM
2/22/2011 7:01:02 PM
a sexy guy
2/22/2011 7:01:06 PM
2/22/2011 7:01:10 PM
this is interesting
2/22/2011 7:01:13 PM
trying to think of what I have
2/22/2011 7:01:14 PM
keep going
2/22/2011 7:01:16 PM
I have kitties
2/22/2011 7:01:23 PM
2/22/2011 7:01:27 PM
2/22/2011 7:01:40 PM
i'm bad at this, I don't even know you like to be called.
2/22/2011 7:01:46 PM

2/22/2011 7:01:59 PM
2/22/2011 7:02:03 PM
2/22/2011 7:02:08 PM
2/22/2011 7:02:10 PM
2/22/2011 7:02:11 PM
you have a homer?
2/22/2011 7:02:20 PM
no i don't but I have a DOH
2/22/2011 7:02:27 PM
a wha?
2/22/2011 7:02:31 PM
2/22/2011 7:02:36 PM
the face you made is doh!
2/22/2011 7:02:38 PM
wtf is a doh?
2/22/2011 7:02:39 PM
2/22/2011 7:02:42 PM
I have a DOH and so do YOU
2/22/2011 7:02:44 PM
well, you still don't got it
2/22/2011 7:02:48 PM
no i don't.
2/22/2011 7:02:56 PM
so come on
2/22/2011 7:03:04 PM
2/22/2011 7:03:07 PM
2/22/2011 7:03:10 PM
2/22/2011 7:03:12 PM

2/22/2011 7:03:18 PM
2/22/2011 7:03:24 PM
2/22/2011 7:03:36 PM
i'm gonna make you do the damn doorknob
2/22/2011 7:03:56 PM
lol I really don't get what you're trying to say I have.
2/22/2011 7:04:07 PM
you have only one of 'em, too
2/22/2011 7:04:15 PM
2/22/2011 7:04:22 PM
2/22/2011 7:04:24 PM
2/22/2011 7:04:25 PM
2/22/2011 7:04:38 PM
pussy? cause I have three of those, one on my body and two that run rampat around the house
2/22/2011 7:04:46 PM
2/22/2011 7:04:47 PM
2/22/2011 7:04:52 PM
2/22/2011 7:04:53 PM
2/22/2011 7:04:53 PM
2/22/2011 7:04:55 PM
2/22/2011 7:04:57 PM

2/22/2011 7:04:58 PM
2/22/2011 7:05:02 PM

2/22/2011 7:05:15 PM
2/22/2011 7:05:16 PM
2/22/2011 7:05:20 PM
i am not good at this!
2/22/2011 7:05:23 PM
never have been.
2/22/2011 7:05:31 PM
all those my "pet names"?
2/22/2011 7:05:41 PM
guesses but I don't think they're ones you like
2/22/2011 7:05:45 PM
I would call you babe
2/22/2011 7:05:49 PM
cause you already got one, but you don't like using it to me
2/22/2011 7:05:56 PM
since I can't call you hubby
2/22/2011 7:06:09 PM
2/22/2011 7:06:18 PM


2/22/2011 7:06:31 PM
and you have a master?
2/22/2011 7:06:34 PM
I don't get it i'm so clueless i should be blond
2/22/2011 7:06:40 PM
no I don't

Its supposed to be you
2/22/2011 7:07:10 PM
come on baby...
2/22/2011 7:07:33 PM
2/22/2011 7:07:40 PM
you have a lover?
2/22/2011 7:07:42 PM
2/22/2011 7:07:46 PM
things I have duh
2/22/2011 7:07:53 PM
things you have one of
2/22/2011 7:07:55 PM
I have one pussy, one ass, one mouth
2/22/2011 7:08:04 PM
one nose
2/22/2011 7:08:06 PM
one head
2/22/2011 7:08:13 PM
one body
2/22/2011 7:08:18 PM
one stomach
2/22/2011 7:08:20 PM
2/22/2011 7:08:28 PM
none of those are pet names love
2/22/2011 7:08:30 PM
its not -->Dance or -->Doh
2/22/2011 7:08:39 PM
love? I have one love.
2/22/2011 7:08:56 PM
yah, and it's not -->D<ance or -->D<oh
2/22/2011 7:09:11 PM
2/22/2011 7:09:15 PM
2/22/2011 7:09:22 PM
you want me to call you daddy?
2/22/2011 7:09:27 PM
I can call you daddy
2/22/2011 7:09:31 PM
dere be my happy pet name
2/22/2011 7:09:42 PM
now that I know it wasn't my daddy that molested me

2/22/2011 7:09:55 PM
so what does my big daddy want?
2/22/2011 7:10:03 PM
...big daddY?
2/22/2011 7:10:06 PM
2/22/2011 7:10:16 PM
you don't want to be big daddy master of the castle?
2/22/2011 7:10:20 PM
does that make you my big baby?
2/22/2011 7:10:30 PM
lol no
2/22/2011 7:10:34 PM
it didn't seem 1:1
2/22/2011 7:10:46 PM
so what does my daddy want
2/22/2011 7:10:56 PM
what i'm seein' now...just epic
2/22/2011 7:11:12 PM
yup, nice shirt, pigtails, no pants or bra
2/22/2011 7:11:13 PM
2/22/2011 7:11:20 PM
so come get it

2/22/2011 7:11:27 PM
2/22/2011 7:11:39 PM
i won't know until this weekend baby
2/22/2011 7:12:01 PM
2/22/2011 7:12:11 PM
unless you want me to send you cash so you can enjoy a jacuzzi with me
2/22/2011 7:12:32 PM
usual tax -> bus thing
2/22/2011 7:12:37 PM
I can't make it on a bus
2/22/2011 7:12:41 PM
2/22/2011 7:12:52 PM
you do see you a sexy thing now
2/22/2011 7:12:56 PM
why can't you leave where you are?
2/22/2011 7:12:59 PM
i mean, over the top
2/22/2011 7:12:59 PM
yes i do

2/22/2011 7:13:08 PM
cause i can't now
2/22/2011 7:13:21 PM
epic bewbies!
2/22/2011 7:13:41 PM
what are you waiting for?
2/22/2011 7:13:59 PM
some communications, and a confirmation on an appointment
2/22/2011 7:14:24 PM
the medical thing?
2/22/2011 7:14:28 PM
2/22/2011 7:14:31 PM
is that real?
2/22/2011 7:14:40 PM
I thought it was a cover
2/22/2011 7:14:48 PM
what's wrong with my daddy

2/22/2011 7:14:54 PM
2/22/2011 7:14:57 PM
2/22/2011 7:15:04 PM
and why can't he come here and get his booboo fixed?
2/22/2011 7:15:10 PM
There's a walk in clinic now.
2/22/2011 7:15:18 PM
....yah, but they don't cover some specific things
2/22/2011 7:15:29 PM
like what?
2/22/2011 7:15:34 PM
things that cause loss of hair...
2/22/2011 7:15:43 PM
what's made you loose your hair?
2/22/2011 7:15:47 PM
besides getting older?
2/22/2011 7:15:48 PM
and weight gain
2/22/2011 7:16:21 PM
I can't think of a single illness that cause hair loss and weight gain
2/22/2011 7:16:35 PM
2/22/2011 7:16:36 PM
2/22/2011 7:16:50 PM
2/22/2011 7:16:53 PM
2/22/2011 7:16:54 PM
I"m really worried now
2/22/2011 7:16:59 PM
2/22/2011 7:17:33 PM
and because you keep talking about hair loss and weight gain like you caught some miserable disease and I can't think of anything that would cause either of those other than aging and improper diet and activity.
2/22/2011 7:17:47 PM
i knows. i knows. just relax
2/22/2011 7:17:54 PM
i'm not worried
2/22/2011 7:17:54 PM
i can't!
2/22/2011 7:18:30 PM
you're sick and you could be treated here if you would just stop being stubborn, be an adult and go to the walk in clinic. Or tell me what it is so I could no why you can't get it here.
2/22/2011 7:18:34 PM
are you a drug smuggler?
2/22/2011 7:18:40 PM
is that how you're making money now?
2/22/2011 7:18:43 PM
yes! i'm a drug smugger!
2/22/2011 7:18:51 PM
with a hawt slutty ex-wife!
2/22/2011 7:19:19 PM
lol stop being a drug smuggler, come home to the hawt slutty ex wife to work things out like and adult and stop worrying about being bald and overweight.
2/22/2011 7:19:28 PM
2/22/2011 7:19:40 PM
I lost eight pounds in the last month with chuck and diet.
2/22/2011 7:19:46 PM
you told me that already
2/22/2011 7:19:46 PM
EIGHT POUNDS in one month is epic.
2/22/2011 7:19:56 PM
I lost ten just stopping eating crappy food.
2/22/2011 7:19:59 PM
on biggest loser they do about 30/month
2/22/2011 7:20:05 PM
You're going to go bald sooner or later so get over being bald.
2/22/2011 7:20:13 PM
get your butt on a bus and come work things out.
2/22/2011 7:20:14 PM
v8 is great
2/22/2011 7:20:16 PM
2/22/2011 7:20:24 PM
buses stop runnin' at 6pm
2/22/2011 7:20:34 PM
nope they still have an 11pm pick up!
2/22/2011 7:20:44 PM
I has a schedule!
2/22/2011 7:20:45 PM
nope, i got the schedule
2/22/2011 7:21:59 PM
me too got it when chelle got here
2/22/2011 7:23:13 PM
what is up with your finger?
2/22/2011 7:23:41 PM
2/22/2011 7:23:50 PM
2/22/2011 7:23:50 PM
i'm wet
2/22/2011 7:24:04 PM
o.O is that a boy?
2/22/2011 7:24:38 PM
2/22/2011 7:24:39 PM
2/22/2011 7:24:43 PM
2/22/2011 7:25:25 PM
trailways doesnt do j town anymore
2/22/2011 7:26:28 PM
so a trail ways schedule would do you no good

2/22/2011 7:26:46 PM
i knows..i had updated one

2/22/2011 7:28:16 PM
well you suck!
2/22/2011 7:28:22 PM
2/22/2011 7:28:33 PM
get one tomorrow at six am!
2/22/2011 7:28:45 PM
2/22/2011 7:28:47 PM
sent file "IMG_22022011_192824.png"
File transfer:
2/22/2011 7:28:53 PM
not until i have the answers i need

2/22/2011 7:29:07 PM
you can get them here Pfffft!
2/22/2011 7:29:48 PM
its called getting older
2/22/2011 7:29:59 PM
unless you caught some disease while you were away
2/22/2011 7:30:04 PM
it's called your a horndog, and you need some good dick
2/22/2011 7:30:11 PM
and no, i didn't get a disease
2/22/2011 7:30:16 PM
i brought this on me
2/22/2011 7:30:29 PM
no its called I wanna work things out and you don't want to and you won't tell me what's really wrong with you
2/22/2011 7:30:45 PM
if i wanted people to know, i would tell them
2/22/2011 7:30:52 PM
i would happily share lots of information with the world
2/22/2011 7:31:01 PM
blogging it, journaling it, making it my new facebook status
2/22/2011 7:31:05 PM
but no, i chose not to
2/22/2011 7:31:10 PM
it's not me to let the world in
2/22/2011 7:31:14 PM
you make it sound like its cancer or some std that you don't want anyone to know
2/22/2011 7:31:35 PM
it's not! jesus...you are sexy
2/22/2011 7:31:51 PM
i had to eat, but you vury pretty
2/22/2011 7:31:53 PM
i'm really worried!
2/22/2011 7:32:29 PM
cause I don't see anything that could be so serious you can't get it treated here.
2/22/2011 7:32:44 PM
you should order pizza, and give the pizzaman a hella tip

2/22/2011 7:33:21 PM
i have no money twc overdrafted my account taking the months payment to early matthew

2/22/2011 7:33:30 PM
still don't know whose name the electric is in lol
2/22/2011 7:33:41 PM
it's cash on delivery..he might be happy to pay for you

2/22/2011 7:34:00 PM
2/22/2011 7:34:05 PM
i gotta get going here for a bit
2/22/2011 7:34:14 PM
2/22/2011 7:34:15 PM
2/22/2011 7:34:26 PM
you make me feel so guilty, and i dislike that
2/22/2011 7:34:27 PM
fine I"ll go take
2/22/2011 7:34:30 PM
its your mom ttl
2/22/2011 7:39:18 PM
i'll take my drugs and relax

2/22/2011 7:47:11 PM
2/22/2011 7:47:12 PM
you there?????????????
2/22/2011 7:47:13 PM
2/22/2011 7:47:13 PM
2/22/2011 7:47:20 PM
brian was in a wreck
2/22/2011 7:47:43 PM
2/22/2011 7:47:51 PM
didn't he just get into one the other day?
2/22/2011 7:48:00 PM
2/22/2011 7:48:04 PM
that's the one
2/22/2011 7:48:04 PM
2/22/2011 7:48:13 PM
lol yeah
2/22/2011 7:48:45 PM
2/22/2011 7:48:51 PM
2/22/2011 7:48:55 PM
2/22/2011 7:49:51 PM
2/22/2011 7:49:51 PM
2/22/2011 7:50:27 PM
2/22/2011 7:50:35 PM
2/22/2011 7:50:39 PM
2/22/2011 7:51:40 PM
where'd your fingers go?
2/22/2011 7:52:09 PM
on the phone with your mom. she says go apply at wilson farms on hazletine cause there's an ad in batavia saying they're hiring
2/22/2011 7:52:20 PM
so, go apply
2/22/2011 7:52:26 PM
my fingers were answering the door, they just tried to serve lisa with her divorce papers
2/22/2011 7:52:31 PM
2/22/2011 7:52:31 PM
no jamestown is hiring silly
2/22/2011 7:52:35 PM
buck nekked
2/22/2011 7:52:36 PM
YOU go apply
2/22/2011 7:52:56 PM
2/22/2011 7:53:10 PM
wait..you answered the door...

2/22/2011 7:54:17 PM
well yeah some cute guy in a red shirt was out there with papers, thought maybe i won something
2/22/2011 7:54:28 PM
did you bend over for him

2/22/2011 7:55:26 PM
lol no but my tshirt is still streched out and i flirted

2/22/2011 7:55:33 PM
2/22/2011 7:56:24 PM
2/22/2011 7:58:01 PM
because he was 'on the job' he couldn't do much but I"m sure he snuck a few peeks.
2/22/2011 7:58:13 PM

2/22/2011 7:58:22 PM
how'd you do your flirtin?
2/22/2011 7:58:35 PM
smile a lot, be really nice
2/22/2011 7:58:49 PM
2/22/2011 7:59:04 PM
i am after all standing in a tshirt and pants, with my hair messily pulled back and no make up, not like I look that fantastic to others
2/22/2011 7:59:09 PM
not everyone thinks thats sexy
2/22/2011 7:59:15 PM
2/22/2011 7:59:22 PM
2/22/2011 7:59:52 PM
i wasn't going to the door with no pants on!
2/22/2011 7:59:58 PM
pfft...if i was there
2/22/2011 8:00:00 PM
left the undies off though

2/22/2011 8:00:05 PM
2/22/2011 8:00:18 PM
i'd so make you answer the door
2/22/2011 8:00:26 PM
they just marked it as a no serve and i told the guy she's already aware of the action she got a copy of the paperwork via email from the court clerk
2/22/2011 8:00:31 PM
and you'd be like "can we make this quick? my cooch is cold!"
2/22/2011 8:00:33 PM
2/22/2011 8:00:37 PM
well thats a shame cause you're not here to make me answer the door
2/22/2011 8:00:44 PM
2/22/2011 8:01:24 PM
2/22/2011 8:01:43 PM
when your shaved, pants are a nono
2/22/2011 8:02:03 PM
only if I had a master here to make me follow the rules.
2/22/2011 8:02:10 PM
2/22/2011 8:02:19 PM
2/22/2011 8:02:22 PM
i see what you did there
2/22/2011 8:02:43 PM
2/22/2011 8:02:47 PM
2/22/2011 8:02:49 PM
maybe my shrink is right I am manipulating them lol
2/22/2011 8:03:03 PM
yes, you are very manipulative
2/22/2011 8:03:06 PM
when your body is banging, you can do anything to any guy
2/22/2011 8:03:15 PM
and you know how to get your way
2/22/2011 8:03:24 PM
it frustrates you cause you can't 100% maniplate me
2/22/2011 8:03:29 PM
but we can manipulate each other
2/22/2011 8:03:29 PM
he and I don't see eye to eye. He called me out on manipulating the system the first day he saw me cause his superior found very different diagnosis' than he did
2/22/2011 8:03:42 PM
we can, and we could do it very well as a team if you were up to the challange
2/22/2011 8:03:45 PM
I think you're scared.
2/22/2011 8:03:56 PM
and I know that's why you won't.
2/22/2011 8:03:59 PM
your 100% the manipulator i am
2/22/2011 8:04:03 PM
2/22/2011 8:04:08 PM
and it's difficult and frustrating to go toe-to-toe with oneself
2/22/2011 8:04:17 PM
2/22/2011 8:04:28 PM
so why can't we work together to manipulate the world and get what we want?
2/22/2011 8:04:36 PM
cause i've grown alot out of it
2/22/2011 8:05:22 PM
i still got what i got, and i can see when it happens
2/22/2011 8:05:26 PM
but i'm not 100% into it anymore
2/22/2011 8:05:36 PM
unless i REALLY REALLY REALLY want it
2/22/2011 8:05:48 PM
so why can't we be to adults, mutually using eachother to get a better future for our kids?
2/22/2011 8:06:05 PM
....your about to cross the line dear
2/22/2011 8:06:18 PM
I"m just saying, it works for your mom and wayne

2/22/2011 8:07:14 PM
yah, i know
2/22/2011 8:07:22 PM
and it worked for candy's parents too
2/22/2011 8:07:29 PM
worked for mine too
2/22/2011 8:07:47 PM
my dad would have left my moms ass before i was four if not for mike wilson.
2/22/2011 8:07:55 PM
hell my dad did leave my moms ass before I was four
2/22/2011 8:08:12 PM
mike told him "grant if you can't handle debbie what kind of life is your daughter going to have?"
2/22/2011 8:08:31 PM
so he married mom, made me unbastarded and stuck it out till I was old enough to leave, and they split.
2/22/2011 8:09:23 PM
mmk, come on
2/22/2011 8:09:26 PM
nuff said
2/22/2011 8:09:56 PM
i know you're ready to give up on the kids I really do, and i believe you because I was there in august. Said fuck it all and just left. But I also know you have a heart you're hiding. You're a good dad. They miss you a lot whether you want to hear it or not they do. Angel asked on vday if you were going to live with us. But somewhere in your heart you love those kids too much to walk away forever, like me.
2/22/2011 8:10:00 PM
I know you better than that.
2/22/2011 8:10:02 PM
so think about it.
2/22/2011 8:10:10 PM
i have thought about it
2/22/2011 8:10:17 PM
i think they are fine in the environment that they are in
2/22/2011 8:10:23 PM
and to change that would be a complete shock to their world
2/22/2011 8:10:29 PM
that's all i'm going to say
2/22/2011 8:10:33 PM
on that topic
2/22/2011 8:10:33 PM
2/22/2011 8:11:04 PM
it doesn't have to be that's the point. THe court isn't going to just say here move them, they're going to make us make a plan to gradually adjust them to moving them from where they are.
2/22/2011 8:11:47 PM
2/22/2011 8:11:53 PM
i know the lines been crossed and you're pissed, but its not as black and white as yout hink it is.
2/22/2011 8:12:02 PM
i'm not pissed
2/22/2011 8:12:03 PM
i just explained it to you
2/22/2011 8:12:49 PM
you didn't see me this summer matt. I was doing it all. taking em to daycare, waiting for the bus, the whole routine day and night for six months, I left because you left
2/22/2011 8:13:01 PM
jenny....stop please
2/22/2011 8:13:49 PM
and there is no doubt in my mind that I can do it. but they need you too. and I'm presenting an option. And not one noone is going to consider but you. You're the only one refusing to see the possibilities.
2/22/2011 8:13:57 PM
jennifer, no more
2/22/2011 8:14:52 PM
I'm scared that you're going to canada and never coming back matthew.
2/22/2011 8:15:06 PM
i'm not a canadian citizen
2/22/2011 8:15:22 PM
if you have a 'common law' marraige there you could be.
2/22/2011 8:15:52 PM
2/22/2011 8:15:57 PM
true, but it's not my intent
2/22/2011 8:17:08 PM
but even so I'm afraid you're leaving with no plans to ever come back, and that is whats going to destroy the kids' world. They're hurting so much because they need you too and I know how you feel but, i'm scared that you're walking away and giving up on them is going to make things worse for them when they are amazing kids. and they are the true definition of unconditional love. So please. take my proposal and seriously consider it because I can't imagine a life for them without you in it.
2/22/2011 8:17:18 PM
adn that is the end of what I have to say.
2/22/2011 8:17:22 PM
about time
2/22/2011 8:17:31 PM
get slutty now, you've got me upset
2/22/2011 8:19:22 PM
my eyes are red
2/22/2011 8:19:32 PM
2/22/2011 8:19:57 PM
crying silly
2/22/2011 8:20:05 PM
oh....nevermind then
2/22/2011 8:20:06 PM
i'm sorry
2/22/2011 8:21:01 PM
don't be i'm just hyper emotional right now. Everythings so.....unsecure
2/22/2011 8:21:22 PM
started when i asked if i could squat, too
2/22/2011 8:21:27 PM
no actually
2/22/2011 8:21:41 PM
it's been going on for the whole month.
2/22/2011 8:21:44 PM
before that
2/22/2011 8:22:21 PM
i have no place to live. I've squatted in....six places since last august
2/22/2011 8:23:36 PM
did you know that since I was 15 the longest I've ever lived in one place consecutively was 8 months.
2/22/2011 8:23:53 PM
yup, knew that
2/22/2011 8:25:09 PM
so when you said you wanted to move here, and help me keep the trailer so we had a place for the kids, and I actually felt at home here, I was really excited and now that things have changed and it's being ripped away from me day by day it's tearing me apart. I haven't had a single place that I knew for a fact was going to be there for me to stay in since I was fifteen.
2/22/2011 8:26:23 PM
and I"m piss ass broke. and I can't just up and move because I have no money, and with what I do have I can't afford to go just rent some place and i'm on a dozen different waiting lists for affordable housing, and it'll be months before I get into those and I could literally be thrown out any day now in the first place I've felt truly at home in since i was fifteen.
2/22/2011 8:27:13 PM
I"m hyper emotional because right now the only thing I can count on is the fact that i"m still breathing.
2/22/2011 8:27:30 PM
Everything else is a variable. Everything else is a gamble, and I can count on nothing.
2/22/2011 8:28:32 PM
so yes, I am terrified that you're leaving and not coming back, even though its none of my business anymore really becasue we're divorced and I'm so desperate to manipulate you in a sham of a relationship to get our kids back because I want stability in my life so they can come home to us where they belong and provide that for them.
2/22/2011 8:28:43 PM
and I don't blame you for not wanting to, I'm a wreck
2/22/2011 8:29:06 PM
I"m trying to stablize but it's hard to do that when the only thing i"m in control of is the fact that i am here alive living and breathing.
2/22/2011 8:29:45 PM
mmk, then just breathe

2/22/2011 8:32:27 PM
2/22/2011 8:32:35 PM
woot! happy now!
2/22/2011 8:33:41 PM
2/22/2011 8:33:49 PM
2/22/2011 8:33:58 PM
they increased my happy night pill i'm about to be high as a fucking kite legally
2/22/2011 8:34:12 PM
wooooooooooo slutty time!
2/22/2011 8:35:38 PM
lol its like the commercial 'happy time!"
2/22/2011 8:35:44 PM
i forgot to call time warner and bitch
2/22/2011 8:35:46 PM
....never seen it
2/22/2011 8:36:21 PM
the one where the guy runs this credit card call center, and he has all these phones ringing off the hook and he'll answer one and give really bad service and pretend to be peggy
2/22/2011 8:36:44 PM
2/22/2011 8:37:15 PM
not ringing a bell?
2/22/2011 8:37:48 PM
2/22/2011 8:37:52 PM
2/22/2011 8:39:27 PM
6 pills. two chill, 2 tylenol 3's with codeine, 1 muscle relaxer and 1 anti inflammatory. last month when they upped the chill [ill and did bed pills your aunt was laughing her ass off i was so loopy before i finally crashed. this is another double lol
2/22/2011 8:39:42 PM
and in my dads motto at least noone is here to fuck up my high.
2/22/2011 8:39:57 PM
and they think i'm an alcoholic! hah!
2/22/2011 8:40:18 PM
but hey, i pissed in a cup today and pissed 'clean'

2/22/2011 8:40:52 PM
2/22/2011 8:40:57 PM
slut mode on!

2/22/2011 8:41:02 PM
I"m actually just hoping i can sleep tonight without a benedryl od
2/22/2011 8:41:16 PM
you want the cam on?
2/22/2011 8:41:44 PM
2/22/2011 8:41:49 PM
dunno, i'm doing alot of demanding
2/22/2011 8:42:08 PM
don't want you to get used to it unless i'm certain of things with the answers i need
2/22/2011 8:42:49 PM
then maybe we'll hold off for now. Because I can't handle having one more thing ripped out from underneath me
2/22/2011 8:42:58 PM
2/22/2011 8:43:01 PM
you asshole?
2/22/2011 8:43:10 PM
it was hard enough when I couldn't get the electric on in your name because you weren't answering me
2/22/2011 8:43:23 PM
2/22/2011 8:43:37 PM
its just this thing i'm in right now matt, I am literally loosing everything
2/22/2011 8:43:49 PM
I don't want to get used to the demanding if you're not sticking around
2/22/2011 8:44:05 PM
I don't wanna even get used to the thought of you sticking around because its what I want
2/22/2011 8:44:10 PM
and its probably not going to happen.
2/22/2011 8:44:27 PM
that wasn't supposed to be bitchy but it came out that way sorry
2/22/2011 8:45:21 PM
2/22/2011 8:46:23 PM
2/22/2011 8:46:54 PM
i know i've whined before about being homeless and asked for help but this is literally hanging over my head. I've got one more contact to follow up on from your mom to make sure they know I"m deedee's daughter in law but right now, i have 731 a month to live off off. I can't get electric on in my name, can't afford the pay off on the bill, same with gas, can't afford the lousy 120 bucks on that either.
2/22/2011 8:47:11 PM
I *think* its on here in dads name and he's going to go ape shit when he finds out.
2/22/2011 8:47:47 PM
I pay my bills next month, phone, a short term loan, and water and insruance on this place, I got nothing left.
2/22/2011 8:48:02 PM
till april
2/22/2011 8:48:14 PM
so i don't mean to drag you down with all this, but this is the reality I'm facing.
2/22/2011 8:48:19 PM
you can't be kicked out, only evicted
2/22/2011 8:48:56 PM
yes, which buys me *some* time, but in the mean time I have to keep the water on and insurance paid cause it'd be my luck i don't pay the insurance and there'd be a fire or something.
2/22/2011 8:50:06 PM
the short term loan pay off is 225, but it frees up 75 a month of my income, phone is ok, cable is ok. electric will be low here, its the propane I can't afford. Which is another reason I was excited at the prospect of you coming, help with the bills.
2/22/2011 8:51:17 PM
as it stands, I can't keep this place. I'm hoping your moms contacts can help, but I can't afford much in rent. and its not cheap up here. I need a miracle. I wanna go to GCC and get my RN's liscense
2/22/2011 8:51:31 PM
just need things more stable and dependable right now.
2/22/2011 8:52:04 PM
2/22/2011 8:59:58 PM
you can come squat, just make sure if its going to be more than a squat you're honest with me. I really am getting farther in life with honesty. Especially with your mom. I'll respect your choice not to include her in your life right now. Just know she's open to whatever we decide to do as parents, and willing to help how she can. She also said when all this was being discussed before she wasn't going to turn us in for violating the order, would do everything she could to help get it changed with as little hassle as possible, including going to jamestown to appear on my behalf, but she's worried that lisa is vindictive enough to turn us in. Since I'm not in communication with her right now that's okay. I dont' expect her to come back for her things and if she does there's places to hide you

2/22/2011 9:00:19 PM
that's fine, i didn't intend to lie
2/22/2011 9:00:26 PM
I just really need brutal honesty from you right now because otherwise i"m going to hear what I want to hear.
2/22/2011 9:00:38 PM
2/22/2011 9:01:29 PM
in all these times the cops have been here i've been calm and collected and honest and not once gotten arrested or in trouble or pissed them off. maybe a little the night of the fight, but they were more pissed at lisa and michelle lol
2/22/2011 9:03:13 PM
and I don't mean to sound ALL doom and gloom, its just been rather overwhelming this week or so. I"m really glad Rob took inititive today to just come by and offer to take me to the dr. It got me out and put me back into connection with old friends. Not the kind of friends I'd like right now but they're good people at heart.
2/22/2011 9:04:16 PM
pauline said after the sixth she may have a room open for me to stay in if I want it. I hesitate because she's not very clean, there's too many people there all the time, and her house smells like cat piss. Rob said he may know of some options too, and as much as I'd feel wrong about going to church when my beliefs have changed, it may help too.
2/22/2011 9:04:35 PM
just to get me out of the house, put me in touch with good people and get help
2/22/2011 9:04:37 PM
2/22/2011 9:04:44 PM
it's good to hear
2/22/2011 9:05:37 PM
I"m sorry for all the books, i haven't had anyone to get all this off my chest to. My therapist is a prick, I have no time to talk, can't get to the drug and alcohol counselor and she never returns my calls and I lost my best friend so thanks for 'listening'
2/22/2011 9:05:56 PM
who was your "best friend"?
2/22/2011 9:06:05 PM
2/22/2011 9:06:30 PM
god, maybe if you weren't all accusatory on her, she'd still be your friend
2/22/2011 9:07:11 PM
2/22/2011 9:07:11 PM
maybe, but its more than that. I fell in love with her, and ran because I was scared and things haven't been the same since then.
2/22/2011 9:07:18 PM
i gave one.
2/22/2011 9:07:19 PM
2/22/2011 9:07:25 PM
then just text her back that your sorry
2/22/2011 9:07:33 PM
your books are fine
2/22/2011 9:07:37 PM
but it helps to listen too
2/22/2011 9:07:44 PM
2/22/2011 9:07:49 PM
just say you were a dick, or cunt, or w/e
2/22/2011 9:07:58 PM
christ, she needs friends
2/22/2011 9:08:05 PM
i have no problem listening to her rants and stuff
2/22/2011 9:08:13 PM
any clue why she would ask me when I slept with you?
2/22/2011 9:08:29 PM
lol, we both didn't know that answer until yesterday
2/22/2011 9:08:35 PM
and no, no clue
2/22/2011 9:08:46 PM
prolly to confirm what i might've said, which was "i don't remember"
2/22/2011 9:09:05 PM
biut you just can't accuse her for sex with me because of that remark
2/22/2011 9:09:31 PM
and there should be no reason to throw away a friendshop
2/22/2011 9:10:00 PM
because given the assumptions i've made, it implied to me that she's sleeping with you and given my history with you and what you pulled this summer throwing out there i'm better in bed than she is, it gave me the impression she's sleeping with you, you said something to her about sleeping with me and she wanted to know
2/22/2011 9:10:22 PM
that's a girls pov
2/22/2011 9:10:24 PM
assumption...ass out of you and me
2/22/2011 9:10:38 PM
right, well...i know she's slept with alot of guys w/o protection (latex issue)
2/22/2011 9:10:42 PM
i know but as a girl to another girl who both are jealous, that's how it plays out.
2/22/2011 9:10:45 PM
that just doesn't bode well with me
2/22/2011 9:11:09 PM
i'm horny as fuck all the time, but not dumb as fuck all the time
2/22/2011 9:11:28 PM
hell I have a latex issue and I let Randy use em anyways, I'd rather practice safe sex and deal with a few days of itchy coochie from having safe sex than open myself up to whatever.
2/22/2011 9:12:09 PM
so, yah, you haven't lost your best friend. just...well...don't dig your knee in so deep really
2/22/2011 9:12:21 PM
thats the other reason this shrink thinks I have a major drinking problem. Until this past summer, I couldn't sleep with other guys as much as I needed it unless I was drunk because I felt like I was cheating on you
2/22/2011 9:12:23 PM
i would say trust her more than you trust me
2/22/2011 9:12:43 PM
2/22/2011 9:13:14 PM
basically when she called me and told me you were asking about moving in i told her I know you both well enough to know I wanted no part of the situation and that I couldn't come back to jamestown because my kids are here and i'm trying to make a life here
2/22/2011 9:14:24 PM
and for the record, as often as I've had sex unprotected, its been with guys i've known to reasonably be clean, had regular paps because of other issues that are all clean, and after what happened that night in tiona with the guy in the bathroom because i was so drunk I couldn't say no, I went to the clinic and had a rape kit and aids testing done to be sure and I"m clean.
2/22/2011 9:14:45 PM
In fact, not even the cancer thing with the cervix has come back so I can no say that I probably didn't give it to you, or get it from you.
2/22/2011 9:14:58 PM
it either came from Jake or Jermaine given the time frame i got it in.
2/22/2011 9:15:16 PM
they just couldn't treat it while I was pregnant so it got put off till after savannah
2/22/2011 9:15:53 PM
*click clikc*
2/22/2011 9:16:21 PM
my periods are still irregular, and dr so did more biopsy's and they all came back clean so its basically weight, stress, and slight hormonal issue, so they come when they come and if I want a regular period I have to get some stupid estrogen pills everymonth which aren't worth the bother.
2/22/2011 9:17:03 PM
now that my weight is down though and my general doc can do my pap smears, my BP may be down enough they'll put me on yaz to regulate it and they'll stop and clear my acne

2/22/2011 9:17:18 PM
mmk cool!
2/22/2011 9:17:28 PM
*click click*...damn button not switchin' modes
2/22/2011 9:17:37 PM
lol sorry i'm still rambling.
2/22/2011 9:18:04 PM
it's ok...
2/22/2011 9:18:05 PM
you want slutty?
2/22/2011 9:18:07 PM
i'm still lookin' for the button
2/22/2011 9:18:13 PM
2/22/2011 9:18:16 PM

2/22/2011 9:19:00 PM
Is it too much to share my sexual encounters with other men with you or do you like hearing how well I learned from what you taught me and it is serving me well?
2/22/2011 9:19:17 PM
the second one
2/22/2011 9:19:32 PM
i'll be back in 2m-4m...maybe the button needs batteries
2/22/2011 9:20:10 PM
oh is your mouse broken? I thought you were joking cause you wanted me to be slutty not needy/whiney
2/22/2011 9:22:01 PM
much better

2/22/2011 9:26:41 PM
2/22/2011 9:28:15 PM
damn button!
2/22/2011 9:28:29 PM
keep pressing this mode change button
2/22/2011 9:28:33 PM
no workie
2/22/2011 9:30:29 PM
to change what mode?
2/22/2011 9:30:53 PM
to slut mode...ugh
2/22/2011 9:32:20 PM
lol ok wanna hear how proud I've made you?
2/22/2011 9:32:33 PM
cause all those lessons you taught me did work, just not on you
2/22/2011 9:32:36 PM
not sure why
2/22/2011 9:32:48 PM
I think it was the situation we were in, and you jerk off to much.
2/22/2011 9:32:51 PM
but anyways
2/22/2011 9:33:36 PM
on the way up here from jamestown randy really wanted to cum in my ass but we pulled over at a stop and I gave him head out in the woods, I was soo good I had him cumming in my mouth sooner than he wanted and he couldn't hold back. I have been told many times since our departing of ways that I give extremely good head
2/22/2011 9:34:09 PM
and randy can't believe I can take his whole dick down my throat as small as my mouth is because most girls can't
2/22/2011 9:34:17 PM
2/22/2011 9:34:29 PM
2/22/2011 9:35:23 PM
you have thickness AND lenght, but he has more length by at least half an inch or so on you so he actually makes it down my throat past the gag point and where you feel like you have to swallow, and he's actually the one who taught me that the biggest challenge when getting face fucked is to resist the urge to bite down even though you feel like you're gonna puke or gag
2/22/2011 9:36:46 PM
mmk cool
2/22/2011 9:40:19 PM
so if nothing else i'm getting pointers

2/22/2011 9:40:30 PM
2/22/2011 9:41:05 PM
and I"m learning how I could make it better for both of us because I'm learning from someone else who is trying something different, how to get me to cum where you had a hard time at ti mes making it happen because my insides are funny
2/22/2011 9:41:59 PM
you told me that

2/22/2011 9:42:47 PM
aside from the pickin', you've got the look down 100%
2/22/2011 9:43:09 PM
and really, you wouldn't have had these results or anything if we were married
2/22/2011 9:44:34 PM
how so?
2/22/2011 9:44:51 PM
think about it. fate is what life is not what we think is
2/22/2011 9:45:18 PM
the picking is getting better honestly, i've also got a kick ass scrubbie that opens the crap up so it can clean out and clear up more naturally.
2/22/2011 9:45:31 PM
period time sucks and always will and if I had the money for the good face stuff it'd be golden.
2/22/2011 9:45:49 PM
that's true on fate.
2/22/2011 9:46:26 PM
yup yup
2/22/2011 9:48:31 PM
Maybe I'm hopless on the faith in you, I dunno. I just (going back to the witchy vibes thing) sense you were hurt so badly by what we went through you're afraid to give it another chance or have given up faith in everything and just want to go through life alone for the most part.
2/22/2011 9:48:53 PM
2/22/2011 9:51:52 PM
oi because I"m going there or oi because I'm right and you don't want to admit it?
2/22/2011 9:52:20 PM
oi cause the button flipped to off...

2/22/2011 9:52:36 PM
2/22/2011 9:53:05 PM
i don't know what else to talk about sex wise. this year i honestly haven't been out whoring around, i did that when you left to get back at you and it didn't work, and I got nothing out of it
2/22/2011 9:53:38 PM
2/22/2011 9:53:39 PM
at least with randy I don't have to be drunk to fuck him, its good sex, but its going nowhere and I"m at a point where I wanna settle down, have our kids home and just live life
2/22/2011 9:54:00 PM
2/22/2011 9:54:21 PM
2/22/2011 9:54:47 PM
I want someone to have to come home to and not have to be alone, and honest to god have what your mom has. I don't care if I"m loved, I just want someone to take care of bills and things, so i can go to school and do what I love, and help me raise our kids.
2/22/2011 9:56:31 PM
foodplay can be fun
2/22/2011 9:58:55 PM
trust me its not that i get bored with randy, its just hard to get him here and I don't wanna go looking.
2/22/2011 9:59:45 PM
and after ten years with you, i prefer you. I'm sorry if that bothers you.
2/22/2011 9:59:56 PM
2/22/2011 10:01:55 PM
and I really dislike that you don't know me anymore than I know you after a year apart pretty much.
2/22/2011 10:04:22 PM
And i really don't have many stories to share lol
2/22/2011 10:04:34 PM
it's ok. you need to write books

2/22/2011 10:04:39 PM
women'll love 'em
2/22/2011 10:04:43 PM
just that i've improved on what you taught me and so far i've been told that I give fantastic head
2/22/2011 10:04:50 PM
and I have a REALLY tight pussy
2/22/2011 10:05:02 PM
and a really sexy ass that is tapable if done right
2/22/2011 10:05:15 PM
you've told me
2/22/2011 10:05:17 PM
i knows
2/22/2011 10:07:35 PM
you know what would be interesting is PROOF!
2/22/2011 10:07:39 PM
video PROOF!

2/22/2011 10:07:45 PM
self-made pron!
2/22/2011 10:07:48 PM
I think I said this last night....but basically I want you to do all the nasty kinky stuff we do, but I want you to be able to do it and look at me when we're done with the sappy lovey grin on your face, not just get up and walk away because it was nothing more than just sex to you. Because that sappy lovey grin on your face means I mean more to you than just a peice of ass.
2/22/2011 10:07:59 PM
oh ok
2/22/2011 10:07:59 PM
we were supposed to take pictures and got caught up in the moment

2/22/2011 10:08:05 PM
mmhmm...schedule it!~
2/22/2011 10:08:58 PM
2/22/2011 10:09:00 PM
I want to start over and forget everything from the last ten years and have you look at me like ------->
2/22/2011 10:09:24 PM
2/22/2011 10:09:28 PM
oh wow
2/22/2011 10:09:44 PM
i want you to look at me and have that happiness and freedom with me again.
2/22/2011 10:09:56 PM
i'll have freedom w/ ya

2/22/2011 10:10:10 PM
not the girl freedom but real freedom
2/22/2011 10:10:18 PM
the kind of freedom of emotion that comes from being happy
2/22/2011 10:10:20 PM
o...ok lol
2/22/2011 10:10:35 PM
the kind of happiness you felt and partook in when all those were taken
2/22/2011 10:10:46 PM
mmk...no more sappy's...
2/22/2011 10:10:47 PM
2/22/2011 10:10:49 PM
2/22/2011 10:10:54 PM
2/22/2011 10:10:59 PM
that's what hurts me the most. I can't have that with you anymore and that's what I want.
2/22/2011 10:11:30 PM
i knows
2/22/2011 10:11:34 PM
can't promise
2/22/2011 10:12:18 PM
i know that, and that's what hurts is that you can't because you've closed yourself off so much that you won't.
2/22/2011 10:12:25 PM
that you have other plans with someone else
2/22/2011 10:13:24 PM
its hard enough i know i fucked us up, and I feel like i'm not worth sticking around for, its harder yet feeling like I fucked us up so bad you're walking away from our kids too.
2/22/2011 10:13:31 PM
i feel like thats my fault
2/22/2011 10:13:50 PM
the kids were my choice, thanks
2/22/2011 10:14:46 PM
that may be so but I still feel like I pushed you to it. Like I fucked up so bad you dont want to be in their lives because it means eventuall you'll have to be part of mine if I get them back. And if I don't, thats my fault too
2/22/2011 10:15:13 PM
jennifer, your blaming yourself for stuff that you can't possibly be responsible for
2/22/2011 10:26:23 PM
how so?
2/22/2011 10:26:30 PM
I put you through hell
2/22/2011 10:26:46 PM
I gave away our kids because when I put you throug hell and you had to leave i couldn't cope
2/22/2011 10:26:54 PM
not once, but twice
2/22/2011 10:27:00 PM
and then when you left for good, I put you through more hell.
2/22/2011 10:27:18 PM
And I told you if you were leaving you had to leave them too and now you are.
2/22/2011 10:27:21 PM
or want to.
2/22/2011 10:29:50 PM
2/22/2011 10:29:57 PM
w/ ass-splitting addon
2/22/2011 10:30:18 PM
2/22/2011 10:31:10 PM
you really just have no clue what I'm going through. And I wish you did. And I wish you weren't shutting it out because I really think that if we tried we'd be ok. And I can't be a slut anymore because I have nothing slutty left to talk about.
2/22/2011 10:31:38 PM
i knows lol
2/22/2011 10:33:21 PM
I know you're trying to lighten the mood. I guess I feel like you can't understand where my head and heart is at if I don't tell you. and its not about guilt, its about honesty, which is what we never did before, we never talked.
2/22/2011 10:33:29 PM
so if you're not up for talking i respect that
2/22/2011 10:33:41 PM
I just don't know what else to say cause I"m out of sluttyness
2/22/2011 10:33:50 PM
I wanna be your only slut and you won't let me
2/22/2011 10:34:31 PM
i knows
2/22/2011 10:34:38 PM
my slut records her encounters

2/22/2011 10:37:24 PM
well that just made me feel like crap. that means i'm not your slut at all
2/22/2011 10:37:33 PM
2/22/2011 10:37:43 PM
2/22/2011 10:37:47 PM
2/22/2011 10:37:50 PM
2/22/2011 10:37:51 PM
2/22/2011 10:37:53 PM
2/22/2011 10:38:02 PM
be proud of what you sees
2/22/2011 10:38:10 PM
i just don't know when randy can come back.
2/22/2011 10:38:25 PM
beeeeg him
2/22/2011 10:38:49 PM
its a tricky situation, on top of having a full life he has a g/f
2/22/2011 10:39:37 PM
you can call him up, right?
2/22/2011 10:40:28 PM
2/22/2011 10:40:32 PM
i catch him on yahoo
2/22/2011 10:40:35 PM
...how do you contact him?
2/22/2011 10:40:37 PM
2/22/2011 10:40:49 PM
texting is sparse cause it could get him caught
2/22/2011 10:41:02 PM
pfft lol
2/22/2011 10:42:32 PM
2/22/2011 10:42:38 PM
i don't have any answers until the end of this week
2/22/2011 10:42:40 PM
he's on yahoo a lot when he's not busy, just depends on what he's up to. He works full time, tutors kids, has a dog to take care of, has his athletic thing he does, excercises, has the g/f and travels to baltimore branches of m&t
2/22/2011 10:42:50 PM
this is all just hypothetical and pre planning, ok?
2/22/2011 10:42:52 PM
just relax
2/22/2011 10:43:02 PM
ok, soungs great

2/22/2011 10:43:24 PM
baby wants daddy to come home and stay

2/22/2011 10:43:36 PM
2/22/2011 10:44:10 PM
well, at least we know if all goes down it's pigtails and flexible shirts for life
2/22/2011 10:46:52 PM
2/22/2011 10:46:58 PM
you don't wanna hear what my gut says
2/22/2011 10:47:17 PM
you gut says i'm setting you up for failure again
2/22/2011 10:47:25 PM
i know, you've told me before
2/22/2011 10:48:52 PM
2/22/2011 10:49:40 PM
its all the secrecy and stuff. whcih i know right now is necessary so i try not to push but things are so unstable right now i'm like untrusting of everything.
2/22/2011 10:49:53 PM
that's natural
2/22/2011 10:50:46 PM
I'm seriously so freaked out about your aunt cause she hasn't said or done anything in a week or two, that she's going to come to get her stuff when I'm not home and steal my crap just because she thinks i'm stealing her crap.
2/22/2011 10:51:00 PM
yah, just relax
2/22/2011 10:51:06 PM
your going through paranoia
2/22/2011 10:51:08 PM
it's normal
2/22/2011 10:51:27 PM
i know but she really is psycho. She's done everything she can to make me look bad and every time it doesn't work it gets worse.
2/22/2011 10:51:41 PM
pfft, if anything your the expert on psycho
2/22/2011 10:51:50 PM
just relax, nobody can beat you in your own expertise
2/22/2011 10:53:05 PM
no seriously matthew she's been diagnosed as scitzo
2/22/2011 10:53:16 PM
I just have depression and anxiety and ptsd
2/22/2011 10:53:25 PM
she's fucking psychotic
2/22/2011 10:53:28 PM
no joking.
2/22/2011 10:53:36 PM
i've seen the papers.
2/22/2011 10:54:02 PM
up here they haven't figured it out yet, but classified it as 'illnesses ill defined dealing with morbidity and mortality"
2/22/2011 10:54:03 PM
mmk, so relax
2/22/2011 10:59:10 PM
i'm bugging you aren't i
2/22/2011 10:59:29 PM
your good. your a sexy thing, and i don't mind it cause i can just turn and perv your body
2/22/2011 10:59:41 PM
2/22/2011 11:00:43 PM
I am a sexy thing, I'd be a whole lot sexier if I had a man to keep me that way ;P
2/22/2011 11:01:13 PM
or at least help me enough so I could keep myself that way
2/22/2011 11:01:30 PM
just don't PICK!
2/22/2011 11:02:11 PM
i'm doing good on that

2/22/2011 11:02:28 PM
thats why i'm doped up on chill pills lmao
2/22/2011 11:02:41 PM
i know you hate them but they really do help and they're legal

2/22/2011 11:03:09 PM
2/22/2011 11:04:58 PM
I just need stability. Not me stability, but stability in all the things around me.
2/22/2011 11:07:02 PM
UGH, everytime i got to tell you something, half way through the sentance I remember I told you last night.
2/22/2011 11:08:20 PM
it's all good
2/22/2011 11:08:22 PM
you do that lots
2/22/2011 11:08:30 PM
just like you do that w/ your body
2/22/2011 11:08:32 PM
2/22/2011 11:08:49 PM
2/22/2011 11:09:03 PM
at least my boobies are getting firmer and less saggy
2/22/2011 11:09:12 PM
i told ya to do chest workouts
2/22/2011 11:09:17 PM
you should've done 'em 2 years ago
2/22/2011 11:09:21 PM
you'd be perky as hell
2/22/2011 11:09:36 PM
maybe you should step up your routie...just sayin'
2/22/2011 11:09:54 PM
professionals do reps for at least an hour a day on rotation
2/22/2011 11:16:51 PM
well i'm almost to the point i have to raise the incline, my arms need a little bit more work before i can do that, i'm still a little weak there, but my legs are going great and getting firmer
2/22/2011 11:19:59 PM
2/22/2011 11:24:39 PM
you don't look fat and bald in your picture
2/22/2011 11:27:01 PM
is it your thyroid?
2/22/2011 11:40:54 PM
Leaving the kids where they are doesn't mean you have to stay out of their lives. Your mom and I have discussed that possibility to and have a plan. I know its line crossing but think about that too please. You don't have to go away if you don't want to bring them home. It could realisitically be a solution for both of us to explore...I'm getting tired so I"m gonna go catch some zzz's but...ponder that for me too...we could set up somewhere in a three or four bedroom, have visits with them and stay involved in their schooling, live as friends with benefits, and the kids would get to stay where they are and where' they're secure....its not something that's been ruled out. Rather than being mad at your mom for the way things are or feeling guilty its something the three of us could discuss. Your mom is ok with having to keep them so long as we're involved. She and I really are looking at this from a team approach and what's going to be best for the kids, not just us as individuals. If you'd rather they stay where they are, why not let it be that way but stay involved? Something else to ponder ok? Let me know what's going on with the squatting but I need some sleep now. Nite.
2/22/2011 11:50:02 PM
realisitically speaking its a conversation i could see the three of us having as adults if you're open to it i guess is the point to that. I had to pee and realized I could summarize the book. and we don't have to live together, but it could make things easier. I dunno just thoughts running rampant right now but I just feel what you're feeling there, and have questioned it myself, and your mom would rather either one of us go to her and say we don't want to take them back they're better off where they are how can we come up with a way to make it work so we're not walking out of our kids lives and hurting them, than the games. I have my own fears of not being able to handle it alone or not being able to stay stable enough to handle it alone full time. Maybe you have a point in thinking they're better off where they are. Maybe its time to explore a new angle instead of beating an old one that's not working. brainstorm, I'm interested in knowing what you were thinking with all that honestly now that you have me thinking about it and i've thrown my options out there. there is no shame in being honest about not wanting to destroy their world because they're happy where they are, and if you're open to staying in their lives while doing that, its something I would do with you and support you on. Your mom too. so...can ya give me your pov on how that would work? so I can know if we're on the same wavelength?
2/22/2011 11:50:08 PM
2/23/2011 11:31:03 AM
Getting another MRI

2/23/2011 11:31:21 AM
and a TENS unit thingy if I can to Leroy.
2/23/2011 11:31:35 AM
2/23/2011 11:31:46 AM
And they're gonna shoot holes in my back and fill it with some white junk to see if it helps the pain
2/23/2011 11:31:47 AM
2/23/2011 11:33:55 AM
My dr's are doing another MRI on my back cause I have worsening of symptoms but the MRI's from Jamestown look just 'fantastic' only a 'little' bit of narrowing of the disc space. But the pain and numbness and lack of ability to even check the mail indicates soemthing else is wrong. So They're getting another MRI, they're giving me one of those things like brian had for his arm where they give you little electrical shocks to the area in pain to help aleviate and relax the muscles, TENS unit.
2/23/2011 11:34:45 AM
And then they wanna stab needles in my back and fill it with cortosteroid cream to help the pain. That sounds like a lot of fun, but I think I'd rather give birth to Savannah our biggest porker with out any epidural before having that one done.
2/23/2011 11:34:50 AM
you know me and needles.
2/23/2011 11:34:53 AM
2/23/2011 11:34:59 AM
your fine w/ needles
2/23/2011 11:35:06 AM
you deal with pricks all the time
2/23/2011 11:35:10 AM
should be a walk in the park for you
2/23/2011 11:35:11 AM
2/23/2011 11:35:18 AM
write me erotic stories on your free time!
2/23/2011 11:35:18 AM
pricks like you?

2/23/2011 11:35:24 AM
..and that dude, yah
2/23/2011 11:35:30 AM
lol *hug*
2/23/2011 11:45:43 AM
2/23/2011 11:46:05 AM
got nicked the damn overdraft charge cause time warner charged the advance bill a week before they're even installing the crap
2/23/2011 11:48:19 AM
2/23/2011 11:50:19 AM
2/23/2011 11:50:44 AM
its basically the same thing, just more refined than it used to be
2/23/2011 12:24:16 PM
2/23/2011 12:36:20 PM
I think your wife needs to complain to time warner
2/23/2011 12:36:49 PM
she's thinking about it. I'm now 150 in the hole for prepayment of services that I don't get for another week.
2/23/2011 12:52:52 PM
2/23/2011 12:54:06 PM
I had the cable on in your name like we talked about. And they charged me on the 18th when they aren't coming till the second. so now I'm 150 bucks in the hole before the first and I dont' get to enjoy the cable services I've paid for since the 18th
2/23/2011 1:05:43 PM
what you doing now?
2/23/2011 1:09:24 PM
called time warner to bitch
2/23/2011 1:09:27 PM
now nothing
2/23/2011 1:09:38 PM
waiting on return calls, thinking about some wow
2/23/2011 1:10:12 PM
2/23/2011 1:10:52 PM
sup? besides the fact you want an erotic story to jerk off to

2/23/2011 1:11:15 PM
readin' doesn't do it for me. i just think you have such a great imagination that it would be a great seller
2/23/2011 1:11:22 PM
2/23/2011 1:11:29 PM
so whats up then?
2/23/2011 1:11:34 PM
2/23/2011 1:11:52 PM
i hear ya
2/23/2011 1:12:06 PM
I see your friend stiffy is on
2/23/2011 1:12:18 PM
testing a skype addon
2/23/2011 1:12:52 PM
2/23/2011 1:13:05 PM
you don't like writing stories?
2/23/2011 1:13:42 PM
I don't have the vocabulary handle I used to.
2/23/2011 1:13:56 PM
you do fine when writing to me
2/23/2011 1:14:03 PM
you can't get better unless you practice
2/23/2011 1:14:55 PM
2/23/2011 1:15:03 PM
so do it!

2/23/2011 1:16:39 PM
I guess it just spark an interest in me. Erotic stories are just about all the same scenarios with minor twists on them. There are only so many ways you can write the fuck books ya know, there are only so many scenarios that play out, and each autho puts a unique twist on it sure, but the bottom line to me is, its like porno, after awhile it's all the same stories just different actors, different words, and maybe instead of fucking her on the couch she gets fucked on the bed, the rest of it's mundane.
2/23/2011 1:17:31 PM
or learning a new experience with the the refrigerator and the contents of it
2/23/2011 1:17:50 PM
that is one i've never really heard.
2/23/2011 1:18:07 PM
so much for "same old shit"..
2/23/2011 1:18:15 PM
so which do you want, me to level a day on wow or write you stories?
2/23/2011 1:18:58 PM
i'm seriously slacking on wow ya know

2/23/2011 1:18:59 PM
2/23/2011 1:19:11 PM
it's not writing ME stories
2/23/2011 1:19:15 PM
these are sellable items
2/23/2011 1:19:28 PM
2/23/2011 1:19:30 PM
all "lonely" women like different points of views on how two or more ppl get together
2/23/2011 1:19:34 PM
it's a readers market
2/23/2011 1:20:03 PM
if it tickles you, it'll tickle a person with money
2/23/2011 1:20:56 PM
well I'll come up with something and send it to you and if you think its that great tell me where to send it. Cause I don't have a clue. first I need food, more coffee, and really wanna get some levling done on Mainda
2/23/2011 1:21:24 PM
2/23/2011 1:21:30 PM
2/23/2011 1:21:33 PM
tah tah's!
2/23/2011 1:21:36 PM
slut mode enabled!
2/23/2011 1:22:15 PM
lol i'm waiting for rob to come pick me up so i can get my tens unit. besides I thought we agreed the uniform could only be enforced if daddy was here

2/23/2011 1:22:29 PM
o....and writing these stories you have to be in first person
2/23/2011 1:22:31 PM
being the man or woman
2/23/2011 1:22:33 PM
and who is rob?...
2/23/2011 1:22:52 PM
rob mcclean a friend of paulines
2/23/2011 1:22:56 PM
2/23/2011 1:22:56 PM
2/23/2011 1:43:36 PM
beginning to think perhaps he got side tracked with his girlfriend and isn't coming which okay, i could use the day off from interacting with other humans face to face when I am pushing myself to go return to the community later.
2/23/2011 1:43:38 PM
tomorrow i mean
2/23/2011 1:44:13 PM
2/23/2011 1:50:38 PM
2/23/2011 2:49:35 PM
hehehehhe just hit karl with a dose of his own medicine I am a fucking bitch
2/23/2011 2:49:49 PM
2/23/2011 2:52:08 PM
he asked if my hair was any longer so I sent him the boobage pic from last night of me in pig tails and he said nice, but who was the photo for so I thew out there a guy...but to avoid a million questions if it was you I told him it was a guy who works in a bank in buffalo and he lol's and goes "bank managers don't typical accept bribes" jokingly I said 'nah I don't need to bribe him this one actually takes me out on dates"
2/23/2011 2:52:36 PM
so he's all...'oh so he's not just after your tits then huh" and I said nope, he actually has things to talk about other than how hot I am. so I get a '
2/23/2011 2:52:43 PM
"Lucky guy wish I could"
2/23/2011 2:52:46 PM
2/23/2011 2:53:28 PM
i flat out told him last month I was sick of hearing how he has all these plans with kim so if he wasn't going to come here and make effort he was screwed
2/23/2011 2:54:18 PM
and I hit a nerve! "if I didn't know better moo I'd say you did it on purpose to make me want you more"
2/23/2011 2:54:44 PM
see we're good this, we should do this together and go to goats and get some hot chick from there named nikki that hit on me on new years to join us!
2/23/2011 2:57:24 PM
2/23/2011 2:58:51 PM
billy goats the dance club/bar
2/23/2011 2:59:03 PM
thought they were closed
2/23/2011 2:59:10 PM
i met this tiny little slip of a thing named nikki and she was hitting on me big time. Nope, I was there new years eve

2/23/2011 2:59:16 PM
the ppl that own settlers owns the bar too
2/23/2011 2:59:43 PM
sounds like a good fling
2/23/2011 2:59:58 PM
could have been if I hadn't lost her number.
2/23/2011 3:00:37 PM
jesus, i ask dad to send me his paperwork for court and he send me every god damned bill he has had for the last year. And some books for the kids.
2/23/2011 3:01:22 PM
and MY book that i bought in new orleans
2/23/2011 3:05:53 PM
and none of these bills are going to do squat for him in court lmao
2/23/2011 3:08:04 PM
I'm crying over a dead cat. This is bad
2/23/2011 3:08:13 PM
2/23/2011 3:08:55 PM
Dad sent the papers from kc. the having him put down charge wason there and it made me cry lol that's bad. I'm crying over a dead cat.
2/23/2011 3:10:43 PM
2/23/2011 3:11:31 PM
I wouldn't wanna come live with me either. I'm far to whiney.
2/23/2011 3:12:41 PM
mmhmm...you'd get tied down and slapped for doin' that whiney crap

2/23/2011 3:13:45 PM
that might actually help improve matters. I still want to be beatn sexually and fucked hard and hurt.
2/23/2011 3:14:50 PM
2/23/2011 3:16:40 PM
i'm not kidding, i had way too much fun this week with randy, he hit me hard and he fucking meant to, he grabbed me by the throat from behind so tight I almost passed out while he was fucking me. He fucked my face so goddamned hard the doctor throught I had strep throat it was so red the next day and I want more, and I want it from you because I know you can do it right if you'd just stop being a wimp.
2/23/2011 3:18:54 PM
yah, i know
2/23/2011 3:27:36 PM
i'm sure i could beat the living piss outta you lol
2/23/2011 3:28:32 PM
I'm sure you could, and I'm sure I would enjoy it lol
2/23/2011 3:28:43 PM
prolly, who knows
2/23/2011 3:30:07 PM
I know you don't. You don't want to know I think
2/23/2011 3:30:43 PM
wow...mind fuck there
2/23/2011 3:31:51 PM
2/23/2011 3:34:39 PM
oy dad left the support papers a mess, must have been drunk when he filled them out
2/23/2011 3:34:42 PM
this is a riot.
2/23/2011 3:55:32 PM
what you doin now?
2/23/2011 4:01:40 PM
well now that I've had my laugh at dads drunken ramblings to the support judge, and eaten my steak lunch, I have to decide what I want to do. Need to go to the mail box since the lazy twat waffle couldn't be bothered to bring all thee mail, just the box of dads stuff
2/23/2011 4:02:11 PM
right, ok
2/23/2011 4:02:21 PM
so, you think you could get video of you and a dick by the end of the weekend?
2/23/2011 4:06:33 PM
no, the only dick I know is yours and randy's and randy's....
2/23/2011 4:06:58 PM
Left for baltimore as of yesterday morning I see from looking at his status updates.
2/23/2011 4:07:27 PM
i think you know where there is more dick
2/23/2011 4:08:59 PM
none I'm willing to take.
2/23/2011 4:09:10 PM
you don't have to be willing
2/23/2011 4:09:22 PM
just have to get it done

2/23/2011 4:09:43 PM
Oh I get it, this is my 'test' and if I don't do it you're not coming to squat with me and you won't beat the ever loving piss out of me like I want right?
2/23/2011 4:10:25 PM
no, it's not a test
2/23/2011 4:10:33 PM
fucking christ, there are no tests
2/23/2011 4:12:06 PM
just get me you working dick on film, it's all i ask woman

2/23/2011 4:14:17 PM
I wish I could promise it but I can't. I'm not into chasing after it anymore.
2/23/2011 4:14:37 PM
you can't call up any dick?
2/23/2011 4:14:42 PM
be like "DELIVAH BITCH!"
2/23/2011 4:14:55 PM
no I can't. I don't know all these guys waiting to fuck me like you think I do.
2/23/2011 4:17:20 PM
and I don't like going to the bar and picking up random guys because god only knows what I could have been exposing myself to when I did. I'm glad I was lucky enough and smart enough to get tested and stayed clean.
2/23/2011 4:17:45 PM
Then decided no more of that
2/23/2011 4:19:47 PM
2/23/2011 4:31:00 PM
sorry got interrupted.
2/23/2011 4:31:16 PM
what is your obsession with watching me fuck someone else.
2/23/2011 4:31:18 PM
it's ok, you still got the 3 holes
2/23/2011 4:31:24 PM
it's the proof in the pudding, babe
2/23/2011 4:31:34 PM
yeah I do, and i"m waiting for you come fill em, what better proof than doing it yourself?
2/23/2011 4:32:27 PM
seein' how mah baby really does in the world

2/23/2011 4:33:35 PM
i do just fine, just have no on demand button for my dick love
2/23/2011 4:34:08 PM
2/23/2011 4:37:51 PM
national grid fucked up the electric order
2/23/2011 4:38:23 PM
just tried to shut off the park managers electric
2/23/2011 4:40:21 PM
2/23/2011 4:41:16 PM
2/23/2011 4:42:17 PM
they won't just change it
2/23/2011 4:43:05 PM
Can you please call them and have it turned on here for me now that you're not ignoring me?
2/23/2011 4:43:18 PM
not today, no
2/23/2011 4:43:21 PM
have to be tomorrow
2/23/2011 4:43:21 PM
why not?
2/23/2011 4:43:27 PM
2/23/2011 4:43:29 PM
they're going to shut off my electric
2/23/2011 4:43:57 PM
because the order got fucked up. what time tomorrow?
2/23/2011 4:44:40 PM
prolly early
2/23/2011 4:44:46 PM
did you call 'em and tell them the order is wrong?
2/23/2011 4:46:26 PM
yes and they said since I"m not grant everson and i can't fax them the power of attorney they can't just change it for me because i"m not listed on there so they shut off the service for number two and said that there is a pending shut off here because lisa took her name off the electric on the 10th, to be shut off today. I had to do the order online without dads permission because I called you when they wouldn't let ME you 'wife' put it on in your name for here over the phone. And because you used to be a customer with them, i couldn't do an orderonline in your name.
2/23/2011 4:47:29 PM
cause i don't have your old account number.
2/23/2011 4:49:55 PM
it's on the reciepts i sent you
2/23/2011 4:50:03 PM
027.252.6191 or 895.252.6160
2/23/2011 4:50:20 PM
sent files "20060914-20061013.pdf", "20060417-20060516.pdf"
File transfer:
2/23/2011 4:50:20 PM
i didn't get receipts from you
2/23/2011 4:51:26 PM
you paid mine off?
2/23/2011 4:51:30 PM
i thought you paid YOURS off.
2/23/2011 4:51:50 PM
i paid off whatever you gave me
2/23/2011 4:52:16 PM
so youp aid 900 and some odd dollars to national grid?
2/23/2011 4:52:23 PM
i thought I gave you information for you
2/23/2011 4:52:45 PM
yah, and i gave you back the account numbers you gave me
2/23/2011 4:53:28 PM
I don't remember giving you two pdf's for electical bills from 2006
2/23/2011 4:53:57 PM
no, i have those
2/23/2011 4:54:47 PM
so did you pay off those bills you just sent me or did you pay off the numbers I gave you in a notepad doc?
2/23/2011 4:55:05 PM
doh! Now I remember, I didn't get your national gird account numbers
2/23/2011 4:55:29 PM
you told me you thought you had paid them off in your name before so I could turn service on here in your name.
2/23/2011 4:56:02 PM
so when I called to do that, they told me that even as 'your wife' they can't turn service on unless you called them personally and I called your cell phone and left you a voice mail and didn't hear from you for like two weeks.
2/23/2011 4:58:15 PM
it wasn't on in your name in miller it was on in my name, and last I knew I still had a 900 some odd dollar balance and couldnt' get service in town until you paid that bill, as part of the divorce stipulations. When you offered to pay bills, we didn't discuss national grid, only time warner and verizion. When national grid came up and I asked if I could use your name you said 'yeah I'm pretty sure I paid those off"
2/23/2011 4:59:49 PM
2/23/2011 5:00:24 PM
im confused
2/23/2011 5:01:36 PM
are you confused im confused lol
2/23/2011 5:02:46 PM
okay according to national gird a check was sent to them in february of 2008 for the full amount past due and it was returned due to insufficient funds.
2/23/2011 5:02:55 PM
SO you did not pay off my balance.
2/23/2011 5:03:22 PM
This is what I sent you before : Time warner -
1-800-756-7956Matthew's Outstanding bill:150.09
Account number to pay on:600-809-105
Verizon: 1-800-VERIZON (
Matthew's Outstanding Bill: 200.99
Account number to pay on: 033-65-3753
Was sold to collections:
1-888-879-6810 (Acme?)
Offering 100 settlement to pay it or can pay in full for the 200.99
by the 27th to settle for the 100 by cc.
2/23/2011 5:03:27 PM
that you took care of.
2/23/2011 5:03:30 PM
2/23/2011 5:03:43 PM
I have no clue if you have a bill with national grid, but when I called they wouldn't talk to me about you.
2/23/2011 5:03:54 PM
they told me to have you call in to start service.
2/23/2011 5:04:15 PM
can you define early for me?
2/23/2011 5:04:34 PM
because i just realized its after five they're probably not coming today.
2/23/2011 5:05:18 PM
it's 5:05 now
2/23/2011 5:05:36 PM
i know.
2/23/2011 5:06:42 PM
2/23/2011 5:06:55 PM
2/23/2011 5:07:07 PM
2/23/2011 5:07:11 PM
i need electricity this sucks
2/23/2011 5:08:20 PM
2/23/2011 5:08:29 PM
Smokey shit and its one of her massive man shits
2/23/2011 5:11:06 PM
when I said I needed an account number I needed your account number from national grid not mine with a 900 dollar bill

2/23/2011 5:12:04 PM
2/23/2011 5:13:00 PM
so you'll call tomorrow early? and put it on here in your name for me please?

2/23/2011 5:13:09 PM
2/23/2011 5:13:14 PM
2/23/2011 5:13:16 PM
ya, i will
2/23/2011 5:13:21 PM
just need info
2/23/2011 5:13:57 PM
I'll brb with the meter number
2/23/2011 5:15:07 PM
gotta go check the gas tanks and get the mail anyways
2/23/2011 5:34:02 PM
i have no clue how to find the fucking meter number. I found the main box outside but no meter anywhere in sight around it, near it or under the damn trailer. So, you want service turned on at 5100 Clinton Street Road LOT 42 Batavia NY 14020
2/23/2011 5:34:55 PM
just make sure they know its a trailer court and you want it at LOT 42 or trailer 42. If they ask who the last name of the person was that had it on it was Lisa Carter, before that, Debra Everson.
2/23/2011 5:47:10 PM
in wow?
2/23/2011 5:50:08 PM
no not in wow
2/23/2011 5:50:13 PM
there's no nekked things in wow
2/23/2011 5:50:19 PM
oh you're looking at porn
2/23/2011 5:50:39 PM
no, your not on the internet to perv at
2/23/2011 5:50:48 PM
2/23/2011 5:50:58 PM
you loose your collectioin of baby's photos?
2/23/2011 5:51:10 PM
yah, no collection
2/23/2011 5:51:20 PM
baby has her collection

2/23/2011 5:51:27 PM
baby needs more videos
2/23/2011 5:51:31 PM
stills just don't do it anymore

2/23/2011 5:51:46 PM
daddy just needs to get over his silly fears and come see baby live and in person

2/23/2011 5:52:02 PM
pfft videos are a necessity
2/23/2011 5:52:06 PM
2/23/2011 5:52:18 PM
what is this?
2/23/2011 5:52:21 PM
a video
2/23/2011 5:52:25 PM
of baby
2/23/2011 5:52:28 PM
2/23/2011 5:52:32 PM
2/23/2011 5:52:35 PM
is it something i haven't seen?
2/23/2011 5:52:50 PM
not sure if I made it for you or not so I couldn't say lol
2/23/2011 5:52:58 PM
i was on cherry street, toilet with a toy.
2/23/2011 5:53:08 PM
yah, you made it for me

2/23/2011 5:53:12 PM
2/23/2011 5:53:24 PM
don't have the one of me sucking your dick anymore?
2/23/2011 5:53:34 PM
2/23/2011 5:53:37 PM
wheres that at?
2/23/2011 5:53:42 PM
2/23/2011 5:53:51 PM
ummm wut?
2/23/2011 5:53:54 PM
last time we had sex
2/23/2011 5:54:03 PM
thats time you took photos of me too
2/23/2011 5:54:12 PM
oh yah, the role play thing
2/23/2011 5:54:23 PM
you checkin' my head
2/23/2011 5:54:27 PM
no i just put on a mask and some cuffs
2/23/2011 5:54:33 PM
no roleplay, we fucked and both felt guilty when we were done
2/23/2011 5:54:46 PM
the video, i was talkin' about
2/23/2011 5:54:54 PM
just asking if you still had it, cause you sent it to me
2/23/2011 5:54:56 PM
2/23/2011 5:55:03 PM
it might perk ya up
2/23/2011 5:55:13 PM
no, don't has it
2/23/2011 5:55:23 PM
Otherwise I have some from miller of me fingering myself on the coffee table
2/23/2011 5:55:33 PM
2/23/2011 5:55:37 PM
has i seen em?
2/23/2011 5:55:45 PM
you took em duh
2/23/2011 5:55:53 PM
it's just been that long ago
2/23/2011 5:56:16 PM
2/23/2011 5:56:19 PM
2/23/2011 5:56:29 PM
sent file "100_1530.MOV"
File transfer:
2/23/2011 5:56:30 PM
what's the smallest sized one?
2/23/2011 5:56:53 PM
lemme lookie
2/23/2011 5:57:34 PM
5.96 mg
2/23/2011 5:57:43 PM
its me mastrubating chopped into smaller files
2/23/2011 5:57:47 PM
lets see this one, just got done
2/23/2011 5:58:14 PM
awww..bad quality
2/23/2011 5:58:20 PM
need new ones
2/23/2011 5:58:59 PM
i have no camera, the little slut you live with 'bought' mine and failed to pay me for it.
2/23/2011 5:59:25 PM
the Kodak Easyshare C613 that i'm supposed to pull pictures off of?
2/23/2011 5:59:35 PM
yep white?
2/23/2011 5:59:40 PM
2/23/2011 5:59:44 PM
yeah that one
2/23/2011 5:59:54 PM
she was supposed to pay me fifty bucks for it and never did
2/23/2011 6:00:06 PM
rekindle your friendship
2/23/2011 6:00:23 PM
no thanks, I don't need the fifty bucks that bad to be associated with her.
2/23/2011 6:00:31 PM
she crossed lines.
2/23/2011 6:00:36 PM
just do it
2/23/2011 6:00:43 PM
it would make daddy happy
2/23/2011 6:01:01 PM
I know it would make daddy happy but it wouldn't make baby happy and probably not the slut either.
2/23/2011 6:01:21 PM
orly? why not?
2/23/2011 6:03:36 PM
Because baby is tired of having fake friends. She only ever used me to go bar hopping or for rides, or to move her from one place to another.
2/23/2011 6:03:48 PM
And after everything i said to her, I doubt she wants to talk to me.
2/23/2011 6:05:50 PM
just need to try, really
2/23/2011 6:05:52 PM
if it fails, it fails
2/23/2011 6:11:25 PM
2/23/2011 6:52:43 PM
Awww Angel Johnson likes me cause I'm not one constant pity party on fb

2/23/2011 6:55:29 PM
2/23/2011 6:56:21 PM
she's married. Besides she fucked your brother and that'd be weeeeeeird....
2/23/2011 6:56:45 PM
yah, true
2/23/2011 6:57:38 PM
you know if brian did that to nessa maybe she'd stop being suck a fucking cunt all the time. quick back hand never hurt nobody. just a shame they changed the dv laws now. If there's a kid in the house, and fists fly, everyone gets charged with child endangerment and it's an automatic cps call.
2/23/2011 6:57:45 PM
Did you get told about that with bri and ness?
2/23/2011 6:59:02 PM
bri put his hand on nee's shoulder to restrain her, while she was pounding the hell out of him and just becaue aj was in home a police report was filed, in brians favor no less, they wanted him to press charges on Ness, but they had to call cps and find them both for endangering the welfare of a child.
2/23/2011 6:59:23 PM
if that shit had been that way when we had our kids, we'd have been really fucked.
2/23/2011 6:59:44 PM
mmm no, no wanna know
2/23/2011 7:01:05 PM
well litle late for that i already said it.
2/23/2011 7:01:08 PM
2/23/2011 7:01:20 PM
vanessa is like me but like sixty times worse lmao
2/23/2011 7:02:24 PM
but its sooooo cute when aj and ivy come over cause aj loves his grampa and vannah gets so jealous. she went up to nessa one day and pouts at her and goes "Aunt nessa! My grampie!"
2/23/2011 7:03:09 PM
yah, i know
2/23/2011 7:03:10 PM
i know
2/23/2011 7:03:12 PM
i knwo
2/23/2011 7:32:54 PM
2/23/2011 7:33:18 PM
2/23/2011 7:38:30 PM
wtf is that?
2/23/2011 7:40:44 PM
my boobs cause i was gonna delete it from my phone lol
2/23/2011 7:41:19 PM
o ok
2/23/2011 8:27:13 PM
God I'm giving sexual advice to someone I went to school with thats a class younger than me. This is was brought up in a Catholic home and he's so scared of his own skin he's cluelss. I sent him a few pics of me one time and he had to make sure he told me he was going to go jerk to them because if he didn't he'd feel weird about it, and I'm like 'dude wtf, why else would I give them to you? For you to stare and and say 'oooo how pretty her face is'?"
2/23/2011 8:27:30 PM
porn is porn of course you're gonna go jerk off to it and of coruse I know that, i knew that when I made it duh
2/23/2011 8:27:47 PM
2/23/2011 8:28:40 PM
2/23/2011 8:28:42 PM
I'd wanna lick those thighs too
2/23/2011 8:29:08 PM
yah, same here
2/23/2011 8:29:10 PM
go for it

2/23/2011 8:30:36 PM
i don't even know who she is lmao
2/23/2011 8:31:02 PM

2/23/2011 8:32:24 PM
I was a grade or two above the kid in school, knew his sister more than anything so from time to time he comes to be for advice because I've been so blatantly open with him about sexual questions and stuff. he gave me the scenario about how he 'knew' the girl and asked if it would be weird of him to ask her for friends request on facebook.
2/23/2011 8:32:35 PM
she of course accepted and he sent me the pic, i don't know who she is
2/23/2011 8:34:32 PM
ask him ask him!
2/23/2011 8:36:59 PM
you're closer to her than I am
2/23/2011 8:37:34 PM
mmk, i'll lick her legs

2/23/2011 8:39:05 PM
2/23/2011 8:40:35 PM
if she's 21 and still listed as going to fredonia high school there's a problem. But I think her name is Kristen Summerville.
2/23/2011 8:41:36 PM
nvm its just listed as a network not as her going to
2/23/2011 8:41:43 PM
but yeah she's in fredoinia
2/23/2011 8:42:12 PM
2/23/2011 8:42:38 PM
yup that'd be her
2/23/2011 8:44:34 PM
sick her baby
2/23/2011 8:44:39 PM
he's totally trying to find a convo starter, i'm talking him through it. he comes to me casue one day he felt the need to tell me he privately studied my tits in highschool lmao but then I was so open about where to find free porn and stuff he was like amazed a girl could actually talk to him about porn
2/23/2011 8:44:45 PM
how I don't know her at all
2/23/2011 8:44:56 PM
friend request!
2/23/2011 8:45:21 PM
give me at least a day so I can add her and be like "oh i'm friends with so and so and you seemed interesting" k?
2/23/2011 8:45:29 PM
2/23/2011 8:53:03 PM
In dwelling, live close to the ground.
In thinking, keep to the simple.
In conflict, be fair and generous.
In governing, don't try to control.
In work, do what you enjoy.
In family life, be completely present.
When you are content to be simply yourself
and don't compare or compete,
everybody will respect you.
2/23/2011 8:53:30 PM
2/23/2011 8:53:46 PM
Tao Te Ching. Interesting reading.
2/23/2011 8:55:23 PM
2/23/2011 8:55:31 PM
Got it from Skye
2/23/2011 9:00:11 PM
"He who clings to his work
will create nothing that endures."
2/23/2011 9:01:59 PM
ok thanks
2/23/2011 9:02:31 PM
seriously take time sometime and read this, its all useful and in essence if you read it and think about it true.
2/23/2011 9:04:13 PM
Knowing others is intelligence;
knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength;
mastering yourself is true power.
2/23/2011 9:04:39 PM
i'm going to block you the next time
2/23/2011 9:05:37 PM
why? you don't like it? its conversational. If you don't want to talk just say so

2/23/2011 9:06:07 PM
you copy/pasting excerpts from a website of which you've provided me the URL does not bode well with me
2/23/2011 9:06:24 PM
your basically telling me "READ THIS" or else "I'LL MAKE YOU"
2/23/2011 9:06:43 PM
I see your point, and I'm sorry. I was simply trying to share with you.
2/23/2011 9:06:46 PM
and i'm not playing a game. i'm doing some heavy brain work crap
2/23/2011 9:06:54 PM
your double sharing
2/23/2011 9:06:55 PM
2/23/2011 9:07:23 PM
i was trying to give us something to talk about. I didn't know you were doing heavy brain work crap i'm sorry.
2/23/2011 9:08:05 PM
k, now you know
2/23/2011 9:08:14 PM
2/23/2011 9:08:30 PM
unless you want to explain to me how to calculate normals in backface culling, i'd be all interested in listening to ya
2/23/2011 9:10:05 PM
sorry, don't know what that is so I'll leave you alone, next time just tell me you're busy and I'm interrupting you.
2/24/2011 10:55:41 AM
"SO what your saying is if your only job is to bang things...you'd spend more time with the fans too? "
2/24/2011 10:55:42 AM
2/24/2011 10:56:01 AM
2/24/2011 10:59:48 AM
came from drummer
2/24/2011 11:28:46 AM
came afrom a drummer anyways
2/24/2011 11:28:52 AM
was on the phone with your mom
2/24/2011 11:29:05 AM
what'cha up to?
2/24/2011 11:30:14 AM
2/24/2011 11:32:25 AM
lmao those women need some dick
2/24/2011 11:32:35 AM
they has xbox
2/24/2011 11:33:33 AM
i's wants xbox too with kinect. Tyler was an idiot but he had xbox...and I could play it and be cool
2/24/2011 11:33:42 AM
i has his oblivion game lolz
2/24/2011 11:35:16 AM
So before I go get in the shower and take off for the day what's up with the electric? you said you was callings early but never defined early. You still gonna take care of baby or has there been an unsaid change of plans?
2/24/2011 11:35:37 AM
all i have is a number
2/24/2011 11:36:04 AM
lol I gave you the rest last night, so you have the phone number to national gird now, should I give you the service address here or on your phone?
2/24/2011 11:36:22 AM
2/24/2011 11:36:25 AM
phone and address
2/24/2011 11:37:41 AM
National Grid:
1-800-642-4272Service address: 5100 Clinton Street Road, LOT 42, Batavia New York 14020
Service Phone number: 585-333-2514
2/24/2011 11:38:12 AM
Last service users name: Lisa A Carter
2/24/2011 11:38:32 AM
no meter number or reading because we can't find it.
2/24/2011 11:40:33 AM
what your phone nummah
2/24/2011 11:40:55 AM
585 333 2514
2/24/2011 11:41:20 AM
what's your bra and panty size
2/24/2011 11:41:45 AM
36DD/4's/5's or smalls depending on where you're buying them

2/24/2011 11:42:17 AM
how many pussied can you lick in a vertical motion before your tongue runs dry?
2/24/2011 11:42:27 AM
good question.
2/24/2011 11:42:32 AM
2/24/2011 11:42:34 AM
2/24/2011 11:42:36 AM
i dunno
2/24/2011 11:42:37 AM

2/24/2011 11:43:00 AM
2/24/2011 11:43:15 AM
got everything you need now so I can go take a shower and go service my community in a non sexual way improving my appearance and name within genesee county?
2/24/2011 11:43:40 AM
pfft sexual way ftw
2/24/2011 11:45:08 AM
lol good site i'll check it out later

in the mean time i have an hour and fifteen minutes to shower, and make myself look half human and get to volunteering

2/24/2011 11:45:17 AM
2/24/2011 11:45:25 AM
you good now on getting the electric on for me daddy?
2/24/2011 11:45:37 AM
2/24/2011 11:46:27 AM
i'll work on it
2/24/2011 11:47:09 AM
I'd appreciate it if you got it taken care of sooner rather than later. what's the point in having an independant marketing job with phone and internet with no electric?
2/24/2011 11:47:35 AM
or a dildo that plugs into the wall but you can't power it...yah
2/24/2011 11:47:41 AM
thanks daddy

2/24/2011 11:47:48 AM
2/24/2011 12:28:07 PM
I love showers
2/24/2011 12:28:52 PM
if i get to crackin I may have an income soon
2/24/2011 12:29:38 PM
how good do you think I am at sweet talking people?
2/24/2011 12:35:29 PM
must be busy, its okay I gotta get going here. I'll catch ya later, i volunteer from one to five but last time I went i was done in like an hour because i'm not an idiot with computers lmao
2/24/2011 12:35:39 PM
just got out of shower myself
2/24/2011 12:35:39 PM
txt me if you wanna
2/24/2011 12:35:45 PM
slut mode enabled!
2/24/2011 12:35:53 PM
2/24/2011 12:35:56 PM
i'm all sexy smelling
2/24/2011 12:36:52 PM
lol i bought the body spray to match my deodorant this summer and Angel came home one day and goes " I smell......Mommy!" lol
2/24/2011 12:37:04 PM
anyways, off to give back to the town of Batavia.
2/24/2011 12:37:07 PM
2/24/2011 12:37:40 PM
Did you know your mom put us down with community action when she had Dev in headstart. They had me working the database and I was trying to decode some name and I found mine and thought wtf I never came here...
2/24/2011 12:37:43 PM
good times.
2/24/2011 12:37:49 PM
LATERS daddy

2/24/2011 2:33:57 PM
2/24/2011 4:35:49 PM
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
2/24/2011 4:35:57 PM
I got a baby fix today
2/24/2011 4:37:03 PM
*kiss* *kiss* *kiss*
2/24/2011 4:56:43 PM
you got a what?
2/24/2011 4:59:37 PM
a baby fix, you know where I got to see and hold and play with a cuddly little baby
2/24/2011 5:00:57 PM
babies are so cute

especially when you're done holding them you get to give them back

2/24/2011 5:04:01 PM
ummm ok
2/24/2011 5:05:03 PM
how was your day?
2/24/2011 5:05:51 PM
2/24/2011 5:07:47 PM
mine wasn't too bad. Some woman tried to scam me for extra tp today
2/24/2011 5:09:06 PM
You working?
2/24/2011 5:09:57 PM
extra tip?
2/24/2011 5:10:01 PM
like...what? ... money?
2/24/2011 5:10:10 PM
TP toilet paper.
2/24/2011 5:10:18 PM
o ok
2/24/2011 5:10:28 PM
you should've given her your tit and said "suck on this bitch!"
2/24/2011 5:10:42 PM
lol she was nasty smelling i wouldn't want her to suck on my titties
2/24/2011 5:11:02 PM
o ok good point
2/24/2011 5:11:12 PM
If you're working I don't wanna bug you cause I have a few things to do, but I would like to ask one question to get it out of the way

2/24/2011 5:13:57 PM
2/24/2011 5:14:01 PM
How long do you want me to wait before I approach you to discuss your feelings on the the kids' placement. I know I sent you a book, and you may or may not have read it. I don't want to hound you but it is something I would be willing to consider with you and would like to discuss with you. I want to respect your not being ready or wanting to discuss it right now, so I am asking, how long should I wait until I bring it up again so you dont' feel hounded, yet have had some time to mull over the book I emailed you?
2/24/2011 5:16:49 PM
a long time
2/24/2011 5:17:59 PM
have you told your mom any of this?
2/24/2011 5:18:29 PM
2/24/2011 5:18:31 PM
not talking to her
2/24/2011 5:18:36 PM
if its what you wanted I'd go with you to file the paperwork to get the court out of this mess tomorrow.
2/24/2011 5:20:34 PM
I have a few other questions related now. But I'll let it be. Like I said my only concern would be that you fully understand making this choice isn't going to make anyone feel your an awful father, and most importantly that it be done with the understand you are still their father, they miss you terribly and you would still maintain some form of contact with them. End of discussion for now because I know you don't want to talk about. Just. Mull it all over and let me know if/when you wanna talk about it.
2/24/2011 5:24:19 PM
2/24/2011 5:25:34 PM
I know oi. I just don't want you to feel like you're a bad person for choosing this and feeling they're best where they are, or feel like its not an option. I've thought about it too. I just don't have the heart not to stay a part of their lives. I don't know where your heart is and hope at some point you feel comfortable telling me.
2/24/2011 5:38:52 PM
slut mode enabled!
2/24/2011 5:39:15 PM

2/24/2011 5:40:08 PM
2/24/2011 5:44:24 PM
why are you sad, I didn't do slultty enough ?
2/24/2011 5:49:35 PM
hahaha YES!
2/24/2011 5:50:36 PM
awww daddy wants baby to be a slut for him? How can baby be a slut when she doesn't know what daddy wants?
2/24/2011 5:51:06 PM
well, i sorta expect you to be on the ball w/ that really
2/24/2011 5:52:02 PM
ohhhhhhhhh, but all I have the ability to do from here is get on cam naked. that's boring.
2/24/2011 5:52:26 PM
order pizza, blow the pizza dude
2/24/2011 5:52:33 PM
no $$$$
2/24/2011 5:52:45 PM
2/24/2011 5:53:21 PM
i don't feel like going to jail for theft of services if they send a woman!
2/24/2011 5:54:16 PM
hmmm...good point
2/24/2011 5:54:22 PM
can't blow the pizza chick

2/24/2011 5:59:17 PM
2/24/2011 6:21:43 PM
sent file "nwa- just dont bite it.mp3"
File transfer:
nwa- just dont bite it.mp3
2/24/2011 6:22:18 PM
so I got'cha head right and I just don't bite it. Good.
2/24/2011 6:22:38 PM
hahaha w0000t
2/24/2011 6:25:17 PM
what? I got the other song lol
2/24/2011 6:25:31 PM
yah, i knows
2/24/2011 6:37:23 PM
2/24/2011 6:39:59 PM
2/24/2011 6:45:08 PM
o.O! wtf is that
2/24/2011 6:46:48 PM
typo sorry dad on one phone calling me back about the plumbing question I had and karl on the other trying to skype me.
2/24/2011 6:48:19 PM
o.O! he getttin' booby-shottys?!?!?!

2/24/2011 7:05:09 PM
2/24/2011 7:05:40 PM
why the hell not?
2/24/2011 7:09:46 PM
cause karl and I do not have a sexually based relationship
2/24/2011 7:10:18 PM
you can still tease the fuck outta him, or like booby slip or something

2/24/2011 7:11:22 PM
2/24/2011 7:11:40 PM
wouldn't you do that to me?
2/24/2011 7:21:48 PM
mmk, yah...gotcha
2/24/2011 7:22:43 PM
I would do that to you
2/24/2011 7:22:45 PM
2/24/2011 7:22:50 PM
not him, cause I don't have to

2/24/2011 7:33:19 PM
sorry I got distracted in my conversation with hims

2/24/2011 7:33:25 PM
at anyrate.
2/24/2011 7:33:28 PM
2/24/2011 7:45:12 PM
2/24/2011 7:45:19 PM
you gives him boobies?
2/24/2011 7:50:41 PM
2/24/2011 7:50:57 PM
2/24/2011 7:58:58 PM
I sent him the two pictures you took of me the other night in pig tails, with boobies, and the side shot of the belly
2/24/2011 7:59:03 PM
he prefered the side shot of the belly
2/24/2011 7:59:12 PM
he's not gearing up to fuck me anytime soon.
2/24/2011 7:59:38 PM
i know, but if he was you'd feel really good for being smexy
2/24/2011 8:00:44 PM
i would, but Karl could care less lmao
2/24/2011 8:00:53 PM
he loves me for me
2/24/2011 8:00:56 PM
not how I look
2/24/2011 8:02:02 PM
2/24/2011 8:03:06 PM
Something surely you've forgotten how to do

2/24/2011 8:03:11 PM
2/24/2011 8:04:18 PM
2/24/2011 8:07:06 PM
yeah I got you on that one

2/24/2011 8:48:19 PM
gotta leave the faucets dribbling tonight so the pipes don't freeze. Gonna drive me batty listenting to the sink drip all night. pfffft.
2/24/2011 9:19:45 PM
2/24/2011 9:51:15 PM
Juuuuuuust missed you on wow

2/24/2011 9:54:05 PM
connection is such crap tonight I might not be able to play wow
2/24/2011 9:58:36 PM
What do I get at 65?
2/24/2011 10:06:44 PM
you get a dick in the mouth
2/24/2011 10:06:53 PM
2/24/2011 10:07:05 PM
third of the way there but the connection is crap tonight so it's really dodgey
2/24/2011 10:07:18 PM
given the weather conditions i'm not surprised
2/24/2011 10:07:55 PM
just do quests, the turnins is the major way to level
2/24/2011 10:07:59 PM
screw killing monsters
2/24/2011 10:09:13 PM
I am trying to do quests silly, but with a crap connection its not going so well

Since we last spoke I went from 61 or whatever to a third of my way through 64. Just haven't had time this week to get on and now that I have time I've got the worst leeched wifi available and its giving me hell
2/24/2011 10:09:44 PM
2/24/2011 10:10:56 PM
we're getting a nasty storm out here ya know. YOU too for that matter. Time warner is hooking us up on the 2nd though so we'll be good. I'll be sure to let you know what your new phone number is

2/24/2011 10:11:17 PM
2/24/2011 10:11:23 PM
2/24/2011 10:12:26 PM
If this thing goes well with your mom I'll be racking it up in no time. Comission based jobs where the cash would likely be coming to me first is a good deal ya know, the harder I work, the more money I make

And since I pay childsupport already she's not ganking any of my pay for it

2/24/2011 10:14:16 PM
But I need the phone line and nets for that
2/24/2011 10:14:22 PM
right yah, taken care of
2/24/2011 10:15:06 PM
it is and I thank you kindley

and when I pay off all these bills from the marraige and you reimburse me for that, I'll thank you kindly again

2/24/2011 10:17:12 PM
2/24/2011 10:17:41 PM
I'm a minx I know
2/24/2011 10:17:52 PM
2/24/2011 10:19:13 PM
you must be working so I'll let you be

Going to do as much as I can tonight to level but it's iffy. Comes and goes, it'll be ok one second and the next it'll start slowing down and get choppy. I anchored down that pesky awning leg that kept banging aboout last major windstorm we had so hopefully smokey won't be up all night tweaking.
2/24/2011 10:19:41 PM

2/24/2011 10:19:55 PM
why the tears?
2/24/2011 10:21:02 PM
smexy nekkedness
2/24/2011 10:21:23 PM
ahhhhh daddy doesn't want a wow goddess tonight he wants his smexy baby to get naked for him

2/24/2011 10:21:29 PM
2/24/2011 10:21:33 PM
2/24/2011 10:21:43 PM
how do I do that?
2/24/2011 10:21:51 PM
2/24/2011 10:22:02 PM
I barely got bandwith to hold wow, and when I did video call with karl over skype it was cccccccrrrrraaaaapappy
2/24/2011 10:22:26 PM
ahhh..that's why he couldn't get bewbies
2/24/2011 10:23:23 PM
he could hardly understand what i was saying
2/24/2011 10:23:58 PM
hence the muting and 0 volume
2/24/2011 10:24:01 PM
video pwnly!
2/24/2011 10:24:34 PM
yeah cause heaven forbid freedom know you're talking to me

2/24/2011 10:26:03 PM
audio isn't...needed
2/24/2011 10:26:14 PM
whaddya gonna do, moan or have a wild orgasm?
2/24/2011 10:26:33 PM
i could but you act like there's hell to pay if those idiots find out w'ere talking

2/24/2011 10:26:55 PM
2/24/2011 10:29:53 PM
I said I could moan and groan or have wild orgasms but you act as though if the idiots you live with catch wind you're talking to me there's going to be hell to pay
2/24/2011 10:30:29 PM
pfft no
2/24/2011 10:30:47 PM
whever i see you gettin' nekked on cam, i like to play stripper music to liven the mood
2/24/2011 10:31:02 PM
2/24/2011 10:33:16 PM
when freedom found out you were coming here you flipped ape shit cause you didn't want me to go to jail so I"m assuming there was some discussion of turning us in.
2/24/2011 10:34:27 PM
yah...nobody needs to know i'm near you
2/24/2011 10:34:32 PM
cause then you'd go to jail
2/24/2011 10:34:43 PM
and i'd have to move in a hoe to your room to offset the ass you couldn't give
2/24/2011 10:36:02 PM
why not just get the damn order changed.
2/24/2011 10:36:09 PM
hell o f a lot easier

2/24/2011 10:36:42 PM
In fact that guy I called never called me back, maybe I should call phil calla and have him get on it.
2/24/2011 10:37:04 PM
but your agreement with help, knock it down to a refrain from, then as long as my ass is in check no one goes to jail

2/24/2011 10:37:09 PM
i still blue balled
2/24/2011 10:37:18 PM
this button doesn't fuckin' work
2/24/2011 10:37:18 PM
awww poor daddy
2/24/2011 10:37:37 PM
what do you want me to do sit here naked and do nothing?
2/24/2011 10:38:47 PM
mmm...nvm girlie
2/24/2011 10:39:04 PM
ruined the mood trying to talk you into a smart choice? Damn, sorry

2/24/2011 10:41:13 PM
i get that you don't trust me matt i really do, i'm not asking you to nix the whole thing, just get it knocked to a refrain from order, tell em we're having trouble because our kids expect both of us a school plays and are really dissapointed when only one of us can come, and holiday visitations are complicated and you'd like it moved to refrain from since we live miles apart, and I've shown great efforts and getting myself under control, and give em your moms phone number, she'll back it up.
2/24/2011 10:41:24 PM
Otherwise I gotta call this lawyer I got and do it for you and I really don't want to
2/24/2011 10:41:42 PM
cause then your mom and I gotta drive to jamestown
2/24/2011 10:43:30 PM
2/24/2011 10:46:04 PM
yeah I just went on a tangent, i'm just saying if you wrote judge lamancuso a letter, saying that the five year stay away order is becoming a problem because it is preventing us from attending school functions for our children at the same time, and holiday visits together, and that in order to enable us to both better accomodate our visitation and parental obligations, you would like it if he could modify the stay away order to a refrain from order until it expires.
2/24/2011 10:46:45 PM
books! no bewbies!
2/24/2011 10:46:56 PM
looks better if you do it, if not your mom has offered to drive me to jamestown and appear in front of the judge with me and testify on my behalf that things are better, and this order is preventing visitation and we'd like it modified.
2/24/2011 10:46:59 PM
2/24/2011 10:46:59 PM
No bewbies.
2/24/2011 10:47:22 PM
I have all my lights off, whatcha gonna see anyways?
2/24/2011 10:47:31 PM
I thought pictures we're boring anyways
2/24/2011 10:47:45 PM
the most interesting light gleaming from your display onto your bawdee
2/24/2011 10:48:27 PM

2/24/2011 10:48:36 PM
2/24/2011 10:48:40 PM
that's epic right there
2/24/2011 10:48:42 PM
forever that
2/24/2011 10:48:50 PM
I just ripped my shirt damnit!
2/24/2011 10:48:59 PM
pfft either you or me
2/24/2011 10:49:14 PM
it doesn't want to stay
2/24/2011 10:49:17 PM
it's ok
2/24/2011 10:49:20 PM
i got bewbies!
2/24/2011 10:49:28 PM
if you do it its on the arrangement you get to replace what you rip

2/24/2011 10:49:34 PM
*lick lick* *suckle suckle*
2/24/2011 10:49:39 PM
i wish
2/24/2011 10:49:48 PM
my boobies need played with by other hands
2/24/2011 10:49:52 PM
mine aren't good enough
2/24/2011 10:50:01 PM
and of course natures tho
2/24/2011 10:50:05 PM
2/24/2011 10:50:12 PM
yah, i no touch with hands
2/24/2011 10:50:19 PM
2/24/2011 10:50:19 PM
you can't from where you are
2/24/2011 10:50:22 PM
and TWIST!
2/24/2011 10:50:26 PM
2/24/2011 10:50:28 PM
2/24/2011 10:50:34 PM
2/24/2011 10:50:39 PM
either way my hands aren't good enough
2/24/2011 10:50:46 PM
why is that?
2/24/2011 10:51:18 PM
cause it's not sexifying and satisfying to play with your own bewbies
2/24/2011 10:51:23 PM
oh yah
2/24/2011 10:51:24 PM
2/24/2011 10:51:24 PM
its like rubbing your own balls
2/24/2011 10:51:31 PM
after awhile the excitement is just gone
2/24/2011 10:51:37 PM
you need lots of low-cut shirts
2/24/2011 10:51:46 PM
i like your bewbies over the top
2/24/2011 10:51:50 PM
you're the one with this epic income
2/24/2011 10:51:53 PM
get me some
2/24/2011 10:52:35 PM
you don't got lots?
2/24/2011 10:53:37 PM
not of low cut shirts no
2/24/2011 10:53:50 PM
got completely the wrong cut bra's for low cut shirts in pulbic too
2/24/2011 10:53:53 PM
well, keep it in mind
2/24/2011 10:53:56 PM
matt I'm poor.
2/24/2011 10:54:03 PM
my house costs more than I get in a month.
2/24/2011 10:54:10 PM
My rent is five hundred dollars behind
2/24/2011 10:54:13 PM
if you want somethin from me, you just need no pants, or undies, and shaved, and a shirt with boobies over, and pigtails
2/24/2011 10:54:26 PM
and there's another six something being added tot hat in a few days that I don't have.
2/24/2011 10:54:38 PM
I"m going to have to move
2/24/2011 10:54:55 PM
well that's easy but i'd rather do it in person so we can go shopping on the spot

2/24/2011 10:55:24 PM
and if you want me to get low cut shirts, I need money, and that's something right now I have very little to spare, much less spend on clothes to make you happy

SO we're in a conundrum now
2/24/2011 10:56:08 PM
pfft no, no conundrum
2/24/2011 10:56:34 PM
well this is one less shirt i can wear in public
2/24/2011 10:56:41 PM
and I can't afford to replace it
2/24/2011 10:56:49 PM
should've been more gentler with the ladies
2/24/2011 10:57:25 PM
if i had the ladies wouldn't be out for your viewing pleasure
2/24/2011 10:57:34 PM
even ripped they wanna go back under the shirt
2/24/2011 10:57:42 PM
they are great

2/24/2011 10:57:49 PM
2/24/2011 10:58:30 PM
i think i wanna slather them in lube and just TIT FUCK THE SHIT OUTTA YOU!
2/24/2011 10:59:00 PM
then get your ass up here and do it

2/24/2011 10:59:07 PM
you're the only thing stopping yourself

2/24/2011 10:59:25 PM
and just pinch your nipples together ooOOoooOOoo
2/24/2011 10:59:33 PM
god, your so abusable

2/24/2011 10:59:42 PM
I"m reaady and willing to be abuseable
2/24/2011 11:00:00 PM
that's what's sickening. What's even worse, is you AREN'T here to ABUSE me
2/24/2011 11:00:09 PM
2/24/2011 11:00:18 PM
the frustration is all here
2/24/2011 11:00:21 PM
soon, it'll be all there
2/24/2011 11:00:33 PM
you've been saying that for months now

2/24/2011 11:00:45 PM
almost done w/ my plans
2/24/2011 11:01:04 PM
whatever they are
2/24/2011 11:01:07 PM
you ready to at least be ready when i arrive?
2/24/2011 11:01:16 PM
piggys' and all?
2/24/2011 11:01:39 PM
Yeah, I just need to know when the hell you're coming

2/24/2011 11:01:48 PM
need to know two things
2/24/2011 11:01:52 PM
what are you doing the next 5 days
2/24/2011 11:01:57 PM
and when's aunt flow arriving?
2/24/2011 11:02:44 PM
aunt flow went and gone two weeks ago, and in the next five days...I am free from now till Monday at ten am
2/24/2011 11:02:53 PM
o ok cool
2/24/2011 11:02:55 PM
but I don't want a visit from you i want you to stay.
2/24/2011 11:03:06 PM
then it'll be longer than the weekend
2/24/2011 11:03:23 PM
I don't care, I just have appointments sometimes
2/24/2011 11:03:24 PM
i can make a visit to get us both cooled down for a bit
2/24/2011 11:03:47 PM
no I don't want a visit to get us cooled down, i want you to pack your shit and move

2/24/2011 11:03:56 PM
it'd be a squat, remember?
2/24/2011 11:04:08 PM
stop playin' w/ em! lol
2/24/2011 11:04:23 PM
you keep saying that but you were going to move here on valentines day and you cheated me out of that because your aunt is a douche
2/24/2011 11:04:44 PM
now it's just you n me in this trailer so long as we can afford it and I want more than a weekly squat
2/24/2011 11:04:59 PM
the squat looks to be between 2-3 weeks maybe so far
2/24/2011 11:05:09 PM
baby, stop playin' w/ em
2/24/2011 11:05:11 PM
they'll go numb
2/24/2011 11:05:34 PM
I have the legal power to take this trailer out of my mothers name and put it in ours.
2/24/2011 11:05:40 PM
yes, i know
2/24/2011 11:05:45 PM
That was the plan a month ago before your aunt fucked shit up.
2/24/2011 11:05:49 PM
I don't want a squat.
2/24/2011 11:05:50 PM
yes, she did
2/24/2011 11:05:56 PM
and so did you and i
2/24/2011 11:06:14 PM
I want your ass to move up here, and stay and work this shit out so that even if we leave your mom with the kids we're still in their lives.
2/24/2011 11:06:25 PM
2/24/2011 11:06:35 PM
no point in the cam if you can't see em anyways.
2/24/2011 11:06:41 PM
no, not that
2/24/2011 11:06:48 PM
you mentioned the kids...again and again
2/24/2011 11:07:23 PM
it's an issue that needs dealt with no matter what you wanna do. I get you don't wanna talk about it, but can't we even just start with you settling here?
2/24/2011 11:07:35 PM
Sticking somewhere longer than a few weeks at a time?
2/24/2011 11:07:52 PM
jesus christ, you think i'm staying forever wherever my ass sits
2/24/2011 11:08:09 PM
i can't be anymore honest with my plans with you without you construing them to something more or different
2/24/2011 11:08:43 PM
wtf is that supposed to mean? You say you're coming to squat for three to five weeks.
2/24/2011 11:08:51 PM
2/24/2011 11:08:54 PM
then you're gonna go squat somewhere in canda because you're "fat and bald"
2/24/2011 11:09:01 PM
just earlier
2/24/2011 11:09:02 PM
the squat looks to be between 2-3 weeks maybe so far
M2/24/2011 11:04:59 PM
2/24/2011 11:09:04 PM
2/24/2011 11:09:05 PM
sorry I mis read.
2/24/2011 11:09:09 PM
two to three weeks.
2/24/2011 11:09:13 PM
you're right.
2/24/2011 11:09:34 PM
either way, what are you doing, squatting around the world two to three weeks at a time just because?
2/24/2011 11:09:53 PM
what the hell is wrong with our plans pre vday?
2/24/2011 11:10:10 PM
besides the fact that your aunt told freedom, and for some reason freedom freaked the fuck out and you're scared now.
2/24/2011 11:10:13 PM
our plans were only good for that time
2/24/2011 11:10:32 PM
non-shiftable, non-renewable
2/24/2011 11:10:34 PM
no they weren't. They're still good. In fact its even better now that you're aunt isn't here.
2/24/2011 11:10:45 PM
yes, they were, cause it all revolved around valentines day
2/24/2011 11:10:57 PM
that's it? You weren't staying past valentines day?
2/24/2011 11:11:07 PM
it's the START that matters
2/24/2011 11:11:08 PM
2/24/2011 11:11:15 PM
so start on the first of march.
2/24/2011 11:11:18 PM
Its a start.
2/24/2011 11:11:33 PM
i have other plans in the future to attend to, hence me asking to squat with you
2/24/2011 11:11:42 PM
and what after that?
2/24/2011 11:11:48 PM
depends on the results
2/24/2011 11:12:05 PM
because you're "sick' or because it's someone new to meet and move on with?
2/24/2011 11:12:15 PM
it's because i'm gay
2/24/2011 11:12:21 PM
no you aren't.
2/24/2011 11:12:36 PM
good, stop throwing shit my way when trying to dig INTO SHIT that i haven't told you about
2/24/2011 11:13:06 PM
when it involves me and possible emotional outcomes I feel I have a right to dig into shit.
2/24/2011 11:13:07 PM
you know, you do a great job at pissing me off
2/24/2011 11:13:21 PM
you need to save that "great job" for when i'm there
2/24/2011 11:13:23 PM
you do a great job of hurting me, its all emotions you can control.
2/24/2011 11:13:27 PM
at least i can do something about it
2/24/2011 11:13:57 PM
you know, if i didn't tell you anything, you wouldn't "be hurt"
2/24/2011 11:14:03 PM
you'd be lost
2/24/2011 11:14:07 PM
I don't want you coming here to squat for a few weeks and then find out you're never coming back and being hurt.
2/24/2011 11:14:12 PM
so, would you rather "be lost" not knowing, or "be hurt" knowing?
2/24/2011 11:14:51 PM
it's easy
2/24/2011 11:14:52 PM
Because valentines day as a start is just a day, and you can pick any other day to start with me, and it can be just as good, just as open and just as honest, irregardless of what is going on with you that your'e afraid to tell me, and that you need to go to canada for.
2/24/2011 11:14:53 PM
lost or hurt
2/24/2011 11:15:00 PM
wtf can you not give me an answer for...
2/24/2011 11:15:00 PM
hurt. Because then I'd know.
2/24/2011 11:15:13 PM
then stop nailing me to the cross on what i tell you
2/24/2011 11:16:00 PM
I go back to the point of being that you can make a good start of any day anytime you choose too. Valentines day may have been lost but that doesnt' change the fact that any other date you pick can't be just as good.
2/24/2011 11:16:17 PM
2/24/2011 11:16:24 PM
So no I'm not hurt, I'm angry that you can't see past that point.
2/24/2011 11:16:31 PM
it's pretty simple
2/24/2011 11:16:35 PM
it's past happening
2/24/2011 11:16:39 PM
That you think it has to be valentines day to start over.
2/24/2011 11:16:43 PM
so, it didn't happen, it can't happen again
2/24/2011 11:16:52 PM
besides yourself says who?
2/24/2011 11:17:04 PM
nobody else fucking runs my life...you tell me
2/24/2011 11:17:06 PM
who else?
2/24/2011 11:17:09 PM
come on...who the fuck else?
2/24/2011 11:17:24 PM
i want a name
2/24/2011 11:17:26 PM
no one ruins your life.
2/24/2011 11:17:33 PM
2/24/2011 11:17:33 PM
There is no name to give.
2/24/2011 11:17:35 PM
2/24/2011 11:17:40 PM
so, who else?
2/24/2011 11:17:49 PM
Sorry, Need new glasses. No one but you runs your life.
2/24/2011 11:17:51 PM
your point is invalid
2/24/2011 11:18:02 PM
my point is that you're being narrowminded.
2/24/2011 11:18:06 PM
i'm being specific
2/24/2011 11:18:15 PM
you know what
2/24/2011 11:18:17 PM
i'm fucking dying
2/24/2011 11:18:18 PM
how's that
2/24/2011 11:18:20 PM
lung cancer
2/24/2011 11:18:22 PM
you fucking bitch
2/24/2011 11:18:25 PM
hows that
2/24/2011 11:18:27 PM
hurt enough?
2/24/2011 11:18:31 PM
Just because Valentines day is a day about love, does not mean that every other day can't mean something.
2/24/2011 11:18:34 PM
and chemo is avail free in canada
2/24/2011 11:18:40 PM
tell me what fucking clinic will give me a chemo IV
2/24/2011 11:18:42 PM
tell me
2/24/2011 11:18:45 PM
2/24/2011 11:18:45 PM
come on
2/24/2011 11:18:51 PM
and if you came here, and got remarried and got welfare, there's one here in town that could.
2/24/2011 11:19:02 PM
not getting remarried
2/24/2011 11:19:06 PM
fuck that shit
2/24/2011 11:19:10 PM
god, you've pissed me off
2/24/2011 11:19:12 PM
2/24/2011 11:19:17 PM
not to save your life for your kids? So your kids have memories of t heir father?
2/25/2011 1:12:44 AM
2/25/2011 1:14:30 AM
yeah boobs
2/25/2011 1:14:40 AM
was cleaning out phone inbox

2/25/2011 1:14:47 AM
2/25/2011 1:15:26 AM
gotta turn lights on

2/25/2011 1:20:53 AM
5 mins to turn on lights, huh
2/25/2011 1:21:51 AM
i was trying to get em really close but the camera wouldn't co operate

2/25/2011 1:22:03 AM
sent file "Snapshot of me 14.png"
File transfer:
Snapshot of me 14.png
2/25/2011 1:22:06 AM
real close to what? the light?
2/25/2011 1:22:14 AM
to the camera lens, superclose shot
2/25/2011 1:22:15 AM
o i see
2/25/2011 1:22:26 AM
that's what i get...
2/25/2011 1:22:39 AM
but it wasn't going well and then they wouldn't stay right out of the shirt and it just wasn't as epic as I wanted it to be
2/25/2011 1:22:50 AM
2/25/2011 1:22:50 AM
up close i could only fit one boob
2/25/2011 1:23:00 AM
I could give you one boob shots lmao
2/25/2011 1:23:04 AM
not even a fuckin' shit eating grin
2/25/2011 1:23:12 AM
they're just too big lol
2/25/2011 1:23:35 AM
after all the talk about motion picture, your still on pictures

2/25/2011 1:24:01 AM
well then come beat me on sunday and take a video of it to go home with

2/25/2011 1:24:14 AM
wtf you talking about? you said no
2/25/2011 1:24:26 AM
you said "no going there if i'm just going to leave"
2/25/2011 1:25:01 AM
and you said I'd have money tomorrow western unioned for shrits and lube so you can't change it now
2/25/2011 1:25:20 AM
i don't mind sending money, doesn't mean you want me there to fuck and run
2/25/2011 1:25:54 AM
No I don't, but you wouldn't discuss anything with me like how to get you treatment so you don't have to run, or about how you would go get your treatment and come back here.
2/25/2011 1:26:04 AM
2/25/2011 1:26:05 AM
2/25/2011 1:26:06 AM
And heaven forbid I remind you you have a family that would help you.
2/25/2011 1:26:13 AM
get out of shit that you don't understand
2/25/2011 1:26:30 AM
you seriously want me to both block you and cut you out
2/25/2011 1:26:33 AM
Ok so if you're not fucking and running why did you say you couldn't come?
2/25/2011 1:26:37 AM
i mean, i cut mom and the kids out
2/25/2011 1:26:43 AM
your the only person left
2/25/2011 1:26:50 AM
and you seriously want to be cut out, right?
2/25/2011 1:27:00 AM
no I don't
2/25/2011 1:27:04 AM
I just want to help you
2/25/2011 1:27:05 AM
and i did not say i couldn't come
2/25/2011 1:27:17 AM
2/25/2011 1:27:33 AM
But you said after that you were coming on sunday to take control
2/25/2011 1:27:42 AM
that's not a fuck and run
2/25/2011 1:28:00 AM
then why are we even having this conversation?
2/25/2011 1:28:09 AM
what conversation?
2/25/2011 1:28:28 AM
about you fucking and running if that's not your intention

2/25/2011 1:28:36 AM
my intention was early squatting
2/25/2011 1:29:17 AM
exactly, you're the one who said that you couldn't come if you were fucking and running, which you're not going to do so I don't know where you got it in your head you couldn't come because I thought you were fucking and running when we'd established that wasn't your intent.
2/25/2011 1:29:44 AM
2/25/2011 1:29:54 AM
exactly, I don't get why you're all upity
2/25/2011 1:29:56 AM
2/25/2011 1:29:58 AM
at this point in time, it'll just be squatting
2/25/2011 1:30:03 AM
that's what
2/25/2011 1:30:03 AM
2/25/2011 1:30:05 AM
2/25/2011 1:30:20 AM
I assume once you know what's going on in canada then you'll be making proper plans.
2/25/2011 1:30:26 AM
2/25/2011 1:30:28 AM
2/25/2011 1:30:31 AM
further plans.
2/25/2011 1:30:42 AM
living arrangements are already arranged there for 1-2 weeks
2/25/2011 1:30:55 AM
and they are flexible enough to extend based on results
2/25/2011 1:31:14 AM
i'm just pending confirmation of my 3/21
2/25/2011 1:31:23 AM
2/25/2011 1:32:11 AM
I just don't get why you don't use your canadian benefits and go to roswell here.
2/25/2011 1:32:19 AM
at least you'd have family nearby
2/25/2011 1:32:26 AM
i don't want family involved
2/25/2011 1:32:32 AM
if i wanted family involved, i'd do it
2/25/2011 1:32:33 AM
not you
2/25/2011 1:32:35 AM
not mom
2/25/2011 1:32:37 AM
not anyone
2/25/2011 1:33:03 AM
I know most cancer paitents don't, but I don't understand why I guess.
2/25/2011 1:33:25 AM
acupuncture helped until you started your shit
2/25/2011 1:33:33 AM
other treatments helped until shit started
2/25/2011 1:33:35 AM
i can't even get a fucking break
2/25/2011 1:33:47 AM
Matt you can't blame this on me.
2/25/2011 1:33:52 AM
your right
2/25/2011 1:33:52 AM
its your body.
2/25/2011 1:33:53 AM
i can't
2/25/2011 1:33:54 AM
You smoked.
2/25/2011 1:34:00 AM
Or it's just because
2/25/2011 1:34:05 AM
but i can plame your fucking mouth on alot of shit that i trusted you to keep not blabbed
2/25/2011 1:34:33 AM
like what? Vday? You okay'd me to tell Lisa so you can't blame me for that either.
2/25/2011 1:34:59 AM
you may choose to have a selective memory on that but you did
2/25/2011 1:35:07 AM
when you first asked me about coming here I made it clear she had to know.
2/25/2011 1:35:29 AM
and i knew it would fail anyways
2/25/2011 1:35:29 AM
It is not my fault, nor am I to blame she felt a vindictive need to tell freedom you were coming here, and from there I dont' know what happened.
2/25/2011 1:35:39 AM
No you wanted it to fail.
2/25/2011 1:35:47 AM
If you really wanted to come you wouldn't have let it stop you.
2/25/2011 1:36:06 AM
You would have told freedom to fuck off and left.
2/25/2011 1:36:26 AM
ok, you win on everything
2/25/2011 1:36:27 AM
because when you really want something, no one matters but you.
2/25/2011 1:36:30 AM
no more, i gotta get sleep
2/25/2011 1:36:36 AM
i'm bored of this still fuckin image
2/25/2011 1:36:52 AM
its not about winning matthew its fact, think about all the times you've wanted to come fuck me and not even the law stops you.
2/25/2011 1:37:10 AM
be bored with it then. You could have just asked me to get on cam
2/25/2011 1:37:38 AM
Just leave me whatever details I need to pick up the money and when to expect you to squat.
2/25/2011 1:37:48 AM
get on fucking cam
2/25/2011 1:38:09 AM
mount that laptop somewhere
2/25/2011 1:38:10 AM
2/25/2011 1:38:14 AM
don't bring out the ladies yet
2/25/2011 1:38:20 AM
2/25/2011 1:38:24 AM
mount it and what?
2/25/2011 1:38:31 AM
your my visual fucktoy now
2/25/2011 1:38:39 AM
ahhhh what's yous wants?
2/25/2011 1:38:45 AM

