Samsung Galaxy Voicemail Archiving

A long, long time ago I used to have a Samsung Galaxy. I used to get a ton of voicemail, and I learned later on that I could download the voicemail locally to the phone. It would be stored as an AMR and I didn’t really like that.

I needed to convert the AMR files to MP3 files, so ffmpeg came to the solution:

ffmpeg -i "source.amr" -vn -ar 44100 -ac 1 -ab 128k -f mp3 "destination.mp3"

’nuff said.

nVidia CUDA with the wrong video card

In trying to build my first crypto rig I wanted to be able to get it functional with the GPU instead of the CPU.

I had originally installed an nVidia GeForce GT 710 but came to find out later that its not a supported GPU for use with CUDA per

Lucky for me I had a video card to “Upgrade” to, which was an nVidia GeForce GT 630, which supports Version 2.1 of CUDA-Enabled Compute Capability.

I did have to download and install the nVidia Linux X64 driver, and without knowing that the install required kernel-devel so it could built the driver correctly.

The only thing blocking me is it seemed my build of was built with the CUDA 11.6 API and the Linux X64 driver does not support that. In fact, running nvidia-smi tells me that the driver supports CUDA version 11.4, so looks like i’ll have to rebuilt my driver with 11.4.

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grub2 for Windows 10 after installing Rocky 8.5

So, I came into a hiccup, and the amount of time it took to diagnose and resolve seemed like it should be something I documented.

In doing the initial installation of Rocky 8.5 on the computer that my kids sometimes use that runs Windows 10 I wasn’t really given the opportunity to configure a multiboot. Instead, the system happily booted Rocky 8.5 and nothing else.

Additionally, running os-prober didn’t really find another operating system, so I had to do some manual work.

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