Dee Dee
9/25/2010 6:10:38 PM
well???? what is oging on???
Dee Dee
9/25/2010 6:10:54 PM
are you in china, hong kong, where the hell are you??
Dee Dee
9/25/2010 6:11:03 PM
and why arent you talking to me??
Dee Dee
9/30/2010 8:06:02 AM
Matt - why aren't you talking to me or the kids???
Dee Dee
9/30/2010 8:11:48 PM
Dee Dee
9/30/2010 8:12:43 PM
Dee Dee
9/30/2010 8:12:54 PM
ready to make some moohlah?
Dee Dee
9/30/2010 8:18:39 PM
Matthew ??? did you block me too?
Dee Dee
10/2/2010 6:05:58 PM
Matthew James Heick... what the hell are you up to? Where are you? How do we contact you in an emergency?
Dee Dee
10/2/2010 6:06:03 PM
why do you put me through this>>
Dee Dee
10/4/2010 6:17:58 PM
Matt, need to talk to you. Certified letter from IRS arrived today. If you don't respond they will cause you to come home to face them!
Dee Dee
10/4/2010 6:34:29 PM
If you aren't going to talk to me, talk to the kids, please block me so I don t see when you are ignorning me!
Dee Dee
10/9/2010 1:42:12 PM
Matthew. the kids have been waiting to "catch you" on skype to talk to. You promised them. You promised me. IRS is looking for you. I haven't heard anything from you but you have made 5 international plane trips from Augut to September. You promised to be responsible about the child support. They are your kids, your fleshi and blood. You need to step up and start doing the right things. What the hell has happened to my son? Does Nancy stand by your side deserting the kids who love you to death and not supporting them? How can you do this to them and to me?
Dee Dee
10/13/2010 12:16:30 PM
Dee Dee
10/14/2010 3:45:15 PM
so you are in Jamestown I see been there since 9/13 and not one word from you not one dime from you for child support and not one call to your kids.. please have you rmail forwarded to where you live. It should not be coming here. If you can't contact me, can't contact your kids, you have big problems. I will be iling for Childre support tomorrow.
10/15/2010 3:54:13 PM
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 3:55:08 PM
to what?
10/15/2010 3:55:15 PM
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 3:55:29 PM
what are you objecting
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 3:57:18 PM
you don' talk to anyone
10/15/2010 3:57:27 PM
i don't talk to you!
10/15/2010 3:57:29 PM
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 3:57:32 PM
leave messages that hope you are alive the next day
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 3:57:34 PM
10/15/2010 3:57:43 PM
you know i'm alive
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 3:58:01 PM
how? I know you were arrested and are on bail
10/15/2010 3:58:19 PM
nope, not on bail
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 3:58:22 PM
JPD let me know that
10/15/2010 3:58:55 PM
i'm glad you know that
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 3:59:15 PM
have the case # CR1126410
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 3:59:30 PM
and why aren't you not talkint to me
10/15/2010 3:59:32 PM
that doesn't mean anything to me, really
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 3:59:35 PM
i didn't do anything
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 3:59:38 PM
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 3:59:54 PM
if you aren't talking to me then you should inform me
10/15/2010 4:00:06 PM
if i'm not talking to you, then i won't inform you
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:00:16 PM
game time again
10/15/2010 4:00:35 PM
it's logic
10/15/2010 4:00:39 PM
what do you need from me?
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:00:51 PM
where are you right now, honestly?
10/15/2010 4:01:00 PM
i'm in hong kong, it's 4am here
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:01:22 PM
hmmmmmm thought iwas 13 hr difference?
10/15/2010 4:01:27 PM
12 hour difference
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:01:29 PM
so what is your address
10/15/2010 4:01:37 PM
5th floor something, causeway bay
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:01:49 PM
what is your complete adddress?
10/15/2010 4:01:53 PM
i wish i could type it out
10/15/2010 4:01:56 PM
why do you need it?
10/15/2010 4:02:01 PM
do you want to send the JPD to me?
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:02:17 PM
nope your mail
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:02:17 PM
and letters from our kids??
10/15/2010 4:02:25 PM
you have scanner
10/15/2010 4:02:47 PM
plus, it's expensive to send, and were moving, so the letters would not make it to the new desination
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:02:48 PM
you were supoosed to talk to the kids on skype t
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:02:57 PM
where ar eyou moving to?>
10/15/2010 4:02:58 PM
it's ok. can't speak to them now
10/15/2010 4:03:04 PM
i'm moving to a new address
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:03:06 PM
why not they are awake
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:03:13 PM
what is the address Matt??
10/15/2010 4:03:14 PM
yes, and i'm about to go to sleep
10/15/2010 4:03:20 PM
i do not know
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:03:58 PM
need address so you can get child support papers. You aren't paying and were raised to be responsible
10/15/2010 4:04:00 PM
you haven't added nancy to your skype
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:04:13 PM
i haven't gotten her skype id
10/15/2010 4:04:26 PM
she sent you the add
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:04:41 PM
nope didn't get it
10/15/2010 4:04:43 PM
it wasn't if you were confortable in adding her, it was if she was comfortable in adding you
10/15/2010 4:04:52 PM
so, how are you doing?
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:05:16 PM
so what is her id and i will add it
10/15/2010 4:05:25 PM
she'll add you
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:05:31 PM
and I am wanting to move to Texas need your signagture
10/15/2010 4:05:45 PM
what do you need my signature for?
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:06:19 PM
that you ahve no objection for me to move the kids there
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:06:23 PM
have Jen's
10/15/2010 4:06:40 PM
i have no legal grounds on it, and if you need a signature and not my face for court then brian can do it very well for me
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:06:56 PM
nope need your signature and notarized
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:06:59 PM
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:07:05 PM
want to go where the sun shines
10/15/2010 4:07:20 PM
then i guess your stuck in new york, and should have made your move earlier when i told you to
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:07:31 PM
do i have your okay?