2/25/2011 1:38:53 AM
lemme hear ya
2/25/2011 1:39:07 AM
lemme pee first, and maybe some sexy thongs since all I have is lube and fingers?
2/25/2011 1:39:14 AM
2/25/2011 1:39:22 AM
go pee
2/25/2011 1:39:24 AM
2/25/2011 1:42:49 AM
you don't have to type
2/25/2011 1:42:59 AM
...no microphone?
2/25/2011 1:43:07 AM
you can't hear me?
2/25/2011 1:43:10 AM
2/25/2011 1:43:21 AM
2/25/2011 1:43:30 AM
2/25/2011 1:43:33 AM
you get what you need?
2/25/2011 1:43:41 AM
go get what you need
2/25/2011 1:45:18 AM
it's almost 2am on a thursday/fri morning, should be fine
2/25/2011 1:45:24 AM
wtf are you naked already for?
2/25/2011 1:45:33 AM
get a shirt...
2/25/2011 1:45:34 AM
2/25/2011 1:46:32 AM
2/25/2011 1:46:34 AM
much better!
2/25/2011 1:46:45 AM
now, sit back and tell daddy all the things you like about him
2/25/2011 1:47:32 AM
2/25/2011 1:47:41 AM
2/25/2011 1:47:47 AM
so, demeanor and dick
2/25/2011 1:47:48 AM
that's all?
2/25/2011 1:48:01 AM
stop picking
2/25/2011 1:48:06 AM
2/25/2011 1:48:15 AM
o ok true
2/25/2011 1:48:21 AM
tilt the cam down a bit
2/25/2011 1:48:30 AM
2/25/2011 1:48:39 AM
the top of the cam should be at
2/25/2011 1:48:43 AM
ok good
2/25/2011 1:48:46 AM
ok, what else?
2/25/2011 1:48:58 AM
2/25/2011 1:49:02 AM
...oh eyes
2/25/2011 1:49:19 AM
thats all?
2/25/2011 1:49:50 AM
ok, now comes the interesting stuff
2/25/2011 1:49:56 AM
touch your nose
2/25/2011 1:50:00 AM
ok stop
2/25/2011 1:50:04 AM
2/25/2011 1:50:15 AM
you have to relive in person
2/25/2011 1:50:20 AM
the entire experience
2/25/2011 1:50:31 AM
of you and your boy at the golf course
2/25/2011 1:50:44 AM
make due
2/25/2011 1:50:47 AM
2/25/2011 1:50:51 AM
figure it out

2/25/2011 1:51:02 AM
2/25/2011 1:51:19 AM
hot dog!
2/25/2011 1:51:23 AM
maybe 5 of them
2/25/2011 1:51:41 AM
magic lol
2/25/2011 1:51:47 AM
he's about 5 hot dogs right?
2/25/2011 1:51:56 AM
i was thinkin' thickness
2/25/2011 1:52:15 AM
or a carrot
2/25/2011 1:52:18 AM
2/25/2011 1:52:44 AM
2/25/2011 1:52:50 AM
2/25/2011 1:53:00 AM
2/25/2011 1:53:03 AM
that's what i was thinkin
2/25/2011 1:53:06 AM
what were you thinkin?
2/25/2011 1:53:09 AM
2/25/2011 1:53:24 AM
2/25/2011 1:53:31 AM
wait until i say "DOORKNOB!"
2/25/2011 1:53:41 AM
ok, so you got your dicks
2/25/2011 1:53:50 AM
i want you to re-live
2/25/2011 1:53:56 AM
your last stud
2/25/2011 1:54:04 AM
i thought it was bent-over anal
2/25/2011 1:54:18 AM
o ok
2/25/2011 1:54:31 AM
that was interesting
2/25/2011 1:54:45 AM
2/25/2011 1:54:51 AM
your stud was "too wide"?
2/25/2011 1:55:05 AM
ok, 1 i guess
2/25/2011 1:55:13 AM
2/25/2011 1:55:18 AM
ah, gotcha
2/25/2011 1:55:35 AM
2/25/2011 1:55:46 AM
but you gag... hmmm
2/25/2011 1:56:00 AM
did you gag until you puked?
2/25/2011 1:56:09 AM
so, you can gag alot then
2/25/2011 1:56:19 AM
and, no stomach stuff?
2/25/2011 1:56:28 AM
2/25/2011 1:56:31 AM
ok, so face fucking
2/25/2011 1:56:52 AM
mmmm...not yet
2/25/2011 1:56:57 AM
no nekked yet
2/25/2011 1:57:00 AM
we're gonna improvise
2/25/2011 1:57:04 AM
2/25/2011 1:57:11 AM
my fuck show!
2/25/2011 1:57:12 AM
2/25/2011 1:57:31 AM
....how the fuck?
2/25/2011 1:57:41 AM
how after he ...
2/25/2011 1:57:42 AM
did he
2/25/2011 1:57:43 AM
2/25/2011 1:57:51 AM
better than me

2/25/2011 1:58:03 AM
ok shirt on!
2/25/2011 1:58:05 AM
2/25/2011 1:58:08 AM
2/25/2011 1:58:15 AM
you fluffed him
2/25/2011 1:58:24 AM
from soft to hard
2/25/2011 1:58:33 AM
2/25/2011 1:58:35 AM
2/25/2011 1:58:42 AM
the couch?
2/25/2011 1:58:43 AM
2/25/2011 1:58:45 AM
golf course
2/25/2011 1:58:55 AM
2/25/2011 1:58:58 AM
2/25/2011 1:59:12 AM
that's what i wanted you to relive...
2/25/2011 1:59:13 AM
2/25/2011 1:59:16 AM
2/25/2011 1:59:22 AM
2/25/2011 1:59:30 AM
keep going...bend over the couch
2/25/2011 1:59:31 AM
like you did
2/25/2011 1:59:33 AM
2/25/2011 1:59:34 AM
i am
2/25/2011 1:59:41 AM
2/25/2011 1:59:42 AM
2/25/2011 1:59:46 AM
yah, i know
2/25/2011 1:59:58 AM
very interesting
2/25/2011 2:00:01 AM
ok, bend over the couch
2/25/2011 2:00:05 AM
and spank yourself
2/25/2011 2:00:10 AM
10 times
2/25/2011 2:00:23 AM
2/25/2011 2:00:44 AM
how does that feel?
2/25/2011 2:00:52 AM
right yah
2/25/2011 2:00:57 AM
feel red?
2/25/2011 2:01:03 AM
2/25/2011 2:01:05 AM
2/25/2011 2:01:10 AM
mmk, other cheek
2/25/2011 2:01:35 AM
2/25/2011 2:01:40 AM
yes it is
2/25/2011 2:01:46 AM
you feel it?
2/25/2011 2:01:59 AM
ok, left boob, smack it 10 times
2/25/2011 2:02:03 AM
2/25/2011 2:02:14 AM
you gotta call out who you really wanna do it every smack
2/25/2011 2:02:29 AM
who you really wanna be smacking you
2/25/2011 2:03:03 AM
2/25/2011 2:03:11 AM
no...you'll be doing that

2/25/2011 2:03:20 AM
hows that feel
2/25/2011 2:03:30 AM
2/25/2011 2:03:38 AM
but i was lookin' for erect nipple

2/25/2011 2:03:46 AM
2/25/2011 2:03:48 AM
bite 'em
2/25/2011 2:03:58 AM
bite it
2/25/2011 2:04:13 AM
2/25/2011 2:04:22 AM
didn't need to see the teeth mark
2/25/2011 2:04:33 AM
mmk, good
2/25/2011 2:04:37 AM
how it feel?
2/25/2011 2:04:55 AM
how's your wetness?
2/25/2011 2:04:57 AM
got any?
2/25/2011 2:05:04 AM
....pretty good?
2/25/2011 2:05:05 AM
2/25/2011 2:05:13 AM
mmk good
2/25/2011 2:05:16 AM
2/25/2011 2:05:18 AM
2/25/2011 2:05:21 AM
2/25/2011 2:05:26 AM
2/25/2011 2:05:27 AM
2/25/2011 2:05:32 AM
2/25/2011 2:05:38 AM
put booby back
2/25/2011 2:05:55 AM
move camera down, and tease me by parting your panties but hiding it
2/25/2011 2:06:04 AM
show me your twat just a little bit, but not fully
2/25/2011 2:07:02 AM
good good
2/25/2011 2:07:07 AM
keep going
2/25/2011 2:07:34 AM
you can finger yourself on top of your panties, too
2/25/2011 2:07:59 AM
get inventive

2/25/2011 2:08:03 AM
it's looking hot
2/25/2011 2:08:39 AM
good baby
2/25/2011 2:08:47 AM
now this is being a tease
2/25/2011 2:09:17 AM
oh i could see fine
2/25/2011 2:09:21 AM
i could see your face...
2/25/2011 2:09:34 AM
sometime, yah
2/25/2011 2:09:43 AM
2/25/2011 2:09:52 AM
two handed
2/25/2011 2:09:55 AM
each cheek
2/25/2011 2:10:09 AM
2/25/2011 2:10:14 AM
keep the tease up
2/25/2011 2:10:26 AM
but lemme see your face
2/25/2011 2:10:55 AM
missin your lovely face baby
2/25/2011 2:11:12 AM
-> your face baby...
2/25/2011 2:11:15 AM
baby girl...
2/25/2011 2:11:17 AM
your face
2/25/2011 2:11:27 AM
2/25/2011 2:11:31 AM
2/25/2011 2:11:36 AM
your face
2/25/2011 2:11:53 AM
i couldn't see your face while you were doing that

2/25/2011 2:11:58 AM
like, 40% killed the moment
2/25/2011 2:12:03 AM
you moved the cam w/ your feet
2/25/2011 2:12:06 AM
i was like "wtf"
2/25/2011 2:12:29 AM
skype is killing the connection
2/25/2011 2:13:06 AM
brb bathroom
2/25/2011 2:14:56 AM
skype dropped me
2/25/2011 2:15:03 AM
2/25/2011 2:15:20 AM
i can hear you
2/25/2011 2:15:35 AM
do you feel that you can you continue?
2/25/2011 2:15:41 AM
wtf was that answer for?
2/25/2011 2:15:43 AM
2/25/2011 2:15:48 AM
2/25/2011 2:15:51 AM
2/25/2011 2:16:05 AM
i want those to smell good

2/25/2011 2:16:21 AM
mmk, get to work baby
2/25/2011 2:16:40 AM
wtf are you worried about?
2/25/2011 2:16:49 AM
you moved the cam outta the way a bit again

2/25/2011 2:16:50 AM
2/25/2011 2:16:57 AM
cam down a bit
2/25/2011 2:17:02 AM
just a little
2/25/2011 2:17:06 AM
so top of couch is on top
2/25/2011 2:17:10 AM
2/25/2011 2:17:14 AM
2/25/2011 2:17:44 AM
2/25/2011 2:17:48 AM
get yourself off
2/25/2011 2:17:57 AM
it's time
2/25/2011 2:18:12 AM
make me proud baby
2/25/2011 2:18:51 AM
very good love
2/25/2011 2:22:23 AM
2/25/2011 2:22:37 AM
2/25/2011 2:22:45 AM
and nice ending there
2/25/2011 2:22:51 AM
why the left boob?
2/25/2011 2:22:55 AM
i can hear you
2/25/2011 2:23:00 AM
2/25/2011 2:23:05 AM
2/25/2011 2:23:27 AM
2/25/2011 2:23:29 AM
2/25/2011 2:23:30 AM
2/25/2011 2:23:34 AM
2/25/2011 2:23:35 AM
2/25/2011 2:23:46 AM
name 3 things you want within the first 1 hour of seeing daddy
2/25/2011 2:24:12 AM
...and that's all?
2/25/2011 2:24:20 AM
true true
2/25/2011 2:24:30 AM
ok, now name 5 things that should happen in the first 24 hours
2/25/2011 2:24:44 AM
2/25/2011 2:24:54 AM
inclusive or exclusive
2/25/2011 2:25:10 AM
of the 3 things
2/25/2011 2:25:23 AM
2/25/2011 2:25:26 AM
it's your choice
2/25/2011 2:25:40 AM
3 things
2/25/2011 2:25:42 AM
2 more
2/25/2011 2:25:52 AM
2/25/2011 2:25:58 AM
you already said 3 of the 5
2/25/2011 2:26:01 AM
so, 2 more
2/25/2011 2:26:03 AM
2/25/2011 2:26:08 AM
buy stuff
2/25/2011 2:26:10 AM
2/25/2011 2:26:18 AM
2/25/2011 2:26:20 AM
2/25/2011 2:26:23 AM
that's up to you
2/25/2011 2:26:29 AM
wiat a sec
2/25/2011 2:26:35 AM
what are the 5 things again
2/25/2011 2:26:41 AM
2/25/2011 2:26:43 AM
2/25/2011 2:26:46 AM
ok, 5 things
2/25/2011 2:26:47 AM
2/25/2011 2:26:58 AM
that's the first 3
2/25/2011 2:27:02 AM
that's 2/5
2/25/2011 2:27:07 AM
8 things total
2/25/2011 2:27:12 AM
2/25/2011 2:27:13 AM
2/25/2011 2:27:24 AM
2/25/2011 2:27:30 AM
2/25/2011 2:27:42 AM
write them down
2/25/2011 2:27:45 AM
it's the checklist
2/25/2011 2:29:02 AM
just nikki?
2/25/2011 2:29:06 AM
2/25/2011 2:29:20 AM
to talk with them?
2/25/2011 2:29:36 AM
in regards to billyboats
2/25/2011 2:30:08 AM
2/25/2011 2:30:11 AM
it's your plans
2/25/2011 2:30:22 AM
o ok
2/25/2011 2:30:30 AM
that'll be your toy to start off with then
2/25/2011 2:30:31 AM
2/25/2011 2:30:45 AM
she might not be interested in me
2/25/2011 2:30:53 AM
so, it'll be your piece
2/25/2011 2:31:03 AM
unless ... whatever
2/25/2011 2:31:08 AM
ok, how do you feel now
2/25/2011 2:31:17 AM
it's been good the last 30 minutes
2/25/2011 2:31:21 AM
from you
2/25/2011 2:31:29 AM
for me it's been great
2/25/2011 2:31:36 AM
2/25/2011 2:31:38 AM
i gotta sleep
2/25/2011 2:31:47 AM
got a long walk to WU tomorrow
2/25/2011 2:31:54 AM
way over there
2/25/2011 2:32:01 AM
2/25/2011 2:32:14 AM
no, they blocked me for sending WU to russia
2/25/2011 2:32:23 AM
i know
2/25/2011 2:32:33 AM
nope, not that
2/25/2011 2:32:42 AM
a person who could help me
2/25/2011 2:32:49 AM
2/25/2011 2:32:52 AM
you go to sleep
2/25/2011 2:32:57 AM
your ordering pizza tomorrow

2/25/2011 2:33:07 AM
you think you can brave it?
2/25/2011 2:33:09 AM
2/25/2011 2:33:11 AM
2/25/2011 2:33:20 AM
you think you can brave it?
2/25/2011 2:33:25 AM
2/25/2011 2:33:27 AM
how do you plan it?
2/25/2011 2:33:33 AM
2/25/2011 2:33:34 AM
2/25/2011 2:33:41 AM
2/25/2011 2:33:48 AM
how do you plan on doing it?
2/25/2011 2:34:10 AM
2/25/2011 2:34:15 AM
and then....
2/25/2011 2:34:32 AM
but you got, like, maybe 10 minutes
2/25/2011 2:34:47 AM
hmm..how do you approach that?
2/25/2011 2:34:54 AM
just outright ask?
2/25/2011 2:34:59 AM
2/25/2011 2:35:12 AM
2/25/2011 2:35:13 AM
2/25/2011 2:35:17 AM
that'll be interesting to see
2/25/2011 2:35:36 AM
just be live on skype
2/25/2011 2:35:42 AM
or use windows movie maker
2/25/2011 2:35:47 AM
and set the screensaver to 1 minute
2/25/2011 2:35:53 AM
to go blank
2/25/2011 2:35:55 AM
that's my secret
2/25/2011 2:36:06 AM
a million
2/25/2011 2:36:09 AM
well, now 0
2/25/2011 2:36:11 AM
2/25/2011 2:36:18 AM
2/25/2011 2:36:24 AM
that'll curb the deal w/ that

2/25/2011 2:36:31 AM
well, if it's successful
2/25/2011 2:36:34 AM
if it's not, don't worry
2/25/2011 2:36:35 AM
2/25/2011 2:36:44 AM
2/25/2011 2:36:48 AM
just cool pr0n
2/25/2011 2:36:55 AM
i mean
2/25/2011 2:36:58 AM
you can tell stories
2/25/2011 2:37:01 AM
video proof is the bomb
2/25/2011 2:37:13 AM
2/25/2011 2:37:16 AM
sleep well
2/25/2011 2:37:17 AM
i knows
2/25/2011 2:37:22 AM
i'm going down
2/25/2011 2:37:24 AM
2/25/2011 2:37:26 AM
2/25/2011 2:37:35 AM
2/25/2011 2:37:38 AM
2/25/2011 2:37:45 AM
2/25/2011 9:53:20 AM
Need lots and lots of coffee
2/25/2011 11:53:28 AM
you're prolly sleepingz still

2/25/2011 11:59:30 AM
2/25/2011 11:59:51 AM
still have yet to send the $$$
2/25/2011 12:00:01 PM
lol ok
2/25/2011 12:00:02 PM
your ass kept me pissed enough to stay awake too long last night
2/25/2011 12:00:12 PM
you weren't pissed when I was done

2/25/2011 12:02:18 PM
cause you were calling me baby and giving kisses and not saying 'fuck you bitch"
2/25/2011 12:02:20 PM
2/25/2011 12:02:35 PM
yah, well fuck you bitch

2/25/2011 12:02:40 PM
I didn't sleep much either if it makes you feel any better
2/25/2011 12:03:35 PM
fell asleep around fiveish, and then your mom called me at 7 and I was like, fuckit thank god for vm, and then this lady she wanted me to talk to called at 8 and I was like fuckit thank god for vm, and THEN the hospital called me at 9 and I decided to answer the damn phone cause it wasn't gonna quit ringing.
2/25/2011 12:08:32 PM
its ishy out deres
2/25/2011 12:09:09 PM
2/25/2011 12:27:12 PM
2/25/2011 12:29:24 PM
lol you know i would
2/25/2011 12:29:35 PM
just gotta get off your duff n get here
2/25/2011 12:31:16 PM
can you send it via phone?
2/25/2011 12:31:31 PM
2/25/2011 12:33:59 PM
what's the street nearest to you?
2/25/2011 12:34:17 PM
that one, and this one
2/25/2011 12:34:37 PM
i need a name, even if its six blocks over
2/25/2011 12:34:59 PM
allen street
2/25/2011 12:35:07 PM
2/25/2011 12:35:42 PM
2/25/2011 12:36:02 PM
wtf i know where i'm goin
2/25/2011 12:36:11 PM
get there

2/25/2011 12:38:03 PM
rite aid isn't that far from you
2/25/2011 12:39:53 PM
i have to go a different way
2/25/2011 12:41:17 PM
then allen street is way far away from where you are.
2/25/2011 12:41:22 PM
and you're full of crap
2/25/2011 12:42:38 PM
you best be practicing how your gonna do your camera show tonight
2/25/2011 12:43:12 PM
no cash no show

2/25/2011 12:43:27 PM
listen you greedy bitch, i know that
2/25/2011 12:43:51 PM
2/25/2011 12:44:09 PM
git er done!
2/25/2011 12:44:33 PM
2/25/2011 12:44:58 PM
family dollar on second is closer to allen

2/25/2011 12:48:27 PM
2/25/2011 12:48:29 PM
2/25/2011 12:49:04 PM
that cat is a whore
2/25/2011 12:51:09 PM
2/25/2011 12:51:11 PM
i'm out
2/25/2011 12:51:15 PM
who knew cats loved that shit.
2/25/2011 12:51:15 PM
2/25/2011 12:54:51 PM
2/25/2011 2:51:16 PM
Question: I ordered this from
Answer: Pizza Guy
2/25/2011 2:52:07 PM
instant transfer so I *should* be able to get this now?
2/25/2011 2:52:13 PM
2/25/2011 2:52:19 PM
2/25/2011 2:53:32 PM
i'll get dressed dressed, pop more pills and head out I guess. i think rite aide down the street can give me the money
2/25/2011 2:58:03 PM
you know you could write the court and have the order modified right? You wouldn't have to go in....just write it and notarize it.
2/25/2011 3:02:12 PM
save me the time and hassle
2/25/2011 3:02:49 PM
fuck no
2/25/2011 3:02:53 PM
get your money and shit woman
2/25/2011 3:03:13 PM
you're not leaving me much choice but to have to do it myself.
2/25/2011 3:03:58 PM
yah, western union
2/25/2011 3:04:01 PM
you has the answers
2/25/2011 3:04:23 PM
2/25/2011 3:13:47 PM
trying to find a set of wheels to borrow
2/25/2011 3:15:34 PM
wewt, child molester/church deacon guy is gonna come pick me up
2/25/2011 3:18:57 PM
no walkie for me!
2/25/2011 3:47:12 PM
2/25/2011 7:13:30 PM
back with the lube
2/25/2011 7:13:37 PM
stil has to order pizza
2/25/2011 7:14:05 PM
still has to go to the mail box too
2/25/2011 7:24:39 PM
where is yous?
2/25/2011 7:32:02 PM
2/25/2011 7:32:08 PM
was in shower
2/25/2011 7:32:09 PM
2/25/2011 7:32:14 PM
bouts to order my pizza
2/25/2011 7:32:26 PM
ok, i'm workin'
2/25/2011 7:32:36 PM
2/25/2011 9:08:00 PM
You coming early on Sunday?
2/25/2011 9:30:04 PM
Just need an eta cause I've been asked to go to church. Think I do down in flames for being a witch?
2/25/2011 10:38:06 PM
this pizza bettah be free. I ordered online over an hour ago and the fuckers never got it.
2/25/2011 11:01:17 PM
okay not free but ten bucks off I can't complain
2/25/2011 11:34:55 PM
And the fried dough makes up for the chick they sent me

2/26/2011 12:08:38 AM
hmmm, no no pizza bj?
2/26/2011 12:08:51 AM
no video?
2/26/2011 12:14:05 AM
no, I didn't even have time to set it up cause they fucked up my order and 'lost it' and when I called they were here before I had time to set it up, and it was a chick anyways, and she was fat and nasty
2/26/2011 12:18:00 AM
2/26/2011 12:18:10 AM
fuck, that's bad
2/26/2011 12:18:21 AM
but you did get the money tho?
2/26/2011 12:25:40 AM
yeah I got the money, got the lube, got the pizza, and a discount and EXTRA everything on toppings for t heir fuck up, the only thing I forgot was the mag citrate to clean out my ass, but if its decent enough out tomorrow I can go get some. Family dollar isn't that terrible.
2/26/2011 12:25:50 AM
did you get my question about what time your eta was sunday?
2/26/2011 12:26:12 AM
no, my eta isn't sunday anymore
2/26/2011 12:26:28 AM
i rushed mu plans, but i can't rush the ppl that affect the plans
2/26/2011 12:26:34 AM
i'm delayed until prolly wednesday
2/26/2011 12:26:38 AM
2/26/2011 12:26:55 AM
I was only asking cause I got invited to church and didn't want to not be here when you were arriving.
2/26/2011 12:27:13 AM
right, good mixture of reinstated plans
2/26/2011 12:27:16 AM
I gotta be home wednesday am anyways, time warner is coming.
2/26/2011 12:27:46 AM
Tuesday is drug and alcohol, and family court for mom and dad
2/26/2011 12:28:07 AM
and thursday is volunteering/shrink a dink day
2/26/2011 12:28:18 AM
oh, good time then
2/26/2011 12:28:47 AM
and monday is my mri
2/26/2011 12:29:39 AM
I got the silicone astroglide cause I remember before when we were discussing anal lubes they said silicone is the best because it doesn't absorb into the skin like water based
2/26/2011 12:30:44 AM
right ok
2/26/2011 12:31:36 AM
off topic here but you're good with cats, smokey is getting bored. I don't mind playing with her because her prefered toy requires human assistance. But maybe you can brain storm with me. I have dozens of different cat toys here, she loves cat nip but not the mistable kind cause its wet and confuses her. All I can get her to play with is string type stuff, like the corded tie backs to the curtains
2/26/2011 12:32:04 AM
where this becomes difficult for me, is I can't necessarily sit around all day tossing the things at her to catch, which she's good at.
2/26/2011 12:32:23 AM
I've tried tacking them up to the under sides of the counters and she won't budge on them.
2/26/2011 12:32:30 AM
What can I get for her to keep her occupied?
2/26/2011 12:33:32 AM
a long pet
2/26/2011 12:37:17 AM
she won't sit still long enough for that. She prefers male petting lol
2/26/2011 12:37:43 AM
occasionally at night she'll come up to the table and kinda stare at me like she wants ti lie next to me, so I'll let her and i'm lucky if she stays all of two minutes.
2/26/2011 12:38:03 AM
I know a lot of her issue right now is she wants to go outside. and even though this is a safe area, the park neighbors freak about it and I'd get in trouble
2/26/2011 12:38:43 AM
in fact I bleached the floors tonight and got rid of the carpets in the kitchen because she's been peeing again, and no sooner i get done and it's dried she pees right in front of me. When she's allowed outside to pee, she doesn't pee in the house.
2/26/2011 12:38:59 AM
that's what broke her of it before. Dad wanted to keep her cause she liked him but the boys were hell on her.
2/26/2011 12:39:03 AM

her klots
2/26/2011 12:39:08 AM
center of attention
2/26/2011 12:40:31 AM
I'll see what I can do. Its a struggle cause its her and she wants to play with moms cat and moms cat is old and crotchety and just hisses at her. She handles it well thoughg just walks away so she doesn't get in trouble for that.
2/26/2011 12:45:59 AM
okay so you're looking at wednesday now. and I think TWC is all I have that day but somethings nagging at my memory that I've forgotten, not because it's a scheduling conflict but like I had something else to do. My date book is on the other desk so It'll have to wait lol.
2/26/2011 12:48:54 AM
2/26/2011 12:49:28 AM
still working?
2/26/2011 12:49:50 AM
yah, about to go to sleep
2/26/2011 12:50:05 AM
dissapoint pizza chick pussy easin'....

2/26/2011 12:50:54 AM
2/26/2011 12:53:04 AM
She was really nasty
2/26/2011 12:53:27 AM
one of those fat chicks that tries to wear clothes that are too small for her so she can tell herself she's not fat and wears WAY too much make up ugh
2/26/2011 12:53:50 AM
2/26/2011 12:54:49 AM
have a


with Tina
2/26/2011 12:54:55 AM
2/26/2011 12:57:45 AM
Tina from the guild
2/26/2011 12:58:13 AM
2/26/2011 12:59:33 AM
cause she needed girlie talk
2/26/2011 12:59:40 AM
nothing about you so chill

2/26/2011 1:03:52 AM
2/26/2011 1:04:23 AM
2/26/2011 1:09:48 AM
You say that like I'm not supposed to be social in a social guild ou wanted me to be social in lol
2/26/2011 1:12:15 AM
it's all good
2/26/2011 1:12:24 AM
2/26/2011 1:12:59 AM
The only reason I apologized that one day is cause somehow dick size came up and I didn't want to leave em all thinking you were a shrimp dick lmao
2/26/2011 1:14:21 AM
2/26/2011 1:14:39 AM
thats when you were all moody and said you weren't coming back and you wanted kicked
2/26/2011 1:15:22 AM
but like I just felt like it would have been wrong to have kept my mouth shut and let them think you were shirmp dick and marty was like "great now every time I talk to him I'm gonna wanna make some comment about how he's hung or something lmao"
2/26/2011 1:17:46 AM
yup, boy is he
2/26/2011 1:20:16 AM
yeah you are

2/26/2011 1:35:42 AM
did you go nini's already?
2/26/2011 1:42:07 AM
Must be. I love you. No matter what you're hiding, no matter what you're going through, no matter what you think about where my head is at. I love you. Time will heal the wound of the broken heart, but it will never take away the love I have for you. Not just as my first, but as the father to our children. I know we vastly disagree about them and you likely are making a choice to reamain out of their lives and its killing you for reasons beyond me. But You're an amazing dad when given the chance, and I hope someday you take it. I wish it was sooner rather than later. And no matter what, dont ever think you have to go alone through hard times. Even if all I'm allowed to be is your friend, and I love you more than friends love eachother, I'm still here for you. I always will be. I will always love you and be there for you. Goodnight baby. sleep well....the morning comes early...
2/26/2011 1:05:38 PM
you're quiet today
2/26/2011 2:39:56 PM
2/26/2011 2:45:07 PM
Gonna try my hand at portal. Wonder if I learned anything watching you for two days on end while you tried to ignore me
2/26/2011 3:06:32 PM
forgot I had half life and half life episode one too
2/26/2011 4:49:19 PM
there I aplogized to freedom

2/26/2011 6:16:18 PM
2/26/2011 6:51:07 PM
five freaking hours on video cam with karl ad not ONCE did he ask for my nakedness
2/26/2011 9:55:50 PM
Talk to you soo hon. Love you!
2/27/2011 7:38:37 AM
2/27/2011 10:30:19 PM
you there?
2/28/2011 2:37:39 PM
I think you ran away
2/28/2011 5:53:35 PM
you there? I need to talk to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
2/28/2011 6:06:01 PM
2/28/2011 6:50:46 PM
2/28/2011 6:50:50 PM
good benefits

3/1/2011 5:52:42 PM
3/1/2011 6:14:08 PM
well I know freedom is moving out today and you had told me your plans earlier this week and now I haven't heard from you in several days. I need to know what's going on...it would really be helpful. I'll be home all day tomorrow for the twc install, but have appointments and things to do thursday and then home friday through the weekend. Get in touch please.
3/2/2011 4:24:56 AM
are you still coming today or did you already make your escape to canada?
3/2/2011 10:47:45 AM
3/2/2011 10:47:50 AM
I'm so over your fucking games
3/2/2011 10:48:02 AM
and lies.
3/5/2011 1:57:25 PM
your not blocked, i just loaded it up
3/5/2011 1:57:41 PM
3/5/2011 1:57:47 PM
lemme find the file that group is in
3/5/2011 1:59:09 PM
sent files "naughty me 019.JPG", "naughty me 020.JPG", "naughty me 021.JPG", "naughty me 022.JPG", "naughty me 023.JPG"
File transfer:
naughty me 019.JPG
naughty me 020.JPG
naughty me 021.JPG
naughty me 022.JPG
naughty me 023.JPG
3/5/2011 2:00:04 PM
sent file "naughty me 099.JPG"
File transfer:
naughty me 099.JPG
3/5/2011 2:01:02 PM
those are not new, it's still the same old ass
3/5/2011 2:01:08 PM
can't remember what I did with the ones from last summer
3/5/2011 2:01:17 PM
its always been the same ass dear.
3/5/2011 2:01:26 PM
no, it's gotten firmer and rounder
3/5/2011 2:01:30 PM
3/5/2011 2:01:38 PM
and about 25 pounds lighter

3/5/2011 2:02:01 PM
so, that means you want new photo shoots
3/5/2011 2:03:33 PM
it'd be nice but I still need a longer term roommate.
3/5/2011 2:04:04 PM
you can get 3 done a day
3/5/2011 2:04:17 PM
three shoots?
3/5/2011 2:04:25 PM
3/5/2011 2:04:32 PM
with a photographer, but I'm not selling them
3/5/2011 2:04:41 PM
and I still need a roommate, and I'd rather not live with pauline.
3/5/2011 2:04:46 PM
thats fine, they would be yours
3/5/2011 2:06:37 PM
so, you need shoots?
3/5/2011 2:09:23 PM
yup and a roommmate, and an apartment and a car and shoots.
3/5/2011 2:09:42 PM
oh, so no new shoots next week
3/5/2011 2:11:03 PM
not unless you have a car and an apartment in batavia

3/5/2011 2:11:29 PM
what's wrong with the trailer?
3/5/2011 2:11:46 PM
and why a car?
3/5/2011 2:12:51 PM
I can't afford the trailer. They want 1300 dollars by the tenth for the lot rent, and like 3000 something for the years mortgage up front because I can't afford the payments on a monthly basis alone. and I need a car to make it to my appointments and be more self sufficient.
3/5/2011 2:13:33 PM
so, to use the trailer for the shoot it needs to be done before the 10th?
3/5/2011 2:14:10 PM
lot rent = 355 per month. Mortgage = 310.02 per month, propane = 600 dollars a fill every other month, water is 100 bucks every three months, cable 100 per month, and electric is unknown. I have an income of 731
3/5/2011 2:14:18 PM
that' resolves the shoots but not the apartment and car.
3/5/2011 2:15:48 PM
oh ok. don't you want the shoots, tho? more recent stuff might help your chances out
3/5/2011 2:16:10 PM
chances of what?
3/5/2011 2:16:39 PM
chances of gettin money
3/5/2011 2:16:53 PM
from who? You said you had none
3/5/2011 2:17:30 PM
wtf you don't want shoots done on the 10th?
3/5/2011 2:17:51 PM
I need them done before the tenth,
3/5/2011 2:19:05 PM
I do want shoots done. But the tenth is the last day I have to come up with a years worth of rent and mortgage payment, and it still doesn't get me a car for self sufficiency. So I'm trying to connect the dots with how having shoots done gives me a bigger chance of getting money, because you said you already spent the 5 to 10 grand you have in your bank account.
3/5/2011 2:21:09 PM
so its not that I don't want them, its that I dont' understand who is supposed to give me money, and really I don't want the trailer, it eats money and I'd have to leave it anyways when I top the list for depaul. I'd much rather find a two bedroom in town and keep a roommate for a few months. And have a car. And the shoots.
3/5/2011 2:21:58 PM
and i'm not opposed to comprimise, I just don't hear you making any other offers than doing a photo shoot for me and increasing my chance of getting money.
3/5/2011 2:30:35 PM
sure, i'll do a photo shoot for you on the 10th
3/5/2011 2:30:44 PM
just be sure to be ready on the 9th for clothing selection
3/5/2011 2:33:27 PM
you still haven't offered a solution on housing and a car.
3/5/2011 2:34:16 PM
i has a place, i don't need a car
3/5/2011 2:40:26 PM
I do.
3/5/2011 2:40:43 PM
so what does having you do a shoot for me have to do with increasing my chances of getting money?
3/5/2011 2:41:01 PM
don't guys like your pictures?
3/5/2011 2:41:21 PM
I don't sell them matthew you know that.
3/5/2011 2:41:41 PM
So, unless you are going to help me with a place and a car, I guess I'll find another photographer.
3/5/2011 2:41:56 PM
And another dick to deep throat and swallow from
3/5/2011 2:41:57 PM
mmk, i'll ttyl
3/5/2011 2:42:01 PM
and take up the ass
3/5/2011 2:42:03 PM
and fuck
3/5/2011 2:42:09 PM
that's cool, i'll ttyl
3/5/2011 2:42:12 PM
and take photos with to save for myself.
3/5/2011 2:42:41 PM
i did have plans to go up there on the 10th
3/5/2011 2:42:41 PM
In the mean time, thanks for admitting you have a place, it'll make it that much easier for me to find you and give the information to the one person in the world you're trying to hide from

3/5/2011 2:42:53 PM
that's fine
3/5/2011 2:42:57 PM
the plans stick?
3/5/2011 2:42:58 PM
or not
3/5/2011 2:43:33 PM
well if you have plans to come up here on the tenth sure, but I don't see where I'm getting anything from you that I need.
3/5/2011 2:43:47 PM
you'll be there, right?
3/5/2011 2:45:53 PM
3/5/2011 2:54:13 PM
i'll be here
3/5/2011 2:54:17 PM
sorry, scanning pictures, working the new site, got distracted.
3/5/2011 2:54:54 PM
mmk cool
3/5/2011 2:55:03 PM
you'll be there the night of the 9th?
3/5/2011 2:57:24 PM
3/5/2011 2:57:29 PM
I have no plans that night.
3/5/2011 2:58:00 PM
did you check out the page? I know it's cheesy right now cause it's a template but what do you think? I sent you the link last night.
3/5/2011 2:58:13 PM
need link again
3/5/2011 2:58:35 PM
3/5/2011 3:00:08 PM
looks ok
3/5/2011 3:01:00 PM
10% commish on sales I make
3/5/2011 3:02:00 PM
its just a cheesey template, I gotta reinstall dreamweaver and come up with something better.
3/5/2011 3:02:21 PM
just need help getting along till sales start.
3/5/2011 3:10:08 PM
hell my first big sale and I could net three grand. That's more than I see in four months.
3/5/2011 3:10:31 PM
of course being homeless could slow things down. Hard to maintain a bussiness when you have no place to put it.
3/5/2011 3:11:24 PM
right yah
3/5/2011 3:11:27 PM
best part about websites
3/5/2011 3:11:31 PM
make money w/o computers
3/5/2011 3:12:25 PM
actually no, I have to make phone calls and without a home to have a home phone service in, I can't make those calls.
3/5/2011 3:13:21 PM
and its going to take longer than the five days I have to come up with the money to stay here, much less move out and get a place to make that website active and usefull to make money without a computer.
3/5/2011 3:15:10 PM
The worst part is, you don't even understand that this is no bullshit lie to make you feel guilty, this is the reality of my situation. March tenth, AGL's lawyers are going to city court and filing to have me evicted, and since I don't have the money, the judge will issue a three day warrant of eviction, and I have NO place to go, to take my stuff, to stay or conduct business so when I go to welfare, they're going to tell me I have to leave everything I own in this trailer, and hand me a bus ticket to buffalo and a map to the nearest shelter and tell me good luck.
3/5/2011 3:15:49 PM
And the last five months I've spent trying to stableize housing and make 'emotional progress' and acheive stability to be able to file for custody of our kids, that you don't want anymore, this summer, will have been for nothing.
3/5/2011 3:17:43 PM
and you don't give a shit. Because the only one who matters to you anymore is you, and whatever whore it is that you can fuck to get off on through demeaning them and making them your slave so you feel like you have complete power because whatever you're lacking in life is just that bad that you have to use sexual control to assert your male dominance and power over your own life, that you have no control over anymore matthew. You're lost. You're empty inside. And you work very hard at keeping it that way, and that is sad. I truly feel bad for you for that.
3/5/2011 3:18:06 PM
So I'll see you on the 9th, and on the tenth, you can be here, but after that, I only have three more days here so make plans to go 'home' after that.
3/5/2011 3:22:14 PM
3/5/2011 3:22:25 PM
just be sure to get enough ready for the 9th/10th
3/5/2011 3:23:52 PM
get what ready? I have not lingere anymore
3/5/2011 3:23:58 PM
I have no toys, just lube.
3/5/2011 3:24:00 PM
and my body.
3/5/2011 3:24:21 PM
and unless you plan on buying me a car and getting me an apartment, it's strictly a photo shoot and you're leaving.
3/5/2011 3:24:48 PM
3/5/2011 3:24:57 PM
that's cool w/ me, you have SD reader?
3/5/2011 3:25:54 PM
yeah, and if that's cool with you, the photo shoot is a waste of time so don't bother coming at all because quite frankly, I need the car, and a roommate and a place to live more than i need new photos of me, and if all I needed was a good fuck and a new set of photo's I'd call randy because at least he can make me cum.
3/5/2011 3:26:23 PM
and I don't have to risk going to jail for three to five years to get it done either.
3/5/2011 3:26:38 PM
wtf, so make up your damn mind!
3/5/2011 3:27:56 PM
How about you stop lying to me about the fucking money and help me so I dont' have to loose the last five months work I've put into getting our kids back so they don't have to live with your mother forever, and stop being so fucking selfish because you ARE their father, always WILL be their father and can't change that no matter how far across the world you run you will be found, and can't run from them or your obligations to them forever.
3/5/2011 3:28:42 PM
because if i really wanted to be a cunt I'd get your sorry ass up here on the tenth, and tell the court where to go to have you served for support.
3/5/2011 3:29:51 PM
so, it's a no then, right?
3/5/2011 3:29:57 PM
cause you've bounced back and forth
3/5/2011 3:31:21 PM
of course I have because so have you about the money.
3/5/2011 3:31:30 PM
Give me an answer and I can give you one
3/5/2011 3:32:05 PM
otherwise I'll send your address straight to the sherrifs department and have your ass served so the court can freeze your bank accounts and revoke your passport until you appear for support.
3/5/2011 3:32:16 PM
what address? the new one?
3/5/2011 3:33:43 PM
yeah, because your precious freedom got just pissed off enough yesterday to tell me where you are.
3/5/2011 3:34:16 PM
3/5/2011 3:35:00 PM
yeah, she's such a doll when she's pissed off.
3/5/2011 3:36:14 PM
she sung like a canary
3/5/2011 3:36:28 PM
funny that you should both move out of her aunts house on the same day.
3/5/2011 3:36:29 PM
3/5/2011 3:37:14 PM
so, what will it be? Will you help me and I'll help you, or will I be the nasty cunt and turn you in?
3/5/2011 3:38:04 PM
your blackmailing me for $400
3/5/2011 3:40:30 PM
no dear, I'm black mailing you for the lot of your bank account. As of the 24th, more than 2k was deposited in your bank account, and your ending balance in January was more than five thousand, so I know that you have far more than four hundred dollars.
3/5/2011 3:41:21 PM
angel was so excited to see mail for you the other day she drew attention to a notice from the bank that your account was being investigated because you were wired more than the 2k limit from Nancy.
3/5/2011 3:41:23 PM
right, so your placing the price on your ass for...?
3/5/2011 3:43:21 PM
A car that is able to pass inspection and be insured for a reasonable price, and an apartment that I can afford to stay in until Depaul can help me, first and last months rent, and one extra months rent for me to be able to be prepared for the rent next month. I had offered to room with you until you were to depart the us again, or for six to eight months and split the bills but you already have a place so I guess this is the solution.
3/5/2011 3:43:57 PM
and aside from amazing debt, what does that give me?
3/5/2011 3:45:35 PM
whatever you want from me. for lets say the next six months? Unless you wanted to consider splitting the bills then it could be as long as you wanted....
3/5/2011 3:46:06 PM
mutal use is all I was asking for to begin with....
3/5/2011 3:46:50 PM
wtf do you have that would be considerable to me handing over my bank account to you?
3/5/2011 3:47:48 PM
well you wanted a slutty sex slave didn't you, who would do anything and everything you wanted right? You can either hand the bank account over to me, or you can hand it over to the state of new york for child support. Which would you prefer?
3/5/2011 3:49:39 PM
or I could just turn it over to the irs too. Tough call...
3/5/2011 3:51:12 PM
3/5/2011 3:51:41 PM
3/5/2011 3:51:43 PM
3/5/2011 3:51:50 PM
was out having a cigarette
3/5/2011 3:52:12 PM
this is your chance to walk away from the kids scott free without having your mom find out where you are and getting the support she wants because she's broke.
3/5/2011 3:52:43 PM
just the HSBC bank account, right?
3/5/2011 3:54:14 PM
which ever ones you have to use to give me what I am asking for.
3/5/2011 3:54:24 PM
3/5/2011 3:54:31 PM
I know you have more than one.
3/5/2011 3:55:41 PM
a car that's inspectable and insureable, and an apartment, don't need a big one unless you plan on staying and splitting bills, just enough to get me through till other help comes. first and second months rent, and security.
3/5/2011 3:56:25 PM
so just the HSBC account, right?
3/5/2011 3:58:04 PM
all of em if you have to use them. Just so long as I get what I want, I'm looking at apartments now and cars for sale in the area it get an accurate idea so I can give you an accurate answer.
3/5/2011 3:59:04 PM
so, give me the complete exchange rundown...
3/5/2011 3:59:45 PM
w/ prices/ranges
3/5/2011 3:59:56 PM
let me get price ranges first then.
3/5/2011 4:00:01 PM
3/5/2011 4:03:37 PM
rents ideal range is going to be 425 to 550 from what the paper offers. Just tried to call a one bedroom that isn't listed with a price and was told to call back around five thirty to talk to her hubby. older lady

3/5/2011 4:06:55 PM
checking the pennysaver and batavian too
3/5/2011 4:08:16 PM
of course the car increases my ability to look at a broader range of apartments, could find something cheaper in leroy or byron/bergen
3/5/2011 4:12:49 PM
probably looking at max of 2k for the partment, and max of 2,500 to 3 k for the car. The online ads aren't reliable, and if I called Rob and asked if he knew anyone selling a car for a reasonable price that's not going to be a money pit he'd steer me in the right direction and could probably get better pricing.
3/5/2011 4:13:10 PM
there's a few places in leroy as low as 400 a month, and with a car, I could move there.
3/5/2011 4:13:22 PM
so, that's 5k, which is 2.5k more than i have to even spend
3/5/2011 4:13:32 PM
I said that's a max.
3/5/2011 4:13:33 PM
what else?
3/5/2011 4:14:09 PM
registration fees, title. I have like 50 bucks till the third.
3/5/2011 4:14:15 PM
3/5/2011 4:14:53 PM
first months. If you came up this week and started with the car I'd be happy enough to wait another week on the apartment.
3/5/2011 4:15:29 PM
insurance, $400, so about $5500
3/5/2011 4:15:47 PM
decent car and place, and...i'm left with nothing but debt
3/5/2011 4:15:56 PM
you don't have to pay full insurance just the first months
3/5/2011 4:16:07 PM
i'd basically have to live with you to make your end of the blackmail work
3/5/2011 4:16:31 PM
I tried to offer you that last night but you refused. Offers still open.
3/5/2011 4:17:14 PM
i suppose i don't understand...
3/5/2011 4:17:29 PM
after i blow my bank account on you, i can't afford any transportation back after delivering all this to you
3/5/2011 4:17:47 PM
and even then, i can't afford my place nor any transportation to get my end of the bargain set
3/5/2011 4:17:52 PM
so i'd basically be in a hole
3/5/2011 4:18:31 PM
you could stay here
3/5/2011 4:18:39 PM
no way...no no way
3/5/2011 4:18:45 PM
you got money coming in soon anyways.
3/5/2011 4:18:52 PM
after taking all my cash for your benefit, there's no reason i'd want to stay there
3/5/2011 4:18:58 PM
no, i do not have anything coming in soon
3/5/2011 4:19:08 PM
i wouldnt' even be able to take care of my baby for crying out loud
3/5/2011 4:19:16 PM
what baby?
3/5/2011 4:19:24 PM
all my projects
3/5/2011 4:19:37 PM
if you stayed here you'd have internet and a room to work from
3/5/2011 4:19:54 PM
i'd have my blackmailer around
3/5/2011 4:19:55 PM
put a lock on the door, keep me out of your stuff if you feel like it
3/5/2011 4:20:06 PM
let me see what i have avail in the bank now
3/5/2011 4:20:09 PM
i'll bbl
3/5/2011 4:20:15 PM
3/5/2011 4:20:31 PM
cause i can't call into it. they won't let me cause i don't have my telephone access code
3/5/2011 4:20:38 PM
i gotta walk to the branch
3/5/2011 4:23:32 PM
get my text? I said if you were staying I wouldn't need the extra month of rent paid.
3/5/2011 4:23:45 PM
no web access?
3/5/2011 4:31:12 PM
web access is locked
3/5/2011 4:31:31 PM
they sent info to me months ago on that
3/5/2011 4:32:22 PM
that sucks
3/5/2011 4:32:45 PM
well, i'm $4k overbudget on your wishlist, only $1200 in the bank
3/5/2011 4:33:28 PM
wow you spent near ten grand quickly.
3/5/2011 4:33:42 PM
that's a tradgedy.
3/5/2011 4:33:52 PM
for you of course
3/5/2011 4:33:56 PM
i told you that most of that wasn't my money
3/5/2011 4:34:01 PM
it had purpose
3/5/2011 4:34:15 PM
yeah, getting freedom a new place to live, and new furniture and blah blah blah
3/5/2011 4:34:47 PM
doesn't make sense, really. my commission is 10%, and to spend 9$9k on someone else isn't really doing the job
3/5/2011 4:35:18 PM
well that's okay, with any luck you can skip country again before they come to find you.l
3/5/2011 4:35:51 PM
so, what can i buy for you that's $1200?
3/5/2011 4:36:39 PM
I really don't think anything. I need at a minimum a reliable car inspected, titled, and insured for at least a month. I guess you're kinda screwed.
3/5/2011 4:37:13 PM
3/5/2011 4:37:24 PM
so, i lost the blackmail anyway
3/5/2011 4:37:37 PM
not my fault you spent nine grand in a few days.
3/5/2011 4:37:51 PM
1 day, 1 time, thanks
3/5/2011 4:37:51 PM
you lost six months of beating my ass sexually too
3/5/2011 4:37:57 PM
not my fault.
3/5/2011 4:38:06 PM
unless you can stop it.
3/5/2011 4:38:09 PM
pfft you'll get that from someone else, and i've already got that with someone else
3/5/2011 4:38:10 PM
stop what?
3/5/2011 4:38:18 PM
your nine grand spent
3/5/2011 4:38:42 PM
on server fees and copper lines? ha
3/5/2011 4:38:56 PM
anything's possible when you're desperate.
3/5/2011 4:39:39 PM
unless you can find me a reliable car title and register it, plate it and insure it with your 1200 or just catch the last bus tonight out of jamestown and hand me the cash, you loose.
3/5/2011 4:40:03 PM
i had plans to make it up there on the 9th
3/5/2011 4:40:16 PM
not soon enough, for all I know the money will be gone by then.
3/5/2011 4:40:31 PM
and there is no local branch of my bank for you to deposit the money into this late on a saturday.
3/5/2011 4:40:41 PM
well no local branch period.
3/5/2011 4:40:47 PM
and no mail till monday.
3/5/2011 4:40:59 PM
I'll leave you enough to go home if that's what you want.
3/5/2011 4:41:36 PM
i'd need ~$100 to make the round trip w/ bus and cabs (with tips) and food
3/5/2011 4:41:53 PM
then use it, 1100 works for me.
3/5/2011 4:41:59 PM
worth the pay out
3/5/2011 4:42:09 PM
and what do i get for that...
3/5/2011 4:42:17 PM
what would you like from me tonight?
3/5/2011 4:42:31 PM
tonight?...i'm talkin the 9th
3/5/2011 4:42:38 PM
I"m talking tonight or I make the call.
3/5/2011 4:42:46 PM
I don't have time to wait till the ninth
3/5/2011 4:42:57 PM
there's a 6:45 you can catch
3/5/2011 4:43:24 PM
then make the call. i've had tonight planned for 2 weeks, as well as tomorrow night
3/5/2011 4:43:32 PM
that's why i said i'd take the 100 dollar hit.
3/5/2011 4:43:37 PM
if anything, it gets me more money to work with
3/5/2011 4:43:40 PM
Ok, enjoy seeing your mommy in court and being run to the hilt.
3/5/2011 4:43:42 PM
3/5/2011 4:43:52 PM
3/5/2011 4:58:47 PM
wait for what?
3/5/2011 4:58:50 PM
I had to check the mail
3/5/2011 4:59:27 PM
3/5/2011 5:01:28 PM
3/5/2011 5:19:04 PM
3/5/2011 5:19:44 PM
you don't care more about the kids than sex, control, or money. in fact, the entire conversation here focuses entirely on sex, control, and money
3/5/2011 5:20:39 PM
where you at now?
3/5/2011 5:20:41 PM
see the conversation may focus on that, but my motives are to maintain what I have so I can get the kids back, that's the ultimate goal.
3/5/2011 5:21:12 PM
at my lap top
3/5/2011 5:21:18 PM
where in batavia?
3/5/2011 5:21:30 PM
what does it matter? you coming tonight?
3/5/2011 5:21:34 PM
where in batavia?
3/5/2011 5:21:44 PM
the trailer park.
3/5/2011 5:21:48 PM
so, your at home?
3/5/2011 5:22:34 PM
3/5/2011 5:22:40 PM
what are you wearing?
3/5/2011 5:22:43 PM
you turned utilities on here and don't know where I am?
3/5/2011 5:22:48 PM
tshirt and pants
3/5/2011 5:22:55 PM
what kind of tshirt
3/5/2011 5:23:04 PM
my six shooters tshirt
3/5/2011 5:23:10 PM
and what kind of pants
3/5/2011 5:23:28 PM
pj pants
3/5/2011 5:23:43 PM
what's on under the six shooters tshirt and pj pants
3/5/2011 5:23:49 PM
3/5/2011 5:23:52 PM
you wearing socks?
3/5/2011 5:24:14 PM
3/5/2011 5:24:23 PM
are you on the couch, or bed
3/5/2011 5:24:29 PM
3/5/2011 5:24:51 PM
is there an outlet for power near your bed?
3/5/2011 5:25:02 PM
3/5/2011 5:25:16 PM
ok, lets bring the laptop to the bed, and get it plugged in
3/5/2011 5:25:32 PM
why so you can get your rocks off and I get nothing?
3/5/2011 5:25:42 PM
3/5/2011 5:25:50 PM
i'm not getting my rocks off
3/5/2011 5:26:04 PM
then what am I doing in bed at five thirty in the evening with my computer?
3/5/2011 5:26:12 PM
you said your on the couch
3/5/2011 5:26:25 PM
and you asked me to move to my bed.
3/5/2011 5:26:29 PM
What am I going to do in bed?
3/5/2011 5:26:38 PM
i told ya too, yeah
3/5/2011 5:26:41 PM
wtf does it matter?
3/5/2011 5:27:24 PM
because your slut is on the shelf till you pay out. so I could go sit on the bed with the laptop in the bedroom in the bed, but what do you expect of me after that?
3/5/2011 5:27:52 PM
i don't know what you look like on your bed, so i really have not the slightest clue
3/5/2011 5:27:56 PM
all i've seen was your living room
3/5/2011 5:28:13 PM
i didn't get the tour, much like you've provided everyone else
3/5/2011 5:28:29 PM
i see, well if its a tour you want, I can give you that.
3/5/2011 5:28:48 PM
I don't need a power outlet for a tour. In fact you haven't just seen the living room. You saw moms bedroom.
3/5/2011 5:29:00 PM
did i?
3/5/2011 5:29:02 PM
i don't remember that
3/5/2011 5:29:15 PM
Once when you fucked me there on the floor, and once while I was on bed and mastrubated for you sometime in the last three months.
3/5/2011 5:29:29 PM
you've seen the place empty.
3/5/2011 5:29:41 PM
right, yah
3/5/2011 5:29:43 PM
ok, i remember that
3/5/2011 5:30:04 PM
so sure I could go lie in bed in the other room, or I could just turn the cam on and walk it down there for you to see.
3/5/2011 5:30:28 PM
all the above
3/5/2011 5:31:14 PM
why do you need to see the rest of the place?
3/5/2011 5:31:27 PM
i don't need to see the rest of the place
3/5/2011 5:31:46 PM
we just came through to that in conversation after you questioned me on going to the bedroom and plugging in your laptop
3/5/2011 5:32:02 PM
3/5/2011 5:32:09 PM
why do you want to see the bedroom?
3/5/2011 5:33:00 PM
are you in the bedroom yet?
3/5/2011 5:33:38 PM
3/5/2011 5:33:45 PM
laptop plugged in?
3/5/2011 5:34:15 PM
gettin there
3/5/2011 5:34:47 PM
3/5/2011 5:35:05 PM
are you siting down, lying down on your stomach, lying down on your side, kneeling...what
3/5/2011 5:35:12 PM
lying on my tummy
3/5/2011 5:35:21 PM
is that really that comfortable?
3/5/2011 5:35:39 PM
depends on the day and my back
3/5/2011 5:35:44 PM
right now
3/5/2011 5:35:48 PM
3/5/2011 5:36:00 PM
then change positions, maybe kneeling would help your back
3/5/2011 5:36:08 PM
kneeling on the bed?
3/5/2011 5:36:10 PM
3/5/2011 5:36:28 PM
I'll settle for sitting against the wall with a pillow under it
3/5/2011 5:36:38 PM
a pillow under the bed?
3/5/2011 5:37:06 PM
a pillow under my back
3/5/2011 5:37:10 PM
oh right
3/5/2011 5:37:20 PM
Beyond this i'm not sure what you expect.
3/5/2011 5:37:38 PM
i don't understand
3/5/2011 5:37:56 PM
I'm here, in my room, you asked me to get comfy on the bed. now what.
3/5/2011 5:38:32 PM
oh, your totally under my control now, huh lol
3/5/2011 5:38:48 PM
good, throw up the webcam then
3/5/2011 5:38:48 PM
3/5/2011 5:39:09 PM
good girl
3/5/2011 5:39:12 PM
gimmie some smiles
3/5/2011 5:39:16 PM
3/5/2011 5:39:18 PM
3/5/2011 5:39:18 PM
smiles are easy
3/5/2011 5:39:24 PM
your not sitting up against the wall
3/5/2011 5:39:28 PM
like you said you were
3/5/2011 5:39:33 PM
yes I am
3/5/2011 5:39:46 PM
oh ok
3/5/2011 5:39:57 PM
wow, how far was the laptop from you?
3/5/2011 5:40:03 PM
at the end of the bed
3/5/2011 5:40:10 PM
the way other side?
3/5/2011 5:40:11 PM
3/5/2011 5:40:15 PM
put it there again
3/5/2011 5:40:36 PM
3/5/2011 5:40:42 PM
3/5/2011 5:40:43 PM
now you've seen the room and gotten the tour
3/5/2011 5:40:46 PM
like, other side of bed
3/5/2011 5:40:50 PM
ok, now sit up
3/5/2011 5:40:59 PM
now, just kneel
3/5/2011 5:41:20 PM
what are you getting from this and what am I getting from this?
3/5/2011 5:41:28 PM
i'm sizing up you and the room
3/5/2011 5:41:35 PM
nothing wrong with making comparisons
3/5/2011 5:41:47 PM
no but that still doesn't explain what I get from it
3/5/2011 5:41:56 PM
i don't understand
3/5/2011 5:42:04 PM
your showing me your room
3/5/2011 5:42:11 PM
i was just using you to size it up to see how big it was
3/5/2011 5:42:20 PM
you are making this all about you, and I am not going any further until I know what I am getting out of it.
3/5/2011 5:42:34 PM
no, it's not about me
3/5/2011 5:42:40 PM
you were giving me a TOUR!

3/5/2011 5:42:47 PM
i gave you a tour.
3/5/2011 5:43:01 PM
showed you four sides of the room and you got your comparison. Anything else?
3/5/2011 5:43:06 PM
you shifted the laptop quick to walls
3/5/2011 5:43:19 PM
yah, get on your knees and spread your arms out to the walls
3/5/2011 5:43:30 PM
3/5/2011 5:43:34 PM
that makes sense
3/5/2011 5:43:44 PM
that bed queen?
3/5/2011 5:43:50 PM
can't reach the other wall. I believe its a full
3/5/2011 5:43:59 PM
okay, i assumed you were in the center
3/5/2011 5:44:04 PM
yeah i was
3/5/2011 5:44:09 PM
of the bed
3/5/2011 5:44:12 PM
i couldn't gauge it based upon looking at the other side
3/5/2011 5:44:25 PM
and you looked great on your knees
3/5/2011 5:44:26 PM
wtf is that?
3/5/2011 5:44:48 PM
the other wall I couldn't reach which happens to be a closet door with a hanna montanna decal on it
3/5/2011 5:44:55 PM
right, okay
3/5/2011 5:45:01 PM
you big montana fan, huh
3/5/2011 5:45:14 PM
no actually this was supposed to be angeliques room and she is.
3/5/2011 5:45:22 PM
3/5/2011 5:45:34 PM
well, thanks for the tour, you can hang up whenever you want to

3/5/2011 5:45:38 PM
i'm fine with pervin' ya
3/5/2011 5:46:01 PM
you get no perving till I get cash my dear, you wanna treat me like a whore you're gonna pay me for it like one
3/5/2011 5:46:14 PM
that's not what i meant, but w/e
3/5/2011 5:46:18 PM
you know your terms, i know mine
3/5/2011 5:46:54 PM
3/5/2011 5:47:22 PM
so, what would you do if i showed up with no money
3/5/2011 5:47:48 PM
let you stay as long as you needed to and send you on your way
3/5/2011 5:49:11 PM
what does that mean?
3/5/2011 5:49:44 PM
I would let you stay here, 'squat' as you put it before as long as you needed to until you had to leave.
3/5/2011 5:50:32 PM
so, even if i arrived tonight with no money, you'd let me "squat" until i had to leave
3/5/2011 5:50:52 PM
yeah, you just wouldn't get any slut activities.
3/5/2011 5:51:56 PM
...from you...
3/5/2011 5:52:14 PM
3/5/2011 5:52:23 PM
that's really cool
3/5/2011 5:54:29 PM
you're not allowed to invite any one along with you.
3/5/2011 5:54:45 PM
right, ok...so i can just jack off anywhere then?
3/5/2011 5:57:02 PM
as long as you clean up after yourself
3/5/2011 5:57:11 PM
3/5/2011 5:57:13 PM
3/5/2011 6:01:47 PM
mmk back
3/5/2011 6:01:58 PM
so, no sex stuff then, that's very cool

3/5/2011 6:02:13 PM
3/5/2011 6:07:24 PM
so, i can watch you take showers?
3/5/2011 6:08:38 PM
nope, falls under things I should get paid for
3/5/2011 6:10:23 PM
so, you'll just lock the door every time you take a shower, then
3/5/2011 6:11:51 PM
i don't even know if it has a lock. but if you walk in to watch me, I will put a towel around myself, or my housecoat and wait for you to leave.
3/5/2011 6:12:19 PM
what if i'm naked with a hard on, walk in and start lickin' your box?
3/5/2011 6:17:38 PM
you had better have cash in your fucking hand when you do it
3/5/2011 6:17:47 PM
or else what? lol
3/5/2011 6:18:12 PM
i give you a good kick to your boys and walk away
3/5/2011 6:18:47 PM
how can you do that when i've got your legs over my shoulders and my arms up around them?
3/5/2011 6:19:42 PM
how would you get me in that position without my permission, that doesn't qualify as walking up and start licking my box, that qualifies as walking in, picking me up and holding me upside down and licking my box.
3/5/2011 6:19:59 PM
there ya go!
3/5/2011 6:20:03 PM
what would you do then?
3/5/2011 6:20:35 PM
you wouldn't get that far because unless you had cash, you'd have one hell of a fight getting me up over your shoulders
3/5/2011 6:21:04 PM
3/5/2011 6:23:19 PM
did I ever show you what I walked away from with after the last fight i was in?
3/5/2011 6:23:28 PM
no, show me
3/5/2011 6:26:23 PM
3/5/2011 6:26:32 PM
gimme a sec, working here too
3/5/2011 6:26:51 PM
sent files "drama crap 002.jpg", "drama crap 004.jpg", "drama crap 016.jpg", "drama crap 020.jpg", "drama crap 022.jpg", "drama crap 024.jpg", "drama crap 028.jpg", "drama crap 030.jpg", "drama crap 032.jpg", "drama crap 034.jpg", "drama crap 036.jpg", "drama crap 038.jpg", "drama crap 040.jpg", "drama crap 042.jpg", "drama crap 044.jpg", "drama crap 046.jpg", "drama crap 048.jpg", "drama crap 049.jpg", "drama crap 050.jpg", "drama crap 052.jpg", "drama crap 054.jpg", "drama crap 056.jpg", "drama crap 058.jpg", "drama crap 060.jpg", "drama crap 062.jpg"
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drama crap 060.jpg
drama crap 062.jpg
3/5/2011 6:27:16 PM
this was right after it happened, the bruising got worse naturally and three weeks later, I had the black eye show up
3/5/2011 6:27:23 PM
they still there?
3/5/2011 6:27:25 PM
just show me on you
3/5/2011 6:27:38 PM
just the one on my leg
3/5/2011 6:27:48 PM
ok, drop trousers and show
3/5/2011 6:28:27 PM
damn downloads
3/5/2011 6:28:27 PM
see it?
3/5/2011 6:28:33 PM
no, i havent' gotten your video yet
3/5/2011 6:28:41 PM
prolly easier for me to just take a photo
3/5/2011 6:28:47 PM
ok, lets see
3/5/2011 6:28:51 PM
where's your road runner turbo bitch?
3/5/2011 6:28:52 PM
3/5/2011 6:29:07 PM
oh wow
3/5/2011 6:29:10 PM
that's small now
3/5/2011 6:29:14 PM
the size of your finger
3/5/2011 6:29:15 PM
3/5/2011 6:29:21 PM
what about the ones on your boobs?
3/5/2011 6:29:32 PM
looks like two pimples i picked at but is really where she bit me and took skin out
3/5/2011 6:29:37 PM
there were none on my boobs :P]
3/5/2011 6:29:39 PM
3/5/2011 6:29:47 PM
wtf yah there were
3/5/2011 6:29:48 PM
nice try

3/5/2011 6:29:50 PM
you showed me them before
3/5/2011 6:29:51 PM
They are nice boobies.
3/5/2011 6:29:57 PM
3/5/2011 6:29:58 PM
oh well they're gone now I'm sure
3/5/2011 6:30:02 PM
my boobies are nice
3/5/2011 6:30:05 PM
triple check!
3/5/2011 6:30:17 PM
i'll let you see em but you don't get to touch em on the ninth
3/5/2011 6:30:22 PM
3/5/2011 6:30:26 PM
no, i get to BITE them
3/5/2011 6:30:27 PM
3/5/2011 6:30:29 PM
and SPANK 'em
3/5/2011 6:30:31 PM
3/5/2011 6:30:34 PM
you wish
3/5/2011 6:30:37 PM
no cash, no whiplash
3/5/2011 6:30:42 PM
you'll beg me for it bwahahaha
3/5/2011 6:31:02 PM
3/5/2011 6:32:03 PM
have to watch it in a few, breaking apps for bri
3/5/2011 6:51:59 PM
wow a chick with big boobs
3/5/2011 6:52:09 PM
playing with them
3/5/2011 6:52:12 PM
not hard to do
3/5/2011 6:52:19 PM
ok, lets see you do the same
3/5/2011 6:52:36 PM
got money for me?
3/5/2011 6:52:42 PM
she did it for free
3/5/2011 6:52:44 PM
you do the same
3/5/2011 6:53:07 PM
nope, i don't do cam shows for free

3/5/2011 6:53:20 PM
fine, i'll let you put your tongue on my dick for 2 seconds
3/5/2011 6:53:33 PM
nope i want money
3/5/2011 6:54:20 PM
god your three minutes in and she's not even naked yet, this is boring
3/5/2011 6:54:34 PM
it's teasing
3/5/2011 6:54:56 PM
you odn't even get to see em till you're past five minutes in
3/5/2011 6:55:04 PM
yeah guess it works for men
3/5/2011 6:55:10 PM
on a woman who cares, she has her own to play with
3/5/2011 6:56:10 PM
right, yah
3/5/2011 6:57:33 PM
3/5/2011 6:58:17 PM
i gotta pee, and go to the living room where its dark, and get my lube. and figureo ut what the hell I can shove up my cunt to help me get off. there's no toys here.
3/5/2011 6:58:36 PM
that's 17 mins long
3/5/2011 6:59:09 PM
watch a few you'll get the point of what they're doing in the first 10 secs
3/5/2011 7:01:29 PM
3/5/2011 7:06:25 PM
That's where you could start spending your cash on me at, toys

3/5/2011 7:07:23 PM
3/5/2011 7:08:13 PM
need new glasses too.
3/5/2011 7:08:29 PM
that might work
3/5/2011 7:08:30 PM
ooooo got it, the knife sharpener has a decent handle
3/5/2011 7:08:50 PM
3/5/2011 7:09:09 PM
go to bed
3/5/2011 7:09:29 PM
i've got porn and a toy

3/5/2011 7:09:58 PM
sort of a toy anyways
3/5/2011 7:11:58 PM
this silicone lube is amazing
3/5/2011 7:22:08 PM
3/5/2011 7:22:27 PM
like seriously it is perfect for ass fucking
3/5/2011 7:22:35 PM
good, keep it close
3/5/2011 7:22:37 PM
even as it dries you're still lubed
3/5/2011 7:22:40 PM
I need a cleansing
3/5/2011 7:23:33 PM
the only down side is I had like six orgasms watching that stupid video but none of them were complete enough to satisfy me. Which either means i'm over sensitized with the lube, or the nerve in my back is pinched and i'm not getting full feeling.
3/5/2011 7:23:48 PM
yah, prolly
3/5/2011 7:24:22 PM
got the lube though, little goes a long way ten bucks, astroglide premium whatever.
3/5/2011 7:24:57 PM
3/5/2011 7:26:14 PM
its like never ending lube
3/5/2011 7:26:25 PM
mmhmm...that's the best
3/5/2011 7:26:49 PM
3/5/2011 7:35:13 PM
3/5/2011 7:36:52 PM
3/5/2011 7:50:03 PM
hah left a wet spot on the couch
3/5/2011 7:51:05 PM
3/5/2011 7:53:05 PM
potstckers are nummies fried in a cast iron skillet
3/5/2011 7:53:47 PM
3/5/2011 7:54:10 PM
potstickers, you know chinese food stuffs
3/5/2011 7:54:23 PM
3/5/2011 7:55:26 PM
they're really good fried in olive oil on a cast iron skillet
3/5/2011 7:55:40 PM
3/5/2011 7:56:27 PM
pissed with me or 'working'
3/5/2011 7:56:33 PM
watching south park
3/5/2011 7:57:18 PM
ahhhh its commercial break for family guy
3/5/2011 7:59:12 PM
errr its time for american dad. catch fg on toon chennel later
3/5/2011 7:59:26 PM
metalocalypse was awesome last night
3/5/2011 7:59:33 PM
o, you got that cable stuff
3/5/2011 7:59:50 PM
3/5/2011 7:59:59 PM
thanks again

3/5/2011 8:01:13 PM
if nothing else you know your mom won't give em this address cause she's afraid if you're here and you get served they'll arrest me lol
3/5/2011 8:04:24 PM
3/5/2011 8:04:39 PM
cleaning keyboard
3/5/2011 8:10:07 PM
nother benefit of staying here, cable

3/5/2011 8:13:42 PM
do you really think your mom makes me crazy on purpose to keep the kids?
3/5/2011 8:28:24 PM
I mean honestly did it ever occur to you I was fucked up before I met you or your mom?
3/5/2011 8:29:01 PM
I stabbed a chick with a pencil in the hand in fourth grade
3/5/2011 8:29:29 PM
in fith grade I beat the fuck out of her with a slender book with pointy edges for not being only friends with me
3/5/2011 8:29:56 PM
in sixth grade I got expelled for two days because I got into a fist fight with some girl for calling me a name.
3/5/2011 8:30:49 PM
So I don't get what your thing is against your mom. she didn't take the kids away from us, we gave them to her, you could have and still can go file a custody peition but choose not to because you want it all your way instead of the way that would be best for our kids.
3/5/2011 8:31:01 PM
And for all that you blame your mom, when she didn't do anything wrong.
3/5/2011 8:32:09 PM
She's done some unpleasant things in court but in the end the decision came down to the judge who went through everything in front of him and made the choice based on the best interests of the kids.
3/5/2011 8:32:28 PM
Your mom doesn't do shit to make me crazy. That's just crazy thinking.
3/5/2011 8:39:09 PM
In fact in the last five months she's been the most supportive of anythign Iv'e done to encourage me getting them back. She really is just sick of having them all the time, can't afford to keep them, and I think you walking away and working against us is a huge mistake. If you were to be more helpful to speed things up, you'd have her out of your hair faster and know the support you were paying would actually go to your kids not the casino
3/5/2011 8:39:43 PM
3/5/2011 8:47:56 PM
are you walking on them because you're afraid you could never handle it even visiting them alone by yourself?
3/5/2011 8:48:27 PM
walking on what? carpets?
3/5/2011 8:49:19 PM
walking away from the kids.
3/5/2011 8:49:29 PM
i've told you many fucking times why
3/5/2011 8:49:37 PM
why do you have to continuously ask me why
3/5/2011 8:50:33 PM
because I dont' believe you. If you hate your mom and blame her for why things are the way they are, why do you want to leave them there?
3/5/2011 8:50:54 PM
my children are being raised, and they have been raised well
3/5/2011 8:51:02 PM
that's all i need to know and that's all i care about
3/5/2011 8:51:03 PM
enough said
3/5/2011 8:52:03 PM
if you think they're being raised well why do you hate her so much?
3/5/2011 8:52:17 PM
hate who so much
3/5/2011 8:53:21 PM
your mother
3/5/2011 8:53:32 PM
i have my reasons, none of them you should be concerned about
3/5/2011 8:57:16 PM
You may feel that way, but when those reasons affect my children, I find need to be. Its not your moms fault they're with her. She's not purposefully driven me crazy to keep the kids from us, and she's never manipulated us out of them. She's never stopped you from getting them back, in fact you have told her yourself have told her that you cant' take them because you're never going to be stable enough. And if you want to deny that to me, go ahead, your heart knows the truth, but in the long run your hatered of her is creating a situation where our kids are being affected emotionally because you won't see them and intend on fully abandoning them. I agree your mom has a gambling habit and probably only wants support now because she's done herself in and needs money. I agree the money should go to wayne because he's the one who has been supporting them all this time. But in the long run, your lack of support is preventing progress, creating tension in the house they live in.
3/5/2011 8:57:26 PM
Your lack of prescence hurts them every day
3/5/2011 8:57:40 PM
your hatred of your mom and refusal to work with her to be in their lives, is hurting them.
3/5/2011 8:57:49 PM
and what about me?
3/5/2011 8:58:04 PM
I get them back six months from now am I going to have to go through hell to get you to pay child support?
3/5/2011 8:58:07 PM
Because I'll actually need it.
3/5/2011 8:58:49 PM
I may get emotionally better, but physically things are getting worse and I'm afraid I may not be able to go back to work for that reason and reasonably attain work that I can support the four of them with.
3/5/2011 8:59:18 PM
Is welfare what you want your kids to live on for the rest of their lives because you walked away from them and their mother?
3/5/2011 9:00:13 PM
3/5/2011 9:00:17 PM
I can't even get basic needed utilities because of your refusal to keep your end of our divorce agreement.
3/5/2011 9:00:24 PM
so what then?
3/5/2011 9:00:34 PM
wtf all you want, it's real questions.
3/5/2011 9:00:37 PM
you told me to pay mine, not yours
3/5/2011 9:00:59 PM
no I asked you to pay mine, and you said it was cheaper to pay yours, I can't live off yours for the rest of my life matt.
3/5/2011 9:01:11 PM
I sent you the spread sheet of my bills and account numbers.
3/5/2011 9:01:17 PM
You know how much I owe on everything.
3/5/2011 9:01:55 PM
I shouldn't have had to beg you for days to call the electric company and turn the electric on here, i should have been able to call and have it on in my name, at any time in the last six years but couldn't because you never paid that bill
3/5/2011 9:01:57 PM
huh wut?
3/5/2011 9:02:01 PM
same with the gas, same with the cable.
3/5/2011 9:02:09 PM
why you talking so much now?
3/5/2011 9:02:18 PM
savannah has uncovered medical bills from before she went to live with your mom
3/5/2011 9:02:20 PM
i'm gonna log off skype now
3/5/2011 9:02:26 PM
can't stand the truth?
3/6/2011 6:12:11 AM
3/6/2011 8:46:03 AM
What's with all the tears?
3/6/2011 8:48:55 AM
well I guess if you're not going to give me an answer I"m going to get showered and ready for church where people actually like me for who I am and not what I can offer them.
3/6/2011 9:40:06 AM
I'll be back later this afternooon, maybe as late as this evening,depends on what rob is up to today
3/6/2011 10:53:01 PM
change your mind about seeing that convo?
3/6/2011 10:53:22 PM
wtf no changing mind on something that's too late
3/6/2011 10:53:54 PM
sent file "prezzie2.jpg"
File transfer:
3/6/2011 10:54:00 PM
you didn't say it was too late
3/6/2011 10:54:07 PM
you said you weren't gonna show till you got it

3/6/2011 10:55:53 PM
right, yeah
3/6/2011 10:56:06 PM
you wanna see the cam pic with it for proof?
3/6/2011 10:56:15 PM
what cam pic?
3/6/2011 10:56:25 PM
there's no such request as "planning" it out
3/6/2011 10:57:21 PM
well of him, proving it's not a made up conversation. I figured you'd be happy I'm making it happen despite all your bullshit but if you aren't that's fine, I'll still get massively facefucked till I puke and have it on video for my collection.
3/6/2011 10:58:45 PM
my bullshit, huh
3/6/2011 10:59:20 PM
you wanted it done, I'm proving its in the works because I told you it wasn't easy getting randy up here that often, and its likely that by the end of the month, he'll be up here and I"ll have the video you want of me fucking another man 'flaunting' my talents that you aren't man enough to come experience for yourself. But really its okay, you don't wanna see it, i still get to do it, and have fun with it, and keep the video for my private collection. And when I do, I'll be sure to tell you so you can wonder what it looks like and pull MY own bullshit and tell you its too late.
3/6/2011 10:59:41 PM
yeah your bullshit
3/6/2011 11:00:36 PM
your bullshit way of asking for something, saying it's not a priority for you to come here, then making it a demand and then geting pissed off when I say I can't make it happen on your time schedule, and now saying its too late to get it done when I actually have someone who wants to video tape exactly what YOU want for me.
3/6/2011 11:00:40 PM
Your bullshit.
3/6/2011 11:00:56 PM
mmk, my bullshit
3/6/2011 11:01:00 PM
thanks, didn't need an explanation
3/6/2011 11:01:32 PM
I could have been a total bitch and sent you the one with his dick sticking up next to the conversation so you could see that his dick really is bigger than yours.
3/6/2011 11:02:01 PM
i know his dick is bigger than mine. dick size doesn't phase me
3/6/2011 11:02:45 PM
it does when he's talking about face fucking me till I puke
3/6/2011 11:03:02 PM
then it phases you, duh

3/6/2011 11:04:14 PM
i'd think it would phase you because you don't believe that I would take you face fucking me and let you go all the way down my throat, I would think you'd be impressed I took someone bigger than you down my throat and be phased that you haven't had the chance yet and I've been fucking you longer than I've been fucking him.
3/6/2011 11:05:36 PM
until i'm extremely horny next time i might care enough to even give a fuck. right now i'm just "blaaaah hahaha lol" and "rofl" with a "wtf is she talkin' about"
3/6/2011 11:06:39 PM
brb, 5 mins
3/6/2011 11:06:56 PM
3/6/2011 11:13:29 PM
3/6/2011 11:14:03 PM
3/6/2011 11:14:09 PM
so what else do you got to turn back the last couple days of crap?
3/6/2011 11:15:41 PM
i dunno, maybe some of the shots I grabbed of Randy had me with something up my ass showing off
3/6/2011 11:17:05 PM
maybe not, cause i don't think I could have taken pictures of it in my ass from that position lmao
3/6/2011 11:17:47 PM
yeah just me and the tops of my breasts while we conversed about him bringing me a girl next time too
3/6/2011 11:17:51 PM
3/6/2011 11:18:40 PM
well not really. You've dissapointed me so much in the last few days yourself that I have nothing to be sorry.
3/6/2011 11:19:13 PM
then i guess you can keep your money on randy then

3/6/2011 11:20:45 PM
nah, I'll just have my way, get my video and see how you feel then

3/6/2011 11:22:35 PM
see how i feel about what?
3/6/2011 11:23:08 PM
the video of me getting my facefucked so hard I puke on it and getting tied down to the bed while randy and a mystery guest have their way with me.
3/6/2011 11:23:52 PM
when was the last time i saw you in person?
3/6/2011 11:24:24 PM
the night we went to friendlies and the q and you lent me fourty bucks you refused to let me repay because i couldn't do it in person
3/6/2011 11:24:58 PM
which was....
3/6/2011 11:25:05 PM
in the mean time as for money? I'm in a good positioin to suck off some more government tax payers money, and if they won't help I guess i'll have to turn on the water works to Rob and hit him while he's vunerable and get my hands on his retirement pay and let him spoil me for awhile for cleaning up his housing projects and standing up to some jack ass crack head.
3/6/2011 11:25:06 PM
August maybe
3/6/2011 11:25:21 PM
probably later
3/6/2011 11:25:34 PM
sept or november.
3/6/2011 11:25:38 PM
I spent october in La
3/6/2011 11:25:39 PM
almost 8 months ago?
3/6/2011 11:25:44 PM
3/6/2011 11:25:55 PM
but we didn't have sex that night
3/6/2011 11:26:27 PM
nope i gave you a blow job and you gave me fourty bucks
3/6/2011 11:26:45 PM
right, so the last time we had sex was...
3/6/2011 11:26:47 PM
almost a year ago?
3/6/2011 11:26:47 PM
that was supposed to be a loan and it ended up being that you refused repayment cause i couldn't repay on your terms.
3/6/2011 11:26:55 PM
July or august.
3/6/2011 11:27:00 PM
what does it matter?
3/6/2011 11:27:12 PM
it's been almost 10 months

3/6/2011 11:27:15 PM
just reassuring myself
3/6/2011 11:27:16 PM
Is freedom worried about my telling her I fuck you all the time still lol
3/6/2011 11:27:22 PM
nooooo she knows
3/6/2011 11:27:40 PM
obviously if you're living with her and fucking her.
3/6/2011 11:27:50 PM
pffft obviously
3/6/2011 11:27:59 PM
but she knows anyways without all that
3/6/2011 11:28:14 PM
at any rate, you think that going ten months without fucking eachother makies a difference in the fact I'm taking her and you down?
3/6/2011 11:28:35 PM
i'm confused, really
3/6/2011 11:28:59 PM
you want to "prove" to me that you can get me a video "showing me your skills" to...
3/6/2011 11:29:13 PM
and i know it doesn't matter if i want it or not, you'll have it for your collection
3/6/2011 11:29:18 PM
but the question is still answerable
3/6/2011 11:30:20 PM
what question is?
3/6/2011 11:30:42 PM
you asked for a video of me proving my skills to you, so I showed you that I'm working on it. If you didn't want it why ask for it?
3/6/2011 11:31:01 PM
okay okay
3/6/2011 11:31:05 PM
now, my confusion
3/6/2011 11:31:17 PM
If you have some nasty ass whore to fuck, why do you want to come up here and fuck me next week, and why would you need a video of me proving that I have the skills I speak of?
3/6/2011 11:31:25 PM
the day i asked for it, just yesterday you were ready to see my ass off this earth
3/6/2011 11:31:32 PM
and today it's entirely different
3/6/2011 11:31:42 PM
so, that's my confusion
3/6/2011 11:31:49 PM
and i have no ass to fuck, really
3/6/2011 11:32:31 PM
i see your confusion, I still have plans to send your ass in because 1200 dollars can't do much to change my situation right now other than maybe get me new glasses I need, a good hair cut and color, and my nails done, and some nice new clothes.
3/6/2011 11:33:10 PM
oh ok ok...now they are downgraded to plans
3/6/2011 11:33:28 PM
When my priority is having a car and place to live and you can't afford to give me that, or YOU can but refuse to and you're lying. So I do intend on turning your ass in on that just because you're a lying ass bastard. Doesn't mean I can't still prove to you I have skills, that you can't believe I have.
3/6/2011 11:33:34 PM
so, now what happenned that they are downgraded to plans?
3/6/2011 11:33:34 PM
Just to make you look like an ass
3/6/2011 11:34:30 PM
I think you're lying to me aobut the money so unless you care to pull statements from ALL your bank records, because I know you have more than one, and can't give me what I want, I don't see why I can't still benefit from them.
3/6/2011 11:34:48 PM
yesterday they were not "plans", it was expected action
3/6/2011 11:35:17 PM
In the mean time you've been doubting my sexual skills for months now because you haven't been coming aorund to get any and I figure I could at least still prove you wrong.
3/6/2011 11:35:28 PM
that's fine...i've got lots of news for you
3/6/2011 11:35:36 PM
and they're not plans, just alternative expected actions if you really only have 1200 dollars, but I think you're full of shit.
3/6/2011 11:35:53 PM
Either way I know i'm not getting what I want, I"m still turning your ass over, and you're still going to get fucked over
3/6/2011 11:36:31 PM
thats fine, too. you can't "turn my ass over", only someone else like my mom could
3/6/2011 11:36:36 PM
and i'm really not worried about her doing that
3/6/2011 11:38:03 PM
oh she is. She's already spent much time in court trying to figure out how to. All she needs is the address.
3/6/2011 11:38:50 PM
which of course I already provided her.
3/6/2011 11:39:09 PM
you provided her freedoms address
3/6/2011 11:39:11 PM
If you aren't found there because you have left the country, or moved again, it only serves to back her case against you.
3/6/2011 11:39:18 PM
no I provided her YOUR address.
3/6/2011 11:39:33 PM
bullfrog hotel ftw baby!
3/6/2011 11:41:15 PM
Like i said if you aren't serveable there, it goes back tot he court, they start checking your bank accounts, which are all linked to you social security number, and your passport to see if you've fled the country again.
3/6/2011 11:41:29 PM
and if you were really staying there, you wouldn't have to step out of your own room to smoke
3/6/2011 11:41:32 PM
yah, i know this stuff
3/6/2011 11:41:46 PM
and that's the amazing thing about wifi
3/6/2011 11:42:21 PM
its a strech that you'd be getting wifi from macdonalds.
3/6/2011 11:43:25 PM
besides why would you waste your money putting in copper lines and servers at the bullfrog for your projects? If you're going to do that you're going to do it for a more permanant position.
3/6/2011 11:43:29 PM
no, i have a mobile wifi device that converts cellular to 802.11
3/6/2011 11:43:44 PM
it's not "my money" to waste
3/6/2011 11:43:50 PM
i just pay the bills

3/6/2011 11:44:10 PM
3/6/2011 11:44:11 PM
oh its your money alright.
3/6/2011 11:44:30 PM
You're not on virgin mobile you're on Tracfone
3/6/2011 11:44:33 PM
i suppose it's mine, yes, and not yours
3/6/2011 11:44:40 PM
i don't HAVE to be on virgin to use the mifi

3/6/2011 11:44:59 PM
it's subscription
3/6/2011 11:45:03 PM
3/6/2011 11:45:25 PM
that really has no bearing on the fact you're not installing copper lines and servers at the bullfrog.
3/6/2011 11:45:31 PM
nice try at a decoy.
3/6/2011 11:45:34 PM
i'm not installing it, no
3/6/2011 11:46:04 PM
purchased or whatever it is you claim to have done with nearly ten grand in one day.
3/6/2011 11:46:25 PM
i don't have to describe my job or how i spend shit to you
3/6/2011 11:46:38 PM
just get off it it, do what you need to do to break my ass, and get over it
3/6/2011 11:47:21 PM
and at least i could've used an apology for yesterdays crap
3/6/2011 11:47:21 PM
Oh I will. And I will enjoy it. Itss the least you deserve for trying to evade taxes and support, and abandoning your kids for the rest of their lives.
3/6/2011 11:47:29 PM
for what?
3/6/2011 11:47:31 PM
wtf i haven't evaded taxes
3/6/2011 11:47:46 PM
i'm paying 8k this year, bitch!

3/6/2011 11:48:07 PM
so, i'
3/6/2011 11:48:10 PM
i've gotta ge
3/6/2011 11:48:11 PM
I'm sorry for yesterday's crap, i really am because I am that desperate that I would blackmail you to get ahead after the ten years of abuse I endured at your hand
3/6/2011 11:48:14 PM
t dinner becau
3/6/2011 11:48:18 PM
because you just ar
3/6/2011 11:48:24 PM
are taking too m
3/6/2011 11:48:28 PM
much time in pre
3/6/2011 11:48:31 PM
preparing anything mean
3/6/2011 11:48:34 PM
meaningful in reg
3/6/2011 11:48:38 PM
regards to conve
3/6/2011 11:48:39 PM
3/6/2011 11:48:52 PM
3/6/2011 11:49:00 PM
mmm....beef stroganoff
3/6/2011 11:49:12 PM
dueling hotplates ftw
3/6/2011 11:49:14 PM
the least you could do is help me because its your fucking fault i'm in this position in the first place.
3/6/2011 11:50:07 PM
actually, no, it's not my fault
3/6/2011 11:50:22 PM
You listened to everyone who told you my 'disability' was fake and I was using child support to not have to work. You cut me off so I couldn't support our kids so I gave them to your mother.
3/6/2011 11:50:31 PM
you wanted bills paid, and you gave me mine to pay, then they were turned on around you in my name
3/6/2011 11:50:38 PM
so, your stuck with that
3/6/2011 11:50:42 PM
what other things you need?
3/6/2011 11:50:56 PM
oh that's right, your face fucked by some guy and girl in 1-2 weeks..
3/6/2011 11:51:00 PM
honestly I need glasses.
3/6/2011 11:51:01 PM
that's the next thing you came to me with today
3/6/2011 11:51:16 PM
and, of course, now after almost an hour of shit you whine to me with glasses
3/6/2011 11:51:21 PM
Mine are so bad that I can't even see out of them anymore but I don't expect you to give a shit, because you're too busy being bitter
3/6/2011 11:51:34 PM
you are bitter, my dear
3/6/2011 11:51:40 PM
you cannot let go of me on the inside of you
3/6/2011 11:51:44 PM
because you forgot the one thing you wanted me to learn last week, compassion and giving me.
3/6/2011 11:51:58 PM
you challenge me, you threaten me, and you promise things that never completely follow through and hurt everyone in the way
3/6/2011 11:52:13 PM
so, for some reason, i'm stuck with you forever
3/6/2011 11:52:31 PM
pretty much what you've done to me in the last five years matthew so I'm sorry that you can't handle the return of the favor.
3/6/2011 11:52:32 PM
although our vows are rescinded, it's apparently never over for ytou
3/6/2011 11:52:39 PM
that's cool
3/6/2011 11:52:39 PM
You are stuck with me forever.
3/6/2011 11:52:41 PM
and it's 4 years
3/6/2011 11:52:46 PM
cause i haven't seen you for 1 year
3/6/2011 11:52:49 PM
almost 1 year
3/6/2011 11:52:55 PM
My vows aren't recinded, yours are.
3/6/2011 11:53:27 PM
the year still counts for every time you've promised me you were coming back, and then at the last minute bailed on me and went running back to Nancy behind my back,.
3/6/2011 11:53:43 PM
hahahaha me bailing then running to a fake person, right
3/6/2011 11:53:44 PM
I think in the last year you've promised to come back to me three or four times with impossible expectations.
3/6/2011 11:53:49 PM
you are easy to control
3/6/2011 11:53:55 PM
Nancy's not fake, I have pictures of you and her together.
3/6/2011 11:53:58 PM
you are a schmuck
3/6/2011 11:54:26 PM
you would let me do anything to you really
3/6/2011 11:54:28 PM
See while you were busy posting all your fun times on the net, my brother was sending me the pictures
3/6/2011 11:54:31 PM
and its not what i want from you
3/6/2011 11:54:44 PM
and your mom herself told me you've gone there at least once to meet her parents.
3/6/2011 11:54:52 PM

i havent' used facebook for over 8 months
3/6/2011 11:55:01 PM
omfg hahahaha
3/6/2011 11:55:03 PM
your mining hard
3/6/2011 11:55:13 PM
and that she's spoken to nancy who said she would never have a problem taking the kids if anything were to happen and you got custody.
3/6/2011 11:55:24 PM
no I"m not mining matthew, I'm speaking plain fact.
3/6/2011 11:55:33 PM
wanna see the pictures?
3/6/2011 11:55:38 PM
since you doubt me?
3/6/2011 11:55:44 PM
3/6/2011 11:56:58 PM
sent files "1.gif", "2.gif", "3.gif", "4.gif", "5.gif", "6.gif", "7.gif", "mattsaki.jpg", "mattsaki2.jpg"
File transfer:
3/6/2011 11:57:05 PM
pretty sure thats you with Nancy Yip
3/6/2011 11:57:15 PM
pretty sure you didn't fake any of those.
3/6/2011 11:58:09 PM
you spent lots of time posting them up there and mike spent time sending some of them back to me.
3/6/2011 11:59:01 PM
omfg hahaha american assume brothers and sisters last names are the same hahahahaah
3/6/2011 11:59:11 PM
Yip is the first syllable of the name, yes lol
3/6/2011 11:59:26 PM
the name doesn't matter, it proves you spent time with her.
3/6/2011 11:59:35 PM
Your bank statements prove how often you went to see her for the last year
3/6/2011 11:59:54 PM
your own admissions confirm it. You think people don't tell me these things because I'm "too fragile' to hear them?
3/7/2011 12:00:04 AM
noooo...that's not why
3/7/2011 12:00:16 AM
it's because i don't care that you know or not know
3/7/2011 12:00:27 AM
it's because your life has not become knowing what my life is about
3/7/2011 12:00:50 AM
Either way back to you thinking that you can do anything to me, and I"m easy to manipulate and that's not what you want from me, what is it you want from me?
3/7/2011 12:01:09 AM
and my life has to become knowing what your life is about. why do you think I go to such lenghts to get information about you.
3/7/2011 12:01:36 AM
and find out most of what you don't want me to know because people are willing to tell me because you've turned into such an asshole they don't want you around anymore.
3/7/2011 12:02:47 AM
and if you truly dont' care if I do know, why go to such lengths to hide everything?
3/7/2011 12:06:45 AM
No answers as typical because you don't want to face the reality in what I have to say. And you know that's fine. Enjoy your roach motel, with loud music everynight, and a guarantee'd whore to fuck anytime you wanna go down to the bar and find one. Who knows maybe Jackie wills how back up and you fuck her and ruin her life again
3/7/2011 12:07:31 AM
There's a bout a hundred things I really do need, and you aren't willing to help me so you're a waste of my time if my video doesn't interest you anymore. I was underthe impression last night that you were still interested in it.
3/7/2011 12:08:48 AM
Goodnight Matthew. Good Luck hiding for the rest of your life. If you had truly filed taxes your mother would have no problem finding you for support, so I call your bluff there, I know you have more than 1200 bucks and you could help me if you really wanted to and I offered an arrangement that worked for both of us but you aren't interested in doing anything that would help me get our kids home and away from your mother whom you loathe.
3/7/2011 12:09:16 AM
You're not worth my time. At least when I talk to randy, even though it's casual fucking, he acts like he gives a damn.
3/7/2011 12:09:51 AM
and my friends here care enough not to let me be homeless, or to have to walk two miles into town to get what I need when I literally feel nothing from the waist down
3/7/2011 12:10:04 AM
Youre mother was right, you are a monster.
3/7/2011 12:10:20 AM
and I"m not really interested in manipulative, abusive monsters anymore.
3/7/2011 12:11:02 AM
wtf a book?
3/7/2011 12:11:15 AM
i can't even pee without skipping through tons of crap to just read
3/7/2011 12:20:00 AM
because you don't care to read
3/7/2011 12:20:18 AM
what's the sense in asking to come here if you don't want me as I am, easy to manipulate?
3/7/2011 12:24:20 AM
so? what's the sense of you asking me to come here to squat if you don't want me to be easy to manipulate by you? what is it you want for me?
3/7/2011 12:25:22 AM
cause i said so
3/7/2011 12:26:38 AM
lol that doesnt' even answer the question.
3/7/2011 12:27:08 AM
i know, wtf
3/7/2011 12:27:27 AM
what do you want from me and my life? "cause I said so" that makes loads of sense, then you wonder why i get all bitter and bitchy and black mail you to save my own skin for all the times you've treated me like shit and didn't have to.
3/7/2011 12:29:18 AM
You think you're confused? I'm confused.
3/7/2011 12:29:42 AM
no, i'm just not caring much about the entire thing due to all the animosity
3/7/2011 12:29:44 AM
You're pissed I blackmailed you, got over, aren't going to help me and then tell me you don't want me to be easily manipulated by you and when I'm not you don't want that eiather.
3/7/2011 12:29:49 AM
so, i'm like 20% here in conversation
3/7/2011 12:29:53 AM
what animosity?
3/7/2011 12:30:24 AM
3/7/2011 12:31:28 AM
I meant more along the lines of who's showing anomosity?
3/7/2011 12:31:38 AM
like I don't have a reason to be bitter?
3/7/2011 12:32:00 AM
3/7/2011 12:32:02 AM
you played me like a fiddle for ten years and walked out on me leaving me nothing, and then don't even pay the bills of mine you're supposed to, and THEN even worse abandon ourkids.
3/7/2011 12:32:08 AM
why shouldn't I be a little bitter?
3/7/2011 12:32:26 AM
Why shouldn't I in a moment of desperation try to turn the tables on you and use you for a change?
3/7/2011 12:34:43 AM
3/7/2011 12:35:12 AM
you were desperate yesterday, that desperation isn't over...no "moment" for you
3/7/2011 12:36:19 AM
the moment is over, why else would I offer the video thing to you knowing that even if you claim you don't want it right now, you will when it happens.
3/7/2011 12:36:34 AM
mmk, what else?
3/7/2011 12:37:17 AM
I"m trying to understand what is it you meant when you stated that my being easily manipulated is not what you wanted for me.
3/7/2011 12:37:24 AM
I'd like you to explain it to me.
3/7/2011 12:37:32 AM
3/7/2011 12:37:46 AM
why not?
3/7/2011 12:38:32 AM
because you think I'm still desperate and unable to carry on a normal conversation with you, when really that's all i've been looking for for the last five years.
3/7/2011 12:41:56 AM
No i think its more that you have an idea of what my life should be, and since I'm not willing ot give up on our kids and you are, you can't deal with it.
3/7/2011 12:42:43 AM
i think you should just be yourself now
3/7/2011 12:43:45 AM
I am being myself, you seem to have a problem with that.
3/7/2011 12:44:50 AM
you have a problem with me not walking away from our kids because part of who I am is their mother no matter what the challenge I may face in being in their lives?
3/7/2011 12:46:38 AM
I go to church on sunday not because i need something to do but because i like it there, and think it'd be a good place for our kids to go soon.
3/7/2011 12:47:07 AM
I am doing stupid drug and alcohol treatments because maybe there's a problem there even if I don't think so, and it'll make the court happy when I'm done with it all and file for custody.
3/7/2011 12:47:58 AM
i don't care about the kids, you do
3/7/2011 12:48:06 AM
you think i should, i don't care what you think
3/7/2011 12:48:13 AM
see the problem?
3/7/2011 12:48:19 AM
I do this stupid ass feelings card every day for many weeks because it makes my shrink happy and in six months he'll be one more person to say i'm stable and fine to return the kids to, not because I like it, but because in order to be who I am, myself, I have to. Because who I am, is the mother of four kids, with a father who gave up on his own flesh in blood in selfishness.
3/7/2011 12:48:57 AM
because having easy pussy to fuck and money became more important than his own children, and that's where I truly become bitter. You loved those kids just as much as i do. How you can give up on them is beyond me.
3/7/2011 12:49:26 AM
they are just like you, hurt by your dissapearance, and miss you and you just care about yourself because some chinese whore taught you nothing but selfishness.
3/7/2011 12:49:35 AM
nonono american whore
3/7/2011 12:50:07 AM
and then rather man up to your faults, you run away like a coward.
3/7/2011 12:50:18 AM
no chinese whroe, you loved your kids before you left america.
3/7/2011 12:50:21 AM
you came back a monster
3/7/2011 12:52:03 AM
besides I'm not a whore, and the only other woman involved in our kids' lives is your mother and she's definitely not a whore. YOu loved them enough to say good bye and see them when you left, and when you came back from you chinese whore after a year of living with her and bouncing back and fourth, you decided suddenly you hated them.
3/7/2011 12:54:58 AM
eight months ago you wanted to teach me about compassion and love and giving, and now you think only of yourself. Something between eight months ago and when you came back, changed you. I'm guessing you gave your heart to the chinese whore and found out she only wanted you for your programming skills and the fact you can earn her money.
3/7/2011 12:55:31 AM
ugh books
3/7/2011 12:55:59 AM
good night
3/8/2011 11:04:26 AM
Yeah you look real fat and bald to me.
3/8/2011 11:04:28 AM
Nice tatt
3/8/2011 11:04:33 AM
wanna buy me one?
3/8/2011 11:05:16 AM
The picture by the way does not show that you are the bullfrog

3/8/2011 11:16:21 AM
as much as I love you I hate you for what you're doing to our kids, what you've done to me. You're right I'd do anything to make you happy,, and it should stop. But then i see that photo and I see the you I used to know in those eyes and that's what I can't forget. And I think its a shame you covered up something that was a part of your history and part of what made you you.
3/10/2011 12:58:42 AM
besides i figured you were gonna be here yesterday
3/10/2011 12:58:46 AM
and you're not
3/10/2011 12:59:49 AM
hows i posed to fuck with your head?
3/10/2011 1:00:33 AM
you know when i got this damned tounge ring I didn't take medicine and now I do and its kinda a pain in the ass to swallow all these damn pills all at once
3/10/2011 1:01:03 AM
3/10/2011 1:02:08 AM
yeah i put it back in and bought girlie tounge rings, I have a pink n blue butterfly in right now
3/10/2011 1:03:30 AM
3/10/2011 1:04:47 AM
and there's two pink ones and a black one with silver flecks and the standard silver
3/10/2011 1:04:54 AM
well, lets see
3/10/2011 1:05:14 AM
and u got the video i don't want?
3/10/2011 1:05:24 AM
he's coming friday after he comes back from baltimore
3/10/2011 1:05:29 AM
we arranged it for then
3/10/2011 1:05:42 AM
so, tomorrow
3/10/2011 1:05:47 AM
or, 2 days from now
3/10/2011 1:05:48 AM
he's gonna do his best to fuck my ass so hard I cry
3/10/2011 1:05:57 AM
i thought you were gettin' a chick too
3/10/2011 1:06:22 AM
I dunno if he was able to arrange for the chick that fast, he just really really really wants my ass right now. \
3/10/2011 1:06:31 AM
well, of course
3/10/2011 1:07:09 AM
you wanna see all the rings or just the butterfly?
3/10/2011 1:07:16 AM
all you got to offer
3/10/2011 1:07:29 AM
lemme go grab the others
3/10/2011 1:10:14 AM
3/10/2011 1:10:59 AM
did you want to see this or not?
3/10/2011 1:11:02 AM
3/10/2011 1:11:04 AM
oh sorry, was grabbing my dick in the bathroom
3/10/2011 1:11:09 AM
3/10/2011 1:11:32 AM
eh, its ok
3/10/2011 1:11:40 AM
you got other big things
3/10/2011 1:11:42 AM
oh nice
3/10/2011 1:11:52 AM
3/10/2011 1:11:54 AM
no don't take it out
3/10/2011 1:12:06 AM
oi...your supposed to keep it in w/ mouthwash
3/10/2011 1:12:24 AM
yah, told ya not to
3/10/2011 1:13:03 AM
connection is good here yay!
3/10/2011 1:13:23 AM
yah, antenna needs to be vertical
3/10/2011 1:14:17 AM
oh cool
3/10/2011 1:14:19 AM
3/10/2011 1:14:24 AM
very nice
3/10/2011 1:14:32 AM
3/10/2011 1:14:40 AM
w0000 legs!
3/10/2011 1:14:54 AM
oooo nice!
3/10/2011 1:15:03 AM
3/10/2011 1:15:05 AM
i like that one
3/10/2011 1:15:12 AM
3/10/2011 1:15:14 AM
3/10/2011 1:15:18 AM
can imagine that on things
3/10/2011 1:15:21 AM
oh wow
3/10/2011 1:15:30 AM
3/10/2011 1:15:48 AM
wow, been in pain huh
3/10/2011 1:15:54 AM
and a necklace
3/10/2011 1:16:03 AM
3/10/2011 1:16:11 AM
o.O! panties!
3/10/2011 1:16:16 AM
3/10/2011 1:16:29 AM
thats cool
3/10/2011 1:16:39 AM
3/10/2011 1:16:40 AM
5 years
3/10/2011 1:17:12 AM
yah, mmhmm
3/10/2011 1:17:16 AM
3/10/2011 1:17:19 AM
3/10/2011 1:17:25 AM
3/10/2011 1:17:30 AM
you should be nekked under blankie!
3/10/2011 1:17:32 AM
3/10/2011 1:17:48 AM
then on super "tease" mode
3/10/2011 1:17:53 AM
3/10/2011 1:17:55 AM
3/10/2011 1:17:59 AM
3/10/2011 1:18:01 AM
always want it
3/10/2011 1:18:06 AM
wtf you think i am lol
3/10/2011 1:18:09 AM
3/10/2011 1:18:15 AM
must've been someone else
3/10/2011 1:18:24 AM
...don't remember
3/10/2011 1:18:28 AM
3/10/2011 1:18:32 AM
you "mentioned" it
3/10/2011 1:18:38 AM
something like the knife thing
3/10/2011 1:18:40 AM
3/10/2011 1:18:44 AM
i saw, like, 2 mins of that
3/10/2011 1:18:49 AM
and you TOLD me of the handle
3/10/2011 1:18:52 AM
right yah
3/10/2011 1:19:09 AM
3/10/2011 1:19:15 AM

i don't get same show
3/10/2011 1:19:33 AM
eh, cam is better than first person

3/10/2011 1:19:35 AM
better view
3/10/2011 1:19:43 AM
3/10/2011 1:19:48 AM

randy gets more than me
3/10/2011 1:20:02 AM
pfft you don't treat him like shit
3/10/2011 1:20:05 AM
you treat me like shit
3/10/2011 1:20:09 AM
i just retiurn it
3/10/2011 1:20:14 AM
3/10/2011 1:20:16 AM
3/10/2011 1:20:27 AM
3/10/2011 1:20:32 AM
how ya doin girlie?
3/10/2011 1:20:37 AM
you has pretty hair tonite!
3/10/2011 1:20:57 AM
it looks lighter now!
3/10/2011 1:21:11 AM
3/10/2011 1:21:18 AM
oh wow, yes
3/10/2011 1:21:24 AM
maybe have seen it wet yes
3/10/2011 1:21:38 AM
oh yes?
3/10/2011 1:22:03 AM
pfft late 20's my ass, your 18
3/10/2011 1:22:13 AM
it's FACT
3/10/2011 1:22:16 AM
3/10/2011 1:22:34 AM
3/10/2011 1:22:55 AM
3/10/2011 1:23:06 AM
yup, you do look cute!
3/10/2011 1:23:16 AM
3/10/2011 1:23:34 AM
sounds amazing!
3/10/2011 1:23:46 AM
3/10/2011 1:23:54 AM
3/10/2011 1:24:00 AM
then just avoid 'em
3/10/2011 1:25:06 AM
3/10/2011 1:25:06 AM
3/10/2011 1:25:18 AM
3/10/2011 1:26:13 AM
3/10/2011 1:26:20 AM
3/10/2011 1:26:31 AM
"Jesus! You've FUCKED YOURSELF again!"
3/10/2011 1:26:36 AM
yah, makes sense lol
3/10/2011 1:27:19 AM
3/10/2011 1:27:24 AM
3/10/2011 1:27:33 AM
3/10/2011 1:27:39 AM
i don't mind bein lonely
3/10/2011 1:27:42 AM
i been used to it
3/10/2011 1:27:48 AM
3/10/2011 1:27:51 AM
3/10/2011 1:27:56 AM
you don't like what?
3/10/2011 1:27:57 AM
3/10/2011 1:28:03 AM
3/10/2011 1:28:05 AM
then find ppl
3/10/2011 1:28:08 AM
to hang with
3/10/2011 1:28:12 AM
3/10/2011 1:28:18 AM
3/10/2011 1:28:20 AM
some crazy people
3/10/2011 1:28:26 AM
3/10/2011 1:28:30 AM
i'm 3 ppl in 1
3/10/2011 1:28:37 AM
i'm too much

3/10/2011 1:28:42 AM
yah i am
3/10/2011 1:28:52 AM
mind, heart, and dick
3/10/2011 1:28:54 AM
3/10/2011 1:29:01 AM
makes me 3 ppl
3/10/2011 1:29:13 AM
3/10/2011 1:29:19 AM
3/10/2011 1:29:24 AM
always a 4-way with me
3/10/2011 1:29:38 AM
what tattoo?
3/10/2011 1:29:48 AM
that's body art
3/10/2011 1:29:58 AM
pfft you think i got a tattoo?
3/10/2011 1:30:00 AM
3/10/2011 1:30:15 AM
3/10/2011 1:30:26 AM
the cross is still there
3/10/2011 1:30:32 AM
the shit washed off
3/10/2011 1:30:33 AM
3/10/2011 1:30:35 AM
3/10/2011 1:30:48 AM
a picture...doesn't move
3/10/2011 1:30:52 AM
3/10/2011 1:31:11 AM
3/10/2011 1:31:44 AM
i don't remember it
3/10/2011 1:31:51 AM
3/10/2011 1:31:55 AM
hows chuck workin' ya?
3/10/2011 1:32:08 AM
good to hear!
3/10/2011 1:32:16 AM
3/10/2011 1:32:17 AM
i'm not
3/10/2011 1:32:19 AM
i'm too tired
3/10/2011 1:32:21 AM
lots of work today
3/10/2011 1:32:33 AM
lots of work tomorrow
3/10/2011 1:32:42 AM
and i have to travel to rochester on sat
3/10/2011 1:32:55 AM
wish i knew where ya were
3/10/2011 1:32:57 AM
i'd stop by
3/10/2011 1:33:02 AM
give you a hug
3/10/2011 1:33:07 AM
slap my butt in front of you
3/10/2011 1:33:23 AM
i don't remember addresses
3/10/2011 1:33:27 AM
i'm guy, 10 years too long
3/10/2011 1:33:42 AM
8 months since what?
3/10/2011 1:33:42 AM
5100 Clinton Street Road Lot 42 batavia ny 14020
3/10/2011 1:33:51 AM
3/10/2011 1:33:58 AM
thought since it was i last...yah
3/10/2011 1:34:13 AM
3/10/2011 1:34:17 AM
what starts tomorrow?
3/10/2011 1:34:22 AM
3/10/2011 1:34:24 AM
3/10/2011 1:34:33 AM
what u doin' saturday?
3/10/2011 1:34:48 AM
thought that dude...whats his name...was coming friday
3/10/2011 1:34:57 AM
3/10/2011 1:35:06 AM
you sellin' showtime?
3/10/2011 1:35:09 AM
3/10/2011 1:35:20 AM
3/10/2011 1:35:27 AM
3/10/2011 1:35:34 AM
i'm almost flat-ass broke too
3/10/2011 1:35:38 AM
i not a rich guy
3/10/2011 1:35:50 AM
i had $75k 5 months ago
3/10/2011 1:36:01 AM
$70k went to other peoples bills
3/10/2011 1:36:09 AM
i've lived on $5k the last couple months
3/10/2011 1:36:19 AM
nonono...not "those" bills
3/10/2011 1:36:32 AM
3/10/2011 1:36:34 AM
you tired now?
3/10/2011 1:36:42 AM
3/10/2011 1:37:03 AM
3/10/2011 1:37:04 AM
3/10/2011 1:37:09 AM
randy will take care of it for you
3/10/2011 1:37:14 AM
3/10/2011 1:37:15 AM
3/10/2011 1:37:20 AM
he will make it all better
3/10/2011 1:37:25 AM
3/10/2011 1:37:30 AM
3/10/2011 1:37:35 AM
that's not a good thing?
3/10/2011 1:37:54 AM
for a what?
3/10/2011 1:38:16 AM
eh, not going there
3/10/2011 1:38:18 AM
just cause
3/10/2011 1:38:29 AM
i don't wanna blame you
3/10/2011 1:38:55 AM
you misinterpret what i say all the time
3/10/2011 1:38:58 AM
even now you are
3/10/2011 1:39:12 AM
mmhmm...me 2
3/10/2011 1:39:25 AM
once i get back to ny, i'll be out by sunday
3/10/2011 1:39:47 AM
mmhmm...hawties everywhere! w0000
3/10/2011 1:39:58 AM
3/10/2011 1:40:23 AM
3/10/2011 1:40:31 AM
yah, i still have my whore in hong kong to wire me money
3/10/2011 1:40:34 AM
and i can go back there
3/10/2011 1:40:34 AM
3/10/2011 1:40:35 AM
so sad
3/10/2011 1:40:43 AM
3/10/2011 1:40:44 AM
3/10/2011 1:40:49 AM
3/10/2011 1:40:50 AM
3/10/2011 1:40:51 AM
3/10/2011 1:40:53 AM
i so broke
3/10/2011 1:40:55 AM
she so rich
3/10/2011 1:40:58 AM
why i get money?!?!!
3/10/2011 1:40:59 AM
no way
3/10/2011 1:41:04 AM
3/10/2011 1:41:09 AM
she so rich?
3/10/2011 1:41:11 AM
3/10/2011 1:41:11 AM
3/10/2011 1:41:12 AM
3/10/2011 1:41:19 AM
i'm just on your side
3/10/2011 1:41:22 AM
you don't like it
3/10/2011 1:41:30 AM
wtf would i be there for?
3/10/2011 1:41:34 AM
one reason?
3/10/2011 1:41:37 AM
3/10/2011 1:41:38 AM
3/10/2011 1:41:45 AM
don't need to...
3/10/2011 1:41:47 AM
3/10/2011 1:41:52 AM
randy'll help you on that
3/10/2011 1:41:56 AM
your not sick
3/10/2011 1:42:01 AM
and your not healthy
3/10/2011 1:42:06 AM
3/10/2011 1:42:09 AM
and your not rich or poor
3/10/2011 1:42:16 AM
and you attempted death, but you fail
3/10/2011 1:42:18 AM
3/10/2011 1:42:19 AM
3/10/2011 1:42:20 AM
3/10/2011 1:42:21 AM
3/10/2011 1:42:24 AM
3/10/2011 1:42:48 AM
and refuses to see you?
3/10/2011 1:43:03 AM
3/10/2011 1:43:08 AM
why yesterday?
3/10/2011 1:43:09 AM
or today?
3/10/2011 1:43:11 AM
what gives?
3/10/2011 1:43:24 AM
you not ready

3/10/2011 1:43:35 AM
i did?
3/10/2011 1:43:48 AM
3/10/2011 1:43:53 AM
3/10/2011 1:44:15 AM
3/10/2011 1:45:30 AM
3/10/2011 1:45:31 AM
3/10/2011 1:45:57 AM
was there reason to?
3/10/2011 1:46:14 AM
3/10/2011 1:46:17 AM
maybe for pizza
3/10/2011 1:46:22 AM
3/10/2011 1:46:26 AM
oh yah
3/10/2011 1:46:31 AM
you still got clothes
3/10/2011 1:46:47 AM
oh yah
3/10/2011 1:46:48 AM
that's right
3/10/2011 1:46:53 AM
sorry, i'm falling behind
3/10/2011 1:47:04 AM
that dude....ricky?..
3/10/2011 1:47:07 AM
he'll take care of it
3/10/2011 1:47:09 AM
3/10/2011 1:47:09 AM
3/10/2011 1:47:11 AM
3/10/2011 1:47:18 AM
....i do?
3/10/2011 1:47:25 AM
that's so ... sad
3/10/2011 1:47:28 AM
everyone is like that w/ me
3/10/2011 1:47:35 AM
hate doing that
3/10/2011 1:47:39 AM
can't even do it
3/10/2011 1:47:45 AM
3/10/2011 1:47:54 AM
you wouldn't be anywhere skilled as you are if we were married
3/10/2011 1:48:00 AM
3/10/2011 1:48:06 AM
admit it
3/10/2011 1:48:07 AM
3/10/2011 1:48:10 AM
3/10/2011 1:48:12 AM
3/10/2011 1:48:17 AM
3/10/2011 1:48:19 AM
you had to learnz
3/10/2011 1:48:39 AM
cause your not the "perfect"...w/e
3/10/2011 1:48:54 AM
...you don't understand
3/10/2011 1:49:00 AM
mmk, i gotta get rollin' here
3/10/2011 1:49:04 AM
it's good to see ya!

