I wish this was a guide, but it’s not. This is more like the “announcement of an achievement”.
This morning I finally crossed into the Millionaire territory in World of Warcraft.
Total time played: 569 days, 8 hours, 9 minutes, 13 seconds
Time played this level: 13 days, 20 hours, 18 minutes, 0 seconds

For a game that’s celebrated 20+ years where I started playing around Patch 3.3.2 (Sun, 07 Feb 2010 21:19:23 -0500) I feel a million gold all by myself is quite the accomplishment.
It’s not one of the best accomplishments of this game that I’ve grinded for.
– September 12, 2013 Mistwalker is a title I wear proudly. Technically pre-Mythic Dungeons but doing “the best of the best, and the fastest”, I still have spreadsheets of the dungeons and the plans to get good times, and better times, and keeping the best times throughout the realm.
– September 16, 2014 Cutting Edge: Garrosh Hellscream (10 player) was an amazing grind, complete with weeks of dragging people through Heroic to get “Bind on Account” weapons for 10,000 gold per run. Didn’t really get close to 1 million at this time (more like 100k) but it felt good to be prepared.
– July 12, 2015 The Last of Us with my Disc Priest, outliving many other players and winning vs another Disc Priest.
– December 28, 2023 Ahead of the Curve: Fyrakk the Blazing was the first time I funded and led a Heroic Raid. From Nov 20 to Dec 10, 2023 I purchased 3 WoW Tokens ($60 total) to fund the guild bank with necessities, and that pretty much paid off to get a guild of 20+ individuals to a Heroic Kill and a Video, too.
If there was an Achievement for a million gold it’d be awesome, but there isn’t. But there are blogs, and screenshots, and happiness for accomplishment. 😊