10/15/2010 4:07:45 PM
you don't need my okay. you know how i am with the situation
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:08:25 PM
Matt I love you and want the best for you. Can't you do the same for me and yoru kids?
10/15/2010 4:08:41 PM
i am in hong kong
10/15/2010 4:08:47 PM
can you visit me so i can sign the papers?
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:08:57 PM
buy me a ticket
10/15/2010 4:09:04 PM
you have a passport?
10/15/2010 4:11:05 PM
are you there?
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:12:03 PM
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:12:08 PM
on phone hold on a sec
10/15/2010 4:14:19 PM
well, come on now
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:15:15 PM
10/15/2010 4:15:52 PM
do you have a passport?
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:17:43 PM
10/15/2010 4:17:45 PM
are you still on the phone?
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:18:17 PM
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:18:20 PM
waiting for you
10/15/2010 4:18:30 PM
for me to what?
10/15/2010 4:18:36 PM
i asked if you had a passport?
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:18:43 PM
are you there?
M10/15/2010 4:10:33 PM
10/15/2010 4:18:47 PM
we've discussed this, and we can get you a ticket here in 3 months
10/15/2010 4:18:59 PM
you will be responsible for your hotel, food, and transportation
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:19:05 PM
okay you buying for my birthday?
10/15/2010 4:19:18 PM
no, cause that's too soon
10/15/2010 4:19:25 PM
that's not in 3 months
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:19:27 PM
10/15/2010 4:19:37 PM
yes, January
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:19:47 PM
then I will get a passport
10/15/2010 4:19:53 PM
ok, good
10/15/2010 4:20:05 PM
you'll only need 1 week here, correct?
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:20:06 PM
need Nancy's name address etc for VISA
10/15/2010 4:20:11 PM
no you do not
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:20:14 PM
yeah i guess
10/15/2010 4:20:17 PM
no, i know
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:20:22 PM
okay you leaing me alone there
10/15/2010 4:20:30 PM
you will be in a hotel
10/15/2010 4:20:39 PM
and we'll "keep you company"
10/15/2010 4:20:41 PM
not my words
10/15/2010 4:20:42 PM
10/15/2010 4:20:57 PM
you think you need a tour guide or something?
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:21:01 PM
tell Nancy I love her already
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:21:05 PM
yep Nancy
10/15/2010 4:21:09 PM
10/15/2010 4:21:14 PM
3 months
10/15/2010 4:22:06 PM
when you get passport, i'll need your passport number (9 digit number) to correctly book your flight
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:22:24 PM
Savannah is talking to you.. she is saying I love you daddy and throwing kisses
10/15/2010 4:23:08 PM
ok, i cannot accept this call
10/15/2010 4:23:13 PM
and i can't tell you why
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:24:01 PM
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:24:12 PM
answer your daughter
10/15/2010 4:24:19 PM
i cannot answer her now
10/15/2010 4:24:23 PM
and you should answer her
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:25:08 PM
i did
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:25:22 PM
she said daddy lost his ears
10/15/2010 4:27:57 PM
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:42:21 PM
did you leave me??
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:42:39 PM
and where is Nancy's name??????????
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:43:07 PM
i think it would be much more fun to talk to her thatn wait to hear from you
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 4:48:31 PM
Matt leave J alone no more games with her please. I get the bullshit when you do.
10/15/2010 5:11:26 PM
you get shit on because you make it so that people shit on you
10/15/2010 5:11:37 PM
and i was about to watch a movie to go to sleep with
10/15/2010 5:11:41 PM
so, okthxbai
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 5:12:23 PM
no love i didn't let her think things she could brag about only to learn the truth
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 5:12:27 PM
love you
Dee Dee
10/15/2010 5:12:34 PM
what is okthxbai?
Dee Dee
10/25/2010 8:29:33 AM
so why is everyone saying you are in Jail in Hong Kong?
Dee Dee
10/25/2010 8:29:41 AM
Lisa is telling everyone that. why do you talk to her?
Dee Dee
10/27/2010 9:18:46 PM
you around?
Dee Dee
10/28/2010 8:14:22 PM
Matt need to talk to you. got a letter from Jamestown court
Dee Dee
10/29/2010 9:21:40 PM
10/31/2010 3:05:08 AM
happy belated birthday (by one day). did you get your passport yet?
Dee Dee
10/31/2010 9:06:06 AM
Dee Dee
10/31/2010 9:06:18 AM
do you know how to do a citrix webinar?
Dee Dee
11/1/2010 3:27:55 PM
matt all three site with autoundewriting are no longer setting the number at the value in aaparms. GL is set to 16, Patrons is set to 50 and Farmrers is set to 30 Each one starts a zero every day and not the set value. I really need you help. I have to log into each site to reset each on every day and i can't keep doign this. IF I don't then someone gets an error for usign the same terminal.
11/1/2010 6:29:41 PM
did you get your passport yet?
Dee Dee
11/1/2010 7:18:11 PM
not in the mail yet
Dee Dee
11/1/2010 7:18:15 PM
are you there or not
11/1/2010 10:11:00 PM
ok, so it's ordered and enroute then?
Dee Dee
11/1/2010 11:29:16 PM
Dee Dee
11/1/2010 11:29:22 PM
did you see my message above?
11/2/2010 8:45:55 PM
yes. i did
11/2/2010 8:46:05 PM
do you know when your passport will be coming in?
Dee Dee
11/2/2010 9:41:47 PM
no not yet
11/2/2010 11:04:01 PM
mk, i just want to make sure so that we can book the best-cost ticket for you. We are building a touring-itinerary for you, as well as have located a good-cost hotel for you to stay at. We've seen
http://www.hkchhotel.com (keep in mind the rates are in HK$, the current conversion is HK$7.70 per USD$1.00). We'll need to know how long you plan to stay for (1 week, 2 week) and whether that that is inclusive or separate of your travel time.