3/10/2011 1:49:11 AM
the piercings are cool
3/10/2011 1:49:12 AM
3/10/2011 1:49:21 AM
and the tongue ring brings back cool memories
3/10/2011 1:49:27 AM
and your hair is nice
3/10/2011 1:49:33 AM
ok, w/e you say

3/10/2011 1:49:37 AM
3/10/2011 1:49:48 AM
memories are different than actual life
3/10/2011 1:49:54 AM
can't tie the two
3/10/2011 1:50:03 AM
no, they're worth "keeping" and "cherishing"
3/10/2011 1:50:11 AM
can't mix two things together
3/10/2011 1:50:28 AM
mmk, should i bring anything saturday if all is ok?
3/10/2011 1:50:44 AM
so, is that a no? bring nothing?
3/10/2011 1:50:57 AM
you got pop?
3/10/2011 1:51:03 AM
3/10/2011 1:51:05 AM
and chips?
3/10/2011 1:51:12 AM
3/10/2011 1:51:16 AM
just wonderin' lol
3/10/2011 1:51:19 AM
and cable tv?
3/10/2011 1:51:24 AM
3/10/2011 1:51:33 AM
3/10/2011 1:51:39 AM
3/10/2011 1:51:49 AM
what is showtime on demand have to do with it?
3/10/2011 1:52:13 AM
...isnt' showtime on demand free?
3/10/2011 1:52:15 AM
...o ok
3/10/2011 1:52:22 AM
anything good?
3/10/2011 1:52:30 AM
3/10/2011 1:52:41 AM
wierd dreams?
3/10/2011 1:52:49 AM
3/10/2011 1:53:41 AM
3/10/2011 1:53:45 AM
nothin' good

3/10/2011 1:53:59 AM
oh lol ok
3/10/2011 1:54:02 AM
3/10/2011 1:54:06 AM
3/10/2011 1:54:13 AM
yah, u roolz in your dreams
3/10/2011 1:54:35 AM
3/10/2011 1:54:38 AM
3/10/2011 1:54:53 AM
3/10/2011 1:55:16 AM
3/10/2011 1:55:46 AM
3/10/2011 1:55:48 AM
3/10/2011 1:55:49 AM
3/10/2011 1:55:50 AM
so, would you like to "talk" about anything on sat so i have something to prepare for?
3/10/2011 1:56:04 AM
wtf is hanging out
3/10/2011 1:56:07 AM
3/10/2011 1:56:08 AM
no books!
3/10/2011 1:56:10 AM
3/10/2011 1:56:13 AM
3/10/2011 1:56:15 AM
3/10/2011 1:56:21 AM
3/10/2011 1:56:32 AM
get you there crying?
3/10/2011 1:56:33 AM
3/10/2011 1:56:37 AM
no begging
3/10/2011 1:56:47 AM
...that's wrong
3/10/2011 1:56:52 AM
cause you'll do anything to keep me there
3/10/2011 1:57:01 AM
like, knife to neck shit
3/10/2011 1:57:08 AM
3/10/2011 1:57:24 AM
is it true? you'lll do almost anything to keep me there
3/10/2011 1:57:35 AM
what about a gun?
3/10/2011 1:57:40 AM
3/10/2011 1:57:42 AM
just checkin'
3/10/2011 1:57:42 AM
3/10/2011 1:57:50 AM
you'd blacken my eyes?
3/10/2011 1:57:56 AM
i'm just makin' sure
3/10/2011 1:58:01 AM
what about rip my clothing?
3/10/2011 1:58:02 AM
3/10/2011 1:58:04 AM
i'm checkin'
3/10/2011 1:58:08 AM
i'm seein your extreme
3/10/2011 1:58:14 AM
but i wanna

3/10/2011 1:58:29 AM
that would suck to be disproven
3/10/2011 1:58:35 AM
i can believe
3/10/2011 1:58:44 AM
it was when you started to explain the whole "beg to stay" thing
3/10/2011 1:58:47 AM
and "crying" and stuff
3/10/2011 1:59:00 AM
maybe it's that time
3/10/2011 1:59:03 AM
...of t
3/10/2011 1:59:03 AM
3/10/2011 1:59:15 AM
that's good!
3/10/2011 1:59:25 AM
pfft...go to court!
3/10/2011 1:59:36 AM
3/10/2011 1:59:38 AM
3/10/2011 1:59:41 AM
it's hard market
3/10/2011 1:59:43 AM
they know this
3/10/2011 1:59:50 AM
it's up to the judge
3/10/2011 1:59:57 AM
and put big red bow in your hair
3/10/2011 2:00:18 AM
ugh...11pm...almost bedtime
3/10/2011 2:00:39 AM
you should sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
3/10/2011 2:00:46 AM
o ok
3/10/2011 2:00:55 AM
right ok
3/10/2011 2:00:57 AM
3/10/2011 2:00:59 AM
3/10/2011 2:01:00 AM
wrong drunk
3/10/2011 2:01:07 AM
3/10/2011 2:01:10 AM
3/10/2011 2:01:13 AM
but not really
3/10/2011 2:01:21 AM
3/10/2011 2:01:23 AM
mmk, girlie
3/10/2011 2:01:25 AM
thx for the talk
3/10/2011 2:01:29 AM
go watch tv
3/10/2011 2:01:33 AM

3/11/2011 11:10:49 PM
3/11/2011 11:11:39 PM
skype is accting up or something. Txt me I guess.
3/11/2011 11:53:29 PM
3/11/2011 11:53:37 PM
3/17/2011 11:11:46 PM
oh yeah its good.
3/17/2011 11:12:07 PM
you wanna see your pupil excelling?
3/17/2011 11:13:20 PM
sent file "P3170064.AVI"
File transfer:
3/17/2011 11:22:36 PM
you don't want new video footage?
3/17/2011 11:41:09 PM
well it'll be there I guess waiting....
3/18/2011 12:03:56 AM
3/18/2011 12:11:38 AM
you out to lunch or something?
3/18/2011 12:31:56 AM
oh now your'e getting it coolies. sorry its huge its raw footage of me getting cock slammed down my throat
3/18/2011 12:43:15 AM
he didn't too bad shooting considering he was jamming it down my throat either
3/18/2011 12:46:41 AM
well, lets revew
3/18/2011 12:47:04 AM
wait, is this all you have?
3/18/2011 12:56:14 AM

i'll keep skype on for the night. hate installing this over and over again
3/18/2011 2:39:52 AM
you didn't watch? I have a video of me being fucked in the face (if you didn't notice my hands were not on his body) and its a video of me doing something sexual with someone else, which you've been after for a long time.
3/18/2011 2:41:29 AM
and you say this is all you have?
3/18/2011 2:43:00 AM
I don't exactly have to get an hours worth of fil. you wanted to see me with another man, exploiting my 'talents' and you go it. If you want more than that you're just plain greeddy, which i've noticed a lot of lately. and don't lie about the install/uninstall. I've seen you online at your mother and brothers when you've blocked me. You really are the worst liar I know.
3/18/2011 8:43:25 AM
well, i was simply asking. you didn't have to go all beast mode and make me regret for asking
3/18/2011 8:44:25 AM
you're right I'm sorry. I'm frustrated with a lot of things right now and I went overboard.
3/18/2011 8:44:39 AM
yes, it was amazing and immaculate. i was clearly excited over it that i had to pinch one off.
3/18/2011 8:44:47 AM
3/18/2011 8:46:06 AM
but after waking up and seeing that it just reminds me of how "special" you are when it comes to you being a complete and utter buzzkill
3/18/2011 8:47:21 AM
you can feel that way, but you can't exactly say you're innocent in pushing buttons and I took what you wrote the wrong way and got angry.
3/18/2011 8:49:02 AM
because in the past you have done a lot of things to push my buttons and upset and this is how the cycle continues.
3/18/2011 8:49:24 AM
proved by your comment on how 'special' I am.
3/18/2011 8:49:53 AM
if you had wanted to handle it a different way you could have asked why I was being so defensive to try to find out why I was so upset at your statement and replied as I had.
3/18/2011 8:52:24 AM
fair enough
3/18/2011 8:58:46 AM
and for your information, I got defensive because in the last three years I've been people pleasing, including you in my desperate attemtps to bring you home, and I felt like nothing I ever did was good enough. That I haven't been good enough for you to love me for a long time, which is probably true.
3/18/2011 8:59:23 AM
Either way, when you worded your question as you did I took it to assume it wasn't good enough even though it was exactly what you wanted and I got angry.
3/18/2011 9:00:18 AM
and I'm sure I've done the same to you so I'm sorry for that too.
3/18/2011 9:02:35 AM
3/18/2011 9:02:42 AM
you have lots of fun last night?
3/18/2011 9:03:40 AM
yeah I did actually, Katelyn was pretty cute for being a little on the heavy side, and well randy was randy, he actually glows after sex...the whole goofy grin thing lol. What was bes is Katelyn was a threesome virgin.
3/18/2011 9:03:52 AM
Never had a girl in her life, so she had a great time too.
3/18/2011 9:05:38 AM
I just have a small issue with Randy. When we're together, he acts like a boyfriend would, in the kissing/cuddling thing. But he's got a girlfriend in buffalo so I get the mixed signal things going on. Like I know it's pretty much friends with benefits, but I've never had that before where the guy didn't just get up and get dressed when the benefits were over.
3/18/2011 9:11:35 AM
oh wow...what else?
3/18/2011 9:13:28 AM
well it was a good night, you want a play by play or something lol
3/18/2011 9:13:34 AM
3/18/2011 9:16:06 AM
lol well they got in, and of course us girls stood there trying to decide who was going to initiate so Randy did. He just whipped it out and told me to start sucking. I have like a thirty second video from that, and then he led kate into is, guided her to kissing me, and helping me suck his cock and then he started working on us, and actually managed to make us both cum at the same time. Led us to the couch and did it again. Then I asked Kate which she'd rather, eat first or be eaten first since she's never done anything with a girl before. She decided to eat first and I told her basically I go with the rule of thumb, do what I like done to me and usually you find out from there what a girl likes.
3/18/2011 9:17:05 AM
She got me off while randy fucked her, and then we swapped, only while I ate her randy fucked my ass and was all showing off how I could take all of him up my ass (apparently she can't) and he helped me get off while he did that.
3/18/2011 9:17:53 AM
then it was choke out time. He actually filmed it while we did it, I'd have figured he'd have given her the camera but, that was cool. By then it was getting late so we cleaned up, copied the vid and they went home.
3/18/2011 9:18:02 AM
sent file "P3170063.AVI"
File transfer:
3/18/2011 9:18:17 AM
that's the short one. not much to it really but I suppose you'll watch it anyways
3/18/2011 9:19:01 AM
3/18/2011 9:19:25 AM
i mean, after seein the first one i was like "Damn, i'm about to be on a bus" which is why i got up early
3/18/2011 9:19:37 AM
but then our little morning scuffle, so i'm just chillin' illin' now
3/18/2011 9:20:46 AM
I"m sorry that you can't see it as resolved since we discussed it like adults.
3/18/2011 9:21:36 AM
oh, i do now, it's just blah
3/18/2011 9:22:17 AM
not good enough to get on a bus anyways.
3/18/2011 9:22:51 AM
3/18/2011 9:24:39 AM
sorry. I speak before I think.
3/18/2011 9:25:22 AM
that's me going back to buzzkill cause i feel like even though we resolved it, it wasn't good enough to change your feelings or understanding of why I reacted the way I did.
3/18/2011 9:27:59 AM
I feel as though you don't see the changes and hard work I have made and been doing to become better. I feel like its too late and sometimes wonder why I'm even bothering to try.
3/18/2011 9:31:45 AM
i see the changes sexually
3/18/2011 9:31:51 AM
and you've just proven them to me bar none
3/18/2011 9:32:36 AM
that's not all I'm trying to prove. that's not all I'm trying to change.
3/18/2011 9:34:40 AM
well, to me everything else just seems like the old you...
3/18/2011 9:34:52 AM
i mean, you fire off before thinking, as does everyone else
3/18/2011 9:35:11 AM
you do alot of whistleblowing
3/18/2011 9:36:01 AM
you lump together alot of things as one, and when one thing goes it seems like the entire thing is gone
3/18/2011 9:39:07 AM
its the cycle. You are a part of that. I'm doing my best to change, but you don't care to anymore, you push buttons, you devestate me and at times it feels like on purppose, I go off the deep end, and I feel like killing myself, I honestly fucking do. And you to are guilty of lumping everything together. And if one little thing doesn't go the way you want it to you make everyone involved pay for it by walking away and blowing them all off and hurting people.
3/18/2011 9:39:42 AM
you know, i asked you for years for what you gave me in 3 minutes last night
3/18/2011 9:39:46 AM
And its really hard to continuiously see the bright side of life when everything is falling apart right now.
3/18/2011 9:40:09 AM
can you imagine what the last couple years would've been like if i had that before?...
3/18/2011 9:40:14 AM

it'd be much better
3/18/2011 9:40:58 AM
yeah it would be. And it could be, but I can't (I'm not trying to write a book I'm trying to find the best wording here...)
3/18/2011 9:42:33 AM
We are great in bed together. And I still love you. You gave up on loving back. Sometimes I wonder if you gave up on loving any one anymore at all to protect yourself because of how much you have been hurt by the things I did.
3/18/2011 9:42:56 AM
I have had to work very hard not to give up love, and hope and myself because of the hurt you caused me.
3/18/2011 9:44:04 AM
I have faith still in us that if we could come to a point where communication was more effective, like resolving things like we did this morning, we could still have the life together we wanted years ago. And yes, the sex would be fucking more amazing than it has ever been.
3/18/2011 9:44:53 AM
The problem right now that I have, is that when you stopped caring about be, and loving me, you abused my willingness to please you. And in the end I felt like a whore.
3/18/2011 9:45:16 AM
and thats where you hurt me most. because I loved, and still love you so much
3/18/2011 9:45:47 AM
sex is no longer a conversation piece now really lol
3/18/2011 9:46:14 AM
I"m trying to express feelings, is that allowed?
3/18/2011 9:47:49 AM
i'm just sayin'. sex was a great conversational piece when talking about "us", but it's no longer since there's really nothing more to prove
3/18/2011 9:56:08 AM
The last couple of years would have made you happier yes. But I can't say it would have made me any happier or less bitter, or less wanting to destroy you because you were destroying me. Because the bottom line is you stopped loving me, and treated me more like a prostitute than a wife, friend with benefits, or even as a human being in general.
3/18/2011 9:56:34 AM
Dad called, had to stop in the middle of typing lol
3/18/2011 10:00:38 AM
hahhaa it's ok lol
3/18/2011 10:00:40 AM
3/18/2011 10:00:43 AM
is what you're saying is now that i've proven capeable of doing what you like I'm no longer of any conversational use to you?
3/18/2011 10:00:49 AM
you know, even a friend with benefits would've been better than anything
3/18/2011 10:00:52 AM
and NO, i'm not saying that
3/18/2011 10:00:59 AM
i changed it
3/18/2011 10:01:02 AM
i'm saying that sex does not have to be a ...
3/18/2011 10:01:03 AM
to form a question
3/18/2011 10:01:10 AM
3/18/2011 10:01:11 AM
3/18/2011 10:01:19 AM
it's just not really "necessary" to me anymore
3/18/2011 10:01:30 AM
I"m trying to be better conversationalist with you
3/18/2011 10:01:48 AM
start with english first?...to be better conversationalist?
3/18/2011 10:02:19 AM
I"m trying really hard to keep this converstation so that I'm not throwing emotional daggers at you
3/18/2011 10:02:30 AM
that's why we can't be friend w/ benefits
3/18/2011 10:02:35 AM
it's always personal w/ you

3/18/2011 10:02:41 AM
3/18/2011 10:03:27 AM
it always will be personal matthew, I love you. and I am always going to want more. I am always going to want us back.
3/18/2011 10:04:19 AM
we can never even approach the possiblity of being roommates again because I am going to want it to be more than that, and we have conflicting interests in the kids.
3/18/2011 10:04:27 AM
and I HATE that.
3/18/2011 10:07:26 AM
I can't even trust you anymore as you can't trust me. You keep secrets, and when you do tell me something you don't always tell me the whole thing so then I make assumptions and choices on telling things based of what I feel is right, versus what you want, because when you do want something a secret, you can't even afford me the reason why, so that I better understand what is so important about not telling people things. Privacy is one thing but there are areas you've asked me to keep things when it's just plain been wrong.
3/18/2011 10:10:57 AM
3/18/2011 10:11:20 AM
we're just 2 different types. one where the means justify the ends, and the other where the ends justify the means
3/18/2011 10:15:15 AM
Doesn't mean we can't be together. What holds us back really at this point is the kids. And you seeming to lack any desire to work anything out with myself or your mother.
3/18/2011 10:16:01 AM
i've informed you of my position with the children
3/18/2011 10:18:07 AM
I know that's why I said at this point there is probably little chance we can ever even see each other again.
3/18/2011 10:18:31 AM
and I still think your taking your anger and frustration with your mother out on them by vowing never to see them again.
3/18/2011 10:19:04 AM
it's both of you that's impacted that, actually
3/18/2011 10:19:16 AM
how have I impacted that?
3/18/2011 10:19:54 AM
for all the bad things you've done to me when you havent' gotten your way with me or when i've changed my mind due to irrenconcilable differences or anything like that
3/18/2011 10:20:36 AM
I can see your point and own up to that, but have you ever given thought as to your part in that?
3/18/2011 10:20:46 AM
no, not really
3/18/2011 10:21:00 AM
it's not my focus, really. i've had time for other things just as you have
3/18/2011 10:23:47 AM
Since we're being honest I will say this. 99% of the time I react or do something 'bad'. It has been because you have lied, kept secrets, omitted facts or otherwise not fully disclosed your intentions or feelings or plans to me. While I understand you have your reasons, typically what happens is you make plans, or say you are going to do something, or you agree to something, and rather than being up front and honest with me about what you're doing, and why, you lie, or just blow me off, and that pushes me over the edge.
3/18/2011 10:24:11 AM
That's part of what I'm working on changing. I've been this way since I was a kid, well before you even met me.
3/18/2011 10:24:26 AM
That isn't going to happen overnight, just as the behaviors weren't learned overnight.
3/18/2011 10:24:38 AM
i know, i've heard this over the past 2 years
3/18/2011 10:27:03 AM
I feel as though you don't love our kids anymore either, and that's what hurts me the most. I feel as though because of certain misconceptions with your mother, partial truths of your mothers actions, and your inability to recognize or acknowledge your own actions and wrong doings in this whole situation, you are making a foolish decision. I respect your right to make the decision, but because you refuse to even talk about things and work with your mother for our kids, you don't care enough about them or love them any more either.
3/18/2011 10:27:14 AM
I know you're mom has fucked things up, I'm not saying she hasn't.
3/18/2011 10:29:11 AM
And I'm not saying she won't continue to. But she's not going to hate you if you and I could come to a solution where by we both agreed the kids stayed with her forever, and she'd be willing to work out a solution to keep us both in their lives. And I've told you that before. In that case, we could be roommates and friends with benefits or whatever. If people can have open relationships why can't we. Seems to be more socially accepted than I ever thought it was.
3/18/2011 10:30:25 AM
i told her years ago
3/18/2011 10:33:15 AM
what I've been told is you told her you didn't think you would ever be able to care for them full time on your own or at all. Did you tell her then that you had no intentions of being in their lives at all because since then, you have been in their lives and now that you've dissapeared the kids are hurting, and all she and I want is whats best for them. The way you're handling it now makes it appear as if you don't give a shit for them. That's harsh, but it's the impression that comes fourth from your actions. And I know you better than that. Which is why I press you. Why do you feel that letting her retain custody, means you should have to or want to stay out of their lives forever?
3/18/2011 10:35:35 AM
is it an emotional thing that makes it easier for you to handle or are you just not ready to deal with your issues with your mom and I and feel like you can't be in their lives so long as we are?
3/18/2011 10:36:25 AM
I"m just trying to understand your reasoning.
3/18/2011 10:37:46 AM
No one thinks you're awful for the decision you've made, its just that if this is the decision you're going to make, there are things you could to to make it easier on your mom and I to move on and let you move on.
3/18/2011 10:38:48 AM
it's pretty simple
3/18/2011 10:39:17 AM
you know back in high school when you get a boyfriend, and after some months he's not all it's cracked up to be?
3/18/2011 10:39:29 AM
3/18/2011 10:39:41 AM
but you <3 him anyways, yet your friends say otherwise
3/18/2011 10:39:56 AM
3/18/2011 10:40:13 AM
it's like that
3/18/2011 10:40:22 AM
with the kids?
3/18/2011 10:40:28 AM
with everything
3/18/2011 10:41:11 AM
so all your friends say that your mom and I are evil bitches and your kids should be forgotten because we suck?
3/18/2011 10:41:56 AM
3/18/2011 10:42:16 AM
i'm saying that regardless of what everyone says to influence me in my decisions, i'm man enough to stick with my decisions
3/18/2011 10:43:02 AM
fair enough, do you have any feelings at all towards your children?
3/18/2011 10:43:18 AM
my feeling are totally numb towards them
3/18/2011 10:43:33 AM
because you've made them that way to protect your heart.
3/18/2011 10:43:38 AM
I did it for five years.
3/18/2011 10:44:31 AM
so what happens in five years from now when you really realize what an idiot you were and you miss them and want to be around for highschool years and they hate you?
3/18/2011 10:45:27 AM
and whatever happened to humans being able to change their minds because circumstances changed?
3/18/2011 10:45:40 AM
i did change my mind
3/18/2011 10:45:43 AM
circumstances allowed it
3/18/2011 10:45:51 AM
and i don't think i'd be worried about them if they are in safe hands
3/18/2011 10:46:05 AM
but you don't believe circumstances will change again and you will change your mind again?
3/18/2011 10:46:17 AM
so you feel your mom is safe but I am not?
3/18/2011 10:46:40 AM
you safe too
3/18/2011 10:46:43 AM
i've never doubted that
3/18/2011 10:48:22 AM
then as i said yesterday, you have two options. Sign of your rights so your mom and I never have to continuiously hunt you down to gain child support, or acknowledge the fact that although you have chosen to not be involved in their lives you still have a legal and moral obligation to support them, be an adult and deal with it so that your mom and I can move on with our lives.
3/18/2011 10:50:42 AM
Your mom chooses not to get cseu inovlved to find you. Thats her choice and her way of fluffing wayne so she doesn't have to pay for anything. I won't be as kind. Everything I am doing right now is to get custody back. If you were willing to consider coming to court and putting it in paper with me you wanted your mom to have permanant custody, that would have been fine, and I would have stuck to that, but if you're just going to walk away, the child support thing remains an issue, whether you like it or not.
3/18/2011 10:51:13 AM
there is no order for child support
3/18/2011 10:52:14 AM
no there is not, and without your address your mother cannot get one, which you know, and purposely refrain from giving her an address to have you served in order to get an order for support, however, cseu has the rescourses to find you and your address and make you come.
3/18/2011 10:53:19 AM
so like I said you have two choices, deal with support now before you walk away forever, or wait until I get custody back, and face the fact that I will not allow you ignore your obligations to pay support, and ask cseu to intervene on my behalf and put their resources into finding you and dragging you back here for court to obtain an order for support.
3/18/2011 10:54:11 AM
Or you can petition to have your rights terminated and make it all go away, you can walk away from your kids, start your new life with a new wife and new children elsewhere some day and never have to worry about me, your mom or your four children again.
3/18/2011 10:54:29 AM
my words may be harsh and crude but thats the way it is.
3/18/2011 10:54:53 AM
if you're going to be a man and stick to your choices, then you're going to have to be a man and stick to the consequences too.
3/18/2011 10:55:36 AM
which includes me being very angry and very hurt that you'd actually do this to our children, that you as their father are trying to escape all moral and legal obligation to them just because you don't like your mothers spending habits, or going to court.
3/18/2011 10:55:46 AM
They deserve that support from you and you know it.
3/18/2011 10:56:27 AM
and that also includes the fact that i am angry enough that I will keep up my antics and make your life a living hell so long as i live in order to remind you of your obligations to your kids.
3/18/2011 10:57:09 AM
point blank matthew, you cooperate, or you deal with the fact that I have nothing to change for and you're always going to want to run away.
3/18/2011 11:00:15 AM
you don't make my life a living hell
3/18/2011 11:00:28 AM
and the kids deserve their mother, not a bent-on-hell anarchist
3/18/2011 11:02:45 AM
the kids would have their mother if their father at least dealt with his moral obligation to them irregardless of who they live with
3/18/2011 11:03:03 AM
i can't deal with anything because of you
3/18/2011 11:03:10 AM
you are still back to october of 2004
3/18/2011 11:03:37 AM
that's when we got married that has nothing to do with today, who I am or how I am.
3/18/2011 11:05:03 AM
it has nothing to do with the fact that you are faced with the choice to either allow your mother to obtain an order for support so that when I get custody back I get the support they deserve from you, or sign off your rights and relinquish your legal obligation to support them in your abscense
3/18/2011 11:05:13 AM
this is why I'm angry matthew.
3/18/2011 11:05:42 AM
I understand you have issues with your mother, but you know that they should be getting support from you, they get support from me.
3/18/2011 11:06:48 AM
how your mother chooses to spend it is up to her. Unless you can solidly prove that every penny you pay in support to her goes to her gambling habit, and none of it goes to their needs, you really can't use it as an excuse not to pay support, or to prevent your mother from getting an order to make you pay support.
3/18/2011 11:09:29 AM
I may have gotten on disability for mental illness, but I now have a physical condition that prevents me from working. Without your support there is no way I'd be able to support four kids on 800 dollars a month and you know it. And your mom is leaving wayne soon, he's not going to be there to pay the bills anymore and business isn't thiriving, she's not going to have what she has had to support them either. Would you rather pay support so they get what they need, or run from it for the rest of their childhood and be on welfare the entire time?
3/18/2011 11:10:29 AM
i'll choose the run
3/18/2011 11:10:40 AM
It sounds to me more like YOU are the one back in October of 2004. and 2005, and 2006, and 2007 and 2008, and 2009, and 2010. We're not there anymore matthew. We're in 2011.
3/18/2011 11:10:50 AM
you're the one who hasn't dealt with anything
3/18/2011 11:11:00 AM
and i'll start by doing what i did with skype that i did before
3/18/2011 11:11:04 AM
3/18/2011 11:11:05 AM
3/18/2011 11:18:47 AM
wait a sec, i found something
3/18/2011 11:19:36 AM
your phone?
3/18/2011 11:19:40 AM
3/18/2011 11:19:44 AM
i don't have a phone anymore
3/18/2011 11:19:46 AM
3/18/2011 11:19:56 AM
i'm lookin' up the nys statute on involuntary
3/18/2011 11:20:16 AM
yeah you do you used it yesterday jackass
3/18/2011 11:20:21 AM
you're a terrible father
3/18/2011 11:20:34 AM
service ended midnight, thanks
3/18/2011 11:21:51 AM
Soc. Serv. Law §§ 358-a; 384-b
3/18/2011 11:22:20 AM
sent file "groundtermin.pdf"
File transfer:
3/18/2011 11:22:39 AM
You're a terrible liar
3/18/2011 11:23:05 AM
you've only turned it off.
3/18/2011 11:23:51 AM
The parent-child relationship is a fundamental right of all persons. As a result, the burden of proof
necessary to terminate parental rights is quite high. Parental rights may only be terminated
involuntarily if it is shown by clear and convincing evidence that one of the following apply:
* Abandonment. Abandonment takes place where there is an intention to forsake the duties of
parenthood. The Court may infer this intention when a parent fails to visit a child, refuses to
accept responsibility for the child, and a fails to provide financial or emotional support to the child.
* Failure to Provide Parental Support. Rights may be terminated when there is clear and
convincing evidence that a parent has substantially and repeatedly neglected to comply with the
duties of a parent such as the duty to provide necessary food, clothing, shelter, education, and
other care necessary for the child's physical, mental, or emotional health and development. This
only applies if the parent has failed to provide support without good cause. In other words,
parental rights cannot be terminated if the parent is physically and financially unable to provide
* Failure to Provide Financial Support. Rights may be terminated when a parent has been ordered
to pay child support or to financially aid in the child's birth and has continuously failed to do so
despite having the financial ability to do so.
3/18/2011 11:23:59 AM
so far you've done all three of those
3/18/2011 11:24:20 AM
yup, i know
3/18/2011 11:24:30 AM
your mom won't do it, I've already told her I will.
3/18/2011 11:24:32 AM
and i don't have to file (voluntary), as the other parent can file (involuntary)
3/18/2011 11:24:35 AM
3/18/2011 11:25:10 AM
but to be honest, I'd rather hunt you down like an animal and make you pay for child support for the rest of their childhood lives, just to make you miserable.
3/18/2011 11:25:46 AM
so you either do it yourself, or wait till I get custody back and file for support and tell the state that you have admitted to hiding on purpose for the sole sake of evading child support proceedings.
3/18/2011 11:26:34 AM
i was just checkin' my bank account to find out if i could give you $500 to initiate the involuntary proceedings
3/18/2011 11:27:25 AM
if you really want to do that then I'd accept that.
3/18/2011 11:28:04 AM
well, yes, i know you'd accept the money
3/18/2011 11:28:10 AM
you might not go through with the intention
3/18/2011 11:29:02 AM
then i guess you're faced with choice.
3/18/2011 11:29:11 AM
what choice?
3/18/2011 11:31:06 AM
to trust me or not lol
3/18/2011 11:31:48 AM
there's still only one problem.
3/18/2011 11:32:17 AM
in order to initiate court proceedings I'd need your address so they can officialy serve you notice that i've filed a petition in court to terminate your rights.
3/18/2011 11:32:24 AM
without that, the peition goes nowhere.
3/18/2011 11:32:35 AM
same reason your mother cannot get an order for support.
3/18/2011 11:32:38 AM
you're running from it.
3/18/2011 11:33:15 AM
3/18/2011 11:34:30 AM
it may be difficult for you to prove to the court you have no intentions of being in the kids lives anymore because you can't get along with your mother or myself, but I nor your mother can do zip with family court without notifying you by having you served officially and without and address with which to do that, the petition won't even go before the court, it will be handed back to me at the clerks window.
3/18/2011 11:35:01 AM
so the question really is how badly do you want it done.
3/18/2011 11:37:34 AM
if your mother really wanted to go after you she could. She chooses not to to keep wayne as her meal ticket. When i get the kids back, I can ask cseu to find you, and they have the means to do it. So what you have to decide right now is whether or not you want your rights terminated badly enough to A)file yourself and go to court and follow through or B) give me an address to have you properly served at
3/18/2011 12:16:08 PM
looking for alternate routes or giving up on the idea?
3/18/2011 12:21:31 PM
3/18/2011 12:23:07 PM
you gave me information on how to terminate your rights, but I explained there's nothing I can do about it without an address for you to have you served at. you said nothing.
3/18/2011 12:23:13 PM
so I figured you're at a stand still.
3/18/2011 12:27:05 PM
or have you just given up on figuring out what to do?
3/18/2011 12:29:20 PM
i don't think you've read it
3/18/2011 12:29:57 PM
well i did, abandonment is one way to file, however, I can't file anyways right now.
3/18/2011 12:30:31 PM
for an involuntary file, i'm not needed to be served, just named
3/18/2011 12:31:43 PM
yes, but I've thought about it and realized that it would serve mine and the childrens interests better not to sever your rights. Your mom chooses actively not to ask the support enforcement office to throw their resources into finding you because if she does, and she's getting support, wayne will kick her out on her ass.
3/18/2011 12:33:00 PM
So if I merely wait until I'm done with drug and alcohol court, and therapy with a real therapist who is actually working with me on changing behaviors and becoming more mentally stable and behaviorally correct, I can file to get custody of the kids back, and then ask that support enforcement use their state, federal govermental guidelines to find you and make you pay me support.
3/18/2011 12:33:04 PM
oh, so your interests surpass what i want...that's agreeable, i guess
3/18/2011 12:34:04 PM
so if you don't want to have to pay your mother or I support, you can file for yourself. Otherwise I'll wait my turn and file with support enforcement to find you and make you pay child support irregardless of whether or not you choose to see the kids or be involved with them.
3/18/2011 12:34:31 PM
mmk, have fun with the next 10-15 years of pain
3/18/2011 12:34:31 PM
I'll leave the greedy bitch option out of this

3/18/2011 12:34:40 PM
or, wait..until they are 21
3/18/2011 12:34:43 PM
so....20 years
3/18/2011 12:34:51 PM
you'd still owe me all that money when they find you

3/18/2011 12:35:21 PM
and when you don't pay it i'd sue you and get it from the court in a form of a judgement and they will take it from you.
3/18/2011 12:35:48 PM
21 if they are not enrolled full time in college, if they are then it's 24 you know that silly

3/18/2011 12:36:37 PM
I could use some money right now, too bad you wouldn't just pay me of to make me go away
3/18/2011 12:37:26 PM
You enjoy the run, I'll enjoy the chase

3/18/2011 12:37:46 PM
pay you to go away, huh?
3/18/2011 12:39:03 PM
yeah, you could pay me to go away and sever rights when i get them back. by then I may have a new daddy to adopt them. But if you aren't even sure that you have 500 in the bank and knowing your tendancies to withold the truth I doubt you'd have enough to satisfy my needs for now. You still coming sunday with that sd card?
3/18/2011 12:40:24 PM
i don't want to be arrested or see my mom or the kids on sunday if i do
3/18/2011 12:48:29 PM
your mom is in texas and I have no visitation with them.
3/18/2011 12:49:21 PM
how long is she in texas, and are the kids with them?
3/18/2011 12:51:43 PM
lemme check to see when she's back, she didn't say if they were going with her or not
3/18/2011 12:53:25 PM
she'll be back on wednesday. Leaving today, and probably the kids are staying home, but like I said, I have no visitation arrangements with them, no one knows your coming, and even if they did they wouldn't bring the kids here to see you anyways because they know your intent to not see them ever again and don't want to hurt them or confuse them by having them see you and then not see you again without explination or reason.
3/18/2011 12:55:16 PM
3/18/2011 12:55:58 PM
if you decide not to come be respectful enough to let me know so I'm not waiting and pissed off when you don't.
3/18/2011 12:57:11 PM
i'll know later on, right now it's still a go to arrive and remain for the time i've outlined
3/18/2011 12:57:18 PM
and take lots of pictures on the way
3/18/2011 12:57:23 PM
3/18/2011 1:01:05 PM
by the way waiting for 15 to 20 years is not going to put me in pain. It only makes someone as vindictive and as hurt as I am, enjoy the moment you get caught and have to pay. and in 15 to 20 years time 31 percent of your income is going to add up and leave me well off.
3/18/2011 1:02:06 PM
can i slap you?
3/18/2011 1:02:17 PM
sure randy does
3/18/2011 1:02:29 PM
for about 10 minutes straight?
3/18/2011 1:02:47 PM
lol am I annoying you today?
3/18/2011 1:02:52 PM
yah, a bit
3/18/2011 1:02:53 PM
3/18/2011 1:02:55 PM
3/18/2011 1:06:15 PM
get naked, i'm pissed!
3/18/2011 1:06:17 PM
3/18/2011 1:07:29 PM
3/18/2011 1:07:40 PM
i tried to keep it friendly, you turned it into a war

3/18/2011 1:07:45 PM
pfft w/e
3/18/2011 1:07:48 PM
i no turn it into a war
3/18/2011 1:09:28 PM
I attempted to come to a resolution that made everyone happy and you are not being cooperative, your choice, I respect that. If you won't do it yourself, I'm not going to do it, and though it may take me the next year to get custody back, I intend to. My offer of us both giving your mother permanent custody had other strings attached you weren't interested in, because you don't want to be in their lives. I respected that.
3/18/2011 1:09:58 PM
no, you came to a self-resolution
3/18/2011 1:11:24 PM
If I am going to have custody, I am telling you up front I refuse to be as flexible with you as your mother. She bends over backwards to make it easier on you and to serve her purposes. If I have custody of our children, whether you want to be a part of their lives or not, I am not going to allow you to come to your own self resolution that you don't have to support them.
3/18/2011 1:11:38 PM
3/18/2011 1:11:42 PM
so, what else is there?
3/18/2011 1:12:08 PM
You made them, you are obligated to support them and I will follow up on it, that's all I'm saying. YOU turned it into a war because I told you up front my intentions.
3/18/2011 1:12:27 PM
mmk, cool
3/18/2011 1:12:36 PM
what else is there to talk about aside from going over this same thing over again?
3/18/2011 1:12:44 PM
I dunno
3/18/2011 1:12:54 PM
I'm trying to work and you've held me up all morning.
3/18/2011 1:13:24 PM
oh, sorry
3/18/2011 1:13:31 PM
get your ass to work
3/18/2011 1:13:34 PM
suck more off the top
3/18/2011 1:13:45 PM
I would if there was something here to suck.
3/18/2011 1:13:53 PM
look in the freezer
3/18/2011 1:17:41 PM
lol there's nothing in my freezer to suck. I prefer my sausage live and warm
3/18/2011 1:19:02 PM
3/18/2011 1:19:18 PM
lol I turned your joke into something sexual

3/18/2011 1:19:48 PM
3/18/2011 1:19:51 PM
was a bit lost there
3/18/2011 1:20:15 PM
3/18/2011 2:38:31 PM
what you doing for saturday, sunday, and monday
3/18/2011 2:39:06 PM
nothing saturday, church sunday morning but can be cancelled and nothing Monday till two but I can bail on that too I don't give a shit.
3/18/2011 2:39:29 PM
monday i'd be gone by noonish, so no worries on bail if necessary
3/18/2011 2:39:53 PM
3/24/2011 9:38:27 AM
I have a creditor who needs to get a hold of you about a bill for M&T. I gave him your number but your phone isn't working up where you are.
3/24/2011 9:38:48 AM
Can you give him a call and give him your current contact info?
3/24/2011 9:47:26 AM
You're going to call Mr. Conners at
1-866-421-2969 ext 113 Reference 2348-570. If you don't get ahold of him right away you can leave a message you will call him back, he's actually accepting the divorce papers and willing to work this out, has been very nice
3/28/2011 10:28:17 AM
your voicemail is not set up!!!!!!!
3/28/2011 10:29:41 AM
I talked to your mom and she said she will terminate your rights but yet again with no address to have you served at she won't get anywhere so if you seriously want your rights terminated you need to get in touch with her so she knows where to have the court paperwork sent to. After that, just don't show up cause it'll go through by default if you're not there to fight it
3/30/2011 5:30:37 PM
Some credit company called today, they're going to sue you for your defaulted student loans. Right now it's 4,865 or something but the interest is compounding daily, they're gonna try to call you tomorrow am but won't get through of course. Promised I'd pass the message a long.
3/30/2011 5:32:06 PM
You now also offically owe me 980 bucks for the electric bill, since you've left me no way to contact you, I had to pay to have my electric turned on so at some point I am going to have to either kindly ask that you refund the money directly to me, or when I track you down to an address, I'll be filing civil charges against you.
4/6/2011 11:06:58 AM
I was pissed about the bill but its not entirely your fault they wouldn't work with me. Someday you will have to re pay me but you're not wanting to be found much less ready to deal with your responsibilities you've left behind here. Everyone else is getting sick of your mail going to their house, well mainly Brian. If you want you can send it here, I promise I won't look at it

If you don't have anyplace else to send it besides your moms or Bri's send it here. 18 Genesee Street, Apartment 7H, LeRoy 14482 ny of course. I told the management of the place the utilities may go on in your name so no one is going to complain if your mail is here, or think you live here. just an option for you. Hope wherever you are you're well, and finding the inner peace you're looking for. Its hard to come by for people like us. I'm starting to get there slowly but surely. Been having lots of weird dreams about you that tell my gut something is off, but I'm not sure yet. The spiritual path I lead is tricky. Hard to tell if my subconcisous is giving me what I want to see or if its whats going on or not. Either way pop me a hello from time to time. I may get pissed but I've never stayed mad at you for too long and you know it

4/7/2011 10:35:29 AM
I hope your okay. Still getting the weird dreams. Its bothersome...not dreams that you're 'coming home' or that you're in trouble or anything, just you in my dreams in all kinda of weird scenarios. give me a poke or something? let me know you're okay?
4/7/2011 5:51:15 PM
Can't do it this month but I will make the payment on the electric in your name, it closed out at 104.
4/8/2011 1:17:02 AM
4/8/2011 1:17:04 AM
4/9/2011 12:52:09 AM
The ax came down today, they're sticking with a personality disorder, likely borderline. Even completing mental health and GCASA isn't going to get our kids back baby. My best isn't good enough. All we can do (I say we because you still have the option to come back when you've found your place to settle and make home for yourself and find peace and comfort in) is leave them where they're happy and stay as involved in their lives as possible. I know you don't choose that now baby but the option will always be open to you. My love for you has changed. Its not wifely, its you're my best friend, and brother. Your family has taken me in and I'm comfortable there. I never thought I would be, and I'm sorry that it's too late for it to have happened when it should have. But that's behind us, and all we have is what we do from here on out. I'm going to continue re programming myself. Borderline isn't medicateable. Its more habits and actions that have come from twenty seven years of what I grew up in. Its all I can do to get visitation back, and perhaps be stable enough to go back to work some day. So yeah. The kids are going to be with your mom for their childhood years. I've got a long road of healing ahead. You too for the last ten years of hell I put you through not even realizing what I was really doing and how awful it was and I can't ever be sorry enough to take your pain away. Just respect that I caused it, and accept friendship or whatever you offer me at this point. I was given good advice, perhaps your appearance in my dreams lately is my subconcious getting ready to set you free from my heart. Perhaps it is. I will always love you for who you are, the place you held in my life, but after our last visit I think I got what I needed for closure. I'm gonna miss the hell outta you. But I still wish you the best and want to just constantly remind you that no matter how long you stay away, you will always be their daddy. You can always come back and make amends. They love you unconditionally and always will. They may have a time when they don't feel it, but deeply we all on some level all love our parents in the end when it really matters no matter how much they've fucked up our lives or fucked us over. Don't stay a stranger too long babe. let me know if you need anything. I'll do my best. *hug*
4/9/2011 11:39:39 AM
you type books
4/9/2011 11:39:57 AM
Sorry, its just me.
4/9/2011 11:40:20 AM
maybe you should learn how to read them, you'd know what's being typed is from the heart and genuine.
4/9/2011 11:40:26 AM
already did
4/9/2011 11:40:39 AM
well that's progress.

4/9/2011 11:41:20 AM
the new place is great. New couch is comfortable as all hell. And no more trouble from your aunt. How's it going your way?
4/9/2011 11:43:06 AM
so far so good
4/9/2011 11:44:23 AM

4/9/2011 11:44:59 AM
you lonely in there?
4/9/2011 11:45:18 AM
4/9/2011 11:45:25 AM
ok most of the time lol
4/9/2011 11:45:34 AM
4/9/2011 11:46:06 AM
I'm living though. Go to my appointments make these idiots happy and maybe I can get some visitation.
4/9/2011 11:46:22 AM
its a nice place
4/9/2011 11:47:28 AM
got a back deck, just big enough for one or two. really nice and clean, and quiet. Opposite side of town from Bri in the back of a back road near the old jello factory so its not noisy
4/9/2011 11:49:48 AM
sorry wasn't typing lots just trying to clean out a couple of keys lol
4/9/2011 11:55:14 AM
it's ok
4/9/2011 11:56:58 AM
so, you get visits from your man friend anymore?
4/9/2011 11:57:07 AM
not lately no
4/9/2011 11:57:12 AM
sorry to hears that
4/9/2011 11:57:19 AM
no new ones
4/9/2011 11:57:40 AM
it is what it is. I'll survive lol
4/9/2011 11:58:00 AM
mmk cool
4/9/2011 12:00:54 PM
i still horndog
4/9/2011 12:01:06 PM
that preys on unsuspecting females

4/9/2011 12:01:09 PM
i'll survive lol
4/9/2011 12:01:19 PM
hey I didn't say I wasn't horny, I just said I didn't have a current dick to fuck

4/9/2011 12:01:30 PM
fair enough
4/9/2011 12:02:11 PM
you're always going to be a horndog preying on unsuspecting females anyways, its who you are

4/9/2011 12:04:59 PM
4/9/2011 12:05:01 PM
i think
4/9/2011 12:05:24 PM
yeah you can say thanks for that

4/9/2011 12:05:32 PM
4/9/2011 12:08:13 PM
so what do you do all day now?
4/9/2011 12:09:29 PM
play games, just about finished un packing. getting ready to start school in August for my RN. I have group twice a week and see the shrink every other week. Pretty much hang around and do whatever I want. Tonight I'm planning a wow all nighter. They're all missing me. You too. Abbs asks me all the time when you're coming back

4/9/2011 12:11:40 PM
what about you, what're you up to all day?
4/9/2011 12:20:01 PM
wakin, workin, sessions, masturbating to threesomes and foursomes in my head, shit like that
4/9/2011 12:20:30 PM
rock on
4/9/2011 12:22:25 PM
4/9/2011 12:29:47 PM
can't see the entire thing

4/9/2011 12:30:01 PM
but if you got a waxed bikini, i'd love to see its lol
4/9/2011 12:30:42 PM
lol when I get done paying off the 800 in loans I have out I mihgt be able to afford one
4/9/2011 12:31:15 PM
>.> i suppose that works too
4/9/2011 12:31:47 PM
its taking 300 a month out of my budget right now

4/9/2011 12:34:03 PM
i could have had the electric thing fixed had you been available and faxed them your ID

4/9/2011 12:36:16 PM
still could if you did
4/9/2011 12:36:51 PM
right yah
4/9/2011 12:37:35 PM
no copier?
4/9/2011 12:38:00 PM
no copier
4/9/2011 12:38:01 PM
no fax
4/9/2011 12:38:01 PM
or fax
4/9/2011 12:38:50 PM
bum deal, then I guess you;ll just owe me the 980 personally then

4/9/2011 12:39:05 PM
i'll do you for it....
4/9/2011 12:39:10 PM
for, like, 3 weeks straight
4/9/2011 12:40:43 PM
that's not what the divorce papers state

4/9/2011 12:40:50 PM
oh yah thats right
4/9/2011 12:41:31 PM
you didn't hold me harmless from the debt therefore you either pay me back directly, or I have to take you to court and get my money back

4/9/2011 12:42:02 PM
mmk cool
4/9/2011 12:42:38 PM
if you were to fax them your id they would transfer the balance to your account
4/9/2011 12:43:49 PM
while i'd still have loans to pay off I would have a credit on my electric bill and thus resolve the loss of money.
4/9/2011 12:45:43 PM
then you could do me for it for three weeks straight to make up for the pain and suffering

4/9/2011 12:53:29 PM
4/9/2011 12:55:20 PM
ironic that doing you to "make up for the pain and sufferin' would prolly be a bit painful, if ya know what i means

4/9/2011 12:55:27 PM
heck you could come for the three weeks of fucking and knock out the ID problem in one shot

4/9/2011 1:03:36 PM
lol ok maybe not, can't take a joke eh?
4/9/2011 1:03:50 PM
I gotta get going anyways, ttyl
4/9/2011 1:13:49 PM
4/9/2011 1:19:44 PM
you switching between windows? I'm waiting for my ride
4/9/2011 1:34:58 PM
mmmk, laters
4/9/2011 1:49:58 PM
no, i was actually having internet problems
4/9/2011 3:12:58 PM
4/9/2011 3:14:23 PM
the power of simply smelling good has an amazing effect on men. See freedom doeesn't understand why people call her a whore, and the difference between her and I is that the men I use to get what I want or need, I one don't depend upon, and two use them till they want sex and then I can walk away to the next idiot without being a paid whore

4/9/2011 3:24:10 PM
4/9/2011 3:24:14 PM
dunno where that came from, but yah, smell has alot of it
4/9/2011 3:48:15 PM
it came from the fact that the guy who took me to the store was giving me a hug on his way out cause he's going to a concert tonight and in mid sentance says "mmm you smell good"
4/9/2011 3:48:53 PM
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh okay
4/9/2011 4:04:32 PM
he's alright for an old guy
4/9/2011 4:09:02 PM
4/9/2011 4:10:20 PM
going to see bob seager tonight. I think i'm gonna eat me some steak and geek out on wow for the night. Need more coffee. Still waiting to hear from your mom. She's all worried about me now they're changing the diagnosis and thinks i'm gonna tweak about custody not being an option for me anymore. called me this morning to do a check in and said she'd come see me soon.
4/9/2011 4:10:43 PM
i'll give her credit though, she's being more of a mom to me than my own. I can't even get my own on the damn phone.
4/9/2011 4:16:52 PM
4/9/2011 4:17:22 PM
it sucks but it's not exactly like we didn't expect it anyways.
4/9/2011 4:33:46 PM
4/9/2011 9:17:51 PM
4/9/2011 9:18:09 PM
4/9/2011 9:18:14 PM
where is bob seger?
4/9/2011 9:18:51 PM
dunno, at a concert either in rochester or buffalo
4/9/2011 9:21:23 PM
going to see bob seager tonight.
J4/9/2011 4:10:20 PM
4/9/2011 9:22:01 PM
Ahhh i didn't mean I was, I meant the old guy was
4/9/2011 9:22:10 PM
oh right
4/9/2011 9:22:24 PM
lmao they're playing icp on king of the hill
4/9/2011 9:22:40 PM
4/9/2011 9:27:54 PM
you just watchin' tv now?
4/9/2011 9:28:03 PM
eating a steak while I do but yeah
4/9/2011 9:28:31 PM
4/9/2011 9:29:30 PM
i know you hate talking about the kids so I'll just make a statement to make you proud and leave it. Dev was having a fit the other day, and gave your mom a black eye and busted her lip

4/9/2011 9:31:45 PM
4/9/2011 9:32:22 PM
i love steak
4/9/2011 9:32:49 PM
me 2
4/9/2011 9:36:43 PM
(..) ,
(.) (.) or
|.| |.|
4/9/2011 9:37:38 PM
4/9/2011 9:37:50 PM
that's a N/A, then
4/9/2011 9:53:05 PM
so, you still talk to freedom?
4/9/2011 9:53:10 PM
cause you mentioned her earlier
4/9/2011 10:19:54 PM
4/9/2011 10:21:34 PM
she lied to me for an entire year about the 'time' you two slept together, you both did. I don't keep liars as close friends. You're the only exception to that rule. Just like Yvvone lied to me more than one time, she was out too.
4/9/2011 10:25:58 PM
why? Afraid she's going to spill secrets?
4/9/2011 10:27:04 PM
4/9/2011 10:27:15 PM
not afraid of anything, really
4/9/2011 10:27:34 PM
just curious why you'd care if i talk to her or not?
4/9/2011 10:27:59 PM
cause i was curious
4/9/2011 10:28:22 PM
4/9/2011 11:09:19 PM
She broke my heart, slept with my ex husband before he was my ex, pretended to be my best friend when all she wanted was a pretty face to sit with her at the bar and drive her around and feel bad for her. My life has been a lot less stressful since I cut out drama like her's and your aunts.
4/9/2011 11:09:52 PM
Now though I'm in a city, its out in the middle of the country and its quiet, I have a deck I can sit on and enjoy the stars and the moon at night and be at peace.
4/9/2011 11:10:14 PM
Thats enough to settle my life for now.
4/9/2011 11:10:17 PM
4/9/2011 11:12:16 PM
Depaul is going to help me get things started for school, and I"m going for my bachelors in nursing. I may not be able to get our kids back, but in time with behavioral modification therapy I may be able to tolerate real life again and work as a nurse in a dr's office or something and repair what I can with my relationship with the kids.
4/9/2011 11:13:06 PM
I may be sitting around doing nothing right now, but school starts in August, and that'll give me time to finish up my group sessions for the drug and alcohol treatment, and then start digging down into the things I experienced growing up that made me the way I a m.
4/9/2011 11:15:34 PM
did you take into consideration the mail? I don't know if you've had it re routed to where you are or somewhere else, but Brian's really bitching about it. I told him he could send it here or take it back to the post office. I know you're not speaking to him but could you take care of it? it'll end a lot of issues for everyone if you just have it sent somewhere else I think.
4/9/2011 11:16:40 PM
and btw, your mom told me last night that she's come to terms with your choice. You tried to tell her before and she wasn't ready to acccept it. Which is why you're always welcome to come back and talk to her when and if you're ever ready to see the kids again.
4/9/2011 11:17:16 PM
I know i"m typing books, trying not to, just trying to make sure I haven't forgotten anything. I'm tired and fuzzy from the night dosage lmao.
4/10/2011 11:41:13 AM
Oh yeah, you still want your rights terminated?
4/10/2011 12:07:14 PM
Knew I was forgetting something.
4/10/2011 12:48:46 PM
Glad to have you back in Wow

Lemme know about the rights thing, your mom is curious, and said she'd file if you want it.
4/10/2011 1:54:35 PM
4/10/2011 1:55:09 PM
yeah you want your rights terminated? or yah you're back on wow?
4/10/2011 1:56:48 PM
4/10/2011 1:58:06 PM
well then you do realize you have to share an address in which the papers can be served at right?
4/10/2011 2:00:10 PM
so I guess when you're ready to give either myself or your mother your address so you can properly be served by the family court, your mother is willing to start the process for you.
4/10/2011 2:03:04 PM
Once its started you just don't show up and get it by default but like all court things, they have to mail you the petition and offer the opportunity to fight it.
4/10/2011 2:17:44 PM
right, I'll take that as your not ready to share a real address to have you served at. Untill we get a legit one, nothing can be done and your mom is not going to shell out the cash to terminate your rights unless she knows its a legitmate adress to have the papers mailed and served to you at. Just to have them taken to Jamestown she has to shell out 200 bucks.
4/10/2011 5:44:46 PM
yeah, didn't figure you were serious...
4/10/2011 8:03:22 PM
4/10/2011 8:04:14 PM
Didn't figure you were serious enough about wanting your rights terminated you'd give a real address to be mailed the court paperwork at so the process can be started. Its all a game to you. Like everything else

4/10/2011 8:07:26 PM
ya'll just wanna butt rape me

4/10/2011 8:10:44 PM
no she told me the other night that she realizes now you've been trying to tell her for more than a year you're not ever going to be able to take the kids. She said if you really want to terminate your rights she'll have it started, but you know that nothing can go to court without a real address. You either start it yourself and loose, or you trust enough that she'll give you what you want. Its been six years, you haven't seen the kids in over a year, she files to papers, and you don't show up, its over with, you're free of it all forever. Someday I may get lucky and someone like your own father will love them enough and adopt them and take on the role of their father. If not they'll grow up and never know the difference, just that you dissapeared, and they never saw you again, and never even remember why because right now they're too young to remember.
4/10/2011 8:11:04 PM
she just wasn't ready to accept what you've been trying to tell her all along.
4/10/2011 8:11:48 PM
et all...
4/10/2011 8:12:02 PM
now that the dr's are changing my diagnosis and its looking like I'll never be able to get custody either it makes no difference to her, so she said she'd start the paperwork because either way she's going to have them forever.
4/10/2011 8:12:14 PM
well till they're old enough to not need her anways.
4/10/2011 8:12:57 PM
so if you're serious, spill it, otherwise, it isn't going to get done.
4/10/2011 8:15:03 PM
its your choice. You either take the chance and get what you want, or you sit around running for the rest of your life from 12k in debt from me, and god knows how much she'll nail you for in child support. I don't know that there's a limit on when you can file for it. like don't they go back all the way. Say when they all turned twenty five you got in touch couldn't she still sue you for all those years anyways?
4/10/2011 8:16:17 PM
I can't do it. I have no custodial rights and probably never will. Its your choice. You know how to get in touch with her or I if your'e serious, if not, like I said, it just shows its another game to you in attempt to hurt us because you feel so hurt by us and can't forgive.
4/10/2011 8:27:42 PM
And someday I hope you can. The three of us are only human and we've all done our fair share in this situation to make it what it is today, yourself included. I wish it were different. I wish you didn't feel that way I can remember the first time you saw Dev move in my belly, you were so damn excited you called your mom to tell her about it. You saw it, he was alive and my whole belly moved. Of course she didn't feel the enthusiasm you did, she's been through it five times herself and it's old news, but you're excitement that day was. It was a beautiful thing. so rather than doing what you've been doing, put them first. You've already started, it takes a lot of guts to say as a parent you can't be the parents. If its truly what you want, and in your heart you truly feel terminating your rights is what is best for THEM. Say so. Because its not about me and you and your mom. Its about four kids. Who deserve better than what you're offering by hiding. They deserve to know someday that you loved them so much, that knowing you'd never be able to be a proper father to them you had your rights terminated so that someone else could fufill that role for them legally and give them what they need.
4/10/2011 8:53:26 PM
your choice. You know how to find us.
4/11/2011 4:14:13 PM
You have mail other than the cable bill, shall I open it for you?
4/11/2011 9:57:52 PM
should i throw it out?
4/13/2011 9:39:03 AM
4/28/2012 7:07:52 AM
come on!
4/30/2012 4:55:53 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 8:34:58 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 8:36:59 PM
you weren't blocked
4/30/2012 8:43:38 PM
awww yay!
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 8:44:51 PM
just hadn't gotten the invite yet
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 8:45:25 PM
your mom doesn't believe that you're going toleave me alone for ever
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 8:46:41 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 8:46:58 PM
she called while I was a sleep and wanted to know if you were leaving me alone or not
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 8:47:04 PM
I said yeah, surprisingly he is!
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 8:47:26 PM
she said well hopefully he will keep leaving you alone
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 8:47:29 PM
"me too...."
4/30/2012 8:47:40 PM

Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 8:47:54 PM
and shame on you for not treating your mother right! Angelique is such a good little girl for telling you how you should treat your mother!
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 8:48:41 PM
OH and of course, "there's no way I would ever make it if I were to stay with you, I'd probably kill myself you'd push me so far over the edge, and the kids don't need to have a dead mommy because of soemthing like that"
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 8:48:51 PM
and she guilted you into leaving me alone because of Nancy's feelings.
4/30/2012 8:49:44 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 8:50:27 PM
so I just agreed with her lol "No I don't think it'd ever work, and he should feel guilty, and I''m so proud of Angelique"
4/30/2012 8:50:47 PM
we're both proud
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 8:50:57 PM
oh and she's hoping you'll call her sometime tonight, so you'd better make it either in a few hours, or tomorrow so it doesn't look like i just told you to call

4/30/2012 8:51:23 PM
she got me on skype, wanted to call me
4/30/2012 8:52:15 PM
like, almost 20 minutes ago
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 8:53:03 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 8:53:17 PM
she called me at like four thirty and said "WIll one of you guys call me back please?"
4/30/2012 8:53:49 PM
oy veh
4/30/2012 8:54:01 PM
so, what you doing tonight? got any places availaible?
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 8:54:29 PM
no plans cause my throat is trying to stay shut on me and no I don't lol
4/30/2012 8:54:44 PM
awww double whammie
4/30/2012 8:56:03 PM
did you try warm tea?
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 8:59:56 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:00:08 PM
this is what happened at Freedom's because of the pigeon poop.
4/30/2012 9:00:41 PM
oooooooooooooo ok

Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:03:25 PM
she has a pigeon infestation i her house, they leave fungi in their fecal matter, fungi are spores that go all over via air, and breathing it in was not healthy for me. I'm allergic to so many things, it's just an allergic reaction to whatever is in the air. happens a lot, for all I know at this point I'm allergic to benedryl cause this is what hapened when i started taking it at her house all the time. if six benedryl can't kick it, nothing will.
4/30/2012 9:03:27 PM
so your just having a shitty day now, huh?
4/30/2012 9:03:39 PM
yeah, you told me about the poop
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:04:19 PM
wouldn't call it shity, just another day in my life. This is why I want to run away all the time. My life hasn't felt balanced in a long time.
4/30/2012 9:04:56 PM
you want to run away?
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:07:15 PM
the whole six month cycle thing. I get depressed, I feel like packing up and moving. In reality I know it fixes nothing in my life. My problems are still there.
4/30/2012 9:07:27 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:07:27 PM
Maybe it's like spring fever or something and I need a vacation or something.
4/30/2012 9:07:48 PM
4/30/2012 9:07:50 PM

4/30/2012 9:08:02 PM
go get wet and wild in cancun!
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:08:08 PM
4/30/2012 9:09:11 PM
hows your personal space feelin'?
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:10:10 PM
Perfectly within acceptable limits

4/30/2012 9:10:43 PM
what does that mean? ...

Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:11:02 PM
It's doing great

4/30/2012 9:11:25 PM
okay, so no improvement over yesterday?
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:11:47 PM
yes there's been an improvement over yesterday goof

Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:12:09 PM
I just can't help the fact that there's no place to go be and do something together

4/30/2012 9:12:39 PM
oooooooooooooooooo so it's that much better?!?!?
4/30/2012 9:13:38 PM
cause i could try to arrange things
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:13:56 PM
arrange what things? you getting in my pants things?
4/30/2012 9:14:06 PM
whoah! that's personal space, there...dear
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:14:22 PM
That's why I'm askin dear

4/30/2012 9:14:54 PM
then i'd say that, and more, of course
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:15:11 PM

what are you planning on arranging?
4/30/2012 9:15:45 PM
i'm unsure yet..... lol
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:15:55 PM
lol ok
4/30/2012 9:15:59 PM
i didn't know i'd have to plan it out
4/30/2012 9:16:21 PM
well, so soon
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:17:12 PM
lol okay
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:17:26 PM
well you don't have to rush

4/30/2012 9:18:05 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:18:21 PM
4/30/2012 9:18:30 PM
i just didn't know you were at that phase of "ready"
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:19:18 PM
4/30/2012 9:21:40 PM
you know what i mean
4/30/2012 9:21:54 PM
after telling you what i told you last night
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:22:33 PM
oh yeah
4/30/2012 9:23:08 PM
your supposed to communicate with me on that lol, not me finding out

Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:23:31 PM
I'm sorry I'm not with it today okay

4/30/2012 9:23:51 PM
mmk fair enough
4/30/2012 9:24:39 PM
it's why i was confused when you said:
Perfectly within acceptable limits

Jennifer Cejka4/30/2012 9:10:10 PM
4/30/2012 9:24:52 PM
i didn't know what acceptable limits were, and even the improvement is still confusing
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:25:07 PM
Its just been the day I've finally had time to relax and think I guess. Then having a headache and such.
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:26:08 PM
I'm comfortable with things, with us. It doesn't feel wrong, it doesn't feel scary, I don't feel mis led or manipulated by you. I can feel the sincerity and calm in you.
4/30/2012 9:26:45 PM
mmk, sounds like it's full boat for me, i guess
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:26:48 PM
Not that you fully understand how I 'feel' you, but hopefully someday I can help you understand that.
4/30/2012 9:27:20 PM
oy veh words
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:27:55 PM
i know I am one with many of them.
4/30/2012 9:28:15 PM
i guess i'm informed now lol
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:28:24 PM
yes lol
4/30/2012 9:28:49 PM
the only places i can think of are pavillions in parks atm
4/30/2012 9:28:57 PM
to sit down and relax
4/30/2012 9:30:50 PM
but it'd be too cold
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:30:58 PM
4/30/2012 9:31:54 PM
i can prolly get the squtters out for 6-8 hours a day, twice a week
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:33:55 PM
4/30/2012 9:34:20 PM
are you sure?
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:35:20 PM
yeah I'm sure, I have to find one of my plates. Apparently he can't find them all and I know i have a set of four.
4/30/2012 9:35:54 PM

Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:37:11 PM
i have no fucking idea where the last one went and it'll bug the crap out of me but whatever.
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:37:25 PM
so we're gonna chill for a few hours a day at your place to see how things go?
4/30/2012 9:37:26 PM
LOL ok
4/30/2012 9:38:00 PM

Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:38:18 PM
I'm just trying to make sure that I have the correct perception of things here.
4/30/2012 9:38:27 PM
we could do it at your place too
4/30/2012 9:38:30 PM
if you could find the space
4/30/2012 9:38:39 PM
what "perception"?
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:40:18 PM
Making sure we're on the same page. I go to college and use big words and now you're confused when I talk to you?
4/30/2012 9:40:58 PM
yeah lol
4/30/2012 9:41:00 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:41:27 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:41:44 PM
ok then i'll be the dumb blonde
4/30/2012 9:44:20 PM
that's perfect lol
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:46:50 PM
lol if you wanna pay for it I can ask Morgie to make me a blonde

4/30/2012 9:50:25 PM
that'd be smexy as hell
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:52:52 PM
it aint cheap
4/30/2012 9:53:38 PM
is it worth it for you to LOOK and ACT like a blond?
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:56:48 PM
lol yeah its really not that hard for me to act blonde lol
4/30/2012 9:56:56 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 9:59:45 PM
you're looking at the person who told her husband we really didn't have to go get more gas we had half a tank left and then we ran out of gas in the middle of 2nd and wash at the bridge.
4/30/2012 10:04:57 PM
it's not a complete fail

4/30/2012 10:05:52 PM
i so want to see you tonight

4/30/2012 10:06:12 PM
and maybe feel ya

Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 10:06:35 PM
no it wasn't. I needed a new heating tube in my radiator.
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 10:06:37 PM
4/30/2012 10:07:07 PM
4/30/2012 10:07:09 PM
big smiles
4/30/2012 10:07:10 PM
and stuff
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 10:08:30 PM
I know you really do, but tonight I am still not doing well with the migraine sweetie. Tomorrow I'll be able to get the medicine I need.
4/30/2012 10:08:53 PM
i know, i know
4/30/2012 10:09:01 PM
we didn't even plan tonight, was just an open day really
4/30/2012 10:12:10 PM
i'm still suprised at the progress you've stated to me. it'll take me awhile to get used to it lol
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 10:16:37 PM
It's never been that I was uncomfortable with you. I needed to 'read' you.
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 10:22:14 PM
I know you don't understand all that.
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 10:27:55 PM
you ever go see bobert when you're up near Rochester?
4/30/2012 10:28:52 PM
4/30/2012 10:28:53 PM
and no
4/30/2012 10:28:57 PM
sorry, was in bg
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 10:29:14 PM
's ok
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 10:30:08 PM
i'm pulling the furballs out from under my keys on the laptop. It's slowly dying on me too but it's holding in there.
4/30/2012 10:36:39 PM
good idea
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 10:36:53 PM
yeah lots of dust and kitties under there
4/30/2012 10:37:38 PM
theres a kitty i'd like to dig out

Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 10:37:47 PM
4/30/2012 10:40:15 PM
sorry, i'm probably an uber pig and flirt now that i know we're full board
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 10:41:41 PM
lol yeah
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 10:41:48 PM
I'm a Princess remember

Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 10:42:22 PM
and very intruiged at the amount of hair and fur and dust in under my keys.
4/30/2012 10:43:04 PM
princess = flirt+pig?
4/30/2012 10:49:11 PM
wait, what? lol
4/30/2012 10:50:26 PM
yup, susanna
4/30/2012 10:50:52 PM
i never really talked to her...
4/30/2012 10:51:03 PM
and there were 3 guys that worked in IT with short hair and glasses
4/30/2012 10:52:01 PM
ah, ok
4/30/2012 10:56:39 PM
well, i'm glad you'll take my piggishness
4/30/2012 11:00:18 PM
and it won't turn you away? my piggishness?
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 11:04:53 PM
no, after 11 years it's become normal
4/30/2012 11:06:15 PM

x 1000
4/30/2012 11:07:07 PM
are you going to go away from me for two weeks?
4/30/2012 11:09:21 PM
mmk, so the next two weeks are going to be hard for us?
4/30/2012 11:10:38 PM
okay, that sounds better

4/30/2012 11:12:29 PM
wait, you PAID for him to get home...
4/30/2012 11:12:48 PM
that....i don't remember
4/30/2012 11:12:56 PM
but it's old hat/the past anyways
4/30/2012 11:13:03 PM
....i thought he just "showed up"
4/30/2012 11:24:37 PM
i dislike him too
4/30/2012 11:24:47 PM
4/30/2012 11:26:15 PM
so, he couldn't just take a walk for, like, 2-3 hours, could he?
4/30/2012 11:31:05 PM
right, but i don't think i can treat you the same around your husband
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 11:31:18 PM
obviously, it's weird.
4/30/2012 11:36:49 PM
4/30/2012 11:37:54 PM
brb, gettin' smokes and doin' tranny stuff
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 11:38:13 PM
4/30/2012 11:39:42 PM
i'll be on the phone
Jennifer Cejka
4/30/2012 11:39:50 PM
5/1/2012 12:10:39 AM
k, back

5/1/2012 12:11:16 AM
we could have wednesday and friday
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 12:14:57 AM
lol on back to puter. and cool about wednesday, friday is possibly up in the air for me. I'm likely free with the exception of a Dr's appointment which I told you about, the up in the air is Freedom's Bachelorette party is Saturday and I'm not sure if I need to be at her place or if we're spending the night in Warren or whatever.
5/1/2012 12:17:45 AM
5/1/2012 12:18:01 AM
8 hours at the most
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 12:20:43 AM
5/1/2012 12:24:10 AM
you think i can help ya fill in that time?
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 12:25:58 AM
yeah i think you can

5/1/2012 12:26:07 AM
awww ty

Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 12:26:46 AM
I'll be dropping the phone off at Freedom's tomorrow cause I'll have the van since I get some of my check tomorrow and need to get my medicines and a few house hold items, so no texting after tonight.
5/1/2012 12:27:13 AM
ok, i'll nuke your number from the phone
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 12:27:33 AM
It also works out cause I didn't go to welfare for dad and wait for ever, and try to get dads elecric paid.
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 12:28:10 AM
And cause I have Beltane Celebration with Jen and Kat in the afternoon.
5/1/2012 12:28:14 AM
cool...what time do you think you'll be awake wednesday?
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 12:28:51 AM
At this point in time I do not recall having made any plans with anyone else for Wednesday so whenever I wake up.
5/1/2012 12:29:03 AM
when would that be?
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 12:29:15 AM
usually between nine and ten am
5/1/2012 12:29:43 AM
ok, cool
5/1/2012 12:34:37 AM
lots of cuddlin!
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 12:55:30 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 12:55:33 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 12:55:50 AM
Someone who was not charles was in my pills
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 12:59:37 AM
there is a third quarter of a klonapin in my bottle and I never cut mine
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 1:01:06 AM
charles is allergic to it.
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 1:01:15 AM
and i was staying with two pill addicts :/
5/1/2012 1:09:30 AM
oh wow
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 1:10:55 AM
yeah I was counting how many i had left till friday. I'm alloted one and a half at night and rarely take the half, I either take one, or just take two because i can't be bothered with cutting it in half and then it breaks into the quarters. So I go to count to see if I can take two because it's almost refill time and don't want to run out of at least what I need till friday and there is a clean cut (like it's ben done with a pill cutter) quarter in the bottle
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 1:11:21 AM
Neither Freedom nor Skye know that just because my dose is 1.5 at night, that I don't take 1.5, I take either 1 or simply take 2.
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 1:12:16 AM
I know for a fact it was not Charles because early on in the relationship he was having trouble sleeping and I gave him some to try and it made him grumpy and pissy so he refuses to take any type of meds. Plus he'd ask before getting into mine anyways.
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 1:12:55 AM
he sprained his ankle last week and I offered my anti inflammatory and muscle relaxers, he asks me to get them for him, and if I just bring them he asks what they are before he takes them because he wants to know what he's being given.
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 1:14:41 AM
Freedom can't get her Xanax anymore from her doctors or even her tramadol because I got her some Vicodin for her leg from dad and she took it before a dr's appointment and she failed the drug tests they make us do when we're prescribed narc's at our Dr's office, she'd have reason to take mine. Skye is a benzo addict, klonapin is a benzo, he'd have reason to take it too. Both had access, and both wouldn't know that I don't take the half, and would attempt to make it seem as though I'd left a half in there.
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 1:15:39 AM
Freedom's been too busy so I don't think she's been od'ing on pills the last week or so, but she said skye's using again since I broke up with him. I'm thinking he snuck a few of my pills while I was sleeping.
5/1/2012 1:40:06 AM
5/1/2012 1:40:11 AM
you'll be fine, i guess

5/1/2012 1:40:19 AM
snuggles takes care of everything
5/1/2012 1:40:27 AM
and random sexual stuff, but snuggles and movies are better
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 1:42:30 AM
snuggles and movies are awesome

5/1/2012 1:43:14 AM
and nekkeness! w00t
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 1:43:41 AM
5/1/2012 1:44:04 AM
you don't agree >.>
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 1:49:39 AM
it's not that, meds are kicking in, my head still feels like there's several ice picks in it and I can't get my medicines, and I'm not walking to the er to sit for hours in misery to be shoved in a room with noisey people all around and no darkness or comfort and told there's nothing they can give me becaause I'm allergic to most things that treat migraines.
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 1:50:08 AM
And I'm pretty bummed out I likely can't go back to school to at least finish my associates at this point because my outstanding loan debt is so high no one will likely take me.
5/1/2012 1:52:05 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 1:53:25 AM
I have half of my associates finished
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 1:55:12 AM
I'd need four grand to re enter phoenix. JBC is unlikely to take me back with that high of a loan debt. I have my offical transcripts. I owe jcc 800 still from when I went when I was pregnant with devon and I can't pay that back.
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 1:55:20 AM
so school is put on hold.
5/1/2012 1:55:32 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 1:56:59 AM
going to get an updated film on the scholiosis. You can just look at my spine and see it's curved. And a 2nd opinion on the bulging discs. I can feel them pushing out. And Friday at the dr's I'll ask for the hCV testing for your peace of mind, but also an overhaul on meds. this shit ins't working. I can't concentrate, not sleeping, still depressed all the time, and migraines not being fixed and this dumb bitch neurologist won't do a fucking thing.
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 1:59:42 AM
so i guess I'm still everyone's bitch for awhile. Till those things clear up, I'm broke, can't in all likelyhood work and have no car, no cell phone and we'll see how long I can afford the internet lol
5/1/2012 2:00:03 AM
so, you saying your my bitch too?...wtf
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 2:03:23 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 2:04:03 AM
no, I just feel like i'm everyone's bitch sometimes because I have no job and don't go to school so everyone calls me when they need something done because they figure I have no life so i can just come help thim all the time
5/1/2012 2:04:56 AM
ok, cool...just checking
5/1/2012 2:08:25 AM
well, school will come, when it comes
5/1/2012 2:08:35 AM
and so will life, just patience is all ya need

Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 2:09:08 AM
I try lol
5/1/2012 2:11:12 AM

5/1/2012 2:11:18 AM
figure out what your wearing wednesday
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 2:11:25 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 2:11:50 AM
ijust hate feeling ike a looser sitting at home all day doing nothing iguess
5/1/2012 2:12:30 AM
same here
5/1/2012 2:25:30 AM
any movies you want to see?
5/1/2012 2:34:02 AM
or specific kind of lubrication?
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 10:44:44 AM
I have lube, and no movies off the top of my head atm, just wanted to let you know I won't be here most of the day and won't have the phone loves
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 10:45:00 AM
Gotta get some stuff done, and Beltane feast and festivities are later

Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 10:45:04 AM
I'll ttyl

5/1/2012 11:03:24 AM

Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 11:55:30 AM
Did you talk to your mom today?
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 11:55:38 AM
why is she texting my hot mail demanding a call?
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 11:55:43 AM
what's going on now?
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 11:55:52 AM
she crawls up my fucking ass all the time. I hate it.
5/1/2012 11:57:01 AM
i don't know really
5/1/2012 11:57:16 AM
and no, i haven't spoken to her
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 11:57:25 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 11:57:45 AM
I'll call her later cause I don't have time for one of her two hour heart to heart mommy talks.
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 11:57:54 AM
I'm outtie. Got too much too do.
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 5:21:42 PM
5/1/2012 5:21:52 PM
welcome back !
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 5:22:00 PM
5/1/2012 5:22:03 PM
news! i have no vehicle

5/1/2012 5:22:11 PM
the tranny is hurt more
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 5:22:21 PM
didn't get the trans x did ya/
5/1/2012 5:23:15 PM
oh, i did
5/1/2012 5:23:21 PM
but it's hurt more than just transx
5/1/2012 5:24:34 PM
so, how do we do the transportation?
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 5:27:36 PM
oh well then I guess we're fucked cause I have no car and I'm not walking to falconer. I can barely make it to dads
5/1/2012 5:35:25 PM
i could afford a cab if you want
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 5:36:56 PM
i guess
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 5:37:04 PM
I'm kinda in a icky mood.
5/1/2012 5:37:52 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 5:38:39 PM
Yes today. I have no money, I'm everyone's social worker. I can't afford to go back to school, and I can't work. I can't afford to pay my own bills at this point, and if Charles doesn't get a job, I'll have no car myself, no internet, and barely enough to pay for my medicines and basic needs past the point of rent.
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 5:39:23 PM
It's rather depressing. I feel like I can't move forward in my life because I'm stuck in a shit hole apartment, broke in more than one way, and trying to change it gets harder every day.
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 5:39:26 PM
so I'm cranky.
5/1/2012 5:41:06 PM

Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 5:41:56 PM
5/1/2012 5:42:06 PM
it'll be kinky tomorrow
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 5:42:36 PM
yeah, after I take a scummy cb ride there.
5/1/2012 5:45:46 PM
that makes the day sound ... so much better
5/1/2012 5:45:50 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 5:46:20 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 5:46:29 PM
being a princess is hard to keep up with
5/1/2012 5:47:30 PM
damn straight
5/1/2012 5:47:36 PM
even ordering you a chariot is hard business
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 5:48:41 PM
5/1/2012 5:55:10 PM
so, tomorrow is gonna be weird for you?
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 5:55:42 PM
5/1/2012 5:56:48 PM
you sure?
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 5:57:25 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 5:57:29 PM
I'm just tired and cranky
5/1/2012 5:57:37 PM
ok princess lol
5/1/2012 6:08:25 PM
is there anything that could happen that wouldn't suprise you?
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 6:09:21 PM
5/1/2012 6:09:36 PM
wow...that makes it not fun
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 6:11:56 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 6:12:06 PM
i know you too well
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 6:14:13 PM
transmissions are expensive to fix
5/1/2012 6:20:34 PM
yeah, these are
5/1/2012 6:20:48 PM
maybe we should just skip tomorrow and plan again?
5/1/2012 6:21:02 PM
yesterday and today you've been in bad "states"

5/1/2012 6:21:10 PM
i don't want to make your state any worse for tomorrow
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 6:21:17 PM
lol if you say so
5/1/2012 6:22:09 PM
well, you know yourself better
5/1/2012 6:22:23 PM
go through tomorrows activities, or delay
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 6:23:14 PM
delay, I'm just in a funk I guess.
5/1/2012 6:23:35 PM
cool beans
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 6:24:32 PM
i love watching n00bs make fools of themselves
5/1/2012 6:24:57 PM
what do you mean?
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 6:27:26 PM
oh you know those self proclaimed geniuses of computers that tell you that dos no longer exists and that there is no longer a way to run check disk on the hard drive anymore. Then hafta ask you how to boot into dos after they just told you it doesn't exist anymore....
5/1/2012 6:27:54 PM
right, yeah
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 6:29:30 PM
or when you say the wireless has no password they call you and ask for it later, and when you remind them there is no password you come home to find them directly plugged in from the wireless router because they couldn't figure out what the password is.
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 6:29:35 PM
That's special right there.
5/1/2012 6:31:00 PM
5/1/2012 6:31:07 PM
5/1/2012 6:40:32 PM
you still do anal?
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 6:41:09 PM
yeah but I need time to clean out for that.
5/1/2012 6:41:33 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 6:42:10 PM
better in the toilet than on your dick
5/1/2012 6:42:27 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 6:42:46 PM
my shit
5/1/2012 6:43:45 PM
......i know what that means
5/1/2012 6:44:07 PM
might not do that for...years
5/1/2012 6:44:11 PM
so, you got plenty of time
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 6:44:21 PM
you could jam it up there and get a pile of poo
5/1/2012 6:44:30 PM
yeah, i remember the dildo
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 6:44:47 PM
at least I'm kind enough to do a complete cleanse ;0)
5/1/2012 6:45:04 PM
wtf is that?
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 6:47:57 PM
take a laxative so the area is cleansed off so you're less likely to get dirty
5/1/2012 6:48:15 PM
yeah, it'll be more than a year before any of that happens
5/1/2012 6:49:10 PM
but after it starts i'd like to do it at the most 3 times a day lol
5/1/2012 6:50:43 PM
k, enough about yours and mine rich desires
5/1/2012 6:50:52 PM
next week?
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 6:51:31 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 6:51:46 PM
trying not to fall asleep to the noob
5/1/2012 6:52:14 PM
need a day and a block of time, and a method of dress to match
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 6:55:43 PM
ok I'll let you know i need a nap\
5/1/2012 8:28:27 PM
ok, tomorrow is golden then
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 11:46:35 PM
Next wednesday, 4 to 8pm, casual?
Jennifer Cejka
5/1/2012 11:46:52 PM
lol okay then
5/1/2012 11:54:43 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:02:47 AM
i have no idea what you have planned
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:03:19 AM
so I'm guessing
5/2/2012 12:03:25 AM
5/2/2012 12:03:28 AM
casual it is
5/2/2012 12:03:31 AM
and it'll be a casual day
5/2/2012 12:03:36 AM
and 4-8 is too late from an 11 wakeup
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:04:20 AM
well if it's next wednesday it can be earlier, if it's today wednesday it has to be then because I still have to play social worker
5/2/2012 12:05:41 AM
really now?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:06:44 AM
yeah, never made it tto welfare for dad yesterday, took charles for a hair cut so he could get a job
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:07:42 AM
made him look less like Michael, more like a marine. can't even say he buzzed it all off like you.
5/2/2012 12:08:39 AM
5/2/2012 12:11:07 AM
so, it was gonna be earlier and longer, now it's later and shorter, and it might end up being much shorter
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:12:15 AM
well I don't know what to do. Kinda hard trying to have my own life when i have to live around everyone else's
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:13:35 AM
I have no life. My life is taking care of everyone else's. It' d be nice if I were doing it for the five people I were supposed to be doing it for, but i can't.
5/2/2012 12:14:11 AM
fair enough
5/2/2012 12:14:19 AM
i'll just have to think about what I can do for 30 mins to 1 horu
5/2/2012 12:14:42 AM
and that's casual
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:18:17 AM
5/2/2012 12:18:40 AM
prolly walkin', spending time outside
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:19:15 AM
it'd be easier if i could text you when I got done, but I have no money so it's kinda outta the question. This week is really frustrating.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:20:01 AM
Then I'm supposed to go play barbie all weekend and party with Freedom and Sunny, and Beefy, and Matt Louge and whoever, but both of us are broke cause she had to pay the lawyer so no money there.
5/2/2012 12:20:14 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:20:57 AM
and I feel like a fucking leper. I'm fucking hotter than hell and get paid no attention to because until I go get some blood test that isn't going to prove anything, I don't get touched.
5/2/2012 12:21:39 AM
my attention not good enough?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:24:17 AM
yours is fine, it just feels shitty to know that because of some idiot I'm 'diseased' now.
5/2/2012 12:26:46 AM
you are diseased? i thought you weren't?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:28:04 AM
I'm not but he won't believe me until I get the fucking stupid test done.
5/2/2012 12:28:44 AM
who is "he"?
5/2/2012 12:29:18 AM
and your looking to be touched by who?...what am i missing?
5/2/2012 12:30:34 AM
and i'm not the jealous boyfriend type, just curious as to what the blanks are that need to be filled in
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:32:06 AM
Charles. I'm not looking to be touched, I just think it's fucking ridiculous that I can feel he wants to fuck me, but won't because he believes i have hep c when statistically speaking I have better odds catching it in a fucking hospital from some stupid idiot nurse who didn't pay attention to what she was doing than from having sex with Skye.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:35:15 AM
Being an empath sucks
5/2/2012 12:37:02 AM
you want to feel like you want to be fucked?
5/2/2012 12:37:17 AM
or, someone wants to fuck you?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:37:59 AM
i don't like feeling that someone wants me, then says "Oh you have this so I'm not going to touch you" no one likes rejection.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:38:23 AM
at least I have my cat. She loves me.
5/2/2012 12:38:48 AM
i don't follow, i guess
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:41:01 AM
It's hard for you to understand because you don't share the ability I do. To know what someone wants and know what they think of you.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:41:06 AM
it can hurt.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:41:16 AM
I'm going back to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 9:31:27 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:32:05 AM
sleepy head
5/2/2012 11:16:44 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:18:29 AM
Welfare doesn't work on wednesdays
5/2/2012 11:18:49 AM
no way!
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:20:24 AM
5/2/2012 11:21:28 AM
wait, so what does that mean?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:22:01 AM
I can't go file dads paperwork, which at this point I'm considering telling him to go fuck off about. He can't pay his bills cause once again his drugs came first.
5/2/2012 11:22:37 AM
but his drugs have helped him, no?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:25:18 AM
its debateable
5/2/2012 11:25:35 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:27:26 AM
they may provide pain releif but honestly, it's not helping his lung function anymore than smoking cigs are. The drinking is why he feels sick all the time and he's too stubborn to listen.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:27:39 AM
I can't do it anymore. I can't keep helping him all the time and get nothing in return.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:27:49 AM
because that's all I get. A big giant "FUCK YOU"
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:28:15 AM
no thanks, no how ya doing, no here's ten bucks, it's all I got but it's something in thanks for all you do for me cause you spend all your time taking caare of me.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:28:39 AM
Cleaning my house, my messings, fixing my mistakes.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:28:55 AM
Drop everything when I call and demand it.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:29:00 AM
Of course I'm fed up.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:29:43 AM
Angry, bitter, depressed. I have no life because it revolves around taking care of two perfectly grown adults who make shitty choices
5/2/2012 11:30:10 AM
at least it makes you live longer

Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:30:22 AM
5/2/2012 11:30:46 AM
dunno what to say, 'cept your helping your dying dad and lazy ex-husband live longer

5/2/2012 11:31:26 AM
and at least you can live with the fact that your heart is bigger than both of them combined
5/2/2012 11:36:00 AM
so, your just doing nothing today then, huh?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:36:25 AM
pretty much deciding what my depressed ass wants to do

5/2/2012 11:36:56 AM
sounds legit lol
5/2/2012 11:37:07 AM
and why so depressed? you make yourself availiable, not used by your family.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:38:18 AM
I'm not depressed about my family. I'm depressed because I'm not the lucky bitch who gets sent a thousand dollars a week to be a princess on
5/2/2012 11:38:45 AM
5/2/2012 11:39:08 AM
well, that makes me fall outta the category, i guess.
5/2/2012 11:42:03 AM
Should i just go?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:48:51 AM
go where?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:50:05 AM
You get money you just don't spend it on anything fun.
5/2/2012 11:54:59 AM
Like, go go. I can't support a $1k/week habit dear
5/2/2012 11:55:22 AM
I can't make your life equivalent to freedoms, i'm sorry
5/2/2012 11:55:54 AM
And I spend it on what needs to be spent on, with the extra going to be spent on what everyone else needs

Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:02:31 PM
I don't need a grand a week first off. she does. But I hate not being able to pay my bills. and you spend it on what needs spent on and what others need it spent on, not what your kids, and you and I need
5/2/2012 12:02:55 PM
I spend it on the kids, too

Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:02:55 PM
that's the problem. How are you going to support six people, and my princess fund with no job, playing the game to nancy, and your mom?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:03:29 PM
so who are the others?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:03:55 PM
your squatters? Your mother? people who are capeable of working and fending for themselves?
5/2/2012 12:04:12 PM
well, people who ask when in dire need i suppose
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:04:56 PM
exactly. We'll never have money if you do that all the time to support six people.
5/2/2012 12:05:25 PM
well, i don't have to currently support the kids or anybody else atm
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:06:22 PM
I need my car put on the road so I can get to my doctors appointments, I can't afford that. I need my cell phone turned on, I can't afford that. You're spending money on everyone else, but my needs mean nothing. I want to be treated like a princess and you can't afford that, but you can afford to give all your money away to everyone else. It kinda makes me feel like I don't mean anything to you.
5/2/2012 12:07:06 PM
it's been 3 days so far, and your expecting me to have already fully supported you?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:11:03 PM
no, the point is, I don't see where things have changed. You're still supporting the rest of the world rather than saving your money to attain the goals of giving us and our children the lives we deserve to have.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:11:41 PM
You can give everyone else money but you know I need help and don't even ask if you can help me or if I want you to. Yet every other person who comes to you with their hands out gets the hand out.
5/2/2012 12:12:14 PM
actually, you haven't asked for help, and I was unsure whether your financial speakings were just candid conversation or cries for assistance
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:14:53 PM
Both. I literally can't afford anything matthew. You have no idea what it's like. And it's not about not wanting to work. I wish i could, but I can't stand on my feet long enough to shower. How can I go get a job?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:15:09 PM
and honestly, tell me honestly. WHat did you have planned for today?
5/2/2012 12:15:39 PM
Movie and walk really
5/2/2012 12:15:51 PM
but with the 4 hour window I had to remove the movie from it
5/2/2012 12:16:38 PM
what did you think?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:19:18 PM
you were asking questions like 'is there anything that wouldn't surprise you" and then said cool. I figured you were gonna take me home for more sex because that's all you usually want
5/2/2012 12:19:53 PM
I told you that I had changed
5/2/2012 12:20:11 PM
and me not having sex with you would definitely surprise you
5/2/2012 12:20:36 PM
I have better things to do than playing 1 into 0 math
5/2/2012 12:20:46 PM
and i'm more into making Love than just casual sex
5/2/2012 12:20:54 PM
it's just better that way
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:21:38 PM
5/2/2012 12:22:19 PM
in fact, sex isn't what you want. it's what's got you in trouble
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:23:13 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:23:15 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:23:20 PM
doing auto quotes
5/2/2012 12:23:26 PM
oh, i'll leave ya be then
5/2/2012 12:24:32 PM
you know, if i wanted a piece of ass i'd pay freedom for it
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:26:50 PM
that's just it, you'd pay freedom for it. You'd pay her for photos. You can't even help me out with a few things. You can't even offer, but everyone who comes looking for a handout gets one. It shouldn't be that way. Everytime I've needed your help, I've gotten it one time.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:26:55 PM
Otherwise I had to earn it.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:27:08 PM
I can multi task too and still talk to you
5/2/2012 12:27:24 PM
it's been 3 days, and your not a prostitute
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:27:39 PM
the last time I got twenty bucks from you I had to give you a blow job to get it.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:28:00 PM
other times it was photos shoots and sex.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:28:28 PM
I'm not a prosititute but you used to make me do stuff to get any money from you. it made me feel like shit.
5/2/2012 12:29:05 PM
well, welcome back to the "non-prostitute" days
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:29:18 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:30:26 PM
all I'm trying to say is that I don't feel it's fair that if you're truly planning on putting this family together, everyone with an open hand should get money. It'd be nice to have you treat me like a princess for a change. Or at least seem like you cared enough that you wanted to.
5/2/2012 12:31:50 PM
things don't happen overnight, of course. if they did, i'm sure you know what would happen. and we're also "testing the waters", so to speak, so don't expect a grand investment in the life of you with your husband on the coattails.
5/2/2012 12:32:24 PM
and if you even think about going back to the "prostitute" days with me, your wrong, and we should immediately break up if that ever crosses your mind
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:32:50 PM
i would never go back to those days because i respect my self more than that
5/2/2012 12:33:07 PM
money doesn't look good all over your face, anyways
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:34:31 PM
I've literally had to throw out half of my clothes this week because freedom ruined them all doing my laundry. You don't understand how hard this week has been. I have to get my car on the road, or I can't go to my doctors, and even if I do, I still can't afford the gas. I'm stuck at home with the couch potato because I have no money to do anything but be stuck here. So thanks for the dose of reality I already know
5/2/2012 12:35:01 PM
and just to say, I have the same thing you have...almost exact to the letter T
5/2/2012 12:35:07 PM
I have 3 pairs of clothes
5/2/2012 12:35:16 PM
my vehicle is completely off the road
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:35:26 PM
You don't have doctors in buffalo to get to
5/2/2012 12:35:28 PM
and i'm stuck with two couch potatoes
5/2/2012 12:35:41 PM
your right, i don't have doctors to go to, i have other issues at hand
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:35:42 PM
that you could evict at any time but choose not to
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:35:52 PM
I can't evict mine
5/2/2012 12:35:56 PM
me evicting people doesn't solve your problems....
5/2/2012 12:39:10 PM
so, where does this leave us after 3 days?
5/2/2012 12:39:21 PM
i personally thought things were going better
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:39:45 PM
You evicting people solves YOUR problems.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:40:39 PM
I thought things were going better too, however it genuinely concerns me that you continue to make your money availabe for others when you should be saving it for your family in a long term basis. Not the freeloaders that like to sponge off Matt.
5/2/2012 12:41:15 PM
It shouldn't really concern you
5/2/2012 12:42:06 PM
and i'm not other peoples piggy bank, too
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:42:15 PM
If we were going to make a comittment then yes it should. If you feel that way then I guess you weren't as interested in a committment with me after all.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:42:25 PM
and that's the biggest let down because I thought you really were.
5/2/2012 12:42:33 PM
They have 3 months left. I shouldn't have to immediately evict after already providing a deadline
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:42:40 PM
I thought you really changed and wanted to make things work.
5/2/2012 12:43:10 PM
I believe your intending to rush our relationship. My situations are all under control, albeit not on your current timetables
5/2/2012 12:43:31 PM
Now that i'm aware of your situation, I believe there is a timing conflict in when all my issues will be resolved versus when all yours will
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:43:48 PM
5/2/2012 12:44:10 PM
I suppose your not patient to wait
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:44:30 PM
it's not the wait that concerns me matthew, its the fact that I don't know wh en I'm no longer going to have a place to live.
5/2/2012 12:44:59 PM
I thought you really changed and wanted to make things work.
Jennifer Cejka5/2/2012 12:42:40 PM
5/2/2012 12:45:09 PM
To work out what possibly COULD be love is not the same as love
5/2/2012 12:45:21 PM
and it doesn't mean to rush into things asap
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:45:35 PM
I guess then there's been a huge misunderstanding
5/2/2012 12:45:36 PM
that's true, right?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:45:38 PM
becaue I love you.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:45:44 PM
I have always loved you.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:45:52 PM
If you question your love for me, then there's a huge issue.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:46:42 PM
if you don't know whether or not you love me, after eleven years to stand up and fight for our relationship to work because no relationship is easy, and life is hard, my belief is that you don't love a person either enough to commit to them, or at all.
5/2/2012 12:48:21 PM
Didn't we just discuss this?
5/2/2012 12:48:43 PM
about waiting until a specific day so that we both saw that we weren't wasting our time?
5/2/2012 12:49:22 PM
i'm not going to dump money on you now dear. If i have changed, i believe you have changed as well.
5/2/2012 12:49:35 PM
and i'm not in the mood to really stop learning you to discover what has and has not changed
5/2/2012 12:50:15 PM
If you want me to make the plans, so be it
5/2/2012 12:50:24 PM
If you want me to run "our" dating schedule, so be it as well
5/2/2012 12:50:43 PM
Just don't scream at me when I don't "act like a husband" to you because i'm not currently that person
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:50:51 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:50:53 PM
5/2/2012 12:50:56 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:50:58 PM
stupid caps key
5/2/2012 12:51:10 PM
and i'm not trying to nail you on your life choices
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:51:17 PM
but when I'm fucking homeless and sick, don't fucking come back to me bebcause you can't fucking find me.
5/2/2012 12:51:33 PM
i'm just making a point that I feel like you think our relationship is way beyond what i think it currently is
5/2/2012 12:51:47 PM
and you can't be homeless. you've been in a place for awhile not
5/2/2012 12:51:55 PM
and please don't be upset
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:52:44 PM
I've been here one month
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:52:49 PM
and I can't afford the rent
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:52:57 PM
and some idot won't get a fucking job
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:53:13 PM
and is waiting on disability and will in all likelyhood be leaving when he gets it
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:53:54 PM
so really yeah, I probably will be homeless at some point. I"m not trying to make you feel like crap, I can't afford this place. I'm on all the waiting lists for low income housing, and I have no place to go when they evict me because I can't pay all my bills and the rent too.
5/2/2012 12:54:15 PM
ok, fair enough
5/2/2012 12:54:23 PM
can I ask you some questions real quick about today?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 12:56:32 PM
5/2/2012 1:00:20 PM
If you were to come over and I was to treat you like a piece of meat, you'd allow it, true?
5/2/2012 1:01:48 PM
i mean, that's what you'd expect, right?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:04:41 PM
5/2/2012 1:05:14 PM
and after all the careful touching and such, your perception of me hasn't really changed in the last couple days?
5/2/2012 1:05:50 PM
christ, i haven't even grabbed your boobs and you know those are the things i typically can't keep my hands off of lol
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:08:45 PM
5/2/2012 1:09:40 PM
when you mentioned to me last night about you wanting charles to want sex from you, it confused the shit out of me
5/2/2012 1:10:16 PM
but now i guess i understand a bit
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:11:28 PM
5/2/2012 1:11:54 PM
your not saying much, so I think what I assume is entirely correct
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:13:35 PM
yes lol
5/2/2012 1:14:14 PM
so, i'm at a crossroads on how things should progress
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:15:34 PM
me too. I'm just depressed right now. And want to go be a princess and noone just hands me a grand to have fun with every other fucking week.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:15:47 PM
I"m just as pretty as her.
5/2/2012 1:15:51 PM
your jealous of Freedom
5/2/2012 1:15:58 PM
it's quite....visible lol
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:16:03 PM
i know
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:16:16 PM
where's my rich guy that sends me money?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:16:23 PM
where's my thousand dollar princess fund?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:16:28 PM
I"m a fucking princess.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:16:33 PM
I want my fucking princess money.
5/2/2012 1:16:39 PM
What if he comes while we're dating?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:16:57 PM
I don't think he is. I don't get that kind of luck.
5/2/2012 1:17:03 PM
but what if
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:17:08 PM
ii dunno
5/2/2012 1:17:16 PM
wouldn't you go for it?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:18:30 PM
5/2/2012 1:19:03 PM
can I ask if that imples that your still looking for Mr. Moneybags?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:20:56 PM
I suppose in a way it does, all I want is to be able to go get my hair done regularly, nails done, and be able to buy clothes and shoes and and feel good
5/2/2012 1:21:41 PM
but $1000/week is goddamn great
5/2/2012 1:21:59 PM
you'd be a smiling mexian slut just for someone who do that for you
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:22:31 PM
that's just it, I'd be happy with just 200 extra a week
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:23:06 PM
then again I did enjoy making 600 a week for your mom
5/2/2012 1:23:42 PM
money runs the world, dear
5/2/2012 1:24:11 PM
and you can be bought, which worries me a bit
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:24:50 PM
ahhh isee
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:25:18 PM
you think I'm only investing my time in you for your money
5/2/2012 1:26:05 PM
no, not completetly
5/2/2012 1:26:10 PM
brb, getting coffee and a smoke
5/2/2012 1:26:13 PM
and then i'll explain
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:27:50 PM
5/2/2012 1:29:40 PM
ok, i think that you need to be taken care of
5/2/2012 1:29:52 PM
and when you are taken care of, your quite the giver and you take pride in it
5/2/2012 1:30:05 PM
and your also easily misdirected as well to bigger and better things
5/2/2012 1:30:19 PM
relationships are investments of time only
5/2/2012 1:30:51 PM
and i think you've got the time, but your needs are prioritized differently than mine in relationships

5/2/2012 1:30:59 PM
that's my nutshell
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:32:08 PM
that makes sense
5/2/2012 1:33:06 PM
but does it sound like you?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:33:12 PM
it is me lol
5/2/2012 1:33:45 PM
so, there is a possibility that the relationship could fail if something better comes along from me, being such a shitty guy
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:35:33 PM
it's not that you're a shitty guy, it's just that you're proving that you're not a shitty guy still, and that's going to take time, and right now I need to be taken care of and I'm not being taken care of.
5/2/2012 1:36:37 PM
you see my competition is huge, tho
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:37:35 PM
not really
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:37:46 PM
no one around here has money and no one around here is taking care of me
5/2/2012 1:37:52 PM
out of over 1 million other guys that could possible show up?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:40:04 PM
who the heck is gonna show up in this shithole in the next six months or more that has money and be interested in me? No one.
5/2/2012 1:40:37 PM
well, there are odds against as well
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:41:20 PM
5/2/2012 1:42:00 PM
so, you think I don't want to take care of you yet
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:42:36 PM
5/2/2012 1:42:47 PM
it's true, cause i have to take care of the kids first ....
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:44:56 PM
which is how it should be, but you're not doing that. Your'e taking care of your squatters first.
5/2/2012 1:45:09 PM
not really
5/2/2012 1:45:16 PM
i'm taking care of the place
5/2/2012 1:45:24 PM
and i've spent the last week getting their rooms setup
5/2/2012 1:45:35 PM
and doing shit with 'em
5/2/2012 1:46:58 PM
i've basically been creating my life for them so they can have it
5/2/2012 1:47:45 PM
i'd basically have to give it up for them to have it

Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:49:29 PM
I guess I can see your point and where you're coming from, however, can't fully agree because you still have other people living there. Just my opinion, and since you've made it clear that it's none of my business, I won't interfere.
5/2/2012 1:50:38 PM
just for your information, they do have 3 more months. I can't have the kids down here for the winter, and they're doing texas the first couple months of summer, so things fall along with the last month of summer before school
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:51:49 PM
and I can tell you that Linda Jones does not want them down here because it would be far to easy to slip them into PA and start a new custody petition and keep them down there.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:52:07 PM
She adamantly refused in court to let me have visits down here.
5/2/2012 1:52:22 PM
it's not up to Linda Jones, really. there is no order of visitation in effect for me and the kids
5/2/2012 1:52:28 PM
it's up to the "Adults", i suppose one would say
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:53:11 PM
well if your mom is kissing your ass that's fine, but your moms thing is that your'e going to bring them down here and let me see them and her thing is that linda jones doesn't want me around them because according to the therapist at devons school, I'm a psychological danger to devon.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:53:29 PM
You have a LOT to learn becaue a LOT when down when I went to court.
5/2/2012 1:53:51 PM
i've already spoken to her about it
5/2/2012 1:54:14 PM
it doesn't mean that they can't just suddenly see you in a parking lot by "accident", right?
5/2/2012 1:56:06 PM
do you have a phone still?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:56:51 PM
yes I do, but your mom just called me on the house phone.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:57:52 PM
and you can't bring the kids to see me. Devon has a total breakdown every time he sees me. and as much I *wish* I could see them, and hate that they can't be around me right now, Devon has a breakdown every time he sees me.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:58:34 PM
You can't do that to the kids anymore.
5/2/2012 1:58:44 PM
fair enough
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 1:58:48 PM
just a house phone, no cell phone.
5/2/2012 1:59:42 PM
mmk, so you can make outgoing telephone calls?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:00:28 PM
on my house phone yes
5/2/2012 2:00:54 PM
how much for a cab from your place to falconer?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:00:54 PM
do you understand that the kids don't want to come here?
5/2/2012 2:00:59 PM
yes, i do understand
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:01:32 PM
I'd have to ask
5/2/2012 2:02:25 PM
you'd have to ask what?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:02:54 PM
how much the cab is.
5/2/2012 2:03:53 PM
o ok
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:05:57 PM
you gave your hand away to your mom when you stopped talking to her
5/2/2012 2:06:12 PM
5/2/2012 2:06:23 PM
I stopped talking to her cause I have nothing to talk to her about
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:06:40 PM
she knows we're talking because you stopped
5/2/2012 2:06:49 PM
no, she speculates it
5/2/2012 2:07:01 PM
in fact, i spoke to her yesterday
5/2/2012 2:07:16 PM
so, is she playing you to get to me?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:08:04 PM
5/2/2012 2:14:12 PM
you gonna be ok with freakishly amount of gratuitous sex with me?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:14:25 PM
I've always been okay with it.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:14:31 PM
what's changed your mind?
5/2/2012 2:14:53 PM
with what?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:15:25 PM
freakishly amounts of gratuitous sex
5/2/2012 2:15:47 PM
that's a change in mind?
5/2/2012 2:16:28 PM
i thought it was a question, really

Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:18:18 PM
it seemed like a change in mind
5/2/2012 2:19:51 PM
from what?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:20:32 PM
from not wanting sex with me.
5/2/2012 2:21:20 PM
oh! mix of words
5/2/2012 2:21:25 PM
gratuitous LOVE
5/2/2012 2:22:46 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:23:19 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:23:36 PM
gratuitous still means paid for
5/2/2012 2:23:50 PM
5/2/2012 2:23:52 PM
i hate english
5/2/2012 2:23:56 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:24:03 PM
5/2/2012 2:32:31 PM
can you call and ask to see how much a cab is to falconer park from your place?
5/2/2012 2:32:45 PM
need to see if i need to go to the bank or not
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:34:11 PM
I'm still on the phone with your mom
5/2/2012 2:35:03 PM
o ok
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:39:47 PM
God will you stop being so fucking obvious!
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:40:05 PM
Your mom knows we're talking because you just called her while I was still on the phone.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:40:20 PM
Good luck with her. You're in for an earful and I don't blame her for being pissed.
5/2/2012 2:40:37 PM
i just got off the phone with brian
5/2/2012 2:40:44 PM
and i told him i was gonna call her
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:41:06 PM
whatever but your actions make it obvious we're talking.
5/2/2012 2:41:09 PM
5/2/2012 2:41:11 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:42:02 PM
When you start playing games with her, she knows. And you know what, you should be paying her child support. If you want to dispute her gambling, take her to court for it. And you are not going to get those kids for visits until you go to court.
5/2/2012 2:42:22 PM
i'm not playing games with her
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:42:34 PM
This is where you haven't changed, you haven't been honest. You are not going to get the kids unless you go to court and follow the courts orders.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:43:20 PM
and right now, linda jones knows you want them here, and she forbids it. If your mom lets them come here, and this was SAID IN COURT IN FRONT OF ME AND MY LAWYER. Our children will be pulled from your mothers house and put in foster care.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:46:58 PM
do you plan on taking a bus this weekend to go see the kids or are you really not going to see them at all?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:51:38 PM
this is why I'm leery matthew.
5/2/2012 2:51:45 PM
i'm back
5/2/2012 2:51:53 PM
sorry, was on the phone with her

Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:52:19 PM
I'm done trying to prove points, or argue. I'm leery because of the actions you take and choices you make in regard to our children. If they're supposed to be first why aren't they?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:52:48 PM
honestly, are you taking the bus up there or are you blowing off the kids this weekend? and don't lie to save face. You know your mom will tell me if you didn't show up.
5/2/2012 2:53:19 PM
The purpose wasn't to see the kids this weekend at all
5/2/2012 2:53:33 PM
the purpose of this weekend was to go camping all weekend with Dev
5/2/2012 2:53:44 PM
had nothing to do with the other 3
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:54:16 PM
so are you bailing on dev?
5/2/2012 2:54:17 PM
and unless I can get the vehicle fixed in time (which I can't), there's no legal option for me to go camping with devon
5/2/2012 2:54:29 PM
yes, i'm gonna have to bail on Dev to spend time with the other 3
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:54:52 PM
you can't take a bus and use the van to go camping with devon?
5/2/2012 2:55:25 PM
i'm not on wayne or mom's insurance. i can't drive her vehicles legally, and if the kids are involved with that then it's more of a No No
5/2/2012 2:55:41 PM
if it was me solo, maybe....Devon involved, no
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:55:48 PM
I drove her van all summer with the kids.
5/2/2012 2:55:57 PM
i asked her to drive us to the campsite and then pick us up at the end, she said no
5/2/2012 2:56:23 PM
that's a financially liable issue to drive a vehicle and get in an accident when your not covered under insurance
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:56:33 PM
i see
5/2/2012 2:56:39 PM
I have to give up one for three this time
5/2/2012 2:56:53 PM
and I think I have to bus brian down to help with the car, then drive him back up
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:58:17 PM
5/2/2012 2:58:28 PM
You call for a cab price?

Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 2:59:18 PM
5/2/2012 3:02:00 PM
mmk, then i guess it's a no go?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:02:34 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:03:12 PM
your mom offered you her car and you refused.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:03:24 PM
so its YOUR choice not to see our kids.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:03:27 PM
YOU haven't changed.
5/2/2012 3:03:34 PM
i am seeing the kids...not devon, but the other 3
5/2/2012 3:03:40 PM
can you not read?
5/2/2012 3:03:47 PM
and i'm taking a bus
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:04:33 PM
You could have taken devon camping, you're choosing not to.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:04:47 PM
Devon is looking forward to you taking him camping.
5/2/2012 3:04:57 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:04:58 PM
You're going to hurt his feelings.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:05:14 PM
this is YOUR choice.
5/2/2012 3:05:36 PM
i CHOOSE not to teach the kids on how to break the law
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:05:51 PM
break what law?
5/2/2012 3:06:53 PM
i dunno
5/2/2012 3:07:15 PM
I don't like this conversation with you
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:07:21 PM
there is no law, it's your own stubborness. It's you trying to have your way.
5/2/2012 3:07:36 PM
I'm seeing the kids, that is my way
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:07:40 PM
of course you dont like this conversation.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:08:10 PM
I'm telling you flat out that you haven't changed, you're playing games, and you're being an ass
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:08:19 PM
I'm not playing the games.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:08:37 PM
Grow up, get on the bus, go see your kids.
5/2/2012 3:09:19 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:09:21 PM
And if you want my unsoliceted advice, stop making excuses why you can't see your kids, and don't take camping away from Devon. Devon will blast you for it.
5/2/2012 3:09:29 PM
i am seeing the kids...not devon, but the other 3
can you not read?
and i'm taking a bus
M5/2/2012 3:03:34 PM
5/2/2012 3:09:49 PM
Grow up, get on the bus, go see your kids.
Jennifer Cejka5/2/2012 3:08:37 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:09:50 PM
These kids harbor their hurt and aren't afraid to say it.
5/2/2012 3:10:08 PM
I didn't tell all 4 of them not to lead separate lives....
5/2/2012 3:10:14 PM
this happens to be how it is
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:10:37 PM
did you tell your mom that?
5/2/2012 3:10:44 PM
Tell her what?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:10:59 PM
that they live seperate lives?
5/2/2012 3:11:37 PM
5/2/2012 3:11:43 PM
it's pretty much common sense
5/2/2012 3:12:47 PM
You need cuddles?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:14:39 PM
No, I need you to change some more. The kids aren't you're priority. Once you start doing that then I think I'll be more convinced that you've changed.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:15:00 PM
They have grown up, of course they've gone on and started living seperate lives.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:15:08 PM
Good luck in court.
5/2/2012 3:15:23 PM
What the fuck
5/2/2012 3:15:28 PM
you can't even see the kids
5/2/2012 3:16:00 PM
and your giving me "advice" on what I should do for them, let alone basing my "maturity" and "changing" off of what you feel you think you would do in a situation like this?
5/2/2012 3:17:42 PM
It's my choice to spend time with 3 of my children cause I feel I don't want to risk my sons life in a vehicle with a crash history
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:18:45 PM
I gave up on the custody of the kids because the law guardian stood up in court and told me flat out that my kids did not want to live with me but juts wanted to visit, and my ONLY option for visition was to have two seperate hour visits with the kids for 75 an hour.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:18:56 PM
I didn't want to screw up their lives anymore.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:19:08 PM
because I love our kids enough to do that, to keep them balanced and safe.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:19:19 PM
and your mom offered you her CAR. NOT THE VAN
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:19:27 PM
a car with NO CRASH history so stop lying to me.
5/2/2012 3:19:28 PM
the one with a flat tire
5/2/2012 3:19:45 PM
yeah, her car has a flat tire
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:20:49 PM
well gee it must suck having a life with four children to take care of and a job and not having time to drop everything for something so trivial.
5/2/2012 3:21:24 PM
it doesn't suck. it's why i'm letting them go to texas instead of keeping them for 3 months of the summer
5/2/2012 3:21:35 PM
cause it's what 3 of the 4 of them want
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:23:11 PM
okay well if you don't want to be in the same position I am, you need to get your ass moving on visiting the kids, grow up, stop making excuses, and go to court and file for custody and visitation if that's what you want.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:23:27 PM
Have a good week.
5/2/2012 3:23:43 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:24:13 PM
5/2/2012 3:24:20 PM
your not coming over?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:25:36 PM
at this point I don't think I want to. You aren't ready to take care of me, don't take care of our kids, and have a lot more changes to make before I'd be convinced you're ready to put our family back together.
5/2/2012 3:26:13 PM
so, your breaking it off with me?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:27:37 PM
yeah. If you're not going to do anything for me but string me along, and not take care of the issues with the kids, or even myself because you're not ready, then you're not ready.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:27:45 PM
I am ready now. You're not. I can't force you.
5/2/2012 3:28:16 PM
i'm sorry it had to come down to the kids
5/2/2012 3:28:26 PM
i thought it was "us"
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:28:46 PM
if it was us, why am I not the priority then? Why am I not being taken care of?
5/2/2012 3:28:57 PM
it has been 3 days
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:29:10 PM
we've known eachother 11 years.
5/2/2012 3:29:41 PM
and you and i both agree we've changed
5/2/2012 3:29:57 PM
and you expect me to learn you off of 4 hours of talking with you face-to-face
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:33:05 PM
I'm not breaking it off with you. I'm growing up, and realizing that I know the difference between right and wrong.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:34:26 PM
And I know as a parent what the most responsible thing for our children.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:35:28 PM
The most responsible thing for our children right now would be to allow you to not have to focus on us, but to focus on our kids.
5/2/2012 3:38:38 PM
It's contradictory
5/2/2012 3:39:38 PM
- To have you, I have to have the kids.
- To get the kids, I can't be near you.
5/2/2012 3:40:07 PM
and to specify
5/2/2012 3:40:11 PM
the first statement is your request
5/2/2012 3:40:24 PM
the second statement is what is the responsible path set forth with the court
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:41:41 PM
basically I'm telling you that you need to resolve the issue with the kids first. Because you're right, the court at this point has given me no visitation, and no right to custody.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:41:48 PM
You have to go to court first.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:42:14 PM
Linda Jones may clairify that to the court though. I don't think Linda's objective was to shut me out, it is your mom shutting me out.
5/2/2012 3:42:35 PM
Why can't you just focus on a relationship with me
5/2/2012 3:42:51 PM
you have to focus on things that are not pertaining to a relationship with me
5/2/2012 3:43:16 PM
and because of my choice of whether to go with 1 child to camping or stay with 3 kids for a weekend you decide to break it off with me
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:43:43 PM
Linda's objective was to take it out of court so that your mother could allow us to have more visitation without the orders from the court stating all these rules. She's simply manipulating the fact I can't fight her in court for doing what she's doing.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:43:59 PM
I"m not breaking it off with you for choosing three over one. It's an accumalation of things.
5/2/2012 3:44:20 PM
what the hell accumulated that you chose not to continue a relationship with me?
5/2/2012 3:44:22 PM
after 3 days!
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:45:11 PM
It's the fact that you made a promise to a little boy and you are backing out of it because you can't do it your way.
5/2/2012 3:45:41 PM
I didn't make the promise to him. I told all of them that I would see them next weekend
5/2/2012 3:45:55 PM
Mom told me about Scouts the following freakin' day
5/2/2012 3:46:16 PM
and I said I'll try, the following day I called her with the "nogo" cause of the vehicle
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:47:40 PM
It's the fact you still argue about child support when if you have an issue with where it's being spent it's your responsibility to go to the court, petition that an order be made and deal with it.
5/2/2012 3:47:48 PM
5/2/2012 3:47:59 PM
i pay child support with work that i do for mom
5/2/2012 3:48:08 PM
i consult with her twice a week, at most
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:48:12 PM
and I specifically remember four trips to labor and delivery not three
5/2/2012 3:48:27 PM
....the fuck?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:49:06 PM
5/2/2012 3:49:42 PM
the delivery room crack
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:50:17 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:53:56 PM
any more questions?
5/2/2012 3:54:21 PM
you still coming over?
5/2/2012 3:54:25 PM
cause i'd love to just hold ya
5/2/2012 3:54:34 PM
even if we're not together
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:55:20 PM
No, because you're not going to take care of me. Have refused to for the last six years. IF that hasnt' changed, why should I keep putting myself out there for you?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:55:31 PM
take up your moms offer, it's a win win situation.
5/2/2012 3:55:49 PM
Can I meet you somewhere?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:55:50 PM
You'll have to explain to Devon why you're not taking him in Gramma's car.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:55:54 PM
5/2/2012 3:56:47 PM
k will do
5/2/2012 3:56:51 PM
then where can we meet?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:58:07 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 3:58:17 PM
trying tot hink of a fair half way that I can walk to.
5/2/2012 4:14:00 PM
could walk down 2nd to Renaldos
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 4:15:09 PM
okay I'll let you know when I'm off the phone with your mom
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 4:16:59 PM
you could have handled that better over the phone
5/2/2012 4:19:25 PM
Yeah, i know
5/2/2012 4:19:29 PM
i'll fill ya in
5/2/2012 4:19:32 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 4:20:37 PM
when I'm ready. Still on the phone with your mom.
5/2/2012 4:21:06 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 4:25:35 PM
okay i'm on my way you ready too?
5/2/2012 4:25:46 PM
in 3 mins, yeah
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 4:25:49 PM
5/2/2012 4:25:50 PM
meet at renaldos?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 4:25:55 PM
yeah that'll work
5/2/2012 4:26:43 PM
mmk, see ya there love
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 4:26:47 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 8:50:09 PM
home. 9.50
5/2/2012 8:55:06 PM
5/2/2012 8:58:38 PM
you think he's be worried if you were gone for 3 days?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 9:07:59 PM
5/2/2012 9:08:14 PM
what about 2 weeks?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 9:09:45 PM
5/2/2012 9:11:46 PM
you say anything else but no?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 9:12:07 PM
5/2/2012 9:12:27 PM
5/2/2012 9:12:29 PM
5/2/2012 9:12:31 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 9:15:12 PM
5/2/2012 9:15:59 PM
5/2/2012 9:16:05 PM
ok, so tomorrow we gettin' down
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 9:18:09 PM
lol hopefully
5/2/2012 9:18:55 PM
your hopin'?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 9:19:23 PM
I won't know the situation on the van till I call dad
5/2/2012 9:19:42 PM
plenty of room in the back, right?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 9:25:22 PM
if you don't mind the spare.
5/2/2012 9:25:34 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 9:31:59 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 9:32:08 PM
or the lining lmao
5/2/2012 9:47:30 PM
what's wrong with the lining?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 9:50:18 PM
it's like a truck bed lining
5/2/2012 9:51:50 PM
5/2/2012 9:51:54 PM
bad knees and booty cheeks
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 9:54:38 PM
you're plannin on gettin laid tomorrow huh/
5/2/2012 9:57:34 PM
i was planning on making love to you sometime....
5/2/2012 10:00:53 PM
for a couple days
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:16:34 PM
well duh
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:16:45 PM
but not in the back of the van for a couplea days

5/2/2012 10:17:10 PM

Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:17:22 PM
awwwww, bella stuck her nose in the candle
5/2/2012 10:18:12 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:18:16 PM
File transfer:
Bella 026.JPG
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:18:34 PM
just noticed some of her wiskers are singed
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:19:08 PM
she's playing with one of my easter resee's eggs. batting it around the bed. actually picked it up and tossed it at me once
5/2/2012 10:20:18 PM
she's cute
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:21:38 PM
Thanks. Got her from Jen and Kat
5/2/2012 10:23:24 PM
i'm sure the couple days'll be here
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:28:34 PM
lol ok
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:36:59 PM
so now freedom says she might cancel the thing in warren this weekend.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:37:07 PM
I think she may just not want me to go.
5/2/2012 10:38:20 PM
orly? interesting
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:39:02 PM
I told her you were worried about me cause I do stupid stuff drunk and she said "Hmmmm I might cancel it but I"m going to bed for now ttyl"
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:39:58 PM
I wonder if skye is going
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:42:46 PM
she's been weird lately
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:43:04 PM
i give up on trying
5/2/2012 10:44:37 PM
5/2/2012 10:44:40 PM
5/2/2012 10:44:44 PM
thanks for voicing my concerns
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:45:01 PM
yw now i don't get to go
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:45:21 PM
but it makes sense then she doesn't have to pay for my car to get put on the road so I'm fucked out of a car again.
5/2/2012 10:45:48 PM
i didn't....wait
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:46:09 PM
i know it's not why you had concerns or what you meant to happen but it makes sense
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:46:29 PM
if she claims she cancels it and I don't go she doesn't have to pay to help get my car on the road
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:46:44 PM
even if she does cancel it
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:46:54 PM
she doesn't have to pay to help put my car on the road
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:47:03 PM
she wanted to do it so we wouldn't be stuck at beefy's
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:47:20 PM
this gets her out of paying, and gives her more princess money for her party or just for herself
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:48:12 PM
at this rate i might as well sell the thing. living here with mr mooch a lot i'll never be able to afford to put it back on the road.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:48:24 PM
this is why I get so pissy
5/2/2012 10:48:48 PM
good idea

5/2/2012 10:48:51 PM
sell the car for cash!
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:49:00 PM
she's getting money handed to her, hand over fist by alex, and I get nothing. i can barely afford my medicine every month much less anything else.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:49:28 PM
I have appointments in buffalo to go to, I can't get up now from the walk, shouldn't have done it but i did because I wanted to spend time with you
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:50:11 PM
i pay my rent and medicines and get shit tickets, and soap/shampoo/kitty food, I"m broke for the rest of the month
5/2/2012 10:50:58 PM
you shouldn't have lied to me about the walk....