Dee Dee
11/5/2010 9:34:14 PM
are you there? I really and truly need your help with this inspro/sql issue tccs created .. gl mutual is supposed to be live and they have really fucked it up. I need your expertise ... please
11/6/2010 11:00:36 AM
how is the status of your passport?
Dee Dee
11/6/2010 11:00:58 AM
i have no idea
11/6/2010 11:01:08 AM
unfortunate to hear
Dee Dee
11/6/2010 11:01:19 AM
oh well sorry
Dee Dee
11/6/2010 11:01:37 AM
how come you ignore all my other questions???
Dee Dee
11/6/2010 11:02:43 AM
why are you are building a touring-itinerary for me? Thought i was going to be able to spend time with you not alone!
11/6/2010 11:03:39 AM
i'm confused
11/6/2010 11:03:44 AM
i thought you'd want to see around hong kong?
11/6/2010 11:06:32 AM
and amazingly you are in and out
Dee Dee
11/6/2010 11:21:14 AM
sorry i want to see hong kong with my son
11/6/2010 11:21:50 AM
how long you planning to be here...1 week? 2 week?
Dee Dee
11/6/2010 11:21:51 AM
thought that was the plan.. i do not want to be alone there..
Dee Dee
11/8/2010 7:25:02 PM
Dee Dee
11/10/2010 7:34:48 PM
Dee Dee
11/10/2010 7:39:56 PM
I need to discuss child support with you. You haven't worked since March and your 4 kids are you responsiblity to support. I have been given the ulitmatum that you need to pay up for teh 4 kids for the last 36 weeks and continue responsibly by my husband. Wayne went to an attorney who has guaranteed him the state department will track you down and force the issue should a petition be filed. I have advised him that you wish to keep it out of court. He feels $25 per child per week is a fair amount. He is aware of all your trips in and out of the country since you left in august and feels 3 trips out of the country and 2 trips back are enough to qualify his request you support them since you seem to have no problem jettsetting on jumbo jets. Since I have sole custody he has told me to file a support order or see the money in my account pronto. I need you to man up and do something to prevent having to do this.
11/11/2010 2:27:02 AM
11/11/2010 2:27:18 AM
we'll, it's hard to say that all those flights were at my expense.
11/11/2010 2:28:34 AM
i'll need waynes bank information
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 6:29:45 PM
child support goes to me via court order matthew
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 6:29:55 PM
wayne isn't going to give you ihs bank information
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 6:30:06 PM
so lets do it the way it is supposed to be no more games
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 6:35:51 PM
from last night: Since I have sole custody he has told me to file a support order or see the money in my account pronto
11/11/2010 7:09:36 PM
you might just have to file, then
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:09:59 PM
okay sorry to hear that
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:10:27 PM
i tried to do it your way and trusted you would follow through but he is leaving me no choice. He is tired of carrying your load. love you kiddo
11/11/2010 7:11:05 PM
it's not my load. it's your load
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:12:01 PM
no matthew I didn't ahve sex with Jennifer and conceive 4 kids to dump and take off to start a new life. You, my son, did. You, my son, are the one not taking his responsibility seriously. You have had enough time so I guess it's time for me to stand up for me and YOUR KIDS.
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:16:06 PM
you have failed to give me your current address, just excuses why you are hiding out. you have left me to take care of your kids becuase you couldn't be bothered doing it and couldn't force Jennifer to do it. You are the one who made these decisions and one day you will have to answer to your children. That will be your punishement when they don't believe a word you say, dont trust you because you aren't there for them. I didn't raise you to be so damn hateful to innocent children who deserve better. I raised you to be responsible and loving and to take care of your responsibilities instead of running from them. I love you Matthew but at this point can't, in any way shape or form understand why you think it's okay to take off and be this type of man. I can't make anymore excuses for you. You are a deadbeat father and you are missing the most important thing you could ever miss... your flesh and blood growing up while you play single guy.
11/11/2010 7:53:17 PM
we need a bank account to transfer to
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:53:41 PM
you have mine matt
11/11/2010 7:53:59 PM
no, i do not
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:54:00 PM
and you need to understand i am all for you getting on with your life
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:54:11 PM
i don't ant to pull any bullshit to force you to do anything
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:54:20 PM
he's just sick of all of this.
11/11/2010 7:54:21 PM
your going to basically reap our savings here
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:54:30 PM
i am not doing anything
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:54:40 PM
i am trying to get a dialogue goign with you
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:54:46 PM
you asked me to keep it out of court
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:54:54 PM
i have done what you asked
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:55:08 PM
i would rahter leave here, go far away and wait for you to come get your kids
11/11/2010 7:55:22 PM
it's still in court
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:55:34 PM
what is still in court???
11/11/2010 7:55:35 PM
your threatening w/ court
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:55:47 PM
no he is i am doing what he "ordered" me to do
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:56:29 PM
as long as me and your kids live here he feels he has the power to threaten to kick me out with them in the cold if he is the only paying for kids that aren't his
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:56:44 PM
make a solid true deal with me and I will tell him to go fuck himself
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:57:09 PM
but whatever deal WE make you need to keep you part with me, your mother
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:57:24 PM
i need your word to be total truth and you following through
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:57:32 PM
can you do that?
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:57:44 PM
because if you can't then i have nothing to fight him with
11/11/2010 7:58:04 PM
you need $$$ to gamble with
11/11/2010 7:58:12 PM
that's what it is
11/11/2010 7:58:16 PM
what'd you spend now?
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:58:59 PM
nope haven't been anywhere
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:59:14 PM
been here every day for over a fucking month getting great lakes out, working on farmers
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:59:22 PM
so go to hell you idiot
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 7:59:40 PM
i stay here, cuddle your kids, take care of them and work my ass off. i am totally offended at you
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 8:00:00 PM
i don't need to make any deal with you. you want to be totally disrepectful to me, go to hell
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 8:00:59 PM
you have a responsiblity to pay child support for your children. you haven't don it
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 8:09:19 PM
so decide how we are going to handle this and let me know. don't wait too long. I think i am beginning to understand what i need to
Dee Dee
11/11/2010 10:05:06 PM
i love you kiddo
Dee Dee
11/12/2010 8:21:15 AM
you know you could work of 1000 this weekend if you could do three things for me
Dee Dee
11/14/2010 11:59:04 AM
Dee Dee
11/15/2010 6:21:50 PM
Matthew you need to get in touch with me pronto IRS delivered a "seize" document today for you here. guess taht explains why you left the US but the only problem is that if you don't get in touch with them they will pull your VISA pronto
Dee Dee
11/20/2010 5:48:06 PM
Dee Dee
11/20/2010 5:48:13 PM
Dee Dee
11/20/2010 5:48:35 PM
Dee Dee
11/20/2010 7:32:53 PM
what is wrong with this picture: PLUS your son is back dealing with his bail
Dee Dee
11/20/2010 7:32:55 PM
Dee Dee
11/20/2010 9:13:08 PM
Pamulang is a subdistrict in the city of South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Dee Dee
11/20/2010 9:13:28 PM
who is djie nancy?
Dee Dee
11/20/2010 9:19:49 PM
cute matthew. all your games didnt pay off. I love you as my son but can't understand why you think playing games with your family is okay. Your kids are looking for you but you hide from them.
Dee Dee
11/20/2010 9:40:27 PM
matt i know you are in jamestown. i have the letter here that states in order to get your bail refund you must bring the letter. i am not raising your kids anymore under these circumstances. get your mail delivered somewehre else. I dont' need the IRS here and i will file the necessary papers to show you have not only an income but that you refuse to pay your support as you are legally obligated to. You can get mad at me, i don't care. Your kids are more important than your feelings at this point and you need to man up and pay your share.,'
Dee Dee
11/24/2010 9:53:17 AM
You know kiddo, thanksgiving is a FAMILY day. It would sure be nice if you would come here and spend the day. I would love it, the kids would be thrilled and it would round out the day.
Dee Dee
11/24/2010 8:04:20 PM
Matt Wayne is in the southern tier. He can pick you up if you want
Dee Dee
11/25/2010 10:37:22 AM
Happy Thanksgiving day sweetie. Sure do miss you. Wish you didnt think it was so necessary to disengage yourself from your family.
Dee Dee
11/28/2010 10:46:52 PM
matt if you want you rmail just give me an address to send it to. Jennifer will not be getting it. Love you
1/6/2011 9:15:57 AM
you there?
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 8:55:01 PM
1/9/2011 8:55:18 PM
oI! who is you?
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 8:55:31 PM
your mother you asshole where have you been?
1/9/2011 8:55:40 PM
are you

1/9/2011 8:56:15 PM
o you go away
1/9/2011 8:56:18 PM
1/9/2011 8:56:20 PM
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 8:56:30 PM
matt you going to talk to me??
1/9/2011 8:56:33 PM
1/9/2011 8:56:37 PM
1/9/2011 8:56:48 PM
are you frustrated?
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 8:56:55 PM
nope confused
1/9/2011 8:56:57 PM
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 8:56:59 PM
but what is new??
1/9/2011 8:57:01 PM
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 8:57:03 PM
are you okaY?
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 8:57:07 PM
1/9/2011 8:57:08 PM
yah, i'm good
1/9/2011 8:57:13 PM
1/9/2011 8:57:15 PM
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 8:57:15 PM
where are you ??
1/9/2011 8:57:21 PM
i'm home...where are you?
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 8:57:23 PM
I miss you brat
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 8:57:28 PM
where is home dammit??
1/9/2011 8:57:29 PM
1/9/2011 8:57:38 PM
home is where your

Dee Dee
1/9/2011 8:57:53 PM
matthew please i hate not knowing where MY kids are
1/9/2011 8:58:00 PM
still doesn't tell me where you are...
1/9/2011 8:58:22 PM
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 8:58:29 PM
you know where i am
1/9/2011 8:58:32 PM
1/9/2011 8:58:34 PM
1/9/2011 8:58:46 PM
i knows exactly where you are!
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 8:58:46 PM
okay you going to update me or what?????????????????
1/9/2011 8:58:50 PM
1/9/2011 8:59:10 PM
i was, uh, hoping to see the kids sometime
1/9/2011 8:59:17 PM
those things that run around your
1/9/2011 8:59:19 PM
1/9/2011 8:59:22 PM
can't find skype emote for house
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 8:59:29 PM
when?????????? they miss you so much
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 8:59:43 PM
jamie and your spirtual birthday is this week how about then?
1/9/2011 9:00:03 PM
it's, like, in 2 days =/
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:00:22 PM
you want some pics??
1/9/2011 9:00:32 PM
no, it's okay. i don't have the place to put 'em
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:00:39 PM
to whet your whistle??
1/9/2011 9:00:50 PM
it's all good, no thanks
1/9/2011 9:00:58 PM
just seein' them will be whistled enough
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:01:01 PM
they are on cd you goof!
1/9/2011 9:01:16 PM
mmk, then keep that cd then for awhile
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:01:38 PM
sent file "DSC_3988.5.JPG"
File transfer:
1/9/2011 9:01:56 PM
yay...fast time warner...this'll be here in ...
1/9/2011 9:01:59 PM
1/9/2011 9:02:03 PM
wtf yay
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:02:08 PM
sent files "DSC_3986.JPG", "DSC_3988.5.JPG", "DSC_3988.JPG", "DSC_3990.5.JPG", "DSC_3990.JPG", "DSC_3992.JPG"
File transfer:
1/9/2011 9:02:13 PM
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:02:14 PM
what till ya seem em!!
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:02:19 PM
they had fun
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:02:46 PM
that all for now yours are in frames and waiting for ya
1/9/2011 9:03:00 PM
thats the same as bri and i in orchard park
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:03:03 PM
plus have wallets for the proud daddy
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:03:13 PM
1/9/2011 9:03:18 PM
same place?