5/2/2012 10:51:02 PM
but its ok
5/2/2012 10:51:09 PM
i forgive ya totally love

Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:52:38 PM
I didn't lie
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:52:43 PM
i'm fine walking until I stop
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:52:47 PM
then I hurt
5/2/2012 10:52:58 PM
fair enough

5/2/2012 10:53:03 PM
i did enjoy the snuggles
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:53:09 PM
me too
5/2/2012 10:53:10 PM
me three
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:53:14 PM
5/2/2012 10:53:42 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:57:18 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:57:30 PM
I'm sorry I'm not more cherry today
5/2/2012 10:58:32 PM
5/2/2012 10:58:37 PM
your not around me

Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:58:46 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 10:59:27 PM
ugh stupid smokers smoking in my damned house
5/2/2012 11:00:27 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:01:58 PM
5/2/2012 11:02:23 PM
you made it plural
5/2/2012 11:02:25 PM
so i was wonderin'
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:11:31 PM
the people across the hall smoke in the hallway and that doesn't help
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:11:46 PM
gave me a fucking asthma attack that's gotten worse too in the last three years
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:11:53 PM
gotta have an inhaler now
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:13:08 PM
but you know, it's all in my head. my mom and dad never believed me either. dad does now, but mom don't. dad does cause of aunt audrey
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:14:33 PM
he's bitching because he's out of smokes and only has rollies, and he knows I was saving ten bucks for avon just to see if I could make it work again for extra income. Trying to get me to buy a pack. I said get a job, he says he can't make them hire him, I said yeah but you don't have to lie around on my couch all fucking day either and walked away as I'm unable to breathe
5/2/2012 11:15:08 PM
exactly! good girl

Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:16:01 PM
I'm just fed up with everyone's shit right now.
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:16:37 PM
I can't afford to be here, Everyone expects me to do everything for them, and I can't, and he knows damned well I can't breathe and doesn't bother trying to make sure it goes out the window.
5/2/2012 11:16:47 PM
couple days dear
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:22:39 PM
5/2/2012 11:23:54 PM
couple days =P
5/2/2012 11:23:58 PM
working some things out here
5/2/2012 11:25:01 PM
tryin' to work out your vacation

Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:25:46 PM
5/2/2012 11:29:05 PM
that gonna be ok?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:32:01 PM
that's gonna be fine, i just ned to k now when
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:32:21 PM
because there are things that I refuse to leave charles here with alone.
5/2/2012 11:34:04 PM
kuje wgat>
5/2/2012 11:34:06 PM
like what?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:40:27 PM
my tv
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:40:34 PM
that he refuses to pay freedom back for
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:41:08 PM
if your mother asks i am not awake.
5/2/2012 11:43:56 PM
5/2/2012 11:44:07 PM
well, what about a week vacation? is that ok?
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:45:58 PM
i guess so not like anything is keeping me here other than making sure my expensive things do not get stolen or sold by some asshole
5/2/2012 11:47:00 PM
just take a picture of where they are at
Jennifer Cejka
5/2/2012 11:56:43 PM
its marital property matt he can do whatever he wants to with anything in this place
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 12:03:36 AM
Now I'm a bitch.
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 12:03:41 AM
I give up.
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 12:03:50 AM
I'm sick of making people happy.
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 12:04:01 AM
valium is kicking in. going nannies.
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 12:04:05 AM
lovee you.
5/3/2012 12:05:41 AM
5/3/2012 6:36:24 AM
5/3/2012 6:49:46 AM
I'm inviting you over for the weekend

5/3/2012 6:51:32 AM
so, get a couple days and nights clothes in a bag

5/3/2012 7:22:21 AM
i'm takin' a nap, should be up by noon
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 10:01:09 AM
I can't deal with this. I'm supposed to get a job because he is expected to get one too? I have a fucking income he doesn't. He claims to be afraid of me, claims its so unfair of me to have slept with skye the day he left. Its all my fault blah blah blah. bullshit.
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 11:15:24 AM
I'm ready to just not leave the house. Last night was ridiculous. I'm supposed to get a job because he has to get a job? last I checked I was the one with an income supporting his ass!
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 11:16:05 AM
I'm a bitch because he makes me sick with his ciggarettes and I didn't even ask that he go downstairs to smoke, or outside, just make sure it fucking goes out the damned window so I don't have asthma attacks. it's that fucking bad on me now.
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 11:16:23 AM
I'm not being fair because I expect him to clean up after himself when he cooks?
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 11:16:38 AM
oh and lets not forget he's afraid of me now because I"m so pushy and demanding. wtf is this shit?
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 11:19:11 AM
where the hell did his dick go?
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 11:19:49 AM
I have an income, and I"m disabled and i"m supposed to fucking go find a job just cause I told him to go get one if he wanted his expensive smokes? he's about to find out just how much for granted he takes me and my fucking check.
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 11:52:35 AM
you haz printer?
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 11:54:35 AM
is your phone on?
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 11:54:37 AM
its noon
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 11:54:40 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 11:54:44 AM
noon ish
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 11:54:45 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 1:12:41 PM
You up yet?
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 1:42:27 PM
well you must be sleeping or busy
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 1:42:32 PM
I have stuff to do.
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 1:42:51 PM
And I need to talk to you later to text me when you get up. I sent you a text with my new phone number.
Jennifer Cejka
5/3/2012 1:42:52 PM
5/3/2012 9:13:28 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 12:32:25 AM
5/4/2012 12:32:37 AM
5/4/2012 12:33:04 AM
sup girlie
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 12:40:12 AM
nothing much. no screens in this shit hole so now after the rain we has bugs, squito's and moths and spiders
5/4/2012 12:41:01 AM
oh nice
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 12:41:02 AM
and either a stink bug or a june bug
5/4/2012 12:41:07 AM
nothing that a bit of raid should take care of
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 12:41:11 AM
which has the yellow ass?
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 12:41:19 AM
yeah means I gotta get dressed and go back to the store
5/4/2012 12:41:35 AM
oh "bug"ger
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:13:50 AM
so are you going to see the kids this weekend or not?
5/4/2012 1:14:18 AM
i am
5/4/2012 1:14:23 AM
just wanted to see ya first
5/4/2012 1:14:40 AM
well, depends on brian
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:16:06 AM
Brian depends on your mother.
5/4/2012 1:17:02 AM
and thus the cycle continues lol
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:18:03 AM
I don't know what to say anymore. Even Angelique thinks you treat your mother like shit. That's the example you've set in front of our daughter

5/4/2012 1:18:34 AM
5/4/2012 1:22:43 AM
so, we continue on when?
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:33:44 AM
I don't know. I don't like that you're setting poor examples for our kids. Its okay for you to pull legal bullshit about the car, but put us in a position legally we'd both end up in jail, and me longer than you just for seeing eachother. Again, poor example setting for the kids. That you prefer lies to honesty. They've been told not to lie. Ever. Lies get us in more trouble than the truth, do you want that for them. Have you thought about any of this stuff?
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:33:53 AM
How much of this is them, and how much of this is me?
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:34:06 AM
i want us
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:34:11 AM
i really do but
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:34:19 AM
i want them to have their daddy matthew
5/4/2012 1:34:23 AM
ok, that explains it
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:34:24 AM
they deserve that.
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:34:59 AM
my love for them is so strong that I would sacrifice us so that they can have you.
5/4/2012 1:35:00 AM
cause when it comes to you, i want all or nothing
5/4/2012 1:35:02 AM
and without you, it's nothing
5/4/2012 1:35:23 AM
and i don't mean "when it comes to you" as it's your decision
5/4/2012 1:35:34 AM
i mean "when it comes to deciding about whether to have you"
5/4/2012 1:35:46 AM
and yeah, it's all or nothing
5/4/2012 1:35:55 AM
so, without you my efforts need to shift
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:36:01 AM
me or the kids?
5/4/2012 1:36:06 AM
and you and I have more work to do to rebuild than me and the kids right now
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:36:10 AM
you would choose me over t he kids?
5/4/2012 1:36:17 AM
absolutely not
5/4/2012 1:36:22 AM
i would choose you and the kids, or neither
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:36:25 AM
i would hope not
5/4/2012 1:36:30 AM
no middle ground
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:36:58 AM
what are you saying?
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:37:17 AM
it's wrong of me to want you in their lives since I can't be right now?
5/4/2012 1:37:27 AM
you think your distracting me from focusing on our kids
5/4/2012 1:37:50 AM
and i'm telling you that without you, there is no desire for me to continue to achieve the goal of the family circle again
5/4/2012 1:38:02 AM
i told you i have 4 options
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:38:13 AM
i know this.
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:39:18 AM
What's wrong with yourself, myself, and your mother talking together before you make a decision?
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:40:07 AM
They're our babies. Nothing changes that. They're ours.
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:40:14 AM
paper doesn't change that ever.
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:40:23 AM
words on paper doesn't change that.
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:40:32 AM
they know your their daddy, and I"m their mommy.
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:40:36 AM
They love us.
5/4/2012 1:40:52 AM
this is all a no-brainer
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:40:58 AM
Why is it unacceptable to you that they have made friends in bergen and want to stay there?
5/4/2012 1:40:59 AM
what's difficult is the "you and me" scenario
5/4/2012 1:41:09 AM
of which you are either in sometimes, or out other times
5/4/2012 1:41:18 AM
and i'm completely confused by it
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:41:36 AM
well I have a husband sleeping on my couch, that's kinda confusing.
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:41:47 AM
and i don't wanna go to jail.
5/4/2012 1:42:21 AM
5/4/2012 1:42:32 AM
i told you 6 months, for my protection, and i promised i wouldn't call the police
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:42:36 AM
and it's hard to make a home with someone when there is no home, and it's hard to be in a relationship when I'm fucking tired all the fucking time because I'm busy all the fucking time.
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:42:46 AM
something you can't tolerate.
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:43:26 AM
you're mad because I wanted to go out, then by the time I was closer to home was too tired to actually get dressed to go out, and drive back to fredonia and do anything
5/4/2012 1:43:29 AM
i can tolerate it
5/4/2012 1:43:38 AM
i just needed more communication, that's all
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:43:52 AM
and then I had more drama to deal with when I got here from some asshole who thinks I shouldn't be friends with his sister because I'm the bitch who broke his little heart
5/4/2012 1:43:53 AM
it didn't make sense to want to go out, then talk about playing wow, to being tired
5/4/2012 1:44:03 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:44:09 AM
I"m exhausted.
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:44:19 AM
I'm confused half the time about what's going on
5/4/2012 1:44:46 AM
i'm pretty easy, i think
5/4/2012 1:44:57 AM
be with me, spent time with me, for god sakes let me help you when i can
5/4/2012 1:45:03 AM
and you could be spending the night over here until saturday, really
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:45:19 AM
I wasn't kidding when I said I get daily phone calls from mom, I had lisa being a cunt today, i'm a whore according to her for sleeping with anyone including my own husband. I'm supposed to pully three hundred bucks out of welfares ass before the seventh and haven't had time to go to welfare to apply for help for daddy
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:45:43 AM
I'm forsaking my rent to get my car on the road
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:46:48 AM
I have migraines daily and no medicine, and then I find out my cervical cancer came back and I have some paranoid person thinking it's your fault when for five years after they got rid of itl, irregardless of whom you may or may not have been with, I didnt get it back from you.
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:47:05 AM
so yet again I'm untouchable for being the whore who cheated on him twice.
5/4/2012 1:47:28 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:47:32 AM
Did you consider maybe I don't want to dump my drama on you?
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:47:42 AM
I dump it on enough other people as it is?
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:47:50 AM
I don't want to fu ck shit up?
5/4/2012 1:48:57 AM
you do it all the time

5/4/2012 1:48:58 AM
we'll be fine
5/4/2012 1:50:23 AM
if you feel good around me
5/4/2012 1:50:26 AM
then it's good
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:50:26 AM
that's it, I do do it all the time
5/4/2012 1:53:05 AM
5/4/2012 1:53:11 AM
then sometimes smile

Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:56:11 AM
no battery is about to die warning
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:56:17 AM
and i want my freaking ac in
5/4/2012 1:56:35 AM
5/4/2012 1:56:53 AM
have the man install it
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 1:57:42 AM
hes sleepng
5/4/2012 1:58:07 AM
5/4/2012 1:58:57 AM
we could do some timmy ho's
5/4/2012 2:00:25 AM
they are air conditioned
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 2:00:32 AM
I'm in my bed ready to go to sleep
5/4/2012 2:00:36 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 2:00:40 AM
I'm tired
5/4/2012 2:00:53 AM
you should come over, we could snuggle for 2 days
5/4/2012 2:01:02 AM
and bring the laptop, too
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 2:01:59 AM
I love you but I have to take the van back first thing so I can get my car out of teh driveway matt as much as I want to be carefree and not give a damn i've made comittments to myself and my father.
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 2:02:11 AM
5/4/2012 2:02:50 AM
night love
5/4/2012 2:02:57 AM
as if i couldn't guarantee you being there in the morning
5/4/2012 2:03:01 AM
but night
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 9:58:18 AM
I'm here

Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 9:58:26 AM
gotta get me moving on
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 9:58:41 AM
well car stuff and stuff
Jennifer Cejka
5/4/2012 10:30:24 AM
txt me
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 4:15:45 PM
did you get the jeep fixed?
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 4:26:23 PM
someone going down 5th in a jeep similar to yours honked at me.....just curious. But ignore me if you must, it's nothing new.
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 8:58:20 PM
I really hate my body right now and all it's allergies.
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 8:58:33 PM
I could use some pain killers. I can't take a single freaking one of em.
5/5/2012 9:15:05 PM
so, your home now?
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 9:17:49 PM
been home
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 9:17:57 PM
like the whole time I've been texting you
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 9:18:27 PM
like since I sent you the thing about the jeep being fixed on here at quarter after four
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 9:18:47 PM
cause that's when I was unloading the car and some jeep like yours honked at me. thought maybe bri made it early lmao
5/5/2012 9:24:43 PM
5/5/2012 9:24:53 PM
so all day tomorrow?
5/5/2012 9:25:03 PM
lingerie and food?
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 9:28:10 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 9:28:30 PM
I gotta get up and go to tops to get what is there of my scripts. She forgot to fax them all lol
5/5/2012 9:28:47 PM
mmk, so what time we startin?
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 9:29:14 PM
I don't usually wake up till after ten. You want strip steaks?
5/5/2012 9:29:40 PM
i guess, since it'll go with the theme of you doing the same
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 9:33:01 PM
I'm just asking what you want to actually eat before you eat me.
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 9:33:08 PM
if you want something different say so
5/5/2012 9:35:37 PM
what your thinkin' is fine
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 9:35:51 PM

Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 9:47:02 PM
Bella doesn't like the air conditioner lol
5/5/2012 9:49:27 PM
awww lol
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 9:51:00 PM
She's on the couch moping. It's that or the fact the windows are closed. she loves sitting in the windows up this high watching the birds and activity. When I'm gone all day she sits out the bedroom window cause she knows what direction I come home from. She's my familiar. I love it.
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 9:51:13 PM
Tonights the full moon too, she may be pouty for that.
5/5/2012 9:51:22 PM
just might be
5/5/2012 9:51:28 PM
take your mental night
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 9:52:04 PM
you don't have a clue what I'm talking about but it's cute you're trying. Thanks for trying. I appreciate that. I'll bewitch you yet

Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 9:53:15 PM
Let me know if you need anything I'll be around. May get on wow.
5/5/2012 9:53:27 PM
doin' wow raiding now
5/5/2012 9:53:30 PM
cross-server isntances
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 9:53:40 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 10:17:36 PM
No message to deliver to me from your mom?
5/5/2012 10:19:20 PM
oh yeah, her hotmail is locked or something
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 10:19:38 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 10:19:53 PM
good thing she knows you so well. She's waiting for you to write her back and say you're not talking to ME

Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 10:20:30 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 10:21:04 PM
not talking to me
5/5/2012 10:21:22 PM
in a raid
5/5/2012 10:21:28 PM
i told you this .... XD
5/5/2012 10:21:39 PM
and your supposed to be masturbating or relaxing or getting your ass cleaned out or somethin
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 10:21:54 PM
was eating
5/5/2012 10:22:07 PM

5/5/2012 10:27:26 PM
what you doin' now?
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 10:27:45 PM
playing fb games
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 10:27:49 PM
nothing important
5/5/2012 10:28:08 PM
you should come pick me up and we could start modeling early
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 10:30:09 PM
nope my night
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 11:02:51 PM
Je ton amour, et je veux ton revenge

5/5/2012 11:04:50 PM
k, i'll beat it into ya
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 11:05:03 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 11:05:19 PM
its whats I get for having a lady gaga moment
5/5/2012 11:17:16 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 11:18:33 PM
just sent a real id request from ravencrest
Jennifer Cejka
5/5/2012 11:19:12 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 12:07:03 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 10:14:40 AM
Text me when you're up. Hospital called, they need more blood and why is making me nervous.
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 10:53:03 AM
lol ask your mom if the kids' school is so great why they had to have a kid taken to the hospital last week because the older ones were fighting and one got severe enough lacerations to the head to warrant the Sherrif's department to show up and arrest one, and send the other to the hospital. I don't want our kids in that shit.
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:48:01 PM
Shit! My new lamp tried to kill me!
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:48:10 PM
cheap Chinese bastards!
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:48:24 PM
this is soooooooooooooooo going back to walmart
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:48:31 PM
5/6/2012 2:48:36 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:48:54 PM
I was putting in the lightbulb and it fried
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:49:02 PM
fuck that shit.
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:49:22 PM
now iit smells like electrical burn in here. thank goodness i bought candles.
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:49:26 PM
5/6/2012 2:51:23 PM
ok, so today...
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:53:22 PM
I can't handle anymore of anything right now, that's what it all comes down to. Freedom's a part of it, but it's everyone. I can't handle anymore of anything. Your mom tried to tell you this too, I'm on the rollercoaster matt. I'm at the point right now where I want to stay in my bed because it's safe here. I don't want to talk to anyone unless I have to. I don't want to deal with anyone unless I have to. I'm not even seeing my therapist. You know how I get my therapy? Through e-mail. It's really that bad. I"m doing what I can to pull out of it but you keep pressuring me and I can't handle it.
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:53:57 PM
I'm not ready to take our relationship there, and every time i've tried to say so you've gotten upset and I've felt bad so I've said that I was okay with it, and led you on which was wrong but I couldn't handle the pressure.
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:54:46 PM
Freedom got mad at me today because I told her it was OKAY to go find new friends and I understood why she was doing it, I was sorry i couldn't be there for her, but I wasn't going to keep her as a friend on my facebook page and pretend it didn't hurt.
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:54:54 PM
Even Michelle saw that and asked me if she was being selfish.
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:55:13 PM
I'm apparently not the only one who realizes Freedom only cares about herself.
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:55:41 PM
and for that I get told by freedom I'm playing games.
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:55:48 PM
I'm done with the drama.
5/6/2012 2:56:21 PM
everyone knows she's selfish as hell
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:56:23 PM
that's why i said if you can't respect the fact I'm not ready, then you can take a walk too because right now I can't handle the basic functions of living.
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:57:24 PM
I can't even keep a place to live and pay my rent. In all honesty, I'm going to have to fight to keep the therapists from putting me into Stel's treatment program because then my social security goes up to 1599 and they keep all but 150 of it.
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:57:43 PM
I loose my car, but get an all paid apartment for six months.
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:58:03 PM
and that would put me where Skye is and I don't NEED that at all
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:58:17 PM
the hospital needs more blood to do the second type of Hep c test.
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 2:58:32 PM
that freaked me out this morning, the hospital calling after dad was having issues yesterday?
5/6/2012 3:01:33 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 3:04:12 PM
There's one test that tells you if there's any antibody's in your body, and one that tells you how many, they're running both to be sure, and then they'll do it again to be sure.
5/6/2012 3:10:22 PM
you know you want me over there
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 3:11:38 PM
Not really. What I really want is a bunch of pills I"m glad I don't have Matthew. Because our babies, that aren't babies anymore deserve better than a dead mother because of a bunch of selfish assholes
5/6/2012 3:11:56 PM
then we don't really have a trusting relationship
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 3:12:21 PM
how can I trust you when you had to leave last time because you almost hurt me?
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 3:12:39 PM
when you keep trying to get what I've asked you to stop pestering me about?
5/6/2012 3:13:08 PM
we both want it, but you don't
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 3:13:46 PM
we want a relationship, you want take it to a sexual level and I"m not ready. If you cannot respect that then we cannot go forward.
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 3:14:17 PM
if that means no more communication so be it.
5/6/2012 3:15:30 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 7:55:15 PM
you've given me several different scenarios of what was supposed to happen tonight. I find that odd.
5/6/2012 7:56:42 PM
i thought i was pretty clear. dinner, munchy, rubdown, video
5/6/2012 8:00:12 PM
no response?
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 8:01:25 PM
sorry was finishing dinner dishes
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 8:01:42 PM
you left out love/sex and the photo shoot
5/6/2012 8:02:08 PM
well, the photo shoot was optional
5/6/2012 8:02:31 PM
and i figured with the rubdown it would lead to love/sex
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 8:02:55 PM
i can see where you would et that from
5/6/2012 8:03:06 PM
so, yeah
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 8:03:24 PM
right now I'm hiding from the world.
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 8:03:25 PM
including myself
5/6/2012 8:03:40 PM
well, why hide from what could be a sexy night?
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 8:03:49 PM
because I don't want it.
5/6/2012 8:03:52 PM
even if you "hide" from yourself, someone is there
5/6/2012 8:04:52 PM
don't you think seeing me would be great

5/6/2012 8:05:39 PM
and if you answer that yes with a "but", then we shouldn't even be having this conversation
Jennifer Cejka
5/6/2012 8:12:37 PM
to be honest right now the answer is no. I don't want to see anyone Matthew.
5/6/2012 8:13:48 PM
ok, thanks
Jennifer Cejka
5/7/2012 6:53:13 AM
Oh, spoke too soon, Uncle steve finally got hungry enough to go steal some grub and get caught. Dumb ass.
Jennifer Cejka
5/7/2012 6:53:28 AM
fucker gets food stamps too. that's the sad part.
Jennifer Cejka
5/7/2012 6:22:31 PM
File transfer:
5/7/2012 6:34:11 PM
Lindt Chocolate?
Jennifer Cejka
5/7/2012 6:34:27 PM
Ich libe dich!
Jennifer Cejka
5/7/2012 6:34:29 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/7/2012 6:34:51 PM
the pink thing in the center
5/7/2012 6:35:18 PM
i see it
Jennifer Cejka
5/7/2012 6:35:30 PM
I taught you that to tell Gramma Carter
Jennifer Cejka
5/7/2012 6:35:58 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/7/2012 6:35:59 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/7/2012 6:36:04 PM
i do it everytime
Jennifer Cejka
5/7/2012 6:36:09 PM
I'm sorry

5/7/2012 6:37:22 PM
Quite alright. Now back to the issue of communicating that we established 2 days ago.
Jennifer Cejka
5/7/2012 6:38:18 PM
5/7/2012 6:41:53 PM
You choose to communicate with me still?
Jennifer Cejka
5/7/2012 6:42:21 PM
5/7/2012 6:42:39 PM
I thought we agreed that there is no communication to happen
Jennifer Cejka
5/7/2012 6:43:40 PM
I don't recall that. I recall asking you if you could treat me with respect. You never answered.
5/7/2012 6:44:26 PM
I think i've been doing it since Day one. You don't like my "Flavor" of respect. It ended there with you stating that "If I cannot respect you, then there is no reason to communicate"
Jennifer Cejka
5/7/2012 6:44:49 PM
Okay well then I'll take you out of skype and my phone. goodbye.
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:39:56 PM
You were a terrible liar, but man does Charles have you beat. He can't even keep track of his lies.
5/8/2012 9:40:45 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:40:56 PM
5/8/2012 9:41:08 PM
Sorry to hear your husband is back

Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:41:13 PM
he's not
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:41:19 PM
he's just a really bad liar
5/8/2012 9:41:38 PM
Well, like father like son, eh?
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:42:12 PM
his dad is smart enough not to lie, and just not say anything. More like mother like sons.
5/8/2012 9:42:30 PM

Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:44:34 PM
she called him a nigger for using our foodstamp card to make sure he and his step dad got drinks on a 100+ degree day mowing lawns cause I didn't know they were going to his cousins house. Then she tried to say I was mistaken and she was talking about some idiot at mcdonalds. Most people don't concern themselves about the going on's of McDonald's empolyee's. Especially not when they never go there cause they can't afford to.
5/8/2012 9:45:05 PM
what a mother
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:46:49 PM
yeah, and that's what he goes back to. he thinks i'm abusive emotionally for teling him that if he wants his disability case he had to get off his ass in the mornings and go to appointments.
5/8/2012 9:47:08 PM
5/8/2012 9:47:23 PM
ah, so he's got you in da moneh!
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:48:31 PM
no money
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:48:37 PM
he has none
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:48:42 PM
that's why I can't pay my rent
5/8/2012 9:48:48 PM
it's a pun....
5/8/2012 9:49:09 PM
"da moneh" implyig both "he's trying to get you back with money" and "he's got you in the picture"
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:49:39 PM
he thinks so. he doesn't know i saw the lawyers today or that I know he's not in training.
5/8/2012 9:49:51 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:50:15 PM
friday I'm going to some disability seminar where they'll place me in a job so hopefully I can at least make payments on the rent because at this point until I'm evicted, no agency will help me.
5/8/2012 9:50:51 PM
right, i know. and you don't want that stress, of course
5/8/2012 9:51:03 PM
living all alone with a drama-queen cat is stress enough
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:52:57 PM
she's twacked out lol
5/8/2012 9:53:06 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:53:10 PM
cat nip
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:53:13 PM
she goes nuts
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:53:20 PM
her other momma gets the real stuff
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:53:29 PM
dried. not the comercialized weak shit.
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:53:36 PM
she grows it and stuff.
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:53:49 PM
anyways I have to go take her other momma to work. Lss actually.
5/8/2012 9:53:59 PM
her other momma?
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:54:09 PM
Jen Brightman, that's where I got Bella from
5/8/2012 9:54:21 PM
AH ok
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 9:54:46 PM
be back in a bit. Keeps gas in the gas tank of the car I tried to drive in the drive through today
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:09:29 PM
just lost my sideview passenger mirror.
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:09:31 PM
5/8/2012 11:15:28 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:16:52 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:16:56 PM
i quit
5/8/2012 11:17:56 PM
stupid cars
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:20:26 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:20:30 PM
stupid cars.
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:20:33 PM
yummy cake
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:20:42 PM
should have asked if you wanted some i was at LSS
5/8/2012 11:21:57 PM
i love cake
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:22:42 PM
5/8/2012 11:23:00 PM
eatin' hot dogs now
5/8/2012 11:23:04 PM
yum yum good
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:23:45 PM
I had steak two nights in a row
5/8/2012 11:24:03 PM
lucky you
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:29:46 PM
5/8/2012 11:31:29 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:32:10 PM
5/8/2012 11:32:24 PM
use the free, download, and enjoy 118 minutes of lulz
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:32:41 PM
that shit fucked up my computer last time. No thanks.
5/8/2012 11:32:50 PM
use firefox
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:32:56 PM
we did
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:33:10 PM
I'm fillingo ut applications to get a real job, to pay my rent so i don't have to be your whore.
5/8/2012 11:33:35 PM
that's uncalled for
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:34:00 PM
no it's not, it's what you expect me to be.
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:34:11 PM
it's what you've always expected me to be matthew and I'm sick of it.
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:35:06 PM
if any of your other friends needed help and were desperate you'd hand the money over no problem, but when it's always been me, you've made me 'earn' it through sexual videos or pictures. It's wrong.
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:36:43 PM
Look back at the last five years and think about it. When have you ever given me money just becaues I've needed it and not attached it to some sexual conduct?
5/8/2012 11:37:25 PM
I just want you to have fun

Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:37:27 PM
and how many of your other friends have you given literally thousands of dollars away to and never gotten a dime back from and never asked the same thing in return from?
5/8/2012 11:37:36 PM
and your price was too expensive
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:37:40 PM
I wouldn't have fun because it makes me feel like a cheap whore.
5/8/2012 11:37:47 PM
but i'm not authorized to speak of this at this time, i'm sorry
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:38:01 PM
I don't give a shit.
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:38:20 PM
It's not my fault that you're shoved up someone else's ass and too embarassed that you're a creep
5/8/2012 11:38:30 PM
i'm not embarassed
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:38:45 PM
why couldn't you just be a friend for a change and help me out instead of attaching a sexually related string to it?
5/8/2012 11:38:57 PM
the string is for enjoyment
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:39:00 PM
why would you think that I would be okay with being paid for sexual favors?
5/8/2012 11:39:03 PM
money is a dfferent talk
5/8/2012 11:39:11 PM
i don't attach the two together
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:39:15 PM
this is where I get hurt matthew.
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:39:31 PM
this is why 'us' can't work. You expect me to 'have fun' when it's not fun for me.
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:39:39 PM
It's not what I want to do anymore.
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:40:46 PM
I just want to have a place to live for the month. and you can't even be humane enough not to insult me by offering to pay my rent if I do your stupid porno videos so you and jake can jerk off at my expense some more and put me out on the net again so that someone someday can say "Hhahahahaha Devon your mom's a porn star"
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:40:57 PM
didyou ever consider our kids in any of this? That someday they might have to see all that?
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:41:08 PM
no, because they're the last thing you ever thinnk about.
5/8/2012 11:41:23 PM
it's not jake, it's not public, and yes, i know they might see it and i take all precautions to preventing that
5/8/2012 11:41:37 PM
nothing that i've had has "leaked" ever, just saying
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:42:15 PM
It's always Jake.
5/8/2012 11:42:58 PM
did you ask him?
5/8/2012 11:43:22 PM
cause i'm sure you didn't
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:43:27 PM
what's the point he'll just lie for you, like he does any other fucking time.
5/8/2012 11:43:39 PM
look, i haven't lied to you YET since i've been back in town
5/8/2012 11:43:41 PM
i have no reason to lie to you
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:43:41 PM
Kinda like he answers your voicemail on the cell phone your mom pays for for you
5/8/2012 11:44:00 PM
my cell is prepaid, and it's a brand new number
5/8/2012 11:44:42 PM
it's so new, in fact, that mom doesn't even know it
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:44:58 PM
yeah, and the one your mom gave you jake set up the voice mail to. Freedom called it before you got back because someone who looked JUST LIKE YOU was driving up and down our street and kept looking at me.
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:45:46 PM
I have more than one cell phone it happens. that's not the point anyways, the point is, it's not something that I'd have fun with, and it's part of what hurts me.
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:46:17 PM
so yeah, I'm looking for a real job so I don't have to feel like a whore to get my rent paid by starring in your porno video.
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:46:34 PM
I'm sorry you're insulted but that's how it is.
5/8/2012 11:46:47 PM
i'm not insulted, i'm just correcting the facts
5/8/2012 11:47:07 PM
i ditched my cell before i left the US
5/8/2012 11:47:15 PM
hence it's why I have a new phone
5/8/2012 11:47:36 PM
and good luck on your job, i'll be disappointed after passing up the experience
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:49:21 PM
you should be disappointed in yourself that you even asked. As Angelique said "You don't treat your mom that way", well you shouldn't treat her mom so badly either. After all, without her mom, you wouldn't have her, and I deserve the same respect as she does.
5/8/2012 11:49:48 PM
and i'm giving you the respect. i have given you the respect since the start
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:53:32 PM
you've given me "your flavor' of respect. You haven't given me the respect I deserve as a woman, and as the mother of your children. Your flavor of respect is the most disgusting thing I have ever known to come out of a man, I know you weren't raised that way, and I am glad that our sons will not ever know that your flavor of respect is acceptable. It isn't. I'm glad you've found people who find it acceptable and tolerate it, but I know my value, and respect MYSELF much more than to allow you to treat me like a whore, because that's what it is, getting paid to do sexual favors, being a whore, again for you because I respect myself MORE than that. Our daughters do too, as you've seen. I'm quite frankly glad that they're with your mother and glad that the court wouldn't let you keep them because if this is what you think respect is, you have another thing coming when you meet with that judge and Linda Jones, and go up against Ben all on your own. If you don't, it shows that the kids aren't important enough for you to fight for, or you realize your own failures and incapeabilities as a father, and I am glad for that too.
5/8/2012 11:54:11 PM
the idea of price came from you, i'll state for the record now
5/8/2012 11:54:32 PM
you cannot continue on with this trap of "being a whore" when you started the inquisiiton and I went along with it
5/8/2012 11:55:13 PM
and I'm honestly not speaking to you to argue with you. Argument is what separates people.
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:56:05 PM
There is a difference between debate and argument.
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:56:17 PM
I'm sorry, while you were off jetsetting the world, I was getting an education.
5/8/2012 11:56:19 PM
very true, i just saw this as an argument
5/8/2012 11:56:35 PM
I assumed that debates don't rely on personal attacks
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:57:30 PM
When was the last time you saw a debate?
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:57:56 PM
This is why it won't work. You see me as a sexual object. i wish to be seen, treated, and appreciated as a woman, a human being.
5/8/2012 11:58:14 PM
I do see you as a woman and human being
Jennifer Cejka
5/8/2012 11:58:34 PM
Then don't degrade me by asking me to star in pornographic videos.
5/8/2012 11:58:52 PM
To clarify, I never mentioned you as a "star", this is your word as well
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 12:00:16 AM
does the syntax matter, at the end of the day the meaning is the same. Don't ask me to be involved, nor accept your involvement in pornography making. It's what split us before. If it's something you cannot give up, then I respectfully will walk away now because I am not going to be hurt again.
5/9/2012 12:00:52 AM
It's not pornography for crying out loud!
5/9/2012 12:01:04 AM
it's an intrinsic recording of intimate events between two people
5/9/2012 12:01:23 AM
why it's twisted and contorted to the depths of the past is beyond me
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 12:02:02 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 12:02:09 AM
what you asked me to do makes it such.
5/9/2012 12:02:23 AM
ok, you got me there
5/9/2012 12:02:52 AM
I like my explanation better, tho
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 12:02:53 AM
told ya i got an education.
5/9/2012 12:03:07 AM
I didn't say you were dumb, stupid, retarded, redneck, or any of the sort
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 12:03:35 AM
I didn't imply you had

I was just being proud of my A's thankyouverymuch.
5/9/2012 12:03:47 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 10:45:05 AM
on the phone with freedom, what was your lst text?
5/9/2012 10:48:48 AM
oh hai!
5/9/2012 10:48:54 AM
sorry, was gettin a snack and coffee myself
5/9/2012 10:49:09 AM
i asked if you were goin' out for the applications too?
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 10:50:50 AM
most of them are online
5/9/2012 10:50:54 AM
oh ok
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 10:50:56 AM
so I could do that online
5/9/2012 10:51:23 AM
So, according to your morning agenda, after you do Tops (which wasn't listed), your pretty much done for the day?
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 10:51:55 AM
tops and walmart

5/9/2012 10:52:17 AM
ah yeah

5/9/2012 10:53:42 AM
i suppose your not aching for company yet
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 10:57:12 AM
It's not so much that i'm not aching for company, I just planed to work on the apartment today, you're welcome to come visit, but I don't know that it's what you want to do for the day lol
5/9/2012 10:57:27 AM
sure! what work you doing?
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 11:06:10 AM
I need to install the stuff for dsl, move the tv and general cleaning in the apartment.
5/9/2012 11:06:34 AM
i'd love to give ya a hand

5/9/2012 11:10:08 AM
would you like my assistance?
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 11:11:45 AM
5/9/2012 11:11:58 AM
5/9/2012 11:12:10 AM
ok, if you give me 20 mins i'll get changed and a quick shower
5/9/2012 11:12:17 AM
you think you could give me a pickup?
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 11:12:27 AM
I'm on the phone still, I'll let you know when I can give you a pick up.
5/9/2012 11:12:36 AM
i'll get on the changing and cleanin'
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 11:13:06 AM
5/9/2012 11:46:07 AM
wow, it took me almost 30 minuts to do my bathroom routine
5/9/2012 11:46:40 AM
never really timed the new one before >.>
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 11:50:48 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 11:50:51 AM
i just got out
5/9/2012 11:52:41 AM
omfg 5 minute moar than meh!
5/9/2012 11:52:44 AM
i'm so turning into a GIRL!
5/9/2012 11:52:47 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 11:53:06 AM
actually you have to remember I went in twenty minutes later than you

5/9/2012 11:53:28 AM
....the fuck
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 11:56:03 AM
5/9/2012 11:57:49 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 11:59:07 AM
on the phone with mom
5/9/2012 11:59:33 AM
yours or mine? i'm apparently keeping freedom busy at the moment
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 12:01:28 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 12:01:34 PM
5/9/2012 12:01:48 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 7:47:13 PM
awwww, Bella misses you, she's sniffing you out and looking for you
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 7:47:41 PM
making her little half pur sounds
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 7:47:59 PM
looking around at me like "where'd he go, why didn't you brings hims back?"
5/9/2012 7:49:10 PM
awww cute
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 7:58:45 PM
she likes the new set up too, she's sleeping on the couch with me. Thank you

5/9/2012 7:59:23 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 8:10:46 PM
what did you say that you took back?
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 8:11:04 PM
and why did you take it back?
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 8:11:17 PM
I'd prefer honesty....
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 8:12:23 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 8:13:02 PM
Aw c'mon we're doing so good....
5/9/2012 8:17:11 PM
was smoking a

5/9/2012 8:17:21 PM
it was verry piggish what i said
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 8:17:26 PM
5/9/2012 8:17:31 PM
i can't undo the remove
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 8:17:41 PM
so what did you say?
5/9/2012 8:18:14 PM
i said if i wasn't working and if i had the permission that i would have you call me on skype and "show" me how much you appreciate my work

Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 8:18:22 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 8:19:39 PM
that is piggish, and so you're aware, I appreciate you took it back, because it is those types of statements that used to make me feel as though I were a whore to you, and not meaningful and appreciated as a human being by you. Thank you for the consideration

Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 8:19:54 PM
I will brb, cause I have updates to restart for

5/9/2012 8:21:46 PM
well, i do to treat you as a human, and trying things out should not have to make you feel like a whore if it's fun for everyone, of course
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 8:36:12 PM
I hope that someday I can regain that level of comfort with you. What I allowed myself to do in order to attempt to get you back after 2008, and the things you took privilage of did a lot of damage that I have to work through with you if there's going to be an us. When Charles first moved in it was six months before he could come to bed and touch me without me shoving him away in panic and anger. Not all of it is your doing either. There's an accumalation of what you and I did to eachother those years, the drunken rapes and finding out what really happened to me as a kid, and who my molesters were that took me back a long way sexually. It brought back memories that I had locked up going back to my child hood.
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 8:37:37 PM
The shrinks I've been seeing assume the post traumatic stress disorder was from my recent encounters at bars. It wasnt' until I saw a therapist that had previously treated my mom that I met one who understood, it wasn't. It was from everything I went through as a child. When we'd argue and you'd try to calm me and I'd yank back, that was out of fear of being hit. From all the times I was as a kid, I just didn't remember for so long.
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 8:37:56 PM
I am not the same person you knew when you left by far.
5/9/2012 8:38:06 PM
5/9/2012 8:38:11 PM
that's really unfortunate
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 8:46:44 PM
I'm just trying to help you understand why my perspecctives have changed so much.
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 8:48:00 PM
I was sitting in a session with this guy and I had said something and I didn't even realize how big a deal what I said was until he said "Of course that's how you handled it emotionally. It's how you've had to ALL your life given how you grew up, you ALWAYS had to be the adult, take care of your parents as a child, and never could fully express your emotions, or develop them appropriately"
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 8:49:17 PM
I never looked at it that way, and then I linked it with the time before christmas that year that my mom had actually told mental health I beat her up. I had to clairify with him that it was the other way around and why. She choked me, and I hit the floor instantly in the fetal position. 27 damn years old, I out weigh my mother by nearly 80 pounds and rather than push her off me I hit the floor in the fetal position. That's why Aunt Lisa called the cops on her.
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 8:50:11 PM
Because of all the times as a kid, I never knew what was coming because i never knew where moms head was at, or if daddy was drunk and gonna grab me in a choke hold and slam me against a wall, or drill seargent yell at me in a chair. I'd shut all that out.
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 8:51:14 PM
In some ways, I'm glad that our kids never have to be exposed to that anymore. I will NEVER forget the day I was so out of control in 2006 you had to hit me, in front of the kids, and Devon looked at me after you left and said "mommy why did daddy hit you?" I'm thankful everyday that's not something he remembers either. No kid should.
5/9/2012 8:51:28 PM
5/9/2012 8:51:44 PM
I was under the impression that we would fall back to the old fun sexual ways
5/9/2012 8:51:56 PM
it seems like you've done so much soul searching that those "ways" no longer exist
5/9/2012 8:53:47 PM
which is why I said this is quite unfortunate
5/9/2012 8:54:05 PM
at least your doing well
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 8:59:59 PM
It's not that we can't fall back into those ways. I like them. It's just that some things I haven't experienced in a long time, and our trust in that area has been very broken for a large number of reasons.
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:02:05 PM
I've been dying to be tied up, spanked, bitten, hair pulled. All that stuff. Not gotten any since the last time we did any of it. Charles is "afraid of me".
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:03:29 PM
but I'm afraid that if I go back to that with you, I'll lose myself again. and I'd rather have a solid foundation underneath us this time than just a few dates or hang outs because I don't want to be that girl again to any guy. Hang out a time or two, get laid and walk out the door, or end up being the casual sex thing anymore.
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:04:37 PM
that's all I've ended up being to guys, and that hurts too
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:04:53 PM
you and the idiot who keeps leaving me are my only serious relationships
5/9/2012 9:05:23 PM
I can't advise you on anything, really. I'd be tainting the waters.
5/9/2012 9:06:03 PM
And if I did, It could be seen as reforming you with a new mold, which I don't want responsibility for either.
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:07:29 PM
much appreciated
5/9/2012 9:07:44 PM
In a nutshell, I like laughing, talking, having a good time, going places, doing things, and most of all trusting people
5/9/2012 9:08:25 PM
and I honestly cannot find it in myself to hurt you, as i'm sure anything that progresses between us will eventually get to that point.
5/9/2012 9:08:40 PM
i'm not saying we're stopping talking, I like you as a friend and compatriot
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:09:35 PM
Perhaps this is all we're destined to be for now.
5/9/2012 9:10:33 PM
perhaps. there is always the benefits option to curb old urges and fetishes that might creep up.
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:10:51 PM
5/9/2012 9:10:52 PM
which i'm completely open to be open about, since I've known you
5/9/2012 9:11:09 PM
I mean, i'm cool with not talking with you, but your not cool with it
5/9/2012 9:11:28 PM
and i'm cool with being in a relationship with you, but i know where it would go and it's against my rules in life
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:12:02 PM
I struggle with not talking to you for awhile but eventually I do get past it. It's just a lot harder when you're here.
5/9/2012 9:12:23 PM
...you need to grow up, i think

5/9/2012 9:12:40 PM
cause i can tell you these things to your face as well, typing is just an indirect yet recorded method
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:12:44 PM
I think it's the other way around
5/9/2012 9:13:05 PM
not gonna point fingers

Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:15:43 PM
I'm just saying, I've faced the kids, and hearing they don't wanna leave. i've faced my demons and they're ugly, and I've taken up responsibility for my wrongs, and that was hard too. I hate the shit your mom pulled. I hate that she does it every day, but at least I know they're safe, and I get to hear about them. My religious beilef's and their natural abilities and mine, allow me to connect witih them in a different way. I just wish you could find it in you to face them and if your decision truly is not to stay because it hurts too much, to tell them that so they can go on with their lives and not hate you for just walking away.
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:16:22 PM
this conversation is a huge step for you in honesty that i've never experienced and I appreciate it.
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:16:34 PM
But I think we both know it's not going any further.
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:17:01 PM
You have choices to make. I'll stay out of them from now on, I've said my peice.
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:18:04 PM
I have always loved you Matthew, and you will always have a peice of my heart because we share four amazing kids, that will never change. The problem is, your physical being, can't synch with your brain. And that would make friendship mighty hard for us.
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:18:24 PM
So in all honesty, I think no communication would be better until that time comes.
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:18:35 PM
Even if it does drive me crazy for a little while.
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:18:38 PM
5/9/2012 9:19:11 PM
I think we could make friendship work. the basis for that is communication, and we seem to not have an issue with that
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:19:51 PM
I don't think that's going to be an issue, and we're going to need it in the future as parents. It's not like we can avoid eachother forever. For the rest of our lives we're going to share our babies.
5/9/2012 9:21:08 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:23:15 PM
like i so offensively told nancy, it can hardly be expected that we're never going to talk again. They're going to have babies someday and weddings of their own, and I don't care what our signifigant others thing, come hell or high water, NOTHING is going to stop me, from being there for those events for our children when they come of age.
5/9/2012 9:23:51 PM
when did you do that?
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:24:31 PM
sometime after our thing in november. she was pissed enough that your mom sent me an email the next day asking what the hell i was doing cause you called her and said I wouldn't leave nancy alone again and pissed her off
5/9/2012 9:25:00 PM
ah ok
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:27:30 PM
your mom told me nancy refused to stay in NY or something and I recalled you saying when she found out that I was coming back from NC that she wanted to go to Canada so I think i basically told her that if you guys got married and got the kids she'd be stuck here because she couldn't take them away from me, even if your mom had them you'd want to remain involved and would come back from time to time, and when they did grow up they'd have their own kids, and get married and by then the order keeping you and I apart (because I know your mom has her convinced we can never ever speak again legally) is going to run out in a few years and there is nothing anyone could do to stop us from both wanting to be there for our grown children and that's just the way it was here in the us and if she didn't like it she had better reconsider marrying you because this is how it is here.
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:27:36 PM
that's probably what pissed her off more
5/9/2012 9:29:29 PM
She never got upset or angry with how the world worked
5/9/2012 9:30:00 PM
If chance led to an encounter of some sort, then chance led it there
5/9/2012 9:30:12 PM
If we could avoid it, then we could avoid it. Logical, and simple
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:33:57 PM
i dunno for some reason you called your mom and complained the next day and I got chewed out
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:34:09 PM
for not 'leaving you alone'
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:34:40 PM
so someone got pissed enough that your mom found out
5/9/2012 9:35:12 PM
well, it's the past.
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:38:08 PM
5/9/2012 9:40:41 PM
goin' to sleep.
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 9:43:02 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/9/2012 10:33:48 PM
omg, all they did was prescribe me half the over the counter dose of Zyrtec to take at bed time for allergies
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 11:49:22 AM
Dramaville in the building today

Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 11:53:27 AM
sounded like you n me six or seven years ago
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 12:27:35 PM
Paulson just came out of the closet.
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 12:27:54 PM
I kinda wondered why he always hung out at sky....
5/10/2012 4:05:12 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 5:21:29 PM
In reference to the fight in the building, the woman was screaming "Let me out let me out" and when she got out, she stood there slapping the shit out of the guy so I just said someone called the cops so they'd both quit. Dude just stood there taking it, so it probably was her starting shit and him just trying to figure out how to handle it. In regard to paulson, he just announced it on FB, was like "I think I kinda like men, gotta share, can'thold it in anymore..." wow about sums it up.
5/10/2012 5:21:50 PM
yeah, saw the FB post
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 5:22:04 PM
Bella's just confused cause everything is all clean and put away, finished up today, she stared at me like "why's you sweeping mah floor ma?"
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 5:22:26 PM
they're not the cleanest at Jen's. First time i cleaned the box she didn't understand that either.
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 5:23:40 PM
But shoes are all put away and floors are all swept and dishes all done, bed made and she is just confuzzled.
5/10/2012 5:24:03 PM
awwww poor kitteh
5/10/2012 5:24:09 PM
she'll get used to it, i suppose
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 5:24:14 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 5:24:53 PM
better than KC. He used to get pissed off when I'd come clean. Actually attack me for it. He liked his dirty house.
5/10/2012 5:25:39 PM

poor cat
5/10/2012 5:25:43 PM
he's attackin' ya now
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 5:26:20 PM
5/10/2012 9:17:25 PM
day goin' well, i suppose?
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 9:18:07 PM
not really, i slept all day after I cleaned
5/10/2012 9:18:20 PM
ah, yeah...
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 9:18:23 PM
I have the seminar for going back to tomorrow
5/10/2012 9:18:24 PM
that's gotta tucker anyone out
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 9:18:31 PM
not tired.
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 9:20:15 PM
when I get depresed I eat lots of sugar and then my sugar crashes and I sleep all day
5/10/2012 9:21:13 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 9:29:50 PM
I figure it's better than pills

5/10/2012 9:30:02 PM
good for you

Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 9:30:08 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 9:30:19 PM
thanks i think.
5/10/2012 9:30:25 PM
your welcome, i know.
5/10/2012 9:34:41 PM
hey, you got, like, 5 mins?
5/10/2012 9:34:47 PM
i need to borrow your toon in WoW
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 9:39:18 PM
I'm in the middle of a deep convo with freedom, like right now now?
5/10/2012 9:40:00 PM
5/10/2012 9:40:08 PM
I just need to create a group with someone online so I can bind 2 toons to a group
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 9:41:19 PM
i can do that
5/10/2012 9:41:23 PM
is it a super deep convo?
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 9:41:45 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/10/2012 9:42:01 PM
just talking about mom stuff, how joshie is better behaved for her than Aunt Wendy and why
5/10/2012 9:42:27 PM
lol ok
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 9:50:30 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 9:50:43 AM
by the time i get dressed and get there I'll be late
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 9:50:49 AM
i'll reschedule
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 12:36:17 PM
Had to clear out my phone inbox, text me so I know I wrote your number right lol and I'm not texting a stranger. If you're sleeping do it when you wake up lmao
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 3:05:59 PM
did you ever blame yourself for any of the things I did that produced bad outcomes just because you advised me not to?
5/11/2012 5:25:07 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 5:33:13 PM
how did you get past it?
5/11/2012 5:39:59 PM
cause i realized that things that feel good outweigh things that feel bad every single time
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 5:46:17 PM
good logic
5/11/2012 5:47:48 PM
its more fact than logic
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 5:49:24 PM
as predicted, and he's not asking to come back, I don't think he wants to, Charles feels as though the thing with mike was his fault, my 'loosing friends' is his fault, my depression is his fault because I didn't take his advice on certain things like not leaving mikes when he suggested because I was already black out drunk and couldn't have said okay if my life depended on it, he didn't know, and didn't realize that he would have had to dragged me out of there. I haven't lost friends, but my friends don't understand his ways because of whatever illness he has, or choices he's made, and are ill percieved. He feels my depression is his fault because of all of these things when in fact it's half my choices, and half chemicals that I can't control, but could be making choices to not let them rule my life. Which I do, but on a time frame acceptable to me.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 5:49:32 PM
That's why I asked.
5/11/2012 5:51:45 PM
wow, ok
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 5:53:31 PM
he sent me a message a few hours ago. He's not doing well at the acadamey. I knew he wouldn't. That's why I've been pushing for him to stay here, at least long enough to get disability, because he can't get it if he doesn't stay somewhere long enough to see doctors to say he needs it. He's left twice in the last thirty days so this last time when they called me to confirm his address I had to tell them I couldn't because at that point, i had no clue where he was. He said he was going to cdl training, but then shut off his phone.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 5:53:38 PM
I figured it was a lie.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 5:53:56 PM
for all I know it all is still.
5/11/2012 5:54:20 PM
so, he will be back, eventually
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 5:54:23 PM
He could be at his moms having a nervous breakdown because of who she is, but he doesn't want to come back here because he knows it's not going to work.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 5:54:32 PM
I don't think so.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 5:54:43 PM
something (my witchy thing you don't get) tells me he's not.
5/11/2012 5:55:07 PM
okay, makes some logical sense
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 5:55:39 PM
I'm honestly thinking the cdl thing was a cover for going to his moms. "I tried, I fucked up, I'm useless to you, you deserve better, I'm going to moms, blah blah blah, go on with your life" kinda story.
5/11/2012 5:55:47 PM


Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 5:55:50 PM
5/11/2012 5:55:55 PM
he might just need time like i did with you
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 5:55:57 PM
thing is I have no way to get him home anyways.
5/11/2012 5:56:01 PM
and the cycle continues
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 5:56:04 PM
and there is no home.
5/11/2012 5:56:06 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 5:56:06 PM
5/11/2012 5:56:10 PM
wut? no home?
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 5:56:31 PM
I can't pay the rent here. there is no home for him to come to
5/11/2012 6:00:19 PM
makes sense
5/11/2012 6:05:33 PM
so, you want charles back but your sense says he's not coming back, and your worried at where he is and what's he's feeling but can't help him.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:05:55 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:06:08 PM
but i don't really want him
5/11/2012 6:06:20 PM
so then don't let it stack on you, find good things to feel, and get the emotions turned around
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:06:30 PM
he's too liable
5/11/2012 6:06:52 PM
he's too liable?
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:12:53 PM
b : exposed or subject to some usually adverse contingency or action <watch out or you're liable to fall>
5/11/2012 6:13:23 PM
ah, ok
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:13:32 PM
in psych terms it's generally used to describe mood swings
5/11/2012 6:13:41 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:14:33 PM
too many big words?
5/11/2012 6:14:38 PM
yeah, sorta lol
5/11/2012 6:14:50 PM
but take it as if i'll understand after my

Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:15:02 PM
lol ok
5/11/2012 6:15:40 PM
168 over 8 weeks for $5900, and trying to wrap my head around that math
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:16:39 PM
I don't understand why you're attaching blow jobs to the price?
5/11/2012 6:18:47 PM
ah good point
5/11/2012 6:18:57 PM
they are entirely separate
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:20:51 PM
5/11/2012 6:21:29 PM
it's just hard to wrap my head around one person do it so many times for so long
5/11/2012 6:21:39 PM
like, surreal lol
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:22:22 PM
5/11/2012 6:22:57 PM
i think it's cause you respoded "pricey but worth it"
5/11/2012 6:22:59 PM
so, yeah
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:23:33 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:23:52 PM
i'm sorry there is now a $100 scheduling fee so it is a full 6k
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:24:02 PM
If paid in advance. Other wise it's 7k
5/11/2012 6:24:31 PM
fk'm damn surgery
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:26:32 PM
Yeah, IVF is like 12k and up
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:27:31 PM
less success rate
5/11/2012 6:28:10 PM
12k per attempt, too
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:29:16 PM
5/11/2012 6:30:23 PM
just gotta find someone to fill the cash and quota myself
5/11/2012 6:30:29 PM
having enough difficulty with both
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:30:53 PM
what quota?
5/11/2012 6:31:47 PM
personal and financial
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:32:16 PM
you no want more babies?
5/11/2012 6:32:41 PM
oh, i do want more babies of course lol
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:33:06 PM
then why do you need some one for the personal quota?
5/11/2012 6:33:21 PM
it's been two weeks already, i explained this
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:34:37 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:35:02 PM
not with me babies
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:44:03 PM
you sounded so interested it was rather misleading.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:45:26 PM
you don't need to pay for a tubal reversal if you have someone who doesn't have their tubes tied and is willing to have a baby with you
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:45:43 PM
so it really was rather misleading completely.
5/11/2012 6:51:24 PM
yeah, super misleading
5/11/2012 6:51:25 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 6:59:17 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:00:06 PM
why would you talk to me all day about the cost if you didn't intend on needing to pay for it because you'd be with someone else who doesn't have their tubes tied and coudl easily become pregnant and give you children?
5/11/2012 7:01:25 PM
now that makes sense
5/11/2012 7:01:32 PM
so yeah, the conversation went entirely into misleading
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:03:17 PM
it kinda upsets me
5/11/2012 7:03:32 PM
what does?
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:05:56 PM
the way you mislead me all day. I know you didn't do it on purpose matt but it hurts because you have no idea how much it hurts not being able to be with our babies, and knowing that I made the decision to have my tubes tied because i HONESTLY thought that we were going to be together forever. That your thing with Jackie was a phase and that we'd work through it at the time, and still be married. Now that we're not, and we've moved on, I can NEVER share that special moment with anyone else again because in all ilkelihood I"m never honestly going to be able to afford that operation because I honestly can only work six months at a time, and I'm not exactly capeable of making thousands of dollars every few months. I'm lucky to make minimum wage because of my mental illness and my job history.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:06:06 PM
And I doing really good to keep a job past six months.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:06:23 PM
I'm likely going to be on disability for the rest of my life. It's a decision I can never take back.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:06:35 PM
Its a decision I never afford to have undone.
5/11/2012 7:07:02 PM
you can still save up money, tho
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:07:15 PM
I lost OUR kids to your mother, and I'll never get to raise them, I'll never get to truly be their mommy in the way they need me to and I'll NEVER EVER get to share that with anyone else again.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:07:22 PM
so it REALLY HURTS that you led me on all fucking day.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:07:38 PM
by the time I save up six grand, I probably won't be able to have babies anymore.
5/11/2012 7:07:51 PM
i didn't realize i led you on all day
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:07:57 PM
because if you want the honest truth, I think my body is hitting menopause early.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:08:41 PM
because I have been checked by two of the best gynocologists I know. One of them YOU know. And neither one of them can find a cause for my periods to be the way they are and not even hormonal treatment is making them come anymore.
5/11/2012 7:08:46 PM
in fact, i looked at the history and you started talking about the tubes entirely out of the blue
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:09:03 PM
I've been on birth control to force my periods since I was 13
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:09:09 PM
so what does that tell you?
5/11/2012 7:09:12 PM
and it's quite possible that the lack of periods could be due to stress, it's medically proven
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:10:00 PM
I've been on birth control to force my periods to come regularly since I was 13. Once I hit 16 it wasn't a problem, but then getting pregnant was.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:10:24 PM
after we had the kids, I never missed a period unless I was pregnant until she tied my tubes. it's either the tubes, or it's the same thing it was when I was 13
5/11/2012 7:11:08 PM
just top stressing

Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:11:27 PM
5/11/2012 7:11:37 PM
i'll have to read it later
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:11:37 PM
I have migraines, I have hair growing in areas that men grow hair.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:11:47 PM
acne, dry vagina
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:12:12 PM
I leak milk though I have no reason to and I miss periods three to six cycles at at time, and even when I don't get it, I get the pain.
5/11/2012 7:12:58 PM
that almost sounds spot on
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:13:17 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:13:24 PM
it's been that way since I was 13
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:13:56 PM
I've had a mustache since I was 13, I had high testonerone levels, that's why they started the b.c. pills.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:14:23 PM
they've done the cat scans, ruled out thyroid issues, pitiuitary gland issues, endometrial cancer.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:14:35 PM
Physically everything down there is as it should be.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:14:44 PM
my period just doesn't come every month.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:14:57 PM
every six months I start skipping periods.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:15:13 PM
it used to be they'd come a week later and later and later, now not at all.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 7:16:29 PM
so it really hurts that you would talk to me all day in a misleading fashion, even unintentionally, because it's something that means a lot to me. And your'e not even sorry is what's worse. You don't even fucking care. It's another reason there's this huge trust gap between us. I trusted you when you said forever. Forever meant nothing to you.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:06:12 PM
I'll even make it easier for you than typing in a text
5/11/2012 11:09:39 PM
make what easier?
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:10:35 PM
explaining yourself.
5/11/2012 11:10:53 PM
i was just about to go to bed myself
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:10:58 PM
Might as well just get it over with now that i'm awake.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:11:22 PM
you know that's bullshit. You're avoiding it because you dont' want to hurt my feelings more, and you don't trust that I won't come over and do something stupid.
5/11/2012 11:11:27 PM
get what over? you want kids, you'll need surgery that's expensive
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:11:28 PM
at least be honest with me.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:11:57 PM
You said you have something to explain to me about yourself and you don't want to because I feel as though you don't want me.
5/11/2012 11:12:23 PM
i recommended to you to save for it, and you believe that you could but it would end up going through menopause prior to having the ability
5/11/2012 11:12:52 PM
i remember when you wanted the surgery I asked you if you were sure
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:12:56 PM
yeah by the time I save for it on what I get a month, i can't affford my rent for a reason matthew. it's more tha two thirds of my monthly income.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:13:03 PM
of course i"m sure.
5/11/2012 11:13:12 PM
nonono, the tubal ligation
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:13:26 PM
I was sure then because i believed in you and I being together.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:13:31 PM
and you let me down.
5/11/2012 11:13:46 PM
you told me that you didn't want anymore and that you were done
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:13:51 PM
I figured Jack was another fucking fling, how was I supposed to know you were already out the door forever.
5/11/2012 11:14:16 PM
she was a fling at the time, and you flipped completely out
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:14:19 PM
how was I supposed to know your mom would take the other two and keep me away from them forever after I had a major nervous breakdown when you left me forever and divorced me.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:15:06 PM
how was I supposed to know that I'd never see them again or get to have them back because of any of that? thought we were going to be together forever. She was a fling you kept going back to behind my back. of course I flipped out.
5/11/2012 11:15:09 PM
how was i supposed to kmow we'd be where we were today?
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:15:18 PM
you were un faithful time and time again.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:15:35 PM
exactly my point. netiher one of use could predict the future
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:16:12 PM
it doesn't excuse talking about it with me all day like you wanted to go forward with it WITH me. And then shattering more of my dreams when you suddenly say "I have to find someone to do that with"
5/11/2012 11:16:40 PM
that was the 150+ blowjobs
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:17:03 PM
why would you have them with someone else?
5/11/2012 11:17:14 PM
did you miss the sore throat message?
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:17:36 PM
no, i got it but didn't care because I was throat fucked so hard the dr thought I had strep.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:17:37 PM
I sent you that video btw
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:17:52 PM
obviously I can handle my fucking blow jobs
5/11/2012 11:17:56 PM
what video?
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:18:03 PM
the throat fucking
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:18:11 PM
its a shame Charles made me get rid of it.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:18:17 PM
he didn't like randy.
5/11/2012 11:18:30 PM
oh, right, that was years ago
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:18:43 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:18:48 PM
not even
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:18:54 PM
a year
5/11/2012 11:19:22 PM
yeah, about 3 now that i think about it
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:19:28 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:19:31 PM
i was in the trailer
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:20:09 PM
charles and I have only been married a year. I moved into leroy in april of last year, i was in the trailer in February when that happened.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:20:11 PM
a year.
5/11/2012 11:20:35 PM
i honestly think it was more
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:21:01 PM
I have all the paperwork from when I kicked lisa out and shit

5/11/2012 11:21:40 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:22:46 PM
a year, I evicted her feb. 9th 2011. the epic bj was around then because i had my "welcome to medicare' physical and they tested me for strep in the office because my throat was so raw.
5/11/2012 11:23:19 PM
5/11/2012 11:23:31 PM
i can always look through my bank statements to get an idea
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:23:56 PM
in fact you can, january of 2011, that was the time you had 12 k in the bank and tipped the feds.
5/11/2012 11:24:28 PM
ok, so over a year ago
5/11/2012 11:26:43 PM
you gave randy everything
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:27:27 PM
5/11/2012 11:28:22 PM
....i'm just speechless really on what i have permission to say and what's right to say and what can and cannot be said
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:32:07 PM
I guess what's fucked up is that you have to have permission from anyone to say anything.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:32:56 PM
who's giving you or not giving you permission to say stuff? If it's not me, last I knew you were a grown man capeable of speaking for himself when he wanted to and sayinf fuck off to anyone who thought they could conrol you.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:33:32 PM
as to what's right to say and what's not that's a morality thing, that's your choice, and can and cannot be said is beyond me.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:33:37 PM
when did the filters go up?
5/11/2012 11:33:50 PM
what filters?
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:34:22 PM
filters. you need permission to speak about certain things, and on other things there are things you can and cannot say, and on others there are things that are right and wrong.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:34:34 PM
I don't get it.
5/11/2012 11:34:37 PM
you just copy/paste what i said?
5/11/2012 11:34:42 PM
well, do you want me to hurt you?
5/11/2012 11:34:48 PM
let me ask questions

5/11/2012 11:34:49 PM
well, do you want me to hurt you?
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:35:14 PM
no, but I would rather have your honesty and be hurt, than hear this bullshit about permission, and secrets.
5/11/2012 11:35:27 PM
i'll accept the "no"
5/11/2012 11:35:39 PM
so, in order to do anything with you, the goal is not to hurt you
5/11/2012 11:35:43 PM
does that make sense?
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:35:55 PM
that makes sense, but I want honesty and answers
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:36:12 PM
so hurt me now, get it over with so I can move on.
5/11/2012 11:36:15 PM
your getting honesty
5/11/2012 11:36:19 PM
i want to have sex with you
5/11/2012 11:36:24 PM
mouth-wrenching sex with you
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:36:33 PM
I'm sick of hearing about permissions
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:36:41 PM
I know what. I want you to love me.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:36:58 PM
You can't seem to tell the difference.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:37:09 PM
or find balance in both.
5/11/2012 11:37:11 PM
sex is not love
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:37:17 PM
no it's not
5/11/2012 11:37:23 PM
there is no balance between complete evil and complete love
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:37:33 PM
that's why I said you don't want me to love me, you just want a fuck buddy.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:37:42 PM
which is what i've known all along and why i wouldn't put out.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:37:44 PM
I'm not stupid.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:37:47 PM
you haven't chagned.
5/11/2012 11:37:53 PM
actually, i have
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:38:02 PM
I want my tubes untied, and to have more babies with you.
5/11/2012 11:38:08 PM
and it usually stops here because you see the past
5/11/2012 11:38:21 PM
and then there is no futher speaking of the subject
5/11/2012 11:38:33 PM
and you want your tubes untied, but you can have babies with anyone
5/11/2012 11:38:42 PM
you even asked me to do it so that you and charles could have babies
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:38:45 PM
I don't want babies with anyone.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:38:56 PM
I din't ask so charles and I could have babies.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:39:02 PM
I asked so YOU and I could.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:39:17 PM
that's why I was upset when you seemed not to want to with me.
5/11/2012 11:39:33 PM
i can perfectly father children with anyone, really, even you
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:39:41 PM
I know this.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:39:45 PM
I said this.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:39:49 PM
that's why I was hurt.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:40:05 PM
all day you seemed interested as though you wanted to do this with me, and then didn't.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:40:15 PM
and I realized it was because you didn't want to have babies with me.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:40:19 PM
because you don't need me to have babies.
5/11/2012 11:40:20 PM
I have been talking and listening with you on it
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:40:33 PM
you just want to have sex with me.
5/11/2012 11:40:45 PM
i figured we were speaking in the hypothetical, which is why i made jokes (sounded funny), and brough up the sex->bj calculation
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:40:55 PM
You're not in love with me, you just want to have sex with me. And then eventually you'll go back to N.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:41:08 PM
I was being dead serious because it's that important to me.
5/11/2012 11:41:13 PM
that's impossible
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:41:13 PM
because I am running out of time.
5/11/2012 11:41:20 PM
5/11/2012 11:41:30 PM
christ, women have children in their 40's
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:41:35 PM
Because unlike you I don't have a forever continum of sperm.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:41:45 PM
my periods are stopping.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:41:53 PM
what does that tell you? there's something wrong,
5/11/2012 11:41:56 PM
your continuously stressing
5/11/2012 11:42:02 PM
just freaking relax for ... a week
5/11/2012 11:42:07 PM
take a vacation or a break
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:42:16 PM
I was continusously stressing when we were married and it never stopped.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:42:29 PM
what do you think I've been doing the last two weeks? taking a freaking break.
5/11/2012 11:42:31 PM
it's because you didn't stress BAD, you just stressed temporarilty
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:42:47 PM
but it's kinda hard not to stress when you don't know when they're gonna come kick you out.
5/11/2012 11:43:16 PM
you know they can't kick you out without a huge civil suit
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:43:31 PM
when it's the weekend you're supposed to enjoy your kids, not be kept away from them and you don't even get a fucking phone call or a card.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:43:40 PM
maybe I don't want to go through a civil suit.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:44:03 PM
maybe I'm sick of living in a world where I always have to worry about the civil suit because I can't afford to pay my rent.
5/11/2012 11:44:05 PM
please tell me you know the origin of mothers day
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:44:46 PM
of course I do. But it would be nice to s pend time with my children on the day that celebrates mothers because I am their mother
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:44:53 PM
not the crazy bitch a hundred miles away someone is trying tom ake them forget
5/11/2012 11:46:21 PM
god, you hold so much grief and so many grudges
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:48:40 PM
so now that we've gotten allt he nasty out, let me recapp to make sure I have this right? You just want to fuck me, love is no longer involved. You misunderstood my discussion about wanting my tubes untied, and thought I wanted it for charles and I, but now know I wanted it for you and I, and don't care because you don't need me to make more children. It's my own fault for believing that we'd be together forever because you promised that in our marraige and well I should just suck it up because I can't afford the surgery now to have my tubes untied, because you're not really all that interested in having babies with me, just fucking me to get off. And you don't give a shit that I'm also hurting because the one day that celebrates mothers, I don't get to even see our kids, get a card, or a telephone call because your mother is a fucking whroe bitch who has nothing better to do but selfishly make it all about her as per usual?
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:48:58 PM
did I get that all right or is my brain still malfunctioning somewhere?
5/11/2012 11:51:23 PM
You just want to fuck me, love is no longer involved.
Jennifer Cejka5/11/2012 11:48:40 PM
Wrong. I love you as a good friend. I can't make love to that person, so does friends that have sex make me want to fuck you?
You misunderstood my discussion about wanting my tubes untied, and thought I wanted it for charles and I, but now know I wanted it for you and I, and don't care because you don't need me to make more children.
Jennifer Cejka5/11/2012 11:48:40 PM
Misunderstood, yes, but I didn't think you wanted it for anybody but for the simple face of you having kids. I asked about pricing (which was my curiosity), I came into the discussion as if We were to have kids after the fact. When things got hot and the fight started, I backed off.
5/11/2012 11:51:28 PM
let me keep goin...
5/11/2012 11:52:25 PM
It's my own fault for believing that we'd be together forever because you promised that in our marraige and well I should just suck it up because I can't afford the surgery now to have my tubes untied, because you're not really all that interested in having babies with me, just fucking me to get off.
Jennifer Cejka5/11/2012 11:48:40 PM
What you believe is your choice, fault, direction, whatever. Our marriage has been over since 2010. You've dated and remarried. I can't even offer you advice now without it being taken in a different way sometimes.
5/11/2012 11:52:42 PM
and about mothers day
5/11/2012 11:52:58 PM
.....i can't help you there. I'd back you up 100% on what your due, but I can't because of the boundaries
5/11/2012 11:53:22 PM
If i could make one day right for you it'd be that day, but I cannot even give my own mother the benfit of that day from me
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:54:19 PM
Then I'm the fool for wanting more from you than friendship.
Jennifer Cejka
5/11/2012 11:54:22 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/12/2012 1:37:37 PM
LMAO dad's hilarious. "I don't know, Fat Ass doesn't look too concerned I'll be suspended for inifity. I'll be back before he can blink."
5/12/2012 1:50:42 PM
what what?
Jennifer Cejka
5/12/2012 1:52:44 PM
I'm typing up this stuff for dad. and it's kinda his theroy on what happens when you die. and that's part of what he wrote, before KC died apprently.
Jennifer Cejka
5/12/2012 1:53:43 PM
dads theroy is that we die and are suspended in some great black hole where we recieve all the information about life we didn't gather while we were here. what he questions is if we come back or not, or if we're suspended in space and time for ever. So the quote should make more sense now, and if you recall dads sense of humor when he's drunk, that should make you laugh. It's so typical dad.
Jennifer Cejka
5/12/2012 2:04:33 PM
I hate abusive men who teach their sons how to be like them.
Jennifer Cejka
5/12/2012 2:06:01 PM
Freedom's son made a picture, first said it was for her, but then he had to copy it for his step mom. That she could deal with as if he were trying to be nice, but then later she was talking or doing something and he said she was annoying and had to keep her mouth shut. The same type of stuff her ex husband used to do to her. So glad I wasn't there, I'd have popped his ass and sent him to his room.
5/12/2012 2:40:47 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/12/2012 3:00:30 PM
Freeedom is amazed at how well I know how to hide my identiy when sending things to someone when you don't want to be found out.
5/12/2012 3:08:24 PM
Trained ya well
5/12/2012 3:08:31 PM
--- fixin car ---
5/12/2012 3:08:34 PM
oy veh
Jennifer Cejka
5/12/2012 3:10:34 PM
ahhh that's right. Brian want that cappichino machine?
Jennifer Cejka
5/12/2012 3:10:45 PM
you can deliver it later of course. I just need to know if he has one or not.
5/12/2012 3:43:03 PM
wait, what cappuchino machine?
5/12/2012 3:43:18 PM
and sorry, in and out, not the way i like, but doing something similar
5/12/2012 3:43:41 PM
you can reach me on my cell
Jennifer Cejka
5/13/2012 10:12:05 AM
you here?
Jennifer Cejka
5/13/2012 12:36:35 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/13/2012 12:36:45 PM
I guess we're not on for one still then.
Jennifer Cejka
5/13/2012 12:43:39 PM
I hope you're having a good time with the kids.
Jennifer Cejka
5/13/2012 12:44:31 PM
I have to find a way to move. This place is dangerous. An empty surge protector (thank god I didn't decide to move the lappy into the bedroom last night) fried and my air conditioner is fried because of the electrical wiring in this place. I'm afraid to leave anything plugged in now.
Jennifer Cejka
5/13/2012 12:44:49 PM
text me when you get home I guess.
Jennifer Cejka
5/13/2012 12:45:04 PM
Thanks for trying to give me a decent Mothers Day. I know you wanted to.
Jennifer Cejka
5/13/2012 2:38:57 PM
Taking the laptop with me incase there are any further elctrical incidents and the apartment catches fire. Hopfully the kitty can jump to the tree to safety. Or four stories down. Dad won't take her just in case. Txt me later.
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 1:19:06 PM
Cause you're being avoidant and I know you.... and it concerns me a bit.
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 2:58:39 PM
Cancer sucks
5/14/2012 4:04:30 PM
I went to sleep at 7am
5/14/2012 4:04:37 PM
haven't been awake since now
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:08:51 PM
you sent me a text yearlier saying you were up

Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:09:04 PM
it's not important
5/14/2012 4:17:05 PM
5/14/2012 4:17:06 PM
5/14/2012 4:17:13 PM
sorry was cookin' cereal for break fast
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:17:16 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:17:43 PM
charles put in for a change of address. I'm trying to get him to understand that they're so stupid here that my mail will go with his the fucktard and he should have said so.
5/14/2012 4:17:59 PM
ah ok
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:18:05 PM
how many times did I change JUST MY address and get your brothers mail from batavia.
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:18:07 PM
5/14/2012 4:18:10 PM
5/14/2012 4:18:13 PM
yeah, same iwth me
5/14/2012 4:18:25 PM
my last 3 change of address havent' worked for most of my crap
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:18:37 PM
and they expire after six months!
5/14/2012 4:19:24 PM
5/14/2012 4:20:49 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:23:43 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:24:00 PM
were you advised our eldest daughter is pissed at you?
5/14/2012 4:25:19 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:26:07 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:26:50 PM
it's not that hard to pick up the phone and say you're not coming because the car still isn't fixed and you should have said happy mothers day to your mother, you're incredibly rude for having not done so. Little stinker sticks up for your mom like no tomorrow.
5/14/2012 4:28:37 PM
wait what?
5/14/2012 4:29:13 PM
I read what you typed
5/14/2012 4:29:24 PM
I understand
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:29:28 PM
5/14/2012 4:29:33 PM
I don't get how this came out
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:29:40 PM
through your mom
5/14/2012 4:29:44 PM
5/14/2012 4:29:53 PM
So, mom doesn't pass the messages I leave her to the kids
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:30:07 PM
or she's trying to play us.
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:30:14 PM
to keep us apart.
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:30:29 PM
she has no problem lying.
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:30:41 PM
did you skype it or place a phone call though?
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:31:06 PM
she's getting nitty gritty and asking for phone calls. (Angelique) not understanind that your mom won't let her have the phone.
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:31:50 PM
your moms words were "I understand we can't talk to mommy, but why can't daddy just call and say he's not coming, and why didn't he call to at least tell you happy mother's day, you're his mom"
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:32:29 PM
so either Angel is looking for phone calls she's not allowed to have because of your mom, or your mom can't decide whether she wants you to speak to them on the phone or send her messages on skype.
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:32:33 PM
OR it's all a lie to me.
5/14/2012 4:33:19 PM
Nope, she's looking for phone calls cause mom won't let her call out
5/14/2012 4:33:31 PM
and mom's got pending message on skype
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:34:31 PM
makes sense. you get more info than I do so it's harder for me to pick which theory is accurate.
5/14/2012 4:35:06 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:46:30 PM
dads going to let me move some stuff into the house so if I get evicted it's easier to move where ever it is I end up
5/14/2012 4:47:33 PM
cool beans
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:47:39 PM
I've had a migraine all day and I wanna take an imitrex but I took a valium earlier cause I was overloaded and freaking out and then dad called and asked me to be on stand by in case Mary needs to go to buffalo tonight.
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:47:51 PM
I know you're not sure if you can get the money or not.
5/14/2012 4:48:08 PM
My bank is afk for now
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:48:20 PM
i know that too
5/14/2012 4:48:21 PM
so yeah, i'm basically broke until i can get information
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:50:00 PM
i just might need your help getting the dresser out of here. I asked if you could help me get it in and he's still being too bitter. But you could at least help me get it from the elevator to the van at some point. Ma's cousins can get it into the house and into my old bedroom. I told him there is no way it's going into the attic, and it might as well stay there since I'll land in the house sooner or later.
5/14/2012 4:50:35 PM
taking the stairs or the elevator iwth it?
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:50:52 PM
stairs, it's too big for the elevator
5/14/2012 4:51:30 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:53:22 PM
so I'll start with the small stuff, that container, get his tools out of disarray, and get the dresser in there, and then re pack my shit again for the billionth time. I may end up at the woodlawn for all I know if you can't swing it by the end of the month.
5/14/2012 4:53:47 PM
wtf is the woodlawn?
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:54:21 PM
in the vicinity of AJ's on 2nd, like behind it or something there abouts is a monthly rated motel
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:54:39 PM
used to rent for 280 a month for their shitholes.
5/14/2012 4:55:03 PM
ah ok
5/14/2012 4:55:12 PM
Boobytrap is partyboob spelled backwards
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:55:27 PM
Aunt Audrey is always complaining because her church has this organization Love Inc, and the owner is a member of the church nd likes to hit them up for money when the boiler goes out and crap and it's a dump
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:55:32 PM
you're right.
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:56:30 PM
Given that the night light was glowing brighter and then dimming, dad says it's all over loaded, and I had better not plug in anything I don't want to loose. It's a fire waiting to happen.
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:57:02 PM
That's why he's having me move my stuff so when the fire happens because no one can or will help me, I don't loose everything I own.
5/14/2012 4:57:05 PM
Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:57:10 PM
because no one still will help you then.
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 4:57:19 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 5:06:58 PM
text me if you wanna, gonna lie down while I wait for dad to call about Mary. <3
5/14/2012 5:07:29 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 5:12:19 PM
not only did my period come so I have massive migraines, but i'm on the final titration down off the topamax which is the preventative for the migraines (Also a moodstabilzier and anti seizure depending on what they need to use it for, and you know me n mood stabilizers don't mix cause i'm not bi polar and it makes me aggressive as hell...they tried to give me neurontin for my legs and I said FUCK YOU. I'll die before I take that crap again." Pushed me to try within four days I was superbitch on steroids. ) so I've got like the migraine of all migraines from hell and I can't even go to the Er for the lovely shot of torodol in the ass, I'm allergic to it because it's an NSAID, like naproxen or Ibprofuen, so I am going to enjoy the quiet and suffer silently in the dark

I'm tired, and getting loopy and rambly too. Another reason I MUSt! lie down. My humor is going to go unnoticed because you can't see it through text, and if you were here, i'd at least hope I was making you smile a lil

Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 5:12:29 PM
5/14/2012 5:13:29 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 9:16:23 PM
5/14/2012 9:16:51 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 9:20:57 PM

freedom has a bit of the intuitive thing that I have you don't get, and now I feel bad cause she called me because I tried to tell her that her kids aren't okay after the incident with her son over mother's day, and a lot of it because I've watched her son Matthew. At first I thought he had a kiddo crush on me, and Freedom did too because when ever I would talk to him, or spend time with him he would smile this cute little smile and sometimes blush when I would compliment his work. Then I realized it was because he never gets it at home. Freedom parents like I used to, no structure. kids go wild, drive her nuts and she yells.
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 9:21:10 PM
Their father is knowingly abusive toward women, and they see it.
5/14/2012 9:21:26 PM
awwww, and ugh
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 9:21:33 PM
He has money and can send them to do all the stuff in the world but when a child has no attention paid to them, it means nothing.
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 9:21:51 PM
That's why her son Matthew would get so squrimish around me.
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 9:22:06 PM
I was lying down and she called to tell me her kids aren't okay.
5/14/2012 9:22:12 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 9:23:07 PM
Because all I had done was suggest that she stand up for herself AND his stepmom the next time he mouths off like that because Angie is so tiny and timid she's even kinda backish with me, like she has to fear everyone. Head down, no eye contact.
5/14/2012 9:23:30 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 9:24:08 PM
She did a stupid thing last year that could have put Freedom in a position had she wanted to to make Angie disappear from the kids' lives. She left the yougest in the car to go shopping in the winter time and he got pneumonia so bad he ended up in the hospital for awhile.
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 9:25:17 PM
Freedom told cps she didn't think it was because Angie was a bad person, or neglectful, she's just never had kids before and didn't think anything of it, she was meaning to be in and out, and was within twenty minutes and thought that at six he was going to be okay. He got scared, and was on his way in to find her as she was coming out and mall cops found him. called 911
5/14/2012 9:25:28 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 9:26:36 PM
At six think about all the things Jamie does. Talks, plays, has the art thing, is doing well in Kindergarten. This kiddo is only three months younger, and he's not in school yet. He doesn't talk or socialize. He could probably help you and brian fix your car though lol.
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 9:26:45 PM
He spends all day at daddy's shop.
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 9:27:33 PM
When they come they have big baggie dark circles under their eyes. Eat and eat and eat. Normal for boys but I worry. So now I'm wondering what's popped up that Freedom needed to talk to me about.
5/14/2012 9:28:38 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 10:28:41 PM
Even my fridge is overloading the circuits.
5/14/2012 10:28:57 PM
5/14/2012 10:29:01 PM
but maintenance came, right?
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 10:29:30 PM
no, I wasn't home.
5/14/2012 10:30:16 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 10:33:30 PM
I had to go return the lamp it fried, and cans and bottles for gas money this morning, then I was hungry so i went to tops (because wlmarts stupid can things were broken) and I was starving so I called dad and asked him if he wanted anything, Uncle Mikey was there so we visited and made plans for this week to clean up the attic for spring clean up, and get the stuff that he has no use for (I wish I could sneak you up, you'd have a hayday with all the old geek stuff just cause) and throw it all out, and blah blah blah
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 10:33:32 PM
i'm talking to much
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 10:34:16 PM
either way, the fridge will power on really forcefully and cycle for a few minutes then go down
5/14/2012 10:34:17 PM
i'm playin' wow >.>
5/14/2012 10:34:21 PM
oh wow
5/14/2012 10:34:23 PM
that sounds real bad
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 10:34:57 PM
the night light was doing it last night, and the thing is a problem this serious is legal cause for the maintenece people to let themselves in even if I didn't answer my fucking phone!
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 10:37:51 PM
gtg off herew
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 10:37:57 PM
it's surging all the outlets.
Jennifer Cejka
5/14/2012 10:38:09 PM
it's gonna fucking fry the fridge.
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 12:25:38 AM
5/17/2012 12:26:26 AM

Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 12:30:36 AM
How was your day?
5/17/2012 12:34:14 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 12:35:15 AM
mine too. I'm in lots of pain. Doing the clean up alone.
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 12:35:55 AM
Moving stuff to dads alone,a nd then it's either the shelter or my car
5/17/2012 12:36:51 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 12:41:20 AM
without the rent money they'll start eviction
5/17/2012 12:41:31 AM
they'll start going through the court?
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 12:42:53 AM
5/17/2012 12:48:06 AM
Do you have the lease agreement? Does it state arbitration?
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 12:48:26 AM
They have it.
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 12:49:23 AM
trying to get a lesson in with witchy school but I can't keep my eyes open.
5/17/2012 12:56:20 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 12:57:48 AM
yeah I'm just exhausted from all the work I did with dad today. I'mm just about to drop here.
5/17/2012 12:58:18 AM
mmk, drop then
5/17/2012 12:58:20 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 1:02:31 AM
gonna eat 1st
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 1:03:05 AM
I think i broke my wrist too
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 1:03:24 AM
thats what I get fir trying to catch things lol
5/17/2012 1:03:39 AM
awwwwwwwwww sadface
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 1:04:53 AM
one of the heavier desk peices fell and by relexive instintct I put my arm up to block it froom falling. bruised the hell out of it, staring to hurt
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 1:07:45 AM
Any word on Aunt Anna?
5/17/2012 1:08:12 AM
nope, no word. haven't spoken to her
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 1:08:42 AM
just wondering if any one other than lisa's talked about her lately
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 1:14:49 AM
If she does go downhill I would care. She's a wonderful person. And I hate the thought Lisa's using her illness to squelch money from her ex boyfriend and then told him the guy who was with her was her cousin charles. It's her new 'fiancee" and that anna is in a coma, has power of attorny over her, and trumps her husband somehow and is gonna get rich, and well poor Uncle Donnie is just screwed. And Anna's lungs collapsed. I'd hate to hear any of that were true, but I'd also hate knowing that Lisa's gone so far off the deep end she'd use your aunt and her illness, her REAL illness, compared to all Lisa's faked illness's just to scam her ex out of more money so she and her boy friend can be together.
5/17/2012 1:19:36 AM
ah ok
5/17/2012 1:27:50 AM
she'll be okay
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 2:08:07 AM
5/17/2012 2:08:27 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 2:09:02 AM
night. Can't take the pain anymore.
5/17/2012 2:09:44 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 8:30:41 AM
Apparently I'm not the only one having electrical issues. They finally called someone to come in and check the building out.
5/17/2012 8:49:07 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 8:52:30 AM
and Lisa is fucking whacked, sent me a message in the middle of the night saying to stay off her facebook page. I was never on it. Apparently miss loose lips (my mother) confirmed to the guy Lisa's scamming that everything Lisa told him was a lie and that "cousin charles vanderwhatever' that keeps sending him harassing messages really is lisa's new boy toy. Opps. Or it was the message I sent your mother telling her that lisa needs to be stopped because she's gone overboard this time and is telling people anna's in a fucking coma and her lungs have collapsed. So now I"m 'harassing' her. i said go ahead give it a whirl cause it's public domain, you don't make it private and even if you could prove I looked at your page, the cops aren't going to call it harassment.
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 8:53:18 AM
lovely morning all ready.
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 8:53:24 AM
Lets go to alaska.
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 8:53:32 AM
or hawaii
5/17/2012 8:53:52 AM
why there?
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 8:54:04 AM
pretty places to be
5/17/2012 8:54:13 AM
so is here
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 8:54:46 AM
what's the point in a vacation if you're not going away from here? Where in ny would we go?
5/17/2012 8:55:34 AM
vacation? now?
5/17/2012 8:55:39 AM
mountains, of course
5/17/2012 8:55:44 AM
middle of new york
5/17/2012 8:55:51 AM
if i were to go somewhere in ny that's pretty
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 8:56:31 AM
that's true
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 8:56:42 AM
camping would be nice. Just sucks our tent is missing peices.
5/17/2012 8:58:22 AM
camping is nice, just means you can scream and nobody should hear it
Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 8:59:30 AM

Jennifer Cejka
5/17/2012 10:58:30 AM
They fixed the electric so now I can stay here safely

Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 9:36:05 AM
I'm so gonna have a ticket now
5/18/2012 9:37:57 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 9:42:36 AM
And then mike has the nerve to ask me not to throw his shit out from the attic. What's he want back, his fucking nasty ass dirty dishes? If he wants any of this stuff so fucking bad come get it, get off your lazy ass and fucking come HELP ME because all the stuff that's left is heavy. Dad and I can't move it. I"m going to have to ask the Riley's cause of their business with daddy. What he doesn't fucking understand anyways is it's all fucking gone. Has been gone. All that was left was dirty dishes. Literally.
5/18/2012 9:44:20 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 9:47:16 AM
It was all trashed in the fire duh
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 9:52:38 AM
oh fuck
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 9:52:50 AM
gotta go, freedom got really bad news
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 9:57:11 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 9:58:17 AM
she's worried about me going over now cause skye's on his way with his g/f and she doesn't know how that'll go and she's upset cause skye doesn't know what to do for her, but I do but she can't handle the stress if there's weirdness cause of his new g/f
5/18/2012 10:02:25 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 10:02:37 AM
I don't see why we can't all be adults and be there for freedom.
5/18/2012 10:04:46 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 5:51:34 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 6:04:09 PM
File transfer:
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 6:18:05 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 6:52:35 PM
did your mom speak to you today or attempt to? She did me. Wondering what's breaking her silence. Oh. Hmm, prolly to ask me to stop interfering with you and the kids. Not that I am on purpose, but just speaking to you is suuuuuuuuch a distraction you're not speaking to her at all, and she'd like to work on you herself. with Ben and Linda's help.
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 6:53:04 PM
I think I'm getting pretty good at this after eleven yearrs.
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 6:53:22 PM
bbiab, going back to freedom's. <3
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 10:25:08 PM
ma called to brag

Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 10:26:33 PM
angel got a donation out of paul and he only had 25 on him and said he wished she'd come at a time he had more, he'd have donated more as a sponsor, and she said that she only needed to have so much now, and she could come back if he'd like to make a partial payment. He grinned and agreed. Patrons sponsored her for 100, Rich sponsored her, and so did Bri
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 10:27:26 PM
she needs one more sponsor for five dollars
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 10:30:47 PM
and when paul asked if she sees us and how things were going she said "Well, I don't get to talk to or see my mommy right now, but I will when I'm older. But it's okay because she loves me so much she made sure I got to stay with gramma no matter what." As brainwashed as it sounds, I know that in her heart she knows its true because I've had the opportunity to tell her why i leave, and why I leave her there. To keep her safe when I'm not well. Because I know she'll be taken care of. She's okay with that.
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 10:31:13 PM
and I told her that you must be cycling down because you got to a point where being just friends was okay. Not a lie

5/18/2012 10:33:13 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 10:40:28 PM
Not only have I learned her tricks well, I have also learned yours

Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 10:43:19 PM
I have to say I'm kinda dissapointed in Paulson as a dad. was over an hour late picking up his son, who was sent here sick for the day, and we weren't told. We weren't told anything about him other than probably his name. He's so sick that by the time Nick got here, the poor kid was puking everything he ate or drank, and instead of taking him home and putting him to bed, he goes next door to hang out with the people that are being evicted because they have a CO from county lock up for a landlord and the cops are there every other day.
5/18/2012 10:53:19 PM
oh wow
5/18/2012 10:53:24 PM
where did that come from?
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 10:56:01 PM
we babysat one of paulson's kids today and that's what he did when he picked his son up.
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 10:57:14 PM
it' really annoying to see him be so irresponsible when he plays the 'I'm mr single dad and do a good job because i work and raise my kids without my military wife who fucks all her co's" ploy like people should pity him.
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 10:58:08 PM
Poor Landon was throwing up all over the house and miserable, and he didn't take him home, just went to the neighbors and the kid had to be dragged around sick for who knows how long
5/18/2012 11:40:58 PM
5/18/2012 11:41:03 PM
bbl still building computer
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 11:43:25 PM
I'm fading fast, meds kicked in and i"m exhausted. Going to send you those photos via email and pretend I don't hear the bed moving in the next room. Ugh. I'm supposed to wait up on the teenager she's allowing to go be naughty too though. why turn the tv off if you're going to have sex, not that she doesn't know I don't really care but I'd figure her friend would. There's someone sitting in the next room obviously awake and you turn off the only thing that's going to cover the sound of what you're doing? noobs.
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 11:49:38 PM
i could be so mean and yell YOU'RE WELCOME. I made the fucker sit in bed with her. stole the chair in the bedroom for all of five minutes for her lol
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 11:49:53 PM
stupid hotmail isn't liking these attachments.
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 11:50:47 PM
connection is weak. I'll try tomorrow from her room when we're kid free.
Jennifer Cejka
5/18/2012 11:50:52 PM
5/18/2012 11:56:28 PM

Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 10:34:38 AM
morning lol
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 11:00:03 AM
Nice job on the build

Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 11:26:03 AM
you might have to take pictures for N. I don't have that many of the good ones anymore.
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 11:49:05 AM
File transfer:
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 11:49:11 AM
forgot to put these in the email.
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 12:48:28 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 12:48:34 PM
I feel like the fifth wheel.
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 12:49:51 PM
Skye stopped over with new g/f lol and son. and bella smells like you lolz
5/19/2012 12:51:11 PM
5/19/2012 12:51:14 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 12:53:10 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 12:53:40 PM
I should go get more clothes. Or something. i just feel weird going out and being like nothing happened.
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 12:54:32 PM
what're you up to for the day?
5/19/2012 1:00:38 PM
trying to poop
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 1:02:25 PM
5/19/2012 1:03:05 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 1:04:13 PM

I need to go too but will later. After I drink a ton of water.
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 1:04:24 PM
Going to mayville to meet a stranger with Freedom. That's exciting.
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 1:04:37 PM
need to buy a thing to lock my pills up with.
5/19/2012 1:04:51 PM
omfg a stranger?
5/19/2012 1:04:54 PM
you gonna be okay?
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 1:05:30 PM
Yeah. Speed dating thing.
5/19/2012 1:05:47 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 1:05:51 PM
he's rich.
5/19/2012 1:07:22 PM
ah...thy be the rub
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 1:07:57 PM
yaaaaaaaah. We're going together, in my car. which she's gonna ask her ex to fix and work on payment plan with us

5/19/2012 1:08:20 PM
5/19/2012 1:08:28 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 1:08:46 PM
no, husband ex, chris. He owns Moore's Auto and Electric in Falconer
5/19/2012 1:08:59 PM
5/19/2012 1:09:03 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 1:09:39 PM
he's already agreed to look at it, and since his kids will be traveling in it all summer, she figures he'll do the repairs and we can pay him over over the next few months.
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 1:09:51 PM
It's gonna be extensive with the shocks and struts.
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 1:18:41 PM
those pics going to be good or you gonna wanna take more?
5/19/2012 1:19:59 PM
i'm not sure yet, i still have to check 'em out
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 1:21:03 PM
all my really good ones are gone

5/19/2012 1:23:45 PM
yeah, prolly yeah
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 6:58:47 PM
You're not playing the same games on me again matthew, I'm serious.
Jennifer Cejka
5/19/2012 7:18:35 PM
and you can try to prep her all you want, she's not going to expect my message because it's not the same as the others. I have changed, I'm just not going to let you walk all over me again and use me again like you used to. You can kiss that option goodbye.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 12:46:03 AM
are you done freaking out now? JEEEEze.
5/20/2012 12:47:00 AM
Wasn't freakin' out
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 12:47:20 AM
you were being nasty to me for nothing because you thought I wanted 650.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 12:47:37 AM
you were too. Calling me a greedy bitch when I asked for less than half of what you promised me? Not cool.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 12:57:09 AM
the guy I took freedom to see ended up being a total waste of time, but we looked great all day if nothing else.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 12:58:34 AM
and I was a total bitch about it in front of skye and his new hoe lmao. In my miniskirt and sexy legs, and nice ass. mmm. every time I'd go from one room to the next I did the strut.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:03:50 AM
why are you quiet again?
5/20/2012 1:10:13 AM
swearing at the fact that they are flushing the mains so i can't make coffee
5/20/2012 1:10:21 AM
what'd you send to N?
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:10:43 AM
just an explanation of my point of view on what she considers a threesome and why I didn't.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:11:04 AM
you're in love with her, our sex is a physical attraction. I'll never have you as I want you, I know that.
5/20/2012 1:11:21 AM
oh lol that's so confusing
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:12:11 AM
how is it confusing? it's true, you love her not me. You'd pick her hands down if she made you, and it'd devestate me again.
5/20/2012 1:12:49 AM
the threesome thing was the confusing thing
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:13:37 AM
you were the one who told me she thinks it's gonna be more of a threesome with my level of involvement.
5/20/2012 1:15:08 AM
i didn't think so, no
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:15:22 AM
i'll forward you your own text
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:16:34 AM
if i can figure out how to do so from my phone lol
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:18:07 AM
i don't know if I can but you said at 3:39 today "She's decided that its more like a 3some now with the level of your involvement now. She's decided against of continuing on with this"
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:18:42 AM
Then "I only made 100 from the computer, I'll give you the heads up when I get it K?"
5/20/2012 1:18:44 AM
yeah, that's what it sounded like
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:19:18 AM
exactly you said she felt it's going to be like a threesome, I was explaining to her why to me it wouldn't be.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:20:06 AM
she gets to have her husband as much as I may like or not like it, and I get to keep you too and you get to keep me.
5/20/2012 1:20:09 AM
your not adding the words that make the sense of the sentence "with the level of involvement now"
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:20:24 AM
what is the 'level of involvement" that's the issue?
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:21:11 AM
where is there confusion? I can't help her understand if neither one of you is going to speak to me and allow me to share my thoughts, or directly communicate with the person who has the problem.
5/20/2012 1:22:03 AM
i'm completely confused now
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:22:18 AM
so am i
5/20/2012 1:22:19 AM
sharing your thoughts over what problem?
5/20/2012 1:22:30 AM
cause there is no problem, it was more or less a failed experiment
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:24:20 AM
how was it a failed experiment?
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:24:29 AM
this was another game?
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:24:36 AM
I didn't play by the rules so I'm fucked now?
5/20/2012 1:24:41 AM
omfg no
5/20/2012 1:24:49 AM
now your using the bad words
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:24:51 AM
well explain this to me then.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:24:59 AM
I don't understand what this level of involvement thing is
5/20/2012 1:25:08 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:25:10 AM
I don't understand why this was an experiment.
5/20/2012 1:25:18 AM
you don't understand the level of involvement thingy?
5/20/2012 1:25:33 AM
i completely explained this to you a couple days ago
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:25:38 AM
no I don't, what was her peception of my level of involvement?
5/20/2012 1:25:57 AM
and i told you that i was worried over your nodding and lack of questions
5/20/2012 1:26:09 AM
and now you tell me that you don't understand
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:26:26 AM
Because my perception was that You'd get her here, live together, I'd live by myself and I'd be there when I was wanted there, and helped out when it was needed finacially because that's what I asked for.
5/20/2012 1:27:25 AM
I told you that the financial part wasn't to make you as a hooker, and that we initially offered your rent out before it even started and you retailiated with the hooker remark
5/20/2012 1:27:55 AM
and you ended up telling me that I was as I was before (from years ago), and that you could not possibly trust me
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:28:56 AM
you just did the same thing to me.
5/20/2012 1:29:07 AM
i did not do the same thing to you
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:29:20 AM
I lowered what I needed from you and you called me a greedy bitch because you assumed I wanted the rent at 450 AND 200.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:29:30 AM
When all I asked for WAS 200.
5/20/2012 1:29:51 AM
i have the text SAVED about the 650
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:29:58 AM
where is your trust in that.
5/20/2012 1:30:01 AM
don't give me crap because i told you one thing and then YOU change it
5/20/2012 1:30:12 AM
and then expect me to be happy it's a lower amount
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:30:12 AM
forward it to me, I'd like to see it because I never asked for 650
5/20/2012 1:30:25 AM
i deleted it during my "Fuck" spree cause it was worthless
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:31:51 AM
Well you can contact Freedom and ask her. She was here when I contacted you about that, and KNOWS exactly what I was asking for because I asked her what she felt would be reasonable because I was trying NOT to be greedy. She even told her brother that tonight. That we had an aggreement, and in doing the right thing, I asked for less money and for some reason you're flipping out.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:32:03 AM
Even she understood I was asking for less money not more.
5/20/2012 1:32:40 AM
this was prior to you even considering moving back into freedoms
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:32:44 AM
The only time I changed it was to LOWER it to 200.
5/20/2012 1:32:45 AM
it was agreed upon then
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:32:48 AM
No it wasn't.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:32:54 AM
It was WHEN I agreed to move into freedoms.
5/20/2012 1:32:58 AM
and then you stated "it would help us out", but did not give a new amount
5/20/2012 1:33:06 AM
you just mentioned that the amount might be lower
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:33:07 AM
I did so. I said 200 dollars.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:33:20 AM
It's not my fault you don't read all your fucking text messages.
5/20/2012 1:33:41 AM
no no no no no
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:34:15 AM
Yes yes yes. ask freedom, I was here when I sent the messages, sitting right next to her discussing with her the amount.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:35:01 AM
you are so lost on your days.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:35:10 AM
Ten days ago freedom and I were't even talking.
5/20/2012 1:35:28 AM
yeah, she just confirmed that as well
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:35:31 AM
This was two or three days ago.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:35:50 AM
because she's seeing how much it hurts me that you would think I am still that person.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:36:03 AM
because she can see the tears of hurt you cant'.
5/20/2012 1:36:04 AM
5/20/2012 1:36:24 AM
wait, where are you?
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:37:40 AM
at freedoms. I've started moving in. I told you earlier she's sick again and needs me. seriously.
5/20/2012 1:38:06 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:38:08 AM
She has an air bubble in the filter in her back. If it moves she is dead instantly.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:38:22 AM
if the kids are here, someone has to be here around the clock.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:38:28 AM
and someone has to take her to all her appointments.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:38:39 AM
And i'm the only one who understands how serious this is.
5/20/2012 1:40:40 AM
what's wrong? you can't stay on the topic at hand?
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:46:07 AM
Her aunt is trying to scam her for more money for the car because she has a million parking tickets, no registration for the car, not paying the bills.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:46:20 AM
no I can't I guess
5/20/2012 1:46:53 AM
oh wow, Wendy?
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:47:41 AM
Yeah. She totally ripped Wendy a new one today and she's not going to help her.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:47:53 AM
Wendy asked Freedom to register their car in her name.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:48:12 AM
Vern got fired from his job for fighting with someone, he's not even been there a month.
5/20/2012 1:48:50 AM
wait, what was vern doin?
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:48:56 AM
they have sob story after sob story but "find" 300 dollars and instead of paying the 200 dollars they're behind in rent, or for the tickets, or for the registration, they go blow it on dinners, and getting her nails done, and other crrap
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:48:59 AM
some factory job
5/20/2012 1:49:29 AM
that's a woman

5/20/2012 1:50:08 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:52:17 AM
5/20/2012 1:52:39 AM
just epic! especially pokemon!
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:52:45 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:54:06 AM
I"m hurt that you took things so wrong. Assumed i was asking for more money, not less when I said it'd be a lower amount and even you said that yourself. I don't understand what my expected level of involvement was when I figured it was still going to be seperate housing and whatever. It'd give you time to get her here, marry her, and slowly start building things so as she could be comfortable.
5/20/2012 1:54:53 AM
I didn't take anything wrong
5/20/2012 1:55:21 AM
Right now her and I still have things on the mind, but we have to accelerate other things first
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:55:34 AM
you did, I asked for a lesser amount and you thought I wanted 450 more than i did!
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:55:49 AM
that's not what you said. You said she's changed her mind about it because of my level of involvement.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:57:24 AM
why are you in such a rush to marry her?
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:57:37 AM
what's really going on?
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:57:46 AM
do I have to call mom?
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:57:56 AM
lmao or give her your number.
5/20/2012 1:58:16 AM
what the hell
5/20/2012 1:58:28 AM
i said "right now", and your talking about "what i said?"
5/20/2012 1:58:43 AM
and continuing on discussing issues 2-3 days old? after a "right now" comment
5/20/2012 1:58:55 AM
and furthermore, i stated "accelerate other things first"
5/20/2012 1:59:02 AM
i didn't state "rush to marry her"
5/20/2012 1:59:07 AM
or "call my mom, emergency"
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:59:07 AM
so explain it to me then
5/20/2012 1:59:12 AM
your really bored
5/20/2012 1:59:18 AM
you are REALLY REALLY bored
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:59:19 AM
quit leaving out details so I don't misunderstand
5/20/2012 1:59:21 AM
i'm gonna play WoW
5/20/2012 1:59:29 AM
there is nothing to "misunderstand"
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:59:35 AM
I have apparently.
5/20/2012 1:59:37 AM
cause there is nothing currently here to understand
5/20/2012 1:59:43 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 1:59:49 AM
You're trying to accelerate things, I want to understand, you've made me a part of things now.
5/20/2012 1:59:56 AM
a generalized statement
Right now her and I still have things on the mind, but we have to accelerate other things first
M5/20/2012 1:55:21 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:00:02 AM
What are those things?
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:00:10 AM
You have made me a part of your going ons.
5/20/2012 2:00:16 AM
i have, that's true
5/20/2012 2:00:24 AM
but of MY going on's...not hers and mine
5/20/2012 2:00:29 AM
oh snap!
5/20/2012 2:00:31 AM
i saw that
5/20/2012 2:00:37 AM
you were gonna be like "motherfucker right"
5/20/2012 2:00:41 AM
and then you were like "awww"
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:00:41 AM
5/20/2012 2:00:53 AM
ah, english language one-uppance, i see there
5/20/2012 2:01:10 AM
well, SHE has chosen to keep her side quiet
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:01:19 AM
So, either start explaining things to me, or I will go find out from someone. Be it N. your mother, your brother, your best friend, whomever the fuck I have to.
5/20/2012 2:01:43 AM
ok, get findin' out

Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:01:44 AM
Oh so I guess I have to be the nasty bitch again because you think you're going to run things?
5/20/2012 2:01:50 AM
5/20/2012 2:02:19 AM
the question is, are you going to waste your time being "the nasty bitch"?
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:02:26 AM
kay, enjoy your mom calling you all the fucking time. Enjoy paying child support out the fucking ass too. Enjoy civil court and the thirty thousand or so dollars you have to fucking pay me when I'm asking for mere answers and 200 dollars.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:02:37 AM
do you doubt for one second that if you push me far enough I won't?
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:02:53 AM
have I ever not wasted my time being the nasty fucking CUNT because you've been a dick to me?
5/20/2012 2:03:04 AM
i'm not pushing you, and i'm definitely not pulling you into places that you shouldn't be
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:03:18 AM
you did pull me into a place I pshouldn't have been.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:03:20 AM
That's what you don't understand.
5/20/2012 2:03:23 AM
in fact, with freedom as your main care now I shouldn't fill your life with meaningless concern
5/20/2012 2:03:33 AM
your completely fine in the place we've been
5/20/2012 2:03:35 AM
that hasn't changed
5/20/2012 2:03:48 AM
you think this is, once again, a whole big conspiracy
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:03:51 AM
it CHANGED when you asked me to accept being the third wheel to your WIFE.
5/20/2012 2:03:57 AM
i'm not married
5/20/2012 2:04:00 AM
not a third wheel
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:04:01 AM
She's gonna be
5/20/2012 2:04:05 AM
and i didn't ask you to accept it
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:04:10 AM
back up fuck then.
5/20/2012 2:04:20 AM
.... ^^^ what?
5/20/2012 2:04:28 AM
"back the fuck up then"?
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:04:57 AM
and I told you that you were on dangerously thin ice and on the verge of hurting either one of us or both of us, because if you don't have both of us, you have to choose, and I know what that choice will be, and I KNOW that I will be the one who ends up hurt.
5/20/2012 2:05:12 AM
no, your not hurt
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:05:14 AM
Basically what it all came down to in blunt honesty is she can't satisfy you sexually.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:05:18 AM
I can.
5/20/2012 2:05:21 AM
what part of:
Right now her and I still have things on the mind, but we have to accelerate other things first
M5/20/2012 1:59:56 AM
do you not comprehend?
5/20/2012 2:05:32 AM
what the hell?
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:05:40 AM
So I'm the one you come to when you need to satisfy the things she can't, you said she even said so herself.
5/20/2012 2:05:41 AM
Basically what it all came down to in blunt honesty is she can't satisfy you sexually.
Jennifer Cejka5/20/2012 2:05:14 AM
??? really?
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:05:56 AM
yeah you even said she felt that way.
5/20/2012 2:06:00 AM
She can satisfy me sexually. Cari could do it, Candy could do it
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:06:02 AM
So yeah really.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:06:26 AM
if she can, then why do you need to have sex with other people?
5/20/2012 2:06:34 AM
once again, since i've been answering questions that I shouldn't be to carry on this conversation
5/20/2012 2:06:35 AM
Right now her and I still have things on the mind, but we have to accelerate other things first
M5/20/2012 2:05:21 AM
5/20/2012 2:06:41 AM
what part of:
[1:59 AM] M:
<<< Right now her and I still have things on the mind, but we have to accelerate other things firstdo you not comprehend?
M5/20/2012 2:05:21 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:06:41 AM
What things?
5/20/2012 2:06:45 AM
there it is
5/20/2012 2:06:47 AM
5/20/2012 2:06:50 AM
copy/paste fail
5/20/2012 2:06:52 AM

Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:06:53 AM
what I do not comprehend is what things.
5/20/2012 2:07:32 AM
Right now, Barack Obama and I still have to determine quantities of spending on things that are pertitenant to specific groups of people
5/20/2012 2:07:43 AM
....same statement, same conclusions can be drawn
5/20/2012 2:07:52 AM
what you are allowed to know is parties, and topics, but not specifics
5/20/2012 2:08:07 AM
if specifics were intended on being information, they would be provided as such:
5/20/2012 2:08:40 AM
Right now, Barack Obama and I still have to spend $4 Million on School Supplies that are pertinent to Children in middle school
5/20/2012 2:09:00 AM
*nuff sed
5/20/2012 2:11:27 AM
I have been asked to cease speaking to you
5/20/2012 2:11:36 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:12:23 AM
because I just told her all the nasty things I can do to you guys because you're being a dick.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:12:47 AM
you want me to ruin your fucking lives I will. She doesn't like knowing you owe me nearly 30 grand in bills.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:13:19 AM
she doesn't like knowing that your mother has so much dirt on your income despite her lies that you'll be paying out the nose in child support for the four kids you abandoned and don't support BUT I DO, even if you do get married.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:13:43 AM
She doesn't like knowing that you've been evading the IRS and lying to them too, and I'll turn you guys in in a heart beat, or tear apart the one thing you're trying to do, get married.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:15:58 AM
How will you afford to do anything when paying 25 percent to mom, and lord knows how much to me?
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:16:09 AM
when you can't afford to go back now.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:19:48 AM
Ask him not to speak to me. It only drives me to do all the things I've said i could do Nancy. You fool.
How will he afford to bring you here to marry you when he's going to have to get a legitimate job here to pay off 30 grand in debt?
how will he support you and four children when they take 25 percent of his pay, including what he makes with you, which as a partnership is half of everything you guys make.
AND whatever the city courts decide to take out of his pay for the 30 grand he's neglected to pay me?
Ask all you want of him, in the end, he'll come crawling back to me. He always does. As you said I'm so beautiful, I have a nice round ass he can grab when he fucks me, huge tits he can suck on, and I can take his cock all the way down my throat like a porn star.
And you can't do anything.
You don't satisfy him in bed.
why else would he need to go back to his ex wife years later and continue to fuck her. Even knowing, and risking that she's been exposed to an std?
Better consider that before you sleep with him again dear. Hepatitis C is nothing to joke about.
Unless you want to die of liver failure.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:20:07 AM
gonna have to move quick if you're going to hide. Even then your friends run their mouths like water from a spigot.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:20:33 AM
And so does your mother. We both have finacial gains to come from suing you.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:21:01 AM
well guess what, you pushed me too far, you hurt me, and now you pay.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:24:54 AM
so go ahead, ignore me. You know how this goes. You've offically hurt me.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:33:23 AM
two can play your games.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:38:44 AM
lol she reads your skype but not your cell phone? LMAO. Pussy.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 2:39:21 AM
I still never understood when you became such a fucking pussy ass whipped wimp. Had no problem ever slapping my ass and telling me what to do, but to her, you bow down like a fucking baby.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 10:08:05 AM
Have fun with mommy

Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 11:15:02 AM
LMAO I love mom. And I love our kids. More than you do apparently. You haven't even bothered to talk to them? SO again, N. Becomes more important than the kids.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 11:15:27 AM
FUCK YOU. YOU ARE THE WORST FATHER IN THE WORLD. It's a good thing she doesn't want kids. You'd walk out on them too.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 11:15:58 AM
I have no respect for any boy who can father children, take no part in their lives, NOT support them, and walk away without trying.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 11:16:01 AM
I tried.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 11:16:06 AM
I tried and tried and tried.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 11:16:14 AM
You gave up from the beginning.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 11:17:30 AM
And someday, they aren't going to come looking for you wanting you to be in their lives. They're going to see you and say stay the fuck away from me because you chose HER over US. We were more important, and at least MOMMY LOVED US ENOUGH TO BE THERE NO MATTER WHAT< AND MAKE SURE WE WERE TAKEN CARE OF. Because they already know that, and TELL THE WORLD THAT.
Jennifer Cejka
5/20/2012 11:19:27 AM
So fuck you, take your asian whore, and have her. You're getting what you deserve in the end. I don't need to take the revenge I talked about last night. Life takes its own revenge. That's what Karma is for. Don't come crying to me in ten years when they refuse to speak to you because two of them, already don't want to.
Jennifer Cejka
5/21/2012 6:35:57 PM
the fliter in freedoms back has broken off and that's why she's so sick.
Jennifer Cejka
5/21/2012 6:36:06 PM
two of the legs are broken and in her veins.
Jennifer Cejka
5/21/2012 6:36:16 PM
they can only see one.
Jennifer Cejka
5/21/2012 6:36:28 PM
can't find the other via radiographical imaging.
Jennifer Cejka
5/21/2012 9:25:14 PM
File transfer:
5/21/2012 9:28:09 PM
wth is this?
Jennifer Cejka
5/21/2012 9:29:54 PM
me in a mini skirt lol
Jennifer Cejka
5/21/2012 9:30:28 PM
i just pulled pictures off my phone.
Jennifer Cejka
5/22/2012 7:08:49 PM
the pieces of the filter are near her heart. Like if they move any more she's instantly dead. explains the chest pains she's had everything.
Jennifer Cejka
5/22/2012 7:09:18 PM
I won't leave her side I'm scared for her.
Jennifer Cejka
5/23/2012 2:55:15 PM
are you around?
Jennifer Cejka
5/23/2012 2:55:36 PM
or are you "sleeping'
Jennifer Cejka
5/23/2012 3:04:44 PM
because i'm now faced with two options, peacfully resolving the marital debt with you, or by circumstance, having to take you to court, revenge withheld, no matter how angry I was the other night and what I may have said. It's that bad. And I'd rather work something out that YOU can do, and that YOU will do, than take you to court because you can't be bothered to pay child support, pay the 200 you promised me, see our kids, or make any effort of any kind in finding a real job, and all you are actually willing to do is get up and flee the country and expect it all to go away.
Jennifer Cejka
5/23/2012 3:06:17 PM
I'm tired of being angry all the time, hurt all the time and used all the time. I'm also tired of chasing you for money you know is owed. You promised to pay, you agreed to take on in our divorce. I'm about to be out a car, and if you can't be civil an d help me, then I'm going to be backed in a corner where it'd be far more finacially beneficial for me to pour the 2 grand into a lawyer to sue you, than it would to pour it into the scrap metal I call a car. I for medical reasons cannot be without one.
Jennifer Cejka
5/23/2012 3:53:50 PM
let me know when you're awake. I'm gonna grab a nap wtih Freedom. I really don't want to take you to court, I don't want to fight you, but the car needs 2+k in repairs. I can't get a new one on a loan without those bills repaid, or a judment taking them out of my name and into yours. One way or the other, you need to respond please. I hate being backed in a corner and hearing later how I'm a bitch. I already got the taxes issue resolved as much as I could despite the fact you didn't claim your moms income that year.
Jennifer Cejka
5/23/2012 3:55:06 PM
I've paid two thirds of t he electric down. Some of them are smaller than the original amounts because of insurance payments or paying the place directly rather than the collection agencies, you know the deal. I just need to get my credit fixed so I can get a decen loan on a decent car I can afford. something. I have to start going to buffalo regularly and my car won't make it.
Jennifer Cejka
5/23/2012 6:52:32 PM
Why is it so difficult for you to accept that people get angry and say things out of turn. At this point however I legitimately need a new car, and I have to do something to get one, and I would like it to mean working something out with you, but if you're going to be unreasonable and stubborn and I can't, you're ultimately leaving me no choice.
Jennifer Cejka
5/23/2012 9:44:20 PM
no civility?
Jennifer Cejka
5/24/2012 7:49:54 AM
Nothing at all? Just ignorance?
Jennifer Cejka
5/24/2012 8:40:30 AM
Well for confirmation purposes I will say that I did hear from my doctor. Negative on Hep C. That should reassure you and N. both.
Jennifer Cejka
5/24/2012 8:41:17 AM
I'm off to take her to more appointments. I really would like to work something out with the car situation. I don't want to sue you Matthew. Anymore than you want to do anything nasty to me.
Jennifer Cejka
5/25/2012 10:20:49 AM
can i help you? you poked me.
Jennifer Cejka
5/25/2012 10:28:32 AM
well if you're not going to talk to me, I have things to do today, and don't have time to sit around and wait on you.
Jennifer Cejka
5/25/2012 10:28:38 AM
text me if you wanna, but whatever
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 10:42:54 AM
you can transfer funds via paypal correct?
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 10:46:56 AM
jennifercejka@ymail.com is my paypal account email address.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 10:47:02 AM
paypal me.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 10:48:30 AM
then this whole thing is over k?
5/26/2012 10:49:15 AM
what whole thing? and no, i don't paypal.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:15:12 AM
the issue of the money you owe me
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:15:31 AM
bank to bank transfer?
5/26/2012 11:16:32 AM
then it's all over
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:16:39 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:16:44 AM
200 and it's over.
5/26/2012 11:17:00 AM
completely over
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:17:11 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:18:10 AM
my debit card takes ach bank transfers
5/26/2012 11:18:34 AM
ok the sex we had when we talked about being "lovers", that's not a pay thing, right?
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:18:38 AM
as long as your bank allows it to go through to non hsbc banks.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:19:01 AM
no, you promised to pay my rent. you promised comittment. that was your comittment.
5/26/2012 11:19:29 AM
but your rent was $450, not $200, you knocked it down to $200
5/26/2012 11:20:06 AM
just making sure that once it's paid it's all said and done, so that there are no loose ends
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:20:06 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:20:47 AM
I could honestly use the 450 at this point, but i'm not reneging on the 200 I asked you for because that wouldn't be fair. If you choose to do something nice, that's your choice. If not, 200.
5/26/2012 11:21:10 AM
ok, so after the $200, all done with money
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:21:17 AM
We're running out of food, neither one of us has any money left and alex can't send more until after next week. She's already borrowed 100 from someone else.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:21:23 AM
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:22:09 AM
Other than the outstanding debts. That is a seperate issue, I know you can't pay them off at once, so I'll file the civil suit, and it will be paid out after child support is paid. IF your mom chooses to file support and make it become enforceable.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:22:33 AM
IN that situation, i'd get the judgement money to pay the bills, and then you'd pay back the court.
5/26/2012 11:22:40 AM
so, a lawyers retainer is $200 as well, i see
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:23:00 AM
5/26/2012 11:23:03 AM
and "outstandig debts" is still a money issue
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:23:39 AM
okay, well here's the deal, there's all these bills from while we were married, that you agreed within our divorce to pay, and today have not paid any of them.
5/26/2012 11:23:56 AM
the bills your supposed to give them my information for them to send to me to pay
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:24:04 AM
they refuse to
5/26/2012 11:24:05 AM
not that you hold onto them. they don't get paid that way
5/26/2012 11:24:09 AM
take them to court then
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:24:15 AM
they keep telling me I have to sue you for it and then pay them.
5/26/2012 11:25:02 AM
that's wrong, you take them to court and sue them for extorting money from you
5/26/2012 11:25:39 AM
that's how it works, and civil/criminal charges can be found upon them due to that
5/26/2012 11:25:57 AM
it's been big news in 2000+ after bankruptcy process changed
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:26:40 AM
I've given them all your information and they refuse to do anything. In the mean time I have an outstanding bill with the gynocolgoist I have to see next month about the cervical cancer that's coming back, and have to find a new doctor to take care of it now.
5/26/2012 11:27:10 AM
well, can't do the $200 without some form of exchange on that.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:28:05 AM
they just pass it on to another collection agency. I spoke with Mr. Hall, my family lawyer, he says I have to file a civil suit against you and seek the judgement on what is owed and they will take it out. The only other thing I can offer you is to collect all the bills, give you copies, and trust your honor that you'll start paying them off as you can.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:28:51 AM
I don't expect payment in full because some of them like one of savannah's medical bills, is quite large. things that the crap insurance I had working at heritage park didn't cover for whatever reason.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:28:57 AM
most of them aren't that huge.
5/26/2012 11:28:58 AM
5/26/2012 11:28:59 AM
new plan
5/26/2012 11:29:02 AM
you have all bills?
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:29:43 AM
I have a lot of them in file, I gave you the information when you came to moms trailer to crash a night but then they pass them to other agencies when I tell them they have to make you pay and send them copies of the divorce papers.
5/26/2012 11:29:53 AM
ok, so you have all bills?
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:29:56 AM
5/26/2012 11:30:42 AM
so just give them to me
5/26/2012 11:30:47 AM
and we'll see what's there
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:30:47 AM
If you are willing to write up a statement and notarize it that you will begin making payments on them instead of me having to file a civil suit against you in court for not following the divorce order, I will do that.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:31:40 AM
I don't have them ALL anymore, some got lost in the fire, but I can send you the spread sheet. There is one bill that I have already paid off, which is actually part of the reason behind a civil suit, I had to pay national grid a thousand bucks to get my elecctric on. That came out of MY pockets for the last year.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:31:57 AM
are you home today? Daddy's waiting on me.
5/26/2012 11:33:02 AM
get all the bills
5/26/2012 11:33:20 AM
and go to your banker daddy
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:33:21 AM
File transfer:
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:33:34 AM
I'm not seeing the banker, I'm really going to dads.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:35:08 AM
That one might have been something something someone called me about. I have to dig through and find the spread sheet I had, and call a few places that I know and get new copies. Write up a statement saying you're going to start making payments on any outstanding marital debt effective Tuesday (not that I expect you to get them all paid tuesday) and notarize it then. bank holiday nothings open till monday.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:35:18 AM
I really do need the 200 though.
5/26/2012 11:35:41 AM
bills first, at least to see and take care of them
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:35:59 AM
File transfer:
5/26/2012 11:36:24 AM
the fuck is this?
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:37:02 AM
matt I need something, we're dying up here this week. if you want me to say after the 200 it's not done cause of the bills fine, we'll work on the bills, but I need some money so we can get food for her to keep her as healthy as possible despite her medical condition, and keep going to the doctors.
5/26/2012 11:37:40 AM
business first:
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:37:41 AM
that's my primary concern at this point otherwise you know I wouldn't be begging, I'd have told you to fuck off enough with the games ten minutes ago.
5/26/2012 11:37:44 AM
i don't want to get sued
5/26/2012 11:37:52 AM
so i'm taking care of bills first so you can't sue me
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:38:00 AM
I don't want to have to sue you!
5/26/2012 11:38:01 AM
then we can take care of the $200
5/26/2012 11:38:12 AM
this is how it's being handed down from up high
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:38:40 AM
I need the 200 hundred. use this in court. I won't sue if you promise to pay the bills and write it up and notarize it, then it's legal and binding and you can't be sued.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:38:52 AM
fine I'll explain it to the higher authority myself.
5/26/2012 11:40:53 AM
bills first, it's blackmail material without them being paid for
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:43:02 AM
do you want me to sue you, or do you want me not to sue you because i'm asking for 200 bucks you owed me, and telling you in written legally acceptable in court I won't sue you if you're willing to settle this out of court.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:43:23 AM
This conversation is proof in court I'm agreeing not to sue you if you agree to pay me 200 bucks now, and start making payments on the bills later.
5/26/2012 11:43:27 AM
i don't want you to sue, i want to take care of your bills first
5/26/2012 11:43:45 AM
no, cause paying money to prevent any harmful action is blackmail
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:44:32 AM
I'm sorry you see it that way. I need the 200 now matthew.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:44:44 AM
if you're reneging then I will sue.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:44:51 AM
I don't have time for your drama, bullshit or games.
5/26/2012 11:44:56 AM
i told you when Tim pays me i'll pay you
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:45:05 AM
YOU are backing me into a corner. NO you have money now. I'm not playing that game either.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:45:26 AM
Last night you were willing, fully willing to pay me 200 so you could come fuck me.
5/26/2012 11:45:38 AM
no i was not
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:45:50 AM
i have the texts you were.
5/26/2012 11:45:56 AM
in fact, i kept telling you to go get your "banker" dick cause i didn't have the money
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:46:13 AM
I am TRYING to be civil and WORK THIS OUT WITH YOU WITHOUT THE COURT, because that's easier than going to court, and saves us both money in the long run.
5/26/2012 11:46:23 AM
then lets work this out without the court
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:46:45 AM
then pay me what you already owe me in cash, and we can. Otherwise I'm not playing your games. You think you're in control of my life and y ou're not.
5/26/2012 11:46:54 AM
i can't pay you what i don't have now
5/26/2012 11:47:14 AM
and banks are closing in 10 minutes, and my account balance is nowhere near $200
5/26/2012 11:47:32 AM
and logically you could take the $200 and open a case to sue me
5/26/2012 11:47:51 AM
so i'm backed into a corner now, of course
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:49:17 AM
Why do you think I keep saying in writing, in a form that would be printable and accepted as proof to the contrary I won't sue you if you pay me the money you owe me and write up a notarizred statement to state we agree you're going to pay them without me suing?
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:50:32 AM
you want it in writing myself? Christ I'm even giving you until tuesday to write the paper up.
5/26/2012 11:50:41 AM
there is a point made that the 200 could've been done without the threat of suit, and due to that it can logically be concluded that you could use that for a lawyet
5/26/2012 11:50:45 AM
and what happens tuesday?
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:50:56 AM
banks reopen, notaries are available.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:51:23 AM
I understand your logic but where do you not understand that this conversation is acceptable proof in court to the contrary?
5/26/2012 11:51:38 AM
it's not acceptable proof
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:51:43 AM
if I took the 200 and sued anyways, you bring in this conversation and the case would be dismissed, neither one of us is that stupid.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:51:46 AM
it is so.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:52:00 AM
emails, Im's, and even FACEBOOK POSTS are acceptable proof.
5/26/2012 11:52:03 AM
christ, if i even got a video out of it the $200 would've been justifiable
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:52:28 AM
how do yout hink your mom kept slamming me in court, all the emails, im's and facebook posts.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:52:39 AM
no it wouldn't. it would get tossed out and you know it.
Jennifer Cejka
5/26/2012 11:52:51 AM
you're just trying to get out of paying anything like always.
Jennifer Cejka
5/27/2012 2:51:34 PM
I just did the math, of course he doesn't remember me, he was like 5 or 6 when I hung out at his house with his family.
Jennifer Cejka
5/27/2012 2:54:23 PM
Christa Nunn was my best dance partner. THe last year I took Pointe we did a duo together that was amazing. She was my best friend for a long time until I made friends with people she didn't like because our interests changed. I stopped going to church, and I started hanging out with Karen Frankie instead. One summer I was supposed to go on Vacation with the Nunn's to Cuba, but then the whole Gonzales case went on and it wasn't safe to go.
5/27/2012 2:54:39 PM
Jennifer Cejka
5/27/2012 2:56:14 PM
Then the year we got divorced I was sleeping with Christa's brother Jeremy. He did the work for your mom that summer with Bri and Bri was pissed cause he was told under no circumstances was Bri to think he was in charge of anything, Jeremy was and Bri had to STFU and do as he was told by Jeremy. Then I left for Louisiana.
Jennifer Cejka
5/27/2012 2:57:09 PM
it's the information I know you don't think I know, and believe. But whatever, I get it, you think I'm stupid and making shit up because TIM was too little to remember who the fuck I am. I don't care. I'll see you Tuesday because we're both annoyed over the situation, it's not worth it, and I have to go to the store because we're out of ciggarettes already.
Jennifer Cejka
5/27/2012 2:57:32 PM
Cause some idiot keeps giving them to his girlfriend who has her own money, lives with her mom, and pays no bills but can't fucking buy her own.
Jennifer Cejka
5/29/2012 12:36:13 AM
lol I forgot I had a kodak gallery and I found our wedding photo's
5/29/2012 12:38:15 AM
3/7/2015 8:49:01 AM
3/7/2015 4:21:49 PM
I sorry about yesterday
3/7/2015 4:21:55 PM
You wanna talk?
Jennifer Cejka
3/7/2015 4:53:26 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/7/2015 5:03:39 PM
I don't like to be hurtful. Implying the kids would be cause think I loved anyone more than them
3/7/2015 11:58:41 PM
Sorry, I napped
3/7/2015 11:58:48 PM
I'm here whenever you got 3 hours of talk time

Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 12:48:49 AM
I will in a little bit.
3/8/2015 12:54:06 AM
3/8/2015 12:54:07 AM
3/8/2015 1:07:44 AM
A little bit still?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 1:32:50 AM
Nope here
3/8/2015 1:34:27 AM
3/8/2015 1:34:28 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 1:34:41 AM
3/8/2015 1:34:47 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 1:35:36 AM
What's up
3/8/2015 1:35:56 AM
Nothing much, was just up for some casual conversation

Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 1:36:19 AM
3/8/2015 1:36:40 AM
That's all up to you, though
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 1:37:19 AM
I'm not sure what to talk about
3/8/2015 1:37:49 AM
Obviously your next steps
3/8/2015 1:38:23 AM
Best to work out a timetable
3/8/2015 1:38:58 AM
Do you really think there is nothing that we could talk about?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 1:39:06 AM
3/8/2015 1:39:31 AM
I mean, you could do the "I did this today cause I had the time to do it without being on Meth" thingy
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 1:39:55 AM
Not after 15 years lol.
3/8/2015 1:39:56 AM
Did you have any time to do any blog?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 1:40:00 AM
I slept
3/8/2015 1:41:12 AM
Sleeping is good, I did that as well
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 1:41:25 AM
Meth makes you not do that. Just getting up. Skye did some stuff for his dad, worked out a ride for when he can go take care of work. And he's picking up the too.
3/8/2015 1:42:16 AM
Picking up the too, huh?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 1:42:44 AM
The room lol
3/8/2015 1:43:18 AM
3/8/2015 1:43:45 AM
Did you begin to make any plans on when to get to the library, or figure out when you'll blog/shoot, or anything?
3/8/2015 1:44:05 AM
You have the rest of the month to budget things out, I would think you would take the advantage and just get things thought out
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 1:45:30 AM
No. Only been up an hour
3/8/2015 1:46:34 AM
I've been up since 8 cause of raiding
3/8/2015 1:47:26 AM
I wanted to ask if the ring fit well

Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 1:50:54 AM
About half a size too big, only cause I lost weight since the last band he bought. Black engravved, matching set. So it will be off this week for that
3/8/2015 1:51:27 AM
Your always the first..
3/8/2015 1:51:42 AM
First to 2 marriages, First to 2 divorces
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 1:52:59 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 1:53:10 AM
Gotta get that finished too
3/8/2015 1:53:27 AM
Yeah, same
3/8/2015 1:53:40 AM
I told Nancy, she's already on the one in HK, should be done by end of month
3/8/2015 1:54:15 AM
Mine are just much quicker
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 1:55:31 AM
Mine would be if they hadn't been lost
3/8/2015 1:56:04 AM
Well, hopefully by End of Month for you things will be better
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 1:57:20 AM
I hope so.
3/8/2015 1:58:38 AM
I realized that all she was good for was something to encourage me to do the things I wouldn't do, which was good.
3/8/2015 1:59:33 AM
something to eat, too
3/8/2015 3:03:04 AM
So, what's the plans?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:07:51 AM
I have a room visitor. From the guy in the basement. I have a few articles saved to start with.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:08:00 AM
Its slow work
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:08:08 AM
No high speed data
3/8/2015 3:08:49 AM
A few articles?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:10:45 AM
For ideas. Like the best way to start spanking
3/8/2015 3:11:46 AM
Ah, those articles
3/8/2015 3:11:58 AM
I was more curious on the engagement and such, if you guys had started planning that out
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:12:30 AM
No. He wants work and home before we do that
3/8/2015 3:13:40 AM
Do you have an expected period of time?
3/8/2015 3:13:44 AM
"As long as it takes"?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:14:43 AM
No, he'll go to labor ready if he has to while he goes through the agency hiring out for the factory that our neighbor does hr for
3/8/2015 3:15:39 AM
mmk, just making sure i'm making the right decisions

Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:16:22 AM
He and I have been friends for six years. May 23rd is our first year anniversary of dating.
3/8/2015 3:17:40 AM
Wait...that I didn't know
3/8/2015 3:17:44 AM
I thought you were dating for that long
3/8/2015 3:17:53 AM
Married again after less than 1yr of dating?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:18:35 AM
We aren't planning a fast wedding.
3/8/2015 3:18:50 AM
I mean, i've been friends with Cari for ... longer than Nancy, but I wouldn't just go out and Engage her
3/8/2015 3:18:54 AM
not my style
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:19:34 AM
But he and I tried dating and it was grew, I decided to take back my useless husband
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:20:06 AM
He did his time. I didn't expect to hear from him last year
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:21:00 AM
He got scared the other day I was going to leave. He's had a lot of learning to do, still does.
3/8/2015 3:21:11 AM
I guess what I'm asking is...is there any scenario that would make Skye like your last husband?
3/8/2015 3:21:31 AM
I assume if he physically left you
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:21:44 AM
If he did sure.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:22:22 AM
He was taught however you don't leave the marriage.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:23:33 AM
His step mom said she only married his dad out of pregnancy and want to stay in the navy
3/8/2015 3:23:45 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:24:17 AM
His dad was shocked. He said fuck you I married you out of love and you aren't getting a divorce.
3/8/2015 3:24:37 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:25:05 AM
Skyea position on our relationship regaof marital status is its only over when I leave.
3/8/2015 3:26:59 AM
Wait, what?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:27:40 AM
Even if we never married HE will never leave.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:28:59 AM
Until he came with the ring, and said he'd realized he never wanted T be without out me, he's just as solid on staying together as his dad.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:29:28 AM
We dont fight like you and I did. We actually discuss things
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:30:22 AM
Even while this binge was going on he always showed I was his first concern.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:30:30 AM
Always has
3/8/2015 3:30:51 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:31:28 AM
You have to remember that it was MY CHOICE to kerp it up. HE has finally said no.
3/8/2015 3:31:58 AM
To keep what up?
3/8/2015 3:32:00 AM
oh, the drugs
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:32:13 AM
We deserve better than this and wouldn't have brought me here had he known his dad was a liar
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:32:33 AM
Or that his dad and step mom became lazy pigs
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:32:44 AM
Who let the kids run the house
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:33:37 AM
He told me right away today he can't wait for work and get the fuck out into our place
3/8/2015 3:35:42 AM
I can't wait to see that
3/8/2015 3:36:08 AM
I think what I'm asking for is if you have any amount of time for change to happen before your completely fed up with it...
3/8/2015 3:36:13 AM
like, 3-6 months
3/8/2015 3:36:20 AM
Or, do you think your going for life
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:39:03 AM
I don't even think about a limit because despite both of us falling back, he's still showing that he isn't just full of talk and I can trust when he says he will do something he will.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:40:24 AM
I think for life. He's more addicted to benzos. He absolutely refuses to touch mine or ask. But he would of anyone else when he'd get dope sick.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:40:33 AM
He stole from his dad.
3/8/2015 3:40:37 AM
3/8/2015 3:40:49 AM
Thanks for giving me an honest answer, at least
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:40:53 AM
Because he knows from me that would end it.
3/8/2015 3:42:46 AM
If you get your ID, and he gets his Birth Certificate, I'll give y'all some regular cash
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:43:12 AM
They should be on their way
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:44:32 AM
He doesn't sit and do nothing either. He helps clean the house, run errands, busts ass to fix or work for neighbors.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:45:07 AM
I never have to leave the room if I wanted. He caters to me.
3/8/2015 3:46:42 AM
I can do the same
3/8/2015 3:47:22 AM
I threw away everything just recently except for the kids
3/8/2015 3:47:35 AM
So, if luck gets to your way
3/8/2015 3:47:37 AM
I can support
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:47:53 AM
I can't even say he's lied to me once yet. The one time he did hold a secret, he fessed as soon as possible. After fessing to my dad.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:48:45 AM
I appreciate that. I haven't even gone to public service agencies because I haven't had id
3/8/2015 3:50:23 AM
I've been saving up, so I might as well use it
3/8/2015 3:50:29 AM
I do have your address.
3/8/2015 3:50:33 AM
Do you have M+T Banks around there?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:50:47 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:51:16 AM
Still can't open a checking cause of the one I had when you moved out.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:52:12 AM
I have one through a student option from Bryant and Stratton to balance. I just balanced my prepaid.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:52:22 AM
It has a savings option.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:53:34 AM
Hopefully next month I can balance checking. We're both going without just to fix this shit.
3/8/2015 3:54:01 AM
well shit
3/8/2015 3:54:33 AM
So, you can't cash checks
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:55:02 AM
I can, but its going to cost me $106.00 to do so.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:56:28 AM
He tried to get me dinner when pizza was here, but in the half hour he was doing things for his dad, they ate four pizzas and never invited me for dinner nor did his dad offer him to go grab some
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:57:17 AM
With a birth cert I can get him on my fs case. But even then, I only get $52 for myself
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:58:07 AM
So we do what we can then get bitched at for not having anything to share
3/8/2015 3:58:12 AM
3/8/2015 3:58:15 AM
Just plan out the month
3/8/2015 3:58:24 AM
Do good case/bad case scenario
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:58:26 AM
I can't even eat beef right now lol
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 3:58:30 AM
3/8/2015 3:58:52 AM
Wait, why not?
3/8/2015 3:58:57 AM
what's wrong with beef now?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:00:16 AM
Because its been so long since I've eaten it regularly I get sick
3/8/2015 4:00:46 AM
o, that's horrible
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:01:16 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:01:50 AM
Mostly cereal and an occasional fruit if its there.
3/8/2015 4:02:02 AM
That is horrible
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:02:06 AM
Lots of oatmeal
3/8/2015 4:02:13 AM
At least the anus is clean
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:03:54 AM
Ot is, and its because his dad does his best to feed us but his step mom not only can't cook, often buys three year old frozen cakes cause its cheap, she refuses to involve me even in dinner because I don't cook, clean, sit lids, or do her shit.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:04:59 AM
He and his dad talk about it a lot. Richard damn near slapped her last month because we brought home frozen pizza for lunch and she looked me in the face and insulted me for it
3/8/2015 4:05:24 AM
You told me about the pizza
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:05:31 AM
So, its fucking horrible. We both made dumb decisions to avoid reality.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:05:59 AM
His dads finally accepted he has to do his wife's job too.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:06:36 AM
But his dad isn't making things so much better itd be smart to stay while he earns and we save
3/8/2015 4:07:53 AM
3/8/2015 4:07:55 AM
We'll see
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:08:27 AM
Honestly I think his dad is only doing more because the city threatened to fine him.
3/8/2015 4:10:45 AM
How does a check cost $106 to cash?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:13:36 AM
I am overdrawn
3/8/2015 4:15:11 AM
Oh, ok
3/8/2015 4:15:23 AM
So a check for > 106 would remove the overdraw and make the balance positive?
3/8/2015 4:15:25 AM
What bank?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:16:42 AM
Its called Higher One. Got it when at Bryant Stratton. I can mail checks physically to Connecticut or use an app, photo the check an e deposit.
3/8/2015 4:17:55 AM
But...there is no local branch
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:19:22 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:19:39 AM
And I can't get one.
3/8/2015 4:21:11 AM
3/8/2015 4:21:14 AM
that just sucks
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:22:27 AM
I can't even log in to give you info. My data is that shitty
3/8/2015 4:23:19 AM
It's okayu
3/8/2015 4:23:31 AM
I know your name and address, that's all I need
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:25:27 AM
They dont even do money Pak anymore.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:25:29 AM
3/8/2015 4:28:40 AM
I know they don't
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:30:12 AM
Best case our documents arrive and he is working by mid April. May would mean my check and his savings go into a place. Worst case documents take long enough we're not going to be able to get out by June.
3/8/2015 4:30:42 AM
By that time you should be able to get a place with or without documents
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:35:49 AM
Half my check goes to his dad. He's here for free.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:36:40 AM
I at least need my id. But so far ots bern tough finding rentals that dont require it for bg/criminal checks
3/8/2015 4:37:05 AM
That's cool, I think I have you covered on my paycehck now
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:37:15 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:37:17 AM
3/8/2015 4:42:24 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:45:35 AM
I don't think my thanks are enough. But I hope you know how grateful I will be, Skye too even though it will take him time to understand the why's of your help, if things go as planned.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:46:38 AM
He's been sick all day. Now it's my turn.
3/8/2015 4:47:01 AM
I don't think you understand my direction
3/8/2015 4:47:03 AM
But that's ok
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:47:19 AM
Maybe not.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:48:02 AM
He's going down to get me food.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:48:35 AM
Not throwing up yet
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:49:13 AM
His issue is more the chrons/colitis thing.
3/8/2015 4:49:28 AM
3/8/2015 4:49:28 AM
Jennifer Cejka3/8/2015 4:48:46 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:57:18 AM
Its a gestational disease. Fphoenix had her colon out last fall it was so bad. His dad isn't as bad, Freedom was starting to have issues last year too. Food digestion is painful
in Fphoenix's case unmanageable
3/8/2015 4:58:49 AM
ah ok
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:59:21 AM
Lack of good food options is even an issue for his dad.
3/8/2015 4:59:34 AM
Speakign of which
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:59:37 AM
Michelle is cheap and lazy.
3/8/2015 4:59:42 AM
I'm gonna make some grilled cheese with some tomato soup
3/8/2015 4:59:43 AM
I'll bbl
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 4:59:49 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 5:30:45 AM
WU can deposit into my checking. Double check but possibly brinks as well. Let me know when/if you want that
going to go lvl on Skyrim.
3/8/2015 5:32:11 AM
omfg this is GREAT
3/8/2015 5:33:51 AM
3/8/2015 5:33:58 AM
Maybe I should play
3/8/2015 5:39:24 AM
Nothing better than a grilled cheese with slices of tomato and tomato soup with milk...mmm
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 7:16:12 AM
3/8/2015 7:16:32 AM
How was your Skyrim Experience?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 7:28:26 AM
3/8/2015 7:29:03 AM
Why did you stop playing?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 7:31:58 AM
I haven't
3/8/2015 7:32:09 AM
Well, get off of talking to me.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 7:36:59 AM
3/8/2015 7:37:16 AM
You can't talk to me and play Skyrim. Go enjoy your time
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 6:39:27 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 6:41:25 PM
Its his step moms. Needs rechargeable batteries and his step ma will let us buy it for $150
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 6:41:56 PM
We could get started this week. Able to help?
3/8/2015 6:42:11 PM
I'm not getting anything
3/8/2015 6:44:11 PM
It's not sending anything
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 6:45:57 PM
If I had batteries I would send some tonight
3/8/2015 6:46:33 PM
I have no idea what your sending or talking about, to be honest. I have a "pending picture" of your step mom, that's all I got
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 6:47:41 PM
Fuck. Its a fucking camera. Fuji finepix s4800
3/8/2015 6:47:50 PM
oh lol
3/8/2015 6:48:04 PM
You could have sent me a link to the camera to see it then
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 6:48:09 PM
I can.
3/8/2015 6:48:31 PM
I'm waiting for your IDs to come in
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 6:49:22 PM
3/8/2015 6:49:40 PM
That's better than sending a picture of a camera
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 6:50:10 PM
Ok. They confirmed your purchase and mailing to us?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 6:50:34 PM
She's got a tripod too
3/8/2015 6:50:52 PM
They already confirmed it. It's just a matter of time if they actually do it or not
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 6:50:59 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 6:51:32 PM
Lumia has ok capabilities but we have no flash
3/8/2015 6:52:06 PM
Need lighting
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 6:52:20 PM
Its shit here
3/8/2015 6:52:22 PM
When you get the sets, just email them to
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 6:52:30 PM
I cant
3/8/2015 6:52:49 PM
Then how to do this?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 6:55:14 PM
I have no batteries for this camera. Even if I borrowed it for a day we need batteries
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 6:55:34 PM
Laptop is in the shop
3/8/2015 6:55:36 PM
Okay, so we still have to get over the logistics of transmission
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 6:55:54 PM
I'm finking
3/8/2015 6:56:58 PM
mmk, fink good
3/8/2015 6:57:00 PM
den twerk
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 6:58:00 PM
Micro USB thing. But need a micro USB to micro us to maybe load to the phone
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 6:58:13 PM
Would that work you think?
3/8/2015 6:58:48 PM
Do you have time to talk on the phone?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 6:59:08 PM
3/8/2015 6:59:15 PM
Call me then
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 8:52:10 PM
Phoenom inbox has a blog.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 8:52:39 PM
If I can do anything about pics I will bit ots not likely.
3/8/2015 8:52:40 PM
Mmk, lemme check and filter it thorugh
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 8:52:46 PM
Its short
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 8:53:01 PM
Get to know Phenom.
3/8/2015 8:53:22 PM
I don't see it yet
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 8:53:39 PM
Might be phone outbox
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 8:54:48 PM
Says sent
3/8/2015 8:54:59 PM
Got it
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 8:55:05 PM
3/8/2015 8:55:10 PM
3/8/2015 8:55:14 PM
"Some Asshole"
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 8:55:23 PM
3/8/2015 8:55:28 PM
3/8/2015 8:55:34 PM
not phoenom@...
3/8/2015 8:55:36 PM
I spelled it wrong
3/8/2015 8:55:40 PM
so adjust, i'll get filters setup
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 8:56:11 PM
That follows with Related to some crazy bitch'
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 8:56:15 PM
3/8/2015 8:56:29 PM
Who is the crazy bitch?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:05:38 PM
Your mom.
3/8/2015 9:05:59 PM
3/8/2015 9:06:06 PM
Getting the blog going, but the daughter called
3/8/2015 9:11:03 PM
Data is posted
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:11:10 PM
Which daughter? Good chat or bad day?

3/8/2015 9:11:30 PM
Just one of those "I'm going to be the representative for all of them when I say I love you and good night

Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:11:39 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:13:54 PM
I may not get photos this week. I was unaware Richard has been gone the last two days on his own meth binge, but he can't physically handle the comedown. He was literally icu'd after falling out of bed, seizing, and being incoherent.
3/8/2015 9:14:12 PM
mmk, no rush
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:14:16 PM
Explains his rage the other day
3/8/2015 9:14:29 PM
Like I said, all I care about is the IDs first, you provide what you can and I can take care of what I can here
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:14:30 PM
Skye is freaking out about it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:14:59 PM
Well I can't do more. My hands ate tied.
3/8/2015 9:16:09 PM
I didn't tie them
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:16:14 PM
They get here when they get here. I wanna get going on photos sooner because I want to eat this month. I have to figure out where my $ went from nf
3/8/2015 9:16:14 PM
I would, but....
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:18:44 PM
You did. You were supposed to handle the camera as part of this. I fucked up on my part and delayed but I'm not gonna sit here and lie to you for my benefit. I am not like others we know. Skye is ready to work on this, and can't wait for id. He's got a neighbor helping him pit a new engine on a bike so he can have transport to work.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:19:08 PM
So, my head is out of my ass, his out of his.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:19:47 PM
I'll find another blog and ship it off but I'm not making money with the blog.
3/8/2015 9:19:47 PM
Lets keep the head out of the ass for about a month at least
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:20:16 PM
That's your choice. I'm fucking hungry.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:20:45 PM
So if I have to go sell my ass third party I will.
3/8/2015 9:23:30 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:29:26 PM
What should I say? I'm not being ungrateful. I know where I fucked up but I've lost 50 pounds. I'm hungry and have nothing. I was due 22 from nf last month but never got it.
3/8/2015 9:30:32 PM
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny....
3/8/2015 9:30:48 PM
Man, just saying that invokes emotion within me
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:30:54 PM
So, be thankful I didn't sell it for drugs, that Im almost caught up in my bank, and that if I AM gonna go sell I elsewhere its for food.
3/8/2015 9:31:24 PM
My dear, just be safe.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:31:44 PM
Because what I can do so that next month we can use the help you're giving and get the hell out of here away from the drugs I will.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:31:47 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:32:19 PM
Safe? Consider my IV drug use and partner.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:33:01 PM
Safe went out the window the minute his dad gave us the first batch because id never done it before.
3/8/2015 9:33:01 PM
Yes, you can still be safe.
3/8/2015 9:33:50 PM
Just because you kicked a dog doesn't mean you should be going around kicking more dogs. You can always just stare at them.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:37:11 PM
Yeah drooling at fucking dinner
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:42:30 PM
Skyes trying to find batteries.
3/8/2015 9:42:48 PM

Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:43:21 PM
They will go where they can make me money now.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:43:41 PM
I'll let you know when IDs arrive.
3/8/2015 9:43:54 PM
I told you to tell me...
3/8/2015 9:44:04 PM
So, your telling me you'll tell me when i was expecting you'll tell me
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:45:14 PM
Call me if you get concerned between now and then. I'm going to do my best to stop my hunger by earning for food rather than the cheaper easier to get drug.
3/8/2015 9:45:52 PM
I am concerned, so I should call you now?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:45:53 PM
Cause when you're really fucking hungry, you do what you gotta do.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:46:14 PM
Why? To yell me to chill out?
3/8/2015 9:46:37 PM
To ask you why, in a house of 5+ people there is no food...
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:47:12 PM
Because the guy who buys the food spent all the money on meth
3/8/2015 9:47:14 PM
And probably ask why fphoenix isn't eating either
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:47:28 PM
Shea the only one who does eat.
3/8/2015 9:47:49 PM
Okay, so there is food around there
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:48:01 PM
She drinks a gallon of milk a day. Doesn't give a shit no one gets any
3/8/2015 9:48:03 PM
Interesting that your Fiancee can't feed you
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:48:40 PM
He has wh we he can. Its not my fault there are selfish pigs here.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:48:50 PM
Two of three kids dont eat
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:49:07 PM
One of six adults does.
3/8/2015 9:49:34 PM
Then get your man to get you some food
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:49:38 PM
And by the time the Family' eats, there is nothing left.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:50:10 PM
Why do you think I've sold all my shit. Not for drugs. For food.
3/8/2015 9:50:32 PM
I don't know if you've sold your shit
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:50:56 PM
For the next month there's very little food to be had.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:51:14 PM
Thanks for the cookies. I need them.
3/8/2015 9:51:25 PM
I knows

3/8/2015 9:51:30 PM
They will be so great to noms
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:51:40 PM
Photos will be up on nf asap
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:51:56 PM
You can get them from there
3/8/2015 9:52:05 PM
I don't have the credentials to access
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:52:53 PM
Im sorry, I have to earn my dinner, and this cameras batteries all in one or two days.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:53:18 PM
Because when Richard gets back, no more camera.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:53:32 PM
I'll send you a sample.
3/8/2015 9:53:52 PM
I'm curious as to the quality
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 9:55:53 PM
You'll see.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 10:43:06 PM
Gonna have to train him. And no one wants to leave us alone.
3/8/2015 10:43:41 PM
That will be a time-consuming issue, of course
3/8/2015 10:44:47 PM
And what do you have to train a guy to do?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 11:12:34 PM
How to best take photos and when to shoot and of course, dont fuck with auto settings until you know what the fuck you're doing
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 11:13:02 PM
Gotta transfer the hard way. Gonna boot up jimmy's viao
3/8/2015 11:13:20 PM
Ha ok
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 11:36:37 PM
On their way. His of me. Mine testing the settings.
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 11:36:46 PM
I have work to do.
3/8/2015 11:37:05 PM
Sounds good
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 11:39:12 PM
Dude is expecting me In half hour
3/8/2015 11:43:56 PM
Oh, for christ sake, take the shade off the lamp to illuminate the room, goof
3/8/2015 11:44:03 PM
I think I can work with these for the site
3/8/2015 11:45:27 PM
But they are blurry, but that's mainly due to the lack of lighting
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 11:46:56 PM
No you don't get it
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 11:47:21 PM
The one of the chair was crystal clear and bright
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 11:47:41 PM
I set the camera
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 11:48:08 PM
He changed them to other presets, and the flash didn't go off
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 11:49:21 PM
So, I'm going to go give a jobbie and teach Skye how to use the camera.
3/8/2015 11:52:32 PM
Did I buy that Bra and Panties?
Jennifer Cejka
3/8/2015 11:57:32 PM
Yes, and shoes.
3/8/2015 11:58:33 PM
They look nice
3/8/2015 11:58:36 PM
Good luck on your jobbie
3/8/2015 11:59:29 PM
I'm getting Photoshop loaded up to get the images in a better shape, and i'll get them posted up within 90 mins
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 12:00:05 AM
Bit after all the effort it took to transfer the fucking data, I'll go find other ways to keep from being hungry and by the time he's trained you're requirements should be met, but we still won't have the camera
3/9/2015 12:00:30 AM
That's up to you. Like I said, if your IDs come in then you should be financially ok at end of month
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 12:00:38 AM
Luck? I give the best head in the world.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 12:02:24 AM
Then doesn't buy food, pay for the meds that prevented my need of recreational shit, much less therapy.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 12:03:25 AM
So the sites started. I have to go earn money now so I'm not strung out on drugs when then arrives
3/9/2015 12:03:51 AM
Go earn your money then. I have work to do for this site
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 12:03:59 AM
Like I said, you may not hear from me frequently.
3/9/2015 12:03:59 AM
1 blog, 3 images...yays...

Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 12:04:26 AM
Dont be angry at me for having to prostitute myself.
3/9/2015 12:04:41 AM
3/9/2015 12:04:48 AM
I'm not going to be angry
3/9/2015 12:04:55 AM
This is your choice, not mine
3/9/2015 12:05:17 AM
Again, I'd rather you be here, but I'm gonna stick with your choice until your here for us to work together.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 12:05:23 AM
Its this or keep selling what little I own for meth.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 12:06:04 AM
Because I'm fucking hungry and when he can, my fiancée does buy and bring home food.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 12:06:18 AM
Today wasn't our day.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 12:06:47 AM
So, goodbye Matthew. I have to go do what poor people do.
3/9/2015 12:07:20 AM
Okay, bye hunny
3/9/2015 12:07:24 AM
Just ping me now and then
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 12:21:01 AM
Probably not
3/9/2015 12:32:42 AM
You must
3/9/2015 1:47:49 AM
As an aside, even when I send you money you would still do what "poor people do". Money doesn't change that, only your environment and the people you choose to be with. That was taught to me by my ex-wife, and albeit they are harsh words, it still is what life is.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 3:01:52 PM
Having our own place changes the food situation
id changes his work capabilities and the environment changes our easy access to what we're trying to stop.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 3:02:59 PM
As it is, I just lost the majority of mu clothes because a window broke during a storm and they got rained on. The washer is out for repair and I can't wash them. They're already moldy.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 3:03:11 PM
So now I have to remedy that
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 3:03:48 PM
Skyes dad isn't home, doesn't plan on returning so no the food issue is even bigger.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 3:04:02 PM
When its gone ots gone
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 3:04:30 PM
So, thank you fornext months help. Today I am utterly fucked still.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 3:04:59 PM
I have to come up with 80 bucks just to see my shrink
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 3:05:40 PM
Have to go call my pcp and see his stupid social worker T get new clothes, rehb, and my regular meds.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 3:06:30 PM
Then I have to arrange for multiple surgeries because the tumor in my spine has grown since last July and January.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 3:07:28 PM
So Skye is busting his ass off helping his mil just yo get me a fucking xanax to calm the fuck down.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 3:12:01 PM
And despite my being poor, until last night I never had to prostitute to any one but my first husband for money. And that stopped after we divorced.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 3:12:41 PM
I may not have had much, but bills were paid, house was secured and i WA happy.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 3:12:56 PM
Then my dad got cancer and threw me out
3/9/2015 4:20:54 PM
.....all clothes?
3/9/2015 4:22:02 PM
And what was the last 5 years where I gave you money for boobs? What was that called?
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:23:31 PM
And despite my being poor, until last night I never had to prostitute to any one but my first husband for money. And that stopped after we divorced.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:23:53 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:24:17 PM
You are the only person I've ever had to do that for
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:24:38 PM
I could deal because of our relationship
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:24:56 PM
Last night made me fucking sick
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:25:08 PM
Skye hated it
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:26:13 PM
We're both not doing well today because of the fact we had to. Until he has id he does what he can but ots been shitty weather
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:26:29 PM
No ones been needing things done
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:27:11 PM
His step mom is about to call the cops cause his dads missing on a dope binge
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:28:32 PM
Skye can't be here if the cops come and when its bern bad before the cops had to shoot him with sand bags he was so tripped out in combat PTSD he told the cops to kill him
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:29:58 PM
I just fucked up my Skyrim disc. Gotta find $90 before I can see my shrink for the stuff that keeps me from being the psych bitch you know
3/9/2015 4:30:05 PM
Wait, let me get this straight...
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:30:10 PM
Im half way there today.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:30:24 PM
And yeah my clothes got fucking trashed
3/9/2015 4:30:48 PM
Skyes dad is out and hopped up, you don't have a dresser for clothes, you have a broken window in the bedroom, and now there might be cops.
3/9/2015 4:31:24 PM
And i love my Psych bitch...
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:31:35 PM
I have no dresser. They were in a suitcase in the back room. We didn't know a window had broke until a bird got stuck in the room trying to find its WA out.
3/9/2015 4:32:25 PM
Ugh, so $500 in clothes ruined.... there goes my morning idea with being the "Amazon Amazon"
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:32:35 PM
His step mom has no money, his dads been gone three days hopped up and she feels she should call the pd as missing persons
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:32:39 PM
Not yours
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:33:25 PM
They were put in the bins and moved in the bedroom. It was everything I wear daily
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:33:42 PM
That's not been piled up in dirty laundry.
3/9/2015 4:33:53 PM
Oh, ok. Good. Lol, "My Sexy Clothes"
3/9/2015 4:34:13 PM
And 72h is missing persons
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:34:22 PM
I have a pair of jeans, and maybe five shirts
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:34:35 PM
Socks gone, under wear gone
3/9/2015 4:34:36 PM
If you ever needed an "out" of there, sounds like you have the plan...
3/9/2015 4:34:54 PM
You have the sexy undies. You have underwear.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:35:06 PM
Yes, its been almost that but he's been in you h with other ppl.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:35:14 PM
Just not her
3/9/2015 4:35:39 PM
I what?
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:35:54 PM
If anything he's respecting that she doesn't like to deal with his come down
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:36:00 PM
In touch
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:36:14 PM
Need a phone that's not cracked
3/9/2015 4:36:16 PM
Ah, ok, gotcha
3/9/2015 4:36:33 PM
Yeah, you need to stop breaking phones.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:36:57 PM
She hasn't fucked him in a year, makes it clear she married him for the navy
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:37:22 PM
He caters to her as much as he can
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:37:56 PM
She eats her morphine and xanax and sleeps all day and hates being a mom.
3/9/2015 4:39:26 PM
Yeah, just someone to be there
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:39:44 PM
He's been so much addicted he steals her pain pills so he gets high, she can't sleep all day. They're also fighting because he knows when Fphoenix gets SSI soon, Michelle will leave and he loves her
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:39:58 PM
Forever means forever to him.
3/9/2015 4:39:58 PM
I need a druggie woman too to just hang around. Maybr I've been going about this the wrong way
3/9/2015 4:40:15 PM
Yeah, i learned forever too, just too late
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:40:49 PM
Well being short on cash i can't get my benzos to keep me docile
3/9/2015 4:41:13 PM
You told me your fiancee has ways to get things. Task him out
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:41:57 PM
He does every fucking day. Not his fault dudes wife is busy in the hospital with a stroke
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:42:24 PM
I'm running out of shit to sell.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:42:44 PM
Most of what's left is yours.
3/9/2015 4:43:32 PM
Sell my stuff if you wish. I would rather you not do that and hightail it here with that in tow, but its really up to you.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:43:42 PM
And the biggest buyer is only gonna trade for dope, not benzod or cash.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:43:47 PM
I refuse to.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:43:56 PM
Sell your stuff
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:44:07 PM
Skye cannot live with you.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:44:18 PM
And I only go if he does
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:44:42 PM
If we gotta wait until April we will
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:45:05 PM
But beyond that we gotta do what we gotta do
3/9/2015 4:45:40 PM
Do what you must
3/9/2015 4:46:03 PM
There is always ways to make life work
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:47:14 PM
If gets bad well go to the shelter. I'd rather work on the site and nf and get I going but I can't get it going without the camera, which of course Michelle demanded back this morning
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:48:28 PM
Skye will look into that place he thought we could afford best. If nothing else I at least have a place for you to know is ready and the cost
3/9/2015 4:50:15 PM
Your lucky I'm on this medication
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:50:16 PM
I just can't deal with this anymore.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:50:22 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:50:30 PM
Imon none eightnow
3/9/2015 4:51:12 PM
If i wasn't i would be paying to ship your ass every week for some Jenny Deliciousness
3/9/2015 4:51:42 PM
I would have covered shipment and $1k easy per week
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:51:59 PM
If I could buy the camera you could have I try.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:52:06 PM
Have it!
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:52:19 PM
Fucking phone
3/9/2015 4:52:43 PM
Nono, you. I don't think sex with a phone is decent, nor pleasurable.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 4:53:05 PM
As is its all sitting collecting dust
3/9/2015 4:53:27 PM
The phone is?
3/9/2015 4:55:24 PM
Oh, I'm talking about shipping YOU
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:00:17 PM
No all the stuff you bought.
3/9/2015 5:00:50 PM
It has been collecting dust. It will until its sold or used.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:01:09 PM
Skyes shy on sexy stuff, dope makes him undesireably not into hugs or cuddles much less sex
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:01:22 PM
I wanna use it. No camera
3/9/2015 5:01:44 PM
Babe, he is your fiancee. You have to deal with that until you convert him
3/9/2015 5:01:54 PM
Unshy him
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:01:55 PM
So I'm gonna go see if Skyrim still works
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:02:08 PM
Oh we're like bunnies clean
3/9/2015 5:02:27 PM
Like bunnies.....that makes no sense
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:02:42 PM
I pulled the wrong cord, fell on the floor and its scratched deeply
3/9/2015 5:05:17 PM
So, skyrim has been rimmed
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:12:48 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:13:35 PM
We just heard from richard
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:13:45 PM
He's moved out.
3/9/2015 5:13:56 PM
Who is richard?
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:14:20 PM
His dad
3/9/2015 5:14:26 PM
3/9/2015 5:14:35 PM
His dad, the one that.....
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:14:54 PM
Guess his dad wasn't out tweaking
3/9/2015 5:15:00 PM
At least you have a place now and don't have to deal with him now
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:15:07 PM
His dad straight up left
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:15:09 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:15:28 PM
it changes everything
3/9/2015 5:15:34 PM
Its also beginning of the month. Odds he didn't pay rent?
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:15:46 PM
Likely he didn't
3/9/2015 5:16:12 PM
And he took the money you paid for rent too
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:16:27 PM
3/9/2015 5:17:06 PM
Got fucked dirty twice in less than 12 hours
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:17:44 PM
We will likely be homeless in a week
3/9/2015 5:18:08 PM
And you have IDs on the way
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:18:17 PM
So his dad is clean, not gonna be a problem
3/9/2015 5:18:27 PM
And bullshit, you know the squattet law
3/9/2015 5:18:42 PM
3/9/2015 5:19:03 PM
Here its 3 months before court action starts, and NY is thr prick state
3/9/2015 5:20:41 PM
Gotta be 6-12 months there
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:21:41 PM
The minute his step ma figures out her husbands left, taken all the money, and we have no relationship to her she can toss us
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:23:41 PM
She can't even provide for the kids.
3/9/2015 5:24:38 PM
Well, do what you can, i guess. The site is paid for years as is the domain.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:25:48 PM
Skye is gonna try to sell our stuff but may come down to credit card scams or selling the fucking shit we're hooked to.
3/9/2015 5:25:57 PM
Now that I think of it, if stepma figures that out and ends up lashing out at you, skye would most likely intercept and then you both will be on thr run
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:26:11 PM
3/9/2015 5:26:26 PM
Yeah, so...all I can say is good luck.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:26:35 PM
We didn't see this coming
3/9/2015 5:26:38 PM
You know my terms, but its your life
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:27:12 PM
Im sort I can't leave the man I love for you.
3/9/2015 5:27:38 PM
Your right, you can't get to safety while he fixes shit. Got ya
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:28:30 PM
We aren't disinclined to leaving state
3/9/2015 5:29:27 PM
I'm well aware of the "we"
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:29:34 PM
We just gotta have finds to bail and a place to go if she tries to throw us out before your offer comes through
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:29:53 PM
At this point our odd are coming here
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:30:01 PM
3/9/2015 5:30:11 PM
I can hold the cookies until you feel comfy
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:30:53 PM
Can you help still in April with a place if we can keep peace with her?
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:31:54 PM
Or is it get your asses here to safety
3/9/2015 5:32:35 PM
I'm not getting a place for you that will only last a month. The sitr/NF alone will take 3-6 months to setup
3/9/2015 5:32:42 PM
3/9/2015 5:33:04 PM
And you told me he won't come, which is fine.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:33:05 PM
Why would it only last a month
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:33:33 PM
At tho poi T he just said if we have to leave state we will
3/9/2015 5:33:55 PM
48 other states
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:33:58 PM
He's out trying to sell our tv and shit for cash
3/9/2015 5:34:59 PM
Hopefully its cash and not dopr
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:35:32 PM
He would go to ny if it came to it
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:36:01 PM
He's trying everyone who would do cash first.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:36:32 PM
The biggest buyer tries to trade for dope.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:38:28 PM
We're not easily able unload it. Dont know ppl.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:38:51 PM
He just said if we have to come to you we will
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:40:22 PM
He said he'll find a way to make peace with you. Honestly if you guys just talked
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:40:56 PM
You'd be fine. He's not hostile, insecure
3/9/2015 5:41:10 PM
I'd have to approve him with Jake
3/9/2015 5:41:17 PM
Cause Jake is an approved tenant here now
3/9/2015 5:41:47 PM
YOU are already pre-approved by him, simply cause he knows you
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:42:33 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:43:05 PM
He feels like shit because all this happened
3/9/2015 5:43:24 PM
People think me crazy for planning ahead 2-3 months....
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:43:59 PM
He told the guy he won't tale dope for anything.
3/9/2015 5:44:11 PM
And I know you don't want to hear of it, but I've known you guys had direction but no path the last 6 months.
3/9/2015 5:44:30 PM
Did anybody mention the birth certificate to Dad, by any chance?
3/9/2015 5:44:57 PM
Cause I find it interesting that the ONLY thing he had to hold on to his son he doesn't have anymore.....so instinct is to bail
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:46:49 PM
We can come there, or get as much as as possible and stay in a motel until cash runs out.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:48:11 PM
I asked Skye, he's not sure his dad will take us in just for that. Honestly I think its too soon.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:48:37 PM
He only just found out about dad
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:50:42 PM
As far as use goes Skye wants clean. We wouldn't have to stay long
3/9/2015 5:51:50 PM
Well, I don't think me paying for another birth certificate or ID to be shipped to NY is normal to even do a second time....
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:53:57 PM
No, and I just asked if he thinks we can make it last till the id comes in
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 5:54:43 PM
He's playing Michelle (step mom) as best as he can
3/9/2015 5:56:35 PM
What's the thinking?
3/9/2015 5:56:44 PM
You have no choice, really....You need that regardless
3/9/2015 5:56:54 PM
You better be kissing some ass, woman
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:00:47 PM
Michelle doesn't know yet know Richards left
3/9/2015 6:02:01 PM
That means you have time to make a good impression
3/9/2015 6:02:16 PM
Like, go talk to her, call her Mom, give her a foot massage, brush her hair, whatever
3/9/2015 6:02:42 PM
It's just gotten really hard for you now
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:02:43 PM
She's under the impression he's been out doing what he's done before, run dope, fuck other women, and will come back her thing with missing persons was because sometimes Richard gets so spun he has PTSD episodes
3/9/2015 6:03:22 PM
Also sounds like your gonna be doing more of last night, too, if Skye can't pull in enough

Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:03:37 PM
Yes I do and Skye and I both are kissing ass
3/9/2015 6:05:16 PM
Good thing I get paid alot to just think....
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:06:07 PM
Skye is trying to sell our tv and what we can to generate cash in case worst case she pulls out fast on us
3/9/2015 6:07:02 PM
If she pulls out, then your better off with the squatter and saving, and you'll be fine then
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:09:41 PM
But he's also kissing her ass so we cansyay as long as possible
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:10:26 PM
If we had id, he'd go to labor ready every day if ot takes that
3/9/2015 6:10:50 PM
You don't have to reassure me of this
3/9/2015 6:10:57 PM
You need to be game-planning your life, dear
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:11:06 PM
Bit ot may not come until months end.
3/9/2015 6:11:08 PM
If you don't want to game-plan it, then I have the plan for you
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:12:03 PM
If you are willing to help us start in a place then still, its not going to be only for a month.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:13:02 PM
If its worst case he will send me to you and find his own way to my. ny.
3/9/2015 6:13:24 PM
Should I get off my medicaton?
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:13:44 PM
For what?
3/9/2015 6:14:05 PM
So I can get super horny again....
3/9/2015 6:14:14 PM
and make stupid decisions
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:14:46 PM
If he sent me first he would comitt crimes to follow me
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:16:38 PM
He's terrified you n I would screw around, and you'd hurt me. But he doesn't know you personally. Just through our history
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:17:37 PM
Unless you really were gonna pay for ot, I don't know he'd be ok.
3/9/2015 6:18:09 PM
I'd need a week to wean off the meds for the hormone rush
3/9/2015 6:18:24 PM
Then afterwards I'd have $1k in an envelope for you here, your bus paid for, and take 24h off work
3/9/2015 6:18:43 PM
I'd cheat death for time with you, yeah
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:18:58 PM
Thinking is we can sell tv/dads stereo, whatever so if it gets bad, we can get a motel.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:20:30 PM
We do our best to get along until ids are here. He'd work labory ready until neighbor with job can get him started.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:23:29 PM
If you still wanted to throw for starting a place here it wouldn't be for a month later for us to leave
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:24:07 PM
I get $700 a month, and he'd be working, hopefully the factory place
3/9/2015 6:25:12 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:27:00 PM
If its necessary he and I can come to ny.
3/9/2015 6:28:44 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:30:25 PM
Worst case I call you and you fly me in and I stay. Of you want me to work it so you can give me 1k a week, fine. Then I could get a place there for Skye and I.
3/9/2015 6:31:17 PM
Whatever you think is good babe
3/9/2015 6:31:21 PM
I don't care, just want you
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:35:23 PM
What I nerd to know is if we can stay until id comes, and we dont have enough saved for our own place, can or will you still help us?
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:37:20 PM
Because I. Dont think we can stay two months to get saved more
3/9/2015 6:38:51 PM
I'm curious
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:41:08 PM
3/9/2015 6:41:14 PM
The outcome
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:42:20 PM
Ok. Well his dads friend who just moved in is trying to help us sell. We're telling everyone cash only
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:43:13 PM
Can you help us months end if it plays that way or not?
3/9/2015 6:44:41 PM
We will see how it come to
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:50:46 PM
I get your need for that, but I'd like the comfort of knowledge that if we have id, more thamy income and a place within budget I can count on your help with deposit, deposit and first months rent , or should I ask that you send two bus tickets and you stop your meds so I can a few grand?
3/9/2015 6:51:27 PM
send...2 bus tickets?...for skye to come and watch?
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:53:05 PM
No. I just said, I only come alone unless its because shit hit the fan and he sends me to safety.
3/9/2015 6:53:55 PM
oh right
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:54:45 PM
Otherwise its him and I, and your payment of my body is so he and I don't have to occupy your home longer than neccessary
3/9/2015 6:55:23 PM
I don't get that statement, honestly
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:57:13 PM
Matt you offered to send cash with cookies on condition our IDs were in to help us get out of his parents house
3/9/2015 6:58:12 PM
3/9/2015 6:58:19 PM
That's not rescinded
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:58:27 PM
We just found out everything is. Changing possibly rapidly
3/9/2015 6:58:33 PM
Though we were discussing me attempting suicide or something lol
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:58:38 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 6:59:03 PM
Im trying to plan best case worse case
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:00:52 PM
So ids come and he's working, and we find a reasonable place, you got security deposit and first rent covered.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:02:16 PM
We can stay if that happens. And we wont lose a place in a month after that
3/9/2015 7:03:48 PM
Or, you have the 4 options with me...
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:04:05 PM
If his mom totally goes nuts, he'd send me there. Hell be with me if he can.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:04:42 PM
But if for my safety hr has to send me first he will.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:04:57 PM
What's that?
3/9/2015 7:06:24 PM
(1) Wait until the end of the month for cookies and cash, (2) Wait a week, bus here, be mine for 24 hours and mend yourself on the way back, (3) Come here so that you don't piss off mom and I don't touch you until the end of the month, (4) Leave him and just stay with me
3/9/2015 7:07:18 PM
(3)...don't touch you evah
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:09:18 PM
Option one is acceptable. Option two would literally be because we had to get out of here that fast. 3 is only an option if he comes with, be it now or later, four wont happen.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:11:34 PM
And three wouldn't be just to not piss if mom, three would be a permanent relocation to nu for he and I both
3/9/2015 7:12:32 PM
That's your option, not mine
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:13:47 PM
One way or another we're here till id comes in.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:16:32 PM
Am I to assume your 3rd option is added with the stipulation he is not invited to come with and stay until we have our own place?
3/9/2015 7:17:27 PM
Right, since he needs to take care of you, so he should be able to do so without you around
3/9/2015 7:18:00 PM
I know I can keep my hands off you
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:19:18 PM
Then if shit hit the fan you wouldn't make the offer of help with an apartment in my?
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:19:58 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:20:30 PM
IF it included hom
3/9/2015 7:20:32 PM
What help could I possibly give?
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:22:03 PM
If you can send cash here for first months and deposit why not there?
3/9/2015 7:25:41 PM
cause it's more expensive here
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:26:10 PM
Which is likely irrelevant. He's sure Michelle can deal until our ids come in. So help with first and last is secured through option one. If some freak occurrence happens, I might have time visit.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:26:16 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:27:33 PM
Crossing fingers Michelle dont crack before then.
3/9/2015 7:27:34 PM
If Michelle is cool there, you'll be there all month
3/9/2015 7:27:41 PM
Does she know now?
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:29:17 PM
No. She will tomorrow.
3/9/2015 7:30:23 PM
Your really not gonna take the 1 week vacation, huh
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:32:49 PM
Not today.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:34:13 PM
It wouldn't be a vacation, it would be work because we can't make this work until our ids come and with your help get a place
3/9/2015 7:39:06 PM
Well, i need a nap before work
3/9/2015 7:39:19 PM
Go spend time with you fiancee and help him make some money
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:39:24 PM
We're sellin our tv and his dad's stereo so I can get by the rest of the month because I need 90 for my shrink, his dad wont be here to restock the kitchen, and without my meds I'm getting emotionally unstable. We really are keeping clean. He didn't even ask they guy he could sell our stuff to who only offers dope. He asked his dads friend who knows ppl with money
3/9/2015 7:39:31 PM
I'm just a waste of your time, tbh
3/9/2015 7:39:56 PM
I'll be up midnight est
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:40:02 PM
No you're not
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:40:25 PM
We can keep the camera now
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:42:51 PM
You're still my best friend. I came him and puked last night and Skye isn't even able to think about it without crying. If you could deal with it, we'd move in there because he never realized how much his dad lied or how bad it was gonna be.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:43:38 PM
Neither one of us expected his dad to just leave.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:46:33 PM
He's selling the stuff because I need money for my drs
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:47:06 PM
So I'm not some neurotic depressed hermit who wont get out of brd
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:48:32 PM
So when ids come in, we can pay for his Missouri state id card, mine too so we can replace ss cards
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:49:08 PM
So he ca feed me.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:51:03 PM
You and I always had fantastic sex, an amazing love and bond that 15 years later is still there, and you're the other half of what made our kids the amazing people they are
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:53:09 PM
But we also tried dozens of times to be a couple just for the kids. I can't be in love with you just because our kids need away from your mik
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 7:53:13 PM
3/9/2015 7:59:55 PM
We tried dozens of times when I had "freedom" or "someone for the kids". I have none of that now, and again, I'm taking the first thing thats worthy that walks in for the forever...
3/9/2015 8:00:20 PM
I told you I'm done with all those times. Life is short, kids grow up fast, and we're all dying.
3/9/2015 8:01:49 PM
One of the main reasons I'm speaking to you and helping you out is because of that. Take it with a grain of salt, but I knew I would have to earn your trust, and i'm doing what I can to get you.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:03:57 PM
I understand that and offered to move back. But Im in love with Skye. He and I fucked up our shit this month. One of the biggest reasons he struggled having drugs is because he can't get to a Dr for the meds that help him cope with breathing.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:05:51 PM
I told him to start selling stuff so I can get back to my drs cause I'm not functioning off mine and I'm tired of dope and needles and puking every day
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:06:28 PM
So that I don't have to do what I did last night.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:07:40 PM
Because right now, we can make it to the end of the month where we're at, but his step mom can't go buy food.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:08:33 PM
Fs isn't a thing here that happens at days end in emergency
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:10:20 PM
And he told me when he was taking pictures of the tv and stereo that uli had better not even think of selling my rings.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:17:53 PM
I would give you the ten thousandth second chance. Im just not in love with you and to come play that game isn't fair to you or them.
3/9/2015 8:19:51 PM
It's not a game
3/9/2015 8:20:00 PM
It's life, and I'm overly serious on this
3/9/2015 8:20:12 PM
Why else would I continue to dump advice and money on you
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:24:08 PM
I don't doubt it, but I am not leaving Skye for a loveless marriage, to try to get custody when the court told me to fuck off. Im not going through another year of the therapy that doesn't do jack shit. Even when my head was straight, it wasn't good enough. Im not hearing ONE MORE TIME that I'm the greater evil over your mother for our kids.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:24:32 PM
And my name will never be on those papers.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:25:00 PM
You get them and you and I can be parents together
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:25:24 PM
I still have visitatrights.
3/9/2015 8:25:37 PM
Like I said, love, your 1 of 3, and one of those are going away too quickly
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:25:43 PM
Its dependant on your mother
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:26:23 PM
One of three?
3/9/2015 8:26:39 PM
Yeah, I told you this
3/9/2015 8:26:43 PM
and I can't take your call now
3/9/2015 8:26:51 PM
I'm telling Angel how to cut her hair
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:27:05 PM
I didn't mean to call its the phone
3/9/2015 8:27:13 PM
3/9/2015 8:27:16 PM
I see how it is
3/9/2015 8:27:22 PM
You don't wanna just randomly talk to me
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:27:33 PM
I do all the time
3/9/2015 8:28:04 PM
You ... do....what?
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:28:18 PM
Talk to you randomly
3/9/2015 8:29:30 PM
3/9/2015 8:29:35 PM
Listening to Devon's speech now
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:30:48 PM
I told you last night you wouldn't hear from me until months end. I may have started talking to you for purposes today but once I confirmed that purpose I could have stopped. You stated your selfish statement I don't need you. Im attempting to correct it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:31:11 PM
Go have a good call with them.
3/9/2015 8:31:58 PM
I have been
3/9/2015 8:32:09 PM
Ever since I told you I was going to sleep
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:35:37 PM
Well excuse me for clarifying my feelings.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:35:48 PM
3/9/2015 8:35:56 PM
3/9/2015 8:36:06 PM
I loves yous, Savannah i'm sure
3/9/2015 8:36:42 PM
3/9/2015 8:36:45 PM
I could conference you in
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:41:27 PM
That would be amazing
3/9/2015 8:41:36 PM
3/9/2015 8:41:40 PM
It can't be tonight
3/9/2015 8:41:45 PM
And you'd have to be mute for now
3/9/2015 8:41:50 PM
But you can hear them talk
3/9/2015 8:41:55 PM
and type to me on that stuff
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:41:57 PM
Not tonight then.
3/9/2015 8:41:59 PM
cause i'd call the landline
3/9/2015 8:42:03 PM
I call them every night
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:42:27 PM
To fucking emotional and too much shit going.
3/9/2015 8:42:41 PM
It's nice to listen in, though
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:43:10 PM
3/9/2015 8:43:17 PM
3/9/2015 8:43:38 PM
3/9/2015 8:43:43 PM
Jamie's reading this book now
3/9/2015 8:44:13 PM
p. 270 of 400 pages, 30 chapters
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:44:35 PM
Its just that right now I'm stressed out, got people screaming in the hallway, and Skye is trying not to completely lose it because of everything too.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:44:49 PM
Im glad he reads like me
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:45:57 PM
And you don't know how much it all means to hear about them
3/9/2015 8:46:09 PM
I do
3/9/2015 8:46:15 PM
I know exactly how much
3/9/2015 8:46:29 PM
Cause I loved it when I first talked to them
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:47:03 PM
I haven't heard details or pics in three years. I kept you informed
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:47:10 PM
Sent pics
3/9/2015 8:47:27 PM
Sent pics?
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:48:29 PM
I always sent you pics
3/9/2015 8:49:48 PM
oh, of the kids

3/9/2015 8:49:48 PM
3/9/2015 8:51:01 PM
3/9/2015 8:51:06 PM
About 7p
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:51:36 PM
Got one of Savannah from you. Nothing in 3 years.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 8:51:45 PM
Ok. I'll be ready.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 9:00:47 PM
Im proud of them.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 9:00:55 PM
I miss them.
3/9/2015 9:03:35 PM
I'm sayin'...
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 9:07:36 PM
Skye is working on the interim. He's ok with moving to your neighborhood so I can be around. If you can't set us up there because its too expensive, we will start here, you can help next month, and he n I will start saving up and come
3/9/2015 9:08:01 PM
thats the plan?
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 9:13:23 PM
Well, I tried to discuss your helping us get there sooner but you're not comfortable with that.
3/9/2015 9:13:34 PM
What do you mean?
3/9/2015 9:34:24 PM
Need to get you some black Electrical Tape to X your nipples, a collar, body harness, and fishnet stockings to match
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 9:35:49 PM
Firstly there's the limitations of your budget. Secondly Skye and I would have to wait for or id. If you couldn't front us for bus or air fare to buffalo we would have to use my paycheck to get us there. If you don't want he and I together under your roof then that ends the sooner plan.so that leaves us with a place here and saving and moving later
3/9/2015 9:36:25 PM
I can take you both, It's just skye doesn't want to come last I knew
3/9/2015 9:36:33 PM
And you don't need ID for Greyhound
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 9:42:30 PM
No, Skye wants to come.
3/9/2015 9:42:39 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 9:44:36 PM
He said earlier if shit went bad he'd send me alone.
3/9/2015 9:44:43 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 9:44:47 PM
Come when he could.
3/9/2015 9:44:53 PM
We'll see. I have the couch prepared for me
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 9:49:41 PM
We dont need a bed. Coming next month means more expense on you.
3/9/2015 9:50:34 PM
Your getting a bed
3/9/2015 9:50:42 PM
and privacy
3/9/2015 9:50:45 PM
Its called hospitality
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 9:51:23 PM
Which is why I said the smartest plan is you do as planned, cheaper place here so he can work and save so when we have enough not to intrude we can.
3/9/2015 9:52:26 PM
Don't worry about intruding
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 9:52:47 PM
Otherwise he n I have to be guests longer while he gets a job and we save up.
3/9/2015 9:53:18 PM
Oh well, i'll deal with the couch like i have for years
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 9:54:52 PM
At this point I've been off my prescription meds so long I haven't gotten sick. As soon as he can get insurance he will go get back on neurontin and that's what keeps him sober.
3/9/2015 9:57:51 PM
Again, I can get my wife on some damn good insurance
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 9:58:46 PM
He used to take whole bottles of ativan or xanax and eat morphine like candy on top of it. Before I started running out of my pain meds cause even the Dr said I needed more or stronger, we didn't touch this shit. He's never touched mine. He said for the first time in years he didn't feel like he needed em. I anchor him.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 9:59:11 PM
Yes I can have good insurance but you can't put him on it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 10:00:04 PM
He's eager to work. Hrs quiet, and as for personal habits, clean and a neat freak.
3/9/2015 10:00:23 PM
3/9/2015 10:00:25 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 10:02:40 PM
He's never had an issue with you and what we do for Phenom or NF. He like you, have to get to know each other. He like you knows I'm a sexy, beautiful, desirable piece and has the same concerns you would if the situation WA reversed.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 10:02:47 PM
3/9/2015 10:03:31 PM
Yeah, but I'm a spanker, and at least I can keep my hands off ya
3/9/2015 10:03:39 PM
I'm gonna try to nap again. Angel kept me on the phone for 90 mins
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 10:04:26 PM
So, if you're amenable with the living arrangement and length of Tim it may take for us to save up, he's not entirely opposed to relocation for my relationship without kids.
Jennifer Cejka
3/9/2015 10:04:33 PM
Ok. Layer
3/9/2015 10:04:56 PM
I told ya
3/9/2015 10:05:04 PM
If you both come, you have my bedroom and i'd take the couch back
3/9/2015 10:05:13 PM
You'll have your privacy and executive quarters
3/9/2015 10:05:17 PM
I'll make sure you are fed
3/9/2015 10:05:41 PM
I've had people do that to me for over 1.5years, i've only had the bed for 2 months, so it's no biggie to me
3/9/2015 10:07:05 PM
Don't care about anything but you
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 3:24:29 AM
I'll talk to Skye and see what he says.
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 3:27:54 AM
He's more scared of you getting bothered by anything and turning him in.
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 3:28:49 AM
And it reminds me to as well that you and Jake both could be uncomfortable with having a fugitive in house.
3/10/2015 3:58:35 AM
3/10/2015 3:59:04 AM
I didn't know about that
3/10/2015 3:59:08 AM
I totally forgot
3/10/2015 4:03:38 AM
Is there reason for me to be bothered by him?
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 4:26:31 AM
No. He honestly treats me as you would wish me to. He's concerned you may get into a tiff about anything with me, or wanted to move him put of the way so you could attempt to woo me it would be easy to make a call to the parole board and have him removed.
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 4:27:46 AM
His time is up end of April and he asked for a transfer here officially but they didn't have time T do it
3/10/2015 4:28:16 AM
Yeah, again, I have to get you to trust me
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 4:28:26 AM
I trust you.
3/10/2015 4:28:53 AM
No, no you don't trust me
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 4:29:03 AM
You could have gotten pissed at me anytime in the last five years for anything and had me arrested.
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 4:29:47 AM
In the last fifteen, you've only ever called when you absolutely had to.
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 4:31:44 AM
He doesn't know you. He is beginning to understand our relationship and as a parent understands what the mother of your children means to you even after you both separate ways.
3/10/2015 4:32:06 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 4:32:57 AM
Hrs scared he's going to lose me because you have more to offer.
3/10/2015 4:33:19 AM
I do have more to offer
3/10/2015 4:33:25 AM
Which means he doesn't trust you
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 4:33:31 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 4:34:07 AM
I left him once for a husband
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 4:34:29 AM
And he has some serious insecurities.
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 4:34:46 AM
Wendy fucked him up
3/10/2015 4:34:54 AM
Well, your all his
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 4:50:12 AM
He's still struggling to accept love, a person who doesn't get mad and turn him in, doesn't put him down, etc.
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 4:52:10 AM
I don't think he's ever had a lot of trust for anyone
3/10/2015 4:52:46 AM
Well, I can promise you'll always be his
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 5:01:15 AM
I would like to have you both talk but it may be a few days. His dad is sleeping in the car at a friends deciding what to do.
3/10/2015 5:01:51 AM
3/10/2015 5:01:56 AM
No, I don't need to "talk" to him
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 5:02:18 AM
His wife literally sleeps near 20 hours a day to avoid taking care of her kids
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 5:04:38 AM
No I mean like talk and get to know each other so you're not the ex husband who's been begging me to leave him but instead the father of my kids doing everything he can to help because he still cares that the kids mother isn't homeless.
3/10/2015 5:05:10 AM
nonono, there is no reason to get friendly
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 5:22:55 AM
He's afraid that if he did go away, I would do whatever it took to survive even if it meant sleeping with you.
3/10/2015 5:23:10 AM
I won't sleep with you
3/10/2015 5:23:34 AM
I get no benefit from attempting to kill myself
3/10/2015 5:28:28 AM
If you told him "my 4 options", one was specific to a week delay before you arriving
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 5:29:59 AM
Ok. He has to be convinced. Tonight isn't the night to talk to him. He's freaking about his dad
3/10/2015 5:59:40 PM
Any progress or news?
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 6:48:31 PM
No. He's been asleep all day. He and his dads friend were up tinkering last night.
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 6:50:14 PM
He will liked go see his dad later but I think he's starting to get clear enough of the come down and shit to sleep
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 6:50:52 PM
And not be worried I'm not sleeping or sick too.
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 6:51:45 PM
I stopped my other meds cause I would get sick having them in my system.
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 6:53:27 PM
No luck selling the tv or stereo yet. No one wants to pay cash. At least he's not taking the crap to sell because he knows he can't, and if its here its too tempting.
3/10/2015 6:54:26 PM
mmk, cool
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 6:54:59 PM
Pretty worried his dad will get depressed and od
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 6:55:05 PM
Skye is.
3/10/2015 6:57:49 PM
I've got raid in an hour, so probably gonna be calling soon
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 7:00:37 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 7:01:18 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 7:03:45 PM
Oh Christ.
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 7:04:52 PM
Michelle just figured out her hubbys stuff is going out bit by bit. I may not be able to answer. There's a huge shit fit going.
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 7:06:12 PM
I can't wait to get out of this place
3/10/2015 7:08:57 PM
well, shit
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 7:13:26 PM
I got a shower finally
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 7:14:07 PM
Suppose that's progress
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 7:15:06 PM
But I also know how she feels.
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 7:15:20 PM
Charles did it a lot
3/10/2015 7:20:07 PM
he...let you not shower?
3/10/2015 7:20:23 PM
your pretty tasty as a dirty girl
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 10:29:23 PM
I miss them so much
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 10:30:04 PM
Lol the shower is nastier than not bathing
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 10:41:50 PM
His dad is fucked up. Just told Skye too bad we wanna move out, he's the man of the house now and gonna raise his little brothers. Asshole is sitting in his car four blocks away and four grand spent on drugs, booze, and whores cause his wife won't fuck him.
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 10:42:03 PM
I wanna go beat him.
3/10/2015 10:44:13 PM
3/10/2015 10:44:17 PM
That sounds fine, though
3/10/2015 10:44:30 PM
His life really is shit, and he doesn't have to take care of people who can take care of themselves
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 10:50:43 PM
Skye has his head on about that. He's trying to figure out how to get through the month. More concerned about getting me back to doc. How Im dealing. Just pisses me of to see ppl pulling that shit on their adult kids
Jennifer Cejka
3/10/2015 10:53:06 PM
I just wanna not feel sick.
3/10/2015 10:55:44 PM
Pisses you off to have parents tell their adult kids to get out of the house?
3/11/2015 1:06:39 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 9:39:58 AM
No, it pisses me off to have adults tell their adult children to raise their younger siblings because said parent is leaving.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 9:41:05 AM
At this point I don't know how we're gonna get through the next two to three weeks. His dad took all the money, and we are quickly running out of food.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 9:41:29 AM
Ppl here just don't wanna pay cash.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 12:23:40 PM
His dad did something. Unmarked sheriffs dont come for nothing. They weren't looking for Skye either.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 2:25:34 PM
May not have been here for his dad. Two cruisers pulled out front and ran through the neighborback yard. Thinking when he's up for bed that as much as he's afraid, if his step ma bails on us, we're going to have to go to you anyways. His dad sent the car home for Michelle and the tail lights busted.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 2:26:05 PM
And there is a lot of criminal stuff in this area.
3/11/2015 5:39:21 PM
oh wow
3/11/2015 5:39:22 PM
3/11/2015 5:39:24 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 6:11:29 PM
Michelle is letting some guy stay she doesn't even know. Friend of a friend of Richards
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 6:12:09 PM
Guess dude is passed out on the couch with an air duster
3/11/2015 6:12:22 PM
3/11/2015 6:12:59 PM
I just think that's funny
3/11/2015 6:13:04 PM
Husband gone, invite man
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 6:13:21 PM
He's on several 5milligram (not point five, whole five) valiums.
3/11/2015 6:13:47 PM
Those drugs and that house
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 6:15:36 PM
Yup. His dad sent the car home ladt night. His phone isn't charged so Richards friends started texting. He wanted Skye T go across the street and get money they owed him and brings it to him finally Skye called their friend and told him and his atep ms he's out of it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 6:16:17 PM
"you always told me to clean up my mess dad. This is your mess, clean it up).
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 6:17:02 PM
Michelle keeps taking off like Skye and I are sitters so he's told her too.
3/11/2015 6:17:43 PM
Well, your not sitters
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 6:17:45 PM
You with pay me or the kids aren't my responsibility. Especially Fphoenix
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 6:17:48 PM
3/11/2015 6:21:22 PM
So, gameplan?
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:02:40 PM
Dunno matt. Im still hoping that I don't have to call next week to say we have no water electric food or etc. Its like going back 15 years.
3/11/2015 7:14:29 PM
3/11/2015 7:14:34 PM
You have all the time, ya know
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:22:00 PM
It's hard to talk to him. He got upset cause I said I was hungry and would finish off roster atrudels.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:22:05 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:22:07 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:22:23 PM
Toaster strudel
3/11/2015 7:22:34 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:33:17 PM
I won't even go down to toast them. Crazy guy on the couch, crazy guy in the room at halls end, and a third in the basement. I know the last two. Annoying, but whatever. Some one down there is on halidol. Major psych there.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:35:40 PM
The guy on the couch is on high valium doses and sniffs air dusters. The other night Skye barred the door to the back room. The wind on the broken window made it sound like some one was out there. A few months ago the neighbor climbed a latter and broke another window with a wrench, drunk as hell, and wanted to say skyes dad was bawling downstairs because he gave Skye drugs.
3/11/2015 7:36:08 PM
You should see if you can sell your boobs for some cash
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:36:37 PM
I am glad Skye is here. Otherwise I'd be flipping out. I felt safer on flagg st with almost Te other men.
3/11/2015 7:36:49 PM
well, you knew everyone on Flagg
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:37:07 PM
No one here wants to pay for anything unless they can give us dope for it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:37:29 PM
Not really at first. I knew you and Jermaine.
3/11/2015 7:37:31 PM
well, that sucks
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:38:17 PM
Yeah, Skye is pretty stressed he hasn't been able to get cash. He doesn't deal, never has.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:39:08 PM
He got upset about me saying I was hungry cause I never ask him to go get me food.
3/11/2015 7:39:33 PM
3/11/2015 7:39:34 PM
what a child
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:39:36 PM
I can walk Dow the damn stairs, I choose not to and we still had pastries.
3/11/2015 7:39:36 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:40:52 PM
No, more like he feels guilty cause he can't do anything he wants to. Guilty this move ended up being shit, scared of the guy who has money, home, stability, etc.
3/11/2015 7:41:48 PM
3/11/2015 7:41:49 PM
3/11/2015 7:41:53 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:41:54 PM
And like myself waiting for his dad to either come home, od (Richard could have spent up to 4k on dope.thats a lot.) or be pur in jail.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:42:00 PM
I keep telling him.
3/11/2015 7:42:02 PM
I've even got a date tomorrow with the "other" one
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:42:06 PM
3/11/2015 7:42:06 PM
Hoping it goes well
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:42:13 PM
The other one
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:42:41 PM
Fphoenix can't wake up mommy. She ate the valium.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:42:58 PM
And her own xanax and morphine.
3/11/2015 7:42:59 PM
well, shit
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:43:38 PM
Skye is doing well. Typically he'd have lost his shit and taken the trades and gotten loaded.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:43:54 PM
I mean in terms of handling it.
3/11/2015 7:43:55 PM
You think he'll get to that point?
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:44:00 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:44:24 PM
He's more concerned I will because of the issues with the dr
3/11/2015 7:44:34 PM
ok, good
3/11/2015 7:44:53 PM
Nothing to fear then, except for you gettin' all hawnyy and jumping MY bones
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:45:15 PM
And that we started this because I hurt, dont have anything to help, and he can't fix it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:45:17 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:46:42 PM
He thinks he's screwed up in the head. Doesn't even know how bad I used T be
3/11/2015 7:48:34 PM
Yeah, not even I know that
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:54:37 PM
How screwed up I was?
3/11/2015 7:55:19 PM
You would...umm
3/11/2015 7:55:23 PM
Love me?..that was screwed up
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:55:54 PM
No. I was 'that abusive whore'.
3/11/2015 7:57:52 PM
Yeah, but you were undeniably attractive and visually persuasive
3/11/2015 7:58:01 PM
I couldn't keep away from you, you were my addiction
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 7:59:24 PM
Mine was yours.
3/11/2015 8:01:06 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:01:52 PM
3/11/2015 8:02:10 PM
3/11/2015 8:02:12 PM
That's not true
3/11/2015 8:02:20 PM
You hated my guts, I know you did
3/11/2015 8:02:34 PM
And there is nothing you can say to convince me otherwise
3/11/2015 8:02:53 PM
YOU didn't run from YOUR husband to MEET me... I rand from MY wife to MEET you
3/11/2015 8:03:00 PM
That's the nature of my addiction...fucking lifelong
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:03:23 PM
I put up with your constant leaving and side affair's for ten or more years
3/11/2015 8:04:07 PM
3/11/2015 8:04:13 PM
that's wrong, even with "Years"
3/11/2015 8:04:16 PM
Devon's 11....
3/11/2015 8:04:23 PM
I didn't "First" cheat until he was 4-5
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:05:02 PM
You would 'dump me' to make it acceptable before he was born.
3/11/2015 8:06:08 PM
Okay, we gotta stop this now
3/11/2015 8:06:16 PM
I'm actually getting an erection thinking about the old days
3/11/2015 8:06:56 PM
And it actually hurts

Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:07:37 PM
3/11/2015 8:07:47 PM
Thank you
3/11/2015 8:12:58 PM
I have enough difficulty dealing with you "maybe" here, and dealing with you jumping my bones
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:13:48 PM
Im not jumping you.
3/11/2015 8:17:12 PM
3/11/2015 8:17:17 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:23:15 PM
Lol. I don't initiate sex anymore.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:24:25 PM
Whatever happened to him, he isn't touchy feely and this binge keeps me always on him always off
3/11/2015 8:24:35 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:24:38 PM
3/11/2015 8:24:43 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:25:03 PM
He just a few nights ago put the harness on the bed.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:29:57 PM
I'll let you know if he's up to talking.
3/11/2015 8:30:09 PM
harness? oooo
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:37:30 PM
So the kids are going wild. The guy on the couch and their mom are all kinds of fucking stoned on the couch, and she's not capable of caring, and Richard their dad and the guy who lives here and brought that stranger here is mia. Apparently I slept soundly enough to not hear that guy try to come in our room last night. When Skye brought up dinner dude tried to follow him calling him John. Kids mom is high enough to not even remember guys name, and guy is so fucked up he doesn't care she's calling him the wrong name.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:38:43 PM
Skye plans on throwing him out tonight but if the cops het called cause Michelle doesn't want to loose her new best friend getting her high, Skye goes away for the rest of the year.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:39:44 PM
Thank God Skye isn't stupid like that about kids, he stays sober for kid sitting.
3/11/2015 8:40:46 PM
3/11/2015 8:40:49 PM
cops would be bad
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:42:44 PM
He just went to go where his dads staying to tell his dad he needs to man up.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:43:03 PM
The boys started a fire on the front porch.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:43:15 PM
The door is locked
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:43:19 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:44:45 PM
A good solid butter knife in a slit between the door jam so it stops if anyone tries to open it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:45:32 PM
Skye said as he was leaving. 'yeah I could get all fucked up too but Im not stupid. You just don't do that.'
3/11/2015 8:46:30 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:50:57 PM
Yeah. And I'm still withdrawaling and trying not to think.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:52:30 PM
Skye hasn't left yet. I almost want to get out of jammies just in case
3/11/2015 8:55:34 PM
Get out of Jammies?
3/11/2015 8:55:36 PM
FOr what?
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:57:28 PM
I have to go be responsible.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:58:11 PM
Skye might not have left
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:58:26 PM
O just heard Jimmy. The guys friend
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 8:59:24 PM
Or he told jimmy to get his friend out and went anyways. At least now Im not the only sober adult here.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 9:01:23 PM
I have to take my sleepy pill soon. Getting icky feeling. I think I metabolize this shit out slower.
3/11/2015 9:07:23 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 9:11:14 PM
He's home.
3/11/2015 9:11:38 PM
That's good!
3/11/2015 9:11:44 PM
Get some nekked and thank your man
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 9:26:36 PM
3/11/2015 9:41:05 PM
You better be doing it
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 9:58:18 PM
I can't.
3/11/2015 9:59:29 PM
3/11/2015 9:59:36 PM
You are god of making man happy
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 10:00:25 PM
Michelle is so fucked up she's taking the duster away yelling at the guy, giving it right back. He just broke a bunch of dishes and Skye asked Jimmy to get the guy out and he's not
3/11/2015 10:02:04 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 10:02:41 PM
Fucking junkies.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 10:04:02 PM
Skye has always been shit on for the incident with the ativan and then B&E after with more brnzos. These three idiots downstairs are all fucking high and Skye is fucking sober.
Jennifer Cejka
3/11/2015 10:04:28 PM
So am I but for fucks sake.
3/11/2015 10:12:27 PM
3/11/2015 11:31:47 PM
well, going to go sleep in my warm, comfy, quiet bed
3/12/2015 8:38:37 AM
3/12/2015 8:38:44 AM
it's so ADORABLE!
Jennifer Cejka
3/12/2015 12:30:39 PM
Lol where'd you find that, stalking my fb page?
Jennifer Cejka
3/12/2015 12:31:02 PM
It used to be my phone profile pic for skye
Jennifer Cejka
3/12/2015 12:32:00 PM
Cereal just wasn't enough. Im still hungry.
Jennifer Cejka
3/12/2015 12:33:17 PM
Rochester Museum of Play was featured on a show. They were explaining how will putty was made by mistake during finding a way to make bridges flexible yet not break.
Jennifer Cejka
3/12/2015 12:33:42 PM
I remember going with the girls for Scouts.
3/12/2015 6:01:03 PM
Yeah, found it on my desktop
3/12/2015 6:01:18 PM
I was cleaning up shit when I saw it and thought of you, plus the booty nomming
Jennifer Cejka
3/12/2015 6:47:59 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/12/2015 6:52:16 PM
Richard came home. All's quiet for now. Skye was worried he'd come up n start shit with him. I told Skye he'd better not fucking dare. I won't keep my mouth shut, Im not afraid of him, and lost all respect for him for the shit he's done tho month. He will be told to gtfo of the too I pay for and if I have to move the padlock inside the too to keep his stupid ass away from us until the day we can move out I will. As it was I peed in a cup all night and dumped it out a window so creepy air duster dude didn't walk in while we were sleeping.
3/12/2015 7:03:18 PM
3/12/2015 7:03:21 PM
who is richard?
3/12/2015 7:03:37 PM
and why the FUCK is skye not escorting you to the bathroom?
3/12/2015 7:06:16 PM
I mean, christ, I just had a great "Date".
3/12/2015 7:06:47 PM
Brewed every cup of coffee fresh, made sure bathroom was SPOTLESS and toilet paper roll stocked, made sure place was clean and smelly good.
3/12/2015 7:07:27 PM
Why cannot your Fiancee, who I know is sad due to job and shit, do the basics to show he loves you EVEN THOUGH I KNOW YOU KNOW he loves you?
3/12/2015 7:07:37 PM
just a bit upsetting to me, that's all
Jennifer Cejka
3/13/2015 12:02:22 AM
He put a board over the fucking door.
3/13/2015 9:12:20 AM
Okay...and? Did the IDs show up yet?
Jennifer Cejka
3/13/2015 3:14:29 PM
No. Just my child support statement
3/13/2015 4:04:48 PM
Oh nice!
3/13/2015 4:04:55 PM
Is it still cheap?
Jennifer Cejka
3/13/2015 5:15:11 PM
Yeah, your ma tried raising it but because of my SSD it was going to be lowered. So she dropped her case against me and I wasn't going to be as petty as she by applying to have it cut to the minium $25 per month. I pay $50.
3/13/2015 5:25:43 PM
ok, cool
3/13/2015 5:33:00 PM
What's the status? Is the dad back (is that who richard was?). Did anything beneficial happen? Is he feeding you?
3/13/2015 5:33:15 PM
And why have you been gone and not made time all week so you can listen in to the kids?
3/13/2015 5:34:30 PM
And what do you have time for aside from work? I feel like your leaving me hanging
Jennifer Cejka
3/13/2015 5:51:55 PM
Nothing beneficial happened when Richard came back, he has no money. Blew four grand in one week on meth, hookers, strip clubs, what ever. Yes that is Skye's dad. Skye is doing his best to feed me, but my $52 in food stamps has been used and his dad has no money for anything for anyone.
Jennifer Cejka
3/13/2015 5:52:33 PM
Im still going through detox. I spent all day kicking Skye in my sleep yesterday and last might.
Jennifer Cejka
3/13/2015 5:53:11 PM
It's not like you just stop this shit and everything is normal again.
Jennifer Cejka
3/13/2015 5:55:51 PM
I just got told to starve because after choking down frozen mac n cheese from a box I refused a tuna sandwich because his step mom though canola oil maynoaise was awesome and there's no such thing as miracle whip in the house its 'salad dressing' and both make me sick, especially when said step ma keeps them out on counters all day
Jennifer Cejka
3/13/2015 6:03:24 PM
I don't mean to leave you hanging, I simply have no answers to give.
Jennifer Cejka
3/13/2015 6:03:56 PM
His dad fucked up big time.
3/13/2015 6:08:44 PM
Well, sh
Jennifer Cejka
3/13/2015 9:55:28 PM
Ugh. He has got to stop trying to fucking feed me this horse shot his step mother calls food.
Jennifer Cejka
3/13/2015 9:57:01 PM
Bad enough there's hardly anything there, she has to mix things and buy such cheap shit I'll gladly go back to pizza crusts and refried beans seasoned with lemon pepper.
3/13/2015 9:57:39 PM
well, you have to do what you have to do
Jennifer Cejka
3/13/2015 9:59:49 PM
And if I choose not ro fucking eat I don't need to gag trying not to throw up this shit that's only going to make me fat anyways. If I wanted to eat sixty times a day or sleep id never had tried meth
yesterday lunch was three goddamned ice crew sandwiches and nachos. My fingers are still swelling.
3/13/2015 10:05:12 PM
3/13/2015 10:05:27 PM
Your worried about getting fat, so you starve yourself.
3/13/2015 10:05:36 PM
That's some anorexic shit
3/13/2015 10:30:01 PM
Your already a skinny bitch, you just have to learn to move more.
3/13/2015 10:30:22 PM
I'm not worried. Once you get here, you can have the Gym Membership to Catalyst and all the food that fills you up. You'll be fine
3/13/2015 10:31:00 PM
Unless someone else beats you to it
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 12:22:30 AM
He wonders why he's sick. Maybe cause there's shit smeared in the walls again, in the sink and idk when the toilet last cleaned.
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 12:41:15 AM
I starve cause I want raw fruits and vegetables no laden with fake sugars and fats. I crave protien that's not from a 'tube steak'.
3/14/2015 12:42:01 AM
3/14/2015 12:42:12 AM
at least you have a great sense of pun humor lol
3/14/2015 12:42:34 AM
Good think I bought a blender for a banana/apple/celery/tomato shake
3/14/2015 12:42:39 AM
I call it a bloody nummy
3/14/2015 12:43:08 AM
If you add Vanilla Bean ice cream, it's a bloody sunday
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 10:09:41 AM
3/14/2015 10:34:16 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 1:14:22 PM
Good think I bought a blender for a banana/apple/celery/tomato shake
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 1:14:39 PM
I call it a bloody nummy
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 1:14:48 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 1:14:50 PM
3/14/2015 4:21:00 PM
O, ok
3/14/2015 4:21:04 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 4:53:01 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 4:53:41 PM
When I want vegetables is there anything wrong with just a can of corn?
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 4:54:16 PM
Why this twenty cent can of vegetarian veggie soup?
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 4:54:29 PM
That tastes like metal...
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 4:55:00 PM
Poor boy doesn't understand less is more here....
3/14/2015 5:15:25 PM
Whay boy?
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 5:19:27 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 5:20:56 PM
Stone brought me manwhich! He's a smart boy. Last time I had manwhich sloppy Joes was with the kids. We ran out of bread so your ma threw it on noodles with mozzarella. Nom.
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 5:30:28 PM
Im glad his dad didn't try to talk. He cracks jokes about the hermit crab coming out when I leave the room. Michelle gets jealous cause I get waited on if I don't 'get out of bed'. She gets told she's lazy and lacking by her hubby, a terrible mom, cook, housekeeper. I don't leave the room but I'm not in bed all day.
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 5:35:03 PM
I just told Skye after this stupid shit his dad pulled I didn't feel inclined to be respectful if he wasn't going to be respectful too. Skye was afraid of his dad coming home and walking in our room again to blame Skye for his trouble that Skye has nothing to do with. I told him I wasn't afraid to walk his dad back out the damned room I pay to enjoy the privacy of and would put the pad lock on the inside of the room if needed.
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 5:35:37 PM
His dad isnt the first drunk bully in my life
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 5:36:38 PM
Skye isn't used to a take no shit attitude.
3/14/2015 6:10:46 PM
Ah, ok
3/14/2015 8:19:33 PM
Its Steak and BJ day!
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 8:30:25 PM
He doesn't like that.
3/14/2015 9:13:10 PM
He is not a man, I'm sorry
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 9:25:23 PM
My ass is happily left alone, morphine lasts forever and I think he's just gotta have time to get used to someone who knows how to blow, not eat it.
3/14/2015 9:33:05 PM
I'm. ......sorry?
3/14/2015 9:33:46 PM
Ass, morphine, and blow/eat... those all don't make sense.
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 9:50:51 PM
He's not in my ass, morphine makes sex last longer, and I don't use my teeth during a bj
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 10:18:48 PM
Daddy is either gone crazy or lying. He likes Skye. I think even you got points over Charles, but he doesnt like anyone. Maybe our kids and Jade...
3/14/2015 11:01:56 PM
Oh wow
3/14/2015 11:02:07 PM
Guess that knocks me out of the picture
3/14/2015 11:03:25 PM
3/14/2015 11:06:49 PM
Everyone knows to get Dads favor gets all the favor.
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:25:02 PM
You don't get it. You never stole from daddy!
3/14/2015 11:27:22 PM
Yeah, i loved your dad
3/14/2015 11:27:43 PM
But hes got Skyes favor now, so all bets off at that
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:27:52 PM
There is no way daddy is telling truth. Hell he knew Sarah for well...almost twenty years and didnt like me fucking her, but it was better I be lesbian than Bob and Kyle live up there. Every fucking day I heard about going back in the fucking closet, but I go lesbian? Hey cool, let me go bust their asses up across the street for calling my girls whores on mothers day because she bought my daughter flowers and kissed her on the sidewalk
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:28:05 PM
You dont fucking get it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:28:13 PM
Dads fucking lying.
3/14/2015 11:28:23 PM
3/14/2015 11:28:37 PM
Then I don't get it, and its not true
3/14/2015 11:28:53 PM
Maybe I should visit him next weekend
3/14/2015 11:29:03 PM
Get thrown out and shit
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:29:12 PM
He knew how Skye got the code to the safe. He also set Skye up. Five pills lined up on the bathroom sink, Skye stole three from the middle.
3/14/2015 11:29:26 PM
Yeah, you told me thst before
3/14/2015 11:29:42 PM
He can forgive, ya know. He's probably dying hard now
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:29:47 PM
He's having his annual barretts check up. Fucking cancer.
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:30:03 PM
His thyroid lumpectomy was Nov.
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:30:34 PM
They've suggested his lungs and brain possibly have rumors.
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:30:56 PM
Jade makes him so happy.
3/14/2015 11:31:16 PM
All I'm saying is that if he is croaking, he will take whomever you favor.
3/14/2015 11:31:36 PM
Me dropping off pictures of the kids is all I can offer
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:31:57 PM
That would mean the world to him.
3/14/2015 11:32:14 PM
Probably be the last time ever I see him
3/14/2015 11:32:24 PM
And be close enough to have my heart sink over you
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:32:29 PM
I can't think about it
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:33:23 PM
By the time either of them die and I get back they'll both be specimens at BofU.
3/14/2015 11:33:28 PM
I'd rather celebrate his life on his death than be sad for him passing
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:33:41 PM
Mom DNR'd DNI'd.
3/14/2015 11:33:41 PM
Eithrr of who?
3/14/2015 11:33:45 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:33:47 PM
My parents
3/14/2015 11:33:47 PM
Oh yeah
3/14/2015 11:33:51 PM
And your there ha
3/14/2015 11:34:07 PM
You could be here, but you hate what your going through too much
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:34:16 PM
It was that or mike.
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:34:52 PM
I've been clean, Skye stayed clean she both his parents bailed on life and stuck him with their kids.
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:35:33 PM
He gets up early to check the mail ever day.
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:37:04 PM
He's terrified of jail. Terrified I'm lying and biding my time. Im terrified of history and having to figure out how to leave him here if he wont do what's best for us in absolute fear.
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:39:08 PM
His time is almost up. Afyer that they're going to add day for day extra time. Right now a quick county year. In twenty years it could go like Kansas did mike. Time served with community service for being good.
3/14/2015 11:40:31 PM
3/14/2015 11:40:36 PM
I got kids to put to bed
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:40:48 PM
But I'm proud of myself and him too. He had no reason to stay clean she his dad threw that on him. His step mom took extra everything and laughed at a total stranger passed out on the couch inhaling canned air in front of her kids who started a fucking fire on the patio.
3/14/2015 11:40:48 PM
You have your time with your fiancee
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:41:00 PM
I send my heart.
Jennifer Cejka
3/14/2015 11:41:18 PM
Quit being a moody bitch.
3/14/2015 11:44:33 PM
3/14/2015 11:44:45 PM
Where did you send your heart?
3/14/2015 11:45:35 PM
3/14/2015 11:45:41 PM
Nvm, i understand
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 10:46:24 AM
Google wallet!
3/15/2015 10:47:32 AM
Thats so exciting!
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 12:22:29 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 12:25:34 PM
Itd be the easiest way to link bank s. At this rate it's gonna be a long hungry month.
3/15/2015 12:29:21 PM
I bet, you knew it was going to be a long, hungry month a week ago
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 12:31:52 PM
Out of soup. Out of bread, oatmeal.
3/15/2015 12:34:56 PM
Well, just have 3 of the 4 yearly interviews done
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 12:35:47 PM
3/15/2015 12:36:28 PM
I interviewed the kids, video ask/answer of general questions
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 12:36:37 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 12:37:30 PM
This is prolly hurt worse than my last can of soup on my tummy
3/15/2015 12:39:52 PM
Your just killing yourself on the inside, to be honest.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 12:54:23 PM
Why? Because I know what that whole town thinks of me
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 12:54:46 PM
Including your moms brain wash details?
3/15/2015 12:56:42 PM
3/15/2015 12:57:14 PM
I'm talking about the starvation and the lack of comfort
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 1:14:42 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 1:14:53 PM
Can't do anything about it
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 1:15:30 PM
Been up since four cant sleep skyeis freaking put cause I'm not sleeping yet clean.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 1:18:11 PM
Freaking out*
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 1:18:42 PM
Terrible gas. Stinks. Im giggly.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 1:19:26 PM
Exhausted or chemical reactions are driving it. Lack there of, same thing.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 1:20:53 PM
For a quarter I could get ramen noodles and I can't even afford that.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 1:21:10 PM
I can't pay attention either.
3/15/2015 1:22:46 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 2:08:24 PM
Its my life...its now or never we ain't gonna live forever...
3/15/2015 2:09:12 PM
Exactly my point
3/15/2015 2:09:24 PM
Deliver your ass here, let everything else just age
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 2:09:52 PM
I have emotional liability issues and can't stop laughing
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 2:10:32 PM
At my farts
3/15/2015 2:20:48 PM
3/15/2015 2:21:48 PM
I have emotional liability issues and I can't stop laughing at your farts.
3/15/2015 2:21:58 PM
Get shit packed, you can be here by friday
3/15/2015 2:22:26 PM
We can go down to Jamestown together and watch the DvD with your dad
3/15/2015 2:26:58 PM
Only cause I get paid, so I've got a pending promise at a 1700 loan payment and a document to submit, so both your times are slowly creeping away
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 3:26:34 PM
I felled asleep. I told you, he's my other half, who is not going anywhere soon. Send me some food or whatever.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 3:27:49 PM
He's over to buddys earning my xanax and probably dinner
3/15/2015 3:53:31 PM
You have a fiancee who is going to take care of you the rest of your life. He is your source of food, love, and he even has your fathers favor.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 3:53:38 PM
Fucking dope fiends. No one will buy with cash. I give up.
3/15/2015 3:54:20 PM
Because users don't have cash for what the world needs, just for what they need.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 3:54:22 PM
Oh I see how it is, lay out the carpet and yank it.
3/15/2015 3:56:02 PM
Your pissed cause everything is here and you want it there. I understand that.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 3:56:43 PM
If there's no help then what am I fucking staying clean for. Your empty fucking promises? A dying man in NY?. Fuck you and you gilded spoon. You'll take the first whore that claims love to you. Honesty means nothing to you I forgot.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 3:57:17 PM
You can't have me, will never have me, and need to fucking get over it.
3/15/2015 3:57:54 PM
My promises still exist. I'm not expediting anything cause you can't handle what others bring upon you without you preparing for it and ME BEGGING YOU to prepare for it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 3:58:00 PM
Now you wont know when I die because I don't want you to because you're driving the cause of it.
3/15/2015 3:58:28 PM
Then die
3/15/2015 3:58:35 PM
Do what you need to do.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 3:58:38 PM
What's there to prepare? I have no id
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 3:58:52 PM
No proof my money is mine
3/15/2015 3:58:54 PM
And ill take anyone ready to be a good person to the kids
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 3:59:13 PM
I am but its not good enough for you
3/15/2015 3:59:19 PM
Thsts my decision. Apparently me waiting for you is a bad decision on my behalf coming from you.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 3:59:54 PM
Im not coming home on the forst
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 4:00:35 PM
He has every reason not to trust anyone who wants to take me away
3/15/2015 4:01:20 PM
I have every right to make any promise I can make for anyone i can, and to take anything I can if it benefits my children.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 4:01:41 PM
It's going to take him at least seeing your benevolence to start to trust its benignly base
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 4:02:17 PM
He's watched you hurt me a hundred times in six years
3/15/2015 4:02:35 PM
As if me ordering your measily documentation is not proof of benevolence, then there is nothing more I can do
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 4:03:16 PM
You promised if they came to get us a place here so we weren't in it another month.
3/15/2015 4:03:34 PM
I'm not going to climb a "trust ladder" for anyone now. You both have spent months shitting away your lives, and it sounds like more months shitting things away.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 4:03:47 PM
Now you're taking it back because I won't have you
3/15/2015 4:04:00 PM
I have taken nothing back
3/15/2015 4:04:08 PM
Your putting words in my mouth
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 4:04:16 PM
I call bullshit
3/15/2015 4:04:23 PM
I'm telling you I don't need skyes trust for shit
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 4:05:09 PM
If I'm not hospitilized by then I hope you prove me wrong but I'm not coming to you.
3/15/2015 4:05:15 PM
Enjoy your starving month.
3/15/2015 4:05:26 PM
I'll enjoy my fucking silver spoon that I earned,
3/15/2015 4:07:46 PM
And further more, now that I know your not presenting yourself here AS WAS the prior agreement, I can happily rescind the money for travel. You can enjoy remaining there as well.
3/15/2015 4:09:12 PM
This is fun! What else are you going to give me an out to since your pride is out of control?
3/15/2015 4:09:36 PM
You going to give me a reason not to send cookies and money at the end of the month?
3/15/2015 4:11:42 PM
Well? Did you just run away now?
3/15/2015 4:13:08 PM
Well, hold tight to your beau, since he will bring you all the riches and tapestries you deserve.
3/15/2015 4:17:26 PM
Also, im done with this chat shit. Call me if you need anything, you have my information.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 5:46:22 PM
I never promised travel at months end. Read your logs. I said he would consider it and he did.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 5:46:38 PM
He considered it not worth his risk.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 5:51:17 PM
I will not be made by another member of your family or yourself to crawl begging back like some lost slut, which is how you all act, it has not been a pleasure being involved with your family. I've actually had more pleasant interaction between yor family and myself as the ex than the wife and mother of your children. Met Uncle Bill two summers ago in fact. You degrade me, attempt manipulation and if it isn't so for you it isn't for anyone else involved. Same for your mother. I WILL NOT ruin what precious little of us our children have left because you refuse to see the reality.
3/15/2015 5:53:02 PM
Fuck off, again, referring yourself as a slut instead of the prestige I want you to have,
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 5:53:07 PM
If it means staying here in hell another year working my ass off with the only man who has ever done absolutely anything it takes, even if it meant selling the dope for food money, not doing the dope and feeling good, then I will do that
3/15/2015 5:53:16 PM
Work your ass off, then.
3/15/2015 5:53:21 PM
Do your drugs
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 5:53:29 PM
I am not
3/15/2015 5:53:35 PM
Enjoy what you can do that your fiancee cannot do
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 5:54:39 PM
I am eating because the only friends I got finally made it past the Ryder tower of defense downstairs and gave us fucking food.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 5:55:26 PM
Because some friendships of my affianced go back farther than you n Jake.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 5:56:16 PM
They also bought his watch and old shitty mp3 player for cash cause they're trying to stay clean too.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 5:57:07 PM
And know how hard it is the first two weeks clean, and no one you know wants to spend cash.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 5:59:59 PM
We moved almost a grand in ice, good ice, not the grade c looks like shit, will make you sick ice. I didn't spend a dime of my money doing so. I paid my bills, caught up with the bank, ate healthy cause I don't want to be sick when I'm trying to feel good. We also both quit drugs more addictive than your cigarettes Col turkey and are both feeling like hell but you know what
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 6:00:18 PM
We both fucking know what it means to be clean.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 6:00:36 PM
To suffer a little because better comes from it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 6:02:00 PM
You stub your toe these days and need stitches. I remember the guy who cauterized his wounded toe once and kept walking like it was nothing because better was coming. You had flip flops within the half hour.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 6:04:52 PM
Be thankful our kids do not know the welfare life your father destined them for. That they will likely only ever hear if drugs and addictions not suffer the, and that they are given what I meant for them. Something better than I could give without you. Its not my fault you ran away every single time I tried to pull us together, every time your mother made threats or that I couldn't do more while you took the grand tour.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 6:05:18 PM
I told you THEN HOW SERIOUS I was and you didn't fucking care
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 6:06:14 PM
I cut my heart out agreeing to divorce so you could run away and remarry, I stupidly tried to replace you. Yet that whole time, little by little Skye was there for me.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 6:06:44 PM
Building me back up, making me a Primcess. Then I met his sister and she did too.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 6:09:57 PM
And it make be ugly, dirty, and lousy but the Throne and Prestige I have here makes your mother look like the pisant she is. Because I don't have to do anything for anyone, even myself if I wanted to be that kind of person. I choose to do for me because I know my shit stinks as much as anyone else's and because doing for others when they just dump more shit on you feels better than drugs, video games, money, or worthless trinkets. When you die none of that goes with you.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 6:11:58 PM
So, I wont be starving. He's working with what he can, and the people who really care about me show in their ways and time that they do. Including you. You've never failed in showing me just how much or how little you care or what you care for from me.
3/15/2015 7:24:56 PM
I don't honestly give a shit about "showing you how little or much I care".
3/15/2015 7:25:05 PM
I only care about 2 things: My kids, and who will be in their life.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 9:51:31 PM
You showed me how much I meant to be in their lives when you kept leaving them to defend themselves against the one you don't want them with. I had to agree that your mom was the lesser of two evils and let them be where they wanted to be. I would love to think you can finesse her but she has never tolerated my name on a court petition for custody and now made sure it can never go back on one.
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 9:52:04 PM
I'd be a fucking interested party and shut out of your business with your mom.
3/15/2015 10:02:40 PM
I did what?
3/15/2015 10:04:25 PM
And I think I understand
3/15/2015 10:04:37 PM
What you don't understand is whatever wife I take is immediately a custodial parent
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 10:43:36 PM
Lance brought me fresh sushi. Nomnims
Jennifer Cejka
3/15/2015 10:46:02 PM
Apparently I don't
3/15/2015 10:53:26 PM
Then stop with this whole "Judge this Court that" crap
3/15/2015 10:53:29 PM
It's meaningless
3/16/2015 12:03:16 AM
You there?
3/16/2015 12:10:15 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:28:44 AM
What about yandy. Something I got was there
3/16/2015 12:29:07 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:29:10 AM
The blue garters I think.
3/16/2015 12:29:10 AM
it's a great place
3/16/2015 12:29:20 AM
Did you want one of the Interviews from the kids?
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:29:25 AM
3/16/2015 12:29:44 AM
Which one?
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:30:50 AM
James. I realized today I can still hear their laughter. The exact intonation each callled me mommy depending upon need or mood.
3/16/2015 12:31:16 AM
you sure? your only gettin' one, and to be honest, James' is not really that "Thrilling"...
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:33:02 AM
I'd like them all. James lost me the hardest. He's not that easy to talk to always. Angelique is going to be bubbly, Savannah sassy or just plain to the point. Devon is just Devon. Loving, kind, nerdy.
3/16/2015 12:34:01 AM
File transfer:
Status: ${status}15Mar2015_Savannah 20150315_114317.mp4
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:34:22 AM
My phone doesn't support transfer.
3/16/2015 12:34:29 AM
well ,shit
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:34:57 AM
Says you sent in an older service not supported in current ver.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:35:07 AM
Yeah. Figures.
3/16/2015 12:37:26 AM
Dunno how to get 'em to you
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:39:18 AM
One drive or google whatever
3/16/2015 12:39:42 AM
How do you get them from there?
3/16/2015 12:39:54 AM
and I don't have access to any of that
3/16/2015 12:40:14 AM
I used to have yours, but you have that locked down tighter than an 18 year old co-ed
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:41:48 AM
You don't upload things there? And surprisingly despite that my hotmail is still hacked. Skye started changing his ahit last month after we shared google stuff and didn't tell me google got pissy cause we were both logging into our wallets on three different devices so they shut him down.
3/16/2015 12:42:09 AM
oy lol
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:43:04 AM
They made me amp up security. Its pretty simple on google, PrincessBitch# cause I was pissed that day
3/16/2015 12:43:33 AM
Is that a twitter thing?
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:43:53 AM
No, Google pass
3/16/2015 12:44:23 AM
dunno what Google Pass is...is that like Google Drive?
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:44:24 AM
Hotmail flgged me for being in Italy, Germany, and London or something in one day.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:45:37 AM
Its my google drive password. Stop being obtuse.
3/16/2015 12:47:19 AM
oh, i don't know what your login is
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:48:11 AM
3/16/2015 12:48:58 AM
mk, i'll get 'em uploaded
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:49:44 AM
Thanks. I'll try to download them from my phone but its limited data after the first 4G gb.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:50:09 AM
It was almost 80 degrees today. I'll be out more soon.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:50:31 AM
The washer busted so we're aq
Backed up on laundry.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:51:17 AM
And if lance gives Skye a bunch of klonapins Ima set the Ryder tower of defense back up.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:51:54 AM
Not that Skye really remembers how long a ride 5 miles is to and from.
3/16/2015 12:53:01 AM
Well, at least they will be in your drive
3/16/2015 12:53:40 AM
It'll take maybe 3-4 hours, but I think you can watch them from there
3/16/2015 12:53:40 AM
Your welcome, btw. I really didn't have to do this, but I really think this will help you realize that you need to be here with me for these kids.
3/16/2015 12:54:14 AM
Your happy there, I know, but I'm miserable and I'd rather the kids be happy with both parents fighting side-by-side asap
3/16/2015 12:56:59 AM
I don't think you realize how hard it is to make it a "you and skye" with "me" vs the courts.
3/16/2015 12:57:04 AM
It's damn near difficult and more time consuming, and growing kids don't have that kind of time.
3/16/2015 12:57:13 AM
Also, I don't need anyone else knowing of this now.
3/16/2015 12:57:47 AM
I have nothing against Skye, again, I just want what is best for the kids, and being here I have a damn good idea of what that is.
3/16/2015 12:58:05 AM
You can also choose to have this be the last time you ever see the kids, too. That's entirely up to you.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:58:10 AM
I get that. I fought as long as they let me. I see what the kids here did with a little attention. Now I'm just another jerk who ignores them. I had T go to his little brothers parent conference because his mom was in the operation with his sister and his dad was too drunk to get the day right.
3/16/2015 12:58:12 AM
My plan was you and me, and without it being "Us" I could get my shit revoked. The plan was "Simply you and me" and the courts worked out to my favor, then things falling into place.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:58:31 AM
I knew that.
3/16/2015 12:58:53 AM
You wouldn't have to deal with drunkeness or anything. They just need a Mom or another person there to do the things I can't do cause I'm working my ass off for them.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 12:58:54 AM
Your mom has always been against us for them.
3/16/2015 12:59:13 AM
I know what my mom is against. I also know what she is for as well.
3/16/2015 12:59:51 AM
I know you have changed, and some people don't think the "now" is different than the past.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:00:05 AM
I dont know where things are going here. He's not lazy, but limited. He's afraid of NY I think you're a front.
3/16/2015 1:00:29 AM
Courts are stubborn in that they work on past evidence.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:00:33 AM
He about cried the other night talking about it.
3/16/2015 1:00:35 AM
So, again, if you had time to listen to what I had to say, I could explain it one more time for your consideration.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:00:47 AM
I have plenty of time to listen.
3/16/2015 1:00:55 AM
What does "me being a front" mean?
3/16/2015 1:00:55 AM
You know my goal is you.
3/16/2015 1:01:28 AM
That both bothers you and also doesn't. You both against that concept and comfortable with it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:01:33 AM
He's afraid of going back to jail.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:02:35 AM
Saying he knows for sure you're so after me you'll let us move in then have him turned in is manlier than saying he's terrified to go finish his time and get off parole.
3/16/2015 1:02:40 AM
And it will have to be another night> My internet is SLOOOOOOOOW so my messages are taking minutes to send.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:02:47 AM
3/16/2015 1:02:52 AM
And we all go through phases in life that we might not want, or that we will want. Most of us don't take the opportunities that are presented to us because we fear the outcome that we do not know.
3/16/2015 1:02:58 AM
He is afraid of being a Man and dealing with his responsibilities. THAT IS JUST MY OPINION. I know I haven't been perfect in the past either.
3/16/2015 1:02:58 AM
Fear is what drives everyone to do the things they do for what they believe is the better for them.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:03:42 AM
He hasn't ever been aloud to be a man.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:04:27 AM
When I let him fuck up finances and didn't rage out and tell him he was a bad boy he was stunned.
3/16/2015 1:04:46 AM
LOL, the second you write something I have a response, so you can see how long it is until my response gets to you. Like I said....SLOOOOOOW
3/16/2015 1:04:46 AM
3/16/2015 1:04:46 AM
^ ABove was sent 3 seconds after you typed that
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:06:15 AM
I simply said that Id repeatedly tried to remind him of our obligations, his dad jumped him on rent a week early, and then he bought shit we didn't need. Said shit is now being sold because I don't sleep even she sober and got so tired I laughed all morning at farts and stupid shit and scared him.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:06:23 AM
Being hungry hurt him
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:06:37 AM
Lance is doing what he can.
3/16/2015 1:06:57 AM
I do have to say, and this is nothing against you or any "progress" we have had, but this week financially is a big one and it can go one of two ways.
3/16/2015 1:07:23 AM
One of three ways, actually
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:07:33 AM
I know it is. He also knows he's cut off. Because he's too excited about shit ppl get layer.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:08:00 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:11:48 AM
Ugh. Hate this part. Gene for us lots of Lysol wipes and spray for the bathroom tho.
3/16/2015 1:13:49 AM
Well, skype is freakin' out. Gonna sleep. Do you want to "discuss" this tomorrow? If so, give me a time to call you. If you want, I can ask yes/no questions.
3/16/2015 1:15:36 AM
A serious question: With what I have (not the money, or the safe place, or the kids, or the comfort), on a scale of 1 to 10 how solid are you with staying with Skye?
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:16:53 AM
Tomorrow any time. Im in recovery mode so I've been up save half hour naps since 4 5ish this am.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:16:56 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:17:17 AM
Im at like an 8
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:18:07 AM
he's been around awhile. Circumstances kept us apart. Problem is I cant compare us to you n me us
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:18:43 AM
You n me have been looking at perma friend mode for awhile. You're different and so am I.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:19:44 AM
He knows on some level its gonna come to the kids. Im afraid he's in status quo mode holding on as long as he can and waiting
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:25:46 AM
McDonald's closes in a city this big.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:56:57 AM
Prolly the one down the street. Can't do more ramen lmao
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:31:06 AM
Gonna try a nap. Waiting on boy wonder to show up with my pretty pink pearl for breakfast.
3/16/2015 8:31:53 AM
Right ok
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:32:15 AM
I has ouches' and needs nap. Washer comes in half an hour. I will have clean clothes soon!
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:33:49 AM
Look up pink kadian. We splits them so its really half that. Just enough to dull the big ouchies on bad days and not enough to give a bozz. I get a headache really.
3/16/2015 8:34:03 AM
Not looking up drugs
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:34:12 AM
Morphine doofus
3/16/2015 8:34:47 AM
Ya, ok
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:34:50 AM
Michelle pays us for housework when Richard isn't looking
3/16/2015 8:34:55 AM
Talk about something not drugs
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:36:13 AM
These are prescribed...i need breakfast and he left as soon as I fell asleep. What's yous eating?
3/16/2015 8:37:28 AM
I'd be eating yous for breakfast, but your wife-loving ass isn't here. Instead its cpffee and danish
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:42:35 AM
Danish is better than nothing 😊
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:46:42 AM
Might get burger today but me man places priority on other safe habits that do not include swallowing thirty tiny beads from capsule thingies. I'd hate to see what happens when you get tetnus and can't order cheap online cause his dads a greedy dick. So prolly meds, clean rigs, and burgers. And Lance paying off the watch this week, and Skye to Kenny to get whatever extra he can there so I can try n see doc for my meds
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:47:00 AM
Twenty minute nap I caught.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:47:19 AM
Had to pee. Can't fall back asleep.
3/16/2015 8:47:43 AM
I'm watching coffee fall into a cup from a Keurig
3/16/2015 8:48:55 AM
I love my life
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:50:24 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:51:07 AM
Im thinking about going to see if jimmy made coffee. I think I smell it
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:52:55 AM
Its not even foldgers cause yucaban is cheaper and mayo with canola oil is less fatty to the fat lady who can't do drugs so she catches c diff instead and sleeps for weeks at a Tim cause I got skinny enough for her husband to say wow!
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:53:15 AM
She's an odd one.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:57:30 AM
In fact I think the kids are supposed to be up for school.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:57:36 AM
No coffee.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:59:24 AM
Baked tater for breakfast if they're good enough before m tosses them.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:59:33 AM
Or maybe salad.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:59:47 AM
Dunno if I saw lettuce or not.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:00:49 AM
if I don't go now u get dirty looks for taking 'their' food because I refuse to join their screw dests for meals.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:02:14 AM
Fphoenix kept trying to nose in our room last night cause she knows Skye brings me candy lol
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:03:06 AM
She was screaming about not getting her way for dinner, then I hear my door slam and Richard is telling her to stay out of their room.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:03:36 AM
Michelle won't go get her meds so she's on a major tear
3/16/2015 9:04:33 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:13:18 AM
Dont wanna play phone tag fuckin come talk to me. Mr thinks he's in charge. Fuck that shit. I pay for the phones ill text when i fucking want to.
3/16/2015 9:13:48 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:14:04 AM
Like when you say you're gonna be an hour and take of for three. Fuck that.
3/16/2015 9:15:45 AM
I, uh
3/16/2015 9:15:53 AM
I didn't....
3/16/2015 9:16:03 AM
The hell?
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:16:59 AM
When all I ask is a simple still ok, sorry didn't plan to be this long, Skye sure thinks I'm psycho fucking Wendy texting every three fucking hours. If that.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:17:33 AM
Shed text every ten minutes just to start shit with me
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:18:23 AM
I asked if there's coffee, he engages in conversation then says hell bring mr toast but we ain't playing phone tag all day.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:18:56 AM
Little boy is gonna learn real quick how fucking mean I am when I can't sleep.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:19:10 AM
Grr roar.
3/16/2015 9:22:19 AM
I am lost
3/16/2015 9:23:04 AM
Hi! I'm matt. What color are your socks today?
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:25:27 AM
No socks on but you bought my underwear!
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:26:14 AM
Ugh. Im so not gonna wanna eat when I leave this trans fat processed food farm.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:27:43 AM
When toast sucks cause its margarine, and its tastes like canola oil, healthier oil base but still 80% vegetable oil based margarine is sickening. Give me my salt and dairy crew please!
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:32:13 AM
That's it. Im walking to the store later. Cause I'm not allowed to drive the car unlicensed but hell jimmy does high and fucks up the tail light. I ain't perfect but not even I go out stoned. Dad was shocked I was up at eight am walking back to michaels to he the can cause o thought I was cool. Got half a block down and realized I wasn't so I parked it and walked home on a freezing ass day.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:32:43 AM
He should have known I wasn't taking it out fucked up.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:33:30 AM
Ok. Im gonna go derail elsewhere. Waiting on psy doc to call about what I owe.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:34:09 AM
I need at least nannies' pills. No sleep makes me crazy
3/16/2015 9:50:07 AM
No socks but I bought your underwear?
3/16/2015 9:50:08 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:27:52 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:43:20 PM
You cut me off before we got to socks.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:44:41 PM
Omg do I appreciate hospitals and sharp needles. The girl who's passed out for years at IV insertion, blood draws, and belly peircing.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:45:26 PM
If there was any way to split and keep the capsule id gladly swallow it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:45:50 PM
But now I am getting blueberry pancakes!
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:46:23 PM
And I've hit lvl 30 in Skyrim. Im an assassin right now.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:52:42 PM
And I got to nap!
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 1:53:10 PM
I feel like the Princess and the Pea.
3/16/2015 3:49:09 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 4:14:13 PM
Im fairly certain my phone is being scoped out.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 4:15:55 PM
I do not leave it face down on the window ledge. Every time I leave the room and come back its face down.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 4:17:29 PM
He's been snapping at me too. Im sorry it grossed me out to find milk in a cup in our too hot room.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 4:19:43 PM
Im not allowed to go oh ugh eww and I'm not allowed to tape up the cord to the ps3 because his brothers yank on the cords and I wanted to stabilize the cord.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 4:22:05 PM
I may not have learned electronic wiring in prison but my dad taught me enough to know the apparent exposed wires weren't powering anything. (turns out I was right, just the metal sheathing around the wires) and also enough to know it was no fix, just a solution until we can get a replacement.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 4:22:45 PM
Yup. Spy on it. I am not fucking stupid.
3/16/2015 4:36:37 PM
So, I can't talk to you through chat anymore cause your getting spied on?
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 6:22:11 PM
You can. I clear history.
3/16/2015 6:33:00 PM
Well, I just sent you more nudes
3/16/2015 6:35:07 PM
When your done bean-flicking over those, be sure to write me up a couple paragraphs about how hot they were and how much you want all of it all over you, and I can post that up on the site
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 6:51:45 PM
3/16/2015 6:52:01 PM
ha, the ...
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 6:52:49 PM
Google drive or OneDrive
3/16/2015 6:55:12 PM
wherever you want baby
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 6:55:46 PM
You said you sent the pictures. Where to? I also have not gotten the videos.
3/16/2015 6:56:09 PM
I see them on google
3/16/2015 6:56:14 PM
That's where I uploaded them to
3/16/2015 6:56:32 PM
One of each...
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:00:42 PM
Ok. Must be my phone.
3/16/2015 7:02:27 PM
I thought you had seen them?
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:06:14 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:06:22 PM
Been checking all night.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:06:31 PM
Never showed up.
3/16/2015 7:11:48 PM
They are there. I see them

3/16/2015 7:11:54 PM
You'll die with Savannah
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:12:48 PM
But I dont see them!!!!
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:15:18 PM
Cleared cache trying desktop load
3/16/2015 7:16:38 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:21:24 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:21:46 PM
3/16/2015 7:22:19 PM
first off, they are huge
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:22:26 PM
Maybe after we get settled I can figure late fees and go to the library.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:22:39 PM
I got the books back.
3/16/2015 7:22:54 PM
mmk, cool!
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:23:44 PM
Skye might be able to talk his dad into turning his hot spot on but I dont know if he has a phone or not
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:23:56 PM
Given circumstances
3/16/2015 7:24:11 PM
What circumstances?
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:28:44 PM
His dad spent his entire check on ice last week. That's why his dad disappeared last week for four days, his step mom got over benzo'd high and let some freak weirdo stay she didn't know who huffed an air dusted between consciousness for two days, the kids went wild, no parents (until they figured out Skye wasn't gonna let them be dumb and ser fires on the front patio..)
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:29:21 PM
None of the bills for his dad, step mom, house, or kids or food is going to be paid for.
3/16/2015 7:29:47 PM
3/16/2015 7:29:52 PM
That First paragraph, I knew about
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:29:56 PM
The money we managed to scrape T buy morphine off his step ma bought us all bread for a week.
3/16/2015 7:29:56 PM
You've told me it almost 5 times
3/16/2015 7:30:32 PM
And you bought Morphine off his step mother?
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:32:09 PM
Okay, so since his dad is paying no bills this month, he may not have a phone to give me high speed hotspot off of. Yes, after buying our own food we bought morphine to share, I told you this this morning. Actually we bought two, the third 60 and two 15's she gave him. For whatever housework he does.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:35:06 PM
Im still in a fucked up physical way. I still need ro get to neuro surgery for an answer so I know what to do when I or he and I leave his dads. Where ever we go, his dad fucked up. I didn't pay rent so his dad could get a fucking whore and drugs. I pay rent for my meals with the family I never get anymore and my water consumption, laundry useage, bathroom and bathing privileges, electric and heating/cooling.
3/16/2015 7:35:31 PM
When do you have time to "speak" to me?
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:36:39 PM
Whenever. He's making cornbread and bringing me a blueberry bagle in a bit. After that I'm thinking he'll go wander down to hide in his corner.
3/16/2015 7:37:03 PM
okay, cool
3/16/2015 7:37:09 PM
When he's hiding i'll gladly take you
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:37:33 PM
I can't stand all the shouting and cigar smoke. My ears kept getting infected and all anyone does down there is yell.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:37:36 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:41:56 PM
Remember I complained about him trying to find a way to get new rigs? Last needle is like a fucking nail it's so dull. The beads are too tiny to count and by the time I ask him to save the capsule he's got the end off cut and useless. The 15s I just take. Not even sniffing them. I am fine most days but a storm must be coming. My bones are hurting not the typical inflammatory pain or knotted muscles
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:44:12 PM
I got a case of points month before last because its not my preference but if him n his dad wanted to, id rather have too many than not enough. He n I uses like twenty in almost two months. Hia dad used the rest in less than a month.
3/16/2015 7:45:10 PM
Okay, so no more drug talks, please
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:45:41 PM
No we're out and hoping the week is good to me so he can get lance to buy new. Online I paid 15 for 100, pharmacy will be almost as much for ten.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:45:47 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:46:04 PM
At least you know I tried T be safe.
3/16/2015 7:46:05 PM
I think you give it much attention cause it's what you desire
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:46:36 PM
Yeah, not sharing a fucking dull needle
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:46:51 PM
Reusing it for a week.
3/16/2015 7:47:17 PM
3/16/2015 7:47:23 PM
No more needles
3/16/2015 7:48:19 PM
Did you get your Bagle yet?
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:48:38 PM
No its not gonna stop that. I'll take the pills but when you can't walk to piss in a toilet and its your only option, I take what little I can get
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:48:50 PM
No. I smell cornbread tho
3/16/2015 7:48:53 PM
I can carry you!

Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:49:19 PM
Yeah now that I'm skinny enough ro aee definition in my legs
3/16/2015 7:49:29 PM
3/16/2015 7:49:45 PM
Did you get your Bagle yet?
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:50:31 PM
Im pissing in a bucket because its closer, I don't have to worry whose shits on it, and I don't have to stress trying to make dead legs fo into pants.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:50:33 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:51:41 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:52:02 PM
Half. He's bringing me pork chop n corn bread too.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:53:15 PM
I paid for this shit. Michelle can suck her husband's dick for all I care of her opinion about me sitting on my ass and being waited on.
3/16/2015 7:53:35 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:56:57 PM
So after bread he's sitting to watch tv
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:57:25 PM
And went out of his way to not leave me alone all the time eating
3/16/2015 7:57:34 PM

3/16/2015 7:57:38 PM
we can talk a different time
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 7:59:58 PM
He's been weird today. Told me we weren't texting all day, hung around up here tinkering and now not leaving me alone to eat...
3/16/2015 8:00:17 PM
Yup, he sees it in you that your getting ready to leave
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:02:26 PM
No cable through the box downstairs so no tv.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:02:58 PM
Straight basic is on up here but not for the living room where his corner is
3/16/2015 8:06:55 PM
So, bus would take 1 day, Flight would take anywhere between 3-4 hours and cost $100 more
3/16/2015 8:07:16 PM
As long as you have ID, your good
3/16/2015 8:11:59 PM
Are there cab services?
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:14:58 PM
Possibly but I haven't agreed to come there
3/16/2015 8:15:56 PM
It's okay
3/16/2015 8:16:02 PM
I found Fisk Limos and Yellow Cab
3/16/2015 8:16:14 PM
I know where Bus Station is in relaton to you (3-4 miles) and where airport is (6-7 miles)
3/16/2015 8:16:33 PM
I already have the 4 basic air routes as well as the 3 standard bus routes
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:17:24 PM
Yup. Bus is straight down the road from the house
3/16/2015 8:17:29 PM
Yup, I know
3/16/2015 8:17:37 PM
I have the exit strategy now planned
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:17:49 PM
but I don't know I need one.
3/16/2015 8:18:01 PM
3/16/2015 8:18:03 PM
It's okay
3/16/2015 8:18:11 PM
I make sure MY princess has everything planned out anyways
3/16/2015 8:18:54 PM
I don't give a shit if you "HAVE TO AGREE" or not, I like being prepared
3/16/2015 8:20:10 PM
I've also priced everything out
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 8:20:19 PM
3/16/2015 8:20:26 PM
Took a matter of /maybe/ 15-20 mins
3/16/2015 8:21:08 PM
Did you sync down your google stuff?
3/16/2015 8:37:43 PM
Well, I do have to nap
3/16/2015 8:38:05 PM
I will be awake around 2-3am eastern. Do you think you would be awake around that time to have a talk?
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:27:57 PM
No, its not showing there for me!!!!!!
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:28:04 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:28:19 PM
I'll prolly be up till tomorrow night.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:28:39 PM
Post med quit body apocalypse
3/16/2015 9:28:48 PM
It's up there. I wouldn't shit you on something like this due to my previous comments
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:29:15 PM
I believe you. Just can't see it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:30:21 PM
Not even nudes
3/16/2015 9:30:31 PM
o lol
3/16/2015 9:30:44 PM
I didn't want to give you a reason to laugh
3/16/2015 9:33:59 PM
mmk, i'm gonna go down for a bit (unfortunately, not on you), and if your up around 1-2ish (my time) we can talk
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:38:07 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 9:38:33 PM
Princess exit strategy on docs.google.com
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 10:14:33 PM
Can't pull it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 10:15:30 PM
I need a reason to laugh. Its what keeps drugs away.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 10:54:43 PM
I dunno if Ill be able to talk. He went down for a smoke an hour ago and is NOW in his corner either sleeping or hoping ma and pa go to bed so he can find his dads stash.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 10:56:19 PM
Which are gone but his dad never gave back my crusher n its either got good rinses cause his dad dont do things right, or not. Either way I want my crusher. He may find the pot of gold too if his dad didn't blow all 4 k.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 10:56:38 PM
I'll be online and hope. He may have just fallen asked.
Jennifer Cejka
3/16/2015 10:56:44 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 12:54:01 AM
He's just fallen asleep. Could listen but he's not asleep enough for me to talk and he's on high alert cause I haven't slept and out of my meds. I withdrew a few times real bad. Barf fest. He's worried about it happening. I finally learned I just couldn't mix shit with my meds, and I gotta eat a lot more often.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 12:54:42 AM
I've gotta be lie in calcium. I am positively craving yogurt and ice cream and milk and cheese. Omg cheese....
3/17/2015 2:15:29 AM
3/17/2015 2:15:43 AM
Well, i'm gonna get a bowl of Panda Paws
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 3:21:25 AM
I fells asleep. Nightmare about Tyler
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 3:25:38 AM
And it's creepy. Skye sometimes sleeps with his eyes half open.
3/17/2015 3:34:31 AM
3/17/2015 3:34:36 AM
That is creepy
3/17/2015 3:35:54 AM
I'm too busy working and plaing wow to even talk on the phone
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 12:18:03 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 12:18:18 PM
Check mail!
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 12:22:24 PM
Thank you Matt

Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 12:23:44 PM
I am the longest licensed driver in the house. Technicality allowed his dad T go without state licensing until Las year via the US Navy.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 12:24:28 PM
So legally I have more 'experience' than anyone else in this house

Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 12:25:09 PM
He gets pissed and holds it over Michelle. I become the driver
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 12:33:57 PM
God. Mr boss. Here take this now. A whole one. Put the other away dont leave it out.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 12:34:23 PM
Wtf am i five. I dont need two xanax. Im fucking fine I actually slept.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 12:39:37 PM
And now would be a good time. To call of course.
3/17/2015 1:58:28 PM
Your welcome
3/17/2015 1:58:57 PM
And I'm at work, making money so you can fly on a plane now that you have ID
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 2:14:12 PM
If necessary lol
3/17/2015 2:20:12 PM
.....necessary is soon
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 2:47:21 PM
Why are sure I am
3/17/2015 2:52:29 PM
Cause i might be a prick sometimes, but I am an honest prick that tells it like it is and gets shit done. I'm also pretty and love hugs.
3/17/2015 3:03:21 PM
To others I am an unattractive bag of meat with kids, and they fear they can't step up to the plate of being both a role-model as well as a chef to chop me up.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 3:12:19 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 3:12:38 PM
Im dragged shopping, bored with no cash.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 3:12:51 PM
Richard found money
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 3:13:09 PM
Gave Michelle a hundred bucks
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 3:13:29 PM
Prolly catch her unguarded and rip her off
3/17/2015 3:57:09 PM
3/17/2015 3:57:10 PM
do it
3/17/2015 3:57:15 PM
do it for me

Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:12:08 PM
Just nabbed $200 worth of morphine
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:12:50 PM
Selling 3 for clean sharps and five for dinners
3/17/2015 4:14:06 PM
3/17/2015 4:14:10 PM
the drugs....no
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:18:25 PM
Matthew ill be on morphine by my own script soon.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:18:31 PM
Or stronger
3/17/2015 4:18:42 PM
Not if I get my hands on you
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:18:58 PM
30 mg a day so I can sleep is not horrible
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:19:29 PM
If my Dr anywhere Tprescribe it, I will. And I don't abuse them.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:19:52 PM
I won't even take them if I gotta drive.
3/17/2015 4:21:26 PM
God Jenny
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:21:29 PM
So if and when my shits prescription are my own you will not stop it. Ever.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:21:57 PM
I was on oxycodone for a year. Never Ra out.
3/17/2015 4:22:00 PM
You shouldn't have to get morphone, nor trade for needles
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:22:10 PM
3/17/2015 4:22:10 PM
I don't see a doctor perscribing any of that for you
3/17/2015 4:22:26 PM
Your telling me what I know what your telling me
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:22:28 PM
Um, they want me on dilauded.
3/17/2015 4:22:40 PM
And again, with this drug talk.
3/17/2015 4:22:56 PM
You have 13 days
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:23:26 PM
Prescription in my name because I need it for my pain so I'm not stuck in a fucking bed for the rest of my life
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:23:56 PM
For what? You insist on 'coming home'. I am not making those planns.
3/17/2015 4:24:07 PM
Again, with Niteflirt, you can now send mail with attachments and charge your customers for that
3/17/2015 4:24:12 PM
Another thing you are missing out on
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:24:17 PM
You refuse to accept again my illnesses.
3/17/2015 4:24:28 PM
13 days for me to take care of you, or i'm going to the other 2
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:24:29 PM
A shame there's no fucking camera.
3/17/2015 4:24:50 PM
A shame everything is here
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:25:19 PM
Matthew I do not bow down and do what any man tells me. Skye hates it.
3/17/2015 4:25:50 PM
I'm not telling you to do anything
3/17/2015 4:25:56 PM
I'm giving you my deadline now.
3/17/2015 4:26:00 PM
I feel 7 months is good enough
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:26:05 PM
I am not going to suffer. I just stole $200 worth of pills to be able to eat.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:26:21 PM
You had three years.
3/17/2015 4:26:25 PM
Again, with the drugs
3/17/2015 4:26:32 PM
7 Months, 3 Years, 1 Lifetime
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:26:37 PM
Fuck you!
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:26:50 PM
If my drs say I need it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:26:58 PM
I fucking take.
3/17/2015 4:26:59 PM
3/17/2015 4:27:05 PM
3/17/2015 4:27:08 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:27:11 PM
And they fucking do
3/17/2015 4:27:21 PM
So, no more excuses
3/17/2015 4:27:29 PM
Did you watch the videos yet?
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:40:16 PM
They still aren't showing
3/17/2015 4:43:50 PM
3/17/2015 4:50:23 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 4:55:35 PM
I dont know how
3/17/2015 5:05:55 PM
Do you have internet on your phone?
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 5:11:07 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 5:11:29 PM
After first gig 4glte its knocked to 128kb
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 5:11:46 PM
Its not even showing up in my drive
3/17/2015 5:11:53 PM
Okay, so access your google profile
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 5:11:57 PM
3/17/2015 5:11:59 PM
3/17/2015 5:12:04 PM
3/17/2015 5:12:09 PM
lemme go to your bookmarked snatch
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 5:12:29 PM
On google? Or hotmail one drive?
3/17/2015 5:12:34 PM
3/17/2015 5:12:36 PM
3/17/2015 5:16:23 PM
Did it work?
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 5:22:24 PM
Opera can't download but shows, is isn't loading the page but I'm trying!
3/17/2015 5:23:45 PM
It shows it?
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 5:26:53 PM
Yes. Can't buffer the video. I can't even play Pandora on this phone
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 5:27:14 PM
Its like twenty bucks a gb per data
3/17/2015 5:27:32 PM
mmk, but now you see I wasn't kidding
3/17/2015 5:30:53 PM
and once you watch it (especially Savannah), your gonna wanna get here wif meh

3/17/2015 5:31:11 PM
I mean, if not, then there is pretty much little hope

Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 6:00:01 PM
Matthew I can't download them
3/17/2015 6:00:12 PM
3/17/2015 6:00:17 PM
See ya later!
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 6:00:21 PM
Not today.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 6:01:05 PM
What the fuck is ot with you two fucking dicks Toda thinking you cam tell me what to fucking do.
3/17/2015 6:01:05 PM
I'll move 'em into a folder so you don't flash your tits to the world in the library
3/17/2015 6:01:23 PM
what the fuck is your problem thinkig i'm telling you what to do
3/17/2015 6:01:30 PM
get a fucking grip on shit
3/17/2015 6:01:34 PM
or get the fuck away
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 6:02:52 PM
You told me to go to the library, you demand come home, assume fucking shit. Skye walks in here and tells me to take this, sleep now, eat that like its not an option O choice.
3/17/2015 6:03:25 PM
The fuck is your issue? You think i'm telling you what to do? What the fuck is wrong with your self-worth? I'm fucking 1500 miles away, and you honestly give a shit what I say?
3/17/2015 6:03:30 PM
Get a fucking life, you loser.
3/17/2015 6:03:44 PM
But Skye....Skye now...
3/17/2015 6:03:48 PM
He's your fiancee
3/17/2015 6:04:00 PM
That's a different story. He can tell you what to do, just as you can tell him what to do

3/17/2015 6:08:33 PM
That's what marriage is all about lol. The fighting over who can hug the hardest, kiss the best or longest, and demand the most lol
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 6:17:25 PM
3/17/2015 6:20:03 PM
No What?
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 7:20:55 PM
Its about communication and being partners
3/17/2015 7:23:40 PM
Yeah, and having fun. I know this shit babe
3/17/2015 7:40:15 PM
Listen, every Sunday breakfast is on you
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 10:11:16 PM
Listen, I can't get at these videos still.
3/17/2015 10:22:35 PM
They are there
3/17/2015 10:22:47 PM
It's not like you gave me anything for them, or paid for them.
3/17/2015 10:22:51 PM
Relax, you'll get to them
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 10:26:45 PM
I know I will. I see they are there.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 10:35:34 PM
But your fantasies gotta go. I love our kids. More than you think. I am tired of your put downs because I choose to do drugs, I refuse to quit pain pills for legitimate needs, because I will never bow down to you and let you dictate my life.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 10:37:14 PM
If these videos move me to come and live with you and we get back together great.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 10:37:23 PM
The kids need us.
3/17/2015 10:37:29 PM
So, what your saying is...
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 10:37:54 PM
But Im not leaving my fiancee on a maybe
3/17/2015 10:37:57 PM
Don't....talk to you....if I put you down...which happens all the time?
3/17/2015 10:38:03 PM
Oh, no, it's a guarantee
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 10:38:13 PM
I have quit street drugs.
3/17/2015 10:38:13 PM
I don't know how much I have to explain or state I need someone in my life
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 10:38:28 PM
You need that.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 10:38:48 PM
The kids need both of us in their lives
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 10:40:05 PM
I have been so emotionally fucked by what I went through trying to prove my ability to be their mother and told I was the lesser of two evils I cannot go through it again.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 10:40:48 PM
I hurt so bad I haven't been able to keep their photos on the wall.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 10:41:04 PM
Talk about the amazing things they do.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 10:42:39 PM
I wasn't able to start the healing of the situation until I came here and started playing the role of mommy to Skye's siblings, being Betty Crocker for the house.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 10:43:28 PM
I was so hurt after your mothers last tear me to shreds email I couldn't have Kie and Ry around anymore
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 10:44:13 PM
When my shrink opened up those hurts again I went on a near three see crystal meth binge.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 10:44:50 PM
It HURTS when you say things like Im just here because I love doing drugs.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 10:45:24 PM
Because I live how I have to live, like Im addicted to the drama and bullshit.
3/17/2015 10:46:24 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 10:56:25 PM
But what hurts the most is that you are using the kids to get me to come back to satisfy your need.
3/17/2015 10:58:04 PM
Then I'll stop
3/17/2015 10:58:10 PM
I don't want hurt
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 10:58:55 PM
That you expect me to forget twelve years of beatings and emotional abuse. To just forget these kids who are suddenly everything you need to focus on rescuing from your mother meant absolutely fucking nothing to you when you couldn't handle my problems and I begged you to help me with them because I was so hurt and depressed that I wanted to die.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:00:24 PM
That for the three years I went through utter hell and only needed YOU. YOU to back me up in court against the very woman you now say is doing irreparable damage to them, meant so little you stayed across the world away from not just me, them.
3/17/2015 11:01:17 PM
You know, people never stop growing up
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:02:34 PM
If you can't understand why its difficult for me to just dump the person I am with just to come see if growing up is all we needed T be the family I spent ten years fighting to get with you, then I dont know any other way to make you understand
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:03:38 PM
I have not said it wont happen. I've just said and keep on saying I cannot commit to your schedule because I am going through what you did while you were away.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:05:24 PM
Because I don't think Skye will be my forever. As much good as he has been and changed to show his seriousness about stopping drugs and being a more responsible and sober guy, there are just things that are evident that will never change.
3/17/2015 11:05:50 PM
mmk, i know
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:06:35 PM
So I really need you to stop pressuring me to do this your way, it feels like you're backing me in a corner and telling me now or never.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:07:49 PM
Please stop saying things like Ill never come, or just wont give up drugs, or that drugs are more important to me than our kids. Or OlI love him more than them.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:08:00 PM
Its really hurtful.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:08:31 PM
I fucked up everything in my life last month. I dont need to be reminded.
3/17/2015 11:10:22 PM
So, you'd like for me to tell you to stay there, and that i'm fine with you using drugs in the hope that you'll find your standing orgasm?
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:10:48 PM
I really have needed your help. Its your right not to give it if you don't want to. Its your absolute right not to offer or give me anything. Im not your responsibility.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:10:52 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:11:22 PM
But saying shit like that is the kind of shit that is hurtful, spiteful, and hateful.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:11:52 PM
And I dont expect everything we discuss to be painless
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:12:15 PM
But you say things deliberately to hurt my feelings.
3/17/2015 11:12:22 PM
Is there something wrong with hearing someone elses viewpoint?
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:13:30 PM
It isn't going to make me feel comfortable with the idea that you e grown up, changed, or that I could ever fall back in love with you.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:13:50 PM
Its not that you're stating your view.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:14:11 PM
You're doing so in a hurtful way and on purpose.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:15:37 PM
You kept leaving because I stated my veiw all the time, but did so in the same manner. Out of anger and with the intention of hurting you for 12 years.
3/17/2015 11:16:33 PM
I can deal with your hurt towards me
3/17/2015 11:16:44 PM
It's no longer about hate, it's just about living
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:17:40 PM
If you hated it she I'd say things like you only come home late because you were out fucking your whores, why do you think I like you telling me I am only here for drugs and my 'standing orgasm'. Especially when you know we dont have sex much because of the drugs we were doing.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:19:42 PM
No its not about hate, but I will not live with anyone who think I could possibly fall in love again when more often than not your words, true or not, personal opinion O not, are deliberately chosen to hurt me. In hopes of manipulating the situation to get your WA.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:19:47 PM
3/17/2015 11:20:20 PM
....Wow, you've got me pegged to years ago
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:21:17 PM
Its not a grown up thing to do, and I don't like that I behaved the Sam way earlier this week myself.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:21:26 PM
No you're still doing it.
3/17/2015 11:22:10 PM
I don't want to talk about you getting illegal substances, or shooting yourself up for "pain relief", or that your doctor would perscrible you this so you might as well take it...
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:22:11 PM
'your standing orgasm' is a put down.
3/17/2015 11:22:20 PM
All those get the conversation nowhere
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:22:28 PM
Then I will stop.
3/17/2015 11:22:29 PM
and it's not a putdown, that's one way of how you described it
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:22:49 PM
I have never said he's my standing orgasm.
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:23:50 PM
Yes she we have sex its grew and I come alot. That doesn't men you need to be so crude about it.
3/17/2015 11:24:15 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:25:00 PM
Its not that. The crack in my screen makes certain letters not register
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:25:16 PM
Autocorrect doesn't know what word to select.
3/17/2015 11:25:41 PM
Again, probably best time to do the "talking", cause "chatting" has no voice behind it
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:41:55 PM
Ok call me he's not home
3/17/2015 11:42:13 PM
You call me
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:42:23 PM
And just had a our first actual fight
Jennifer Cejka
3/17/2015 11:42:29 PM
3/17/2015 11:42:40 PM
Wait, what?
3/17/2015 11:42:45 PM
Do I call the number, or the skype?
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 12:07:49 AM
Even speaking you're a fucking asshole. History repeats itself without change. I know how much they change and grow and move on.
3/18/2015 12:08:43 AM
You let one person step over you, for the sake of 4 others... I did allow that to happen until I realized that the 4 others mattered more
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 12:08:50 AM
But I dont care what you prophesize. Married O not your mother would file to reverse your custodial arrangements with her the minute she knew she was duped.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 12:09:07 AM
I am not letting anyone step over me
3/18/2015 12:09:53 AM
Nobody can "reverse" my custodial arrangements
3/18/2015 12:10:19 AM
In fact, that would be against her best wishes. She would get $175/2 weeks child support from me instead of the $300 /2 weeks
3/18/2015 12:10:27 AM
And she would also lose her "weekend vacation"
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 12:10:41 AM
What you can't fucking handle I I am not giving up the only man in my life whose ever treated me like a human being, not just a fucking need, hot price, or bank account so I can have our kids taken away again
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 12:11:15 AM
And if I wanted to I could take fifty bucks out O her pocket. I choose not to stoop to her low lwvels
3/18/2015 12:11:47 AM
Your upset, I understand
3/18/2015 12:11:59 AM
I've got to sleep myself.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 12:12:03 AM
And again you make statements that despite what you mean, fucking hurt. I am not letting one person walk over me.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 12:12:09 AM
Good night.
3/18/2015 12:15:39 AM
You do alot of walking over me yourself. I'm hurt myself that you can't allow the past to be the past, and make time to plan for a future.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 3:11:15 AM
Did you just upload .gif's?
3/18/2015 7:31:35 AM
Are you fucking serious about the .gifs?
3/18/2015 7:38:00 AM
and in response to your email, i'll your out just say your out, simple as that.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 9:57:10 AM
Im sorry you hurt me so bad I can't just do that. Im out Im out. Just a shame you had to once again fuck up my relationship with another man because you can't handle your loss, and Ill be in NY next month with or without you. As to the .gifs, it shows me .gifs, if you uploaded videos and its a preview, excuse my ignorance.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 9:57:45 AM
Since you're cutting me out and off, there's nothing else to discuss. You just don't get it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 9:57:53 AM
3/18/2015 10:18:55 AM
Google transcodes the videos to animated gifs since its better storage.
3/18/2015 10:19:38 AM
I didn't say im cutting you off. You take me again as a person of the past, and I can't stress enough to you that the past is shit and gone.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:33:45 AM
Ok. Todays been really fucking shitty. Last night was too. Michelle was pissy and mean because Richard told her to make sure I GOT pizza too. Because he's finally noticed when she makes dinner and calls for everyone to come eat I am being purposely uninvited and have been making my own things immediately after meals are served because she deliberately makes only enough for three adults and three kids, and never calls me down with the group, specifies Skye and ignores me. She also made the mistake of pointedly stating she was so sorry she couldn't offer Skye anything from dinner to bring to me, her toys higness, because she only had 6 pork hops and there was nothing she could do about it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:40:36 AM
So Skye point blank said oh well Id get his and go hungry. So when dinner came last night Eichard told her she had better get enough for me too. She's pulling jealous fits because she treats Richard like the reason her life is what it is, refuses sex, and literally is so resentful O her kids that she tells them things like its not really a part of her job description to cook and prepare meals for them, just her job to provide the food. The oldest kiddo is an 18 year old mentally challenged girl who has the functioning capacity of a three year old, a 14 yr ok, and 12 year old. Is there anything wrong with teaching the younger two to prepare dinners or cook, no. But um, as mom it her job to do it more often than not. Otherwise kids eat popcicles and ice crew all the time, or Fphoenix does nothing but drink a gallon of milk a day, on top of uncooked pasta, lots of bread, cheese, yogurt. All the fat packing, low nutrient, or low varied nutrient foods she needs to support remission of her medical condition, prevent recurrent infection of the stoma, etc.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:46:05 AM
So because Princess is waited on (because I pay the bills, its my right to sit in bed, game for hours at a time, and do nothing but dress, bathe, and wipe my ass for myself.) Because Richard supports the idea that I am under no obligation to clean up after his slob lazy wife, raise their kids or whatever she thinks should be done for her because. I pay to live here. Don't need to earn my keep., because I am respected more by her family, and treated like a Princessand she's constantly told to get out of bed and be a mom, she hates me.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:48:12 AM
Thats the start of the shit on me fest. Then for the rest of the evening Skye completely overreacted to everything I've said. To the point he told me I needed to stop being snotty, snippy, and mean just because I chose to quit my klonapin, cymbalta and temazepam, and not take it out on him.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:49:45 AM
So of course out pops the bitch and says 'i have no choice asshole, YOU spent all the money and I can't go get the meds because I need $90 to walk un the door because your dad took off when I had an appointment and forgot to call and cancel.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:50:16 AM
Told him to hurry up and fucking wait like I have to, and out he went.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:50:34 AM
Then your shit on me shit.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:52:41 AM
And I started bleeding. Im a lovely emotional wreck right now. But hey, Im sober. So, thanks for not cutting me off but I need a nap. Skye stayed up all night tinkering, and has never done that high O morphine before. Im pretty sure his attitude problem is meth and guilt ridden.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:58:52 AM
Ugh. Krispy Kreme
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:59:09 AM
These must be day old
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 11:08:51 AM
Omg milk. Hilandvdairy milk. Fresh
3/18/2015 11:25:34 AM
3/18/2015 11:25:50 AM
You pay money, so it gives you a right to be lazy?
3/18/2015 11:26:11 AM
What kind of fucked up entitled shit is that?
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 12:18:05 PM
Lmao. It means I dont pay to clean up messes I dont make
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 12:19:26 PM
Asshole. Really. I keep my fucking room clean.wash my fucking dishes and my own laundry.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 12:20:00 PM
Its not fucking entitled bullshit.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 12:22:26 PM
Would you go pay YOUR rent and then go clean the landlords house because HE WAS TOI LAZY to teach his kid it is unacceptable and unneccessary to wipe their shit on the bathroom walls just because they dont want to wash it off and wash their hands because its icky and washing their hands implies a requirement of smearing it from one hand ro both hands and rubbing it in?
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 12:26:37 PM
Fuck off with your 'entitlement' bullshit. I AM entitled to not be responsible for a house full of messes I do not contribute to, nor am asked to participate in because one petty jealous person wishes she was still given a nanny by her husband to raise and govern her children, cook all meals, clean all messes, wash all laundry, and please her husband, so SHE can Li in bed whining all fucking about how much she hurts and two hundred and fifty mgs of morphine isn't enough and four mg of xanax can't make her happy.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 12:36:40 PM
Even on the days I can barely walk I hate being waited on and catered to. I hate that he's so willing to do whatever I ask, no matter how menial it is just because he cares enough to not want to see me in physics I emotional pain. Because he believes that as the breadwinner for a temporary period of time I should be allowed to lie in bed and do absolutely nothing all day that I dont want to, hand fed grapes like a Queen and pampered.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 12:38:13 PM
I dont believe in that shit and YOU SHOULD KNOW ME BETTER. Unless I was going through a major depressive episode I never let the housework stop, meals be cooked and even if you refused, never ever did not have three meals a day ready for your ass.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 12:38:43 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 12:39:23 PM
You worked hard long hours to provide for us, and I made sure you had comfort to come home to.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 12:40:41 PM
Hated when you left me hanging for hours after work and didn't call to say you were going to be late JUST because I didn't like you coming hone to a cold dinner because you deserved better.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 12:41:30 PM
You're so obtuse and thick headed and assumptive.
3/18/2015 1:10:56 PM
Your still stuck in the past

3/18/2015 1:12:42 PM
My point is simply that it takes less time to clean a mess than it does to complain about the same mess.
3/18/2015 1:13:21 PM
Its what I teach the kids, since we all live together we all are each others responsibility.
3/18/2015 1:14:42 PM
One person spills milk, someone clears around it, someone gets paper towels, someone gets a rag, 8 hands in the mix, 1 solution, everyone feels good.
3/18/2015 1:15:47 PM
And I pick up after my roommates all the time and feel good about it. If they're not going to do it, the good feeling of accomplishment is mine then and not theirs. Plus, I get first dibs on what I find since they abandon stuff they leave behind.
3/18/2015 1:39:12 PM
God, I just realized we still have such fire for each other...
3/18/2015 1:39:53 PM
3/18/2015 1:40:24 PM
the insults, the compliments, the baby talk, the smiles, the winks and nods.... so much of life
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 3:01:09 PM
I have no problem sharing clean up with family when its reciprocal and even when not, appreciated because of mutual affection and love. However IT IS NOT acceptable to pay rent and then be treated like its an expectation that I COOK,CLEAN,FEED,BATHE,LAUNDER, BABYSIT, ALL THE MESS AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR THREE CHILDREN AND TWO ADULTS WHO REFUSE TO SO MUCH AS WIPE THEIR OWN ASSES
3/18/2015 4:10:00 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 5:17:16 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 5:18:23 PM
My watch is broken
3/18/2015 6:10:24 PM
Y u roar at me? That's flirting
3/18/2015 6:10:37 PM
Flirting doesn't get you a new watch
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 7:48:57 PM
I can have it fixed. You rawred
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 7:49:16 PM
My ears infected again
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 7:49:25 PM
Fevers trying.
3/18/2015 7:53:39 PM
i "roared" cause you capslocked me
3/18/2015 7:53:45 PM
you rawred...that's sexy
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 8:09:15 PM
I just got cut off the food supply and Skyes dad just told him he can't eat the food here anymore on his dads some because Someone' ate a fucking thirty cent pot pie that was 'for the kids' and Michelle ran her fucking mouth after she heard me tell Skye what was sitting on the table was left for Ricky, she had to start yelling at us for 'not leaving any' and play dumb like she didn't know. Then of course stone had to pip in and remind me not only was it my fault I dont get to eat the food because. I dont 'participate in the family' but the 'last pork chops the other night Skye was told not to give me, was for the guy in the basement.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 8:10:57 PM
So, if we dont have the money to leave next month his dads not getting
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 8:15:24 PM
His money.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 8:16:32 PM
Because oh no Ricky was shorted a dollar ten in fucking food.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 8:57:59 PM
Oh no I'm being threatened to be run off on and left for three days while he has a temper tantrum and has a three day meth binge.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 8:59:06 PM
Im sorry, Im not obligated to take anyone doing any such thing back, I am not married to him, and I as m not intimidated by threats.
3/18/2015 9:07:15 PM
He's your Fiancee
3/18/2015 9:07:20 PM
It's the same thing, right?
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 9:56:06 PM
I dont care f he was my husband. Petty threats dont intimidate me, and giving up on sobriety because he can't handle confrontation or or me actually saying I refuse to tolerate his family's piss poor treatment of me, and if he dont wanna hear me bitch when they treat me like a fucking slave, I'll damned well go tell his parents myself what the fuck I think about the disrespect when no matter how badly his step mom has behaved or disrespected me, deliberately cutting me out and making sure I know she doesn't feel I should have food too just because the men in the house appreciate me and what I do because they dont have to take away my drugs to get me out of bed to clean their mentally handicapped daughters ass, and am never told how lazy I am, lost I am O chased away all her husbands friends, I have not once stopped to her level, opened my mouth and ran it at her or even said to her that her treatment of me was a problem. I walk away, keep my mouth shut and let it go.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 9:56:35 PM
I used to run my mouth at your mother endlessly.
3/18/2015 9:58:04 PM
and me too
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 9:58:10 PM
I changed. But I will die before any man thinks they get to threaten me with a fucking stunt like his father pulled to make me shut up sit down and be a 'quiet submissive little girl'.
3/18/2015 9:58:58 PM
well, your sexy in bed when your all submissive
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 9:59:09 PM
I asked him if he really thought that'd scare me. He's a grown man and not the first to leave me.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 9:59:31 PM
I am, doesn't mean out of bed I should be too.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:00:10 PM
And because I am not his wife, I do not suffer the complexities of obligation.
3/18/2015 10:00:22 PM
I was just sayin'
3/18/2015 10:00:33 PM
You'll be fine. You both will bounce back
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:01:16 PM
And if I was, I would not allow guilt trips, drama, or threats intimidate me into submission.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:03:00 PM
I have been informed I am no longer allowed to eat the household food. I have no money. If I cam poduc some three days from now Ill be sick from more than a fever and ear infection.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:04:06 PM
Again, a kid has been dispatched to tell Skye he was free ro enjoy the rest of left over dinner. Not 'skye and jen' Skye.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:09:56 PM
Because I won't expose myself to the virulent diseases and bacterial infections of their daughter who is incapable of understanding how sick she could make the whom house because she wipes poop on the wall, leaves it puddles on the toilet, or even worse, because Michelle leaves underwear and adult diapers pulled right where one places their feet when sitting on the toilet. Colostrum.Difficule is a very antibiotic resistant bacteria and very contagious and deadly because before you realize you've lost so much bodily fluids you're severely dehydrated and so deprived of electrolytes,minerals and the water your body needs, you are lucky if you make an ICU your last stop.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:11:39 PM
Even Richard realizes mow how dangerous the illness is. 80% (+/-) of people who get it die. I'd knock off those stats because they probably store the percentage who are elderly and dying anyways.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:12:24 PM
So, yeah Ill be fine. But I wont take the bullshit.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:13:41 PM
Knew the blackbirds were my warning. Im seeing Morrigan more and more as my Goddess representative.
3/18/2015 10:16:23 PM
3/18/2015 10:16:28 PM
Blackbirds? Morrigan?
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:16:56 PM
You have a serious complex about food and weight she you need to feed your kids and they get tv dinners or pot pie but you spend two thirds of the dinner money on a wholesale sized box of honey bun, little Debbie snack cakes, and candy and pop and you lock it in a trunk with a padlock so no one else in the family can have any of your snacks, bitch about how fat you are but have cake for breakfast and a giant milkshake with cheesecake hand blended I for dinner.
Jennifer Cejka
3/18/2015 10:17:06 PM
Pagan thing. You wouldn't understand.
3/18/2015 10:20:10 PM
So, your not eating?
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 2:19:47 PM
Nope. Not allowed nothing to buy my own food with for two more weeks
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 2:20:35 PM
I told Skye if we are stuck here another month I'm not paying his dad, that money will go to feed us.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 2:21:05 PM
Im sick again too. Fucking ears.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 2:25:45 PM
Been asleep since we last spoke
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 2:26:15 PM
He sneaked me some cereal
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 2:36:25 PM
So not starved yet.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 2:46:51 PM
Mm. Toast. Making this next month and none of them dogs get any.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 2:48:04 PM
3/19/2015 3:33:04 PM
Okay, so your there another month. Got it. Good to plan ahead, right?
3/19/2015 3:34:18 PM
Also, there is no law that says he has to keep a peaceful environment for you. You can't even get the police involved to maintain the order.
3/19/2015 3:35:20 PM
So, Rock -> You <- Hard place
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 4:41:55 PM
I keep telling him, he dont gotta be in the middle and Im at my limit of political peace keeping terms. I also reminded him, he's only the middle man because I allow it. And I don't have to continue to allow it. At any time I can go yell his dads whore bitch ass kissing dog of a wife (yup I threw her sweet purchase of a wolf tin foe Skye on the floor and told him I must have done it accidentally when I moved the playstation...oops. ) at any Tim exactly how little control she has, everyone hates her because she makes her hatred and dislike so clear to them, useless fucking mother who's going to do her kids more ser if by dying than ten years of what her parenting has been worth, yes I am a better fucking parent, I dont tell my kids their love for mommy art projects are total fucking shit and throw them in the garbage before the gift bearing Childs eyes, I am a better cook and cleaner than her ass rotting in the bed.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 4:42:18 PM
That she means nothing to anyone but a fucking nanny.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 4:42:43 PM
Like Richard is nothing but her meal ticket.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 4:43:28 PM
There's a reason it was so easy to steal from her. She's that ignorant by choice.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 4:43:48 PM
I didn't say I was going to be here another month either
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 4:45:15 PM
The words stated IF that happens, my plan is to buy food, cook for Skye, and myself and ago them what its like to be hungry, have food in the house locked up and taken away from you and be told by supposed family you won't have any.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 4:45:32 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 4:45:41 PM
Fucking got it yet?
3/19/2015 4:47:05 PM
Sounds the same, dear
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 5:50:31 PM
It all comes T the B.C.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 5:51:21 PM
At this point I don't know he cares to deal another month when he knows I'm not making threats, I really wont pay his dad a dime.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 5:52:16 PM
And his dad doesn't want him to leave. This is Operation start shit with the gf to make her leave.' Shame they dont know me lmao.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 5:52:48 PM
Your mom thinks Im removed and she doesn't know how much she's wrong.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 5:53:36 PM
Richard and Michelle are in for it cause they dont know me or Skye either. I go, he follows.
3/19/2015 5:54:03 PM
Ah, ok
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 5:54:09 PM
And though the only exception is you, he said we should be ready to my stalker.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 5:54:22 PM
B meet*
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 5:54:31 PM
Stupid phone!
3/19/2015 5:54:50 PM
You should be ready to meet your stalker?
3/19/2015 5:54:57 PM
and how am I the exception?
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 5:58:36 PM
He wont follow me to you, just stalk me until 'hos' Princess comes back. He finally cracked too. He asked when YOU started 'this Princess shit' and had you ever called me Princess in however long we've been a thing.
3/19/2015 6:00:59 PM
I did call you princess long long time ago
3/19/2015 6:01:41 PM
Also, my life, my love, my sweets, my heartbeat, my life, my sexy bitch....alot of things
3/19/2015 6:02:41 PM
I still don't get the stalker thing
3/19/2015 6:04:16 PM
Who is "Hos" princess?
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 6:33:50 PM
His. I am his Princess. Wish I could remember that. My Chorid area is dying because it can't process, provide, nor use the spinal fluid it creates because my neck is slowly drying up its gelatinous cushions and pinching off the natural flow of nutrients dense fluid along the spinal cord.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 6:34:51 PM
If not that my memory sucks because the psyche blanked out our shit and left room for the memories of the babes.
3/19/2015 6:35:03 PM
ah ok
3/19/2015 6:35:12 PM
Yeah, I don't want a stalker
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 6:47:37 PM
3/19/2015 6:49:50 PM
Yay! You agree.
3/19/2015 6:49:56 PM
So it's settled

Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 6:59:28 PM
Just a semi charmed kind of life
3/19/2015 7:02:46 PM
Yup, for you.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 7:06:29 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 7:08:15 PM
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn? That's okay I love the way it hurts
3/19/2015 7:08:38 PM
mmmm sexy
3/19/2015 7:08:46 PM
some lyrics ofc
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 7:09:07 PM
Dumb fucks across the street trying to run a check scheme. They don't know what check acamming I.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 7:09:32 PM
The song that shoulda been our theme song
3/19/2015 7:09:42 PM
Yeah, we need one
3/19/2015 7:09:47 PM
I'll play it if you make it in time
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 7:11:12 PM
Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano
3/19/2015 7:15:35 PM
That.....doesn't...make sense to me
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 7:23:13 PM
Mk. Finally clean clothes! Washer repaired just in time for me to not have a single clean pair of panties on the rag. Akward!
3/19/2015 7:27:38 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 8:05:45 PM
3/19/2015 8:17:42 PM
well, 11 days and nothing to worry afterwards.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 9:44:59 PM
Pay days coming.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 9:45:26 PM
Dunno ill be in an apartment but at least a motel.
3/19/2015 9:46:55 PM
Wait, I have the package that will be on its way
3/19/2015 9:47:01 PM
Your telling me you won't be there now?
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 9:50:42 PM
I am until it reaches me.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 9:51:00 PM
We're waiting on his birth certificate
3/19/2015 9:51:07 PM
if it comes
3/19/2015 9:51:30 PM
thats up to the country of texas
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 9:54:49 PM
If it comes. No word it isn't? I mean if we can afford to be gone the third, we will not be staying
3/19/2015 10:01:15 PM
The cookies would last you almost 1 day
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 10:10:47 PM
I make them last two or three. Skye don't like them lol. Its when I share I only have oreos around a day lol
3/19/2015 10:10:59 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 10:11:10 PM
So Im expecting the cookies. Yay for cookies.
3/19/2015 10:12:08 PM
I asked you, i told you i would
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 10:13:06 PM
Yes. Thank you

Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 10:13:46 PM
I told Skye to make sure no one smells thin mints and robs us. USPS shipped?
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 10:14:26 PM
USPS come by noon.

3/19/2015 10:14:42 PM
I don't know yet
3/19/2015 10:14:47 PM
I haven't shipped things yet
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 10:21:16 PM
Oh. You said they're on their way. To you! Gotcha. Sorry got excited about food and didn't think about it
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 10:36:03 PM
Clean warm clothes.
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 10:36:20 PM
Im not standing well today tho.
3/19/2015 10:36:33 PM
3/19/2015 10:36:35 PM
going to sleep
3/19/2015 10:36:38 PM
got 4am date
Jennifer Cejka
3/19/2015 11:07:10 PM
3/20/2015 10:22:44 AM
Been 12 days since an update on the website
3/20/2015 10:22:54 AM
When are you going to have time to get serious with things?
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 12:33:46 PM
When I'm not fighting for food, sleep, health. Had the runs the last two days.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 12:34:13 PM
Skye got hid birth cert. He can go get his id on the first.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 12:34:28 PM
At least that's when I can guarantee that.
3/20/2015 12:34:39 PM
Okay, so my investment paid off?
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 12:35:10 PM
I have to exchange mine to Mo just to get a new social security card. Ssa is stupid here.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 12:35:35 PM
3/20/2015 12:35:41 PM
Okay, cool
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 12:37:24 PM
It shouldn't matter what state your id is in.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 12:38:08 PM
But they wanted a mo state id before they'd give me mine. My bc and ssdi papers weren't enough
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 12:39:04 PM
Im having trouble concentrating to be honest
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 12:39:19 PM
Part of the clean up
3/20/2015 12:39:36 PM
yeah, i know
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 12:41:21 PM
But BC means I can get him on fs
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:07:43 PM
And insurance. Its been a year since his last viral load test. He's gonna need that. I think if not qualified for insurance normally it will be a qualifying illness.
3/20/2015 1:13:09 PM
3/20/2015 1:13:18 PM
So, he gets on SSI now or something?
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:36:49 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:37:05 PM
He needs a social security card too
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:37:37 PM
Mayville tossed it after he was transferred upstate
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:38:12 PM
To work you need state id and a ssa card. W9....
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:38:58 PM
I meant I can get him Medicaid because his viral load is something that affects us both.
3/20/2015 1:39:29 PM
his...viral load...
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:39:52 PM
Not only would he need medicine but it puts me at higher risk O getting Hep C
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:40:51 PM
They count that to know if the infection is active or not. His count was done in Mayville. Its low. That's a good thing.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:41:21 PM
Considering his risk factors he's really healthy.
3/20/2015 1:41:29 PM
I thought you had Hep C
3/20/2015 1:41:36 PM
You did share a needle with him, right?
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:41:46 PM
Why do you think I stressed about needles?
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:42:06 PM
At this point yes because we ran out.
3/20/2015 1:42:14 PM
Okay, then you have Hep C
3/20/2015 1:42:26 PM
And that's why your his forever

Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:42:28 PM
Actually I dont
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:42:55 PM
My doctor knows and tests my exposure every six months.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:43:19 PM
I haven't even been exposed so far as my blood shows.
3/20/2015 1:43:21 PM
yup, no worries. I know you has it cause of needle sharing
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:43:37 PM
You are an ignorant ass.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:43:56 PM
I bought a fucking case so we didn't have to.
3/20/2015 1:44:09 PM
it's okay, I support you
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:44:24 PM
His dad took the greater part of them
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:45:30 PM
I'll be sure to remind you of your ignorance when my next test is run.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:45:50 PM
Im really disappointed in you.
3/20/2015 1:46:08 PM
I don't think you'll have the time to remind me

3/20/2015 1:46:19 PM
And you really don't need to prove anything to me, do you? I thought I had to prove to you
3/20/2015 1:46:28 PM
So, who be da iggnant one?
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:47:08 PM
You're acting as dumb about it as Sarah did.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:48:10 PM
You didn't have to prove shit to me. He was the one, only knowing the bad, didn't know you enough to trust you.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:50:44 PM
So sorry to rain on your parade but you are a fool if you think he'd knowingly share a needle with me if it was even a tiny percentage exposure to and infection giving hep c. He wasn't given a choice. He got it from his dad who fucking knew the risk.
3/20/2015 1:51:23 PM
Wait, I don't have to prove anything to you?
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:51:37 PM
He's been busting his ass off making sure we both stay off Ice, that despite his parents wishes I fucking eat.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:52:04 PM
Matthew I know when you say something you mean to do it you do IT
3/20/2015 1:52:19 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:52:44 PM
I know when you're full of shit, and I know when I'm too little too late
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:53:46 PM
You don't seem to know he's not a lazy fuck bum neglecting me. He even managed to get me a burger from last nights dinner.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:54:15 PM
I may not have enough but he's making sure the am not going hungry.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:54:38 PM
He gives up his dinner before I go without
3/20/2015 1:55:55 PM
I just know that the things you tell me are like:
3/20/2015 1:56:04 PM
happy < bad < worse < omfg kill me
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:56:16 PM
He's probably going to go help Rick later for cash. Ruck ripped us off Las month and Skye took the heat from rick's wife but he's going to go because we need the money.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:56:19 PM
It is
3/20/2015 1:56:30 PM
I'd rather it be happy > bad
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:56:31 PM
He's doing what he can.
3/20/2015 1:56:38 PM
What about you?
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:57:10 PM
Im about fucking useless.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:57:30 PM
At least I feel like it
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:58:18 PM
But not for lack of trying
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:59:08 PM
I can't concentrate, I'm in a lot of pain, and I've been threatened to be sat in the tub and bathed.
3/20/2015 1:59:23 PM
I wouldn't even threaten that
3/20/2015 1:59:29 PM
I'd just do it, and sit with you in the tub too
3/20/2015 1:59:38 PM
It'd be our nightly thing
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:59:40 PM
We have clean sheets and I won't put them on the bed till I'm clean.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 1:59:56 PM
But I couldn't stand long enough last night
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 2:01:13 PM
I hurts. Four asprin and four Tylenol and all I got was pain in my tummy.
3/20/2015 2:03:44 PM
yeah, cus that's what drugs do
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 2:08:23 PM
And Im the in inconsiderate jerk who talked out loud while he was trying to sleep.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 2:08:34 PM
Completely stupid.
3/20/2015 2:11:35 PM
Masturbation! w00000
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 2:11:56 PM
3/20/2015 2:12:42 PM
nono, me...you keep typing and i'm like "ooo!"
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 2:13:04 PM
Shane acknowledged my happy birthday and I was being sarcastic and said ooo write it down he spoke to the pagan lesbian sister he doesn't tell anyone he has.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 2:13:14 PM
3/20/2015 2:13:22 PM
3/20/2015 2:13:25 PM
pagan lesbian sister
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 2:22:55 PM
Oh don't forget the bullshit he gave at grams funeral is true now too. Im just another fucking drug addicts like the rest O the family.
3/20/2015 2:30:59 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 2:34:28 PM
Omg Michelle bought Velcro shoes just so she doesn't have to tie her shoes!
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 2:35:27 PM
Skye was about to lose it cause she's down there eating cereal and sounds like a cow chewing while she does it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 2:36:00 PM
Im being dragged out to walk cause I'm talking to myself
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 2:36:31 PM
He's afraid I'm gonna stab him in cabin fever
3/20/2015 3:34:12 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 4:37:19 PM
Bah. Business.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 5:28:51 PM
Shhh. Its quiet time!
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 5:29:35 PM
He thinks I'm going crazy cause I don't leave the room much.
3/20/2015 6:19:12 PM
Who does?
3/20/2015 6:19:20 PM
Who do you continuously reference?
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 6:29:22 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 6:30:24 PM
I can't get comfortable today. Damp out. Hurts like hell even after 4x 650mg Tylenol and 5x 325mg aspirin
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 6:31:07 PM
Walking helped a little but I couldn't get further than the end of the street.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 6:31:44 PM
So we will go again after my tummy settles.
3/20/2015 6:33:06 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 6:46:17 PM
Can't stay in bed all the time
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 6:49:04 PM
Better for me than dope or pills that ain't mine injected with a dull dirty needle.
3/20/2015 6:51:46 PM
You could be here this weekend, ya know
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:02:01 PM
Yep. And that would mean walking away from the one whom I love.
3/20/2015 7:02:14 PM
oh yeha, that's right
3/20/2015 7:02:17 PM
we're done with that subject
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:41:53 PM
You apparently aren't
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:43:24 PM
Never saw you sneaking food out of your moms house to feed me. I brought food to feed you, her, and Brian. So she could gamble more away. Im such a fucking bitch for that.
3/20/2015 7:43:53 PM
Nono, i'm done now, thanks
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:45:45 PM
Yeah, thought so.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:46:35 PM
If you're so worried, send me a pizza or something. Pizza huts around the corner. They have gift cards n shit.
3/20/2015 7:48:12 PM
3/20/2015 7:48:18 PM
you want to be fed?
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:48:25 PM
Itd be the Evil Jen thing to do. Make everyone else here hungry and fucking jealous because it would be mine and I'd tell everyone none for them.
3/20/2015 7:49:16 PM
3/20/2015 7:49:17 PM
3/20/2015 7:49:18 PM
3/20/2015 7:49:19 PM
3/20/2015 7:49:21 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:49:26 PM
Gee, I'm not going hungry by choice Matthew. I was asked yesterday by lances girl why I stay in my room so much
3/20/2015 7:49:39 PM
Don't know who lances girl is
3/20/2015 7:49:41 PM
don't really care
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:49:45 PM
His step mom hates me
3/20/2015 7:50:46 PM
Yeah, I know
3/20/2015 7:50:51 PM
you tell me all this hate and drugs thing all the time
3/20/2015 7:51:02 PM
And you really have not answered my question from earlier
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:51:08 PM
Every time I leave the room and go to the kitchen to eat she fucking yells and bitches at me for cooking, bitches to his dad about what a pig I am, and locks up the fucking food so I dont eat a fifty cent pot pie
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:51:22 PM
Literally I didn't even eat it!
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:52:02 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:53:19 PM
Not her, she's just gaining and gaining and gaining. All those little Debbie cakes for breakfast lunch and dinner are just making her sooooo 'skinny' but she just can't figure out why she can't lose weight.
3/20/2015 7:53:34 PM
...the hell you rambling about?
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:54:21 PM
Michelle accuses me of eating "all" the food. I lose five to ten pounds a month because I'm not eating.
3/20/2015 7:54:34 PM
3/20/2015 7:54:39 PM
'nuff said
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:54:55 PM
She lost ten or fifteen pounds while sick, then gained it and more back.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:55:30 PM
She buys little Debbie by the case and locks them in a trunk so no one can eat them but her.
3/20/2015 7:55:57 PM
mmk, so she is losing weight
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:56:23 PM
She got pissed about little Ricky bot getting a pot pie, whined to Richard, and I got blamed over fifty cents worth of food.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:56:28 PM
She's not.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:56:52 PM
Im not anorexic. I've been cut out of the 'family'
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:57:14 PM
So I am no longer allowed to eat unless I pay for it
3/20/2015 7:57:55 PM
ok, enjoy paying for it
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 7:58:37 PM
So I would LOVE the pleasure of answering the door, and saying in front of his father ' wow, Matthews amazing. Not only did he get your son his birth certificate but he's not so petty he sent me dinner.'
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:00:54 PM
And then say ' I wish I could share with my family, but they're all in ny, and well, there just isn't enough here for me to share with you, your fat fucking cow wife, fat pig daughter (but hey she got her gallon of milk today!), and two foul mouthed sons (I'm sure they haven't pissed in my juice yet this year, thanks for the help in that matter.. )
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:01:19 PM
Without actually saying that. The pizza arriving would be enough.
3/20/2015 8:01:51 PM
You'll be able to afford it when the cookies come in
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:02:29 PM
And its cool, you don't wanna feed me. Skye is cleaning the kitchen, and after Michelle is back in bed, he will bring me more cereal or another peanut butter sandwich.
3/20/2015 8:03:41 PM
Gettin' Chicken Finger subs tonight mysefl
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:04:29 PM
Ahh, well, I hope that's not the case. Skye doesn't know about that cash coming in because he's not going to be given the opportunity of spending the cash on stupid things when it means our, r at least my escape from this house that is nit my home.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:04:40 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:05:04 PM
I'll need every penny we can hang on to.
3/20/2015 8:05:21 PM
Yeah, it'll be the case
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:05:41 PM
Because there may be application fees and deposits for utilities.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:08:07 PM
And until the third, we will be scraping up twenty bucks to get my Mo liscence (SSA office will not accept nys id for replacement of my stolen social security card) and a state id for him, and hopefully it won't cost to replace those social security cards either
3/20/2015 8:08:34 PM
Just givin' ya a parting gift
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:09:22 PM
It's bad enough I told him only to look out for the cookies because Michelle might smell the thin mints and steal them and lock them with little Debbie in the trunk to inhale at midnight
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:10:50 PM
Because he's managed to sell the watch, but lance owes him still, whom is back to work, and he can't part with the shitty iPod. The hundred and twenty in legit paid for fucking music dont sell.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:13:43 PM
I'll be gratefully in debted to you.
3/20/2015 8:15:09 PM
No you won't
3/20/2015 8:15:11 PM
3/20/2015 8:15:16 PM
You won't pay anything back
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:16:41 PM
You never took it when offered.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:17:07 PM
And 90% of my bills are still your responsibility
3/20/2015 8:17:24 PM
You cannot pay me back ever.
3/20/2015 8:17:29 PM
Not in this lifetime
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:18:14 PM
Which bears the question, did you innocent spouse claim on the NYS taxes? They're asking for the interest left over from what ever it is you paid.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:18:34 PM
And neither could you.
3/20/2015 8:18:50 PM
The interest is about $3k
3/20/2015 8:19:04 PM
$2785.22 exact
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:19:06 PM
I got a bill for $1300
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:20:28 PM
Or some such amount. Said about $2785 was paid. Have to check the paperwork. Just wanted to know what the situation was on your end before I call. That lein could make apartment hunting difficult.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:22:18 PM
I'd file for an offer in compromise and they'd take whatever token I can throw at them, much like the irs. Although they surprised me. Said they had no record of my owing them a dime. And you wonder why I believe you're sending a parting gift.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:22:41 PM
Especially when bragging cruelly about food.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:24:19 PM
Enjoy your supper dear. I'm gonna try a nap whip I wait for my next meal. You see, meth has been a fantastic way to keep hunger from plaguing me, but for your own pleasure I quit that.
3/20/2015 8:24:22 PM
Because you seriously chose Skye over my end of march offer
3/20/2015 8:24:28 PM
That's why, and I already told you i'm out of it
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:24:33 PM
And refuse you.
3/20/2015 8:24:38 PM
and I asked a question a long time ago, and you still didn't give me an answer
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:24:53 PM
Im sorry ai must have missed it.
3/20/2015 8:25:22 PM
When are you going to have time to get serious with things?
M3/20/2015 10:22:34 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:25:59 PM
Damn hunger makes for THE LOUSIEST concentration, mood, or energy to do much of anything at all.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:28:51 PM
I will not be able to get serious when I have gotten away from this place. He sold the camera while dad was away and it fed us for a week

Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:29:39 PM
Getting clean and all requires something similar to nutritional intake to help clean out the bad.
3/20/2015 8:30:06 PM
ah, so your also out of the project?
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:30:11 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:30:27 PM
Just unable to work right now.
3/20/2015 8:30:37 PM
Going on 3 months
3/20/2015 8:30:43 PM
*2 months
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:31:37 PM
I do apologize because half of that time was wasted on drugs and my photographer was against sending out photos of me high.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:32:03 PM
Because boy is that a train wreck makeup can't hide!
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:33:27 PM
I managed to get a blog. You wanted two but then Richard ran off and disrupted the whole house.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:34:32 PM
Now, I can't even play skyrim. Just kinda stuck here looking for the energy to move much less think because withdrawl doesn't end after a day or even a week.
3/20/2015 8:35:35 PM
mmk, well, good luck
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:35:39 PM
And my metabolism is back because it isn't fighting the excess of fifty pounds, I seriously lack complex proteins like chicken you're enjoying
3/20/2015 8:35:43 PM
I have your address, i'll send what I can when it comes
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:35:54 PM
So check back on the third.
3/20/2015 8:35:55 PM
And you should be successful the rest of your natural life

3/20/2015 8:35:58 PM
3/20/2015 8:36:02 PM
3/20/2015 8:36:03 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:36:31 PM
No? Oh so YOU'RE making an executive decision to cut me out?
3/20/2015 8:36:32 PM
You are funny
3/20/2015 8:36:44 PM
Cut you out of what?
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:36:56 PM
I suppose I could continue sending a third of my money to NF.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:37:04 PM
Your life.
3/20/2015 8:37:18 PM
You already cut me out
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:37:46 PM
Read your words. 'Ill send what I can', 'you should be successful the rest of your life '
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:37:56 PM
No my dear I haven't.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:39:15 PM
If I had we wouldn't be speaking and I wouldn't take such lengths to be sure Skye never sees an iota of the hurt you often inflict. He's quite ready to punch you in the face the next time you upset me.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:40:26 PM
But you on the other hand would have chosen to remain ignorant and that I Li and play with your heart to continue to gain advantage over your generosity.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:41:34 PM
And because I was honest, cut me out of your life, our children, and now our work. Granted Im facing challenges I am again being honest and you're still just cutting away.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:42:48 PM
Getting to the bathroom to take a piss is an effort. I lack the natural adrenaline high of mania like you have to fuel you out of a rainy patch in life.
3/20/2015 8:43:34 PM
All I read is excuses
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:44:09 PM
I've quit drugs. Even so far as torturing myself with aspirin and Tylenol until I can guarantee a doctors visit. By attempting to protect skyes health and guarantee my own, you make faulty assumptions.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:44:27 PM
Well realm now Matthew, one could say the same of you.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:45:11 PM
Its easy to make the excuse you can't help me because I don't have what it takes to be a money hungry gold digging whore.
3/20/2015 8:45:32 PM
Fair enough
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:45:37 PM
Because I would choose the ethical higher ground
3/20/2015 8:45:46 PM
Glad you could take advantage over my generosity
3/20/2015 8:45:53 PM
oh, and my heart
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:46:37 PM
And well, come pay day, what if the excuse is that your check wasn't big enough? Should I say I give in and would come home in may if you sent the money?
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:47:29 PM
Should I then spend it on dip and watches and electronics that Id end up trading for dope later because I just couldn't quite quit?
3/20/2015 8:47:44 PM
Do what you must
3/20/2015 8:48:23 PM
I am not your Fiancee, Husband, or Master. I don't tell you what to do.
3/20/2015 8:48:26 PM
That's all up to you
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:48:59 PM
Or make the excuse now that I am hungry, and trade out the shoes for dope and justify its rightness because you can't be bothered to spoil your Princess, and further drive the wedge you need to separate me from Skye and ensure the achievement of your end goal?
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:49:16 PM
For a freakin genius you sure are slow.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:51:44 PM
If you're going to give up so easily, why even bother being upset I can't chose you and the white picket fence, good food, lack of worry, lack of insecurity for the rest of my life, and the entailed life with our kids. I mean seriously Matthew I didn't give up until like at least two years after you Ra off to Hong Kong and remarried.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:52:15 PM
I haven't even been able to secure MY divorce and you're just giving up.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:52:19 PM
3/20/2015 8:52:27 PM
I'm not upset
3/20/2015 8:52:47 PM
I just make choices and decisions, and stick with them
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:55:46 PM
You're just lying to yourself

At least I know to laugh when I get the two pennies to rub together in hopes to start a fire to keep me warm I think Skye is fed up with things here enough to be homeless if we dont have the money to move.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:55:55 PM
So, again.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 8:57:09 PM
Im glad to have been of service, I will have material available by the third, and if I must, I can go back to NF. You have at least secured that with the purchase of identification for me.
Jennifer Cejka
3/20/2015 9:00:37 PM
Enjoy your supper, and thank you for mine, and the rest. I am going to attempt to sleep because its better than the puke fest coming when my stomach can't handle the raw bile sitting in it anymore and water just ain't enough. At least I KNOW the Mora high ground will take me further than sniviling like Michelle, a dog at her husband's feet because she's who'll depending upon him to feed her. Causing her bitter rage and unkindly treatment of one like myself.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 12:52:55 AM
efrain - Rihanna]
Just gonna stand there
And watch me burn
But it's alright
Because I like
The way it hurts
Just gonna stand there
And hear me cry
But that's alright
Because I love
The way you lie
I love the way you lie
I can't tell you what it really is
I can only tell you what it feels like
And right now there's a steel knife
In my windpipe
I can't breathe
But I still fight
While I can fight
As long as the wrong feels right
It's like I'm in flight
High of a love
Drunk from the hate
It's like I'm huffing paint
And I love it the more that I suffer
I suffocate
And right before I'm about to drown
She resuscitates me
She fucking hates me
And I love it
Where you going
I'm leaving you
No you ain't
Come back
We're running right back
Here we go again
It's so insane
'Cause when it's going good
It's going great
I'm Superman
With the wind at his back
She's Lois Lane
But when it's bad
It's awful
I feel so ashamed
I snap
Who's that dude
I don't even know his name
I laid hands on her
I'll never stoop so low again
I guess I don't know my own strength
[Refrain - Rihanna]
Just gonna stand there
And watch me burn
But that's alright
Because I like
The way it hurts
Just gonna stand there
And hear me cry
But that's alright
Because I love
The way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
You ever love somebody so much
You can barely breathe
When you're with them
You meet
And neither one of you
Even know what hit 'em
Got that warm fuzzy feeling
Yeah them chills
Used to get 'em
Now you're getting fucking sick
Of looking at 'em
You swore you've never hit 'em
Never do nothing to hurt 'em
Now you're in each other's face
Spewing venom
And these words
When you spit 'em
You push
Pull each other's hair
Scratch, claw, bit 'em
Throw 'em down
Pin 'em
So lost in the moments
When you're in 'em
It's the rage that took over
It controls you both
So they say it's best
To go your separate ways
Guess that they don't know ya
'Cause today
That was yesterday
Yesterday is over
It's a different day
Sound like broken records
Playin' over
But you promised her
Next time you'll show restraint
You don't get another chance
Life is no Nintendo game
But you lied again
Now you get to watch her leave
Out the window
Guess that's why they call it window pane
[Refrain - Rihanna]
Just gonna stand there
And watch me burn
But that's alright
Because I like
The way it hurts
Just gonna stand there
And hear me cry
But that's alright
Because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
Now I know we said things
Did things
That we didn't mean
And we fall back
Into the same patterns
Same routine
But your temper's just as bad
As mine is
You're the same as me
But when it comes to love
You're just as blinded
Baby please come back
It wasn't you
Baby it was me
Maybe our relationship
Isn't as crazy as it seems
Maybe that's what happens
When a tornado meets a volcano
All I know is
I love you too much
To walk away though
Come inside
Pick up your bags off the sidewalk
Don't you hear sincerity
In my voice when I talk
Told you this is my fault
Look me in the eyeball
Next time I'm pissed
I'll aim my fist
At the dry wall
Next time
There will be no next time
I apologize
Even though I know it's lies
I'm tired of the games
I just want her back
I know I'm a liar
If she ever tries to fucking leave again
I'm 'ma tie her to the bed
And set the house on fire
[Refrain - Rihanna]
Just gonna stand there
And watch me burn
But that's alright
Because I like
The way it hurts
Just gonna stand there
And hear me cry
But that's alright
Because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie.
3/21/2015 1:00:24 AM
the sit
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 3:02:40 AM
Im just waiting to throw up.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 3:03:42 AM
My body's fighting it pretty hard. Skyes already talking er. Im not coming down, I'm just fucking sick.
3/21/2015 3:04:00 AM
3/21/2015 3:04:12 AM
your needing food and care, and your not going
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 3:04:39 AM
Maybe withdrawing still but when I puke from come down its immediately not weeks later
3/21/2015 3:05:37 AM
now your back in the room
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 3:05:58 AM
You can laugh all you want, but you remember that you want me to trust you. You of millions of promises and given up on the follow through.
3/21/2015 3:06:23 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 3:06:29 AM
What room? I've been in it since my walk. I pee in a cup.
3/21/2015 3:06:34 AM
I learned you'll never trust me
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 3:06:43 AM
How can I?
3/21/2015 3:06:46 AM
You told me so earlier
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 3:07:08 AM
You always leave. You always take back your promises.
3/21/2015 3:07:34 AM
No, I haven't taken back any promise I made
3/21/2015 3:07:52 AM
And just as you have right to leave at any time, I have the same right
3/21/2015 3:07:57 AM
We're both not married
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 3:08:06 AM
You aren't doing anything you've promised. Fifty bucks in effort is supposed to sweep me off my feet? That's all Im worth?
3/21/2015 3:08:06 AM
well, not /currently/ considered married
3/21/2015 3:08:19 AM
what is $50 in effort?
3/21/2015 3:08:23 AM
I gave you $50 when?
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 3:08:26 AM
Well, I value myself above fifty bucks.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 3:08:35 AM
BC and ID
3/21/2015 3:08:40 AM
what is BC and ID
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 3:08:52 AM
Cause that dont feed me.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 3:09:02 AM
Birth cert and identification
3/21/2015 3:09:09 AM
3/21/2015 3:09:12 AM
3/21/2015 3:09:17 AM
You didn't get that money
3/21/2015 3:09:27 AM
I didn't give you money for that
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 3:09:38 AM
Skye puts more effort into five minutes of my time thanyouvhave in a year.
3/21/2015 3:10:15 AM
I have many other affairs to attend to
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 3:10:24 AM
Didn't have to. I've even suggested gift certs for food. Dont matter. You'd see me starve for not falling in line.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 3:10:54 AM
So, watch me burn, watch me cry. In the end you're the loser. Not I.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 4:36:13 PM
My phone goes off at midnight. Got any more shit to shovel on me, nows the time to do it. No guarantee that it will be on before the third.
3/21/2015 4:39:26 PM
Whats on the third?
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 4:47:19 PM
My pay day.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 4:49:28 PM
659 dollars is a paltry pay day for one like yourself, but its what I make work for Skye and I. That's why he waits on me. He's not working and if not for me he'd likely be homeless and eating bottles of benzos for breakfast lunch and dinner until he blacked out and woke up back in jail.
3/21/2015 4:50:12 PM
Well, you won't have to worry much about me after the first
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 4:53:10 PM
Why am i worried now? You're clearly done. I have nothing to offer. Just letting you know past midnight you won't be hearing from me, nor could I respond to you if I wanted to.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 4:53:30 PM
You wont have to worry about me after midnight

Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 5:02:03 PM
No one will.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 5:03:15 PM
Be sure the kids get to know their other grandparents so they know how not to be like is. Because when your mother gives up on you, you're fucked.
3/21/2015 5:08:22 PM
You know my plan. You just don't want to be a part of it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 6:35:51 PM
I gave up on that plan five years ago she you took away my name.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 6:37:53 PM
Charlie was no better. At least so far we know you kept a wrapper in your dick.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 6:38:08 PM
Glad I dont know his paycho.
3/21/2015 6:38:35 PM
3/21/2015 6:38:43 PM
You really need to read half of what you type before you send it
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 6:39:00 PM
If that piece of garbage can get custody and I can't then the world is fucked.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 6:39:20 PM
3/21/2015 6:41:05 PM
You gave up your right to filing for custody
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 6:44:23 PM
Because the kids asked that they be allowed to stay there, where THEY WERE HAPPY. They never wanted to live with us. Quoted as 'we love mommy and daddy but our lives are with grandma. We dont want it to change'
3/21/2015 6:44:47 PM
Did you have a chance to watch the videos I gave you?
3/21/2015 6:44:56 PM
It is Saturday, you could be at the library
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 6:45:25 PM
The cost of giving them that was custody and visitation left as was, to your moms wishes.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 6:45:44 PM
Im sorry ill stop puking and get right over there.
3/21/2015 6:46:17 PM
Good, I think you should bring headphones too
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 6:46:22 PM
Got sum antibiotics? I can't HEAR YOU cause of all the pus draining out of my fucking ears
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 6:46:47 PM
Damn, this fever and non stop vomit fest made my ass stink.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 6:47:17 PM
No, I think you should get a fucking clue. Its not happening because I'm fucking sick.
3/21/2015 6:47:28 PM
Your always fucking sick
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 7:17:39 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 7:18:09 PM
Next month is supposed to be better cause we don't have to starve. Thank you!
3/21/2015 7:18:17 PM
Your Welcome!
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 7:37:42 PM
Btw, dont forget you 999 dollar ya deduction next filing. That was for a job

like the servers n stuff.
3/21/2015 7:51:27 PM
What dedictuion of what?
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 8:05:49 PM
The stuff you bought me is a classified business deduction
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 8:05:53 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 8:06:13 PM
Propose a trip there to mommy dearest

3/21/2015 8:06:34 PM
mmm....no thanks
3/21/2015 8:06:57 PM
And we don't have a business deduction since I don't have a License to practice your art
3/21/2015 8:07:20 PM
I could give you reciepts for it, but you would be in debt to me
3/21/2015 8:10:56 PM
So, it goes to just "money spent'
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 8:11:08 PM
Ahh. I could make the deduction. Of course I got my own tax id too.
3/21/2015 8:11:31 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 8:12:56 PM
I honestly don't file taxes
3/21/2015 8:13:27 PM
Its because you honestly don't work
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 8:13:41 PM
Because I owe NYS and they keep it. I get $200 a year JUST for paying your mom to raise our kids.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 8:13:45 PM
3/21/2015 8:14:47 PM
I don't get any money to pay my mother to raise the kids
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 8:14:51 PM
Just trying to help you. You don't need a liscence to do my job. Just proof of my age, did you need a copy btw?, and capability.
3/21/2015 8:15:05 PM
nono, it's ok
3/21/2015 8:15:18 PM
There are only 8 things you can do to help me, and taxes is not one of them
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 8:15:31 PM
I just end up letting the state take the $200 for the lien on my income.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 8:16:17 PM
But even working, my uneducated ass would be soooo poor, id still get EIC for paying your mom.
3/21/2015 8:16:50 PM
I told you I got you figured out...
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 8:17:01 PM

you unfortunately belong to the upper class level, middle upper any how, that doesn't qualified
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 8:17:06 PM
3/21/2015 8:17:20 PM
Like, next time you come at me with a Knife, i'll get a loaf of bread and some mayo, and your female urges will overpower you and you will make a sammich
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 8:18:15 PM
Like awesome cause I dont think it was a pointy knife, it was a bread knife with a blunt rounded edge. Perfect for slicing bread.
3/21/2015 8:18:29 PM
It's just hilarious
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 8:19:16 PM
Glad we cleared up the confusion of my arrest twelve years now yeah. And mommy dearest couldn't have used it against me to save
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 8:19:26 PM
Her life
3/21/2015 8:19:50 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 8:25:45 PM
It was.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 8:26:02 PM
But I had an answer.
3/21/2015 8:26:19 PM
...the only answer should've been something like "LOLOLOL"
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 8:33:12 PM
Im sorry, saw it on fb a dozen times
3/21/2015 8:33:19 PM
3/21/2015 8:33:23 PM
I just heard it from a friend
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 8:53:28 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 9:25:58 PM
Fucking tweaked wont shut up
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 9:26:35 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 9:48:41 PM
Im all just like go back to your basement cave, thanks for the schnapps!
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 9:58:00 PM
Gotta love the other roommate. Just stops in and sits.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 9:58:24 PM
He thinks I'm stuck up and I told him he's right I am.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 10:53:09 PM
Later I guess. Going T get my shower. Might go beg some tato sticks off gene. He has like four bags.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 11:04:58 PM
Oh! My soul is saved! Thank Fphoenix!
3/21/2015 11:05:10 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 11:48:34 PM
She prayed that god heals my tummy because in her simple mind, god healed hers. Not the doctors and nurses who did all that hard work.
Jennifer Cejka
3/21/2015 11:49:28 PM
Anywho. Im logging off. If Im not back in a few days, it will be the third I can get my phone back on.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 1:23:59 AM
3/22/2015 1:24:20 AM
wtf is this
3/22/2015 2:14:20 AM
I don't get the wolf thing...
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 2:53:53 AM
Lol. Typically when pulling a trigger the gun is A) aimed at dinner, B) aimed at another human, or C) aimed at yourself.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 2:55:38 AM
I have yet to handle a gun I've aimed at myself or another human. Just my dinner and target practice behind the bait n porn shop with Luke down there on the way to Celeron. Bill has really cleaned up the house on Duquesne St.
3/22/2015 2:56:04 AM
3/22/2015 2:56:09 AM
You shooting guns now?
3/22/2015 2:56:14 AM
Or, what are you trying to get at?
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:12:07 AM
Not what I was getting at. Daddy was depressed he was a GUNNERS MATE and didn't teach his baby girl much more than some cute knife throwing tricks. He felt it his duty as a GUN EXPERT to at least teach me more than grand daddy did. Aim at dinner, pull trigger, drag dinner home, hang it on garage, drain it, strip it, cut it and freeze it. So my psycho girlfriend took me out and taught me how to shoot. My crazy father in law to be has four guns. No five guns in the house. I dare ya to come tell me which four are air soft pellet loaded and which is the real one. Mine will be obvious, it will be pink if you happen to come after my birthday.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:12:17 AM
I wonder if they have pink pellets...
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:12:36 AM
Anyways, the point is I wouldn't kill myself again for you.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:12:47 AM
But I am obviously crazy.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:13:05 AM
That said, my love for you never changed. You did.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:15:34 AM
Now, I can't speculate what time ATT shuts off service but if not tonight, maybe tomorrow night. I think it was middle night on the 22nd when my boyfriend finagled some phone cards outta WalMart. It's so easy! And obvious. They are so stupid lol. And with ten walmarts in the area, they never catch on. Well okay like six and a foid only walmart.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:15:40 AM
3/22/2015 3:17:51 AM
....i don't get any of that
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:30:31 AM
Well, I don't know how to be more clear. You may not be worth my life, but I never changed how I love you. You just changed.
3/22/2015 3:37:13 AM
3/22/2015 3:37:21 AM
So, what your saying is....nothing has changed!
3/22/2015 3:38:58 AM
And I dont' get the difference between "How one can love without that changing" and "How one can love with changing"
3/22/2015 3:39:13 AM
Oh wait, nevermind. I just realize that doesn't change anything after the 30th lol
3/22/2015 3:42:30 AM
And since we're sharing "Love", I lost the other 2. So, with you gone i'm pretty much the Bachelor I've always wanted never to be!
3/22/2015 3:42:54 AM
I'll have your cookies and shit out hopefully monday morning. Then you can expect complete silence after i've told you they are on their way

Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:47:21 AM
Well, that is up to you. Nothing ever changed in me my love. Just you. You will always be my first almost everything that is clean, pure, and fun. I likely won't get your message Monday.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:08:22 AM
So, I am gonna go. I'll mail you a thank you card in June

3/22/2015 4:09:31 AM
No, no thank you
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:09:41 AM
Unless that's too soon. I could wait six months after the op expires so you don't think I'm stalking ya...
3/22/2015 4:09:41 AM
I don't want anything from ya after the end of march
3/22/2015 4:11:27 AM
you'll have cookies and some cash. that's all you want
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:11:36 AM
3/22/2015 4:11:46 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:11:51 AM
It's what you choose to believe.
3/22/2015 4:11:59 AM
It is what I know
3/22/2015 4:12:09 AM
You have really given me nothing else to know
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:12:36 AM
I can't change your mind without sacrificing my moral compass.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:12:39 AM
3/22/2015 4:12:45 AM
3/22/2015 4:12:47 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:12:48 AM
I gave you truth.
3/22/2015 4:12:55 AM
Yup, and i'm telling you my truth
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:12:57 AM
You asked.
3/22/2015 4:13:04 AM
And I told you
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:13:18 AM
your truth has never been my truth.
3/22/2015 4:13:29 AM
Doesn't matter
3/22/2015 4:13:42 AM
I've already built up the brick wall, and there is only 2 passwords that get through
3/22/2015 4:13:54 AM
Otherwise, there really isn't much more to know
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:14:46 AM
Im sorry you're let down. I honestly didn't expect a proposal so soon because he was having a difficult time wrapping his mind around our coming anniversary. Its something he's NEVER had.
3/22/2015 4:14:59 AM
I'm not let down.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:15:12 AM
To think as far out from now as a tea forever was impossible.
3/22/2015 4:15:12 AM
I'm not any emotion now
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:16:06 AM
Then you tried to fuck with his head. We did a TON of fucking meth. Did you know it releases like 12 times the amount of dopamine as sex does?.
3/22/2015 4:16:28 AM
yeah, don't care about drugs
3/22/2015 4:16:42 AM
He won
3/22/2015 4:16:47 AM
All those drugs won
3/22/2015 4:16:52 AM
It's why I don't care for them
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:17:00 AM
So we drifted and I actually started thinking about what ifs. How it wasn't so hard T think about leaving cause we weren't really doing great.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:17:19 AM
We fought a few times, and it was stupid shot.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:17:26 AM
3/22/2015 4:17:34 AM
yup, all fights are stupid, but necessary
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:17:44 AM
He'd think I be all upset about not getting laid.
3/22/2015 4:17:56 AM
Your not, cool, thanks
3/22/2015 4:18:01 AM
Why do I need to know this info?
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:18:04 AM
Not realizing women are different than girls.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:19:14 AM
Then one day I dont know what we fought about. Probably lack of communication, him draining the bank. He'd take off come home five or six hours later tweaked out with a new something.
3/22/2015 4:19:28 AM
.....hi, what's going on?
3/22/2015 4:19:30 AM
Are you ok?
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:19:33 AM
He came back with the ring and didn't just say here.
3/22/2015 4:19:45 AM
Do you want a sandwich?
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:19:56 AM
He tossed BK in my lap and says I had a package
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:20:09 AM
Yes, but there are no sandwiches here.
3/22/2015 4:20:22 AM
okay, so tell him that story
3/22/2015 4:20:26 AM
and go get a sandwich
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:20:33 AM
I had toast this afternoon for my daily allotment of bread.
3/22/2015 4:20:37 AM
Stop sharing your life with me, that's not my task
3/22/2015 4:20:47 AM
You should be talking to your Skye
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:20:54 AM
So I open the bag and there's this box with this ring in it.
3/22/2015 4:20:54 AM
You might as well prepare for that
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:21:31 AM
And I'm staring at it and he's like ' well. I realized I never wanted to be without you..'
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:21:39 AM
And he's crying.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:21:46 AM
Cause you scared him
3/22/2015 4:21:52 AM
Hi, stop please
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:21:59 AM
You had him convinced money could win.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:22:05 AM
I can't
3/22/2015 4:22:09 AM
Yeah, you can
3/22/2015 4:22:12 AM
Get off the phone
3/22/2015 4:22:16 AM
and go chill with your Fiancee
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:22:41 AM
You made him believe I was going to dissapear because he is like this loser
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:22:52 AM
Who took me away from my family
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:23:17 AM
Got me hooked on drugs and like must chain me up to IV them in me.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:23:21 AM
But like....
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:23:43 AM
I know how smoke it now. Totally different than you smoke por
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:23:53 AM
3/22/2015 4:23:53 AM
Right, ok
3/22/2015 4:23:57 AM
Go away
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:24:03 AM
Cause you can't hold it in...
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:24:30 AM
So like that's different. Then I learned that drugs suck.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:24:39 AM
They make you do dumb shit.
3/22/2015 4:25:28 AM
It's not that I can't hold it in
3/22/2015 4:25:35 AM
It's that all this information is useless to me
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:25:42 AM
And when your body is used T only getting like 300 units of dopamine and you flush it for like a see with constant levels of like 1250 units and then irs gone you get really fucking sick.
3/22/2015 4:25:45 AM
It gives me no benefit to my life whatsoever
3/22/2015 4:25:52 AM
It a story I can't tell to my kids
3/22/2015 4:26:06 AM
It's also about drugs, which I've told you many times before I don't want to hear about
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:26:24 AM
And then, there's four amazing people in NY who should miss me, should love me, but this EVIL BITCH is making sure they dont.
3/22/2015 4:26:42 AM
There is only one
3/22/2015 4:26:55 AM
But by the time that one is a bit older, it won't be you anymore
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:27:24 AM
And there's this dad who ran away for like I dunno....five years? Finally realized what a fucking udiot he was.
3/22/2015 4:27:46 AM
Doesn't matter, and again, your speaking about the past and assuming the past is current day.
3/22/2015 4:27:56 AM
But this isn't any different from anyone else.
3/22/2015 4:27:58 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:28:31 AM
He left his super amazing, patient, let him stick his dick in every cunt behind her back and didn't care wife for some promises of a fairytale in China and went on a fucking trip around the world.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:29:06 AM
And his ex wife tried really hard to be super mom for a long time, until she just couldn't anymore
3/22/2015 4:29:31 AM
And then I got prostate cancer, got successful by focusing more on work and family, and couldn't find a suitor to help take care of the kids.... so....yeah
3/22/2015 4:29:33 AM
10 days left
3/22/2015 4:29:36 AM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:29:51 AM
And these kids thought they were happy cause the evil bitch plied them with money, riches, toys, things super mom couldn't buy them.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:30:10 AM
So super mom gave up and a huge part of her died inside.
3/22/2015 4:31:00 AM
evil bitch didn't pile them with anything I didn't buy for them......yeah...thanks....
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:31:44 AM
And by the time this dad realized he walked away from a million dollars couldn't buy ya one kind of family, super mom was destroyed. Got stupid drunk. Met another bitch who fucked the man. All this hurtful, spiteful, damaging hate went around.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:32:42 AM
But out of that, this one in a million kinda guy came around and he was just a fucking junkie in rehab, but super mom.. She's been there.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:32:49 AM
She befriended him.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:33:32 AM
She fell in love because every time that douchebag husband of hers let her down, or his bitch mom hurt her...that Prince was there.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:33:39 AM
And he stuck aeound.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:33:44 AM
Fought for her.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:33:58 AM
And proved money isn't everything.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:34:10 AM
Drugs had nothing to do with it Matthew.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:11:37 AM
The memories last forever...
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:39:14 AM
So many. Can't send em all..
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:19:47 AM
My phone shows them all though. Every day two or three different ones.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 12:51:27 PM
Kid just ate toast with margarine red hot sauce and sugar. Thought it so good he's drinking hot sauce in ice lmao.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 1:29:26 PM
So on a more serious note. We always put off the what if's. What if I got cervical cancer. And Dr So made sure untill last year I didn't. Other than I think a genetic type, you said. I may be wrong, last month was shitty, month before a blur. Do you know what triggered yours? How's this gonna play out thirty years from now?
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 1:29:33 PM
With the boys.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 1:29:43 PM
How much should we worry.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 1:30:30 PM
Not that you realm think I care but, sitting on a tub in a shit covered bathroom is a lousy place to think about things that make you cry.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 1:31:06 PM
Cause I have to protect you from one psycho, and the psycho from you.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 1:31:29 PM
Because Goddess knows I love you both. And its not a fucking game.
3/22/2015 1:33:55 PM
I have today to worry about. If every day was prepared and healthy and played out well, then 30 years from now won't be a worry
3/22/2015 1:38:58 PM
8 more days to do, and then a lifetime to endeavor
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 2:24:33 PM
I guess Ill save my questions for the one in charge of their medical health, and thank you for opening up an avenue for court.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:16:38 PM
This is pathetic. One day without texts or calls and he's losing it. He still has internet. Duh!
3/22/2015 3:22:54 PM
It's called "Out finding a job"
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:35:02 PM
Its called 'I am realm glad mad CC number is NOT hanging on the wall 😃
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:38:19 PM
3/22/2015 3:38:32 PM
mad CC huh
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:38:47 PM
Credit card number...
3/22/2015 3:39:21 PM
...Skye has a Credit Card?
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:39:26 PM
I think a can of mixed veggies sprained, if not fractured my foot.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:39:31 PM
No my mom does
3/22/2015 3:39:51 PM
I'm completely lost....again...
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:41:04 PM
He's going nuts cause the phone has been off one day.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:41:23 PM
I dropped a can on my foot.
3/22/2015 3:42:08 PM
Okay, so you said that, and I said "Out finding Job', and then you said soemthing about "No, it's a credit card", but the credit card belongs to your mom, so....again, fucking lost
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:45:19 PM
Wow. Um, ppl in this house would rip her off for less than food.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:46:21 PM
Three parolees in house, think any one of them got that ball and chain being honest? Although Skye is likely most honest. He'll do it but tell you.
3/22/2015 3:46:34 PM
Who is "Her"
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:46:37 PM
Especially me.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:46:42 PM
My mother.
3/22/2015 3:46:58 PM
What does your mother have anything to do with all this? She lives further away from you than I do
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:48:14 PM
I looked up the other day and id left her credit card number hanging on the wall. Every card and account known has been attempted today. Wont be surprised if Kenny doesn't take him across town for the stupid things. You.. Never mind.
3/22/2015 3:48:27 PM
3/22/2015 3:48:35 PM
You HAVE your moms Credit Card info
3/22/2015 3:48:51 PM
That's funny
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:52:56 PM
Did. Threw it out so it wasn't abused.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:54:34 PM
Saved somewhere a lil more secure.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:54:49 PM
I left it tacked to the wall.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 3:54:51 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:22:23 PM
The can bruised immediately. My arms haven't healed yet. He hasn't touched me with a needle since last Sunday. Maybe as late as Tuesday and the dark color is still there. My veins ate healing though. After the tenth we'll see how much I can gain in weight. Working on stamina and strength. Fighting the ear infection off too this time. Last time I got so sick I was laid out for almost two weeks, sick and sicker, then barfing. It was bad. That's why I quit even my meds. Everything was making it worse.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:22:37 PM
Should be good by June.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:23:03 PM
And make ppl happy. They're offended at my 'snobbery'.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:23:40 PM
Well, his dad gets moody and calls withdrawl. Could be skyea doing. Covers his ass. Its all my fault!
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:25:23 PM
Its how he conned hos dad into giving us shit. I wanted to try it. I needed more. I was sick. I must still be 'sick'. So I'm going down a few times a day and socializing. Not much but I'm getting a lil friendlier responses not being that stuck up bitch of his he treats like a Princess.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:34:23 PM
Lol the crack in the screw. Im sorry.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:34:30 PM
3/22/2015 4:34:51 PM
You having fun?
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 4:44:19 PM
Bored as fuck. I've made hero in skyrim, near legendary skills sets. Killed an emporer. Why not prattle on about shit you dgaf about. Like I've worn the same deodorant for the last five years because she it came out it had matching body spray I can't find anywhere anymore but can still he's Angelique because she was with me when I bought it. "I smell...MOMMY! YOU'RE WEARING YOUR NEW PERFUME!"....
And giggles.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 5:48:54 PM
Omg! He's not attracted to nakedness!
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 5:49:29 PM
Im in sweats and a tank and getting more action than I do sitting in bed fucking naked!
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 5:58:27 PM
And that's all shy smiles and kisses. Poor boy.
3/22/2015 6:52:53 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 7:21:35 PM
They wont play. On my phone. Att upped the data even though its not paid. Google's giving me the .gif runs still.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 7:25:37 PM
Fuck! I can't keep the fever off.
3/22/2015 7:25:56 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 7:39:07 PM
Yeah. Library is closed the day. But I'm sure ill be up early. He just blew it. Who the fuck hides the good needle stash where his gf is pissing in a fucking bucket. Knows damn well she's almost standing on it... So much for cotton shots and fucking 'rinses'.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 7:39:57 PM
I think I. Might go step on it again and bust it this time. Or go stick itt in the next stream of piss just to toss it and those nasty bloody ones.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 7:40:11 PM
Fucker ain't going to do that shit on me.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 7:40:24 PM
Later. Have pointy objects to break.
3/22/2015 7:40:36 PM
"Fucker" is your Fiancee, love him for keeping you safe
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 7:45:31 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 7:45:39 PM
He's quite stressed.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 7:45:51 PM
'oh no I'm in the dog house'....
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 7:46:06 PM
I've fucking known.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 7:46:54 PM
I can see the extras disappear before me. Sheet back there was pulled back. He knew I was over there enough to put it off near the wall where the boxes sit.
3/22/2015 7:46:55 PM
3/22/2015 7:46:57 PM
3/22/2015 7:47:08 PM
Don't worry. One day your kid will grow up to be a man
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 7:47:16 PM
He either wanted caught or was caught up in the hide.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 7:47:28 PM
He's trying I think.
3/22/2015 7:47:43 PM
Just ASK him, jesus
3/22/2015 7:47:48 PM
You said you can trust his word, so ask him
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:00:36 PM
I did. His hearts racing so fast he is expecting a fight. So he fucked me and brought me a coke.
3/22/2015 8:02:20 PM
See? All works out with a coke
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:02:32 PM
He is probably trying to find an acceptable replacement for my shortages, and whatever. I think pot is probably not gonna hurt me as much as the other shit and he says he will be up early next week to scout the package after you've sent it. There are monsters here who would really appreciate the cookies.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:04:53 PM
Not really. We have that whom system where we dont have to fight. My warning I 'almost broke' what was clearly hidden from me, but managed a modest save with super ninja ballet skills was all the warning he needs.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:05:03 PM
He knows games up.
3/22/2015 8:05:39 PM
...what game is up?
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:11:07 PM
The lies about no good needles, and the pain pills he's been hiding. He can only fuck me without coming when he's on opiates.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:12:41 PM
At least he's nit shooting tweak but we have a prior understanding. My shit is a fifty fifty split. If he's got a half a pill, and I somehow procured it, a quarter of that half is mine. And Creed? I dont want that shot playing in the background during sex.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:13:03 PM
He slapped me too, on the ass. He's shy about that shit.
3/22/2015 8:13:15 PM
That's cool. It's what you want
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:13:39 PM
That was a I'll fuck her cause I fucked up. He's a well trained puppy.
3/22/2015 8:13:51 PM
Just be sure to call him daddy and it'll be all set
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:14:51 PM
Nope. Can't eww.
3/22/2015 8:15:21 PM
Yeah, you can
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:15:41 PM
That actually touches something buried. I used to have nightmares about my parents trying to make sense of whatever happened.
3/22/2015 8:16:26 PM
well, glad your off to a great start as you and I are coming to a great end

Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:17:38 PM
Remember the roasary you repurposed
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:18:01 PM
With a pair of broken earrings.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:18:12 PM
And a necklace I wanna say.
3/22/2015 8:20:25 PM
Yeah, I remember that

Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:25:52 PM
Me too. GlitterPen tatoos. Every time I use my glitter pens.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:26:06 PM
The photos lost.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:26:48 PM
I think I need some other music. Im alone listening to a lullaby
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:27:15 PM
Then again my downloads were flagg st throw backs.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:27:39 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:28:12 PM
I remember the dumbest shit.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:29:36 PM
Like the last birthday gift I ever got from Shane was when you and Bri came and picked me up and we went to Walmart and I got that Linkin Park cd and like listened to it to DEATH. Every time I was going through hell.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:29:52 PM
This distinct memory of it at the YWCA.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:30:00 PM
Because that sucked.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:30:14 PM
And like here has been utter fucking shit.
3/22/2015 8:30:22 PM
3/22/2015 8:30:32 PM
You'll be making new memories
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:30:44 PM
But there is always this stupid fucking. Remember that time on flagg st...'
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:30:47 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:31:10 PM
Like fucking I have this memory from hell. I get clips of images. Flashes.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:31:49 PM
I fucking remember you talking me into SEX like two days after we brought Devon home and how much it hurt but felt good...
3/22/2015 8:31:51 PM
3/22/2015 8:31:54 PM
You will be making new memories
3/22/2015 8:31:58 PM
All with Skye
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:32:24 PM
And at the same time I remember trying not to wake your mom up she my tits wanted to burst. And hurt so bad.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:33:12 PM
It was hell but amazing cause we had this amazing kid who scared us. But it was us. Ours. You finally went and got a job. We had our own place.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:33:25 PM
Then it went to shit cause I went crazy.
3/22/2015 8:33:42 PM
Yeah, we were young
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:33:47 PM
Because we just couldn't communicate
3/22/2015 8:33:48 PM
The past is only there to tell amazing stories with
3/22/2015 8:33:55 PM
Not to base current events on
3/22/2015 8:34:00 PM
But only to learn from past lessons
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:34:26 PM
Skye doesn't have to talk and like I just get it. He was so scared when I said I almost stepped on the rig.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:34:53 PM
Asked if he remembered to cap it. Yeah, hope so, its in the fucking carpet out back...
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:35:39 PM
Thought he was gonna be in derp shit and I was pissed. Yeah I was but I didn't have to be like Wendy. She musta pushed him apart for every hiccup.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:35:56 PM
He didn't get off. That wasn't for him.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:36:09 PM
And his heart was racing.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:36:24 PM
You. I fucking screamed about everything.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:37:00 PM
Dont need to anymore. That's why you couldn't get it. You were scared the first time we hung out and I was super chill.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:37:27 PM
I got so sick of being ANGRY all the time. At you, your mom, the courts.
3/22/2015 8:37:38 PM
You just don't understand
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:37:42 PM
I had to let go of it all.
3/22/2015 8:37:45 PM
What can I do to get you here?
3/22/2015 8:37:48 PM
That's all i've asked
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:37:49 PM
Even them.
3/22/2015 8:37:54 PM
What can I do to make your mind at peace?
3/22/2015 8:37:58 PM
That's all I've asked
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:38:02 PM
I don't know.
3/22/2015 8:38:08 PM
What can I do to inspire trust in you of me?
3/22/2015 8:38:11 PM
That's all I've asked
3/22/2015 8:38:30 PM
You can't even give me answers to those so I can prove to you that the past doesn't matter, and that it has been learned upon.
3/22/2015 8:38:45 PM
And then I try so hard to make your situation there as best as I can
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:39:01 PM
Its utter fear. Of backstepping. Losing the little light. Little love.
3/22/2015 8:39:01 PM
I try to make you happy, or make anything better than what you currently have
3/22/2015 8:39:06 PM
And I continuously fail.
3/22/2015 8:39:20 PM
And I know that if I fail at something, then there is always someone else to succeed at
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:39:30 PM
Of getting there and being excited again.
3/22/2015 8:39:40 PM
This is why i've waited so long, and been so patient, and failure after failure kept trying.
3/22/2015 8:39:53 PM
But like you told me, waiting too long has damaging consequences.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:40:01 PM
Of having them and everything right there and yanked away.
3/22/2015 8:40:08 PM
I'm taking a page from your book and not going to invest anything more, so I don't make your mistake again.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:40:16 PM
Of losing myself again
3/22/2015 8:40:27 PM
I promised you that we woudl do things together
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:40:35 PM
They're not just mine. You don't see!
3/22/2015 8:40:39 PM
That promise in itself wasn't good enough
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:41:09 PM
They're yours too. Your own play into it and I am so scared
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:41:13 PM
Im frozen
3/22/2015 8:41:27 PM
I was frozen too until I got the first hug
3/22/2015 8:41:32 PM
After that, I was beyond animated
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:41:34 PM
Waiting for him to get tired of it and go.
3/22/2015 8:41:44 PM
You told me yourself, he will not leave
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:41:51 PM
My hugs went away so long ago.
3/22/2015 8:41:51 PM
You are stuck with your puppy fiancee.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:42:08 PM
So so Lon ago.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:42:37 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:42:39 PM
3/22/2015 8:42:48 PM
I had told you I would come and get you, and you tell me that I would be a failure for even attempting.
3/22/2015 8:43:00 PM
And I believe you
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:43:13 PM
They're so big. And James. Was so angry. He broke our photo and shredded it.
3/22/2015 8:43:32 PM
If he will not let you go, and I cannot come and get you, and you will not "go" without him leaving, then all those conditions state that you will be there and I cannot be there, and I have accepted that.
3/22/2015 8:43:54 PM
So, please don't inform me that I'm running away. I can't run away from something I can't get close to in the first place.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:44:08 PM
I am scared of the rejection. Anger. Hurt. Inability of children to understand the adult choice they made.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:44:19 PM
All my fault. Always.
3/22/2015 8:44:20 PM
The kids aren't adults
3/22/2015 8:44:25 PM
It's not YOUR fault
3/22/2015 8:44:31 PM
It's Skyes fault for not letting you go
3/22/2015 8:44:45 PM
And my fault for not doing the "Princely" thing and taking on danger to save you.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:45:21 PM
No, they never were. But instead of understanding and acceptance they've been given so much hatred to base their understanding on.
3/22/2015 8:45:26 PM
...and kids change their mind all the time
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:45:32 PM
Deep hatred.
3/22/2015 8:45:37 PM
They can't hate what I love
3/22/2015 8:45:54 PM
It's impossible for a child to hate what their parents love....
3/22/2015 8:46:06 PM
When you watch the videos, you'll see what i'm talking about
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:46:15 PM
Very deep. I feel it in my bones. Her hatred of life. Anything good because her life wasn't happy.
3/22/2015 8:46:25 PM
who is "her"
3/22/2015 8:46:26 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:46:31 PM
Im goin in the am.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:47:02 PM
Your mom. Hates so deep. She obviously fell in love with her grandnabies.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:47:28 PM
Its like they were the only thing she could get to save her own rotting soul.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:47:50 PM
And no matter how hard I always kept cheery. Happy for them.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:47:58 PM
She spurned it.
3/22/2015 8:48:23 PM
God, please stop with the "mom" things
3/22/2015 8:48:34 PM
She is just a mountain that's really shallow but long to climb
3/22/2015 8:48:53 PM
I'll tell you what...
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:49:16 PM
Im sorry. I'll go. It's just not.. A great day to think of hurtful shit.
3/22/2015 8:49:21 PM
If "My Mother" is the only thing stopping you from making the decision of Me, then just stay put...
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:49:29 PM
3/22/2015 8:49:30 PM
If it's me, then at least there was things we can work on
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:49:36 PM
Not her.
3/22/2015 8:49:36 PM
If it's Skye, then just stay
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:50:25 PM
Them. You. Like it would be awkward and I feel like this. Burden. Dragging myself home like a stray dog...
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:50:38 PM
That just won't drop her bone.
3/22/2015 8:51:09 PM
hahaha you said bone
3/22/2015 8:51:22 PM
Then Stay, and just live with making new memories
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:51:35 PM
Its not. He's waiting I think. Or preparing...i dunno. Obviously if he's hiding drugs, he's been making deals I don't know about.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:52:00 PM
I spend all this time talking to you because he's not around a lot.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:52:46 PM
I leved on average a one to three level per day on skyrim. In less than 30 days I've made it to lvl
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:53:16 PM
34, hero, legendary. Status. Killed the emperor. Took over an assassin guild.
3/22/2015 8:53:42 PM
So, you have time
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:53:48 PM
Because I'm bored and lonely and he's freaking out cause even not on meth, I dont sleep. Eat.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:54:19 PM
Bathe. God she have you ever known me to avoid a fucking bathroom I could clean matt.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:55:00 PM
I quit all the drugs. Bounced off the mother of all dopamine highs into a fucking chasm of depression.
3/22/2015 8:55:25 PM
Told ya I would've been here to catch you
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:55:29 PM
I piss in a cup and dump it out a broken window and pray no ones out below.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:56:01 PM
I fucking hover when I shit and still AIM BETTER THAN THE MEN SITTING, SHITTING ON THE SEAT.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:57:01 PM
yes, but there becomes a big issue when you can't even leave your room at three am to shit, shower, or shave because you're tired of the mask of perfection.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:57:51 PM
I can't go get food until Skye is there cause alone they say shit, meaning jokingly. But I hurts.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:58:21 PM
Im stuck up cause I wont spend family time. I kept getting sick, the smoke.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 8:59:28 PM
but tomorrow is library day cause they can't take away that hope. That little bit. One of four is scary matt.
3/22/2015 8:59:34 PM
And it'll be like that for as long as you are there...
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:00:08 PM
We were thinking motel as soon as my check came, fast track his id and so is for work.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:00:19 PM
A more.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:00:24 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:00:28 PM
Dam it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:00:42 PM
Fucking price of shot phone!
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:02:04 PM
Dinner was fucking great cause of hot sauce. Im getting fat and you can see more of his bones than Charles shows!
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:02:24 PM
Charles is a atray but I pay to feed the boy and its not enough.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:02:56 PM
Sex is getting akward cause he dont get use older women dont fucking need a walking orgasm.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:03:03 PM
Just attention.
3/22/2015 9:03:18 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:03:19 PM
And my attention is ripping my heart out.
3/22/2015 9:03:27 PM
The words are starting to not make sense
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:03:40 PM
You're my attention.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:04:11 PM
Sleep might be useful. After you approach 24+ nothing is right.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:04:26 PM
Im not sleeping. My body sure.
3/22/2015 9:04:32 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:04:38 PM
Brain just goes and goes.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:04:53 PM
All these memories of the kids.
3/22/2015 9:05:00 PM
Go sleep
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:05:04 PM
The giggles and smiles and fun.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:05:08 PM
I try.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:05:10 PM
A lot.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 9:38:40 PM
My puppy is sleeping in the chair in his corner.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:05:33 PM
I get the whole bed n no bones!
3/22/2015 10:05:45 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:06:00 PM
Skye crashed downstairs.
3/22/2015 10:07:28 PM
no bones?
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:10:35 PM
He's pretty skinny.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:10:47 PM
Try sleeping with a stick...
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:11:11 PM
His hip bones atick out really bad. I watch him eat and eat...
3/22/2015 10:11:19 PM
ah ok
3/22/2015 10:11:21 PM
sleep well
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:11:32 PM
He's lucky to be pushing a hundred pounds. So like this is hard.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:12:19 PM
It wasn't supposed to fall apart. And it's not even you. Im as at fault as he is. I kept agreeing to do the fucking drugs.
3/22/2015 10:12:33 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:12:36 PM
So, I do feel like a dog crawling him to you.
3/22/2015 10:12:36 PM
3/22/2015 10:12:44 PM
3/22/2015 10:12:49 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:13:05 PM
It is. It has been. Im in fucking denial about reality.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:13:24 PM
That was real but what if he was high?
3/22/2015 10:13:41 PM
3/22/2015 10:13:43 PM
when he proposed?
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:14:02 PM
What if the tears were fucking hyped out meth fears and love has been hyped out meth feelings.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:14:06 PM
3/22/2015 10:14:16 PM
Your crazy
3/22/2015 10:14:32 PM
What man would proposed while high
3/22/2015 10:14:34 PM
I mean, really
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:14:37 PM
What if he's miserable right now cause I don't know what he really wants.
3/22/2015 10:14:40 PM
That doesn't fucking matter
3/22/2015 10:14:51 PM
Drunk words are sober thought
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:14:57 PM
High and scared of losing the only kindness in his life
3/22/2015 10:14:59 PM
High words are the best thoughts
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:15:01 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:15:39 PM
On a 'motherload' of dopamine, come downs are like jumping off the roof of a twelve story building
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:16:01 PM
Not every thought is sane really. After four five days, avweek. No sleep.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:16:30 PM
Your body is running on PURE ADRENALINE and DOPAMINE and just stops. BAM!
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:16:39 PM
And you're fucking psycho.
3/22/2015 10:17:18 PM
3/22/2015 10:17:20 PM
He is your man
3/22/2015 10:17:22 PM
Deal with it
3/22/2015 10:17:28 PM
and live with it, right?
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:18:21 PM
What if he wasn't ready to think about forever and I pushed him there cause it was getting bad. No sex for almost a month. My female brain was all 'he hates me' and he was all 'shes gonna flip for dude cause I can't blow all that money on aex toys...toys..oh my god I haven't touched her.. She's getting off to HIS SEX TOYS...
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:18:27 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:18:34 PM
You taught me that..
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:19:28 PM
Like how many times did you just keep trying...we aren't even able to marry cause my lazy ass hasn't finished my divorce.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 10:19:42 PM
Im still another mans wife.
3/22/2015 10:28:55 PM
3/22/2015 10:29:07 PM
You are, but it's what is in your heart that matters
3/22/2015 10:29:12 PM
And Skye is in your heart.
3/22/2015 10:29:20 PM
Not me, not the kids, not forever, just Skye.
3/22/2015 10:55:31 PM
If your not sure, you need to talk to him.
3/22/2015 10:56:02 PM
Not one minute past midnight., eastern
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 11:43:44 PM
Hes unawakeable
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 11:44:06 PM
Im too late
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 11:44:27 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 11:44:45 PM
Make them your own night songs.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 11:45:11 PM
The angel song could be hard for you to sing, but get it. They nred to member gramma
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 11:45:37 PM
Angel knows. Jewel. Angel standing by.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 11:45:42 PM
She always asks.
Jennifer Cejka
3/22/2015 11:51:16 PM
And the pictures of us. Its all I have left...
3/23/2015 12:05:26 AM
You are too late for what?
Jennifer Cejka
3/23/2015 11:26:36 AM
3/23/2015 12:07:32 PM
That doesn't help me understand
3/23/2015 12:07:41 PM
Did you get your answers on if he was high when he proposed?
3/23/2015 12:07:55 PM
Or is that something you are just gonna give a pass to?
Jennifer Cejka
3/23/2015 11:43:40 PM
Yeah I did.
Jennifer Cejka
3/23/2015 11:43:53 PM
Just got some wifi.
Jennifer Cejka
3/23/2015 11:44:00 PM
He was.
Jennifer Cejka
3/23/2015 11:45:01 PM
Todays been bad pain. Four full strength aspirin four Tylenol and my last two feldene. Still hurting bad
Jennifer Cejka
3/23/2015 11:54:46 PM
Omg. Charles sent me Skyrim screenshots. Some homeless shelter he's in!
3/23/2015 11:59:22 PM
3/23/2015 11:59:34 PM
What can I do for you?
Jennifer Cejka
3/24/2015 12:02:01 AM
I Dunno. Just letting you know I'm alive. Wish grandpa would come cut my leg off cause its realm bad. Hate little ceasats fucking bacon wrapped pizza ads.
3/24/2015 12:02:54 AM
I know your alive
Jennifer Cejka
3/24/2015 12:03:03 AM
Only got wifi cause Skye still has phone access. Musta gone to WalMart. Pulled the trick.
Jennifer Cejka
3/24/2015 12:03:35 AM
Cookies out. I can't wait for thin mints. Peanut butter.
3/24/2015 12:03:56 AM
I have to ship them
Jennifer Cejka
3/24/2015 12:04:00 AM
Skye is gonna get up eight every day to watch
Jennifer Cejka
3/24/2015 12:04:03 AM
3/24/2015 12:04:20 AM
Anything else I can do for you?
Jennifer Cejka
3/24/2015 12:05:06 AM
Il check in when I can. Guess not. Goodbye.
3/24/2015 12:05:16 AM
Why do you feel you need to check in?
3/24/2015 12:05:25 AM
It seems the situation hasn't changed much, right?
Jennifer Cejka
3/24/2015 12:06:56 AM
It has, but its too late. So Ill check back. Just wanna be sure the delivery isn't stolen by some greedy bitch. She whined about not getting her 24 pack case of little Debbie today. Ate 24 cakes in less than a week. No one but her.
3/24/2015 12:15:09 AM
It's too late?
3/24/2015 12:15:11 AM
You use that alot
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 5:58:54 PM
Watching bids. Skye is flipping. Got home on the brain. Found some stuff of the kids'.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:00:46 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:00:56 PM
You said I was too late.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:09:11 PM
And you're away and I dunno how long Stone is gonna be here at the library. Gonna have to pay off the library to see bids. Fortunately I've been reinstated as Driver for Skye and kids, because that's the kinda mood his dads in. Could be the sexy skull tank, uber mini skirt, and tights thing I got going on. If it weren't raining here Id have super sexy heels on too. Michelle hates my guts today.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:09:36 PM
I have lost 'toi much weight' she said with a shake O her head. Lol.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:10:23 PM
Well, I'm sorry, I just can't stuff down 32 packs of little Debbie snacks'
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:10:58 PM
And Skye fucking ate last night, she made sure to say, did you Jen?'
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:11:10 PM
Nope, your hubby ate mine.
3/25/2015 6:11:26 PM
Watch the vids
3/25/2015 6:11:40 PM
And yes, end of this month the time is up
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:11:51 PM
Gotta get $32 first.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:12:23 PM
Apparently they want you pay for the extra time you take with library books.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:12:44 PM
Who knew. If I'm lucky ill be paid early and can make it before the first
3/25/2015 6:13:04 PM
At that moment it will be too late
3/25/2015 6:14:16 PM
Did Skye get his ID yet?
3/25/2015 6:15:22 PM
With his street ability for finding or exchanging things in record times I woukd think he would already be getting that taken care of, no excuses.
3/25/2015 6:16:40 PM
And why the hell did you change your skype display image? Now its just boring...
3/25/2015 6:16:51 PM
Should be a set, imho
3/25/2015 6:17:03 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:17:04 PM
Nope, remember I found out he's sneaking drugs behind my back. Almost gave up his iPod for fucking methadone.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:17:21 PM
Wish I had a photographer.
3/25/2015 6:17:23 PM
Right, so what?
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:17:31 PM
3/25/2015 6:17:38 PM
You told me he would make that his highest priority
3/25/2015 6:17:49 PM

Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:17:50 PM
So his shits not traded for money.
3/25/2015 6:17:53 PM
Your gorgeous!
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:18:07 PM
Wow my face is skinny. Before I knew the truth.
3/25/2015 6:18:20 PM
Yup, drugs steal your insides
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:18:25 PM
Yesterday! You're make up is amazing!
3/25/2015 6:18:35 PM
3/25/2015 6:18:41 PM
But....i don't wear makeup
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:18:45 PM
Hair washed. Showered
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:18:55 PM
But you own the make up
3/25/2015 6:19:21 PM
You've received a new picture. View it at: https://api.asm.skype.com/s/i?0-eus-d2-3d8f908d1c454f79a417482f645a9919
3/25/2015 6:19:34 PM
I'm all scraggly and hairy >.>
3/25/2015 6:19:46 PM
Completely undesirable by womens
3/25/2015 6:20:29 PM
And not wearing makeup now
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:23:09 PM
So, shave?
3/25/2015 6:23:18 PM
I have nothing to shave for
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:23:43 PM
Yourself! I dont wear make up for Skye. He hates it.
3/25/2015 6:23:52 PM
I'm like a canvas, waiting for the next artist to come by
3/25/2015 6:24:12 PM
Will you be my artist?
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:24:29 PM
I dont dress sexy for him either. I do it for me. You also need something in your diet. You're looking like you're ma there, kinda creepy.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:24:42 PM
I liked it better she you favored your dad.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:24:48 PM
So, art is...
3/25/2015 6:24:50 PM
Thats wrong....
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:24:55 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:25:06 PM
Nope. Its honest.
3/25/2015 6:25:20 PM
I should look like my parents
3/25/2015 6:25:27 PM
Its called genetics or some shit
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:26:03 PM
He likes me better clothes than half naked, hence a mini skirt with tights. Footless, sandals an anklet and nail polish.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:26:12 PM
that's sexy.
3/25/2015 6:26:17 PM
Yes, it is
3/25/2015 6:26:58 PM
Better than full makeup, collar, cuffs, anklets, and panties on all 4s
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:27:30 PM
The fact I can rock skimpy skinny biych clothes and attract every male in the house while the woman making me skinny via starvation whines I lost TOO MUCH OF THE SIXTY POUNDS KEEPING ME UNHEALTHY, OBESE, AND FAT. Bonus.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:27:43 PM
I needed that last night.
3/25/2015 6:27:59 PM
Mmk, glad you got it last night?
3/25/2015 6:28:14 PM
You watching the videos?
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:28:24 PM
He pinched a pimple, pain was pleasure and I was wanting the fucking crop off the wall and he's scared to do it.
3/25/2015 6:28:40 PM
3/25/2015 6:28:49 PM
Again, another missed opportunity
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:28:57 PM
Unfortunately watching dad beat mom as a kid turned him into a big moshy softy
3/25/2015 6:29:12 PM
I would have 2 for you. One to hold with your teeth and one to use on you
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:29:17 PM
I cannot watch videos until I pay the library the $32 I owe them.
3/25/2015 6:29:24 PM
Ah, right
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:29:40 PM
Or obtain a laptop to sit outside with. Or get my data on my phone.
3/25/2015 6:30:01 PM
Easy to get
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:30:08 PM
Here with Skye and his little bro
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:30:27 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:30:33 PM
From this summer
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 6:31:26 PM
I has no laptop. M likely won't lend hers. Waiting on phone data to share hotspot at home, or the 32.
3/25/2015 6:34:48 PM
Well, you still have a couple days left
3/25/2015 6:35:05 PM
I suggest you review what you have, attempt to get action, and either get it done or deal. I'm sorry it has to be this way

3/25/2015 6:35:17 PM
6 days left
3/25/2015 6:36:12 PM
And until you give the Go-Ahead, I've got shit to do around here, and you would only get my full attention and support only on that command and plan.
3/25/2015 6:44:04 PM
And if it's an absolute "No", then just tell me. It won't stop me from making the shipment tomorrow, and better persuing whatever I can
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:09:40 PM
Its not an absolute no. I don't know what to do right now. Im being fed to get fat again.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:09:44 PM
Its sad.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:11:08 PM
I will attempt to get there before the time is up.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:12:34 PM
The boys are in to watch me play skyrim. Sorry.
3/25/2015 8:13:00 PM
Why Sorry?
3/25/2015 8:13:10 PM
And that's very exciting to hear you attempting to get here before time is up

Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:15:25 PM
I meant the library and videos. They're important to me. Skye has been on my ass. He thinks he knows I am homesick and gonna just get on a bus in the middle of the night.vits stressful.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:16:30 PM
i only am online cause Michelle asked Popeye to put his hotspot on.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:17:12 PM
I won't have phone until likely it is too late and we're near tornado warning zones.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:19:58 PM
So hopefully I make it happen. If you do not hear from, that's why. If you'd like an Im okay let me know.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:20:13 PM
Today was fucking shitty.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:21:28 PM
Skye got antsy because I can be a total fucking idiot driving, which isn't typical, but she guys get in the car I get anxious cause daddy used to flip out and yell at me even when I was driving great.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:21:58 PM
Like every time I had T get him to and from a hospital and he couldn't give up control.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:24:06 PM
So Skye was shitty the two or three mile drive straight down one road, simple turn and lane change (which I was 'wrong for doing properly, as well as looking out behind me physically like dad taught me, instead of relying on mirrors with blind spots)...atraight again, library off the main road. Not complicated, good traffic given wet rainy conditions.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:25:29 PM
He bitched and bitched about how HORRIBLE A DRIVER I AM. Oh? Welk, excuse me me ill get all fucked up and drive and ONLY DECIDE ON PURPOSE TO HIT A CAR High, he suddenly hated inpalas and almost ran one off the road in a sports car going 116mph.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:27:09 PM
Fuck that. So I came to a light, was distracted, stupidly turned as soon as the light changed, another car pulled in front of me. Fuck. Glad the breaks worked, glad we made it. Glad I almost fucked up because I asked him A HUNDRED FUCKING TIMES TO SHUT HIS FUCKING MOUTH NICELY AND HE FUCKING WOULDNT.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:27:47 PM
I've been driving his dads car a year now. Until today no fucking issues that stupid in fucking Springfield traffic.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:28:34 PM
Its no different than that stretch of 90 they changed to a 55 in Buffalo. Traffic either goes with it, faster, or slower cause a cops there.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:30:12 PM
I drove that fucking highway to DEATH in snowstorms,blizzards,white outs. Rain, hail, sleet, ice. Beautiful weather n blew past a trooper who was doing 90 cause it was so fucking beautiful and it was me alone and I was in a fantastic mood leaving from the kids.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:31:44 PM
The worst I ever did was a fucking bumper ya because of the guy ahead of me and freedom running HER MOUTH.light went gren, he moved, my foot slipped, he had to suddenly stop. I was dumb, wearing flip flops. Insurance went up five bucks for it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:33:22 PM
It was a stupid shit thing today, and I'm annoyed enough at letting myself get distracted but him for being so petty jealous, bravado in front of his lil bro. He acts like he's in competition with stone cause stone makes it obvious he has a tween crush on me.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:35:07 PM
I can't help his dad asked me to drive just cause mu license came. His dad refused to let me drive, when a name and number run would show it and his wife over me who hasn't even got a state permit, nor is she NAVY anything anymore so she can't say shed got a military license to skate by.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:35:44 PM
Other days he gets pissy and I HAVE TO DRIVE because. of her un licensed state.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:36:00 PM
Or Skye drove me cause mine wasn't physically here.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:37:08 PM
Its all dudes mood. He prolly figures skyes been over doing exactly what he's doing, smoking dope. OR I made the old bastard happy looking nice, coming down more to be 'involved' as family again.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:38:17 PM
And Skye is mad I stood up to him and said no. I should have been a LOT before now, but I've been diminutive and quiet and let him have,do, take whatever he's wanted to.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:38:56 PM
So, its shit. And this amazing storm isn't helping. I live my rain and thunder storms.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:39:29 PM
I had to close the window. Lightning went straight down between our house n the neighbors.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:41:16 PM
Told the boys to leave, stone kept teasing Ricky with stupid stuff about personal habits. "omg you just itched your butt and smelled it" not up for discussion in my room. Nor is that straw, or crack, or cocaine. They aren't fucking jokes either. 14 years old and thinks ira funny to come in talking like that.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:41:35 PM
So, Im sorry because ita more shit.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 8:41:53 PM
And 'excuses'.
3/25/2015 8:43:43 PM
3/25/2015 8:43:45 PM
that's alot to read
3/25/2015 8:57:15 PM
So, he's guilting you
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 9:01:01 PM
3/25/2015 9:04:27 PM
Don't blame him
3/25/2015 9:58:07 PM
Yeah, i'm sure it's scary for heaven to walk away
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 9:58:41 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 9:59:27 PM
Stone said he thinks he gets why we matched. My easy going personality and of COURSE my purdiness.
3/25/2015 10:03:22 PM
"We" matched?
3/25/2015 10:03:24 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:09:15 PM
Skye and I.
3/25/2015 10:10:50 PM
You do
3/25/2015 10:10:55 PM
I don't know why you want to even take my offer
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:11:44 PM
If I can't get online before my cit off, could you just leave me the amount you sent in a few days. I hate thinking ot but Skye will likely get the package before I do id like to at least know ifI got ripped off. He's usually honest bit things are starting to slide. The other night he never came to bed. He got 'locked out' but claims he wasn't gone more than an hour getting a cig across TH street.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:12:54 PM
Later he added details like ' we smoked from the bubble. I got high, but not super high. I worked on so n so's car with dude. Dad went to bed and I couldn't wake you up. Shouted at the window for half an hour..m'
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:14:58 PM
So the next day he tosses me a xanax. I know that he takes three for every one I get. He left his iPod with a friend. Dude across the street just handed him a quarter. We hadn't met yet, and that was my pretty make up day. Mane he thought I was cute. So, instead of doing ot, (yay for me at least) he gave the shit to his friend holding the iPod.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:16:11 PM
I asked if we still owed his friend for any if the pain pills or xanax from last month. He said no. Im attempting to prevent the Las two months from repeating. I am not paying his dad no matter what.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:16:22 PM
Im nit starving here another day.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:17:27 PM
I dont need to know how much now. I think you are holding out as long as you can. I dont blame you. These storms are pretty nasty. His dad doesn't usually leave the hotspot on for half an hour much less this long.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:18:40 PM
Im trying to get out to see the vids, but we've had hail, thunder,tornado warnings,lightning and real hard rains all day. My stomach is hurting so bad eating isn't helping.
3/25/2015 10:18:40 PM
I'm not holding out
3/25/2015 10:18:43 PM
I'm holding my word
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:19:03 PM
No I meant to see if I am coming.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:19:22 PM
U didn't mean it as a negative thing.
3/25/2015 10:19:30 PM
3/25/2015 10:19:38 PM
Yeah, again, I don't mean anything negative
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:19:56 PM
I hope I still know you well enough to know the difference

3/25/2015 10:20:19 PM
If you knew me well enough, you would've been here
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:20:46 PM
I've been pushing so hard to get around the Las three days my hip is so sore from the stairs I can't lie on it
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:20:52 PM
That is true.
3/25/2015 10:21:16 PM
Soon to be 5 days and counting
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:22:44 PM
I just dont want you to think I've got all this access when it could cut off at any time and O dont know what's gonna happen with this weather. Lol. Maybe I should look it up but I'm stressed about clearing up my intentions. He shuts me up if I talk about family,my, our kids, memories.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:23:30 PM
I knew he was high the other night cause he said Ill get up in the middle of the night and leave for them.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:23:45 PM
Cause I've been talking too much about ny.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:24:18 PM
I refiled paperwork. Found Angelique's birth certificate for her cabbage patch dill.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:24:48 PM
Mothers day cards. Valentines day cards. Photos I haven't been able to look at in years.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:25:27 PM
Ugh. And my tummy acid! Heartburn coming up my throat.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:26:22 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:26:27 PM
He's been talking about rehab too.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:26:54 PM
So I think he's becoming his own problem.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:27:12 PM
I'll try email.
3/25/2015 10:27:56 PM
3/25/2015 10:27:59 PM
no, i see...wow
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:31:10 PM
Oh ok. Yeah.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:31:21 PM
He didn't say that to me at all.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:31:40 PM
He went to the library. I just saw it earlier.
3/25/2015 10:31:41 PM
Sounds like he's not ready for a job yet, or a life
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:32:46 PM
No. Its sad to me. He was so excited. Geared up. He's bored. At that brink of decision making process to determine where he takes his life.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:33:26 PM
He could conceivably stay here, afford his dope, deal with his family shit I cannot and will not and be that guy.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:33:37 PM
Gtg. He's getting in for now.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:55:19 PM
Brought crackers for tummy.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:57:08 PM
It took Skye almost a full two weeks to get things I sent him to NY. I hope it was only jail processing time. I could legitimately get my check before the package. Checking prices just in case.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:58:22 PM
Why consider your offer, restrained and too late as it likely is? Cause its positive thinking when every thing here has gone to shit. Absolutely worst case, I can afford to get away from these drug addicts.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:58:56 PM
This is beyond will power. I haven't had trouble not having it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 10:59:08 PM
They can't stop it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:03:15 PM
They can't choose not to. I am not a fix. The fun shiney 'new' wore off, proper time. Honeymoon ends at one year or so. May 24th is one year.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:05:00 PM
I know he was high when he got the rings. I think he started to struggle with sobriety, being 'a good boyfriend ' and being home in bed or in our room every night before midnight. Spends as much time trying to adapt to my shut in lifestyle.
3/25/2015 11:05:37 PM
You like your lifestyle?
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:05:48 PM
Spending as much time watching me geek it out on skyrim.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:05:50 PM
3/25/2015 11:06:05 PM
Skyrim is the bomb. I would need to get a Playstaton to plays it
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:06:13 PM
I fell in love, but its fucking miserable.
3/25/2015 11:06:23 PM
That's the benefits of love is working through it
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:06:40 PM
I would likely replace it. I dropped the stupid disc and the scratches are derp.
3/25/2015 11:06:59 PM
Well, if you did end up coming I would have to give up WoW
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:07:00 PM
It plays through most of them but occasionally I have to reboot.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:07:15 PM
Nah. I'd just have to catch up lol.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:07:30 PM
And prove I am Jennifer seekings.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:08:18 PM
Gotta spoof my marriage docs, but my laptop was traded out as soon as I found the bad HD sector.
3/25/2015 11:08:29 PM
ya, i know
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:08:30 PM
I wanna tower. Stability.
3/25/2015 11:08:38 PM
Would have to make the time to work on that
3/25/2015 11:08:54 PM
That' $1k in clothes would've been a nice tower
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:09:42 PM
Not a huge thing. Right now I m working on food and TP for tomorrow. Popeyes payday is four days off.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:10:05 PM
Kissing their asses for the little I getm
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:10:28 PM
Cause as a house we ate getting low lol.
3/25/2015 11:11:41 PM
I suppose yeah
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:12:37 PM
I was stupid then.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:12:49 PM
Was thinking about work.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:13:01 PM
High as a fucking kite.
3/25/2015 11:13:42 PM
You still are, right?
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:14:01 PM
But its not wasted. I can tell you that. You has photo proof. There's this barrier on things you got me.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:14:24 PM
They aren't tradeable, sellable, or considered.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:14:42 PM
Not I. You haven't paid attention âš
3/25/2015 11:14:50 PM
I have paid attention
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:15:14 PM
'we' did none of the quarter. It went to pay for shit from weeks ago.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:16:22 PM
HE has brought me at random a half mg xanax. Oo, a decent night sleep. My Dr will prescribe me stronger in as long as it takes for her to book me, see me after I get $ to see her. Or leave.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:17:56 PM
Or 15mg morphine. Maybe three times last month. I dont even respond to opiates at that level. What would likely make you puke, doesn't even register. Not because of abuse. Because I was prescribed what is medically accepted as 75 & 90mg of morphine a day for almost a year in Oxycodone.
3/25/2015 11:18:23 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:19:11 PM
I would have to IV shoot 120mg to feel a tingle down my spune, no euphoria, ten to twenty minutes pain relief and than get slammed with a headache. I 'accidentally' on purpose found his needle hide out.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:19:22 PM
He's been doing drugs behind my back.
3/25/2015 11:19:45 PM
Do you blame him?
3/25/2015 11:19:52 PM
He has the pressure of no life and taking care of you
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:19:59 PM
I was actually asked tonight if it were true I drink one gallon of water a day. No but at least half.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:20:37 PM
I dont blame him. He also knows that while caring for me, I pay the bills. I paid un some way or by proxy for the fun.
3/25/2015 11:20:46 PM
3/25/2015 11:20:53 PM
Are you trying to justify something?
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:20:58 PM
He also hated when I would do so much id get sick.
3/25/2015 11:21:02 PM
Or talking something out?
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:21:14 PM
No. Trying to recap. You accused me of being high.
3/25/2015 11:21:25 PM
That was almost a week ago
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:22:10 PM
The last 15mg that I just explained isn't high for me, perhaps ot would fuck you up, but my body has encoded an opiate tolerance.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:22:24 PM
Because of prescribed long term use.
3/25/2015 11:22:40 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:22:46 PM
As prescribed. When you get to my level if pain, abuse isn't worth it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:23:28 PM
And as you read above, even if I did what was needs to get me 'high' it was 20 minutes
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:23:44 PM
And a serious migraine after run through
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:24:15 PM
So, by next week I will be completely clean. Prolly am now.
3/25/2015 11:24:29 PM
That's really good!
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:24:32 PM
I haven't taken anything in over a week.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:24:48 PM
Nothing prescribed.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:24:52 PM
Nothing not.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:24:59 PM
Nothing illegal.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:25:18 PM
He is twitching as he falls asleep. He's coming off meth.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:25:48 PM
I may not sleep well. Or what is standardized as 'normal'.
3/25/2015 11:25:59 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:26:02 PM
But I slept at five to noon.
3/25/2015 11:26:04 PM
he'll stop sometime, right?
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:26:28 PM
My physician in NY said four to six hours was the 'norm'
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:27:32 PM
He brought up rehab. I dont think he can try unless I committed to that life of constant rehab for him, therapy, pharmaceutical replacement via psych prescriptions
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:27:58 PM
My prescription narcs under lock and key shoved up ny tea so he'd not find it.
3/25/2015 11:28:27 PM
mmk, so do you think you can deal with that life?
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:28:52 PM
For him to wanna pound that much, simethings changed drastically from two months ago, we had three weeks clean and he didn't feel any urge to go do it. Ppl just kept giving it to us.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:29:17 PM
Survive yeah. Deal, no. Been 'dealing' since my conception.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:29:32 PM
My parents used me to rehab them. Still do.
3/25/2015 11:29:40 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:30:42 PM
First major come down in in the ER puking my bile ducts empty and ma calls 'i was drunk with Lisa last week and unplugged the phone...' Im sorry ma...*barf and retch barf barf* I'm in the ER dehydrated and puking coming off crystal meth!
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:30:48 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:31:35 PM
I have dads innate ability to say nope dont wanna live that life and cold turkey dead stop a fucking seven year chemical dependency on Cymbalta. No. Ten years.
3/25/2015 11:31:36 PM
those drugs
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:31:51 PM
But no, I dont want to live more rehabs.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:32:55 PM
Licking up my shit, sleeping on my purse waiting for another day ue walks in and says I should give him five sleeping pills cause he feels like shit coming down on meth. Like I wasn't that day. Didn't need my prescribed meds.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:33:12 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:34:07 PM
What made me broken hearted was looking at pics of me with the kids the year I lost custody. I was fucking high numb and doped out on klonapin and you could see it.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:34:11 PM
Legally high.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:34:32 PM
Didn't know and so fucked up inside I didn't know.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:34:56 PM
Didn't care.
3/25/2015 11:34:57 PM
I've been clean myself, straight life, things just feel good
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:35:03 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:35:16 PM
I've gone a thousand miles backward.
3/25/2015 11:36:18 PM
But your happy
3/25/2015 11:36:21 PM
That's all that matters
3/25/2015 11:36:27 PM
You snuggle your hairy guy, and your happy
3/25/2015 11:36:41 PM
Everything else could bother you, but that snuggle is the winner, hands down
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:37:22 PM
No snuggles.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:37:36 PM
Im virtually not allowed to touch him.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:37:41 PM
Not happy
3/25/2015 11:38:03 PM
Well, shit
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:38:09 PM
He was so hurt and unloved as a child I cannot initiate sex.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:38:25 PM
I just drop hints and lie around hoping
3/25/2015 11:38:58 PM
Yeah, but you know now how to get him going
3/25/2015 11:39:02 PM
You learned this 2 days ago
3/25/2015 11:39:05 PM
That's progress!
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:40:11 PM
Yup. Lied still fit an hour while he picked pimples dripping cum because I needed pain to get off and he will not use the crop. He will not smack my ass. His dad has hit my ass more times and harder.
3/25/2015 11:40:42 PM
Again, progress
3/25/2015 11:40:47 PM
You just need to learn to communicate
3/25/2015 11:40:49 PM
I tell you this
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:40:50 PM
His dad got high on meth twice last summer while Skye was locked up and I walked through the kitchen and got whacked.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:41:28 PM
Second time I was lying on his dads bed talking with his step ma and his dad comes in and smacks my ass hard enough to hurt his hand unfront of his wife.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:42:01 PM
I guarantee my driving privileges were restored on my attractive attire.
3/25/2015 11:42:27 PM
Of course
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:42:31 PM
Michelle fed me because she's gaining pounds per day, and Im dropping pounds by the minute.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:42:50 PM
She said I have lost too much weight.
3/25/2015 11:43:00 PM
Do you know what next Tuesday is?
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:43:17 PM
My Calvin kliens would go above ny thighs a month ago.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:43:35 PM
The first. My cut of Matthew and kids day.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:44:01 PM
Fifteen days before Devons birthday. April Fools.
3/25/2015 11:44:26 PM
I appreciate you telling me all this information, and it's erotic to hear about you dripping puddles everywhere, but it's just .... i don't know
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:45:25 PM
And the weather thing on my phone says it shouldn't be as nasty as it was today, but today's forecast was not on target.
3/25/2015 11:45:41 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:45:46 PM
20% chance of some rain. We got hail golf ball sized!
3/25/2015 11:46:09 PM
hot and sunny today
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:46:20 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:46:38 PM
3/25/2015 11:46:50 PM
yup, looks good
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:47:25 PM
Did today too but outside sucks.
3/25/2015 11:48:00 PM
The weather is a good topic to talk about

3/25/2015 11:48:14 PM
Not you creaming over abuse... :\
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:53:25 PM
3/25/2015 11:53:50 PM
I hate listening to that being wasted
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:54:20 PM
Cookies coming before Tuesday may be the only thing that gets me to the videos on time.
3/25/2015 11:54:38 PM
to what videos?
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:54:53 PM
The kids'
3/25/2015 11:55:13 PM
the videos aren't going away...
3/25/2015 11:55:23 PM
unless you plan on spending the cash on somehting different
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:56:23 PM
I owe the library. I guarantee my check on the 3rd. Nothing to pay the library with to get to the videos with unless the money you send is used. I dont want to do that. Its my way out.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:56:39 PM
Regardless of where to, out. From this.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:57:10 PM
I can't say for certain I can pay them and watch until its too late.
3/25/2015 11:57:24 PM
I don't get the too late
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:57:31 PM
You wanted me T watch them before cit off.
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:57:39 PM
Stupid screen.
3/25/2015 11:57:41 PM
cit off?
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:57:48 PM
Cut off.
3/25/2015 11:57:54 PM
you can watch them anytime
Jennifer Cejka
3/25/2015 11:58:07 PM
Not why you sent them.
3/25/2015 11:58:10 PM
I was hoping you'd see them and then we could plan you leaving now cause they would have swayed you
Jennifer Cejka
3/26/2015 4:47:27 PM
I think the only thing bugging me is your underestimated impressions of me. You've stereotyped me. Its shitty.
3/26/2015 6:44:08 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/26/2015 6:51:06 PM
I've never been a stereotypical type.
Jennifer Cejka
3/26/2015 6:51:37 PM
Skye put popeyes hotspot on. Michelle is bored.
3/26/2015 6:51:52 PM
A loving individual is a stereotype
Jennifer Cejka
3/26/2015 6:52:38 PM
But I'm having trouble with keeping a connection
Jennifer Cejka
3/26/2015 6:54:03 PM
Thank you.
Jennifer Cejka
3/26/2015 6:56:10 PM
Indeed. Am I loving to you? Because you assume I've chosen a specific life over that of motherhood. However, you fail to realize I never stopped being the 'type' who can't forget, stop thinking of, missing,loving, or caring about her kids, even if not being in their life was the hand life dealt.
Jennifer Cejka
3/26/2015 7:03:32 PM
Love enough to give an arm, hand, and legs for. Ahit. Both kidneys n die. But you don't see that.
Jennifer Cejka
3/26/2015 7:03:55 PM
You focused on a fucking shitty six weeks.
3/26/2015 7:05:56 PM
3/26/2015 7:11:16 PM
I know you can't forget. Your the walking life encyclopedia. I just believe that the hands that life deals sometimes can be re-dealt out, it's the decision that has to be made to drop your current hand and pick up what could be the Royal Flush.
3/26/2015 7:12:11 PM
I also focused at what I felt was going to be the start of a shitty time to help you avoid it all. I didn't decide for you to take on the shitty time, I simply tried to buffer it as best as I could for you or get you the hell out of it before it got to the point of no return.
3/26/2015 11:47:30 PM
And finally, don't think the first 6 weeks here would be pretty as well. There are alot of "getting used to"'s and things we would overdo, but i guarantee it wouldn't be as bad as shit on the walls or locked up in a room.
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 4:52:08 PM
Thank you. $200.
3/31/2015 4:52:40 PM
"Met Customer Man"
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 4:53:30 PM
If that's how you feel, enjoy. You have my gratitude but you proved to meto be the same as always. ,
3/31/2015 4:53:53 PM
It's the comment on the "UPS Delivery Confirmation"
3/31/2015 4:54:05 PM
I thought it was hilarious
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 4:54:15 PM
3/31/2015 4:54:18 PM
o, your offline

Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 4:54:25 PM
3/31/2015 4:55:23 PM
well, 7 more hours
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 4:55:45 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 5:02:47 PM
I dont need 7 hours to remind you your word is useless. Addio Mio amore.
3/31/2015 5:04:15 PM
That's fine, then. I gave all the leeway, and all the money.
3/31/2015 5:05:38 PM
Not really my loss.
3/31/2015 5:07:17 PM
Will you be writing back to the kids?
3/31/2015 5:08:23 PM
Oh, wait, nevermind
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 5:12:30 PM
Only little people use kids as pawns. I will write to the. I can't make you or DD give them anything I send. I sent gifts,cards,letters until I was threatened by arrest if I continued. I would love to start sending cards and gifts and letters again.
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 5:14:19 PM
I do no have to sink to your level and use them in manipulation to get your attention. Merely speak to you civilly.
3/31/2015 5:14:32 PM
Stop writing more, please.
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 5:17:36 PM
3/31/2015 5:21:53 PM
So, your not going to take the offer of being here?
3/31/2015 5:22:09 PM
3/31/2015 5:30:55 PM
It's a Yes, I know.
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 6:01:38 PM
Of course 😊
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 6:02:07 PM
Dropped my phone. SD fucked, being stupid
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 6:02:19 PM
Bbl when I'm home.
3/31/2015 6:02:42 PM
Don't worry much about it
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 6:02:50 PM
Dads not well btw. Passing out, twitchy
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 6:03:48 PM
Worried about it enough to have krempa do brain scans but it sounds a lot like his old neck issues.
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 6:04:00 PM
Cardiac work up this week.
3/31/2015 6:04:15 PM
He'll live another day
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 6:04:44 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 6:05:08 PM
Phones dying so as soon as its charged ill be around
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 6:11:14 PM
You did send $200 correct? I was right about that fucker opening it and counting before I got it. I was pissed. Didn't ask him to sit outside and wait on it. That's no excuse T open my packages. I dont open his mail. Then he walleted it like he's un chatmrge. Fuck no. Im not going on a dope,morphine,zannie trip. Im gonna fucking eat this month. Fuck you asshat. He didn't like that.
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 9:25:05 PM
3/31/2015 9:31:13 PM
Welcome Home
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 10:39:49 PM
3/31/2015 10:40:47 PM
Did you find the rest?
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 10:49:08 PM
Chatted to my mom. I dont think she's gonna bust me for a large loan. I didn't take it but someone stole the debit card information I forgot I hung up on the wall above my desk.
3/31/2015 10:50:32 PM
Okay, 70 minutes then
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 10:53:15 PM
I don't think I'm gonna get much grief.
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 10:55:14 PM
Didn't you see my of course?
3/31/2015 10:55:28 PM
Your "of course?"
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 10:56:09 PM
You said you knew my answer was yes.
3/31/2015 10:58:00 PM
You never gave the answer at the time
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 10:58:06 PM
I said of course. Im not happy pissing in a cup.
3/31/2015 10:58:08 PM
So I was playing the passive-posessive
3/31/2015 10:58:42 PM
and your not pissing in a cup, it's a bucket
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 10:58:46 PM
Dirty ass tub that feels dirty
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 10:59:08 PM
Its a 44 oz fountain drunk cup
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 10:59:29 PM
Find the rest of what?
3/31/2015 10:59:48 PM
Did you enjoy any of the cookies?
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:00:14 PM
Of course was my yes!
3/31/2015 11:00:39 PM
Do you have 5 minutes?
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:01:50 PM
Yeah. Trying to figure out Minecraft. But its not like it can't wait.
3/31/2015 11:02:17 PM
Are you staying there?
3/31/2015 11:03:08 PM
Yes or No please
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:03:21 PM
No. I couldn't even get to the videos cause of drama.
3/31/2015 11:03:43 PM
Would you like to come here?
3/31/2015 11:03:47 PM
Yes or No please
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:03:49 PM
3/31/2015 11:04:33 PM
3/31/2015 11:04:39 PM
I've only got 30 seconds left :/
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:05:09 PM
I would like to see how well we get on.
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:06:45 PM
Can I have this month? Want at least neuro opinion to direct us on best options in or out O buffalo.
3/31/2015 11:07:48 PM
mmk, so it's you and Skye
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:09:17 PM
I'd also like to at least go print my divorce forms and mail them while they can mail things here or have time for me to gather Charles is dragging ass, allowing me time to update my address with NY.
3/31/2015 11:10:33 PM
Okay, so your wanting all of April to be able to figure out (from there) on what you need to get here before deciding on coming
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:11:01 PM
No. He's not willing to move away from the neighborhood because he wont know where to get morphine.
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:11:04 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:12:43 PM
I've decided. May not be all of April, but not paid yet and want to at least mail out my divorce papers next week.
3/31/2015 11:13:03 PM
You can mail out the divorce papers from anywhere, to be honest
3/31/2015 11:13:22 PM
Do you have enough drugs to last 14 days?
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:13:43 PM
Yes, but I want to hear from Xharles he got served
3/31/2015 11:14:47 PM
So charles is in that state?
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:14:59 PM
Plus if i need to go serve him physically I'm near by. If in two weeks its up in the air ill call judges attorney and give new addy
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:15:03 PM
3/31/2015 11:15:44 PM
I swear you can initiate that here
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:17:13 PM
Close enough to borrow the car on a Sunday, drive, have someone here to serve him in person. Trying to get it cheap. I could pay for a process server.
3/31/2015 11:17:40 PM
Yeah, process servers are fine and more legal. Again, that could be done here.
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:18:53 PM
Don't expect a problem from him.
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:19:00 PM
It could.
3/31/2015 11:19:22 PM
I just want to evacuate you asap
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:20:53 PM
I need the information for the insurance if you think yours is an acceptable expense on us, so I can start Medicare informing. That's a phone call. At least a week to get my med records here.
3/31/2015 11:21:19 PM
Is this something we should discuss over voice?
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:21:23 PM
See how ling neuro wants me to wait, if you can extract in three four days even
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:21:38 PM
Prolly. Me call you.
3/31/2015 11:22:00 PM
Is this something you CAN discuss?
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:22:01 PM
Here or the last phone number you gave me?
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:22:16 PM
Yea. He's out high as fuck with lance.
3/31/2015 11:22:45 PM
Do you have my number?
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:23:10 PM
Believe. 716-235 #
3/31/2015 11:23:15 PM
3/31/2015 11:23:18 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:24:11 PM
Yup. Saw it in my phone log earlier.
3/31/2015 11:58:39 PM
Jennifer Cejka
3/31/2015 11:59:53 PM
Goodbar 😃
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:02:06 AM
I am gonna try bids on Xbox. Prolly not work but I wasn't even able to go to the library. He pulled what he did last month. I dont open his mail.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:02:47 AM
I wouldn't have mentioned the money but I have been sick. Not sure why. Sometimes I am asked until Te.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:03:24 AM
I didn't want to risk his dad or the other sketchy roommates all doing meth steal I in desperation.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:03:37 AM
Ugh. Stupid screen crack.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:05:21 AM
Sometimes I sleep until ten. He's just shown the love is wearing off and I'm just another resource. If he'd at least asked me what I felt we should do with it as it was no longer meant at extraction of us both, but simple aid. The phone time is 45 a month. Ok for two and tax a hundred.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:05:49 AM
but i got fifty in groceries and he was mad I didn't want to wait on Zantac.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:06:01 AM
Or blades. Soap. Deodorant.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:07:01 AM
We cant just commune soap. Fee wipes her shit ALL OVER walls and occasionally washes hands but leaves shit germs and smears on the sink. His dads leaving blood stains on the floor at the toilet.
4/1/2015 12:07:04 AM
We can take care of those needs when you get here
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:07:51 AM
Ran off last night for dope. If his dads doing it now, he's gonna blow his whole check again and I don't wanna be part of a whole here.
4/1/2015 12:08:09 AM
Just remember, you take your first few steps tomorrow
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:08:34 AM
End up homeless, stuck using drugs I dont want just because its there, free, I'm bored. I honestly haven't struggled yet with cravings.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:09:13 AM
Had my binge and now its no fun
4/1/2015 12:10:36 AM
Yeah, time to be a part of life again
4/1/2015 12:11:53 AM
I've got some cleaning to do tomorrow lol
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:12:23 AM
Yeah. Been trying to get back even to being out of the bedroom.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:12:33 AM
Lol. Dont stress about it.
4/1/2015 12:13:40 AM
Bring what you can. I'll have an open closet and dresser ready for you
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:14:09 AM
You're not dirtier than here.
4/1/2015 12:14:24 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:14:40 AM
Got Michelle a dishwasher n she still won't do dishes.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:20:35 AM
Five adults who claim to clean the shitter ten times a day its the dirtiest seat I have known. Flagg at is cleaner.
4/1/2015 12:22:22 AM
It was cleaner, cause I remember making it that way
4/1/2015 12:22:33 AM
God, I remember actually cleaning it all down, and getting my hand in that shit...
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:23:44 AM
4/1/2015 12:33:07 AM
mmk, i'm going to bed. Glad you made the deadline. I'll be preparing the next couple days until your here. Any changes just tell me.
4/1/2015 12:33:26 AM
Also, any feminine-related stuff you need if you could give me an overview I'll see what I can acquire
4/1/2015 12:39:04 AM
Also, I've got Jake sworn to secrecy so that I can make the move for custody. He knows mom doesn't "Like" you lol
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:52:54 AM
Lol he always has been a good guy. Knows she to speak, and never had reason to think I was ever a bad mom.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 3:03:56 AM
If he did he never said so. And knows she =knows when. Been a long fucking night. Spent as much time as school bed times and what could be seen as reasonable with the boys, they don't know Im going, stone has a clue and wanted to hang out some. But it is still a school night. Skye took off after I talked to him. I did promise I would never just disappear without some sort of an attempt to tell him. He's gotten to far gone in the opiates again. He robbed ma last month after he spent my whole check. I can allow one time for naivety. He never before had a serious enough relationship that he ever experienced that pool of money couples who are committed call joint and the immense amount O consideration for how spending that joint pool of money affects a partner,especially during financial hardships and shortages. He was never in them long enough to get there and then couldn't stay sober under the limitations of his emotional state during the death of his child,born,held,and too early to make it.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 4:20:47 AM
Fine. To then steal from ny family again, taking my confidence in him about things mom tells me or he finds on my phone was plain wrong.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 4:23:44 AM
It was during the binge right after you shipped everything. He was jealous. Lied about getting under the table work. I was high one day and crashing on an epic scale the next and never paid enough attention to see how ridiculous it was he had so much money. Or he traded out his parents gifts in electronics he could have paid minimally to repair/update, traded the camera we could have used to make money, with or without you if he'd had a problem with your management.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 4:23:57 AM
For drugs. I know you don't want details btw.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 4:30:58 AM
The amount was ridiculous. It just took more than I expected to hit the peek I wanted for one day. Tolerance levels auck and build fast. But I've done the hardest part. Detox. Now its strength regaining through good self care. You're right about being able to do here as easily there. I just heard so much good about where I was going to have the surgical consult and knowing what daddy's suffering now because U of B doctors did his neck and its not healed right, stayed fused, and if its not him having mini strokes, its his shitty neck fusion from them and its increase in degeneration further in those areas and affected nerves are of a critical functionality in the brain.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 4:35:14 AM
So brain scans for dad. Heart check next week in erie
4/1/2015 7:10:56 AM
At this time you should be awake

4/1/2015 7:11:16 AM
I'd be thinking you were asleep @ 4am to start to flip your day, but that's well due
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:30:48 AM
Anything to cause stress or anxiety disturbs my sleep
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:32:16 AM
My hip pain flared up this past weekend. Lots if napping during night cause pain woke me every hour. No ones got any help till the 12th. Only drug id like sitting for near 24 hours
4/1/2015 7:33:48 AM
Stretching after sleeping helps alot
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:36:26 AM
I do my best to remember to stretch as much as hip/lower back . I do it when I can even if its by dragging outta bed.
4/1/2015 7:37:11 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:38:44 AM
Some nights are bad. Can't get comfy cause of pain and now tender muscles. Some nights my legs just feel like lead I've gotta drag out myself. Its tough.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:39:18 AM
I can't seem to hit the toilet seat shitting in hover but my cup gets misses.
4/1/2015 7:39:36 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:39:55 AM
Fucking sick of it. Getting some info for ma in order. Outta data at 4g so its time consuming.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:40:12 AM
Dropped to 128 already.
4/1/2015 7:41:02 AM
You shouldn't have to leave the phone on the entire time
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:41:09 AM
Att data sucks. Will try straight talk when moneys settled n bugets and you throw your name on mr mans birthday gift from me.
4/1/2015 7:41:29 AM
That sucks that they knock you down to 128
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:41:49 AM
I dont but wanted music. I'll have data all month just not fast daya
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:41:54 AM
I know!
4/1/2015 7:43:05 AM
Today is the day. Get a hold of the doctors!
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:43:28 AM
I pissed him of talking. He lectured me monday for asking phoenix how she was. I had to fee sit while Michelle got her head shrunk.indeed! Call at 8
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:43:44 AM
Open earlier but nothing till eight.
4/1/2015 7:44:13 AM
I forget sometimes you are an hour off
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:44:31 AM
Gathering son questions so I can offer ma most assistance with least conflict, that she under stood.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:44:45 AM
Yeah. It ends up just a new norm.
4/1/2015 7:45:13 AM
Your autocorrect really makes you tell many different stories...
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:46:04 AM
Bot even that. Cracked so deep (fumbled getting in the middle and everyone got mad cause I wont do that.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:46:11 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:46:53 AM
My mind wandered in sleep. That's not worth a good egg,cheese,sausage smmich.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:47:30 AM
I could nap later. Drink a fruit smoothy. Think were out at home.
4/1/2015 7:47:56 AM
Do what you must. Be sure to get what you need and be on that bus.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:48:58 AM
I am. I dropped the phone for the 2nd time yesterday so calibration is worse.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:49:13 AM
I dont see it till I send it.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:50:18 AM
It wasn't expensive and till it dont type this one is mostly working.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:51:30 AM
He's losing his shit. Told him to start asking what he needs. Stop assuming Im runiny
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:51:36 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 7:57:36 AM
Sometimes like now he is just gonna pout. He was given faith.
4/1/2015 7:58:30 AM
God, you don't need problems now
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:00:39 AM
Yeah but my phones touch screen has deep crack,dropped again trying get to stand today.
4/1/2015 8:03:33 AM
I have to get monthly bus passes after work. If your on the bus I'll be able to get yours as well.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:03:44 AM
This week I've been fairly good in terms of pain. Just damned number fingers dropsies. You know I quit antidepressants and had no major paych drama.
4/1/2015 8:05:10 AM
When you have some time, I'll need that list of items you'll need me to get for you that you think I wouldn't have
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:07:00 AM
Mostly skin product I can't fit, out of deoderamt. Degree for women sexy intrigue.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:08:06 AM
I'll pack as much of my girly stuff I can. Be light on clothes only cause why drag there what's falling off my ass here n going out T trash or give away anyways.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:08:49 AM
I have good results in the face wash from clean n clear with the advertedvround micro scrubbers.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:10:37 AM
Have to get up n get names. List here? Be relatively short, you just stocked my lotions n stuff. Just regular almost gone things id buy myself anyway. Monthly stock. Baby wipes if you can get over my neurotic need to use them on more than keeping my butt clean lol
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:11:36 AM
Still handy in household cleaning,keeping me not sweaty stinky smelly, keeps acne down in easy face washes. Uses are endless.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:14:15 AM
My check hasn't dropped but its still early. Im falling asked now. He kept me up cause he's done meth and squatted on the floor tinkering. Im fairly certain what you sent didn't cover that cause after food and phones it left maybe ten bucks and that was prolly his cigs. Totally selfish. Got mad I said i wanted to eat before Friday and could getbotc stock then.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:14:26 AM
Get OTC stock.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:16:52 AM
I will need off brand zyrtec and benedetl. Cheapest is dollar tree and I can get it but itd be super awesome to have ready. Otherwise I've got soaps shampoo and all the smell goods. You might like the conditioner I got by mistake, if not gift T Wayne. Not been used enough you couldn't send it up cause it wasn't what you wanted and the boys will use it.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:17:26 AM
God these typos are bad. Keyboard just sits where crack is deepest in the screen.
4/1/2015 8:18:11 AM
Yeah, hard to translat3
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:18:23 AM
I've gotta try an hours nap. Exhaustion and excitement are setting in. Gonna be a very tough day. Waiting for him to just sod off.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:19:51 AM
I know. I almost used the $ to replace this but it was working better before we got home and it dropped again. My left hand is the culprit. Almost total feeling and grip on three fingers. Clutzy days happen.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:20:21 AM
I wished I wasn't so dumb with my Droid. Im hard on phones.
4/1/2015 8:21:07 AM
Skin products, degree sexy intrigue, budget clothes, clean and clear face wash, baby wipes (unscented?), zyrtec, benadryl....
4/1/2015 8:21:56 AM
No razors, lubes, toothbrushes, specific foods, or feminine care?
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:22:38 AM
So, I just gotta go. Try a short nap till Dr.Zinter gets in touch and then go from there. I like she's butter wipes. Otherwise just add some Zantac or double up on Kaopectate generic with gas relief. Gotta manage till care gets established and meds for tummy refiled.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:23:28 AM
Razors. Get back on feminine. Might still be stocked.vthatd be a my suitcase is too small thing really.
4/1/2015 8:23:43 AM
Mmk, sleep well.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:24:07 AM
Got lubes,toys,toothbrushes and all. Yogurt, low fat ok if not artificially sweetened.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:24:47 AM
I prefer complex carb protien over quick starchy carbs like bread and too much pasta.
4/1/2015 8:25:42 AM
Zantac or kaopectate with gas relief, razors, yogurt (lowfat & not artifically sweetened), bread, pasta
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:26:43 AM
Im at a healthy weight level but notice quick carbs deal for an hour n I'm starving again. Either my metabolism kicked up and is burning food fast. NO bread or Pasta unless you like whom grain on occasion. Bread n pasta gains the weight I couldn't lose easily.
4/1/2015 8:27:31 AM
It could be the environment or drugs. I would think 2 weeks and we can get you back on a good food regiment
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:27:33 AM
If you don't want chase all that we or even I alone can go myself. Im not too broken.
4/1/2015 8:28:21 AM
I told ya I will keep a watch on ya thr first couple until your a bit better. Don't be suprised if I'm up your ass
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:28:22 AM
I think its likely the cause O random puking. I was being treated before I came here for gastro reflux issues.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:29:00 AM
Im not unused to it. Mike crawled up mine first six months here. Uncle Jay did too.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:29:14 AM
Then he dropped off radar or contact lol
4/1/2015 8:29:51 AM
4/1/2015 8:30:02 AM
Just be sure to keep on schedule
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:30:32 AM
I hope its as easy as counting on not knowing if I wanted anything who and how to get it. If the pain becomes unbearable with asprin and Tylenol or Aleve, we address it then.
4/1/2015 8:30:53 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:30:59 AM
Cortanas scheduled to wake my ass in about an hour now.
4/1/2015 8:31:14 AM
I honestly think a change in environment and diet will do you good
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:31:58 AM
If it helps-I'm not going through physical cravings O head trips where I suddenly think hey why not. I could care less still if I never do it again.
4/1/2015 8:32:12 AM
Thats good
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:32:42 AM
Though not always prescribed to me, I never over indulged in pain meds. I know medical I may need them for years.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:33:28 AM
Abuse builds tolerance and takes away what's already a narrow list O relief options for the next thirty T fifty years.
4/1/2015 8:33:45 AM
Ha, yeah, i know
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:35:10 AM
I will always suffer chronic potentially debilitating pain. I'd rather accept taking the edge off so I gain even minimal comfort than waste limited use meds for a cheap buzz ill enjoy for half an hour.
4/1/2015 8:35:44 AM
And the cheap buzz costs too much, too
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:43:05 AM
That's why I declined a referral to a pain addiction specialist. I sold my pain pills for dope, was realm in pain and was ready to clean up but needed to cope to refills. They wouldn'thavevtested me had there not been miscommunicationin between my Dr and his new nurse who got angry I had his written approval to pick up refills in January by ten am. He wasn't in T tame her so i made a complaint of her poor treatment an unprofessional attitude to me. In pain patients complaints about when refills are due is now a stereotype red flag for an addict who is emotionally charged about being out and in withdrawl. My complaint wasn't the request to wait. I'd wait. My complaint was unprofessional treatment. So they toxed me and i had her doing dope all week to forget the pain and cut off. I never got mad at them, told the Dr honesty and he did me favor of not marking it in my chart in a way that will prevent me from being prescribed narcs later if needed.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:43:12 AM
Fuck yeah!
4/1/2015 8:44:49 AM
Yeah...fuck yeah.... lol
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:46:19 AM
And morphine isn't a buzz I like, or even did that come from the oxy I was prescribed. I had simply reached a level of pain vs tolerance and worsening of problems making pain harder T treat, my Dr didn't want T be responsible for prescribing it but said he felt I probably needed hydromorphone-dilaudid for my pain based O my description and records of the spinal issues. Part of my complaint that day was also on him.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:50:32 AM
He directly said i needed different and what I always heard was heavy duty pain killers. NY only gives it for cancer or in hospital treatment. Never known it to be a prescription used for outpaitent pain management. He failed T follow up by referring me to a specialist who could better treat my pain she he was not ok as a GP giving larger doses O stronger meds. CDC is scaring the med community with valid dangers. They all gotta protect themselves. He and talked about and he went out of his way to try and right it but I blew him off. Hope that helps you understand a little where I am in the recovery. Diet is essential and last month wasn't happening.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:50:38 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:53:26 AM
Thanks for still giving me a shot. Outside some catastrophe we can't see, I'm gonna get as much as I can in my little suitcase (damn more luggage would be epic but traveled on less, lost everything often and know what's most important. All these pounds of family photos. Rest is just stuff. I know you will give everything you can but don't forget this Friday I can cover son clothes or whatever...
4/1/2015 8:55:30 AM
Of course
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:55:34 AM
Omfg he's trying to hit my google wallet card. Might have to skip nap to cut him off. My bank is a dollar and change overdrawn from calling in for balance. Nothing coming outvthere.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:56:12 AM
Just got an email. He literally handed me my wallet card, goes to shower and I just got the declined purchase.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:58:02 AM
Fuckers about to get hacked sobi can see what the hell he has stored and linked for that. Google froze his wallet account under fraud detection because he has no traceable credit or online identity. No state ida off grid and also from using the app to log into multiple accounts. Its how he got ma.
4/1/2015 8:59:20 AM
Hey, now
4/1/2015 8:59:26 AM
Just....let it be
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 8:59:29 AM
He linked her card and then requested money from my account to be paid to me from him. It auto pulled the cash through. Her savings is gone. Not sure how to open dialougevwith her on fixing it as soon as I can.
4/1/2015 9:00:01 AM
He can't do anymore damage now. Just make a list of what you need to address when you depart
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 9:01:05 AM
I dont need our joint account drained in a few hours if I do get paid today cause he knows I'm leaving and I'm his money. After what he did yesterday im pissed.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 9:01:11 AM
4/1/2015 9:09:44 AM
Money runs many, many things
4/1/2015 9:10:03 AM
Just store your cards and wallets and phones in your undergarments
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 9:20:14 AM
I dont know he'd go that far, but i will. Im more concerned about the joint account. If staying despite me clearly stating I wasn't paying his dad a dime because my health is priority and intended on a mini fridge for us because no one here enjoys michelles cheap fattening unhealthy food options I can buy yogurt n keep it down in kitchen without fear it soul be eaten en masse in three hours cause the kids are so hungry for nutritious choices, protein over bread, id never get my good food anyways. Also his dad showed no indication of not being on the brink O a repeat of last month and my rent payment is what feeds me n Skye as 'family' but went all to his dads binge and we all in the house went without food but I was snubbed most because I'm 'taking him away'. For him to walk in and tell me how were spending money that is not a dime his is a total power pay. Pay dad rent n whatever. No. Buy fridge and food was the plan, pay off checking, drs and get what we needed for better del care and get his ass working.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 9:21:10 AM
So I need to cancel his card linked to mine. Change google wallet access and figure out someday how to fix things with my parents after I get out.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 9:22:15 AM
Because if he's willing to try to manipulate me like he does the rest of the world, he's no longer being respectful and that means his use is in for a major landslide. I wont tolerate it.
4/1/2015 9:22:16 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 9:22:39 AM
Going now. Get pretty isolated in the room atvtimes.
4/1/2015 9:22:42 AM
Just don't miss the godforsaken bus
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 9:23:05 AM
I know! I've asked lance if he can come nab me.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 9:24:58 AM
I dont wanna get there and have no money because even if they can't know its from me yet, you can take Devon something from me included as yours. I hated when she asked me to stop all contact then threatened restraining orders if I refused. By then I could take more legs battles.
4/1/2015 9:34:44 AM
I'm budgeting your allowance.
4/1/2015 9:34:59 AM
Its not much, this month is taking away from me
4/1/2015 9:35:34 AM
If you need to give lance a hummer for the bus I'm not opposed to it, just be careful
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 9:39:32 AM
Lance actually is a good guy. Working hard to get his kids back,cleaned up,trying to get his girl back on track for family courts happiness. He's done really well the last six months for the situation. I had to cut communication she he and Mikayla had a bad binge. Kinda shit that ends in deaths. They'd been up about two weeks. Body just ain't meant for it.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 9:43:51 AM
Trying to track Aunt Lisa. Ma is getting skiddish again about needing help. She's sick and Lisa may need to just make sure mad cold isnt going to get worse and if it is bully ma into the GP while they can prevent having to follow that DNR and DNI in the ER cause that bullheaded woman of minevwontbask for help in avoidance O adding tobLisa and Johns stuggles. John has bad heart probe and refuses to treat it so there's stress on Lisa. Lisa for all her psycho antics lives my mom and would fit ma into whatever her day was filled with. Guess ma even sent Ronnie coats for his kiddos at Christmas.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 9:45:47 AM
Fucking family, I tell ya. I admit defeat, I just can't get you guys outta my life so Ill just come back like a goid girl. Im not stressing about a lower budgeted allowence cause I waited till the last minute either. I live the communication. We never did that much before and its kinda a helpful thing to do.
4/1/2015 9:46:23 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 9:46:36 AM
Clears up nasty fights for lack of knowledge. But I've been roughing it so an extra two bucks for timmys is amazing.
4/1/2015 9:46:57 AM
Just keep a positive mindset
4/1/2015 9:47:16 AM
And get your ass on that bus, when your here my job just starts.... :/
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 9:47:21 AM
Im still prone to giggles occasionally but I'm not suffering depressive moids
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 9:47:42 AM
Yup, another girl to worry over

Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 9:51:40 AM
Looking like no lunch money.still gonna hold till Te am. I'm going busy body for a bit.
4/1/2015 9:56:39 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:04:02 PM
Gonna have to fudge my available records like I did she I left my. They need 48hrs to get it. No deposit so safe on not getting robbed. Try to pack snacks. Got some stashed. His sister steals food. He's out doing something shady. Came up n cut a pocket of a button down shirt. Brand new cause he 'had to do something '.elaboration was 'i had to dump it in my pocket real fast and could only get it out by cutting the pocket off the shirt. He's loaded on benzos judging from his slow slurry affect and prolly found his dads stash and is going out to be dumb. Hope I'm not here when his ass gets arrested. Not worth throwing life away over stupid petty shit. He's already on self destruct. It sucks. But I can't be that person. You can't save his kind of addiction. He doesn't want out from that life.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:04:42 PM
So, there's answers on bank and med Tec. Nada times two. Gonna go get coffee and get ma her info.
4/1/2015 12:09:50 PM
Ok, just BE safe
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:12:22 PM
He ripped his dad off pot. I told his dad I dont know how he thinks I can get it. Skye dont involve me in dealings. I am OK with that and right now he's burying himself. Get in touch when I'm out. Fuck!
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:12:45 PM
My check just hit. Hope he dont runbthat card.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:13:07 PM
Its deny and he gave me hell for cancelling last month.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:14:06 PM
Dont think he'd get pushy but he's pretty cocky on benzos and I don't want it to be shirt on my way out. Tho sucks as is
4/1/2015 12:26:49 PM
Ya, but hopefully gets better
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:47:03 PM
Fucking better. I can't deal with more disappointment right now.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 12:54:54 PM
Gotta go get my cards. He's definitely fucked up to go that far.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 2:57:02 PM
I hate watching him destroy himself. He's found his payload. And he will be so far gone it will be a miracle if he's not locked up before I go.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 2:57:15 PM
And I can't watch it.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 2:59:17 PM
He's dangerously stupid with more than five benzos at a time. Steals cars and crashes. B&E and no memory. Talks to telephone poles. People he doesn't see left. If they were there he thinks they're still there talking to him.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 2:59:26 PM
And he talks back.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 2:59:40 PM
But they often have long left.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 3:00:31 PM
Im all for feeling good but not total blank out of every thing I am or any ability to see.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 3:00:40 PM
Its horrible!
4/1/2015 3:04:22 PM
4/1/2015 3:04:30 PM
Some people just can't deal
4/1/2015 3:04:44 PM
Are you on the way to the bus station?
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 3:04:48 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 3:05:18 PM
Rides on its way. Fucking downpour tstorm. Any minute.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 3:06:31 PM
Skyes out trading downers for dope so I should be gone by the time he's coming back. Popeye had to go to the va so he couldn't help.
4/1/2015 3:08:04 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 3:08:07 PM
Was gonna slip out n catch city bus cause its early n I gotta get out.
4/1/2015 3:08:14 PM
Got most stuff packed?
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 3:08:26 PM
But rained so I asked lance to come early
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 3:09:14 PM
Yeah. Clothes,most of the toys n nighties.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 3:09:35 PM
Some lunchable things, cookies.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 3:11:00 PM
My cash off card. He got $100. My purse was forgotten in his bros room. He's got 100mg of klonapin. Just went to flip em. I can't watch him eat em all.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 3:11:29 PM
I've never seen him od'd on the but the stories are awful.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 3:13:04 PM
Loud crack hit. Thunderstorms. Reminds me of the time jack n i stop under a downpour singing lol. White Wing Sove...
4/1/2015 3:13:05 PM
Oy, toys and nighties?
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 3:13:20 PM
They fit.
4/1/2015 3:13:28 PM
The toys fit.....
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 3:13:52 PM
Make up. My family photos,kids photos.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 3:14:17 PM
I found a copy of James shot record.
4/1/2015 3:14:26 PM
Mmk cool
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 3:26:17 PM
Most the clothes I had dont fit anymore.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 3:26:44 PM
I've lost a lot of shit. Anything I didn't is at dads.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 3:26:54 PM
Lance just pulled up.
4/1/2015 4:03:27 PM
4/1/2015 4:03:32 PM
Take a deep breath
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 4:05:22 PM
4/1/2015 4:25:29 PM
Did you get your ticket?
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 4:26:56 PM
No. Lance treated me to lunch at bk. Getting his kids packed up to head down.
Jennifer Cejka
4/1/2015 4:28:18 PM
He's skyes bed friend so we talked and he's gonna go back later and help Popeye get as much of that shit away from Skye as possible and admitted.
4/1/2015 4:36:45 PM
Mml cool
4/1/2015 5:23:01 PM
Did you get your bus ticket yet?
4/1/2015 11:02:39 PM
I can only think that your outside cell range or dead battery. Just ping me if plans are still on.
4/2/2015 5:10:54 AM
You should be in Indiana now on your hour layover.
4/2/2015 6:35:39 PM
And your not here. Bus arrived 8 minutes late, no show.
4/3/2015 2:15:17 AM
It is important
4/3/2015 2:15:20 AM
And it's why I'm calling
4/3/2015 2:15:30 AM
But you apparently have a full voicemail box
4/3/2015 2:16:42 AM
In 4 days Savannah will be closer to you than she is to me to see Specialists.
4/3/2015 2:17:39 AM
I'm not going to "use the kids" to get you here. My reasons have always been you being here for the kids, you just could never understand the why part. That is one of the 'whys'
4/3/2015 2:19:02 AM
Enjoy your "laughing at getting the best of me" for the time you can. Once your done, understand I can't afford another transport for 6-8 weeks due to other transport, copays, and miscellaneous shit I have to pay for.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:24:27 AM
Matt I needed a minute.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:25:32 AM
Not got you over. Im drinking to keep mu ass from doing to any one like I did you.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:25:43 AM
I can't fix sead
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:26:02 AM
Dead what's wrong with savannah
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:28:50 AM
Call now or I call you
4/3/2015 2:32:33 AM
You really like hanging up
4/3/2015 2:33:38 AM
Just stay there. This back and forth "blaming/getting someones way" is kid shit, and i'm personally sick of it
4/3/2015 2:33:51 AM
I could HIRE a woman to give me that shit
4/3/2015 2:34:20 AM
Hate me for wanting you CLOSER to them, and IN their lives. Go ahead
4/3/2015 2:34:23 AM
I'm totally game for more hate
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:35:18 AM
I give a shit. But you can't give up the control
4/3/2015 2:35:31 AM
4/3/2015 2:35:32 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:35:38 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:35:54 AM
You have to keep ot all.
4/3/2015 2:36:06 AM
I'm not going to spend hours reading you reports and shit. If you had internet or a decent phone, or LIBRARY access I could have sent stuff.
4/3/2015 2:36:15 AM
You never were able to make me comfortable on what to tell you or send you
4/3/2015 2:36:26 AM
You continue to back down or back away, and I never know what's going on
4/3/2015 2:36:31 AM
I communicate as much as possible to you
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:36:38 AM
I'll open nf as soon as I can
4/3/2015 2:36:43 AM
The last 48 hours have been NOTHING from you after we discussed things
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:37:12 AM
But tho serious things happened sooner than just now
4/3/2015 2:37:20 AM
And the daily reports I get from the teachers with the weekly informaton on homework and shit, god
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:37:29 AM
And things got realm fucking bad here
4/3/2015 2:37:34 AM
4/3/2015 2:37:38 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:37:40 AM
Im fucked
4/3/2015 2:37:40 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:37:45 AM
4/3/2015 2:37:45 AM
4/3/2015 2:37:46 AM
4/3/2015 2:37:51 AM
maybe you should take a bus here?
4/3/2015 2:37:57 AM
oh wait, yeah..that's already gone
4/3/2015 2:38:16 AM
The hell am I supposed to do? Get yourself straight and safe, I tell you that ALL THE TIME
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:38:23 AM
I did but not expect it to yhis level
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:38:27 AM
4/3/2015 2:38:31 AM
I already expected it
4/3/2015 2:38:38 AM
4/3/2015 2:38:47 AM
and the only way to prevent it was to GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THERE
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:38:57 AM
I will. Let me know until then if they get better worse or dead.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:39:10 AM
Tonight's my only shot
4/3/2015 2:39:15 AM
Only shot for what?
4/3/2015 2:39:29 AM
and what gets better, worse, or dead?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:39:30 AM
Skies nia
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:39:39 AM
4/3/2015 2:39:47 AM
Might wanna call me and NOT HANG UP
4/3/2015 2:39:50 AM
caus eyour phone sucks
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:39:59 AM
Sorry poor
4/3/2015 2:40:05 AM
your choice
4/3/2015 2:40:06 AM
not mine
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:46:01 AM
I know. If kidneys are needed id be sober a year for that
4/3/2015 2:46:59 AM
You got a year
4/3/2015 2:47:15 AM
But you ain't gonna do sober there
4/3/2015 2:47:34 AM
What is your final plan?
4/3/2015 3:07:08 AM
Maybe you don't have one.
4/3/2015 3:08:02 AM
I'm going to sleep. You could be doing the same, too.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 3:14:07 AM
Yup I'm in the midst O complet cry out.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 3:14:31 AM
This changes all the reason to the plan.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 3:18:50 AM
Im completely overwhelmed and not past shock
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 3:36:48 AM
Lemme unblock ya
4/3/2015 9:12:11 AM
I can't call you. I tell you, voicemail
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:08:07 PM
417 234 1660
4/3/2015 2:08:38 PM
What is that for?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:08:40 PM
His dad will breif me soon but no contact yet.
4/3/2015 2:09:29 PM
4/3/2015 2:09:34 PM
the hell?
4/3/2015 2:09:57 PM
For crying out loud, just go TO him if you care so much.
4/3/2015 2:10:24 PM
Pick the life you want, cause honestly, "cake and eat it too" doesnt' work for long distances... TRUST ME, i've tried it and failed miserably
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:13:10 PM
Im not going to a strangers house to wake Skye up until his dad warns the guy
4/3/2015 2:14:15 PM
So, are you sticking back with him?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:14:38 PM
4/3/2015 2:15:11 PM
But your sticking around there, right?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:15:12 PM
I dont know what I'm doing cause I'm living with a family of strangers
4/3/2015 2:15:24 PM
You have a bus ticket, for crying out loud
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:15:27 PM
I would like some closure
4/3/2015 2:15:27 PM
What is the honest issue?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:15:44 PM
He hasn't said fuck off.
4/3/2015 2:16:03 PM
There is a last bus in 4 hours
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:16:35 PM
Being so tired of being homeless and this mornings phone call we were screaming
4/3/2015 2:16:55 PM
Your so right
4/3/2015 2:17:12 PM
It upsets me that you call me a "dictator" but someone else has to tell you something is over...
4/3/2015 2:17:26 PM
which...is completely stupid, and ironic, and that other word I can't quite place
4/3/2015 2:17:29 PM
4/3/2015 2:17:34 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:18:16 PM
I dunno. Last day or so has been shit I got no sleep cause my bed was wet
4/3/2015 2:18:36 PM
no excuse
4/3/2015 2:18:43 PM
No excuse, really
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:18:47 PM
So I stayed up cleaning. Trying to decide
4/3/2015 2:19:08 PM
4/3/2015 2:19:11 PM
you just need time to decide
4/3/2015 2:19:24 PM
Because you didn't make the arrival i've started two other things in motion
4/3/2015 2:19:32 PM
I had deadlines to make, too, which is why I gave you a deadline
4/3/2015 2:19:51 PM
I have 3 weeks to rescind one of those deadlines
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:20:32 PM
Matt I've been avoiding it because right now Im losing my shit
4/3/2015 2:20:35 PM
If I don't rescind it, then you, kathryn, crystal, and nancy are completely out of the picture
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:29:58 PM
Remember how bat shit crazy I went when you left?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:30:52 PM
Im trying not to walk my stupid ass to a hospital because I'm afraid O making the wrong mistake.
4/3/2015 2:31:29 PM
4/3/2015 2:31:44 PM
I promise to FUCKING our FUCKING KIDS I need someone to not leave
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:32:57 PM
I know
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:33:49 PM
I guess I'm waiting for the message he's letting me go for you. Because that's all he focused on last he did speak.
4/3/2015 2:34:47 PM
4/3/2015 2:34:58 PM
I got so wierded out by reading what I typed...ugh
4/3/2015 2:35:40 PM
I promise to our kids I need someone to not leave
4/3/2015 2:35:53 PM
I wouldn't screw the kids...that's just fucked up....i'd kill myself
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:36:54 PM
4/3/2015 2:37:34 PM
I can't tell you to grow a set and to just come cause you already grew 2 sets.,.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:38:41 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:38:50 PM
Waiting on bedding
4/3/2015 2:38:55 PM
God, I have this huge bed, so quiet and peaceful, and a huge wraparound couch
4/3/2015 2:39:07 PM
and two showerheads that hit you from the top like hot rainwater
4/3/2015 2:39:17 PM
and near-free travel anywhere
4/3/2015 2:39:24 PM
share with me...
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:39:34 PM
Its having been wet likely is all keeping me from not staying in it depressed
4/3/2015 2:40:02 PM
I'm trying hard to put my past behind me
4/3/2015 2:40:09 PM
I'm succeeding pretty well, too
4/3/2015 2:42:11 PM
I just checked, the entire day of buses is sold out
4/3/2015 2:42:45 PM
If you took the midnight bus you could be here by 10:30pm tomorrow
4/3/2015 2:43:35 PM
There is one last bus that gets us from NFTA buffalo to here tomorrow night, but we have to sit and eat for a bit
4/3/2015 2:44:35 PM
If you dealt with whatever shit you neeeded to for the next 9 hours, got to the bus, relaxed on teh way here, you could have a beautiful and clean nights sleep tomorrow with a full stomach and /maybe/ some snuggles
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 2:59:59 PM
It could be another 24 before he's even awake
4/3/2015 3:04:11 PM
You have a telephone
4/3/2015 3:04:19 PM
If you need to hear it, call him on the bus
4/3/2015 3:04:39 PM
but after monday i'll have to step aside
4/3/2015 3:05:02 PM
I'll tell you he will try to keep you there as long as possible, no matter how miserable you will be.
4/3/2015 3:05:35 PM
You make him happy, and he is so relaxed that he feels he can do anything. He just doesn't get to doing that "anything" cause other things cloud his path, and he can't help it.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 3:11:58 PM
He's not trying anything at this moment. He's either tweaked outta his gourd or sleeping. So hoping tomorrow he's awake.
4/3/2015 3:13:23 PM
I'm serious when I say Monday, which means you would have to be here on a sunday
4/3/2015 3:14:09 PM
and actualy, sundays' departure is sold out, so if you got here late we would have to get a hotel or a cab to get here
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 3:14:21 PM
If I miss deadline no worries ill just blow air in my vein. Instant death.
4/3/2015 3:14:30 PM
okay, good
4/3/2015 3:14:34 PM
at least you have a plan as well
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 3:14:41 PM
Then everyone's problem is solved
4/3/2015 3:14:46 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 3:14:59 PM
Aren't you glad I didn't last night?
4/3/2015 3:15:04 PM
Not really
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 3:15:22 PM
At least I got a rn to show me how to stick it.
4/3/2015 3:15:27 PM
I'm pissed at myself that I told Angel to keep it under wraps that I was getting her mother here...
4/3/2015 3:15:39 PM
Like super pissed
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 3:15:45 PM
That's it there!
4/3/2015 3:15:56 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 3:16:09 PM
4/3/2015 3:16:11 PM
I had CONFIDENCE in buying you the ticket that I SPILLED MY BEANS
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 3:16:15 PM
4/3/2015 3:16:17 PM
oh christ, come on
4/3/2015 3:16:21 PM
your HURT?
4/3/2015 3:16:24 PM
4/3/2015 3:16:28 PM
4/3/2015 3:16:32 PM
4/3/2015 3:16:42 PM
cause there is better things to life than sleeping on a wet bed
4/3/2015 3:16:45 PM
or an empty stomach
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 3:16:46 PM
That's right we do.
4/3/2015 3:16:50 PM
or feeling bad for people
4/3/2015 3:17:20 PM
An embolism isn't instant
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 3:17:29 PM
No its not
4/3/2015 3:17:34 PM
btw, the air has to travel at the rate of your circulation
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 3:17:45 PM
But more so than all the pills in the world
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 3:17:55 PM
You know to up bp? Do meth
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 3:18:05 PM
Oh shit I cant
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 3:18:13 PM
Im broke
lucky you
4/3/2015 3:18:24 PM
Lucky me
4/3/2015 3:18:26 PM
Fucking lucky me
4/3/2015 3:18:35 PM
Waning over my ex-wife for the benefit of my children
4/3/2015 3:18:39 PM
4/3/2015 3:18:47 PM
4/3/2015 3:18:52 PM
4/3/2015 3:19:50 PM
You need to just get on the fucking bus, I swear to all that is and is not holy, the old gods and the new gods, and even cthulu, you need to be on your way here
4/3/2015 3:20:03 PM
4/3/2015 3:20:53 PM
At least get to the bus station to find out if they have your ticket, and if not I can pull from the trip fund and get you another ticket.
4/3/2015 3:21:18 PM
The pricing is 220 for me now for the midnight one
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:19:54 PM
Right now I'm fighting my own urge to go binge the fuck out. Because even if I had money the people id have to go to wouldn't hesitate to get me fucked up and unable to fight them off
4/3/2015 4:20:56 PM
Can you just make the effort? I mean, how hard is it to get to the bus station?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:48:05 PM
Im going to be stuck walking. My crremt limitations stop me at the end of the block
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:49:24 PM
Unless you're coming to get me, right now I'm incapable of doing anything I've been that affected
4/3/2015 4:49:43 PM
4/3/2015 4:49:45 PM
Fucking wow
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:50:05 PM
Its al I can do to not go terrorize people looking for him.
4/3/2015 4:50:08 PM
There is NOBODY around to take you to the bus station?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:50:17 PM
I used to stalk you
4/3/2015 4:50:22 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:50:25 PM
It was so bad.
4/3/2015 4:50:27 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:51:37 PM
And worse. If i did find him it could be bad enough that id just be hurting more instead of relieved he was alive
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:52:27 PM
Its a good thing I'm broke too cause id prolly spend it getting so fucked up id be blanked out for days
4/3/2015 4:52:30 PM
I'm asking if you can get a ride
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:52:36 PM
4/3/2015 4:52:45 PM
How did you get a ride last time?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:52:57 PM
I was his gf.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:53:15 PM
Right now keeping me here holds hope hell come back
4/3/2015 4:53:23 PM
4/3/2015 4:53:31 PM
i'm gonna call you for crying out loud
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:53:32 PM
They're not gonna help lose the money
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:53:40 PM
I have no money for bus
4/3/2015 4:53:40 PM
Who is they?
4/3/2015 4:53:44 PM
What money?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:53:48 PM
His family
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:53:55 PM
4/3/2015 4:53:57 PM
Are you kidding me?
4/3/2015 4:54:05 PM
Are you fucking kidding me?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:54:15 PM
I used my last 150 to pay tent
4/3/2015 4:54:16 PM
I'm sending $500 to a western union
4/3/2015 4:54:27 PM
Your gonna get that, get on the bus, and get here
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:54:32 PM
Skye spent the rest
4/3/2015 4:54:43 PM
Your taking the midnight bus
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:55:02 PM
If you send money right now matt ill blow it up my arm
4/3/2015 4:55:07 PM
Then bye
4/3/2015 4:55:10 PM
4/3/2015 4:55:12 PM
4/3/2015 4:55:14 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:55:15 PM
Im trying to work through this
4/3/2015 4:55:23 PM
Driving me left and right
4/3/2015 4:55:24 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:55:28 PM
This single day
4/3/2015 4:55:32 PM
I can't deal with you wanting to come and go and come and go
4/3/2015 4:55:34 PM
Stay there
4/3/2015 4:55:40 PM
You've bent me beyond
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:55:41 PM
I wanna come
4/3/2015 4:55:43 PM
You don't
4/3/2015 4:55:46 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:55:47 PM
But this adfiction.
4/3/2015 4:55:49 PM
4/3/2015 4:55:54 PM
4/3/2015 4:56:06 PM
4/3/2015 4:56:09 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:56:15 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:56:41 PM
Im being honest that in this minute I wouldn't be responsible with the miney
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:56:51 PM
You asked what I needed
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:57:02 PM
Right now some on to drag me out
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:57:23 PM
Because you don't understand addiction
4/3/2015 4:57:26 PM
4/3/2015 4:57:30 PM
4/3/2015 4:57:33 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:58:00 PM
So I'm sorry AGAIN for being honest enough
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:58:15 PM
To say if you sent that I would go by dopr
4/3/2015 4:58:17 PM
You had $200 in your hand to depart, you had a bus ticket paid for, you had a ride, you chose to stay there
4/3/2015 4:58:40 PM
If you want to come, I don't know how your going to do it now
4/3/2015 4:58:54 PM
And given, the $200 wasnt' to depart
4/3/2015 4:59:03 PM
and that was mean of me
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:59:04 PM
4/3/2015 4:59:08 PM
That's true, it wen t $150 to rent
4/3/2015 4:59:18 PM
but still, I asked you if you could get a ride, and you told me yes
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:59:22 PM
You don't getbit
4/3/2015 4:59:27 PM
4/3/2015 4:59:37 PM
I really don't need to get your addiction
4/3/2015 4:59:43 PM
I really need to get you out of there
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 4:59:49 PM
Im coming down so hard I wanna die.
4/3/2015 4:59:52 PM
You need to get OVER your addiction by taking one step
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:00:18 PM
And rather than just going back for more I'm trying to get through it
4/3/2015 5:00:26 PM
I'm not sending anything more, Jennifer
4/3/2015 5:00:53 PM
I really don't know what more I can do
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:01:02 PM
And I've gotten so emotionally fucked matt I could be in ny and still have trouble leaving
4/3/2015 5:01:04 PM
I can't come pick you up, you tell me I'm gonna get dead thrown all over me
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:01:11 PM
Im fucking yerrified
4/3/2015 5:01:14 PM
My hands are tied
4/3/2015 5:01:18 PM
and your terrified to do anything
4/3/2015 5:01:29 PM
So, the only logical solution I can come up with is nothing
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:01:42 PM
You prolly wouldn't be bothered now
4/3/2015 5:01:44 PM
I can't make you take a step
4/3/2015 5:01:54 PM
I can't make you do anything, cause it's not my job
4/3/2015 5:02:06 PM
It's your job to do what you need to do. I've only been around to help you take those steps
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:02:14 PM
But right now no one knew what's going on
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:02:42 PM
I've been trying T tell you I'm fucking scared
4/3/2015 5:02:49 PM
Then get to the bus station
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:02:56 PM
Who the fuck likes living in a room
4/3/2015 5:02:58 PM
you have 5.5 hours
4/3/2015 5:03:16 PM
You don't need toys or clothes or sexy nighties
4/3/2015 5:03:18 PM
Just yourself
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:03:42 PM
Matthew I can't do this today and this is why you and I always got fucked up
4/3/2015 5:03:57 PM
No, we got fucked up cause I wanted you AWAY from me
4/3/2015 5:04:05 PM
I want you WITH me, different thing
4/3/2015 5:04:16 PM
I want you WITH the family, super different thing
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:04:51 PM
And I haven't left my bedroom in over a month. Dont you get the amount of emotional fuckery that takes
4/3/2015 5:05:00 PM
You were just out there yesterday
4/3/2015 5:05:02 PM
Unless you lied.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:05:06 PM
I hate myself for it
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:05:40 PM
No. He spent my money on the drug I was prescribed to help that
4/3/2015 5:05:51 PM
4/3/2015 5:06:24 PM
LOL 10:00 long voicemail message
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:06:35 PM
4/3/2015 5:07:10 PM
You talk what you type
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:07:27 PM
Unfortunately he just fucked my ability to get that prescription nd most what he had and I am trying not to fucking go so bat shit crazy over this cause right now he's been kicked out not me, and he is punishing me for suggesting rehab that I'm fucking shutting down
4/3/2015 5:07:46 PM
You sound fine to me
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:07:47 PM
Ears about
4/3/2015 5:07:55 PM
Crying, yeah, but your making sense
4/3/2015 5:08:29 PM
So, this sounds like the Jenny I know
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:08:30 PM
Pleasedont ignore me again when I say I'm glad that the means to make death easy aren't around
4/3/2015 5:08:42 PM
So, just get some clothes on
4/3/2015 5:08:44 PM
Get out the door
4/3/2015 5:08:50 PM
You know where the bus station is
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:08:59 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:09:40 PM
Wanna make this easier send the money. Im sure a good pound will make sure I dont live this attempt around
4/3/2015 5:09:54 PM
You don't want to leave?
4/3/2015 5:09:58 PM
You do, you don't
4/3/2015 5:10:02 PM
You want to be here, you don't
4/3/2015 5:10:27 PM
If your not going to make the midnight bus, I need to know
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:11:07 PM
And that's not melodrama
4/3/2015 5:11:09 PM
Are you on a crash?
4/3/2015 5:11:15 PM
You told me you've been clean
4/3/2015 5:11:20 PM
So, if your on a crash, it's another lie
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:11:26 PM
4/3/2015 5:11:32 PM
4/3/2015 5:11:35 PM
4/3/2015 5:11:36 PM
4/3/2015 5:11:36 PM
4/3/2015 5:11:38 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:12:18 PM
So I'm fucked
4/3/2015 5:12:20 PM
I need 5 minutes to think
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:12:49 PM
And I don't want you to send cash cause I'm not gonna do the right thing
4/3/2015 5:12:50 PM
Answer me this: Why can you not get to the bus station?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:13:29 PM
Because it means I can't hide any more from life
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:13:41 PM
It means I gotta deal
4/3/2015 5:13:45 PM
No, not really
4/3/2015 5:13:53 PM
I don't think you understand what's been setup for you here
4/3/2015 5:14:17 PM
You've done alot of presuming on whats happening here, especially with timeframes
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:14:38 PM
And it means leaving the person I love that is utterly ridiculously inexplicable love
4/3/2015 5:14:43 PM
ah ok
4/3/2015 5:14:52 PM
then i'll take my 5 minutes and think
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:14:57 PM
And I know I have to
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:15:29 PM
But I'm still trying T he to that place I know I can live with that
4/3/2015 5:15:29 PM
Can you view screenshots?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:15:45 PM
Prolly not bit give I a shot
4/3/2015 5:16:05 PM
To view this shared photo, go to: https://api.asm.skype.com/s/i?0-eus-d3-466ea15bef15c032be6ad56b73ffe49c
4/3/2015 5:16:09 PM
Can you view that?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:16:17 PM
4/3/2015 5:16:45 PM
That savings is what i've allocated for you here as your allowance
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:16:56 PM
Christ maty
4/3/2015 5:17:17 PM
My rent of $650 was paid, my child support of $300 was paid, my bills were paid
4/3/2015 5:17:26 PM
This is what I have to live off of for 2 weeks until the next paycheck
4/3/2015 5:17:43 PM
I spent $30 last night on 2 subs and a 2-liter
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:17:47 PM
Its also been complicated because he got so upset about the thought of my leaving he's done this
4/3/2015 5:18:07 PM
That savings, btw, has been sitting there gaining pennies interest
4/3/2015 5:18:16 PM
3 months ago
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:18:25 PM
So I'm scared for myself and him.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:18:45 PM
And that is everything you and I worked toward
4/3/2015 5:18:53 PM
I've had YOU and YOUR EXPENSES covered for the first couple months
4/3/2015 5:18:57 PM
I just need you to be here
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:19:09 PM
I am falling apart because I hurt him
4/3/2015 5:19:17 PM
You've hurt me, too, and you fell apart
4/3/2015 5:19:21 PM
and you picked yourself back up
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:19:24 PM
Because if I leave in only doing it more
4/3/2015 5:19:25 PM
it takes time, I know
4/3/2015 5:19:29 PM
but people move on
4/3/2015 5:19:46 PM
The weekend here was allocated to you starting your "re-hiding"
4/3/2015 5:19:52 PM
You've been wasting it day-by-day
4/3/2015 5:19:58 PM
I've had things purchased for you
4/3/2015 5:20:03 PM
That I cannot take back now
4/3/2015 5:20:15 PM
Now it will just sit here, doing nothing
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:20:16 PM
And I just wanted a chance to get semi ok. And it was there but he sold the rings
4/3/2015 5:20:43 PM
If your not taking the midnight bus, then I need to know
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:20:50 PM
And god how I know its stupid to sit here another minite
4/3/2015 5:20:51 PM
Otherwise, sunday is sold out
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:20:52 PM
4/3/2015 5:20:56 PM
4/3/2015 5:21:24 PM
And I do have things to do, but at least I'm freeing up time
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:21:46 PM
I also know when hit like this I recover by climbing in bed for weeks before I get through it
4/3/2015 5:21:55 PM
I dont have weeks
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:22:00 PM
Back to grrr no one stops me
4/3/2015 5:22:02 PM
I didn't tell you to get drunk
4/3/2015 5:22:08 PM
I didn't tell you to shoot up
4/3/2015 5:22:14 PM
You did this on your own, dear
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:22:17 PM
And I know that too
4/3/2015 5:22:29 PM
I AM telling you to get on a bus
4/3/2015 5:22:35 PM
and you could do that on your own
4/3/2015 5:22:37 PM
but you won't
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:22:56 PM
I wont on your schedule.
4/3/2015 5:23:07 PM
Then you luck out
4/3/2015 5:23:56 PM
For 7 months I didn't abandon you
4/3/2015 5:24:02 PM
I kept things coming as you saw fit
4/3/2015 5:24:09 PM
Didn't ask for anything in return except you being safe
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:24:23 PM
Not that I wont ever but even so, you need it now and as soin as my ruined clothes are bagged I'm going back to my bed for at least a day or two to shut it all out and recover myself
4/3/2015 5:24:24 PM
The second he did something to the point of breaking you, you agreed to evacuate
4/3/2015 5:24:48 PM
The one thing I asked for you I can't even get
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:24:50 PM
I thought I could save my check
4/3/2015 5:25:01 PM
You thought you could save your check, that's HILARIOUS
4/3/2015 5:25:04 PM
you don't control your money
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:25:08 PM
Hell he he hit google wallet twice
4/3/2015 5:25:09 PM
You never did, you told me this before
4/3/2015 5:25:20 PM
I control my money very well
4/3/2015 5:25:32 PM
I've had no problems giving it up for you, but now I do
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:25:36 PM
I did before him.
4/3/2015 5:25:38 PM
I've said my peace
4/3/2015 5:26:02 PM
You can block me now, and go hubble up in your hole
4/3/2015 5:26:07 PM
cause I can't drag you out of it
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:26:12 PM
Right now I'm hating myself for being the biggest idiot
4/3/2015 5:26:13 PM
You'll have to do that yourself
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:26:20 PM
To the biggest con
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:26:40 PM
I have no need for blocking
4/3/2015 5:26:41 PM
This wasn't a con. Remember that you told me you would take the bus, and I bought the ticket
4/3/2015 5:26:50 PM
And I wouldn't have bought that ticket if you didn't tell me to
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:26:57 PM
No him playing that he lived me
4/3/2015 5:26:57 PM
I took orders from you
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:27:03 PM
Just to use me
4/3/2015 5:27:20 PM
And your still there, he will continue to use you, or his father, or his mother
4/3/2015 5:27:22 PM
*step mother
4/3/2015 5:27:30 PM
cause your on their territory
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:27:35 PM
4/3/2015 5:27:35 PM
and you choose to feel safe there
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:27:41 PM
I fucking know that
4/3/2015 5:27:44 PM
I do too
4/3/2015 5:27:51 PM
I've known this without being stoned
4/3/2015 5:27:55 PM
or drunk
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:27:58 PM
But for fucks sake my hearts just been destroyed
4/3/2015 5:28:03 PM
or covered in someone elses shit
4/3/2015 5:28:35 PM
I can't move mountains if your standing in the way
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:28:43 PM
And today I'm so fucking emotionally fucked about it I'm frozen
4/3/2015 5:29:09 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:29:12 PM
So if you're still cut me off because I'm still an emotionally unstable freak do it
4/3/2015 5:29:19 PM
4/3/2015 5:29:25 PM
Your emotions are what I crave
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:29:30 PM
I can't see past the next five minutes
4/3/2015 5:29:37 PM
I can tell you what to do if you want me to
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:30:08 PM
And I know I need to do
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:30:53 PM
Bit I also know I want a pound of fucking dope right now so I dont have to hurt this bad and it is not the answer
4/3/2015 5:31:09 PM
The walk is 1 hour
4/3/2015 5:31:15 PM
Straight down 744
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:31:18 PM
So if hiding in my bed for two or three days is too much for you I'm sorry
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:31:52 PM
Do you know what not being able to walk a block is like?
4/3/2015 5:32:37 PM
What about a cab?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:33:06 PM
They exist here but no clue on cost
4/3/2015 5:33:47 PM
And how would you get to a western union to get the money I would send for dope?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:34:17 PM
One O these damn cards I have accept loads by wu
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:34:40 PM
That much actually scares me lol
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:34:49 PM
That's good.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:35:00 PM
Anyways I dont know about cost
4/3/2015 5:35:07 PM
but you cannot withdraw without walking
4/3/2015 5:35:12 PM
so, again, stuck in the room
4/3/2015 5:35:15 PM
And I'm spent
4/3/2015 5:35:21 PM
I have no more options for you
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:35:30 PM
I can make it around the corner and back
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:35:50 PM
I've been trying really hard to get that better
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:36:52 PM
But I am not prepared to go on the rollercoaster I'm fighting this second
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:37:42 PM
Ialso think I might wanna puke cause I'm getting nervous
4/3/2015 5:37:50 PM
Then that's it
4/3/2015 5:37:52 PM
I've tried
4/3/2015 5:37:58 PM
and I tried past my trying time
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:38:04 PM
What's you miss
4/3/2015 5:38:11 PM
I missed you
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:38:19 PM
I said there's an atm I can make it to
4/3/2015 5:38:26 PM
That gets you dope
4/3/2015 5:38:29 PM
and keeps you there longer
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:38:44 PM
I dont blame you for not trusting me
4/3/2015 5:38:52 PM
You can blame me
4/3/2015 5:39:13 PM
Without me, Skye wouldn't be in the position he is in now
4/3/2015 5:39:26 PM
You both would still be stoned up the wazoo
4/3/2015 5:39:33 PM
At least stoned together
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:39:41 PM
Why because I fell for an addict and instead of being a typical druggie and lie
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:39:46 PM
I cam do that.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:40:04 PM
Send the money and I'm there on the midnight bus baby
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:40:10 PM
Is that better?
4/3/2015 5:40:18 PM
What guarantee do I have?
4/3/2015 5:41:13 PM
I'm being serious
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:41:29 PM
I honestly dont know. Because really till I pick up the ticket you have no proof.vom trying to think of how
4/3/2015 5:41:32 PM
Cause Tim Hortons is on the way, and I could use a coffee
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:41:47 PM
We have none
4/3/2015 5:42:01 PM
Do you want to verbally promise it to me?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:42:11 PM
I can do that
4/3/2015 5:42:21 PM
Then call this first and ask for pricing: 862.5511
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:42:35 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:42:49 PM
417 I presume
4/3/2015 5:42:55 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:43:28 PM
Pricing for cab
4/3/2015 5:43:44 PM
Yeah, I tried to book the Limo but they need 48h notice
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:44:22 PM
Didn't work checking I got it right
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:45:48 PM
4/3/2015 5:46:08 PM
well, there is a tiny problem now
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:46:14 PM
4/3/2015 5:46:25 PM
Greyhound reports that the midnight bus is now sold out
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:46:27 PM
Sold out or mine is no goid
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:46:38 PM
So another day
4/3/2015 5:46:48 PM
That's not the problem
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:46:54 PM
I can make it. Im just scared.
4/3/2015 5:46:55 PM
I can send you the money and you can go to the station
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:47:03 PM
4/3/2015 5:47:07 PM
You can see if your ticket is there and see if they can do the midnight
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:47:31 PM
If its not I may be stuck there
4/3/2015 5:47:38 PM
In fact, can you call them?
4/3/2015 5:47:39 PM
4/3/2015 5:47:47 PM
goodbar is the password
4/3/2015 5:47:58 PM
Can you find out if there is a reservation for you still active?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:48:19 PM
Yeah. Let me check blankets in dryer so I'm not interrupted
4/3/2015 5:48:31 PM
And you wouldn't be stuck there. If you could get to the station, i'd make sure you could get back
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:49:03 PM
Lol ok
4/3/2015 5:50:14 PM
actually, it's
4/3/2015 5:50:30 PM
I'll try to call
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:50:33 PM
They're dry
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:50:48 PM
Glad I checked id have been interrupted
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:53:41 PM
Ok whenever you're ready
4/3/2015 5:55:00 PM
Well, just called them
4/3/2015 5:55:06 PM
Ticket is only good for the time it was booked for
4/3/2015 5:55:21 PM
There is no Midnight bus now, that has been sold out
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:55:24 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:55:40 PM
On the waste I feel like shit
4/3/2015 5:55:41 PM
Next route available is Tuesday
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:55:44 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:56:44 PM
I think he knew eventually id leave for the kids
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:57:15 PM
Night before all this he said if I needed to he understood
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:58:11 PM
My guess is the fear behind the potential overpwered his ability to hold back on that need.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:59:30 PM
I think my biggest fear is that he broke all off afraid I wouldn't deal.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 5:59:58 PM
Between now and tuesday i doubt he will meet his dads demands
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:00:42 PM
He isn't allowed to come back until he can pay back his dad and the hundred he grabbed in pilks
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:00:49 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:01:14 PM
Since he's binging, he's not gonna make that happen.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:01:41 PM
Its lousy living conditions but I think I make it till Tuesday in my hole.
4/3/2015 6:01:57 PM
6:10pm Tomorrow
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:02:13 PM
Okay that works too.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:02:17 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:02:56 PM
Im so freaking out of it I didnt think to check other schedules. So Wu the 15
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:03:32 PM
he can't touch it now. Bus out then?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:03:41 PM
I might need for that
4/3/2015 6:03:52 PM
I don't understand the last 2.5 sentence
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:03:53 PM
A drink
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:04:09 PM
I can't think straight
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:04:10 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:04:21 PM
You said tuesday
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:04:29 PM
Then tomorrow
4/3/2015 6:04:29 PM
Yeah, but I've been refreshing the schedules
4/3/2015 6:04:34 PM
It shows up., $260
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:04:49 PM
And my tummys flipping flopping.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:05:05 PM
So I said I might need a drink for that
4/3/2015 6:05:17 PM
A drink for the bus?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:05:25 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:05:49 PM
Part of my nerve is just I keep shooting for the better plan
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:05:56 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:06:15 PM
And between myself and life its like a chimera
4/3/2015 6:06:42 PM
I tihnk as quick as it shows up it might go away without it being booked
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:07:38 PM
I know. Im working really hard on that unwavering commitment
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:08:18 PM
Because I know even if you couldn't do this itd happen eventually
4/3/2015 6:08:31 PM
What would happen eventually?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:08:33 PM
And that's shitty
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:08:39 PM
My leaving
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:09:00 PM
I guess i just didn't expect it so soon
4/3/2015 6:09:11 PM
Life is full of suprises
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:09:34 PM
And i wanted my hole a few more days as stupid as that is
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:10:07 PM
I just want to curl up and cry
4/3/2015 6:10:51 PM
You can do that anywhere
4/3/2015 6:11:25 PM
When Nancy told me the "news", it was lunchtime and I still had to go back to work
4/3/2015 6:11:32 PM
I waited until I got home, then curled up and cried
4/3/2015 6:11:39 PM
Same result, I was sad and pitiful
4/3/2015 6:11:45 PM
Didn't change anything
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:15:09 PM
Im about to right now
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:15:57 PM
I wish he'd just say its over if that's what he wants
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:16:26 PM
Because id hate to just be a resource like the rest
4/3/2015 6:16:53 PM
Are you talking yourself into or out of tomorrow?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:17:56 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:17:56 PM
Cause ireally hate this
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:18:14 PM
I just wanna go get him but I cant
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:19:23 PM
But sooner or later he'd Brea up just to save himself the hurt and itd hurt even more
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:19:56 PM
I got go get this trash cleaned up
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:20:29 PM
Or else I'm just gonna keep thinking about the hurt and the cure
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:20:56 PM
Lol I can't even male myself sleep it off
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:24:45 PM
Im trying really hard to not have a choice about ot
4/3/2015 6:25:32 PM
If you come I will give you sex
4/3/2015 6:25:49 PM
"Oh, that changes everything!"
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:29:18 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:30:04 PM
That's the worst of this craving right now. I know I could get it but I dont wanna be that person
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:30:20 PM
Im afraid to sleep in case I miss him
4/3/2015 6:30:35 PM
I'm due for a nap
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:31:03 PM
If i leave now I didn't wait long enough even though there's never gonna be long enough.
4/3/2015 6:31:12 PM
tomorrows ticket still there
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:31:43 PM
Im afraid to pull that trigger again
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:32:05 PM
Let me go hole up and have my cry.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:32:25 PM
I don't think I'm gonna function till I do
4/3/2015 6:32:50 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:32:51 PM
And if you give up on me ill never be angry.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:32:59 PM
4/3/2015 6:33:01 PM
If I have to ship you here late on
4/3/2015 6:33:03 PM
There will be pain
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:33:15 PM
Then send the $500
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:33:59 PM
Tale the gamble. Im sorry I can't just be ignorant.
4/3/2015 6:34:04 PM
but i'll deal with that pain when it comes
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:34:08 PM
Fuck pick tuesday
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:34:21 PM
I just can't move right now
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:35:00 PM
Because I could find. But without cash that means horrible things worse than being fucking scared
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:35:11 PM
Needing to go cry really hard
4/3/2015 6:35:14 PM
One day at a time, go cry
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:35:29 PM
Thank you
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 6:36:29 PM
Cause I really just want go do it. Being broke keeps me in the hole
4/3/2015 6:36:44 PM
Yeah, I know
4/3/2015 6:36:46 PM
Just don't do it
4/3/2015 6:36:49 PM
If you could, just refuse
4/3/2015 6:40:57 PM
Just keep in mind, I have everything but you here. I will do my damndest to make sure your ok and you will have the time you need.
4/3/2015 6:41:07 PM
You just have to make that step.
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 7:05:16 PM
Im holding out right now. Hoping a nap helps
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 7:05:43 PM
Window got left open and everything got rained on
4/3/2015 7:05:52 PM
No surpise
4/3/2015 7:06:23 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 7:09:33 PM
I can't tonight
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 7:09:48 PM
I need my hole at least today
4/3/2015 7:09:58 PM
I can make your hole perfectly content
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 7:10:04 PM
Because worse than the need of dope
4/3/2015 7:10:17 PM
And you would get a great shower
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 7:10:21 PM
Is the shattering depression
4/3/2015 7:10:29 PM
and be able to stretch out in complete silence and harmony
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 7:10:54 PM
I'd fucking shower in a drainage sewer if it was there
4/3/2015 7:11:06 PM
Please don't
4/3/2015 7:11:13 PM
So, not tonight, but tomorrow?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 7:11:19 PM
That's the depth of my inability to cope tiday
4/3/2015 7:11:21 PM
Maybe the 6p tomorrow?
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 7:12:02 PM
Maybe, prolly. I guess I'm just at the limit O what I can do without being totally insane lol
4/3/2015 7:12:19 PM
If you didn't sleep now
4/3/2015 7:12:29 PM
You could sleep the entire bus trip
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 7:13:01 PM
Plus all the cleaning is laying on the painsome sleep/lying about is going to make it so I can do the trip without any deugs
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 7:13:06 PM
4/3/2015 7:13:16 PM
4/3/2015 7:13:19 PM
i'm gonna nap now
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 7:13:27 PM
Me too
4/3/2015 7:20:59 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 7:43:36 PM
Sorry had T change my banking pass. He's trying to load money to PayPal off his separate account. I cancelled his card on mine but wanted pass and pin updated in case he copied my number
Jennifer Cejka
4/3/2015 7:46:11 PM
Not sure id like how I look
4/4/2015 3:17:28 AM
Are you awake?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:40:14 AM
4/4/2015 4:40:29 AM
So, how you feeling?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:41:37 AM
4/4/2015 4:41:52 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:42:02 AM
4/4/2015 4:42:13 AM
I got forealz hugs here
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:42:31 AM
4/4/2015 4:43:22 AM
Hows your feeling about travel?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:43:55 AM
Avoiding the inevitable
4/4/2015 4:44:42 AM
I could take a 2pm bus out there to ride with you back here.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:47:11 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:47:30 AM
I really just wanna stay and hope
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:47:40 AM
Cause I did for you
4/4/2015 4:47:58 AM
It took me 6 years to get my shit straight
4/4/2015 4:48:08 AM
Do you have that kind of time?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:48:28 AM
And I feel like leaving now is not giving him a chance but he told stone he knows you love me
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:48:46 AM
And gave up on us
4/4/2015 4:50:03 AM
I'm still getting the mixed "not gonna come" message from you >.<
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:53:10 AM
I know I have to. Just because I wish I had more time doesn't mean I wont
4/4/2015 4:53:12 AM
$700 for the buses, $1550 for plane tickets ugh
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:54:52 AM
I don't want to make you spend all this either cause I know you have to cover lots for the kids.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:55:09 AM
But I understand the urgency
4/4/2015 4:55:10 AM
I do, but I need ya safe
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:55:33 AM
Im only unsafe from myself at the moment
4/4/2015 4:56:21 AM
Do I have the guarantee that if I prepare for departing out there, and arriving around 1:30p that you will be ready to depart around 6pm?
4/4/2015 4:56:33 AM
I'd arrive tomorrow
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:57:34 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:57:47 AM
I fucking hate but yes.
4/4/2015 5:00:42 AM
Are you sure? Do you want to take some time to think about it, cause I don't want to be out there and return empty handed and a huge amount of money in the hole.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:02:27 AM
I really wanna see what the week brings but he refuses to speak to me. He's either goig to get arrested or binge and come around
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:03:23 AM
But I don't know how much I mean if he's telling me and all to go to you
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:04:18 AM
It hurts because we were so in love and he promised to go when I asked and I did and now he wont even take my call.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:04:30 AM
Likely blocked me on the phone
4/4/2015 5:05:20 AM
If you wait the week, you'd have to take a thursday afternoon bus to get here late friday.
4/4/2015 5:05:27 AM
This means for easter I'll be on a bus
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:05:53 AM
And he's outta cash so it can't be long until he starts stealing
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:06:18 AM
Dot miss easter
4/4/2015 5:06:48 AM
You would've been here for it...
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:06:54 AM
If nothing changes over the weekend ill talk to his dad
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:07:07 AM
Tuesday look like?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:08:01 AM
By Monday he's got have run out his stay. If I'm not worth rehab then why stay
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:08:34 AM
The kids need you on easter
4/4/2015 5:08:42 AM
I don't have the kids for easter
4/4/2015 5:08:49 AM
Tuesday i'll be home all day
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:08:59 AM
You're not seeing them?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:09:29 AM
I meant on busses. I didn't wanna take you away from them.
4/4/2015 5:09:52 AM
I'm confused now
4/4/2015 5:09:59 AM
Should we begin the talking/discussing thing?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:10:22 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:10:51 AM
I didn't want you to miss Easter so I offered Tuesday as an alternative
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:11:23 AM
Im not missing anything on Easter because I'm pagan
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:11:49 AM
But if you can go to the kids for Easter you should.
4/4/2015 5:12:15 AM
I can't. I've pissed off mom already
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:12:29 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:13:36 AM
Well then
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:14:41 AM
You can pick either day. At least I can say I tried to talk to him and he will just keep doing his thing
4/4/2015 5:15:05 AM
Do you want me to come get you? Or do you think you would actually make the bus?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:15:22 AM
I'd like it if you came
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:15:50 AM
I think I only made it here cause mikes was a worse alternative
4/4/2015 5:16:04 AM
Well, I have to work during the week
4/4/2015 5:16:15 AM
The trip itself is 24h
4/4/2015 5:16:20 AM
plus the time between buses
4/4/2015 5:16:23 AM
and the trip back
4/4/2015 5:16:37 AM
It's why i'm trying to plan this on a weekend
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:16:45 AM
4/4/2015 5:16:48 AM
So, if it's me, it's the entire next weekend
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:17:03 AM
Im getting through craving
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:17:21 AM
Im just gonna wallow in bed
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:17:36 AM
If its a weekend that's ok
4/4/2015 5:17:37 AM
Wallow while communicating with me
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:18:01 AM
Its not the cleanest house but I bought food
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:18:36 AM
No one here hates me or wants me out. So I'm not being treated hostilly
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:18:48 AM
Michelle goes off a bit
4/4/2015 5:18:57 AM
If I left friday, I would leave @ midnight here and be there 10:30p saturday. we'd take the bus 1.5h later to get back sunday at 11pm
4/4/2015 5:19:04 AM
So, i'd be living in a bus for the weekend >.<
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:19:53 AM
I don't like it either. Im in lots of pain just from walking too much to quickly
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:20:02 AM
Its gonna suck.
4/4/2015 5:20:56 AM
So, options...
4/4/2015 5:21:04 AM
You take next bus out
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:21:21 AM
4/4/2015 5:21:22 AM
that's 6pm
4/4/2015 5:21:29 AM
You take one during the week
4/4/2015 5:21:48 AM
or you take one with me and you have to deal with the entire week afterwards alone with me at work

Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:22:08 AM
Gots nets and ereader?
4/4/2015 5:22:27 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:22:29 AM
My phone runs shit
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:22:44 AM
Im ok alone
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:22:57 AM
I'll stay in bed reading
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:23:08 AM
Or on the couch
4/4/2015 5:23:33 AM
I have nets yeah
4/4/2015 5:23:35 AM
Of course I have nets
4/4/2015 5:23:41 AM
I have tons of comfort here
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:23:49 AM
I dont mean to sound like ill wallow alone but that ill manage
4/4/2015 5:24:23 AM
Everytime i'm around you i'll keep you happy
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:24:35 AM
I dont want to just bail on everyone here
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:24:50 AM
Ok him.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:25:06 AM
But I know what's going on
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:25:35 AM
He's shut me out cause he's yielded to you
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:26:31 AM
He not going to go to rehab. He has people to blame
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:26:47 AM
He promised he'd go if I asked
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:27:10 AM
Now he's binging and blaming me and homeless
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:28:00 AM
His requirements to come home aren't staying clean. His dad isn't. They are get some help. He refuses
4/4/2015 5:28:03 AM
Well, either way you would be chillin' home while i'm at work
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:28:25 AM
He told me to go. He told stone I should go.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:29:01 AM
He wont contact me. If I'm everything to him I should be the one he calls
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:29:23 AM
Instead he tried to send PayPal money
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:30:11 AM
So if I'm not worth a detox and therapy why stay.
4/4/2015 5:30:29 AM
I've been saying
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:30:31 AM
But I'm realm hurting right now.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:30:50 AM
So id like if you came.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:31:27 AM
And it gives me a chance to talk to his dad. His dad really likes me.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:31:41 AM
I dont want to hurt his feelings
4/4/2015 5:32:00 AM
So, if i'm coming out....it's gonna be tomorrow your leaving
4/4/2015 5:32:10 AM
but again, you'd miss easter
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:32:34 AM
I thought you were talking about next weekend
4/4/2015 5:32:46 AM
I'm taking about whenever
4/4/2015 5:32:55 AM
If it was next weekend
4/4/2015 5:33:01 AM
You would have to figure out how to get to the bus stop
4/4/2015 5:33:09 AM
And you've already gone 0-1 with that
4/4/2015 5:33:10 AM
4/4/2015 5:33:47 AM
That money to do this would be coming out of your savings, too
4/4/2015 5:33:55 AM
Cause I can't afford that with what I have left
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:34:23 AM
If it was next week and I've had a chance to talk to his dad he would probably take me.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:34:53 AM
If moneys an issue my rent is considered paid for the month.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:35:07 AM
And I've lived on less
4/4/2015 5:35:09 AM
I can't dance around this for an entire month
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:35:13 AM
4/4/2015 5:35:26 AM
Really, I'm trying to get a date and time and move along with this
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:35:44 AM
The weekend of the 10th is what I thought you were talking about
4/4/2015 5:36:03 AM
I've been taking about any day
4/4/2015 5:36:17 AM
I've been waiting for you to give me that, cause you'll chide me if I tell you what to do
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:37:04 AM
Ugh last message isn't showing
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:37:12 AM
There it is!
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:37:25 AM
4/4/2015 5:40:09 AM
That's a friday
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:40:41 AM
11th if you need weekend
4/4/2015 5:41:08 AM
If it's a friday I would have to take the midnight bus here Thursday to get there 10:30p friday night
4/4/2015 5:41:23 AM
We'd take the midnight sat bus to get back here at 10:30p sat night
4/4/2015 5:41:37 AM
We'd be at the house here at midnight
4/4/2015 5:41:51 AM
Unpacking, showering and scrubbing, sleep
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:42:16 AM
4/4/2015 5:46:51 AM
We'd be back here @ 12:10am on sunday
4/4/2015 5:47:01 AM
I'd leave here Thursday night
4/4/2015 5:47:38 AM
That's alot of travel, and leaves 300 left for your allowance
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:47:45 AM
Im sure someone here could get me there. This way they can understand part what's going on and that if I could wait forever I would. But he's making a choice
4/4/2015 5:47:54 AM
For some reason the weekend ticket is 60/more
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:47:57 AM
I'll survive
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:48:03 AM
4/4/2015 5:48:07 AM
next weekend, no
4/4/2015 5:48:10 AM
just weekend tickets
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:48:15 AM
4/4/2015 5:48:38 AM
Me going there during the week is 180
4/4/2015 5:48:43 AM
coming back it's 230/person
4/4/2015 5:49:21 AM
if you were to come solo, that's saving 430
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:49:28 AM
Eventually id make it alone but this situation doesn't allow for my self pitying wallow session
4/4/2015 5:49:31 AM
that's a huge dildo from amazon
4/4/2015 5:49:39 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:49:43 AM
4/4/2015 5:51:33 AM
Do you think you would be "better" near the weekend?
4/4/2015 5:51:47 AM
The only issue I have is just spending that money
4/4/2015 5:51:56 AM
It's got a different purpose, to be honest
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:54:05 AM
Yeah. I'm getting better but I don't like the idea of bailing the minute he leaves. I know his pattern too.
4/4/2015 5:54:22 AM
Okay, so near the weekend?
4/4/2015 5:54:30 AM
I know you want me there to retrieve you
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:54:38 AM
I just don't think I'm ready to leave tomorrow
4/4/2015 5:54:51 AM
Well, baby
4/4/2015 5:54:55 AM
If I come there, your leaving
4/4/2015 5:55:02 AM
whether your ready or not....just how it is
4/4/2015 5:55:08 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:55:10 AM
I know
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 5:55:26 AM
4/4/2015 5:55:42 AM
That emoticon doesn't show lol
4/4/2015 5:57:38 AM
Can you give me a day? And on that day, are you good to go solo?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 6:01:21 AM
I can't give a solo day right now because I'm not good to go solo. It could be next week. But I'm so afraid that I'm going to chicken out
4/4/2015 6:01:58 AM
I need a day first
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 6:02:02 AM
Keep trying ro fool myself into thinking he'll wake up and come home and I know he wont
4/4/2015 6:02:08 AM
Then an answer on that day if you can go solo or not
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 6:02:46 AM
I gave the 11th. Not solo but that's too much
4/4/2015 6:02:55 AM
what's too much?
4/4/2015 6:03:19 AM
Why did I write the 10th?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 6:03:20 AM
You said something about the expense of tickets
4/4/2015 6:03:29 AM
I got $1000 to spend on tickets
4/4/2015 6:03:44 AM
I was saying that the money was supposed to be used by you
4/4/2015 6:03:55 AM
Yeah, I have Friday Night for you
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 6:03:57 AM
I offered the 10th first but you said its not a weekend
4/4/2015 6:04:10 AM
I'll have to take friday off
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 6:04:34 AM
I hate you have to do all this
4/4/2015 6:04:55 AM
I like planning shit out, and then succeeding in that plan
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 6:05:05 AM
Can't I just lie in bed and sleep until it goes away?
4/4/2015 6:05:21 AM
Yes, I have a comfy bed for you to sleep in until it goes away
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 6:09:00 AM
Im falling asleep
4/4/2015 6:09:09 AM
Then sleep
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 6:09:15 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:42:22 AM
Im having a panic attack just thinking about sitting on the patio
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:43:03 AM
But ill never find out anything from his dad if I dont go socialize
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:43:54 AM
Cause I know he's never gonna come back but I have to hear it anyway
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 12:05:50 PM
No one is up
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 12:17:10 PM
This sucks.
4/4/2015 1:58:04 PM
I'm up
4/4/2015 1:58:24 PM
Just took a nice nap
4/4/2015 2:00:19 PM
Love my motherfucking blender. A couple fruits and milk and it's a smoooooooothie noms
4/4/2015 2:08:22 PM
Still on a panic attack?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 2:10:49 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 2:10:57 PM
out with michelle
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 2:12:21 PM
Trying to pretend I'm interested in thrift shopping
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 2:12:26 PM
Im broke
4/4/2015 2:12:47 PM
4/4/2015 2:12:54 PM
Your going through teh "Married Man" experience
4/4/2015 2:13:21 PM
Forcefully out shopping, looking interested in everything, knowing that you don't have control over the cash so you don't get what you want

Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 2:14:16 PM
Not even that. There's.88 in my bank. I can't afford the .85 cent rack
4/4/2015 2:14:53 PM
Im just saying, how you explained it was lulzworthy
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 2:15:16 PM
Lol it was I'm just depressed
4/4/2015 2:15:38 PM
Yeah, I know. I know.
4/4/2015 2:15:54 PM
I want you to snap out of it and just get here so I can tell all these hoes to back off
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 2:18:32 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 2:28:09 PM
He has the food stamp card
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 2:28:40 PM
Do they know what is causing vannas epilepsy?
4/4/2015 2:29:00 PM
The theory is emotions
4/4/2015 2:29:32 PM
But nothing physical known yet, hence the appointments
4/4/2015 2:29:52 PM
I went to block off the next friday off to make all the trips, and I have an appointment then as well.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 2:32:21 PM
What about the cysts. I know they were small but its possible
4/4/2015 2:32:54 PM
Oh yeah, that's right. They might find those again...
4/4/2015 2:33:03 PM
4/4/2015 2:33:10 PM
that would be great to know and I totally forgot that
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 2:33:19 PM
Where are they sending her?
4/4/2015 2:33:43 PM
Its not on the calendar. Moms taking her
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 2:34:14 PM
Anything known about Angels kidneys?
4/4/2015 2:34:22 PM
She still has both
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 2:34:52 PM
I'll see if anything in my family is common
4/4/2015 2:35:15 PM
It's not your side for the girls, it's mine.
4/4/2015 2:35:25 PM
Its your side for the boys.
4/4/2015 2:35:47 PM
it's how it is
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 2:44:59 PM
Then cysts maybe. They were deemed insignificant but she was seen in Buffalo Children's
4/4/2015 2:45:56 PM
Maybe....there is always a possibility
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 2:58:40 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 2:58:54 PM
Well I was seen there lol
4/4/2015 2:59:13 PM
You were seen?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 2:59:36 PM
At buff children's when preggers with vannah
4/4/2015 2:59:52 PM
ah, yeah
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 3:45:06 PM
I have to find something to do
4/4/2015 3:46:21 PM
I don't know what you have
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 3:48:58 PM
Xbox but bored. My phone. Pretty much it
4/4/2015 3:49:18 PM
There ya go

Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 3:49:30 PM
Im close to walking to kennys
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 3:49:37 PM
So I know
4/4/2015 3:49:43 PM
Who is Kenny?
4/4/2015 3:49:46 PM
What do you do there?
4/4/2015 3:49:53 PM
Can you not get stoned or drunk please
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 3:49:59 PM
Dope dealing friend to Skye.
4/4/2015 3:50:05 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 3:50:08 PM
Im not going for that
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 3:50:19 PM
No money anyways lol
4/4/2015 3:50:27 PM
4/4/2015 3:50:28 PM
4/4/2015 3:50:32 PM
you don't need money for dope
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 3:50:37 PM
To know he's shutting me out
4/4/2015 3:50:47 PM
Then do it
4/4/2015 3:50:54 PM
and once you get back i'll book you on the next bus out
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 3:51:00 PM
No one here seems to care
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 3:51:24 PM
Im pretty depressed
4/4/2015 3:51:37 PM
You missed a period
4/4/2015 3:51:41 PM
I'm pretty.
4/4/2015 3:51:45 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 3:51:46 PM
4/4/2015 3:51:48 PM
Those are 2 separate sentences
4/4/2015 4:03:02 PM
whatcha doin?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:05:13 PM
Gonna get in bed and mope
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:05:20 PM
Nothing else T do
4/4/2015 4:05:51 PM
You can call me if you want
4/4/2015 4:06:01 PM
and sit on mute and listen to the kids, if you want
4/4/2015 4:06:38 PM
Better decide quick
4/4/2015 4:09:03 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:10:20 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:10:22 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:10:33 PM
Sorry was getting undressed
4/4/2015 4:10:59 PM
Is that a yes? Do I call you, then mute you?
4/4/2015 4:11:42 PM
You calling from phone number or skype?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:11:43 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:11:50 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:11:55 PM
Call me
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:19:38 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:20:16 PM
You'll have to call back.
4/4/2015 4:20:16 PM
Nobody is picking up
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:20:28 PM
Later maybe
4/4/2015 4:20:28 PM
4/4/2015 4:20:33 PM
I was JUST on the phone iwth them
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:22:24 PM
Phone was dead
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 4:22:28 PM
4/4/2015 7:42:06 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 8:59:48 PM
4/4/2015 8:59:57 PM
Good Morning again!
4/4/2015 9:00:00 PM
Whatcha upto?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:00:15 PM
Just lying in bed
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:00:25 PM
Benadryl nap
4/4/2015 9:00:37 PM
Takin' one, or comin' out from one?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:00:42 PM
4/4/2015 9:01:16 PM
That's so great
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:01:50 PM
Im bored and don't wanna think things today.
4/4/2015 9:02:04 PM
Next bus is in 3.5 hours

Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:02:50 PM
I just took six more Benadryl. I might be able to wake up
4/4/2015 9:02:56 PM
Man, you could be playing minecraft with the kids tonight >.<
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:03:23 PM
I am sticking with seeing how Monday goes
4/4/2015 9:03:33 PM
Thought you went to your dealers
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:04:00 PM
I didn't. I took benedryl and slept
4/4/2015 9:04:14 PM
Ah, ok
4/4/2015 9:04:48 PM
Now your gonna be up all night
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:05:00 PM
Just took six mote
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:05:11 PM
Be sleepy soon
4/4/2015 9:05:11 PM
but why? Your not supposed to take that much
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:05:36 PM
Im avoiding the emotional fall out
4/4/2015 9:05:51 PM
How? Sleeping only delays it
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:06:15 PM
I know but today I dont want to deal
4/4/2015 9:07:27 PM
Do you want to deal with it before you come?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:08:11 PM
Yeah. Monday I'm going to his friends house
4/4/2015 9:08:57 PM
Then what?
4/4/2015 9:09:08 PM
Then you'll get the fall out?
4/4/2015 9:09:15 PM
Or you'll decide if you stay?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:09:25 PM
Fall out.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:09:51 PM
I told you this when making my plans with you.
4/4/2015 9:10:18 PM
I know, I'm making sure plans havent' changed

Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:11:08 PM
I feel like I'm betraying him. At least I can then say I tried to wait but he ran away and blew it
4/4/2015 9:11:30 PM
4/4/2015 9:11:43 PM
I'm all reading up on Tantric
4/4/2015 9:12:14 PM
Cause I have nothing to do, had the entire weekend planned out myself
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:12:38 PM
4/4/2015 9:14:25 PM
Is there any PC games I can get for you?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:41:11 PM
Elder scrolls anthology
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:41:58 PM
His dad is filing a missing persons if none of the places he goes has seen him.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:42:25 PM
If found by SPD he's likely to end up back in my.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:42:32 PM
4/4/2015 9:43:00 PM
28.24 from amazon, woot
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:43:26 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:43:53 PM
So I'm sure ill have my answer before or by monday
4/4/2015 9:44:59 PM
If he's in NY, he won't be here long
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:45:49 PM
No I mean if SPD finds him he will be sent back to NY for absconding parole
4/4/2015 9:46:20 PM
Right, and he won't be here long. His parole is done, and he hasn't done anything bad.
4/4/2015 9:47:25 PM
In and Out
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:49:13 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:50:06 PM
He owed from November. to May. He has to do that time and whatever time they add for his violation
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:51:21 PM
So if his dad does and he's found itd be naturally assumed I was going back for him. I wouldn't feel shirt leaving because his dad realm like me and wants me here.
4/4/2015 9:52:13 PM
Ah, I think I see where this is going
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:53:41 PM
He's not going to change. He'll spend the rest of his life in jail.
4/4/2015 9:53:52 PM
What about you?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:54:09 PM
I dont want that to be something I have to deal woth
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:54:24 PM
I love him but he doesn't want to change
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:55:09 PM
Nor do I want to go through this same shit every time he's mad at me
4/4/2015 9:55:25 PM
He runs away when he's mad at you?
4/4/2015 9:55:30 PM
which only means he comes back
4/4/2015 9:55:33 PM
so...wait for that
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:55:34 PM
4/4/2015 9:55:37 PM
things will be fine then
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:55:43 PM
He threatened to
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:55:54 PM
And I told him go ahead
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:56:15 PM
Im not going to live that life.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:56:30 PM
That's why I'm coming.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:56:50 PM
His return gives me an easier out.
4/4/2015 9:57:06 PM
But your not coming, your delaying and waiting for him to tell you it's over.
4/4/2015 9:57:18 PM
Your waiting for the last change
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:57:20 PM
If not then ill just go.
4/4/2015 9:57:23 PM
And I understand that
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:59:38 PM
I didn't do anything wrong so that he's got an excuse to dump me. He told me to go back to you.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 9:59:45 PM
Sold the rings
4/4/2015 9:59:52 PM
I know he sold the rings
4/4/2015 9:59:57 PM
You've told me, baby
4/4/2015 10:00:04 PM
oooo when you called me baby lol
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:00:09 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:00:44 PM
I want him to at least know I still haven't turned my back on him just because I'm leaving.
4/4/2015 10:00:56 PM
You can leave him a letter
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:00:57 PM
I want to know he's ok
4/4/2015 10:01:54 PM
Then go do it. You know he'll be awake
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:03:23 PM
None knows where he is. He's not talking to his dad.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:04:05 PM
If he were only trying to drive me out he'd block me but still let his dad know he's ok
4/4/2015 10:04:27 PM
You said his phone isn't picking up
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:04:32 PM
He's gotta be out of money and pawnable items
4/4/2015 10:04:38 PM
and if his dad sends the cops out to check on him, it could get more people in trouble
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:04:39 PM
He took his charger
4/4/2015 10:05:00 PM
That could open the danger level up really high
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:05:07 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:05:28 PM
His dad may go try his friends before calling
4/4/2015 10:06:12 PM
He could be in NY now
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:06:13 PM
He does such large amounts of benzos that he hallucinates
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:06:22 PM
Its possible
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:06:40 PM
He steals for the drugs
4/4/2015 10:06:43 PM
I'd think he would do that if he was relapsing based on relationship
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:07:26 PM
He'd have told his dad he was going to NY first
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:08:27 PM
All he said is I won't be staying long. He said I broke up with him because of the pills
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:08:46 PM
Just for leaving dealers and coming home
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:09:25 PM
Its like you saying I left you because I didn't want to stay at your moms and went home
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:10:36 PM
He got all fucked up cause I guess last week his dad smoked meth with him. I was sleeping and he didn't want tell me.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:11:01 PM
So yeah I'm leaving here but I still care.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:11:37 PM
His behavior and use is clearly a sign something else is wrong than just addiction
4/4/2015 10:11:37 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:12:23 PM
He should have at least messaged his dad by now.
4/4/2015 10:13:25 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:13:41 PM
Before this he told me if I wanted to go to you because of the kids he understood but hoped id tell him first without just vanishing
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:14:47 PM
Also his younger brother did something he did too. He may have flipped over it and is trying to drug the memory away.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:15:02 PM
Actually wedont know for sure
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:15:50 PM
But the accusation against stone could have pushed Skye over the edge
4/4/2015 10:15:57 PM
4/4/2015 10:16:05 PM
There is a warrant out for Skye in Jamestown
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:16:18 PM
Im hoping to at least hear he's ok
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:16:26 PM
We knew
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:16:44 PM
It was going to happen sooner or layet
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:18:19 PM
I'll let his dad know but there comes a point his safety matters more than being the reason he goes to jail
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:19:38 PM
Im gonna go sleep. Im more worried now that he's not even talking to his dad
4/4/2015 10:19:42 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:20:14 PM
He's been arrested and was talking to a telephone pole when picked up
4/4/2015 10:21:34 PM
4/4/2015 10:21:40 PM
4/4/2015 10:21:59 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:22:21 PM
An open one?
4/4/2015 10:22:37 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:22:50 PM
Like they want her now.
4/4/2015 10:22:51 PM
Lindsey M Thompson
Last known Address:
31 Year Old, White Female
69 Inches Tall, 165.0 Lbs, Blue Eyes
Wanted By: Jamestown Police Department
Judge Larson,Fred Jamestown City Crt
4/4/2015 10:22:54 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:23:27 PM
I dont know. I think I recall she did that awhile ago
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:23:49 PM
No issue date?
4/4/2015 10:23:51 PM
NYS has every county's wants/warrants posted now
4/4/2015 10:23:54 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:24:16 PM
Where other than that sitr
4/4/2015 10:25:40 PM
from sheriff.us
4/4/2015 10:25:45 PM
They have the link to all
4/4/2015 10:27:15 PM
None for me, none for you
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:30:19 PM
It wont open on my phone
4/4/2015 10:31:46 PM
4/4/2015 10:31:50 PM
I got it here
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:33:15 PM
I don't want to tell my brother if there's no issue date. My dad too cause she goes there to visit Jade. Mary got custody and lives upstairs
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:33:37 PM
Can you send me a screen shot?
4/4/2015 10:34:25 PM
I sent you the info, it was a copy/paste
4/4/2015 10:34:27 PM
no issue date
4/4/2015 10:34:31 PM
just a "Most Wanted"
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:34:50 PM
Want to send it to mike
4/4/2015 10:35:01 PM
4/4/2015 10:36:19 PM
To view this shared photo, go to: https://api.asm.skype.com/s/i?0-eus-d2-9faefa080b98e68e4cb3e98dc9fbaa98
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:37:25 PM
4/4/2015 10:37:34 PM
yup, pic 4 pic
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:43:05 PM
Gimme a sec. Pooping.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:43:15 PM
The toilet is actually clean
4/4/2015 10:43:20 PM
4/4/2015 10:43:28 PM
Your poop cleans toilets!
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:43:34 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:43:58 PM
I was shocked to see the seat wasn't covered in shit
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:50:06 PM
This is difficult. No front camera. No mirrors. Selfie ended up being my bell or the floor
4/4/2015 10:50:27 PM
You were taking a selfie of your shit?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:50:33 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:50:42 PM
You wanted pne
4/4/2015 10:50:49 PM
the shit LOL
4/4/2015 10:51:05 PM
we should just video chat if your gonna get all naked on cam
4/4/2015 10:51:18 PM
still a smexy belly
4/4/2015 10:51:21 PM
it's almost gone
4/4/2015 10:51:31 PM
Your toes are SO CUTE
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:51:32 PM
No my belly
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:51:32 PM
Im starting to feel dizzy
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:51:35 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:51:51 PM
Got red and red glitter too
4/4/2015 10:52:19 PM
for your toes?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:52:34 PM
4/4/2015 10:52:57 PM
Can I ask an "adult" question?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:53:19 PM
Nails chip easily
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 10:53:23 PM
4/4/2015 10:54:03 PM
When I would have you on your back, your legs up and together and me in you, do you remember me sucking your toes?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:01:16 PM
4/4/2015 11:01:38 PM
Why is that an exclamation mark response?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:02:30 PM
Because I remember some tv show a few weeks ago and I remembered it then too
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:02:55 PM
You're the only one who has ever done that
4/4/2015 11:03:25 PM
I didn't know if you liked that or not. I've always been a wierd freak
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:04:57 PM
I think at the time I couldn't decide. It didn't bother me but it was different. I always wondered if I would ever like it enough to have it done all the time
4/4/2015 11:05:14 PM
nonono, i don't have a foot fetish
4/4/2015 11:05:32 PM
I just thought the distraction was somewhat welcomed to delay your orgasms, and completely flip your head
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:06:16 PM
I didn't assume you had one. It did
4/4/2015 11:06:55 PM
mmk, thanks for being so candid. gonna miss those days :\
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:07:03 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:07:17 PM
Im still coming
4/4/2015 11:07:37 PM
I knows!
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:07:58 PM
Why you miss it
4/4/2015 11:08:20 PM
Cause those were exciting times!
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:10:53 PM
4/4/2015 11:14:19 PM
How does the connection exist between "thanks for being candid, gonna miss those days" and "why? still coming"...
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:16:08 PM
It sounded like you thought wed never have those times again
4/4/2015 11:17:06 PM
I meant one adult question to just be one adult question...this sounds like it's leading into many, many more lol
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:18:39 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:19:01 PM
Crack on my screen is getting worse
4/4/2015 11:19:27 PM
which is why we should be doing the talking instead of typing, but all up to you
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:20:11 PM
Im nauseous and sleepy still
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:20:47 PM
This year sucks so far
4/4/2015 11:20:59 PM
only 33% of the way through
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:21:16 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:22:14 PM
Maybe a book will help.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:22:37 PM
Im bored
4/4/2015 11:22:50 PM
I can talk you to sleep
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:24:21 PM
Im half way there
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:24:55 PM
It's quiet tonight
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:25:13 PM
A rare thing
4/4/2015 11:25:24 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:26:52 PM
I so wanna puke noe. Not sure why I keep feeling sick so often
4/4/2015 11:27:08 PM
Gettin' Healthy
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:27:29 PM
Should be detoxifying still. Dunno
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:28:51 PM
Should not I mean
4/4/2015 11:29:07 PM
it'll take some time
4/4/2015 11:29:17 PM
I planned 2 weeks here for that since this is somewhat a cleaner environment
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:30:08 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:30:26 PM
I miss baths and clean
4/4/2015 11:31:02 PM
I'm sayin'...if you would've been here, you would have been clean, fed, relaxed, entertained, and ... i think that's all.
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:32:03 PM
Please don't do the I told you so thing
4/4/2015 11:32:30 PM
i'm telling ya, in 36 hours
4/4/2015 11:32:45 PM
i'll even give you a hickey if you want
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:36:51 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:37:09 PM
I said the tenth
4/4/2015 11:37:30 PM
you also said "maybe monday if he is found"
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:37:52 PM
That's true.
4/4/2015 11:38:21 PM
and on the 8th i'll ask more about the 10th
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:38:30 PM
I'm not dealing with this worrying thing well
4/4/2015 11:41:17 PM
You think you'll end up going out and finding him?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:42:34 PM
I don't know I have the nerve. Hoping his dad does. Im more worried he's not at a friends
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:43:07 PM
My back hurts so much today
4/4/2015 11:43:17 PM
I got 2 hands for you
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:44:31 PM
You'll need them
4/4/2015 11:45:09 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:45:32 PM
My back
4/4/2015 11:45:39 PM
that's what I was sayin'
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:48:39 PM
Im afraid of surgery
4/4/2015 11:53:19 PM
What surgery?>
4/4/2015 11:53:28 PM
For your back?
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:53:52 PM
And neck
4/4/2015 11:54:19 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:55:09 PM
Can't watch. Data so slow
4/4/2015 11:55:22 PM
it's the audio that's important
Jennifer Cejka
4/4/2015 11:56:28 PM
Lol ot crashed IE
4/4/2015 11:56:36 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:00:54 AM
I think the realization that even if you weren't offering to bring me back and all, I likely wouldn't want to stay with him.
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:01:11 AM
Is making me more depressed
4/5/2015 12:01:42 AM
I also have to make the point in that If I wasn't in contact with you, this would never have happenned
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:02:56 AM
That is true. But I can't see myself still with him after this
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:03:48 AM
It's not unforgivable. I love him. I just can't go through this all the time
4/5/2015 12:04:47 AM
My point is that it is impossible to blame yourself.
4/5/2015 12:05:03 AM
Once you realize this, you can begin to get some control and feel better
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:05:19 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:12:30 AM
Some one. Is here. Dg s going nuuts
4/5/2015 12:12:46 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:13:35 AM
Not Skye. Barks indicates unfamiliar person and protection of the pack
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:14:20 AM
He'd not even bark if is were him or any other person living here
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:15:38 AM
my phone is running itself
4/5/2015 12:15:49 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:17:25 AM
Benadryl is working
4/5/2015 12:25:18 AM
Oh, i'm in heaven
4/5/2015 12:25:27 AM
Just realized I have bacon, a tomato, and some lettuce!
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:52:08 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:52:13 AM
4/5/2015 12:52:17 AM
4/5/2015 12:52:20 AM
omfg it was om nom nom
4/5/2015 12:52:38 AM
And I make 'em good
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:52:57 AM
The most obvious things missing and I only realized it now
4/5/2015 12:53:12 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:53:38 AM
My meds box with old scripts and my lotions,tampons,etc
4/5/2015 12:53:44 AM
Are you bleeding?
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:54:27 AM
Look again in the am but I dont see why take that. No, wanted my valerian root
4/5/2015 12:55:03 AM
I can stock up on your tampons, i think. Not sure about money until after the 15th when my next payday is
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:55:14 AM
I'll look again in the am but I'm pretty sure its hone.
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:55:35 AM
At this point I dont know where the box just bought went
4/5/2015 12:56:35 AM
Do you think you have enough for your next blood explosion?
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 1:01:18 AM
Might be in closet one sec
4/5/2015 1:01:45 AM
You've already come out of the closet a couple times, but you seem to prefer the stick to the hole...
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 1:02:35 AM
Got it
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 1:04:30 AM
Not sure why they were in the cliset
4/5/2015 1:05:30 AM
Ok, good
4/5/2015 1:05:39 AM
That should've been packed...Did you unpack?
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 1:06:01 AM
4/5/2015 1:07:30 AM
Do you need to pack that?
4/5/2015 1:07:54 AM
I mean, you got some clothes, every dildo, but no tampons or extra pills?
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 1:08:05 AM
I just found them
4/5/2015 1:08:12 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 1:08:16 AM
They were in the closet
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:24:21 PM
Still no word
4/5/2015 12:24:33 PM
that blows.
4/5/2015 12:24:42 PM
is his dad gonna make the cops search for him?
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:32:33 PM
About to find out
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:32:47 PM
Think he's up now
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:39:24 PM
Witch friend of mine had a strange dream of me. Someone in my life was key to solving a problem I was having in the dream.
4/5/2015 12:40:08 PM
What problem were you having in the dream?
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:40:50 PM
It wasn't specific. But the man was tall stern military/cop.
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:41:13 PM
Popeye was a Navy Seal
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:41:54 PM
My friend thinks perhaps I should follow any advice he gives and be cautious of Skyr.
4/5/2015 12:41:59 PM
It could be symbiloc as either an Authrity Figure to you, a general Authority Figure, a stripper in a uniform, or the YMCA dance band.
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:42:13 PM
4/5/2015 12:42:20 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:42:38 PM
His dad was a stripper
4/5/2015 12:43:01 PM
Well there ya go. Hop on that dad!
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:43:14 PM
No thanks
4/5/2015 12:43:14 PM
Make him sing some Macho Man
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 12:59:48 PM
Not up
4/5/2015 12:59:57 PM
Late awakening
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 1:00:22 PM
He's never up before noon
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 1:01:17 PM
Nothing popped in local news
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 1:03:13 PM
This sucks.
4/5/2015 2:44:13 PM
Any progress?
4/5/2015 3:10:36 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 3:10:43 PM
4/5/2015 3:10:49 PM
4/5/2015 3:12:22 PM
whatcha upto?
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 3:19:25 PM
Snuggling under my blankets
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 3:19:30 PM
Its cold
4/5/2015 3:19:46 PM
4/5/2015 3:19:57 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 3:29:07 PM
4/5/2015 3:29:39 PM
Your non-comfort makes me uncomfortable
4/5/2015 3:30:58 PM
You do get rest here
4/5/2015 3:31:14 PM
You will also be required to watch a 15-20 minute show of your choice and do the Gazelle every day
4/5/2015 3:31:29 PM
You will also be required to consume a fruit shake as well
4/5/2015 3:31:52 PM
You will have a water intake level to start (1 would like a Liter should be ok) to make every day
4/5/2015 3:32:12 PM
You will be bathed every day, and will need to get your circadian rhythm correct.
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 3:32:25 PM
I average a half gallon or more
4/5/2015 3:32:48 PM
You'll get 3 hots and a cot and some pampering by me
4/5/2015 3:32:59 PM
I'll expect you to fight back, bitch, moan, argue, and everything
4/5/2015 3:33:25 PM
I just hope you respect that I'm trying to get you better, and that your life is really important.
4/5/2015 3:33:53 PM
You will not be required to do anything outside of this, such as cooking, cleaning, singing, dancing.
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 3:34:24 PM
4/5/2015 3:35:01 PM
I've cleaned up firefox for you cause I do all my work in chrome
4/5/2015 3:35:10 PM
We'll be sharing a computer, and you can use it while i'm at work

4/5/2015 3:35:46 PM
I hope this is acceptable to you
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 3:47:15 PM
Yeah 😃
4/5/2015 3:48:25 PM
Are you taking the time to qualm your emotions and get your answers? I do want you here asap or else i'm going to have an issue by next monday
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 3:50:03 PM
Yes I am. Lance and Kayla haven't heard.
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 3:50:17 PM
Could call hospitals and jails
4/5/2015 3:50:26 PM
Give it a shot
4/5/2015 3:50:38 PM
I'm going to assume that once you locate him that you would want the first bus out
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 3:51:13 PM
Yes. I hate this not knowing.
4/5/2015 3:51:41 PM
Get the phone book and get calls going
4/5/2015 4:06:08 PM
Just got a laptop working, too
4/5/2015 4:06:09 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 4:29:14 PM
His dad went back to bed and I hate having to bother ppl on Easter.
4/5/2015 4:45:57 PM
Ohshit your right
4/5/2015 6:23:00 PM
oh well, hope your easter was goood
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 6:23:41 PM
Not celebrating here. Michelle is quite lazy.
4/5/2015 6:23:55 PM
I'll celebrate with you
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 6:25:38 PM
Tomorrow after noonish I'll go to Kenny's and see if he's there. If not, then two houses O the street are the only other ppl he's been around. Then I'm going to have to plan to leave. Im miserable
4/5/2015 6:28:03 PM
Mon:06:10 PM, Tue:12:01 AM
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 6:44:07 PM
Bus schedule for mon?
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 6:44:22 PM
Im out getting dinner
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 6:45:06 PM
He left with Ricky's bike. Wasn't at Kenny's and kenny wasn't home
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 6:48:20 PM
Dude in the basement keeps hitting on me.
4/5/2015 7:23:00 PM
4/5/2015 7:23:07 PM
Yeah, that's the bus schedule for tomorrow
4/5/2015 7:23:11 PM
and why not hit on him?
4/5/2015 7:23:25 PM
And really, I must be out of it, but what does actually "hitting on you" mean?
4/5/2015 7:23:30 PM
Like, does he say you have a cute butt?
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 7:25:00 PM
Keeps offering hugs, asking what I will do if Skye comes back or not. Tried to tell me to snap out of it and that he almost killed himself when his wife died
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 7:25:22 PM
Now he's gonna try to get me high. Gee I wonder why? No thanks.
4/5/2015 7:25:43 PM
OKay, so hugging you and getting you high is hitting on you....gotcha
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 7:25:52 PM
Oh and he wishes I had a sister
4/5/2015 7:25:59 PM
4/5/2015 7:26:17 PM
okay, so no hugs, no drugs, no sister.
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 7:26:33 PM
Its not just a hug. He doesn't want to let go and us trying to squish my boobs on him.
4/5/2015 7:26:48 PM
well, hugging you from the back would just be wierd
4/5/2015 7:27:09 PM
I mean, I respect you and your things...I won't do anything unless you expressly give me permission
4/5/2015 7:27:48 PM
I think your gonna hate me for that, too
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 7:28:14 PM
He just lost a job for inappropriate touching
4/5/2015 7:28:40 PM
Sometimes a guy doesn't shake hard enough, so he's gotta shake afterwards...sometimes that's in public...can't blame 'em
4/5/2015 7:30:27 PM
Mon:06:10 PM, Tue:12:01 AM
M4/5/2015 6:27:28 PM
4/5/2015 7:30:34 PM
So, yeah, those are the monday bus times
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 7:39:36 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 7:41:06 PM
I'd probably elect midnight but not sure when the station closes. Im chicken shit. Would just skip out. I gave the tenth in case I need T strategize
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 7:41:22 PM
Lone ranger is on.
4/5/2015 7:41:34 PM
Wait, your skipping out now?
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 7:43:12 PM
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 7:43:32 PM
Im afraid to tell them.
4/5/2015 7:44:06 PM
That your going to Jamestown to see if he showed up there?
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 7:45:28 PM
Not thought of that. Gotta have confirmation he's not here tho
4/5/2015 7:59:48 PM
That might take months
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 8:04:18 PM
I mean at least ask around his hangouts
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 8:04:44 PM
Today's a holiday. Not a day for bugging ppl
4/5/2015 8:05:32 PM
Best day to find people, though
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 8:05:53 PM
I didn't see the bike or stop at Kenny's cause their car was gone but its my best bet. Tomorrow I can go to the people in the neighborhood
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 8:06:33 PM
After that it either goes to pd as missing persons or wait and see
4/5/2015 8:06:45 PM
And if you get to knowing tomorrow, is evacuaton happenings?
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 8:07:10 PM
Im not going to wait for long. I dont want to seem careless either.
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 8:07:50 PM
I'd like to but I dont know when I will know.
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 8:09:00 PM
One guy is a major tweaked. He's not up before late afternoon. Other guy is and Kenny could be early or late. Depending on if he had tweak tonight or not.
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 8:09:21 PM
His dad doesn't even get up before noon
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 8:16:05 PM
The later bus lets me slip out at night and avoid akwardness. And if it takes later to get any info its better suited.
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 8:16:38 PM
Im gonna guess he's at Kenny's
4/5/2015 8:16:40 PM
I'll need to know by 6p to book the bus
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 8:17:14 PM
I should know by then. If not tuesday/Wednesday
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 8:17:51 PM
He has to be running out of freebies
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 8:18:10 PM
Overstating welc
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 8:18:28 PM
Stupid phone
4/5/2015 8:18:56 PM
yeah, stupid phone
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 8:18:58 PM
Chine take out for Easter. Crazy family
4/5/2015 9:20:41 PM
Chinese used to taste really good to me...
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 10:09:19 PM
It had to have gotten old
4/5/2015 10:11:51 PM
.....unsure how to take that
4/5/2015 10:12:04 PM
It was meant as a pun, but I wasn't sure which way to go with it
Jennifer Cejka
4/5/2015 10:12:36 PM
Lol you had to have gotten tired of it after having it all the time
4/5/2015 10:18:48 PM
4/5/2015 10:18:50 PM
4/5/2015 10:18:57 PM
That means I would have gotten tired of you, right?
4/5/2015 10:25:04 PM
Yeah, that was taken out of pun context...nevermind
4/5/2015 10:28:55 PM
I also just realized that Game of Thrones starts again next weekend....
4/6/2015 12:19:57 AM
Goin' to bed. If you get a decision to ship yourself tomorrow just ping me and i'll get you a time asap
Jennifer Cejka
4/6/2015 12:20:34 AM
4/6/2015 12:20:46 AM
Or we can do it now
Jennifer Cejka
4/6/2015 12:20:57 AM
4/6/2015 12:21:28 AM
Regardless, if you give me permission to snuggle you here I won't hesitate
Jennifer Cejka
10/15/2015 5:51:11 PM
I'll want my things around the first, unless you entertain packing and shipping them all but that's a lot. You will be left alone. your silly slut too. Goodnight
M Heick
10/15/2015 5:52:04 PM
I'm sorry
Jennifer Cejka
10/15/2015 5:58:04 PM
You can't convince me.
M Heick
10/15/2015 5:58:28 PM
I am sorry. You left me. You intended me to not remember you by removing all my motion picture memories of you.
Jennifer Cejka
10/15/2015 5:58:58 PM
I didn't leave you. I stepped away because you getting rude.
Jennifer Cejka
10/15/2015 5:59:08 PM
You have back ups.
M Heick
10/15/2015 5:59:18 PM
I actually do not.
M Heick
10/15/2015 5:59:30 PM
I am sorry
Jennifer Cejka
10/15/2015 5:59:33 PM
Keeping videos of me shooting up wasn't cool.
Jennifer Cejka
10/15/2015 6:00:21 PM
No. I'll believe that when you prove it. Blaming me because you started making me feel unwelcome and unwanted is not it.
M Heick
10/15/2015 6:00:32 PM
I am sorry
Jennifer Cejka
10/15/2015 6:00:34 PM
Why would I stay?
M Heick
10/15/2015 6:00:36 PM
I cannot afford your drug habit
M Heick
10/15/2015 6:00:41 PM
I cannot make you happy when you are sad
M Heick
10/15/2015 6:00:43 PM
I am sorry
Jennifer Cejka
10/15/2015 6:01:02 PM
I didn't expect you to. I quit. I'm five days clean and not looking back.
M Heick
10/15/2015 6:01:07 PM
I am sorry
Jennifer Cejka
10/15/2015 6:01:39 PM
You did make me happy. But you started distancing yourself. Refused to go anywhere with me.
M Heick
10/15/2015 6:01:45 PM
I did not make you happy
M Heick
10/15/2015 6:01:47 PM
I'm sorry
Jennifer Cejka
10/15/2015 6:02:00 PM
Complained about the free loaders in your house
M Heick
10/15/2015 6:02:18 PM
I'm sorry to offend you and call you a free loader
Jennifer Cejka
10/15/2015 6:02:19 PM
Why would you imagine I felt wanted enough to stay?
M Heick
10/15/2015 6:02:19 PM
I'm sorry
M Heick
10/15/2015 6:02:31 PM
You really were not a free loader
M Heick
10/15/2015 6:02:33 PM
I'm sorry
Jennifer Cejka
10/15/2015 6:03:21 PM
No you aren't. You just repeated history a third time. got some poor girl liking you while you kept me on behind scenes. I kept your secret until you pulled this bullshit.
M Heick
10/15/2015 6:03:38 PM
I'm sorry
Jennifer Cejka
10/15/2015 6:03:46 PM
No I'm sure I fucked you enough to pay via the pole express
M Heick
10/15/2015 6:03:54 PM
No, you didn't
M Heick
10/15/2015 6:03:57 PM
and I'm sorry
Jennifer Cejka
10/15/2015 6:04:12 PM
No you aren't.
M Heick
10/15/2015 6:04:17 PM
Yes, I am sorry
Jennifer Cejka
10/15/2015 6:04:48 PM
I'd rather be dead. I knew I should have shot that whole load at once. But I couldn't do that to you.
Jennifer Cejka
10/15/2015 6:04:59 PM
Or our kids. So I flushed it.
Jennifer Cejka
10/15/2015 6:05:08 PM
I didn't even do it all.
M Heick
10/15/2015 6:05:10 PM
I'm sorry
Jennifer Cejka
10/15/2015 6:13:31 PM
You'll have to do better than that.
M Heick
10/15/2015 6:18:03 PM
M Heick
10/15/2015 6:18:07 PM
Jennifer Cejka
10/15/2015 6:32:45 PM
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:29:22 PM
Skype it is
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:30:02 PM
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:31:33 PM
I just don't see you OK with it
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:32:46 PM
I've had three someday with partners other than you. I also had a guy who lived with another woman. I am capeable of it.
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:33:24 PM
The problem is you have repeatedly told me I was yours and you mine but then you'd suddenly leave me for the other better than me.
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:33:53 PM
You've shown an incapability for inconstancy.
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:34:28 PM
That was the past, though
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:34:38 PM
and you are picky with the third
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:34:51 PM
but i would find such a bitch, then once we were done kick her out
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:35:42 PM
Wait a sec...that "Skype Status" is a Tech N9ne song...
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:36:13 PM
Lmao good call.
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:36:52 PM
As long as that was what happened it's fine. Sarah took many lovers. We shared Jason for awhile.
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:37:10 PM
I don't mind sharing your lover, to be honest
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:38:29 PM
Until she didn't want that. But she told me when she was going to another and came home every night. When the relationship wasn't working anymore she said so and we did what we could to fix it. Skye and I were so honest that we could share a phone. You've always kept secrets
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:38:57 PM
I only have 2 secrets now
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:39:01 PM
That's why I couldn't ever trust you. Then you would prove the mistrust reasonable by leaving.
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:39:05 PM
And I keep them well guarded
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:39:38 PM
You always have. And a solid relationship cannot be maintained with secrets.
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:39:55 PM
That you're right not to trust to me at this time.
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:41:50 PM
All my statuses are song references.
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:42:23 PM
It's funny when I saw it
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:42:30 PM
It was a song I sent you a long time ago
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:42:35 PM
Even the ones you don't know. Eminem is a fave because he's an addict who has conquered his demons and accomplished many things.
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:43:04 PM
Lol. I listen to tech more now cause a lot of his references to Kansas city and Mo are true
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:43:14 PM
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:45:05 PM
Drugs aside Mo showed me what I've been missing. Family life.
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:45:29 PM
Skye and I could never have that.
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:45:46 PM
Ya, you could. You could always have adopted
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:47:29 PM
Not with our history. I lost four kids. No court would let me adopt. He's a career drug addict and criminal related to that. he'd never be allowed. We are both uneducated and unable to pay for an adoption. That takes ivf and tubal reversal off the table.
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:48:01 PM
His education could change, mine would be very expensive to change.
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:48:26 PM
Not impossible, but would take me a long time to change
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:48:36 PM
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:50:10 PM
Tubal reversal would be the cheapest quickest route. If I had more kids on my own stably it could have shut the court and your mom up. Unfortunately that's not accomplished easily either right now. I have other health things to doctorate.
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:50:17 PM
I know this
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:50:24 PM
I just think you fight me for alot of things, too
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:50:33 PM
but maybe I just need to do nothing, to be honest
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:50:38 PM
Like what?
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:50:46 PM
Like the star
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:50:53 PM
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:51:09 PM
I don't get what you mean
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:51:11 PM
The off limits one
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:51:21 PM
And on holding off on buying things
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:51:29 PM
Ah. My ass because the trauma is too much
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:51:41 PM
Holding off on what?
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:51:47 PM
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:51:52 PM
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:51:53 PM
I like to save, and what trauma?
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:52:14 PM
Is it that hard to be comfortable with another person?
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:52:41 PM
Well I don't mind saving but I prefer to eat. My brother took my ass by force and made me eat my own shit. How is that not trauma?
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:53:29 PM
For that yes. Christ it happened on our sons birthday. The trauma behind that was not being allowed to see Devon on his birthday.
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:54:03 PM
I lost my greatest wife, to be honest
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:54:11 PM
and I hope and pray she will come back
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:54:16 PM
and there is nobody around to replace her
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:54:18 PM
I was trying to drink the hurt away. My husband was told to stick around and instead of protect me and stop it he video taped it.
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:54:20 PM
and I know I betrayed her
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:54:34 PM
and i've been through that trauma
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:54:37 PM
but I can get over it
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:54:42 PM
I can rise above it
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:54:59 PM
Then maybe I will never rise above her greatness for you.
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:55:00 PM
The blocker comes from you and me and that. I worked hard for that years ago.
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:55:08 PM
I worked REAL hard
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:55:22 PM
The second it came, it was great. now it's gone
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:55:34 PM
And you tell me it's gone forever
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:55:36 PM
For what we had or what you threw away?
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:55:38 PM
and that makes me sad
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:55:51 PM
What's gone forever?
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:56:01 PM
We do need to talk
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:56:08 PM
I think I have figured it out
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:56:21 PM
My ass? I'm so sorry our entire future depends on one sexual act.
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:56:35 PM
That's kinda shallow of you.
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:56:44 PM
NO, not your ass
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:56:52 PM
but yes, it is shallow
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:57:13 PM
And I'm sorry that there's no drug in this world to cover the trauma that keeps me from giving it up.
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:57:21 PM
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:57:23 PM
There is one drug
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:57:30 PM
Heroin too
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:57:35 PM
Heroin made me the happiest man
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:57:40 PM
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:57:48 PM
So, one drug guaranteed, and one possible one
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:57:56 PM
Ice doesn't make emotions go away. it amplifies them. it could make that trauma infinitely worse.
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:58:21 PM
oy lol I'd choke you, make you pass out, then take it.
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:58:25 PM
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:58:29 PM
So what are you saying? If I could control my use I could make you happy?
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:58:31 PM
i'm kidding, i'm not that amazingly brutal
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:58:35 PM
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:58:38 PM
I'm saying we need to talk
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:58:54 PM
I'd not stay out long on Ice. Maybe after staying up a week.
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:59:01 PM
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 1:59:46 PM
I'll be around your place as soon as I get paid
M Heick
10/18/2015 1:59:56 PM
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:00:12 PM
All I can say is that it is what you think it is, and it is not what you think it is
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 2:00:41 PM
You want drug fueled sex but not a permanent relationship.
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:01:02 PM
I think no
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:01:07 PM
Maybe first, yeah
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:01:11 PM
but depends on second
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:01:13 PM
and third
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:01:14 PM
and fourth
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 2:01:58 PM
So my good performance would win you in time but no guarantees because you need to be able to change your mind later?
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:02:50 PM
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:02:56 PM
jesus, i'm talking about life
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 2:04:08 PM
I guess I'm lost.
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:04:13 PM
We need to talk
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 2:04:44 PM
Well I can't make it until after next week.
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 2:07:00 PM
Earliest I'd be is the 28th but my check clearance is unpredictable
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:08:00 PM
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 2:26:54 PM
Moms already making me sick with smoke. Can't get into my room yet.
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:27:10 PM
Those drugs
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 2:31:45 PM
What drugs/ cigs?
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:31:52 PM
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:31:53 PM
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 2:32:01 PM
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:32:19 PM
it is the "No" that i do not like
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 2:32:30 PM
What no?
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:32:35 PM
The word
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 2:32:53 PM
I didn't say no.
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:33:02 PM
You DO say no
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 2:33:09 PM
O was a typo as I fumbled plugging my phone in
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 2:33:13 PM
To what?
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 2:34:01 PM
How did we get from mom's cigs making me sick to drugs and no?
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:34:35 PM
I'm telling you
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:34:40 PM
The No's are one of the big things
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 2:35:34 PM
The no's to ass and threesomes (that I haven't made), and you spreading your seed to any slut that takes your fancy?
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:36:13 PM
We need to talk
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 2:36:21 PM
So talk
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:36:44 PM
Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 2:37:51 PM
You're the one who says so then keeps dropping breadcrumbs to continue this.
M Heick
10/18/2015 2:40:19 PM
best I do that than drop you

Jennifer Cejka
10/18/2015 2:41:01 PM
Whatever. On wow
Jennifer Cejka
10/20/2015 3:19:00 PM
Jennifer Cejka
10/20/2015 3:19:10 PM
Jennifer Cejka
10/20/2015 3:19:12 PM
Messages not going through.
M Heick
10/20/2015 3:19:17 PM
They are
Jennifer Cejka
10/20/2015 3:19:39 PM
Said they hadn't on my phone. sorry.
M Heick
10/20/2015 3:19:46 PM
M Heick
10/20/2015 3:19:52 PM
Skype better than text?
Jennifer Cejka
10/20/2015 3:21:47 PM
No just didn't know messages were going through
M Heick
10/20/2015 3:22:08 PM
M Heick
10/20/2015 3:22:10 PM
just got 'em
M Heick
10/25/2015 1:42:18 PM
File transfer:
Status: ${status}taxespaid.pdf
Jennifer Cejka
10/28/2015 10:13:19 AM
Found your phone. You left it on the box next to where you sat while working yesterday. Silly

Jennifer Cejka
12/3/2015 9:38:43 PM
http://educateinspirechange.org/inspirational/reading-this-beautiful-story-might-just-save-your-relationship-choose-him-or-her-everyday/ every day, even when I'm depressed and shitty feeling or scared we have no future because we're fighting I still choose you because I love you. Every day I AM HURT because your actions ands word divide us more and more and I see you debating if f you should choose me or not. Read it whenever I know your working but eventually it has to be discussed. I'm tired of being treated like I'm not allowed to love you, want to be here, or stay.
Jennifer Cejka
12/12/2015 7:59:49 PM
I'll see you when I come then. Fuck your stupid logic that is making you be mean to me. Go rub one out and quit bitching at me because you regret giving your permission for me to stay.
Jennifer Cejka
12/29/2015 4:41:00 PM
Do you want me to bring you something home from burger king?
M Heick
12/29/2015 4:41:18 PM
No, its okay. I'll figure it out love

Jennifer Cejka
12/29/2015 4:41:49 PM
I can get you something since I'm here.
M Heick
12/29/2015 4:41:57 PM
BabY! NO!
Jennifer Cejka
12/29/2015 4:42:20 PM
M Heick
12/29/2015 4:42:26 PM
Jennifer Cejka
12/29/2015 4:42:52 PM
Last chance. I'm leaving burger king now.
M Heick
12/29/2015 4:43:57 PM
then come on home! no need for a second charge on the card, love
Jennifer Cejka
12/29/2015 4:44:37 PM
Jennifer Cejka
1/6/2016 9:59:25 AM
Jen Cejka
1/7/2016 9:47:26 AM
Jen Cejka
1/12/2016 4:46:36 PM
Jen Cejka
1/12/2016 7:50:31 PM
Jen Cejka
1/25/2016 9:13:09 PM
Jen Cejka
2/6/2016 2:22:02 AM
My problem is that so long as you refuse to tell Jake your priority is your kids and therefore you need him and Mike to move out in sixty to ninety days or your going to have to leave because you need the extra bedroom he and Mike are taking up you are proving to me the kids are not your priority, making everyone else happy is your priority. The kids basic needs should be and if you bothered taking the time to consult a family law attorney they could tell you that you have already wasted six years waiting for the ideal situation before taking care of custody. You don't have another year to waste on a better apartment, a car, better schools or the perfect wife and mother and that minus Jake and Mike this apartment us serviceable for living because courts don't want ideal or best or better. They want to know how you will make wat you have work. You cannot make what you have work so long as two men, unrelated to our kids taking up a room our kids could be sleeping in. You either ask them to leave or move into a three bedroom apartment and leave Jake and Mike behind. THAT is more important than a car because despite the expense bus is perfectly acceptable for getting the kids around so long as you can prove you can afford it. I'm angry because you refuse to hear my advice and for four years while you went on vacation with my replacement and the woman who was to replace me as our kids mother, I fought the courts and your mom and found out everything they demand. And though my living space was serviceable I didn't have enough money. I'm trying to tell you what they told me. There's a bare minimum. You meet that here. YOU NOT ME MEET THE MONEY STANDARDS. You just gotta get rid of this notion this isn't good enough or that you won't move from here so another school district is. The longer you wait the longer the court has to say you waited too long, too bad you can't have them. Every day more is too long. You can't wait another year.
Jen Cejka
2/6/2016 2:22:33 AM
You have already wasted six years.
Jen Cejka
2/6/2016 2:23:18 AM
That's why I gave up on getting them back myself. I'm too poor and I waited too long.
Jen Cejka
2/6/2016 8:31:05 PM
It really hurts to feel like I can never discuss anything with you because you make it your personal mission in a daily basis to remind me how inferior and am to you and your perfect ex wife. To be constantly reminded that I was never what you wanted but what you're stuck with and how hard I make your life because I am not like her.
M Heick
2/6/2016 8:32:41 PM
That's really egotistical of you
Jen Cejka
2/6/2016 8:38:52 PM
We both know I know I have never been your perfect ex wife. I was always your nightmare and the more I open myself to you the more you hate who I am.
Jen Cejka
2/12/2016 8:24:33 AM
Jesus they're already blowing up the bathroom.
Jen Cejka
2/12/2016 8:28:38 AM
At least their bedroom. You can smell their asses from the kitchen
Jen Cejka
2/13/2016 2:11:37 AM
Science says cuddles are better for your sleep than mine and cuddling your dog is just as effective.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=923270917726051&id=348596051860210. I think you should look into this so you're not so offended when I push you away in my sleep.

Jen Cejka
2/19/2016 12:52:26 PM
Jen Cejka
2/20/2016 2:06:25 PM
On my way back. Guy called he's coming after all to get me. Walking from about the bank back home to see if he shows up
Jen Cejka
2/20/2016 9:09:35 PM
When we come next weekend can we make time to see Serena? she's living and working in olean this weekend, but will be at her mom's and wants to see me. even the I just stop for a hug.
Jen Cejka
2/20/2016 11:57:52 PM
Am I on silent treatment till I get home?
Jen Cejka
2/20/2016 11:59:24 PM
I was gonna say if you haven't picked one up by the time I'm on my way I'll get a buffalo paper on my way. I know you wanted classified.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 12:07:05 AM
And I'm sorry for all the shit I said. I know I should listen to you. I'm still struggling not doing it Matt. It isn't that you aren't good enough.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 12:07:44 AM
I get bored because I've lived this life so long our old life is a bigger adjustment than I realized.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 12:08:27 AM
And I know I'll never be able to explain why I still contact or hang with Mike.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 12:10:43 AM
As fucked up as shits ever been he's the only one I ever could count on to be 100% there for me no matter what I needed. Our family has all turned their backs on us and fucked us over so I remain loyal as sister for that reason.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 12:12:36 AM
I do what I can to avoid inviting attention. Usually won't come unless Raylene is home because he won't do anything with her here. I know you hate Skye but like you worry about Nancy's safety, he still worries for mine.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 12:13:02 AM
He's here to make sure I stay safe if I can't protect myself.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 12:13:54 AM
As for the drugs, I'm sorry. And I know that's not enough. I'm trying but it seems every time I get between si ty and ninety days I can't take anymore
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 12:14:43 AM
If you don't want it there I won't bring it there. Though this would be a good time to do your e experiment
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 12:21:57 AM
And I had doc put me on anxiety pills because that's a big reason I don't go out a lot. I'm scared. I've noticed since I got back on the anxiety meds I've started feeling more interested in branching out so I just need a little more time.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 2:02:03 AM
And until today we were making progress in getting more physical I'm really trying matt
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 2:21:22 AM
And you have every right to not trust me, be angry, and give me the silent treatment. I've broken my promises repeatedly.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 2:21:39 AM
Maybe I should consider out patient rehab.
M Heick
2/21/2016 2:22:09 AM
Maybe you should have stayed away from substances
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 2:39:38 AM
Maybe. And rather than make bullshit promises I realize I can't keep I'm saying maybe when I come back I get into treatment so I have something else to do when I start feeling like I need to do it again
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 2:51:13 AM
It's taken me a long time to feel safe with you and open up to because we have ten to fifteen years of hell in which every time I got to trusting you it went to he'll. I buried everything I had for you deep because I couldn't stay away from you as much as you couldn't stay away from me but you weren't mine. Now you are and we've had an up and down year. I spent all summer trying to date you and I love that you took me back.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 2:53:03 AM
You treat me how I always expected you to before we divorced, that's why I always fought you. and because every psych drug court orders demand I take made me hostile and spiteful. And more depressed.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 2:54:52 AM
I'm finally able to trust that you aren't gonna flip on me any day because we've had almost four steady months and that's more than we've ever had. Almost a year without major fights. And we have never had that.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 2:55:00 AM
Not in fifteen years.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 2:55:58 AM
I'm finally starting to get comfortable making decisions, I grow every day except this.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 2:58:07 AM
I know I gotta find more to do and get out but I can't just jump right out. After you every time I went into the world and made friends and trusted I got hurt. Before Sarah moved in I spent two years never leaving home. I only coped in the last year because of drugs.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 2:59:32 AM
I literally go to Southgate three times a week because it's my comfort zone. Since our trip last weekend I have a new one to explore
M Heick
2/21/2016 2:59:44 AM
Stop explaining yourself. You are in a position that I do not want you in. This doesn't make it any better.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 3:00:16 AM
Will you talk to me when I get home?
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 3:01:52 AM
Do you think you could find someone for us tomorrow night?
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 3:02:22 AM
And that's not because I'm kissing ass. I want it.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 3:03:26 AM
And I'm only explaning because I have the words to the way I've not been able to when you ask.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 3:04:19 AM
And I know I'm wrong. It was really unfair to ignore your pleas to keep me safe. It was disrespectful.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 3:04:54 AM
This is why I'm thinking maybe I should do treatment. I thought I could do without it. Obviously I can't.
M Heick
2/21/2016 3:06:16 AM
You can do without it.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 3:09:33 AM
Matt this is the second time I've hit that space between two and three months and defied everything to get it. It's not a physical replacement I want but someone who can at least talk me through this point.
M Heick
2/21/2016 3:56:01 AM
Does the back of your Adams Apple tickle?
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 4:07:38 AM
No but your asshole does and you refused to come.
M Heick
2/21/2016 4:24:20 AM
I don't get it... My asshole is fine
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 4:34:02 AM
Oh so mine can't be yours.
M Heick
2/21/2016 4:46:39 AM
Still lost, doesn't matter
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 4:47:40 AM
At one point we wanted to see if this would open holes otherwise closed to you. I still think it might
M Heick
2/21/2016 4:49:27 AM
Back when we were writing the heroin diaries. Not anymore.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 4:57:09 AM
But I'm serious I think if this is never gonna happen again I'm getting a shrink who can help me figure out what else I can do to get this illogical psychological and physical need out .
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 4:57:09 AM
Because talking might help and I can't talk to you.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 4:57:09 AM
And it upsets me you're doing to me what Nancy did to you.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 4:57:31 AM
I'll see you when I get home
M Heick
2/21/2016 5:06:50 AM
I'm doing what?
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 5:22:40 AM
Never mind. It wasn't well thought out and untrue.
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 5:23:19 AM
I'll see you tomorrow. Gotta grab my mri from wca. I love you.
M Heick
2/21/2016 5:42:37 AM
What time on monday?
Jen Cejka
2/21/2016 5:46:37 AM
1:15 arrival. That wasn't intentional by the way. I haven't been to bed yet so I didn't realize tomorrow is Monday. But if it gives you any comfort I don't have to stay at Mike's.
Jen Cejka
2/23/2016 2:54:45 PM
I can't help you understand what I'm going through because you refuse to acknowledge there's a problem. I can't stop these binges alone, you refuse your emotional support because I need help, and I didn't get the binge I was craving when I went down this weekend. Until I do or get a counselor who can help me past my first sixty days I'm going to struggle. A two day run was a tease. And try as you might refusing to talk about it isn't going to make it go away.
Jen Cejka
2/23/2016 8:05:43 PM
I'm sorry I'm not able to be stronger right now. This is the worst part of coming down. I didn't get the big blow off I was trying to get I know if I don't I'll not make it through the first week of this weekend. If I could make it happen sooner I would, I respect your right not to enable me. I'm going to be a bit one track minded a day or two. I just think a room for four days guarantees my ability to stick to the plan, the less people involved the better.
Jen Cejka
2/25/2016 12:42:55 PM
Did you wash the sheets this weekend? I'm doing laundry, if not I might as well do them now.
Jen Cejka
2/25/2016 5:47:10 PM
No era? I know you're getting my messages
Jen Cejka
2/25/2016 5:47:25 PM
Era =eta
M Heick
2/25/2016 6:45:03 PM
eta is still same amount of time
M Heick
2/25/2016 6:45:11 PM
this has been pain in ass week
M Heick
2/25/2016 6:45:20 PM
and no, i didn't wash the sheets
Jen Cejka
2/25/2016 6:45:40 PM
Well neither did I cause you didn't answer.
M Heick
2/25/2016 6:45:55 PM
I haven't even had time to log into home to do anything
M Heick
2/25/2016 6:45:57 PM
I'm just doing email now
Jen Cejka
2/25/2016 6:46:19 PM
Phone must be off too.
M Heick
2/25/2016 6:46:35 PM
I don't have it with me.
M Heick
2/25/2016 6:46:40 PM
I ran out the door with just headphones
M Heick
2/25/2016 6:46:46 PM
Felt like an idiot on the bus
Jen Cejka
2/25/2016 6:46:53 PM
I'm eating dinner, figured you were ignoring me on purpose so I' got annoyed.
Jen Cejka
2/25/2016 6:47:33 PM
And you started email awhile ago.
Jen Cejka
2/25/2016 6:51:23 PM
Sure about that phone being left home? Cause it's not here.
Jen Cejka
2/25/2016 6:54:54 PM
Not on your desk, not your pants, not on the couches. don't see it in the kitchen. Wonder where you could have left it.
Jen Cejka
2/25/2016 7:04:21 PM
I could call it
M Heick
2/25/2016 7:07:05 PM
M Heick
2/25/2016 7:07:09 PM
running to bus
Jen Cejka
2/25/2016 7:07:34 PM
Jen Cejka
2/25/2016 8:01:55 PM
Gonna be a miserable week till I get what I want and your lies and bullshit aren't exactly encouraging me to wanna even be around you.
Jen Cejka
2/25/2016 8:03:34 PM
I'm sure you could get plenty of work done without me bugging you because you can't even lie without getting caught.
Jen Cejka
2/25/2016 8:05:54 PM
You have access to an app at all times to tell you where your phone is. You know precisely where it is.
Jen Cejka
2/25/2016 8:12:00 PM
I just can't feel cuddly and happy to see you when I feel like I'm being lied to.
Jen Cejka
2/25/2016 8:13:24 PM
I'm probably gonna be pretty bitchy till I get my binge and that's a week away by your refusal to advance the payday. Probably just as well I keep away.
Jen Cejka
2/25/2016 8:21:49 PM
I just wanna get it over with.
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 9:41:54 AM
No phone yet?
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 11:08:22 AM
I pulled chicken out, tomorrow is the last of the food for dinner.
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 11:08:51 AM
Tonight will be the last of the curry
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 11:10:33 AM
I'd go to the store but you have the card and I didn't realize how low we were.
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 11:17:08 AM
I know I'm being lousy. I've called evergreen heath services. They're down town,bwe passed them on your way to finger printing. They said come on in when I'm ready they can help me right away
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 11:19:14 AM
They can take all the needles too.
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 11:24:04 AM
Its sent you mail
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 11:28:25 AM
M Heick
2/26/2016 12:16:48 PM
No phone yet
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 12:23:55 PM
Of course not.
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 12:25:06 PM
I just wanted this week over with so I can go. I'm about to go watch porn and try to get off. You can't come early and I'm bored.
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 12:28:44 PM
Not that you seem to care anyways
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 4:46:20 PM
I have an awesome idea for I vid to upload to niteflirt.
M Heick
2/26/2016 4:59:21 PM
gonna be same time again
M Heick
2/26/2016 4:59:25 PM
cause work
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 5:00:38 PM
K.I'm just gonna stay in bed trying to get off.
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 5:14:34 PM
Don't understand why you haven't called your mom and asked her where your phone last checked in at. Or the app itself.
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 5:15:47 PM
Even after a week being off Skye found his phone with its location technology
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 5:29:14 PM
Thanks for at least letting me know
M Heick
2/26/2016 6:20:17 PM
ya, np
M Heick
2/26/2016 6:20:21 PM
what's your "awesome idea"?
M Heick
2/26/2016 6:20:39 PM
Cause if you do niteflirt videos, people will probably buy them and you can make cash from that
M Heick
2/26/2016 6:20:43 PM
and "take requests"
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 6:22:06 PM
Had a dream another Swedish babes taking liquor shots out their asses or pussies. Checked and people do it. If we videoed it right it could appeal to a fetish.
M Heick
2/26/2016 6:23:18 PM
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 6:24:54 PM
You think it won't?
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 6:25:53 PM
Shit freedom takes calls from a guy who likes to jerk off with a toilet paper tube.
M Heick
2/26/2016 6:26:02 PM
It'll be exciting, and if people buy it it'll be great
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 6:26:44 PM
We'd have to do others too.
M Heick
2/26/2016 6:28:01 PM
There ya go
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 6:28:01 PM
Lol if I manage to bring anything back next week you'd be able to shoot dozens in a weekend.
M Heick
2/26/2016 6:28:21 PM
you're bringing swedish chicks?
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 6:29:02 PM
No the dream made me think of it
M Heick
2/26/2016 6:29:15 PM
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 6:29:33 PM
Get shooter tubes, fill it, set me on the dresser and take the shot.
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 6:29:36 PM
Maybe the bed.
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 6:31:27 PM
If I could run down and back I'd show you this weekend what I mean about turning slut. But I'll try to save fifty or a hundred when I go next week and bring it back. You could shoot me for hours just doing different shit.
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 6:31:36 PM
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 6:33:55 PM
Can't get off for shit today but I'm still feeling like starting niteflirt again
M Heick
2/26/2016 6:35:49 PM
Sounds like you need something to do
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 6:36:18 PM
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 6:37:35 PM
Dope might be why I'm feeling slutty again tho. Never got anywhere last year because Skye refused to film me high.
M Heick
2/26/2016 6:45:05 PM
I'll play some afroman for ya
M Heick
2/26/2016 6:45:20 PM
The bedroom also needs to be cleaned up
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 6:45:33 PM
That's not the same as getting high.
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 6:46:52 PM
Playing afroman isn't gonna replace the dope that turns me into a dirty slut.
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 6:52:52 PM
Gonna play music up here an clean the room.
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 6:53:10 PM
I really hate that stupid on this day in facebook
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 10:42:08 PM
All I wanted was to get it out of my system next week and go to rehab. you keep treating me like shit over it, so no I don't want to spend time with you.
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 10:42:29 PM
Keep pushing me away and it won't get better.
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 10:44:46 PM
Every day I've been fine until you come home and start your attitude.
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 10:46:13 PM
You push my buttons until I react, play your innocent game of how your the victim. Same as you always did.
Jen Cejka
2/26/2016 11:02:06 PM
Twelve months doing meth and I never got angry at any one coming down. Tomorrow I wouldn't even piss positive for it so come down is and has been over. What's changed is I realize this fantasy you spin of us getting the kids is a lie. even with the perfect wife you could never get them because you expect perfection when it doesn't exist.
Jen Cejka
2/27/2016 2:09:22 PM
File transfer:
Jen Cejka
2/27/2016 2:10:14 PM
File transfer:
Jen Cejka
2/27/2016 3:09:10 PM
I don't think I'll ever be good enough for you.
M Heick
2/29/2016 8:33:47 AM
Things to do today: Purchase Notebook + Whiteboard, Look at chaturbate and see what others are doing to discover if it is something you'd do. Think about how you want to schedule your time around niteflirt for calls and chaturbate for shows.
Jen Cejka
2/29/2016 8:41:35 AM
Jen Cejka
2/29/2016 8:42:24 AM
I don't think quest ran my tests yet. Insurance wasn't billed for them.
M Heick
2/29/2016 8:42:32 AM
well, damns it
Jen Cejka
2/29/2016 8:42:57 AM
I kinda wanna know my hep c status.
M Heick
2/29/2016 8:43:19 AM
I think you are fine. If you do have it, you can't really do anything different than if you didn't have it.
M Heick
2/29/2016 8:43:28 AM
M Heick
2/29/2016 8:43:30 AM
you can't sell panties
Jen Cejka
2/29/2016 8:44:45 AM
Jen Cejka
2/29/2016 8:45:25 AM
I don't see myself being that lucky. Sharing needles this long?
M Heick
2/29/2016 8:46:12 AM
I'd just recommend to focus on the work, and not on the worry.
M Heick
2/29/2016 8:46:18 AM
The worry will come when it comes.
Jen Cejka
2/29/2016 8:47:24 AM
I'm gonna call the Dr and see if they got it yet. I may have to go them done again
M Heick
2/29/2016 8:47:39 AM
Jen Cejka
2/29/2016 9:51:36 AM
Quest loaded the results. I'm wondering why the Dr didn't call Mr. I showed positive for reaction to hep c with low viral load indicating no active infection. And I may have a blood sugar problem. Fasting it was too high.
Jen Cejka
2/29/2016 12:47:02 PM
So doc said yep hep c positive. Awaiting further clarification on that but she's sending me to a GI Dr cause like I've been saying something is wrong tummy. enough so my liver enzymes are high.
Jen Cejka
2/29/2016 12:48:02 PM
And I don't get enough Sun. Vitamin d is super low so I'm going to fix this notary problem. Then get meds for vitamin d. and notebook and white board.
Jen Cejka
2/29/2016 12:48:17 PM
Red bull sent you money.
Jen Cejka
2/29/2016 4:52:46 PM
You coming later tonight?
M Heick
3/17/2016 12:22:26 AM
Jen Cejka
3/22/2016 10:45:02 AM
Priority express will not allow restricted delivery. Her aunt will probably be able to sign be there tomorrow before noon.
M Heick
3/22/2016 11:18:23 AM
I needed restricted delivery
M Heick
3/22/2016 11:18:37 AM
Do you have a confirmation tracking number?
Jen Cejka
3/22/2016 11:22:12 AM
I couldn't do restricted. That's why I told you to send copies. She can't do shot with copies. Tracking number...
Jen Cejka
3/22/2016 11:22:28 AM
Jen Cejka
3/22/2016 11:23:01 AM
Jen Cejka
3/22/2016 11:32:17 AM
Jen Cejka
3/22/2016 11:32:21 AM
Jen Cejka
3/22/2016 11:32:50 AM
Snack break because Devon looked absolutely bored and depressed over shopping lol
M Heick
3/22/2016 12:43:15 PM
Jen Cejka
3/22/2016 1:00:25 PM
Devon put the dozen I bought in the back pack so they might be smooshed a bit but brought home plenty of Boston cream because Jamie likes those too. About to boil eggs so they're ready to dye, and after lunch the boys wanna get salsa ready.
Jen Cejka
3/22/2016 1:01:19 PM
Dad said he'd love to see the boys Friday and wanted me to tell you he really appreciates the gesture. He's forgiven you for the past and sees you've grown up.
Jen Cejka
3/22/2016 1:43:30 PM
Gonna wire you 400. No debit card right now. Put 100 towards what I owe the kids.
Jen Cejka
3/22/2016 2:38:29 PM
Google wallet the 300 when you confirm later you got it.
Jen Cejka
3/22/2016 3:40:59 PM
It would appear your mom is freaking out about your lack of contact. Just heard your phone buzzing crazy from Skype calls.
Jen Cejka
3/23/2016 9:34:20 PM
The boys are waiting for you.
Jen Cejka
3/26/2016 8:33:22 AM
Jen Cejka
3/26/2016 8:42:12 AM
I have struggled with these symptoms for over a year now. I spent two weeks in bed at my brothers sleeping when it only takes a day or two to come down off meth. My skin can be hard to tell because it's always bee yellowish from my genetic make up but at times I do think its worse than others. I've had dark urine since before I went to Jamestown and used again.
What frustrated me most is that a simple request that you're at least up somewhere the boys can access you because I feel like throwing up has to be turned into a huge debate about why I'm sick
I have hepatitis c. I have been sent to a specialist right away because my blood work indicates and has indicated for three years now a problem with both liver and kidney problems.
It is entirely possible I caught it four years ago when I dated Skye the first time and it didn't become an active infection until now.
Its also possible it's unrelated and a side effect of almost twenty years of medicine shove down my throat by court order through family court orders. Many antidepressants are filtered hepatically
Jen Cejka
3/26/2016 8:44:39 AM
Right now what's really upsetting is I have told you for twelve months it's bad and you refused time and time again to believe me. Will you be doing the same six weeks from now when I tell you I can't walk to S&G because I have titanium rod and pins in my back and back?
Jen Cejka
3/26/2016 8:45:42 AM
And when I am sick and ask you to be somewhere the kids can see you I need you to support that. I'd do the same for you.
Jen Cejka
3/26/2016 6:31:54 PM
You can expect a partnership, you have every reason to care for my safety but you have no right to bait me here with promises I can go back so long as I don't stay extended periods of time then tell me I'm never allowed to go see my family because they do drugs and I would too.
Jen Cejka
3/27/2016 9:35:29 PM
My issue before was that being honest with you about my struggle in not doing drugs did nothing but cause you to place rules and restrictions on me. That pushes me away. You're so busy yelling me what you think I should do and what your rules are that again you fail to think of anything but yourself and haven't asked if there is Anything you can do to encourage or help me stay clean.
Jen Cejka
3/27/2016 9:37:05 PM
There's no purpose in me telling you truthfully what my plans are if you're just going to ground me and make me miserable.
Jen Cejka
3/28/2016 8:02:27 AM
I'm sorry I didn't realize we weren't speaking. I wouldn't have bothered making you coffee or tried making humane conversation this morning.
Jen Cejka
3/28/2016 8:02:40 AM
And the garbage can remain in the hallway at the top of the stairs because you refuse to take it out.
Jen Cejka
3/28/2016 8:02:52 AM
You're not the only man in America who has to take out the trash and work a full time job. I'd do it myself but you seem to find something wrong in everything I do, so it's probably better you do it yourself.
Jen Cejka
3/28/2016 8:03:30 AM
The longer you treat me disrespectful, the longer I'll return that exact treatment to you.
Jen Cejka
3/29/2016 8:31:39 AM
You seriously need to get a grip.
Jen Cejka
3/29/2016 8:33:40 AM
I get you suspect me everything but this morning's tirade was unnecessary. It was exactly where you left it. Perhaps if you hadn't spent so much time picking useless arguments with me, constructing criticisms that are not meant to be constructive but mean and hurtful you'd have seen it, right where you must have put it.
Jen Cejka
3/29/2016 8:39:09 AM
Jen Cejka
3/29/2016 6:42:25 PM
Dinner is on the stove. Kitchen floor scrubbed. Tried to replace shower head but not strong enough and need more thread tape.
Jen Cejka
3/29/2016 6:47:30 PM
I think I'm going to go for a walk. I have money to send you but you've decided not to come home and I suspect you're out on a date, seems you have had plenty of time last weekend while I took care of our kids to entertain more women on dating sites. Before this insane blow up with your phone, it's you acting crazy like always.
Jen Cejka
3/29/2016 6:48:19 PM
You just can't get over Nancy and what she's done when you're now doing to me, what you did to her that lost you her in the first place.
Jen Cejka
3/29/2016 6:48:37 PM
Your phone is still where you left it.
Jen Cejka
3/30/2016 7:18:00 AM
Jen Cejka
4/3/2016 1:37:59 PM
I love you and always loved you so much it tore me apart every time you left.
But wen in November when I came back from Batavia we discussed that I could never handle your approach at instilling change, expressing what your wants in a relationship were or from me.
You believed that your criticism is constructive but in the last month or two they became down right cruel.
What was already a strained physical relationship became non existent because every day I felt like no matter what I accomplished it didn't please you because it had to be better.
You have repeatedly claimed you were on dating sites for threesomes but you couldn't even look me in the face when you told that lie. After fifteen years don't you think I can tell when you're lying.
Then when the boys came you started behaving exactly as you did before you 'met Nancy and grew up'.
You were not communicative with me, you were inflexible about the necessity of changes in plans that happen when weather changes or transportation requirements mean not going somewhere. You told me do something and then got madness when it wasn't possibly able to be done your way.
You shattered me all over again because we were right back where we always were. After eight months you were still looking for back up rather than trying to work things out for a forever us. You refused to offer the emotional support I needed in anything and demanded I give all mine to you.
I can't afford buffalo rent right now but I move into my new place Monday. It's far from the luxe conditions you've sheltered me in, the things we shared and tried to bring back. But it's not the streets or my brothers.
Yes I ripped all the females out because quite frankly why were they there if you loved me so much I was the only one you ever needed? That's been my biggest problem in fifteen years.
None of the other females in your life have been just friends. They never knew you had a girlfriend, fiancee or wife unless it was while that woman was Nancy.
You gave her your world. You kept me hidden in a closet when the only person I needed to be kept secret from was your mother.
Jen Cejka
4/3/2016 1:38:54 PM
I cannot live in a home that feels like a cold unwelcoming place where I'm afraid I didn't get dinner right.
Jen Cejka
4/3/2016 1:39:33 PM
Or the house cleaning right, or woke up at the right time or forgot to breathe the right way.
Jen Cejka
4/3/2016 2:53:49 PM
You litteraly didn't want me anymore and were too chicken to say so.
Jen Cejka
4/3/2016 2:54:12 PM
So you did what you always did. Forced me out or threatened to leave.
Jen Cejka
4/6/2016 2:15:23 PM
Capital one just called you but apparently didn't need to. I used MY OWN bank account to pay off the card and because we used yours all summer tipped off fraud detection..unless they left a message to call back you don't need to. They just verified it was my bank, which has a dumb because they did it two days ago to process my payment rapidly. So much for doing the right thing.
Jen Cejka
4/6/2016 4:32:45 PM
I tried so hard. You and my father are the only men in the world who I could never do enough for.
Jen Cejka
4/6/2016 4:33:42 PM
Nothing I have ever done has satisfied you. I don't think anything ever could.
Jen Cejka
4/6/2016 4:35:18 PM
granteverson@yahoo.com 716-720-5756. If you still want to talk to him.
Jen Cejka
4/6/2016 11:23:20 PM
Sometimes I believe my only sin in this life was existing.
Jen Cejka
4/7/2016 1:21:32 PM
Dad sold the house.
Jen Cejka
4/7/2016 1:21:43 PM
Everything goes to Mary.
Jen Cejka
4/7/2016 1:23:06 PM
Our kids have been disinherited because you don't love me enough to abandon all others and you treat me so badly I hate myself.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 2:16:24 PM
Radio silence is cruel.
M Heick
4/8/2016 2:21:00 PM
You left me. What do you want?
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 3:38:56 PM
You lied to me. You threatened to leave four times in one night. You hated everything I did. Why?
M Heick
4/8/2016 3:39:38 PM
Why does this matter? You chose your situation, not I.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 3:39:55 PM
Why not just tell me you didn't want to keep trying? Why keep lying about everything? Why hurt me so until you vroke?
M Heick
4/8/2016 3:40:02 PM
If you are unhappy, then that is on you. I can't change the decisions you make.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 3:40:58 PM
I want to know why you felt hurting me and lying was the answer rather than honesty
M Heick
4/8/2016 3:50:07 PM
So, no questions?
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:12:51 PM
I just asked questions.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:13:49 PM
As usual you refuse to answer. I scrubbed the floors on my hands and knees and it wasn't enough. Why did you want me gone?
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:14:37 PM
You wanted gone.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:15:23 PM
No I didn't but you kept pushing me away. Hurtful too.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:15:57 PM
You left with money, never came back.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:16:55 PM
You deliberately and repeatedly made irate and irrational threats and actions prior to make me unwelcome and unwanted.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:17:39 PM
You still left.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:18:10 PM
why do you, why did you ever hate me so much as to use me and make me feel loved and wanted only to hurt me and throw me away later?
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:18:31 PM
You didn't want me. Why?
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:19:50 PM
I never said I didn't want you. You left. I'm done.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:20:18 PM
You said you were done before I left.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:21:25 PM
Why have you always hated me? From our beginning you never told me the truth. You never took care of me and always went out of your way to hurt me.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:21:54 PM
I don't hate you. You left.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:22:14 PM
You are really happy now
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:22:18 PM
You wanted me gone.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:22:19 PM
Stop making my day sad.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:22:49 PM
I'm not happy. But I'm not where people go out of their way to hurt me.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:24:41 PM
You are really happy where you are.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:24:55 PM
You are more happy where you are at than you were up here.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:28:43 PM
I don't know why you keep thinking I push you away. All I did is tell you the truth when you were annoying or a bitch or wrong.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:28:52 PM
Or when you were right or cute or your farts stank
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:28:59 PM
You hate me for that, I think that's fine.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:30:29 PM
I don't hate you.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:35:04 PM
All you did is tell me I was wrong. I didn't eat right, cook right, sleep right, dress right, shop right, clean right, breathe right. Shower right, brush my teeth right
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:35:12 PM
Everything I did was wrong.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:35:30 PM
That's what pushed me away.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:36:30 PM
You'd ask me tocook, I cooked and it was wrong. You said I didn't care about how the house was cared for, I scrubbed on my hands and knees and it wasn't clean enough
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:37:46 PM
You've hated me since we got together and I think you get off knowing how deeply my love makes me loyal but how easily it is for you to break me entirely and and so you do.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:40:11 PM
Why is this even a conversation?
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:40:14 PM
You are gone
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:40:18 PM
You push to see how far you can and because I break easily you have a plethora of weak excuses to point the blame on me even though you know somewhere in your heart and brain you cause this chaos and thrive in it. Because for fifteen years there has never been a time when you weren't with me and didn't have someone lined up on the side or weren't looking for someone to move onto after you break me.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:40:20 PM
Everything you say is right
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:40:33 PM
You don't need to tell me, cause I honestly don't care anymore
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:40:35 PM
You left.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:40:36 PM
You have never loved me just for me.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:40:55 PM
You never wanted me. I'm a toy to you.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:41:27 PM
I'm a bank account to you.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:41:30 PM
But I don't care.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:41:37 PM
I'm a stable place for you
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:41:39 PM
But I don't care
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:41:45 PM
No you're not.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:41:50 PM
I'm nothing to you
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:41:52 PM
and I don't care
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:42:03 PM
You've always been everything to me.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:42:19 PM
You always threw me away.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:42:42 PM
I was never good enough at anything for you.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:44:00 PM
And I always tried. Even when you cheated, left, beat me. Traumatized our kids neglected us as a family. I made us homes, I treated you like a king. You treated me like a maid.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:44:02 PM
You are totally right
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:44:12 PM
I don't know what you want to get out of this.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:44:17 PM
But you are right, and I don't care.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:45:11 PM
To know why you hate me. For fifteen years why have you hated me so much I was just a game?
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:46:50 PM
You are totally right
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:47:05 PM
What are you accomplishing from this?
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:47:22 PM
Then answer the question.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:48:12 PM
Knowing the truth. Which you still can't give. What did I do fifteen years ago to make you hate me?
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:51:29 PM
I don't hate you
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:53:33 PM
Only someone that could treat another so poorly and cruelly could be fueled by hate.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:53:58 PM
Then I hate you?
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:54:15 PM
Whats the right answer here so I don't have to block you and the kids can keep seeing you
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:54:42 PM
Did you run out of Heroin again?
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:55:00 PM
You can't seem to give any answers as to why you treat me so bad.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:55:46 PM
I don't treat you bad
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:55:50 PM
I tell you the truth
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:55:53 PM
I don't Hit you
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:55:55 PM
I didn't waste my money on heroin. I got a clean enough place to stay.
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:56:00 PM
I don't throw you in the street
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:56:05 PM
I don't make you starve
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:56:19 PM
You are using words that I don't think you know the meaning to
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:56:25 PM
Now I'm wasting my time telling you this
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:56:30 PM
Do you have a point?
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:56:53 PM
I just wanted to know why nothing was ever good enough
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:58:19 PM
It was MORE than good enough
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:58:22 PM
You just left
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:58:42 PM
I mean, Why did you leave?
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:58:48 PM
Was it because I didn't have two jobs?
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:58:49 PM
No it wasn't. You always told me it wasn't good enough. It was wrong
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:58:52 PM
Was it because I didn't have a car?
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:58:58 PM
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:59:06 PM
Was it because I wasn't good enough to get an Auto Loan?
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:59:13 PM
Was it because Ididn't have friends?
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:59:20 PM
I bet it was all of that
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:59:29 PM
I'm just a guy that is a loser that has no friends and one job
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:59:43 PM
and i'm boring. I don't know of places ot go to take you to, cause every guy should take their girl places
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:59:46 PM
I'm so boring
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:59:51 PM
You left me cause I wasn't the perfect guy
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 4:59:55 PM
I left because you kept girls on the side, you always complained that I didn't do anything right
M Heick
4/8/2016 4:59:56 PM
I wasn't the right guy.
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:00:01 PM
I couldn't /uderstand/ you
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:00:22 PM
I couldn't have any male or female friends, and I don't understand your habit that needs tons of money to fund.
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:00:30 PM
I'm so not into you
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:00:31 PM
You did nothing but tell me it wasn't right.
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:00:39 PM
I don't know you as much as others do
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:00:46 PM
I deserved to be walked away from
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:00:55 PM
Ok, glad I got confirmation on all that
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:00:56 PM
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:00:56 PM
Had nothing to do with money because if it had I wouldn't be where I am now
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:01:23 PM
How many times did you walk away from me?
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:01:38 PM
Five? Six? Twenty?
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:02:06 PM
I lost count after the sixth or seventh time in fifteen years you just didn't come home.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:02:55 PM
The problem is that you never spent time appreciating what I did do, what I could do, what I did that pushed my limits.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:03:25 PM
Instead you doubted and put my efforts down.
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:07:30 PM
You didn't take time to understand me. You're right about that. But you're a fool of you think it's about money. Because I may not be happy but I've found some sort of peace in a room with what little I have here and no money, no drugs, sober friends, and just enough food so as not to be hungry. Because I don't have the love of my life making me feel like everything I do right down to breathing is wrong.
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:13:46 PM
You are right, I am wrong
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:13:49 PM
Lets go out to Applebees
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:17:27 PM
It's gonna be a few weeks before I get paid. Put everything I had after my binge into this room and it's not much but it's clean.
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:17:43 PM
o, then bye
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:25:33 PM
You really hurt me. Even if you thought you were encouraging me to do better you really made me feel like I was never good enough.
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:26:28 PM
Cause you aren't. Neither am I for you.
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:26:39 PM
We've established that anyways, but "words" hurt you, so whatever
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:27:18 PM
They hurt you too
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:28:38 PM
yeah, i don't care tho
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:28:53 PM
I got more important things aside from words
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:28:53 PM
You do.
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:28:57 PM
I got kids to take care of
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:29:02 PM
a job to make it so I can take care of them
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:29:05 PM
I got shit to do
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:29:05 PM
You just won't admit it
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:29:10 PM
I don't care for stupid words
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:29:24 PM
Also, this is accomplishing nothing
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:29:25 PM
You're bored
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:29:29 PM
If you didn't care they wouldn't be stupid
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:29:30 PM
Go find something else to do
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:29:34 PM
Like a book to read
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:29:40 PM
or someone to talk to
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:29:41 PM
I am.
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:29:44 PM
You're not invited back
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:29:48 PM
You left
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:29:50 PM
I told you
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:29:53 PM
It's done
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:30:26 PM
Didn't want that. I just wanted to know why you always hated me so much to hurt me like that.
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:31:39 PM
I hate everyone
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:32:45 PM
Even you, after your many betrayals
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:32:51 PM
Financially three times
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:32:55 PM
and departing three time
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:33:01 PM
Which is fine now
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:33:04 PM
Learned my lesson
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:33:30 PM
Then you shouldn't be with the kids. They don't deserve your hate.
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:33:41 PM
They deserve ALL my emotions
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:33:51 PM
I left with only my money this time.
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:34:11 PM
Ya, don't care
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:34:16 PM
I shared my money with you
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:34:21 PM
Now I don't have to anymore
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:34:27 PM
so, good bye
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:35:06 PM
They never deserved the life they got because you hated me enough to make me emotionally incapable of caring for them. Or for you abandoning them again and again as you did me.
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:37:11 PM
When /you/ leave, it's not /me/ abandoning, it's /you/
Jen Cejka
4/8/2016 5:41:28 PM
Your actions opened the door and pushed me out this time. Had I stayed you would have been gone within a months time and you know it. You gave up before I left. You abandoned me the minute you decided that you could choose which matters you emotionally supported and those you wouldn't. In a relationship you can't do that. And by supporting I don't mean encouraging or enabling I mean learning about, understanding and offering support in fixing problems not throwing money at them hoping they go away.
M Heick
4/8/2016 5:42:51 PM
M Heick
4/8/2016 9:11:13 PM
Jen Cejka
4/9/2016 8:19:07 AM
Watch it later at the library.
M Heick
4/9/2016 8:19:27 AM
You can't
M Heick
4/9/2016 8:19:39 AM
It's rated "A" for "lol you can't watch it at the library"
Jen Cejka
4/9/2016 8:34:33 AM
Out of high speed data. The cops don't share. Time Warner either apparently. You'd think there'd be plenty of free WiFi.
Jen Cejka
4/9/2016 8:34:48 AM
I'll watch it whenever I can I guess.
M Heick
4/9/2016 8:35:30 AM
Ok, thanks! Bye now!
Jen Cejka
4/9/2016 8:36:04 AM
Jen Cejka
4/9/2016 12:48:47 PM
Cleverly crafted video.
Jen Cejka
4/9/2016 6:35:13 PM
M Heick
4/9/2016 6:44:34 PM
I think you want a tattoo...
Jen Cejka
4/9/2016 6:48:18 PM
I've kept my eye out on possible tattoos for years.
M Heick
4/10/2016 9:16:28 AM
Also, your promises are not promises. They are just words. I realized that when waking up this morning.
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 9:37:00 AM
As yours have been for fifteen years. How could you promise to care for me when part of that care includes emotional support and you shred every emotional thing in me to bits with no are at all. I made good on my promises until you made it clear you never had and didn't intend to. Quit lying to yourself. Life is better that way.
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 9:45:33 AM
I remember the biggest lie you ever told me and the most outrageous promise you gave and still do every time you put the tiniest effort into making me believe it. That you love me and you'll be there forever. You love my body not me entirely and forever is only as long as I do everything you want because the minute I think for myself or don't fuck you it's over. Even when I was honest about how little I actually felt like having sex.
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 9:45:51 AM
Forever is a promise. Never is a lie.
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 10:01:37 AM
You didn't wake up realizing I don't keep promises. I don't make them. You woke up realizing that I caught you at your game and left before you could torture me enough that I broke and look like you needed to leave.
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 10:03:28 AM
Looking like I was crazy and did you more wrong. The problem is everyone sees and heard how you treated me because you treated them the same. They just shut their mouths and minded their business like everyone does and ignores you. I can't ignore your mean words and hurtful treatment because I love you and always have.
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 10:04:20 AM
That's why I built a wall greater than the wall of China around myself so you couldn't get in after putting up with your hurting me for so long and you almost had it down
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 10:04:40 AM
But not before your true colors started showing again.
M Heick
4/10/2016 10:05:58 AM
M Heick
4/10/2016 10:35:12 AM
I didn't run away from you three times, I didn't kill any successful business you had, I didn't steal from you or the kids.....
M Heick
4/10/2016 10:35:25 AM
Also, I don't have expensive drug habits,
M Heick
4/10/2016 10:35:29 AM
I'm sure i'm in the right on that
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 11:41:57 AM
I didn't run from the kids. I tried to make other arrangements you said no. You destroyed me again and again emotionally. You never meant a word you said to my face, you kept secrets and held other women on the line behind my back. You did what you always have done and swore you had changed and wouldn't do.
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 11:42:44 AM
Justify your feelings all you want. You lied to me. This entire six months you lied to me from the beginning.
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 11:42:56 AM
You hurt me from the beginning.
M Heick
4/10/2016 11:52:44 AM
You sound so selfish.
M Heick
4/10/2016 11:53:29 AM
I'm still here, working through everything. You run when you can't handle things.
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 12:05:54 PM
And you still refuse to acknowledge the truth of my words, because then you'd lose the precious image you try to uphold. You lied to me from day one, kept no loyalty and did not care about my feelings at all despite how much effort I put in to us and our home it wasn't enough to hide the reality that you never meant one word, one promise, or one single I love you because from the day you started giving them you were looking around behind my back for my replacement. Because you never wanted me. I was your last choice. I always have been.
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 12:08:25 PM
So continue to attempt to justify it however you want, you failed this relationship. Your actions or lack thereof have consequences like my own. I left because I refuse to be treated dishonestly, cheated on, and lied to. Especially about our children. One of whom is critically ill and despite the hundreds of times I asked you lied about her wellbeing. You were as heartless as you ever were.
M Heick
4/10/2016 3:16:23 PM
What do I do with your clothes?
M Heick
4/10/2016 3:18:27 PM
I certainly do not fit in them
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 3:25:40 PM
I can't come get my things until I am next paid.
M Heick
4/10/2016 3:25:58 PM
When is that?
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 3:27:37 PM
The fourth of May.
M Heick
4/10/2016 3:27:51 PM
Can't do the middle of the week
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 3:29:00 PM
What day after the fourth is better for you?
M Heick
4/10/2016 3:30:11 PM
That weekend I have Jamie until monday night, and I don't think you'll have any money to work with for the rest of the month after the first 5 days.
M Heick
4/10/2016 3:30:17 PM
So, we're looking at June
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 3:33:45 PM
I'm sorry that my rent is more than one half my income. My utilities for more than one quarter and paying my bills left me two choices and this month I chose food. Not that you and your over bloated ego will ever understand anyone who is less than you and unable to rise above it. You clearly forgot where you came from.
M Heick
4/10/2016 3:33:48 PM
I can reschedule the weekend if you want to come up stoned, i'd be fine with that.
M Heick
4/10/2016 3:34:15 PM
Stop with the apologizing and filling the conversation wth useless....conversation.
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 3:35:02 PM
There is no money in my budget for dope. It is not economically balanced within my budget.
M Heick
4/10/2016 3:35:14 PM
well, shit, there goes a weekend of fun
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 3:35:38 PM
Only idiots buy drugs and neglect the rest of their needs.
M Heick
4/10/2016 3:35:39 PM
I'll bag up all your stuff.
M Heick
4/10/2016 3:36:01 PM
*bag up all your clothes
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 3:37:12 PM
Three days starvation costs as much as a weeks food. After I pay my bills I'll have enough to come get my things and eat at a soup kitchen for the remainder of the month no dope fuled orgies for you.
M Heick
4/10/2016 3:37:41 PM
This is all on you. I don't pity you for the decisions you make.
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 3:41:57 PM
I wasn't seeking any. You wanted a weekend of fun. I explained its impossibility. Those are consequences of your actions.
M Heick
4/10/2016 3:52:16 PM
That's fine.
Jen Cejka
4/10/2016 3:59:37 PM
M Heick
4/10/2016 5:47:32 PM
Did you run my credit through Capital One?
Jen Cejka
4/11/2016 11:41:00 AM
When you told me to look for a car
Jen Cejka
4/11/2016 11:42:58 AM
Now you can get a free credit report. You're welcome.
M Heick
4/11/2016 11:44:17 AM
Well shit
Jen Cejka
4/11/2016 11:44:30 AM
So I guess I'll talk to you next month when I get paid and reactivate my phone. You can leave messages but I can't say as I'll get them. So much for letting me the kids if they wanted to. You've ensured they can't because I'll have no phone for the rest of the month.
M Heick
4/11/2016 11:44:31 AM
It's another hard inquiry
Jen Cejka
4/11/2016 11:44:36 AM
Pure genius.
Jen Cejka
4/11/2016 11:44:49 AM
I hadn't considered that. I'm sorry.
M Heick
4/11/2016 11:44:57 AM
It's okay
Jen Cejka
4/11/2016 11:46:42 AM
Not really. Can't undo it I suppose. Well. Until my next WiFi hookup. Bye for now.
M Heick
4/11/2016 11:48:34 AM
K, anal!
Jen Cejka
4/11/2016 11:48:58 AM
Nope. Don't have to give that up to get by anymore.
M Heick
4/11/2016 12:08:29 PM
Oh, sad
M Heick
4/11/2016 12:14:54 PM
You always lied about that...
Jen Cejka
4/11/2016 4:59:25 PM
No comment. None worth it.
M Heick
4/11/2016 4:59:54 PM
I love you
M Heick
4/11/2016 6:26:38 PM
All I've wanted was that bodacious bootay, and you've kept it someone elses...
M Heick
4/11/2016 6:27:51 PM
That sweet, sweet cheek house
Jen Cejka
4/12/2016 1:29:03 PM
I think you do but I'm honestly not sure.
M Heick
4/12/2016 1:29:11 PM
How is that?
Jen Cejka
4/12/2016 1:29:25 PM
And no, I haven't. The idea disgusts him.
M Heick
4/12/2016 1:29:42 PM
You haven't? Idea? who?
M Heick
4/12/2016 1:29:55 PM
Are you ok?
Jen Cejka
4/12/2016 1:30:12 PM
You're affectionate and put up with a lot but you're cruel in secrets and lies and put downs.
M Heick
4/12/2016 1:30:20 PM
Do you love me?
Jen Cejka
4/12/2016 1:30:27 PM
M Heick
4/12/2016 1:30:40 PM
Scale of 1 to 10
M Heick
4/12/2016 1:31:19 PM
Are you gone again?
Jen Cejka
4/12/2016 1:31:41 PM
In court with Skye. Phones off order being given
M Heick
4/12/2016 1:31:48 PM
Jen Cejka
4/12/2016 1:32:04 PM
Could have left my phone in ten more days.
M Heick
4/12/2016 1:32:10 PM
I'm sorry to have challenged your courtship
Jen Cejka
4/12/2016 1:32:20 PM
This is for an old issue.
Jen Cejka
4/12/2016 1:32:25 PM
You haven't.
Jen Cejka
4/12/2016 1:32:50 PM
They should have dismissed this six months ago.
M Heick
4/12/2016 1:33:28 PM
Are you gone from me forever?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 10:46:56 AM
I sent you an email. I'd like to think not. I didn't have time yesterday to answer. as soon as I got done in court the WiFi is out of range downstairs in the lobby and I'm only a block away.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 10:47:20 AM
But it seems you've blocked me.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 10:48:58 AM
Or the library is dumb
M Heick
4/13/2016 10:49:00 AM
No, I have not
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 10:49:06 AM
It's suuuyper slow
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 10:49:16 AM
It just showed you online
M Heick
4/13/2016 10:49:50 AM
Typical $exxifer flaw is jumping to conclusions too early

M Heick
4/13/2016 10:52:58 AM
M Heick
4/13/2016 10:53:13 AM
So, where you send email to?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 10:55:48 AM
Lol I guess. Actually got out alone today. Impressive.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 10:56:15 AM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 10:56:25 AM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 10:56:40 AM
Already scared because I left the house without him.
M Heick
4/13/2016 10:57:41 AM
M Heick
4/13/2016 10:58:08 AM
Yeah, be scared. No fuckin with yo man
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 10:58:51 AM
Ugh it throws you offline every time I close the window.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 10:59:44 AM
Wouldn't call him that. You forget he goes to whatever warm bed will feed him, drug him, and clothe him. I'm a resource.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:01:19 AM
He stayed with other women before I got here, left them and went back. At this point it's mutual use. I house him and on a rare lucky day some bastard friend feels sorry for him and throws him a freebee but even that's so dry he is sick as fuck right now.
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:02:13 AM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:02:25 AM
I don't get sick like most users. Ice I sleep the emotional roller coaster off in two days, heroin you've seen me moody and sweaty but most people puke their guts out
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:02:46 AM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:03:02 AM
He was shaky as hell and diarrhea is coming so he's at nates hoping for that freebie.
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:03:13 AM
But you are ok?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:03:37 AM
He worked for his aunt this week and got a gift card. That's not tradeable junkie stuff lol.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:05:42 AM
I fell last week. Not even high. Foot didn't pick up and I tripped on uneven sidewalk. My hand skinned about a quarter inch down. Knee all scraped up.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:06:13 AM
Burned my arm last tweak out. Otherwise hungry but ok.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:06:48 AM
What didn't pay for a place has gone to bedding and bathroom needs and the rest was food.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:07:24 AM
Nate sent some stuff last night so I'm good for a few more days. But he's freaking out because I won't leave the room and read.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:07:39 AM
Scab came off this morning. No infection so that's good.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:08:58 AM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:09:38 AM
Dad was pretty mean. I'm really upset with him.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:09:50 AM
He's selling the house
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:14:41 AM
I don't know Matt. It's the most honest answer I can give. I'm okay. Uncomfortable and in pain but so far not starving yet and only missing you and the kids and comforts of money. Nothing that I can't live without is unattainable at the moment. Sober and trying to figure it out.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:19:04 AM
Well dry maybe not sober.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:19:31 AM
This connection sucks today.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:26:16 AM
I'll be online about ten minutes more. Probably not gonna be back online until tomorrow. You can leave messages here or email me.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:26:50 AM
The connection here is bouncing Skype on and off so I may not get your reply before I go.
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:30:36 AM
I'm getting text lol
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:31:00 AM
So, when you stopping back up?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:32:33 AM
I can't until after I get paid on the third.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:32:51 AM
I have $1.21 to my name.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:33:30 AM
I'm miserable because there is no coffee and I'm cut off from the world.
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:38:35 AM
Is that what you want?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:39:03 AM
Not really. But I'm tired of lies.
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:39:43 AM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:39:57 AM
Did you read the email?
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:40:08 AM
No. At work now
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:40:18 AM
Compute r at home off
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:40:25 AM
Then you don't know yet.
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:40:36 AM
It's me... I know
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:40:48 AM
No need to know more
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:40:58 AM
I've made my choices, same as you and I can't stand the lies.
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:41:47 AM
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:41:50 AM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:41:56 AM
I'm not okay, I'm not happy but I wasn't happier there because of all the secrets and lies Matt. What do you expect. After all these years I turn a blind eye? still.
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:41:56 AM
I'll get by
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:42:19 AM
You stole from me and the kids.
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:42:47 AM
So, I'm sorry for treating you like a crininal
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:43:05 AM
I'd rather be there, with my family and I'd have paid it back if I wasn't stupidly trying to numb the pain of the slap in the face you gave me.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:43:59 AM
And yes, I did but on the three hundred you gave permission. And I paid a hundred back and will send more as I can even if it's twenty five bucks at a time.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:44:48 AM
But you refuse to see the actions you set in motion with your lies. that's even harder to stand than the lies themselves.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:46:24 AM
So what do you expect. That after fifteen years I ignore that you're looking to or cheat on me because you can't fuck me ten times a day? Or that when I ask about our children's well-being I can't be sure it's true, the whole truth or nothing at all but words to fill the space of answers you don't want to give?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:46:55 AM
Did you consider that as hard as it is you're sexually frustrated and unhappy I was too?
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:47:15 AM
I'm not cheating
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:47:31 AM
Did you think finding out that you told people you couldn't get rid of me wasn't going to hurt me? Us?
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:47:33 AM
And after Nancy, I'm not a cheater
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:47:43 AM
Already been hurt
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:47:47 AM
No more hurt
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:47:52 AM
Did you think I wasn't asking about them because I actually wanted to know?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:48:44 AM
Then why continue to seek women? I don't buy the three some story because couples set up separate profiles for that.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:49:06 AM
Why lie about our relationship to others?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:49:30 AM
Why hurt us like that because honestly it didn't just hurt me it hurt our relationship.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:51:10 AM
Every lie you tell breaks the trust between us, the integrity of your words more and more. My reactions were no better. I was angry and bitter and made a bad thing worse impulsively.
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:51:21 AM
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:51:28 AM
Just being a guy.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:51:33 AM
But that you live in total denial of your behavior is no better.
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:51:47 AM
Why do you still do drugs? I don't run away from you for that....
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:52:04 AM
Meh, there are more important things than sex
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:52:07 AM
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:52:09 AM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:52:11 AM
It's my way of hiding from reality.
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:52:18 AM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:52:24 AM
And no it isn't just being a guy.
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:52:26 AM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:52:32 AM
That's a pathetic excuse
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:52:58 AM
Now that there are no drugs I literally hide from reality in books and don't leave the room.
M Heick
4/13/2016 11:53:13 AM
Bed is cold
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:53:29 AM
You can't face that you screwed up. That you ever screw up.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:54:32 AM
The bed is cold. But instead of answers you're giving excuses
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:54:58 AM
I have to go.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:55:46 AM
I can't promise conversation tomorrow but I'll try. He's almost out of data so I can't tether WiFi from his phone.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:56:22 AM
I can't reactivate my phone until I get paid or you turn it back on. So later.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:57:45 AM
I love you. And I'd rather you than who I'm with or where I'm at but you fucked up lying to me and about me. And thinking'being a guy's means it's okay to seek other women after promising me a committed life relationship.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 11:58:54 AM
And no, there isn't anything more important to you than sex in a relationship.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 3:38:25 PM
Got lucky on access
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 3:40:42 PM
More stable than library.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 3:42:17 PM
But you're probably busy.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 3:42:46 PM
And I'm freezing my ass off drinking warm beer because it's better than lying alone in bed.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 3:46:06 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 3:58:04 PM
Well I'll be here another half hour to hour.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 4:15:25 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 4:15:38 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 4:15:45 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 4:15:50 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 4:15:59 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 4:16:06 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 4:16:21 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 4:16:29 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 4:16:41 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 4:16:51 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 4:17:09 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 4:17:22 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 4:43:47 PM
Nature is a whore...
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 4:54:42 PM
More than an hour I guess. Free beer and neurontin. Oh how I have fallen.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 5:13:38 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 5:15:46 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 5:15:50 PM
Cause I can.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 5:16:02 PM
Gotta fucking Pee. Two bathrooms in use.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 5:16:10 PM
M Heick
4/13/2016 5:57:00 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:12:01 PM
Indeed. On the plus side nate and Skye left me with nates girl. She's ok. They left acting like we were gonna have a cat fight. We're cool. Lolz.
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:18:29 PM
So, I read the email..
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:18:39 PM
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:18:52 PM
You were fine until I stuck on dating sites. And that's it?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:19:30 PM
And you have given others the impression that you and I were not in a relationship.
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:19:42 PM
Ok, but that's all?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:19:48 PM
That I was some leech lingeringon for money.
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:19:55 PM
I'm off dating sites, and your good?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:20:00 PM
And the lies about Savannah.
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:20:18 PM
I didn't Fucking know about vannah
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:21:10 PM
No, you're off dating sites, you stop withholding information on our children's well-being, and you stop acting to others that are not going to tell your mom about us that we are not together.
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:21:16 PM
But that's pretty much it?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:21:16 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:21:23 PM
How did you not know?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:21:30 PM
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:21:38 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:21:44 PM
If Brian knew your mom surely told you.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:22:03 PM
It comes to trust. I've ruined that too.
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:22:05 PM
He copy pasted what mom wrotr
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:22:26 PM
Have you confirmed it?
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:22:40 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:22:55 PM
Why didn't she tell you?
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:23:17 PM
Who tell me what?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:25:21 PM
Your mom. Tell you about Vannah
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:25:43 PM
I don't know
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:25:56 PM
But it's all minor
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:26:23 PM
Like, not death strains. We all, as humans. Have most of that naturally
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:26:24 PM
I think the boys cut me out of the fun.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:27:03 PM
Skye's cat is kneeding my lap. Fuckers.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:27:17 PM
It's not minor to me.
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:29:43 PM
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:29:57 PM
I'm sure he didn't
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:30:19 PM
No they went off on a front almost two hours ago.
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:30:33 PM
Prob playing xbox
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:30:52 PM
Why not brush Nates girls hair or skmething?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:30:56 PM
I'm literally sitting on a strangers couch with his cat on my lap waiting on nothing I'll get cut in on.
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:31:12 PM
...that's your prob woman
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:31:26 PM
They don't video game. She and I are trading cps/custody horror stories.
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:31:50 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:32:10 PM
Yeah. My beer buzz is gone. neurontin does nothing.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:32:38 PM
She's starting to get pissed
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:32:56 PM
She knows they went to get high and left me and her here.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:33:22 PM
She and I both fund their habits only Skye and I arrange a fifty fifty split.
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:34:09 PM
You are so great to give away your cash for nothing
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:34:27 PM
I get half of anything he finds wether I'm paying or not. The neurontin and beer was probably supposed to make up for his fucking morphine high he just got off nate so impissed cause I'm supposed to get half of that half nate gives him.
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:34:40 PM
He gives you enough to keep you strung on, too
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:34:45 PM
I'm entitled to fifty milligrams. I'll get a rinse.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:34:50 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:35:07 PM
Beer and neurontin. I'm not buzzed or high.
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:35:08 PM
Yes. Thats worse than me.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:35:16 PM
I'm as dope sick as he is.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:35:39 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:35:53 PM
He was fucked up before I got here.
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:36:17 PM
Why did I need a pic of your man?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:38:08 PM
See how fucked up he is
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:38:44 PM
I don't care?
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:39:39 PM
Honestly he is the #1 source preventing Savannah from having a legit mothers day
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:40:45 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:42:13 PM
It's not savannah's day tho. It's mine. What day does it fall on this year?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:43:21 PM
At least it isn't g is birthday this year.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:43:43 PM
It doesn't matter. What are you doing to change all that?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:46:11 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:47:01 PM
Because other than paying back the kids and not repeating the theft, I can't prove I'm not doing it again other than time passing. What about you?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:47:39 PM
I'll probably be here another hour or two.
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:49:37 PM
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:49:41 PM
was on phone with er
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:49:55 PM
Er? Why?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:50:04 PM
What's going on?
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:50:19 PM
She doesn't want to talk to me about it
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:50:57 PM
Wtf who?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:51:06 PM
Your mom. Which kid?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:51:43 PM
Worst part is I can't believe you. You use the kids to pull me back and just keep up the shit.
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:53:50 PM
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:54:01 PM
Savannah doesn't want to talk to me about it
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:54:19 PM
What about your mom. Why won't she tell you?
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:55:27 PM
cause im not mom
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:55:53 PM
Ugh. Well I'll be here cause they didn't get what they want and they're about to go off again.
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:56:14 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 7:59:32 PM
I'll be online awhile longer
M Heick
4/13/2016 7:59:36 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:04:09 PM
I don't know what to do.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:04:19 PM
You don't need to do anything
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:04:22 PM
You are not here
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:05:55 PM
I love you but the secrets and lies hold me back. And your behavior before I left made me feel unwanted and unwelcome.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:06:10 PM
It's Savvanhs secret
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:06:15 PM
She wants to ask you where you went
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:06:30 PM
and why you abandoned her
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:06:33 PM
but you're not here
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:06:35 PM
it's not a SECRET
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:06:39 PM
stop with the secret
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:06:44 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:07:19 PM
Then maybe you should tell her grandma was mean and made me go away and so were you.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:07:25 PM
I already did
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:07:28 PM
She doesn't care
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:07:33 PM
She wants to talk to you
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:07:39 PM
Not me
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:07:41 PM
Not Gramma
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:07:45 PM
I didn't abandon her.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:07:50 PM
Doesn't matter
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:07:59 PM
It's not an answer I can give her that will settle her
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:08:02 PM
Well you shut off my phone so she can't call me.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:08:11 PM
She's 7
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:08:44 PM
and I didn't expect this to come out of her today
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:08:51 PM
Doesn't matter. She could call me. I can still come up there but my new arrangements require advanced planning.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:09:41 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:09:44 PM
Somehow I think it's a game. Unfortunately Skye just left otherwise I'd give you his number so she can call but you won't do it anyways because this is a game.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:09:54 PM
It's not a game
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:09:57 PM
Savannah doesn't have a phone
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:10:02 PM
She'd be calling you, and mom would be hanging it up
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:10:26 PM
You did this with the boys and then treated me like shit after they left.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:10:37 PM
You could call and three way it.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:10:47 PM
She won't talk to me about it
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:10:47 PM
Because I never lost my rights
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:11:11 PM
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:11:31 PM
Well until I have a phone and you have her isolated there's nothing to do. Why does this tie to her being in an Er?
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:11:56 PM
And you could have left the phone on. that was all you.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:12:48 PM
So you still haven't told me what you're doing to change things.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:13:22 PM
Oh, I've already stopped using dating sites
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:13:25 PM
They are pointless
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:13:29 PM
Otherwise, nothing more
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:13:41 PM
You can stay down there, i've got work and kids to scream at
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:14:15 PM
You gleaned that from an email?
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:14:33 PM
I don't know how to "show you" I love you when you run away
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:14:36 PM
I've gotta protect myself
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:14:49 PM
Or is it because your lame attempt at social engineering me into coming back isn't working.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:15:37 PM
I left because you treated me like shit. You could start there because right now you're still treating me like a ten year old kid who
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:15:45 PM
Didn't get his way.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:15:54 PM
I can't force the kids to talk to you
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:15:56 PM
You know the rules
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:16:07 PM
I'm protecting myself from you. You don't need protection from me.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:16:14 PM
I do need protection from you
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:16:30 PM
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:16:33 PM
You stole from me, crashed my only source of free income, and prevented me from having a warm bed
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:16:40 PM
and then you left me for drugs
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:16:55 PM
and you expect me to "make it all better for you"
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:17:27 PM
All as a reaction to YOUR BEHAVIOR.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:17:33 PM
So yes I do
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:18:04 PM
I'm getting my addiction shit together. I'm waiting for insurance to transfer so I can get treatment.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:19:09 PM
My circumstances are slowing me down and I accept that as my consequences.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:19:46 PM
But guess until you can accept some responsibility for YOUR ACTIONS. I can't do much.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:20:14 PM
And until the fourth the kids can't call and that's on you. You did that on purpose.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:20:28 PM
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:20:37 PM
Glad we got down to blaming each other
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:20:44 PM
They may not want to but don't use it as an excuse just because I have no phone
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:20:56 PM
It's not an excuse. You just can't do it
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:21:08 PM
and you decided to leave and miss this possible opportunity
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:24:34 PM
No you pushed me away.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:24:43 PM
I literally did not touch you
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:24:46 PM
You can't accept that not my fault.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:25:34 PM
Your behavior did it.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:26:12 PM
I'm fine with your behaviour, just not your drugs
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:26:15 PM
You can't deal with me
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:26:20 PM
So, I think we're at an impasse
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:26:33 PM
Ok. Bye.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:27:52 PM
Because I'm trying to make my drug shit right.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:28:03 PM
So fuck you on that.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:28:10 PM
Please, please fuck me
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:28:14 PM
fuck me all on that
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:28:15 PM
More excuses. That's all they are.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:28:32 PM
I can't fuck anyone on that. I have no dope.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:28:42 PM
I can't even get off on Skye.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:29:07 PM
So I guess neither one of us is getting fucked.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:29:28 PM
If there is nothing else, then I believe that I won't be seeing you the first of the month here
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:29:53 PM
My stuff is there. I'd like to come get it.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:30:12 PM
It wouldn't be until the fourth anyway
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:30:41 PM
I will come for everything. If you really feel there is nothing I'll bring your bag.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:31:02 PM
I don't want my bag
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:31:15 PM
I don't want you to waste your money, so I will have it all shitcanned
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:31:16 PM
Don't care I want my things.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:31:45 PM
Fuck you I want my shit You wouldn't pull this shit unless you AGAIN WANTED TO PUSH ME AWAU.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:31:53 PM
You're doing it right now.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:32:29 PM
I will not be wasting my money to get MY THINGS. Those are impossible to me.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:32:37 PM
Important to me.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:32:53 PM
You walked away
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:32:58 PM
You should not have a reason to walk back
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:33:08 PM
I know. Nancy did this to me
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:33:24 PM
You did this to Skye, but I can't let you make him scared again by coming back to buffalo.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:33:48 PM
You love him, not me.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:33:49 PM
You'll stay with him, not me.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:33:54 PM
He'll take care of you, not me
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:34:01 PM
Just stay where you are.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:34:01 PM
He will accompany me.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:34:06 PM
I don't need him here
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:35:23 PM
I will come get my things. I am not navy. I don't care if he stands in the hallway I want my stuff. It is my stuff. You always fucking pull this. You try to play me with the kids and then threaten to throw my shit out just to make me come home to you like you own me.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:35:47 PM
You want me, fucking treat me right.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:38:37 PM
I'm not threatening
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:38:43 PM
I'm telling you that I'm breaking the cycle
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:38:45 PM
This is part of why I leave
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:39:14 PM
You do this every time I refuse to come home. how am I supposed to. I have one dollar to my name
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:39:35 PM
Fine, it's still my property. Everything I own and I want it.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:39:58 PM
I couldn't carry it all back alone if I wanted to.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:40:09 PM
Now that this is settled, I am going to block you on chat so you can focus on Skye and your life.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:40:25 PM
It isn't settled.
Jen Cejka
4/13/2016 8:40:35 PM
I will be there on the fourth.
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:40:59 PM
There is no reason for you to be here
M Heick
4/13/2016 8:41:19 PM
I'm washing my hands of this. Good luck to you and your life.
Jen Cejka
4/18/2016 9:00:34 PM
I loved you with everything I had within me. You were always the one I couldn't give up on. It's broken me again, I've allowed you to break me again.
Jen Cejka
4/18/2016 9:03:15 PM
It hurts because no matter how much I love you, how much I give you of myself it has never been enough. I was so desperate at one time I allowed you to violate me, rape me of dignity and respect and the basic right of choice in sexual pleasure, trading it for shame, hurt, agony, despair and physical pain just because you swore you would come home
Jen Cejka
4/18/2016 9:05:04 PM
You have again reduced ou relationship to your own sexual happiness with no regard for actual medical conditions making it difficult to feel pleasure in any kind of sexual encounters
Jen Cejka
4/18/2016 10:36:30 PM
And you never seem to honestly have ever cared that your actions and behavior and WORDS YES IRDS hurt me irreparably and grievously.
Jen Cejka
4/18/2016 10:38:12 PM
You have been at this pattern of abuse, neglect, lack of care for myself or our relationship that I can no longer trust you. I am ashamed because I spent so many years building an impregnable defense around my heart and soul to keep you away from me because I am weak for you.
Jen Cejka
4/18/2016 10:42:01 PM
And I let hose defenses down and allowed myself to make choices that further damage my trustworthiness and credibility. And I let hose defenses down and allowed myself to forget that you err hurt me before and I let you into my heart only to find you are as cruel and willfully hurtful and neglectful as you have always been. You swear that after losing Nancy you could meet cheat again because the loss of your perfect wife hurt you so badly. You swore you loved me and promised no matter how bad it got you would remain wholly committed to me, us, our family and as soon as it got hard you cheated. En emotional affairs are affairs and searching dating sites is the first step towards a real physical cheating and infidelity.
Jen Cejka
4/18/2016 10:42:45 PM
You hurt me. And willfully refuse to see that you did to me what you did before and what you did to her.
Jen Cejka
4/18/2016 10:43:15 PM
You Re the worst kind of man in the world because you cannot face the truth of what you are.
Jen Cejka
4/27/2016 7:58:08 AM
waves I'm still coming when I get paid.
M Heick
4/27/2016 9:00:34 AM
There is no need to.
Jen Cejka
4/27/2016 10:18:24 AM
I guess I could replace my clothes but you have my jewelry boxes and those are important to me.
M Heick
4/27/2016 12:09:07 PM
There is no need to.
Jen Cejka
4/27/2016 1:00:22 PM
You could mail them.
M Heick
4/27/2016 1:15:06 PM
M Heick
4/27/2016 1:15:47 PM
You have taken and stolen so much, and you want me to spend more money to get garbage shipped to you. You are sorely wrong.
Jen Cejka
4/27/2016 1:28:07 PM
I didn't say you needed to pay.
Jen Cejka
4/27/2016 5:09:26 PM
But okay
M Heick
4/28/2016 8:32:41 AM
Just to recap our huge conversation from yesterday, there is no need for you to spend all your money to come here. It would be a waste.
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:51:57 AM
Also, can you mail me your fathers email address and your mothers address?
M Heick
4/29/2016 7:52:01 AM
*email me
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 6:35:17 PM
Where to?
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 6:35:36 PM
Mom doesn't do email BTW.
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 6:37:21 PM
Your aunt set it all up and when mom lost passwords she cannot reset them because its all set to send verification codes to Lisa's cell and she never takes moms calls or leaves the house
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 6:44:44 PM
Sent it
M Heick
5/3/2016 7:59:51 PM
Email me your moms address
M Heick
5/3/2016 8:00:10 PM
Or send it to me here
M Heick
5/3/2016 8:01:53 PM
How did you propose to pick up your stuff? The final bill for disposal is around $80
M Heick
5/3/2016 8:08:44 PM
Do you propose to pick up your stuff?
M Heick
5/3/2016 8:17:21 PM
Look at you. Here, then gone. No suprise.
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:34:11 PM
Was in between WiFi
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:34:54 PM
House net will be on tomorrow.
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:35:09 PM
I proposed to come pick it up
M Heick
5/3/2016 8:35:29 PM
You said when you got paid
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:35:39 PM
I can tomorrow afternoon.
M Heick
5/3/2016 8:35:57 PM
You have a vehicle already?
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:36:23 PM
No. I have a bus and two suitcases at your house.
M Heick
5/3/2016 8:36:41 PM
The suitcases are gone
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:37:30 PM
Well then I'll have to bring more.
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:38:11 PM
Or find a vehicle but that pushes back my availability
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:38:51 PM
What have you thrown out.
M Heick
5/3/2016 8:39:17 PM
Nothing. I told you not to spend all your money to come here, as it would be a waste
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:40:31 PM
Then why are there no suitcases.
M Heick
5/3/2016 8:40:43 PM
They are gone
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:40:56 PM
So what else is gone?
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:41:08 PM
Did you pack it?
M Heick
5/3/2016 8:42:25 PM
Did I pack the suitcases?
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:42:55 PM
Did you pack any of my things since the suitcases are gone
M Heick
5/3/2016 8:43:08 PM
Just clothes. You will need to take time and pack stuff here.
M Heick
5/3/2016 8:43:21 PM
I figured you were in your dads good graces and you would have borrowed the van
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:43:25 PM
I moved in in suitcases. I planned on moving out in them.
M Heick
5/3/2016 8:45:00 PM
Are you going to acquire a vehicle?
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:45:46 PM
Nope. I left his good graces leaving you. He's sold the house. He's talked to me twice this week and may help me. If not maybe this weekend Nate will help.
M Heick
5/3/2016 8:46:14 PM
So, I'm in dad's favor
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:47:42 PM
Other wise I don't see why I can't come by bus.v
M Heick
5/3/2016 8:47:55 PM
There is just too much for you to carry
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:50:59 PM
Then I need a few days to acquire a vehicle.
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:51:39 PM
Either way I have the funds to come.
M Heick
5/3/2016 8:51:55 PM
Will you be able to relinquish your debt with me?
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:55:44 PM
Sixty days from now max
M Heick
5/3/2016 8:55:57 PM
The answer is no, then
M Heick
5/3/2016 8:57:43 PM
Tomorrow I have Salsa dancing, Friday I have Karaoke. You would have to come in 2 days
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:59:13 PM
In two days from now?
M Heick
5/3/2016 8:59:17 PM
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 8:59:36 PM
Then I might have to just bus it
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:00:10 PM
Will you need to be escorted to make sure your stuff gets to the bus station?
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:00:42 PM
Not by you.
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:00:59 PM
I can ask Mike
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:02:25 PM
Are you worried Skye will cause trouble?
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:02:37 PM
He's not invited
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:03:15 PM
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:03:57 PM
Because I do not want him around
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:04:15 PM
Okay then yes
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:04:53 PM
Then i'll ask Mike to see if he'll escort you from the 15 to the NFTA
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:07:26 PM
Okay. What day
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:07:43 PM
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:08:13 PM
He's not game to do it
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:10:04 PM
Can Skye stand outside while I collect my things?
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:10:41 PM
Nope. He wasn't here when "your things" came.
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:10:44 PM
And he's got his things
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:11:51 PM
Do you think you can't carry all your stuff?
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:12:33 PM
I honestly think I can
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:13:10 PM
Otherwise it's multiple trips or you give me time to make phone calls and figure out a ride
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:14:10 PM
I'm only taking one day off of work to make sure all your stuff gets out, whether you are here or not
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:15:13 PM
I'm sorry, but I've got important things, and ever since you took me off your list you went off mine.
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:16:28 PM
Then what day
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:16:49 PM
Thursday I though
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:18:37 PM
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:19:02 PM
What time?
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:22:52 PM
Gotta check the schedule
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:23:32 PM
Departure JT: 6:05a, 8:30a, 10:55a, 1;45p, 5;45p
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:24:03 PM
I'll leave at 10:55
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:24:15 PM
Departure BUF: 8:20a, 11:10a, 2:15p, 6:00p, 9:30p
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:24:30 PM
i'll guarantee you make the 11:10, then
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:24:56 PM
11:10 pm
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:24:58 PM
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:25:05 PM
Am. Gotcha
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:25:16 PM
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:25:17 PM
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:25:26 PM
10:55a gets to buff at 1:15p
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:25:35 PM
so, then i'll guarantee you out on the 2:15p
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:26:13 PM
Lol okay.
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:26:20 PM
Why is that funny?
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:28:42 PM
Because I didn't Even pick up on that
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:29:52 PM
You didn't pick up that I would have you out an hour on your arrival?
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:33:25 PM
Did you want to stay longer?
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:45:42 PM
Yeah I didn't pick up on that you'd have me gone within an hour.
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:47:02 PM
You just want your clothes?
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:48:32 PM
I want everything but you're not giving me a choice
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:48:46 PM
I am giving you a choice
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:48:55 PM
If i get you out within the hour you get your clothes
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:50:39 PM
I want the jewelry boxes and shoe's and papers
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:50:47 PM
What papers?
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:51:32 PM
Had paperwork down on the stereo stand
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:51:38 PM
That's gone
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:52:17 PM
Again, what has been thrown out
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:52:36 PM
Dunno what you need
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:53:00 PM
Make up. Sex toys. Lengerie
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:53:02 PM
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:53:17 PM
You can't have the sexy stuff. I wear that now
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:53:47 PM
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:54:31 PM
So, thursday I have to take off, and you don't want me to bring your clothes down so you can return within the hour.
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:55:06 PM
I'm trying to determine what's available.
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:56:12 PM
If you leave at 10:55am, you'd get here at 1:15p, and without doing the 2:15p departure you are stuck here until 6:00pm
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:56:26 PM
I want my clothes, jewelry boxes, make up, and shoes. That's fine I can sit at nfta
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:56:39 PM
That's probably enough time to go to K-Mart
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:56:40 PM
oh, okay
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:57:05 PM
What's at knart?
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:57:10 PM
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:57:22 PM
Things to carry your belongings
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:57:34 PM
I can't afford that.
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:57:47 PM
You can afford $20 in transport
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 9:58:54 PM
How big a bag I need
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:59:04 PM
I don't know.
M Heick
5/3/2016 9:59:19 PM
I guess you'll figure out Thursday when you're sorting what you want and what you don't want.
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 10:02:27 PM
M Heick
5/3/2016 10:05:56 PM
And no eye contact when you are here
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 10:06:08 PM
Lol oj
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 10:06:10 PM
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 10:06:12 PM
M Heick
5/3/2016 10:09:20 PM
And I do say that if I say you can't take something there will most likely be a good reason behind it.
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 10:10:35 PM
Like what
M Heick
5/3/2016 10:11:07 PM
I don't know right now, but I'll will most likely come up
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 10:11:24 PM
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 11:14:26 PM
I don't want anything that's not mine
M Heick
5/3/2016 11:14:51 PM
So I'll be sure to give you what's yours.
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 11:55:31 PM
Then there should be no need to negate what I pack.
M Heick
5/3/2016 11:56:06 PM
As long as you're not greedy, things should be fine
Jen Cejka
5/3/2016 11:58:27 PM
I have no such intentions
M Heick
5/3/2016 11:59:06 PM
I still have to be wary after the last 2 months.
M Heick
5/3/2016 11:59:37 PM
Until you even the debt it's always going to be me wary of you.
M Heick
5/4/2016 12:04:13 AM
I suspect you don't have a phone number?
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 1:49:49 AM
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 1:52:47 AM
Can't reactivate the phone right now.
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 4:09:43 AM
But mike gave me one to use for now. 716-487-6589
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 4:09:53 AM
Well to use indefinitely
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 5:10:21 AM
So now I have a phone. A place, a bed, a TV, cable, Internet's. Just need clothes, make up, jewelry and jewelry boxes, and other miscellaneous items that I own and are located in your home.
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 6:41:22 AM
I'm hoping to mail my divorce papers out today. I listed your address when I printed them. If they arrive there will you allow me to have them and not throw them out. If not just say so. I'll find a way to change the address and re notarize them.
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 6:41:28 AM
I just want it done
M Heick
5/4/2016 7:17:31 AM
ya sure
M Heick
5/4/2016 7:18:01 AM
But you have an assload of debt to pay up, too.
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 8:43:15 AM
I know
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 1:07:33 PM
M Heick
5/4/2016 3:52:17 PM
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 7:32:50 PM
So Ry's situation. He's become the worst thirteen year old I've ever heard of, much less known.
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 7:34:36 PM
Hes been missing over a week this time. Refuses to attend school. He was driven and escorted in and out of school and he started skipping school.
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 7:37:00 PM
He's smoking and drinking. Stole five hundred bucks from his dad, picked up an arson charge, got an ACD and just lost it stealing on camera at school. Tells any adult who will still listen mike beats and starves him. CP's has been in and taken him for psych review as a runaway and the er found no neglect, starvation, or physical/emotional abuse.
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 7:37:34 PM
Friday a warrant will be issued. He will likely go to jail. How the hell do you reach a kid like that?
M Heick
5/4/2016 7:44:20 PM
You let him make the mastakes.
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 7:57:09 PM
We are but when you look at the enormity of what he's doing at thirteen... You gotta wonder if there isn't more.
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 7:59:32 PM
Down to his core he simply doesn't care. Nancy and Mary led him to believe when Lindz returned to NY he would get to go home to her and she hasn't even seen him. I think well meant advice from Grandpa who believes the worst he hears gave Ry all he needed to hear.
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 8:00:32 PM
He told Ry if your dad hits you, you have my permission to leave home. So he tells everyone that's why he left.
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 9:02:49 PM
You don't have to talk to him or let him in. I understand where you're coming from but frankly you throwing money at me and demanding he stay home makes me feel like as soon as I get there there will be other strings attached.
M Heick
5/4/2016 9:04:18 PM
No strings attached. I'm getting you out of my life.
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 9:07:18 PM
He won't believe you.
M Heick
5/4/2016 9:07:59 PM
I don't care. You have to believe me.
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 9:12:39 PM
Too little too late.
M Heick
5/4/2016 9:13:28 PM
I did this early. $300, you here, get your shit, chill a bit, leave and your gone.
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 9:21:11 PM
I didn't mean to imply you were. I already used my white lie going alone to see you. I had a great week with our boys afterwards and then you turned into hell. I must refuse so long as he is expected to remain home.
M Heick
5/4/2016 9:24:11 PM
So your coming up, then. Use Black lie.
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 9:29:02 PM
I can't anymore. Did it last time. I can also guarantee there's no leaving while he sleeps. He won't be.
M Heick
5/4/2016 9:30:44 PM
Whatever. Figure it out, or forget it.
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 9:30:52 PM
Jen Cejka
5/4/2016 9:49:35 PM
Final answer is no Skye tagging along, No me get my stuff. I'm going to go buy food now. In half an hour from now I will be financially unable to come tomorrow. I do believe this concludes the discussion. Again I apologize that you can't pay me to get my stuff.
Jen Cejka
5/8/2016 11:16:57 AM
Jen Cejka
5/8/2016 11:19:54 AM
M Heick
5/8/2016 11:20:10 AM
No, thanks.
Jen Cejka
5/8/2016 11:44:31 AM
It's not my fault you are stuck in hell with that thing you call a mother on Mother's day. Do not take it out on me.
Jen Cejka
5/8/2016 1:11:00 PM
Jen Cejka
5/8/2016 1:11:10 PM
Dev needs that.
M Heick
5/8/2016 1:19:17 PM
No, thanks
Jen Cejka
5/8/2016 1:24:47 PM
You're a dick today.
M Heick
5/8/2016 1:25:42 PM
It's my day. I can be a dick.
Jen Cejka
5/8/2016 4:12:02 PM
It's not your day.
M Heick
5/8/2016 4:12:47 PM
Yes it is.
Jen Cejka
5/8/2016 4:49:12 PM
You didn't shove four kids out your twat.
Jen Cejka
5/8/2016 4:57:20 PM
If not for me you wouldn't have them to spend the day with.
M Heick
5/8/2016 5:01:38 PM
Shoving out of twat is different than raising them. Still my day.
Jen Cejka
5/8/2016 5:06:26 PM
If not for your whore mother I'd have them. You contributed to that and thus I can't be there.
Jen Cejka
5/8/2016 5:06:55 PM
So congratulate yourself all you want you win nothing alienating them from me.
M Heick
5/8/2016 5:16:19 PM
Strong words.
Jen Cejka
5/8/2016 5:44:23 PM
True ones too.
M Heick
5/8/2016 5:47:47 PM
meh, you still game for in and out Wednesday?
Jen Cejka
5/8/2016 6:00:24 PM
M Heick
5/8/2016 6:01:51 PM
Will you be able to pick up the cash tomorrow?
Jen Cejka
5/8/2016 6:02:42 PM
Yes. I'm not far from rite aid
Jen Cejka
5/8/2016 6:03:09 PM
In fact I can see it from my balcony I'm so close
M Heick
5/8/2016 6:05:11 PM
Jen Cejka
5/11/2016 3:38:53 PM
Nah I'm good. Bye.
Jen Cejka
6/20/2017 1:01:41 PM
Jen Cejka
6/20/2017 1:01:50 PM
I haven't used skype in forever.
Jen Cejka
6/20/2017 1:01:58 PM
BEnefiit of the new lappy I guess