1/9/2011 9:03:21 PM
or, like k-mart
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:03:21 PM
thought you would like them
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:03:21 PM
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:03:26 PM
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:03:30 PM
special at BJs
1/9/2011 9:03:46 PM
1/9/2011 9:03:50 PM
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:03:50 PM
and the photographer was great all smiling all looking at the camera at the same time
1/9/2011 9:03:58 PM
yah, i see the first
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:03:59 PM
aren't your babies beautiful?
1/9/2011 9:04:06 PM
of course not
1/9/2011 9:04:13 PM
why would they be "beautiful"
1/9/2011 9:04:18 PM
pfft...lemme find dictionary
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:04:24 PM
because grandma says so
1/9/2011 9:04:27 PM
your english lacking
1/9/2011 9:04:31 PM
and my sentence structure go to shit
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:04:54 PM
skype lingo
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:05:06 PM
anyways when do you want to see them, do i need to come get ya???
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:05:08 PM
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:05:52 PM
1/9/2011 9:06:13 PM
sorry, was lookin' at pictures
1/9/2011 9:06:20 PM
there's alot of real estate around the kids...
1/9/2011 9:06:27 PM
they need to be cropped or something =/
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:06:40 PM
so go to it
1/9/2011 9:06:43 PM
and no, you don't have to come get me
1/9/2011 9:06:47 PM
thanks, i will go to it
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:06:51 PM
you have actual pics on your pc to play with
1/9/2011 9:06:52 PM
i am photoshop genius
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:06:57 PM
1/9/2011 9:07:02 PM
...not really
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:07:04 PM
and so again when do we get to see you??
1/9/2011 9:07:12 PM
dunno yet
1/9/2011 9:07:16 PM
just wanted to open the door
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:07:22 PM
time frame??
1/9/2011 9:07:29 PM
dunno really
1/9/2011 9:07:37 PM
i initially thought within the next 2 weeks, but that's changed
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:07:38 PM
the door has always been opened for you and you know that.
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:07:42 PM
1/9/2011 9:07:46 PM
1/9/2011 9:07:48 PM
1/9/2011 9:07:50 PM
1/9/2011 9:07:51 PM
1/9/2011 9:07:54 PM
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:08:02 PM
which female now?
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:08:24 PM
and you in Jamestown or out of the states?? where the hell are you really?
1/9/2011 9:08:27 PM
has nothing to do with "female now"
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:08:33 PM
1/9/2011 9:08:42 PM
of course she's legal
1/9/2011 9:08:43 PM
1/9/2011 9:08:45 PM
wtf mom
1/9/2011 9:09:19 PM
what about custody? you up to joint?
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:09:39 PM
with you??
1/9/2011 9:09:41 PM
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:09:42 PM
1/9/2011 9:09:48 PM
and don't be telling them now your talking to me
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:09:55 PM
jsut you???
1/9/2011 9:09:56 PM
or mention that you've got daddy on the other end
1/9/2011 9:10:04 PM
yes jsut me
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:10:05 PM
they are all in bed
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:10:06 PM
so stop
1/9/2011 9:10:07 PM
1/9/2011 9:10:09 PM
you stop
1/9/2011 9:10:10 PM
i stop
1/9/2011 9:10:12 PM
we all stop
1/9/2011 9:10:14 PM
for stopcream!
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:10:28 PM
yeah as long as you are serious enough to sit down with me. It's what I always wanted??
1/9/2011 9:10:36 PM
yah, i know
1/9/2011 9:10:38 PM
just wanted to make sure
1/9/2011 9:10:45 PM
i pretty much know the game
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:11:23 PM
so them answer where you are dammit! if you are so serious tell me.
1/9/2011 9:11:43 PM
that i cannot disclose to you right now
1/9/2011 9:12:12 PM
i'm alive, and safe, and that's all that should tickle your buttons now
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:12:35 PM
okay whatever
1/9/2011 9:12:38 PM
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:12:53 PM
but for us to go where we both want to end up we need to be able to get answers not puzzles okay???
1/9/2011 9:13:03 PM
there is no puzzle, just fact
1/9/2011 9:13:18 PM
and my current location is really not of importance
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:13:24 PM
why? i am your mother why can't you disclose to me where you are ?
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:13:29 PM
okay never mind I love you
1/9/2011 9:13:37 PM
gimmie an emote for that
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:13:53 PM
going to go to work downstairs

1/9/2011 9:13:58 PM
1/9/2011 9:13:59 PM
have fun
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:14:08 PM
talk soon??
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:14:17 PM
so where is my love?
1/9/2011 9:14:27 PM
that's up to you, mrs "i'm too busy to log onto skype with my shit laptop"
1/9/2011 9:14:32 PM
...that overheats
1/9/2011 9:14:38 PM
...and is too expensive to repair
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:14:38 PM
it's burnoing up
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:14:41 PM
come fix it for me
1/9/2011 9:14:46 PM
buy a new one
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:14:50 PM
so where is my love?
Dee Dee1/9/2011 9:13:43 PM
1/9/2011 9:15:00 PM
o lol
1/9/2011 9:15:05 PM
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:15:20 PM
gnite sweetie i do love and miss you
1/9/2011 9:15:29 PM
yah i know
Dee Dee
1/9/2011 9:15:36 PM
i am glad your say you are okay when i see ya i will believe ya
1/9/2011 9:15:39 PM
Dee Dee
1/10/2011 10:32:44 AM
1/10/2011 5:11:11 PM
what's up?
Dee Dee
1/10/2011 5:27:54 PM
just wondering what your plans really are!!
Dee Dee
1/10/2011 5:29:03 PM
i know you are back overseas and hope things are okay . hate when you say things are "complicated" mom's perrogative to be worried you know
1/10/2011 5:29:29 PM
working on the plans....
Dee Dee
1/10/2011 5:52:49 PM
i hope so how long you been back there?
1/10/2011 5:53:59 PM
been back where?
Dee Dee
1/10/2011 5:57:38 PM
hong kong! that's where you skype ip is from!
Dee Dee
1/10/2011 5:58:12 PM
i love your hair!
1/10/2011 5:59:50 PM
1/10/2011 5:59:55 PM
i has hair now
Dee Dee
1/10/2011 6:01:43 PM
i see and i love it! looks so professional and adonis like
1/10/2011 6:03:15 PM
Dee Dee
1/10/2011 6:04:02 PM
love ya kiddo got to go try to chase the mob down for homework and baths ... talk to you later
1/11/2011 9:00:11 AM
Hey mom! What is the future arrangement for Jen and the Kids?
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:10:05 AM
none at this time why?
1/11/2011 9:10:26 AM
which means there may be arrangements in the future?
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:10:51 AM
depends on spoa she isn't seeing them much right now
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:11:22 AM
but yes, once she gets some things straightened out in her head, she will be able to see them. Why all the questions about Jen???
1/11/2011 9:11:56 AM
so once she's ok in the head, she'll be able to see the kids?
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:12:16 AM
yes why? you need to start communicating with me kiddo!
1/11/2011 9:12:36 AM
how active is she with the kids? is she over there lately?
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:13:34 AM
no but asked to come over today waiting to hear from her
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:13:43 AM
now no more answers until you start giving me some
1/11/2011 9:13:56 AM
it's okay. i'm not going to be seeing the kids anytime soon
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:14:01 AM
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:14:05 AM
what is going on
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:14:09 AM
why won't you tell me???
1/11/2011 9:14:16 AM
because jen is a threat, and i can't be anywhere near her
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:14:21 AM
well she can
1/11/2011 9:14:26 AM
sorry. just tell the kids i think about them
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:14:31 AM
not come over until she is okay and you won't be near them
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:14:38 AM
no you come see them. she wont be here
1/11/2011 9:14:43 AM
no i can't. sorry
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:14:45 AM
she told me you were trying to get her back
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:16:02 AM
you know what she is banned by us so stop staying away from the kids because of her. if she is doing something you need to tell me. She isn't stable enough to be around hte kids. We found out something she did the last time she was here and until the results come back on the mixture we found in the hair detangler we aren't allowing it.
1/11/2011 9:16:27 AM
you've already told me that jen can see the kids
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:16:35 AM
i really need to TALK to you honey. I need you to have joint custody with me now. I am sick, real sick and I want you to have them if something happens
1/11/2011 9:16:37 AM
i already told you that i can't see the kids, nor be there if she's around
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:16:40 AM
only if i agree
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:16:58 AM
she isn't around honey. We aren't "agreeing" at this point
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:17:17 AM
pleaes call me on skype and i will give you an update as to why she cant see them even today
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:17:20 AM
1/11/2011 9:17:29 AM
that's fine, you've already told me that she is active with the kids
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:17:34 AM
no she isn't
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:17:35 AM
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:18:04 AM
hasn't seen them since christmas and that was a couple of hours then we found her "concoction" that Angelique told us she made
1/11/2011 9:18:10 AM
it's not even realistice to keep jen away from the kids anymore
1/11/2011 9:18:19 AM
that's a true statment, right?
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:18:19 AM
so no, she isn 't seeing them. She messes with their minds
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:18:35 AM
no it is very realistic to keep her away
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:19:13 AM
two things have happened here we found after she left. things that could have hurt the kids. I am scared for them. If you file for joint custody we can present them in court but i need you to file
1/11/2011 9:19:15 AM
mmk thanks mom
1/11/2011 9:19:26 AM
i can't file, sorry
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:19:45 AM
why? you were going to 2 days ago.
1/11/2011 9:19:55 AM
yes, i know. things were different 2 days ago
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:19:55 AM
you want me to file?
1/11/2011 9:19:59 AM
no, you can't file for me
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:20:04 AM
what is going on????
1/11/2011 9:20:07 AM
nothing is going on now
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:20:09 AM
yes i can/ I have medical issue
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:20:59 AM
okay i am going to call and get "her side" which won't be your side. But maybe I can figure it out. I need you to man up and be their father NOW not later, not never. NOW. Please I beg you for your kids sake, start being there for them
1/11/2011 9:21:20 AM
i can't be there, sorry. because jen is around, i can't be there for the kids
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:21:30 AM
Dammit SHE ISN
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:21:35 AM
1/11/2011 9:21:37 AM
you just told me she was there christmas
1/11/2011 9:21:42 AM
so, she is around
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:21:44 AM
3 hours and that was it
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:21:46 AM
1/11/2011 9:21:55 AM
yes, you told me she was there
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:22:01 AM
so stop making excuses. she knows she can't be around you or I will call the police on her
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:22:13 AM
you want me to go to court and get her banned?
1/11/2011 9:22:24 AM
that doesn't matter. she exists, and she was there on christmas. that prevents me from coming to see the kids
1/11/2011 9:22:42 AM
and she can't be "banned" by a court without some actual action
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:22:44 AM
1/11/2011 9:22:49 AM
yes, that does
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:23:15 AM
matt you come arond them she won[t be there
1/11/2011 9:23:23 AM
there is no guarantee to that
1/11/2011 9:23:28 AM
absolutely no guarantee
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:23:48 AM
yep court orcer prevents her from being here without my permission
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:23:50 AM
she is now banned
1/11/2011 9:24:12 AM
doesn't matter. she exists somewhere around there, and her presence around your place puts any visitation that i would have in complete jeopardy
1/11/2011 9:24:29 AM
i'm sorry, i cannot see the kids anymore until jen is taken care of
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:24:34 AM
nope you are making excuses she won't be here
1/11/2011 9:24:48 AM
you've told me she was there on christmas for 3 hours
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:24:48 AM
fine going to court to ban here. You ahve no idea what she has done
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:25:04 AM
we found the things after that
1/11/2011 9:25:06 AM
i dont' need to know what "she has done". all i needed to know that she "was there"
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:25:06 AM
she ha'
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:25:07 AM
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:25:13 AM
t been here since
1/11/2011 9:25:21 AM
and i care not to know what she has and has not done while she was there
1/11/2011 9:25:26 AM
just knowing that she was there was all i needed to know
1/11/2011 9:25:37 AM
that's all that matterred with those questions
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:25:55 AM
matt you are making excuses she isn't here anymreo and wont be unless she files in court and then i will stop it
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:26:05 AM
so you can make a decision concerning NOW not then
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:31:35 AM
Matthew I love you, your kids love and miss you so much. Angelique cried her eyes out on Christmas because she thought you were going to walk in the door and suprise her. I will keep Jen away for you because I have already tolld you that I wouldn't break the court order. You have trust me.
1/11/2011 9:33:00 AM
that's quite alright mom, it's already decided that i'm not coming to see the kids
1/11/2011 9:33:09 AM
or file for custody
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:33:41 AM
i hate when you mess with my head
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:33:45 AM
then she will never see them again
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:33:52 AM
she is the cause of this
1/11/2011 9:33:55 AM
i'm not messing with your head
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:33:56 AM
that is my solution
1/11/2011 9:34:00 AM
this is life, and how it is
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:34:58 AM
then your kids have no parents because that is life. If you aren't going to be there she won't be either. In other words, you have a chance to have it all. She has none. So be it
1/11/2011 9:35:31 AM
sorry, that's how it is. if jen exists around there, i cannot exist around there.
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:36:35 AM
she isn't existing ehre. She is banned by Wayne and Me. She needs to have a place to have supervised vistation outside our property. You refuse to listen to that.
1/11/2011 9:36:57 AM
it doesn't matter MOM! she was there on christmas, that's how much your "banning" is effective!
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:38:23 AM
no we did it after that
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:47:11 AM
whaT the hell is going on? You pay jens' back rent and lot rent, but no child support??????
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:47:15 AM
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:47:20 AM
phone bill???????????????
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:47:28 AM
you are in west virginia?????
1/11/2011 9:47:55 AM
wow, that's alot
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:47:57 AM
who the hell is tellign the truth. she said you wanted to come up here and live with her?
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:48:05 AM
she just told me on the phone
1/11/2011 9:48:15 AM
still doesn't matter what is said
1/11/2011 9:48:26 AM
as long as she's there, i cannot be there for the kids
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:48:27 AM
so what about CHILD SUPPOT????
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:48:36 AM
she isn't fucking here so stop it
1/11/2011 9:48:39 AM
pay for it then
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:48:40 AM
you are making excuses
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:48:44 AM
pay for"
1/11/2011 9:48:48 AM
no, i'm not making excuses
1/11/2011 9:48:51 AM
i'm telling you fact
1/11/2011 9:49:01 AM
this is what the deal is due to my current situation
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:49:04 AM
no making excuses love. she isnt here
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:49:09 AM
she isnt here and wont be
1/11/2011 9:49:11 AM
where is she, then
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:49:23 AM
in Batavia in the trailer you paid for
1/11/2011 9:49:32 AM
that doesn't help
1/11/2011 9:49:43 AM
the only person that lives in batavia is Deb
1/11/2011 9:49:49 AM
so, she's staying with her mom
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:50:20 AM
yes but not here you arent getting it and when you finally calm down and ralize that she isnt here maybe your kids will come first
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:50:31 AM
i love you have to go to doctors can we talk later?
1/11/2011 9:50:52 AM
doesn't matter if she is 5 miles, or 50 miles away. she exists nearby, and that means that i cannot see the kids
1/11/2011 9:51:05 AM
no, we cannot talk later about this because this is what has to be
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:51:05 AM
nope that is fucking idiotic
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:51:12 AM
1/11/2011 9:51:14 AM
no, its not fucking idiotic
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:53:45 AM
sent file "IMG_11012011_095304.png"
File transfer:
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:55:05 AM
sent file "IMG_11012011_095428.png"
File transfer:
Dee Dee
1/11/2011 9:56:25 AM
almost $900 to keep her here / I love you matt but the truch will set you free. You are playing games with me and not paying any child support for the kids, refuse to see them because "jen" is around and play head bames with me. I love you but this has to stop.
1/11/2011 6:55:01 PM
hey, can you bring the kids to canada?
Dee Dee
1/12/2011 8:43:19 AM
yes matt once we get to the truth of things no problem
1/12/2011 8:48:52 AM
what do you mean?
Dee Dee
1/12/2011 9:18:12 AM
you won 't answer basic questions. I have no idea where you are what your plans are. I want you to see the kids, be in their lives but you wont even talk to me!
1/12/2011 9:22:08 AM
Dee Dee
1/12/2011 9:22:15 AM
so what is the plan, really?
1/12/2011 9:22:20 AM
no plan
Dee Dee
1/12/2011 9:22:26 AM
okay why canada?
1/12/2011 9:22:36 AM
just cause it came to mind
1/12/2011 9:22:46 AM
it'd be a 3 hour drive
1/12/2011 9:22:55 AM
to, and then a 3 hour drive back
Dee Dee
1/12/2011 9:23:02 AM
why canada?
Dee Dee
1/12/2011 9:23:08 AM
what are you running from?
1/12/2011 9:23:38 AM
Dee Dee
1/12/2011 9:24:38 AM
matthew come on. One minute Jen is dangerous and then next minute she is sending me receipts you paiud for her bills. You tell me you have to stay away from her but you ask to stay in her trailer you paid for her mother to keep. You pay nothing in child support. What is the real story kid?
1/12/2011 9:27:40 AM
what's the real sorry there adult?
Dee Dee
1/12/2011 9:29:49 AM
well you are paying for her but not your kids. you claim you cant be around her but she claims you are asking to stay in a room in Batavia. She told me you would pay for her to have a place for the kids but not for the kids upkeep here. You say you want to see them, fine come see them. But keep me out of you game with Jennifer and don't play games with me. I deserve to be treated better. You want your kids, come go to court and get them. Let me be their grandmother
Dee Dee
1/12/2011 12:18:12 PM
Matt I really and truly need you to do some coding for me pront. Brian is not getting anything done and I am loosing my business fast. It is something so simple but he is busy making it complicated and I can't have that. I will find other people as soon as I can but right now my live date of 1/8 is now 6 weeks behind and he won't do the simple things and I can't figure it out. Please help me.
Dee Dee
1/12/2011 12:38:59 PM
Matt please
Dee Dee
1/12/2011 4:53:43 PM
Dee Dee
1/12/2011 6:47:54 PM
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 3:18:08 AM
ding dong
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 3:18:44 AM
anybody home??
1/13/2011 7:31:28 AM
Hi, i want to know if you have the reciept that's jen talking about in person?
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:01:07 AM
in person? no on paper with your name on it etc yes
1/13/2011 8:08:54 AM
so, i've been there apparently
1/13/2011 8:09:41 AM
it doesn't make sense to for me to pay rent when i'm nowhere near there
1/13/2011 8:10:10 AM
what is on the paper
1/13/2011 8:10:16 AM
what is the payment method
1/13/2011 8:12:08 AM
i don't come home because jen is around so stop talking to her or start to take action to ban jen around so i can come back home to do my business
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:12:36 AM
You know we love you so much and miss you.
1/13/2011 8:12:54 AM
first you have to stop talking to jen
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:13:05 AM
I guess you need to
1/13/2011 8:13:12 AM
next is to keep jen from your home
1/13/2011 8:13:30 AM
so did you really see the reciept paper by yourself?
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:14:02 AM
the receipts are in skype say waiting here! for the other day
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:14:05 AM
check your history
1/13/2011 8:14:15 AM
what about my history?
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:14:18 AM
yes scroll up
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:14:22 AM
downloads for you
1/13/2011 8:14:30 AM
send it again
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:16:07 AM
sent file "IMG_13012011_081527.png"
File transfer:
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:16:27 AM
sent file "IMG_13012011_081548.png"
File transfer:
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:16:58 AM
she has skype messages too
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:17:39 AM
she says you have a separate identity you talk to her with
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:17:50 AM
but funny she doesn't have this one!
1/13/2011 8:18:39 AM
yah, the one that i've had since i replaced the kraqur one a long time ago
1/13/2011 8:18:49 AM
it looks like i've paid cash to something
1/13/2011 8:18:55 AM
ALOT of cash
1/13/2011 8:19:37 AM
they are pdf's too. you have them?
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:19:44 AM
1/13/2011 8:19:53 AM
why send me screenshots?
1/13/2011 8:22:23 AM
you have the pdfs?
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:23:46 AM
1/13/2011 8:23:58 AM
can you send me the pdfs?
1/13/2011 8:38:47 AM
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:39:04 AM
hold on on the phone
1/13/2011 8:39:13 AM
that's not important. the pdfs are!
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:43:21 AM
check your email dammit
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:43:32 AM
and i want to talk to you on skype via voice
1/13/2011 8:43:44 AM
which email?
1/13/2011 8:43:56 AM
and you can't talk to me on skype voice with you on the phone
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:43:57 AM
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:44:04 AM
i am off the damn phone
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:44:27 AM
why do i have this chat log of your talking to her on skype?
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:45:12 AM
1/13/2011 8:45:27 AM
send the chat log!
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:45:48 AM
no reading the "other side" of the story
1/13/2011 8:46:20 AM
did you look up
gateway@linkpt.net on the internet?
1/13/2011 8:48:18 AM
me talking to her on skype? like voice?
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:53:49 AM
no in chat goof
1/13/2011 8:54:25 AM
send it or else i won't do voice with you
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:54:59 AM
1/13/2011 8:55:15 AM
because i didn't talk to her
1/13/2011 8:55:20 AM
and i want to see what i said
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 8:56:38 AM
you have to hold on I want to read it and then you can explain tome why there are two stories here!
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 9:02:32 AM
where did you ??
Dee Dee
1/13/2011 9:03:48 AM
Dee Dee
1/14/2011 9:46:36 AM
tick tock

Dee Dee
1/15/2011 12:36:03 PM
you are alive!
Dee Dee
1/17/2011 8:09:21 AM
I had a dream you walked in, smile and I felt your arms around me. It felt so good. I wish dreams were natures fortune teller of the future. Miss you kiddo!
1/17/2011 8:17:45 AM
1/17/2011 8:17:50 AM
jen can see the kids again
1/17/2011 8:17:54 AM
i talked to her, and all is good
1/17/2011 8:17:56 AM
my bad, really
1/17/2011 8:17:58 AM
i was a dick
Dee Dee
1/17/2011 8:18:16 AM
Dee Dee
1/17/2011 8:18:24 AM
are you coming to see them dammit/
1/17/2011 8:19:54 AM
1/17/2011 8:19:58 AM
as long as jen can still
Dee Dee
1/17/2011 8:20:12 AM
tell Jen to call me
1/17/2011 8:20:21 AM
when she wakes up
Dee Dee
1/17/2011 8:21:08 AM
are you going to file to get the order changed?
1/17/2011 8:22:06 AM
yes, eventually
1/17/2011 8:22:14 AM
i have to get back into the state first
Dee Dee
1/17/2011 8:27:36 AM
do you have a date yet??
1/17/2011 8:27:50 AM
30th earlierst so far
Dee Dee
1/17/2011 8:32:32 AM
can you possibly help me on a project? Not related to TCCS?
1/17/2011 8:33:42 AM
dunno yet
Dee Dee
1/18/2011 8:49:15 AM
when are you going to be here???? i need ya!
1/22/2011 2:56:29 PM
jen needs to get to see the kids again